
~ " CW~ANY i.l:,::rt~ jI\J d..J.J..... L~J:~~ , . ~)\1~f~~rb WEATlIER 1'lmSEN'rS LIS' Z T REPORT THE DAIL'Y NEWS al'ailable at , ;l1<\\I'N'~, cl~~rln!C Vor. 63. No. 208 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 (Price 5_cents) lIi~h today 63. ____ ~ ______--__ ----__ ~ r--~~------~~-- Charles Hutten &Sons •

omlna 'e evenson . ' Ii

" , Democrats Rattle Rafters With , Cheers. Steven!o,n Proposed For" Nonlination lIUJ.I,ETI:-.' mclange of cireui sideshow, Mardi lIy DOUGLAS II. COR:,\,EI.I. Gras and Times Square on New CHICAGO (AI') - Adlai IL .Ycar's Bvc. ., Stevenson capturcd the Dcmu.' The Ncw York and' Oklahoma cratic pre sid c n t i a I nomin,' delegations tolidly sat it out. ':'hey ation Thursday night with a: still clung to a futile, forlorn 'ope smashing fim ballot victory at: that by some miraculous turn of the Democratic 'national com'cn·' cvents thc nomination still I.ight tion.· i go to Harriman, 'Down to stunning but entircly i A handful of favorite son cadi· expccted defeat went Governor AI'. I! dales-stale leaders whep b, Am, ercll Harriman of New York, erican political tradition, g:! the Fur thc former Illinois gOl'ernor 'I honor of a first·ballot nomination ran like a champion, oUl front and Irom tllCir home delegations-al~o true to form all the way, He led: wcre put beforc thc 1.312 dcle· Irom the instant thc first state! ~atcs whu command I'otes 111 the laid it~ ballots on the Hne and presidcnti:tl balloting, Harriman ncvcr came rlosc to a' But thc:r candidacies wcre ov· ehallcnge, . er,hado\\,cd bl' th!l~e of the big Once more thc Dcmncralic guns-Stcl'cnson rnd H2~ ',~n­ clans had placed their presidential i who'during his five·day com' ',::n banner in Stcvcnson's hands, bcnt' havc waged a ('eascless bal" for on cOIII'erting their )052 loser into cuough delegatc support 10 win Daily Ncll's, Phclo) a 10:;[; winncr ol'er Presidcut tilc nominatinn, Dwight D, Eisenhowcr. :-;r"'ER IX DOUBT " ,'T r:()\'l:I:~::H'::,\T IIOUSE Gr:(lVm'S ."e3tcr:l~)' prtCl'n~i'r. during Ihe Annunl Garden Parly whIch wo, presidcd ol'cr by His Sle,'cnson left his downtown l:lIv, Thc furtunes of Stcvcn,on, Ihe 1.:,"It:n,lilt G;) ... and Lally Pel'fcct we.lthel· 1(1 the anmwl el'cllt most sllcccssfui. ,:~, '1:~ ~rnul·._.. _____ .. ______(;:I:crbrid~r, . ______.. :)\'~l'al1ed ~akc office t miles away. an~1 headed for: .lG-ycar-old former ~o\'crnor or ll· '1 'il t11Pconvention arcna, i Iinoi~ whn hcadcd the party :~I:"t W'PI. t t, I [n the goldcn momenl of his! in 19j2, werc ncvcr sc:' I)' in 1 tie's 111'0"1)0 ~Ies 11 er--Ila 'IOna victnry, h~ had a wide smilc fnr!d(]ubt this week but he ~'!Jffered .~_J.,i.' .. .' . IS.. ; u ~ , ~~~~~,t~~s a::I\(lha~~~(~" th~t ,,[ fec[: ~ mNI~ (l~~~I~,~III~,~~~al ;~~te~c~, e;r!~ 1 •• _ ' \ : president Hany S, Truman came ~ ~ . t .~~. , S 'C ", I 1\y GEORGE "ITCIIE~ i out in' fal'or 01 Harriman, ,who i Canadian Pres:; Wrilcr I held a ,of ;Jbs ll::'R',• .t~_',lI II' O~ .JI..'5~1 . Y _1 0'1'"1l. . ue z ana CHICAGO (CP) ~taffThe Delllo, , ~nceIn the Trumannumbc~ admmlstratlon, k~y crat~ Thursday night were set to: But 1i,1e p,oll'er that o~c,~ was I , go all the W3Y wilh Adlai. : Truman s fmled to materla,lzc. t. ,1I:rnn: (;,\\'SIlO:'\ IIH hare h:-.l III f,:cr ,ill~e tlil' S~c, Xasser's pledge, In keep the canal, it~ right amI holdings, A rousing, 20 ·minute banner.' GO"ernora Raymon~ Gar~ of Ok· " ,.',p. _ S!atc S'!~rc,. ond "'''rid War," ~ I:' 1, opcn and clficient, but said: I' 4, Any (Ullcl'cnce o\'er E;::'pt's \':avin~ demonslratiun 'I'hen Adlai: laho,m pla~~d ~arr,lman, m nom· ,D.:~~. r:' l',,,c:l 'fill:rsday I H;J;sb" nell' fureign minister',! "The canal should not be, and income, or ovcr compensation, E, Str.rcnson's namc was proposed: InatlOn, ~s "a fighting liberal of : ,: :J:;r~;:!:>:J:l1 II:l~r,1 af.sa,! Dmit:'i S:I~pilQ\', 1001: thc Ar cr.: should not bc aUowed to he~omc, \ should be settled by arbitration Thursdav for the national DClllo: nell' 1'lSlon, . , . , rit:, t::c l'nited :latioDl-l icnn ' !lrilish • Ficnch ~pnn5Jl'S oi: un instrument of the policy of an~ undel' the Wurld Court of .1ustice eratic 'convcntion's presidential Then Truman-:-earr),lD;l on ,lI:~ ~ :.\ [,;)\11 :l' a mcmbcr-: lilc eanfcrcr.~e lJ tusl; wilh nn nation or g rOil Jl or nations,! S:lCpilol' madc deal' he I ;'ds nomination madc it apparcnt that: !~)r1orn pro.lIar~m!~n haltle 'ntll r;n t;l~ S'JCI c::IIn!. 'attJ~k on its mCI11(I~rshi[l, tll11in~: whcthcr or i::uropc or Asia or Ai; Ihe London tall;s only as a first Thur,(lay night', decisivc ballotin:l ,Thc last do~ dlCS as he has put , I'"~ t,c 111:1111 IIl:ink IIf a and le~a1it)', j' de,a, ' step and not capable oj producing 1I'0nid hc a mcre, time'colliuming Itdcalmt~ to th~ rOt~tl1lll~ ~~HI ~ec. I ' .' .., ork govcrnor, "J l\rC;cnt~d b,l' Dul. IIc callnl.\' dcnounced I\'h::t he The, secretary 01 state tncn out. decisions, ' formalitl'. O!I C( IC ~omma Ion 0 e j CII' f II! th" Vnited S!~tc.;. cr,lIed the abno~m'll atm~Bphcl'e, IIncd the following plan for th~ "All possible sh:.uld be donc,", STEVENSON: Eiscnhower's Riyal : Stevensoll supporters rattled t,hc ":-lcI'cr in history has it b==" ~5 nd rra~;'c 1:1 the 22,na 01 pres,ure built up as a )::'eludc I fullu'c. operation of Suez the P.1l5sian s~id, "to rcach an' ___._ .. ------ra!ters ?f the great co~vcn\lon i nccessary for lhe Dcm~crats to ~:"-::I:(nCI ~cl'l:il1~ a setUe, 110 the t31ks, and decried coneclI'j 1, An intcrnational group should agrced opinion (hcre) ~n the prep· hall as Senator John F: Kcnncd,Y i win an elcc'" i,'; it is n:-':," :! t~c SIICZ dispute, I' trntiGn,; 01 military po\\'er or 'Brit: be sel liP by trcnty b operale aration of an international confer, 4 I ,- D-e 7 of ~lassac~u5etts put Stcven~on:, i Truman said. : dtdmrl 25 ain and France in the Mediter the canal In accordance with tim cncc, or some other international namc bclOle thc morc than J,OOO Slol'.'l), and with emphasiS, he E~ypt':; ,Iul~' 1 srae IS ~" o! thl' watcrway 1 rancnn and. cconrmic : :prlsal., I 1883 Constantl::ople convcnIion, procedurc, to exnmlnc thc -prob· a party, supporters as the man best proncunced thc 1I'0rd,:: ., ai,ault,;1 world conti" such as frcezing of BgypUan as· 1 Thc board woul1 bc linked to thc Icm of thc Jreedom 01 navigation qua~lf:ed to ,lead th~ ~emocra~5 "1 alii supporting A"~rcl1 HaITi· thi' aClilln, hc saId, \' set~ In their hands, , U~ in a way· stiU to \.~ deJ[ned" of the Sucz canal on the basis of , InJ- ureo d ,I n Am bush ' agamst l'~eSld7nt EJocnJlOwcr In man for prcsidcnt of the Unitcd hoI:! of a nord Shepilov made a hid to bronccn I Egypl 1I'0uid be on It, 'hut no the observance of the sovereign thc ~Ol·. a Umtcd Statcs gencral: Stalcs." , it could Cllt into thc the conlerence to include 21 other single power should dominate It, rillhis of Egypt." elcctlOn. " ! Truman gol a big checr. but no· r:tal, 01 man~' nations." nations, including Red China,. hut 2, Eg)'pt should have Ihe rl!Jht That said, the rl e leg a t c s Therc was a thllmpmg demo~, I bOOv thought his adl'ice 1\0'11:1 llini;l~r Eden had ~om, agreeu 10 waiVe procedural ,hjcc, tn an equitable return, frolT C;'1~ whipped through thcir procedural' .1ERUSALE~1 (AP) - Bnllel;;' Iiltrators from Egypt." Howevcr, 5trotlOn, too, ,for ~v~rel1, Ham Ihal"c anI' ~f!ect. thc conference with tlons and expres~cd wlll[ngness' to O)l~I'ations, arrangements !n 90 minutcs - a ,praycd an Israeli bus from :1m,· thcre was no immediate identiH man, the mull! • nlllhon3l~e gOI" • help achiel'c a peaccful solution. 3, Fair compe~5atlon sho~l~ be p,lc,asant surpmc for Wcst~rn ~f:, bush in the Ncgev desert Thur· I calion of the assailants. crnor 01 il:cw York state wh(l ch~['1 CO~IVENTIDN PROGR~M SOTES P(,EDGES, ,I paid to t!le nahonallzed LDlI'el'. hcwl" acc,ustomc~ to SovlCl fill, day and army spokcsmcn an,: (Rcuters said, according to re, lengcd Slcvenson for the nomm· \ 11 r, Dulles noled Enyplmr P:' -Idcnt sal Suez Canal Co, for the loss of buslermg In prevIous parlcys, I mannounce:! passengcr thrcc soldierswere killcd, 'and a \\'0" portscarried from out Eilat.'by a theband ambush of Eg~'p, was andation, enthusiasmbnt it had noncof the of theral1yin~ fire ,CHICAGO (AP'-lIcrc is the · A b W ld Seven other pcrsons, including !ian·traincd cnmiliundos opcratlD~ CIY for Stcl'en~on.' thc i ':shc.d,1 program for Friday's session of ZOe another soldier and the drivcr, from Jordan,) witty former IlhnOis gOl'crnor '-,In i the Dcmocratic national conven· -- ,trI· ~ rIpS ra or were reported woundcd, TnUCK IIL()'.':~' t:P obviously had the party in the! lion: HOI11 S I G The attac1t was made abont 11 A fe\\' hours before this inei, paln.l, of ..his I!and, •. • ! Aftcrnoon scssio·n opens 1 p.m. . A· L d P I a,m, as the vehicle made its way dcnt a civilian track ill ancthel COl'" Ei'I rIOl'l ~[AUIIOl:SI; ,EDT with invocation and Star across the desert from Tcl AI'iv, area of the Ncgev wa;; blown up by the hundred, ex· I Spanglcd Banner, "otest ga Inst on on a I~ ,ey toward Eilat, an Israeli settlemenl ! hy a minc and live Israclis I\'cr[ plodcdDeleg~tc5 mto,one 01 those gay, gllirly I Night session opens 9 p,m. with PI at the hcad or the Gull of Aqaba, ; in,jure(I, two scriously. demonstratIOns that arc a mad: invocation, Star Spanglcd Banner, Eilat Is situatcd in the narrow Thc hus amb',,}' 1\',15 Ihe mest ' Ad[[rc~ses b~'-former presidcn! 1 ! IPo ,e:;:w J-Stril:c amI arllnnd Western cmbas£ics to pre, stoppc(1 the flolV of 011 from Iraq police rcinforccments stood by as ' " ' .. 'f ," bntllccn Israel IJord:mian soldiers, onc cil'ili~n, ; Truman; the I'ice . presidentia' ='rip perl\ b EgyptIdl I ventLib possible'b violcncc. I In Tripoli'lthroughrl ' 'I'the' IraqI PetrolculllBid I tlCom. sport300,000 II'orkers, govcrnmcnt la\\'~'crs ofiicials, "n(1 stol'etran'l striP\'pt andbetllccn Jordan, the frontlel, 0, Eo ..scrious ~~I her Arabincidcnt r ,-:;lb~r3• ~': ,1::1. UN truce obscr\'cr and, the .I~i··, n,ominee; the presidcntial nom ,6! tnc ,ra 11'01'' yan[' pollcc I'D te up a ::·,lOn" ' pany sd pipeI lDC. t n'k ag I at, lere II'OI'kcl'", leJt tllel'r J'obs, u' An Is, raell' SIIOI;c,man 5011',1 Ihe 2;; Theil ,Ionian and lor: ' ~ :"'cS'1 (an1 mom ber 0 f llc I r. ... -:ec I ,ar;I mce, to 's)'ptmn I stl'at on with tcar gas, arl'cstinn IlVere ,Iy.ong s 1'1 es,,' 'II J' " B d' (' I arlJ'ournment 01 !In 21.!Icurre'r~n;e protest E strikc somc demonstrators, Egyptian 1I'0ritcrs gave -what At Alcxandria, merchant ships ambush occuncd in an area i,c~ e~ch~J1gc:1 hea"y lire in '.:' ,Ill' I an· srae I arnllsllce commlSSUlD I cnc Ie IO~ ant thr op:ning or the London Cairo radio claimed the slop, appeared to be 100'pel'.cenl com. of Iwlf'a.dozen nations lay Idle as has becn troubled rcccntly by "10' dcan Ilills wcst of .Jcrllsnl,::!. 5i'; lI'ere wounded. , the ConventIOn. ,~~~~~nce. papex~nded~mtheAUar.tic p~~~~ing~the'generalstrike:18,OOO docken j~~ llie s~ ------~ ;lrlb \lorl,N" abandoned to the Persian gulI. and Re :ers call. page, Cairo's hig international air· rll anrl ;Ia~cd dcmonstra. correspondent;: reported strikes As the Lon don conference port ceased operations, ~~~lholll Ihc ~1iddlc East amI' demonstrations in ,Iordon, opcned, police hailed traffic whil~ Nal'i~atlons through the SUN 01 We,tertl oil across 5~'I'la, Iraq, Irlln, Paki~t1n, thc Cairo and olher cities obscl'I'ed a Icanal was not iuterrupted and the lemporarily cut olI, 'Lcbanon, Tunisia and Libya, five·mlnute protest s!lence, ncl\' canni authority's 15,000, cm· __._uard! wrre thrown I A strllce by 011 workers In Syria No incidcnts were rcported hul ployces lVere at 1V0rk as nsual. i ~ .:i .J KA Calls For Truce In Bloody ,I ar With British, Wants Talk$ ahcad with plans to draw lip a I ------,\Ltx \',\!.I~Sl'I~I~ I Violence contlnucd as lutc as r)'pru~ (Reutcrs)-A I Thursday afternoon, A 25·>'enr·old sclf,government co .. ;titullon for! N DIG Iruce in the bloody un.' Greek Cypriot was shot 10 dcath the Island, Pre~ious offcrs of scI!. ew eat 1 arne c- ",ar against British at Amlandos asbe310s mines in the' government mSlde ,thc framework NG )prus was Issued Thurs. Troodos area 01 central Cyprus, It or the British Commonwealth F T dd· B to pampjlet purporting to was the 12th slaying so far this were ,turned down by Greek Cyp, or e y.. oys :n the EOKA IInder. month, riot leaders, Who wanted scll, ~. . Irm!'. British authorltlcs ha\'e struck determination-freedom to unl1~ BRISTOL, Englaml (Rcuters)- , distributed In the back hard at the underground with Greece, I Bristol's ,Tcddy Boys - youths sairl BORA was fighters ni\(l their sympathizers. . wearing sideburns and Euw.ardian truce in its 16·monlh slapping lines and enrfe'I's on Cyp. S d'S ·1 clothes-havc a new f1irting·wlth· 01 an\i,British \'[olence rus cities and using troops to un ay s . pea {er death game callcd "Za Za," I~ al'oid further blood, sweep Ihe Island Cor under ,;':un:1 Thc rules nrc slmplc, They stand In pairs In front of pnrushing cars covers Per· . Ill'e both sides a chance bases 0 Th eBC' I solution for the Cyprus Fiv~ young Greek Cyprlols have S until one loses his nerve and em- n e , jumps for safcty, crying "Za Za." MJ'lOI'" OW"I'al Br.I'II'h reac. been han!!ed for Ilcrrorist nc,ts, "~1· of , , SEEK FREEDOl\ lsce'II any·'" This concedes that the other, NINNES or . that the pamphlel even If he gets hit, wins, It was signed by 'fhe ,I ~ a fie t Thursday was The court here was told about 8. leader Who Is be. hcaded "declaration," It said that On SundllY next, AUl:lls! 19th, the game Thursday when two [be Gcor~e Grll'as' 58. "for 16 months, wc heroic chl:~ !~n "Suncluy Miscellany" wlll be broad. youths were chargcd wilh ob, l~mer Grcek army' col. of Cyprus have been lighting a cast (tom Grand Falls to ail CBC structlng traffic, "It was only a hh~!c head British, au. bitter struggle for freedom,'" stations In Newfoundland, "l'he bit or fun," one oj them said, lIe pUI a price of 4:10" It said Britain had forccd thc spcnlcer will be Mrs, Harriet LInd, underground outbreak by "unjusl· and her subjeet-"The Delights of Each was fined $2, Wed Intranslge~nce" and "11011' Summ'cr." Mrs, Lind will talk of makes use of Ute struggle de· the beauty and Interest to be scribed by him (brItain) as armed found 111 Newfoundland'S country· Coree to justiCy hIs refusal of side, . agreement with us," ' The lea net said EOKA now was eaUing oCc Ih 'underground war so Nfld. SIdes that the two sides could get to, ',, ' gether to discus's Ihe qreek Cyp· I'RmAY, AUGUST 17 riot elalm Cor unIon with Gree~e. (Stand8l'd TIme) , . Negotiations ,between ,Britain CJo'REDERlCII, Photo shows .Jcanncttc Winsor, 16, of 203 Blackinarsh noad, SI. Jchn's, with Roy ShirilOnishl. 15, ,of ~Iarylanr1- and Archbishop Makarlos, leadcr 4,59 a,m, Sunrise •• Hasapepe, Kual, Hawaii, The~ arc I'vn teenage.s [rom ,lif[rrcJlt parts of the In Jhi, jo[ncd together herc. by thc Hcd Cross at the, of ,the Cyprus unlon·wllh·Greeee •• t' ., 7,10 p,m, SUl18et •• first Junior' ncd Cross I11 Iel'lH tit" I Stud v Ccntci' el'cr to he hcld the Stotes. [.'or 12 d:1Ys 110 students worl;ed and· movement 'broke down earlier Ihls i~ Unit~(l l'ear; Makarl05 then was exiled by High '1'I1ll':S I,ow studied togcthel', til ,Huud Culle:;c, c:;chal1~ing inful'Il1atiun ablJut their rcsllccthe countries :lIId Ic'arnins abuUI the wurld·wide Rcd Britain Cor alleged support nC tel" 10.47 a,m. A 50ft answer turmth away rorlsm.' 4.:15 a,m. wroth-but darn few salesmen. Cross movement. ., 1~,18 p,~ • .Slnce .• lben" Britain has gune 4,36 p,m. l, ,. , I' .' .,

elicate Succ~

NORTHEAST AIR .1 11.month old I Air B.ase, Labrador, underwent an cmer, Monday af~ernoor of an open safel • his thro,at. . . this brief medica lies a story of d .",I![II<"" suspense. • I began when Dec\or a~onard Zuhrof[, Chiri at the peppert'~ll AFB waS per!ormJllg a operation in lhe p. , ' rating room at 11.30 ope .,' • I emC'rgencY raulD-,.e c lhe Goose Ho~plla 1 stated lilat ll·monl Vest, son of Major am L. Vesl, had an open , lodged in his ~sophogus., '\ call, received by , ) WcndalL 1'. 1 ,I sur"CO n, was rela' o Hospital CollllI (Col) Roberl II: BI immediately set In r Air Force m;tchinrf in the successful complcted four hour minutcs and ~15 I'

I , Unall'are of' lhe proceed it f Ihat time, Doctor Zubrofl the gall·bladder pcratiu meantime lhe USAF 0Pl' at nCAF Statiun been alerted and pre Pi, being made for a je l Goose Air Base. En r' airport, Doctor Zubrl by Doctor at the SI. John's ( . 'where Dector i Superintendenl. h: emergency kit ~~ ltiurnenls to supplemcn from Pepperrcl\ nee· !' delicate operation.

I' OpPtlSCS : ' 'Zonin ...


\ , • , , -I' , .,1 , ~ ! ! i II . ," , i; . ,. .L,..,.h':"''i ~ 11"'1 d~ 'tr .s~ .." ~ , ~ O~ ~c11 ~{~~ ~I~+~ - . Councillor conlenc ,for the erection station should not ~ fJ, ~ ~ ~~~~f" ~f~c.:m iW'rA e\.. since, whcn lhe a~ heard it had following objection of grOUps and in VfW'1' ~ t:t~Dl ~ -reO J ~ep ~cl ~le lin area. 'Council accepted ; fill'!*" 10 lisle]! to officiol ,~j~ds and lhe firm's leg. ,Mr. Douglas H of B.A. the Co.uncil anolher sen'ie ~orth side of The Council 1 -both ma tiers . . .

The reg I J h u ar~ weekly n Tb n's Rotary ciub Da~~sd~y, with Presi S III the chair. . Graham Ren following gU[ D. Piltman ~PI. B. R. Mine . C. Grayson. C . ·'ont.~.. J. 1IfcKiil Halifax rHE MOSr MODERN EFFICIENT ENGINES IN rHE WORLDl


.------~------~------~~------~ ._.• ~ ... "'_'~:"". ',,'w' ...... _ .... _,,·4.~' -- •. - .... -,~ ._-' - ...•• --- , , .

" -, - •

'. FRIDAY, AU~UST 17, 1~56 ST. JOHN~S, NEWFOUNDLAND, "The "Daily News t Plane'Sp~eds' DoctC)r;" Deadlock Contiuues • To' Save 'Infant's l.ife In--Laborers' Strike :_Statements Are Issued \ 'The Building, Trades jEmployers "The labourers were .offered a STANDING FIRM ·cate Operation The Flying Dbctor' Association said in a release yes- substantial increase in pay com· "We are standing firm on our (erday it has agreed there will be parable to tbat accepted by the demand' and the original oHer n6 withdrawal from the present carpenters. This increase' they made by the Association with the '! stand in the matter of the strike turned down in favour of a larger same tak"e home pay for a 45 I! Successful between the Association and the and more substantial one. hour week," John T. White, Presi· Co~stru~tion and Gcncr • ,'rlt. had al II" Thirty·five minutes latci' the, R.eport .~n . :Council Approves \White Denies in hi;"vcd c,"IJ IO~US.hv Doclur lerse' announcement .s I~nal I'de Ihe ... ,' ~rcell II I" Ilorl'l'S 5ucccI>sfui 'l'emol'al of the pin from . ~uildingPlans !Strike Violf~: ~ ~ \\ rne a . " 'I I lid' I Communicahle was rclayed to t IC C I ~ llrun!. , i More than 5200,000 wor~h of Ih"\lil~t L'ul11nmnder Doctor Zubroir, who was select· R Roberl 11. Broolls. cd to perform the exacting and READY !-'OR TAKE·OFF In'; fleck USAF T·33 let plane that carried him from RCAF statio:! Diseases : huilding plans were approved ill! eports yesterday morning's wcekly session I sct In motion difficult operation beca'Use of his ,Torbay to Geose AB, Labrador, to perform an emergency"opcration on an ll'month·old infant, Ten ncw CR,es of T.B. were re· Air Force machlner)' that ,slIm and experience, n~w the snme DOctor (Captain) Leonard Zubroff examines th,] cockpit instruments as Colonel Carroll W. Me· ported in Newfoundland last weck, o! ~hc 5t:. John's lIlunicip.al Cou~. , John T. While. I';·~'I I 'nl of In ... according to the, weekly report on ell. The figure was th.c hIghest lnConstr.uction and Gencr~1 Labour·, in Ihe ~uecc>sful oper· ~ute that the Infant Gary flew CJlpin (In (mnL seal) wa'rms Ihe jel's engines. communicable diseases from the several weeks. i ers Union. Local 37U, of SI. .John·s, I Irrl (our hours and Jusl 11 months ago. . ------'------'-:------Provincial Dcpr.rtmcnt of Health. Ap~roval of plans ~or the c~n· ycsterday denied report~d violence NIII,r 1~lr~ and 5t5 miles A pI'cmature baby, Gary w~lgh. Two cases wcre reported In structlOn . of Tthe FIrSt Bapl1st on an}' of the piek~t hnes sct up 1:1111 I cd less than four pounds at birth' Passes Exams Hodge's Cove, T.B" and sin "Ie Church In Newfoundland was by his union on strike for Incrcas· Ihe proceedings up \':hile than ,24 hOIl'rs old, b ?h'en by the Council, The church cd wages. ' 0' I:~s h~ Heads cases were reported .In St. John's, IS to be erected on the. Portugal Mr. White told the Dally News · D I Zubrof[ finish. lias fle\\ n from Goose to spen.d the Tucker I Litlie Hearts Ense, SI. Jones With· h I I d III I~~~:bl:~d~~ pcration. In first two months or his life m ,an . C -1' . N th W t B k S I Cove Road, Ot er pans mc u cd a, in an interview that he believed Ihe VSAt" operations incubator al the p~pperrell has· , unCI S 10, or :s roo." a man change of occupancy for Fleming's i the report~ of an outbreak of Cov:, SunnYSIde, Lewm s Cove, I Pharmack construction 'of five' bl h d . I m n r"u, II HCAr Station 'fc-rbay pltal. , BurlD and Grand Bank ' I trou e a amen ro a a b :1, T • 0 , • T • new bungalows and construction of I ment between a non·picketing alerled and preparations ~oc\or Zubroff, a naLlle .o{ Dc· own · d' a J'et flight trolt, Michigan, entcred the USAF BAY ROBERTS (Special) _I by the Bay Roberls Town Council, s/' rr ~asesd of 1I1.ea~ls'rthree in banking offices by the Royal Bank \ member of his union and a memo bcJr.~ rna c or. I d 't d' (~)'e ;\ir Basc. En route to just 111'0 mantis an en a) sago James R. Tucker of St. John's at Bayview Reslaurant at which . °tl~s:n t;neDm ~u I~e, were of Canada on Freshwater Road. her of the carpenters union whit . D I r Zubro!! ac Ten days latcr he arrived al Pcp· was elected president of the New.' the special guest speakers were repor eye: epar me . Last week the Council approved was not 1V0rking on a job. The I:~i'lrt, hI' oc ~oct~r Br~oks' perrell AF Basc. . foundland' Federation of Munici. Sil' Brian Dunfield, Mr. Malcolm ~ase:. ~~ whoop.ng co~ghj ~~mps : just under 590,000 worth of plans. I two men Mr White said, had at th~ SI. .John·s Gcneral The 31·ycar·old surgeon tramed palities at Its closing session here Hollett. ex.presldent ijarvey Gra~t ~~ f. ~c 'en pox were mc u e on' ' words on 'the sireet, but t~ere was "h Dec tor Edward at Garfield Hospital, Washington ,Yesterday aftcrnoon. . Vlce.~rC]!;i. and several Mayors and CounCIl e IS. T B t no ques~ion of any trouble on lhe II c~e D. C.; anrl lVas In p.acllce In that dents eleeled \Vel'e: CounCillors lars. . ,- una oa S picket Ime. . supcrmlcnden~. hnd pre· cit)' with Drs W. W. Chase and • Arch Lawrence of Corner Brook, On the eve of theIr departure' GeOl'ae IIees Reports in SI. John's yeslerday In cmer~cncy kIt \.! special W H Fergus~n prior to his mill Billv. Veitch, Holyrood. Slcphen Neary of Bell Island, W'I visiting del~gatcs. and guests b " En Route Here had saill trouhle had .broken out tq supplement those t' . i . E. l\Iereer, Bay Roberts: Gerald were warm 10 theIr praises of T ,T.· H on one of the pickel hnes throll'll i:om rellpcr~cll nceded for a~ :~~~uca~'e of Wayne University successfully passed his I Knight, Mount Pearl, Glendale; the hospilality and many kind· 0 1811. . ere i up by the striking union. lllicatr operallOn. Detrcit •.Mlchlgan, Doctor Zubl'of! G d IX . r Iand Mayor Frank Pearce .of Burin. I nesses shown them by the Bay' Two new tuna honts to be uscd i I'll e., ClCamma IOns. The', Convention concluded last Roberls Town Council and the The former President of Ihc i~ the development of the tuna .1 Tnrbay just one hour I'entured ills opinion of jet Ilight~ I S ·k R d Billv is a Daily News 1 evening with a hanquet tendered cilizesn of Bay Roberts. National Progressive Conservativc. fishery in Newfoundland have I. rninliles after thc orl· with:, "Surgery Is slmplc com par trl c etar s carric~' and is 14 years old. • A'ssociation is due in 51. John's I hccn delayed cn route to SI. rail. Doctllr Zubro[{ ed to the eomplieatcd prnccdure~ · f' M d pt· . Att d P I Game Ihis weekend for a quick holiday .J(,hn's by engine trouble. LIe t to blndled inlo the unfamiliar In drll'log one qf those jet plancf He is t Ile .50n 0 r. an I emlel en s \ us ltS tour of Newfouncllnnd. n\ ' The lwo boats, from Wedgeport, oca ons rue 1011 !m 01 ~ jct pilot and thl'llugh the air!" , Mrs. Greg 'Veitch, Holy· o. IW d' I P I Mr. George lIees, a me ber of Nova Scotia, have crossed the . rood. . InauO'urat-on Of ,l/ ar en n .00·, Parliament and' one of the lop· gulf and jusl as soon as the diffi· The strike of St. John's labour- I Can,adian Le!!ion . t~, ." ranking Conservatives in Canada, cullies have been straighlened out ~rs has dealt a blow to construe- Oppuscs uN' F' - F10ned ~20.00 is scheduled to meet with local of· are to come directly to the East tion plans for the new combinec! 'p s ew erry '*' ficials and party members to out· Coast. department store, hakery, restaur- .. C 0 ars pS . or { ,~o,esse," . line developments In the current An official of the Tourist Dc· ant and office building being • .F Zouin" S h I hi W I v . The operator of an Avalon session of the House of Commons. velopment Departme,nt told the erec'ted for the '\'Qlllworth chain . b Premier Joseph R. Smallwood,· Peninsula tourist establishment A u m;;;thas. been . made 0 N Health Mlnisler Dr: James Mc· has been convicted on three Mr' Hiees Wcill nol.t take any active Dally News yesterday that the on Water Strc€1. nno nce. ." n ew Grath, Finance '[Inl'stcr Gregor" . I 'f b h [part n P.. po ICY formation for boats arc expected here within Construction of the building has' 'II a e nwa• rdlng of the Cannlilan • ° U , charges arls ng out a reac es 0 th e for tl'Icommg provinCIal. general the next two or three days. been held up by the. strike of the f th I Lo . . (Iiro .• teIIii or l.~o Earle appea\cd 'Legion Domlnlo' n Command Sehol. Par {lng t Power and Provincial Af!alrsi d ~[m· t k Federal Government salmon fish· eI cc t'IOn. Th e t una cra ft'l, PI 0 t e d bY Nova Labourers Union, the Daily News• 'I '/1 o~\·. rnelmber~ 0if the St. nrshlp to Harold W!lliams, B7 isler Myles Murray yes er ay 00 ing regulations. He is scheduled to arrive in st. Scotian crews, are to be used in was Informed yesterdar, > umclpn govern ng bod), Casey Street, St. John's, son of the the Inaugural Irlp on the new The conviction' was .registered J h' 'th b f" t f hi I C . to, loke, a IIr.m sland late Ale~ander" Williams, Ne\v. I . The new parking lot bl·lng. built ferry linking .for the first time a tn Cour t a t CI nrenvI'11 caeit r the '.Ill' a non s Sunda"WI mem ers 0 hIS fam· Ba"tuna spor IS ng n oncephon b'The exteriorlet d of\vl'th the thebuilding evccptlon hal

allerm, CII)' zomn.S regu. I. foundland -Royal Naval Reserve. 1 on property owned by Crosbie and road belt along the Southern man in question had been accused J' J' een comp e " lor onc group while not 1 World War I.· CampaU)' on Water ~treet will be Shore through Placentia and b.ack of pushing a game warden into a N· • health service said:. of the final finishing of the brick , tl:em Inr others. I ready,' just as soon, as th\! new to SI. John's. The four cabwel pool while the warden was at;: ew VaCCIne "These iIInesscs are of the face while halt of the required Earle lold Ihe Council, dur. The scholarship, I'alued at $400, Woolworth building I~ completed, mcmllc~s were the first peoplc to I tempting to pertorm his duties. : . grippe variety and do not indude floors hal'c been laid as the in. iiscuHion o[ an application is al'allable to one student In each Mr. P. 1II. Crosbie told Ihe Dally be ferried across HolyroQlI Pond I The man was convicted of Inter· IS ' f I tile non·feverish infections ~encr. teri~r 11'~rk proceed\ 'ld' 'U Bnll!h American oil Com. provJnee attending university who News yesterday. . at the fool of the Pcnln~ula. fcring with the warden and of i uccess u I allY designated as the common h T e ~ r~le s~o:ey ~I I~g I' WI . 10: the mction or a ncw Is the child"of an ex.servlceman. lIIr Crosbie said thaI excellent Mr. Smallwood and hIS, three II fishing with bait cold." louse. In Ie a.emen, a a ,cry, slatioll on Adams Al'eDl,le. prog~ess is being' made on the cabinet' colleagues motored to '._ WASHINGTON (AP) - Sue.' HAD WIDE USE . stock rooms and rest. rooms •.The had a duly toward 15 T~ISsi~ed~~~'s~fce~~;~~o~~~~!~~t,~ construction of the lot. He estl· Holyrood Pond to take the ferry. TI Of eess£ul trial o! a new .triple'~ilr·1 But the army, which has also, ground IC.I·cI lIoo! ,1\'111 contalll I- 1I1emorlal Unll'ersity where he re.. mates thal 60,000 yards of fill.will The Premiel' explained thnt the 1 leOrv rcl.led va c c I ~ Po against somci reported promising rcsults from a i ~~dern f~ve and dune mereh~nd- have to be dumped on the lot In three cahinet ministers arc all . • grIppe • type Illnesses was an.! I'accine against some of thesc I Ismg depu.rtment an~ reslaulanl, ~~~e:.A. hJ~gr::1~n~~!~~1o~~!~~~ order to .provlde It with a solid connected with dlstricls in the i M ° R I nou~ced Thursday -.by thc U.S.! ~ame illnesses, has used a broader an~ the Uurd floor mil be used a. . d foundation. area. Mr .. Power represents Pia. USIC esu ts public health !Cf\'lee and the i definition of them. It has said that o~II~e s~ace. , .. nlng the Governor General's me· The lot. to be used primarily fOl' eentla, Mr. Murray represents "navy.. While they do nol include the com· \\ ~ohlorths hal ~ s~hcdulcd .th,_ al. , prlvale parking by downtown busl. Ferryland and Dr .. McGrath Is ex. ST, PATRICK S CONVENT Administr.alion of Ihe vaccine to mon cold they include illn~sses ?pemng of the bUIlding, th~ flr"t Mr. Williams is taking his lias. ness men, is ex peeled to handle 1 pected 10 be the Premier's candi" Barbara Murphy, 100 (Honors): 1 4,000 recrUIts at the U.S. naval "commonly referred to as gflppe, In Newfoundland, for the mld·fall. ter's degree In lhe coming year. upwards of 100 vehicle!.. date In St. Mary's. 1 Patricia Brown, 97 (Honors) Fran· training centre," Great Lakes, m., I catarrhal fever, virus pneumonia, r .contended per· . ces Hennessey, 96 (Honors); Pat· 'I last winter and spring reduced the' sore throat and severe colds." Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Valley for the erection of the ':======:-:======:::;:::::::::;--=:::~;;::;:;:;;:;;:;:;:;;;;:::::;;;;;;:;_. rieia' Conway, 94 (Honors): Ger. expected rate of such iIInes5el The vaccine, developed by the Road, Corner Brook. is at present s!alian ~hould not be can· . alaine Reddy, 91 (Honors): Peggy I among t.he recruits by between 50 public health service, was used in the City ilnd ,is receiving medi· !lnc~, when the application O'Tllole, 81 (~Ierit); Patril~a Haw. and 70 per cent, the rcport said, experimentally against three o! elll treatmcnt at the Grace Has- heard it had been re· co, 80 (~Ierit) Carmelita Hearn, 70 Explaining that the ailments the 13 k tw types os ee 13 pita!. While here she is the guest objections from a (Pass).' , are certain respiratory illnesses virus," \I' hie h formerly were of Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, of grou(l! and Individuals I'REPARATORY "characterized by fever,". the called the "APC" viruses. Baltimore Street. Ilea. • Eileen Maber, 100 (Honors); Bar· Co~ncil a("cepted a SUgll~s, bara Walsh, 9!l (Honors); Elizabeth to lilt en to of£icial5 of the Roche, 99 (Honors); Janet Coch· Ind the firm's legal repres­ rane, 98 (Honors); Pat rI c I a Mr. DOlIslas Hunt. The O'Leary, 91 (Honors); Mary Byrne. :'''''llI.im'e! of B.A, also dis. 97 (Honors; Noreen Carter, 96 tllh thr ('ouneil a propos. (Honors); Elizabeth C a Ie s, 95. another service station (Honors:; Carol P. Brothers', '94 north side o[ Elizabeth (Honors; Eliza beth Fly n n, 93 Thc COli neil agrced to Honors) Margaret Morrissey, 92 bath matters. :' ' (Honors); Barbara Morrissey, 90 (Honors); Alice Prim, 85 (Honors) - FIRST STEPS , ,:·::: Anne Whelan, 100 Honors): Cyn· . .. thla Murphy; 100 (Honors); Patri· . cia Power, 100 (Honors); IBernice ITEMS THAT \AlE DO NOT USUALLY STOCK· I Corbet, 100 (Honors); Mary Reddy, . -," 100 Honors); Thelma Walsh, 100 (Honors); Florence Furey, 96 '\ - PLASTIC POWDER BOXES •••..•. 15c •. II~rr.gular weekly mectlng of

I' -, , . ! ' \

" ,-

" •

, '. • 'i'They Don't Hardly, Make 'Em That Open' A~y Mo're Ii NEWS , 'I ' THE DAILY .'~. '[ New'oundland'$ Only MornIng Paper, News , I In 'the The DAILY NEWS Is i morning paper established ,In 1894, and published at ,Ih. ' !\Iews Building, 3115<31111 Duckworth Street, ,'. St., John's, NeWfoundland,' by' Robl!1son & NOTES AND, co~mENT. .. 10 coUcct th~t prize free of in­ That same committce of the' come tax?, '. Company, I.lmltcdl • • • • MEMBER OF Parliament of Canada which , ;Ni).PERSO~AJ, " decided that capitnl punishment , The parliamcnlary committce The CanadlBn PreBs Is excluslve!y' entitled .hould be retained but that th,e which has explored this prub.\ soC''': rS, W!1Iiam Risc 10 tho use for republication of all neWs Icm has decided that total pro· .D I l"r spent their holie electric chair wns more humane cal, . p dlsp::.tches In this paper credited to it or to Ihan the noose arul scaffold has hibition is Ihe right way to dcal ing tbe Burm e to ur . th The Associated Press Dr Reulen'.and also the riow prcscnted a rcport on lot· with Ihc Irish sweepstakes. But !DJ their trip, ey I local news' publlsbed fhercln. leries and gomblillg, 'It is grave· IIdt? The lurc 'of a huge prize our loull cabins along' Ail Press service and' feature arUcies In Iy concetncd about 'the size of ,i~ irresistiblc. Most of the in v.r I. 'prizes arc lVon by pcople who this po per are copyright anllthelr reprodu~lIop prizes awarded in bingo I gamc~ 'anti rarClcs and It Is aga111st the hllic bought just one ticket, '. ' Urs Charlie 15 prohibited. '(hey have invested $3,50 in t:!C .lIjU·d --- f DAJU. SUBSCRIPTION RATES' sale of t1~kcts in the Irish 1105' returned rom hope of gaining A fulure, AII Canada ...... $ 8.00 per a!lnum pilals_ sweeps, 'fran.l!.ly, we (bey spent a.' but a I'ery felY nrc doomed to wllere United Kingdom and all I hlnk It Is a case of Weallzing 'bolidaY visiting fne Member Audit Bureau 01 hypocrlcy to .propose laws that· disappointment. None 01 Ihose ...::.- Forel811 Countriei .' ,.$12.00 per annuln people arc golng 10 brcak, many who buy a tlckel has his stand­ Authorized a.. second class mail Post Office ard 01 living undermined by Ihe Mr. and Mrs. ~h: Circulations of thcm good moral people at. week.end were Depar>.menl, Ottawa. Ihat. purchasc, And In Britain, where • • • Ihese things arc lookcd at sanc· " JAmes French of FRIDAY, AUGUST• 17, liJ56 Now we rcalize Ihat there is I)" the government has cndorsed II. IIrent deal of differcnce of Ihe pr)nciple that thcre is no soon have clear co'ntact at will with opinion on this question of hnrm done- hy a mild flutlcr, . * • • I -- e\'ery telephone in Western Europe and lotteries and sweepstakes, We Chamberlains know aU Ihe arguments, for II";! All this, wc know, will he Getting' People Together it may be supposed that the more we can 'consldercd a highly immoral Janice nea~ ,o[ Ne\' against. But we pointed out in ' U.S.A. IS prc~1 point of view by some people, When Pt'emier Smallwood pI'edicted talk together, the more we may come to an articlc some thirty ycars a 'holiday, the gues Pcrhaps it is. But just as )'OU understand and sympathize wlth one ago, ,whcn thc Newfoundland Mrs, P, L. Butler, that-as many as :!Oo settlements will be lottery law was amended, Ihat can't le~lslate people into empt~' of people within the next ten 01' another, That at least is a hope that may abstenlion from alcohOl - and , ' Butler 'from Nc\' nothing "'could be more prepos· are Miss Flol fifteen years, he was probably 110t very be reasonably expressed in recording the terOlIS than to declarc that a thnt was tried-neither cnn you .Iao elght-year~ld DOl wide of the mark. historic event of the splicing of the tele- cerlaln act Is an offence against legislate people into abstentlun phone cables, . . . morals and Ihen 10 legalizc' it from putting len ccnts ;nl'l a This is Dorothy's The reasons wliy people dispersed for charltnblc purposes, This tlckct on a whecl 01 IJrlulic 10 Newfoundland, a~? was an cxample of blindfolding or $3,50 Into an Irish swecp­ enjoying their VISit themseh'es along the long pel'imetel' of the dcvil in the dark, It is slake ticket. You can't Cl'en, as ~~ ,peak very highlr n Newfoundland were political and ccrlalnly not dcslrable that any thc Commillce, has sug~e'st,ed, .round and thcr are eronomir:, The political reason was to Parliament Prorogues form of gambling· should be prevent peoplc from collcctmg fishing and ' It mllke themselves secure ngllinst the al- No ClInadian who looks to his parlin­ Icgallzl.'d 10 servc 1 private com· a prlzc. is not inconceil'able that are 10 be had, merclnl cnds, Wc had an ex· that a pcr~on who has 1I'0n a \l'ill Ipave for home AI tempts made from time to time to ment to reflect the highest attributes of ample of the kind of rackctee~­ !ll'and prizc o[ Sl50,00n in an C\'acuate the island. The dama~e WIIS Canadian democracy can feel vel'y happy Ing that can result frDm Ihis Irish \icket might consider even' done when the lIuthorities in En~land about the place of the 1956 session in the whcn commercial sweepslakes, a change of citizcnship if he Bernice- Butler, daughl acknowledged towards -the end of the ., l' . h • on a charitablc prelence, lVere wcre not allowed to collect his Mr', Ted Buller, ree prize in Canada. 'Therc would eighteenth century that a COl0l1Y, existed nation s po lhcal istory. authorized hcrc many yell'S a~o, I bcliday in Montreai be certainly nothing thc law Down came a buncli of people -Edson In Washington- 01 Robert II., Dawe. in spite of all 'efforts to destroy it. That, to those who recall tne stormy from New York who bore every could r!o to prc\,ent him frum going to Dublin to cluim his The economic renson was the nature conflict over the Pipelines Bill, may' h'e evidence of bcing undCm,li)!es 7 United -Church annual and whosc whole purpose was to prize. Stevellson~s f iews it/moe of the inshore fishery and the desire of putting the case rather mild,ly, The clos­ parlY which was held on mulch the public for their pri, • • • e,'el'~' man to ha"e his own private fish- ing stages of that debate were nothin~ Ind I very large numb , vate' gain. But the objeetion at, The simple fact is thai, rc· ing co,'e. Th!!; reason has disappeared short of disgraceful and the impu~1l1ment the time was not to the pri:!.'inlt! gareHess of Ihe moral issues that Critical Them Cor strllclice attendcd, which mad f - • great succe~~ and as a result of the chan tragic climax, . By PETER EDSON 15 due the committe of Ihat principle, tural tendency in human be· It's just like rcaching lor Ihe gather speed about fifteen years ago and • t( '" ':: NEA Woshlngton Correspondent and to Ihe ladies who ings 10 enjoy a little gamble, moon . . , to think thai you have since wrought a virtual economic There Is nothing to be gained bv a Where u swccpslake is ~r. Whclher it would he possihle to hard throughout the could carc ••. like wishing lor for their work a subst re\'olution, new recital of this unhappy business gnnlzcd hy peuplc II'hooc PilI" lcgislalc them inlo different a dl'Cam come Irue .•. Ihat I , CI!ICAGO:-(NEA l-Demccratic Presidvntial randidal~ of moner was realill poses are good-one has onll' to habils is vcry, ,'cry doubtful. .. lone can ~harc ..• or dnfting The trend has now been reversed. The which saw a dictatorial' ~o\'ernment im­ see the expansion ot the It'i~h Stel'ensoll's I'JeWS on foreign polic), are more crltiri'm oltht wish is to get away from the posin/! its will upon a small but,a,rticul11te to imagination . , , of a lolly lonel~' health ;ystem to realize what Now 10 those whll rc~ard lot· kine! ' , ' like gl'opin~ lor a hower ac~mlnistration's conduct of foreign ilrrair~ than thlf many friends of Mr, places, P'eople have leal'l1ed that there minority which was driven itself. in its lotterle~ CAn pay for that is Icrie~ 01 any kind as wrong, It rainbow with, . , two ('yes that tonslrucllvc ncw policics of his own, . \lilI regret to hear h. is a far better wa~' of life to be enjoyed frustration, to behaviour which brought good-and whose activities arc doe~ not mattc!' what llood al'l' rillite blind •.. so close ane! .' "\;itn?ss thc reccnt absurd contradiction~ hrtll r~n Ihe PrEI':/~, I patient in the G, nlHII'c abollrd. II'C cnn personally things lor thc community hal'e 110 yet so far away .•. iu thought VH'e-lreSldent and Secretary of State aboul nrulrall!m ,nd til and we wiish hi ",hen the\' come together in communi- it credit. The fact is that the gene)'nl see nil harm in asl:ing thc pub· 'bcen procured, through sweep, , I hold )'ou near . , : oh how I morality of uncGmmilted nalions--Onl~' thc la~l o[ a lon~ , , lies hu;~c 'enough to support a multitude disorder was a ~acl commentan' on the lie to make a sm:1I inl'Cstmcnt stakes and hin~() games and yeaI'll to pre~s your lips , , • inlZ series," Stevenson declared in his recent speech belor! nf sCI'vices that are denied those who ~el15e of prorrjet~' that gove)'ns' the ron- in Ihc hope of a I'cr)' lurgc re­ whcels of fortunc, Yct the with kis,es Warm and dear ~ .. many frie!lds of Mi~~ l'ulo'rado Democratic convention. , Ii\'c on rock\' islands and In isolated and cluct oC members of the federal pal'1i~- tlll'n i( fortune is Idnd, Now it -wonderful ~olllh, worl; of thp words 1:lil me whrn [ lI'y to tcll will be sorry to he~ is Irue Ihat not one out of a Kinsmen, the achicI'emcnts of Ilftcn 'bal'l'cil CO\'c,;;,' T.hev wanl more ment. ,what [ keep in m)' heart . , . [n an cnrlicr ,Jefferson-JacKson Da~' specdl at ~eattk Ste\I!':! to be rushed 10 h' thou,;alld can win II prize but the I he PI:I)'gl'Ounds' 'Association, and tholl;lh my lips fl'ach cageI" admit led that hc did not bcliN'c aU the Ei5C!lhuII'cr admmistlltll put week fer append!> :\I1c1 more of the 1ll1lcnilies of model'l1life, There were other causes of conflict InrJividual expenditure is small, Ihc continuation of the nc~atla, Iy . . . no sound can they rte­ fOI'r.i~n policies werp. wrong or had wholly failed, Bllt h! ~l!o \\'atel' and ~(lnitatio\l. ,electric light, ,In which part~' fee1il1l! was stl'Ongh' and Ihe pipe,dl'rams to whieh it cnn and t hc creat ion of a b:lsehall part, , , und so I wrile this verse that they were not all right and th3t foreign policy discussion g!l'c rise arc pleasurable, and pnrk lI'ou[d hal'c bcen impossihle and Mrs. Charlie MCI rn~,cl5. heticr schools and ea~icr access to often bitterl\' manifested bllt the debate to I'OU , •• with hUlle in things not bc kcpt lIut of the I!On: ing campaign. who have nohod~' suffers an)' grcat haml without them. These things and 10 'be , , . to say I'll take ,you , h03pitals and other essential facilities, un the Pipeline Bil1 drag,~ed the presti l,I"rl'., mOl'e In ric-h militn"J,), power', : : bllt as lriend~ and pallnrr', 'erkinl Roekwood. al ,par!lde of ha~kllcyctl charac, IICI\'. plot thrl'C'\ this Yilllkcc, It natIOnaliZe thr SUN. oil. mrtal cJc\'ckp rc;oul'ces' fOI' the penple of the worlrl .. Mrs, Freddv Michael when formula of assistcd migration It mil\' well be that the lessons of thi1; t('I'S, plols and, tilll'S ac:rms (JUI' l'CC: And he giles clown ~()uth anrl shipplll!! indm,tric, \"err Hillier and Frank I mllst be sel up in ordel' to encourage ~'car's session have been burned into the, 24'illCh s')recn, we'I'e abuut to lind meets t toi; no I!oocl Sl)ulh, jOJ11crJ in II l'aCI' tn expand oil anrl J:'> TillS s,nm sprech StCl'rnson ;;)irl t hal If hr 11m pr!ll:'~ 01 VIC trll girl, and ili~ I'cal [(lrc frolll those remaining in these pRrtiall~'- mind1l of members. It may al~o, be the lalle serluusly the plaint orr' carl'yilll( /Iect, to keep stPp hf' \\'IIII1d folln\\' liP the su~:::estion of Ita 1)' " Pr"',~rnt Gr~rciJ I, netwurk maste" I hat they arc up nUl'th l'nrm's dowll. and , Rohert Pelite and depopulated' places to mo,'e to new case that thinkinl! citizens have beell with the !Jig pnst,\\ nl' indllstrial hlllid the North J\\Ianlic Treaty Organizallo!l 1\110 R IDCll1 Billy, Rogerl, RII' ciCfiPCI'utc fur I ell' ~cripts, therc', this Iynl'ilillg mob comcs centres, 'prompted to wonder whethel' a party )!I'O\I II ill North America and Sunday to mak, So far, WC'I e run the gal11ut liP and the girl fl'oll1 thc north \\'c,tC\'l1 EUl'ope, economic community. , f that has been in office for more than (1'0111 Ihe nlglit club queclI who ~t{'ps (,ul in [roilI of ttlE'm- StrvellSon's mosl comprrhensil'e ;pcech on (orrl:n plI\Jc. In Darlmoul But 1111 this i:; bound to be a gradual The world's largest tan~er h

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5 17, "956 "

I '. ••

uth ,Shore Notes, , .

day on Aug 16th... . . rrl,va s t and Mrs. William Yarn o( River· ••• dale, Upper .Gu11lcs. Congratulations to ·~frs. Chcsley AI)dreW9 who celebrated her birth· 1. .i!, . ,.. - II day Aug. lOt h.. " . :!".l ;[ • Mrs. A. Bu~!Ien o( St ••Tohn's, .,..... ;,. . ASP I'HHSOr\AL, was lasl week visitings friends a~d \i,.. ,1.1 , JIll ~t(S, \\'iIlin~ Hlscoc~ relations at l\Innuc~s. lJ'r spent their hollda) s . . __ Upper' Gullies ! Il"~~, " , \ I Cou~tne the Hurin Penin· Mr. and Mrs. I,. Rcdman oC St II I :1 , , ,\ , I their trip. they stay· .Tohh'~ Is presently spcndlng a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walters o[ , , ·OU! cabins alonR -the vacation with', Mrs. Redman's Gander Is presently spending a ,In daughter. Mrs. V. LeGrow at her holiday, thc guest o( Mr. and Mrs. • _ summer residence. Manucls. Lloyd ~!Idrews. "11 Charlie ~'rcnch, 11.1 J)l • C II relurned Irom arner The ninny II'uW' friends . of t!ley spent a. very , LongPo~d .Joyce Bishop will be sorry to hc~r I holida)' I'isiling fnends. she Is presenUy confined 10 her .. bed witH' meuel~. . The Many friends of ~Ir. and ~r.- Ind Mrs, Vharhe. Mrs. Harold Bullcr, Long Pond, I week·cnll were Mr, Miss Gertie Kennedy of SI. will be sorry to learn Ihat Mr. and ' IIIJlmes french of Bell John's .apent the week·end, the . Mrs. Butler narrowly escaped ~er· guesL 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Scolt, IBm Injuries recently when Mr. Upper Gullies, Dutler's car lVa~ Involved In a ~(rs. Lloyd Andrelv, rc~urned Rccldent with another vehicle 00 home Saturday aUer spendmg a ~aD1berlains---- ' Ihe Hodge Wnler Line. Fortunate· holiday visiling her brothers Rnd .. J n;~t Ill,ad of Newark ly Mr. nnd Mrs. Buller escaped sisters al Woody Point Bonne Bay. I, U,S,A, i~ 11I'csently seriou~ injuries lull the)' rccelvcd the guest of some minor injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Miles of Bishop 'Falls Is presently spending , , )In, I'. 'L. nUller. also Mr. Harold Portcr of Glace Bay, a !iolillay visiting Mrs. Miles sisters, Butler from Newark, is presently speltdlng a vacation Mrs. William Dawe and Mrs. arc ~liss Florence here vxlslting his molher Mrs. Mackey Dawe. elght.year-4Jld ~orothY Jessie Porter and also his broth· SIC This is Dorothy s first cr. '~ lilwfoundland and the ea ove ~ nio\'in~ Ihrir I'isit vcry K IIi ut ~Pc;k I'rr)' highl~' of th~ . e gloeW. S, Congratulatlnn~ and bp.~t wlshe~ Smartly styled all wool, Hound and Ihr~' are tu"· are extended to Mr: and Mrs. l~aac Ii!hin~ ~nd other Mllr"an o[ Seal CovlI who are re- ~me I~ he had. The Mr. and ~Ir~. Philip Oll'yer and jolclng In the birth rof twin hays Tf Ihll m om August four children motored from thl~ week, at the Grace oHs~lta1. fLII11I'e lor he. 'Stcphcenl'lI!e Ihls . past lVeek to' But Ihere Is a ~ad note to be add. navy "Petiteen . Skirts. spend a vBcation visiling his cd to this event, but the sad part --~~·I~'r. !laughter 01 brothers and sisters and friends. of it went Lo Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phil is well known around here Morgan who was taking Mrs. Mor· )Ir', Ted IMler. recentll' hal'lng operated a bus ~ervlce from gan' to hospital became Involved I t.·.1i~3~' in ~Iolltreal, thr. Kclligrcll's to SI. .John's for many In a accidenl with another car 'Rubrrt II, Dall'c. .t. ~'ears, he then moved his bus· which caused Mr!. Reuben Morgan Sizes 8-14 ..-'--- Iness and his family 10 Stephen· to be taken to hospital II well \,.:It:l Church annual gar· ville where he now operate a bus 'wlth some bone I broken and Mr. " "'~t,ith was held on Aug service in that town we wish Phil Morgan got a severe shaken up. , I \rr~' lar~~ l1umber of and his family a very happy birth· His pick • up wafi' considerably It:tndru. which mnde thr day. damaged. We wish Mrs, Morgan a I lllll 'Ufcrss and IIreat speedy recovery. ' :1 due Ihr filmmillee In Mr. an~ Mrs. Clarence Butt and to thr ladirs who work- four children o[ Deer Lake reo - Mrs. Ra~'mon Avery returned I;rd throll~hnlll the even· cently spent R holiday as the !(uest home from New York this week. -{~rt~dr \\'OI'k a suhslantial of Mr. and Mrs. William Pennell. Nurse Avery accompanied baby ~f monr!' \I'~~ realized. Leslie Dawe 10 New York where • Mr. and ~Irs. G~rald Wade oC the lillie boy will enter hospital m), frirlld~ o[ ~Ir. Alex Brll 151and is' at present spending for treatment to his eye.Hi5 right ~liI rr~rl't 10 ileal' he Is al three weeks vacallon at their sum· eve have already been removed. I palirnt in Ihe General mer home Kelllgrews. The sad news or this little boys and II r wiish him 1\ fight for his sight has shocked the Congralujftllo)1s 10 MI'. Ronald whole community. Mrs. Dawe left Wahh who purchased l new car last week for new York to be lit rt'centi)·. Ron 15 employed with cany frir~d5 o( ~!I,IS Irene the bed,slde of her little boy duro ,;11 be lorry 10 hear Ihat the C.N.R. Ing hl~ treatments and we ,Incere­ 10 be lII\hed to hospital Iy hope Ihd trult with God'. help ~Ir. and Mrs, William Connors the little boys .Igh can be laved ~lCk lor appendix, or B'ell Island spent 1\ holiday reo and wish him a speed recovery cently 8S the guest of Mra. George and a safe return home. • I!d lin, Charlie McCarthy Craig' Kelllgrew5. - , ' \\'ho have being , - ., Mrs. Ptesella Morgan ...of Seal I malinn al Corner Mr. and Mrs, William Walsh Cove Is presently spending a vaca· liliting (riend~ returned accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed· tlon at Morteon's Harbour, Notre WI ,.;eek and speak very ward Hesso spent the week·end at Dame Bay visiting friend, aDd cl Corner Brook and the Holyrood visiting friends. relatives. time th.y had. _ • ,-'- ' '( BIRTHDAYS Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dawe and my (rirnd~ ~{ :'tlr. Edgar Congratulations are extended to four children motored from Port will he surr)' to hear Mrs. Edward Besso of Kelllgrews aux Basques Inst week to spend a al pre •• ol a pBtient at who celebrates her birthday Aug. vacation visiting his father lIIr. hOSllital. 1I1r. Rock· 22nd. • ' Ell Dawe Dawe. CharJle spoke Ihe misturlulle whilst Congratulations to Mlchella ver)' well of bis trip and said the on I n~i~hbuurs house Fagan of Kelligrews who celebrat· road is in very good shape for I ~leelric pump broke cd hel' birthday Aug 12th.' • driving and Charlie wlll be making­ k " Congratulations are exlended to the rfeturn trip by car. bone in his hac ;-e Mrs. Ronald Wal~h who celebrated ' , , Ur. Rockw(IOd a speed~ reo her birthday A\lg. 12th. . Pmenlly visiting--- Mrs. Charolet Conl!ratulallon~ 10 IIIrs. Arthur Anne ~ear from Browns Arm via 01 Perth Tilley who celebrated her birth· Lewlsporte i5 her IIlO Cecil Lear, , _" day Aug. 15th. wire and three children. ~"I' .I~~'~y, \J.S.A .. · 18 Congratulations 10 Clair Riscock. " In a \'1;\1 10 hrr (ather, ~Ianuels, who celebrated hl~ birth· Rnek\\'oorl, ~I~n her day Aug. 3rd. St. Phillips \11\ rlr,My ~lifhaclF. ~!r~: . Con!!l'alulation5 to M18~ Cynthia . 30 HilliH Ann Frank Wescott Scntt who celehrated her birthday :.fany residents Irom Seal Cove Navy Gabardine l,55 190.4·20 6 .yd .. Aug. 12th. ' to opsall motored to. St. Phillips ~'hlll r.lilr ~nd lhrre Congratulations 10 llRrhilra Anne Sunday to. take parl 111 the Mem· Bill),. RII~~rl. Rulh, 1e~ Scott who celebl'ated herlourth· orlal parade &Pons~red by tlie SlIn'!." 1(1 make their birthday Aug. 12th. , . Loyal Orange ASSOCiation. The Iol· In . nartmollth, N.S, Congratulations 10 Mr. Lloyd lowing hand~ from the South th~ daughter of IIIr. Andrews who celebrated his birth· Continued on' page 7 ~avy Serge 3·65' 5·50 5·60 7.00 8.0~ 9.30 yd.

ow -3 Glliette' . RaZors, II, new shaving comfort for every type of skin and 'beard! MISSES' •

I LIGHT 'REGULAR, HEAVY ,r 'uh, "'t" with ,.".itlu ,\.1 .. . • •• f.r min with aVirage c.m· .;. f., m.n who lik. Ih. h,'1 •,,1 ft, m•• t .,..un,tt ...... ItI.Dtlon .ltkln ".d b•• "I . . and ful of a h.avl .. '.'01. " :. I, I. ; II· I . . i, . , I

~' I

• Nllw you till h.... ' luor Illlltbtd to your, raCe to tive.,·OU Ihal'es 10 dt"",' 10'''(rishiH,. io ~'Innk;,% tbat ;.Gu'll say. "Thli " II 't'" v • Sizes S I. les, ODe of thest Gillette uper·Speed Razors is jun right for )'ou to make shaving a breeze.

~h~.o!e the Gillette Super.Speed J lts matched to your facel . ~1'wI~ ."llSer al ,.,..,in 1""'11 ' '. " --"In c..nlilDt Strrn. trim CUI. . " YOUR (HOICi $1r1\" 1WISTa.. "'~Y.~r •• " t.· .""v.1 A II_Ide I lIMo sr. JOHN'S, '- In ',law. .{HlM th. "'I... · \1 " _W~(J(JND/.ANa. " CHOOSE 'fHI' ON~'JUSrl"G~r"OI roul IA,CEI . " .. " .

.. \

, I", j • I ..... , THE DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, , , The' F3:mily' Council

CHIT ~CHAT' COLUMN • [:DlTOR'S NOTE: The Family Councll consist~ 01 a II~ychiatrist, a newspaper editor, a "',omen's pa1e edit ladl~ ON HOLIDAY, , time. helping coach Ihe Unl· ntwspaper writers. These consult. with c1erg)'mcn 01 l~ a~d denominations. All' letters are held- In complete confide fallhl ReI'. and l\1r~. Charles Savage versity basekctball tc~m, , ,,' DCl arrived In the City on Satur~1IY to spend a hollda)' wllh Mrs. Savage's SHOWERS FRANK-Father is being bood· the falher has been parenl5, Mr. and ~lrs. Frank Kins· lI[\ss Louisc Hall was tendcred, \\'inl:ed, " []uenced, it is be:au. Und,l!e nil\1I 12 Gear S\I·cet. Rev. Savage a greenback shower last week by P. J, N,-My children neglected abandoned at his \\,c;kett , ,In is ,ihe Minister of the Bethcl Dap· 11 number o[ friends at hcr home, 1tJ ,v 01·1 For Batli me. .! the 'danger of ~uch inll' tll:! people list Church; Tufts Covc, Nova I:n Prince of Wales Street. Hostess 1,\ , '. '., Having made that ~ettl , Learning, lIou Scotia. " [or the evening was Mrs. Boyd e FRANK-My father was natural· ,children should rcali~l~i~ S),1113st John's is spell Housc. :'1Iss Hall lVas t~ndercd a Iy badly upset whcn my, mother ent situation, Ac~ordfn 1;' F3rk, 'here with ll! ,BY ,\UCIA IIAnT oied a year ago. At that lime my should arguing g", Rl~TURNED TO CITY miscellaneous shower by~: her co· cca~e ar d holidaY )Uss Louise Hall, ~lr. Cl,rl~· workers· at Bowril1gs on I'll :Y New 'on the domcstic eounlers sisler and I a.rranged for him to to discuss the proPolal . iliscock : Inpher Hope and Mr. Michacl night at which she receh'cd n; .. nl' is a bath oil from a lVell·known spend som~ time at a vacation rc· minds, an,d in a friendh' Mrs Rohert Neil ;\1 Hope, returned to Ihe Cill' re· beautiiul and IIseful lliCls. She, is nwnufacturer, This oil,' ~\'hieh sort. Whll~ there, ,he ,lDet-. a If, It IS a bad sdiem 'and' -s'pelLt thc lI'eek,c1 IS ccntly a(tcr spending a holl· 10 bc married to ~Ir, Christopher n~lther cleans nor bubbles,' de· younger man and hiS wlf~ With best, hopc for th\\'artin;'~' Thcir SOIL Edl day with Mr. Hopes' parenls, JIope at Gower Strcet United slgncd to help a woman ,gIve he:- whom he became very friendly, be III Icarning about ,t It [5 Ia nd ' I' n ,pending a ho lei ~lr. and Mrs, J. E, B. Hope, Church on August 25th. ,self, an ~nti.d~y skin t,reatment m I This man has talked him into se!l. in a ,discussion with i~! bee ' with them,; cO!l]lInclton With was lung, ' ill ~ some propcrty and stocks til Whether it is a fra d I, . Shopsh,lrc, Enr:land. 1I0~IE FRO~l BUSINESS TRIP The oil may be used in two lI'ays,\, order to invest the money, with HInale venlure I'n" ~ ,or 1 b~' Bobby Cranc. n mal' , e ru bb ed on th'e s'k' m be· him in a new husincss venture. ceed to learn about' .) ,\'""r,ull , " ON HONEnioON' ~lr. Kcvln Murphy, who lVas In I b :III'. lind Mrs. Calvin l.cGrow, ner . the U.5,11. and Canada on busincss fore taklllg a sho\:er, ?r tll'O cap., l\!y sister and I have both ex· limin=ry, howcrcr, th!y ;1,1 Louise rlnscnt. who were marrlca for Dowden & Co, Lid., returned flll~ may be put rIght III the bath pressed our streng opposition to age to end the r' u.t, al Weslc)' Unltctl Church on' Tucs· by TCA yesterda)·. Mrs. 111. p, watcr, Eithcr way, Ihe process' what he proposes to do, but he and persuade th~i;,e~1 d~' arc spending Ihclr honeymoon ~[urph)', who accompanied, him, is takes ad~anta~c of the fact that a L'c[uses to listen, arguing that it Ithcir minds arr. nct ,a~~er 11'111 at'Trinity Cabins rcmaining on the mainland for an· \\:ar:~ skill abs,orb more: lub, is his money and that we have no son. c,o .. d'tl - , , ot her month, l'lCatlOn from the Ol[ than WIll iI I'i~ht to tcll him what to do with I Joseph Wood ,a~~ dau i Gander are \'Isltlll!, , YISITISG WESJ.EYVILU: dr~, cool one.. I it. Wi 1' - l[r. and LevL Py \ , S'lch a product could help a 1':0-1 This altitude hardly seems fair r ]Ol~s. l1iss ,Joyce Winsor, Penny· Wee { s Se\ " mr,n who suffers from Ihe drYlIlg to either of us. 1lly sister sub· \ wcll Road, is at pr,esent ~pend· • \, effect of, water. sun and almosp· jectcd her husband and children Tl 'f and ~[rs.- Fred Whalen , in~ her \'ucation with rclath'cs' here ~I\I'Ing ~hc, sll"'!mcr. II could to neglect in order to nurse our, • 11'1 ty , \'isiten 1\11'. and ~Irs. .. al WeslcY\'illc. m:an that a }alh: IIlstead o~\,dry- Motlier. Years ago, I abandoned J Gardiner on Sunday. In_ oul the skill 5,1111 furthe~, ouldl mv own ideas fQr my future in' "I~ITE)) II.\I.U·,\;' i ' l'e,\ore some mOls!tll'e to It. 'd t b f th ' ! sophie- Blackmore' , ' ~!L'S, Wallilcc Pl'nncll ancl 111'0 The hath oil c,~mes in a tall, or cr 0 0 cy my a cr., , B,B, was the guesl ~on'. .. I' I . I n lip I'flllne'" Now we feci that he IS bemg Da\'k\ ar.d Robert, al'ril'cd e",me I'Ica I'ln a ( ~ CUI d' k db' h' Cecil Gosse jor ';'i:l onr. the mnnllhdul'cr's, h,oo Will e ,eca~se, III IS lon~. lmk in tile City Tncsda)' alter. I or , llIless and gnef, he has been captl· ~1'~lIdlnl: thr('e II'ce!,s I'isitillg I'Co I'uterl by the smiling face of this I~tives al Halifa,~. "1 I man's wife. We feel, further that and ~[rs.- Harold Pre!I~' ' there is no way to stop him ex· spent· sunday here \'1.111 1.':FT WEIISE!:%\ Y and ~[rs, Maxwell CI \ cept to la)' claim on him as his .111', an~1 ~Ir~, William Rowe, ,llPirs, odious though that course ~lld fmllil)', 11o:lncy Streel , is. .left \\'~nnrsd~,\' 10 mvler 10 • • • Nalhan Vokey left on ~I L'n~n~r Brock ,,'hcrc thcy will p, J, N,-I resent my childreli's Toronlo after spending l;len:1 111'11 lI'e~ks visiting rc, jumping to their, conclusions just with his parenls, Mr. "-til'c.\ and friends, because these people arc charming Solomon Vokcy. and welcome m>' company mnrc ,n,:pm'ZNG m:llIc.\I. and Mrs. Arch Badcoek, ! than my own family. T~:';'\n1E~T \ The inl'Cstmcnt idea appcais to 'I visited Mr. and :'lrs. If "ii's. Elilahclh Tador. Vallr\' I ine as a sound one, [ made a mis, on Sunda)·. nn:'rl. (ornel' Brunk, iii at pr~sefil take, it now secms, whcn Ire· i" the City and i~ rccril'inJ: medi· ltired from niy joh because of my and l[rs. Gerald Samuei , ,"'I tr~atl11cnt at II:r Graee 110" wife's fatal illness. NolV I am lost Kcith, SI. .John's " pit .. 1. While here ~hc i, the ~nest herc on Sunday, as gu , ' without somcthing to do, and I 01 Ill', ami )It·~, William T~ylul', am confidcnt that the nclV ven· 'and l[ro. Arlhur Seym IJ.:ltimore Street, ture will be gaad for me finimcially and in morale as wcll, I have done Alfred Smilh cm[1lo~'rr TO .\TTEl'i1l n'Jo:IlI11S(; things for m~" children, and I 1 sprnt a fcw days of Ont,of,tuII'1I I'i,itors for Ihe don't think, they should begrudge i \'i!iting his family her~ I\'rdc1ing of )Iiss nuth RI!s,ell me my chance just because I am i to ~lr. James ~1;lhon II'hieh Vokc), returned 10 takes plnce at the Church 01 (Daily News Photo) past 60, 1 on Tursday aftcr spell, England Calhedral on Satur· .\ 't' f d t 11 t I 'II b d' ,~II' lJ~,Ln oU (I'Cdls Ul'y ,lilll • • ~ R 11 11 0 WI ' IS ' 'mil adds fragrancc. It can he: THE COUNCIL-Brolhcr and \ wilh relath'es hcre. day. August 18th. arc: )lrs, G. To -dny, new ex 1 IOn mo er n ar ,mos y wa er co ours, e eln in hath or rnlJbell on be' : sister, made a s,crious blundcr at n, Laidlaw, ~Ilss B. Smith, p1 a Y alt Bowring Brothers cafeteria. The p icturc show~ Miss Irene Sharpe, the artist 1t'~11 i Canon T. E, Loder )1t'5. wi,t t ll'ee of the pictures which she paintc d during the past year. Two of the painting;: fore s:lOII'Cr, I the lime of thCIr mother's dealh. I , ' -'Ir. anci II, C. Lewis and h E, II. Vokcy I'isitcd the son, all (If Halifax, End II'hlle in the picture were prize winner~ in the s)J ring competition' at the Annual Students' 'I'hey should have stayed close to I Tucsda)', Ill're arc registered ilt the 4628, Show in Sal"asotn, Florida, this ~'ear. ficultIheir fatheradjuslment during p'eriod, hIs mostor they!lif· , Newfoundland Holcl, ~[rs, r and WilCred lIcneh I'Rml BUSTO!" 14\~t~~4:i 1__ take !hem around to sec the si::ht< should ha\'e arranged for olher childrcn of Bal' Rol ! ' ~liss GrRco Russcll RtTircd in ----~----~ they say, "Well, it's been nicl : relatives to stay close to him. If Mr, and ~Irs,' Solo , on Sunday, Ihe Cit~' reccntly from Boston, PRINTED P~TTERN BtU W visiting you-but I sure wou' halt \ ~l~ss" 10 attend Ihe 1I'~(hlin!: ()f, Ollr licw Prinled Pattern is a e ween 5 omen to have lolh'e'here," Ih·es. bl,lt 'thaI, is insi!:nificnnt in ~hss Ruth Russell, winch lakes' wonderful aid to CUsV sClI'in" I The moral to Ihis second a~tit:l; compart;on \\,.th the stretel we Yl'Onne Gosse, Siu place on Saturda)' .• While here I Inslructions al'e PIlIN:rED rigiti I BY RUTH ~IILLETr would seem 10 be Ihat whethcl" ----,- place on 0111' failh and OUl' re· at Ihc Gr~ce Hospital she IS the :::ucst of ~ll',.anll ~[rs, on each IHll't! This die.hutton Ilhey live i~ the,cily or the,cO{mlr)',; Bills, bill!>", bi1ls-so~leho\\' w,c, ligious assets. .Ju.t hecause Gorl ~lix,and,mat(h the;~ !" ' her \'acalion with ~, H, II. Russell 44 Circulal' Road. 'I' ,.Iyle is wonderful for Ihe half.size • 1 folks aren t qUlle as hospItable ns atways have a lot o[ btlls that ,IIC has been so liberal willI us \\'e iOllo-makr a ',\,,,j'(Ii'o~t r! Mr. and Mrs. H, ,flgm'c:-s'Q'() flallcl'ing! ~lakc it SELF·INVITlm GUESTS ,\R El'i '1' , Ihel' nwl,c rescn'alions at Rho, _:.: I they pre lend to be, for;:et about. Some o[ Ule bills forgct that II'c are stcwards (:' IIi, 'en,\' JIb l'iotl,r; from Accom:panying :lIiss ( a sundress or jumper! IN CITY OR Not on your life. They wl'ile Sa whether iI's a "city cousin" are recllrrin): and una\'oidable,; gifls, ,Iterri! nr f ' , WELCO~IE Sierrrl~" Edith Dale, also ,tu BOR!" ,\TUllIO , Pl'lllted Pallern 1e28: Half Sizcs COUNTRY cousin Sue and her hu~band OL" or a "country cousin" )'ou'd like There are always the i:, ~it:,bl~, God expecls ," til u~e ou:' t:;I, I clas~ic silirt eo,,1 halicr : Friends In St. ,John's will hc Ii 2, I,m, 161 20'", 221'.>, 241,~. Sizc: Not long ago I wrote a columll cousin Sam and his wile ad say,: 10 vlsit-)'ou had belter wait :".' ':'1 items of li,~ht, hca~, water, taxes,; cnts in His servfce, He will not fill s~irt: short'. pedai ' glad 10 learn that a sem, KUl't 16',; lakcs 3:l. ym'ds 3S,ineh, : 011 behalf of "country cousins" who "I thoughl I'd stay with you for a ! ),ou are urged to come, , tcod, clothing and Illsurance. : multirly our spil'itlld n~,cts :f I\'r,' FIVE ~lIlan 'ytlr, to ;r~! and l[rs.' Stcphen Butt Allen, I\'HS born 10 ~fr, and Direclions p'rintcd on each tissue i aU summer long find themsclve" fell' days," ' . \ Self·inviled guc,ls nppal'cntly' Then thcrc arc emcrgenc)'; do not assist Hi, of en', Pattern ml: n,m' S,I(; Ih~ pI'O~l'~m bo),s are visiting ~It's. F ~[I's, Bill Smlthpelcrs of !i patiern parI. Easy.to.usc aeeu, , sleeping and feeding visitors "IT'S 8EEN NICE, BUT-to arc);'t welcome in the city or the items of medicine, doclo;", dCll'; ing man, and for His 14, 16, 18, 2'), Size 16 ;:::; "fr.~l\ pra~:il!~ llr. and Mrs, Edward Wcsterl'iIlc, Ohio, nn Jlfl~' 21. ratc, assures perfect fit,' i town"-among them some whu While Uley arc in the city the)' country. I tists, hospitals and accide~ts, Each quidance, We seem to- think that yards 3:;,inch, skin, 3'. )lrs. Smilhpcters was Ihe iol" Send THInTY.FIVE CENTS (33' invite themselves for a weell and expect to be entertained, and sholl' 1 ------' • : month we also have the Ilems for Ollr spirilual asset,> can be '::ed shorts, I yard: i1~lter, 1', ~Ir, and ~[r~, E mer Georgialc Korsborn, was I,c.cnts) in eoins (slamps cannot be others Who just '.'drop In" ir. lime inc "country cousins' all the sight~! LO:-mON (Rculers) - An ln'l ~Iea,;tlre a,nd for more, romfortnble, over and ol'er without our im·est.1 This pattcrn w!' t,o ~;I, i accepled for this p::lI:l'Il. Pdnl' ror Sunday dinner. can be both expensin : quest jury ruled Wednesday that liVing, which lI'e pay III full or on; ing Jrything of ourselves in the 1 pic 10 ,cw, l. tcsten f'lr f.:, for the weekend lI'err rone of the ehecrleaders at \\'eal'~'ing, lIrs, Jack Bakcr anr! f: l,lemorial Unh'crsity in 1032, plainly SIZE, N A M E, ADDRESS: Now, it' seems that the "city and time consuming, • ,the death of a young London delayed payment plan;;. I rr

These are prolitab!~ and popular Trustee Investments in NO"'a Scotia, Prince Edward Island, 'few Bruns ..... ick and Newfoundland. GET THEM AT YOUR INTEREST PA.Y AILE SEMI.ANNUALLY I To 2 YEARS,. 4 % ,GROCERS NOW ,3 AND 4 YEARS.. 4 'A% 5, 6 AND 7 . YEARS • • 4 !h%

• , For .complete information contact The Eas­ ,tern Canada Savings' and Loan Company re- present~fives in Sf: John's., . , BROWN,. RENOUF " MERCER Barristers and Solicitors ' Newfoundland's RENOUF BUILDING - DUCKWORTH STREET largest and must' '/ ' .. JUST AS Spaniard' ,ed the en . 'from the· ", facial bur .. ' , " , " , " " , \

, . . , 7 THE D~llY NEWS, FRIDAY. AUGUST 17, 1956 • . ' - .South Shor.e Ne,vs conlll1ucd [rom pace. 5 ~~ Shorc supplied the masic, Hope. well LOA Band, Foxirap LOA Dand •. Topsail bOA Band. Many CARBONEAR N'EWS brthren from the South Shore at· tended the paradc also. The par~de · hb INS I moved 0[( from the LOA hall- e~g our ~ws mon' Cove . lendins in' the paradc were the I) crsonals N y; a Boy Scouls,.Glrls Friendly Society, members of the LOBA Loyal Or·

l' \10111\1':.\11. :\lIgll~1 11-:'111'. CARBONEAR-VlsiLing Mr, anr], P~rsona IS ange Association and thc Royal .' I \:r' llm!a' nrl'il'l'tl fl'OIll Bo!" and Mrs. John Hiscock, Victoria, __ Blackrr conditions Preccptory and wl\h Ivith ideal a wealh·lovely :.' '.1;1.". tllll'illl: lhl' week and are !IIr. and Mrs. Lconard Snook, Kina Pcnney Is now spending sea breezc the parade mover! I, .. \1,\:lIi1n~ a fl'w \\'(,l'l;~ \'acntlon ~Ir. Thomas Snook and Mrs. WI!· a wceks hollday~ with her ul1cle' through that beaullful. settlement, \ 1<1\ \ir. 1li:'!lard Taylor. !lam Bradbur~', of Evcrell, Mnss. and aunti 1\11'. and I\Irs. George with many cars 'Ieavlng the route two brr.thers and two sisters. 1\11' Butt. Of march and many people [rom \11' Itil-'I~rtl \il'l'al'1hy and ~O!I, and Mrs. Leonard Snook \'Isited the city. were also present to view I' (I· .. h·;\, .\I~',,, art' 1'lsIIIII\: Ihrir rela1iI'cs fOllr years ago but J\!lnnle Rose and Daphne Kel· thl! parade. .' ••.. :, .. \1 111'< Edll'nrtl ~lcC:l\·th.v. iL is tbh'tY'six ~'car5 since' 1.11' loway left for Toronto gucst of The whole .seltlcment was be· ," II.'i.I"··' ('01 t' .\!lulhl·r 1'151101' Thomas Snook visited his former ~Ir. and Mrs. ChestJy Kelloway. decked with flags and buntings ': \'., .1. ,)"~I'I' uf Comer \lrnn); home. and flfly.two years since' . --,-' through Ihe entire route or the • 'J 1 1!',1! nw.IIl" that "u~ two h.-u ~!J's. Bratlblw'Y \'Isitecl h. MI's. .l\!I~s Beatrl~e Parsons or Bell parade. Th!! parade made its way : It ••. :'1111 1I\I·i,· ,bll'l'> nrc tU!;el' Snouk and ~Irs. B'I'adburl' are sl~. Island Is. spending two weeks up the winding road to that bcauti • • : f .. : i; I' ) il',1 lillll' ill 111: I:" tN'S nf' ~[r Hiscock R t'l .. .hOIlVdllYS with 1\11'. and Mrs. Gil· ful church on the' hili overlooking .' .:', '~'r 1:111'\1' lill' 1'("lInloll I. ~ • • • 0 I men bel' 'Penney tl I f h:I\'(' dunr. well In the land of Uncle.' Ie mont I a l'onceptiun Bay. It .. '",''' 11'1.' ;1'111 \lla~ 1I1l'h' l'lsit b~ Salll 1'1 . was hl're Ihe p~~ade cmn~ to a .. '::lIl 111&';' lIi'h it In ill'. ., .. IIIll1a~ as a carp~lner, ann Alice Noke yalld Lora Clarke, hall, while Ihe IIlree I"n~s ·'conl· , as lJu " ". • ~: "j,I\('1I l'aYI1('. ~Il.',f" Lronard 1lin Irr:n.workrr., ,,'_,- nr e now sl~enu.11 111( th.clr hoUday' hlned togethel' 10 play th;lt olrl QFF BERMUDA COAST-Crew members of the USS Sub Grenadier, aground on reefs eight' miles north of " I .' ~. II 1l1ll'1'1'1l I'ayne mhl I'.'crr \'N~' p eased to make their Ht .Sal,mon cO':t! guest o( 1\11'. and batlle hymn: "Onward Christian Haul lines' to pull coast guard rescue boat alol1 gside. Sub which "slruck reefs recently was in no danger orge Bermud~. .... ":. ~t('I'I"'11 ('alllle. of Hr. acnu~lnlanr" and we trust thair 1\11'. Gr helluwuy. Soldiers," whlle the memhers of because of calm seas and clear weather. Part her 71· man crew has already been removed. -A tug (right) stands ' .. ,' ::,' '1'1'111111 ~ Ilwi!'lwllda.'S holltla~' will he most ~njo)'able. -- \ Ihe parade entered Ihe Church. AI· .o~ " ~, 1.11' I:UI'>I., nC :'Ih'~. lialTI. -'--- Ray Somers Is now spending a though the Church' was filled t~ by.-O.N. Photo). , ... '01,'1 '. holl~ay wllh his parents, 1\11'. and capacity lind many hml 10 remain I.n a napti.~l1Ial SCI'\'il'e at "Ic ]\11'5. WIIUllm Son'ers. He Is a em· outside they were not depril'ed of 'i . I.II\!!" Tal'!o'·' fnrl11el'I~' If i tona nn Sunday, August 5th ployee at Buchans. the sel·l·ice. A puhlic address sys· , ..... 1'. liopt'. 11011' of EI'l'rett, rlnt'n prr.lons II'CI'P haptlzed In tem wa~ erected oulside . the , '.. "I", j, li.'i1il1~ Iwr Ilau~h. I'ilt' lI'otcrs of Beal'cr Ponli bl' l\ladeUne :'Ind Hosemary Pen· Church {or the occasion-the ScI'· ' .. Ill" :,'(.phl'~\ l'a~·l1r. of II:'.' !':lslor 1'"~·lor. A tcsllmor.\' ·mec·. I ncy • a~c n~w spenillnG a holiday vice nt the Church wa$ conducted I, • I' I' :-PI'IUllllg a r{,ll' cia ,'S I mg \las held hcftlrc Ihe 1m' . I t at l'iol mAn s Cove wllh ~[rs. WII· by Rcl'. (lrc hDeacon Legge, who .•' ~, lIlt' gUt"1 til .\II'~. lIarry mH II 1\'as la"~ell' attelldc~CI~~I~~ IIAm Plel·cy. also delivered a very inspiring 1 1',1:111)' (rom nel~hhourlnJ( con;nllllli. ndrlress for Ihe occasion . Bay' Roberts News . lies takln;: pori partlcill .J. I th Leona Penney Is spending her After the service the parade 'I' (;"11' ~p ~:I\II1(I:I'~ of St. way of con;lrcgatlonal all~. n e holidays at Corner Brook wth formed up again and paraded .:. :, :,.lId a ,hlll'l 1'I'lt In tOW'1 s nbl!ll(. 1\1I·s. Oscar Pelln('y. back to the Orange lIall, where , I !': .d.l, I Bill 1\1. ClarKe relurned to his some. short addresses were given • • Wedding . :'Ill'. ;nd 1\h" Samuel P work at Buchars aftcr spcndlng were In attendance from St oJhn's l\if I Birthdays Bells II: .. ";I:'Y t'l':.wflll'd ~l1ent ~ Ponti Sldl' al:~ ;~Ioicln cllney, his hollday's wUh his parents, by some grand lodge offlc~rs wh~ if. Umelpa I I . I". ':" .Ihl&' 1\OIi.tla~' herr. a; bh'lh of n' tll'ln \\'e e:lel~ld tlfe I :\11'. and. Mrs. "'lIllain Clarke, After this the mcmbers of SI. C' . I HAY ROBERTS-SI. lIIatthew'~ . ::U'" lit .'11" ~1l'h()las Kell' 'Ihem hcartlest congr t I II 10 ..."-- Phillips I.OA sel'\'ed light lunches onvenhon BAY ROBERTS-~[rs. Bcrt At· I Anglican Church, was the scen~ r. '. . and hl'st (or At ?1lS' 1\11'5. ;\lal'guerltp Day' of Bell Is. ,for Ihose who remained behind, nAL ROBEHTS-Altholl;;h \\'1~lle.~__ th~ ~ u UI e. IIRnel Is spendlnr. a munt.11 on holl. i t hUR Pliding another memorial kinson (nee Susie Bradbury) of i a. little l;ite, Happy bil'lhd~yl;~W of a velY pretty wedding on Sat· I S urday July 21st.. when Vera Eliz· a tl \II'" .lad; Bad(IlI'~ or l'lIt~, :\11'. and ;\ll's. l.eallde '1'1 .1 I~UY willi hel' si.ter 1\Irs. }..ucy I Sen'lee at Sf. Phillips. 11 ession Triton Onlario, is spending hl'r, wishes arc sent·to Geraldine )ll'I' abeth. Twin daflghtcr of MI'. and ~ .1,,: .... , '111'111 a ,hurl huhcilll'. mas, Soulh Sldl'. . I' 10 11 cnney. I' vacation with her falher ~Ir.: eel', who ccleBrated her ninth llrs. Frank Tipple of this town. \. " 1, ~ht' gll,';I' IIf )'11'. 31111 . __ M M Richard Bradhury and family. 1 hirthday on Aug. first, froin all was united in the bonds of Hol~ :1., (;I'IIrUr liuUlh Side. . ;\Iasfcr Vln;lrtJ'ik c' G' :, ,up by EI'nest Penney of anuel's. ake BAY ROBERTS-"-Our I her litlle friends and family. IIlalrimony to Airman First Cias! l:ar~I"____ . Falls Is spe/ldin a ,I nJ:d I SahpunPI~ked CUI'C a huh cap belong· 1 the scene of much loll'~aclml!es .1~~5 1111'. and Mrs. Bert Bradbury, I --.- h~llo bee~1 Joseph Tate. son or Mrs. Elm~ ,':. \11;1" \'lIlInl: and dau"hh" I 1"lIh 111. gl day hNC ling 10 a 1955 Chc\'l'ulet OWner F· d dunng the past few days, In pre· Toronto, arrived Salurday via TCA! Best hirthday wishes arc scnt 10 · ,. . . ". : . ., 1:1'8nt .mothcr '[ r , . . 1 I'len st' [ hI" 1 ' to .pnnd tllel'r v c't'o \\··th tl . II 1" B' I l' I . I" t h Hughus. and the late Claude Tat. , ,". " . (If 1II'IIiI'I/1'\I('. art' I'lslt.' Juhn Fral~c al d II 'I" s. may have It by contuetlng Ernest ' para. IOn or tel ulllcipa enn· 0 C a " I n I IClr: aro u IS JOP, 0 ey s Olll II' 0 of Richmond, Ca\i[ornia, The cere , I' Ih', ('nil ]'lIa'. i'll'. 1C \'011 • 10· All:':. '~ ;1:1(1 1'1';:'1'. aunl, 3n;1 '~!rs ·~t ~1~lr'de ~~r1 l'el1ne~', Salmonler. . t. I'enhon which ,sessions starts daugbter, ~Irs. Wallace ~lenehion"' celcblatcd his birthday 11th. mony was performed by Rev • •• 1\1' C I\I"'C Iht.\. "I,lIed fl'l. Ilt.' 'Soulh SI I . a~\\al hn· . til' ' k arc In roriucmg a rcb· nay Aug. 13th. On SalurddY Ihe and ~lrs. Will. Holmes, and ~Irs. -- Canon '1'. E. Lodq, reclor 01 ".!. ::l 1'\1' (';I"II~1. :I'hl' 'hlt~ilnll'I" (e. N B . f :10 c: ma:c, the r~lationshlp knuwn town \l'aJi gaily decorated wilh Bradbury's sister ~liss Pearl Snow. I Happy lJirthd:IY wishes 1.1 LiI· Holy Hedemer Church, Spaniard'~ ;. 'i I.'" 1'1' 11(f'l'li~ at the C.S .. \.· :\11'. lind ;\II~~-I-I-. II II" '11 ... ewsv rle s ,i .,~[~.~t1rSI~V~~dl:~tll_on: "~Irs Sm!th Ina~s etc .• in anticipation of 1I~r. --,-' !lian Mercer who cclebrated her · ." .1 __ ":::11\. 'tl" {. • ... alo c, e sand " l" It' I., IS. lilY eOllSIlt, ill'l'I\'als of ~la)'ors and CounCIl· Mr. ancl Mrs. Herbert HusBell" bil'lhday August 1st., wishes are Bay. __._ . Islclr tl a c!llldlcn. CI)'de :Lnd I __ ! 1m BrolllJ mnkcs It ca~icr ior: lors [rolll I'arious districts. arrived from Toronto by ear 5~nt from hcr family and lriends. • I Ti\!' hrirle looket! radianth '1. ,1.1111(" /llll'l:~(,'. of the IJ~;:~u, soC ~llpld~ spenl Sunday: CAHBOXEAH August 11....:.;\11·. h~~ !r~ ~all:. to ~Im. It 15 alw3)'s' 'fhe nTCetings will begin with Thursday to visit Iheir former -- beauli[ul in a ballerina lengli. .. "f ('Iarkl", SU\lI'I'l11al'lwt. Il I .. ,gUr.ls 0: •.and , and .:lII·s, E. Cranlfol'd, Of. Ht: ! ci u: to persons YOIII an address of welcome eiven by ho")c and Ml's. Rus'l . Syll'ia celcbralcrl hpr • ~I .~. II~C ~II· ~ t l Ide~tJ()'g ~he ~uuntry Ro~d ~lcrcer gown of white nylon net over sal, :' \ I": iI>' 'Il~ h,'1' allnual "aeat ,I S•• 111 IIO,C .IUIIl'S, South Hldr. ; .Iohn s and :III'. and :\[I'S. Sll'aUHS 1 ~~oroillce, .tcllm I~ hCl'e I the), arc I acting mayor W. E. Mercer. J.P., sell 5 Sister, lIIrs. Freeman Holmes, ,bIrthday August 15th .• Best wishes in, wilh matching balero, aM . . M' R I' :--- • I Dnd fill'. Slarns, of 1\lonll'enl,11 nI, or \Ihat they arc Inlereste~ followed by an address given by ShearstolYn. Iarc 5~nt [rom Emily lind Eric at shoulder lengl h veil held In place • __ I I.• tan c~ Hnhlnson, or for.: were In lown on Tuesday. . n.. . the Honourable S. J. Jle((~rton. . -- St. John's. by a coronet of Pearls, and carry l.lll,au I'i~r null ':'<[1'. r:1'i~ : ~~~to, Is. spending ~ holiday, hcre , __ . , e~~lIi~dllchon~ :\!IO~llrl case sh·an· Following this Ihe Premier tim Miss ,Judy Howse of Coriler -- ing a bouquet of red and whitf l' ,,'~ \'all' ,!:al'rd 11ll'II' I'aca ,:' 11t'!\~NI' ~~d .~[~~. rhlll1la~" ?Ish.' PI~. ,james PCIHley, of the noy.1 g_ ~-,.~~~vcI~~~n_.____ Honollrahle J. H. ~mal1wood . will Brook is presently spending her! Happy birlhday grecUn"\ tn carnatiun and [ern. as she entere~ l I , .,' 'i 1 \11'. anrt :\,Irs. Geur~e I with Miss ~~~~,II ~~!I~ :0 r(dllo~to, IIlII Canadian Army, Is spending lis Ihe daushter 'l{ 1111'. and 1'[1'5. address the .gathermg and "ecbre holidays as Ihe guest of hcl' I Jlo\l'ard. ~Icrcel' who cclelJl'atr.d t hc Church on the arm of her • , :: '.1,. ~ollih ~id('. IIml ~Ir. an,ll brother ;I'h a ~I S I an er, I ~ Bnnual Icnl'c with his pal" I AndreII' Butt, oi the South Side the Convention duly opened. grandmother, 1111'S. Edward ~Ier·' his hirthday on August sixtcen:h, father, to the strains of Wakner'~ , .I""k I'ila'. l'ikr's Lant'.' Idslt Ins tl I~mns. \I 10 arc also i enls, lIll' .. and 1\11'5. Samuel Pcn •. We wish t.hcm cvery happines~ 1 After a recess of fiftecn minu:e" eel'. greetings come from his family Bridal Chorus, played by her ___ I Ie I ~'S. II~e~, Ill:. nock lilli, hnvlng 31": In their ne\\' home. Ihc COlln~il will ploceed wilh tc· ,-- and friends. twin sister Delia, and her cousin 'I.' ,I.:":; ])1'1,1'011 uC SI. J(\htl'~ :'I[ , I ~ , I II cd ,fltlm London Onl., a few' __ gular bUSiness. ~liss Susie Windsor returned Miss Olga Fradsham, o( SI. John's, • 11111 n on Sallll'day, Ihe .• l. ~\~(. : h·s .. :~lIgllstln~ Lrn~h ,~ays ?go. We wish th young. ;lIl's. Gem'gc Dl\vis of tile Soulll Quite~. numher of dclegalfs ho~e Friday. 11'0m .spending hcr 10'Very happy birthday greclings they were gowned in ice blUe , .' IIf \11'. anrl ~Irs. f. L. BlItt, .•1I~t1 1111 C~thlldl( n. nf SI. ,Iuhn 5, "oldiel a happy hol\day. ' I Side celebrated her birthday nn have al'rlved, and it is eXjlccled hohdays at HarlJour Grace as the 1 a grand old lady in the persun gowns, wilh matching headbands, ,,:. ~:d(', ' lIl.e >]lent n' a h~I!ldlIY with 1\11"4 _ .t August 4thl and shc \\'as the re. hy evening all the Councils of Ih~ guest of Mr. and :'>Irs. Roy Ab· I of ~[r.s. Annie Battcn, Brigus Road, and carried bouquets of multi· ____ ' II Illiam IIlIgan .• I \\'0 other rhll.: 1\11'. ,John Saunders o{ 51. ,Iohn's I elplent of l'ome lovely gifts at a Pl'ol'ince wili he rcpresented. bott. i who celebrated hcr 79 birthdJY colored carnations ami Iern. ':: '1:\0 ~II',. I'arldy SI;cans I,f I ~:~~I:il;~~I.dr ~;I:I SIWlilia :hll'll' 5pe~d. i Iwa~ In town QI) Fl'lrla~.. In the parly. llelrl In llel' honour ;t' hcr 1 ~!cmbers of, press and radio iI'ill -- Ion Augnst 9th. Aunt Annie as ';,,':1\', '\I"nt a ,hurt h{lllcla~' hI ,II I,O,.CRYdW t[l.t c I' untIe I nterest of the Borden Company. I home. Congratulations are in at'. he 10 attendance to record pruce.d· ~[r. and ~lrs. Joe Barrett, form·lshr. is more familiarly known still The f10wcr girls, Iillle fivr 10" I:. IIII' J:II,'sts of :'111.. and a~:I. aUllt 11 I. 110 1\ I s. Jack 110' II' .. del'. . . ings. erly of French's Cove, arrived from takes her daily walks, can sew ~nd year old twin sislers of the bride, ; F. I.. HUll. Suulh Side-. g , Messl s. platt~I'Y. Jones nnd 1 ___ Toronto via Car on Saturday 10 knit without the aid of ~Iasoes. Linda and Marilyn, were dressed . __._ Stel'ensun, tra\''i!liIng salcsmen, I 1'11'. and ;\Il's. ,JUl1lCS ;\ol'lheolt IRIP hI" visit Mr. John Dawe and his daug- and is still privileged with guod in identical pink flocked shefr • I .. 111;1 l'I'I.nl"ll arril'rd fl'ulll ,:\lIss LOllisc O,Hes of 1.lle South i were In tOll'nd Clurlng Ihe weck, left Toronto In their pril'ate cnr i teSU ts U Ie ter Myrtle, Dawe's Head. health. A IlI'ouP of her friends nylon dresses and matching head· , 1 . ,. [\ '1'1 I I Sidc Is spending a hnlirlay with I on buslne~s. ' aboul tllc middle of JII d fl' -- gathered at the IJome. o[ 'Ir·.'. K. bands, and carried bouquets of t 5. ,0'. _ • lemon and white carnations. ·" .".:. '.l •.' ..'. I (I 111'1'(In IllUlhl'I'.IUI'SI ay ~1l'S.a,t. ~II'. . "ncin ..'II' l' r d St al'l ., Bay J'. I'tel' touring Quebec Newne anBrlln .a· '. E~ • t' Mr. and. ~[rs, Harl'ey Snoll', Tor· I M. Batten to lender her aII birth·, 1,. FI"I\I'h, bel·ts. ! Sympathy Is extcnded 10 I\I1's. i wlek and NOI'n S~o~la. cros;e~11 xamlna IOnS onlo are presently visiting ~Ir. day party, which she thoroughly . __. Amos Penney, South Sidr. on Jlhe G ul( and tOlII'cd thc greater BA Y ROB EilTS _' . Snow of this lawn, and lIIrs. Snow's I enjoyed. The groom was ably suppor[cd by airman Firs\ Class Chuck Henry I~, ll('~in~ld Saundcl'~ and ilil s. Hannah ~[aI'Y I,cnnedy Ilhe passing of her nlo\Jler at HI' pal·t of this I'I'cwiuce Including', t' th f 1\ • congr.!tula· relath'cs at Harbour Grace. i .-- of Ohio and Arthur Thomas of t. • "('1' Fiinllt'lh went 10 SI. l'ell!l'nCU tL hl'r home. on Lll{! GI'nCC, reccntly. . ,l.cwlspol'te, the rllrthpiace of 1\11'.'\ 0 pupils , ' birlhday greetings to I~a~ i ~11~~~:sls~UII ~ O~J~~ I~'ho Happ~' St. John·s. .1 ....1\ Tl\l',rlll~'. In spcnd a !i~I.lth, Sld~., af1~I.,~flendl!IR. a .~cw !. __ . I :'\ol'thcotl. During I.he past wcel: lions. ~ pas~e ell'. ex~mma· ~!r. and ;'I~s .. George Sparkes. I G.ernld Dawc who celebrated his ,< .. : II :\h .\il' and ;\[1'5. Ford r!a~s \1 iLh IclaliH. in the CaPhsl.! ~111: ~nrlf 1'.lrs Thoillas Dunphy I' Gthey have becn gucsls of 1111's. 1 A!'>GLIC,\N IIIGII SCHOOL ,armed by. ~ar fro.m 'foronlo. sat-Ilh~rthd?y Aug. 12. Greetings from During Ihe ceremonY'!.\Ie H~'mn r c':\ - • ' an I Cu 1'010 Buchans a few lies Smith (nee Laura Framp· She 'r t . urday to VISIt relah"es and frlcnds us friends. "Lead us Heavcnly Father lead u~," ;'&11'. :1Ilc\ ~II'~ .•Iames I,enncdy: dnys ago on a \'isit to the lal.l lon ) a cousin 01 :llr. Northcot~., ~Ir n s o\ln. .' at their former home Shc3rstown. -- was sung by the congregation, and arrll'ed trom nUl'llans during the ter's pal'l'nts 1'1r and J\[rs Ralllil From here thc" no to St John" i • . V. C. ~parkes, ~~mclp:li. I lfappI' birlhrl~v "rcetl'n'" Irl :"1' e" during the signing .of the rcglstrr I:ce., k Oil 'IS• 'It Io. IS ••~1'1 C 10IT' a5 ,amt's. We noti';(' Ihat 1111'... Dun. 1Dnd fmm tllere' ".Will lou\,. manl"• S'ldieGIIADE Shar IX - Svlvla Sparkes.., Mrs. ,John Gregory and son COl'me' . Dawe whu'." celebrated her .';,lIlr I1ml :'.ll's. Arthur a c ~lario n "0 Perfect Love, all human hcarl~ Kcnncdy. pllY Is repairing hl~ former .1wme I or tjle places not nlr<'udy covel'ed, 'C'lydc Bad~o~k • AUbr ~rad~ury, Leslie, arrived from Brooklyn N;Y.; birthday ,\Ilg. 18th. Gree:illf,S .' .,1 1'1 II l'ilildl't'll ••lanH'~ .mfl' • __-; . all l~dJcallo11 t hal he Is likely to They hope to arrive back In '1'01" (ior' passes' ey aun ers, July 29th to spend their holidays cOllie from her grmul parents ;;nd transcending:" \ "". al r 'l'l'lIdlll~ a hull day I :'11'. and :\Ir~. (I,rrald .. DUI·.i~I~' retain the o.lI'ner~hlp. IInto about the middle of Seple'!I' I GHAOI<: X _ Belt S' Ii as the guest Ol her parents. Mr. friends . . After the c~reh1ony the bl'id111 " ~. : "l' ~ul',I' of ~1l·s.. , Frank shuff Rnd daughlcl LOUIse alll\. __ bel' -to rclll'e. as It werc 'som!! \' I' y. par es, and ~lrs John Mercer Coley's ------party motored to Harbour Grace, , ., '!In Emc r<'ltJrncd from ed. ll'n~1 Bruukll·n •. :1.Y. a fe.w .~oan J.nil'l"Cl1ce. daughter orlur ihl! l.lnPplesl munths of thclr Cavel fry, Hcnry D.cerll1g. Point. This is l\Ir~ Gregory's [jrs"t. , , . rc~urning to tl;,e home of the da~ s a"u, on a ,Islt III MIl'. ~h •. and j\[r~. Llewell"n LOI"I' I whole hfe Mr Northcott Is rn I ]10'1 \'" "\T I'islt home in 25 years she is han. JIll. and :111'5. H,I~ 1\ ard Snow. bride's parents where a deliciol1' I , .• !'\l:\ ! II IIrl'r s"11 I\(! {IHit I b ft'en D \II'1 ng,ll1'1 ff' s mu II lcr, "IS.'I' "c."I' enec. celebrRted hel' ' clcl'cilth'' • tired but ".he alld IU5 good wlCe." / " •. / llOLIC SCIlOUJ ' pil" renewing acqualntanccs,.. wilh Ire lu rnci'1 humc <,·"d' rJ a~ rrom spend· supper was served. ' ; :'. ,r.\ ". nl \h" It. . l,l Ill'I I aI ew • I10 Ias K ennel,I" '" a Icr Str' ce t bl rtlI day on Thursday. August 9. Iare '.certamly not liVing.., 111 I ]I ••• Bay Robert5'• • old friends who arc gladly. \Yd-t"in" thc'r'I laca t'Ion ,I,t th e rctlr~. ~uml!)er The bridc's mother was dre6~I:rJ f1 \l ,:II"' all(l(I!~Jlllan c llO'"llel West. . and entcrtalned morc lhan thirty mcn!. Wc wish tllem every hap .. '[118S lIIargaret Dawson, Prlll' coming her'homc ' home of ~[r. and llrs. Enc Mar· spn l in a bille flowered ~treet lena til I.. ". 1';111111' ,I . 11'0 I \I' I' o{ hel' Iittl {I d 1\ I . . I II ( '1 d t I clpa . " shall ",r "ur'\' f the Earle', fOI' , -:-' e I' 5. Iuch of the pmess n Ie u ure an l'Ur,t GHADE IX-R D .. - : ' . dress with white accesso~les, anri ;. IC'.I ;j~",' 0, ' :\Ir. ,10hn :'IloOit's left Oil l'!lllrs. afternoon wa~ spente~ on t.he lawn, they wlll be able to make many , . ~sema:y a\\.,o~. :\!rs. Wm. Bradbuf)' of HvcI'rit, I '. . . day last fIJI' hl~ home In ~orth but refrcshment.~ were served In. 'mure tours to this his naUv;: ITins wa~ th.e o~b pupil took tins Mass. ,vho has been visiting her II Mr. and ~[r.~. Geor!;c Mprcrr of silver fox fur. " I" ---. II I Sydney. ,after a tWII weeks' \'Islt. doors. . jl'rOl'lnCe ,grade cxammahons. form~r home Victoria Carbone'lr 51. ,Iohn's spent Ihe week·end at The happy couple ha~ since t~k ' , ,'.': .. \l:~\1I'I: ~"Pt. IS ~r~nl I nil. VI his mothel' ano other l'claUves __, Rcv. \V. B.• Jol1nson was bac!.. " G~~DE X - Kathcri~e Filz· Is presently' visiting r.ir and M~5" thcir fonner home~ 'CbUlch Hill. rn up tesidence at 41 Cornwall , : .:11\.1:"1 I' . 'I I F I He was the special guesl u( 1\11'. lIalel Power, daughter of In the pulpit or the United lllltlJe , .Jenn Delancy, Hal' .... Tipple She fs' v'ery Mrs .•Tohn T. Ash o{ Harbour Cresccnt SI. John's. Best ,Iwishe! 1~~I~IR(lll ~el Mls.~ 50~o pa~ses. happ~ Grace Is presenlly visiting her I) ..\ r.l< "I . ,ilia Sopcrell eat prl'slrll'll RIIll'land ' .,Mrs GeOl'~"1\loore5... , 11\11' I .' a II d'I'"I s. A' rl. h ur P ower cele· CI'lUre II on S• un d ay Itas, 1lavJl1!l . UNITED CIlURCIl--. SCHOOf meeting.,' so many of her ' oldJ are extended for their future hap , ~lI:'r1a\' . ~lIs> U It d I - b18ted her eleventh. birthday on completed a two weeks' vacation . , 'friends after 'an absence of 52 daughter and son·in·law, )11'. and Mrs. John E. NDseworlhy. piness. .' " 11~~ urgan of the II c I ;\1155 Doreen 1\10ore~. Is home Wednesday, August 15th., and at. Quinton's Cabins.' Arnold'3 Coley s Point. . yea'rs, l 1Il'.J. . after a lengthy \'acation spent shc, too. entertalr.ed some thirty I Cove. IIc"Mrs.. )ohnson und the ?RADE IX-lIIarg~erlte Mercer, I' . -- wllh relatlvcs at Lower Island of her friends. Outdoor and In. ItlVo little boys al e looking reo Slllrley Thompson, Eileen Spencer, ----; .... 1 .•\. S. Bull, :l1l's. Butl and COI'e. door entertainment was fully en. ! freshcd from a holitlay spent in Lorne Newell. lIIr. Fred Balten returned. to Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack Windsor and 1'" 'I' il'.11 I'UIl_ I1my and David. I _ . juyed' . jthe greDt outdool' GRADE X-Eric Brown, Violet SI. John's Sunday from spending son Garry of st. John's, spent I" ;'e ill t"l\ll Ull Fl'itla~' and l'lsl. I 1111'. and J\lrs llel'bcI.t Swain . _._ . 'fwo ot our selll~~ cituens, 1\1\'. IIiggins, Donna King, Reta ~ror· hi5 vacation as the guest of M~. Sunday with llr. Windsor's par· l' ",.WIt!1 ~I'\'~:~'al of thell' formel" o[ Bell Island sprnt the.weekend 1\laslpr Gary EDrle, son o[ Mr. 1Stuart Glllcspie and 1\11'. Jcre·1 gan. the .resuts will be publish- and Mrs. K. M. Batten, Coley s ents, lIIr. and ~lrs. Fred Wind- " :. \.\~lwl\('r;. IIICY l'l!ceh'c.a glad I'willl 1\11'. Rnd Mrs. 'fed Churchill and J\1r.~. Ronald W, lial'le, Sout.h \ l'nlnh Thoms, relebraled tilCil'l ed as reeen·cd. point. sur. REDDY KILOWATT' ::."I~"llInl'\\'" \"1\1\. hl'lIel'er they come 10 I1 SlIulh Side., _ ' Side,Saturday celebrated Inst, August his birthday 11th. Onon Webilthdays would duringlike til c)llendthe past to wcek.thU.l Clto IS,' . Miss Florence Littlejoho, starr,'I Mrs. Allan Dawc, o[ Seal Cove '.1 " •. .-.:-... ,,:\[1'. ~nd "Irs. O~cat' Whlt.e or SI. , 'l'ucsday had 0 gay birthday party I very Iwst wishes (•. 1 many ha(·P! rc 1 er\ ICeS Orthopa~dic Hospital, St. John's,' spent .Iast week as the guest of ) . \,'. 1.11'~ . ~ U,l'\1 1Ilth~ of St. 1. nhn s were repcnt I'isltors ltl: when all his IItllp. friends joined rctul'··.. I'{ t ::clr Iidtal day. spent the week·end with her. par· her Sisler and' brother-in·law, Mr . • ,,1;;1 SII' 1'J'lIl1lg .\lrs. John town.1 'fhcy were guests of 1111'. In wishing him many 'happy reo r: .:;'. Officer' ClIURCIl OF E:<;GI \ND ents and Mrs. John Littlejohn and Clmles Snuw. ELECTRIC S"!Ith C0Il1I1l~1 Dav,~., I ~lr. ~Irs. ':,;. . !er hl'll~ht'l, .I,CITY, retul'n'i and illrs. Plemnn While,' turns. Needless to say all of his I KAdjulullI E.• 1.. Powell and PIO j Hel·. Isanc Bulle; 'B'A LlH I Coley's Point. I 10 ~1. ,111hll. 011 Sunday, afll'r . • ,_ little friends were delighted with l.eHoy ,",0/'1. Drill Instructor, SI John 1'he Evan ~lIst"" . - ~[r •. and. ~Irs. K. M. Batten left LtVING a. "'and holiJlay hCl'e as the guest MI'. Guy Taylor spent the week Ihe thought that he was six yeal's with tll'entY'Cllle eaciets of "Ca,' • 'li a In ~[atin' g Mr. Fred Windsor vL~itrd st. \ Tllcsda~ on all extended I'isit 10 is to·day's ". Ihl' SrllJlhWl'II~. end with' his parents, ~Ir. and old and they will be looking for. bOllcar" Air Cadet Squadron r\o. SI l\i~rk':s' s. John's on business Wednesday. the Umted Stales and Turonlo. \1' . I ~[rs. Arthur Taylor. ward 10 his seciwth bll·thday with 589, arrived home on Sunday '930 a m Holy 'Communi n' 3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardy and • -- «. I" IlIltl .. aOl's arrived .frum . _ • a IIreat deal of pleasure. Special evening, frum Greenwood, N S, P ~ Ev'en" 0, son Randy visited Mrs. Hardy's I 1\11-. aOlI ~Irs. Isaac French of BEST BUY ;"lIriCI' n\ thc I'nd or the week .l\Ilss BI'lde George has return. guests were his I:ouslns Earl and where they had becn attending Sf ~fatlbe\~~ng: 'parents lIIr, and JIlrs. John Cox, !oront~, are, presently visiting ISN) ~ 11'1' 'pl'ntlllll; ncr annual vacn. cd from Corner Brook and Grand Bruce Saunders, or Bonavlsta, summer camp. While w~huve liD: 7 m Eve a Markland over the weekend. I,[rs. I'renchs brother, Mr. and 1:"11 .lI'lth .'iI". annd !III'S .•Iohn Falls, where she spent a most w.ha are spending their vacalion been glv/ln any official Tp.lcn'l: p. iiNIT~~ n2iIURCH ' - ;\Irs. Hobert Thompson, Coley's I '.'I'II1.h, Shr hns resumcd work enjoyable holiday. . with relatives. . as yet we have learned that the Rev T S II AI BAll Mr. ;nd Mrs. Thomas Thorne Poinl. II IIh Cameron Bros. J ~ Squadron won thc Track. Mcp.t . ,.'.' " oran, ., and son of Dunville, spent the Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. . . .• Th d th t It th I S d p.m., Spamard 5 Bay' 2 pm J . . • , .1\11'1. l'atrlsk Furey Mr; and Mrs. Lee omllson an n e y qUJ·. Colc '8 Point. 3 I". ' SI": wcekend with JIIrs. Thomas' father ohn .Llttlejohn. Co[ey's Point" on u~~ ~nd ~augh. wa~ ~n il P m CON"A,...Y' ...... , ~Ir'. 1\('\'111 0 ~Ial'a 8IHI r.il'5. Icr are'l'lsithl'( relatives at Bue. left recently (or Boston where ron to receive 100ry". III Barrack9 tow:' 7 'c 't I . ., leal'S 1>lr. J~mcs G. Baggs. I the birth of a bahy girl. at the ;, I~ ,11I'~II, lIt lit. ,Iohn's spellt the hans. _ they will spend some lime with' We fcel that when thc full stor~. JII' DP.~., D e~ ra . '\1 b t - I Grace Huspital. SI. Juhn's. Cheap, Reliable Eleclricll} ,'I'~nrl here II, gll('~15 of iIIrs. I _ t.lJe '(ormer's parents before tak· , Is, lold l.11c local Squadron will k" ec e~ II I e gues His many friends are glad to see I J I -- . In ond AroMo St. Jolm'6 I h~rlc~ Sou~wcll. London lIond, I Miss Joan Taylol' o{ SI. :[ohn's Ing up residence In thel~ new have brought .ho11our 10 Il~'~f Ispea e~;~I~~ 5~~;~~~LIC Mayor R. J. Mercer ant lOn.a~ain, .. ~Irs. r~?\\'arrl Mercer mast) ,__ . Is ~pendil1g' a holiday on the \lOme. Mr. Thom[>son was recent· Rnd to the town It rcpresentc.. I since undergoing an operal at I vlSllerl st. John's Tuesday on ,. \1~\lrl' William Bclwards or Hr.1 Soulh Sldc, as the guest oC Mr. ly trans(em:cUrom the American Hny I\lootrey returned earilur M Rer' F{j 1I0gan, P.P ~ A.m .. St 'Clare's Hospital. St. John·s. busincss. ' ::'a~e is l'lsiting his grand.par. and Mrs. Alcx Butt. base at Argentla. Mrs. l'hompsori due to the ,lIlness of his moth~r ' orn ns ass. ~ . -- / Looki.ng for, the .B(!st in,~LaundryService?

- ' '

DIaL\ . 4325 " .. - --'- -- .. -.,--_._-- - :-~--'1 I' ,. .• , • . '

't.·• ,. ,. , . ' .. . THE "DAIL ~. NEWS, FRIDAY, AVGUST 17, 1956/' .8

Retarded Children's Aid. 'Society HOUSI TO HOUSE Horwood Mrs G Sq I 'I G H' 'I . Dr. Jordan COLLECTION ' ., u res, "rs. . aney,,, rs. J. G. Green, F. . __ ":ln50r. Mrs. J. Smart, Mrs, J. Warren, Edward Go\'er, Ml's. n. S (Cb""".d) y", >, B,.""., ",", H, M"Un. "'" r, J.",. "'" E, BY EDWI:>i P. aysJORDAN, M. D. S::.on each-Westcotts Limited "'~'.A~stin. Mrs. Max \\ hltoway, Mrs. Perfect, Mrs. G. Perfect, W. Pen· 'I.. G C Pat-Ick ~Irs C Pu I' P. D. Rendell. Miss Rcndell, Mrs ..nell, R. Haisley, Mrs. FIIII'a Shears ;~~t~~. E. Ash. F. Ch'ann'ing: F :1: E. Murphy. Mrs. Halloran. lIIrs. Mrs. C. Benson, Mrs. Stecr~, n: t..'.,,,. "n. R, J. Wodd ... "n: F, Rid"", "n, C"'If~nl. C, E))(,. R.""'. ",,', ~, """". Mn, n, ,mkOID TUMUlt SOT ALWAY' I>"'t ••• , '" Pearston 1I1r 1'\1 Lllrs. A. Baker. H. \\ Iillams. lIIrs'l Mercer, Mr~. Herberl Crocker ' A 'PREVENTIVE TO ;;:. <~,;~b'U. "n, 0: lI:;Gn;~ ~' r""'.'· ,', Gn,. 'h A, ..", J, W, ",N,II,. Mn, S, B,k,,': 'REG'ANCY "., 5 DEl'ine ~ll'S I Ru t d ,00 ~ car, Mrs. .T. Stockley, Mr~ MI'!;. L. Jolliffe, D. !IIawer. Mr~. p. -- . !!;;. P." Chee:en;an: ~I;s. 'c. E!I~n' ~~ Stockley, Mr~. G. TlIIer, Wi!. Roche, MI'I\ Michael Cu!lcn, Mrs. Three good !jlle~tions cl)n~ern· "-~ ., Ch".Im~, ,,'. l!."h. ,.,: • St.". "n; n"pb R"d. R, H: G, .,11 ". "n, O'B" ". l!" "g fibroid '" m'n 'f ,", w.mb J Fll'}:er. Dr. T A. "nol"lIng L Dinlel~, Mrs. ". H. Daniels. H. Pillman, lIIrs !. arshnll, arilln arc ·submitted by N. S. ". '" """ G" ,,""". .;.,: H ,k". A, P~"". "", L. Brow" B"f.~, N,,'. N, Mh. Mn, Whit'. Altho.,h •• "bj,,' h" b". ,,,,"f, ., M",h" , •• , J, A, h' "'" p, B.''' '. M", J, A''''''. ,., 0 G,!',. ''''' G, E, Pm".". dI,,,,,,' ""I",,,. If'",". " !o:', "". ""m. lin T, H",," "n, E, \\ ,It,. .." n, "'''. l!n, "7" Dorek """,h,lI. "n, W, 'h, "".. " wom' 're ~ '''m· ~!~! J Cillznln. T. J. KEnn". \\': ~; S~~!~. Mrs E. Russe:l, Mrs. 0 Le~ry, Mrs. A. A. BIRlr,. Mrs. G. mon among women o\'cr jl5 year~ C ••, "", "" 5, J , "nih, J,! .~d , ... d. "0< H, C", "". E, M, ""'" "", p, ", 0 Oo",n. " ,g. th" lb. "''',,' h" !o b. ,,,) "', A R. ",."", "'" E ",' P~ ,n, "!" c ,,' ,rook, "", K, '" Cb"It. S"'. "'" W, c. Ui". d "OO~"" ",In "" th'''h '" • ,,!to), lin E, Edd., .,,,, J, J,: ~!'~' .M," D, "It,,,. Mn, S, ",, 0, S, A,,,. "~"' J, n, LyU,. ",,,,,,,Y "" '.'",m .11,,, " em,', '"'' "d,,' "'. ",,", \,I."k" J, H,:)." "n, G, G, B,,'ow. M'L H"km", .. " h" ",.. " M""" " • '" ""n, ,"'- G"" ,It, ",,,~", C, Pre,,, "n, E, . (To B, C"It",d) "~'","'" '. s, s,''''Im'~1 ..., C". .om .. ~~U. .\!!'; Co!~h. ~1!'5. 5. Black.j ~.Ct . , With flbr~ld. tumors get prc~ant? '. ~d ~!r!. RooeJ't E;cott. ~[n. ATOM 1956 ~oes a fibrOid .tum~r turn to ran· ",,' H"";.. "," C, "",,', ,,,. f, • ,," """ 'h. ,,,' "' "." " 'lh'" '. ",', C E. D.... ', ;.,: '.' "" di ..."'!' "ithool ""''''''." C 'c",,, 1, '""b,,", )h',. A," ' MANY A IIO"AN ""h , lib"" "II" "". , ",roh ,., "" E). , ' • th,"" d", '''''''', b'" , ,~ ., ,,' l!", H P II "";" , ,,~ 0' •• • " u,," ,. ,,,. ,~" W,h ,n'"'' '"," ,,,to' .f ,n,""y ,,' ." L C2!':!". C. F. ~!3cLEilon Jr." ~Ir: IER:-:E~T CHI.:;HPLM THOMSON but th~ Increase In activity on th~ birth· to ~ hcalthy. child without '" "" :t. P'" h"d, E. ",,,," A ,',,"" m"hl .."d" why '" ",," ",. " • ",w (dt,,, " ". 00" ,II" "~. It" ,"",Ib"", c ,,; D""" ", ',', H""". ,i';:' m'",' "'" "d ,I'"~ " Ib' U,I(,' "",) ,,'" ''',rn.'''''' .f(",", ,n" th., ,,,,to f, ,,,!d. '" " ,,," '. ! '"d", L.. S"~""" "", I"",d •• i'" "' ••'"' • look .(. AN "IPOBTANT DATE '" .. ,~.,., ",,' th., m" '" , ,,,.t .. "". ''''k R,,,•• " .nd .""""",, H. m'ght p.. "A Y''' .,...... ,' tho n"", '.d~ ~~h """",,, "' "",, '" ! G. Stentaford. D. HelpRnl, Is!bly credit them with pangs oi "l1uclear power appeared for most lllScam.aoe. ~!~5. Bovd, Tremblett~Irs. • ~Irs. . J . jl'egret at the thought of school countries to be a possibilit'.,. in the .IS Sume\lmes,pu'e t therefore,• a problem• Ar!die.._ I Smith.'I S '\ . . , termt' endingt band the It long summer rcmcte.\ If' and indefinite futlll'e. NolV . 11 I:S'O' ccaSIOn3. II \. POSSI'bl e t'0 re· ~1 ~h'';. w ~ .1;) pa: 1-., ro. ..' amll'arln!:, vaca Ion 0 e cot t rouch before ,I s a matter not· 0 conJ~cturc mOl'e 'in"1 r'b 'd f th "'" J. H"'" k, iII" j., ,( "',,,',' ,. w"", ..... Ib,' •f d,'" ,"d ".>".11" wo m' : ,,: 'h'~' ,~;:~ '" ~~m ",,; .' ,.511 ...b, "', 'm, "n" "' oJ, h' ~,!d ...... tb", w," '"' ",'. _ .. ".h , "m",,' b.. b;"; f"I1""" Lt.")., r """:, 1(" 'ru ,t, R, S, i ," U""",'. U,,', boo,," ), th' M (mp","" d," " ,,'" ,d .. b, .." ."'" .,;"",,,' ,re .', r"";' R, \\. .. ,"", II, p","', ,,', " Ib' ,,,,,,,,I oJ "lbl" ,,, ''''''dr, .. 0,10'" t1 ,,,' ,. ' "" "."hI" g "hi 'h .... 'd ; m· .!' c' .'" U," , II" C, It, Bro.", 1d, '"' ",., "' ,I, w"' k'. Q,,",' EI( h II ,"I( ,,'" R,It RED HOT FEN eli TIt, f on" 0 •h' 'h U Ll' C ' • po"i". b"", " ,." i ;~. 0";,";" '''!'" ,. : ThI,', "0,, th,y ~"Id h' '0 ,'"'' ",,' ~,,("0 ,,;, '''''' .t ,t(" _ " .' . en"" 'os. n " NR '""k m en leon m',. no( RP P" ned hot. bu t righ t now i1 ~ F"told ".:., tb ••,,,'''' "" '!':<".1~r;J\~'i~J~~~.'\I~.;Jri.~~~~;.llng-99 'Per cent 01 them. anY\\'nYlt~c first larg~.sc~lp. p:ant of it~ the ~el~lle of a blazlllg. conlro~'ersy between the St .•John·~ Municipal Council, the Board of Transport Commissioners 1 not call~erlJ.us but are made up o( .UI.P .• :,h~s )1. Fl'eeman '~Il' i! d: '-;-wore II not for something stand. ?lnd in the .world-at (HIder Hall and the C.N.R. CounCIl has manilgecl to dampen the flames tlianks tu an acces~ion from tn' T' " t B d l h I Ia.com~mahon of muscle and ~c:1r I.,. ~' •• Johnsto I ~Ii" S .' e ling between them Rnd bliss, Ex lin the English coUhll' nf Cumber. construction on the" d' . I [ T" e ranSj,OI oar 0 at .hke IIs.uc. Furthermore, while • >':I','Q 'each J 1'0'1 .s. CJlilOt amlnatlons arc Ihe spcctre" clr.ud. land. Frum the start it will supply . "Ire an pipe l'lg It-o -way [or the C,N.R. Ime I'unnit,!g through Bowril1" Park The fence jusl I fibroids may be important on ,,;:':;;. _" ..". ' '" I" (b, bd,h(,,' dol', For Ib'" """',1(, " th' N."",,) G,1d ab,,'.half ",~ple(,d. h" dmwn ,tinging "mm,nt from CnundUo" ",d (he 1.,,1 B",,,d ot Tmd" lb, C.~n"; """ ""', .".,,' ,'"" do ••, "CO "d~H, ",", H, ".".,. "",m(" ~h") ",,( (,nn th, 0' the C,,'n) E'~' "d" A'IbM docsn 1 Itke the s(y Ie, .Th. Tmde B",d agrees wt" m,1l 'oo 'h"" ,) ..,',. l;C N MlC ,41.1, Y SO II.YD I' A, ""',."' '" ,,, h ".b"d D" I "" m" ",'.ptom '''''''' I, "', !: !. !~nii'h'. G W .\O:,. ~I"". secms. complete nilwits. Is this \;;tat!on works: "The Caldcr Hall may step up world production of contmuc to adl·.ance as Ibey have Fur the Gold Clla~t. ahollt to, Hemz Ungl'l'. wiil: • Sometimes Dr. Unger travcl, to! it is generalh' considered mn·1 ::~!!. ~!r. r!t!ilbbon~. ~Ir;. N. Kin:c1om Atomic Encr~y Authority the normal lVa~'." stl'llcted, operaled competitil'ely Aluminum Company has announc'l c~rn revenue for interesl. ~mor·' Eu:ope fl:om Toronto. or to the I dcsirable where Ireatment i' neer!· ~. '""p, ,,,.,, c. ••,,,., ",,' 'I. " P' '" "'0.)' "., ih ~ f"''';, £LOOWoNT NICK. A"ElI .,,' PO, wIU",,' "g.",.. " .~ '" II, ",U "',,' I",,",, .,,,','" '!""OO ,,' ""","II,," '''''" " "',' ~"to, St''''., '"' """ '" "n, .f ~ "', ' ;,~ras.o;hn, ~!r'. C. Slllnrlon. )Ir;. ,to ;1I~h Ihln., a~ zirconium Rllm:~ This Is only on'c type of reaelol' nomic Improvcmcnt. ~he rise in the cost inl'olved sub· t~matcd 600,000 kil?walts of con· IC~nad~. ' . 1 . . ,~, "". ".". ,,,,",, ,,,.. E, •h''''lli ,. ",,,. ,h,,., ,,' ih. ,'" 0 "Ib" th. A, """" "," T~ "~po" (, the ,)"mJ ",m (" ~., ,. "",,"g,,""" ,,, 11'~ ""'''"' PO"" ""',,hi, I", th' """ ",,",' ,. h" ,.;,,,,,,,,,. A, "'"" "', • mph ..,,,' ." "'<,",, "", ,I. "D'''"II, N,: A ' H.',,',,) ",,' or ), .",,11,,: Tho d"'ri. 'h' Al' ml",. LI mil" '"' '"' ,,, , dI ,.,,, • ( re, , ••1(,,' ,,' "Ih" '''".,,', T',,· h", h,,,', H, ".. h' "'"", ,1I.w I """Ill', ,U" "" ,rUJ ,,,.,," 0 f ,~,,,,", C '.,..,on, ''''' W.' s ';''',:' t .,;~"'''';;' b "~," ,k'"m" '" ,).,,,", Th.. ,.re 'I",,,.) p,' tho "'",h A',.,: ,,,,""III" ,,' "'k wh',h ,,,,,Id 1''''''" of '" ",,",',' ),k, .1 ,"Y'" ,) .. ,. ",)'hI hi, ,,,,,.\ the. Ilbrolds and the sym,tom' 5; El'odl'\ck. J.I 7, ;''''f ' ,""" ",,,h,.," i'". E",", F,,' FI, "m C"mpo",.' "" """"' h. """"'''' "d" "",,' "'.' w •• 3,000 " .." .iI" I, ,,',,' ",,,'m,",,--,;;;;w ;.;"',,--;;;;;'; "h"h '"'' , .. ,"" m, ""II, '"'m,:!~atton. "'"~!r,;l ",,;, H•• ,' lit,~In. .;~~U;,,: , " .' " '"'' "" .~'" ,I", n",''') "D( mp"" "Dido" th", "',,.. , " • pro; ,01 wbI,b dll) "",," .p." op th, ,0' "".tHy ., • '"'' "d ",,,k .1 ht ...·in I, ".. w,. '" ,. "•• ,", Th, '" ; ""', 'In, J. A ~ "h", ",,: I) ~~~,,;~",~'r i: :. ~~"': f~~")' :." ,'; ;, d m". ~; "~"h ),tt" ,~ mor "k, ,,, )•• " ,. b",g '" It W~ ".)ug,' I, "" "'" n,hl" I"", '" with." ""'P" i,;, Th. mil m.t ,,;,.d "k' 1::-,,:''',~ ~:o~,':' ::,rr'7.'~mi'", ;. .,.. " ""c p!". ...., L""b :t" .. .: j', nd "!h i ,P "', "I n,' ,,' '''''' ,,, b,'.. ' """,,), 'n!l"" w'" (" ",'" "d ,,,. lb. U.Ii,d ".".m ,b",1d ,,,' ",m' In ",,' "'. .bI .1,", fro. ,ho,," ,', "",,, ,. "n,' "d ,h. ibid b d .. b,' " ~ w ~~:;tIl1A ~!r:' \\I""lol~t·nte)'. ,~: :-o'Ixon'l,~~ ;i~~I~~~'~;"h~r.~ 1~\I~ot :nt:ri~ Ih'. Tn rddlUon, there wlil be at tinuous work. t~Ide cap[itat,1 requir.edtfOrtltitle powhcr co~tleal pSlr"l.PmP~ng;ll·nl·sler of Ih smelter fll;lr yeal'~. Tema. already I~h~\asi~ ~~e t~:IS\m~I'i~~~lc C~I~l ...... I I. t; I .:.sr .. , =I~I\', .. ,., • I t 12 Itt" 51 e 0 Ie pro]ec 13 1;; tel.;; .\ e I 3~\"lnCed in cnn--h'ucLion I\'ould ~,~. ,Tack.!on. Mr; A ~[cDonald tclll~iblp.. hul fa.cl!l"tln~, too. cas I1UC enr pcwer s n Ions, to radil1m, One o( the by·products dam and eqUIPme'nt at A'len" i Gold Coast. Dr KwulI1e NI:rumah I ~.' I' I' t' t' I II Cllmstances. " "I' 11\ IOIe •••~'". ,. J . Greene .•," II'S. R.. Per-nell '''Atnm 195.. , as It Is ea 11 rc I be erected by private indl1stry ' ex . from tl IC rcac tor5- C0 i III It ' 60 -can whilst , the Gold Coast should' he"" 1 I"laS gll'ell all assurance 11131 nOlle:•. ' n treal . v I IgOO( It' 0 lamI I e I ------' Q i !~n F. Bt~rns. Urs. Sullivan' stresses the immense Intercst and Decten to provide the nation wilh he llSed for loading into machines, 11I'in;al'ilc, res[lonsihle for the IIUh i who 1I0W dwell on til{' land, aiJol'P' \a etna St'· all Jl all reqUlre[ 01'. Sel'eral mot.hers note that Ihrit· ~f~' Le\\'is 111 "'hlff' 'II It b Ih I B it I 1 r,no 000 I~ ~ 000 OlIn kit tt I I tit t f " '11 d .' . 'cllns I'lie IOn [lIl1·llO'l's. 'B'lhips whl'n .irk enjl)\' a elrin" • •••. ,rs. n en, u[rs H lie I' Y. 0 n ran nnd ol'er .•.• _., '\ owa s 1.\' or c rcatment ° cancer. lic wurks cUlln~cl<'11 with the pi'll' t Ie ~1II ~It~ wlllCh would b~ sub·. 1'1 Co II Ie t (' t' i .. ". • Y"'''. ,I. F, M..,hl'. p, Rid ~ ~,. ), th. ""'"m'" of ,,'"m" [005 "d" II" r.",~" ",,,', "I'" Th," hol, "f tho ",d." .' ""'~' ,,01, ",;" ,,.,,'d '"',,d, ,,,' h', ."",,'d, ,h' II h. ""'~ "If " ." ,,,,,.:: 'h::' fl." ,"~~'''::;:;''';:, I;, '~",o, ..'~ I"'''" d,,,,,' out. Mrs. Edna Parsor.s, lIIrs. W. energy for p~nceful purposes. This ~r~mmr nf Nuclear PoWer". ,tory is nne .to make optimisb of work at the purt IIf TClllil. no\\' I result of the erpa!iol~ of Ih.· Inh." be "i~Ol.(i' as o~e of. the lia·:t act~" t Ie 'oas.e ant ;ec a.l'e" bla~d ~n~ POOdl"mbo, M"" A(b'n H.ru,,,d. ", 'n! ,,' ,,),d '" "',,",, " j( ,n ,." .,n, ,,,,,,,n,, " "' ,n, Oh,," "'" .. ". "c.' ., ""',, ",,' rod I,,,, Ib"", h .,.h I, h II ,·,It h "d '" "" "", P'" h',m, 1"f .' "'",'•• ,,1" ". '"''P''' ,,' ".:,~" , to,: •{', .."',' '''r K"P" . ~Irs. S. Maidment, Mrs. R. Syn.' the Atomic Energy Authorlty'~ Ithr nepol't. the total nuclear powr.r the first milestone on a road which, the aluminum would bt~ shipped, assoei:ltcd wilh the creation of: tion" ~rt.·r .~Ii."olwnment has! of l~eCeO~~~a.~ lSI SI~J;~' a ~1~ttrl ~"'~ ,~~ lI, D.. ",. ''''' R. C, "','h~(" "" Ib, "(00" ,h'., Th, •,,""' '" p.d', ,,,,. n,' hy "" "" 'd ,,,,' I" "",,,,,",.. '"''i''' '" w",Id' ."k," ,,,' II" '" ,. ' th" ,. k. h'~' ",,' "" '''' ,,,,', "." .11 "I""i, 0 ' i,,,, j "'" ,,, ,,,,,. , nt on~. ~Irs. A. Butler. C. 1I. nucJear weapons programme con IShOlild be ahout 10 million to 15 for mankind. struction of the railroad ~nd roads i Ihe CmnnllSSlon has reported that; . . _l ' __ I million kHr.watts. .' --'-'--'" ,. ------,-----,-- Ithc~e may be controlled effective· I I • _ ',Britain helie\'es' ,1\1 a, Ih~ Ile,Hefit< I)' while one particular scoul'gc'l , : ,,( al "mic 'power ~hol\lrl hr "njov';;1 : "ri\'er·blindness." could be creat· Ib~' 'nil manldnrl.. H~ncr thp ~I'el lilYrcduced. I 'rome In "isitors frnm Ol'erseas ;F.MT'LOY.m;NT FOR .- • REFRIGERATORS 'UST ARRIVED', '[lul'llI):, .tilr ~'rar Ihrl'e wrrn I'isit. I ! 1.'i.O()O MEN ~ . . ; hy i'cpl'c~ent.'livcg of 36 clluntries \ ; Probl,cm,. of mm.lpn\\'~r. havc I' J , : includinc all countrir~ or the Com i hrrn ~Iulllrll. 11 I~ l~on,lriel'ed • N hi . l·montl'~alth.. The grc;lt !'P5cRrch, Ilhal Hi:OOO men woul~ he em· I • ew s pm9nt of LlGHT.lNG FIXTURES.. 1\lIMt at i1al'\\'cll \\'~s perh~ll~ tht, i Jllo~'rd 111 Ihp cn.n~lrLl(:tlOlI of .t)Ie: I' 111 i R. C. A. '~'."'. Also: . . Imain focus of ,interest., 'The. R e i dilm.ami It ~IJ(I. ha~ thehren )lower nece~~ary m~tal.lallons prp-, I aclor School th~re has begun tu . poring Ihe prngramme~ of ,\'ork 1 • 8 cu.ft. .1 ' run. courses open to !tudents (rom. . ~ to ~n~lIre Ihat labour should noli all ol'er the glohe: I,. BANANAS i he' ciraivn ,from industry. notably j • THE FIRST ~IILESTONE \ I rr:minll and cocoa production', to, .f New shipment of, 17" 'CROSLEY T.V. , With the United Kingdom llkelY' . ' .•/ RED and GREEN GRAPES th~ir prejudice. Some 5 peree~t ~ to be' the flbt counb:, In th c, worl (I • .HONEY DEW MELO' N' . ,beo( thedrawn total from .labour abroad force Ior wouldthe· I· y 5199.50 to pl'oduce' electricity by nuclear '. • PEARS technicn l and direc\.i\'c appoint. I • New line.of KITCHEN UTENSILS. reaction on a commercial scale; the. GOLDEN DELICIOUS ments which the !cheme requires. : . , • overseas demand {or reactors Is al· APPLES AWAITING AGREEMENT 'I' 5 YEAR GUARANTEE ready being anticipated .. Tht! first • BROCCOLI Now the project., likened by ~ : slep will be to build a miniature . - engineers to that of the Tennessee, ". 01'. • And for '.the Klddies' ne":" shipment of pewer.produclng r.eactor specially :. CAULIFLOWER Valley Aulhority of the United I AT 1 ." for.eKport needs, sufficIent to.meet • PARSNIPS" States and the Snowy lIIountains GLASS MARBLES:'" the demandR of a Rmnll' lawn or Scheme IIf South Eastcrn· Aus· I medlum.sized (nelLl!'y. .' ." .SPINACH \ trnlia, aI~aits agreemc'nt in prin.' Meanwhile rndiu':lclive mntel'lal~ • PARSLEY ciple between the gOl'ernments: • ar!! !lnlling in. hig Imlrket overseas con~el'!lcd and the. aluminum com· : . Rndloacliv(! limlupe:;-each a tin)' • 'SWEET POTATOES· Ipnnl.l'~ ,tll~ethel' With ,thl' 'posslble I' 'ElectriC ',1Dt'il-ities "radio. station" . 'emlt! inll f,illnDI~- ~urllclpatlOn of the World Bunk. • LeMARCHANT ROAD ~.;. . .' ...... ,.. ' '. . hihal'e: I'd cOllnti~s~ 1 IIses in medIcine McDONAL' D'S '.' FRUIT STORE' ImatterShould agl'eement1I'0uid be debated'he rench~d In the LIMITED • 0 o/!.~ an. ndll.ltrlal .. processes ! Legi'slntil'e Assembly of the Gold DIAL 5433 P.O, BOX 448 and -,vere 'exporler! dlmng the, year HARVEY ROAD Const. Agreements could then be: .. ' to; inqre than 50 cr.untrics. Spelll MILITARY ROAD 1signed and' tendel's for eopstruc,;' FR~SHWATER DIAL' 2860 . ROAD' fuel ralls from' the "pido" a'ld' TOPSAIL ROA :tion ca·lIed. , ' . j "Pluto" ~eact~rs can, prodUce .fhe I ' L' .' . 0 I The Cnmmission' CllIIsielprs that ~ I'adlation cqlllvalcnl DC 1\ Jon of . . ... I thc dam and power installation 1 ...... ------....- ••

.-.",- ..... L----~-----, ....:....------:--'---...,-- ---.~------~~~------,-

' .. , . '9 y NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 , • • Ca,in-Gl'eele) ,Jf! edding niard's Bay News .', ~/~ -s. Opera,lion ,,' reople In The News" Paintbrush . ,', 1.(';IIIlIIl~, )[ounl ' Mr, William Coombs patient ~!"\, is Vf ,pend· the Sanitorium, St .•10Im's, spent ,,,hll', l SPANIARD'S BAY, Au£, 13- r)r~;.; 'h~'n' with Wss Ithe weekend with his family here. t,ll,,';. We understand that Mr. Coombs When wc reporled last week thaL H:;:"r,: ..., . is soon to be discharged (rom thai there had heen an "Operation Scrub Brush" by the womcn of the • II r..~ l'llherl, XI·jJ and', institution. parish In conncction with the 1 "p' ',iwnl tile week.endl . clcanlng of the church, we did ,not 1;::r[~~;1 '1'1:('11' ;;i11l Eddie ~Ir. and Mrs, Gelllge Drover think that therc would be' n ~:t "I:~ ;ll('r.tlin~ a holiday' and (a~lily left on Munday to take scquel so soon. BuL It secms thnL !;; \',1111 lhelll, nc·, 1111 reSidence al Grand Falls where ~r; cd thc womcn have done It ngnin. :(,11,;; n"lihy nalle. 'I )11'. Drol'er is employed. . 'I'he easl wIng of ,the ncw school was completed last' summer __ I by a coronet. She carricd a bou· 1 , I -1~;I'l"'\ III SI., ~il'. and ~Irs. Thom~ls Brazil ( Ioa r l'''' I . buL owing to Lhc lack ot rund~ SI'ANIAHD'S BAY, Aug 13-' quet of roses, and she was ":"r~dill" ;; holiday with! IlI1d (am I),. Bell Island am! Con· !he Interior was left unpainted. i Miss Joan Evclyn Grceley, daugh· in ,marriage by her father. ·t ')lr. and ~Irs. stable Luke and ~Irs. Brazlliand ,rhe chairman of the local school tcr o( Mr. and 1011'S. Leander • th b Id !II' famil), St. John's spent the week· bo"rd Rev Canon T E Loder on . I Altendmg ere were • ISS enn here. S .. d ' Id tI t I '1 "1 'd Grccley of TIlton was _united n Mclvina Branlon and Miss Barbara ui t~ sad tba Ie ia!, p:ocu~ed maniagc with A·2C Robet'! Sher· Ralph ~nd Ihey wore preLty gowns ~liss Relt)' Sheppard Spcllt the fla n 0 0 If c t~vor t an as'c man Cain, son of Mr. and Mrs. or al)u'a and pink respectivcly weekend with her family. lIe gwomedn I 'tey bwoluld . come RoberL S. Cain of Tipton, Indiana, 'rhe groom was supported hy A.2C s Y a~I on d an. Thlapp ft I. eg nmng I on[II t PCllpclre . II AI r F'orce Be'as Paul Henry and Teoh. Sgt. WII· J'lr. Freel Whalen of ~[r~. Nlith Drol'er I'i~itrd her It'hon a~. Slat crlnoon sevo rll 0 Chapel on Tuesday, ,July 31. The !iam Kni"ht I;ollowin~ the eerc· I" . \ I b I I tl S.'I'I ,ern clime II er une h ane1 COin· d II .' . . ," . . " I 1". 1115 anc ~ Ie .lIlI 01 11m on I I I' 1 I rI I' ou I \!·rlllg ceremon~. was (I~r·. mon\' a reception was held in the ecora SlIncln)'. She was accompnnlcrl by ~ ef C) tll e t ?ne flnsrolonll. (ormed by Chaplain Schordcr. Ap·: N C (, ('Iuh where supper was I, ~[r,'. ~[ell'in Urol·cl·. • Ie ore 15 aclcloluln IS PIU) 5 If~C . a I proprlate weddiug music was sup· I' ~~rl:e(i ;nd the u~uai loasts hon· I,rl'l" HI.1('knl(lrc of I -- ~ assrooms w ta,'e leen II1l~h· piled by Ihe chapel orgalli~t. ~lIrer\' • a 1\',1.- Ihe 01 and Wal\l'r Vnl;c)' 01: d. Th? painting is rlonl', too., For her weddin!! the bride 1 . ." · r. f, ~lI~st I ~Ir. ~[rs, weI! t Ilr' Cr,-il (;0;<0 f~r the i Bo~tlln are at present on a l'lsi!: But Ih.lt s not surprising. became i chose a 1I0or.length gown of The honeymo.on lI'as s!ljm on ~ · . here to ~Ir. Vokey's mother, ~Irs. aro!md the. bay the women do all white nylon net over shimmering' the Avalon pel1ln5~ln.. . f'j Edith Voltey. theIr ~\Vn Interior decorating and salin and a lace jacket with long Mr. and Jlld. Cam. WIll m. a few ~ we thmk' their homes are nicely sleeves buttoned from the waist months take up reSidence m the i , ',I:l lIT;. Harold rrrll~' of ~Ir. and ~h·s. Harold Gosse spent done. to the wide collar. Her fingertip United Stales and lVe offer iher }~ • !;I~t ~lIr,ri;;)' ht'l'r I'lslt~rs h 1 Sunda)' at St. ,10hn's as guests of veil was of nylon net, trimmed our best wishes for all t a S Ii Id lIn. ~laxlI'cll Chip, Jlr. and Mrs. Raymond LeGrow. Entertain At with lace and was held in place good in lifc. I Sltbn \'rk,')' Idt on ~Ion· ~Iar~' Smith !s spending n holl· RO ] d' P A · h ~ e " altrr ~pl'ncling his' clny at Dlshop s COI'e with her Irt 1 ay arty ~:;.[:~'~--1; ilh hi; ran'Ilt;. :'11'. and Aunt Mrs. George Smith. . • .p 00 r .n g ISO re ~ \'llkr). SPANIARD'S BAY, Aug 13- _ ._ ~lIss Lorraine Reid Is spending ~Ir. and 1111'S. Harold Gosse en· I:: llr; ,\rl'h Baocock. 5t.: 11 holldar with relatil'cs at UPPCI' tcrlalned members of their family SPANIARD'S BAY, Aug. 13- doing one would say, "Stop that, ~I I;;i'crl )11. and :'Ir~. II, X. IIsland COl'e. and some frIends on Thursday of In a leiter to the Editor of 'Ihe you angishore." A£ain, if one I'.l ,':5J:.dal'.· last week at their home here, the Dally NeIl'S published on Friday, should suffer a sethack he is rc- i-" .. _ ._. Visiting ~Ir. and ~Irs. .Josiah speelnl occasion being the birth· A t 10 'I J E F E "I' I (crrcd to as an angishore. , It S d Irl f 'I ugus ", r. •. . . no IS I .. 1 11r' (;rr;,l.1 Salllll~lsnn, I,II on. Iln U)' wcre :llr. and ay n j\ 1'5. Gosse's father, Mr. h' I . t th I It. was only last wcek that a ..~·Kdth·. S1. .1.IIII1·s lI'ere: )[n. ~lax\\'cl1 Smith anti family! Josiah ~[arshall of Bny Roberts. ~;~!~f °the 1~\,~~~e~;XI~gli~h~re'~ ;~c; local resident ·losL his fishing ~ , tm rll SUIlc\,,). ;IS ~1I('sts i nnd ~Ir. and ~h·s. Jack Chipman: ' ~Irs. Gosse had her home taste· suld Ihe correct derivation is (rom boat, his only means of support. ~ , lr.j .'11'- .•\rthlll' Sl·ymour. ,all of SI .•John·s. i ful1~' decorated with a I'arlely of the Celtic' "An tochar" which ing himself and his family. As no l;'f' _.. ,_ I. :heauti(ul flowers from her nttrne· means the personification o[ hun. Insuranec WIIS carried it was a! ~ , .\'ire' ~:11ilh rmplil),rd at· ~hss B~ek~' Anthon), Is spend· I tll'e garden. and the atmosphere, gel'. We ocecpt the findings o( Mr. sel'ere loss, a douhle loss. Peoplc I ~

, .... ~! i, I"I\' ,hi)" o( last tng a h(lhda~ lit Bell 151anll. coupled with good things to cat, En£lish as being authoritatil'e. :,n refcrrl~g to ~!IC incident said I' ~ 11:- l"nlll)' hrl r, I -- . 1 was onc or cheerfulness. I The word "An£islwre" is not Poor anglshorc. t, '. ___ ... Co~sl~b!e N.athan Gosse St., ~ch~all)" Mr. ~!aI'Shall's ~Irth· heard very orten these days al. Your correspondent in orde~ to i i! \""cy rrtllrnrd to .SI. ,fohn s I ISltr~ Ius parents, Mr. and I da) lias on Monday, August. 6, though we hal'e often wondered get his weekly news compIled ~ ,r~ Tur,dil)' aftrr ')1l'llIhng i~Irs. lIloses Gosse on Sunday. Ibut Ihe parly was delayed pendmg whnt it meunt and where it came often hus to sit late inlo the ~ ;;1' Ilith Irbtll r, hrrc. ~. • 1 the arrh'al of 101~. Marshall's from. Still, {rom loca[ usagc. we night. While we enjoy doing it II ! •. Irs: BeatrIce Smith of /IIew graml.dnllghter, ~hss Yvonne clo not associate Its meaning with because we get a kick Ollt of it (7). \.1 , (/f.')11 T. E. 1.nder and! 'i ork IS spending two weel:'s holl· Gossc, a sludent nurse ,at the hunger n[thml£h It coult! be used neighbours, knowing our financial ~1 ! H. \'"kc), II,itt d the city i days here and Is the gllest of Mr. Grace Hospital. SI. John's. to mean such. As tar as we can circumstances cven better than;1 , '. i and Mrs. Lincoln Gosse. Mr. Josiah 1I!ar5holl Is weU gllther an "angishore" (the spell. ourselves, think that wc arc doing ~ krlown here ~eeallse for many ing mill' differ) Is a person, not a it in order to lIugment our income, ~' I:! IITi. "'i!lrcll ~Irnchions : M S' f I years he cnmed on a successful ... and so they sympathize with us' . chlldrrn 0: nil)' Hoberls i ore. uccess u business at Bay Roberts Rnd his persomflcallon. For example, when for having to work so hard 'and 1 llr. ar.rl ~Irs, Solomon I fairness as a buslncss man aUrae. someone (especially a child) is do· so long and so late. "You poor I'; e: Suno:,)'. . Stlldents ted many customers to hI! store. ing somelhing he should not be an£lshore," they say. ,- We join with his friends here and 1 Studcnt In Bay Roberts In wishing him Public Birthdays P- I ~h~ G:'~e:' Ho,p!tal Is I SPANIARD'S BAY, Aug 13- many years of £ood health. R ;H 1.1eatwn Il'1th her Last Saturday ~Ir. Arthur Se)'. 0 EO • .Ir. and .\Ir~. Harold I mour Jr.• ond Mr. Chester Gosse Truck DemolIs)ICd ~Jxam.llIatlOn SPANIARD'S BAY, Aug. 13- M received news that they had been' Gloria Seymour had a hirthday on II successful in passing the second W] B k F 01 D ~sults Tuesday, August 14. Greetings to ~ class examlnallons In radio. The), len ra es i aI llh... her from Mom, dad and Yvonne. .' were both students at the Vocation. SPANIARD'S BAY, Aug. 13- . -- M We know of no belte;' way of saving money than .:1 lir o• !itt'pl!!'n Butt anr! al 'School, St. John's, sincc last GRADE 'X-Wallace A. Gosse, Happy bIrthday to 1Ilrs . .ro~eph ~ buying yourself a smart ne'll cutHt during .The Royal. :.::'! ir(' I'i'itin~ ~Ir;. Bult's September. SPANIARD'S BAY, Aug. 13- WlJIiam Noseworth)', EI'ic L. P)'c, \ Roberts who celebratcr! her birth· ~ ll:. ani llr;, Edll'ard Nell. Mr. Seymollr with Mr. Gordon A truck olVend ~)' Mr. Raymond David Strickland, Clifford L. day on Tuesday, August 14. ~1 Stores' areat Mid.Se::J~cll Sale. Our entIre assort­ Pike Jr .• lell here this morning Murrin of Spaniard's Ba)' was smith, Jeanette; Chipman, Dnp~ne Mrs. H. N. Reid also celebrated ~ ment, of VSpdng and ~ummer coats, suits, dresses ••• . llr. illII! llr;. Ernest {or ']'ornnto where the), hnl'e been demolished when the brakes fail· ~1. Jones. Rub~ "~heppard. AI er· hcr birlhday on Tuesday. Con£ratu. Ili 'wiih the exceplion of catj·::m hOlJ~e dresses ••• are . b It~ \\'(l'krnc\ wcre ~II'. assigned work with the Deparl· cd as It was descending the steep nge for elnss, 80'i,. . I t' 1 If.'! price ~! he:; ILkt'!' ~nd family ment of 'rransport. Mr. Gosse will Incline nt Harbour Main on Wed· GRADE IX _ Robert Georgc a IOns. .!~ offered at tremC:1dCU5 l'';c!I;~iicns. Sellce! any l:: C~(i ll"kl'r or 51. .Iohn's. len"c here later this week for a nesda)' ot Illst week. The vehicle Clarke, Austin V. Sheppard. Mark I --.;: dress, ccat cr suit yeu \'!i~h 01 IC.5 thirly three ond a similar np,pointment. The fourlll which Was Jaden with !ish was B. Sheppard, Clayton E. Smith,. Happy birthday .t~ Cyntl1l3 Rol:. Iil, l!.:Ir.a :i1:1' It'll on Tues. success(ul stUdent in this group, being dril'cn by Mr. Doug Smith Elizabeth J. Bishop, Jane Alice' crts who wl!1 be h' e ~n Saturda) '\ ti third per ce:1t. , !;cr.~ , hol!riay al Ben Is. ~!r. Ernest ~reelc)', will join of Bishop's Cove when the mishap K. Dawe, Dorothy J. Gosse, t August 18. The grcehn~s c0n,le l,; them after hc has recovered froln occurred. When the dril'cr reallz. Golclle C. Gosse, Elizaheth lIIarie from ~Iom, Dad, ,lean, Slurle)" VIC' ! \; surgery which he underwent re. ed that the machine was nil lon£er Hiscock, Syll'ia Neil, :'lIIdred G. tor and Harold. ! ~f i:; llr" fIt'lIl Hallcl~J[ and cently. We wIsh all fOlll' of them under his conlrol he leaped away Pike, Ethel D. Roberts, Phyllis C t I II--t MI' [ i ti .. (~mnr I'i-ileet ~Ir sueecss in their vocations. i from it. and apart from a barl' Sheppard. A\'cral!c (or r.las~, 72',;, ! H ont7ra I,ll R 0~~11 0 I I' ~~ 11'Y ,: 1~ '. "' ,I' "H;,,,,1o-1i on SlIn.. . ; scare, Wf!S unlnjurer!. We orrer our con~rntl1latlons 10 .n,lre • \I 10 " I~I ,ce e Ira e ler.;[ "'llill!: \Ir. :tIll! ~Ir~. 'l) S . · I ' I 0." Thlll's~ny el'ening a 1~lIs ancl the successful. pupils, U~rlr parrnl, 11JllthdRJ on I rlda~, AlIgu~t 17. i;1 .:;' '.I, .. nlllt,' "'ha[CI1 CI lUre 1 . Cl VICes a pIckup II ere In colliSIon on and the prmclp~l. l.. Hatchcr.: II . b' th" t '\' . 'V k ,: d, "Lassie Road" near the post 01. B,A. ' app~, . II' uay 0 a~ ne 0 r,~ :!t '... ' .. I (ice. but here damage to bolh of 203. FI eshwatcr Rd" SI. .John s , i~ 'II learn that ,\:"i(iI.lC,\:"i_ vchieles was ~li~ht. This sectinn 'Tis here n calm and surc retreat .who Will be IouI' ~n Sunday, Aug· I ~t he , P,r",r., I\'i.' rushed 10 Tw~lfth SUllcla\' Alt~r Trilllt\· of the Conception Bay highroad is always fOllnt!: u.st 10. :r greetmg c~mes from' i%; . Qr. Snlllrrir,)' for an nector Rev. Va'non T. E. Lo~lcr, has alreadY come In for a con. PerpetUal sunshine gilds the sacred Ius cousms at SpanlRrtl s Bay. ' 1:" , ~~tr:"!l.n. \\'l' wi-h her ' lIoly Ilcdeemer Church, siderablc share of criticIsm and ground: --. . I'~ rec"'c'r), Sllanlard's Hay although the "authorities" have Pure airs and heavenly odors D~n~ld Peddle Will be t~lrleen ~ b n mad Rware of its dangcr hreathe around The Throne nn Friday August 17. Greetmgs to t 8.30 'n.m., Holy Cllmlllunltmj 11 ec c him from his !\10m, Dad and ' (;i.!lab;'i;Hk Xcii and a.111" JIIatins nnd Scrmon; 7 p,m., hazards nothing has been done. of Grace. brothers Robert and Calvin. .' , t. Glcn;i;,h Ilel'C guests E"cnsong nnd Sermon. Two cars can barely pass, Trucks FOR SALE-DwclIIng 1I0use, ' I:i llts. EdWard :-\I'i! on All Saints' Church, cRnnot. And on a hlghroadl ' outhouses and Land. Centrally Con£ratulations to 1Ilrs. l'\Ol'man ,~. and Thllr,c!;l)' .of last TiIlon 3 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. In the anernoon. locatcel nenr the Rectory in Pike whose birthday Is nn [o'ricl<,)" ' ;' _ Spaniard's Bay._ Contact August 17. ,. UNITED CnURCR Wcllesley Smith, 7 JIIasonic i':' i:j lITS.- l!il'linci Callahan HOliAN CATIIOLIC SI. Anne's Churelt. Minister, Rev. J. S. H. Moran, Terracc, St. John's - Dial Mr. George Rcicl eCil'bl'ntc,t his i'.. Child's and Miss.es . ' Qr 51. John's spent the B.A. 11. n,m., Morning Worship. 3970. birthday on Tuesduy, 1\1I£1I5t 14.! ~,I JIIass will h~ celebrated at 4,30 lIIany happy ,returns. ' ' .. I.j HIs many friends here wish to I c~ send £reetings to the Rev. E. Jlunt of Trinity' whose' birthday Is COATS on Tucsday, Au£ust 21. Special £l'l!etings from ElIle, Harv and Just in timelof school opening comes the children. .,.. this special solo of child's and' misses' , .~ coats and children's coat and cap =t sels. We have a' good selection from & which 10 choose • , , newest styles, newest fabrics CJnd ill sizes up to 16 years. Come in ... make your selec­ I tion and save 20%

Welcome Wagon And Hostess All Sales Final For Cash Will Knock on Your Door with Gift$ and'Greetings from F'iendly Bl1sines5 . Neighbors all" Your , Civic and Social . Welfare leaders On the occClsion of:, Bishop'sCove len the public' wharf at The Birth 'of c Baby, JUs'r AS FISliERMAN ERIC SMITU 'of the engine of hi~ boat bucldil'eu and ignit­ Arrivals 01 NewcC!mer.~ to Spaniard's Bay at a.:m a.m. Ol~ .'~'uesday la:;t to' get his boat beached but as can be seen City. Cel the engine room. Mr. Smlth'managed beyord repair. Mr. Smitlj received severe fl'Ol.n the abovepnotogrqph it is ~ama~ed 'Phone. 3031 escaped without injury, , faCial burns but his son who was wlth him ~ ..... , ,

, ..

JIlJ~ THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUC.~ST 17 ~=~=~=====::::;::::==-~=;::::==~-----~G~U~~B~ciA;;R;P;~~'G~f:~C!~";-~. ==:===~ __ ~~_~~~~;-;~0N~o:r~lh:JDrl:a:kI~:ott~a"~s-~W~A~TffiF.;RF~'R~kl Stock Market Report Oil~~~;!~NCIA I DIR~OR~ !lIS~r'\n.CK, N.D. (.\[')-:-Iorlh, O~ DOCK Dakota's oil industry, only live I ~r.V. Zlnpd', nOI'al . fl"ndlnt. 2717 3\ 3'1 31 I~OO m UO 110 -10 I'Curs cld, is a husky ('hild, ~nd IS nnd S.S. n1nl'Qm' h~£"1 nund01 n ~un h~ 1:1 ":I , h~1 I) 4 ,15 It]· growin~ .Icadil\,. , • AT o'OCI( l'ol'onlo Oron,lnt nl ~In 1110 '610 Zl ~ a4 0 a~~ ~O -10 (l,.,ho"k ."~o fil 1\1 oj IL~O ~ti III ~l-3 In the first half o( Ihi, year. ~ ncnnlls1a >r.i1ed al TORnST41 CLn~ISI1 ~TnrKA Gnlch l~Oo 40 3~ 10 0.1 171 171 III -I North Dakota', iOI Willi lI .. d nock 2110 13 tS 2,,1 ~12 ~U ~12 ·8 S~'- E ....rr.nll.1 IInr M.n 1l.;UO II 38 3~OO 30 g 30 tI reI; from J36 II ell; In the flrsl l UI) III allow Ics:~h t~Crt N.I II 01 I •• k.. 2aOO II 1l II -'. 2 ,,' 17 17 17 halC of Inst ) car. I al Ilorll'oori l.umb~1 I" II ••• hi.. HI,~ L." Clo .. C~'I' 1I ••""oy 3i(\1\ m W 1.'2 -3 2)00 30 30 lO )II),':S lIonlh 3700 lO 23 30 C p,'lEOil ,oM .~ 41 H • I Prcduction IS regulated b) ~r.V. Sunset Glo\\ .0.'. Allom,,11 120 8~l 12.1 8%.5 n... 61C\1 10 9\, • 9". CEllI C,e.1 ~30 70 70 70 -,I the slale industl'irl cummhsicn. Ilal;{a~. S&llinl Am Llrd., 3[100 21 ~d 2U', - 1\ 1I0lllnte' 210 SIlt, 1m II'. - I, CAl,. Ma. 6!1[l0 lW 3l,1 5",' -10 Am !'i.phl 22110 213 ::D7 210 + 5 IIl1d II~V 190 S88'. 18 81', - 11 Cree 011 1110 510 m 50.1 + 10 I\hizh e.ach month fIxe, ma):im~m A. E. HICI(MAN CO Anacon 4;~O 26d 2JO ~18\a + Inl NI.kel p, 40 SUOII I~II'.! 2111 - \I 11.1 Rlu 71.d 1,1 421 4ll -I; prouuction, as a c~nserl'atlOn ~I?yb n., lliller IS th Ap:1 111\ I U 1[1" 1.3 1.1[, "0 4.3 4nl Ir.' I;roy 0 I l:,J ~:'I 211 210 ,2 :narJ min t::JOO 2j" ZGO 27J 113 J.ahndor lin n~' .. 23 1" ~t., Llb! Pete :;:&00 3"3 310 310 l' ~i:d ~url'rl' ~al'>. there ~ecm< to I' fls~-r". ne 'nUrt' ;:\ldall Ilt'f,I' ~'J f!h 1i7 -:! l. 01" ~C(l 21h ~(lt~ !!Ol'!1: - U I.t Fe'''' 2,1' l,i~~ I 1~ hl~ -JI~ be con-iderabll' m-rc I"II~re I!I:t ~I \' Manccr I, 1 :B.sk. 9~00~. ~l 23 - hi !\I-'. Tn"n ICOO 21 ~D ~O ~I>r:lold' 130D 23 28 ~. ".Duo 'i'1'11 2:1L1 :UII :l~\ J. WIII"01 l1r1 .. ~~, 2' "Ii ~ tl1 • t .. '~·.IJ relw: 7.21 Sh '.1 1t t-: 1nh c:mc from It p!?Ce5 rese·l·c" sale ' 1111 Dp ne.ura" 130~ 2~R ~Jl ~II i ~ 1.0' Irdl. Ir-'l 21 21 ~1 • '~lId.on 7680 137 132 13.1 j I noll' de!:niteJ\' establi;:hed at 713, I \Vh-Im ("un \'1 a d f' 'ntlche.· 3~ IQ .l1l 31'" 31:\ l."lIrh 2~M In, 1t2 10' -I' .\I,ll C tv 3J 3 ;H :J, .HI -I 'l1.lI.,r,.. 7(3 19\ 19l 191 -10 I Imemh. lIt. ~~'1 1\1 I" m !'iol Pete 2;0 480 fIIO U~ -~ 0:10 000 harrel,. :noor:', IIn'ror II n Inbltl lh;lhlchtm ~i .• O :l'll :!1'hJ ZRII - U Kirk ~lIn .l9:13:06 1~ 2'\G :; n~h.tol 7.... u IJu un lil.ll l ,~lPonT'''''T " .., I\'J'I', • • I AVilE & SONSI' ~'I'O~ ' n.,.on ,OJ 31 ~J II .In",.· 3'-1 2' I~O 1.0 11 Chhmrln r.aJ I'" I" 1&1 H C:-O,t ' t ..l1I :!I" 21l Z.1 '~en\'11I.. t.');O 8'2 R II :': Concord 2:06 47 43 47 .. ~ Thc most sinni!icant dc' elr.p ~ LI'll'"n n' 10'1' r' t k LTD. , H!: KNOWS WHAT 'l b l' . A ,., .• " ,I 00 D'cro""'1.1 :U)l IO~ 11\. 10..' r:ller1h.. :. 'I :\", ~ln ;\"'1 Z\ew D l>om 3J41 lJlI ::n ~Q t 4 ~O, men,t 01 ",!cn ~ :~I'r, IS mer Nil) er's HI' c. . IIld"OII l.;'.' ,II 10 "I I.L I •• c 1800 ~r.\ 216 2r.0 11 Contlnenl ~7,J /I i2 12 H::'S t::Dlt\I'··YO:J CA!\l ada's di,c"vcry well completed P' : .O<.chmaos mod, Pa, 1~()oO 73 (,I 11 -5 I.nmc~a ~'COO 16'., Ill, 16h N Gal E .pl m3 161 180 110 STAND AROUND HALF l 1hm, HIe ~ 11m III II) III -I t.nr:uln 1671~ 13' Uj JZfi lIN SUIJC,'lOI I'"n 21,' 2.,8 ;,!jll la el\' on, .111;) 1I1'i' 1.... \ 10\ -7 po rOlls condition in the carl~ that Bay. DOIer, Trlmty, B.B, itl (!'nt 1'01(" :\r.:;'1 1\ It U ~ .. \\, \'''cr ~"f'11 .!, 2':.'2 frans Cr.n ~OO 175 tjl Ij7 -5 I ('''nltenl n :'''' I n 11 'I - 1 3 ~t'"' Athona 2~C1 liZ 62 6:! .. I 'llan~,I~h'P 'ij~9 :~q 2"' ::n 1'111 permit 011. If prescnt. to mr,"c dian Ba). 1 rll:m nes If)~~ 4":1 U', "'~ - Z:'I I ~\r\' n (I ~400 16 1, lIi 10 "1' 1: I TraM ora %~iOO 3~ 3;"1 33 -I Ihrc:l~h the earth and hence be I JOB 1l1l0TIIEIlS !; (0, I la'" _,1\ '''I) 111 III III - '1 :\'t\\ ll"lhl SJO 101 101 J01 'l'l':!'HI r"le 4"~10 Ii l:i 1111,:! - 21~ "I\r.t\lII~ 11ro 3' ::1:1:1 I :'\c\\ Ilir,en liU li2 j.! 72 -2 TIJad Ojl 4'30 SH, 1)1. 11'4 .. ,,, obtainablc. B,I' ";:aturatinn" they I Jamcs and I'atrick 'alilc I (111h .1..r :;::117, r'1 'i\ :10 ~'\I ~ (iohh 1If' Mil-I) 2; 141 'II -11~ ('1\ 0 II ~a3() 2'01 '''4 :2H - mean the earth i. sait'rateo I"ith Ilhe Lab"rrlor Blue 11m. f • rhlb hoy :m:l ,3 67 ~! -l I ~ IInrrlo... 1l1l0 2J tl :.1 \·ulc.n ~M 71 '" 75 ·11 ( h h 'I 1.... ' ~I\'I :~"I ',I '. '\ n:t!'!\rld:::e ;11{n foR f\tj Ii I \\',,In',\,IRh\ ~JO 410 4~5 4fn .1:1 oil. Th .. "marli,lln" refers In thc I LIST OF SAILINGS I h,b I:,pl JJI IPO ItO Iro , :'\ ~I.nltob. :610 1'1 136 1" \I' 1<.on ,1171 In III 1.,·1 110 Doro,iil·. it is obtaina blc. Isei-I'ice. l'l'Id~ nNR ltC" rol III "1 -1 ~ ;\1 mit 3·0'1 Ii\ 61 j;~ -1 W ~IUD \,tII no 15 :%1 1\ BOWRING BROS., LTD. Coin l.f\~l ~I~O III 111 !G -: X :\blnm" 4~OO 17 Ji~'3 1"2 -1 \~I1~l'!' "jon ,q .~ 4fi ('o'dl'tr Z:'I"I~II )I" "1\ I·' . d ,\('\1110'1.1 2./:1Il Hi 1'"1 II, t I Z Yan ClnUtk ~OO 19 17 1!'J ~ 1 cadet alcrt and hopping. I Sill'cr Jubl\<.c. Parsons i! ("{llll 1'101 e 30tH) 13 11 I~I,: l:tz' .. I~'~ I ~t\\ nOIl\n !lIlG 18 17 7 ('lIh Some work shU remain, to bc i mastcr. is talong ('onln::a~ 2~O ~~l ~ \i 23; • '0 I ~:('\~ nO\l' .. ~n1 42\ .. to ",'1) \\'aou!le 500n ~I 11 21 (' ric-ltc', 21M'11.1 :;1 \1 ,I ~t\\ 111mb ,.ell 18 11'1 13 ~\~K~ rlone bclow decks-mainl\' on hI.' manllUe. Gander Ba), '" Dtla 0 :\11fI:2!' 29 ~!J -I :":Ic' el nllu j,i1l U:) 410 .. n I7l I:~ .11'.1 tin~s and finishings.· i LCI\isoorlc. Springdale and t' J)::n\tlln l~IJ~ Sltl" 111. WI, ' I" ~'I"I-l$ln#: 2100 410 ~10 410 ]61 UN ~~ (. J):::n \\1" ,:\j J:f,l l::'\ 331 I:' ~i;'o 4{:,11 17 IA 17 IIi S3,I ~I) Lca~j;;gf~~ - Halifax and Boston SOl· D The date for the formal com. le~'s Islond. C n,~c~'I\ cty ,11~ :no ~.C) :IVl - U ~or ACllIc !Jjll 10 3 103 el3 -:l 69l SG1', 61 '61',; I', due Halifax Oct. 22 and missioning is still not set but it IS IMPERIAL OIL CO. LTD (" 6n lil JC:l IG:'I -6 (j 'OI':I"S fill:: ... I,,, \J~t. ~u, al Ing ays I l'~nl",OIe ~ol:\nd1 ~ J:mV;rRIAL~ l'~n GillIe" t1 I.! I.! !l • I SDlmr:11I1 30 :!CJ 21\\ 2:lJ .. ~ 113 $119'. 13ft'. 139'. ; I Steamship Boston Oct. 25. Leaving Doston 0 hoped to hal'e Ihe hrig in shape I ~Ia':me Johns n, loaded eG Arro" _ ljC:l :'.1'1 :\0 .,~() ,4 :\o:p:1:o< 2:.::rll 144 133 1 '4 ... l ~'O .11:'4 \1:\ P .. - I, Oct. 26 and Halifax 30, I for a cruise 10 Toronto in Septcm.' oC oil 10 di,ll'1buted ~ 11.111",11 ,9h' J ~\1 2.1 .7 SM In<. 1000 9'. 8 9 - I, 46 S:.!I~, 2&1/~ 2Sl4'" I, O~t. dl~e Are ReturnIng h~ ('on llol1r" mO 4~1 4~O 4~; :" nonl.ln I~' III mI'! , I :i Ij ~:1". 1t\~ I" .... .,.llI" ~lovemel1ts St. John's ~Ol·. 1. Salhng agam I . ber, IPen~IJin 1".lld t~ St. An!l'ocy c," ~I ond S lI~j ~JI', 11 .U', -" ~O'lh.p.n '~Il 1'0 J31 30n '''I S23~ .. 23~4 231 .. _ '. same day for Lil·erpool. mNGSTO~, Onto (CP) - The All has not he en smooth sail· sailed. (. ~Ior".on 41UO 40 T' 1~ .: :"IIIth ('an 2.0 131 1311 1~1l IljU $J1:l lat,~ 13 h - \a I' ,'11l~h"',' 1,1)11 7, 13 j' -,j :\or\'ilile ,~o/.t.)1 31 !It %10 $i213 7::1, 7~h THE NFLD GftEi\ r I.AIlE! No\'a Scotia leal'ing Liverpool classical da) s of sailing-Ilh~n ing, howel'er. On one trial sail,l Con ~C:U1 l:;CO ~l 21 Z, -11;: :O:urtu1ama Ui13 41 41 4\ 1'0. :>Iohol IICIJ " ,12 Il . '()I"tl:~ 3;00 11 11 11 Tot.1 ,.1 •• on TO'nnlo Slock E.,han;., STEAnlSRlPS LTD. Nov. 3, due SI. John's Nov. 9. canvas was supreme and atomIc; she Was caught in a sudden I r' :i.,lhl.nd IlIO liD I~~ r.2 -I O~.on. '1)0 32 ,1,1 31 16: 1.ll.OOO Ih.ro'. MV Perth from Hamilton about Leaving for Halifax antI Boston power for ships wasn'l thought of squall, heeled ol'cr and took some ArchIe ~lcKcnzic i< I' Prrlh no.. ',lJ 7~ 2J ,Ohil n,ne ~IOO 93 !II') tI') ,oO S.nnorm ft!r,1 lil-; I,:, I',t z - !~ ()'l,N\~~ J:'J;II 30 211 29 A.ug. 18, Toronto Aug. 20, Montreal Nov. 10, duc Halifax Npv, 12 ann -mny soon bc levived on Lake \\'~tcr through porthole,. Th~ , a cargo of fish "nd after r' ned rop :.II~ :II 31, 3. ·1 j Omnl1ron, 9:00 9 B H-I New York Aug. 23 for St. John's. . Boston No\,. 15. Leaving Boston Ontal'lO. crew brought her back to her Icd will shift to BO\'.ling to nt1'ct t:' 1~11i J.n J' J.!II .. ti opcnt{41,a 7:!U Sth'4 16 lfil" "" ?I.V. Dunrlee from HamIlton Nov. 16 and Halifax Nov. 20, due A square.rigged sailing shill, wharf and chalked it up 10 ex· take frei~ht for SI. Brendan! (' Tun,t,ten 71".(lO ti3 :,r) .&t -2 OrcnAda ''"'700 21\-; 21\1:'7 ;;\ MO~TRf:"L r.LO~ING ~TOCK8 , (on\\c t 3~:J 7tl 6... l ,1\ • .!o Orn,,,hy 36')0 78 ;J i8 --I 111 Th. C•• adlan Pre.. about Aug. 30, Toronto Aug. 31 St. John's Nov. 22. Sailing again the brigantine SI. Lawrence Il, pericnce. the other u'ual port; 01 CID. ,.,. SU,lt 3\~J 4;n '31 ~In -1 n.l.k. 1100 41 .3 13 -1 Abitibi 4n ca L~kell and Monlreal Sept. 4 for St. same day for Liverpool. Irill soon be completed to take Its ------'r' CoVPO' l 63tO 421 410 4~~ r ..b« 300 11 11 Albeslo, IllI How Smllh r.opper Corp ~'(o 171 1/\ 17. "ac ~o'l !lOO II 12 12 .. I, Banl~ .:\lont .I~ lIud Bay ~lln John's. (This "essel offers 45,000 FUUNESS RED CROSS place as a training vessel for ,...... _ ...... _ Coppercr HAlO 71 69 7n I'o.d.. • (,10 83 83' 81 -3 Bank !'is 112 Imp all n~pr' ~I.n 6'00 IR 13 'R r.ler sr-a 00 ~O 90 Hnquo C S.t II Inl NI •• cubic fcet of refrigerator space). Fort Avalon due st. John's Aug. members of the St. Lawrence Coule. In:o I~a 121 III -+ 2 "~"ron .CO 26 26 26 - Bolhunl A 63 Int PIP FURNESS WAnnEN LINE 15, sailing Aug. 17 (Corner Brook Corps of the Royal Canadian Sea Mra,/A ('Y AmT III T \.'0" leI". 3)0 1"1 1 151 Il; I'I~k C,oW liB 118 I~ Inl P.le 1 ·'1, 4eo no nal:lunl B Newfoundland due St. John's Aug. and New York). Cadets. '<;;, Cresl.ur 10C;0 9" ,'. - • "Ich Ore 1&,00 III, 11 11 - I. Bell .f,81,oi MllI,lIar ~l, ~lJ1iLIU1" Cro"n", 49'0 31 :R 30 r~" Rou)1, :1l0 ~8 57 38 Bralll 71 •• Ma .. ·nar pr 17, Leaving for HaJi[ax and Boston Fort Hamilton I~nl'ing New York The ship, whose forebears dis· Iii."" ,,, • Get S50 to $1500 or more l ...... o looO 17 16 16 rOd liDO IB 18 IB - I. Oldg Prod 37', McColl Aug. lB. due Halifax Aug 20 and Aug, 17, Halifax Aug. 21: dUe St. appeared decndes ago after more \':", n'Ar:'l:lln :Zl!4j~rG lr.l BG gj +4 I.~:~on or 2'!",;,) fiS1 flU t'lJI +3J C Cement 31 Nor~d. Q C Cemenl pr 29\i Prlc. Boston Aug. 23. Leaving Boston' John's Aug 23, sailing Aug. 27 than a century of usc on the EXCLUSIVE WITH USI BefDre.. During .. or AfterVacaliOlI PD•• E.ml,j,On"I' 1~oJ :_.~ ~~ ~~ _ 1'; ~1.1.lluri '::00 163 3~0 960 • \I". Lith 5C1 Ill;, II, '. I: ~I".n"blp "29\:01 Que Pow Aug. 24 and lIaJlCax Aug. 28. due (Halifax). , , Great Lakes, Is the realizalion of Our Nalionwide Credit Card n~ Caur 5113:a 40 411 -12 Pr!lntn 13('10 ~:::\ ~~l .,21 -::S C Bnk Com 5m Roy.1 B.nk ~ Get cash ror vacotion in JUII ent !Jolla ;;CO BI I 6 Que I •• b nllO 17 15 17 1n"na6 n dn Brew ZBI. nO).ue SI. John's Aug. 30, Sailins same Fort Avnlon leaving New York a fC(lr·year dream. ! issued to 01/ customers at no !rip by phonin~ 5rst. Employrd ..1Il '\eqthr-3 e$l~3r533:'JA t.~t 4£ Purd)' ;\lIca :I~":l 2a 2i\a !!'~1 -n2 II', 51 L Corp Cdn Celan day for Liverpool. Aug. ~O, St. John, N.B., Sept. I, In ]9j2, a group of interested G .ltra cosL Good atover 1,000 and women-married or ,in,IM·1 D.""1~3 10,0 49 48 4! lI.yrock ~20Q 70 103 170 C Chenl 10 Shawl. affitiated office. in Canada, ]1'1\'11111 2jO" 31 r.a 88 -1 noel,wln 17liO 35 33 3j PR 31\, 51 ••1 Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool Halifax Sept. 5, due SI. John's citizcns Ilho had long felt the only a prompt "y.," to their loon requnt. Q\" T -'4\.U Qucmont :l1jO the U.S., Hawaii and Alaska. ~'~""~' ~~Ii- $2G~, :'l(j~, 26~4 r.ock.hult 7'. (In St.el Aug. 25, due St. John's Aug. 31. Sept. 7, sailing Sept. 11 (Corner way to teach seamanship properly Phone for 1.lrip loan. tome in tod,,! S.latamll ~61'.! W.lker Come in and apply today! F:;:: ~~lUI m~ m ~~~ m -10 QQ~:e~~~n Im~ I~~ I~~ ~~; of I 2l CASAllI-'N i~ ., Eai\ l1e,.11 3aCO tiB 1i1 ti7 ( "I . ." +!2 D Brld:e Leaving [or Halifax and Boston Brook and New Yorl:). on a sailing ship-preferably a .. F."I lllnlnr 766 6211 61" 611 mo nupun 1133 2, • - Dom T.r I~" Co •• P.p Sept. I, due Halifax Sept. 3 nnd Fort Hamilton leaving Halifax square·rigger-banded togelher to 1::II.r 1)00 41 42 U I/u. Chlb 6205 2~0 23! :10 I·aund.tlon 21 .'ord '.'n.h 1'::0('1 111 8\ 81 Sand Rhl'r ~OOO 26 23 ,2B Frun 40 Boston Sept. 6. Leaving Boston Sept. 11, due SI. John's Sept. 13, do something about it. E u 7" S\ '.110111.1 I'K!O ~ I 4[1 4'1 F3 nllr AUl16b J:I Sol 1111)0 21 I.u noci.. 2COO 171. 17'; 117" .. 'I Boston Sept. 7 and Halifax Sept. sailing Sept. 15 (Halifax, Phil., Thcy made a fruilles. search of Eur.~. 40) II I,D I~Z 73 '-J ' '~'.pl All .. !tltCt 114 lOi.! m.. Mhnb PilI,) i~ , , -. Montreal 11, due St. John's SP.pt. 13. Sdlinc New York). tile mallhmcs for a suit~ble I'es· J:m GI.dtr 1010 J: 17 17 Po".. \;onl 9160 16 Il 15 -I same day for Liverpool. NFLD. c.;,\N. STEMISIIIPS ~cl, Ihen decided to build thclr "or. "II loon 70 68 h~ 'ha\\key tlJ1 21 I" 2~ I ,- 'I 1'1\ SICln. 100 490 490 41>11 SElf TonK CLO~JSG UOCII! Newfoundland leaving Liverpool Belle Isle /I leaving Halifax 0\'. n. ; I'.radav ~Iln I\d 10" S.'lIonrn 1311 II II 11 By Tbe Can&dl&n Prul . Fed "Ir~ 32210 41 :fi '4 .16 III 119 _ 7 Sirel Ken."oll Sept. 12, due St. John's Sept. lB. Aug. IB, due St. John's Aug. 20, A. non·proflt or;:anizalion, Bri'l }'uncoeur .svoo 0;0 HI Z:) S,t Mlllrr :! 0 l:D I! , ,\ 11«. '6; .'"h,.I1.r .\];0 HI .11 'II S,I SIan" 070a.3,0 lJ ~O'''tS 11011 Warner 47\, Monly W Leaving for Halifax and Boston sailing Aug. 21. g.~ntm~ Inc, was formed wIth, C and II 85 NY Cent Ci.U"ln Ilno n It 41 l' Ifi 16 ~6 'oi~ 22,2 Sept. 19, due Halifax Sept. 21 and BedCord 11 leaving Halifax Aug. III'e Ihrector~. necn ~lInts 1:121 ".1:1; 1'11:1 11'1 I ,I" ~Intan \'n :2100 22 ~'1 Co., f:di.on 47\, n,dln Corp f:1 AllIn L :16', Sl~ 011 N.r Cirne~ ~'OI'l:.g:i\ 311 .. 1 z Saari all 210~ 10 ]0 :n 3 Boston Sept. 24. Leaving Boston 20, due St. John's Aug. 22, sailing STEEL nULL , ':fQ Srl,.n ~flO 1Rj nn 1~!) stcrp notk :\008 S:3 ::%:'1 •• :''2 , - 1. Ci.n &I.c 821\ Uld AIr.rall Sept. 25 and Halifax Sept. 29, due Aug. 23, Francis ~lacLnchlan. son of ~ne ______.. ______ro lonl "K 11M 61\.\ IIln 611 Sl'" tlgh 8JOO 311 2~1 30.1 T I~ GooduJr' 78'" "An.dlum I" 10\ sud ConI IlOO 19 17 17', Gt 10~ 10 101> 101. II " A h I MV Edenwood Icaving Hamilton . J. II k 7.enm.. 117300 17 17 42 i 3 SIP. smoot, ustrous appearance, August 26, Toronto August 27 anr! 109 gear-cnoug to 'oep any sea !rrangemenl. Family Budget Curh However, If the yen for furs uniform color and texture, pliable Bu ola - 2no 300 Mil Mil overcomes the swelter of summer skins and thick, glossy, long Montreal August 30, arriving St. I lon Sept. 8, Toronto Sept. 10, For rates and bookings conlact eSp.3) 1'''0 700 490 410 470 - 3 ,Gup< Cop ,10 13m 34\, ~H, sun, the CAC has some sugges- guardhairs indIcate good quality John's Sept. ~. Montreal Sept 13, arriving St. 011.' I Hons for women shopping for au. In ~ wild anImal fur, says_ the !II.V. Avonwood sailing Hamil· John's Sept. 18. Aeon" Gu 3700 :!2 11 22 +I', ----- Ahx 500 7l 71 71 -3 thentic or syntheHc furs, or Iur· CAC. In furs from hooved ani· Murray Agencies & Transport Ar Con. 47HO 61 fi2 ~2 - I trimmed garments. mals, lamb, for Inslance, light Am I •• duc 2mn 117 113 117 100 723 It! 7:!.1· ~ 21 WISE CIIOICE eurls nr natural patterns are qual. ... ,.. • , I , Amur.. H311 Sci A 693"1 1181. I~', tR', - I, Starling with the realization that Ity indications. 1I.lIty Sel pr :!'OO Ill\, 37 37 Company, Limited Banll 2~'.O lftO 310 311 a fur enat constitutes a major . On the other hand, poor quality Oal. 500 14 14 14 part of any elothlng budget, the Is Indicated by dull, lifeless color; IIl1lnll. ~OOO 291 2~1 2e~ Colol1o rete 3200 \43 \40 140 -3 CAC suggests that a wIse choice thin, uneven fur, brittle or split AGENTS and Around St. John ~ r.1 1:11 330 ,w. JO :vi + I< considers the suitabll!ty 10 pur. hairs and slifC, "rattlll)g" skins. C on L.ndl 700 32.1 300 300 C 011 I. wI. lOG 190 185 190 pose-whether the garment Is lor GET GOOD, FIT TELEPHONE 2031 • 2 . 3 The CAC suggests that the buyer check for a generous fit '. ·1------around the shoulders and arms and a good overlap in the front, .~i:~ . I as well as lor' a strong, durable ~rl Unlng which will. support the Furness, Withy &Company Ltd . -.. - , weight of the coat. 'f sa. J'hI' ::; "I You can do so much Style, of course, depends on per· LIverpool Sl. John's 808l0n Hah 31 II ~t I sonal taste; but generally short­ 10 to lib. &: 10 to , LhrtPl' .~=. f with t~e help of a haired furs flatter the small fi­ SI. lohn's Boston Halifax SI. JohD' gure. The tall, slim person. may "Nova Scotia" , Aug, ~Ii ~~: look well In bulky. longer-haired "Newfoundland" Aug. 11 Aug.]3 Aug. 24 Aug.· SlpL I PERSONAL furs. , "Nova Scolla" Aug. 25 Sept t Sept. 7 Scpt ~ oct I "W. In/oy many In synthetic furs-which have "Newfoundland" Sept. 12 Sept.1!J Sept. 25 sept 13 oct· . n.... (omforb,lhanh been developed to combine style "Nova Seolia" Scpt. 26 Oct. 3 Oct, 9 oct . I LOAN with warmth and light weight, as "Newfoundland" Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 10 a Perlonal toan" well as a lower cost-the consll' I mer' organization's main sugges· / "Nova Scotia" Nov. 3 Nov.l0 Nov. 16 Nol'. 20 Getting in winter fuel early , , , buying a new oil (urnace •• , new home tlon ,Is to haVe these garments "Newfoundland" Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 4 Dec. 8 1 carefully cleaned, These fur·llke kr furnishings, • , a new car,' or refrigerator, •• payment of educational fees fabrIcs shOUld never be put in con· Persuns rontemplating PQssage to Europe should rra I ~ell in ~dl'ance. 'it , .,. these arc aniong the many worthwhile objcctives you can reach morc easily tact with heat or steam. • I~ ~ I with a Personal Loan: For details, see our nearest branch - we have more ,than F~r·llned garments should, be /\Ir Pa~sages arranged b~ B O.A.C. K.L.At. - scandl~tWl J,It I 725 to serve you. checked to make sure the fur lines-Pan Amerirlln Airways T.W.A.' and coDn won't shed onto the dress worn line~ . beneath It. And In both f~r·lincd Consult us regarding your travel problems. . : THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO.MMERCE or trimmed garments, it I; often worthwhile 10 huy ~armrnls which . N·m I "Women certainly aren't ~oll'ical! I'd think you'd wait i FURNESS TRAVEL OFfiCE . I . have detachable furs, for clean· .. ~ after YOHr r!!ativ~ viSit us'to clean housel'.' ~ NEWFOUNHLAND'HOIEL / - Ing purposes, . ------\ ~JEWS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 Jj . 11

World.... Events'. . In'.... '... "'~" Pictures ", ": ,::' I

" "

• 1 t i .I' ! I I ":

, .. \ I I:

NEW YORK-Peter Masefield, managing director of the Bri~tol Corporation, Is seated in his British Bristol auto, which is pat'ked next to the new British Bristol Britannia Airliner at Idlewild Airport aftet· its arrival recently. The planc is the world's fastcst jet-prop airliner.Productlon models of the low-wing. four-cn~ined cnift have been cOll\,el'ted by Britain to airlift troops to the Mid-East in the Suez crisis. The Bri;;[o! auto and the Bristol Britannia . " . i!l'e really brothel' and siotel' uncleI' the skin. The\' :lrc l'Ilildren of t!lC same parent, both being manufadured by ~tlnGO. I1.-P~ll! :.r. Butler wears a broad smile as he' bangs thc ga\'cl to ~alJ Ihe Dcm~c.rnlic Nation~1 COll\'cn- thc Bristol Corpol'ation.-lLN. Photo). • :oordrr ill elm·ago. Attendance was \'cry ~parse, howc\,cr, bet:ause most of the polttlcs werc havlI1g dozcnf> .n~l~·;.;.'·"" l!lI1I'rnlio\l:; herc nnd therc -throughout Chic(lgn The political dopestcrs nil agree Ih(l[; the big pow-wow ::" :a{fl' pull (If s\\'cetness (lnci Iigh1. They predict sC\'cml floor battles. Butler is Chairman of the National cc.-\IX Photo).


VICTORIA, B.C,-E:;hauste~ ,\I1el "Imo~t uncollscious. i\1 uriJyn Bell. young Canaciinn giL'l wllo swam Lpke , is suppor~ed by her pacers Cliff LU\1lsdoll and Put Rus~ell (left I after she colbp;cd in the water wbile battling the frigid waters of the . Marilyn. 18, who ~;l'.'llm thc English Channel :: year ago following hel' \,ictory over , was heatcn b~' the 49-

, .... August , ..... August ••.. ,August " ,Scptcmher AND FIT YOUR BUDGET · . September Suites· to:· Flatter .. Your Home o c · . September · .September , .. September ------~~

Here's living-room luxury at a ransport budget-easy price. This 3-piece suite

~ ted features sturdy hardwood frames with fkinely-ccuved show-wood" in

J , walnut finish, spring-filled construc­ tion throughout, and new, high-grade repp covering. Colour-choic9 of red, 2 ,Piece Daveno Suite emerald and pink. Ihuras st. . lo Joha'. $155.00 Aug. 11, Aug. 28 AUt . Sept ~J ~I. Sept.:l9 ()et Oct. 13 . ' This Daveno suite is ideal for the small home or 30 NoV. Oct, 20 NoV: 3. Piece apartment, furnishing the living-room and providing No", 'Drc. 8 an extra bedroom at the same time. Both pieces leave Chesterfield Suite strong hardwood frames, with coil-springs in seat and I back. Durable, attractive "quality" covering in colours of ~ambler red, green and churc~aJ. Spacious compart- ,. .$1'49.00. in~nt in sofa for bedding storage. RAD!O-APPLtANc~~FURNITURE DEPAF.TI-.IIENT '. . y NEWS, !!!!£ , . 12 THE DAilY NEWS, FRIDA~. AUGUST 17

------~~------~----~------~~,JJI'4..~~-",=-...... ~""';;~~~:'-;;::"";:~~~::'<;:~~~.:'>o'<.~ • .....,...... "...... ,..:....."...... , ...... , .....~~ IC'=::'~~ ~.------... -----_ .. -----_ .... "------... ------:~ :: Prog''(Jmmes On The Air ,!oda,,;-_ :: . .~ Capitol Paranlount The Blonde Cried kl.oa4~,o;::,~oa,o;::,.o:;:,,o;::,~....:::.~~~~~o<'''-::-' <:::'~"':-''<:>'~~I<:'>...:;o,...::::....::::...:;:,.<;:o~•.~~~ , ~-•• ------, - - ~ ------.------,------~------9.30-A U~te with Denys. r0-l11OJ"-0 W ' • To.day Answer to PreviGus Puzzle" to.OO-Ncws. CtlN Screen Actor 10.0l>--A Date with DenYI. MURDER FRIDAY, August 11th. [ IO.30-Adopted Son. BUD ABBO'rT AND "!=RMCIS IN THE NAVY" 10.5l>--News. LOU COSTELLO, WITH DONALD O/CONNOR . A,M. ACRO!iS 59 Penetrates' n.OD-Burtons 01 Bannel Street "MEET THE MUMMY" , . 7.30-Slgn On. CBC News. 1 Screen f.ctor, 60 ~~~~sticatcd 1l.15-Song Time. _ Laughs arc unleashed with the I XXII Ifootsteps soundetl 7.3!;-Top or the Mornlni. Jack - 1l.30-Keyboard Caprrs. UnlversaJ.Inte~·nat![Jnnl's new regularity and Impart of a Naval I OUTSIDE the hotel, Tim Hou· steps. \l'ill Gcnlrl' ~Q the or somc members 01 , 8.00-CBC Nel'o" Ind Weather. 7 He Is a - DOWN 1l.4!;-Tops In Pops. comedy, "!.hhott and Costello I homhardment In Universal· Inter· i rkll and S~layne got into 511n~'n6s lly, nodding to :I~/a:e In ~".hatI5 have served 8.15-Kusieal Clock. plctn", . 1 Dens 12.0o.:-News. ;\Icct lim l\Iummy" l'eprllsents national's nell' comedy 11It, "Fran cal' whlle Gentry sent one or hIs ami attendant. "B P lice one of -you, Dr • 9,OO-Mominl De\'otlons. perfonner 2 Wandering 12.0!;-Rambllo· With Hegan. tlYO mlestoncs In the history of I cis In The j\'avy" . I men up to wate!> outside 316 and Doc?" een Olet helped to d~rend the I 9.15-Prop'am Preview. 1: ~~~I~hs::ac:ort ~ ~~~:~9 .. g:~lt:~I~~:j.men's Forecast. ! the popular comedians. ! Francis, t.ie talking mule com·' called h~adquar'f.rs ov.er the two "SuPcl'ifiCialJy Tilro or other of the two 9.20-0n Parade. 151>1 II I Fit'st, theh' film offering is a I crly star, 15 oller again teaml'[1 way radiO In thl police car. l th~ \\'ay ncrus; Withal rUI 9.30-Records at Random. a:;~lat?~n ~ ~:~~Ire 26 Standards of 43 Redacts 1.l5-SllortscasL ,mlIestune In tilt field of merit,l W)UI hl~ familiar and populnr I Shayne pul\e[l :!way slowly, ; knlfc or razor. O,e to a Brltaln, the Canal JI 10.OO-Mu.leal Projzram, t6 Solid 7 Hebrew perfection 44 Cooking ~·~t~ew~1I With R sccund It represents n mUcstonc i.lllovie companion. Donalrl O'Con· ! and Ruurke sluuched down bc·I,'ago. I'd say he Went In ~o been the main artel ·10.1O-Hlt 0[· the Day. 18 Yugoslav city prophet 200rlcnl.a1 coin. utensil am n' egRn. that It Is their furlcl.h film togel· I 1l01', and the pail' :Ire :!lJly assist· : ~Ide him and .Hi a clgaret, speak· quite 50011 allel de Ih~e frolll the Com.mol1\\ · ,10.15-ElII Manuel. 19 Taller 8 Poem . at Strong , 'j 46 Doctrine 5:ot~~IT:~! on Parade. hel', allli judglnq fro mopenillg Icd in their antics' I\:ith a new I mg for the fU'st time since they! "Lots of hlon[I?" aa'k us tilt! .,upphes w 10.25-CBC New-. ~o Expire 9 Symbol for \'rgctable 49 Log flont . 4.00-New8. day audiences, It Is their best to f Indy In the personahle shape of· entered. the hotel. ,:ry mallcr.ol.farll)' "td To many other ro: lO.30-hps on Parade. ~1 Eagle (comb. , tellurium 33 Sc\'~nth , 52 Soctallst . 4.05-Rnlnbow Ranch. date. '. ! l'Ilartlm Hyer. ! "What do you make of III "Lots."' . the worl.d, it b. • lO.45-lIBC Variety. (orm) 10 Natural Greek I-tter SoViet , Mon. This reviewer would like to gu! This Is Francis's sixtll trip be· I now?" "What 11"111 'l.nuxu"I"e·'bearer of a trar • e 5.30-Melo~y I I . "1 " · ·11.15-Llllht and L~·rleal. lI21I{Or't'l\'elY 1".1 'Bl{llrldIOs'fhSoln.s 36 Asccnd.~ RepUblic Cab; 6.00-NcW8 and Wtathrr· on I'CCOl'd ll1altln~ the wish that I fore t.he Ilo\lYII'IIod ramel':!S and I Hunched ol'cr the wheel, . Shayne. "1', Whetllcr . growin~ volume. ., ·1: fu 1". 37 Newest sa Narrow Inlet . 51 I d "L t' t k ' I I I · 'lUS-$acred Hea rt P rOll1'am. ' 25 Greek tcller 17 Clamp 39 Announccment 56 Th~t 15 (ab.) 6.ll>--Sporlcust. Bild. Abbull an!! Lou Custello Ionce ngain- he has succeeded In lAyne grill\' e e s a e a: la,'C' lcell done in all' world/s, cOlnmerr . ,~ P.M. 27 Tranposes. 23 Eaglc's nest 40 Mistakes 58 Morning 6.25-Lost and Fuund. appear togethe, ill another forty. ,scoring a home run. In at what's waiUng for us ill! say, WWlIllIt Ica\"lIg upon it. I~ can'ies gr '.1 :, cillem~lIc lo~\: blo~~1 ,·12.00-Announcerli Choicr, (ab,) 24 Sharper 411dollic (ab.) 6.4l>--NcWE. , And nCter !.lint Ilniliher forty. ! only two nf the III1W completed: the murguc befl~l'e we do any f If he WCI1' shul'ed out a , kinds for EurodPe ,~nd AZII ,. , i . 12.1S-Dinntr BeU Breakdown. 28 Large plants 7.00-Slmon Mystery. i\loderll dny E~ypt Is the baell' comcdles hns Frnncis becn SCI'1I i more gllesslng. \ Oll knuw el'ery: fast." AUstrnlla an "ell' . .( i . . \' ~ 1,1 12.30-F.rm Bl'Otdellt.' . 30 He also - 7.15-·0r. Paul. : gl'uund for "Abhlltt and Cllstello i in thc role 01 :, rivilian mule. In I bit n.' .mueh about all of It as [; ~lal'lin's r.Ves -IWe blob for Eastern countl'lc, 1:!.45-Mld Day Serenade. comic rO~l\Ine'~;;-j..;..+--+-I_I--t 7.30-Yours to Remember. I illeet thc r.il:mm',·' Scen as tll'U Ithl! rcmainln:! r,lur,he has heen '. do. I duln'l JlIJld out anything on' speculation. "I. II' ,r , I India and Ceylon, a2 Scottish '" oa ld [ ! Y. i ~ 1.00-00)11. lIuplletln. sheepfold B.OO-Order In the Court. stl'anded An.em·nlls in I~Jypt.: attached to a hl'11' 01 Uncle Sams : WilL" ; ~pllrted." he ~aid grcatcst btern;1 l' :. 1 1.15-Llura Llmlte~, 33E\'en (contr.) n.OO-Boston B1ackie. Bud and La;.! h;ncll'crtently .hc· : military forl·cs. ; I Only d.!lfel'cncl! is-you talked, a II1IIow Ilr hlunkl,tilad b . in the world. '. I 1.30-CBC News ani! Weather. 34 Hostclry_, •. _. .lr.--t-+~ n.30-Come A·Cnlling. COIllC Invotl'ed III a searcll for Tlle opening of "Frands In to the girl persllnally and Wl', ready alHl Shlll'cd cen Colonel NasEcr h" I," .' \. 1.4lI-Aunt Luey. 35 Oriental n.45-News. the Sacred lIledalllon of Ihc The Navy" find. Ihe jnstly falll' i didn·t. If she is,··'t nut&-" wound fa;t. it l11ight haUler is to scize It f(lr h:, 2.00-Words and Musle. 36 Toward lO.aO-Encores. ;\Iummy of IGarb. ous mulc classified as "navy sur. I "Doew·t it hegin to look more up the bluod Wilhout Ie /iobcdy s.~lOuld be SUI a 2.30-Musleal R~ndeZl'oul. sheltered side 10.30-Summy Kayr. The prized 1\lI'dallloll --Rex Knury. : lows it. He is X-rayed. ltll! hil!·, and the comcdy suon rel'eals '1\ looks rrasonublc, Silld insuranr!! iclclltllieation it rUllS thl'ou~h 7.15-Curtaln Calls. 55 Withstand 9.00-11 Happencd laSl Night I 1'01Mphlc;; on thl' Im'dul nl'c de· . L!Wt he has a dr,II"lc in the SCI'· SIInj'nc "If he I; t!le murderel' i • • • it is not vital to E~Y\l 7.30-Tops Today. 57 Small lO.OU-Coffee Time. ' ; cipncred and th~ sCill'ch for t:le : rice of t.~c Un'led StnLc':\i!I'Y. 'and I;noll's ~hc.~ the only OI.le. ALL g,1\e Ihe name 01 many other coulltrico 7.4l>--Doyle Bulletin. ;;;;-;;-;;-~h~r~:'~k~~_c.Y~::~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~;;;.111.00_Turn hack the Cluck. I huricd tl'l:a5lU\, gcts IIl1derway. O'Cunnol' handies Ilis dual I'olc. who's. actually s~'en t1.1C hody In' Bames, and the insurance o[ thc world. 8.15-Muslcal Panorama. -, -- 111.30-pepperrell Juitc Club, I In additioll to ~larie Wlnd~lIl', I with strong cOIII'ictlOn ina5much 316,. lt would gl.ve 111m a goud· gal'c an ad(h·c,· on Eait '1h['ou!:h it tr~\'els tudil~' B.3G-Francls Chaplin-Violinist.' 12.30-lIil1billy Matinee. : the comedy's targe supporting' as Iherc is a sliarp linc of cliar· ,molll'c for traclllg .her to my, St., ";CII' York City. oil wito'iout whit \ . B.45-Rol'lng Reporter. C JON TV T · ht' I.OO-Behind thc Slory. : enst is hC:l'led hI ~l1tbael Ans3ra ' aclcr ,!iHCI'CIll'C hctwccn the two. place and then trYing so l~e5" "Thal's CI'('!'j"llllng we of this COlilltr ", ..' 9.00-Deslgned for You. ... Ol11g 1.00-Behind the Story. ' mId IClr!I'i~ioll singer Peggy King. portrayals, ilS Lt. Stirling, U.S" pel'ately fir!'t tn make me L~IlI1.k nn 111m," said .\I~rlill. "Xot Europe or SC:lnr1 9.30-El'cntlde. '"' 1.15-~laslers of ~lelod.I·. "Ahbutt and ~(;stcllo i\lcct Ihe ArlllY, U"Conno l so timirl, self·: ~he's nuts and then to get IllS a huck in the wallct. lie', OUICI' ·countl'i, , 10.OO-Wlnnlpeg Pop Concert. 1.30-~llIsic~1 Express. :llul11l1lv" was diJ "ctcd by Charles I cUllSciuus ane.! cxad, nut as '·SHc· hands 011 her. Without her to; :!5. Heolth~·.:\o ; i . 1I0t lie I;cpt l!oing .. .~ 10.30-The Great Dilemma. 1.45-BolJ Crosby. ' Lamont 31:(1 pI (I(,IICCII b)o' IlV' kcr Donal'an, U,::'. "'iII'y, hc is a testify about .hel' hrother': IJO?~" lIIark~. Fino'le •• 'Ir dCl'tl, of lift! and deat.'1 H.OO-Serenade for Strings. 2.00-llatincc. ,ward Christie.' , l. .irefrce gob Wi'll has done well 1.1) ecorl'se nugh. well ha\ e rill I· gue~s.· ;\roullci ljO belore l1.30-CBC National News. 1'R1D.\Y, ,\ugnst litb. 8•. 00-D:ttc Lint. 2.30-VOUS Record Room, ,-----, .. .,~-,,------; \\'ith wcrl;, lI'ar and women. . led out to sen 'll1d llel:er. been Illood drainell nUL o[ lIill'. me e)(lllaill tn ~'nu \ 5.00-Howdy Doody. 8.3G-Tlle :lliIIlollalrc. 3.30-Bub & R3Y on P,1l'nde of, S ' TI:e swiftly·pac·(·d cOl11c'ely rca~.· found-a~ least: nl', unlll I~ was, want anything ('ise from part of our induw CJON 5,3G-Klds Sho\\', :.~O-Ltil1Y Too DUnJ. Sporls. tar. hes its dil11ax whell O'COlIllOl' I, unrecognlzahle.' I' night, \rill'.'" othcl' \\'estern lall G,OD-Ranch Time. I • O-Star Slagc. :l.55-News. . i llIistal;enly !(1I'PI: important re·' "Yeh. And It would eXII m.n "I gue" not. Doc. run 01' oil. \\. it I FilMY, "up,t ntb. UD-News, jlO.OO-A,E. IIIcklllnn Silo\\,. 4.00-Jnck Carsun. , ~ ______" f sponsilJility in thc staging of a how he came ?~' Ill'l't I'aulson s something ("UlIIe, up. and milch !)f Oll 6.30-Bob Lewis Show-.--- i.DO-Feature l\lovle, II.IO-The Late Show. 4.2,j-News. ------,. ... -- 'Im·I'e.,;cale amlli:lOU, operation. wallet. If iJe kllle[1 the guy. But. minet \·ou of anything, would grilld trJ a h; 6.SD-Nfld. News, II.OO-News, 4.3D-Helell Ha\'cs. Today I lJ'eini: an lIrmy man. it heconws what's the Hone~ L)I~za angle she: "";Ulilillg except Ihe cr we ha\,(' cume I, 6.35-Weather. 8.30-Nfld. Newa.·---:----:---:-!------4.45-Footnotes'to IIislory. ,quicltly ilpparc'l. lhal O'COllllor handed you? WIlY. dldn'l she Ic!l. lion wc had frl,m the and morl! upon oil [II 1i.45-Flshermtn'a News and For. 8.3l>--C:omplete Weather Roun~, 10.1l>--t~~~ Bale Revie\\'. 5.UO-News. I"]s all at 'cu" d', he takes ol'cr: you she was sla~'lIlg at the Ih· \'ille police ltmigm on Bert industr~ and om' r 1 cast, , up. ID.3D-News, Wilo' Am I? 5.15-World o[ S]lOl't~. VICTOR MATuRE, I this important as,ignmcnt. But' biscus'!" I sun." Shame's -~rav eyes upon it. licl'e. lhe g 7.00-Nfld. Ne\11 and Sports. 8,4~Mornlng Merry·Go Round. 10.40-Joan Blanchard. 5.nO-Curtaln 'TlllIc. RICHARD WIDMARI<, IN hi>; good huddy, Franci" al !.l.w "Tha~'s one 01. ,se\:cl'al}lIln s,": \'ery hl'iglit. "Lei's 'go down somcthing \\'.~lich CII j. 7.05-Loeal Weather, ' 9.00-Nfld. News. 10.4l>--Helpful Harry. II.OO-News. "1<1::5 OF DEATH" lll'ol,cr timcs. c"mcs to his aid' said Sl1aync ,\eanly,. that I: a look." home in l!lis land. a , 7.15-Clnadlln Newl and SIlurta. 9.D~Duke BOle Rc\·lcw. 6.15-flnmpnrt Sh'ce!. aac! O'Connor SllVCS facc. nnd thcn 5car·hce cla!mcd . he I 'fhe attendant got up . land alone. 7.SO-Rollnd the World New ... 9.25-11 Takes R Woman. ~~:~it:~v~~:s.saver. 7.00-Ncws. ; niehal'd Widmtll k can be seen ______want tn aEW he, thc nelet ~!me, and prcceded the three may ask is fhere III 7.35-Weathtr Roundup. 9.3~NelVs. 1l.01-John Turner's Famli". 7.0ii-,Tllck Curson. I in Ihe dynamiC tule which plnlll'! 'Il,\:-;C;'; IHIlIiCTOIt llIES' 'S!le\IT'IDlnl d GI,ehIUltVr:.,a teotfef·al'C·~laclte. car II a heal'Y d(.lUr in t,he rcar 10 the Canal'! Ther, 7,45-New. Summary. 9,3s-Duke Box Rel'lew. J 730 Finnl Edltl (:-II!II'S and meted him tn stantom-that of 't n ght 0 'lairs alternatin 9.4O-Qulz. 1l.30-News, Tops Todar. . - F on . '1'0111 Udu. n brutal, YOHl, (AI') - wasn't In Sight a!' thcy wenl UP' on 0 a. I tI·· 8.flO-NflcL New •. psy~hoJlatt;ic W~;\\' ~;corgc the Cape But this 8.20-Shlpplnll Report. 9.45-Womlm's News. LOO-Local and Natlunal Htad n.oo_~~~~~I~·e~~da\' 'killcl', in "K13:, of Dcatll," n H lie, ;,1;,' I'eteran d~nce dll·ccln.l': thc steps tn thc morgue entrance. I down mtu d IEk 1 8.25-K1ddltl Corner, 10.0G-News, Courtship and ,liar lints News and Weather, ." r [11 more Ihan 20 Broa!lll'n)" I11USI·' 'I'he niaht attendant was a wiz. coldroolll. /~ . all enormously to the lei r' .. UO-Tops Today. 8.15-Pcpperrell Tudny. I 1'II'cnlirth Century·, ox cn(:ol'l' cal" diell Wedneday-apparCnLly: encd mDl~ \I"tl1 a wide gap in his: up the ~Ialr, to meet I'o)'a~e .and the cost n 1.15-News. 0.30-Crllllc and Peter eh'lmb"I" . tl'iumpil stal'riIH; Yiclor ~lattll'e, o[ a heart ntta~k-dllrillg a chol'lIs frLnt tnntll "Ia. ~llowed when he!, Ih,e,Y slm tc. d dOlI.n, 'h' I ' 135 D'I I t I 9.00-Could This Be YOII,'.' .' -. , Brinn Donlevy al'd COleCII Grny.. I U " " 11 lere t\\O II lie are wurld shillpi !lASTRO·GUIDE By Ceean . - at y n ervew. d I I I I d f auditIOn. I~ale';; CJrecr sp.anncI grinncd at the detcctive and re· I lefe \ . 'I' 1.40-Sports Re\·lew. n.30-What's lily Llnc.· , W~ .mar, rc'~c I'ee .;~ 0;; .1·ul.n I"lorcllz ZlCg[cld, E~rl Carroll, lOrtCI' frum b.!hind a scarred' tables undel a 0 anng enough to mainta Ill' at the lel'cl wc nee( Ftr Thuraday, August 16 r 1.45-Second Fiddle. ID.OO-Nell's and Weather : ~l'lhcs allil pubill' al1l.e tIll hiS .\n~1 (ie(ll'~c Whitc shcI;·s. I~'as ,~eslt wllh a brighl light over· I lIIe c.e~lte.r 0: th~ rooml'I"~' ., 2.00-Nell's. IO.l5-Peppcrrell Sports J.ic~lt. : pel'lOl'll1Ulll'C i,n the. Fred Kohl· 1:lol'l'Gi!rnplwr [or O[ 1hc~ I Smg, heml DI' illnrlin the police sur. ,of white, Olef·s.zed 1 ~,g to go all that wa~·. fact is, that is jll Present-For You end 2.01-0ut at the Dark. 1O.30-X Minus One. : 111al' prO(!uctlOll dn'ccter! IIY (;irl Crazy, and Huld on tn Your' ';"011' st~od I hl'sl;le the desk as inet had three drawerl Yours ... A fine day, with for· 2l5-Imprisoned Heart 11.110-~luslc 'Iill ~lIdnight. Henry llnthnwu~ be , f t I nn and ttree feel Canal was built '!In ~'C; 2:3n-Ncws, Matinee.' '2.00-Slgn orr. Illlt,.: \.!IC'y' entered, and he frowned,! ee u ITo' Be continuld) be L . tunlte ASpectS for domestic hap. said 'why is it 3.0I-Houscwlves Club. - Sl'E:::L:I, ,\IOE/l Nf'iRAC'i'IOX POR1' C'11LI:\(' Ont (CP) loolOlng pasl them. to nationalize the COl plness. Courtship and roman~e "The O;)tI~\·I. Davghter" .... ", . - I S\laYlle said. "We wcnt to see . w~s donc hen',' . also favorably upected. The 4.00-Gen. PrOVincial New.. With Bill Williar.ls person,. 011 a the stifl that pulled out of ,I TlIe "VeO'cl.,.l ]e '~;li:·ly.eight 1Il0[l~.; \l'a~ 'That is perfectly true .. , money situation Is well in hand. 4.05-Rnnch Party. . 'b t( gJ 1 __ hglll pi Cll:i !I re rrlll--Atom 19iO. ~l~~s Hosse lI'as 01'0I.1::ht lip nn I slll:1 whlle Bill 1\ illiall1s pOl'tr:IYs Iln:~_ ..Il!!~r:d. ______._. have increased SOO~ in six of peace with the Allic~ on the Eg),ptian GO\'c; 1 7.30-News. ~I'er' m and !Ias apP!leri almost the Ieedel' of the killel'~. In thl! ing a leading ro\c in hel' wry *-STAR-* i . : years, August 16. 1945. arc in fact a whoh I: 7.45-Royal Stores Theatre. 10 h~1' ~clenllflc farmmg method title rule. (refcr ring to .Jallles' first :lJlPcarnnce belore the mo· them to fill a hook. T B.OO-News, Parade of Hits. "1 ne·acre plut.. Daltun's d1llghter\ is a nCWl'ClIl1el' tio~ piclure r3l1'Cl'as. only concluded so ,!. ThJ Day Under Your Sign 9.45-Doseo News. soii ~:'{~;lIIt the nc\\'cst .. I.deas. on to lIullywood nallled I'.elly Hyan., The Alplee Pi~;\Il'cs production ago. Some peop 1O.00-Hlgh Adventure. scr\'utio gell1e~t, ~rae\Jsmg con· I i\lud1. of the slor), IS \\'eavcd' rl'ic'nscd by TII'pntieth Century· :\asser v'romised L' ARIES (Io,~ M.,.h 21 t. Ap.1I 20) LIBRA (Sopt, 23 to O.t. 22) lO.30-NelVs In a Minute. best nand lota!lOn. I buy !hr I arollnd her fasl'ination for Bill Fox. hon,t, n supporting cast NOW PLAYING AlllfCta denote neccuity' for pet$Ona1il), FrIrn~ )"Ou'Vt almoll forlo:ollen mar comt g wllh ~'ipping II dmlopm.nl. Y..... ~ I. pl. 100" .. yo.. .id unexl'tmdly. Aml'l hell' 10.30-Dlary of Fate. fresbteelle nnd "deliver ?\,crythm Williams and. a hlc of cr!me and' hended by Georgc Clel'e lanrI, the Canal. Why ~ , , I.II_Ii.... In Ilo,it In .. hl,h II II ol/md. U.DO-Local and Provo News. cusfo p ked, s~c sa) s'. ' hel' 100'c for ,lUll Dal'is. ~I1SS Ilyan I Elisha Cook (of "Shane" fame) we tl'llst him'," '1 ', 'AU.US Aprlllll.loIay 201 SCORPIO tOcI. 23 I, N.,.. 22) 1l.D1-National News. 1 IlIcrs in tlus community 01 hns lllC unique Ih~linction of play I and Guinn "Big Boy" Williallls. VICTOR 1Ion'l ltan Inrlhln, ntw. "out Idea. A '"'I,dou, .tlll"de t ...ard ,om...,. ll.15-Sports Final. ,700 arc used to seeing her pei\. ' the Rn':WCI' is \' lit ••und, bill yOll do." h.... lho "llulh" "ho .... nl' I. borr.w mOll'r I. jUllllirrl. at his recprd. Our II tlrrf them Ihro'ih now. Tu.n down Ih, rOllu,.L p.30-Houscparty, News. ailing round the I'illage, the bas· ~J$I$._Cil""'" i i.OO-Queen and Sign Off. ket on the front of her bike piled MATURE nQI with Egypt, still Ie f .Et,4IHII .... , 211. Jun, 21) . SAGITTARIUS (H ••• 23 t. DK. 21) A DRAMA I' ...._ 1IU1 be In'inr 10 "I'scl .~.ur IIon'l huil.l. to CUI too .. and do 10m •. ____ high with flowers and vegctables. Arab world. It is with \. IlWiIIl .p"' .... n. B•• UIt r.ur .ellon. IhinJ you'" Itmllr b

1:' NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 .------~~----~------~~----- or lighUng mid heating equipment. again inlo a large book, in the or· VARIED LOSmS ' E t F T R d I were I LONu COMMUNiTY CEN'l'RE etcr, of their passage. In most a i at 0 e nee "The rales of lI'ei"hl loss I ,CITY HALL • . When first constructed, 'the city cases lhe ink has faded and dis· so different," D'r °KckwJck 'reo __ .....;;.;;; ...... _= __ =;::.. " '. hall Was designed to be the cenll'~ I colored, bUI can still be read with . LONDON (AP) - To ~row lean, i ]Jorted in the mcdicdl pubJi" "':Jri i; tile lext of thc t' - uf the ~oJ;llmunity. lls second floor, patience. ' cat. fa!. , ., j Lancel, "thaI Ihe composition of on the Sucz Canal, A, II-_ 'ISo. OrlC A·t-. t t-1011 - was made into a jull·lcngUl audil· mSTORIC SIGNIFICANCE . lhats a possI~Ulty ,"g~cstetl the diet appeared to outw~lgh rae' I I'I'imc l\\lnlstcr, ' . ?rillm,. ~nd ,ser~cd for eommun· .It is bclicl'ed ,Ihat Wood~ock'o by ~I': Alan KekwI:.k, 11!'ofcs501' ol: the Imporiance of .calorie intake." t:drl1. ~roadeast til ' , . • ' Ity acllVltle~ untIl. postw,or years. city hall, may have been Ihe mst I mcdIClDe at. Ih.e UI1II':r~lty or ~o~: :' .. The Hlla\ tests employed ·);!Ib· l t1rlF 111\ :\\lgus.t 8th, 1056. WOODSTOCK, 9nl, (CP1-Uni'l scrved as one'ol qle last remain.: The di~s and chiliI' has lire.! Hall ol the cIty hall s fioor o~c eonstru~~ed under the Ba.III.' don, He sa)s mcrea:ln,; t!i,c dl.:ts J:cts who had proved they could 5ur~ C,lIIar IS ~ name que In sevel'al ways, Woodsloclt's ing :lies bel ween early Canadian' corded hIstory ol lis· own. It has' 3pace now I~ used as a muscum. ~vm /lei, wlllch be~ame. eflechvc : la,t content may ~ educc II el.,:htlmaintaln their weight on 2,000 · I~ Clrl)'~I.lr. I hale c:~me ,city hall may become a .nallonal aJ'chllecture anel the ar!lhltceture: b~en . used by mayors, ,magis. lhe audll~rlUm was condemned In. ~pper Canada tn' ISo? and I,· clen more, eflee~lvely than a calorics a day witp normal diet. tIP'U 1('liI~ht IIb?ut I.hat, histnrle attraction If the Canadian of England, and the Nahonal His, trat.e~ an4 ~udgcs. From It Ic~al lor large gatherings a lew yea,'s co?sldered to have eslabhshed the: mere cut I? calories. . . Dr. Kekwick' boosted their irlake ;t;;f~r(1 Ihl'I'e In the lnst i gOI'ernmcnt !ellews a sll~cesUoll torle Sites and ~lonumen~s Board deCISIons have been announced alter the Second World War, and prLDel~le or respon~lblc· govern. I Dr. K~kw)ck ~an. tl.lree sems ol to 2,600, which- normally WQuld :1\; ar.d wlwi It mcans to [or Its purchase and preservatioD, ,I'.lared .the building 1\ hlsloric and murderel's condemncd 10 Ihe Ihe lIccond 11001' Ihen WitS turned I ment In ~anada. I t~sts at London s 1thd~lesex Has· have caused w'eight increases, but ·,. . I Th~ Woodsloek str,~~lure is be. site. gallows,' lnlo the ,Oxford County Museum. I Because Its construction started I pita\. Ali of his subjects were changed the diet content in pro. ,0r. ,' 111l'IIIbcr5 o! YOUI' , lieved the oldest standing city hall u"aJ FURNISIIINGS • The cily court 'sUll hold~ sil· In the auditorium gallery the when municipal government was mar!! than 35 per cent overweight, .Ieln and fat. On high fat and (Ill , 1 hare serl'cd therc ! used cnntlnuotlsly' for local go\'. • In the council thambers much Ungs in the chambers. Renova· tiered steps Wlll'e levelled to· pro· \ established in the area then I hy IlIsurance company _standards. high protein diets all but one liub· :t Mr 0f you or more: ernment purposes, Buill in IBj3 of the orlglnal furnishing; reo lions to UIC exlerior"of the build· vide spac~ for. the museum office known M Upper Canada, the city .The first series used II fixed jeet lost weight.' ~:;rd to dl'fend the Cnnal : it has Served this e.uy as an nd: main. The c1rcu\ar table around ing have been minor, ane are con· and library, •... hall is. recognized as an original diet of 20 per tent protein, 33 per "This is. nofsurprising as' re­ I ~r olhcr (II Ihe two grcat, minlstrnl1l'c bulldlng for jllst over which early.day councillors de. GALLOWS. . I The stage now depICts a hfe· seal of self·government.. . cent Iat and ~7 per cent carbo· gards protein, whose \specifle dy- I a century hated community Issues !s 5111\ \ The city tOllrt slill holds sit· sized early Indian scene, and reo The' proposal Ihat if be pur·. hydrates. For periods of seven 10 namlc action has long been reeo,· Bntl . till' ('lInnl hns al.: It I~. 11~lIerllcII nlter Ille town IIsed for its nl·INI".' "." . lings In Ihe c.hambers. RCllo,(a. lies of Oxlord County's early days chased and preserved as a na : nine days, the suhjects were kept nized .. ' wrote Dr. Kekwick •. in ~n th' n'a!n nrtery to! hall of Woodstock In OsCardshlrc, The original benches for spec· lions to the exterior o[ the build· arc displayed elsewhere in the Iional sile was made In. Parlia,l OD I daily Intake first of 2,000 It '. '. ~c::l I~:" Commonwcalth! Engl ,nd, nithouch blllit of. differ. tators still, line thc II...... ,'ing have been minor, and arc can· auditorium. ~ench~s bellcv~d to Iment r~cen\ly by Wallace Nes~ill calories, then 1,500 and finally }t is, however, sUI;prlsmg as· · t:' 1;11' ':Ipplies we anel' enl materials. chairs used by cOllnclll'lI's nrr " fined to the rear of the structure. have' been the original scats In the ment recently by Waliace NesbItt, ' 1,000 calories. reoards fat, whose action in this 1:!Il' •.:;i 'TOI11,I:l)' other nations; Became o! t his a tana. there, btlt mUe .used nowadays.' <;1me mo(lrr!lizatlon has been' cl· i gallery. now nrc (!Sed In Ihe city Progerssive Conservative memo \' All lost weight as the number respect seems to be, even greater · ,thr \\'ol'i.d. It has be.: llian arehll~ctilJ'al 's~clet~: re. Early.model swivel chairs, anti·: fec!~d In the Interl~r, in t~c way hal! square, amid 'floral dis~lays. I bel' for Oxford. During debale on of callJries was re

· :~~'l' ,,1 I'll- lanli, anli nlll: ill' ~,U'C thai tl'c IIcxt Unl!! hc ha~ I' ,,' ...... "., " ,', '::.-' ..... ": .. .- . :J t,;.d ~lllllr. • a C)ulII'l'el witli illlY cuunlry he .. .' .... ;, .. ~ ,,' ,,' - ..... -"--­ :'J :r,)' :\'k I, I.~'~I:C I~O nltCi' 1\'OIl't interferc with that lIatlon'~ .,""'." ---.. - -- Oll!"."!~ tl:e l ~1I;1i. t h.rl e Is all '.'ll!'lllm:, Iluil' can \\'c he slIre ,",' le.~I:I::'\ C-:l:: allel'llal1l'C roule t I:at the nl~:a ti'l.e he Is shOl'l of " nil rr,,,,," I~c Capr Bul tillS 11'?Uld, 'none)' hc 1\"ll1't I'aloe the dues / • \(l tile \cngl.l 0[' lin all lhc ~hl)l~ that pa)s thl'oulllI , \IlCIII.'''·:n:1 anll tile eml of the lile Clmal': [f I:c Is !!ll'cil thc· l'IIIII1I'C. of coum· he will.. I , . "."1'111 ,h.iPplll);. re· I "I hal'e !\!]{)\\,Il how deCllly: i',,'"''''''• '~gI1:,:.i:;'i\·;m ~'()\I " . 11, r:lr.U::l to maintain SUII· , thc Cnnal concerns \I~. bul othcl'

t::r hI" WI' necd H we I' countl'lc5 hal'e II close Interest I · ,0:111 111:'1 II ~I~·., _ ., I tuo. . I Bbo,ufl.'.:.:r lirt i'. that 15 )11>1 II h), "Thal Is why we immedlalely :i:,1 ",' hlllil '!I~) ~ rars a~o a.,ked the Fl'ca:'h aud .'\mcl·lcllnl i~ ."d 1\'11): IS ,II HI IC~;! GOl'crnmcnts 10 l'onslIlI with us. : , :aulllla\III·. t,le Clllllllnn~. 1.\5 you knol\. thcse meellJJ~s I do:e \t!'I" I \I'el'e hcld In l.undun Illst week. ::,: :, per.",·I\' Irlle hilt III The\' l'l'miuccci the Immediate rc· E:g;:I;::~;".:~C1-" ~h ~llIl'I'lson right· sull I\'e ho\l~d 11ll'-an Internat· I~ 11(11 iJ· tlle l1t1l1~e o[ Itlnal conference Is to be held In e.I:II::::'I-tu ,,\11' "wn British In· London ncxt \l'cl~k to which I\'C hal'c Im'lted a.t the counlrlcs most clmely Inte' ('sted In the usc of the Canal. . I" intl'il :,tillnal l'umplllIY ":';ow lel'mc 1.r.J1 YOU what the (oro·ull ': ,II and without jllUrpOSe o[ the Confcrcnce Is. It :::" ., Is Just tl1ls. Thc Cnnal mll~t he . . :! n: .. t·', til" Company Il'un e!!lclently and lIelll open, ns \ "'~!."~-: 't•• [c'd ." r('pclllcU lind it has always been in Ihe pa~t. ~:~ ';~~l"'. 'I, C!II~r~d Into I a~ a It'ce and sccurc Inlcrllntlon'l .! t.,) i _" II (,m ('I nme~t. al watcrway ftll' the' ships of aIL __-·m·l. llr;" L,t a wholc. series nnllon~, It mllst he I'lln In Ihe In· i o;.··i.~'C.:1I j,l, \ 1,1101 •. The la$~ tcrests not of OI1l' country but of!. (I'lil]U(\rd ,01llC ~ nil. In 0111' I'icw this can only he I .•;0 ~,,:,,(' peoplc sa)" ,ecured hy an International body .• (~ ~3"":' ',Illni,;ed not to That Is our pUI·PO~C. I I '" ':.:) ',\::!~ . '1I1pill~ pas5ln~ "We 'wI'e had a gooll l'eSPon5Cj ILr ('i,nil\. Why. thel'e· to ol)r'inv!tatlon~ for the meetl/lg \>-.., A GENERAL MOTORS VALUe ,)\ \\1' ~ 11"1'1 hilll'!' on ;\ugllst 16th. AIL'cady 19 eoun· :, ~~ the a' \\'1'1' i~ simple. 1I'les hal'e accctllerl-nineteen- · I: ~i! [l'II 'I ,I. (Jill' ctuanel none ha\'e refused. \ ) ';lh r:~Yi'1 ,\11\ tess \I'lL" "I am confident that the Con· /"";-'J til ~o[ld. It i, wllh Colon· Ccrcnce can Pl'lICfllCe a worl:llble' .... , ..... \ .~. ~. ,,~:'.~~l, 'lI' "H:. II'hon gained' pOll" schcme for the {uture of the Can· C .. : .. ;...~t_ ...... A- , \ : E:!'pt \It: kit nil hoslllity al.wlthln Lhe limits which I have :'im I I :: t~r rlli,t 1':1 rv. wc maue expla"So, ne(my . friends, the alcrnat· ~!:(:,t, IIltll illlll, \\'C hOlleu. Il'es are now ele~r to sec. II we :. ~1~lr': \1) ilnpI'o\'c the .111 ,1nln togethe)' to ercate an In· "f lilt· o! hi" people ternatlonal system [or the Canal Every-mile seems shorterin an Oldsl !;icl,d· II it 11 this coun· and spend Its revenues as they ,-,,\, . . . told u. t.,· II anlecl a 'nell' should be spent, to develop It il .\nglo 1-:;l'\llian relat· rapidly, thnt can bring growing And there's a simple reason why every mile seems shoder. H's 'so ~uch fun i!ltlconwd Illat bllt Instead prtlsperlty to East and West aUke ) -Ihe countries that producc 011 • to drive an Oldsmobile that you're no longer impatiently waiting for the trip :mm~ liS \l'it.~l friendship, and the countries which buy, <".:. Personal an a bsKn i end with _Mrs: ·Lee's parents, ,Mr. H b' , G ,HARBOUR GRACE-Mr. Wilson and M~. 0.- ~e. ·a~ our race Herald and son Duncan, who had heen "Isiting parenll, Mr. and Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Secol Mrs. D. Herald, LeMarchant St., O'Keefe t~e past week, were Mr. HIGH SCHOOL for the put montll, returned to Charles 0 Keele and daughter, GRADE X-e"11 nrlll, 01 IIIl'onlll, arc I'l'rlocnlly' ~Ial'cnl'et R. Taylor. up with a two·hit "icl ''':111'': "',li'lIrl' IlI'UIll, ",," G~n.,,:"I:~I:'. (1r.~I~.:.nnll, ~II'~, I\cnnclh: r.RAn~ IX-Wallace M. Pike, Boston Red Sox dum ,10". l'ol'fI'nr'l hllllll' (III FI'i,I;,", al' ••\h.ock. 1I,1l'\ r~ S\I rct. ,Betty M. Shana, ' , leader! on, Jackie , I~\l

" .. - Flowers &Cakes ltd. IN ST.JOHN'S AND SUBURBAN AREAS . -;'.". , DIAL 3868, 4619 -", 156 WATER ST. , ' I ;. CHEAP, DEP.ENDABLE ELECTRICITY

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NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17,,1956 ,. 15, ··Feildian~· And ·St.. Bon's Wini SPORTS I~ Jr. Baseb1\11 Doubleheade~l IN ,TH·E The Feildlan Junior Baseball A. Haynes a 0 0 0 \ scoring when Clyde Green banged team ,conUnued their winning F. Reid 3 0 0 0 out a double and went to third "NEWS"" .treak last night as they sel back Chislell 2 1, 2' 0 When Kev. Green grounded out to 4-2 I 4' 6 the Guardl before a small 30 2 the 'pitcher. The next man to face By GEORGE PERLIN , ..,' . . ' crowd at the Ball Park. The Guards AD RilE Myron struck out to retire the ' ck :. .Ae'd' Ie'g' ~', '0 ut it:!~d~~nds :~r;ec~ :~e~n~~~: f~ ~~: ~~ ~~j~~~ld : ~ ~ ~ Sld~~n Myron· served up a, skimpy WANING INTEREST" Kno second to give ,them a three run E. Woolgar' ,3 1 1 2 two hitter in his winning stint on . . • • . . 'cuAshlbon. f G d i th B· 31 00 10 11 tphe , mtouknd, Whdl.lte fFagtahn 0f St. JdOhn's the only NABA member with ,a funy , D ,~~rtder I',;.·~I',· t 1 S~. i~ . d W·' 'h' 4 2 V· t '. race a uar s errors n e " ,ar :I@' a s a es ere 1 or e ass. !orgamze umpirtng association and ,'et st John's thhi year second a,ld a two run blast by:Reg B. White ,~."r", 2 0 0 1 St. Bon's AB RilE h h d 1ft d f .. ,J • (!"eco,n _ -It, -.' , Ie .ory Pye resulted In two Felldian runs C. Warr ~r 3 0 0 2 E. Murphy 2 0 0 o':s a a mu 1 u ':.0 umpmng problems and, ciiticism., . In the .econd Inning. J. Hood 3 0 0 0 Wal~h 2 0 1 0 Yesterday three Jumor League games were cancelled be. AT A GLANCE sluyed 2~ games behind third· the, Tigers' final run. 'The Guards came through with Wescott 3 0 0 0 J. McGettigan 4 1 1 0 cause no umpires were available. Before I go further 1 piace- Boston with a 6·5 decision ' The' seventh·lnnlng trIple by two MIn., one In the first and their 24 2 4 B R. Redmond 4 2 1 0 . ht . t h' ' ~la~I~~!aS City II. o\er Kansas City. Baltlmo're and Minnie MlnosD scored the ,winning final MIn In the third ,to round out ST. BON'S VS. ST. PAT'S A. Manning 4 2· 2 0 mIg pom out t at George Hartman and~Peter Duffy II '5. Detroit 4. Washington were not scheduled. run for the White Sox, who had their Icoring for the evening. St. Bon's cnntlnued their win· R. Linegar. 3 1 2 0 have devoted much of their spare time and a great deal ot· • Xew York 1. KEY DOUBLES • ' scrambled from 'behind 'In '02·de· Reg Fye carried a mighty lusty nlng ways last· night as they took H. JlfcGetltgan 4 1 1 0 effort to' looking after the Junior games and th n at .' . Solly Drake socked a pair of gree temperature to sweep the bat for the Fe!ldians AS he bang· the second half of a double header D. Myron 3 1 lObe bl d ' • ey .ca. n L1~~~t~hiladelphla 1. RB1 doubles for the Cubs, his sec· three·game set and win their ed out two doubles for three tripp from S1. Pal's by the ~core of nine W. Ryan 4 1 2 0 .ame for y.esterd~y s mix up. I do feel that since the . Cinrinn~tl 2. ond breaking a 2·rill lie In R two- eighth in the last 10 gimes. Larry to the plale. I to nil. . O. Myron 4 0 0 0 umpIres are bemg paId and since they are steadily em. S SI. Louis O. run seventh off Brook~ Lawrence, Doby his. his 16th hO\11er in the Ern Reid .of th! Felldlans pick·· T~e Blue and Golds e~tered the 34 9 11 0 ployed they mighL on occasion voluntee'r along 'th H t. 10' SrII' York 9. 'who was tagged for 12 hits In lo~· f!r~t for the Sox. cd up his second win allowing the scormg column In everY mnlng ex· St. Pat'. An· RilE I d . , WI ar \1;oci~tcll Press' Ing: his sixth against 16 victories. Two·run homers by Bill Blrdon Guards only his hits while his cept the fourth and fifth when E. MahonPY 3 0 1 0' i ma~ an Duffy to, help the Senior League operate the • - II'huse Wildness I Dee Fondy homered for'the Cubs and rookie Bll! lIIazeroskl backed team dIate! committed two errors. !hc~ were shut, out .by the. Pa· R. n[ahoncy 1 0 0 01 JunlOr games. I Lhmk perhaps that' many of them forget ior ,trikeouts set while rookie Frank Robinson. who up the slx·hit pitching of Vern Errou were'l determining fac- trlcrans. St.' ~on s bl.gges!. ~ut. Mallard '22 0 0 o! that were it not for the 'Baseball League the'y ,"ould no't 'hip.h for' Ihe fanned four I!mcs, hit his 27th for 'Law Thursday night as the PItts. tor. The, Guards committed seven burst came In the Sixth mnlng J Q • I 0 0 0' Y hI' fa;nlng 13 as the Redlegs. burgh Plrales defeated the Ph!!· miscues, wh!l&thc Blue and Wh!te when thcy J;it [Qr thr~e runs. Bob ii. '~~s~n I 0 0 0 have the opportunity to make those extra dollars. Were (Iropped Cincln· Yogi Bcrra'~ eighth ·1 n n I n g mlelphla Phillil~s 4·1 before 7,070 hurlers Ed Woolgar and Dave Redmond became' the hero in the J. Kenny 2 0 1 0 there no Baseball Le?gue there would be no need for nllll knockell single hroke up Nixon's no·hltter at Connie Mack Stadium. Ward !hared a two hitter in a los· S1. Bon's cau~e. as he' unfurle~ R Ndrman, 1 0 0 0 umpires. I wonder whether it is purely a matter of wanin" out ~f ~rcond place. nnd also cnded a string of 9 2/3 ST. LOUIS (~P) - Staked 10 a ing cause." . two run blasl mto the lef! fIeld W. Barrnn 1 0 0 3.· t· ." h h' . . . ' . '" • 1I1'!n.llInl~r. in which he .hhles,~ innings run up by the 28· five·run flr5t IOnlng, lead, M!l· Felldl.ns AB RUE bullpen. Tony Manning a'nd Bob K: Whelan 2 00 '0 I m ele~t 01 IS 1t t. at t e umplles Just al'en t wllhng to help tll'O

,The NOW . , '3ge PINT At all Dealers . parlicip3ling in 'Fun, .Food. FUN·FOOn PROMOTION • for all Ages! !


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---'---'-_.- 161__ ~ ______~~~. ____ ~~ ______~ ____~ ______~~~~~~~ ______~ ____~~~ __~~~ ~.~--- _____~------"----_I Jacuby On ~ridgr : S~tART DEF'ENSE LEADS I TTl7JMPS ' .., ' '. ' I NORTll --~; I .' :!~. • Q 108 5 2 ' · .... "A 10 9 8 . ".1, ::c', +85 '. .' !. :~'. 1 • MUSIC • • ';'73 , .;:;:.~, :::' WEST EASt' , • .,"'1(" .7'.' '.~ ~. AAIOb .943 . , : ..•. ~. ¥5 ,JC3 , .~ ... ~ ·ON 'THE MOVE~. ,.KI06 +QJ932 l' :" . , ~ QJ982 "" 10 5 · . • I • , /l001'11 (D) ;~ 1;. ~. 7 . \1KQH2 i r +A74 ,} l\: ~AK64 ...: NOW YOU CAN AFfORD IT " . Both slde~ viiI, I :.~ :. Soutb 'West North Ea..1 1 t1 Double 3" Pass !." : 4 , Pass Pass Pass • Opening lead-04\ K : L·/. I. . . · 1·~ When dummy has a short side 'J _. Juil and tl'llmp length, the de· 'i \,' :rnders uSLIally find it help!ul to 1 '" ',j . t lead trumps. The idea is to re· .' , ,Iuce dummy's rufling power, : While leading trumps, howcl'er, ..j : .' · the defendel's must guard against I Ii I rcducing their own ruffing power, " 1 '1 '. 1 i·' . i T , :.:. In todDY's hand, for example, ! t. ~.\ f ! Wcst I'cry properly ied a low \,. :,',. 't.rump at the second tl'ick: He , . ~ '; , . UNIVERSAL FITS ALL had won the' first trick with the f king' of spades and could sec tilat • , : dummy threatened to ruff clubs UNDER-DASH MA1KES and diamonds. Declarer nutu\'ally player! the : eight of trumps fl'om dummy at MODEL OF CARS 'the second trick, and East had to : maite n key play, The old rille 'for this situation says "Third i band hign," but East was c1e\'er 'c;Jough to piny a low trump in· 'stc~d nf the jack, : Dummy's ei~ht 01 hearts heid tile trick, and South continued by I ('ushing thc top clubs, Whcn hc Take y~ur favourite progromme wilh you when you go driving, a pleasure , ne:lt led il low club and ruffed : ',"lth dummy's. nine of '\ hearts, F'1l;tS, BY PUTiiNG IiOE " on picnics, at the beach, or on a fishing trip, I East could over· ruff with the IN iHE HOSPITAI-,ANt:> Here's real value •• a powerful 5 IU,be sel with high 5e1ec:tivi~y and aulo- ' I jack of hcarts and rctul'n anol- GIVING HI:\4 A COMPLETE IlrN' trump, ' M~IC.I.!.. !OXAMINATION, matic noise elimir.ctor, i This lelt oniy one trump in the i (lll1nl11)·. and South could ruff . COMPLETE WITH AERIAL. · either a cluh or a, diamond, but f ·: I'l't both, When the smokc , C'rRI'CU, South was down onc, -I Dcclarcl' could ha\'e mode his .'" ~ulltl'act by ,'cr~' cnl'cIui play in .pitc o( the good d~[ense,

CONVERTIBLE, FOLDING ~/Iovin!!.- . i Li ·. iThe Natural I 'TIO T D , . BABY CARRIAGES ! ,. nng o. 0 OTTAWA (Cl')-~Ir~. Carolint Purccll sa)'s she has movcd so I !'rtcn th<1t she 1):111' (eels it's the 'l,lIl1ral thing to do, ~II'S: PIIL'cell Mtl the tl'.'O l'hih) , "en h,ll'C mOI'c,1 lR times since " '. ~I' husband, Col. II', n, Purcell, : 'incd the United Statc; ".nul' in I : ' : . I 1011, : . But since last September \ they'Ve been In Ottall'a, where "... 1 · Col, Purcell Is with the U,~, Em· . I \.fO\) 'i'\C'I<'C.'D 1'\ I hassy, i Life has been virtually a per, rll~c. NIGH, 'FOR if\ i14E'1i ~OD~\! ! I sonal seography lesson [or Carol, ! SDR'i Di=- ~t'I',I.'E.c:. ~ noW 17 and Bill, 14, but the bm· E't CJ\FI~ 114\)\j)< i ily do~s have a home·town, It's Or... : Birmingham, Aln" of w)tlch all '!1C fa!':ll!y C~'C~ilt Em are na, ';\'CS, Bi!! lI'as horn ill BaHimr ~l:l. The dliJdrcn's grandlnolhN :JI'5, George H, Gray, now is I'Isiling hcr~ frum Birminsiwm. ~Irs, Purceli told a reporter .!Icir postings hal'c lasted an)" 'whcl'e from HI'c months to Ulrcc ';cars, Thcy came herc from thcir i~naest stay SII far, a home nt Fall's Church" \'il,. across the Po· tomac from Washington whel'~ eili. Pureel! was stationed, ncIore that the family lorlr~d at :l1any Illfferent points in the

I .• United Stntes anll lor two year" I,!:,' 1 I 1 towards tlie end of the Second .j'. ,I ,World War their nddres5 was : •. i i Okinawa, .:<, , .. ! Whcn Col. PIIl'ccll first wcnt to '1·"., . Come in and see these budget-priced beauties lo.day - the' last ' , work as an ill'my' stulf el:;:inc~l' Ii en thc Pacilil' isiand "things were : 1.," word in comfort and convenien;e for that very important , n bit on UIC pioneering sid"," ~In, '; addition to your family. ! PmeclJ rccalls, , , · For the first year there thc I family lived mainly on tinned · , ,fo'lrls and went without fresh :, milk, ' LOOK AT THE ·FEATURES-- "Life was wonderful and cas,· ual," she said, I : Yet before the travelling, ~olonci and his family left O~ma\\'a, '. BABY·VUE STORM COVERS ,pal'~d roads, iar!(e powcr I1I~nl.' : nn:1 gcncrally improvel!, sen'lces i' •. NYLON' BEARING, WHEELS · had virtually tUrI'cd the isiand ~ basc into a Paelfi .. naradise, • STAND TYPE BRAKE , LEARNED'TO SKATE I A happy family with many in· · tercsls, thc Purcells bl'aved the • SUPPORTED VINYl .. FABRICS , c~ld Canadian winter with all the : (<1mill' learning. to sl"lte while Bill .• ' LIGHT, WEIGHT, EASY" HANDLING : \cnl'llCd to pia), hocl,cy: , This S\lll1m~r enrol, n Ill~h school stutlcnt hcrc, is wOl'kin~ as AND LOOK AT THE PRICE , n supervisor at nn outdoor ;' y. · ~round, : MI'S, Purcell, \\'ho workcr! as n I'rilio operator in Oldna\\'a ~nd with the ned Cross'lilooclmobiirf ONLY ; in \I'ashingtnri, says she like. 11, - $39.50, , : hcer hus)', but hasn't hr.d time, tr, ~arliclpate in too Illany outsldl' artivities here ycl, ON' HIRE PURCHASE' ~ How iong \l'ilJ the lravcllin;! familv stay in Ottawa? "I hope \Vo'il stay for two m~r~ years,". says' Mrs, Purc~ll, 1l'ltt. emphaSis on--- the "hope," 1II0SCOW (neuters) - A group ,of Canadian lumber merchant, THE GREAT· EASTERN OIL • left Moscow by air Wednesday .on . . . , their way home, the Soviet news agency Tass reported, They 'had '. visited Iorests, iumhering settle, COMPANY, 'LIMITED ments and, scicntific Institutcs dealing with problems of the tim· , h~r industry'"during their lhree· __;,.,,;.;;;..----;...-,.;.._..;;. ______.... .;;..~;...;.....;..--.;...------week tour, I

' ..

.. J - • ."

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...... -._---- ...;...;---.. ----.'-~ ... - ... , . 1 1956 >. • _ .' . , . According In the responses, AA . BY JOSE SALlNOS. AND 1'OD ~~~--~~----~~ .f .,;)01<. CI.'OJ IT'. nle SAM!! 01.0 'e' g' e' COOkIe 11g1 D·o MI-X ~~~. O~f~~~ISth~f:C ~;~:~:::i~d&~~: ~lOI\i flA~o.\I I..EAVi:>:G TONr-l! . Coll. , . . '.' , ~~:~·:n.for~r e~~~~i~~V:~y p~;cUe~~ Wnshington-(NEA )-Stop worry that thc women lend a life that ill I 01 women coming out of .cnUegci : Iof thosc wh~ replied :trcd 461lc3ra ing, MOlll, it's unlikely your college genernlly considered "comfort·lsbe says. "Perhaps our ~ol1ege;'1 of age 0:. ~ounger: n <1 bet .bound daughter will wind up a able.'" .' I are nol turning out bulcrfllc5 bl!t. ~cnt re,C1ved their deorees • spil).'lter shooltca:hcr 01' frustrated She feels. how.eve~, that their: ,;eriolls .womcn." . _; __ ... 1.:1~·.~~_~.. ~~~}~~_~.~5.~:_ ..... _. career woman. F lIrthermore she'll economic position means they must 1-" ------• . pmbably c~!Ue out ahead of the lakc on more social rcsponsibiJi.: old man financially. ty in the community. For. thc Icarn~d Jadies of. the Perhaps the most starUing part American ASSOCiation oC Umver· of the survcy for Miss Farmer is sity Women have just takcn a .the rcsultshowing that lhere arc sharp look :It. thclllselve.s, ~nd what slightly more homemaker:t than Ihcy have dlseovcred 15 most en· teachcrs among AAUW members. ~(}ura!lJng. . "WE WERE STRUCK DUIIlB." • she says. It scems that a number ; i:; Here are the up·to·datc figures •. 1 the AAUW gathered from 22,OUO of persons havc Ihought Ihat the I of its .mc{nbcrs organization' Was made up mostly 11 oC leachers. She was ;:Iso impress. ~Iore than half. of them hal'e . , I cd by the fact that nearly 10,UO 0 been able In lindl a hu~band. )105t III Ihose who are married II'ol)1cn said they joined the AA uw ha\'e childrcn. for study and Intellcel·!wl stimuius. "This contradicts what we havc , . As many them arc home· hccn hearing 'abolll the fri\'olih' of i .:. rna Itcrs a s are t cachers. I ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;:;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;:;';;.;.;;.;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;=;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;';;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;; i TO LEARN MOHE about IIRC\[, ;1- i the AA UIV scnt oUl a qucstion.; .. nail'c. to a sampling oC one·third I nr ils 140.00 0 memhers. Out nIl the 45,IMJ 0 women queried, 22,00 0: rcplied. ! "We wr.rl' cel;tainly slirpri,ed at II WANTED somc of Ihe things \\·c found," says Dr. lIal1i~ l'armer •.chairman ' .United Slrll(!s Air For.r:1! nl. the associatiQn's survey com.' nultec. Nal'sW'ss,lIllh Air ]1((8(', ·(JJ'(!(?1I.1wul. TI-IIS MUl'ZLE AN' LEAS'" COMES Fk'EE WITH A CASE 0' .HEATIN.,G OPERATING ENGI~EERS...... 1.65 per hour 'WOOFIE5", r:uOOS'I' DIESEL PLANT OPERATORS ...... ;...... 1.78 per hour GAS AND ELECTRIC PUMP OPERATORS ...... '...... 1.62 per hour PLUMBERS ...... :...... :.1.70 per hour HEATING 'EQUIPMENT REPAIRERS ...... 1.70 per hour SHEETMETAL WORKERS ...... 1.78 per hour MACHINISTS'...... 1.86 per hour FIREFIGHTER (CHIEF) ...... 5345.60 per annum CLERK STENOGRAPHER ...... 2641.60 per annum MASON ...... ,...... 1.78 per hour ElECTRiCI.6.NS ...... 1.78 !Jer, hour · · STEAMFITTER ...... :...... ;1.73 per hour AUTO SPRAY PAINTER ...... 1.62 per hour • LAUNDRY MARKER AND SORTERS ...... 1.24 per hour · REFRIGERATOR REPAIRERS ...... ~ ...... 1.78 per _ho~r ELECTRICAL MOTOR REPAIRER...... 1.78 per hour PROP.ERTY AND SUPPLY CLERK. .. ,...... :... 2641.60 per annum DIESEL MECHANICS ...... '...... 1.78 per hour , GENERAL MAlNTENANCE FOREMAN...... 2.15 per hour • Permanent employment ,', '!'.,: , .. Periodic pay increases l~J , .• Sick and annual leave benefits. Interested applic~nts are req~ested to apply in person to the ••• CANADIAN NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT' SERVICE, BUILDING 28, BUCKMASTER'S FIELD, ST. JOHN'S, Or DIAL PEP PERRELL AIR FORCE BASE 89, EXTENSION 6006.

------~------'----:----.•.-'------.--- .... _.. _- ._ .... - WANT·ED Diet Dessert· Witli United Slates Ai,. Force Sugar Substitute Pel'lwI'l'ell Air Force Hu.w , , If :'OIl·I'C on ,1 dict with 01' with· Ullt dOdor's orders. thel'c's a nllm· . AUDITOR'S ...... :& ...... 445 1.20· per annum bl!!' of 'desscrts to appea,e yOIil' longing for sweets \I'ithout l1p~ctl .. ENGINEERING AID~ (Civil) ...... 3702.40 per annum ing ~'our caloric counl. You call prcpare these as ensi· Iy and as quickly as ordinary' ELECTRICIANS ...... ,..48 per hoU'r clesscrts. I ,Iusl eliminate sligar and usc in I PRESERVAT.ION PACKING SPECIAlIST...... 5969.60 per annum its stead a non·llutritil'e swecten : . . CI' rccommended for controllcd re· ducinl1 ami diabctic dicts. Thcre AIRCRAFT PAINTER AND DOPERS ...... 1.35 per hour is. for cxampe. thc new impro\,ed . Sucaryl in Ilowdcr. liquid and tab. AIRFRAME FABRIC- WORKERS ..... \o...... 1.24 per hour let form that retains its natural i 5wectncss cI:cn when simmered. I WOODWORKER' ...... :...... :...... 1.48 per hour baked. boiled or frozen with other ingrcdicnts. lts stability in taste is suc·h lhat your family and guests HEATING EQUIPMENT REPA!RER ...... 1.42 per hour will bc Imable to detect any differ· ence from desserts sweetened wilh CARD PUNCH OPERATOR ...... :...... 2204.80 per a~num sugar. . I lIere is a colfee and cream LIBRARY ASSISTANT ...... ,...... :...... 2579.20 per annum II' cles.lert counting 98 calories if mAde : l- with sugar which you can reduce I to 5B calories per serving with a CIVIL ENGINEER ...... :...... 5969.60 per annum non· caloric" .sweetener. :\:. I €OFFEE AND CREMI DESSERT CIVIL EN~INEER ...... ;..... ;...... 4451.20 per annum I Makes 9 servings; each contain~ in granis' 3.9 protein;, 3.4. fat and I ,I' . 3 carbohydrn tc. . STE~MFIT!ER' PLUMBERS' ...... :...... :.·...... 1.44 per hour 1 'envelopes flal'ored g~latine tine . '\ WELDERS ...... , ...... " ...... 1.48 per houl 1., sup cold watcr • ," , . ~ .' 2!~ (easpoons Sucaryl solution ., PASSENGE.R TRAFFIC CLERK ...... :.... · '2204.80 per annum (01' 20 tablcts, crushed) . ( 'I' .. ; 1 square ( 1 07..) ullslI'cet·! . : ,. rned chocolate I MECHANICAL ENGINEER ...... " ...... 5241.60 per annum Clip sl;lm milk I I \: cup cold sll'on~ coffee ! SUPERVISORY CIVIL ENGINEER .. ~ ...... :.. 5969.60 per annum . 2 eggs. separated . I .' . \ 1 tcaspoon vanilla .. i ...... 4451.20 I... , cup el'aporaled :nilk whipp. INSTALLATIONS ENGINEER ...... per amlum ed' " i (To whip el'aporated milk. chilli STAFF .NURSE ...... :... 3328.00 per annum III (reezer' unulil Ice cT)'stals Jot'm ~ around edge, thcn beat with rotary I CLERK TYPISTS ...... 1830.40 and 2204.80 per ann;;m beatcr until sliCf.) I Softcn, gelatin in cold watcl'. Mix Sucaryl, ~hoeolate. milk and CLERK STENOGRAPHERS ...... ,... 2204.80 per annum coffce in saucepan; stir over low heat until eholocate melts. Bring " \ .' mixture. to boiling point. Beat egg Interested applicants are requested to apply in person. yolks. . • Stir hot mixture Into beatcn egg to the. ; .. . .. yolks. Return mixture to saucepan , USAF REPRESENTATIVE, cook over low heat, stirring con· stanl!y !qr 1 minute. Remo\'e from, CANADIAN NATIONAL' ,EMPLOYMENT' SERVICE . hr.~l; add softened gelatin, van· I ' .. llIn. Mix thoroughly; cool. \ 'When I , BUILDING \ 28, BUCKMASTER.'S FIElD~ .. colr! and beginning to set. 'fold in I Or DIAL'PEPPERRELL 89, EXTENSION 6006. • I • ' . , stiffly bcalcn cgg whilc~ and ShiPP' ' . " \ cd cvnpora.tcd milk. Spoon into· sherbet dishes; chill. . j , ___.-.: ______~-_- ____- ____-- ______-J

. l. , . . , , I ., ...... , ..

~ . _.. THE D."ILY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 19.:;6 •

, , I· , "

. NEWFOUNDLAND Newfoundland IIh. LABOUR' RELATIONS Services BOARD PASSENGER NOTICES • . _._ ~ ... ' • , The [ollowing applications lor At 5,5, BACCALIEU ON . 1" Student Medica I II ~~A~E~, :r~NDdEI~~d atl~~~~~~~ I certification as bargaining a~enls. SOUTH COAST SERVICE 0 Ie un elslgne ,e which may be contested hy mlcr. . R d L· b . ,"Tender for Imptovements Cara·: t d r h' b en received' S.S. Baccrilleu oeprating ~n the; ecor I ra rolan quet Gloucester County. N.B., will: es e par. les, ,a\e eD' W k: Instructress South Coasl SCl'vlce will sal! f~olU I bc ;eccived in Ihe office oC the I I, Truck DrlVcrs, t13lAry t ~r, Of tIle Dock Consta; Wharf 5 p,m.', -- I S I" t'l 300 (E D S 'f) : rrs, \kal'chOllsCmen ~n U 0 ct· . . . '\ ~ r cere m~ un I l I P, m. ~..ft. . I' . I' U J 0 1 008 to·morrow, SaturdaY'1' Applicnhon.~ ~r~ IlIl't Cn ~oml i Wr.,DNE.lDAY September 5 191i6, vice mp o~ees nlll~ L'tdca C· Nurs'es CONNECTION SOUTH COAST I females for framIng as Mmhca 'I 'I ... , 'C' t' ' I I and Browntng Harvc~ "or, ',. , t' I P nns and speCl Ica IfIn can Ie, B' k SERVICE : Rerorrl Llbrral3n, IL IS r.~sen 18 'I n I ( [t d It 'n I ncr 100, AppliCRtinns arr inl'itcr' {rom TrAin "The l'al'ihuu" 'ellving I in orr!er fo meel the requirements I sPf anr (l!'l'lns "II enCe ~ rfJlEal ~'r I 2. B()llavj,la Local Fisllerll1en'· l;raduale Nursps to (ill Ihn post nC • 'I .' . • \ 't' o( ! at· t lleo Ice of Ie llie • ngln· PIt' U' d B navis!'.1 f 51, .John·s 5 p,", In·day, Frll a~,! 01 Ihe Canadmn 1,501:1:1 ton D rtm' l [Puhlic Works: ro cc lye Rlon an .()"" Instructress n Nllr,cs al lhe St. will mnkc cOlil,1C l llilill at 1'01't allX ~Ictlical Record Lihrarnians, Ihal eo~rt' cP~ t. c~ 0 t II ffi' 'i' Colc! Storllge Ltd .. Bona\,l~ta, • ,Iohn', Sanatoriulll, Topsail Roar!. B'<'JllftS "'itll S S Hm' Jlm'en COl' 'p'plicnnts havc Grade XII, A hur· h a"D'a: t ,ntRrElO, ~ Ie pOl) cell [) I 3, Twillingate Trades and Lab .., Salary commcncc~ at ~2 Ron Of) L" ~ , • . ... , I t C IS flC ' nglncel' ux . ' , , 1 d " ',. the Soulh Coasl Service., . sary 01 $125,011 PCI' ,month wll he 279 93 Canterbury Slrcc't 'S:li~t ,ollr Fcdrr~1 U~llIn ~o, G4 ,a~ .. De;' annum on the scale 52800-100. ST JOHN'S ". palo during the fust yeJlr allfi loh'n NB ' anrl at thc I'[)~i 'Offices ~Ianuel FisherIes Ltd., TWlllu •. , :1000, from w:lieh 540.00 is ocdud. CORNER BROOK SERVIC~ i 5140,00 pcr month our~~ the ~t C:,;a' U'~l Bathurst a~d ~Ionci.: gale, " ,.'. '.. it!l~ lor board and I~dgln~', S.S, NOl'lhcl'n Rangel' Opclat. seconr! year. q , 4, 11\llIlng"le 11",lc~ anrl Lah· Ullllnl'ms :ond launrlry 5C!'\'ICCS aI'/) Ing on the. 51 . John's ·Cornel' , On successful completion 01 the on, , d' hid'" 0111' Fcderal Union No, 641 (TLl') ; pl'nl'irlec!, Armatl ~. N,~.. Brook SCI'\llcc will sail Crom Dock Icoursc' applicant will be placed To b e eooSldcr,e d ~dC en ,~l and E, J, Clarke, (Conlraclor)' Application< with tull particulal'~ I Coastnl Wharf· no~n to·morrow, on a ~alary ot $2700,100·3400 PCI' !RUSt It e accom[pame tlf~ 3 seeurl y I Twilli11gate, Newfoundland. 'should be addresser! tn the ,. • m lC form 0 a cel' Ie d ch cquc' • • .': Salurdny. I annum" • r Bonds as specified in the form II, .K. ~lcKAY, Director of l'>lIrscs, St, 8AMBR . CONNECTION BAY R~N Appilcnl10ns should be.forward· Of lender and. made on or accord. Chief Executi\'c Officer Sanatorium, Topsail,Roarl, PLACENTIAl BAY cd immediately 10: ? I ' • ,John's, RcgulOl' 9 a,m. train leavIng 51. Dr. E. 'Wilson, Sllperintellll, mg to }llhl)!Steh forms(\.3,llC .In .3tcfcortcll·1 ---- I t'0:\' \RI' 'III Il'n J h ' M d August 20th will t Generalllosilltal allce WI e .con It IOns se or I. I\ "'; '" ,', , )I,D .. o 11 s on ny, , ,en, 'therein : '. Depllt~. illinistrr of IIral!,'1 make conneetICln at Argcntia with St, :lol111'S, Nllrl, 'f"" 'D t' I tl I tl I FOR L I h B R JI~ eJl'lr l1Ien Irou~ I Ie i ilg 7,20 I\t.V. BurIn for t c ay UII LEONARD nm.LER, M,D" Chief r:ngh;ccr's u,'nce (II & n,). • . !;ROMPT SERVICE ______-!. Placcntla Bay. 'E DAME Deputy MInIster of Jlealth or through t1lC lIndmigncd, lor • CAREFUL FINISHING TO CONNE~T~~NSE~~l~E ng17,20 _ lhm,ugh .the' ~l)ic~ of the Distdl'!: • COLORS REVIVED' JSSlrllE '1' 'l "'['he Caribou" lenvlng ElIgmect' ul S~~nl Jolll1, N,H", ~nlll ~ '.' YOl'R rJd In, M I~y August 20th I : supply iJille'pl'lllls and spcCIIJI':I' (',\tL , 511'11' 0 \ilkS' ollCe"t'lon at' I "wi,: i . COLONY ;tioll of the worl; on depusil o/·u· AUTO- II' mn'c eonn , -~ . , r 02 0 . 'j' C ~ • , 'Itt l\1.V, Cod roy on lhe' SIII1I ..u, ~ 0, 0 In t lC firm 0 ;1, ,.'11' MOBILE pOlle "D I Bay Service ccrllfled hank cheqllc ur nI01U'Y': 1I\-U111119Y " 'tQ _\~--.::; Noise arne ' CA BS order p:i),(,hle to Ihc order of the' • l'orR (One Hund FREIGHT' ACCEPTANCES Heceivcr General lJ~ Canada, The ,,~'!:!{'U:;lJUf' I '(I PLEASURe KING'S BRIDGE ROAD deposit will be released on relm'n ~/j'" I I.: :J~;'::; 'SOAT d lodging. FREIGHT LEWIS PORTE • of the bluc')lrints :uld sp['cification "', ~ CORNER BROOK SERVICE Operating on 2 Ijnes: in good condition within a month ~lO:oiCIIY ST, =::::=::::=::::::=;::~'::"'_ Frcig.hl fO!' CUl'wordhlg ria: from thc date oC rccciltion oC tcnd. DIAL ·1~2:; REG t, MORGAN CLAUDE H r : LCIVisplJl'te ~nrl 5,S, SprIngdale, 7300 d 5759 crs, It not returned within lhal I.------~--' -TO GO WITH 3·COL CUT Ir,;! In' oblivion for 0 fot' regulal' ports LewisllIlI'tC· i period the rieposit will he forfeiled i t I~ morrl~ MEWS DRY I an " I~SURMiCE 'i Rishop'~ ('ollr , a lar;c 11ricll St,~.tohl\'s were r1c~tl'l,ycd in lhc Corner Jlrllllk Scrvice will he The lowesl or ,any ten'dcr n"t Il FOR RENT p,O, llux 168, 'Phone s.Q:nU,jl~ lildll1~ 011 Klnll's Brirl~e Road,' (ire or Jr.02, It· n!' duro , fond and our CC'lloll'shlp and to IJ:! £. PAWE.w 1l1:'\J) Y()l!, I'rotel'l ,VII"I' 1:1' or .!Iller therapy-an unex. " LIGN ~ct.d findlnl, Toddlers often like .Ice cream, ' 'JU 1 "... : ennhl!' II~ 10 re.iolre In Ihl' P\,p· I ~:ES~Er:::jjG:Iff] Pl'll[lI'I'ty, In~lIn' with tl1l' . whereas Babies often don't. Bllt .. fadm'''~I/ cnec of lhe rlil'inc un,ecn CiIlP.l'OUl 5(, John\ Ruildinl(. DII('kworth Street, .78 Queen's Road 'Phone ~l;;,t ,. big onc; often give him a sudden: ; Charles C. Selecman , . st. Jo.hn·s, bea da che, "_'" .!;:;;;;==:=::;;;;:;:;;::;:;;::;~ Pro I ICOMN

In MaUl





For many yeats We have made a specialty of SIZES 37 to SO pleasing the' man who is hard to fit. To do this ••• to mal<~ sure of satisfying you .•• ST. TH( . we regularly stock a wider range 01 sizes th;,n SPECIl any other store in this city. But thClt'5 not 1,1111 We carry not just a tokon PAR .selection, but a real variety in evory size. 'This wil means you havo a fine choiGe of ,olo~s, fabrics and styles when you buy your suit at IISCIENTIFIC HEADQUARTERS" , , ·.TALL STOUTS'. • SHORT. ·STOUTt .. .. REGULAR STOUTS!

, ' , ,




" , .. 19 NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956

'THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW I By FAGALY and SHORTEN· Little League Baseball ONE 1949 STUDEBAKER As A CAB DRlve~ HE'S T~E IN5U~ANC:5 C:OMr:ANY'5 WORST A meeting of all Boys' of the little Baseball leogult RISK. HOW HES LIVED ..~ :~'" COMMANDER SO LONG ISA will take place at Bannerman Park at 3 o'clock this 3~~IWANTED MYSTERY TO i'j Equipp~d with radio and eVERYSODY! .. afternoon. It Is important that a II Boys attend. heater, body and motor in II )erfect condition; new seat CHILDREN'S PI.AYGROUND ASSOCIATION I, covers. .! k• Room Clerk JOHN M. WALSH, Secretary $ 28 O. (tel) . _--.:..---_.-...,-_._---_ ...... -_._---- Ihose with experience need apply, either

writing or calling in person to BINGO (Under auspiccs St. John's Amateur Baselwll'League) • . , CLUB OPEN 5 P.M. GAIETY AUDITORIUM Armature Works Ltd. TO-DAY. TO·NIGHT AT B.30 TO-NIGHT EXCELLENT PRIZES Leo Michaels' TO.NIGHT'S SPECIAL FOUR $JOO.OO GAMES BAMBRICK STREET Orchestra. Cover SOc 30 GAMES CARDS $1.00 Door Admission 5c / Insurance HE mtEI7 WAN.TED WANTED DRIVE WITH THE SUN BE. , .T STENOGRAPHERS AND TORBAY .....L ..." ~'ES1"J8i01ES~ . a semi.invalided man in private home lIlND you. Protect your ~ ON~ TYPISTS LIGHT property. Insure willi the ; 1iit1" [1:1I\r . For employment with tJle Federal Kearl's Content and Corner Brook. Salary Housekeeping oldest Compnnv In tllIi world. ':A V'-!: 1;,11(~ Government in ~EWFOUND· W. F. Caldwell, Insurance LAND. G,ARDEN PARTY Asent, 'Phone 2465, Temple The benefits offered include: 11.IMnn (One Hundred) per month, wi.th free ' N' . Building, Duckworth Street, AUCfIO • For STENOGrlAPHERS a 'Room: St. John's. commencing salary up to HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE $220.00 a morth, and for AUGUST 19th FOR SALE-One 1953 Pontiac TYPISTS, up to $190.00 a 'Phone Mrs. Mann Delivery Van 'Phone 3120. • AND EFFECTS - month. (At Gonder a Living • SIDE AND Terms arranged. ag17,lB Allowance of l55.00 a month SHOWS USUAL ATTRACTIONS at 5908F FOR SALE-l/2 h.p. Electric Estate lale Is being paid) .. Drill, $24.00. Good condition. ELIZABETH COBB • Three weeks holidays a year. TURKEY TEAS DANCE . . Queen's Men Sick leave with pay. Also some Cal'pentry Tools. No. 144 Forest Road Telephone 90424F. • A !lve day week. ag16,3i FOOTBALL Applications on the prcscribed -"='------'------'­ Friday, August 17 forms available at Post Offices, (p' Barber Inst., at 10.30 •• m. Nation~1 Employment Offices, are ..~ . ~....". .• -.. ,;,r.~ ..- TO·NIGHT h INSURANCE 1953 VAUXHALL 4 Door Sedan Living Room-l·3 pee. chester· to be f orwarded to t e Civil Ser· "\!~ ~::~ ~~" ~...... /" ~~ r''''\.1 ~1~' THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP i field suite, greell tapestry uphol· vice CommisslOl. of Canada. ..\ ~ ~~ ~~;! ,"'~t: 123 WATER STREET ...... • • • Heater and defroster; good tires; GUARDS We nrc now operating six 'slery; 1 walnut (sliver) cabinet. , ..111~ ~~

,,' . -, -;-" . t.; :.:::20~ ______~ ____. _~ __~ ______..;,T..;.HE~D..;,~I~L Y;...;..N,;;.,EW ... S;.:.,'..;,F..;.RI,;;.,DA,..Y;.:.' ..;.A:.:.UG;:;U~S~T ~17, 195 1 ...... :., . 'j; .' ,J. .::., , .., ' 'I' For' Your . " ,l .. LIME-Steel Drums, 125s TAR-5 Gallon Drums ,. . '.~: . ,L" .. MILLEY'·S,, . ; . :1:' ;V.. ~. NORTH STAR CEMENT,,87Yl lb. Bags CHLORIDE OF LIME "WEATIIER I,h- ~l' ,-;.~ , . . . ,.;t I j' " '.\ ~ , . SHEATHING PAPER (Rolls) all'colours . :r:1.;~, REPORT , . .~.~ • I ' • . 1. ,i; i BACK'TO SCHOOL TOGS Also " d"rain beginning till i', j. '[ Never Too Late ,[leu . 'aigh today 56. I,. t', . .~ ;~.~ .. GIRL'S .TUNICS • • .... . • $4.00 . Angela Thirkell ...... 2.50 And The Rain My Drink MISTO-VAN-The' great deodorant which eliminates odours in IJ l'.'" .~ { i\ ~ Han Suyin ...... 3.25 • musty cellars, Chicken House, Dog Pens, Grease Traps and .:rt GIRL'S UNifORMS • • $4.50 and $5.25 The Long View I t~ ,~. Elizabeth Jane Howard 3.00 ; Drains, etc., etc. "Use it around your barns".

. r"/ .. GIRL'S BLOUSES • • • • • . $1.90 Noblesse Oblige Ii , I- Nancy Mitford ...... 1.75 n,i I· ' PLASTIC COLLAR AND CUFFS • • 85c. UNDERWRITERS Walker, R.N. . i "( i; \ ADJUSTMENT BUREAU Terence Robertson ..... 3.50 I I "I '~: LTD. Don't Go Near The Water I I • BOYS' WHITE' SHIRrS '. • • • $.1.4& the appointment or William Brinkley ...... 3.95: Dalcy as Manager o[ Th l V I thcir nell' Branch Orrice in SI. east oyage . BOYS' GREY FLANNELS • • • • .$3.50 John's. 'rhe oC!icc is iocatcd in Of The Lusitania . : the Centrc Building, Church, HllI, A. A. & Mary Hoelll,'ng 4.50 ' In prcmlses formerly occupied, hy QUEEN ST. i' ~ , Interprovincial Insurance Claims A Sailors Life 'PHONES: 5143 - 5144 AGENTS . " BOYS' GABARDINES • • • • $3.25 Ltd.. wh,o have withdrawn from J ';. " the general insurance adjustment an De Hartog ...... 3.00 in his esophogus or gullet. Th~ Gc-;;eral -Hospilal-;d , , nel'd effective July 31st, 1956. The Lycian Shore I Associated with Mr. Daley In F S k Underwent surgcoll, Captain Leonard ZUbrOff,! Goosc AB at 2.20 Pm SCHOOL BAGS, Plastic ., • • • " $1.98 this new office wlll be Mr. A. J. reya for ...... 4.25 Chief of Surgery at PepPcl'rell Air lI'inutes later the oper~1I Grouchey and the majority of the The Search For Force Base Hospital, was f1ow~. to ; undel'lI "Y with the mi't on staff formerly employed by Inter' B °d h Operation ~oo~e AB on an emergenc~ fhg)1t : rapt. Robert \\'CiS5 and i!~~C! • • • $2,25 provincial Insurance Claims Ltd., rt ey Murp y In a 50~ MPH USAF T·33 let air· : I~en Stokes. Goose Air 8a; SCHOOL BAGS, Leather • as wcll as additional flrc adjust. Morey Bernstein ...... 4.25 PEPPERRELL, AFB - Gary craft piloted by Colonel Carroll pltal sur~eon and anesth .~ West, ll·month old son of Major McColpin, 64th Air Division com. !ll!!!. I • Ing staff from Montreal .. Branch The Mountains of Ireland officcs have also been opened at and ~!rs. C. L. Vest, of Goose Air mandel. ' Doct.vr Zubrofr complettd I • • • • 49c. Corner Brook and Grand Falls. D. D. C. Pochin Mould 4.50 13ase, underwent a 35·minutc emer· Doctor Zubroll left Torbay ·at 1 opera!1~il. success(ullr at 3.15 NAVY BLUE ANKLE SOX ;lenc;, operation recently to re· P.11. with special operating equip· The cllliu was res ling 'rhe Burcau wilt handle Fire, Th T' B k f . ment borrowcd from Sf. John's at last i·(·porl. Automobilc; Casualty, Aircraft anti e Ime 00 0 SCience move an opcn sa[ely pin lodgcd COi\'FEIlS wlln NAVY BLUE KNEE SOX • • • 60c. Inland lIIarinc Insurance claim.~ ati JonatiJan 'Norton for the forthc3ming r - i thesc Ihree locations. '. leonard 4 95 pril'atc law ·practice. \I Underwrltcrs Adjustment Bureau'...... " ...... , declined tn' say II'heth Ltd., a company owned adJustment I FaCing The at a statement by GIRL/S NAVY BLUE CARDIGANS • $3.00 : ?rganization, has its ilcad, OlCicc ! Atomic Future lin Montreal and opcrates In over' around to Stassen's , .. 30 ccnlrcs throughout Canada. 1 E. W. Tlfterfon .. : ...... 4.00; See the f~ I s. MILLEY LTD. Great Sports lovely moel

" Children's Puzzle Spectacle · p. t THE BOOKSELLERS P ~ 'ROME(AP) - Italy plans to fauv rogressIve . aIll ers . 'Phone 3191 . 442J ~ ,I ')' to make the 1960 summer Olympics MODERNFOLD , 'Ii. at Rome the grcatest sports spec· -:- '--'--' 1. tade in his tor y, dwarfing P A·' :\ '1 Group Active :{ ,~.l the forthcoming 1.1 c I bourne rompt ctlon ,! Games and Its predecessors, The Progressive Palntcrs Group, Amagauset! Art ,sch901 at Sara· } E~en bcfore the Melbourne 01· 10 verts Drol.l'm'nfl DOORS which consists o[ scven aclive sot a in October. II • A. ymples, and with four years 10 .'\, n l'l artists working In St. John's span· lIIlss Sharpc paints- with a bold .Ie. ( go until the ~ome games,' the HARBOUR GRACE _ T h c I, sored their first cxhlhitinn last approach to watcr colours. Some .\1 I Italian OI~'mplc committee has prompl action o[ Captain Abraham I wee]; and part of this prescnt wcek or hcr paintings arc scenes In New· \ compleled a 100,000'seat Olympic Winsor of Harbour Grace, .was the AT stadium and allocated $18,000,000 means of saving four.vear.old I when they Introduced a group of foundland and some of them are I won the party's I to go on from there. Charlcs Rogers, son of ilr. and , eighteen modern paintings dune or the semi·troplcal scenes In Flor· nom ination all I Ital~ plan5 to make fun use of ~Irs. Alfred Rogers from drowning, I b)' ~lr. Frcderic Stciser. ida. Hcr colours arc strong and , ...,~,.. "... ' second ballot 'Today, Thursday. August 16th, she uses a free st~-Je. Heavy blues. Ihlstonc Rome as a bsck~l'op, The c,n Monday allernoon. Colosscum the ,.charlOt.racers The litlle lad. in co'mpany with John F. KenDI Ih~y 1I'i11 hal'e a nell' e;.;hibilion brisht ycllows, oranges and greens ! ~nd Illldluset:ts, who for a on displllY in Ihc snme placc. Boll" arc predominant In hcr palntlng~. Clr~us ~;.aximlls 11111 ~et,urn to ;,i5 two sistcrs, was playing on the CHESTER their oriolnsl role of sPOIts sta. beach near the premis<.s of Capt. to knock Kefa uI'· .r : rin~'s ca[etcria. This limc the ex- illr. Stclger had a painting of I Ilihition is by one of their memo nibbs COI'e, Port de Gral'c, and .\Iums. Winsor when he fell into the bel'S. Miss Irene Shal'pc, ()[ St. Miss Sharpe has also painted a "Icre wlll be,. tw~ new sp?rts wat~r, and was being swept out .John·s, who has ovcr twcnty paint. picture of the scene. A comparison p.~laces. a' slllmmmg , sta?LUm. by the tide. Capt. Winsor who was in~s. mostly In water colours, of the two paintings Is interesting ".Ith three. pools. a I c1orhome cngaged In colling somc rope, " which she complcted durin/! thc and a study of the wa)'s dl£Cercnt II it.h a c~ chng track and, two hap}1~ncd to see the plight o[ the DAWE I, pust ycar. This cxhibltlon wllJ con· artists int,crpret their subjects. Ol~ mpic vlliagcs - one for men child and quick Iv threw the coil !. )inuc until Friday, August 24th. No pictures In this exhlblUoll and one for I~omen, onopposlte which fortunate'ly cnught and I sIdes of thc Tiber. drew Charles to safcty LIMITED I,' ',' ~liss Sharpc Is the daughter oC will be valucd or wlll be on sale. I Dr. und Mrs. E. L. Sharpc, Mill· The Progrcssive Painters, now SAlliE SCENE Dr. Saltman was calicc\, but be. , ,. tar)' Road, and for the (iast two that they have made such a vigor. One c~vered sports pa~,ace, with yund slight shock the little fellow a capacIty of 15,000, II III go up was none the worse for the acci. SHAW S1. .': years she has been stUdying in ous 51art sincc tliclr orgal)lzation adjacent to the grounds of thc d '11 b . Sarasota under thc direction of a little OVer a month ago, plan ,to Circus Maxlmus, built by the an. ent. He WI e In bed for a ::Ilr. Hilton Leech, well known kcep on giving exhibitions of - c1ent kings of Rome and en. cou)lle o[ days. , American arUst. work done by themselves and ot~ lar~ed by Julius Caesar. . . ]llr. nnd ::III'S. Rogers and [am. DIAL 8·0161 'Her painlin~s, "Back Country In cr artists. An opportunity to get How docs Italy do It? The Ital. II~ arc deeply gratefui for. the ,. Newfoundland" and "No Insur· a look at first hand, Instead of by ian Olympic committee Is luckier PI amp! ac~ion of ~apt: Winsor ROAD , j ancl'," won first prize at the an· reproductions In magazines, should - - than most It llets lose to 30 per but for which thcre hltle doubt TOPSAIL C I~ II 'I', nual students' show at Sarasota give thc public, especially children IN THE GARDEN ccnt of' lh'e take or th countrv's that another drowDlng tragedy,: " last February and as an award and ~rownups studying art, a bet. Jane Is Picking vegetables for lI'ec'klv soccer poo\. Th~s paid for woul~ nhaye been. adde~ t~ . the 1I1iss Sharpe 11'111 be having a onc· tcr Idea, of modcrn art. dinncr. She h.. t gathered so many the Wintcr Games at Cortina growlno hst o[ tins year s vlcllms. DIAL 80118 ',., ~an show there next January. The that her apron Is almost full. If I d' Ampezzo and left millions of - TI~-;- Christian Brother!',. , plcturcs shown In the exhibition LAS VEGAS, NOI·. CAP) - Tho you would like a picture of one of dollars for 1960. · : ':. :.. !; Ihls week will be part of her onc. the vegetablcs, join nil the number· Rome Olympic Installations will !\Iount Cashel orphanage,' " .1.., " man show ne!!t year. grcat lover of silent mOVies, 73- I:.; year-old Francis X. Bushman, ed dots together, starling wlih dot be centred in tll'O areas. One is gratefully aclmowledge. the was married to a prctty widow number one and endlnj! with dot around the 'Olympic stadium 'jf' '\::"'1' ,/i Sh~~~~rest~~:~::~ t~!ork~~\'[O~I~~~ Wednesda)·. 'rhe bride Is Mrs number twenty.one. Use. your about 21", miles north of the cen. sum of Two Hundl'ed nnd paints or crayons on this picture. tre of the city. The other is an ex· Fifty Dollars, bequest from ~ +,: .:1 j.:t t;md Academy of Art under the Iva Richardson, 53. who says thai ',ii' : .. 1 :j direction of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald as' a girl she spent Saturday Cleveland "inovie hibition ground south of the cit)', the Estate of the late Mrs. A" • Over 70,000 ft. of floor space; OPEN SATURDAYS AND MONDAYS. built by Mussollni for a world I .:: !;.~ ;:i:.( ,,' :':.';:' Shepherd. She will rcturn to Ihe altel'noons walching Bushman on fair that was nevcr held bccause W. Kent per l\Irs. G. Paddon, ; • LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF BUILDING MATERIALS IN NEWFOUND· ,1,·1\ '\ o[ the wilr. . Executrix. LAND. FREE AMPLE PARKING SPACE. ,ii:::-: '1.1, Rowing and eanDi! races will be • DlSTRIBUTORS FOR WORLD FAMOUS JOHNS·MANVILlE and held in the extinct volcanic crater BIRTHS lake of Cas~cl Gandolfo, about 30 ------.--- .------MacWILLAN & BLOEDEL SALES LTD. ~ ~:!A :ivoinan :'on:'b ;lim:ted bndget BARRELS tons of Comml for:clothi,ngshoul["never: bdace'd LADIES' NIGHTIES Illaterial was c( with tj!i~· liltuatlo·ri. " 11 .ft ':. woman on ~arty hea:lql lVears !officc'<:Iothes more tho'i{jhe . ! MIR~OR ..CLEAR PRINTS' Cotton Crepe. ' 'republic's nl I • Ivears';:'casilal clothes,' or' ,lfshl' of the federal ... ' ... ' we~,rS:'lioJlse': d,e5s~s'. m!>re."'I~ia" large, assorted shades HALF • BARRELS , bannedtl sh~ '.\Ve.a.ilj~party dre$ses; her., bud. Sizes:. small, medium, • SPEEDY, SERV~CE. g,et',shoUld be a.1lo~ted:litcordinI1W 'o.":.~tull0nial80,:::'OOO mer )AndJhe clothes for'whlcboiie"bar" .Reg. 2.98. , ~r!>i:easlonal.need";'be J~cy R:.:r 1 tY, :~olhes, rldln~c1othes;.:sw!mm ~Ii::elothes or town "'ilts';':'shClUl,' NOW 1.98 l~,s~, : many . sensons.", They.; ~h;:;;l" bl! ~ofJtOOddurab.1"· nu~J ily)u::'Jhp:. ~I!qul,d' ;be strlctly'clas:,;~;.: .::';:, ,: ,: .,