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... ~ " CW~ANY i.l:,::rt~ jI\J d..J.J..... L~J:~~ , . ~)\1~f~~rb WEATlIER 1'lmSEN'rS LIS' Z T REPORT THE DAIL'Y NEWS al'ailable at , ;l1<\\I'N'~, cl~~rln!C Vor. 63. No. 208 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 (Price 5_cents) lIi~h today 63. ____ ~ __________ --__ ----__ ~ r--~~------------------~~-- Charles Hutten &Sons • omlna 'e evenson . ' Ii " , Democrats Rattle Rafters With , Cheers. Steven!o,n Proposed For" Nonlination lIUJ.I,ETI:-.' mclange of cireui sideshow, Mardi lIy DOUGLAS II. COR:,\,EI.I. Gras and Times Square on New CHICAGO (AI') - Adlai IL .Ycar's Bvc. ., Stevenson capturcd the Dcmu.' The Ncw York and' Oklahoma cratic pre sid c n t i a I nomin,' delegations tolidly sat it out. ':'hey ation Thursday night with a: still clung to a futile, forlorn 'ope smashing fim ballot victory at: that by some miraculous turn of the Democratic 'national com'cn·' cvents thc nomination still I.ight tion.· i go to Harriman, 'Down to stunning but entircly i A handful of favorite son cadi· expccted defeat went Governor AI'. I! dales-stale leaders whep b, Am, ercll Harriman of New York, erican political tradition, g:! the Fur thc former Illinois gOl'ernor 'I honor of a first·ballot nomination ran like a champion, oUl front and Irom tllCir home delegations-al~o true to form all the way, He led: wcre put beforc thc 1.312 dcle· Irom the instant thc first state! ~atcs whu command I'otes 111 the laid it~ ballots on the Hne and presidcnti:tl balloting, Harriman ncvcr came rlosc to a' But thc:r candidacies wcre ov· ehallcnge, .
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