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... ~ " CW~ANY i.l:,::rt~ jI\J d..J.J..... L~J:~~ , . ~)\1~f~~rb WEATlIER 1'lmSEN'rS LIS' Z T REPORT THE DAIL'Y NEWS al'ailable at , ;l1<\\I'N'~, cl~~rln!C Vor. 63. No. 208 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 (Price 5_cents) lIi~h today 63. ____ ~ __________ --__ ----__ ~ r--~~------------------~~-- Charles Hutten &Sons • omlna 'e evenson . ' Ii " , Democrats Rattle Rafters With , Cheers. Steven!o,n Proposed For" Nonlination lIUJ.I,ETI:-.' mclange of cireui sideshow, Mardi lIy DOUGLAS II. COR:,\,EI.I. Gras and Times Square on New CHICAGO (AI') - Adlai IL .Ycar's Bvc. ., Stevenson capturcd the Dcmu.' The Ncw York and' Oklahoma cratic pre sid c n t i a I nomin,' delegations tolidly sat it out. ':'hey ation Thursday night with a: still clung to a futile, forlorn 'ope smashing fim ballot victory at: that by some miraculous turn of the Democratic 'national com'cn·' cvents thc nomination still I.ight tion.· i go to Harriman, 'Down to stunning but entircly i A handful of favorite son cadi· expccted defeat went Governor AI'. I! dales-stale leaders whep b, Am, ercll Harriman of New York, erican political tradition, g:! the Fur thc former Illinois gOl'ernor 'I honor of a first·ballot nomination ran like a champion, oUl front and Irom tllCir home delegations-al~o true to form all the way, He led: wcre put beforc thc 1.312 dcle· Irom the instant thc first state! ~atcs whu command I'otes 111 the laid it~ ballots on the Hne and presidcnti:tl balloting, Harriman ncvcr came rlosc to a' But thc:r candidacies wcre ov· ehallcnge, . er,hado\\,cd bl' th!l~e of the big Once more thc Dcmncralic guns-Stcl'cnson rnd H2~ ',~n­ clans had placed their presidential i who'during his five·day com' ',::n banner in Stcvcnson's hands, bcnt' havc waged a ('eascless bal" for on cOIII'erting their )052 loser into cuough delegatc support 10 win Daily Ncll's, Phclo) a 10:;[; winncr ol'er Presidcut tilc nominatinn, Dwight D, Eisenhowcr. :-;r"'ER IX DOUBT " ,'T r:()\'l:I:~::H'::,\T IIOUSE Gr:(lVm'S ."e3tcr:l~)' prtCl'n~i'r. during Ihe Annunl Garden Parly whIch wo, presidcd ol'cr by His Sle,'cnson left his downtown l:lIv, Thc furtunes of Stcvcn,on, Ihe 1.:,"It:n,lilt G;) ... and Lally Pel'fcct we.lthel· 1(1 the anmwl el'cllt most sllcccssfui. ,:~, '1:~ ~rnul·._.. _____ .. ________(;:I:crbrid~r, . ________.. :)\'~l'al1ed ~akc office t miles away. an~1 headed for: .lG-ycar-old former ~o\'crnor or ll· '1 'il t11Pconvention arcna, i Iinoi~ whn hcadcd the party :~I:"t W'PI. t t, I [n the goldcn momenl of his! in 19j2, werc ncvcr sc:' I)' in 1 tie's 111'0"1)0 ~Ies 11 er--Ila 'IOna victnry, h~ had a wide smilc fnr!d(]ubt this week but he ~'!Jffered .~_J.,i.' .. .' . IS.. ; u ~ , ~~~~~,t~~s a::I\(lha~~~(~" th~t ,,[ fec[: ~ mNI~ (l~~~I~,~III~,~~~al ;~~te~c~, e;r!~ 1 •• _ ' \ : president Hany S, Truman came ~ ~ . t .~~. , S 'C ", I 1\y GEORGE "ITCIIE~ i out in' fal'or 01 Harriman, ,who i Canadian Pres:; Wrilcr I held a ,of ;Jbs ll::'R',• .t~_',lI II' O~ .JI..'5~1 . Y _1 0'1'"1l. ue z ana CHICAGO (CP) ~taffThe Delllo, , ~nceIn the Trumannumbc~ admmlstratlon, k~y crat~ Thursday night were set to: But 1i,1e p,oll'er that o~c,~ was I , go all the W3Y wilh Adlai. : Truman s fmled to materla,lzc. t. ,1I:rnn: (;,\\'SIlO:'\ IIH hare h:-.l III f,:cr ,ill~e tlil' S~c, Xasser's pledge, In keep the canal, it~ right amI holdings, A rousing, 20 ·minute banner.' GO"ernora Raymon~ Gar~ of Ok· " ,.',p. _ S!atc S'!~rc,. ond "'''rid War," ~ I:' 1, opcn and clficient, but said: I' 4, Any (Ullcl'cnce o\'er E;::'pt's \':avin~ demonslratiun 'I'hen Adlai: laho,m pla~~d ~arr,lman, m nom· ,D.:~~. r:' l',,,c:l 'fill:rsday I H;J;sb" nell' fureign minister',! "The canal should not be, and income, or ovcr compensation, E, Str.rcnson's namc was proposed: InatlOn, ~s "a fighting liberal of : ,: :J:;r~;:!:>:J:l1 II:l~r,1 af.sa,! Dmit:'i S:I~pilQ\', 1001: thc Ar cr.: should not bc aUowed to he~omc, \ should be settled by arbitration Thursdav for the national DClllo: nell' 1'lSlon, . , . , rit:, t::c l'nited :latioDl-l icnn ' !lrilish • Ficnch ~pnn5Jl'S oi: un instrument of the policy of an~ undel' the Wurld Court of .1ustice eratic 'convcntion's presidential Then Truman-:-earr),lD;l on ,lI:~ ~ :.\ [,;)\11 :l' a mcmbcr-: lilc eanfcrcr.~e lJ tusl; wilh nn nation or g rOil Jl or nations,! S:lCpilol' madc deal' he I ;'ds nomination madc it apparcnt that: !~)r1orn pro.lIar~m!~n haltle 'ntll r;n t;l~ S'JCI c::IIn!. 'attJ~k on its mCI11(I~rshi[l, tll11in~: whcthcr or i::uropc or Asia or Ai; Ihe London tall;s only as a first Thur,(lay night', decisivc ballotin:l ,Thc last do~ dlCS as he has put , I'"~ t,c 111:1111 IIl:ink IIf a and le~a1it)', j' de,a, ' step and not capable oj producing 1I'0nid hc a mcre, time'colliuming Itdcalmt~ to th~ rOt~tl1lll~ ~~HI ~ec. I ' .' .., ork govcrnor, "J l\rC;cnt~d b,l' Dul. IIc callnl.\' dcnounced I\'h::t he The, secretary 01 state tncn out. decisions, ' formalitl'. O!I C( IC ~omma Ion 0 e j CII' f II! th" Vnited S!~tc.;. cr,lIed the abno~m'll atm~Bphcl'e, IIncd the following plan for th~ "All possible sh:.uld be donc,", STEVENSON: Eiscnhower's Riyal : Stevensoll supporters rattled t,hc ":-lcI'cr in history has it b==" ~5 nd rra~;'c 1:1 the 22,na 01 pres,ure built up as a )::'eludc I fullu'c. operation of Suez the P.1l5sian s~id, "to rcach an' ___._ .. --- ---- ra!ters ?f the great co~vcn\lon i nccessary for lhe Dcm~crats to ~:"-::I:(nCI ~cl'l:il1~ a setUe, 110 the t31ks, and decried coneclI'j 1, An intcrnational group should agrced opinion (hcre) ~n the prep· hall as Senator John F: Kcnncd,Y i win an elcc'" i,'; it is n:-':," :! t~c SIICZ dispute, I' trntiGn,; 01 military po\\'er or 'Brit: be sel liP by trcnty b operale aration of an international confer, 4 I ,- D-e 7 of ~lassac~u5etts put Stcven~on:, i Truman said. : dtdmrl 25 ain and France in the Mediter the canal In accordance with tim cncc, or some other international namc bclOle thc morc than J,OOO Slol'.'l), and with emphasiS, he E~ypt':; ,Iul~' 1 srae IS ~" o! thl' watcrway 1 rancnn and. cconrmic : :prlsal., I 1883 Constantl::ople convcnIion, procedurc, to exnmlnc thc -prob· a party, supporters as the man best proncunced thc 1I'0rd,:: ., ai,ault,;1 world conti" such as frcezing of BgypUan as· 1 Thc board woul1 bc linked to thc Icm of thc Jreedom 01 navigation qua~lf:ed to ,lead th~ ~emocra~5 "1 alii supporting A"~rcl1 HaITi· thi' aClilln, hc saId, \' set~ In their hands, , U~ in a way· stiU to \.~ deJ[ned" of the Sucz canal on the basis of , InJ- ureo d ,I n Am bush ' agamst l'~eSld7nt EJocnJlOwcr In man for prcsidcnt of the Unitcd hoI:! of a nord Shepilov made a hid to bronccn I Egypl 1I'0uid be on It, 'hut no the observance of the sovereign thc ~Ol·. a Umtcd Statcs gencral: Stalcs." , it could Cllt into thc the conlerence to include 21 other single power should dominate It, rillhis of Egypt." elcctlOn. " ! Truman gol a big checr. but no· r:tal, 01 man~' nations." nations, including Red China,. hut 2, Eg)'pt should have Ihe rl!Jht That said, the rl e leg a t c s Therc was a thllmpmg demo~, I bOOv thought his adl'ice 1\0'11:1 llini;l~r Eden had ~om, agreeu 10 waiVe procedural ,hjcc, tn an equitable return, frolT C;'1~ whipped through thcir procedural' .1ERUSALE~1 (AP) - Bnllel;;' Iiltrators from Egypt." Howevcr, 5trotlOn, too, ,for ~v~rel1, Ham Ihal"c anI' ~f!ect. thc conference with tlons and expres~cd wlll[ngness' to O)l~I'ations, arrangements !n 90 minutcs - a ,praycd an Israeli bus from :1m,· thcre was no immediate identiH man, the mull! • nlllhon3l~e gOI" • help achiel'c a peaccful solution. 3, Fair compe~5atlon sho~l~ be p,lc,asant surpmc for Wcst~rn ~f:, bush in the Ncgev desert Thur· I calion of the assailants. crnor 01 il:cw York state wh(l ch~['1 CO~IVENTIDN PROGR~M SOTES P(,EDGES, ,I paid to t!le nahonallzed LDlI'el'. hcwl" acc,ustomc~ to SovlCl fill, day and army spokcsmcn an,: (Rcuters said, according to re, lengcd Slcvenson for the nomm· \ 11 r, Dulles noled Enyplmr P:' -Idcnt sal Suez Canal Co, for the loss of buslermg In prevIous parlcys, I mannounce:! passengcr thrcc soldierswere killcd, 'and a \\'0" portscarried from out Eilat.'by a theband ambush of Eg~'p, was andation, enthusiasmbnt it had noncof the of theral1yin~ fire ,CHICAGO (AP'-lIcrc is the · A b W ld Seven other pcrsons, including !ian·traincd cnmiliundos opcratlD~ CIY for Stcl'en~on.' thc i ':shc.d,1 program for Friday's session of ZOe another soldier and the drivcr, from Jordan,) witty former IlhnOis gOl'crnor '-,In i the Dcmocratic national conven· -- ,trI· ~ rIpS ra or were reported woundcd, TnUCK IIL()'.':~' t:P obviously had the party in the! lion: HOI11 S I G The attac1t was made abont 11 A fe\\' hours before this inei, paln.l, of ..his I!and, •.

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