Leading Marines"
Vol. 23 no. 14 Serving Marine Forces Pacific, MCB Hawaii, Ill Marine Expeditionary Forces, Hawaii and 1st Radio Battalion April 13, 1995 Commandant unveils "Leading Marines" packed passages. Each anecdote is fbl- Fred Carr lowed by a provocative 1QMC Information Office.' summary that leads the reader in a search of his or her General Carl E. Mundy, Jr., is own analysis of leadership traits, ulti- bequeathing the Corps of Marines he mately causing one to ask, "How would commanded for the past four years with I have responded to the situation'?" a poignant reminder of what he views Although "Leading Marines" could as the most important responsibility of easily be a one-sitting perusal for fast The Easter Bunny is here. Find everyone who wears the uniform - readers, it should be viewed as a living out what it takes to have one Leadership. reference," always available to re-kin- of your own...See B-1. The Commandant, who is scheduled dle the motivation and inspiration that to retire July 1, has authorized the pub- define the Marine Corps brand of lead- Retired Activities lication of Fleet Marine Force Manual ership in action. 1-0, "Leading Marines," with instruc- "Our actions as Marines every day tions that every Marine, regardless of must embody the legacy of those who A Retired Activities Office has been rank, receive a personal copy. went before us," Mundy continues in established in building 216 aboard try 1)n Winferstet. "If we expect Marines to lead and if we the foreword. "Their memorial to us MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay to pro- - expect Marines to follow, we must pro- their teaching, compassion, courage.
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