Curriculum Vitae ______
Cristina Della Coletta University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive, MC-0406 La Jolla, CA 92093-0406 (858) 534-6270 Curriculum Vitae ____________________________________ Current Positions: Dean of Arts and Humanities, University of California, San Diego. August 2014- Associate Dean of Humanities and the Arts, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia. July 2011-July 2014. Professor of Italian, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Virginia. 2006-2014. Education: Ph.D.: 1993, Italian, University of California, Los Angeles. M.A.: 1989, Italian, University of Virginia. LAUREA: 1987, Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università di Venezia, Italy. Fellowships and Awards: Fellow: Berkeley Institute on Higher Education. UC Berkeley. July 6-11, 2014. Fellow: Institute for Management and Leadership in Education. Harvard Graduate School of Education. June 16-28, 2013. UVA Faculty Mentoring Award: May 2012. University Seminars in International Studies Grant: 2011. UVA nomination for SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award. Fall 2010. The University of Virginia Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award. Spring 2010. Fellow: Leadership in Academic Matters Program. Fall 2009. IATH (Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities) Residential Fellowship for Turin 1911: A World’s Fair in Italy Digital Project. 2009-11. IATH Enhanced Associate Fellowship for Turin 1911: A World’s Fair in Italy Digital Project. 2008. Vice President of Research and Graduate Studies and the College of Arts and Sciences Research Grant, 2008. 1 IATH Associate Fellowship for Turin 1911: A World’s Fair in Italy Digital Project. 2007. Vice President of Research and Graduate Studies and the College of Arts and Sciences Research Grant, 2007.
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