Romania Railway business opportunities

Infrastructure development


02 OVERVIEW • Economy • Population structure • Administrative divisions • Infrastructure • The reform • Railway Surveillance Council • AFER • National Railway Infrastructure Manager - CFR SA • Private infrastructure managers • Industrial railways • Ports with railway terminals • Urban railways • Financings

11 HEAVY RAIL PROJECTS • Pan-European Corridor IV • Pan-European Corridor IX • New TEN-T proposals • Tunnels and bridges • Traffic safety • Electrification • Command-Control-Signalling • Railway stations • Telecommunications and IT • High-speed rail link • New railway lines • Private infrastructure managers • Terminals and the port of Constanţa

31 and underground projects • Urban projects • Underground projects • Metrorex priority objectives

40 FACTS AND FIGURES • Railway network managed by CFR • Traffic control and communication systems • Electrification systems • Main owners of industrial rail lines • Terminal and multimodal centres • Railway urban infrastructure Photo: © Club Feroviar

Coordinators: Consultants: Layout & DTP: February 2013

Ştefan RoŞeanu Octavian UDRIŞTE Petru MUREŞAN A publication by Senior Partner Club Feroviar [email protected] [email protected] CLUB FEROVIAR [email protected] 30, Virgiliu Street sector 1 Florentina GhemuŢ Photo: 010884-, Cristina Trifon [email protected] Radu DRĂGAN Tel.: +4 021 224 43 85 Marketing Manager Fax: +4 021 224 43 86 [email protected] Vlad ROŞEANU Translation: [email protected] [email protected] Alina VUŢULICU

February 2013 2 OVERVIEW

Over the past years, Romania’s the 90’s, with the help of investments, railway infrastructure has benefited export demand to the European Union and from investments financed through domestic consumption, Romania registered non-reimbursable European funds or constant growths of the GDP, but it also through loans from international financing accentuated the current account deficit. The institutions. The process of absorption and economic downturn has seriously affected the use of these funds are, however, rather Romania, manifesting in significant losses difficult, as Romania lacks experience and in the heavy industry and freight transport specialized administrative and legal staff. sectors, railway cargo transport suffering In 2012, the authorities managed to initiate the most. works on several important programmes A stand-by agreement was signed with for the modernisation of over 200 km of the IMF in 2009 for a EUR 20 Billion loan, railways, but also repair of works of art and with participation from the European Union, rehabilitation of railway stations. Romania thus hoping to revive declining Nevertheless, state budget funds economic activities and to cover budget allocated to the network remain quite low, debts. but increasing every year. Population Economy structure Romania counts 21.4 million residents, The Romanian economy can rely on rich with 90.1 residents per square km, below natural resources, qualified work force the European Union’s average of 116. and an important strategic position. The Therefore, the population density is 3 to 4 important natural reserves of petroleum, times lower than in Germany, Great Britain coal, iron and salt add on to a significant or the Netherlands, 5 to 6 times higher agricultural potential. However, more than than in Finland and Sweden and similar to half of the GDP is ensured by the services Greece and Spain. sector. The capital and have the highest The country’s most important trade population density in Romania. However partners are Italy, Germany, France and there are other counties, especially those Turkey, but imports partners include Russia, highly industrialized before 1990, such as China and Kazakhstan. Prahova, Dâmboviţa, Iaşi, Galaţi, where After a strong recession at the end of the density is above the country’s average 3 density (130-180 inhabitants per square km). (68%) count less than 20,000 inhabitants Regionally speaking, the highest density is and usually depend on one single economy in the country’s north-eastern region (101.4 activity, mostly industrial. Only 23 cities inhabitants per square km), the country’s count more than 100,000 inhabitants. most demographically dynamic region, while Bucharest is the largest city with 1.94 million the country’s the lowest density region is in people leaving here. the west (60.4 inhabitants per square km). Under law 151/1998, eight Development Regions have been established through the voluntary association of corresponding counties. Unlike villages, towns, cities and counties, these development regions are not administrative divisions and don’t have legal personality. Administrative The institutional framework, objectives, competencies and instruments specific divisions to the regional development policy in Romania were revised in 2004, under the negotiations of Law no. 315/2004 on The administrative divisions of Romania regional development in Romania. include 320 towns and cities and 2,860 Each region has a Regional Development villages. The cities, towns and villages are Agency, coordinated by the Regional grouped into 41 counties, the capital of the Development Council as deliberating country, the city of Bucharest, representing body. Regional development agencies are an individual administrative division. non-governmental, non-profit and public Romania’s largest cities are: Bucharest, utility bodies with legal personality with Iaşi, Constanţa, Timişoara, Cluj-Napoca, main attributions consisting in elaborating Braşov, Craiova, Galaţi, Ploieşti and Brăila. strategies, programs and fund management More than half the 320 cities in Romania plans.

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The attraction of investments and personality. For the moment, the project is economic growth are favourably influenced under elaboration at the Romanian Ministry by the existence of international ports of Regional Development and Public (Constanţa) and the easy access to Administration. western markets. In turn, the proximity of natural barriers for trade (the ) or of the underdeveloped countries in the east ( and the Republic of Moldova) Infrastructure have, usually hindered development. According to information analysed in 2007, the regions in the country with the Romania has a dense transport network, highest level of revenues per capita are the well distributed all across the country’s counties that have big cities, international territory, accessible to most inhabitants, airports or those close to or located on with access to the Danube on the longest the transport axis to the western border. segment of its inferior stream (1,075 km) Conversely, some of the counties with the and an important seaside segment to the most severe underdevelopment problems . Danube-Black Sea Channel are either tangent to the Danube or located enhances all these natural advantages. in the neighbourhood of the border with Transport difficulties are related to the very Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. poor condition of the infrastructure that has Romania will be subject to an administrative been constantly degrading over the past reorganisation in 2013, as announced by 20 years or has become more and more the new Government elected in December obsolete compared to new standards. 2012, by adding an additional level of Romania is crossed by pan-European administrative units – regions with legal corridors 9, 4 (corresponding to the 5

TEN-T Priority Axis 22) and 7. Also, under are Telecomunicaţii CFR, Electrificare CFR Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the and Informatică CFR. European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight, Romania Railway will participate in creating a freight corridor with the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Surveillance , and Greece by November 10, 2013. Council In 2005, the Railway Surveillance The Reform Council was established within the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. Romanian Railways, represented by The Council is in charge of evaluating the former SNCFR company, has been and solving the legal contests submitted restructured in 1998 in order to meet the against the decisions made by the railway obligations stipulated in the First Railway infrastructure manager and generally, with Package, Romania being the first country monitoring the free access to the Romanian in Eastern to implement this reform. infrastructure. The Council was transfered As a result, through the Government’s from the ministry’s administration to that Emergency Ordinance no. 12/1998, railway of the Competition Council, following the operation was taken over by national European Commission’s warning about companies CFR Marfă and CFR Călători, potential conflicts that might arise from the while CFR SA became the infrastructure subordination of this Council to a ministry manager. Other companies resulted from which also controls the infrastructure the externalisation of infrastructure activities manager, CFR SA. 6 AFER National The Romanian Railway Authority – AFER – Infrastructure was established in 1998 and reorganised in 2008. Today, the authority has four separate Manager, CFR S.A. bodies, in charge of investigation, licensing or certification. These bodies are: ASFR – Romania’s public railway infrastructure is Romanian Railway Safety Authority, ONFR state-owned and it is concessioned to the – Romanian Railway Notified Body, OIFR National Railway Company, CFR SA, as – Romanian Railway Investigation Body, infrastructure manager. CFR SA has eight OLFR – Romanian Railway Licensing Body. subsidiaries: Bucharest, Craiova, Timişoara, AFER is subordinated to the Transport Cluj, Braşov, Iaşi, Galaţi, Constanţa. Ministry and it is entirely financed through extra-budget incomes. AFER is also in charge with survey and certification of urban Private and underground transport. AFER is tasked with authorizing and infrastructure surveying, from the technical point of view, the railway suppliers, certifying the railway managers technique and issuing railway technical agreements based on the Transport A 2004 law divided railway lines into Ministry’s Ordinance no. 290/13.04.2000. interoperable and non-interoperable lines, 7 where the latter are mostly lines with Infrastructure, including the regulations on reduced traffic, especially local traffic and transfers from the state budget to railway can be concessioned to local managers. infrastructure. The contract is signed on a Non-interoperable railway lines amount to 4-year period and it is updated every year. 3,268 km. Until the moment, CFR has signed A new contract was signed in 2012. leasing contracts with 10 non-interoperable railway infrastructure managers. Private infrastructure managers The operators’ market access is made based on non-discriminatory criteria, after Company Line length the payment of the Track Access Charge RC-CF Trans 1,934.4 km calculated according to a formula which includes several indicators such as tonnage TFG Grup 360 km and the traffic section.A ccording to the draft ViaTerra 238.7 km Decision on the approval of the additional act for 2013 to CFR SA’s activity contract, GFR 207.3 km CFR SA will establish the track access Apria 86.7 km charge based on internal norms without the Servtrans 63.5 km implication of the Transport Ministry. The relationship between the railway RG Holz 22.5 km infrastructure manager, on the one side, Construcţii Feroviare 16 km and public institutions, on the other side, are Sibiu regulated through an activity contract signed with the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Vest Transrail 2.7 km

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The port has an annual operation capacity Industrial railways of more than 100 million tonnes, being at the same time a river port with open access More than 300 companies, private or state- to the Danube through the Danube-Black owned, own industrial rail lines in Romania, Sea Channel. amounting to almost 2,000 km all over the Each port terminal has direct access to the country. The industrial railway lines are railway system. The port has a total railway those lines which permit railway transport network measuring 300 km. All big Danube operations and which are not managed ports are also connected to the railway by CFR SA. Just like local infrastructure, network. construction, modernisation, repair and maintenance works to industrial rail lines can be carried out only after AFER releases Urban railways an authorisation and the connection of a new industrial line to the public railway The lines of the 13 Romanian cities infrastructure, directly or through an benefiting from this means of transport are existing industrial line, can be made after owned by municipalities and managed by the payment of a connection fee to CFR companies or transport operators. SA. The underground is managed by Metrorex S.A., a company controlled by the Transport Ministry. Ports with railway Starting with 2001, Romania has initiated the so-called metropolitan associations terminals between big cities and the urban and rural localities in their area of infuence. Until the Constanţa is Romania’s biggest port to the moment, such metropolitan associations Black Sea and it is among the biggest 10 in Romania are around Bacău, Baia Mare, European ports. It is connected to the pan- Braşov, Cluj, Craiova, Constanţa, Iaşi, European corridors 7 and 4. Since January Oradea, Târgu Mureş, Timişoara. 1, 2007, the port of Constanţa has been For Bucharest, the end of August 2011 declared Free Zone. marked the set up of the Metropolitan 9

Transport authority, a long-awaited body, recommended by a study of the Romanian Ministry of Transport and the World Bank in soP-t 2007-2013 2006. The main activity of the authority will be planning, coordinating and organising Priority Axis 1 public passenger transport by underground, Modernization and development of TEN-T priority axes aiming at , trolleys, and regional rail sustainable transport system transport around the capital. Also, the new integrated with EU transport networks structure will elaborate the public passenger transport development strategy and the Key areas of intervention: medium and long-term Public transport plan 1.1 Modernization and development of road of the metropolitan area. infrastructure along the TEN-T priority axis 7 1.2 Modernization and development of railway infrastructure along the TEN-T priority axis 22 1.3 Modernization and development of water Financings transport infrastructure along the TEN-T priority axis 18 Most of the funds dedicated to financing future transport projects will come from non-reimbursable European funds. Priority Axis 2 Investment priorities over the next years in Modernization and development of the national transport infrastructure outside the TEN-T transports have been set in collaboration priority axes aiming at sustainable national with the European Commission, through transport system the finalization of the Sectoral Operational Programme – Transport (SOP-T) 2007- Key areas of intervention: 2013. The total budget of this programme 2.1 Modernization and development of is estimated at EUR 5.7 Billion of which the national road infrastructure Cohesion Fund and the European Regional 2.2 Modernization and development of national Development Fund: EUR 4.57 Billion, railway infrastructure and passenger service 2.3 Modernization and development of river State Budget: EUR 1.09 Billion. Aside from and maritime ports structural funds, projects concerning the 2.4 Modernization and development of air TEN-T networks can also access funds transport infrastructure through the TEN-T Programme. Rail transport in the cities and urban areas can attract funds from the Regional Priority Axis 3 Operational Programme, while projects Modernization of transport sector aiming at higher degree of environmental protection, promoting intermodal transport on human health and passenger safety Romanian territory can be financed through Marco Polo programme. Key areas of intervention: It is expected that an important financing 3.1 Promote inter-modal transport source will be EBRD or EIB loans, already 3.2 Improve traffic safety across all traditional financing sources for the railway transport modes transport, but a first attempt to approach a 3.3 Minimize adverse effects of transport project through a Public Private Partnership on the environment financing was already announced, a recent law regulating this type of financing. We Priority Axis 4 are refering to the project of the Bucharest Technical Assistance Underground Line 7. Key areas of intervention: 4.1 Support for effective SOPT management, implementation, monitoring and control 4.2 Support for information and publicity regarding SOPT

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Heavy rail projects

rehabilitate the railway stations and stops Pan-European and to rehabilitate all the installations. In accordance with European regulations, Corridor IV overheated axle detectors and soundproof panels will be installed. To maintain traffic along the sections under development, will partially close one line or The most important modernisation works half of the railway stations. are carried out in Romania for rehabilitating Corridor IV defined before Romania’s The stage of modernisation of this Corridor accession to the European Union and is as follows: the modernisation works have corresponding now to the Priority Axis TEN-T been launched on the northern branch, 22. This is expected to cross Romania which is still a priority compared to the from West to East, having two branches: southern one. The modernised sections are on the northern branch, it will cross cities Bucharest – Câmpina (the first rehabilitated such as Arad, Alba Iulia, Sighişora, Braşov, section, the works being carried out in 2001- Bucharest and will reach Constanţa, on the 2004) and the sections between Bucharest shore of the Black Sea, and the southern and Constanţa (2005-2012) and Câmpina – branch will cross Timişoara and Craiova, Predeal (2007-2012). ensuring the connection with Bulgaria, The following sections to be rehabilitated across the new bridge over the Danube at are those between Braşov (in the centre of Calafat. Romania) and Curtici (border with Hungary). Three sections are considered for the next The rehabilitation of Corridor IV will period, the contracts for the construction ensure a maximum speed of 160 km/h works being already awarded following the along a large section of the route, based tenders carried out in 2011. on the possibilities offered by the relief. The objective is to rehabilitate entirely the geogril • Border – Curtici – Km 614 and geotextile trackbeds, to rehabilitate the euR 388.3 Million prism with new crushed stone, to replace • Simeria – Coşlariu the superstructure with UIC type 60E1 euR 854.6 Million track, to introduce elastic fastening systems • Coşlariu – Sighişoara on concrete sleepers, to modernise and euR 1.1 Billion

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These modernisation works are funded included in the financial planning for the through the SOP-T with funds amounting next ten years. to approx. EUR 2.3 Billion, 85% of which Corridor IX and Corridor IV share a is ensured by the European Commission common route from Bucharest to Ploieşti, through the Cohesion Fund and 15% by the which is an upgraded section. The other Romanian Government with state budget sections of Corridor IX have a total of 627 funds. Since they are major projects, they km and the estimated cost of rehabilitation needed the approval for financing of the works amounts to EUR 4.5 Billion. European Commission which was given in 2012 for the first two projects submitted and, at the beginning of 2013 for Sighişoara- Coşlariu. (for contract situation see table pg. 28) New TEN-T The southern segment of Corridor IV and the other sections along the northern proposals segment are still in preparation and will be financed through SOP-T 2014-2020 or through the new Connecting Europe Facility, with an estimated budget of EUR In November 2011, the European 7.87 Billion. Commission adopted the proposal for a new A first instalment for the elaboration of reform of the TEN-T guidelines. The novelty the preliminary studies for the southern of this proposal is the two-level development, segment was obtained through the TEN-T a global network and a core network. An Program. CFR SA is one of the beneficiaries instrument which facilitates the coordinated for the implementation of the project implementation of the core network will be “Studies for the development of the priority the ten Corridors. The corridors of the core project for rail infrastructure 22 in the field network (which consider the already defined of trans-European transport networks freight corridors) will be made of sections of (TEN-T): Thessaloniki – Promachonas – the core network. Kulata (Greece) – Sofia – Vidin (Bulgaria) In the proposals for the Corridors of the – Calafat – Craiova – Timişoara – Curtici core network, Romania is on the route of (Romania) – Lokoshaza – Budapest – Corridor 10 which includes the Danube in Gyor – Hegyeshalom (Hungary)”. The total Romania, the railway line Arad - Braşov project cost of this TEN-T project is EUR – Bucharest – Constanta and Constanta 13 Mill. , 50% of which is ensured by EU Seaport. Apart from this corridor and aside contribution. Although it was estimated that from the TEN-T priority axes in force, the the project will be completed in 2013, the map of the new railway transport network Mid-Term Review of the 2007-2013 TEN-T on Romanian territory, will also include a link Multi-Annual Work Programme concluded between Timisoara and the Serbian frontier that the completion of the project by the end and between Craiova and Bucharest on of 2015 is more realistic. the core network, while the global network The Phase A assessment study was will include the link Bucharest-Sibiu via completed and its results were distributed Râmnicu Vâlcea – Vâlcele (see map). to the individual co-beneficiaries in order to Also, during the meeting of the Council be reflected within the Phase B studies. of the European Union on transport, communications and energy of 22 March 2012, the participants agreed on the modification of the routes proposed so that Pan-European the route Alba Iulia – Turda – Dej – Suceava – Paşcani – Iaşi – Ungheni, until then part Corridor IX of the global network, would be included in the Romanian section of the core network. The pan-European Corridor IX which This will prioritize this section in the crosses Romania from east (border with rehabilitation works due in 2030. The same the Republic of Moldova) to south (border route was accepted in the core network with Bulgaria) is still one of the important for road transport as well. Following latest modernization objectives. However, in the proposals, the map of the TEN-T network is recent documents of the ministry it is not as seen in the picture herein. 13

imposed by the traffic speed of the line. Tunnels and As regards the 179 tunnels of the network with a total length of 68.730 km, over 50% bridges suffer infiltrations in intrados and 25% need repairs because of the technical condition of According to the activity report of CFR the stone masonry, the silting of the drains, SA for 2011, the railway network includes major infiltrations favouring the formation of a number of 17,945 bridges and culverts floes and affecting the overall dimensions on the lines in operation with a total length etc. of 142.33 km, of which 4,959 with metallic Budget allocations in 2011 and 2012 have superstructure, 365 with pre-compressed permitted the initiation of repair works for concrete superstructure and the others tunnels and bridges but the most important with simple concrete, reinforced concrete sums will also come from European funds or stone or brick masonry. 4,103 (22.9%) through SOP-T. Projects for the rehabilitation of the total number of bridges and culverts of bridges, culverts and tunnels were thus have exceeded their life expectancy and prepared and they were divided on CFR 11,394 (63.5%) require repairs so as to subsidiaries and submitted for SOP-T Priority be compliant with the designed operation axis 2 (Modernisation and development of parameters. the national transport infrastructure outside Of these 11.394 bridges and culverts due TEN-T priority axes). for repair, over 10% need urgent repair and Projects are approved for Timişoara, around 225 bridges (2%) need complete Braşov and Constanţa regional subsidiaries reconstruction so as to meet the parameters and a contract on the modernisation of

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Rehabilitation works for railway bridges, culverts and tunnels Timişoara Railway Regional Branch EUR 10.8 Million Constanţa Railway Regional Branch EUR 2.8 Million Braşov Railway Regional Branch EUR 12.6 Million Bucharest Railway Regional Branch EUR 21.3 Million Iaşi Railway Regional Branch EUR 11.7 Million Cluj Railway Regional Subsidiary EUR 31.7 Million Craiova Railway Regional Subsidiary EUR 22 Million Galaţi Railway Regional Subsidiary EUR 36 Million tunnels has already been signed for the first to the new size and weight, to completely two subsidiaries following a tender carried rehabilitate the tunnels and bridges out in 2011. affected by the modification of the route by The process of rehabilitation of railway eliminating curves with a radius lower than bridges, culverts and tunnels will be carried 1440 m and the constant declivity areas on by another 172 objectives for SOP-T whose length is lower than 200 m. 2014-2020 as well at an estimated value of The bridges located in the areas in which EUR 240 Million. the geometry of the route will be modified have to be completely rehabilitated. The There are 73 bridges and culverts (14.5 solutions for the new foundation of these km) and 32 tunnels along Corridor IV. An works will have to be based on a proper increase in speed imposes the maintenance geo-technical study which will determine of the same track characteristics both on the not only the type of foundation, but also the bridge and in continuous line. Therefore, execution method. it is mandatory to replace all metallic The superstructure of metallic bridges will superstructures with new ones in order to be lifted, determining the rehabilitation of allow the formation of reinforced concrete the bearings and of their bench. In addition, shells for the assembly of the tracks on it is necessary to rehabilitate the guard the ballast, to consolidate or rehabilitate walls and support walls. the infrastructure in order to correspond Considering that rehabilitation works will 15 be undertaken along a single track, they will over the two arms of the Danube (one is have to be supported by temporary bridges 1584 m long – Cernavodă and the other 970 and strong support bearings so as not to m long - Feteşti). The project still waits for endanger the stability of the foundation on the approval of the European Commission. the other track (here, traffic will have to suffer a speed restriction). European funds are also to be used for As a case study, the Border-Curtici-Km the resumption of traffic on a railway bridge 614 section, the first section along the across Argeş River on the route Bucharest- Transylvania area part of Corridor IV which is Giurgiu, near Grădiştea. The bridge, under rehabilitation, has 13 culverts with an damaged by floods in 2005, is partially opening between 1 m and 5 m, one of which collapsed making impossible the traffic is used for pipe crossing and the others are on this line, a link to Bulgaria and part of loading culverts. The new culverts will have Corridor IX. Traffic between Bucharest and an opening between 2 m and 5 m. Giurgiu takes place on an overland route Along Corridor IV, the Romanian through Videle, on a section also included authorities plan to build the longest tunnel on Corridor IX. in the country, between Predeal and As part of the reconstruction works, a Braşov. Predeal-Braşov is the section which new bridge, close to the one in question crosses the Meridian Carpathians and is will be put in service. This bridge was built the extension of Câmpina-Predeal. The during communism times to ensure the amounts estimated for the reconstruction volume of shipments on Bucharest-Giurgiu of this section are between EUR 515 Channel, and the project was abandoned Million and EUR 767 Million, based on the after 1989. This bridge, already over two alternative chosen. Works are estimated to decade old, has never been linked to the begin during the EU budgetary timeframe railway network. Estimated costs for the 2014-2020. operation of this bridge vary from EUR 70 Another major project will focus on the Million, according to technical-economic rehabilitation of the bridge complex which indicators approved in 2011 to EUR 105 crosses the Danube near Feteşti and Million, according to the recent estimations Cernavodă. This project is separated from of CFR SA. Although thought to be financed the rehabilitation of the Bucharest – Câmpina through SOP-T 2007-2013 as well, it has not section, which is close to finalization. EUR been submitted for approval and it is to be 48.3 Million is the amount estimated to be expected that the project will be launched in invested in this project, which supposes the the next financial period. rehabilitation of the two bridges that cross 16 Traffic safety Electrification

Romania’s railway network has over 5.000 In terms of railway electrification, most of level crossings. A project has been submitted the investments made in the next few years to the SOP-T Management Authority for the will be used for the modernisation of the modernisation of 112 level crossings along power supply network along Corridor IV. Axis 2 / DMI 3.2, Traffic safety improvement The modernisation of the electrification for all modes of transport, with an estimated network will involve the replacement of cost of EUR 25.8 Million. the contact line and support pillars, the installation of high and medium-voltage A new extensive program for modernization electric equipment which doesn’t require of railway level crossings is announced for personnel. The electric equipment that the next programming period - 2014-2020. will be installed in the traction substations Another project related to the same field will be new and will have to comply with has been submitted: “Detection system the applicable standards and conditions. for overheated axles and tight brakes” (21 The substations will have to be equipped locations), with an estimated value of EUR with video surveillance systems, detection 16.4 Million. The project is already approved systems, trespassing and fire warning by the SOP-T MA, the grant agreement systems. was signed with CFR SA and is expected to The sectioning posts have to be equipped launch a tender in this regard. with new switches and separators that allow the connection and disconnection Among the medium-term projects of of different power supply sections. The CFR SA for the increase of safety and for command and monitoring of all fixed traction the improvement of traffic management installations will be made from the energy is also the creation of a National Traffic dispatch through the SCADA system. Management Centre, a proposal also found The rehabilitation of Corridor IV will also on the list of priority projects from CFR include the electrification of some sections, SA‘s Activity Contract for 2012-2015. The such as Craiova-Calafat (107 km) – non- creation of a National Traffic Management electrified simple track. Centre - Craiova as a pilot is planned by The project is currently being revised and merging all traffic controllers in the region the feasibility study is being elaborated. of Craiova subsidiary. Works are scheduled to take place during 2014-2018. The total amount for the At the present moment, the train traffic modernisation of this section is of EUR 487 management in the CFR network is Million. accomplished by means of 19 traffic controllers regionally coordinated by 8 There are no new projects for electrification Regional Traffic Controllers and at central to be initiated by 2020, in turn, investments level by the Central Office for Railway will focus on the rehabilitation of power Traffic Control within the Traffic Directorate. supply installations and on the automation Traffic operators manage the traffic based of the railway power dispatching centres. on the information they receive and the The implementation of projects for which orders sent by railway employees from feasibility studies were finalized in 2011 is the stations. The traffic data is dispatched also expected: through telephone by stations or through the information applications of IRIS (integrated • Automatic system for the monitoring of railway information system). the operation of interlocking installations, SOP-T 2014-2020 also includes the the automation of maintenance procedures project “Continuation of the programme on and organisation of interventions; the gradual elimination of SAT-type level • Implementation of a system for the crossings” at an estimated cost of EUR 11.1 remote management of power and for the Million. compensation of the power factor in traction substations; • Implementation of an increased efficiency model for the current power system of CNCF CFR SA. 17 18

Arad and Timişoara Nord, which means Command-Control around 430 switches. Subsequently, interlocking systems were introduced at -Signalling Bucharest Nord complex, which includes the following stations: Bucureşti Nord, The strategy for the modernisation of Băneasa, Bucureştii Noi, Post Giuleşti and railway safety installations has the following Halta Pajura (a number of 250 switches). objectives: The following modernisation projects • Introduce IT-based Interlocking of interlocking systems will focus on the installations instead of relay-based sections Siculeni-Adjud (12 stations) and interlocking; Ilia-Lugoj (7 stations). The projects have • Modernise BAT and BLA installations already been approved at the level of (with four indications) and introduce multiple SOP-T MA and the financing contracts speed stage signalling; with CFR SA have been signed. The • introduce speed control systems launch of the respective tenders is in plan. (ETCS); Electromechanical interlocking systems • Introduce traffic management systems from 12 stations on the section Siculeni – (ERTMS)/ETCS. Adjud and from 7 stations on the section Ilia – Lugoj will be replaced by electronic line The electronic stations will replace the interlocking. old interlocking installations in major points along Corridor IV. The modernisation of electromechanical The replacement of electro-dynamic interlocking systems: stations with interlocking systems (Alcatel Siculeni – Adjud euR 41.8 Million SEL) in 11 railway stations was made based Ilia – Lugoj euR 20 Million on a EUR 60 Million financing from 2004. The 11 stations are: Chitila, PM Buciumeni, The following project refers to the Chiajna, Feteşti, Complex Constanţa, Palas, introduction of the interlocking in Videle Focşani, Lugoj, Caransebeş, Complex Station, project submitted to the approval Craiova, Drobeta Turnu Severin. of the MA SOP-T with an estimated cost of Interlocking systems (Siemens) have been RON 50 Million. The tender for this project introduced in the following railway stations: has not been announced yet. Sighişoara, Alba Ilia, Deva, Simeria, The next stations considered for the Ploieşti, using a EUR 45 Million financing introduction of the automatic interlocking are from 2003. Brăila (project estimated at EUR 12 Million) Using non-reimbursable PHARE funds and Făurei (project estimated at EUR 8 (EUR 31.5 Million), interlocking systems Million), both of them seeking to attract were introduced at the beginning of 2000 financing through SOP-T 2014-2020. in the following railway stations: Braşov,

Projects CFR SA announced without identifying a financing source include: Replacement of electro-mechanical interlocking installations with EUR 25 Million elecro-dynamic installations at low costs and control of station lines and in-between station lines with axle counters on regions managed by Craiova, Timişoara, Cluj and Galaţi subsidiaries (15 CED-CR stations) Replacement of electro-mechanical interlocking installations with EUR 74 Million elecro-dynamic installations at low costs or interlocking installations (29 CE) Introduction of automatic level crossing signalling installations, EUR 24 Million control of in-between station lines with axle counters, repair of BLA for 18 traffic routes Continuation of the programme for the gradual elimination of SAT- EUR 50 Million type level crossings 19

INDUSI system is implemented on the (Romania). entire railway network managed by CFR. On the Transylvanian sections underway, Bucharest – Câmpina and Câmpina – the implementation of ERTMS Level 2 was Predeal lines are equipped with the ETCS attributed to Alstom Transport for the border – Level 1, but it is not operational. Line section and at the beginning of 2013 the Bucharest – Constanţa is currently being same company in a consortium with Alcatel equipped with the ETCS – Level 1. Curtici – Lucent România SRL and Pas 97 SRL won Braşov section is equipped with the ETCS the implementation of the ERTMS Level 2 Level 2 and, in time, European corridors will on the other sections. The consortium will be be shifting to ERTMS Level 2. responsible for the signalling installations, Meanwhile, a first pilot project for the ERTMS, GSM-R, interlocking and Simeria implementation of ERTMS Level 2 on Operational Control Centre. the section Chitila - Crivina (Bucharest – Along the sections (part of Corridor IV) Câmpina) will help define the operational that will enter rehabilitation, the light signals regulations of ERTMS Level 2 and its have to be equipped with LEDs, except for subsequent implementation on the entire the light indicators that will benefit from fibre Corridor IV. The tender launched for this optics technology. purpose was awarded in November 2011 It is also necessary to keep the INDUSI to the consortium Thales (Germany) - installation as a back-up system in order to Thales (Romania) - Siemens (Romania) - control the speed of the trains that are not Nokia Siemens (Finland) - Nokia Siemens equipped with ETCS.

February 2013 20

Railway stations Project Cost Slatina, Râmnicu The modernisation of railway stations is Vâlcea, Reşiţa Sud EUR 23.8 Million one of the major rail infrastructure projects. In several stages and with different financing sources, 20 stations have been modernised Bistriţa, Zalău EUR 29.7 Million so far. The 108 stations along Corridor IV will be Giurgiu Oraş, completely rehabilitated, in conformity with project requirements. In some cases, it will Slobozia Veche, EUR 22.7 Million probably be necessary to eliminate some Călăraşi Sud of the smaller stations. Priority projects Sfântu Gheorghe, EUR 32.7 Million have already been approved at the level Târgu Mureş of SOP-T MA and the financing contracts with CFR SA have been signed. The launch Piteşti EUR 19.6 Million of the respective tenders is in plan. These projects, concerning the rehabilitation of 16 Piatra Neamţ, railway stations, have a total estimated cost of around EUR 176 Million. Botoşani, Vaslui, EUR 37.2 Million The latest projects approved for the Brăila modernisation of railway stations amount Alexandria EUR 5.02 Million to an estimated cost of around EUR 176 Million and refer to the rehabilitation of 16 stations. Projects have been submitted for station), tenders have been carried out and financing to MA SOPT. They have already works are underway. been approved (except for that on Alexandria Projects for the modernisation of another 5 21 stations are in preparation and will probably modernisation of Gara de Nord and the be financed through SOPT 2014-2020. The fluidisation of traffic from Chitila to Bucureşti total cost of these projects amounts to EUR Progresul Railway Station. The plan consists 43 Million. The deadline is 2012-2014. These in the underground crossing of Gara de Nord five railway stations are Miercurea Ciuc, (while keeping the historical building on the Târgovişte, Târgu Jiu, Satu Mare and Baia surface) and building connections through Mare. tunnels with Gara Obor and Gara de Sud in order to transform Gara de Nord from an end Project Cost line to a direct connection. Satu Mare EUR 9.6 Million Apart from executive, technical and administrative support, the two parties Baia Mare EUR 10 Million committed to offer support in getting financing Miercurea Ciuc EUR 8 Million from both international financial institutions and from turning into account the lands Târgu Jiu EUR 8.6 Million pertaining to railway stations. The partners to Târgovişte EUR 6.7 Million be involved in the project are CFR SA on the one hand and Eurostation and its subsidiary, Euro Immo Star, on the other hand. Given the dimension of the project, the In the autumn of 2011, Romania and Belgium parties agreed that CFR and Eurostation signed a memorandum of understanding should set up a Romanian joint-stock in Bucharest on the modernisation and company having the structure of a special extension of the railway infrastructure purpose venture and which would not carry in Bucharest, including “Gara de Nord” out railway activities. The agreement has not complex. been concluded until the draft of this brochure The bilateral agreement includes the as negotiations are still underway.

February 2013 22

railway financial management Telecommunications euR 2.14 Million • Development of the Geographic and IT Automatic System of the Romanian railway network (GIS - Feroviar) covering the main geographic levels: land survey (estates), The programme on the modernisation buildings, lines and works of art, signalling and development of the communications installations, electrical installations, and railway automation network includes communications installations. several projects, of which some have been euR 20 Million announced to be proposed for financing with European funds in the next programming period: With regards to the Corridor IV sections that are under rehabilitation, the plan is • Realisation of the new version of IRIS- to rehabilitate the external networks and IMA system for railway infrastructure fibre optics cables inside and between management, called “INFOR-EAM”. railway stations, modernise the railway euR 3 Million telecommunications installations by bringing • Development of an integrated system in new equipment (amplifiers, speakers, for the monitoring of railway infrastructure telephones etc.), replace the RC and DEF based on GIS technologies and security stations and the secondary stations with and video survey technologies (CCTV) – new equipment, modernise the passenger Pilot system phase for checking and testing information system, introduce synchronised technical solutions. euR 1.5 Million time installations inside railway stations, install anti-intrusion devices and fire Projects for which financing sources have alarms in all the technical buildings, a not been identified include: new transmission network (SDH), video • Extension of the digital network on 640 surveillance systems on the platforms and km euR 1.8 Million a new 48V power supply equipment inside • Extension of the automatic system for all railway stations. 23 High-speed rail link New railway lines

The construction of a high-speed rail A long awaited project is the finalization link Budapest-Bucharest-Constanţa was of the Vâlcele-Râmnicu Vâlcea railway agreed upon on November 12, 2007 link between Bucharest and Sibiu. The by the Romanian Government and the construction of the new rail link (38.6 Hungarian Republic. Since then, following km) began in 1979. Although 75% has several agreements signed with Austria and been finalized, the works were practically Hungary, a trilateral Work Group was set up interrupted after 1990. The new rail link will and the next steps were discussed, mainly reduce the distance between Bucharest the need to elaborate a pre-feasibility study and Sibiu by 117 km. In 2008, an updated for the project called “High-speed rail link feasibility study developed by CFR was Vienna-Budapest-Bucharest-Constanţa”. approved by CTE and the technical- economic indicators were approved in After MTI and DG MOVE representatives 2008. The project is still included in CFR discussed the matter, the European SA’s plans and has funds allocated for Commission approved in April 2011 the the next years, as stipulated in CFR SA’s proposal of the Romanian party to include Activity Contract. The section is also part of a high-speed line on the TEN-T network the new proposed TEN-T comprehensive of Romania on the route Border - Arad – network. Timişoara – Braşov - Bucharest – Constanţa. The line appears in the proposals for the new TEN-T configuration to be approved by the European Parliament. Private Szeged is the connection point of the high- speed network with the Hungarian high- infrastructure speed network which will extend the high- speed line Paris-Vienna through Vienna managers – Budapest – Szeged. The exact route of this line will be finalized Private infrastructure managers and after the elaboration of the feasibility study. the companies which own industrial lines Apart from Timişoara-Bucharest-Constanţa connected to the national network plan to route, already accepted by the European elaborate rehabilitation programs. One of Commission, CFR SA considers including these programs was developed by OMV in this project a branch of this high-speed Petrom for the rehabilitation of the rail line to ensure the connection with the city infrastructure at Petrobrazi Refinery. The of Iaşi. EUR 30 Million contract was won by Wiebe Romania and Porr Romania and it was High Speed proposal line the largest contract signed in 2010 for the railway industry. New approvals for building industrial lines are issued each year by AFER. Recently built plants that have also built industrial railway lines include the ferrous metallurgy plant of voestalpine from Giurgiu, voestalpine Steel Center Romania, inaugurated in October 2012, Ford Romania plant in Craiova, Holzindustrie Schweighofer and Egger Romania in Rădăuţi.

February 2013 24 25

February 2013 26

(Administratia Porturilor Dunarii Fluviale Terminals and the SA Giurgiu), a company which manages the ports located between Baziaş and port of Constanţa Cernavodă. The program is called “D.A.N.U.B.E. – Danube access network – Constanţa, the largest maritime port in Facilitating traffic in Europe by developing Romania, has been undertaking for many a high-quality TEN-T port infrastructure years various works for the rehabilitation in Romania, within optimum economic of the port infrastructure. The railway lines conditions”. 50% of the feasibility study has and installations in the port of Constanţa been financed throughEU ’s TEN-T program amount to around 300 km, 80 of which are (EUR 200,000 out of EUR 400,000). electrified. The total value of the project has been Constanta Seaport lines have also estimated at EUR 175 Million, divided as benefited from a financing of around EUR follows: EUR 4 Million - Moldova Veche, 20 17 Million through SOP-T as well. The Million - Drobeta Turnu Severin, 18 Million tender, launched in 2010 and developed - Calafat, 107 Million - Giurgiu, 6,5 Million with difficulty, was finalized in spring 2012 - Olteniţa, 8,7 Million - Călăraşi and 8,2 and works are currently underway. The Million – Cernavodă. project stipulates the development of the railway capacity in the river-maritime area The need to develop intermodal terminals of Constanta Seaport. in Romania comes as a natural consequence The Danube ports will benefit from of its geographical position and the access rehabilitation and modernisation of the to European and Eurasian maritime and access track through a major program inland waterway routes. developed by the Romanian National Most rail/road intermodal terminals are Danube Port Administration SA Giurgiu owned by CFR Marfă (24 facilities), many 27 of which are currently out of service. One Airport, estimated at EUR 15 Million. The of the projects that is being considered project will be proposed for financing supposes the transfer of several intermodal through European funds by CFR SA and terminals into the propriety of CFR SA, in Iaşi County Council. order to benefit from European funding. The development project will include the Other terminals have been developed by construction of infrastructure railway and private investors, such as Alinso, Tibbett switchyard works for the Intermodal Centre, Logistics and Rail Port Arad. the necessary road networks and parking In Romania, the development of intermodal lots, including links to the railway line, terminals benefits from SOP-T funding to the county road, intermodal platform, (Axis 3. Transport sector modernisation in connection to the network of facilities in the order to improve environmental protection, area and the development of the Centre’s human health and passenger safety / Area own network of facilities. of intervention 3.1 Promoting intermodal transport), as well as the possibility to access funds through the Marco Polo Locations eligible for intermodal program. projects: Intermodal Transport Strategy in Romania 2020 identified five counties recommended Timişoara for the development of intermodal terminals. Bucureşti They are those that will benefit from Constanţa European funds under SOP-T, but projects Giurgiu / Călăraşi (Olteniţa) will need to be realized through collaboration Braşov between CFR and local authorities. Suceava A project in preparation consists in the financing of an intermodal centre for Iaşi 28

Pan-European Corridor IV / TEN-T 22

On-going Projects Winner of the tender Section Execution of civil engineering and installation works (no ERTMS, GSM-R, interlocking) Astaldi – Swietelsky – Alstom – Euro Construct – Border-Curtici-Arad-km 614 Dafora Consortium (close to Radna) Contract signed with CFR SA on 7 February 2012 41 km (includes installation of ERTMS, GSM-R and interlocking) Contract cost: EUR 248 Million Vinţu de Jos Tender procedure running Simeria – – Simeria Coşlariu Impresa Pizzarotti & C S.p.a 68 km Vinţu de Jos Contract signed with CFR SA on 9 December 2011 – Coşlariu Contract cost: EUR 176 Million FCC Construccion – Alpine Bau – Azvi Consortium Sighişoara - Contract signed with CFR SA on 7 February 2012 Aţel Contract cost: EUR 207,7 Million Coşlariu – FCC Construccion - Alpine Bau -Azvi - Straco Grup Aţel - Sighişoara Consortium Micăsasa 99 km Contract signed with CFR SA on 21 May 2012

Contract cost: EUR 166 Million Aktor S.A. – Arcada Company Consortium Micăsasa - Contract signed with CFR SA on 26 April 2012 Coşlariu Contract cost: EUR 172 Million Operational Pilot Project Thales - Siemens - Nokia Siemens Consortium for the Contract signed with CFR SA in 15 November 2011

installation Contract cost: EUR 36 Million ECTS/ERMS level 2 Signalling installations, ERTMS, GSM- R, interlocking On 30 January 2013 CFR SA attributed the contract and Simeria to Alstom Transport SA –Alcatel Lucent România Operational SRL – Pas 97 SRL Consortium.

Control The contract is estimated at EUR 117 Million. Centre

Simeria – Sighişoara


Project preparation sections

Corridor IV – Northern branch

Rehabilitation of Danube bridges Sighişoara – Braşov Cernavodă 1584 m, Feteşti 970 m Length: 130 km Estimated budget: EUR 46 Million Estimated cost: EUR 1.7 Billion Stage: project submitted to MA SOP-T, ten- Stage: proposed for financing through der not launched yet SOP-T 214-2020

Predeal – Braşov Radna (Km 614) – Gurasada Length: 26.9 km Length: 102 km Estimated cost: EUR 227 Million Estimated cost: EUR 1.1 Billion Stage: proposed for financing through Stage: proposed for financing through SOP-T 2014-2020 SOP-T 2014-2020

Gurasada – Simeria Length: 42 km Estimated cost: EUR 404 Million Stage: proposed for financing through SOP-T 2014-2020

Corridor IV – Southern branch

Craiova – Calafat Craiova – Strehaia – Drobeta-Turnu Severin – Caransebeş Length: 107 km Estimated cost: EUR 487 Million Length: 226 km Stage: proposed for financing through CEF Estimated cost: EUR 2.7 Billion 2014-2020 Stage: proposed for financing through CEF 2014-2020

Caransebeş – Timişoara – Arad Length: 155 km Estimated cost: EUR 1.1 Billion Stage: proposed for financing through CEF 2014-2020

February 2013 30 31 Light rail and underground projects

RAIL transport in the urban area remains The city of Cluj is one of the cities which one of the most attractive segments of have planned to upgrade and expand their the Romanian railway market. Romania tram transport. Two modernisation projects maintains a dense urban railway of the tram line, section Mănăştur District infrastructure, with 13 cities having tram - Piaţa Gării and Piaţa Gării – Muncii networks and with an underground system Boulevard, are beeing carried on. Projects in Bucharest. are estimated at EUR 38 Million, only 2% of Until recently, 15 Romanian cities which being covered by Cluj municipality, the have benefited from tram lines. In 2005, remainder being financed from European Constanţa and Braşov made the decision funds through the ROP. to give up this transport mode and preferred Mănăştur District - Piaţa Gării measures to introduce more buses. In 2011, a smaller 11.8 km of simple track, 7.5 km of which town, Reşiţa, also interrupted tram transport alignments and 4.3 km in curves, 14 stations, without dismantling the infrastructure crossing two bridges and 2 underground and without reaching any conclusion with passageways. respect to the future of this transport mode. Piaţa Gării – Muncii Boulevard line Also, in Sibiu the only still functional tram measures 14.2 km of simple track, 8.7 km line, which connects the city to a suburban of which in alignments and 5.5 km in curves, village, is used only for recreation purposes with 20 stations. and was transfered by Sibiu Municipality to Răşinari. The first of these two projects is finalized However, the other 11 Romanian cities and the second is underway and expected where trams are still running are determined to be completed in the spring of 2013. to preserve and to upgrade this transport Rehabilitation will be carried out mode. Thus, significant funds have been through the complete replacement of invested in the modernisation of tram lines the line superstructure, with small route in cities such as Arad, Oradea, Timişoara, reconfigurations. The foundation will be built Cluj, Craiova, Iaşi, Brăila and Galaţi. Most using filter geotextiles all over the surface, of these funds were obtained, over the AB2 wet asphalt layer and 2-cm rubber past two years, from European structural mat (in the areas with vibration-sensitive funds through the Regional Operational proximities). The Ri60N 900A steel made Programme (ROP), Axis 1 – Supporting the rail will be used. sustainable development of the cities, while Cluj Napoca also concluded a tender cities such as Arad and Timişoara have related to the acquisition of 12 new trams at used EBRD and EIB loans. an estimated cost of EUR 20 Million.

February 2013 32

The following project refers to: the rolling track, the development of the bicycle lanes and the rehabilitation of the “Works for the modernisation and overhead line. extension of the public transport system in Cluj Metropolitan Area”. This project, also financed through ROP, Brăila received financing through ROP includes works on a total of 420 stations, 2007-2013 for three projects for the of which 164 new stations and the rest of modernisation of tram lines totalling 6.2 256 upgraded by introducing information km of double tram track of the approx. 26.5 panels or building tram safety islands in km of tram track in Brăila. All projects have Cluj Metropolitan Areas, more precisely been completed. in Apahida, Baciu, Chinteni, Floreşti and Cojocna communes. The project also Dorobanţilor Bvd., a boulevard measuring stipulates the implementation of a single 4.7 km which includes 4 traffic lanes and 4 ticketing system. The tender is underway km of double tram track, EUR 22 Million (at the beginning of 2013) and the estimated Galaţi Street, the section between cost of works is of EUR 6.6 Million. Dorobanţilor Bvd and Mircea Malăeru Cluj Municipality has also announced Street, 578 km, EUR 1.75 Million plans for the extension of the tram line to Călăraşilor Street, on the section between adjacent communes, components of Cluj Dorobanţilor Bvd and Independenţei Bvd, Metropolitan Area. Therefore, extensions one of the main traffic arteries of Brăila city in the east of Cluj are announced towards linking the south of the city to the historical Jucu via Apahida, and then to the west centre, 1.33 km of double track, EUR 6.1 towards Gilău, via Floreşti. Million Although future projects on the modernisation of tram lines have not been announced yet, these programmes are The city of Galaţi was among the first expected to be continued in 2014-2020. cities which received financing through There are future plans for the acquisition of the Regional Operational Programme new trams so as to be able to fully exploit the for projects involving the rehabilitation of upgraded infrastructure and to encourage the tram line. There are two rehabilitation passengers to choose tram. projects of 4.2 km of double track, in the centre and south of the city. With a perspective of 80% of its tram network upgraded in three years, the city Modernisation of Basarabiei Street, bd. of Iaşi is one of the most active cities from G. Coşbuc - Piaţa Energiei section, project the point of view of tram infrastructure finalized in 2010 when 1.2 km of double investments. Modernisation projects have tram track were replaced. reached a stage in which 38.9 km of tram Modernisation of Oţelarilor Bvd, rolling track are upgraded and in the next Stadionului, Frunzei and Gheorghe Asachi period, another 25.5 km will be rehabilitated streets, project initiated in 2012 and due in out of the total of 82.6 km of simple tram August 2013 consisting in the modernisation track in the city. Therefore, in three years’ of 3 km of double track. time, 64.4 km of Iaşi’s tram lines will be modernised. Another tram line section will enter The access to European funds has also modernisation in 2013, the tender is helped finance the following sections completed, this time financed with budget Triumf – Rond Agronomie, 3 km, EUR 2.4 funds: Million, part of the project “Development of the road network in the cultural, historical Traian Street which crosses the city from and touristic area of Iaşi” north to south, between Metro and Brăilei Hotel Europa – Bucşinescu, part of a Street. The project, estimated at EUR 6.6 more complex project which consists in the Million, includes the rehabilitation of 1.8 km development of East-West transport axis in of simple tram track, but also the dismantling Iaşi, 1.9 km, EUR 1.3 Million. of the line of the section which links the limit Other 24 km were rehabilitated using of the city to Basarabiei Street. loans from EBRD and Dexia Bank at a cost The project concerns the rehabilitation of of around EUR 26 Million. 33

Three important projects, also financed 1.4 km of line in Nicoriţă – 5 Drumuri area with European funds via ROP, will be (cost EUR 2.8 Million) launched by Iaşi Municipality in the near future. Craiova has recently finalized the tender for the modernisation of its tram network 8.5 km of line in Nicolina area (cost of after receiving ROP financing. Works are investment EUR 10.5 Million) announced to begin in March 2013. The 9.9 km on the route Bazar – Doi Băieţi modernisation has been divided into two (cost of investment EUR 19.4 Million) projects: 3 km of line in the area Doi Băieţi – Dancu (on the reserve list of European Projects – Rehabilitation of 11 km of simple tram track with a cost of EUR 4.2 Million) in the city of Craiova, EUR 6 Million Other two smaller projects will be financed Rehabilitation of the tram track on the from the municipality’s funds: section Decebal Bvd. – Pod Electroputere – 2.7 km of line on Calea Chişinăului (cost Caracal Street, 1.2 km of double track EUR od investment EUR 4.8 Million) 2.2 Million

February 2013 34

Recent declarations of the board of the in the West Industrial Area. city transport operator have also revealed A major project announced by Arad the possibility to expand the tram line in the municipality is the repair of the railway city through a ring line connecting the city track in the suburban area Arad – Ghioroc. to the Airport located 3.5 km away from the In 2010, Arad Public Transport Company city. A proposal for such a project has been (C.T.P.) organised a tender or the elaboration submitted to the municipality. of the feasibility study. Arad-Ghioroc line is included in Arad County Council’s public patrimony and has been concessioned to C.T.P. S.A. The 30.3- km long, simple track line was launched in Arad has made significant investments 1906 and it was the first electrified line in in the rehabilitation of the tram network Romania (since 1913). starting this project since 2004 and using The selected repair alternative is a rolling PHARE funds and EBRD loans. track laid on crushed stone pile outside The programme “Urban transport in inhabited area and track enclosed in the City of Arad”, programme which monolith slabs inside localities. Tender represented the foundation of the major specifications also include the development rehabilitation of the tram infrastructure in of cycling lanes between localities, along the past years, has been financed through the line platform and the modernisation of an EBRD loan and local budget sources the maintenance and parking base in the representing around 40% with EUR 44.67 Ghioroc depot. The project is estimated at Million. The investment has been dedicated RON 194 Million. to the rehabilitation of the tram lines on a Arad has also announced the intention distance of around 18 km. This added to the to buy new trams, a loan agreement with previous modernisations on 6 km and to the EBRD beeing signed. construction of 3.7 km of new simple lines With loans from the EIB, Timişoara has 35

rehabilitated 40.12 km of simple tram track, The estimated cost of these projects is of including the overhead line over the past around RON 550 Million. Other two studies years. developed by Timişoara Municipality refer Moreover, the integrated plan for urban to: development conducted by Timişoara Easing traffic in the area by extending in order to access ROP funds stipulates Timişoara - Sînmihaiu Român tram line, three priority projects to be submitted for EUR 10 Million accession of funds. Easing traffic in the area by extending These three projects are: Timişoara – Şag tram line, EUR 10 Million Extension Moşniţa tram track (enabling the access in the area by extending Timişoara Through a cooperation with the city of Milan – Albina tram line), 5 km of double track, and the German Institute of Fraunhofer, EUR 16.6 Million. Timişoara has developed a general Rehabilitation tram lines and modernisation strategy for development of integrated of communications network on Ioan Slavici traffic in Timişoara and its metropolitan and Polonă streets in Timişoara, 5.88 km of area, called Vision 2030. The strategy is simple track, EUR 21.1 Million. aimed at developing the north railway ring Rehabilitation tram lines and modernisation for easing railway freight traffic in the city, of communications network on Ştefan cel the modernisation of the railway stations Mare street in Timişoara, 1.72 km of simple for intermodal transport with interurban track, EUR 11.2 Million. trains and regional traffic; connecting the railway network to the airport and turning The financing agreement for the last project into account the industrial railway network was signed at the beginning of 2013. by connecting them to RATT’s tram lines. Other projects for the rehabilitation of the Projects concerning the connection of the tram lines and street networks on seven Airport (3 km of new railways) and the sections are proposed and feasibility studies railway ring have been approved through are being developed. decisions of the County Council.

February 2013 36

The city of Ploieşti prepares two projects time ago. The new connection would, in consisting in modernisation works for the two fact, use an existing fuel supply line of the trams lines of the city. The feasibility studies airport. The design and execution of works for the two projects were elaborated in 2006 are estimated at around EUR 350 Million. and demand updating. Projects are part However, there is also a project for the of Ploieşti integrated urban development connection of Otopeni Airport to Bucharest plan objectives and they will be submitted metro network. for ROP financing, Priority Axis 1 in the spring of 2011. Projects consist of works on the following components: adjacent road system, platforms, signalling at junctions and pedestrian passageways, overhead Underground line, supporting pillars and automation elements. projects Rehabilitation/modernisation tram line 102 (Gara de Vest – Spitalul Judeţean), total estimated value EUR 22.7 Million The only underground transport operator, Rehabilitation/modernisation tram line Metrorex, has short and medium term plans 101 (Gara de Sud - Spitalul Judetean), line totalling around EUR 6.5 Billion. The projects crossing the central area, 9.7 km of simple are believed to be absolutely necessary to track, total estimated value EUR 20.2 the city of Bucharest and its Metropolitan Million Area in the coming years. Mainly, these projects are related to construction of three new lines (5,6 and 7) and the extension of Line 3 and Line 4. For now, Metrorex is focusing on works Bucharest has the largest tram network that have started at Line 5, which will in the country, 143 km of double track, with have 17 km and 27 stations. Line 5 will modernisation works underway for several be developed using funds from a EUR years. More than half of Bucharest’s tram 370 Million loan granted by the European network of 143 km has been upgraded Investment Bank (EIB). starting with 2001, together with four The two sections which compose this depots, from own budget funds or using a line are expected to be finalized in 2016 EIB loan. After an active period from 2005 and 2018, works to the first section being to 2009, works have come to a standstill initiated in 2011. The total costs of this over the past years, but the municipality project amount to EUR 1.45 Billion. has announced that modernisation works At the beginning of 2013, the new budget would continue in the future. of the ministry came with a significant cut The next project to start is: of the funds dedicated to the finalization of this project. Rehabilitation road system and tram line For Line 7, a new line crossing Bucharest on Pantelimon Street and Iancului Street, from South-West to North-East, connecting works estimated at EUR 67 Million, 4.56 km two adjacent localities, Metrorex has decided of double track. to initiate a Public Private Partnership project, awarding a contract for the design, A project announced long time ago assistance and consultancy services for concerns putting into service for passenger the preparation and initiation of the Public transport the Bucharest Railway ring. The Private Partnership contract assignment. project is included in CFR SA’s plans, Costs for constructing Line 6, which will but the initiation of modernisation works ensure the link with Otopeni International is scheduled for 2020. Cost estimations Airport, are valued at EUR 1 Billion, from indicate an amount of around EUR 250 which EUR 320 Million will be obtained Million and the project is in preparation. through a loan from the Japanese Bank CFR SA’s plans also include the construction for International Cooperation (JICA). A of the railway line linking Bucureşti Nord consultancy contract on the preparation, railway station to Otopeni Henri Coanda design and supervision works for the project Airport, also a project announced long was signed in December 2011.   37  Bucharest underground network map Linii de metrou în exploatare: HARTA REŢREELEIŢELEI DE METROU DE METROU DIN MUNICIPIUL DIN MUNICIPIUL BUCUREBUCUREŞTI M1 Dristor - Pantelimon M2 Berceni - Pipera Aeroport M3 Preciziei - Anghel Saligny Henri Coandă-Otopeni M4 Lac Străuleşti-Gara de Nord-Gara Progresu Lac Străăşule şti Otopeni Tronson:Tronson: Gara de Nord - Parc Bazilescu METROREX S.A. S.A. Linie de metrou î n execuţie: Parc M5 Râ ul Doamnei - Pantelimon Laminorului Aeropor Pipera Bazilescu Băneasa 8 Linii de metrou în pregă tire:ă : Jiului M4 9 Piaţa Lac Străuleşti-Gara de Nord-Gara Progresu Tronson:Tronson: Parc Bazilescu - Lac Străulesti Presei Libere Aurel Vlaicu 1 Mai M6 Gara de Nord - Aeroport Henri Coandă Griviţa Otopeni AAviatorilorviatorilor 7 6 10 Basarab Gara Piaţa de Nord 2 VVictorieiictoriei Ştefan cel Mare Crângaşi Petrache Obor Gara de Nord 1 Poenaru Grozăveşti Piaţa Romană Pantelimon A1 Gorjului 1Haş deu 1 Eroilor 5 11 Piaţa Iancului Republica Păcii Lujerului Politehnica Cişmigiu Universitate Preciziei Piaţa Muncii Academia Izvor Costin Georgian Piaţa Unirii Parc Favorit Militară Orizont DrumulT a Dristor TitanTitan Drumu 14 Decembrie Anghel Valea 1 1 12 TineretuluiTineretului 1918 Saligny Ialomiţei Romancierilor Mihai Nicolae Nicolae Brâşâ ncuş i Eroii TimpuriTimpuri A2 Bravu Grigorescu Te Râul Doamnei Revoluţiei Noi 13 Constantin Brâncoveanu Piaţa Sudului3

14 2Apărătorii Patriei Dimitrie Leonida

Berceni © Copyright Metrorex S.A. 20112011 oate drepturile rezervate

LEGENDĂ SEMNE: LEGENDĂ ZONE: Zona 5: Cartierul Pantelimon Zona 10: Cartierul Giuleşti Staţie de corespondenţă Zona 1: Centru Zona 6: Cartierul Zona 111:1: Cartierul Militari între linii de metrou Zona 2: Cartierul Berceni Zona 7: Cartierele LaculTeiTe şi Floreasca Zona 12: Cartierul Drumul TaTaberei Corespondenţă cu CFR Zona 3: Cartierele Mihai Bravu şiVi Vitanitan Zona 8: Cartierele AAviatorilorviatorilor şi A Aviaviaţiei Zona 13: Cartierul Rahova Zona 4: Cartierul T Titanitan Autostrada A1/A2 Zona 9: Cartierele Griviţa şi Bucureştii Noi Zona 14: Cartierul Ferentari

Also, modernisation of Giuleşti, Pipera, Line 5. Section 1 in construction Policolor and Dristor electric traction substations is under development. Metrorex Lot 1.1. Râul Doamnei – Operă. Structural frame. modernises electric installations through Constructor: Astaldi - FCC Construccion - Delta ACM - AB Construct an underway contract, co-financed by EIB, consortium with a first phase finalised in 2012. Contract signed on 14 March 2011 Total length: 6223 m

 Unlike the situation existing in other No. stations: 9 countries (e.g. Bulgaria), Cost of the contract: EUR 204 Million managed by a company of the Ministry of Transport, cannot access structural funds. Lot 1.2. Valea Ialomiței Station, Depot and Station. Structural frame. Constructor: Max Bogl Germany - Max Boegl Romania consortium Contract signed on 15 April 2011 Total length: 1005 m No. stations: 1+1 depot  Cost of the contract: EUR 51 Million


February 2013 38 39

Metrorex priority objectives (“Development and modernisation of metro transport in Bucharest Global Strategy 2008 – 2030”) Line 2 Extension Pipera – Tunari Development period: 2017-2020 Estimated cost: EUR 650 Million Length: 8.2 km/no. stations: 9 Line 3 Extension Păcii – Centura de Vest Development period: 2017-2020 Estimated cost: EUR 189 Million Length: 3.8 km/no. stations: 4 Extension of line 3 from Păcii station to the area of major production and trade centres in the western part of the city, the residential area and A1 highway. Conditions for the development of a Park & Ride at the A1 exit are ensured. Line 4 Gara de Nord – Progresu section Estimated cost: 1,008 Million + VAT Length: 15 km/no. stations: 20 Commissioning: 2018 Extension Laminorului – Lac Străuleşti Estimated cost: EUR 150 Million +VAT Length: 2.10 km/no. stations: 2 The line is a section extended for facilitating connection with DN1A in an area which permits the development of a Park & Ride. Commissioning: 2015

Line 5 Section 1 Drumul Taberei – Universitate Development period: 2011 -2016 Estimated cost: EUR 623.5 Million + VAT Length of route: 9,035 km/no. stations: 14 Section 2 Universitate – Pantelimon Development period: 2014-2020 Estimated cost: EUR 828.33 Million + VAT Length of route: 8.074 km/no. stations: 13 Line 6 Connection of underground line with Henri Coandă – Otopeni Airport Execution period: 7 years Estimated cost: EUR 1,055 Million + VAT Length of route: 14 km/no. Stations: 14 Line 7 Section – Colentina – Moşilor Commissioning: 2018 Estimated cost: EUR 756 Million + VAT Length: 9.823 km/no. stations: 15 Section Moşilor – Alexandria Commissioning: 2020 Estimated cost: EUR 806 Million Length: 10.63 km/no. stations: 16

February 2013 40 facts and figures

Railway network managed by CFR

Length of railway network: 10,818 km of which: Tunnels & Bridges electrified line 4,002 km 17,945 bridges and culverts (of which 4,216 bridges) – total length of 142,33 km. non-electrified line 6,816 km 179 tunnels – total length 68,730 km double track line 2,909 km 11,473 km of earthworks with related single track line 7,771 km consolidation, drainage and protection works

Gauge: 1,435 mm (134 km with broad 1,520 mm gauge)

Interoperable and non-interoperable railway infrastructure length of interoperable railway infrastructure network: 7,007 km length of non-interoperable railway infrastructure network: 3,268 km: 1,262 km (on-going tender) still managed by CFR 1,977 km (45 sections), no. of km leased by infrastructure managers

Total number of stations: 969 of which 88 are located on the leased non-interoperable railway infrastructure

Type of rail Out of the total line length of 20,210 km: 4,594 km (23%) are equipped with type 65 superstructure 2,338 km (9%) are equipped with type 60 superstructure 608 km (3%) are equipped with type 54 superstructure 9,852 km (50%) are equipped with type 49 superstructure 2,816 km (16%) are equipped with a type of rail inferior to 49 41

Level crossings 5,119 railway level crossings, 1,082 of which with automatic barriers Total length of lines: 20,210 km of which: Bucharest Regional Subsidiary 386 17,691 km public infrastructure managed Craiova Regional Subsidiary 473 by CFR Timişoara Regional Subsidiary 892 2,519 km of CFR’s private infrastructure Cluj Regional Subsidiary 1,075 13,727 km (current and direct lines) Braşov Regional Subsidiary 856 6,483 km station lines Iaşi Regional Subsidiary 922 Galaţi Regional Subsidiary 340 Constanţa Regional Subsidiary 175 17,945 bridges and culverts (of which 4,216 bridges) – total length of 142,33 km. 179 tunnels – total length 68,730 km Traffic control and 11,473 km of earthworks with related consolidation, drainage and protection works communications systems

Radio communication systems: Switches and points:

network coverage: national 26,586 switches and points of which: communication type: voice public railway infrastructure 20,180 operation mode: simplex private infrastructure 6,406 frequency channel: 12,5KHz/25KHz frequency band: 146,000 – 146,800 MHz

Interlocking and remote control systems: electronic interlocking systems: in 32 stations (new systems), with 1,587 switches relay interlocking systems: in 608 stations with 15,183 switches electromechanical interlocking systems: in 63 stations with 780 switches systems for controlling switches: in 178 stations with 1,882 switches other systems: in 177 stations with 1,659 switches systems for automatic control of switches in switch yards in 18 stations, 8 of which network switch yards

automatic line block systems: 6,640 km, of which 4,806 km single track, 1,784 km on double track and 50km on triple track automatic signalling systems at level crossings: 1,087

February 2013 42

Electrification systems

Characteristics of the Electrification systems in exploitation: electrification system: -railway overhead line in current line, power supply voltage of stations and tunnels: 10,407 km the overhead line: 25 KV -low voltage overhead and cable power lines: 5,869 km frequency of the overhead line: 50 hz -medium and high voltage overhead and cable power height of the overhead line compared lines: 1,862 km to the railhead: 5,750 mm -electric traction substations: 77 contact pressure of the pantograph on (include 187 16 MVA 110/27,5 KV transformers) the overhead line: between 5 and 7 daN in conformity with EN 50119 -substations: 1,184 zigzag +/- 200 mm -sectioning and sub-sectioning points: 238 -railway power dispatcher points: 23 - 3 of which automatic

Main owners of industrial rail lines

ADMINISTRAŢIA NAŢIONALĂ A COMPANIA NAŢIONALĂ ADMINISTRAŢIA REZERVELOR PORTURILOR MARITIME CONSTANŢA DE STAT ŞI PROBLEME SPECIALE (A.N.R.S.) CONPET S.A. Industrial rail line in the following working Industrial rail line in the following work- points: ing points: Imeci, Biled, Pecica, Salonta, Gura Ocniţei, Barcea, Bucecea, Orbeni, Bărbăteşti, Berca, Marghita, Valcani, Podoleni, Alexandru cel Bun, Pătârlagele, Cireşu, Independenţa Ţânţăreni, Codlea, Porumbacu de Jos, Dridu, Urecheşti, Sibiu, Ioneşti DB SCHENKER ROMTRANS S.A. Industrial rail line in the following working AGRANA ROMÂNIA S.A. points: Arad, Iaşi, Galaţi, Oradea, Mol 1 Constanţa Sud ALRO S.A. LAFARGE AGREGATE BETOANE S.A. AMONIL SLOBOZIA S.A. ARCELORMITTAL HUNEDOARA S.A. LAFARGE ARCOM GIPS S.A. ARCELORMITTAL TUBULAR PRODUCTS LAFARGE CIMENT S.A. IAŞI S.A. Industrial rail line in the following working points: Luminiţa Taşaul, Hoghiz, Medgidia, Târgu Jiu ARCELORMITTAL TUBULAR PRODUCTS ROMAN S.A. LUKOIL ROMÂNIA S.A. Industrial rail line in the following working points: CARGILL AGRICULTURĂ S.R.L. Năsăud, Satu Mare, Arad, Dârste, Socola CARGILL CEREALE S.A. OIL TERMINAL S.A. CARGILL OILS S.A. OLTCHIM S.A. CARPATCEMENT HOLDING S.A OMV PETROM S.A. Industrial rail line in the following working COMCEREAL S.A. points: Petromar Constanţa, Bacău, Satu Mare, Doljchim Craiova, Piatra Neamţ, COMPANIA NAŢIONALĂ A URANIULUI S.A. Reşiţa, Slobozia, Iaşi, Suplac, Cluj, 43

PETROM L.P.G. S.A. SOCIETATEA NAŢIONALĂ A SĂRII (S.N.S.) Industrial rail line in the following working Industrial rail line in the following working points: Timişoara, Suceava points: Salina Praid, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Târgu Ocna, Cacica, Ocna Dej ROM OIL S.A. Industrial rail line in the following working points: Almăj, Vladimirescu-Arad, Şimleu SINTEZA S.A. Silvaniei, Vatra Dornei T.M.K. REŞIŢA S.A. ROMPETROL LOGISTICS S.R.L. Industrial rail line in the following working T.M.K. ARTROM S.A. points: Capul Midia, Ploieşti TITAN S.A. ROMRECYCLING S.R.L. Industrial rail line in the following working Industrial rail line in the following working points: Bucureşti Sud – Voluntari şi Târgu points: Berceni, Jilava Mureş SOCIETATEA NAŢIONALĂ A LIGNITULUI OLTENIA (S.N.L.O.) Industrial rail line in în Exploatările Miniere de Carieră Roşia, Berbeşti, Motru, Mehedinţi

Terminals and multimodal centres

S.N.T.F.M. CFR MARFĂ (state-owned) - 26 terminals Bucharest subsidiary Bucureştii Noi, Titan, Bucureşti Progresu, Ploieşti Crâng Craiova subsidiary Craiova, Bradu de Sus, Bujoreni Vâlcea Timişoara subsidiary Semenic, Glogovaţ Cluj subsidiary Cluj Napoca Est, Oradea Est, Turda, Zalău Nord, Bistriţa Nord, Baia Mare Braşov subsidiary Braşov Triaj, Sibiu, Târgu Mureş Sud, Mediaş Iaşi subsidiary Socola Mărfuri, Bacău, Suceava, Botoşani Galaţi subsidiary Galaţi Mărfuri, Buzău Sud Constanţa subsidiary Constanţa Mărfuri

February 2013 44


River ports Seaports C.N. A.P.D.M. S.A. GALAŢI Galaţi National Company Maritime Tulcea Constanţa seaport Danube Ports Brăila Administration terminal operators CONSTANŢA SOUTH CONTAINER C.N. A.P.D.F. S.A. GIURGIU Giurgiu TERMINAL National Company River Călăraşi APM TERMINALS Danube Ports Olteniţa SOCEP Administration Giurgiu UMEX Corabia DB SCHENKER ROMTRANS S.A. Calafat Drobeta Turnu Severin Orşova 45 Railway urban infrastructure

Public transport operator: METROREX S.A. Length of passenger transport network: 69.25 km of double-track Bucharest Length of entire network (including depots and stations): 82.13 km of Population: 1,921,751 2 double-track Area (km ): 228 Length of underground network/length of overground network: 74.19 km of double-track / 7.943 km of double-track Public transport operator: Length of third-track power supply/length of catenary power supply: REGIA AUTONOMĂ DE TRANSPORT 129 Km BUCUREŞTI (R.A.T.B.) Gauge: 1432 (+ 10/ - 2) Length of entire network: 163,5 double track Railway equipment: 179 simple switches /5 TDJ double junction (332.2 Km single track) crossing /14 ½ interchanges Gauge: 1435 mm (1 semi-interchange) No. of stations: 473 No. of stations: 51 stations No. of automatic/manual switches: 149 / 218 Traffic monitoring systems: interlocking and train running No. of depots: 9 optimization systems along the Pantelimon – Eroilor – Dristor2 section, AVI (automatic train identification) and an automatic system which records the movement of trains in order to register the real timetable compared to the ideal timetable.

Arad Botoşani Population: 172.827 Population: 115,344 Area (km2): 39.4 Area (km2): 41.35 Public transport operator: Public transport operator: ELTRANS S.A. COMPANIA DE TRANSPORT Length of entire network: 15.8 single track PUBLIC ARAD (C.T.P.) S.A. Gauge: 1435 mm Length of entire network: 97 Km single track No. of stations: 15 Gauge: 1000 mm No. of automatic/manual switches: 1/1 No. of stations: 118 No. of automatic/manual switches: 12/130

Brăila Cluj Napoca Population: 216,929 Population: 317,953 Area (km2): 33.2 Area (km2): 88.2 Public transport operator: Public transport operator: REGIA AUTONOMĂ DE BRAICAR S.A. TRANSPORT URBAN CĂLĂTORI (R.A.T.U.C.) Length of entire network: Length of entire network: 13.2 km double track 53.2 km single track Gauge: 1435 mm Gauge: 1435 mm No. of depots: 1

Oradea Iaşi Population: 206,527 Population: 321,580 Area (km2): 115.56 Area (km2): 93.90 Public transport operator: Public transport operator: ORADEA TRANSPORT LOCAL (OTL) S.A. REGIA AUTONOMĂ DE TRANSPORT PUBLIC IAŞI Length of entire network: 34.8 km single track (R.A.T.P.) Gauge: 1435 mm Length of entire network: 82.6 km single track No. of stations: 76 Gauge: 1000 mm No. of automatic/manual switches: 7/14

February 2013 46

Reşiţa Galaţi Population: 83,985 Population: 298,584 Area (km2): 20.5 Area (km2): 246.40 Length of entire network: 19.8 km single track Public transport operator: TRANSURB S.A. Gauge: 1435 mm Length of entire network: 52.7 km single track No. of stations: 32 Gauge: 1435 mm No. of switches: 28 No. of stations: 196 No. of automatic/manual switches: 2/43 No. of depots: 3

Ploieşti Craiova Population: 232,452 Population: 302,622 Area (km2): 58.20 Area (km2): 81.40 Public transport operator: REGIA AUTONOMĂ DE Public transport operator: TRANSPORT PUBLIC PLOIEŞTI (R.A.T.PH.) REGIA AUTONOMĂ DE TRANSPORT CRAIOVA Length of entire network: 10 km double track Length of entire network: 18.8 km double track Gauge: 1435 mm No. of stations: 14 No. of automatic/manual switches: 0/10 Gauge: 1435 mm No. of depots: 1 No. of automatic/manual switches: 0/16

Sibiu Timişoara Population: 155,045 Population: 317,651 Area (km2): 121.00 Area (km2): 130.00 Length of entire network: 11 km single track Public transport operator: REGIA AUTONOMĂ DE Gauge: 1000 mm TRANSPORT TIMIŞOARA (R.A.T.T.) No. of stations: 6 Length of entire network: 100 km single track No. of automatic/manual switches: 0/12 Gauge: 1435 mm No. of depots: 1 No. of stations: 282 No. of automatic/manual switches: 23/77 No. of depots: 2 47 48

Abbreviations and acronyms: AFER / Romanian Railway Authority ATC / Automatic Train Control CEF / Connecting Europe Facility C.N.C.F. CFR S.A. / National Railway Company “CFR” S.A EBRD / European Bank of Reconstruction and Development EIB / European Investment Bank ERTMS / European Railway Traffic Management System ETCS / European Train Control System IMF / International Monetary Fund JBIC / Japanese Bank for International Cooperation JICA / Japan International Cooperation Agency MT / Ministry of Transport ROP / Regional Operational Programme S.N.T.F.C. CFR CĂLĂTORI S.A. /The National Society of Railway Passenger Transport “C.F.R. Călători”- S.A S.N.T.F.M. CFR MARFĂ S.A. / The National Society of Railway Freight Transport “CFR Marfa”- S.A SOP-T / Sectoral Operational Programme - Transport SOP-T MA / Sectoral Operational Programme – Transport Management Authority TEN-T / Trans-European Transport Network

Photo Pag. 3 Câmpina – Predeal, modernised section of Corridor IV Pag. 4-5 Works on Putna-Seacă Bridge Pag. 6-7 Newly built Gura Lotrului Bridge Pag. 8 Bucharest, tramline modernisation works Pag. 10, 14-15 Line on Olt River Valley Pag. 17 Câmpina – Predeal, modernisation works Pag. 19 Track side INDUSI equipment on Bucharest – Câmpina line Pag. 20-21 Bucharest Băneasa Railway Station Pag. 22 “Informatică feroviară” - Data center Pag. 26-27 Railway lines in Port of Constanţa Pag. 30 Works on Bucharest Line 5 - TBM equipment Pag. 33 Newly modernised tram line in Iaşi Pag. 34 Newly modernised tram line in Arad Pag. 35 Newly modernised tram line in Timişoara Pag. 38 Bucharest underground, new station Pag. 47 Works on Bucharest Line 5 – Academia Militară Station Pag. 48 Tram on a newly modernised line in Bucharest