Pesantrens in Java: Local Institutions and Rural Development

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Pesantrens in Java: Local Institutions and Rural Development 29 Pesantrens in Java: Local Institutions and Rural Development Farokh Afshar There are reportedly some 17,000 schools that shop, fish ponds, and farming. After their overall control schooling (6 years secondary in some call themselves pesantrens' in Java alone. The Not surprisingly, the main participants in the pesantrens, 12 years of elementary and characteristics common to probably all such above structure (the kyai and his family, the secondary in others), santris are considered institutions are that they comprise teachers santris and the village community, at least as ustads and are expected to teach in the known for their knowledge of Islam (kyais) represented in the waqaf and main com­ pesanl1en for a further two years. Ustads are and students (santris), and share the objective mittees) are also the major sources of material also more actively involved in the manage­ of inculcating Islamic principles and ways of and financial support. Firstly, the kyais' own ment of the pesantrens. life Pesantrens are thought to be a part of an income from farming and/or business activities indigenous teaching tradition going back to The organizational structure, within which the is donated "in trust" (as waqaf) to the early Islamic, some even say pre-Islamic, over 1,000 pesantren members are fed and pesantren Secondly, santri's fees can be an times. sheltered and a myriad of activities are per­ important source of finance. (In pesantren The smallest types consist of a kyai and a formed, is neither as rigid nor as complex as Pabelan, for example, they constitute approxi­ handful of santl·is, who occasionally meet to might appear on paper. It is nevertheless a mately 75 per cent of total income excluding read the Koran, either in his house or at the sophisticated and surprisingly progressive community donations). Thirdly, the village local mosque Larger pesantlens may be a structure in its balance between central co­ and the supporting community of santri coeducational, residential school of 3,000 ordination and delegation of responsibilities. parents and alumni can be called upon santris with several kyais, trainee teachers (Particularly if we remember we are descri­ periodically for donations in the form of cash, (ustads), administrators and support staff, and bing in essence a rural boarding school). The land, materials or labor The santri's parents a curriculum that covers Islamic teaching, a structure can be separated into two basic tiers. and alumni are among those without official regular secondary education and extracurri­ The first tier, formalized in the waqafboard of positions in the organizational structure, who, cular activities such as boy-scouting and com­ trustees and major committees such as educa­ nevertheless closely participate in the planning munity development. Many large pesantrens tion, consists of the kyai's immediate family, and implementation of pesantren activities. began primarily as small Koran reading influential village persons as well as some The actual amounts thus raised can be quite schools. Significant philosophical differences trusted and experienced ustads and santri's' small relative to the number of persons in the also distinguish pesantrens from one another, This upper tier influences and makes the pesantren, the range of activities, and the level in addition to the more obvious structural and major decisions in the pesantren Not all of the of physical infrastructure and building. Two functional distinctions. participants at this level hold official positions factors keep costs and monetary transactions While pesantrens are located in both urban on the board to a minimum. First, all members, from kyai and rural areas, our concern here is with rural The second tier consists of elected committees and santris, are willing to live simply and work ones of the larger, functionally more diversi­ with ustads and santris as members. Each voluntarily. For instance, ustads who comprise fied category. Such pesantrens seem to have committee is responsible for decision-making most of the teaching staff perform their duties the greatest potential for contributing to the and implementation of particular activities in in return for keep and occasional pocket development of habitat. Several such develop­ the daily pesantren operations. These include money; the rest, senior teachers and admini­ ment-oriented pesantrens are undertaking the orientation of incoming santris, land­ strators have sources of income other than the joint projects with government agencies and scaping and building maintenance, food ser­ pesantren. Secondly, a maximum use is made with non-governmental organisations (NGO) vices, dormitory and classroom administra­ of local resources For example, much of the in such fields as rural education and con­ tion, etc. Some of these committees, such as food comes from the kyai's own land. Simi­ struction. those on education and training, may be larly, building materials are either freely or inexpensively obtained from the immediate The primary objective of pesantrens is to teach headed by an older person from the "upper Islamic principles through the use of both tier". vicinity. traditional as well as contemporary religious The kyai's authority pervades and integrates Planning in the pesantren is done on an annual texts. The contents of these texts range from the whole system in an unobtrusive manner. basis. It commences during the Islamic month Islamic theology to law and day-to-day The delegation of responsibility relieves the of fasting (Ramadan) and proceeds thru the individual conduct kyai of much direct involvement. At the same subsequent Lebaran, a nationwide holiday period of7 to 10 days. No classes are held Regular education is offered up to secondary time, he is regularly consulted or informed, during both periods and most go home. school level similar to that provided in public and all major decisions are either made by him santris The slower, more leisurely pace induced by schools. Community leadership and technical or have his approval' Thus although the the fasting and the termination of the regular skills are taught through such activities as system is remarkably participatory in the way activities is conductive to discussion public speaking and debates, on-the-job responsibility in decision-making and imple­ pesantren and planning. Being the end of the academic training in carpentry, masonry construction, mentation is distributed, the kyai maintains year also, it is an appropriate time to reflect as etc., and the management of the school, co-op Pesantrens in Java' Local Institutions and Rural Development. 30 o /0 KEY M Mosque WSH Workshop VH Village houses C Cemetary L Library GCL Girls class room KH Kyai's house CL Class room A Animalpen KFH Kyai'sfather's house K Kitchen P Pool KGH Kyai's grandfathel's house CT Canteen CD Well OG Office and guest house PP Pit privies (:J Water tank GST Grain storing office and storage W Wash t Timber construction GD Girl's dormitOlies SH Shop b Bamboo construction BD Boy's dormitOlies ST Store sf Steel frame Pesantren Pabelan, site plan. Drawing' F. Afshar. 31 Pesantrens in Java Local Institutions and Rural Development well as to plan for the future. Major issues environment. An-Nuqoyah, established in 1865, is the such as curriculum changes, the construction Pabelan is somewhat a "model" of the deve­ oldest pesantren in continuous existence in of a new set of classrooms, etc, are handled. lopment-orientated type of pesantren. It repre­ Indonesia. In Pabelan, the kyai, Haman Those involved in the discussions are perforce sents the potential of such pesantren rather Djaafer, and his main assistant, Habib those who remain then in the pesantren = the than the archetype. An-Nuqoyah represents Chirzin, art? recent graduates of Gontor, a kyai, his family and closest associates among the more traditional and conservative in this pesantren known for its modernizing the ustads and santris, as well as those who category of pesantrens However, their influence. In An-Nuqoyah, the main pro­ cannot afford to leave (poorer santris who differences are mostly more of degree than of gressive force is the youngest and most junior earn their keep by working in the pesantren) substance. Approximately 60 per cent of of its six kyais. Pabelan pesantren is thus more Relevant persons in the surrounding village An-Nuqoyah's classroom education draws innovative, draws upon a wealthier "clientele" are also drawn into these discussions, such as from religious texts and the rest from standard of santris (and thus can ask higher fees) and, the influential waqafboard members and local school textbooks. In Pabelan, the proportions being more visible and receptive, attracts builders. are reversed. An-Nuqoyah has also a much more assistance from government and non­ governmental agencies. These and other The subsequent 10-day Lebaran period is smaller range of extracurricular activities. differences in planning and implementation traditionally one of receiving guests and Structurally, the pesantren is divided into five are further illustrated by the manner in which visiting friends and relatives. For the sub-pesantrens each headed by a kyai (except each pesantren has improved its rural habitat. pesantren, it is a further opportunity to discuss for one which has two kyais). The oldest kyai plans and to elicit support from their com­ is the acknowledged head, although decisions munity of benefactors, particularly those who on matters of mutual concern are collectively made. Each sub-pesantren is relatively auto­ live some distance away. Alumni and santri's Case-Study: Pabelan, Java parents visit the pesantren. Other kyais and nomous. The kyais exert more obvious control well wishers also visit. Some of these people over the day-to-day running of affairs and the Pesantren Pabelan, in a village of 6,000 stay for several days, allowing much time for santri committees appear to be less self­ inhabitants was established in 1965 by kyai discussion on general matters as well as those governing and active.
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