Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae February 2020 CURRICULUM VITAE Marc D. Porter University of Utah Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Telephone: (801) 587-1505 EDUCATION Undergraduate: B.S., Chemistry, Wright State University 1977 Graduate: M.S., Physical Chemistry, Wright State University 1979 Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry, The Ohio State University 1984 Post-Doctoral Fellow: Bell Communications Research 1984-1986 EMPLOYMENT Research Chemist: Brehm Laboratory of Natural Sciences 1980-1981 Assistant Professor: Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University 1986-1992 Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University 1992-1996 Professor: Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University 1996-2006 Director: Microanalytical Instrumentation Center, Institute for Physical Research and 1993-2003 Technology, Iowa State University Co-Founder, Advanced Analytical Technologies, Inc. (acquired by Agilent in 2018) 1997 Co-Founder, CombiSep, Inc. (acquired by Advanced Analytical Technologies in 2006) 1999 Co-Founder, Concurrent Analytical 2004 Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Iowa State University 2001-2006 Director – Institute for Combinatorial Science, Iowa State University 2002-2006 Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Arizona State University 2006-2007 Director – Center for Combinatorial Sciences, Biodesign Institute, Arizona St U 2006-2007 USTAR Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Utah (UofU) 2007-present Adjunct Professor: Department of Pathology, UofU 2008-present Director – Nano Institute of Utah, University of Utah 2008-present Co-Founder, Porter Medical Technologies 2017 SCIENTIFIC AFFILIATIONS American Chemical Society (ACS): Analytical and Colloid and Surface Science Divisions 1976-present The Electrochemical Society (ECS): Member of the Board at Large, Physical Division 1997-present Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC): Board of Directors (1998-2003) 1985-present Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS) 1986-present Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics/Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) 2011-present American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2013-present International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI) 2015-present Materials Research Society (MRS) 2016-present Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2017-present American Heart Association (AHA) 2018-present American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) 2019-present HONORS, AWARDS, LECTURESHIPS, ADVISORY BOARDS, ETC. 1997 Outstanding Chemistry Student in the Undergraduate Class of Wright State University, 1977 Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, ACS 1977 Honorary Affiliate of the Analytical Division of ACS 1977 Principal Investigator, NSF: Student Originated Studies, “Investigation of a Natural Bog System: Effects on Acid Mine Drainage” 1980 Chemistry Department Graduate Fellowship, Ohio State University 1981 Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Ohio State University Chapter 1983 Presidential Fellowship, Ohio State University 1984 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Bell Communications Research (1984-1986) Page 1 of 79 M. Porter Curriculum Vitae 1986 Dow Corning Assistant Professorship of Chemistry, Iowa State University (1986-1989) 1987 Honor Society of Sigma Xi 1987 Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh New Faculty Award 1991 Alcoa Foundation Faculty Development Grant 1992 Department of Chemistry Summer Lectureship (University of Wyoming) 1992 Keynote Scientific Lecture, “A Microscopic View of Organic Monolayer Films,” Third Annual South Dakota EPSCoR Conference, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD. 1993 NSF "Special Creativity" Award (Analytical and Surface Chemistry Division) 1993 Wright Brothers Award (Society of Aeronautical Engineers) 1996 Analytical Chemistry Editorial Advisory Board (three-year appointment) 1997 Electrochemical Society, Member of the Board at Large, Physical Division (elected) 1998 Society for Applied Spectroscopy, Publication Committee 1998 Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry Board of Directors Member (1998-2001, elected) 1999 Electrochemistry Communications Editorial Board (six year appointment) 2000 Langmuir Editorial Advisory Board (three-year appointment) 2000 Invited Summer Lecturer: “Self-Assembled Systems,” Finland Academy of Sciences, University of Kuopio and Helsinki University of Technology 2002 Liberal Arts and Sciences Mid-Career Award for Research/Artistic Creativity (ISU) 2002 Melvin Lecturer (University of Wisconsin-Madison - elected by graduate students) 2003 R & D 100 Award (ERLs (Extrinsic Raman Labels)) 2004 M. E. White Graduate Student Mentor Award (Iowa State University) 2004 International Scientific Advisory Board: Tenth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (Changchun, China) 2005 NASA Certificate of Recognition: Development of Multiplexed Colorimetric Solid Phase Extractions (MC-SPE) for Rapid Determination of Multiple Water Quality Parameters 2004-08 Scientific Advisory Board: Center for Micro- and Nano-fabrication, Louisiana St University 2006 Wright State University Alumni Achievement Award 2006 Best paper (Detection and Manipulation of Magnetic Objects in Microfluidic Devices) in Control in Microfluidics, Computing, Communications & Control Technologies (CCCT '06) 2007 NASA-Johnson Space Center: JSC Group Achievement Award 2008 Plenary Lecture: “XYZ on a Chip for the Rest of Us,” 213th ECS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, May 18-22, 2008. 2008 Hach Lacture: Colorado State University, September 10, 2008. “Nanometric Objects and Strategies for the Ultrasensitive Detection of Pathogens,” 2009 USDOE Ames Laboratory Inventors Incentive Award, “Apparatus for the Rapid Multiplexed Detection and Enumeration of Cells” 2009 Invited Inaugural Lecturer: “Agilent Lectures in Analytical Chemistry,” University of Montreal 2010 Anachem Award (Association of Analytical Chemists and the Federation of Analytical Chemists and Chemical Spectroscopists) 2010-12 NIH-National Cancer Institute – Alliance for Nanotechnology, Chair of the Alliance In Vitro Diagnostics and Cancer Detection Working Group 2011-14 Society of Applied Spectroscopy Awards Committee (Chair 2013-4) 2011-18 American Chemical Society – Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Programming Committee Member-at-Large 2011-15 Talanta Editorial Advisory Board 2012 Richard Olsen Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Utah State University 2017 Faraday Discussions: Closing Remarks Lecture (Royal Society of Chemistry): Surface- Enhanced Raman Scattering (Glasgow, Scotland: August 30-September 1, 2017) 2018 University of Utah Distinguished Scholarly and Creative Research Award 2018 University of Utah Celebrate U: Research Achievement Honoree 2019 University of Utah Celebrate U: Top Entrepreneur 2019 Top %5 Certificate of Highly Cited Authors (Royal Society of Chemistry) 2019 2018 SAS Applied Spectroscopy Editors’ Choice Paper (see publication 235) 2019 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2020 Editoria Board: Journal of Separations 2020 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry Page 2 of 79 M. Porter Curriculum Vitae REVIEW PANELS, WORKSHOPS, ETC. 1990 NSF: SBIR Program Review Panel 1992 NSF: State of Mississippi EPSCoR Program Review Panel 1992 NIH: National Resource Center Review Panel 1992 DOE: Workshop on the Electrode-Solution Interphase 1993 NASA: In-Step Program Advisory Panel 1994 NIH: National Resource Center Review Panel 1994 AKZO Nobel: Molecular Recognition Workshop 1994 NASA: Environmental Sensors Workshop 1994 NSF: Basic Research Needs for Vehicles of the Future 1995 NSF: New Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Review Panel 1996 NASA: Life Science Peer Review Panel 1997 NASA: Life Science Peer Review Panel, Chair 1997 NASA: Advanced Life Support/Advanced Environmental Monitoring & Controls Workshop 1997 NSF Phase I SBIR and STTR Program Review Panel 1999 NIH Panel Review: Center for Scientific Review Special Emphasis Panel 2000 NASA Life Sciences Peer Review Panel 2001 NASA: Advanced Environmental Monitoring & Control Programs Workshop 2001 NASA: Chair, Life Sciences Peer Review Panel 2002 NSF: Biochips SBIR Review Panel 2003 NASA Bioastronautics Investigators’ Workshop 2003 Porous Graphitic Carbon in Separation Science Workshop (University of Uppsala) 2003 NASA Workshop on Critical Issues in Microgravity Fluids, Transport and Reaction Processes in Advanced Human Support Technology 2004 NASA Workshop on Strategic Research to Enable NASA’s Exploration Missions 2005 NSF Combinatorial Sciences & Materials Informatics Collaboratory International Materials Institute (CoSMIC-IMI) Workshop (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 2006 NSF Combinatorial Sciences & Materials Informatics Collaboratory International Materials Institute (CoSMIC-IMI) Workshop (Iowa State University) 2006 NSF Margins Review Panel, Analytical and Surface Chemistry Division 2006 NIH: Enabling Bioanalytical and Biophysical Technologies (EBT) study section 2007 USDOE Review Panel - Basic Research for the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative 2007 Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT '07), Program Committee 2007 Workshop on Research Enabled by the Lunar Environment, National Academies of Science and Engineering and National Research Council 2008-10 National Academies National Research Council Research Associateships Review Program 2009 NIH Special Emphasis Panel on Biological Chemistry and Macromolecular Biophysics 2009 NSF IGERT Review Panel 2011 DOE-PNNL Program Review: Electrochemically-Modulated Separations 2011 NIH-NAIID Special Emphasis Panel,

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