Shapiro Concert Hopes Still High Friday Night W$t Batotbsoman For Big Band ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS


r«nii«- For 114*0 urn Performance New Bowling Alleys I I Pan-HellenicCouncil Under Construction SeeksBigTimeBand Near DavidsonBank ForMid-Winter Hops— 1 ■ Can Strike and Spare Students V/>nn^ Kayser and J. Dorsey For Ten Cents Fall Services Sr"vr>r>\-%CTCCTI OCCJlIl Engaged Elsewhere FOUR ALLEYS ARE BUILT Charlottean's Will Observe ticket prices not set Old Telephone Building to L0Ca[ Basest Dance Set of Year House New Davidson Rec- Second Series Talent Will Be Staged Early reation Spot In February Dr. Redhead Also Leader of Three One-Act Plays Will Be A new bowling alley will be Y.M.C.A. Exercises Given This Month opened here in the old tele- In 1935 'announced yesterday thai they phone building the latter part I iical m:ii;c talent \\ ill get it- liii; chance Thursday, < >ct. hn\ c given up tin- hope "t g"et- of tlii- week or early next linjj <>r key. A. 21, when Srl/iiu k hitvrnatioii- either jimmy Dorsey weck |ohn Rcdhcadi i>» . al 1 a Kay Kayser piny for the According to the owners, Mr. win mi the Y. M. ('. A. has se- I'icturi Coinpatiy semis will Freeman, from scout t" Davidson in ohscrve Mid Winter dances which Manning and Mr. cured in conduct its Fall Sit-! In- held the first nr second Bennettsville, be The widely known Little Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of George H. Shapiro will play three one-act plays. S. C. there will viYi's, his for the first of series of concerts in at 8:IS on evening. Mr. u in alleys necessary will be making sec- a Chambers Auditorium Friday Shapiro is The Red and Black Masquers eek-end February, four new with the recognized as a musician of outstanding merit at Davidson, as his orchestra played a concert here last All ni the \ycll known orchestras appearance on the Dav- will present i'ii tlii- date the fol- number of ducts and pins. The ond year. This is sponsored by the Davidson Music Department, which invites any outsiders who are in- approached lowing plays: "Where The t'ross oi the i-a*-t so Mr have owners have also set a tentative idson campus in iliis capacity. terested in music. selves contract ' by EtlgCllc reported ihein under price ten cents game t i In Made" O'.NeilJ "head of a p >r per- The Charlotte minister conducted ami thai they will In- unable to tf<* son. Souls" or else "The Valiant," by the Spring Services of the local mi tour ai thU time. Kay Kayser Y, Hall and Middtcmack, and a com- This will be quite an addition to M. C A. during the school year Make Corrections is undor a lona-lerm contract at First Concert of Year edy wbieh ha- nut been selected. Davidson, .since there are no other of 1W4-3S. "Mac" McClurc, now the in Ihe third title will be announced Hotel Pennsylvania New spots operated solely for the pur- pastor of the Ljncolntoti church. YutU City. Other bands have sim- Anyone who knows of any er- IH'Xt week. pose of entertainment and sport. was then serving his first year as itar extended engagements, ror in the Student Directory Is To Feature Shapiro All students interested in com- The new bowling alley might gvl "Y" .secretary. Raymond Pittman, president ol published two weeks ago or any . peting for part- are r^ne-ted by results in keeping boys on the Dr. Redhead is a native of Mis-! this year's Council, announced, campus during nights. change in room assignment since " l.d Morrow to familiarize them- the week sissippi, and graduated from South- Music Dept Wi Sponsor however, their intentions of si^n- year then is requested to report these lurio-p SnuirYxj selvcs with the seri|tN. Tryolits Last quite a number of boys western University with the class ! JUUgt; iiiKr well known band to play to the editor. Little Philharmonic will be held Wednesday evening some were interested in bowling and even of 1926, for nee set. will con- During his college days he may corrections of the da They went so, arrange These be FridayNigh at 8:30 o'clock in the Beta TJieta far as to sched- made letters in both football and tintic li> look lor sonif suitable among Openspens Session ! I'i fraternity house. Any person uled matches . different basketball, and was a member of i arrangement. of student, and changes will be ! '" " to arrange an groups. This was soon dropped I 11 '1 ; whti would like in- '-1 8:1S Kappa Sigma social fraternity. Af- (IMeeting of i' Knc1^ r The price for the set has not yet games, however, published in correct form in of Court Control . . terview willl the seout should -peak after a few due ter graduating from Southwestern j Tuesday M..Uk- first .-I a series ol con been determined. This will depend either next week's issue. Held to Morrow at onee. to the fact that the players cerfs will be conducted under to c\tent on charge Dr. Redhead continued his minis- Any must be Hood, a meat the of had to go to Charlottes or to such corrections lhc auspices of the Davidson Miss Kaiista who has had signed. terial training at the Union Theo- reported Monday The Court of Control, with . experience tin- orchestra The aimunit to play matches. before next Julian '" l J'.ioadwav and previous Mooresville their logical Seminary in Richmond, Ya. Squires as judge, convened for its IVI"' hambcrs All [if the liikri^ will be announced "as year night in order to make The &!»"'!"" connections with the Sclzhick In- Later on in the the sched- lll l nuln- sot as He was awarded the Hodge Fel- goes to first formal meeting last night at| help ill possible. matches that were dropped Davidsonian before it ! .' "' cr( «'» ■« «'«" ""» the ternational, will the Masquers uled lowship for the year 1929-30. 9:30 in Phi Hall. ,. " i B last year will probably be resumed press. ,. , .,, , , ,,|lattle rhnliarniMiiie Orehestra un- in prodncitlK the play set. Miss Hoggs, secretary l'onnal meetings. will In- held ; , , ,. . with a much larger number of boys Wade present , , der the direction ol...i.eorne ||. Mood wa- starred last year al Dav- of the "Y." lias announced that every other....uiesday, and those ,, , , . ,. idson play participating. , , ', , ....Miapno, ,well known -\ inphonie di- as Ihilev in ihe of the Map Schedule » * any student who wishes to have a wlin are to appear before the eonrt . student., same naiftt'. She will have a part " day rector. All Davidson will conference with Dr. Redhead dur- Final Day Set will receive notices bv the on , , . , , ,, , one of plays ' , , , ,. , be admitted free and Professor ill the this tall. She ing his stay here may do so by which. tlu court meets, rreshnlen ,,,,,,, . , of the and For Lectures I'tiilil. head ol the music depart- is a member Red Hlack Author Sends arranging it through the "Y." This I. receiving such notices nuisl appear , , , , , Masquers For Aspirants , , menl. stressed the fact he. and of the local chapter Faculty Committee Asks For promptly at the time. , ,, , feature of the services has been spccitlei,..... „ .hoped "■*..■ >>i Alpha I'si Omega. This is a . ','"-, , . all students will lake aiUan Suggestions Felicitations carrietl on each year. As can be seen from the title. , , , ta^c of the opportiinil. v to hear. national drunatic society MSif By Committee states Nmnrcs. 'this court is main- , . , , . ,, ', Dr. K !"'. Shew make, chairman of ♥ , ,. , ,, the music ul Ibis well known or- chapters. Actors in L'Hommede la Nuit i.Mind lo regulate Freshmen dis- , the Committee on Lectures an- cipline regard to the regulations !., , . . , , , nounced that is anx- Congratulated WBT Resumes:,Oxford Applicants Must Ap- 1 .,i", , .,,, Mi>i Shapiro. has visited the col- - the committee ib(-d . any 'nresei for them. the court , , ,. ,,, ,here, ions to receive suggestions ply By , , ■ , , , legs before and is well known ' Lorde, Oct. 18th deals not with who vio- ,, , . , . SPE S InFront from Ihe facult) and students of Andre de famed French onlv thu^c Me needs m> introduction to Am-. author, recently congrat- D.C.Broadcast late the iTcshnicn Regulations, but ,. ,, Davidson College as to the men has sent .,,,., , cnean or r.iiropeau audiences, lie - also with , , like to ulations to those incnihers of tlie Candidate's f<>r ilie Rhodes Schot* those hreshmen accused ha- , . , During they would have a- lec- ' , . . won ..the approbation of the Decade participating in College arship to Oxford University arc of improper conduct or breaking ■ , , , ,', turers during the coming season. Ccrclc Krancais the Gives Broadcast of ,, most critical listeners. the world production play, requested to apply in writing not coMege traditions." The committee is composed >^ of the French L'~ Varied Features m.n. ,„, Mttm,,,,,„.„„„,,,,, Releases Averages Fo." Nuit. later than Oct. 18 t«> the local com- Ibe (,,,ur, o. came into Dean Hi-. (. K. Drown, Professor II.T. Homme dc la Control Ten- I^>rde, lihrarian of the mittee in the Scholarships. The existence at Davids,,,, because it Year Period Lilly and Dr. H. 1". Shewmake. M. dc The Davidson College Symphonic .|||(. ,1,,,||l,,.rs ,„" ,,„. ,„.,,„..,,,, Saint c Gcncvieve library in Paris, nimmittee consists of Professors was felt that there was a genuine ,. Any of these will be glad to re- Band presented a concert last ,,,;lU „,,..,„,sn,op,,li,a,, K ro".. >,■„- and known contemporary (I. R. Vowles, H. T. Lilly, and W. need for such an organization on In a letter issued to each nf the ceive proposals. These nomina- well night over Station WBT, opening taillil,B „„.„-from Russia. Denmark. playwright sent congratula- P. dimming. the campus. According to con- presidents of social fraternities tions should h,. i,, before (let. 15. has his the scries of weekly broadcasts the Wu,,v ',,,,„„„, Auslrin, (Veeho t tin the club for their success- Application sens,,- of the student body, tins ,. an>! t.i tluir I'an 1lell< nie reprc as the council will meet on thai tions to which will be held every Tuesday to the local commit- ,,,,.,,,:, M xi(,, ,,„, „„. ,,„„.,, ful performances of liis play last ' court has rendered invaluable scr- . , scntntivrs, Dean M. I''. Sclltelic date to map out their schedule. night from ') to <):.1O over WBT., tee should not be made on the of- s,.||c s A]| |ma w.,,,--.1,,,,..-1i,.n spring and lias sent autographed ficial blank, in the form of a vice. 'Ihe court is c,.,,,,,<,se,| ,„ a ,„ gave the fraternity aver- This \ear there is a larger ap- Charlotte. but ,,„.„. |R.M scholastic copies of several of his other plays judge, a recorder,and two ,„,,„. ,.,.^ ages for the past ten years. propriation from the college for shori note. The local committee members ,,,,,,. ,i ,,,,„, program was announced by s w ,„,.„.,„. with authorization for their pro- The on iron, each of the upper classes. ,.,, ,,,.. ,.,, .,. , Sigma Tin Kpsilon led the lodges the committee to use in securing considers applicants and passes | ,, ;, , Mr, McDonald, m |i l;inl n v ngh1 duction. Thane and the Louis Hipp is the reporter, while , with an average of 2.014, closely lecturers. They intend, instead of J their selections to the executive u n m(.|m|r M,,,,,,^ Synipbonv in was of ",. compietinn the band under the direction of Kugene l.iipfert and Kenneth Me- ,< ,.■ ,,,,,, ...< ,., full..will by ['hi Gamma increasing the number of speakers, At the of club's committee the collefte for rati- i Minor, Hecthovcn s Ivcrt -Eg- Delta with Mr. lames Christian 1'fohl. avcragt "i" lo cut the niinibi r and thereby se- dramatic season last May copies of j Ification. Between that lime and Lean Kiprcseni the Senior Class, nioiit, Rrnhms Hungarian Dance an 2.000. Kappa Sigma only > in country's and of The program consisted not us Gray George ( look third |"i*itimi 1.947. cure some of the most The Davidsonian the of- N'nv. 5 enmli'Iat prepare their Hunter and Richmond 1 Minor, i with The music, , and olhi outstanding orators. ficial program were sent to the of but news of the Davidson tapplications on the official blanks were elected from the Junior class, ether fraternities ami their aver- Heretofore Campus by - £ ♥„ Sigma Sigma 1.895, there has been only one speech French dramatist. He replied im- was read Rut Miller. t fur iIn- state committee. This in- and Dick /Vrnnld and Frank Bark- ■bgcs an-: Phi Lingle 1 Tint., 1.890, per plans lor mediately as follows: "I thank you and Dr. Walter L delivered ( photographs, transcripts, er are from tin- Sophomore Class. Phi Delia I'i Kappa lecturer, but now are volves* speaker exceedingly for your very kind a short talk. a uid other things. "The duly of the Court i>f Con- Alpha 1852, Kappa Alpha 1.832, each to deliver a series communication in reference to my The news reports will be given The conditions on which the trol," explains Squires, "is not to Mela Them I'i 1.814, I'i Kappa Phi ol three addresses. Among the lecturers here last play L'Homme dc la Nuit. I am each week, giving the important sscholarships art' awarded remain convict, lint to sick mil and ad- 1.696. year were Dr. Higgins, very plad that it has been played happenings for the past week. They ] practically unchanged. The candi- minister justice. The court will ap- At Rapid Pace Howard SIT', took first, place lour limes ,.i College; at your college. I congratulate the gotten by a i unmarried, preciate the co-operation of every- Dean Kiiursou Dr. will be up committee date must be between in the ten year" period. The Phi actors, one Lilly, one Louis L'nti'rnuyer, noted poel and for that is of the most headed by I'rof. and read by t the ages of 1'^ and 25 as of Oct. I, in thi* matter.'*— Gams won the position three times According lo l\ay Pittman, the critic, and Dr. William Elliott, difficult of all my plays to produce. different students. 11939. Seniors with a good academic ♥— Kappa Alpha Y. 1 and KA twiee. I'i pleasure in sending by president of tin Pan-Hellenic who predicted much of what has Itake the Any students wishing to try out r record and some extra-curricular and Kappa Sigma eaeh took one same mail some of my other plays activities, Council, the advance sales for tIie happened in Uurope duringthe past for the job of reading these news a as well as alumni still Pi Gamma place. The Sig Eps held top posi- which opening dances arc experiencing a few weeks. All of these lectures may interest the young ac- reports should sec Mr. Jackson, lunder tin age limit, may become tion for three successive years pre-season rush. The set tickets ive'rc u ell attended by the David- [Contmucd an Page Six~\ the chairman of the radio commit- c candidates. The scholarship is while both Kappa Alpha am! Phi' 4 Shapes Plans are selling for four dollars, the son student body. tec. v worth about two thousand dollars Gamma Delta held it two years. Friday night dance priced at i\v<> department <] innually and tenable for two years, C. chapter of the na- The music has an- N*. Gamma in a sharp ll and under certain conditions for dollars, and the Saturday night There has been decline in Spartanburg nnunccd that a map will be placed tional honorary Social Science fra- formal two-fifty. the averages since 1928. In thai on the the three years. The present Rhodes ternity, I'i (lamina Mu, in it^ iir^t Weekly Paper bulletin board in lobby ' year the average of all ihe fra- Hears of Chambers with all places marked Scholar from Davidson, Carlcton meeting <>f the year Monday nifeht This sci of fall dances^ts to be Lingle Chapman,' completed work in the Charlotte Armory on ternities was 2.008. The average from which word is received that| the for' Shaped plans for complete organi- held drop Makes Debut his first deprtc, last and is October 21-.'.'. The change "I date for the past year was 1.611, a Dr. W. [.. Lingle drove to the the program was heard. zation and elected temporary of- at for from the Homecoming week-end of .397, and the lowest point reach- Presbyttrian Church of Spar- program now work as a candidate a ficers. !■",' Ilie past several weeks there First I The musical was varied degree is due to that there was a ed over this period. The average of tatiburg, Sunday classical, research in 1939. Dr, II. P. Gwynn, moving spirit the fact has been published com- S. C. last where and included martial, sec- tin all fraternities fir the ten years in this All urged to behind the organization r conflict in Armory engage- m'unitj weekly he delivered the morning and eve- ular, and popular music. It was interested are con- >f local was 1.867, which would have taken a newspaper, The 'fer at once with some member of chapter, presided over the meeting ments. ning sermons. as follows: (1) O Davidson; (2) first place in the last year. The Tri-City News. The paper i^ con- service, ' committee, as application un- election <>f They arc Dick Junes was heard this past After the morning he Fairest of the Fair— March; Ii) the and officers. high average for \'I.\7-.^K was 1.830. cerned with the events surround- ;l avoidably Torrey, summer l>y who at- presided over a congregational Lustpicl Overture (4) Talk by Dr. involves considerable red as follows : R. Archer all those men This would have only tied for 8th ing life in Huntersville, Cornelius ' tape. Vowles copies president ; Ellard Yow, presi- tended the R. O. T. I'. encampment Meeting at which time Rev. A. W. Lingle; (5) New Colonial March; Or. has of the vice place in !'>_'*-_"). The highest av- and Davidson. qf Abcrnnlhy, at Annistot), All who heard I Dick of Fayetteville was called to (6) Star Dust; (7) News of the c circular information. dent : and Jack secre- Ala. erage of period The paper is published once a +— in their the entire was the pastorate. Mr. Dick was a Davidson Campus presented by tary. him are loud praise of him 2.314,made by SPE in l'i.U-.\\ They week every Friday morning, and and are giving him aJbig build up guest minister at- one of the ves- Rut Miller ;(8) Massa's InDe Cold, There is something sacred about Nine miember s- of the thirteen also made the third highest, 2.314 edited by Thomas M. McKnight. per services at Davidson last year. Cold, Ground; (9) L'Kstudiantina 'wages— they represent homes and active were present at the meet- among the students. in I'Ml -.5.'. Phi Camilla Delta The paper is owned by .Mr. Mc- The Collegians are one of the made On Monday night. Dr. Lingle Waltzes; (10) Hymn— More Holi- ffamilies and domestic destinies. On ing. Sixteen were charter mem- the second highest average in 1935- Knight ami Robert Giles of David- ' sheet, ber-;, outstanding bands of the south, and plans to leave for a meeting of the ness Give Me; (11) O Davidson. the cost wages are mere fig- Dan Rhodes having graduat- Mi when they had a score of son. Kach of the three adjacent ed, are especially praised for their 2.347. Synod of Florida which meets at For the next two. weeks the lures; oui in the world wages are II.S. McConnell did not return In 19_'N-_"J Pi Kappa Alpha had towns has an individual news cor- ' bins, smooth style. They have played Orlando. Oct. 11 and \1- Several program will be shortened to 15 bread boxes and coal babies' to school and. Harvey Morrison has an average of 2.200, which is tbei respondent, who are: Davidson; < for (juitr a number of college I-:. Presbyteries of Florida have part minutes, from 9:15 to 9:30. This cradles and children's education, been stricken with tuberculosis. fourth highest score of the decade. Mrs. \. Linder; Huntersville, ' dances and are well acquainted ownership in Davidson College and is due to a previously scheduled family' comforts and contentment. A program committee was ap- — "— Mrs. I. Frank Blythe; Cornelius. , + with the liked types. each year elect their quota of the commercial program. pointed, with Frank Simmons as best souks and Mrs. Roderick Beard. News items figure When people college trustees. The glittering words of an ora- chairman, and Professor William- The formal dance and have made what of current personal events are pub- -♥ ' night they they Next Sunday Dr. Lingle plans to If he made hjs money easy, the tor often remind us that a small son, John Mawhinney and J. C. will he on Friday and the call their last effort lished. Editorial;, comics ami gen- many night, always just go to Shelby, where he will hold more reluctant he is to give up his 1piece of soap will make Dostcr as members. Suggestions informal dance the next should make one ef- eral news are among the features the morning service. load. Ibubbles. [Continued on Page Five] There will be no tea dances. fort more. found in this new publication. Page Two THE DAVIDSONIAN WEDNESDAY, OCT. S, 1938 Win JQaUibsionian Why Double Cuts?.... CAMPUS IN CARTOON SUPER SNOOPINGS Founded fly the Class 1915 Ionics oiK'i1 more the toiniihtint ajjainst of evening was enough to warm the mir peculiar system of ilolijjfe cuts cm week- '"■<, heart of any veteran pole slider. 1938 Member 1939 ends of mir football games away from the s SAAA JANiTOROFTHE AAAtt SCHOOL, Reliable sources report that around fBSgl&SSr?' " '""■■■ :"> U. OF ALABAMA CHEMISTRY courageous Fhsocialod Co!le6tate Press campus, and I propose to take ,up the cry ' 1HR0UGH Z5 YEARS'EXPERIENCE, ten of the volunteers DMributor of J^K^-J^to— P° r>» H}5" short jaunt of only two hours. Naturally for group on the cam- — Ovid Hell Associate Kditor bee line each Kappa Sigs and SAK's report Associate Editor the scope of a man's interests has been I J jk "0/^01111*1^31wp4 UrrtKtl? pus boys picked Joe Calvin Associate Editor H^w^ I as the returned. 1 Mooresville carnival up to fullest Wesley Coghill up scraps Terry Sloan Associate Editor broadened, and his ideals have changed. p5s* r'j^' tup a few of conversation expectations with all envious of old Ttonrv R^pr Movie Editor f^^^S^^^"'^ \aI inioikv" " worth pasting along. — [ S.aH Photographer Where once he devoted all his attention to * S man in bald head row We wonder Wall Kuni s=!^! s *^ LA^* SUMMERoCntsJu ft=r*^ s^^^^**^ SS*^ r&ivXa The response of volunteer fire- what takes all the boys up to Ken BUSINESS STAFF the fortunes of the old home team, he now Manager men to the call last Wednesday Lawson's room this fall. 11 n i»iviir Asst. Buiineis thrills to the prospect of seeing a team of J,m Carrie /-V.7'.\."..-."".".....- Adverli.lngManager 11,11 n,,., Advertising Manager LokYy Circulation Manager All-American semi-pros performing on a JuIk.ii Manager T. in Hackney - Circulation neighboring campus Saturday afternoon. Uu.i Gilmorc Collection Manager And, with abject apologies to our fighting Letters To The Editor In the Groove Wildcats, this is sadly true on our own ■■d^i campus, War and Peace ... Dear Editor we would rather condemn than con- By TOM perrin opinion seem to struct. Instead of having "Letters Davidson students who So this obsolete ruling has lost its de- Student doesn't We know a lot of favor putting on a show over in to *hc Editor" a poor forgotten siredeffect: to keep tlie student body on the < week, umild have enjoyed being in Disney. Okla- Charlotte. We students don't care column ir two a it should campus, tending to their studies. Though for the idea of being the goat just cover at least half a page. The homa, about the middle of May. In fact funny things. foresight to band, it was enacted in all good faith, it stands because more people will come to Editor should not have trouble get- Columns are New get a top rank crop up this time every it seems. Jimmy Dorscy we think that it was made to order for the only as a hindrance to those lew students games at Charlotte than at David- ling material into it. but should ones about was seri- year in college papers from here ously considered until news came riotous water fight. famous sou. Sports are for the students have a hard time keeping it out. "firemen"of last week's still possessing the Wildcat spirit to yonder. They spring up that he recently accepted and for no one else. We don't There arc plenty of topics for don't had en- The following Associated Press news story all over the South who wisli to follow their grown; gagement mind having people take an interest discussion. Every student has a pet full it takes several editions for— the second week-end from Disney that appeared about May own team on its way to victory. for one to hit its stride. We came of February the date the Greeks 15 in our sports. Quite the contrary, peeve. If we could just get a good to that conclusion after looking had set their hearts on. tells why : we appreciate it— as long as it is section started, with a few good That leaves Surely the question can be re-opened so it, over quite a few exchanges from negotiations wide open, and may an interest; but the minute it be- literary battles in and with every 5fou can't be arrested for disturbin' the peace that a new rule, to both the students the best fair comes an entertainment we ob- student clibible and capable, we other schools and tlie "Davidson- band win. here 'cause there ain't gonna be ail) more peace. administration, might be interesting ians" of former years. So this'll - and the drafted. ject. It is no longer interest, it could build ail column — Personally, we would like to see a Not for 30 days. improve, we hope and so does — has become interference. that we could call our own. Hal Kemp set. and we think it O.H.D. Only thing Kditor Marquess, If you wanna holler on main street at mid- There are many good reasons one more need be said. would be popular. Mr. Dorscy's night you can durn well holler. If yon wanna tor having games at Davidson. We must observe the rules of the Incidentally, if you've got any brother Tommy and a Mr. Kay game. Unnecessary column, keep the nickelodeon in the tavern janglin' until They wen- brought out in last roughness, hit- ideas for a better we could Kayscr have accepted previous in- belt, all hours, let 'er jangle. week's Davidsonian by a good ting below the and offsides certainly use them. vitations and couldn't possibly come. cross-section of the Student body. will be penalized as in football. Snooper... We want to make How about Kemp:- Drop a card to li its tpotin' or ra'rin' up the street in the It takes to game horn An Old Chinese Custom ... 1. The spirit of the boys is better a man play the and clear from the outset one of our your representative today! Of cutout open you crave, nobody's flivver with the here at Davidson. Very true, anil observe the rules. The game will policies. We are determined to course. Kemp may be too busy gonna you. however, stop "Honor thy father ami thy mother..." I would like to add that the con- go on. and it will be won. make no move to unmask Super too. sumption We students can write like good Snooper. Probably The lid will be blown off at a big dance to of spirits is far less here. he'll feel a lit- Dorseyi. Did you ever hear of Down through ages this commandment sports and out our .. celebrate the election victory of Billy Baker, 2. It is not fair to charge our win controver- tle disappointed if we just ignore a certain Thomas A. Dorscy who has been observed, not those to sies. Xo one pays attention to — helped. whoopee dictator of Disney lor the next .10 days. only by student body extra for our home the him but it can't be Sooner records, if we remember aright, for game-, telling grandstand quarterback, because She won 503 votes t.i Jill, over Mr-. Ycra Silar, whom the Law was given,but also by those at least not without. or later he'll come out from behind the Vocalion people? Me isn't the us good he only talks ;i good game. pseudonym. grocery operator who waved a two-bitted axe to what cause that money There that We can wait. one you're probably thinking of. who have never heard of the commandment, is no why we talk a and for curlew is going to be donated. To charge reason should Letter... Not long ago we He Gospel declared a law. good thing only, let's saw is known as "Your Sin- The Chinese have carried this to an extreme the boys for their home games after write it also. a letter that boosted our pride in ger." or something like that, and After the Baker dance-and-be-merry regime they have paid their fees Q.K.I). of by their ancestor worship. athletic the home the Wildcat a notch that about sums him up. We like Mrs. Silar pets her chance to make the dam ill All of the other is to exploit spirit. I\S, li you got this far, you school School or iwo. Hoping it'll do the same to dwell upon the marvelous con- a quiet town for M) days. After nations Ihave of have more intestinal fortitude than workmen like that ever heard have held -pint is coming for a dollar fifty for you, we would like to print the fusion that seems quite possible that, when this boom town i- incorporated, there's year. might I gave you credit lor. Let's get their parents in high esteem. This was this It not be a bail sentence that struck us most. The from such a coincidence. Swing it, to a vote how it's to be run permanently. true things started. be on idea for the students to exercise writer, we must tell you, was a Thomas. Amen, Tommy. of the United Slates also the more * * Chief of Police Hale Dunn looked a bit dis- until their spirit by staying away from « * freshman here last year and trans- turbed. Alley... We have often thought modern times. Now, 1 am sorry to say, the games. If it is for a good Dear Bill, ferred to a university in the south- we wanted to a cause, we don't kick. At least we west. that if make million "Looks as if I'm shunted on a siding." he this regard for the parents on the part of I'd like to use this method to find have a right to know. quickly and without undue elTort opined. out it" the soccer team is not able lie says: "You know, all of that the offspring has fallen deplorably. 3. We have Why we would open a bowling center a line stadium. to secure another place to practice talk one constantly hears up there Hot Use it ? in Davidson. The idea isn't worth besides the one they appear to be about Davidson's friendly spirit may pfennig now, "Why, 1 love inv parents and always -1 An objection to house parties a 'to us though :some- \iiil)iti()i) gradually taking over. As 1 re- seem a little over-rated: but when body putting ... some of you will 1 is thai the traveling to and from has beaten us to it have." say. Well. will member, last year they practiced on you get in ,i little different at- intij operation. them is dangerous. What about the , The old telephone A amount of lunik is written agree with you. You have loved your par- the Freshman field, but this year mosphere, the strength of it all building sile, vast now- extra traveling to anil from Char- is the and it has been it seems that they are planning to stands out dear as a bell." lengthened days, and a lot of it talked, about ents from the very beginning,but in a very lotte; some fifteen feet so the mure U hold regular practice on the boys 5. It is inconvenient. intra- Bands... The Pan Hellenic alley length will be standard. We ambition. To hear writers and speakers indifferent sort of way. We honor our mural tield by Chambers, where are at it again. Having tossed off very I'. The team plays better at home. couldn't well rob the "David- many students play touch-football arrangements for one shout, one might have an exaggerated idea parents best by the way in which we con- Tlie student body is almost one set for this sonian" of its rightful advertising every afternoon. month, they turn their thoughts revenue by 1 hundred per cent putting in a plug for about tile number of people who are tired duct ourselves when we an away from behind these six to greater points. I've heard that loach McKvcr things— nothing less than the establishment, of course. But with ambition, always on their toes, and them. What we say. What we do. How We don't like the idea of playing in wouldn't let them in the football Midwinters. It lakes thai kind of bowling is great sport. show Charlotte. Let's make so constantly on the alert for a means of bet- we appreciation for all that they have our field they can practice behind wishes known. the terment. Almost as much has been said done for us... Now, do you still think that Yours, stadium on the far side, and the LLUB. field about the lack of ambition of some people. you honor your father and mother as von * * * * Freshman is definitely crowd- Your Film Report Card ed with frosh football practice and should? To of By CHARLIE LUTHER -If by ambition one means dissatisfaction, the Editor The Davidsonian: intramural games going on. Mow- What has happened to that part I then really All that we are, have, and do, to ever believe that a great many there is an abundance of it. be- we owe of The Davidsonian that we stu- boys count on the touch football Thursday Friday, cause some people would go without eating them... When was the last time you rx- dents can call our own. the "Letters field by & Ocl. 6 & 7. make a gridiron celebrity of Joe Chambers for everyday ♥♥♥ "''" a bit of for all to 's a collegian. if they couldn't think of something to gripe pressed appreciationto them the Editor?" Use. and that the number using this music-mad they have done? When It is quite certain that the lacki field for touch "FOUR DAUGHTERS"— Claude Would g,i to sec it since there about. Everyone wants more of this ami was the last time is far greater than Rains, of such letters is not due to May Robsoa, Rosemary. is mi football game here Saturday, le^s of that, a bigger income, less work, you wrotehome to them? 1 actually heard any those playing soccer. Also intra- lack thought Priscitla, and Lola Lane. zation of stage Mi! a Davidson of student on con- mural athletics is a feature of the the hit. Ann and longer vacations lor perhaps fewer student BRAG the other day "Four Daughters" is a family ber'tson add to the troversial matters. The boys may athletic program while soccer is not laughs. classes, more that lie had not written home picture— a story of sjstcrs, shorter assignments, and holi- since school not do much thinking for classes, recognized as a varsity sport. four started this year. just ordinary girls, and their lives. Monday & Tuesday, Oct 9 & 10. days!). but show me the student that Can't something be done s,, that * * doesn't lo,.k upon pow- Their story will hit close to the himself as a the touch-football games call con- if by one means a determi- Some 'ii yon are lure fur first in good hearts of njany of you who have "ROOM The Marx But ambition your year; er a old "bull slinging ses- tinue every afternoon as S6RVICE"— in the seen your family grow just Brothers, ;iml nation to advance, a determination to suc- others for the second, third, or foilrib. Ilave sion." A: the present time t ll e past? Surely up like Ann Miller, Lucille there is some other this family. Ball. ceed and become more more use- ymi written to thank vour folks for prim,- cuts of beef at these "bull- place on the campus thai ellicient. ever the soccer this family. human, A comedy ing-bees", seem lo be. excluding :team can use practice. There is broad of the usual type of the ful, and more valuable, which in return .-ending you to school? It is a sacrifice for for comedy, melodrama, Marx women and Davidson's .moral vic- Sincerely. tradegy, and Brothers, who appear to will bring more happiness in the end. the any parent to send his son to college for four tories, all so ably put together most people football games in Charlotte; A Touchfoothallcr. that tlie a- being very hilarious evidence is not so easv to find. The ad- years. Some ol them have borrowed money Davidson itself, its policies, pro- * result is one of the most satisfying and usually are. hi this show they fessors, pictures you'll see in a long are in the theatrical jective "complacent" is often applied lo in order to make their son's education com- trustees, administration; and There was one good tiling about time. business. it; Grouche Marx Davidson Do we lack ambition? plete. Write a mite home tonight andthank all that concerns the Athletic the day of the horse and carriage: is the theatrical students: — department: honorary producer, anil Chieo and Harpo his so, it's high did something about your folks for sending you to school they the fraterni- you didn't have to wake anybody Saturday, Oct. 8. ll" time we ties; Spirit: ♥ assistants in this picturi- it the Davidson and af-< up and get hay enough to take you ♥ hilarious it. appreciate ... Sentimental?... Well, per- lairs hi zation of the Mage national intqfest. back to town. "MR. DOODLE KICKS OFF"— hit. ******** haps, but I don't think s,, | am going to Ihen- is. however, one thing that ♥ Joe Penner, June Travis, and Rich- The reason there seems to be so thank my dad and mother right now. 1 is common to every session. That organization .A mans value to his ard (Lane, few good people in the world is be- know what they is the time-honored, but fearfully is by have- sacrificed to put me determined bis ability to Well suited for Saturday and a cause till' newspapers have so little New Column ... neglected remarks, "I'm going to through Davidson, and I appreciate it deep- carry some extra duties and by change from the usual light horse to say about them, while the aw- write about that in The h.'t/ndling in our issue will in- er than Ican My only hope is that David- of unusual situations as opera. With the boys' usual. ■"Run ful bad folks are so darn well ad- Beginning next we express. sonian." Every Davidsonian man they arise from time to time. It." smoking, stomping of feet, his- vertised. augurate a column to be written each week I will make my college education worthy has made that remark at one time — sing, booing anil smart cracks. by campus officer expressinghis of their sacrifice, and become the man they or another, yet he has, always Divorce Nominally separation People who are worthless are some views of Ihe story is of a college atmos- not be, lacked the nerve, the ambition, but husband and' phere talked about very much. the on some matter of student interest. Fred expect me to and one they will ever be wife from the bonds football as theme. In It is rarely the ability lo something the man who trying of the will proud of. do of matrimony. Frequently a legal order to obtain is to make the Stair, President Student Body, about it. some "CASH" (an most The trouble is that we formula that immediately precedes endowment) from of his time and talents who is be the first columnist. Stuart R. Oglesby. lack fight, thai we are lazy, Joe Penncr's a target that a fashionable wedding. father, college authorities have for the abuse and asper- to sions of jealous minds. WEDNESDAY, OCT. S, 1938 THE DAVIDSONIAN Page Thraa Question TenNations Davidsonian Originator Strange Levite Order of the ClaimYouth H Hw iiSii^E m KT Has Debut On Campus W e e k y Mystic Society Advocates "No AtDaYidson Im^&I i/I b^m Student Body Hair-Cut Till Thanks- giving" Movement This week a question has been Davidson Student Body Is asked to a few upperclasimen con- Made Up of Cosmopolitan To Hear Free IDEA SWEEPS COUNTRY cerning a subject that is vitally Gathering The ancient ami honorable order connected with every student here i ,fl jMBBRffi;*' Music Series o{ Lcvi has at last become an ac- at upperclass- 22 STATES REPRESENTED ■* Hii' I Davidson whether an fact upon this fair Davidson "':'" "r nut: The Davidson student body Jg Music campus. For many years the school "Is the Davidson Wildcat 1/^' \ BF\. %M Bit' / First Davidson Festival Spirit I HH \\ thlS year is COHipOSed of boVS To Be Event of Coming i as mercifully free from the ac- that it is up to ,> .11 cracked be?" jfrom Jifferent states, the Months tions of tliis nefarious ktouj), but Do you as readeT-s think that our-kDistrict ,,,- luml>i:i. and 9 now we find it 5\vceping the cam- ipirit could 1 is all that it should or forej_ countries. This is ;i Throughout pus like wild-tire under the foul spirit dipping? ihc coming be? Is our * * decrease in number of states year the Davidson Music IH1- auspices of Marvin Sink, Harry * * field, as compared with last year but parlnicnl will present :i series Sutton and Bobby McClclland. Bob McClelland. Senior: all increase ill number of Inr- hi concerts here i>n the cam- It is rumored that Lcvi Sutton- Certainly the Wildcat Spirit is eiffti countries. pus for the lu-iHi'U. of the slu- field inaugurated the Wildcat chap- not slipping at Davidson. As long North Carolina an*'" lead! all ilent In»1\ . the iir>t of these ter with Old Mother Hubbard's as Davidson College exists, so long other states, having 378, almost prett) daughter as his chief inspir- coming I'riilin' night, Oct. 7, will there he a real Wildcat Spirit, times as many Btudcnts a- their at 8:15 P. M. ation. Although we have n<> actual year spirit rival, Carolina, who proo.f many escapades, Each the should in- jnearest South All concert* will he inI fi Levi's the crease; held this year is a decided ini- ,has 48 hoys. Tennessee is a close Chambers Auditorium and .ill Dav- |actrvsn' little sister did mention 39j Georgia, passing Goldberg, provetnenl over last. One change third with while Vir- itlsi n students « lie admittedI in that one Lcvi fourth, ill in a faculty regulation that would ginia and Florida are fifth free. l:nr outsider the single ad !alias 1landsonie I[arry Sutt power Hank Sophomore: vania is 12th with Louisiana I'riday, Nov. II— Sym- y is en be the be- ■'Arkansas, Texas, and Washington, Davidson hind the throne as Vice-Priest, This student body has one of the phonic Band; \Vcdncsday, .!() 'D. C, 13th with -'. Nov. Scribe, best all-year spirits of any college arc tied for Davidson (.lev Cluh; ' and Chairman of the Ex- 'Iowa, Connecticut, Maryland. Af- 1-YI>. 1J-14. chequer. "Hairless Shelton that I know. There is a good team Sigma UpsilonBeavers To Entertain Davidson's First Music Festival,' Joe" rrica, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Por- seeills a good prospect for the spirit, a fighting spirit, that came WriVcrsity of Michigan Sym- * Rico India are all tied for Little offices of dog-catcher to a point at tlic Duke game. Al- to and Will Hold Its phony. synonymous Davidson Little Symphony,1 last' place with one student each. and cook, with "Jiving though out-classed and out -weigh- High School Bandsmen Davidson Glee Club, Mixed Chorus," Jim" Mc- Donald announcing watery raiders ed, there was nowhere to be seen First Meeting Thor Johnson and James Chris- that defeatest attitude that is so organised in 1'>2S. This was a small with his trumpet Leviticus Sink Ferguson, Mashburn and Pfohl conducting; Friday,I i tian originated the only of "No often prevalent in such existing I.R.C.J WMBid Arrange- gold "D" with a heaver head in March ideal Several Faculty Members Are Jones Form 10 Davidson SymphonicL hair-cul until Thanksgiving" when circumstances. Expected to Be Present ments Committee the center. There were not enough Hand; Wednesday, March _'2 — * " ♥ * the Levites will feast pn the fruits Tuesday members prcsenl to vote on the Davidson GJce Club and Little Darby. Senior: NeivMembers of "I[airless foe's" labors. Ken MANY BANDS COMING proposed design, 1nit a vote will Symphony, Thane McDonald and:! is ;i The Sigma Upsilon fraternity # There decided improvement!;InternationalJ Affairs Will Be lie taken at the iie-xl meeting. Af- Pfohl'. Every type hold first regular meeting Members of the Heaver (luh James Christian effective face is a in the Wildcat Spirit over last CommentedUpon will its ter that time the key will he avail- potential salesman for work night al ■ many high which year. Especially I have noticed it of the year next Tuesday will entertain the school aide to all members, Internationa] Clul) No man can do is not judged By its price alone. in reference to the Freshman class. The Relations 9 o'clock at the K A. House. Be- 1bands which will visit the campus The Heaver Club was organized more iliau h\> will their first on Krskiuc hest, Inn a good many men Their's is one of the best since I hold meeting lore the program begins the bns- Friday and play for the by Fred Smith, Davidson College carII Some people are born great] \ 1 Friday night frdtn l) t<> 10 o'clock. extending new m Powell, do than they ih is have been on the campus. ines-> of bids to iname. I'rcsich I'.uck who Alumni Secretary, when he was a' more ink thcilr others make themselves great, and * * * The program meeting is un- Ak- best, ♥ % for the members will be discussed, after succeeded Charles Akers when student here. Mr. Smith is acting ihe rest el Yin grate upon other-;. this time, but it is ex- Charlie Luther, Junior: known at which will come the election of of- ers failed lo return to school lliis as adviser of the group this year. ' one worked out fall, entertaining Among the upperctassmen, none;pected that will be ficers. The officers lor the year made plans for club has as purpose to en- meeting. The its among the Freshman, plenty. My by the time for the Prob- are: S. \V. Newell, president; M. tlic band members from the time tertain all visiting high school, jun- 'ably the first business will be the Morrow, Km morning. viewpoint is based entirely from K. vice president; they arrive Friday ior college, and prep school slu- ' <>f to bids. Miller, facts gathered from the pep meet- discussion whom extend secretary and treasurer. Jack Ferguson was appointed to dents when tiny visit the Davidson O. Inc. uppcr- The International Relations Club The program he opened by J. JONES ings. When a hand full of will head the committee in charge of campus in a body. Its work in- i*, a national student organization (he fraternity's classmen show up to set the Fresh- the discussion of arrangements and Charlie Mash- [Continued on Page Sir] man an example of the so called formed for the purpose of studying last year's novel alter which a short hum and Casey Jones were selected discussing current "Wildcat Spirit," decidedly there's and national af- Story by Jack Holland will he read to work with him. fairs and problems uf national and Marquess spirit lacking some where, and it's before the group. Hill lack Holland, as chairman of the international scope. Not only docs DRAPES not with the Krosh. will then present an essay to the committee in charge of selecting a * ♥ " " this society stu- DeLuxe SINGLE BREAST— PEAK OR NOTCH LAPELS— seek to reward organization followed by a short design for the Heaver Club key Otti, dents for their interest in inter- I III.CHKST GLOSK FITTING WAIST TAP- Mack Sophomore: paper by Km Miller. this year, reported that his com- ,national problems, but it also seeks will faculty Ice Cream i EKING SLEEVES SHORT VESTS HIGH I think that the spirit as a whole There lie several mittee suggested thai the same key to promote the betlor interest of They are Prof. WAIST ZIPPER SMALL BOTTOM TROUSERS is swell. We arc behind the team members present. as that used when the club was body l)r. ♥ THESE ARE THE FEATURES when they are on the "up," but the student in world affairs. Cuminiugs, l'rof. Lilly. Hoodt faculty when they fall down a noticeable The members of this or- 1'rof. (ioldicrc. Prof, lCrwin. and $25, $30, $35 slipping off of spirit can ganization are Dr. C. K. Brown, Chalmers Davidson. Shop be de- Currie, Johnson's Barber Moaresvillc, N. C. tected at once. A darn good ex- Prof. Archibald and the Literary Fraternity ample was the first half of the, student members are K. C. Brewer, '1he Sigma Upsilon Fraternity is Phone 56 O.JONES, J. 11. Calvin, W. B, Gaw, S. M. J. Inc. Davidson-N. C. State game in a Honorary Fraternity S. S. National . Hemphill. W. Newell, Rice, .-,■..■—._■ — — Charlotte a ago. J. i- to _._ _ purpose, recognize week Let's be for Sloan, whose lit- ♥- ♥ them all times, up or down. P. A. F. K. Stair. erary ability the i * * " __ «. talent and on ♥ campus and lo encourage literary Jack Holland, Junior: Business Club Meets effort among the students. For many years the Davidson1 The Commerce Club held its The faculty members of this fra- campus has been highly touted for first meeting of tlic year Monday ternity arc Prof. Ueaty, Dr. Brown, its Wildcat Spirit. To every fresh- night and plans for the future were Mt. IIm)^-. Dr. Cumming, l'rof. man about to enter Davidson this* discussed. Davidson, Prof, lirwin, l'rof. Gol- so-called Wildcat Spirit sounds ex- Election of officers, scheduled for.' diere, Dr. Hood, Prof. I.iil'y, and tremely ; ■ attractive and for the the initial meeting, was postponed[ I'n.i. Johnston, and the student period of orientation, lie sees him- for lack of a quorum. members are S. VV. Newell, .1. \V. self as part of this spirit. Then in1 George Jones, president of the, Holland, W. II. Marquess. \V. k. so, ' a week or with the arrival of group, was elected last spring, but Miller, M K. Morrow. S. K. Spcn- J F, R, the upperclassmen and rush week,1 , err. Stair. jgjjjg as yet no other officers have been his interest in the Wildcat Spirit iss chosen. diverted and begins to wane. This The Commerce Club is a compar-- auguratcd with the group holding is easily comprehensible when we e ative new comer on the Davidsoni full-fledged membership in the to failings stop consider of which1 campus, having been founded lastt honorary fraternity council for the every - Davidson man is guilty of year. This year's program was in- first time. some time, such as lapscness in speaking to men on the campus, a general "don't care" attitude about studies and other matters. Yes, the Wildcat Spirit may be on the down grade, I)tit there's no reason why every Davidsonian can't Pharmacy wake College 1^ ~~ up and realize that he is a part Davidson's "Service /"^rj^ I hi. of the school, and of the Wildcat Drug Store" Ji^^"^ Spirit. EventheFinestFountainPen STATE Specials This Week !!! Performs Far Better THEATRV* i Mooresville,N. C.*^ When Filled with this Modern Ink . . . A Marvelous Creation! Dunlap Created by Parker to guard pens from Never watery or gummy. And it dries onPAPER I Davidson Car PARKER 31^,*. quicker than average, due to stepped-up pen-clogging inks...Ends 69% of the penetration. Yet Quink costs no more than ordi- \\\;l. Oct. 5 Tournament nary inks-- bottles, 15c Plates ♥ fountain pen troubles small and 25c. I Vacumatic — — If you use an ordinary pen, you need Quink Broadway Tcnnis Balls Therein not andnever hasbeen anyother pen even more than dot's a Parker Pen owner to Bill Fountain Pens designed— to handletill kinds ofinks--gootl andbad keep it in writing condition. Ifyou use a Parker I as well as thfi revolutionaryParker Vacumatic. Pen, you'llbethrilled and surprised bythe way it ■ Boost Your $1.20, Can of One reason is that this modern invention has no performs when filled with Quink. For until we rubber ink sac, nolever filler, no pistonpump. It crenteti Quink and the Parker Vacumatic Pen, is filled by a simplediaphragm, scaled in the top, there never was a really scientific writing com- Thurs.-Fri. Oct. 6-7 I School 15'/v Off Three where ink con never touch or decompose its bination. workingparts. Thosewho can afford the best will not rest until Past Port Hermetically And its patentedTelevision— barrellets you SEE they have them both. The Parker Pen Company, B the levelof ink at all times see whento refill. Janesville, Wis. Husband ■ 25c Complete Last Opportunity This pedigreed Beauty of laminated Pearl and Sealed Jet iseverywhereacknowledgedto be thegrandest pen ever created. Yet even this Guaranteed Mechanically Perfect pen canbe plugged up by gum inordinary Oct. 10-11 the grit and writinginks. Mon.-TUes. I BILL TELFORD SAM HEMPHILL Hence to guardthe celebrated Parker Pens from — pen-clogging inks, Parker experts— developed this— Rich Man utterly new kind of writingink called Quink an ink that actuallycleanses anypen as it writes. " Poor Girl This is done by a secret ingredient, wholly Student Store harmless. Itdissolves the gum and other trouble- I your ordinary particlesleft in pen by inks. It / some — mokes your pen a self-cleaner cleans as itwrites. Ijll/Z/A full-bodjed,rich, % Parker Quink ht andbrilliant. H CAT-TALES DAVIDSON SPORTS ;:r; z"t: By TONI CASALI WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5, 1931 THE DAVIDSONIAN P*f* Four It's that guy Tipton again. No wonder Coach Wallace Wade isn't Cats shedding any tears about losing his one and only George McAfee for the Flanknian To Play All-State? Wildcats Are Downed season. What's the use of having two potential All-Americans in one backfleld at the same lime? Tipton i< an All-American, at least in this Inexperienced writer's book. He is the same sort of player as Ace Parker, Duke's fam- By Heavy Duke Team ous hero of two years back ; he can run with the best of them, pass witli Erskine Team uncanny accuracy, and punt With even greater skill. He is as cool and level-headed a player as any coach could wish for. He beat Davidson Davidson Is Favorite For In Conference Clash O'Mara, last year, and he did it again this year. Oi course he had First Home Game Spangler. Hill, helping him, spark- Yorke and Bailey, but he was the Tipton Spark Victory; plug of Duke's mighty attack. The Devils just aren't the same without Wildcats will and O'Mara Devils to Steed and Davis The Davidson Lead Davidson Offense; Dukes Rely on him in there leading the way. meet. Erskine's Secedera of Davidson's lighter forces couldn't get started against the mighty Due West, S. C, Friday after- Power to Blast 'Cat Line Devils. They clicked nicely, however, on passes— completing nine out of noon at 2:30 on Richardson By ANDY DALE ed a potential Duke score in the 15 thrown. Davis and Steed also outkicked the Duke backs, but the X'■»* Field in 'Cats' first appear- >i the powerful third quarter when Hand recov- Dukes were just good, too good for a Davidson team to beat them. year. Duke's Blue Devil too ance at home this Tipton's fumble as he The Seceders scared the Wildcats eleven pMived to be too much ered crossed TAKE THE goal after an 85 yard drive WORLD SERIES SPOTLIGHT no end year by holding a 6-0 for a light but game Davidson the last they down the field in which Tipton had lead at halftime. Davidson's Laff- team as whipped the The world's sporting eye will— turn this week from King Football Wildcats 27-0 on Saturday af- previously reeled off a 34 yard to America's National pastime Baseball, and the World Series. erty took charge of things at in- ternoon at Tip- jaunt. For a short while in the sec- against Cubs, should it be said termission, however, and smashed Durham. Rric The Yankees the or the Yankees anil O'Mara bore ond quarter the Davidson air at- array uf DiMaggio, over three touchdowns to enable ton Bob the over the Cubs. With such an talent like Joe Lou of the Duke attack while tack got going as successive passes Gehrig, Dickey, George Selkirk, Rolfe, the 'Cats to win decisively by 21-6. brunt Bill and Red the Cubs will Bill Davis and Archie Steed brought the ball to the Duke 47 have to do some fancy stepping to win the coveted world cham- Erskine's losses by graduation were most of Davidson's ball yard line, but Spangler's intercep- a edge in heavy and this year's team had to ilid pionship. The Yanks have decided pitching with Red handling. tion of Steed's pass halted the Ruffing, who has won more games than any flinger in the majors. he almost entirely rebuilt. In spite playing of Davidson, outweighed by Duke's Wildcats at that point. Lefty Gomez, who is coming back to old time form and a crew The Bob BenBeld

Dr. C.M.RichardsLeadsI Penningl*«wining Hm'the Campus SmithSilliill Edits Wide Variety Shown In Sunday Vesper Service First Issue Vocations of Students Main Beliefs of the Presbyter- One Hundred and Thirty- : '38 Journal as ian Church Set Forth in Pre-Med Frat H^^RSjl j'38 Three Have Not Yet |Fellowship To His Sermon Decided I WW Wildcat PicturePicture and Many In- Dr. C. M. Richards, David- To Offer Bids teresting Features in Several years from now the Hold Meeting son Hiblc Professor, conduct- First Issue whole Davidson student body The first meeting of the Alpha One of tin1 most spiritually hclp- last Sunday's vesper uill have scattered lav and ed serv- Epsilon Delta Fraternity will be 1 organizations the campus ices in tlu' college The first issue fur the curn-tit wide over the whole nation! ful on auditorium. lu*Id next Friday niRht ;it 9 o'clock is the Foreign Mission Fellow* The text was taken from the year of the Alumni Journal was and sonic will even lie on an- ;it the Beta Pi House. The ship. organization is com- Psalm. Dr. Richards started Theta published on Oct. 1st. The uuiKa- of the You This ■tSth first business to be taken up will other side earth. poscd members uf the student his sermon with the words "Walk Eine this year will be published will find your old of Ik- concerned with the bidding of schoolmates jlinclv who are interested in 'lie about Zion and note the towers, .ni tin- s;inu* policies as those used in every profession from un- new members. There is a new I \\nrk of the foreign fields. Out of notice the bulwarks, and observe (tHis DOflW) nthe wwtBst TRCWY Raw") _ j^jZ;J^ Unt FlRoT IMTERr last]a^j \yr;irr;ir hutbut it is expected to be dertaker- to the foreign serv- policy this year the matter of membership ni forty last year, the houses." in improved in several departments ice if each does what lie now a bidding. The fraternity is open for tiiiiin were candidates for the "There is nothing left hut the and more topics of interest added. intends to do. the first time pre-medieal soph- ; mission wailing wall of ancient Zion, A to Forl or the opening Issue*Issue, DaveD&ve War-\\;ir- Busincis Moit Popular field. omores with an average of - points ri&Y RASKFTRALL i committee, new Zion has arisen, the Church di-u's picture enhances the front The ttinsi popular vocation with The general which is and above, and to juniors and sen- composed God, with it has arisen no page with a sketch of the David- Davidson men is business. One of Dave Woodward. Paul of ami iors with an average of 1.5 points wailiiiR wall. The church is di- son Wildcats. Another outstanding hundred forty-one students intend Crane. Arch Torrey. Dick Gam- and above. * Wilson, many denomi- article is one presented by the to make that their life work. Med- mon. John and Bob Uals- vided into different After (lis- this business lias been Davidson Hankers Alumni. This is- icine is runner-up with 10() pros- Icy, will meet at 'J o'clock Thurs- nations." Dr. Richards considered Clissed, subject for discussion only the Presbyterian Church, one the sue also contains an article which pective doctors. Law iconics third day night to outline a program for for the evening will concern the the year. of largest and atrongest of will prove interesting to all, "Trav- with 57 nun who expect to settle the placement of Davidson students in meetings these denominations. els in Europe." This article was the various pro*blcnis of their old The are held in the medical schools. The policy giv* '' l [Coitffflflfd on Pane Six] Compared to City of ;==- POOR written byhy Duncan MacHridoMacBride who school pals. / \'Y'^SB'*M' ' ing student to L'^ Of^'i/ 1 - i ' ' ■ ■ compared assistance Dr. Mac- y graduatedgraduated from Davidson in 19.U1933. a ■ ■ I. ~ts lie then this denomi- 1'onnell and the infirmary will also <=CW^ '^T^I^SB^mn /I' PAPA/ There are 41 students who intend nation city, whose architec- *f*'4 At present Mr. Macltride is con- to go ministry, which to a be brought before the group, after into the has ture is Bible style, built according tinuing his work at the University always popular field with Sigma which Bob dish will read his ini- been a Alpha to Bible directions. There is noth- Iof Edinborough. Davidson men. Twenty-four intend tiatory paper before the organiza- pamph- ing in it hut what the Bible says The Alumni Journal is a to he chemists.. There are J.i who Epsiloe tion, ' ' by FNK0U50FDR.' let published hyliy the alumni pri- expect to Possibly or what lias been taken Rood This fraternity i> the national Mi^TPir^<^1/ teach. some and You the Officers, Pres. necessary inference. fcP1 MUmZl^fy^*-*^*^ IVIWilAJO ijniarily(parity lorfor the aluniui.alumni, buthut it is also will become Davids,,,, professors, 17 Sloan, anil pre-medical fraternity of the S'NCE „,,,, Perry V.-Prei. John I92O/ extensively ' The first palace of the govern- "&■' — — — — — j used by the students.Students. chose the field of accounting, avia- ! I..(tinier. Treat. Jim Currie» school. Membership is limited to J2f —^ ~— | interesting topics ment is by representatives chosen Itsts topics about alumni tion following closely wiih 15 fu- Rec. Sec. George Ficklen, and those interested in the study of I by the people, j and activities ofd( Ithehe school make ture Lindberghs or Corrignus, ; the fundamental medicine and who make the re- " "" - M Corr. Sec. Alex Erwin it one ni tlu- most popular"lar "puhli-l i principles of which are found in quired grades. ,::„;::::;:,:t;;;;;;■ 1> 1> are (,'oiiiK to he engineers, with mu- SHOULD SET THE STYLE in Testa- AMONG THE GREEKS~~|GREEKS ,cations on the hill. next men who the Apostolic Church New The faculty members of this fra- sic with 11 want the IN HATS THIS FALL ment times. Acceptance of this I'ndetUnder the capable direction ofo\ life of a musician. Possibly sonu- ternity are : Dr. I.yon. ami Dr. — Smith, form of government constitutes a Kappa Alpha—Alpha >uerewere with the Land.hand. Pledges Royal FredFred Smith, this quarterly pampli-pamph- of the Davidson staff members will1 MacConnell. The student members 1 Presbyterian. an,l 1Branton and Walter SheltonSheJtonNlet will nogo aa longlong' way ihiithis year Inin he running the New York Times are: M. E. Morrow, W, H. Boycc, Dave Siirunt.Sprunt, ami PfcdgesPledges RockRnck to 'visited Randolph-Macon in Lynch- !ihethe unification of the alumni and in a years The bulwarks arc said be God R. D. Doty. K. A. Erwlu, 0. R. andami Mitchell went home to Wil- visited in few because there are his relation universe. God is 'l>urg,burg, Va.\ a Boys going home for the ""■the upkeepingupkccping olof Ihethe Davidson 9 future journalists here. and to Gish, W. T. Rainey, R. G. Kosscr. mington, and pledge George Webb spirit week-end werewire George to Num.Spirit. a infinite and eternal in His * went to Winston-Salem. "Bosco" Jones Electrical engineering and textiles 'Greeinboro,Greensboro, will, attributes. God is infinite hi every- Marion andand Dick Taylor visitedvisiti-il Hewe.?Hewcs Parrish to PIp,GAMMAQAMMA MU lie S men each. Six t\\ your thing and the more science discov- Fayetteville and uWinston-Saleminston-Salem and pledge lir.ith-broth- % schoolmates will probably come Glee Club To Kay Pittman in ' [Continued PagePope One]One, ers the greater his greatness. He the Stale-CarolinaState-Carolina game ircr D°«8Doug Dillard tbto Greensboro. — IContlKHei fromfrom to you and try to sell you sonic in- attended the Marsha,; were advanced for future programs. is the creator of the universe and rtatighin Raleigh sa,,,rday.Saturday. BrotherMother Frank Barker and Nick Marshall ";;- I,:;;;,;:;:: -:-;::; surance. When you tfet a tooth- Give Concert to Iincluding : Installation service, history is built according to His Hortonllorton bnnffiiedIn,,,lined to the Duke game went to Charlotte. ache you will have your choice of ' speakers, student fforums, papers, plans and .specifications. God em- anilami pledge Houston went £ five dentists who are at present Jimniie ..... andanil socialssociaK. Missions, McDonald — Davidson students! braces everything; this man calls Announces Plans to Raleigh. IKappa Sigma—Sigma , , ,i,,. medi- TThe|u nextrlex mcctmeetingj ofo[ frater- predestination, is a For Music Programs * "* * "* nB ihe frater- cal missions, and the tobacco hus- Predestination Jim CooperCQoper inadcmade his dehutdebut as nity will he held Friday.Friday, Oct. -'1st.21st, moving power of a wise and lov- — Jim will held iness have attracted four each. Thcla i■ 2 J^8s^L Hsl Phi Delia Thcta— junior cheerleader at the Duke- and will behe devoted to business,1 ing person. The first concert of the 1938-39 Farming, the Army, and social r.n-,ther- Scarborough,Scafljorough, Davidson game. Bob Wyatt, KayRay withwitIi five new members being vot- If a man objects that there are Glee Club will be presented here Brothers WeltsTWeflsT I new work each claim three. U. S. For- Tcnncy Vcrcen and pledge Pittman, Carl JonasJonas and ApicA|iii- ed on.fin. The chapter will meet regreg- evil things he can take one of three sometime in the latter part of No- Tcnucy and : eign service, architecture, forestry, went to Char- Means journeyed to Ralcigli,Kalcigli, and ularly on thetlie first third Kri- choices, three suppositions. Kirst, vember, according to plans an- brother Hatcher to and physical education, research, sci- lotto, at the Salem dance Scott Cooper went to Blackstonc.Blackstonc,Idayday ufot each month, from 7 to 8 God did not know these things nounced by Thane McDonald. Glee Slotte. Brothers at the ence, writing and the Y. M. C. A. Bill I.eCuand.LcGrand, Charlie Me- Va.\'a. BrotherBrqthcr RossKoss went to Spar-io'cWk,o'clock. COLLEGE MEN would happen. This limits His Club director. were are chosen by Iwo for iaih field.i Tommy Glenn, while lanbtirg,ta,ilinrg. S. C, DickHick Spencer went Dr. Charles A. Elwood,ftwood, Professor knowledge. Second, God did know The program, date for which lias Arthur andand [liology, church work, civil service, < Should and will wear Luther in the name to Rock Hill, and Warren Gawdaw of Sociology at Duke, is national thesr things would happen but not yet been announced, will in- Charlie looktook floristry. mortician, and psyi hiatr> LEE HATS Columbia, S. C. Ovid went home totn Greensboro. Charlie president, whichwhicHi is incidentally' could not prevent them. This limits clude sacred and secular numbers. and dance atat C. end up the list with one each. 1 rcpresenta-representa- Vates and Louis Hipp open quite mi honor. Famous people in- With his power. Third, God knew these Tin first musical vespers of the BellHell was the Phi DellDili held iiuitc an honor. This accounts j,,r 35 different vo- j Saturday. house on thetin- campus. eludi-deluded on the National Advisory '■ " Wider Itrims things would happen and could year will be held in the near fu- tive at Duke. Advisor>f cational fields, but haves 133 Day " ture, A Sunday night, Council arc:are : JudgeJlfdgc IFlorence"lorenee K.K " Lower Crowns have prevented them, but deter- it was learned. Four such Sunday brothers BillHill Boyd, Dick A feedfo-d was held Sunday idson students undecided as t, and Wade BoggsHoggs AllcnAllen,' Kichard E. Uyrd, the latelaw " mined then) programs will Ik- staged throughout HunterHunter,'MarshallMarshall Footc and Reid and Wade was Km'st.guest. what they intend to lie in later life ! Upturned I'.rim> toallow and then over- * * Senator KoyalRoyal S. Copeland. and . good. only the year. Harmon went down to Winthrop. ♥ ♥ Senator S. and " Hi rule to This is the one .... Irving Kisher. miburg's * that could he accepted. Highft$hts of the first semester's * * * Sigma Alpha Epsilon— „ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi activities for the singers will be — BEAUTIFUL PERSONAL Fabric* Second, the palace of man, which Sigma Phi Ep.ilon—Epsilon I.|,.,,,en Komcgay,Korncgay, HectorIlector MacLcan,Ma,Lean,i O '.I CHRISTMAS CARDS 9 RoujfluT Finishes ■ special program a of Christmas mu- Turner, Char- I l),s, ,,s f,ir was created first in the image of Hugh Knox.Knox, Rod .Turner. |Tom Cauble, Hank Bahn'sqnBahiisqit amiand Cooper,LOOHCI SmOllllllli I 50 Lovely K a " Svelte ih st Snimitll sic scheduled for December 11, the Mullin, Dollnr. II. Quality $.'.00. Name in- God, having knowledge, feeling and I and Sample, Tom Mullin, I'oss]',,^s McLean tuok in the Salem si ril,,,1 ,,i, ,.,, last lie Jim in the 1 | Ii Effects choice, brought up- vespers before Christmas, The. Victor Ma,- \ f\* willing misery ;WallWalt Fitzgerald andand pledge dancedame Saturday night. I'ete Mar- ('(* |*|(* (|(*!*$i DAVID NICHOLS & CO. " orchestra will also appear on that \a\ il S|»mgl' 1'iinshcs on itself. ;iShaw took off to Charlotte during chant was with the football tram at Cheerleaders Rockmort, Ga. program. off ream at] Third, end. At the IDuke, andan,! is the palace of God's |the weikweek-end. the Davidson- >nke. Jim Thomas went to q,,iin ilic fifth, six hall.,is r Colors sinners, ■ Unless present plans are changed ' lnc anilami six ballots re-r<- " grace .spottedspotted i Perry Cuciia Ian-. to in which Cod Duke Lamegame Rufus Plonk Ashcnorn.Ashelioro. Perry Sloan and South- spvctivvtyspixtivflj1 " .In,, ■ the Glee Club make its first j Charlie Smith andami Jim Father the agreed will players VVBTW I'.T w,,,twent ■ " the and God Son i Davidson for Station Rate«ate Jones to their homes in „, ,,„,,„.,. ,,.( .|ecte(| I'rowns trip in the spring, probably 111) Cbuper uwin-. electedt jjuniorunior that the only thing to he done was ' in Tony Casali helped Fred Durham, and Charlie visit.,1 March. and Charlie Smith visited cheerleaders to complete' thetin lourfoijr- " lireys to give man a second choice. Christ Smith. Also present werewire John his home in Greenville, S. C.('. ,,', , ,', ,■',;„.,'„. Student head of the Glee Club Jack-— some„,„■„,. "i uwhichnV Charlie LutherL,,,lie, 'andand " ( ireens paid for his death for the sins Hay and Mr. and Mrs. DotyDoty. son, and Caldwell("aldwell journvyojjourn<*yed ta-to HINE this year is K. Wilson. John Lurk\^c^ llunwr(tnntcr vwrewere alreadyalready memipem- " of men, and giving all men a J. Dave Jimmy Thompson and Cra'v- Spartanburg,Sparlanlmrg, and Baxter Dark Blues all King has recently been named vice Joe Freeze jlii-rs.|,cr-. HAMPOO can ever Johnny Ticc'lice to Salisbury andami lid Lucas went i,, I , SHAVE power second chance. No president er took in their homes!ea Thei]u in-t|irvt ballot|,.,]|,,t included,i,,,|,,,|,,,| ,,,in acl,,| For Your Entire Wardrobe . to succeed Dick Kenyon ,, High take away the persons which God and brnughlbrought him hack all scratched m I'ointPoint and Greensboro. t,i HAIRCUTS Visit who was to ,elitioiidilinii to llmsethose electedelected, Ku'fuKufus Alii\'lli guaranteed to originally elected that up. What', 4 ♥ * * bis son for his death up. What's thethe low-down]low-down? I (. c]m^ ' [ post. Secretary and treasurer of ..... js,,,i. Dave|1;u(i Colvinilv|n .^^Tommy Glenn, This is called perseverance of tin sang the First ; the group is Jim McDonald. Bill Hamilton in I''rstj|jBctaBeta ThetaThcta Pi—p;_ I|John McGeachy,McCJeachy, II. II.I:, Plyler,f'lyler, Wall Norton's Barber Shop saints. Presbyterian Church of Marion Davis Church quartet of Friday,|.>j,lav. night,,|Kh| brothers Burch, I'itzgerald,Fitzgerald, John 'IThroop,droop, r3anD.mi Gil- Sunday. regular h, Davidson, N. C. 205 S. TRYON STREET Finally an exaltation we can all1 HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! Charlotte The Hillujn How%U,I well, and McCallic went nv-nv. lam, Jim Currie, "Hnscoe" MarMarion rejoice Happy to you, held Sunday evening. in the power of free choice birthdays Dr. Lin- feed was held " * ,.,.it ,,,to AlbcinarlcAlhemaile andami Saturday Bill Tom Hackney, George Ficklen,Kicklen, Charlotte, N. C. gle, Dr. Watts, * » * in this second chance. Let OUI r and Prof. Mebane. jllowellHowcll went with Oscar<)-ear JoynerInyncr '■'">■Hilly Makers,Masters, amiand liuil UilnmreGilmore. ■ r, ; ■ . . guided To those of you who not un- Delta— ,,,, choice be by wisdom. do \ Phi Gamma j to Joyncr's homehorn, in Kernersvillc, MastersMasters andami Gilmore were de- " ° " , dcrstand, might were, ill,' choosing Christ as our Saviour it be added that Eight PhiI'hi IGamiam brothers were while brother BurchBurl h went toto the feated in the last ballot.ballot, , Monday, October 3, three " "t anil so putting us on God's side nil those at the Duke-Davidson Kamigame Sat-Sat- Duke Davidson rarfnctNtnie Pledges Jimmy Cooperlooper was thetin only juujun- I)avidson ...VISIT... I and God on our side for eternity. professors celebrated the unlay.urday. Cage Brewer, Fred Stairc, Kankin ami AtwaterAtwattr andami Brother■ ior'"r cheerleader whowb,. aided Dickl»nl " their Richmond, date of nativities. George Richmond. BillHill Bolin and BarmvcllBarnwcll went home to Burlington, Taylor, Inad cheerleader, at thetlu Dr. l.iiitfle. celebrated by giving team, andami Pledge game. four, however, HobBob Johnson werewire on the U'innWinn went to Green- Duke All however, WHITE DRUG CO. I a must helpful chapel talk on while Henry Baker, Jack Tillot- ville.ville, S. CC. Dave Warden, DalesGalet, will -boutshout out in lullfull tone at tilltb, Eumenean In "Courtesy." ...FOR... Dr. Watts celebrated son5011 and pledge Louis Harvard IContimcd[Continuedon Pagetun,- Six] ErskincKrskinc gallicgame here Saturday. j p. by giving his French M class a writ : "s * I'KO.MI'T Wl> KI-THIKXT SKKVkT. j Meeting, am] Professor Mebane celebrated *t. \ First ! ,.\/i.\KS by not | M V For MAIN I'KXS * ' giving his math classes a "RENT A CAR" and Debate Is Held on Europear writ. — [ARMANI I i I* >l I.I.I- \KTU I.I'.S i War Question ♥ JARMANSJAKiTlAnj Drive It Yourself, Inc. Some people cast their bread "Davidson's Oldest and Best" 1 upon the waters and expect it to phon At its first meeting of the schoo $6.50 C 3-4513—110 s. church st. charlotte, n. c. year, Literary . come back with a hut dog andi Airflators i — the Eumenean So ' 4i~ ciety had an Oxford-type debati.L mustard. on the European situation Friendly $5.00 present Manx a man dues no1 discover it - > Members of various committee: was anything more mere > j i ■> meeting" than a r j \JjJ-* were also named at this flirtation until she has married* him. in J-i night at which was held hist 8:01 brogues- in Eu Hall. "BRITISH"British BROGUES" Joui The Fun By Entering ' 1' FREE BOOkV Many interesting points wen, Johnson'sBarber Shop ■■HI.IMI'S / jK M^^HPV^I (HAS IMC ANSWERS/ biTHight graiks" J forth in a hotly-contestei i' -scotch"SCOTCH GRAIN'S" The Movie | "iT^P discussion of the political situatiol """'and many"""y other"tlur styles Quiz ill Central Europe, llu an Oxford C A M E R A S 5,404 IDays to IPin a Prize debate, any member of thi e type $4.00 ■■■—ii^— group may r^>e. be recognized b; i Photographic Fortunes Thursday, Oct. 6 a»FOL'R DAUGHTERS" many the chair, and give his opinions ol ii , All Popular Style.Stylei /^how CAN YOU ANSWER? ■,IIvi I U IHIT|TI1 *M question. Usually With The Lam Sisters hasthi Instyerstotliesi! _ \ f J I the a member o Supplies Thisbook ■IV^ J t m pi ■!I|I1IIk^| [Continued ,"i Page Sir] " FRIENDLY Saturday, Oct. K— "AIR. DUODI-K KICKS ()l'|- 1. Ohio has 2-1 t-kctoral voti IK^^^VJ|PPVJrj^9QQ^^PnQQflJP^PfQr^H "" {True otFills*') H^^^^^^^^^^U^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M Store Wilh -1 '- lv ir W. I.VanNess Co. Shoe that niKentucky. l.Trut tit B 137 S. Tryon St. Monday. Oct. 10 "ROOM SLkVH K" DAVIDSON'S I Tryon :i. l'nsiilini McKinJcy «ns in- North marinated in 1902. ifrm o, with purchaseor a bottle or ONLY CHARLOTTE, N..C.N. C. With The Marx Brothers *>*%&¥pP> CHARLOTTE, N. C. ; 4.Stanghai.l,theCapitalof Parker at 15c or 2V & 10 (TtUIOt Qum* 5 I y Wednesday. Oct. 12 -"RACKET BUSTERS" China. hul*i I f8—,„,. Ama.mgHnWnlinjInkThaiEnds PtnChumt >' Ovirl(XX)useful(nclsindudinK . " 0. — __ George Brent, Dickson, Bbgart i Postal Kuks; U.S. I'rcaidenu; ....Now!Accept thisoften tery. Cet Quiu« and -— _^ ill! Gloria Iluraphrey ■ _^______< Population uf principal Cities Madesolely toinduce FreeAnswer IJookto- p- I andCountries;Facuabout Uu youtotryParkerQuiM* d;iyatanystoreselling SOUTHERN CRYMES, EarthandPlaneUj^^ —fhenewmiraclewrit- .ink Oiierginxlunlvin FAUL & DAVIDSON THEATRE " 5 & 10c STORE " Sportingg Goods "9 Davidson, N. C. Quiiik dissolves de- l'.irkiT m Davidson, C. CHARLOTTE, N. 415 SOUTH TRYON STREET N. C. —^—^^B^^^^^i^^ MIMM^MM^^ ~ M ! .BBini^ AKvay« r \jf\\i111\ , n 5 Par* Six THE DAVIDSONIAN WEDNESDAY, OCT. S, 1918

i Society Honorary Fraternity Schedule iYMCA Committee Goes Queens-Chicora i i i lit.llt FIRST AND THIRD WEEKS . I!».»» To Be Guests of Phis TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY" ~FRTDAY~~ |To Bessemer's Church 7:00 Sif/pia Philanthropic i Scabbard Pi Spectator Club Will Be Pres- AMONG THE CREEKS to Pi and Eumenean and Gamma |Bill Diehl and Archer Torrey ent at Joint Meeting on [Continued from Pafft /"'ir*l Sigma McClintock and Bob Benfidd 8:00 Societies Blade Ma Frosh Attend Conduct Service For October 14th 8:«0 Phi Sigma Alpha Dr. Hunter were with the team in Durham. AlphaPii Omega SOCIAL Plans 1 Pledge Hob Powell went the to Beta Delta Epiilon arc being completed to and Red 4 FRATERNITIES Big Pep Meet Sunday morning a Y. M. C by Philanthropic Literary■ Salem dance, and Eddie Steere Kappa P.i BlacU M..quer. Delu ' the A. deputation wont to the Society for t went to Aiheboro. The lieta dele- Sigma Emphasizes a joint meeting 9:00 Omicron vur. International Iverson's Talk ;First Presbyterian Church of with the Spectator Club of gation to Charlotte was made up to Delta Delta Relation* "School Spirit" - oi brothers Cabinet , [ Besserner City. Queens Cnicora College of {Squires, Abbott. J. 10:00 Pi Kappa c ub Pilling the pulpit for the regular Howell, McLokcy, McAfee, Bry- Amidst a downpour of rain came| Charlotte. President Rod Wil- SECOND AND FOURTH WEEKS ■pastor, Mr. Hunter, Hill Diehl led an! the freshmen a host of upper- liams of tlie I'hi Society has and Morrow.* * and ] the service and Archie Torrey ♥ ♥ classmen to the pep nfeeting, heldI been conferring with Miss ;preached the Croswell, in the new gymnasium last Thurs- sermon. Davidson Olive president of Pi Kappa Phi— 8:00 Club students have been substituting for day night to give the team a great | the Queens fjrotip, about this Bill Masters and Hobby C.ish iMr. Hunter. Davidson, 18, 00 A Pha^ send-off to j who is social which is to be held on were entertained by a host of Irc- L. Cere.. SOCIAL p the Duke-Davidson recuperating "I . game. j from a long illness. Friday night, October 14. ilell county officials at the Ire- F FRATERNITIES Each freshman was required; 9 00 Alpha register, Wade Bogga "V" secretary, preach- Williams stated that both old,dell County Fair in Statcsville over to and. after checking \ " ""«^ list, ed tin; preceding Sunday. 1 Taylor, members of the Phi Sdifiety and tlu week-end. 900 El Sigma YMCA the Dick chief cheer- Sigmac leader, A large number of students also tlli' candidates tor admission will To In,me went Bid Key t.i Rock to ., "'°,1 « " reports that "the attend- Up n Cabl.. et taught Sunday School at points be in attendance at thi* affair. pledge .0:00 Phi ance was very satisfactory." j Hill and Suttlenieyer to near Davidson. They were Kldridge It will be recalled that a similar I A plan which has proven satis- Hickory. Attending State dances Brown, I.ister Skinner, Bob meeting spritix. PASSING PROVES TO factory in the past was put was held last as were pledges Garvey and Herring, into Phipps, Smith, practice at meeting Russell Dick Funk- well as one the preceding tall. and Harry Hcndrix visited Salem's Dr. Price Q\wynn Leads [Continued I'liur I-',mr] this and will houser, Don Boo At the group's meeting be throughout year. Ilott. Walker,Bob lasl in jamboree. Brother Flynn's cotn- average, and Steed booted twice continued the Ramsey, dial V'inson. I'hi Hall, Tuesday night, Septem- In this plan two freshmen are call- Hob Iiran- plete wardrobe is due M the fact for 30 yards per try. don, Sid Crane, Tom ber 27, session ed on to make a short Pry, Rod a business was held that he stepped out to Charlotte Sunday School Meeting None of the 'Cat backs were talk on their Williams, Ivan in which many plans for the im- outlook toward the game. At the Wetmore, Joe Gor- Saturday. Bttl visited Char- ever able to break loose from the don, Nelson Horton, Dave McLean, provement of the organization were last meeting Harry Suttenfield and les Linville at his home in W'iu- Nearly Sixty Students Hear EUMENEAN HAS Blue IJcviK, and bad a net gain Nelson Suiith. Hay. Boyd discussed, Only old members of Lee Page Royster gave two very John ston-Salem. Lesson on "False Gods at of onfy 37 yards. Davidson's air Klynn, Glenn Terrell, Dave Sprurtt, tlie club were present since the Officers Kap pledge bright outlooks on the game. of the Pi Davidson" Five] attack combined with this brought Dave candidates for were vot- [Citntinuid from Page The highlight evening was Woodward. Gordon Ri'ggan, admission k'ronp are: President, Hob Gar- in eight first downs, however. The of the Hopper, regular meeting the group is the the fine by Joe Ken McTntyre, and ed upon. vey: vice president, Sam Wood- At the last chosen to lead 15 attempted passes were for an talk Ned Iverson. He- Shaw Bids been sent out to 1J Sunday discussion ). laid great stress on Smith. have ward: secretary. Newt Edwards; of the College Sunday average of four yards per throw. "school spirit" upperclassmcn who "ill present School class, Dr. Price Gwynn, Kenyon, Tommy Johnston, and brought out the fact that and Charlie *l.inville." treasurer. Dick themselves as candidates Tuesday ♥ " professor of psychology, spoke and Don Davidson comprise the FELLOWSHIP TO "school spirit is nothing to be evening, October II. at 7:30. Be- Pi Kappa Alpha— mi "False liiids at Davidson." membership committee. On the laughed at, but something, to be fore these candidates can receive Nearly sixty students filled program areoBob Kellog, [Continued from Page Five] proud of." " " Brothers .lack Abels, Set Ray- committee homes of various members of the Thur.-Frl.-S«t. initiation an original composition inal and the Phi Hall at this time. Stitt Robinson, George Milne andi ♥ John Relsner visited Wake faculty nights. Among The Hit to society Dr. Gwynn interpreted the fir^t on Sunday AUTHOR SENDS Fir.t Football must be rendered the IForcsl over (he week-end to look John Mawbinney. 1 of 1MB!! ns the .Sunday night programs which and approved by tlie membershipImer a local fraternity commandment his text: "Thou [Continued One] there. Mar- Gods before President "Boo" Walker stated \Ihave already been planned is a talk /rom Pane 1 committee inn Sink went to Durham and the shall no other that the regular meetings of the ! tors." In addition to the auto- "Touchdown in literal was the 'Iby Dr. Darby Fulton, general sec- Several other upperclassmen game. Vernon Youngbiood and me" a sense society will be devoted to a serious graphed copy for the Cercle Fran- theme of liis talk. There is sin of "Irctary of the Presbyterian Foreign Army" and also a number of aspiring Paul Lady visited their homes in effort to improve the various lit— cais he sent a play inscribed as this nature both among Board. freshmen will- be invited to attend Concord, and plcdpe brother Ray the stu- erary taletits of the He : follows: "To my interpreter of All of llic lun aii.l .-x- k of members. An announcement about the fel- citemsnt of the this same meeting for consideration Hoover went to Wilmington, dents Davidson and among the said that the candidates for admis- William Haiders, to Mr. Alton R. colorful faculty. Putting things ,lowship meetings will be made Cites, Army-Navy Ganu-I .. 'by the house. As the society mem- George Marsh and Rrinson lesser iir.s'f. sion would be passed upon by the with great thanks. Andre dc . Joe Gwynn Within the next week. bership is to be strictly limited to went to High Point, and many had in other words. Dr. said. membership committee in special — "— Lorde." A S250.0OO Movie fifty members, it was stated that date- in Salisbury and Charlotte. He numerated several of the session. is : HENIE of the air by Ralph Monger \MmMm and This lecture tvfjiy f%41 L0*t> prices off oantHd Steve Fowler for the scoring of will be presented in maiting tmvelop— fmt RIC1IAHU GREENE terms which can be understood by KjZygjSj/ DAVIS the came. The Sophomores did iwtck, Decca, Vocalion Bluebird VALUA»H WBMHowoivm ,„,„, JOAX everyone, and public -; TlMMMti [I I1UDDY EBSKX not have much trouble in winning the is cor- 1 75c Kaclli. Any record not in stock can dially invited to Prof. B«^^^3^3l^B !>' t|uickly YOUR F"M.H4S TO .in... over tin- Frosh ill the second game attend. Ful- Jh^"~7Z1j^H slecured. Phone K257. T§|y MAR- clier who arranged for the lecture Jf "MY LUCKY of the with a lucky pass tKER GARDNER CO. STAR" afternoon expects a large audience — from Williams to being for this idios-Accordiam Since 1S98 Joe Shelton event. Jack bd N. \ the deciding factor. Charlotte, C. V CJ»ADTAKJ The lowly Frosh threw a tre- Some women arc red-headed ' / . .. __^____ mendous -care into the Juniors on "tilers think- they know how to Monday afternoon by almost beat- kissi too. ing them, but the upperclassmen eked out a 6-0 win. -coring on a pas- from Hunter to Casali, over' Johnson'sBarber Shop the head of a substitute player. The Freshmen -cored four first down- to the three, BROADWAY Juniors and the THEATRE CHARLOTTE game ended with the Frosh having the ball on the Juniors' five yard line. ,,, Today Thru Saturday ENTERTAIN Striking with all the pent-up ■BEAVERS[C.iifmiir,;fr..m IV Three] fury of America's War elude- the entertainment visiting Against Crime! teams, in particular, l.a-t year the member- took care of the students "RACKET wh,. came ben- i,,r tin- Junior Col- lege Basketball Toufllwncnt. BUSTERS" The high school bands which the with Humphrey Bogart Beaver- will entertain this week- George end have been invited, by the mu- Brent Gloria Dickson sic department, to play at the game Friday afternoon. This i- part of a program designed by 3 Stooges Comedy I'fohl, James director of music, to add NEWS interest and betweeii-the-halvesen- tertainment to the game-. Other hands which will perform at later Mon.-Tue». Oct. 10-11 games will include one composed, of 70 Minutes of Scream-Lined summer school students and an- Laff>! other made up of alumni of the college and of the band. JoePenner in "I'M FROM THE CITY" DRY GOODS Comedy Newt I GROCERIES ... RADIO SUPPLIES Coming— HARDWARE Oct. 14-15 " ON THE STAGE Dan Fitch's M.H.GOODRUM &CO. "Jitterbug Zenith & R.*C. A.Radios Jubilee" - -"- ■ ,s — a 'il.ll. V> IIII", * „. I 1 ) 1 MAIN \ H^b,iBK3i?*>/ y'^V H . DON'T WALK! MEATS ' RIDE IN ONE W Burns Alikn \ VtwS' 4* ""$■ m&Sss^Bf!^^^1 un^vtt^ urtii jjiifltigllr Clil> puj)tf. OF and Groceries n liveryFriday livening \ \firo »^ j^J^S^^f^^^ .^^**^l\ PREACHER'S "BEST BY TEST PUSH-ITS C^-H^ F'oo^all Highlights * " Dial 5041 \9t^B^3r^^^ 'm w^r^ M m A Mrjf 1 if/\nn trvr na niTr.n M. P. Henderson I vZSw'ZTsZJZ, ""Wlt" MORE PLEASURE Davidson,N.C. J. K. Hampton l/M/wf)/' —GULF GAS & OIL— (y*^ V for millions ' Grocery ■ r