Shapiro Concert Hopes Still High Friday Night W$t Batotbsoman For Big Band ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS VOL. XXVI , DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1938 No. 3 r«nii«- For 114*0 urn Performance New Bowling Alleys I I Pan-HellenicCouncil Under Construction SeeksBigTimeBand Near DavidsonBank ForMid-Winter Hops— 1 ■ Can Strike and Spare Students V/>nn^ Kayser and J. Dorsey For Ten Cents Fall Services Sr"vr>r>\-%CTCCTI OCCJlIl Engaged Elsewhere FOUR ALLEYS ARE BUILT Charlottean's Will Observe ticket prices not set Old Telephone Building to L0Ca[ Basest Dance Set of Year House New Davidson Rec- Second Series Talent Will Be Staged Early reation Spot In February Dr. Redhead Also Leader of Three One-Act Plays Will Be A new bowling alley will be Y.M.C.A. Exercises Given This Month opened here in the old tele- In 1935 'announced yesterday thai they phone building the latter part I iical m:ii;c talent \\ ill get it- liii; chance Thursday, < >ct. hn\ c given up tin- hope "t g"et- of tlii- week or early next linjj <>r key. A. 21, when Srl/iiu k hitvrnatioii- either jimmy Dorsey weck |ohn Rcdhcadi i>» . al 1 a Kay Kayser piny for the According to the owners, Mr. win mi the Y. M. ('. A. has se- I'icturi Coinpatiy semis will Freeman, from scout t" Davidson in ohscrve Mid Winter dances which Manning and Mr. cured in conduct its Fall Sit-! In- held the first nr second Bennettsville, be The widely known Little Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of George H. Shapiro will play three one-act plays. S. C. there will viYi's, his for the first of series of concerts in at 8:IS on evening. Mr. u in alleys necessary will be making sec- a Chambers Auditorium Friday Shapiro is The Red and Black Masquers eek-end February, four new with the recognized as a musician of outstanding merit at Davidson, as his orchestra played a concert here last All ni the \ycll known orchestras appearance on the Dav- will present i'ii tlii- date the fol- number of ducts and pins. The ond year. This is sponsored by the Davidson Music Department, which invites any outsiders who are in- approached lowing plays: "Where The t'ross oi the i-a*-t so Mr have owners have also set a tentative idson campus in iliis capacity. terested in music. selves contract ' by EtlgCllc reported ihein under price ten cents game t i In Made" O'.NeilJ "head of a p >r per- The Charlotte minister conducted ami thai they will In- unable to tf<* son. Souls" or else "The Valiant," by the Spring Services of the local mi tour ai thU time. Kay Kayser Y, Hall and Middtcmack, and a com- This will be quite an addition to M. C A. during the school year Make Corrections is undor a lona-lerm contract at First Concert of Year edy wbieh ha- nut been selected. Davidson, .since there are no other of 1W4-3S. "Mac" McClurc, now the in Ihe third title will be announced Hotel Pennsylvania New spots operated solely for the pur- pastor of the Ljncolntoti church. YutU City. Other bands have sim- Anyone who knows of any er- IH'Xt week. pose of entertainment and sport. was then serving his first year as itar extended engagements, ror in the Student Directory Is To Feature Shapiro All students interested in com- The new bowling alley might gvl "Y" .secretary. Raymond Pittman, president ol published two weeks ago or any . peting for part- are r^ne-ted by results in keeping boys on the Dr. Redhead is a native of Mis-! this year's Council, announced, campus during nights. change in room assignment since " l.d Morrow to familiarize them- the week sissippi, and graduated from South- Music Dept Wi Sponsor however, their intentions of si^n- year then is requested to report these lurio-p SnuirYxj selvcs with the seri|tN. Tryolits Last quite a number of boys western University with the class ! JUUgt; iiiKr well known band to play to the editor. Little Philharmonic will be held Wednesday evening some were interested in bowling and even of 1926, for nee set. will con- During his college days he may corrections of the da They went so, arrange These be FridayNigh at 8:30 o'clock in the Beta TJieta far as to sched- made letters in both football and tintic li> look lor sonif suitable among Openspens Session ! I'i fraternity house. Any person uled matches . different basketball, and was a member of i arrangement. of student, and changes will be ! '" " to arrange an groups. This was soon dropped I 11 '1 ; whti would like in- '-1 8:1S Kappa Sigma social fraternity. Af- (IMeeting of i' Knc1^ r The price for the set has not yet games, however, published in correct form in of Court Control . terview willl the seout should -peak after a few due ter graduating from Southwestern j Tuesday M..Uk- first .-I a series ol con been determined. This will depend either next week's issue. Held to Morrow at onee. to the fact that the players cerfs will be conducted under to c\tent on charge Dr. Redhead continued his minis- Any must be Hood, a meat the of had to go to Charlottes or to such corrections lhc auspices of the Davidson Miss Kaiista who has had signed. terial training at the Union Theo- reported Monday The Court of Control, with . experience tin- orchestra The aimunit to play matches. before next Julian '" l J'.ioadwav and previous Mooresville their logical Seminary in Richmond, Ya. Squires as judge, convened for its IVI"' hambcrs All [if the liikri^ will be announced "as year night in order to make The &!»"'!"" connections with the Sclzhick In- Later on in the the sched- lll l nuln- sot as He was awarded the Hodge Fel- goes to first formal meeting last night at| help ill possible. matches that were dropped Davidsonian before it ! .' "' cr( «'» ■« «'«" ""» the ternational, will the Masquers uled lowship for the year 1929-30. 9:30 in Phi Hall. ,. " i B last year will probably be resumed press. ,. , .,, , , ,,|lattle rhnliarniMiiie Orehestra un- in prodncitlK the play set. Miss Hoggs, secretary l'onnal meetings. will In- held ; , , ,. with a much larger number of boys Wade present , , der the direction ol...i.eorne ||. Mood wa- starred last year al Dav- of the "Y." lias announced that every other....uiesday, and those ,, , , . ,. idson play participating. , , ', , ....Miapno, ,well known -\ inphonie di- as Ihilev in ihe of the Map Schedule » * any student who wishes to have a wlin are to appear before the eonrt . student., same naiftt'. She will have a part " day rector. All Davidson will conference with Dr. Redhead dur- Final Day Set will receive notices bv the on , , . , , ,, , one of plays ' , , , ,. , be admitted free and Professor ill the this tall. She ing his stay here may do so by which. tlu court meets, rreshnlen ,,,,,,, . , of the and For Lectures I'tiilil. head ol the music depart- is a member Red Hlack Author Sends arranging it through the "Y." This I. receiving such notices nuisl appear , , , , , Masquers For Aspirants , , menl. stressed the fact lh.it he. and of the local chapter Faculty Committee Asks For promptly at the time. , ,, , feature of the services has been spccitlei,..... „ .hoped "■*..■ >>i Alpha I'si Omega. This is a . ','"-, , . all students will lake aiUan Suggestions Felicitations carrietl on each year. As can be seen from the title. , , , ta^c of the opportiinil. v to hear. national drunatic society MSif By Committee states Nmnrcs. 'this court is main- , . , , . ,, ', Dr. K !"'. Shew make, chairman of ♥ , ,. , ,, the music ul Ibis well known or- chapters. Actors in L'Hommede la Nuit i.Mind lo regulate Freshmen dis- , the Committee on Lectures an- cipline regard to the regulations !., , . , , , nounced that is anx- Congratulated WBT Resumes:,Oxford Applicants Must Ap- 1 .,i", , .,,, Mi>i Shapiro. has visited the col- - the committee ib(-d . any 'nresei for them. the court , , ,. ,,, ,here, ions to receive suggestions ply By , , ■ , , , legs before and is well known ' Lorde, Oct. 18th deals not with who vio- ,, , . , . SPE S InFront from Ihe facult) and students of Andre de famed French onlv thu^c Me needs m> introduction to Am-. author, recently congrat- D.C.Broadcast late the iTcshnicn Regulations, but ,. ,, Davidson College as to the men has sent .,,,., , cnean or r.iiropeau audiences, lie - also with , , like to ulations to those incnihers of tlie Candidate's f<>r ilie Rhodes Schot* those hreshmen accused ha- , . , During they would have a- lec- ' , . won ..the approbation of the Decade participating in College arship to Oxford University arc of improper conduct or breaking ■ , , , ,', turers during the coming season. Ccrclc Krancais the Gives Broadcast of ,, most critical listeners. the world production play, requested to apply in writing not coMege traditions." The committee is composed >^ of the French L'~ Varied Features m.n. ,„, Mttm,,,,,„.„„„,,,,, Releases Averages Fo." Nuit. later than Oct. 18 t«> the local com- Ibe (,,,ur, o. came into Dean Hi-. (. K. Drown, Professor II.T. Homme dc la Control Ten- I^>rde, lihrarian of the mittee in the Scholarships. The existence at Davids,,,, because it Year Period Lilly and Dr. H. 1". Shewmake. M. dc The Davidson College Symphonic .|||(. ,1,,,||l,,.rs ,„" ,,„. ,„.,,„..,,,, Saint c Gcncvieve library in Paris, nimmittee consists of Professors was felt that there was a genuine ,. Any of these will be glad to re- Band presented a concert last ,,,;lU „,,..,„,sn,op,,li,a,, K ro".
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