
B u c h a n a n R e c o r d ,


orozEHssr o -. h o l m e s . I am prepared to attend all cases In my line upon short notice and in the best manner. TERMS, $1.50 PER YEAR DATABLE IK ADVANCE . EMBALMING IIVERTISING R&IES MADE KNOWN ON APPLICATION VOLUME XXII. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN GOUNTT, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 10, 1889. NUMBER 50, A SPECIALTY. OFFICE—InRecorilBallilingjOakStrcet BE KOBLT TRUE. Maud resumes hostilities. were out driving. I never thought of The Texan Tarantula and Its Foe. Satisfaction guaranteed in both prices and A FINE PIECE OF “Well, we will'see who can hold out broaching the subject, but it 'all came work. I also' keep a full line of d e l l e s u t f i n Sio o isb . - Dr. Horn, Philadelphia’s distinguish­ the longest. You are a nuisance, and up so naturally, after what you said ed entomologist, writes to the Ledger Buiness rectory. Life lies not all in deeds of fame, a little—” -, to Maud, Now, papa, you gave your the following: (Jr battles groat, or ventures bold, Then they both laughed and drop on consent to her,” coaxingly, “Don’t “In the not too fertile parts of the PICTURE FRAMES, SABBATH SERVICES. In making ne’er forgotten names the sofa, quite exhausted, and the best you wish me to b8 happi% too?” By jewels rare, or gifts of gold. region from Texas to California lives a ERVICES arei held every Sabbath at 10:30 of friends. She has struck' the right cord at large spider known to the inhabitants And Mouldings for framing, always on o’clock a . ar., at the Church o f the' “ Larger S True, noble deeds are best achieved The Leighs and the Lisles—all rich last, as the tarantula and naturalists as Rope also, Sabbath School services Immedlate- and aristocratic—live on adjoining es­ “ Well, so be it,” replies he, resigned­ hand. y after the morning meeting. Prayer and confer- By those who are m ost nobly true; Mygale Hentzil.. Its body is two inch­ J . MILEY iace meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial tates, and strange to say, both fami­ ly. “It seems that I’m going to be ■Whether b y prin ce o r swain con ceiv ed , es or more in length, clothed with rus­ uvitationis extended to all. IS INDEED A LU XU R Y lies have the same number of mem­ Forgotten host or honored few. robbed of both of my treasures at once; ty brown hair, the legs long and when bers. The Leighs are a mother and but I’m determined not to be outdone; extended covering an oval of four by AFTER NINE YEARS. O. O- F.—Buchanan Lodge No. 75 holds its Wo cliinb Truth’s azure mountain hight, two sons, and Lisles, a father and two turn about is fair play. Hang me if I • regular meeting, at Odd Bellows Hall, on F i n z e r ’ s And wave our banner to the world, five inches. As may be imagined, the [ daughters. The former have not been- don’t go and see if I can’t win the wid­ A Faith Care in the Town of Yinland. aqh Tuesday evening. From valleys, robed in light, mygale is not a handsome insect, and living in Belton very long, but a suf­ ow! She is a remarkable fine woman, The Seeming M ibacueous eecoyery of M iss Em­ Few see this bannor we’ve nnturled. while it-is looked upon with terror by ficient length of time for Cupid to very.” m a B ennett—Sue Suddenly B ecomes Able & A. 51.—Buchanan Lodge Ho. 53 holds a most people no one cares to handle it . regular meeting Monday evening on or before But yet, perchance, some brother man, weave his neb about them. Mr. Lisle to Speak and A rise From B ed W ith th e F.he fullm oon in each month. Before, they can budge an jneb, or unless quite certain it is dead. Looking beyond life’s mist and rain, has had his eye on the widow, who is open their astonished lips, lie picks up H elp of F riends. DF H.—Buchanan. Grange Ho 40 meets on 31ny, by our help, broad chasms span— In place of the web which usually “fair, fat and forty,” for some time, his gold-headed cane and high silk hat O s k o s h , Wis., Sept. 1 0 .—Sunday was • the second and fourth Saturday of each COMES A S Endeavor nohlcr heights to gain. forms the house of spiders, the mygale P nonth, at 2 o’ clock r. at. and now, when he discovers that her and leaves the room. a happy day at the farm house o f ’Wil­ NEAR. BEING eldest son is in love with his eldest excavates a bqrrow in the loose soil, And if our banner be for Right “ Weil, did you ever?” exclaims from which it wanders in search of its liam Bennett in the Town of Yinland. O. G .T.—Buchanan Lodge Ho S56 holds its And Truth, the mountain lamed and lair, daughter, it strikes him as being in­ . regular meeting on eachAtonday evening. A Maud, sore amazed. prey, consisting principally of mem­ The new found happiness was occa­ E We do fall well to scale its heights tensely ludicrous. He has even tried “No, 1 never 1” responded Susie, like­ sioned by the remarkable recovery Of FINE PIECE to puzzle out the problem of what the bers of the grasshopper family, or Ci- O.H. W.—Bachanan Lodge Ho.OSholdsits And plant our chosen standard there. wise. “But there is one good thing cades. The jaws are large and power­ Miss Emma Bennett, a sister of Will­ A , rent.nr meeting the 1st and 3d Friday even­ OF Beltonians would say if he should be­ about it; remember he has given his iam and Eugene Bennett, who resides ing o f aeh month. come young Leigh’s step-father and ful, armed with long, stout fangs, with consent to our marriage, and there may which they can pierce and kill their with the former. The circumstances H A . R.—Wm. Perrott Post Ho.22. Regular PLUG Considerable Mixed. father-in-law all in one. be a chance that sbe will refuse bim.” were these: For nine years past; Miss (X . meeting on the first and third Wednesday A week later he returns from the prey. One full meal will at times sup­ vening of each month. Visiting comrades'al- “ Oli, what will our friends say if we ply their needs for several weeks. In Emma, who is now thirty-two years of vays welcome. TOBACCO city, one evening, to his seven o’clock do this absurd tiling ?” moans Maud. age, has been a bedridden invalid. Her POWDER BY JOANNA PRICE. dinner, his face literally shining with fact, during the moulting period they “It is bad enough for us to marr.y two remain torpid and take no food. disease, in the ordinary parlance of OMAN’S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post Absolutely Pure. some suppressed emotion. He sends the family, was called consumption o f HO. SI. Meetings held regularly. In Good “Don’t you think that Henry Leigh brothers, but for papa to marry the During its growth the mygale makes W Thispowder never varies. A marvel of purity dances beautifully V And he has such away his favorite soup almost untast­ mother—it is too ridiculous!” and the blood. During her nine years’ con­ Templar's Hall, first and third Saturday even- strength and wbolcsomencss. Store economica' ed, and even the hot-house peaches an unknown number of moults, that is ngs o f each month. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in lovely teeth!” says Maud, who is bust­ Maud breaks down most pathetically. sheds its outer coat when that has be­ finement to her bed perfectly helpless competition with the multitude of low test, short ing lace in a pink silk dress. and grapes that are so delicious in mid­ The next moment the parlor door is she has not uttered aloud word. Part R. LEWIS W. BAKER, Physician and Sur­ weight alum or phosphate powders. S o ld o n ly in come uncomfortably dose fitting, in geon. Hight calls promptly attended to. “I think his brother Owen is even winter have no charms for him. When thrown wide, and two tail, good-look­ of this time she was able to lisp in a D ca n s. R oyal Baking P owder Co., 106 Wall St., they are seated in the parlor, before the same manner as the common crab Office in Kinyon’s block. N .T . 19-15 nicer,” answered Susie, shutting her ing young men are announced by a of our coast. A t these times members faint whisper, but at times even this book and keeping one finger between the gJowidg grate.be uncorks liis news, pompous footman. Of course the much of articulation was denied her, mHEODORE F. H. SPREHG, 31. D., may he the girls, who have been on the tenter-. lost from the body by accidents are JL consulted at his office nntii 9 A . 51. and from the leaves. lesser trouble is soon lost sight of in partially replaced. I f a leg is lost, the and on a score of occasions she has l to 3 and alter 7 P . 31. Office on 3Iain street, first books of curiosity, hanging on either been so low that frequently she was loorsonth of Rough Bros’. Wagon Works. M i c h i g a n “How, do you? Well, its a mere the genial sunshine of Mr. Henry and first moult produces a perfectly form­ matter of taste. Continue to admire side of him. Mr. Owen Leigh’s presence. During thought to be dead, and many times “Well, my dears,” he begins, “1 am ed but short leg, subsequent moults in­ R . HENDERSON, Physician and Surgeon C e n t r a l him, dear; then there will beno preach­ the next three hours papa and his sud­ creasing the size of tlie leg. when the breath appeared to leave the D Office over J. K« wood’s store* Residence ing on my territory. Let me tell yqu not exactly surprised, hut it’s just a den announcement of becoming a Ben­ body the family bave vigorously blown No. 90 fron t Street. little sudden. Maud, whom do you "While the mygale is a dread to most a secret, Susie: Harry was on the edict are forgotten • Susie and Owen forms of insect life, there is one of down her throat and thus, seemingly, f F. ROWERS^ ST D. Physician and Surgeon* verge of proposing to.me last night, at suppose I met in town to-day, and hail Sit by the library fire, and tlie parlor is if not even in fact, to have renewed a long conversation with ?” which it, in turn, stands m mortal ter­ I » Galien, ^Michigan. Mrs. Vane’s hall, when her precious left by right o f seniority to the others. ror. Abundant in the same regions is respiration that apparently had ceased. Maud is already blushing guiltiy, For upwards of three years one side ETAPHYSICAL on MIND CURE RETREAT son—nasty little wretch!—poked his When did you ever find two pairs of a large wasp, with bluish-green body head suddenly through the vines in the and -wears a very sheepish expi ession. lovers willing to sit and talk in the of her body was paralyzed, rendering M Home and Cure for the Sick. M r s . S . H “It was Colonel Ward, or Major Bri­ and golden-red wings. The body is T a y l o r , Proprietor and Healer. Buclianan, Mich conservatory and bellowed ‘boo! boo!’ same room ? I am not going to di­ about two inches long, the spread of her still more helpless, if that were in the most appalling tones. I scream­ ton, or some other ol' those old army vulge all tlie sweet tilings said by these possible. But on Sunday noon last crones you are always trying to run wings nearly an inch greater. These 3T. WILSON, Dentist. Office, first door north ed aud Henry jumped. It put an end happy young people, for I did not wasps (Pepsis formosa) fly uneasily what seemed a miracle startled the J m of the Bank. Charges reasonable and satis­ to our sentiment, and ilo you know upon.” •start out with that intention. household. The family were at dia* faction guaranteed. jE3-&_ O?- about in search of food for themselves that littte savage laughed till he cried, “Wrong. Guess. Susie,” suvs Mr. About eleven o’clock, tlie sound of ner when suddenly from the sickroom LEAVR BUCHANAN. until they discover a ‘tarantula/ when HJ" S. MEAD, Manufacturer of Lumber. Cus and then deliberately sat down and Lisle, tantalizingly. foot steps is heard coming aloDg the hall, a -more definite course of is as­ came the sound of a full round voice ilL , ton Salving promptly attended to on short STail.No, 4...... U:24A. 31 nearly talked us to death. Did you “It was Mr. Sartoris, or perhaps Gen­ and Gwen aud Susie barely have time singing strongly and sweetly the words: notice. Bachanan, Mich. Day Express, N o. 2...... U :5SP. 31 sumed. The flight of the wasp is now Kalamazoo Accommodation, No. 10___S:05 P. 3t notice whether I looked vexed when eral Herne,” says Susie, her mind also to assume the- most coldly distant in circles around its prey, gradually He rose, he rose, he rose from the dead. Night Express, No. 12...... 12:32 A. 3t we left the conservatory? But no, of running into military grooves. positions when the library door opens approaching it, the mygale meanwhile, The startled family rushed to the “Fudge! Nonsense!” AMONG DEALERS I'lR.jLjnsrs W E ST . course not. You were too deeply en­ to give admittance to Mr. Lisle, who in terror, showing fight, standing semi- bedroom, and there was the sick grossed with Mr. Forrester and Owen. Then comes an agonizing pause, in moves with a juvenile air, and a step erect on the two hinder pair of legs. A who had not spoken a loud word for BEST BUILDING BRICK, THESE GOODS ARE ON THE LEAVE BUCHANAN. I f you don’t mind, my pretty sis, you which he taps his silver snuff-box and unmistakably springy. favorable opportunity presenting, the nine long weary and suffering years, ------AND ------Kalamazoo Accommodation,No. 13 6:53 A . 31. MARKET IN ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3Iail,N o. 11...... 2:40 P. 31. will have a duel on your conscience, helps himself daintiiy to snuff, and . “ Well, my dears, I’ ve gone and done wasp stings the spider and renews the sitting upright in bed singing those Day Express, N o. 3...... 3:82 P.31. for those two cordially detest each takes a good time about it, too. it,” he says, eiming to the fire and circle flight, repeating the sting until words, with a bright look of gladness 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG— THE Evening Express, No. 7...... 3:20 A . 31. JC 3E< I M G . other.” “I don’t believe this Maccaboy is as w arming his hands an the geniel blaze. the spider becomes completely para­ on her face and an appearance of A . F . P eacock, Local Agent. “ Oh, no, let us hope not,” says Susie, good as that last I got at Merrit’s,” he “I suypose, Owen, my girl has told yon strength in her body that struck the Havlngrecently erected an MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN O. W.E cggees, G .P & T . A . lyzed. When the wasp is assured of displaying lier pretty teeth and a most says, leisurely putting some up one del­ all about it?” beholders dumb with astonishment. POCKET PIECES OR CARRY WHOLE. the helplessness of the spider, it seizes Improved Brick and Tiling Kiln Ofeverydescrlptiou ,nttt distracting set of dimples. “But I am icate, clear-cut nostril. “Yes, sir, she said something, but him and drags him to a previously pre­ The girl asked to be helped to her feet, RECORD Ste a k PR IN 1- so glad you and Henry like each other; “No, I dare say n ot; but whom did saying that she felt she could, walk, JNO. FINZER & BROS., Louisville, Ky. I2TG HOUSE. Warranted she said at the same time she didn’t pared nest. The eggs of the wasp are I am now prepared to furnish the Job Printing to eivesatisfatciou he will be a charming brother-in-law.” you meet in town, papa?” andMaud believe it would be.” then deposited and the spider covered and she did actually walk, across the Rising impulsively, she throws her lifts a face to his the color of a piece “But it will, nevertheless. It seems up. The eggs soon hatch, the spider is floor. But her voice had returned to of red flannel. soft arms about her sister’s neck and that I am to be your fatlier-in-law and gradually eaten, and a new wasp ap­ her in all its former strenth and clear­ gives her a hearty, resounding kiss, But he says not a word; deliberate­ stepfather, and we will be about the pears to repeat the actions of its par­ ness, and happy sentences that passed the m arket affords . Als that expresses volumes of good will. ly and most methodically be fills up worst mixed up family you ever ent. back and fortb. from lip to ear in that Maud finishes her task, and with the the other nostril, and then comes such saw, but I don’t care. I was to be By the sitng of the wasp the spider is happy family gathering, perhaps, can arrival of evening and Mr. Leigh— a tempest of sneezes as threatens to robbed of my household goddesses, not killed, simply paralyzed, so that dur­ better be imagined than described. FIRST-CLASS TILING leave him headless. Both tormented Susie studiously shuns the parlor—her and I didn’t want to be alone. Your ing the time it is being fed upon it re­ The brother’s family near by was has­ rangingin size from two to eightinches. conquest is complete. There is no sau­ girls try to contain themselves in mother is the very nicest lady I know, tains vitality, furnishing living food tily sent for, the neighbors notified, silence till the appalling racket ceases, t^-Caliand seemy brick and getprices cy boy this time'to erv “boo!” and she and—about—we’ve liked each other to the newly hatched larvae, which, by and in a short time the callers were ass ends the stairs at eleven o’clock the which, it does not for some time, as even longer than you youngsters,” a curious instinct, feed first on these many and the joyful news was on ev­ HENRY BO BGETT. happiest girl in ten states. their parent most decidedly took an etc., etc. parts of the spider not essential to the ery tongue. By a mere accident a overdose of snuff. Of course Susie is awake, waiting The bridegroom elect says much maintaining of the little vitality re­ Northwestern representative happened for her, and they spend almost the rest “ Oh, papa, do tell us who it was, and more in the same strain, and then goes maining. to drive past the house during the af­ don’t tease us aDy longer!” cries Susie, ’ SIX & WLKINSON, of the night talking it over, Maud re­ to tell his news to the couple in the Our common mud wasp, Chalybion, ternoon, and was hailed by a member hearsing various little scenes from coaxingly. parlor. has similar babits. Its nests, made of of the family and in the midst of the that most interesting of all dramas. “Humph! Ah, yes, that is so. I elastic mud, are familiar to most peo­ happy gathering was told the wonder­ “What do you suppose papa will was shout to say— Why, bless my Owen and Susie cannot find it in ful story by those who had seen it -all. their hearts to be displeased with bim ; ple, as they are found abundantly in Law and Abstract Office, say ?” ventures Maude, somewhere near heart, Maud, you are as red as a tur­ sheltered places about barns and other Miss Emma sat in a rocking ehair the “ wee sma’ hours”, key cock! Now I wonder what there indeed, they are much too grateful for slowly swaying backwaids and for­ - I l b T - outhouses. These, when opened, will “He can’t help being delighted,” re­ is about your old father's acquaintance his consent to their own union to wish wards in a bright and animated con­ EDI M I SELL SEAL ESTATE, to deny bim a like happiness. he found filled with spiders in the help­ sponds Susie, sleepily. “He is just the to blush over so.” less condition already mentioned, versation with those about her, who dearest father in the world, and the “Papa, you’re a bad, wicked old hoy, “Just think,” says Susie; “ what will were spellbound by the wonderful MONEY TO LOAN Belton say? Won’t people laugh, among them a larva and some partly Leighs are in every way our equals, so and I’m not going to ask you another eaten spiders.” transformation of the last few hours. have no fears;” and turning cosily on time!” cries Maud, tearfully, rushing though?” The young lady conversed very freely, ■• large or small sums, allow rates, on improved “Well, let them if they want to,” farms only. her pillow, Susie falls into the aims of to the door. it might be suspected too much so for 1 old Morpheus, who is standing by to Mr. Lisle simply lies hack in his says Owen, courageously. “If we are The New S t Clair Tunnel. COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING one who had been bedridden and entrap her. Ilo matter how dearly chair, and laughs aud chuckles til liie happy, it is all right; and are we not The St Clair tunnel from Port Hur­ speechless for nine years, but her Also, County Agents for REMINGTON TYPE WHITER one may love a sister, one cannot stay well nigh chokes. Maud, relenting, happy, little one?” on to Sarnia is making fair progress. strength seemed marvelous, her inton­ J l awake till four oclock in the morning comes hack and beats him dutifully Two strong arms are stealing about Instead of driving from intermediate ation clear and musical. The family 50y B E R R IE N S P R I N G S M IC H listening to a love affair in which one between the shoulders until he regains her, and two tender gray eyes are gaz­ shafts,.work has been started at the were compelled to hold in check her has no part. Maud readily forgives his breath. Still standing behind his ing into lier own. portals’, which are now just being dug ambition to talk and move about of lier unfeeling sister, and lies with wide chair, she slips two disgracefully • “Just as happy as can be,” she ad­ 3ST OZEBZMZ.S_i_i out. The total length from portal to her own accord. She said she felt as- open, happy eyes until wheedling arms about his neck, and mits, shyly: but, Owen, tell me what portal is about 4,020 feet, of which 2,- though she had actually risenfrom the -AND- ‘Kjglit’s candles are burnt out* andjocimd day putting her rosy lips close to his ear. kin we shall be? We will be step­ 400 feet is under the river, which is dead. In describing her sensations Stands tiptoe ou tlie misty mountain tops.'” ■ whispers: brothers snd step-sisters, and brothers- here 42 feet deep. The distance of the she said she was lying in bed when she “My dear,” says Mr. Lisle, at break­ “Now tell me' the truth, there’s a in-law. and step-father and step-moth­ roof of the tunnel below the bed of tlie suddenly felt a peculiar relief in her fast, “that young Leigh is a nice fel­ dear, good papa. Was it Henry you er, and—” river averages about 25 feet. The ma­ breast as though something had given Benton Harbor, Midi. low, and so obliging. As I was on my met to-day?” “By Jove! we never will get it terial is blue tenacious clay through­ way. ' She felt a power come over her, way to mail my letters, this morning, “Yes, it was Hairy, you artful little straightened out, says Owen, rubbing out, plastic and putty-like in consisten­ and without knowing why or how she ilth. Session Begins Sept. 8d, 1888, he begged me not to trouble to walk jade,” .says papa, overcome at last, his head in peiplexity. cy. About 150 men are at work. It did it she raised up in her bed and be­ that distance; he would mail them “and he asked me to give him a little ■‘And both our names commence This Institute oilers thehighestinducements does not appear likely that any consid­ gan singing. What followed is told to students in Business, Teachers’, Acade­ 1 for me with pleasure. And last Mon­ maid with bewitching brown eyes and with L,” sa~s his beloved, supersti- erable trouble will arise from water, above. The young lady ascribes her mic, Music, Elocution, and Art Courses. day, when it was raining hard,' and I hair the shade of a ripe chestnut, and— tiuusly. “You know the saying: although there may from gas, which marvelous recovery to her faith in re­ Business course ns thorough as and cheaper than at any other school. Teachers’ course was trying to hail a car, he ran and well, my dear, I believe she is just *II gyrating eels. They are friskiness it­ Bond House, Niles, on Tuesday the T W Maud runs for his overcoat, and a charming air, with two fair girls ing, waiting for big prizes in lotteries, self, and show a low order of intelli­ 22nd of Jan 1889. Susie for his gloves and muffler, and hugged to bis glossy shirt front. It or lying abed expecting a letter with gence. I f you put your hand in the (ROE’S BLOCK.) between them both they coax and cud­ indeed would strike one, I think, if one news of a legacy. Ou the contrary, water over the eels, or spit on it, in­ dle and pull the old gentleman about could-see it. Labor and Black are the invincible stantly they are gone. But poke a A Large Organ. like a great grown baby. All these at­ “Papa ” whispers Susie, lifting a pair heroes that conquer success; they stick down among the snaky things, A correspondent of L a Science en tentions he repays with bear-like bugs, of appealing blue eyes, and blushingto strike out new paths, create, contrive, and they do not-notice it. The sense Famille states that in the Protestant and kisses that resemble the popping the roots of her her sunny hair, “I, too, thmk, plan, originate, take all legiti­ of smell seems to be their main guard church at Libau (Russia) there is an Factory: Chicago, HI. of champagne corks. have- a secret to tell I love Owen— mate risks, toll to surmount obstacles, against danger. Like salmon they do organ which occupies the whole width “Now what shall-1 bring my chicks and Owen loves me—and if you do not push forward, win renown by success. ‘ their level best to dart up the rocks in of the church; about 60 feet, and which to-night?” he says, fondly putting his mind, we—” The glorious galaxy of successful busi­ order to ascend the river, and with has 131 reaisters, 8,000'pipes, and 14 head in at tlie breakfast-room door, be­ “ The soft voice dies away, and the ness men and illustrious authors have good success. Says a fisherman: bellows of large size. It bas 4 harpsi­ fore his final exit. youthful face is hidden against his all been hard workers. Sh un bad com­ ’ “I have seen as many as a hundred chords and one pedal. The largest “Bring me a box of walnut-creams,” shoulder. pany and the prevalent vices of the bushels of eels hanging on the rocks at pipe is formed of planks 3 inches thick says Susie, who has a passion for sugar “What!” almost screams the snrp ris day, never loan a borrowing friend one time by the suckers of the month. and 31 feet in length, and has a section A. DRYFUSS, plums. ed father. “Do you mean to tell me 'more than you are able to lose if be of 7 square inches, and weighs 1,540 They would wiggle and flutter their “And bring me the latest edition of that Owen Leigh wants to take away cannot pay, and never take a loan on tails, and by the momentum thus ob­ pounds. Besides the 131 registers, Brughton. She is-so charming,” says my Other treasure, and not even leave importunity. Never borrow money to tained, letting go with their suckers, there are 21 accessory stops that per­ Maud. me so much as one little girl to pet speculate with, Acquire knowledge. jump up about six inches higher, I mit of combining \ ariotis parts of the “And how about Cureall? Shall I and keep me in order? Wliat-if I re­ It is only enlightened men who suc­ caught about forty barrels last season instrument without having direct re­ Manager Buchanan Branch. bring him, too ?” • fuse to give Up my housekeeper? How cessfully hold their own. with the surg­ that I salted and sold to the Columbia course to the registers. By a special Maud shakes a saucy fist and starts am I to live alone v” ing masses who. throng the. road to fishermen for* bait. 1 picked them off pneumatic combination, the (organist for the old gentleman, but be runs There is a break in his voice that riches. Avoid law and legal squabbles the rocks with a fish hook tied to a can couple the'four harpsichords and down the hall and out ofth e front wrings the girl’s heart; she is, if any­ of every kind. In discussing business pole. I started at tlie bottom row of obtain surprising results. For the door like a boy of sixteen. When he thing, his favorite. disagreements, keep cool. Make all hanging eels, and would silently pick sake of comparison, the • following EERLESS gets outside the gate and beyond her “Oh, darling, don’t talk that way!” the money you can and do all the good off barrel after barrel. The upper rows large instruments of this kind may be % DYES DENTISTRY reach, he halls back provokingly: She is sobbing very hard. “We need you can with it, remembering that he hadn’t sense enough to. perceive the cited : Organ of the Cathedral of Riga, THE EASIEST SELLING, LADIES P “You did not answer my question,; not leave you, but can ssay here al­ who lives for himself alone lives for enemy. I have caught eels in the 125 registers; Garden City Cathedral Ho Your Own Dyeing, at Home. my dear? Shall I bring the doctor ways,-and. I can-still keep house for the meanest man in creation. - IE en­ headwaters of the Santiam, in the Cas­ 120 ; St. Albert Hall, London, 100; Ca­ THE BEST SATISFYING where. Price with me?” you.” . . . gaged in public business, advertise it; cade Mountains. Suppose they had thedral Of Ulm 100; St. George’s Hall, Tor Strength,------, ----- . .. But his eldest hope turns her back He abruptly pushes both of them be punctual in meeting promised pay­ Liverpool, 100; Notre Pame, Paris, 90; or for Fustnes3 o f Color, or non-fading Qualities. swum up from the Willamette.”—Ore­ They do not crock or smut; 40 colors. For sole by on him and bangs the door in high dis­ from his knees, and commences to paec ments; keep short accounts; settle of­ gon City Courier. Boston Cathedral S6; Cathedral of gust, while he goes down the street W . H K eeleb, and D odd’ s Dnno £ B ook Stoke. up and down the room. ten; be clear and explicit 'in making Schwerin 85; St. Nicholas Church, hugging his gold-headed stick, and “But -what will Belton say? I al­ bargains. Be civil and obliging as Leipzig, 85; Cologne Cathedral 42. chuckling to it like the celebrated Mr, ways did think it so ridiculous for two well as decisive and prompt with cus­ How Hats Are Worn. Boffin. brothers and two sisters to marry, and tomers, and do not overtrade your cap­ The vain and amorous wear theirs The great event of the year in agri­ Returning to the breakfast-room. here it is happening in my own family. ital. Finally, in the maturity ot life, sidewise. cultural circles is the announcement ON THE MARKET. Maud basely slipped up behind the I thought-, too, that he visited Georgie don’t rust out by retiring from busi­ .The reflective wear theirs lilted by the American Agriculturist of a DR. OSTRANDER unconscious Susie and administers a Clave pretty regularly." ness; keep bright by useful effort re­ back, but with the cliin lower. stupendous Prize Crop Competition. Its Rang* o f Work is Unequalled sound shaking. “Oh, slie’s'nothing but a cousin, and membering that industry and happi­ Solid business, men usually wear the That sterling magazine offers $500 In It Sells on its Merits. of Detroit has opened a Dental office in .tlic “Are you going to make me blush he told me last night that he never did ness are inseparable. liat squarely over the brows. gold for the largest yields per acre, of Kedden block, where he is prepared to do all that way again’ you wicked little sin­ love any one but me,” responds the in­ The careless and praise loving wear corn, wheat, oats and potatoes grown Its Workmanship is Unsurpassed. kinds of Dental w ork in a first class manner. REGISTERED. ner?” genious Susie, wiping a tear that is theirs tilted hack, keeping the chin by its subscribers. This offer is sup­ No Cog Gearing. Teetli Extracted Without Pain. “Oh, dear, do leave my head-on!” about to trickle off the end’of her One of the professions opening to high. . plemented- by other special.prizes, mak­ So not Boy Any Other Before Trying Notice to the Ladies! cries the victim. - Grecian nose. women is pharmacy. The Philadelphia The secretive, sly and unsocial wear ing it possible for neafly any very FINE GOLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY. Maude only,takes a stronger hold of Mr. Lisle is fast coming under. He College of Pharmacy has within the their hats tipped forward squarely large yield to get a remarkable premi­ her shoulder, and shakes all the harder: past five years graduated four women. THE WHITE. . Dr. E. S. Dodd & Son, Artificial Teeth made on Rubber, Celluloid, never could withstand his girls’ tears; over the brows. um and, under certain circumstances, Gold,. Platinum or Aluminum, at reasonable “Are you ever , going to it?again?” consequently .they shed unlimited There are six women now in attend- An ancient hat, well brushed and the first prize taker can secure- $1,300 DrnggistB and Booksellers, have the agency .for- p rice s. 1 Prices andTerins Made Satisfactory. the B ale ofthe famousapeclflc, “Orange Blossom,’ she asks very sternly. : . quantities,’ ;ance at the College of Pharmacy, be­ always worn, indicates a man of means, in gold besides having the crop just as iltlve care for aU: Female diseases. Every “No, no, never again”—Maud desists ' “When.did he-propose?” . - sides .two taking a special course: in shrewdness, little sensitiveness, nieth- though he were not competing for Jl W,. BEISTLE, Agent, Buchanan, con treat herself. Call for “A Plain Talk to ALL WORK WARRANTED. S es.” Trial hox ftce. By —“ until.the next time,” teasingly. “Yesterday. afternoon/ sir; when we chemistry. od and miserliness. . these princely prizes. ' CL Straight Cabinet Information. Illiterates. Bncklcn’s Arnica Salve. U state o f Hannah A . H a rt. B u c h a n a n R e c o r d , The best Salve in the worldfor Cuts, There has been a great deal of spec­ A census of the illiterates in the va­ first publication, Dec. 20 1888. A Large and Varied Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ’ Rheum, THtf 0 THE /loVjfE, ulation in regard to Gen. Harrison’s rious countries of the world, recently TATE p i 1 MICHIGAN, County o f Berrien,—ss. published in the Statistischo Monats- Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, S'k A t a session of the Probate Court for said Conii- J A C K B<7 f i X MOHN C. $jj>LMES, Editor. cabinet, most of it wild and wide of Chilblains, and' all Skin Eruptions, . held at-the Probate office, in the village of Bor­ chrift, places the three Sclsvic states en Springs, on the 14th day of December, in the Assortment TWSBNTACIAUS SOAP-n _KiFAIRBANK|HI0CAGO the mark. A s there seems to be an and positively cures Piles, or no pay Si unusual degree of interest on the sub­ of Eoufuania, Servia, and Russia at the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. required. It is guaranteed to give Present, D a v id E . TIenmak, Judge of Probate. THURSDAY, JANUAllY 10, 1SS9. ject, the Journal will relieve public head of tbe list, with about SO per In the matter of the estate of Hannah A . Hart, -OF- .cent of the population unable to read perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ deceased. curiosity by stating that Gen. Harri­ On reading and filing the petition,duiy verified, and write. - Of the Latin-speaking ed. Price 15 cents per box. F or sale son’s cabinet will consist of the follow­ by W. F. Runner, Druggist. 24yl of George w. Butler praying that .a certain in­ This is the House, that Jack built. The Q. railroad strike has at last ing: races, Spain heads the list with 63 per strument now oh file in this Court, purporting to be the last ■will and testament of said deceased, WATCHES. These are the parties, that lived been settled. Secretary of state.—-A gentleman of cent, followed by Italy with 48 per “Very light articles”—P eathers and may be admitted to probate, and that administra­ national reputation and large exper­ cent, Prance and Belgium having kerosene. tion of said estate may be granted to the petition­ In the house, that Jack built. ience in public affairs, who will be en­ about 15 per cent. The illiterates in er, the executor named in said will, or to some ■While the several Slate legislatures English Spavin -Liniment removes other suitable person. CLOCKS, tirely free from snobbery and will not Hungary number 43 per cert, in .Aus­ all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 14th are troubling themselves over election tria 39, and in Ireland 21. In England day of January next, at ten o'clock in the These are the Clothes, that were attempt to compensate for bis subser­ Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, forenoon,. be assigned for the, hearing of laws, it is the proper thing for congress viency to strong powers by his trieu- we find 13 per cent, Holland 10 per Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, said petitiop. and that the heirs' at law ot Worn by the parties, that lived in lence and bravado toward weak ones. cent, United States (white population) said deceased, and all other persons interested to formulate a general election law for Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, in said estate, are required to appear at a session The house, that Jack built. Secretary ot the Treasury—A prac­ S per cent, and Scotland 7 per cent, un­ Coughs, Etc. Save §50 by use of one of said Court, then to be holden in the Probate national officials- that shall control able to read and write. When we Office, In the village o f Berrien Springs, and tical statesman and financier, who will bottle. Warranted. Sold by W. F. elections in all States alike. not violate the law to nurse the sur­ come to the purely Teutonic states, we show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the Runner, Druggist, Buchanan, Mich. petitioner should not be granted: And it is find a marked reduction in the per­ These are tlie Machines, that washed plus, doctor the monthly debt state­ . 40yl further ordered, that said petitioner give notice SILVER W ARE, - ments to make the reduction appear centage of illiterates. The highest is to the persons interestedin said estate, ofthepend- The clothes, that were worn by Gov. Ames of Massachusetts, in his large, nor carry an enormous govern­ in [Switzerland, 2-5, in the whole Ger­ Dangerous counterfeits—Most pho­ ency of said petition, and the hearing thereof* b y causing a copy o f this order to be published in the The parties, that lived in the house, that annual message recommends that the ment deposit in favored national banks man Empire it is 1 per cent; in Swed­ tographs. Buchauan Record, a newspaper printed and cir­ NOVELTIES, &C. culating in said County, three successive weekf , Jack built legislature pass-a law granting muni­ without interest. en. Denmark, Bavaria, Baden, and Interested Pe.ople, previous to said day of hearing. Secretary of War—A man of milita­ Wurtemberg there is practically no (A true copy.) DAVID E . HINMAN, cipal suffrage to women. This is one Advertising a patent medicine in The newest designs and the finest ry knowledge, who will not permit any one who cannot read and write. the peculiar way in which the proprie­ [seal.] Judge of Probate. of the first fruits of the recent experi­ This is the Soap, that was used of his subordinates to Issue orders re­ tor of Kemp’s Balsam for Coughs and Last publication Jan. 10,18S9. goods of the season. Our low prices ment in the Boston school election. storing captured rebel flags, or dis­ Eorepaugh presents his big elephant, Colds does, it is indeed wonderful. S 9 8 Sewing-MachineTH make these beautiful goods all bargains. In the Machine, that washed the charge women and children. Bolivar, the biggest elephant in captiv­ -*• -^ T o at once e sta b lish - » He authorizes all druggists to give j] trade in all parts, by 1 I Clothes, that were worn by the parties, Secretary of the Havy—A real man, ity, to the Philadelphia Zoological gar­ / placing ou r machinesJ. I those who call for it a sample bottle 3 goods where the people can sco Prank Kizer, of South Bend, has and not one principally known for fol­ den. .them, wo will send f r e e to oho That lived in the house, that Jack built F ree, that they may try it before pur­ ^person in each locality,the very Watch. Repairing just been sentenced, to fiye years in lowing the chase at paper fox hunts, chasing. The Large Bottles are 50c best sewing-machine made in and as an aspiring society leader. Gen. Lew "Wallace is said to have e world, with all the attachments, penitentiary for killing Carl Zeitler, in and § l. We certainly would advise a [t We will also se n d freen complete Secretary of the Interior—A well- received §00,000 in royalties from his luin cof our costly and .valuable art well done at moderate prices. “Ben Hur.” His “ Pair” God has also trial. It may save you from consump­ Ksnmplcs. In return we ask that you a drunken row in that place last Sep­ known Eepubliean who will not order ■show what we send, to those who netted him handsomely. tion. 43yl f may call at your home, and after 9 tember. He struck Zeitler over the the department flag at half mast when xmonthsall shall become your own J. HARVEY ROE. A Suit able place for dudes—The llpronerty This grand machine is School Books, Tablets, Pens, Ink, head with a stick o f wood, crushing a distinguished confederate dies, and ‘Did God make tbe baby, pa?” nnde after tbe S in g e i* patents, who does not engage in private land tailors. ivhichhavorunout: before patents his skull. Manslaughter was the ver­ “Yes, Willie.” k, run out it sold fo r$ 9 & . with the speculation. hartaehments, and now sells for “About what does he charge for a Tlie Handsomest Lady in 'Bncliauan Best, 8trongest,most use- dict. Postmaster-General — A prominent kid like Jimmy?” ■ful machine in the world. All la Remarked to a friend the other day ______—free. Ho capital required. Plain, Eepubliean, who will begin to reform that she knew Kemp’s Balsam, for the lirief instractions given. Those who write to us at once can so. Paper and School Supplies, the postal service within an hour after cure f r e e the best sewing-machine in the world, and the Democratic members of the Legisla­ Throat and Lungs was a superior rem­ finest lineofworka ofhiph art ever shown together in America. he has taken the oath of office, and Burlington Route Daily Excursions T B U £ as CO., iSox *740> Augusta, Maine* ture are remarking how much warmer edy, as it stopped her cough instantly who will use his utmost energy to re­ to the Pacific Coast, Colorado when other cough remedies had no effect ------the climate has been since the election ' Wyoming and Utah. Hotice for Hearing Claims. than ever before known in a Michigan store it to its former efficiency. He whatever. So to prove this and con­ winter. "Well, didn’t we predict that will also assist in the removal o f some Railroad ticket agents of the Eastern, vince you of its merit any druggist will TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Berrien—ss. postmasters. S Notice is liereby given, that by an order of the Democratic party was going into Middle and "Western States will sell, give you a Sample Bottle F ree. Large tlie Probate Court for the County of Berrien, Attorney-General—A lawyer of n a ­ on any date, via the Burlington Route size 50c and §1. 43yl made on tbe seventh day o f November, A. D . 1888, unusual warmness, or something to sixmonth9 from that date were allowed for cred­ RUNNER'S CORNER BOOK STORE. tional reputation who will not own from Chicago, Peoria or* St. Louis, that effect?—Lansing Republican. Greatest smokers in town—Factory itors to present their claims against tbe estate of any Pan-electric telephone stock. round trip tickets nt low rates to San George G. Rough, late o f said County, deceased, We can assure our readers that this chimneys. and that all creditors ofsaid deceased arc required, Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, to present their claims to said Probate Court, at is the only trustworthy information on I t I s N o t B e st Stock Larger That Ever! Detroit city council consists of 32 Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Yaucouver, tbe Probato office, in tbe Village of Berrien the subject obtainable at the hour of or Victoria; also to Denver, Cheyenne, to always believe everything that a Springs, for examination and allowance, on or members, 19 of whom are engaged, before tbe seventh day of May next, and that sncli writing. W e should not like to say Colorado Springs, or Pueblo. For a person tells you, hut when you hear claims will be heard before said Court on Thurs­ either directly or indirectly, in fhe that it comes direct from the Presi­ special folder giving full particulars o f that the best blood purifier is Sulphur day, tbe fourteenth day of March, and on Tues­ Prices Low as the Lowest! dent-elect, but we do not believe he day, tbe seventh day of May next, at ten o’clock sale o f liquor. The President of the these excursions, call on vour local Bitters, you can believe it, for they in the forenoon of each of those days. will repudiate it.—Indianapolis Jour­ ticket agent, or address P. S. Eustis, cured me of a severe case of blood Dated, December 26, A . D. 1SS8. council is a saloon keeper. Detroit Good, serviceable second-liaBd Books, of such kinds as are In use, taken a nal. Gen’l Pass, and Ticket A g’t, C. B. & Q. prisoning. Rev. A. F a i r c h i l d , Hew DAVID E. HINMAN, city cast 16.S38 votes for Harrison and Judge o f Probate R. R., Chicago, 111. York City. fair price in exchange. Large stock of shelf-worn and second-hand books a 20,S39 for Cleveland. reduced prices. First come, first served. The appropriation for the Port of Haughty-culturis ts — The “ Four Hew Tork, In the last Democratic T a t e S prin gs, T en n ., July 4 , 1888. Hundred.” But three o f the senators, democrats River and Harbor Bill is §100,000. The The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Ladies W ho Bloat. During the spring o f 1671, while working from Kentucky, North Carolina and appropriation for Galveston, Texas, is What a great number there are; §300,000. The former imported mer­ in the field at my home in Morgan county, South Carolina, voted against the sen­ Ga., I pulled off my shoes to give my feet a how uncomfortable it makes them; It THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. chandise to the value of §50,698,631 is almost impossible for those afliiet- NEVER OUT OP ORDER. ate resolution to notify European gov­ rest. Unfortunately, I walked into a dump and exported goods valued at over of poison oak, and in a few days my feet ted to enjoy life. In my private prac­ I f you desire to purchase a sewing machine, ernments that the Halted States §315,000.000 in 1SS7, and the latter im­ aslc our agent at your place lor terms and were in a terrible condition, and I could not tice I have always found Snlphur Bit­ prices. 11: you cannot find our agent, write should enforce the Monroe doctrine in ported goods valued at §705,309 and pnt on a shoe because of die soreness and ters to be the best remedy- All those direct to nearest address to youheiow named. exported goods valued at $18,899,- •H connection with any and all inter swelling. I was treated as poison oak cases who are thus troubled should use it. J h e Best and Purest Medicine ~ 765 in the same year. The Fiftieth usually are, and everything was healed up. Mbs. D b. Oiiid d s , Boston. E V E R M A D E . ! S P0!€ 5EWIMG MACfllME 0.QRAMCE.MASS] oceanic canal schemes, either across OK!.------■ 2a UNION SQUARE,NY- DALLAS, 1 is Congress did not favor the.South! Oh, About the same time the following spring, J k ^ A ^ ltw ill drive the Humor from yotir A i the Panama isthmus or through Cen­ no; o f course not'.—South Bend Trib­ 1872, my feet became sore again, as at first, Better than yeast for raising bread— 4 ^ * ^ W s y s te m > and. make your skin . MO. 's^iifraiicisco.cal) vfj* Flour “trusts.” 4)„ -fb clean and smooth. Those 9 tral America, and that they must une. and every succeeding spring for five years ’w co xKTpimples and Blotches brought back the same condition of the dis­ ra ^Vjfeovliieliwinch mar yourvour beauty IV ALL ACE RILEY, A g e n t . keep their hands off. It is now for the ,i -0, -tv <5.4, e/i4? / 4V%k.:ire are caused by impure ease, only each time it became more dis­ %>■ ^J.-* , % ,/< !^ Wblood, lo o d , -Wean and can be house to pass upon the warniDg. State Items. tressing, because I began to think it was a removedin a short lifetime trouble. Finally, I was induced to When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, aie, i f you are W ill sell all goods in their stock try Swift’s Spedfic. I took six bottles, and wise and use Ropes gold mines, near Ishpeming, When sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria, g r e a t It will be remembered that the Dem­ to-day am entirely well. My improvement bloodpu- turned out over eight thousand dollars When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria, ocrats, during the last campaign, could was gradual from the first, and no evidence - f mer> a in gold and silver during the month of of the disease remains. X shall take pleas­ When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, not find enough to say against trusts, December. * ure in testifying as to its curative proper­ and at the some time were yelling ties. It is the greatest blood purifier in ex­ Kalamazoo and Adrian, have oppos­ istence. Yours truly, J. L. M o r g a n . (Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College.) themselves hoarse for W. E. Burt, the ing candidates for the governorship of head of the Michigan salt association, The foregoing certificate is taken at A court-ing game with net results— ----- Ji-XiX, C A SE S ----- Alaska, Kalamazoo must have a good random from thousands of letters in posses­ for Governor. Since he was defeated Tennis. hustler i f he gets away with Tom Ap­ sion of the Swift Specific Co., and presented he has found time to go to Syracuse, simply as a sample. It is a voluntary Consumptiou Siirely Cured. Attended With Promptness and Skill In order to reduce stock before invoicing. plegate. To t h e E d i t o r — Please inform your N . X., to endeavor to effect a national statement, giving facts and results of the case. Its accuracy and genuineness are readers that I have a positive remedy Ten years’ practical experience in break, A Jackson family ate turkey that salt trust, by uniting the Michigan beyond question. for the above named disease. By its ing ancl training horses. trust with the Hew Tork concerns, had been dead too long and came near A valuable Treatise on Blood and Skin timely use thousands Ot hopeless eases m Office in Lister’s Livery ' Stable, Front The Dose isW ^-V '•' — treet, Buchanan . 40 but without avail. "What a “reform” being dead as long as the turkey was. Diseases mailed free. Address have been permanently cured, I shall THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., be glad to send two bottles of my rem­ spoonful. Itis t b o ^ - ^ - - "<&, • . Three hundred and twenty-five best and cheapest'^ e iS^vl < r Tlis is lo Advertising Dodge. Governor he would have been. D raw er 3 Atlanta, Ga. QURES P I L E S , edy f r e e to any of your readers who medicine. Try it, andxfc,0,,, ’V/ thousand dollars’ worth of new boats you will be satisfied. - SALT RHEUM, will send me their express and post Get it of your Druggist. were built at Marine City last year. office address. Respectfully, T. A. TETTER, BURNS Our southern neighbors should have D o n ’t W a i t . G e t i t a t o x c i? % , ’V . “ SCALDS SCRES, PHACTS AND PHYSIC. S l o c u m , M. O., 161 Pearl st., H. Y . 44yi no more question about Gen Harrison’s Between §2,000 and §3,000 are paid I f yon. are suffering from Hid WOUNDS, IK- CON’ S U JIP TIO X C U B E D . Hot an immodest show—Hature ney Disease, and. w ish to live toN PANT'S SORES policy which will most directly con­ out annually by St. Johns suckers to old age, use SULPHUR BITTERS, An old physician, retired from prac­ stripping the trees. They never fail to cure. AND CHAFING, cern them, after reading the following the Louisiana lottery company. The tice, having had placed in his hands SORE NIPPLES. from his remarks to the G. A . B. Post, same kind of a school of suckers may Itch, Mange and Scratches on human AN INVALU­ by an East India missionary the form­ or animals cured m 30 minutes by Send 3 2-cent stamps to 'A. P. Ordway & Co., at Indianapolis, of which he is a mem­ be found in nearly every town in the ula of a simple vegetable remedy for Boston,Mass-, for best medical work published? ABLE REMEDY Wpllford’s Sanitary Lotion. This nev­ FOR C A T A R R H . ber. It is satisfactory to all other parts the speedy and permanent cure o f Con­ State. er fails. Sold by W. P. Runner, Drug­ . S 8 S S o lid C o l d Watcb.1 of the country and should be to the sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma gist, Buchanan, Mich. 40mC Sold for $§1.00. uutUlately. I And will divide our profits with al Dr. D. L. Reynolds, of Rockford, and all Throat and Lung Affections, \ Best $S5 watch In the world. | *C t s . R e l ia b l e d r u g g is t s s e l l " rises tiraekeepen. W a r - L ___ r ___ it o n a P o s i t i v e G u a r a n t e e . south: wears buttons made of §20 gold pieces also a positive and radical cure for .ranted. Heavy Solid Gold Estate of John W . Brown, \ Hunting Cases. Both ladles* “I would like to hear a bugle call on his clothes. He has to send his suit Hervous Debility and all Hervous First publication Jan. 10,1889. Hand gents’ sizes, with works throughout the land demanding a pure Complaints, after having tested its \ and cases of equal valne. down stairs to have It locked up in the TATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofBerrien.—ss. i O n C JE*ersonineach to* who will favor us with a call. ballot. A free ballot, honestlg expressed wonderful cluative powers in thou­ S At a session of the Probate Court for said r caltiy can secure ano free, A list oi 1000 newspapers divided into STATES County, held at the Probate Office, in the Village together with oar large and val­ and fairly counted, is the main safe­ safe when he stays at a hotel away sands of cases, has felt it his duty to uable. line of H o u s e h o ld AND SECTIONS will ho sent on application— Berrien Springe, on the 7th day o f January, in ) S a m p le s . These samples, as 3TREE. guard of our institutions, and its sup­ from home. make it known to his suffering fellows. the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty- well as tho watch, we send To those who want .their advertising to pay, we pression under any circumstances can­ nine. F r e e , and afleryou have kept can offer no hettermedinm for tUorongh aud effec­ Actuated by this motive and a desire Present, D avid E . II in wan, Judge o f Probate. them in yoar home for 3 months and shown them to thoso not be tolerated.” Evangelist Webber, who recently who may have called, they become yoar Own property. Thoso tive work than tlie various sectionsof our S elect to relieve human suffering, I will send In the matter of the estate of John W. Brown, who write at once can bo sura of receiving the W a t e ls Local List. GEO. P. ROAVEXX & CO., prayed that “God would prepare an free o f charge, to all who desire it, deceased pnd S a m p le s . Wcpdy all express, freight,eta Address Newspaper Advertising Bureau, On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, f if i c e o n «£s G o ,j B o x 8 1 %Fortlandj• Maine* * 46 10 Snruce street. New York especially hot corner of hades for the this recipe, in German. Erench, or o f Lorana Brown, praying that a certain instru­ By the way, did yon ever see any­ English, with full directions for pre­ ment now on file in this Court, purporting to be Union City Register,” has left Union the last will and testament o f said deceased, may thing that embodies more cheek in a paring and using. Sent by mail by be admitted to probate, and that administration City §250 better off than when he went addressing with stamp, naming this of said estate maybe granted to the petitioner, small space, than the following from there, and 200 souls have beeu con­ the Executrix named in said will, or to some paper, W. A . N o y e s , 149 Power Block' other suitable person, the Charleston, South Carolina, Hews verted. ^Rochester,N. T. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 4th and Courier? We confess we never day of February next,at ten o’clock in the forenoon Elijah Bears has an'extraordinary Y ou cannot expect a girl to stand be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and did: fire because she is accustomed to face that the heirs atlaw of said deceased, and aU oth­ apple tree. A year ago last spring it er persons interested in said estate,-are required The Democrats have now a grand powder. . to appear at a session of said Court, then to he On January 1, we shall close our opportunity to investigate thoroughly blossomed for the first time and bore holden at the Probate office, in the Village of Ber­ A Beliable Article Cheerfully Becom- rien Springs, and show cause, if any there he, why the charges of subordination and cor­ large apples, and in the fall it blossom­ mended. the prayer o f the petitioner should not he granted r Tlie undersigned having come in possession of the manufac­ hooks, and all trade after that date ruption at elections In the Horth and ed again. Last spring it blossomed, Hon. Wm. Lnowles, Rockville, Ind. And it is Farther Ordered, that eaid petitioner tured stock of the Buchanan Manufacturing Co. now offer * West, with which the newspapers of give notice to the persons interested in said estate, and bore crab apples this fall, and af­ “I was severely troubled with Catarrh, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing for .sale the country are filled, and which are and induced by our agent at Indianap­ thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pub­ must he for cash. denounced as openly in the pulpit and ter the crabs were picked it leaved out lished in the Buchanan Record, a newspaper olis, to try your Papiilion (Clarke’s ex­ printed and circulated in said County, three suc­ in the lecture room as in the work again with red leaves.—Shelby Inde­ tract of flax) Catarrh Cure. I am free cessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. shop, the merchant’s office, the factory, pendent. to say that it answered the purpose (A true copy.) DAVID E. HINMAN, and on the farm. The frauds are there [L. S.J Judge of Probate. fully, and I am entirely cured, I can Last Publication, Jan. 3t, I8S9. and hy those frauds the Republican Mr. Bell, who teaches the school at cheerfully recommend it for Catarrh.” candidate for President was elected. Grand Prairie, four miles from Kala­ Reliable Druggists sell it at §1.00. Estate of Fenner F. Clark. This is the belief of the people; and it First publication Jan, S, 1SS9. mazoo, has been shot at a couple of Sent prepaid on receipt of p rice.. A MNE LINE OE Is well founded, if there is any truth Sold at W. E. Runner's Drug Store. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Berrien, ss.— in facts and any virtue in figures. times lately, by some fellow wiLh a At a session of the Probate Court for said coun­ Sty, held at the Probate office, in the Village of A good place for this Democratic in­ rifle, the ball each time missing him hy It is an open question whether Jon­ Serrien Springs, on the 31st day o f December, in to make it an object for customers to ah was the first secretary of the navy, the rear one thousand eight hundred and eighty- vestigation to commence, would he to a hair. Bell is getting sick of it, and or of the interior. eight. ascertain Just what has become of the the neighbors are making arrange­ Present, David E. H corax , Judge of Probate. Aii Eminent Pliysi cinn’s Prescription. In the matter o f the estate of Fenner F. Clark, trade With us. South Carolinian vote in the past few ments to give him a body guard.—De­ leceased. Dr. C. P. Henry, Chicago, 111,, who On reading and filing the petition, duly verified years. troit Jfews. has practiced medicine many years qf Celinda Clark, praying that a certain instrn- ment now on file in this Court, purporting to be Thieves are thieves in Ovid. A says: Last spring he used and pre­ the last w ill and testament o f said deceased, may couple of them broke ffito the village scribed Papillon (Clark’s extract of be admitted to probate, and that administration of Gov. Luce’s message to the Legisla­ flax) Skin Cure in 40 or 50 cases, and said estate may be granted to said Celinda Clark, lockup the other day in broad daylight the executrix named in said will, or to some other ture is a masterly State paper, and does never knew a case where it failed to suitable person. CHIFFONIERS and stole a pair of quilts. The mar­ cure. I know of no remedy I can rely Thereupon it Is ordered, that Tuesday, the 29th credit to the man. Owing to its Jay of January next, at ten o'clock in the lore- shal nailed one of ’em, but that night .on so Implicitly.” Positive cure for all noon, oe assigned for the hearing o i said petition, These goods are as fine as can he manufactured hy any great length however we are unable diseases of the Shin. Por sale by all and mat the heirs atlaw o f said deceased, and all liis faithful pal broke into the'lockup otb ir persons interested in said estate, are required for less money than on the credit sys­ to publish it in the E e c o k d . The fol­ rel iable Druggists, every where at §1.00 establishment, and to realize On them w e offer them for sale again and stole the prisoner. ■ ,o appear at a session of Baid Court, then to he lowing brief synopsis will have to suf­ per bottle, or sent prepaid on receipt of lolden in the Probate office, in the Village of Ber­ at prices lower than ever before heard of. Call at the sales, rien Springs, and show cause, if any there be, fice: Last Monday, while hunting about price. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be tem, and have determined to do so. Sold at W. P. Runner’s Drug Store. {ranted; And it is farther ordered, that said pe­ room in the Redden Block, foot of Day’s Avenue, and examine He calls attention to the Importance twenty miles up the Little Manistee titioner give notice to the persons interested in the goods and learn prices. of purity of the ballot and earnestly River, W . H. Matte3on billed a large A baby is a true economist, for by slid estate, of the pendency of said petition, and putting his toes 111 his mouth, he ,ae hearing thereof, by causing a copy oi this or- commends the “ Massachusetts system” wildcat. Tlie animal was one o f the i9i: to be published In the Buchanan Record, a SSP“'We also offer for sale at a bargain all the OFFICE for adoption in this State. He recom­ “ makes both end meet.” newspaper printed and circulated in said county, BISHOP & KENT. mends a joint committee composed of largest we ever saw, measuring four tnree successive weeks previous to said day of FIXTURES of the Buchanan Manufacturing Co., and all feet and five inches and weighing thir­ I s Consumption I «1 cnr;.ble?-5 maring. three of the most eminent lawyers In Read tbefollowing; Mr. C. H. Morris. (A hue copy.) . DAVID E. HlNMAN, the LUMBER in the yards, both bodies for the examination of pro­ [euai..) Judge of Probate ty pounds. One conspicuous feature Newark, Ark., says: “Was down with posed legislation with a view to avoid­ of his anatomy was the entire absence Abseess of Lungs, and friends and Last publication January 24,18S9- ing constitutional defects. He criti­ X j. X j . ZE^IEIDIDIEJliT- cises the subsequent change in purpose of a tail.—M anistee Democrat. physicians pronounced mean Incurable MORTGAGE SALE. Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King’s The sum o f nine hundred and thirty-four dollars S . -A .. IE-A-IR-X i. of bills introduced within the filty-day During the month of December there Hew Discovery for Consumption, am constitutional limit to serve other ends. and eighty-five cents is claimed to be due at the were delivered by the letter carriers of now on my third bottle, and able to date ot this notice on a mortgage made hy Eliza He recommends tbe adoption of tbe Jane Couant to David E. Hiuman, executor o f the oversee the work on my farm. It is indeterminate sentence and parole sys­ Manistee, 20,309 letters, 21,206 newspa­ last will and testament of Trnman Hinman, de­ pers, 4,414 postal cards, and 93 register­ the finest medicine ever made,” ceased, dated december 18.188G, and recorded Jan­ tem for convicts now in vogue in Ohio. Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, uary 4,1887, in Liber thirty-eight ot Mortgages, on Reviewing at length, and commending ed letters. There was collected 11,117 page 553, in the office o f Register of Deeds of Ber­ says: “Had it not been for Dr. King’s rien County, Michigan. Pursuant, therefore, to tbe management of tbe reformatory letters, 409 newspapers, 941 local let­ Hew Discovery for Consumption. I the power of sale in said mortgage contained, the institutions, he recommends a further premises therein described, to-wit.: All that part ters, 452 local postal'cards, 1,161 mail would have died of Lung Troubles. of the west halt of the south-west quarter ot section adoption of the “cottage system” at Was given up by doctors. Am now in four (4), town eight (8) south, range eighteen (18) the asylums He hopes some method postal cards. west, lying south of the Michigan Central railroad, best of health,” Try it. Sample bot­ TTEB will relieve the people from; part of as now located, and being m Berrien Comity, President Gallagher and, Marshal tles free at W. H. Runner’s Drug S’ ©re. Michigan, wilt be sold at public auction at the the tax to maintain the State Univer­ front door of the Court House in the Village of sity without impairing its standing or Bennett, of Oscoda, are at loggerheads. The Population of Buclmiian Berrien Springs, in said county, On Friday, the twenty-ninth day q f March, 1889, at one o ’clock in usefulness.; recommends the erection Saturday night Gallagher got drunk Is about 3,000, and we would say at the afternoon, to satisfy the amount due on said of a hospital in connection with the and was arrested by Bennett, who kept least one-half are troubled with some mortgage, together with (he attorney fee and costs Soldier’s home at Grand Eapids, and allowed: by law. him in the lockup over night. In the affection on the Throat and Lungs, as Jnnnary 3,1889. an appropriation for the expense of a those complaints are, according to DAVID E. HINMAN, suitable dedication of the Michigan morning Gallagher paid his fine “ com­ Executor as aforesaid. statistics, more numerous than others. ROSCOED. DIS, Gettysburg monuments; that the au­ mon drunk” and was discharged. We would advise all our readers not Attorney for Mortgagee. 49-9 diting o f accounts for services and ex­ Julius S. Babcock of Ann Arbor, is to neglect the opportunity to call on penses of State boards be audited by their druggist and get a bottle of Estato of James CaUayban. l R O B E the boards, and paid from the appro­ in hard luck. His uncle left him §500,- Kemp’s Balsam for the throat and First publication Dec, SO, 18$. priations to each institution, instead TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Berrien, ss.— 000 providing he marry within fiye Lungs. Trial size free. Large Bottle S At a session of the Probate Court for said coun­ of being audited by the State Board years. H e now finds it necessary to 50c and § I. Sold by aU druggists. 43yl ty, held at the Probate office, in the village o f Ber- and paid from the general fund as ncn.Springs, on the 19th day of December in the employ a secretary to answer his let- First Tramp: “I say, have you tak­ year one thousand eight hnndred’and eighty-eight. now; non concurs in recommendation Present, D a v i d E. HnraAir, Judge o f Probate. o f the Auditor General for a change in ters from anxious maidens who are en a bath?” Second Tramp: {anxious­ In tbe matter o f the estate o f JameB Collayhan, the appropriation year with reasons at ly ) : “Ho ? is there one missing. deceased. willing to help him secure the fortune, On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, length; compliments the State militia and hire extra store room to file away Electric BUters,— 5 pf George W. Noble, ■ praying that a certain in- and recommends its maintenance; pre­ This remedy is becommirg- so well strnment now on file in this Court, purporting to the photographs of the darlings. He he the last will and testament of said deceased, ^ 2 0 . 0 0 sents at length the status of the swamp known and s.o popular as to need no may be admitted to probate, and that adihinietra- land and direct tax question; reviews has a particular affection for Detroit special mention. A ll who have used tion of said estate may be granted to the peti­ tioner, the executor named in said will, or to the history of the 188T local option law -girls,hut his admirers are from all Electric Bitters sing tbe same song o f pomo other suitable person. asking for a re-enactment, at the same points o f the compass. praise.—A purer medicine does not ex­ Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 14th time warning the Legislature of the day of January next, at ten o’clock in the fore­ ist and is guaranteed to do all that it noon, bo assigned for the hearing of said petition fatal effect of the constitutional de­ Don C. Henderson, the veteran edi­ claims. Electric Bitters will cure all and that the heirs at law ot said deceased, and all fects, and recommending more'strin­ tor o f the Allegan Journal, among oth­ other persons interested in eaid estate) are required WOOD & HOFFMAN, diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will to appear at a session of said Court.thenlo be hold­ gent amendments to thepresent liquor er distinctions once had cx-Gov. Bald­ remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum er} at toe Probate office, in the village o f Berrien tax law. In conclusion, he cautions and other affections caused by impure Springs, and show cause, i f any therebe, why the CACrasGiANTfJLM cutgis <^«w> B(JY NORTHERN GROWN | win and the lamented “Zach.” Chan­ prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: of1888 praise my seeds.nncTeay they increased B y Bra I B ^ ^ against an. excess of legislation and blood.—Will drive Malaria from the 'yields, yes often doubledtoem by sovrinpmy North- | T | dler for Sunday school teachers. Don A udit is further ordered, that eaid petitioner give erri drown(frow n Seede-giYtogSeeds—givtog them on wheat 40 bu.> llg MM BUCHANAN, MICH. against disturbing tbe present school system and prevent, as well as cure all notice to the persona, interested in said estate, of O- fits200.------— B a; *— rle y** 70, ^ C — o m ,ne 186, Potatoes Pote*to*wi GOOtun bu., etc. system, pledging bis earnest purpose counts these and the fact that he .was the pendency of said petition, and the hearing W© paylnPrh<»0«50i______50 on Farm Seeds Malarial fevers. For cureof Headache, thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pub­ anda n d 6L2806nYegetBblesto€ l »£&0 on Vcgefriblesfor largest yield in to co-operate w ith both branches, but. 1889. T o ri c o n w in o n e o r m oro i f y o u w o nt to. in early life, like most of the good men Constipation and Indigestion try Elec­ lished in the Buchanan Record, & newspaper geo Catalogue about it. Operate 5,000-acres in declaring his purpose not to shrink tric Bitters—Entire satisfaction guar-, printed and circniating in said county, three suc­ growing seeds. Floor room of seed store over 2 .of earth, a Sunday school scholar, cessive weeks previous to said day ot hearing. acres: c e lla r ca p a c ity ^60,000 bus. O o rc lty h o s4 2 from the dictates of his conscience and anteed, or money refunded.—Price 50 (A true copy.) . D a v i d E . H i h m a n , mniifl, TOfreighttralns and 81 express daUy,sowe judgment in the exercise o f the consti- among the brightest jewels of his cts. and §1.00 per bottle at W. F . Run­ . [L. S.J - _ Judge of Probate. canffilaUoraersatonce* 8end eofor Groin som- tutional veto power. memory. ners Drug Store, Last publication Jan. 10,1889, Tech Palladium boys let their engine Berrien County A gricultural B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . run away, last week. An engine Society has notified exhibitors that C. A. SIMONDS & CO., usually makes lots of sport when it they can pay one per cent of the pre­ THURSDAY, JA Y U A R Y 10, 1380. gets a loose rein, and theirs was no miums, It is understood that the com­ exception. pany’s property in Yiles, is for sale, ■fc&teiect at the Post-office at Buchanan, Mich*, as secon&class matter., debts and all. The business thus far BUCHANAN, MICH. P ound, on Front street, a pocket* is certainly a signal failure. 43 MAIN STREET, NILES,1MICH. book containing money. The owner - •+* *>— ------can recover the same by calling at this Three Oaks people have the rumor The Leader in Low Prices. Look at these prices and W e have the largest stock in Berrien County, and will always divide profits with Buchanan W. TRENBETH, office, proving property and paying for that Mr. J. R. Hill of this place, was judge for yourselves. customers. this notice. going to start a paper in that town. Good field in this county for a half EITHER OF THESE- ITEMS FOR IT W ILL PAY YOU TO COME AND SEE US. Dr . P ast has been putting in the dozen more papers, and we look for 10 C E N T S ? Merchant Tailor past t wo weeks entertaining an abcsess some one to start up soon in Galien WILL BUY EITHER OF THESE* in his side. It has materially lessen­ 5 C E N T S Large Flour Sifter, with crank. and Yew Buffalo, Berrien Centre and Patent Crank Eff&Bcater, bosf maGo. ed his weight and not been an alto­ ShoeErnsh, wituDauber on top. BOXES TO RENT IN THE Has constantly in stock the largest Bakertown. ‘ “ There’s millions in it." Long HancUe'Dippers, splendidly made. gether pleasant employment. Fancy Basket. To see it is to buy it. Mustard Dish, with Boxwood Spoon. stock and most desirable ------Wood Spoon. Every house wants one. Large Iron Fry Pan, with nickel handle. Screw Driver, onameled handle, Quart T er and Coffee Pots . 4 ------,------4-#-*-----;------• L ecture. — Matilda Fletcher, the Coat Rack, 4 hook, worth double. Carpenters’ Hammers, full size. The: week of prayer is being observ­ celebrated lecturer; will deliver her Harmonica, 10 key, very pretty. Scales, Spring Balances, weigh 34 lbs. Toilet Soap, largo “Jumbo” oako. . Hair Brush, splendid quality. Unfits. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ed in this place by the several ehutcbes lecture. “ The Happy Couple",' at Pot Cover, with King Top, large size. Q-Hoolc Coat Back, natural cherry. Zinc Oiler, patent spring bottom, Spectacles, all numbers, hangup strength. uniting in prayer-meeting in the Y. Rough’s Opera House, on Tuesday Cnrxy Comb, 8 bar, wood handle, Butcher Knife, genuine steel"blade. New and Second-Hand. Pocket Knife, spring back, boy’s size. Blank Book, large size, 0 x 734,96 pages. O P T H B M. C. A. rooms, each evening except evening, Jan 22, under the auspices of Glass Milk Pitcher, pure as crystal. "Watch Chain, splendid. goods, worth aouble. Long Rubber Comb, best quality. Hatchet, large size, wood handle. SUITINGS, Thursday. tb e Y . M. 0. A , She comes well rec- Large Turkey Red Handkerchiefs. Bust Pan/largest, size, japanned. omended as an amusing, brilliant and Large Glass Mug, flint glass. Suspenders,.full length. Stove Paste Polish, tbe best in the world. Shovel, long handle, a beauty. D e.. Ostrander spent the holidays eloquent speaker, and we have no Large Tin Pan, first quality. Covered Glass Dish, a perfect gen. - ^.XjSO - in Detroit, and has returned, bringing Tin wash Basin, splendid shape. Large Footed Dish, worth a “ quarter.'''1 For Gentlemen’s Wear, doubt she will greatly please her au­ Bird Cage Hook, swinging, bronze. Tea Tray, very handsome. Citizens’ National Bank) with him some new features in dentis­ Tack Hammers, wood handles. Large Tin Pails, with handles. dience. Go and hear her. Three Papers of Tacks, re-tinned. Largest Size Tin Pan, best quality. try., Mrs. O. will extend her visit to LKTIILIES. N 4 IIOS:- to be found in Berrien county at the Match Safe, a beauty. Large Stew Pan, with handle. Feb. 1. Wire Broiler, or Toaster, best goods. Large Ladle, onameled handle. lowest living prices for good work.. W e have received a valuable addi­ absolute protection from burglary and fire. Please tion to our library in the form of 21 20 Different Brands of Ping Tobacco. call and inspect these vaults. They are the L ist of letters remaining uncalled almanacs bound in one volume, A ll 30 Different Brands of Cigars. n only ones in Berrien County. Fall and Winter Stock for m the post-office at Buchanan, alike but in different languages. Pre­ 20 Different Brands of Smoking Tobacco, Mich., for the week ending Jan, S, ’S9: pared in this form by a patent medi­ Mrs. Johns Rohands, Miss M .A. Janes, cine firm to send out to country news­ JOHN MORRIS, Proprietor. now in, of which Mr. James R. Graham. papers to secure a large amount of seph river, to replace the present struc­ J. G. Mansfield, p . M. Circuit Court. cheap advertising. I f other publish­ ture .. .Rev. W. H. Brewster has re­ ers prize that kind of business no more The following business bas been signed the pastorate of the Congrega­ An Inspection is Some of our county papers ha ve been highly than we the venture will not transacted since our last issue: tional church, preaching his farewell saying that the Watery] let Record was prove a roaring success. People vs Herman Lehman, violating sermon on Sunday evening last. He liquor law. Fined«$9l.S0. going to suspend, but from the fact has been pastor of tbe church for six A t greatly reduced prices, to Bro. Hall has Just put in a new job People vs Margrath Lehman, violat­ years. I n the State Senate committee ap­ ing liquor law. Fined §S1,S0, and paid ------r-WILL BE HERE ------JBnchanau markets. press, we take no stock in the rumor. ------4-**------make room for new stock, pointments the name of Senator Bab­ the same. 5 Hay—$6 © SU per ton. People, vs Apolis D. Stow, violating A rchibald MARR,of Oronoko town­ -a.®- cock appears chairman of the commit­ ship, formerly of Yiles, and.son of Jas, Butter—20c. I t is noted as a curious fact that liquor lew. Fined S133.G0, which was JUST NINE MORE DAYS. tee on State Affairs, and that o f Sup­ M a r r s , was married to Florence Price, neither rain or snow fell at any point paid. Eggs—14c. plies and Expenses, and a member of People vs Daniel Wicks, larceny. of the same township, one day last W. H. KEELEB’S "We leave Jan. 19 for the East. Till then you can get goods in the United States last Friday. The week. By telephone .to Mr. Marrs of Lard—10c. the committees on Claims and Public Discharged. for about your own price. / Potatoes,—35c. first time that has happened during . People vs Sherman Davis, resisting this city, the father of the groom, we DRUGr STORE. accounts, Mining school and Mining le a r n that the bride died suddenly this '' Salt, retail—Sl.00 thelife of the weather reporting bureau. officer. Plead guilty. Six months at Interests, and Railroads. In the house Ionia. m o r n in g .— Niles Star. One door east o f post office. Elegant Plnsli "Wraps for Fist Cost, Flour—§4.00 @ §6.00 per bbl, retail. Berrien county has Aleshire on the People vs Chas. Williams. Plead Y o more of thelong lists of pensions Heavy All-W ool Long Cloaks. §5.00, reduced from §10.00. Honey—16. committees on Engrossment and En not guilty. Beaver appointed to de­ Chariot Race From Ben-Hur. lave poultry—6 @ Se. appear In the daily papers. The de­ fend. £ We sell for cash only, Grood Styles. rollment, Liquor Traffic and Universi­ A realistic representation, beautiful­ Wheat—9Sc. sign in-running out Shell a lot of them People vs George K. Forler, three in­ BISHOPLOP & KENT.4 ty, and Dr. Baker on committees on dictments. Plead not guilty. ly engraved upon a handsome 1889 during the campaign is becoming ap­ Dry goods are very cheap with us Oats —25e. Engrossment andEnrollment and Mich­ People vs George Forler, one indict­ calendar, by John A . Lowell &'Co., parent, Boston, can be procured by sending six' without so much talk, aDd Oil Paint­ Corn—Y ew , 35c. igan asylum for insane, and chairman ment. Plead not guilty. Beans—[email protected]. - ■4 1 ^ ■ People vs Micheal Murphy, two in­ cents in stamps to P. S. Eustis, Gener­ ings given with them. Best stock at of Committee on Ways and Means, the al Paasenger and Ticket Agent, C., B., Buckwheat flour—$S.00. W il l E isele, while at work logging dictments. Plead guilty to both. Fin­ CHARLIE HIGH’S. most important committee in the ed §150.70. & Q. B. R., Chicago, HI. ------W E SEL1 Dressed pork— §6.00 per cwt. last Eriday, had the misfortune to have his - left leg caught by a log and house. People vs. John Kibler, Wm. Frick, When in town call at the Strictly Live Hogs—4)4 © l ^ c . ------< « ...... Jacob Shearer (two indictments), H i­ State items. Cash store. crushed between the knee and ankle. ram Forbes, Elizabeth Melsbiemer, 25 in. all "Wool Goods, 10c & 15c a yard Th e Yiles Republican published a Small pox at Cheboygan. BISHOP &KEYT. Wedding Present. Dr, Henderson dressed the wound. Burwell Hinchman. All arraigned and list of eighty deaths that occurred plead’ not guilty, Five men were killed by railroad ac­ When you want new goods look at So long as this: notice appears in this Hilman vs Schwenk, West vs Wick- 40 in. all Wool Goods, - 30c a yard De , O . R i n g , late of Marcellus, has within the city limits during the year cidents in Muskegon during the year Charlie H igh’s. Y ou know liis stocky place, the publisher of the R ecord wier, Stewart vs • C. W . & M. R, R., w ill make a wedding present o f The located in Dayton, opening an office 1SSS, as kept by Dr. Horn. Of the Hudson vs Knight, Aumoclc vs Til­ just passed. is all new. / A ll the Leading Shades. B uchanan R ecord one year to any in Lamb’s building for the practice of ages published the oldest was 94 years lage of Benton Harbor. Continued. A bogus magazine agent bas been TWO THINGS TO REMEMBER! couple who- marry and settle in Ber­ medicine and surgery. He comes well and the youngest six months. So far In the letter che argument of the 11-2 yard wide Heavy W ool Cloaking, rien county, the only requirement be­ getting a lot of §1 bills out of the-la­ F irst, We will not be undersold. recommended, and will no doubt have as known the causes of death were: council was heard. ing that thfey apply for it within three The Vnaderboof murder trial is as­ dies o f Manistee. Second, The b est Goods and full a good practice. Consumption, 16; pneumonia, 3; par­ youths after their marriage. The same signed for trial Jan. 29. S. A . Browne & Co., owners of the weight is onr motto. 75c, reduced from $2.00. will be extended to those who are mar­ - alysis, 5; apoplexy, 2; dropsy, 2; sui­ Court adjourned till next Monday cide, 1 ; cancer, 4; old age. 6; typhoid Kalamazoo Mich. Stock Farm, refused MORGAN & CO.5 ried, within this county and go else­ The publisher o f the Goloma Cour­ morning at 9 o’clock.—3 . S. Journal. fever, 3; brain disease, 3; congestion an offer of §30,000 for the trotting Ladies, all wool red underwear, §1.00, Pants goods at cost for 9 more days. where to live, hut such will be required ier has commenced giving the Yiles to subscribe for one year, upon making of lungs, 1; cholera infantum, l ; drown­ Dovey E. Anmack vs. village of Ben­ horse, Abassador, with record of 2 a jf. reduced from §1.50, at Star lessons in geography. Fred al­ ed, 3 ; accident, 2; kidney disease, 1; application. That is, by paying the ton Harbor, defendants; demurrer to Two fools will meet occasionally. SAMSON’S. price of one year they will be given ways was an unruly lad in school, and spinal disease, 1; disease not known, plaintiff’s declaration over-ruled; de­ c r . : m :_ credit for two years and receive the we fear the good lady has undertaken 12; whooping cough, 2; spasms, 1; ab- fendant allowed twenty days to plead. One of the candidates at a recent FOR SALE.—The residence proper­ R ecord that time. cess.l; heart disease, 2; melancholy, George Mills et al vs W. H. McCart­ teachers’ examination in Chippewa ty at the corner of Portage and Eifth a tedious task. 1; epileptic fits, 1. ney et al; cause submitted and taken county said (in answer to the question streets. The house is ' suitable for - ■ -4 -a-*------under advisement. Clean your sidewalks. Mr . J. Miley attended the conven­ “give the principal occupation of the two large families, and Tents for §9.90 > *■ — ■ Wh at was left of the personal prop­ August Radtke admitted to citizen­ tion o f undertakers in Grand Rapids, ship. inhabitants of your township”) : “fish­ a month. Price §050. Payments rea­ erty of the Buchanan Manufacturing D iphtheria is reported from Day- last week, and took advantage o f the People vs Fred Burger; violating ing, farming, and on election day sell­ sonable. Company, which comprised the lum­ ton. occasion to visit his daughters, Mrs. liquor law; plead guilty to selling ing their wotes. A. A. WORTHIYGTOY. ------,----4-».------ber in the yard, the furniture in the liquor as a beverage; fined §100 and A fine line of Slippers for holiday McReynolds and H. M. Rose of that cost of prosecution. §33.42, which A / S. Sluis, a “pauper” of Grand Rap­ Th e noted Big Six is on the road Redding building and in tbe ware­ city. was paid. ids, receiving aid from the city, had presents, for sale at W. L. Hogue & houses at the depot, was sold Tuesday again. John H. Lesh & Co., vs Buchanan his miserable hovel searched by the Co’s., at cost for the next 30 days, 'b under a chattel mortgage, and hid in Manufacturing Co.; assumpsit; judg­ A . L. D rew of Ohickaming, must be police, looking for a stolen watch, Bargains in Table Linen, also Pants R et. S. L. H am ilton will preach on at §7.000 by L. L. Redden and Stephen ment for plaintiff by default for §1,599.- blessed with neighbors fit to grace a when they found a drawer full ofgold, goods at rocenes, A . Earl, the mortgagees, This clears 3 6 . ‘Amusements” next Sunday evening. silver and paper money. He was a SAMSOY’S. first class target. He recently found out everything but the real estate and Daniel Osborn vs Washington I. Bab­ feed mixed with salt and paris green cock; assumpsit ; judgment for plain­ miser. As I expect to leave Buchanan at D on’t forget that this is winter and debts, so far as the company is con­ tiff for §3,432 and costs. placed where his stock could eat it and in Michigan, cerned. They now have the furniture Albert Lood et al, vs Frank Rich­ At a prayer meeting in Gilmore an early date, I request that all ac­ as a consequence he lost some viftua------:— ------and lumber for sale, at retail or any ardson; trover; judgment for plaintiffs township, Isabella co., a short time counts be settled by January l, 1889. ble cattle. for §64 and costs. Judgment and costs The first issue of The Sun from St other way to dispose of it. There is a ago, one of the brethren arose, and in DR. SPREYG. paid in open court and judgment can­ Joseph appeared last week-' chance for some bargains. the course of his public confessional The firm of W. L. H ogue & Co., do E. A . Blak ESlee went into Yorth- celled. Elias Minnick vs estate of James asked anybody present who knew of just as they advertise to do, divide ern Michigan, in answer to the tele­ any fault of his to give it away, when The “sock foundry”, otherwise Marriage Licenses. Finnegan, deceased; appeal from pro­ profits on all goods with their custom­ known, as the knitting works of St, Jo­ gram mentioned last week, and dis­ NO* bate court; on trial. a man got up and requested the devout ers, and it pays them as their trade seph, has started up. covered that the man they had bore no Archibald Mars, Oronoko. People vs Eli Shearer; on call.—C o r . Christian to pay him what he owed Florence A. Price, “ Palladium . has been more than doubled in conse­ resemblance whatever to the miss­ him. Then the Christian was very John A. Burton, Niles. quence. ^ NEVER! NEVER! The dog poisoner is making life bur­ ing Blakeslee, or to the pictures sent Sarah J. Marion, “ wroth, and it took four good and able SLIPPERS! SLIPPERS! for every­ densome for Yiles canines, and the out by tbe detective agency. Lee Carrell, Eau Claire. The grand jury adjourned last Sat­ men to keep him from licking his Im­ Star does not like it. Cherry Allen, “ “ urday, after finding twenty-six indict­ pertinent and uncharitable creditor.— body, cheap for cash, at R evs. Frye and Koehler, of the Elmer Beane, Three Oaks. ments. Of the indictments found,Pat Detroit News. J. K. WOODST Stowe, of Yew Buffalo,for violating the WiU Be Undersold! Evangelical church, have been holding Katie Kimtzman, t: “ Thus tar it has become quite late in liquor law, pleaded guilty, was fined Evaporated fruit in tlie ’ hands of On the first day of January 1SS9, I meetings in the new church each week, W ilbert F. Howard, Benton. the Fall, and now we are promised a Nettie Howard, Bentoii. and paid §125.00. Mrs. Lehman, of fruit growers is more plentiful this will commence to sell for cash. Do day evening for the past three weeks short spell o f winter weather. Jerome Markham, Niles. the same place, also pleaded guilty and year than ever before. Many fruit not ask for credit. J. BLAKE. ------«> *-►------which have been well attended, and it Bettie Gray, Niles. paid §00.00. Her son, fined the same sum, is in jail to satisfy the fine. These growers have put in evaporators, and Remember W. L. H ogue & Co., are W if e beaters are put into the chain is hoped much good will result., Bartholomew McTague, Boyaltoii. two cases were also for violation of when fruit was low in price they used selling all goods at less than half the Mary A . Briney, Boyalton. It Makes No Difference gang to work on the streets, in South the liquor law. Fred A. Schmidt, of usual profits made by merchants in Peter H. Johns, Lake township. up the surplus by evaporation, and in Bend. Mr . Seth Smith has gone to Sagi­ this city, was indicted for keeping a that way help tp keep up the price of onr line of goods. /£> ------<4-«-«»------Cora Washburn, “ “ nuisance, the slaughter house near the naw City, with the intention of mak­ Frank H. Burkliard, St. Joseph. green fruit.—Allegan Democrat. W e are in the market to stay and See new advertisement of J. M. depot. Sam. Lester, of tbi3 city, agent ing his daughter, Mrs, Dr. M. M Jennie Cole, Coloma, “ A* for the Detroit Brewing Co., Fred will sell as low as the lowest. See Samson. It is his last call for Bu­ Knight, an extended -visit, and with W illiam D. Jefferies, Lincoln Tp. Stevens, for selling liquor without a band bills. - TREAT BRO’S. ? chanan. the hope the change will prove benefi­ Ellen Howard, Lake township. license, was also indicted. Three in Locals. $1!. ------M > ■ ■ The trade of W. L. H ogue & Co., cial to his health, which is now very dietments were found against Geo. K. M r. W . F. R unner has bought the Forler and one against Geo. A. Forler lias doubled in the last two weeks. POOR .FROM GALIEN. Y ou would be surprised to fine bow stock of wall paper of Jesse J- Roe, for selling liquor on election day and W hy? Because they are selling at Mr. Alvin Fellows and Miss David­ on Sunday. It is also understood that complete our stock of Stationery is. and has addedjthat line to his trade. prices that beats them all. J ' l ” On Tuesday evening, Jan. 15, there son were united In matrimony Dec. 27, a number of saloon men in the north Test it. POST OFFICE Y. D. V end of the county were indicted. It It pays to trade with ' ) ^ will be a Chicken Pie Social, at the res­ ’SS, Elder C. Scott officiating. Our stock of Dry Goods must be re­ R epresentative A leshire was at has been claimed that this grand jury idence of Mrs. Samuel French, to Death has made its appearance in HIGH & DUYCAY. MORGAN & CO. home during the Sunday recess of the was a Republican party movement, duced before taking invoice. Come which, all are invited. 'With, good our midst, and lately taken away Mrs. but the fact that the j ury was composed and see what a bargain we have for You can save from three to five dol­ legislature. roads, bright moonlight, and a house- lars on an overcoat by buying it at A i ------++-*•------Daniel Lyons, Mr. Freeman Yaw and of twelve Democrats, four Republicans you, / HIGH & DUYCAY.^j full of company, a splendid time may Mr. Hiram Swem. and one Prohibitionist indicates that W. L. HOGUE & CO. There appears to be considerable ELECTIOY. ‘ be expected. . Mr. James Mann, one of our trades­ party had very little, if auything, to sickness about this vicinity, in the na­ do in ■ the case. It is certainly desira­ There will be a meeting of stock­ You can buy clothing at a reduction man, intends making Pompei his fu­ ture of sore throats. ble that such matters should rise above holders of the First Yational Bank of in former prices, for the next 30 days4 Married, Jan. 1, 1SS0, at the resi­ ture home, party politics. It is tbe general belief Buchanan, at their office, on Saturday, at • W, L. HOGUE & CO. dence of the bride’ 5 parents, in Murray, A very pleasant and interesting time that the calling of this j ury has had a Mr . and Mrs. J. H. R oe have both the 9th day o f . February, iSS9, for the 200 clothes bars cheaper than you Iowa, by Rev. J. V . Botts, Mr. H. M. was had at the china wedding of Mr healthful influence, and it cannot be been on the sick list the past week. doubted that hereafter men will be election of officers for the ensuing can make them. Russell, of Kenisaw, Yeb., and Miss and Mrs. E. H. Prince, on Dec. 31, ult Both are on the mend however. slow to violate the law—Niles Repub­ rea r. wS WALLACE RILEY. Mae Haller, formerly teacher in the Presents were many and elaborate. lican. J 0Y H F. REYYOLDS, Cashier. g ARD TO THE PUBLIC. I am closing out my Crockery and H ighest temperature during the 1st Primary department of our schools. The probable cauro o f the mild SOwo Glassware at cost. Call and inquire week 46. Lowest 14. At;, seven this May they always be happy, is the. wish weather following Yew Years’, day P r o f . E . H . C r a n e visits the gas F arsi for Sale, within t wo miles of prices. J. BLAKE. £ morning; 14. of the R ecord. can he attributed to Mr, Tim Smith well daily, and to-day he found it down ------«-•-•,------■ wearing his straw bat on that day. 245 feet at noon and in quicksand Buchanan. J.G. HOLMES. Felts and Rubber goods at W. L, mixed with clay, but that material, TAKE YOTICE.—A ll of my un­ H ogue & Co., at a small advance Mrs. C. B ishop has returned form a Julius L ong, of Stevensville, sup­ Misses Gertie and W innie Thomas of Kalamazoo, Mich., were the guests when washed, showed shale cuttings, settled accounts and notes have been aDOve cost. ~ ^ visit in the Eastern part of the state, posed to have gone - dead in the harbor possibly from a stratum of shale left with’.Charles Pears for collection. during the past week, * at St. Joseph,is still alive, and claims- of Mr. Yokes during holidays. through which they passed 3 feet the A bargain for you. A ll wool trecot ownership to the clothes found on the Mrs. John Hutchinson returned proceeding day. Present indications All persons'knowing themselves to be flannel/54 inches'wide, only 50 cents at suggest they are nearing the bed rock, indebted to me please call and settle. T he junior Dr. Belknap, of Yiles, dock. He got into a crowd of toughs and from visiting friends in Kalamazoo, on BOYLE & BAKER’S, iq" Jan. 2nd. proper, rapidly. The Professor took a \ T, F , H. SPREYG. and, Mabel A . Brown, of Yorthfield, laid his clothes down for a fight, but walk on the ice along the line of issues Just call at Morgan’s and get Cash- Vt., were married, at the home of the being knocked out early in the battle Miss Clara Wilson received a visit and found quantities of gas had accu­ T hree Oars, Jan. i, isso. Prices on Crockery, Luster Band and bride’s parents, last week. fled, leaving the dry goods behind. from Miss Adah Kingery of Buchanan, mulated. By making a hole through YOTICE.—By mutual consent, the White, before buying. v ------4 i > last week. the ice with his pocket-knife and firm of StreHLe & Hess have this day ------4 » ■ ------touching a match, it blazed up three When visiting Yiles call at the City Ou r thaw took a severe cold yester­ Mr. Charles Butler,-a former resident disolved partnership. A ll bills due i t e # feet high, and with more brilliancy Restaurant for a good meal. day afternoon, and clothing and sleigh F r an k M erson takes charge of the of this place,‘ but now of Lamoni, the firm will be collected by Peter than that burned last summer, show­ IRA EMMOYS. dealers hear a more pleasant appear­ market during the sickness of Mr. Iowa, is visiting among his many ing beyond question that it'is a fixed Strehie. A ll bills payable will be paid If you have a Watch or Clock that ance. Croxon, who is confined to his home friends and relatives. gas o f good quality; equal to, if not by Henry L. Hess. will not run, take them to J. J. ROE. ----- ■ 4 I » with sciatic rheumatism, and mean­ Mrs. Emery and daughters of Bu­ superior, to the Marion gas. The Pro­ PETER STREHLE. fessor says the pressure beneath is evi­ Mrs. L ena Grover, who has been time Julius Russell and Harry Paul He can fix them. chanan, returned to their home last dently immense to force the gas as it H EN RY L. HESS. visiting her parents in Chicago, the Clover and Timothy at the Seed E e serve the people from that stand. week. must up through crevices in rock, Yow, if you want a bargain come past three weeks, returned home yes­ porium. ^ Mrs. IV. A , Blair is now in Buchan­ gravel, Sand, clay, and 5 feet of water, and see ns. Our prices are as low as and when the drill reaches it, of which terday. Those who have open wells have an visiting relatives. Look at our line of Cloaks before he feels renewed confidence, it will be the lowest. - ' \ been going to their neighbors for wa­ School resumed last week with its blown out. The ultimate success of HIGH & DUYCAY. 1 you buy is all we ask. O ' E d. P limpton, o f Benton Harbor, ter. Y ot enough rain fell during the usual interest. The Lyceum held in the well is looked upon with great H e n r y L. -I-Tess will be pleased tp BOYLE & BAKER? was in Buchanan Monday night. Tried season to keep up the supply. Streams *the school building every Tuesday ev­ anxiety by our citizens, and the Pro­ see all of his friends at the old stand It is no mistake, we show the best the walking to Yiles Tuesday, to catch are all lower than have been known, ening, by the pupils is bound to pro­ fessor is keeping a correct analysis and daily record of the cuttings from of Strehie & Hess, where he will con line of Dress Goods in town. J j the train north. before in many years. ' duce great results and he of much ben­ —- the well and will furnish for publica­ tinue in selling Dry Goods, Boots and BOYLE & BAKER. efit to those participating. tion all matters of interest as fast as T he youngest child of Mr, and Mrs. Shoes, Groceries, &c. Look at the Yew Goods at i l Dr . Spreng left for his new home - -4 ; ------they transpire.—Niles Star, Monday. -Charles Kremble, north-east of Day- . Remnant sales next week at BOYLE & BAKER’S. in Sioux City, Iowa, Monday afternoon. NEW TROY. ton, is sick with diphtheria. Dr. Hen­ _ BOYLE & BAKER’S. Don’t buy, don’t buy your Dry Goods W e mistrust he was not so anxious to The crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs.- Benton Harbor Yews. . . derson is attending the case* and'Millinery until you price them at go then as when he first conceived the Wm. Boyce, on Jan. 1, was a very inter­ Mr. J. M. Almendinger. has been W il l U. M artin will be in Buchan­ . BOYLE & BAKER’S./ i idea, Mrs. Spreng will go in a few esting party. Although two years in awarded the contract for building the an on or about Jan. 14, 1SS9, on his Sherman Davis, for making-resist­ wing dam extension of the north pier regular quarterly trip Tor piano and Go to High & Duncan for Bargains. weeks. advance the crystal got there just the at St. Joseph. The work, will consist ance when Marshal Shook arrested organ tuning and repairing. Orders - —'— -4 * '— same, and brought the happiness Only of 330 feet of pier extending from this I h ate , two' Mason & Hamlin Or­ him, has gone for a six month’s job in may be left at Mrs. Sawyer’s restau­ A t the election by the Farmers’ Ma a little earlier. end of the north pier, in a south-east­ gans for sale on the easiest possible Ionia. erly direction toward the railroad rant or addressed by mail. -■ -• -— tual Insurance Company, held in One of the best events of the year terms. Also one Mason & Hamlin was the quarterly meeting at M. E. bridge, and must he completed by Piano,new, and one second-hand square B enton H arbor has granted right Rough’s opera house Saturday after­ next July, at a cost of ©2,895.22.. < .The To all those indebted to us will Piano for sale cheap." o f way to the new tramway company, noon, the following officers were chosen church. A ll are talking about the oil war continues. The price has drop­ please call and settle their recounts, as ABOUND THE CORNER, 'and §50,000 will he spent in putting in for the ensuing' year: President, ffm . splendid sermons delivered Sunday by ped as low as 7 cents per gallon... .Mr. we must balance our books of 1888. J". G* HOLMES. Rough; Secretary, Osmond C .H ow e;R . Rev. Mr. Mason, of Three Oaks, and and Mrs. Joshua Feather, of Oronoko, W ith many thanks for the past, we DRESS-MAKIYG. a. steam transportation between the departed'from St. Joseph Wednesday, For Pure Drugs, Patent MedicInes, Perfumes two towns for passenger work and for Directors, Wm, Burrus, to fill vacancy ■ our Presiding Elder. for a trip to California and other west­ are truly yoursi - ]%, Miss Elmira Burrus is prepared to do H i g h & d u n c a y j AYD TOILET ARTICLES. transferring care between the several of L. W. Spaulding, Levi Sparks and Connty Clerk in town 5th and 6 th. ern states . ,. .Supervisor Miller, of St. J dress-making in the latest styles and railroads. The horse car company de­ A. K. Clark, o f Berrien county,. and S. Onr schools are highly, prosperous Joseph, has called a special election to . A. good side lamp with reflector for give good work. Gall at her home on Also, Blank Books, School and Writing Tablets. In fact, be held on Monday, Jan.; -14,-to vote C. Thompson and J, A . Goverdale of this season and ■ are: taken advantage 80c at - • TREAT BRO’S. Day’s Avenue, near the depot. mands the same privileges by the city uopn the question of raising; by. taxa­ everything pertaining to a first-class stock. counciV and there will likely he two Cass county. The Directors elected S o f by a number Of non-residents. . , tion, §4,000 for the purpose of building Do not ask for credit at W, O. HAM1LTOY will sell good steam railways between the two towns* C. Thompson, Treasurer, Queohy. a new highway bridge over the Sfe- Jor b i s h o p & K e n t ’s ; Milk and as cheap^as any body tom e oF {be novel-ideas be advanced" for '{fib bis predecessor, of the Protestant faith ia his ally. His books are lying around in 1 nrulers i desire to ‘excite race nn5 religious management of the company. One of these SOME HOTOG CATS. early manhood. He was always a zealous a state of confusion that would be appall­ hatred, to fixeludo all British influence and was putting the steamboat men in uniform. coworker of Father Hecker, having joined ing to a good housewife. A sweet voiced Egyptianrule and control all Africa south.of There was considerable muttering among the with him in tho organization of tho Baalist bird, in a glided cage, sings to him while ho Egypt and the desert. They also insist on men about “ liveries,” and when they donned THEY HAVE RECENTLY CREATED Fathers. is’ in' his -library. On the walls aro several maintaining tho slave, trade, against which their uniforms they were much laughed at by Father Hewit has passed a remarkable Iffo. fine pictures,"mostly of animals. 'It will • be . A SENSATION IN LONDON. tho civilized world is now united. * It is a thomen oil the other boats, but Fisk’s idea He was born in Fairfield, Conn., in 1S20, and observed that Mr. Grant has gotten over the peculiar war, a war of races, classes and re­ ’was finally adopted by all tho other lines. and his father, the Rev. Nathaniel Hewit, was period, through which all young bachelors ligions, ono which Americans cannot under­ The-Bristol made her first trip in 1863, and Here Aro Pictures Showing Seme of the a Congregational clergyman, for the first half of tho century and the pastor of a church at stand. without considerable study of its spe­ must pass, when the walls o f their rooms are she and tho Providence were, until the build- Children Cry Peats They Accomplish, to the Great Bridgeport. Ho was in charge of a Presby­ cial features. covered with pictures of ballot girls...... -./'I.- 'Wonder and. Entertainment of Human terian church at ■Mr, Grant’s bathroom is a beautiful, one, A Statue of James W . Marshall.' ten feet square, and entirely finished in the time of his Spectators. marble. His bedroom, with its rich mahogany" death, in 1SCT. H is A statue is about to be setup in San Fran­ furniture, has a fino effect. : Cats have generally been, regarded as espe­ son was brought up cisco representing the figure of a man in One of thegenisof the houso is tho dining cially and only useful for the purpose of u n der the. ten ets o f i frontier costume Ofjtjugh. shirt, doucl hat, room,, which is exquisitely furnished and the Congregational belt, pistol and other frontier equipments. catching rats and mice. The cat has nover finished. " " . . ch u rch , a n d h e w as And, as John Hay would pu tit, when a man been supposed to be an intelligent animal; .’For a bachelor, Mr. -Grant is very much of g r a d u a t e d ’ fro m is very thix-sly it is n o th in g lik e a s in te llig e n t as th o d og . B u t as “holler from skull a domestic - man. Ho likes company, but Amherst collogo in a sportsman the cat is eminently successful. would, very much prefer to have it by his own 1S39. Ho took up to boots," being a H ow a four legged nnimaLcan catch a winged firOSidothan anywhere else* He used to be the study of law, sh ell made of b ir d , w h o has n oth in g t o d o t o g e t a w a y e x ­ very fond of horses, but ho has sold all of his but abandoned it at* zinc and copper. It A Practically Perfect Preparation for Children’s Complaints. cept to fly up in the air, where tho cat can’t FATHER HEW1T. fast 'trotters but two, a. fine pan- of bays, and the end of a year to represents Jam es follow it, is remarkable. Nevertheless, pussy ■W. Marshall, the he may often bo seen driving them in Central enter tho Theological Institute of Connecti­ m ay bo seen almost any time in summer steal­ discoverer of gold Park on a lino Sunday. cut, then established at Windsor. Ho was THE FIRE IN PROGRESS, ing through the long grass, crouching, slowly in California. licensed to preach as a Congregational minis­ ing of the Pilgrim, the largest steamboats in whisking her tail from side to side,, now The statuo is to MICHIGAN’S NEXT SENATOR. ter in 1843, but, his religions views having the world. They were of 3,000 tons burden, crawling forward, and at last pouncing: on . bo erected by tho undergone a change, he entered the Episcopal each 373 feet long and about 85 feet beam tho unsuspecting bird, before it has time to Native §ons of Snccessfal Life of the Scotch-American, church the next year, and was appointed a over alL They were licensed to accommo­ H u m p h California. It is James McMillan. deacon. For some time lie labored in. the date 1,000 passengers, and frequently did it. ten feet and. a half diocese of Maryland, and was to have ac­ James McMillan, the coming Republican The Bristol was thoroughly overhauled four DB.EUMmEYS’BQOS high, standing companied Bishop Southgate to Constanti­ senator from Michigan, is a Canadian by years ago at a cost of $100,000. Cloth & Gold Binding erect, tho righ t l i t Pages* ^rUh Steel Eogrorioft nople as a missionary, but, on the ground that birth and of Scotch-parentage, a well edu­ hand extended cated gentleman,, and one of tho most suc­ That “ poor back” is held responsible for more than its share of the sufferings of TTXTT.’Rp FKEB. his religious beliefs tended too strongly to tho SENATOR:, MANDERSON. Catholic faith, tho missionary society refused with a lump of cessful railroad administrators in tho United mankind. If your dog bites a man who kicks it, do j’ou blame the dog ? On the same gold' in its palm. lh use 30 years.—Special Prescriptions o f to ratify his appointment. States. It might almost be said that ho was Tho lqft arm bangs He Has Again Been Chosen to Represent principle'the kidneys ulter their protest against nervousness, impure blood, and an eminent Physician. Simple. Safe and-Sure. I p 184G, h is v ie w s h a v in g b een q u ite p r o ­ born and breda'railfoader, as his father was s o s . by the ride, the . N ebraska. resulting constipation. These force them to do extraordinary work in ridding the nounced for sometime, ho entered tho Roman a remarkable success in that lino, and ther F evers. Congestion, Inflammations.. .2 5 e lb o w b e n t a n d the • Charles F. Manderson, of Nebraska, who W orm s. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... * 2 5 Catholic church. Ho was ordained a priest young man’s first introduction to ‘business system of the poisons which are the result o f effete matter retained in the 3 Crying C olie. or Teething of Infants ,2 5 hand slightly ad­ w ill serve another term in the United States in 1847, and made vice president of tho was in a railroad office. _ ... blood. Then the sufferer says the 1 back aches; the kidneys are dis- 4 Diarrhea of Children or A d u lts ...... ,2 5 vanced, the fingers His parents, ’William and-Grace McMillan, senate, is one of the best orators of the 5 Griping, Bilious C olic.,.. .2 5 Charleston collegiate institute. He became American house of lords. He is not a large eased.a. “ Not yet;” but they'will be unless tlie nerves are strengthened, 6 ------brims. Vomiting...,.*.. ,25 a member o f the Redemptionist order in 1S50, pointing down­ left Scotland in 1S34 and settled in Hamilton, 7 Coughs, Cold. Bronchitis...... 25 man, is in fact rather short and stocky, but the blood purified, and the constipation removed. These are the causes 6 Neuralgia; Toothache, .... .2 5 and joined the congregation of S t Paul eight wards as to the Canada, where Mr. McMillan soon 'became 9 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. ,2 5 “hole” from which be has a reverberating voice, rich in quality, Dyspepsia. Bilious Stom ach ...... ^.. ,2 5 w a l k ix g . known by his interest*, in public improve­ of kidney troubles, and Paine’s Celery Compound removes them quickly, 10 n o r n years later. A t that time he received his re­ t h e m e t a l w astheaiarshall s t a t u e . that fills the great senate chamber with; a 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. *25 get its wings gome; and rise in the air. Then ligious name of Augustine Francis. Ho has ments, and finally by bis important connec­ With its tonic, purifying, and laxative effect, it also strengthens the weak 12 \Vnites,_too Profuse P erio d s....^ ...... 2 5 taken. It is certainly fitting that a'monu­ tion with tho Great Western railway. Ho volume of sound almost as resonant os that 13 Croup. Cough, Difficult Breathing.... .2 5 a cat w ill watch tho parent bird till it goes to written many books on theological subjects produced by the massive Senator Coke, of kidneys, malting it almost infallible in curing all diseases o f the nerves and kid- 14 S alt R heum , Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .2 5 its nest, thus revealing its locality, when puss .that have gained wide recognition among ment should bo erected to the man whose dis­ was a director of ono of tho Hamilton banks, 15 Rheum atism , Rheumatic Fains..« ... -2 5 covery opened up to the world so rich a treas­ a straightforward, energetic business man, Texas. In feature Mr. _ Manderson is hand­ neys. If your hopes of cure have not been realized, try Paine’s Celery Com- 16 Fever and A gu e. Chills, M alaria...... 5 0 will mount the tree and eat up the young C ath olics. some, and his silky mustaches and imperial l r P iles, Blind or Bleeding...... 5 0 birds, "When a bird is seen bopping about ure as lay hidden in the ehrth of California. a n d d ied in 1S74 lea v in g a v e ry con siderable pound; it gives perfect health to all who complain of “ their poor backs.” Price §1 .0 0 . ODhthaim^^^sore^^TOaljMBges^ .5 0 For Const .Defense. Bnt so boundless bos been the wealth taken estate. James McMillan was the second of are the" envy* Of his senatorial colleagues. over fences; ancl slirubs, chirping all tho time, Mr. Manderson is one of the most approach­ Sold by D ruggists. Send for I llustrated Paper. The plans for the new coast defense vessel out that it would seem fitting that a statue a family of six sons and one daughter, and making a great fuss and evidently distressed, able men in congress? and bis conversation is HOMEOPATHIC authorized by congress have been completed of the precious metal he discovered should be received a th or­ tho chances aro that somewhere near a cat is singularly entertaining and humorous. He WEL-LS, RICHARDSON .CO., Proprietors, and aro ready for the inspection of shipbuild­ put up instead of tho cheaper material. This, ough English edu­ & W hooping Cough, Violent Coughs.. .5 0 watching to sea where the bird goes. But tho has an excellent story, which he will occa­ Asthma, Oppressed Breathing...... •5(1 ers. Thostyleis that of am onitor sitting low in however, would bo altogether too tempting cation in tho Ham­ BURLINGTON, VERMONT. . . bird at such times is usually too sharp for the sionally tell to a group of friends, about .a Ear Discharges, Impaired He&riog *50 the water, with casemates for two barbette for tho California “ road agents," who would, ilton Gramm ar Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swelling .5 0 cat; and stays away from its homo for fear of character he once General Debility, Physical Weakness .5 0 betraying its birdlings. guns. Her dimensions are as follows: doubtless, the first night after unveiling be school; but instead Dropsy, and Scanty Secretoins...... ,5 0 know in Omaha, a Sea Sickness, Sickness from Biding .5 0 F t 111. found around the golden statue thick as cats of entering college on a roof at the time of the full moon. veteran gambler, Kidney Disease ...... j--..—. .50 Lately a man in England bas trained cats. Length between perpsndieulars. ,...... 230 went to Detroit and XDIExL ZBZE5-~Ej"^7vr’ZE3ZK N ervous D eb ility , Seminal Weak- He is a professional trainer of animals, Such Breadth, extreme...... ' 59 — entered a wholesale o ailed “ Omaha -ness, or Involuntary Discharges.. Sore Month. Canker...... 50 as the horse, the dog, the goat or tho pig. Ho Draught of water, mean...... 14 G business house. His Bill," the exceed­ Respectfully calls your attention to tlie’foL.o'wiiig: cured or MAYOR GRANT'S ROUSE. materially benefited by liis method of treating: Chronic llJrlnary \Veakness, Wetting Bed... .5 0 has a largo number of cats and has given Displacement, in seagoing trim about fath er, however, ingly apt moral of P ainful P eriod s, with Spasm...... 5 0 (tons>...... —...... Diseases. c Diseases o f the Heart. Palpitation 1 ,0 0 than considerable attention. He is Professor 4,ooa soon; secured him a w h ich w as B ill’s Epilepsy, Spasm, St. Vitus’ Dance.- .1 .0 0 advice to “always Diphtheria. Ulcerated Sore Throat *50 Fredericks, and is on exhibitor of his pets. The bow will be constructed for ramming. A HANDSOME STRUCTURE, THOUGH p osition as purchas­ Chronic CongeBtfonwu_&3^nnrioP8_«5Q He exercises them in tho morning, in tho The vessel w ill bo built on the basket system, ing agent Tor the play your own OCCUPIED BY A BACHELOR. back garden of his house, and feeds them-on having a doublo bottom nearly her entire Detroit and Mil- hand, Peteyl" SPECS P 8 08 ■ cats’ meat, bread and milk. They are not length, extending up to tho armor shelf; the JAMES M’MILLAN. w a u k c o ra ilroa d , Mr. Manderson easily trained and aro not reliable in a per­ inner bottom and the interior hull being di­ in, which ho made such remarkable success spent considerable Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid onreceiptof And It Is Here Described with Some Par­ jrice.—IirurnREYS’aiEpICIXECO.IOOFnHonSUh.V* formance, being a good deal like children, vided into water tight compartments. A that at the age of 20 he was put in the posi-" time not many years ago in Utah, who will never “show off” when expected. belt of steel armor extends tho whole length ticularity, as Is Also tlio Life of tbo tion of purchaser of supplies. The pier at HFMPHBEYS’ They get obstinate every now and then, and o f tho vessel. Over vital parts, this belt issix- Chief Justice of the Largest City on the Grand Haven for the Detroit and Milwaukee and what ho cannot tecn inches in thickness, but at the ends it is road was built under his supervirion, and he CHARLES^F. ZIANDERSON. J ou ab ou t M or- HOMEOPATHIC VETBRINAEY SPECIFICS the only way to treat them when in this con­ Western Continent. dition is to let them rest. Professor Freder­ only six inches thick. Tho armored deck soon became a power in tho management of , m on ism ’ and U tah For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, icks never uses force in training them, over the magazines and machinery for mov­ The young mayor of Now York city, Hugh tho Detroit and Milwaukee. In 1S64 ho in general could bo embodied in a very small , Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. and never thinks of whipping them. Kit­ ing the lti and 13 inch guns, is three inches J. Grant, is a young man Who knows how to joined with Messrs. Newbury, Demi & E a ton volume. Mr. Manderson is 52 years old, and ] 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat, was bom in. Philadelphia, where ho received tens can’t be trained. A t least all effort thick, and at tho fore and oft ends of the live com fortably and well—as, in fact, do. any in tho organization of tho Michigan Car incut o f Animals and battery is three inches thick. an academical education. In 1856 he re­ __ Chart Sent Free. thus far has failed, and substantial mid-, number of young bachelors whose purses do company, out of which have sprung tho De­ die aged cate are usually taken for tho troit Car Wheel company, the Baugh Steam moved to Canton, O., where he studied law, Humphreys’ Med. Co.t i09 Fulton StM IL Y. not possess that element of corpulency which purpose. .The trouble with kittens is that Forgo company, and finally the Detroit Iron and was called to the bar in IS59. He entered characterizes the wallet of Mr. Grant. For they are too playfuL In bang trained they Furnace company, Mr. McMillan now being the army in April, 1S61, and served honor­ M r. G ra n t is v e r y w ell o ff. H e m ad e a g re a t think the trainer wants to play and don’t president of nil these, their business amount-' ably throughout the war- He was severely deal of money when he was sheriff of New consider the matter at all serious. Every boy ing to six or seven million dollars a year, and wounded at the battle of Lovejoy’s SECU RE FOR York, for tho fees connected with that office CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. or girl knows that lessons can’t bo learned 3,000 men being in their employ. He is also station. In March, 1865, he was brevetted are very heavy. BestOon-h Sjran. Tastes good. Use without serious attention, bnt as tho kitten interested in the car works at St. Louis, M o,, brigadier general of volunteers “for gallant, in time. Sold by druggists. Mr. Grant recently bought him a house. doesn’t realise this he never can learn. and at other places in the United States-and long continued and meritorious service." The echoes of tho in Canada. During the panic- of 1S73 and’ When the war was over he returned to Can­ A t Professor Fredericks’ performance tho sensation which subsequent years he acquired a great reputa­ ton, and was twice elected as district attor­ Lhas. Johnson, Sturgis, Mich., Nervousness; Geo. Wyman, Cliugcr this purchase Lake, Mich., Kidneys*"John Dalton, Van Bnren, Ind., Heart Disease; I believe Piso’s Care cats first dim b a pole. One would suppose tion for liis able management of. these differ­ ney, until 1869, when he removed to Omaha, for Consumption saved caused aro even where he has since resided and practiced law. Mrs. Packard Ilanier. Union City, Micli^ Heart Disease; Mrs. Silvester that there wonld: be no need to teach a cat to ent companies, his success in carrying them Fellars, Hodunk, Mich., Lungs; John Yost, Van Boren, Ind., Kidneys; m y lif e .— A . H . D o w e l l , clim b a pole; that it would be done naturally. now quite percept­ through being one of the greatest financial He was the city attorney of Omaha for six G. W . Thompson, La Grange, Ind., Stomach andldver; Mrs. Edwin Tan­ Editor Enquirer, Eden- ib le in th em etrop o- triumphs of that time. Some years ago years, and in 1S71, and again inlS74, ho was ner, Cambria, Mich., Hcmorrhagia; Simeon Dunn, Summerset Center. ton, N . C., A pril 23,1887. lis. T lierew a s tr e ­ elected by both political parties as a member Mich., Liver; John S. Grmnell, Moserville, Mich., Paralysis; William ho aad his associates in Detroit and Perry, Allen, inch,, Epilepsy; XL P. Ramsey, Hillsdale, Mich., Obstruc­ m endous excite­ New York built the Detroit, Mackinac of the constitutional convention of those tion of Gall; Kate B. Stewart, Adrian, Mich., Stomach and Liter; Eva ment ova- the as­ and Marquette railroad, about 600 miles years. He was elected to the senate as a Re­ Parker, Blissfield, Mich., Bright’s Disease: Clara Bacon, Addison, Mich., THE PP.OPQSED SEW VESSEL. Stomach and Liver ; Daniel Mead, Kalamazoo, Mich., Vertigo; J. Gould, tou n d in g fa c t. long,, of which ho has been president since publican, to succeed Alvin Saunders, and A military mast about twenty inches in took his scat in 1883. Schoolcraft, Mich., Catarrh; Mis. Albert Spalding, Kalamazoo, M3ch., i diameter and fifty feet high w ill bo placed The explanation its inception. Ho is also a largo, owner and Liver and Kidneys; Mrs.T, A. Hubbard, Silver Creek, Mich., Spasms; active member in the Detroit and Cleveland C. H . Cady, Decatur, Mich., Inflammation of Bladder. abaft the smoke stack to be used for signal is simple enough. Slaying His Pets from Necessity. I can give you many references in this city. Gall and examine them. purposes. It will have two tops, one fitted Mr. G rant is a Steam Navigation company and the Detroit W ith twenty years devoted, to the treatment o f Chronic Diseases and A curious scene was. witnessed thp other t o c a n y tw o m ach in e gu n s, a n d on e fitte d f o r bachelor. .S om e­ Transportation company. He is a director thousands of patients enables me to cure every curable case. Candid in day in the office of a Lincoln county hotel. my examinations, reasonable in my charges, and never encourage with­ a search light Tho main battery will consist b o d y sta rted t h e in tho First National bank and the Detroit Savings bank, and also has a largo interest A farmer brought in a big basket in which, out a surety of success. DR. F. B. BREWER, o f: One 111) ton 16 inch breech loading rifle; rum or that Mr. 136 Chicago Avo., E vanston, I m .. carefully Wrapped in clean napkins, were T h e r e s t C o u g h M e d i­ ono 46 ton 12 inch breech loading rifle, and Grant bought the in the.Detroit street railway. SWith these and large holdings of business property in nine.yellow skinned ducks, evidently dressed W ill be at'Niles, Mich., Bond House, on Tuesday, the 22d o f January. cine is Piso’s C u b e b o b one 15 inch pneumatic dynamite gun- The house and fur­ for the market with great care. 'The farmer C o n s u m p t io n . C h ild re n , auxiliary battery w ill contain: Six S3 pounder nished it with the Detroit, ho is, of course, ono of the wealthiest throw tho basket on the register book before take it without objection. rapid fire guns; three 9 pounder rapid fire men in the state. His income is "very large,, view of ^‘settling the gaze of the hotel man, and brushing away B y all druggists. 25c. guns; two C pounder rapid fire guns, and four down" in it with a his personal expenses liberal, and his gifts to a tear, heaved a deep sigh and said : “ I made 3 pounder rapid fire guns. partn er in h is jo y s charitable and other public enterprises very 6^33 great. In giving, as in getting, be is re­ np my mind to MU ’em the other night. We and sorrows. all set a sight by ’em. There is Sally, as Mr. Grant, when markably, systematic. No one rise in the •BILIOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. , Costly Meal of a Hog. pretty a duck as ever had a web foot, and HEARTBURN, IXVER INDIGESTION. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use asked i f h e is g o in g state has given so much to tho public, and SCOTT’S in time. .Sold bydruggists. A man named Pritchett, living near Somer­ Betty, she always slept behind the kitchen h y s p e p s i a , c o m p l a i n t , j a u n d i c e , to join the bene­ very few in tho world have given with so ville, while working out in a field, hung his stove, and John, ho ivas a proud drake and p jr i o 'N dicts, simply smiles mucji judgment. coat on the fence. The coat contained three used-to follow me-all over the farm.” And in a vague, far In I860 he married Miss Wetmore, of D e­ §20 greenbacks, which dropped out of the thus the farmer went on, taking up each away manner at troit, and they have five children living. The EMULSION pocket, and a hog chewed them until they dead duck in turn, calling it by some affec­ AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH the ceiling, beats a oldest, W illiam G. McMillan, was graduated were reduced to a pulp. He sent the pulp to tionate name, and 'telling how wonderful a tattoo on his ma­ from Yale in 1SS4, and is now associated with 000 from C H I C A G O , the treasury department in Washington. It pet it was. Said'the farmer in conclusion, OF FORE LIVER OIL THT.OVGH HKE. hogany desk, and hisfather in business. Tho second -son was PEORIA OR But it is not simply the climbing, bnt the was impossible to make anything out of it, as graduated from 'Yalo last summer, and is “ I was a whole day killing these ducks, the A&2 HYPOPHOSPHSTES it looked like so. much dark colored paper. MAYOR GRANT’S HOUSE. £9ves venti to this hardest job I ever undertook. Poor things. ST LOUIS, control of the cat’s movements after it gets astonishing sta te­ now in tho Yalo University Law school; The Almost as Palatable as iftiik. out of its master’s reach. It is expected to Pritchett received a reply from Washington fam ily are all Presbyterians. I never’d killed ’em if we hadn’t got out of ment: “ Nice weather, this." flour.”—Lewiston (Me.) Journal WITH goto tho top of the pole, but whether it to liis letter.. On two slips of paper were Mr, Grant is a very handsomo man. He So disguised that it can. be tabes, Mr. McMillan entered politics as a member digested, and assimilated by the most CH O ICE O F reaches that point depends entirely on itsin- neatly pasted fragments of two bills. It has the figure of an athlete, and a fine face. o f tho Republican state central committee in Fire Ways to Stop a Cold. sensitive stomach, when the plain oil r o u t e s ; v i a elination. Then a cat is made to walk a was the work of an' expert and showed Added to this, Mr. Grant is by all odds one of B T USING TH3B G E N U IN E cannot be tolerated; and by the com­ 1S76, and by his extraordinary power as an tightrope. Considering the elevated peaks wonderful skill Tho treasury department the biggest men, politically, in New York 1. Batho the feet in hot water and drink a bination of the oil w ith the hypophoa- D EN V ER , organizer won a victory over a combination pliites is m uch more efficacious. of roofs and giddy gutters a cat w ill traverse said that they could only make two bills out state to-day, and the girl who catches pint of hot lemonade. Then sponge with salt of Democrats and Greenbaekors. It was in B r .G,M c LA 1\1E’! 'COUNCIL BLUFFS, in. a dark night one wouldn’t suppose walking of tho pulp, and would pay that on an affi­ “ Hughey" Grant (as his friends call him), like water and remain in a warm room. 2. Bathe Remarkable as a flesh producer. this campaign that a Democratic m ajority of a tight rope to bo a very difficult job for it. davit stating how the money was mutilated. the maid who ensnares tho affections :of the face in very hot water every five minutes — — CELEBRATED-— — Persons gain rapidly while taking it. OMAHA, ST J OSEPH, ATCHISON 2,054 in tho Newbury congressional distinct I n th is case, as in clim bing, the training is in —Philadelphia Times; David B. Hill, will be doing a neat bit of for «n hour. 3. Snuff up the nostrils hot salt o r KAN SA S CITY! in 1S74 was changed to a Republican plurality SCOTT’S EMULSION is acknowledged by the cat walking the rope under special in­ matrimonial strategy. water every three hem's. 4. Inhale ammo­ For dates, rates, tlckets^jr further -information KILLED ON DUTY. of 1,327 in IS76, thus making the Michigan PH U VEH PILLS! Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa­ apply to Ticket Agents o f connecting lines, structions. Ono of Professor Fredericks’ cats, nia or menthol - 5. Take four hours’ activo PBEPAHED ONLY BY delegation in congress solidly Republican. - ra tio n i n th e w o r ld f o r th e r e lie f a n d cu re o f o r address called Sloper, is trained to walk a tight rope The mayor’s house is a beautiful one. It is exercise in the open air. A ten grain dose of Richard Wake, a Young Artist of The After the death of Senator Chandler, Mr. Mc­ P a u l M o r t o n . Gen,Pa$$.&Tkt.Agt.lChicago,iil« strewn with mice and canary birds. Ho lifts in a very fashionable neighborhood, on Sev- quinine will. usuaUybreak up a cold in tho FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. COMSUSaPTiOH, SCROFULA, London Graphic Staff. — Millan became chairman of 'the state central beginning. Anything that will set the blood his feet deftly over tho mice and the buds, enfy-third street. “ Hiked this, place before ^gy-Bewaie of Cojxterfeits inaflein St. L ooisjg g GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING British journalists and artists join in lament­ committee, hut soon after retired from poli­ and makes the return journey with a mouse these homes were put up," he said, “I liked actively in circulation will do it, whether it DISEASES, EMACIATION, ing tho death of another martyr to profes­ tics until 1SS6, when, as tho condition of the be drugs or the use of a bucksaw. But, bet­ on his back. ------the house after it was started, and I like the COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. sional duty—tho young, talented and daring party in Michigan was’considered critical, tie ter than all, if your cold is inveterate or se­ It is generally supposed that all cats are place now, and I think I shall be pretty com­ The great remedy for Consumption, and Richard Wake, artist o f The London Graphic, was again called to reorganize, which be did rious, consult your fam ily physician, and at Commissioners’ Ifotice. fond of mice and birds. This is not trno. One fortably fixed when I get things straightened once.—Good Housekeeping. Wasting in Children, Sold by all Druggists. who was killed a t Sualdm, while in the act of so thoroughly that the party was once more cat in eight doesn’t care for either. A 'around'hero and get settled into tho new making a sketch for his paper. He was little united, aggressive and successful A great First publication Nov. 29, 1888. curious incident occurred at ono of tho pro­ order of things down town. A Costly Watcli. more than a boy—only 23 years old—yet ho deal of tho success in the late campaign is TATE OF MICHIGAN, County o f Berrien.—ss. F O R T H E B E S T fessor’s exhibitions recently. A cat who was . This modest reference to the big mayoralty Probate Court for said County. had won renown as an artist in M orocco . and attributed to his ability and leadership. His In a diamond broker’s window on Fifth S performing, yielding to a temptation quite chair he now occupies was all tho young Estate ol Thomas Vanderhoot, deceased. Egypt; had accompanied tho British expedi­ career, both in business and politics, is an street, S t Louis, there lias been displayed for The undersigned having been appointed by the natural to cats bent liis head and caught a sheriff had to say tion to Sualdm, and by Ills fearlessness and unbroken record of successes, won by organ­ several days the costliest of timepieces ever Judge o£ Probate o f said comity, Commissioners rat in his mouth. A word to tho wise is suffi- about his new posi­ on Claims in the matter o f said estate o f Thomas JOB PRINTING, many good qualities, had won the esteem of izing ability. It used to be said by President made in this country. The watch is nine ciont, and, the cat being wise, upon a word tion. A man of Vanderhoof deceased, and six months from the all the officers. Lincoln, that in all matters of business Zaeh- Ounces in weight, of eighteen carat gold, and fifteenth day of October, A D.1SS3. having been al­ from the professor dropped the rat. The few words, is Mr. Tho last transatlantic mail brings copies of ariah Chandler was the most reliable man in contains sixty-four blue white Stones, tho lowed by said Judge of Probate to all persons CADE AT THE boxing cats are an attractive feature. They G rant. . largest of which, valued at 8250', is in the holding claims against said estate^ in which to When I say CtmE I do notmeanmerely to stand on their hind legs facing one another, The London Graphic containing M r. Wake’s the northwest, and Republicans of Michigan present their claims to ns for examination and ad­ stop them for a time, and then havo them re* His house is a stem. The total weight of the diamonds is tarn again. I UEiK A EADIGAli CDflE, on tw o chairs, and fight quite scientifically. last notes, engravings of his last sketches and claim that as a man of affairs, of administra­ justment. Notice is hereby given, that we will of the ono on which he was engaged when; tive ability, Mi-, McMillan is the superior even fifty carats, and the intrinsic value of the meet on Thursday, the 10th day ol' January, A. D. RECORD OFFICE. 1 have made the disease o f killed—the sketch having been completed by watch is §3,500. It is a one-fifth second, fly 18S9, and on Monday, the 15tU day ot April, Portugese cats mako tho best performers. of Senator Each Chandler. A . D. 1889, at 9 o ’clock A.M . o f each c!njr, at the FITS, EPILEPSYor another. This sketch is o f Fort Gemaizeh, com­ back chronograph, with minute register, the In Lisbon they take a great interest in cats, office of John C.Dick, in the village of Buchanan, movement alone costing §140. The watch in said county, to receive ana examine such FAIXISTG SICKNESS, from their being the means of keeping the monly called the left water fort. There, while ' Notable Feats. YouCan Make Money! ’ engaged in his duties, he was shot in the spine was made for Dr. Ligbthall, better known claims. A life-long study. I w a b e a k t toy remedy to streets clear of mice, which would otherwise Amongst notable contests may ho mentiond Dated November 27,1888* q tiietly, by an entirely new method; P er fectly 3 e by an Arab sharpshooter; bodied next day, as “Diamond Dick,” once a famous street C ure the worst cases. Because others have readily get a foothold there. A ll tho cats in the facts that. Frank Barrett, on Jan. 5,1886, JOHN C. DICK, .) gitimatc. W on’t interfere with your regular bn s failed is noreasonfom ot nowreceiving acure. doctor, who mado his thousands as a f a k ir CHARLES F. HOWE, ^Commissioners. ness, or prove to be a humbug. Satisfactory results Lisbon have a lean appearance, from being and his funeral was attended by Gen. Gren­ in Now York, opened 1,500 oysters in lh. 23 Send at oncefor a treatise and a F r e e B o tt le fell and all other officers who could, be absent and who died some time ago in Texas.—Chi­ ‘ ENOS HOLMES, 1 guaranteed. Either sex. Send stamp explanation. o f m y I n fa l lib l e R e m e d y . Give (Express engaged in mice hunting. Black cats learn m. Sl’ fs., 2,000 in lh. 49m. 9s., and 2,500 in cago Times. SUREKA PROCESS CO.. P. O., JSox ol.Provi- from their posts at that time. The lamented Last publication, Dec. 27,1888. and Poet Office. It costs yon nothing fo r a easiest, and only one cat in three can be 2h. 10m. tSJjs., and James W einhart opened deuce, R . I. trial, and it will core you. Address artist was the son of Mr. Herwald Craufiird 459 clams in just half an hour in the same A Pretty Scene. Wake, who won some renown, as a civil H .Q . ROOT, M .C ., 183 Pearl S t .. Hew York city. In a match with A. Dennis, at Balti­ V A pretty little scene was witnessed magistrate in India, and his mother was a m ore, M tL, O ct. 13, 1SS5, J oh n W atkins, a s­ daughter of Sir George Sitwell His last yesterday fit a north, side street cross­ sisted by two “ off bearers’’ and a wheeler, ing. A 3-year-old child, with glow- letter contains these interesting sentences; made 922 bricks in 55m., and W. D. Cozzens The B U Y E R S ' G U E D E is r S laid 792 bricks in 12m., at Philadelphia, on ‘ ing cheeks and sparkling eyes, hold­ issued March afid Sept., each year. I t is_an ency­ Nov. 4, 1870; At Hickory, Pa., in Feb­ ing tightly clasped in his chubby fin­ gers a bright newpenny, was toddling UNACQUAINTEDm WITH THEM GEOGRAPHY A OP THE COUNTRY, M W ILL OBTAIN clopedia of useful infor­ ruary, 1871, J.'B . Morris made 221 horseshoe mation for all who pur­ nails in lh, G. A Blint put in 4,820 panes of with all the possible speed of his little MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION PROM A STUDY OP THIS MAP OF chase the luxuries or the RECEPTION ROOM—MAYOR GRANT, glass in Th. 3lm. 20s. (exclusive of stoppage), limbs toward tho nearest candy store. necessities of life. We handsome brown stone front. A broad and a t M in neapolis, O et. 2 3 ,1SS5. T h e L oom is Ho came to the crossing just as a Ocan clothe you and furnish you with deep bay window extends from basement to brothers in a match- at Sylvan, Canada, April teamster came along with a heavily all the necessary and unnecessary roof, form ing an octagonal, end to the front 10,1S84, sawed by hand a twenty .inchjiard laden truck - which taxed the horses’ applir nces to ride, Walk, -dance, sleep, eat, fish, huni, work, g o ‘to church, rooms on each of the'floors; From this bow maple log, which had three knots in it, in 31s. strength to the utmost. The child or stay at home, and in various, sizes, window the .mayor has a fine view of the Jeremiah Sullivan drilled 227 inches of stone started for the opposite sidewalk, hut styles and quantities. Just figure out HARD TO TEACH. Hudson and Jersey’s hills in the distance. in 10h., at Beaver Brook, N. Y., Aug. IS, stopped hesitatingly on seeing the what is required to do all these things trained at alL Professor Fredericks’ first "A pretty hall, with inlaid floor and natural 1SS3, and Samuel Loup, of McKeesport, Pa., wagon. With a loud “Whoa!" the COMFORTABLY, and you can m akea'iair move is to teach the cat to sit tip and beg; Wood finish, with Turkish rugs oh the floor ifi D ecem ber, 1SS7, husked 140 bushels o f c o m driver pulled up his horses, and with estimate c f the value o f the B U Y E R S ’ then they, must creep through chairs and and the most fascinatingly ugly carved in 12h., for a stake of 840— Boston Globe. G U ID E , which, w ill. be . t-’ut upon a smile lighting up his rugged face reeeinc. o f 10 cents to pay postage, crawl over tho backs.' After that they walk griffin card receiver and hat. rock, to match -waved liis-whip, motioning for; the. a cross th o sta ge o n ch am pagn e bottles. imaginable, at once impresses the visitor with, Sawdust as Fuel. MONTGOMERY.WARD & CO. little, fellow to proceed. The hoy ran •«. : % TVFktvvv'i' »■»* A ttoriuft. ChicajRO, HI, The professor holds the 'view of many tlio idea that the mayor is a man of rarely According to The Canadian Manufacturer, across the street, and, turning around people that cate have no affection at all; ARTIST WAKE—REDOUBT AT FORT GEMAIZEH. good taste as well as a pretty good politician, a new scheme of utilizing the sawdust of tho "And this impression is increased as the visitor when he reached the- pavement, stood though they are so fond o f a single locality. “ The enemy keep up a shell fire upon the Ottawa river for the purpose of fuel is pro­ steps out of the hall into the foyer, where the for an instant watching the- horses; as They do at times show signs of affection, forts at night and a rifle fire during the day. posed.’ It is claimed that by a system of : same fight wood finish is in harmonious in­ they tugged and strained to start their though nothing like the dog or the horse. One night six shells fd l inside the fort and grinding thorefuso into a uniform fineness,.] heavy load again. Then he raised his ASK FOR IT! Still a cat’s affection is largely dependent on i four men were failed b y the bursting of one congruity with a. luxurious Turkish .divan, mixing it with the refuse gas Jar from the < an Australian m g and two quaint old carved hands to his lips and wafted a lriss at THE SELF-THREADING biting fed regularly. To make a cat perform j of them. lit the day many bullets whizz over gas house, and compressing , tlie substance oak chairs of the Charles I period. the driver, who - lifted his hat ■ With in a private room is quite another thing from our heads, but very rarely is any one hurt. into cakes, a'fuel can be made in every way Beautiful portieres of old gold and bluo courtly grace and then wafted hack making it perform before an audience. Still Whenever a rebel shows himself, crack go a superior to.soft cool for open fires.—Cincin­ plush shut off thp charming little parlor from cats can be trained to care little about an dozen rifles—it is just like rabbit shooting. nati Commercial Gazette; the little love messenger., Then there both tho foyer and hall. A handsome audience, and to get over stage fright; and A t night the Arabs come within forty yards were further interchanges of lasses skin, with glaring yellow eyes and gleaming like actors and actresses, they very easily get of the forts, shouting out their w ar cries and THE BURNED BRISTOL. and smiles, and the wagon, rolled teeth, lies on the floor in front of the polished used to applause; though it is not asserted yelling like demons. It is so dark you cannot down the . street? and the little-gentle­ andirons of the fireplace, and rich Turkish A Gallant Boat Which, in Its Bay, Carried that the cats, when once used to it, pine for see them, but if they fire the soldiers fire at" man toddled on toward the candy rugs and handsome articles of furniture show * Many a Gallant Load. it, and grumble about want of appreciation the flash. If any aro killed their bodies are store. —Chicago Tribune.. a decidedly maseulino arrangement! when, they don’t get it. ‘ B.ut if a stranger carried off, the rebels being very particular, The steamboat Bristol, of the Old Colony THE SSRiAT ftOOK. j&LAND ROUTE. In it are com- erossesthe boards when a cat is performing about this.’’ lino, which was burned at her Newport dock : . < Stand , for Truth. . bined the fin­ But the apple of Mr. Grant’sgazello like (Chicago, H ock.Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska R ys.) the animal w ill pause and look round at him- The word “ rebel” shows the English view not long since, was one of the finest vessels of eye is the second floor, which is his' living I am neither author nor factor _of- est mechanic­ inquititivdy, like Theodore Thomas if inter­ of the war : The Arabs under El Hahdi (“ The the kind in the United States. The burlesque Its inain lines, branches and extensions west, northwest and southwest place. There' is his library. Air. Grant is any sect. I will have no man addict include'Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, Peoria, LaSalle, Moline, Rock Island in al skill, the, rupted when leading his orchestra. Erophet”) are, assumed to be in rebellion so well known a few years ago). “Fun on tho a great reader. He is familiar with several himself to me; but if I liave-anything most useful . Professor Fredericks’ influence over animals against tho Egyptian government, which is Bristol,” celebrated in its lines the enjoy- languages, is enthusiastic over Goethe, can 1 right, defend it as truth’s, not mine, is a natural gift. He once belonged to a cir­ supposed to own the eastern part of the Centre, and Council Bluffs in IOW A—M inneapolis and St. Paul in MINNE­ and practical 'givoyou pomtsabout tho dramatists of tho save as it conducetli to a common SOTA—W atertown and Sioux Falls in DAKOTA—Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron, cus company. One day the tamer when gretft Soudan. Since the above letter, was .elements, and Elizabethan age, knows all 'about positivism St. Joseph, and Kansas City in MISSOURI—Beatrice, Fairbury, and Nelson about to enter the lion’s cage for a perform­ written.-the combined,British and'Egyp­ • good, -*It .profits not me to have any. in NEBRASKA—Eorton, Topeka, Hutchinson, W ichita, Belleville, Norton, all known ad­ and materialism, and is tho only man in New ance scratched his face on a nail, which drew tian army have captured the rebel forces, matffeueo or fight forme, to flourish or . Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS—Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, in COLO­ York who has read “ Robert Elsmere” and RADO. Traverses new and vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, vantages that blood. Knowing the effect of blood on lions with heavy loss, and now the question take m y side. . Stand for truth and ’tis not talked .about it.-.I-Iis library is beauti­ affording "the best facilities of intercom m unication to older States and to all make a sew­ he declined to enter the cage, and put the debated in English government circles is, enough.—Ben Jonson. * towns and cities in'Southern "Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, New fully furnished, and it is interesting to ob­ ing machine lions through their paces. Tho audience whether they shall at present merely hold M exico, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, California, and Pacific serve what tremendous pains he ’takes to coast and trans-oceanic Seaports. . desirable, to were clamorous, and it was nccessaty to pro-; Suakim and negotiate, or penetrate the - Beware of Ointments for Catarrh vide some ono to amuse them with tho lions. Soudan and attempt to completely crush the .throw everything all over the floor. sell-or use. That is, ho - seems to do it systematic­ v SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Fredericks, who hod never tamed lions or­ Arab confederacy. Tho issue is compli­ ^ ■ IT 2*s 7 ’ that Contains Mercury, THE URISTOL' BEFORE THE FIRE, O f Palace Coaches—leading all com petitors in splendor of equipment and bed anything to do with them, entered the cated in so many ways with the suppres­ as Mercury- -will surely .destroy the luxury of accom m odations—run through daily between Chicago and Colo- ELDREDCE MF«i, CO. mentsof atrip on tho big boat.- -She Was • rado Springs, Denver and Pueblo. Similar MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE cage and went through with the performance. sion of the African slave trade, tlie sense .of smell and completely derange Tictory and Wholesale Office, Belvldere, 81. He said afterward that ha was only nervous rescue of Stanley and Emin Bey, the built, at the .yards of William H. Webb; on .the Whole system when entering it TRAIN-SERVICE daily betw een Chicago and Council Bluffs (Omaha), and tho East river,’ twenty-three years ago, and between,-Chicago and Kansas City. Elegant Day Coaches, Dining Cars, , SOS Wabash Avc.t Chicago . •upon opening the door of the cage. Once in­ founding and maintenance o f the Congo Free through the mucus surfaces. Such ar­ Reclining Chair Cars- (FREE), and Palace Sleeping Cars, California Excur- was a twiii to another - famous vessel, 'the 30 Broad, Street• Xdio Yorft* side ho knew ho had control. When asked State, the upholding of British prestige in ticles should never bp used .except on . sions daily. Choice of routes to and from Salt Lake City, Portland, Los ■what ho would; havo, done had the lions; at­ Egypt and tho Mohammedan world "gener­ Providence, belonging to the Fail River fine. Angeles, San Diego, Sqn Francisco, and intervening localities. Quick time, J. J . KOE, A gent, Buchanan; Mich. Several fortunes were sunk in the construe-- prescriptions from" reputable pbysi- prom pt Connections and transfers in Union Depots. tacked him, he replied, “Nothing: I could ally, and the maintenance of] a free route to . cians, as the damage they w ill do .are only stand still and- bo eaten till somebody, India, -thatit. is just?now aipuzzling question tion of tho two boats, and when, finished they THE'FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE outride had got the red-hot irons ready.”; for both Administration and opposition in were the wonder of the day, being then the" ten fold to the good you can.,possibly The professor, however, gave up having any-, London. - .- , . largest side wheelers in the woi;ld. Thp two; ■ derive, from them. Hall’s Catarrh . Runs superbly equipped Express Trains daily each way between Chicago, THE YANKEE BLADE thing to do with lions. His wife naturally -vessels cost $2,500,000. Their engines were Cute, manufactured by F. J.. Cheney , Rock Island, Atchison, St. Joseph,--Leavenworth, Kansas City and Minne­ " Geographically, Soudan or Nigritia, is that apolis and St. Paul. - The Favorite Tourist Line to the sc6nic resorts, and E one of tbe Oldest and-Best and the Cheapest Tvorried about his entering tho cage --So he designed by Erastus Smith, and were built & Co;, Toledo, O., .contains no mercury, Weekly Family Story JPaper in. America. belt.of Africa, some eight or ten degrees wide, . hunting and fishing grounds of the Northwest. Its W atertown Branch fo r ty commits of fasclnuilng .stories -every week turned his attention to cats, and finds his extending along the southern border of the by John Roach. . • . . ■ and.is taken internally, and- acts di­ . - courses through the m ost productive lands of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Price, $2.00 a year. O n e ------feline performances very profitable. Great Desert from nearthe west .coast to The Merchants’ Steamship company which rectly- upop;the blood and. mucus sur- „ M innesota, and East Southern Dakota. near the'Red sea; and that part of it which began- to build them, but failed, Was- feor- facesof;the system. Jn buying Hall’s ' THE . SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to Boston. Mass. ganized under the. title of the^Narragansetf travel betw een Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. is considered,a province of Egypt includes Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen- Joseph, A tchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, M inneapolis; and St. Paul. FATHER HEWIT. .Steamship company, and bought in the two Nubia and the adjacent provinces. Within . uine, it is takeu jnternplly and /m ade . ■ For .Tickets,; Maps, Folders, or desired inform ation, apply to any Coupon tho-last' century tile Arabs'have combined boats at 'auction. The' famous Jim Fisk Ticket .Office in the United StatesStater or Canada, J~~or address J r f * A W*iw- V a n * h i He Isto Succeed Father^Hector as Supe­ -was.present at the auction, and;-to a certain’ in Toledp, OhiQ. by F . J. Cheney & Co. ,V %jJC« JSrom Chino, w iththe ‘ruling’ classes'of negroes and estat* ■Homspitai and I o n do rior o f tho Order o f Paulist Fattaerg. _ .'extent, conducted it. When he became the j Sold hy-dnjggistSt price ,75c peu bot- E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, fished independent governments all along the - General Manager C H IC A G O , I L L . * Gen’l Ticket & Pass. Agent dancer Hospital -report cnres.”—N. Y . B x p r e Tho R ev, Augustine Fraacte Hewit, who is ( northern border of the Soudan; civilization .nominal owner of the boats,, os bn afterward ,tle.. - . . > . Endorsed liyJIcdiCal Jonmals. Cnre gnnranto Circulars D re e , QUA Vfh C9), 70S 42, FsotiO.lO. >9 Jo succeed the lata Father. H ecker as superior - has made .great progress, and noty the,Arab did,- * he made - a considerable -sOnratiOn by p f the Order o f the; Panli$i> Fathers, was. like1.