SENATE-Tuesday, June 5, 1984 the Senate Met at 11 A.M
June 5, 1984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 14931 SENATE-Tuesday, June _5, 1984 The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was SENATE SCHEDULE The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem called to order by the Honorable Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, today pore. Without objection, it is so or DANIEL J. EVANS, a Senator from the the Senate convenes pursuant to the dered. State of Washington. adjournment of yesterday. Under the Mr. BAKER. Of course, this is to ac order previously entered, the reading commodate the requirement for Sena PRAYER of the Journal is dispensed with, no tors to attend caucuses by both par The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich resolutions may come over under the ties, which are held away from the ard C. Halverson, D.D., offered the fol rule, the call of the calendar has been Senate Chamber. lowing prayer: dispensed with, and morning hour has Mr. President, I do not anticipate been deemed to have expired. that today will be a late day, but, once Let us pray. Mr. President, this is no surprise, of more, I do expect us to be in for a full Gracious Father in Heaven, we ac course, to the minority leader as to week, including Friday. knowledge the abundance which Thou why that was done yesterday. It cre Mr. President, there is a messenger hast lavished upon us. We live in ated a new legislative day in the at the door from the House of Repre luxury compared to most people in the Senate with respect to the availability sentatives. world including many in our land of measures which have now reached some just a few blocks from this build the calendar.
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