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Nov. 27, 1951 s. s. H|l_|_v 2,576,115 ARRANCEMENT ECR TRANSMIITINC ELECTRIC sICNALs CCCURYINC A wIDE FREQUENCY BAND CvER NARRow BAND CIRCUITS Filed Feb. 4, 1948 Nîä,_ , Emmaüzzwru www@ @waisuwìälu Patented Nov. 27, 1951 ' 2,576,115 UNITED STATES A,lnßxrlszN'r oFFlcE 2,516,115 ARRANGEMENT FOR TRANSMITTING ELEC TRIC SIGNALS OCCUPYING A WIDE FRE QUENCY BAND OVERI NARROW BAND CIR CUITS i Stuart Seymour Hill, London, England, assigner to International Standard Electric Corpora tion, New York, N. Y., a corporation of Dela Application February 4, 1948, Serial No. 6,316 In Great Britain February 7, 1947 13 Claims.` (Cl. 17H4) 2 The present invention relates to electric signal of one or more sections to the frequency range. transmission systems of the kind in which signals passed by the corresponding channel and meansl occupying a relative wide frequency band are for transmitting the frequency shifted sections. transmitted over two or more circuits each of over the respective channels, characterised in which is capable of transmitting only a relative “ this, that the frequency shifting means in thev ly narrow frequency band. case of at least one section comprises two succes The invention has its principal application to sive frequency changes, one of which employs a broadcasting circuits. fixed carrier frequency and the other a carrier It is frequently necessary to send broadcast ma frequency which is adjusted to a value deter terial to the studios by telephone line. Some 10 mined by the cut-off frequency of the correspond times special broadcast channels designed for a ing channel.
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