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Nov. 27, 1951 s. s. H|l_|_v 2,576,115 ARRANCEMENT ECR TRANSMIITINC ELECTRIC sICNALs CCCURYINC A wIDE FREQUENCY BAND CvER NARRow BAND CIRCUITS Filed Feb. 4, 1948 Nîä,_ , Emmaüzzwru www@ @waisuwìälu Patented Nov. 27, 1951 ' 2,576,115 UNITED STATES A,lnßxrlszN'r oFFlcE 2,516,115 ARRANGEMENT FOR TRANSMITTING ELEC TRIC SIGNALS OCCUPYING A WIDE FRE QUENCY BAND OVERI NARROW BAND CIR CUITS i Stuart Seymour Hill, London, England, assigner to International Standard Electric Corpora tion, New York, N. Y., a corporation of Dela Application February 4, 1948, Serial No. 6,316 In Great Britain February 7, 1947 13 Claims.` (Cl. 17H4) 2 The present invention relates to electric signal of one or more sections to the frequency range. transmission systems of the kind in which signals passed by the corresponding channel and meansl occupying a relative wide frequency band are for transmitting the frequency shifted sections. transmitted over two or more circuits each of over the respective channels, characterised in which is capable of transmitting only a relative “ this, that the frequency shifting means in thev ly narrow frequency band. case of at least one section comprises two succes The invention has its principal application to sive frequency changes, one of which employs a broadcasting circuits. fixed carrier frequency and the other a carrier It is frequently necessary to send broadcast ma frequency which is adjusted to a value deter terial to the studios by telephone line. Some 10 mined by the cut-off frequency of the correspond times special broadcast channels designed for a ing channel. j wide frequency band with low noise and distor The invention will be described with reference tion are available, or ordinary open wire lines can to the accompanying drawings, Figs. 1 and 2 ofl perhaps be specially equalised for a given occa which respectively show block schematic cir sion. Very often, however, only narrow band 15 cuit diagrams of the transmitting and receiving commercial telephone channels will be available. arrangements of a system according to the inven Such channels may, for example, pass a band from tion. Terminals l and 2 of Fig. 1 are intended about 300 to 3,000 cycles per second, while the to be connected respectively to terminals 3 and broadcast band which it is desired to transmit 4 of Fig. 2 by separate telephone or other rela may extend from about 100 to 6,000 cycles per 20 tively narrow band circuits or lines. The system second. to be described will be assumed to be designed It has therefore already been proposed to split to meet a particular series of requirements, but4 the wide broadcast band into two sections, which it should be understood that it may be adapted after the necessary frequency shifts are trans for other requirements. None of the frequency mitted separately over two different commercial ` ranges given below are intended to set limitations or other narrow band telephone circuits, and are to the system, and are only `quoted for the sake then recombined at the receiving end after the of example, and may be extended Without any necessary frequency transfers. dimculty. It has been found, however, that in the ar It will be assumed that the broadcast band rangements so far proposed, the transmitter and 30 which it is desired to cover extends from 100 to receiver circuits have _to be specially designed for 6,000 cycles per second, and that the commercial the particular band-width passed by the telephone telephone channels cover a band from about 300 channels which will be used, because the receiver tow'3,000 cycles per second. It will further be` frequency shifts necessary for the proper re assumed that the commercial telephone circuits COmbïIling of the two parts of the band depend es likely to be available may have upper cut-oli? fre on this band-width. In other words, if the cir quencies which may lie anywhere between about cuits are designed for telephone channels with a 2,700 and 3,200 cycles per second. The upper given band-width, they cannot be satisfactorily cut-off frequency of the commercial circuits will used with channels having a different band ` be denoted by fc. width. At the transmitting end of the system the pro . It is therefore the principal object of the pres gramme signals covering the wide band are ampli ent invention to overcome this difficulty, and fied in a preamplifier 5 ,and are then passed to provide an arrangement which can be easily through a clean-up> low pass filter 6 which re adapted for use with telephone channels of vari moves those upper frequencies which the sys ous band-widths. ' 45 tem cannot be expected to transmit. This filter This object is achieved according to the inven will therefore limit the band betweeny 100 and tion by providing an arrangement for transmit about 6,300 cycles per second. The limited band ting an electric signal occupying a relatively wide of frequencies is then supplied in parallel to upper frequency band over a plurality of communication and lower channels through a conventional hy channels each of which is capable of passing only 50 b_rid `coil network l, the place of the balancing a relatively narrow `frequency band, comprising impedance being taken by a synchronising oscil means for dividing the signal band into a plu lator 8 to be described later. This hybrid coil rality of sections of widths corresponding respec network prevents appreciable interaction between tively to the widths of the bands passed by the the two channels. The band is then applied in said channels, means for frequency shifting each the lower channel through'the attenuating pad I 2,576,115 4 Vto a modulator l0 supplied with a carrier wave of might also appear at the output of the second frequency 12 kc./s. from an oscillator Il, the modulator i9 as a band from 3.2 to 6 kc./s. Only lower sideband extending from 5.7_Jtou11191 lic/s.M a Vsmall portion of this 4band is however present being selectedflbyaïñlteíf lf2 which also iatte'nuatesj inthe firstv .lower sideban’diat` ßìl'fito 8.8 läd/s. frequencies up to about’7.5 kc./s. foi1` the purpose The effectof'the` two modulations ’in the upper ' of minimising programme leak through the modu ,channel _has therefore been to remove that por lator. The pad 9 may introduce an attenuai àv"tion of the original programme band which is tion of about 12 decibels, andiisïprovid'ed: in’order dealt with bythe-lower channel, and to shift the to ensure that both channels? are .operated at'fY Yupper~ffrequencies ofthe band downwards by about the same level. In the programme- band»` 2.7 kc/s., the diiîerencebetween the frequencies the middle and lower frequencies predominate, of the two oscillators. 1 At the receiving terminal shown in Fig. 2, the and so without the pad 9 thelflower-,channel would . be at a much higher level thanthenpperchannel Y, ' Aband ofjfrequencies of the lower channel which and there would then be dangerïofzthexintroduc arrive overtheïline connected to terminal ¿l are tion of excessive noise into the upper channel. applied to a first .demodulator 2l supplied with a carrier frequency of 9.35 kc./s. from an oscillator The lower sideband from the‘filter l2 is .applied . 22. " N'ñlter 23»removes the upper side-band and to a second modulator s liedw'ith >al-.c'arrier . upp " l "programme leak, and delivers the lower sideband wave of 12.2 kc./s. from an oscillator I4 the out put of .which is applied through an amplifier 2.15V toA a.second demodulator 24 supplied with a car rier frequency from an oscillator 25 at 9.15 lio/s. to the commercial channel connected to terminal 20 The lower sideband from the demodulator. 2K» 2;.twhichrchannel is îassumed-.to cut-off at about coversïthe‘range lûll'to 3,600'cycles per‘second of 3.2 A»kd/s; nand. `so rselects4 part; `of- . the lower :side band. {The‘highest frequency? cnf-:the sideband the original signal band.. Besides the unwanted appliedï to thesecond modulator .-l 3 (11.9. -kc./s.) upper sideband (a) which covers the Vrange 15 to 25 1749 kcJ/s.; there will be a‘sm'all progra-mmev leal; appears ¿asl-1.300 cycles-in the Jfinally* transformed . (b) inthe range' 5.85 to 8;75 koi/sand also those band. The highest frequencyof` the originalwide . frequencies (c). immediately above 3.2 kc./s. input-:band f which1is passed» through thelower. which have not been effectively removed bythe channel is A3À,kc./s.,f `and _thisappears as 9 .kc./S._, filters 6 and l2. 4 Y after. thefi-lrst modulation; 1and.3.2’l<c•./s. .after 'the Theìfrequencies (a) and (b) are-removed by a second. j(Frequencies.above 3.2.~kc./s. will be vat 30 tenuated by the commercial channel,y though suitable low pass filter 26 in the output circuit in which the >bands from! the lower and upper there v mayebe some.. transmission upto about channels arerecombined. The frequencies (c) 4.7 ks.¿/s., correspondingv to.4.5¿kc./s..in the orig may beat vwithV frequencies` legitimately trans inal input -ba/nd. .~ Thus « there `isscme transmis» mitted over the upper channel. An additional ' sionon the frequencies between 3.l and 4.5 lcd/s. 35 simple lowpass ñlter section 21‘is therefore in ofthe signal band. `Howeverfany.frequencies in cludedin the lower branch after the second de the >range 3.2110 4.7 kc./s.