Ephraim Stern | 720 pages | 03 Dec 2007 | Yale University Press | 9780300140576 | English | United States Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume II : The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods PDF Book Eric M. Oeming, Eds. The splendid city of Babylon, located between the waters of the Euphrates and the Tigris some 60 miles south of Baghdad, was one of them. The Dan stream annual average flow of 2. Wall paintings depicting cultic scenes were found at Tuleilat el-Ghassul. On-the-spot instruction on pottery retrieval may be provided by the finds curator, especially in regard to the excavation of floors where it is suspected that there are crushed vessels that might eventually be mended by a pottery conservator. Agricultural activities included new cultivation practices, the introduction of the light plow, the organization of fields and terracing e. Archaeozoologia 4 , 9—86 Lawrence and L. The EB I ceramic material is quite austere compared to the previous Chalcolithic, with an assemblage of plain pottery vessels, with smaller quantities of the highly polished Grey-Burnished "Esdraelon" ware, some carinated with protrusions along the edges, and jars decorated with the grain-wash or band-slip technique. Richelle, Matthieu. Byzantine was divided into three parts: Palaestina Prima , which included the coastal plain, Samaria, Judea, Idumea, and Perea and had its capital at Caesarea; Palaestina Secunda , which included Galilee, the Golan, and the Decapolis of Palestine, with its capital at Scythopolis; and Palaestina Tertia. The modern archaeologist uses a variety of methods in gathering information about the ancient past, but surveys surface explorations and excavations methodical digging operations are two primary methods of recovering data. Carmel , and at Kharraneh in Jordan. Like his predecessors, he left behind inscriptions on his building projects. The new settlements were unfortified, with dwellings in a scattered or grouped layout, and with well-planned storage facilities silos and very large pithoi for water storage. One has to admit that archaeology has not been very helpful in shedding light on the origins of the Israelites whose ancestry is traced back to Jacob: Gen ; , 28; Ex Babylonian citizens saw their city as a paradise—the center of the world and symbol of cosmic harmony that had come into existence when its supreme divinity, the god Marduk, defeated the forces of chaos. S2 resulting from periodic variations in water availability Fig. Mazar, and E. Another colorful story to come out of the ancient city is that of the fabulous Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Although Frederick II was able to restore control over the holy places in C. Stern writes about various artifacts unearthed in recent years and relates them to the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian periods in the Bible. The struggle that began in the vicinity of the town of Modi'in in the northern foothills of Palestine, northwest of , eventually led in B. Publication Date:. Following the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus, Judean exiles were allowed back to Jerusalem and permission was given allowing them to rebuild the Jewish Temple destroyed in B. Find articles by David Kaniewski. The church next to the tomb of Jesus and the new church built by Justinian are both depicted on the sixth-century C. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume II : The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods Writer

Through these they will enhance their close and critical reading skills, develop their ability to analyze and debate, practice their verbal and written skills, and think on their feet. The s saw important excavations at Arad and Ashdod , the Judean Desert Caves survey —62 , which brought to light important finds from the time of Bar Kokhba, and the expedition to Masada. The matter continued to be debated during the early s with the narrowing of some dates in both the low and high chronologies especially in regard to the dating of Iron Age II A strata at sites, especially as a result of new radiocarbon determinations obtained from sites such as Rehov, but there is now a general acceptance that the extant archaeological evidence points to the emerging process of Israelite "statehood" from as early as the tenth century B. No claim to original U. All Rights Reserved. E , Amihay Mazar. The Hasmonean period is sometimes used by archaeologists in reference to the period extending from the mid-second century B. Crellin, R. The central part of the country — Judaea and Jerusalem , Samaria, and Idumea — passed temporarily into the hands of the third son Herod Archelaus, but because of mismanagement he was deposed and the region came to be known as Provincia Judaea administered by Roman officials based at Caesarea Maritima. The material culture of this period was quite uniform with a ceramic assemblage of local transport, cooking, and dining wares. Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology. Burials were frequently encountered in pits beneath the floors of houses or in adjacent areas, either as single internments flexed or stretched out or as collective burials with numerous skulls and bones gathered together. Meyers, Mark A. Once the background research has been done and the site has been selected and surveyed, the next stage is to secure the budget for the excavation and a license from the Israel Antiquities Authority. Please review our privacy policy. Norman Cantor delivers this compact but magisterial survey of the ancient world, from the birth of Sumerian civilization around B. Additional sites are known from the western foothills 'Izbet Sartah and in the northern Negev Tel Masos. The pottery is subsequently washed and sorted. With the establishment of the State of Israel in , Jewish archaeologists were cut off from the Palestine Archaeological Museum and the archives of the Department of Antiquities. The SWP provided for the first time detailed topographical maps of the country to a scale of one inch to the mile, as well as a number of volumes of memoirs in which were described the sites and landscapes they encountered. The pottery from the Abbasid period is quite distinctive, and includes among others mold-made buff jugs and glazed bowls. The city gates uncovered at Dan with its arches still intact and are quite impressive. It is unclear whether the same happened in the highland regions or in the arid zones, and it is quite possible that the Intermediate Bronze Age continued there for a little longer. But despite periods of stable rule, Babylon would always fall to someone else. The villages of the Chalcolithic were abandoned and replaced by villages of the EB I but these were situated at new locations. This course is conceived broadly to accommodate the many topics and methodological issues that arise and may be studied under the general rubric. It has a number of useful features. On-the-spot instruction on pottery retrieval may be provided by the finds curator, especially in regard to the excavation of floors where it is suspected that there are crushed vessels that might eventually be mended by a pottery conservator. Levant 28 , — Winona Like, IN: Eisenbrauns. Tel Dan The city of Dan Fig. Jackson Hershbell. There was also excitement about discoveries relating to sites of Jewish interest from later periods such as at Masada, and in the s in Jerusalem with the excavations close to the Temple Mount and in the Jewish Quarter. Receive Christ. The curve is plotted on a linear timescale and shown with an archaeological framework. Davies and L. The Palestine campaign of the Egyptian Cambyses in B. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume II : The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods Reviews

Hoekstra, A. The remains of a mosque, dwellings, plastered installations for dyeing, and mosaic pavements have been found, together with large quantities of pottery, artistic objects, inscriptions, and coins. Abraham, J. Throughout the s and early s serious debates broke out between biblical historians and archaeologists, of both religious and secular backgrounds, regarding the historicity of the Bible. The Golden Ass by Apuleius is a unique, entertaining, and thoroughly readable Latin novel - the only work of fiction in Latin to have survived in entirety from antiquity. The onset of a dry climatic period at the end of the PPNB apparently led to the abandonment of many settlements. We are simply asking students for a summary of the material. However, did permanent water resources protect some populations in the Levant and west Asia while others waned or fled in search of fertile lands? Irrigation Sci. Much of this information was collated while traveling the country along predetermined routes, under the supervision of local guides, and with the purpose of visiting sites that were primarily of biblical interest. Radiocarbon 54 , — Leicester Univ. All excavations were regulated by licenses issued in accordance with the new Antiquities Ordinance, prepared by J. Other sites of note belonging to the later Middle or Upper Acheulean of the Lower Palaeolithic period and also reflecting scavenging or hunting activities include the Evron Quarry site in western Galilee where imported flint objects and animal bones were uncovered, and the Gesher Benot Ya'akov site next to the Jordan River which revealed scatters of basalt implements, small fragments of human bones, and numerous bones of large mammals such as elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, and others. To the north of Dor, off the coast of Athlit, underwater researches brought to light the bronze ram of a warship of the Hellenistic period, decorated with images of a trident, the symbols of Poseidon, the head of an eagle representing Zeus? Farms dating from the Umayyad period are known in the Negev, as well as some very early examples of open-air mosques and many rock inscriptions in Arabic. Although the olive tree is a parsimonious water consumer that is well adapted to xeric conditions, water stress can affect flowering, resulting in low pollen production 54 — All rights reserved. Fantalkin, A. In terms of digging techniques, the 19 th century has to be regarded as a time of treasure hunting, to say the least, with Lady Hester Stanhope, for example, digging haphazard holes in the ground at Caesarea in order to extract Roman statues. Clearly the sites closer to the major trade routes, especially in the coastal plain, were the first to be fortified with characteristic wall-andglacis or earthen rampart defenses. An enchanting story that has inspired generations of writers, including Boccaccio, Shakespeare, Cervantes and Keats Written towards the end of the second century AD, The Golden Ass tells the story of the many adventures of a young man whose fascination with witchcraft leads him to be transformed into a donkey. Maxwell Miller eds. Crude attempts at making pottery sun-dried or low-fired was found at Ain Ghazal and Basta, and examples of vessels made of White Ware "vaisselles blanches" are known particularly from the northern Levant. We have no written historical sources that recount the role of water and the impact of regional shortages at ancient Dan; however, evidence from , Mesopotamia, and the southern Levant suggests that drought and changing climate patterns nurtured or hastened violent confrontation, abandonment of rain-fed plains, and migrations 12 , 19 — Payne R. The program consists of eight courses which are the equivalent of forty hours of study. Smithline, and D. Pressure flaking and polishing are two new features of the lithic technology of this period. In the ancient Upper Galilee, key pollen-derived vegetation patterns juxtapose two different but contemporaneous environments whose dynamics characterize the major ecological changes Fig. Excavations were conducted at this time by a number of German and Austrian biblical scholars and architects, at Tell Taanach by E. The main archaeological sites of Israel and surroundings countries for the period under consideration are displayed on the map. New York: Touchstone. Radiocarbon 50 , — Greenberg, Early Urbanizations in the Levant. Ground-stone artifacts continued to be made out of basalt, but these differ considerably in technique and design from earlier examples. Stern was born in Haifa in It will be mandatory reading for all who appreciated The Pursuit of the Millennium. Robinson, in particular, crisscrossed the country in and and his work ultimately led to the development of the systematic study of place names topynoms which was crucial for the identification of places mentioned in the Bible. Hence, to understand mental categories we take for granted as our own, such as time, space, memory, work, craft, art, and even the idea of the person, requires acts of decipherment through the language, the 'codes, ' of myth. The early s has seen the independent development of Palestinian archaeological activities within the territories West Bank and Gaza , with the establishment of a Palestine Department of Antiquities, and with archaeological courses being provided at the universities of Bir Zeit and al-Quds. In July of that year the Israel Department of Antiquities was established, with Shemuel Yeivin as its first director, and its first archaeological activities were connected with sites under danger as a result of the new building developments in the country. Campbell and A. The suggestion that these "Israelite" settlements were inhabited by farmers that withdrew from less marginal agricultural lands in the "Canaanite" lowlands, to the west, or from inland valleys, seems reasonable but it does not answer all the questions. The Jewish historian Josephus Flavius already remarked in his writings on the evident antiquity of certain monuments and attempted to ascribe to them dates, for example in describing the fortification wall surrounding the Upper City of Jerusalem the "First Wall" he suggested that it dated back to the time of David and the Israelite kings.

Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume II : The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods Read Online

The pottery assemblage from the site includes vessels imported from Egypt, as well as a large quantity of painted and well-burnished local wares that hitherto had been found in quantity in First Dynasty tombs at Abydos. Levant 48 , — One of the earliest of pilgrim accounts is that of the Bordeaux Pilgrim C. In Galilee there is evidence for a Phoenician presence with the capital of this region perhaps situated at Megiddo. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible follows the same organizational principle as Stern's earlier work on the Persian period by dividing the artifacts into specific categories. During the late s a debate ensued amongst scholars regarding Iron Age chronology with attempts to posit a lower chronology for the accepted mid-twelfth to mid-eighth centuries B. Some landscape features, however, reflect their adaptation as a physical means of advancing ideologies and strengthening power struggles and territorial conflicts. The Levantine-Aurignacian tradition, known only from the northern and central Levant, has new types of flint tools, notably the el-Wad points, with the first systematic use of microliths, and a bone industry. McQuitty Ottoman. James L. Book II explores the virtual gap in population that took place during the Babylonian period. Tuition does not include textbooks. In Jerusalem, Herod undertook numerous building activities, including a massive rebuilding of the Temple Mount and its Jewish Temple, a luxurious palace surrounded by gardens in the Upper City, the fortress of Antonia, the strengthening of the city fortifications and the remodeling of gates, and the construction of a theater. Add to cart. Textbook Alternate Form. Albright — agreed upon a common classification system of chronological terms in line with systems used elsewhere in Old World Archaeology. Schumacher —5 , and Shechem by E. Mattingly Paperback - Jun 25, Tel Dan appears to have lost much of its grandeur and cultic importance from the Persian period onward 35 , Numerous pounding and grinding stones indicate the processing and consumption of various nuts, grain, and seeds. Some of the important antiquarians of the region in the 19 th century were E. Publication Date:. Such a scenario is admittedly difficult to prove archaeologically, but it is a reasonable assumption that the highland cultures of the Early Iron Age were much more variegated than their material artifacts would suggest them to be. Henceforth, the Roman governor of Syria held power in the region, with support from the Hasmoneans and Idumeans. The Hermetic philosophy was regarded as an ancient theology, parallel to the revealed wisdom of the Bible, supporting Biblical revelation and culminating in the Platonic philosophical tradition. The Babylonians built many beautiful and lavish buildings and preserved statues and artworks from the earlier Babylonian Empire during the reign of king Nebuchadnezzar II. The strata of Tel Dan and their salient characteristics. Archaeology has an important role in illuminating the cultures of certain peoples referred to for example in the Bible, such as the Hyksos and Philistines who were not at all boorish as one might think. Robinson , V. In the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums became the Israel Antiquities Authority under the directorship of Amir Drori, and numerous salvage excavations were conducted throughout the country, as well as larger prestigious projects such as those at Beth Shean and Caesarea, and smaller projects such as those at Beth Shemesh and Modi'in. The bewitched Lucius passes from owner to owner - encountering a desperate gang of robbers and being forced to perform lewd 'human' tricks on stage - until the Goddess Isis finally breaks the spell and initiates Lucius into her cult.