TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE NATIVE PEOPLE OF CHUKOTKA Chukotka Association of Traditional Marine Mammal Hunters 689000 Russia, Chukotskiy Autonomous District, 20, suite14 Polyarnaya Street
[email protected] Eskimo Walrus Commission P.O. Box 948, Nome, Alaska, USA 99762
[email protected] TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE NATIVE PEOPLE OF CHUKOTKA ABOUT WALRUS FINAL REPORT Prepared for Kawerak Inc. By: Eduard ZDOR, project science supervisor, CHAZTO executive secretary Liliya ZDOR, project researcher in the Chukotskiy region Lyudmila AINANA, project researcher in the Providenskiy region Anadyr April 2010 [Translated from the Russian by O.V. Romanenko, Anchorage, Alaska, February 2011] WALRUS AND ITS HABITAT TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE NATIVE PEOPLE OF CHUKOTKA Table of contents INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS. .................................................................................................. 3 1. Data gathering organization .................................................................................................... 3 Fig. 1. Organizational sturcture of the project «Gathering traditional knowledge of the Chukotka Native people about the walrus » .................................................................................................. 3 Fig. 2. Village locations and respondents interviewed under the project «Gathering of traditional knowledge about walrus of the Native peoples of Chukotka»