THE MASTER GANG SYSTEM IN ITALY By Mattia Giampaolo and Aurora Ianni Case stUDY REPOrt N. 1 2020 Nov Case stUDY REPOrt N. 1 THE MASTER GANG SYSTEM IN ITALY1. By Mattia Giampaolo and Aurora Ianni 1. Introduction pag. 2 2. Migrants’ networks, Migration Flows Decree and Master Gang System pag. 3 3. The phenomenon of the Master gang system in Italy. A National overview pag. 6 4. Good practices from civil society, trade unions and governmental panels pag. 9 5. Covid-19 outbreak and art. 103 of Decree Law 34/2020 pag. 10 6. The global market as a source of poverty and labour exploitation pag. 12 7. Policy recommendations pag. 13 References pag. 15 “This case study has been realized in the framework of the project, to spread data 1 This case study has been realised in the framework of the “Fa- and information based on a scientific analysis. If you want to know more about this ces of Migration” project (Migrant and SDGs, contract number project and be part of its activities, please feel free to contact the leading partner CSO-LA/2018/401-798), co-financed by the European Union. Diaconia in Czech Republic (email:
[email protected]), as well as Focsiv in The paper has been elaborated by Aurora Ianni and Mattia Giam- Italy (email:
[email protected]).” paolo, researchers at the Centro Studi Politica Internazionale (CeSPI), with the coordination of Andrea Stocchiero (Focsiv). This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Itscontents are the sole responsibility of the Ph.