Economic Development of the Russian Arctic Space by Upgrading

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Economic Development of the Russian Arctic Space by Upgrading THE ARCHIVES OF TRANSPORT ISSN (print): 0866-9546 Volume 31, Issue 3, 2014 e-ISSN (online): 2300-8830 DOI: 10.5604/08669546.1146988 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN ARCTIC SPACE BY UPGRADING TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS SECTOR Vladimir Selin1, Fedor Larichkin2, Valentina Novoseltceva3 1,2,3Institute of Economic Problems after G.Luzin, Kola Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Science, Russia 2e-mail: [email protected] 3e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The article characterizes the growing interest of the Arctic states and the world community to the development of the vast natural resources in the harsh environment of the Arctic, including the development of programs and the strategy, the importance of international cooperation, harmonization of legal framework of economic activities in the macro-region. The essential modernization and development of transport and logistics complex in the effective development of the Arctic zone is substantiated. A conceptual model for creating the modern transport and logistics complex applicable to Murmansk transport hub, the largest in the Russian Arctic, has been developed. Key words: Arctic zone, natural resources, transport hub, modeling, the transport and logistics complex 1. Impact of changes in national and global – The Arctic Council (1996) - the only circumpolar geopolitical and geo-economic situation, the and political authority on matters relating to the institutional conditions affecting the Arctic Coy; situation in the Russian Arctic – Ilulissat Declaration of 2008, in which countries Importance of the Arctic as a global resource base, agreed to cooperate on the basis of existing as strategic territorial reserve of all mankind, as the international law; reactor of global weather, and as a region having – Transregional integration Education: Council the great economic, cultural and civilizational Barents / Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR 1993), value, gave rise to growing interest of the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM -1971), the international community1 to Arctic, which has led European Union ("Northern Dimension" -1995), to the fact that the Arctic states2 have developed and others; and adopted at the state level policy documents, – Treaty between the Russian Federation and the expressing their intentions in the development of Kingdom of Norway on maritime delimitation the Arctic region. and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Analysis of strategies of Arctic countries allows to Ocean (2010-2011); make a conclusion that acceptable conditions for – Non-governmental organizations: the World their peaceful interaction in the Arctic world have Wildlife Fund, the International Arctic Science been developed, which are based on the following Committee, the Advisory Committee for the seas, key documents: International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, – UN Convention3 on the Law of the Sea 1982; University of the Arctic, and many others; – Social structures of indigenous peoples of the North: the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Aleut 1 Reid A. Chilingarova and planting of the Russian flag International Association, the Saami Council, on the seabed at the North Pole, to some extent "provoked Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, " simultaneous adoption of strategic documents by all Siberia and the Russian Far East, etc. Arctic states . All this allows us to consider the Arctic in the 2 Arctic countries: Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Norway, Russia, the USA, Finland and Sweden. future as a base for international cooperation, for 3 "Convention" was ratified by all the Arctic countries which we have created the basic institutional except the United States (in real US actions do not violate conditions. The need for the widest possible this convention). international cooperation in the various fields of 61 Vladimir Selin, Fedor Larichkin, Valentina Novoseltceva Economic development of the Russian arctic space by upgrading transport and logistics sector Arctic exploration is largely due to the complexity environmental protection in the Arctic zone of of natural settings, scale mineral and biological the Russian Federation"; These laws should resources, fragile Arctic environment. define the status and boundaries of the Arctic Analysis of the situation in the Russian Arctic from zone, especially budget, investment and social the standpoint of its security legal and regulatory policy in the Arctic, the principles of relations system to regulate economic activity and between the state and subsoil users, the population living on Arctic territories, revealed the relationship of the state with the indigenous following: peoples small in number, measures to ensure the 1) Actually all laws and regulations in force in the protection of the environment and security of this territory of Russia, are hardly adapted or not territory, and others; adapted to the Arctic at all, including federal – It is necessary to adopt the Program "Economic laws, specific for the North; and Social Development of the Russian Arctic 2) Hitherto fundamental laws are not accepted: 2012-2020" [1]. "On the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation" These documents are mostly complete formation of and "On special modes of nature and the basic contours of the Russian Arctic policy and environmental protection in the Arctic zone of internal institutional environment in the Russian the Russian Federation"; Arctic. 3) Russian Federation in terms of legislative But to ensure sustainable development of the support development of the Arctic zone is Russian Arctic as a region, geopolitically and laggings behind the other Arctic countries; economically extremely important for Russia must 4) In the last two - three years, the situation began be comprehensive, large-scale policy in formation to change in a positive way, and has been a of new institutes and mechanisms of their shift from rhetoric and numerous declarations interaction on the whole of the Russian Arctic are to action: required adapted to the realities of the Arctic and 5) In 2008 were developed and approved geo-economic challenges. In particular, the role of "Principles of State Policy in the Arctic for the the state and business in the development of the period up to 2020 and beyond" (Presidential Arctic is not fully defined. The problem is Decree of 18 September 2008, № PR-1969). compounded by the fact that the costs and risks of This document was the recognition that the infrastructure and technologically Arctic projects Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (Russian are very high, and they can be successfully Arctic) is the subject of a specific public policy implemented only on the basis of the formation and because of its nature and specifics that development of the institute partnership of distinguish it from other regions of the country; business, government and society. – July 28, 2012, the Federal Law № 132-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the 2. The structure of the traffic and transport Russian Federation regarding state regulation of system of Russian Arctic commercial navigation in the waters of the Specificity of the geographical position of Russia, Northern Sea Route," which defines the status led to the unique design features of the transport and NSR, conditions for navigation along the system of life support its Arctic territories. There route, determination of charges (payment), etc; are almost no analogues of the settlements located – July 30, 2012 adopted a law "On the creation of in these latitudes and comparable in size and level the federal treasury institution" Administration of of development of transport systems in the rest of the Northern Sea Route". the world. The Arctic in Canada, Alaska (USA) and – In the near future several important documents the island of Greenland, which is part of Denmark should be introduced: they are – long-suffering can be considered closest to the conditions of the the law4 "On the Russian Arctic zone", and the Russian Arctic North [2]. law "On special modes of nature use and The transport system of the Russian Arctic is represented by rail, road, air, pipeline, sea and river transport, and in addition it includes 4 This law was submitted to the State Duma as early as communication lines, vehicles, ports, facilities and 1999. 62 AoT Vol. 31/Issue 3 2014 objects that accompany the transport activity. As in Among the new projects implemented in the Arctic regions of leading foreign countries, it accordance with the investment program of the focuses mainly on the export of minerals, industrial company "Transneft" in the 2nd half of 2012, there goods and import of goods for the population, as is the Project: Construction of Purpe-Samotlor - well as transport services for military facilities 45.2 bln RR. The aim of the project "Purpe- located on the Arctic coast and islands. Samotlor" is to ensure oil transportation from However, the system transformation of the Russian Vankor field and the Krasnoyarsk Territory to economy since 1990's, had the strongest impact Russian refineries and for export. The Arctic upon the territories of the Arctic zone, not having a pipeline - Purpe designed to transport oil from new safety margin due to its specifics, for a flexible fields of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug response to new economic and technical (YaNAO) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Design conditions. The absence of active economic policy capacity is up to 45 mln tons / year. The total of the Government in the north of the Arctic zone length of the pipeline is about 500 km. Total costs
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