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Poslovia mieru a stability

The Heralds of Peace and Stability NTRODUCTION / I VOD Ú

Svet sa na prelome 20. a 21. sto- At the turn of the century the roþia dramaticky mení. Po páde world is dramatically changing. železnej opony sa možno nakrátko The iron curtain having fallen zdalo, že sa stane stabilnejším down, it seemed to be a good start a bezpeþnejším. Ukazuje sa však, for the world to become a better že to bola ilúzia. Zjavili sa nové place, safer and more stable. ohrozenia, na ktoré sa musia štáty Unfortunately, that proves to have pripravovaĢ, a ak treba, tak im aj been an illusion. The new threats þeliĢ. A to nielen diplomaticky, the individual states have to face ekonomicky þi politicky, ale neraz have appeared. Responding to these i silou. involves not only diplomatic, econo- mic or political means, but someti- Azda najväþšou zmenou dneška je mes even using force. stieranie vzdialeností. ďudia, ale i kapitál þi informácie sa pohybujú What can be taken the most consi- z krajiny do krajiny, z kontinentu derable change is, perhaps, overco- na kontinent rýchlosĢou, aká nikdy ming the obstacle of distance in v minulosti nemala obdobu. Je to a rapidly shrinking world. People, vo svojej podstate pozitívny proces, no prináša so investments or information are transferred from a coun- sebou i daĖ, ktorú musíme za globalizáciu platiĢ. Vo try to country in a speed never dreamed of. By and large, sfére bezpeþnosti národov sa takto stávajú nebezpeþen- it is a positive process. However, it results in some risks stvá, ktoré boli donedávna zvládnuteĐné vnútornými we have to bear taking most of the advantages globalisa- prostriedkami štátov, stále viac globálnymi ohrozenia- tion brings with. In the sphere of security, the risks which mi. Nastal þas regionálnych konfliktov ovplyvĖujúcich could easily be detected and handled within one state, celé kontinenty a asymetrických ohrození neviditeĐný- gradually constitute global threats. The time has come mi protivníkmi. Úþinný zásah na stabilizáciu týchto when regional conflicts impact on whole continents and ohrození sa preto musí þasto vykonaĢ nie na mieste kde nations are faced with unpredictable threats from the side hrozí útok, ale tam, kde sa naĖ pripravujú podmienky. of invisible attackers. That is why the effective measures A to býva þasto veĐmi ćaleko od chránených území to stabilise these risks are to be taken not in the area našich štátov. where the security threat may arise, but preferably where Preto s tradiþným chápaním obrany vlasti, predovšet- it is being planned. This can often be thousands of miles kým ako obrany teritória domovského štátu, už nevy- from the territory of a particular state, which brings us to staþíme. Stále viac sa stretávame s novou koncepciou new dimensions of how to understand the term of state obrannej politiky, oznaþovanej zásadou „Out of Area“, defence. teda mimo územia. Znamená to, že nasadzovanie Traditional perception, suggesting defence was limi- ozbrojených síl mimo územia vlastného štátu sa prestá- ted to the territory of a particular state, acquired va chápa už len ako pomoc, i nebodaj expanzia. Na Ģ þ a new meaning. To date, we often come across the po iatku 21. storo ia sa použitie ozbrojených síl þ þ term „Out of Area“, which characterises the new con- ivemi aleko od hraníc domoviny stáva nesmierne Đ ć cept best. That means, the deployment of troops in the vážnym nástrojom základného bezpe nostného záujmu þ territory of other countries cannot be considered štátu. Toto je nový moment v zahrani nopolitickom þ a mere act of friendly help, or even worse, an expansi- a vojenskopolitickom uvažovaní. Je to tiež osi, omu þ þ on. On the threshold of a new century, military mis- nie celkom zodpovedá sú asný medzinárodný právny þ sions beyond borders of a home country are becoming rámec. a highly appreciated instrument of implementation of Slovensko po vzniku samostatného štátu v roku 1993 a state's basic security interests. This is to be conside- vstúpilo do tohto meniaceho sa sveta veĐmi aktívne. red the new moment in military-political, as well as Muselo budovaĢ svoju armádu, zodpovedaĢ si základné diplomatic concept. On the other hand, however, the Poslovia mieru a stability5 The Heralds of Peace and Stability MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:38 Stránka 6


otázky o tom, aká by mala byĢ, aké by malo byĢ jej international legal framework still does not fully cor- miesto v slovenskej zahraniþnej politike a ako bude respond with it. reagovaĢ na premeny bezpeþnostného prostredia súdo- bého Đudstva. Nazdávam sa, že na to, þo sa za prvé The independent Slovak republic, which came into exis- desaĢroþie v tejto oblasti vykonalo, môžeme byĢ hrdí. tence in 1993, did keep abreast of the challenges of the changing world. We had to shape the structure and orga- Naša vlasĢ, ale i naše ozbrojené sily majú autoritu a sú nisation of our own armed forces, come to agreement on súþasĢou vytvárania našej pozície vo svetovom spolo- the topical issues of their role in relation to the Slovak þenstve. Pozície, ktorá je iste ovplyvnená i našou geo- foreign policy and on how our armed forces should ref- grafickou, demografickou, ekonomickou a historickou lect the changing security environment. I believe we only realitou, ale zároveĖ je i výslednicou našej aktívnej can be proud of what we have achieved in this area in the politiky. Práve naša aktivita utvorila predpoklady na last decade, which was, at the same time, the first one of to, aby sa Slovensko stalo rešpektovanou demokratic- our country's existence as an independent state. kou krajinou, akceptovanou ako kandidát na þlenstvo v NATO i v Európskej únii. Naša schopnosĢ zabezpeþo- Our country, as well as our Armed Forces, enjoy credi- vaĢ svoju zahraniþnú politiku i pôsobením svojej bran- bility in the world and contribute highly to enhance our nej moci je základom toho, že naša pozícia nie je iba position among the other countries. This is no doubt darom, þi blahovôĐou iných mocností, ale je výsledkom partly true due to our geographical, economic and his- našej vlastnej þinnosti a našej vlastnej sily. torical background, but, what is more, it is a result of our active defence policy. It is our own initiative which A práve tu zohrali zahrani né misie príslušníkov slo- þ enabled Slovakia to become a respected democratic venských ozbrojených síl k ú ovú úlohu. Ukázalo sa, že Đ þ state, accepted as a NATO and EU candidate country. naši vojaci sú spo ahliví, stato ní a stále lepšie Đ þ Our ability and readiness to implement our foreign poli- vycvi ení a vybavení. Že na Slovensko a jeho armádu þ cy strategies also through our Armed Forces resulted in sa dá spo ahnú . Đ Ģ the fact our position does not depend on generosity of Vojenské misie slovenských ozbrojených síl významne the world powers but merely on our own will and capa- prispievajú ku stabilizácii viacerých regionálnych kon- bilities. fliktov. I my sme prispeli k tomu, aby bolo vo svete viac And this is where the Slovak peacekeeping troops played pokoja a vä šia stabilita. Toto je nesmierne dôležité þ the key role. Our soldiers proved to be brave, reliable, a máme už aj pozoruhodné skúsenosti. well-trained and well-equipped. They proved one can Najlepším dôkazom toho, že naši vojaci prinášajú always rely and depend on Slovakia and the Slovak poriadok a pokoj, sú ich dobré a priateĐské vzĢahy Armed Forces.

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s domácim obyvateĐstvom. Je to tak prakticky všade, Military missions of the Slovak Armed Forces have con- kde sú. Pritom nebolo to vždy tak hneć v þase, keć zo tributed highly to stabilisation of several regional con- Slovenska odchádzali. Vo viacerých prípadoch boli flicts, supporting peace and stability in the world. This is naši vojaci nasadení už v poþiatoþnej fáze Ģažkých kon- of the greatest significance and we have already gained fliktov a bojov. Boli súþasĢou mnohonárodných síl, remarkable experience. ktoré museli do týchto konfliktov zasiahnu a neraz ich Ģ The best proof of our soldiers promoting peace and sta- zvládnu i za pomoci masívneho použitia zbraní. Až Ģ bility is their good and friendly relationship with the local neskôr, po nastolení poriadku, sa ukázalo, že to bolo inhabitants, wherever they are deployed. It had not al- nevyhnutné a pozitívne. A udia ažko skúšaných krajín Đ Ģ ways been like this, though. In many cases our troops to už dnes oce ujú. Ė took part in early stages of the severe conflicts and bat- ÚþasĢ našich vojakov v konfliktoch ćaleko od hraníc tles, being part of multinational units directly involved in našej vlasti má už v našich moderných dejinách tradí- these conflicts, where often force had to be applied on ciu. Práve malé národy, ktoré museli zviesĢ zápas a massive scale as a respond to hostilities. Only later, o svoju existenciu, dobre vedia, že o národné záujmy je after peace had been installed, the war afflicted people niekedy potrebné bojovaĢ i mimo územia svojho štátu. understood the use of force was inevitable and positive in Už pri zrode prvej spoloþnej republiky s ýechmi to boli the end. And with the lapse of time they do appreciate it. zahrani né légie. Po as druhej svetovej vojny sa þ þ The roots of participation of our soldiers in conflicts o zápas s nacistickým Nemeckom postarali z ve kej Đ beyond borders of our country reach back into our miery slovenskí a eskí vojaci v zahrani nom odboji. þ þ modern history. They are especially small nations, who A to tak vo východnom ako aj v západnom. had to fight for their existence, who are fully aware of the Dnes o naše bezpeþnostné záujmy bojujú príslušníci fact sometimes it is crucial to pursue their national inte- mierových misií. Slovensko nie je expanzívnym štátom. rests even outside the territory of the state. When the first Nemá a nikdy nebude maĢ žiadne územné nároky voþi Czechoslovak Republic was being established the foreign druhým. Svoje ekonomické a politické záujmy si nepre- legions were there. Similarly, during the World War II the sadzuje silou. Ale tam, kde môžu byĢ i naši obþania Slovak and Czech soldiers joined the resistance move- ohrození, tam sme pripravení siahnuĢ aj po zbrani. ment against Nazi Germany on both fronts, the eastern V dnešnom globalizovanom svete je každá destabilizá- and western one. cia a každé významnejšie ohrozenie nevinných udí aj Đ To-date, the members of peacekeeping missions are the ohrozením našej vlasti a našich spoluob anov. þ guardians of our security interests. Slovakia is not an Medzinárodné teroristické siete, vývoj a šírenie zaká- expanding state. We have never had and will never have zaných zbraní, regionálne konflikty – to všetko nás any territorial claims at the expense of others. We do not nemôže necháva nevšímavými. V podmienkach sú as- Ģ þ apply force to pursue our economic or political interests. ného života na Zemi si už nemôžeme hovori , že sa nás Ģ However, we will not shrink from legitimate use of force to nedotýka. Všade tu ide aj o náš vlastný bezpe nost- þ if there is no other way to defend our people once endan- ný záujem. Všade tu ide o pokojný život aj našich ob a- þ gered. In a to date global, interdependent world each nov. destabilisation and security risk for innocent people can Preto príslušníci Ozbrojených síl Slovenskej republiky, constitute a security threat to our country and our citi- operujúci v najrôznejších kútoch našej planéty, sú nie- zens. We must not sustain an indifferent stand on deve- len poslami mieru a stability pre Đudí, žijúcich v mies- lopment and proliferation of weapons of mass destru- te ich nasadenia, ale sú aj a predovšetkým v službe ction, we must not ignore a threat posed by the interna- mieru a obrany našej drahej vlasti. Patrí im za to úcta tional terrorist nets and their activities, or regional con- a vćaka nás všetkých! flicts. Living on Earth we cannot turn a blind eye to these issues, hoping this would not affect us. It is, whether we want or not, our own essential national security objecti- ve. The peaceful life of our people is in a bet. That is why we should see the members of the Slovak Armed Forces, operating in a wide variety of places of our planet, not only as the ones confronting security chal- lenges in distant deployment areas, bringing lasting order of peace there. First and above all, they are com- mitted and dedicated professionals defending peace for our beloved country. We owe them a debt of gratitude, respect and esteem! Ivan ŠIMKO Ivan ŠIMKO minister obrany Slovenskej republiky Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic

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I Konflikty sa ešte neskonþili HAPTER

/ C Conflicts are not over yet APITOLA K

Do konca 80. rokov bolo všetko naoko jednoduché – Until the late eighties everything seemed to be so železná opona akoby delila na dve þasti nielen Európu, simple – the Iron Curtain kept the Europe, and the world, ale celý svet. Studená vojna vytvorila pomerne jednodu- separated. The Cold War period established a uni-colou- chý a prehĐadný vzorec medzinárodných vzĢahov – všet- red conception of international relations based on bipolar ky krajiny boli buć „my“ alebo „oni“ a historicky bez- confrontation – all the countries were either “us“ or precedentne dlhé obdobie európskej stability zaisĢovala “them“. Historically unprecedented long period of stabili- rovnováha síl medzi Východom a Západom. Kategorický ty in Europe was secured by a system of spheres of influ- imperatív v stratégii superveĐmocí znel: vyhnúĢ sa pria- ence and balances of power between East and West. memu ozbrojenému konfliktu. Vojny a ozbrojené strety sa A categorical imperative, as far as strategy of presunuli na perifériu svetového systému, najmä do Superpowers, was to avoid an outbreak of a direct armed oblastí tretieho sveta. conflict. Wars and armed encounters were left behind on Záver studenej vojny odstránil jasne definovaného the periphery of civilised world, especially at the coun- nepriateĐa a súþasne na minimum znížil nebezpeþenstvo tries of the third world. konfliktu medzi Východom a Západom. Zánik sovietske- The Cold War being over, the clearly defined enemy ho vplyvu však zároveĖ uvoĐnil cestu pre nástup nových has disappeared and the threat of a conflict between East hráþov na medzinárodnú scénu. ZreteĐnú a jednoznaþnú and West significantly decreased. The Soviet influence hrozbu vystriedali nové a niekedy menej zjavné riziká having diminished, the floor was free for new successors. a ohrozenia. Na starý kontinent sa vrátili vojnové kon- New and often less obvious risks replaced an intelligible flikty, ktorých podoba sa však odlišovala od väþšiny unambiguous threat. The war conflicts were back at the

Slovenské „Modré barety“ sú už neodmysliteēnou súĀasĥou mierových síl OSN Slovak “Blue Berets“ have become an inherent part of UN peacekeeping force

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ÿoraz intenzívnejšie sa Ozbrojené sily SR zapájajú i do operácií pod vedením NATO The Slovak Armed Forces engagement in operations under NATO auspices is becoming more and more intense

predchádzajúcich európskych vojen. Tieto nové krízy Old Continent. Nevertheless, they turned out to be totally a vojny sa presunuli dovnútra štátov. Z vyše stovky different from previous European wars, since the crises ozbrojených konfliktov zaznamenaných vo svete za did not spread beyond borders and remained limited to posledných pätnásĢ rokov išlo len v šiestich prípadoch a territory of a particular state. Out of the more than one o vojnu medzi štátmi. Najmä krajiny, ktoré sa v minulos- hundred armed conflicts in the world throughout the last ti stali nedobrovoĐnými súþasĢami väþších štátnych útva- fifteen years, only six developed into wars between states. rov, zaþali uplatĖovaĢ svoje mocensky potláþané právo The countries forcibly annexed by their stronger and more na sebaurþenie a mohutné štátne celky sa zaþali rozpa- vigorous neighbours started to pursue their suppressed daĢ. Príkladom je rad etnických konfliktov v oblasti rights for self-determination and the world could see the Kaukazu po zániku ZSSR. huge empires fall apart, to mention just the number of eth- Vo všeobecnosti možno povedaĢ, že v dôsledku povoj- nic conflicts in Caucasus region following the USSR novej dekolonizácie vzniklo vo svete mnoho krajín disintegration. neschopných plnohodnotného života. Kým do konca In general, due to post-war de-colonisation, many 80. rokov boli viaceré z nich udržiavané umelo, aby countries unable to run and control their own affairs came mohli podporovaĢ jednu þi druhú stranu studenej vojny, into existence. Up to the late eighties many of them were po jej skonþení zostali odkázané samé na seba a mnohé subsidised by either side of an outside bipolar world, z nich túto záĢaž neuniesli. Ćalším zdrojom konfliktov sa expecting, in return, their support in a Cold Era competi- stal rozpad komunistického impéria. tion. At the end of the Cold War these countries found Kolapsu štátu predchádzajú spravidla ekonomické themselves abandoned and unable to bear a burden of problémy a rast napätia vnútri spoloþnosti. Slabé independence themselves, which led to what has become a nefunkþné štátne inštitúcie už nedokážu riešiĢ problémy to be known as „failed States“. The next conflicts emer- bežnými politickými prostriedkami a rúcajú sa. Vojny sa ged after the communist bloc disintegration. vracajú do rúk jednotlivcov a prestávajú byĢ v rukách štá- A collapse of a state is as a rule preceded by economic tov. Ozbrojené konflikty vznikajú z viacerých príþin, problems and mounting tension in a society. State autho- ktoré sú si navzájom blízke a þasto aj prepojené. rities, lenient and incompetent as they are, turn out to be V prvom rade ide o územné spory – úsilie posilniĢ unable to solve situation by standard political means and vplyv na urþitom území, resp. snahy o dezintegráciu, teda measures and as a result they collapse into a state of total

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odchod zo silného štátu. Do tejto skupiny patria aj kon- anarchy. Wars get out of control of the states and start to flikty vyplývajúce z pohraniþných sporov susediacich štá- be waged by individuals. Root causes of armed conflicts tov, prípadne konflikty, ktoré majú strategické dôvody. are very often interrelated. Ćalšou skupinou sú náboženské konflikty, vyplývajú- First of all, there are territorial claims – aimed at ce z rozliþného vierovyznania súperiacich skupín. enhancing power influence on a particular territory, or Hospodárske konflikty vznikajú pri súperení o prí- disintegration tendencies. The latter include strategic rea- stup k nerastnému bohatstvu, ale aj k životne dôležitým sons or border disputes culminating into conflicts. zdrojom vody. Secondly, there are religious conflicts due to different ýastým zdrojom konfliktov bývajú etnické problémy, religious believes by opposing parties. ktoré si v nedávnej minulosti vyžiadali tisícky obetí Economic reasons often include feuds over raw mate- a neraz prerástli aj do obþianskej vojny. rials resources and vital water resources. Súþasné konflikty prebiehajú v mnohých regiónoch Ethnic problems most often result in severe conflicts a na viacerých kontinentoch. Nevyhla sa im ani Európa. with victims counting in thousands and often leading to Pre Slovensko je najbližším ohniskom napätia Balkánsky a civil war. polostrov. Rozdelenie bývalej Juhoslávie na samostatné Currently there are many ongoing armed conflicts in štáty sa neuskutoþnilo pokojne a vývoj v oblasti nie je sta- different regions and various continents, including bilizovaný dodnes, takže na pokoj a krehkú stabilitu Europe. As far as Slovakia, in terms of distance Balkan v tomto regióne musia dohliadaĢ príslušníci mierových can be considered the nearest pocket of tension. The for- misií. Zásah Severoatlantickej aliancie zastavil krviprelie- mer Yugoslavia disintegration into independent countries vanie v Srbsku a dostal pod kontrolu konflikt, ktorý pri- was anything but peaceful, accompanied by lots of unrest pravil o život mnoho nevinných Đudí. and even armed conflicts. Even to date the situation has Ćalším významným európskym ohniskom napätia je not been fully stabilised which is why the fragile peace spor o územne rozdelený Cyprus, v ktorom sú zaintereso- and order in this region must be secured by the troops of vané dve þlenské krajiny NATO – Grécko a Turecko. peacekeeping missions. It was the NATO intervention, Svetadielom s najväþším poþtom ozbrojených konflik- which managed to get the conflict in Serbia under control tov je Afrika a najmä oblasĢ VeĐkých jazier (Demo- and made an end to bloodshed. kratická republika Kongo, Rwanda, Uganda). Etnické A major potential threat to European security is posed násilie tu spôsobilo miliónové straty na životoch a kedy- by tense environment and inter-communal dispute in ter- koĐvek hrozí jeho ćalšie prepuknutie. Množstvo obetí si ritorially divided Cyprus, where Greece and Turkey, both vyžiadala vojna v tzv. Africkom rohu (Etiópia, Eritrea), being the NATO member countries, are involved. ktorý patrí k najchudobnejším oblastiam sveta, no sveto- Africa is a continent where most of the armed conflicts vú verejnosĢ azda najviac šokoval priebeh obþianskej have erupted, especially in the area of the Great Lakes vojny v Sierra Leone. (Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda). Druhou najnestabilnejšou oblasĢou je najväþší konti- Ethnic conflicts, giving rise to fierce claims of sub-natio- nent sveta – Ázia. Tu sú neuralgickými bodmi napäté nal identity and leading to violence escalation and ghast- vzĢahy medzi Arménskom a Azerbajdžanom kvôli úze- miu náhorného Karabachu (enkláva kresĢanských Arménov na území moslimského Azerbajdžanu), boje ýeþencov za nezávislosĢ od Ruskej federácie a rozšírenie týchto bojov na okolité autonómne republiky Dagestan a Ingušsko, ktoré v Ruskej federácii zotrvávajú. Do tohto regiónu spadá aj Ģažko riešiteĐná otázka kurdského etnika žijúceho na území viacerých štátov – Arménska, Iraku, Iránu, Turecka a Sýrie. Ku krízovým otázkam v Ázii patrí aj spor Indie s Pakistanom o územie Kašmíru. Nie je to však jediný problém zaĢažujúci Indiu, separatistické tendencie badaĢ aj v iných štátoch tejto federatívnej krajiny – v Pandžábe a Ándhrapradéši. Ohniská napätia sa vyskytujú i v ýíne, priþom pozornosĢ púta najmä otázka tibetskej autonómie a napätie v þínskych vzĢahoch s Tajvanom. V Afganistane stále prebieha obþianska vojna a medzinárodné spoloþen- stvo sa dodnes nedokázalo zbaviĢ hrozby irackého diktá- tora Saddáma Husajna. Nepokojný je i Blízky východ. Jedným z hlavných ohnísk konfliktu v regióne je oblasĢ Golanských výšin, ktoré do roku 967 patrili Sýrii. V šesĢdĖovej vojne ich vtedy dobyl Izrael a okupuje toto územie dodnes, pouka- zujúc na jeho strategický význam v prípade, že by Sýria niekedy na židovský štát zaútoþila. V priestore pretrváva napätie a všetky mierové rozhovory boli doteraz neús- pešné. Konflikt Izrael – Palestína trvá už viac než polstoroþie. Naši ženisti si získali mimoriadny kredit najmä Oba národy si robia nároky na celé územie pôvodnej pri odmínovacích prácach v krízových oblastiach Palestíny a považujú Jeruzalem za svoje hlavné mesto. Our engineers enjoy a remarkable reputation especially VeĐká nádej na mier v oblasti sa þrtala v polovici deväĢ- due to their de-mining performance in crises regions

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ly killings counting to millions, are not the past and any- time they can boil down again to collective suicide. The War in so called African Corner (Ethiopia, Eritrea), which belongs to one of the poorest regions in the world, has cost many lives as well. However, the world watched awe-stricken a civil war in Sierra Leone, its background and conduct absolutely incomprehensible in terms usual- ly applied by the modern state. The largest continent of Asia is considered the next one of unstable regions, with Armenia and Azerbaijan being at feud over the territory of Nagorny-Karabakh (an enclave of Christian Armenians on the territory of a muslim Azerbaijan), the Chechnians fighting for independence of the Russian Federation, the unrest spreading to surroun- ding autonomous republics of Daghestan and Ingushetia, which remain integrated in the Russian Federation. Moreover, the region has also to cope with a troublesome and complicated problem of Kurds – an ethnic living on the territory of different states (Armenia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria). India and Pakistan's continuous feud over the territory of Kashmir might also reach crisis proportion one day. However, this is not the only problem in India as some other states of the Federation, like Punjab and Andhrapradesh also tend to pursue their separatist ten- dencies. No doubt China can constitute a potential threat as well, due to a tension between the country and Taiwan, and of course, with respect to the issue of Tibet autonomy. There is still a civil war going on in Afghanistan and the international community still faces up to the threat posed by the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Similarly, the Near East is also typical of ongoing unrest, to mention just the bare and remote region of the Golan Heights, which belonged to Syria up to 967. Within a six-day war the Israeli forces seized the territory which is being occupied up to these days, Israel pointing out its strategic value in case Syria would ever attack the Jewish State. There is a persisting tension in the area and all peace talks so far have failed. ZniĀené obydlia, plaĀúce vdovy – i to sú tváre národnostných a etnických konfliktov Equally, the Israeli – Palestinian conflict persists for over fifty years. Both nations make territorial claims to Destroyed homes, mourning widows – these are also the whole territory of original Palestine and both consider the consequences of ethnical and religious conflicts Jerusalem their capital. In mid nineties all hopes for peace died after the Prime Minister Rabin had been assassinated desiatych rokov v osobe premiéra Rabina, ktorého však on 4th November 995 just a few minutes after giving zavraždili 4. novembra 995 len niekoĐko minút po pre- a speech on a peace manifestation and thus trends to jave na mierovej manifestácii, þím sa mierový vývoj pre- introduce peace to the area were interrupted. Israel takes rušil. Podmienky Palestínþanov – zrušenie židovských the Palestinian conditions unacceptable, since they invol- osád na Západnom brehu Jordánu, návrat uteþencov ve cleansing the Jewish settlement on the West bank of a Jeruzalem ako hlavné mesto Palestíny – sú pre Izrael the Jordan River, refugees return and Jerusalem being the neprijateĐné. capital of Palestine. Spomenuté ohniská medzinárodného napätia nie sú The above mentioned potential threats are far from zćaleka všetky, ktoré v súþasnom svete existujú. being all which jeopardise the world. In a currently chan- V dôsledku meniacej sa medzinárodnej situácie niektoré ging international situation some of the conflict culmina- konflikty nadobúdajú na intenzite, kým iné postupne pre- te and the others fade away into a latent form. Due to glo- chádzajú do latentného stavu. Globalizácia spôsobuje, že balisation, world increasingly becomes interdependent dnes i najvzdialenejšie konflikty môžu viac þi menej and even the most distant conflicts may present a consi- ohroziĢ aj Slovenskú republiku. Slovensko si preto pokla- derable danger to the Slovak Republic. That is why the dá za þesĢ, ale i vec svojho záujmu, že príslušníci jeho Slovak Armed Forces are proud to have contributed to ozbrojených síl prispievajú k mieru a pokojnejšiemu safeguarding and rebuilding peace and stability in the životu Đudí, ktorí mali menej šĢastia než obyvatelia našej countries whose people were not so lucky as we are and krajiny a ocitli sa nielen v ohniskách napätia, ale þasto found themselves in the vortex of events often endange- i v ohrození života. ring their lives.

PhDr. Rudolf LESĕÁK PhDr. Rudolf LESĕÁK generálny riaditeĐ SEOPMV MO SR Director-General of SEOPMV of MoD of the SR

Konflikty sa ešte neskonĀili11 Conflicts are not over yet MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 12

II Medzinárodná podpora mieru HAPTER

/ C International Peace Support APITOLA K

Pod pojmom medzinárodná podpora mieru rozu- The term of “International Peace Support“ is to be mieme pomoc medzinárodných organizácií pri obnove understood as international organisations' involvement in mieru, bezpeþnosti a Đudských práv v krajine, ktorá krí- rebuilding lasting peace and order and securing human zovú situáciu nie je schopná riešiĢ vlastnými silami. rights performance in countries which turned out to be Nástrojmi na obnovenie stability, predovšetkým v podo- unable to solve the crisis situations themselves. UNO be mierových operácií, disponujú dnes najmä OSN (United Nations Organisation), NATO (North Atlantic (Organizácia Spojených národov – United Nations Treaty Organisation) and partly EU (European Union) Organisation), NATO (Organizácia Severoatlantickej and OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-operation zmluvy – North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) a þiastoþ- in Europe) are the authorities having entire disposal of all ne aj EÚ (Európska únia – European Union) a OBSE instruments to restore stability, peace support operations (Organizácia pre bezpeþnosĢ a spoluprácu v Európe in particular. – Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe). Basically, the main types of Peace Support Operations Základnými druhmi mierových operácií sú operácie are Conflict Prevention, Peacekeeping, Peace Enfor- na udržanie mieru, humanitárne operácie, preventívne cement and Humanitarian Operations. Whereas peace opatrenia a opatrenia na vynútenie mieru. ZatiaĐþo mie- support operations were conducted under Chapter VI of rové operácie sa v minulosti realizovali na základe kapi- the UN Charter in the past, the current legal framework toly VI Charty OSN, ich súþasný právny rámec sa riadi has been extended to provisions of Chapters VII and VIII. i kapitolami VII a VIII. Pre vojenské sily z toho vyplý- This implies the military forces have to be appropriately va, že už musia byĢ vybavené tak, aby mohli vykonávaĢ equipped and able to use military means when enforcing opatrenia na vynútenie mieru, alebo na stabilizáciu situá- particular actions and measures to stabilise situation. cie. Podmienkou úþinnosti ich pôsobenia je nielen To be effective, it is essential to respect the objectives the rešpektovanie cieĐa a mandátu operácie, ale aj špecifík mandating authority had established, and, in the same iných medzinárodných organizácií zúþastnených na manner, to respect specificity of a country where the ope- operáciách a tiež špecifík krajiny, v ktorej sa operácia ration is conducted, as well as the specific characteristic uskutoþĖuje. of the other international organisations involved. The Od 90. rokov 20. storoþia sa povaha konfliktov zásad- nature of conflicts has significantly changed since the ne zmenila. Nové bezpeþnostné výzvy si vyžiadali nineties of the 20th century. Addressing new security i nový spôsob použitia ozbrojených síl pri riešení kríz. challenges the armed forces capacity had to be given new Po skonþení studenej vojny sa hlavnou hrozbou pre dimensions to be able resolve crises. The end of the cold zachovanie medzinárodnej bezpeþnosti stali vnútroštátne war saw inner conflicts outbreak within the particular sta- konflikty. Pri stabilizovaní krízových situácií do popre- tes and this phenomenon was to become a major security dia vystúpila prevencia konfliktov. Riešenie konfliktov threat to international community. That is why the role of obsahuje komplex opatrení na obnovu politickej, ekono- conflict prevention is becoming a topical issue in terms of mickej a humanitárnej štruktúry spoloþnosti. Obnova stabilising crises. The complex of measures to resolve cri- obþianskeho a právneho poriadku, ekonomická obnova, ses should ultimately be aimed at reconstruction of politi- rekonštrukcia a obnovenie Đudských práv sa stali typic- cal, economic and humanitarian structures in a society. kými nevojenskými opatreniami. Preto vojenské sily už Restoring law and order, reintroducing universal respect nie sú jedinou súþasĢou operácií a mierová operácia tra- for human rights and civil liberties, democratic consoli- diþného vojenského typu sa pretransformovala na multi- dation and economic reconstruction have become the dimenzionálnu mnohonárodnú komplexnú mierovú typical goals to be achieved merely by non-military mea- operáciu. sures or activities. Therefore, military force is not the only instrument a mission has at disposal anymore and a tradi- Rozhodujúcu úlohu v úsilí o zachovanie medzinárod- tional military operation has, accordingly, been transfor- nej bezpeþnosti zohráva OSN prostredníctvom svojej med into a multidimensional, multinational, complex Bezpeþnostnej rady – BR OSN (Security Council). peace support operation. ýlenské štáty jej zverili hlavnú zodpovednosĢ za zacho- vanie medzinárodného mieru a bezpeþnosti. Kećže OSN The UNO, via the Security Council has a key role in nemá vlastné mocenské nástroje, využíva na riešenie safeguarding peace in the world. The Member States have kríz sily a prostriedky iných organizácií a svojich þlen- charged it with principal responsibility for pursuing and ských štátov. Mierové operácie sa realizujú na základe promoting peace, stability and security. Since the UN has príslušnej rezolúcie BR OSN, ktorá presne urþuje man- no standing army or forces of its own, the Member States dát operácie. Výkonné riadenie a kontrola sú úlohou and the other organisations make their forces, resources generálneho tajomníka OSN, poĐné velenie na základe and instruments available for possible United Nations

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mandátu vykonáva vedúci misie – osobitný splnomocne- use. Peace Support Operations are mounted on a respecti- nec generálneho tajomníka OSN. ve Security Council resolution, which establishes precise- Za mierové sily OSN sa považujú národné kontingen- ly a mandate of an operation. The Secretary General is ty ozbrojených síl þlenských krajín OSN vyþlenené pre responsible for supervision and control, whereas the mis- mierovú operáciu na základe rozhodnutia BR OSN. Ide sion commander – the Secretary General's special pleni- obyþajne o vojenské jednotky a skupiny vojenských potentiary – is held responsible for command of the man- pozorovateĐov. Generálny tajomník OSN má v tzv. date based field operations. Stand-by silách k dispozícii 47-tisíc vojakov a policaj- Thus, the UN peace force is represented by national tov z 87 krajín. contingents of the armed forces of the UN member states, Základné dokumenty OSN „Program mieru“ (992) which are selected for peace support operations estab- a jeho dodatok z roku 995 už nie sú schopné dostatoþ- lished through the Security Council resolution. They are ne riešiĢ narastajúci poþet konfliktov. Na vývoj medzi- usually military units and military observers. The so-cal- národnej bezpeþnosti reagovala tzv. Brahimiho správa, led Stand-by troops the Secretary General has at disposal ktorá odporuþila vytvoriĢ nový manažérsky a finanþný contain approximately 47.000 soldiers and policemen of systém a preklasifikovaĢ druhy operácií na: 87 countries. The UN basic document entitled “An Agenda for  prevenciu konfliktov (Conflict Prevention),  Peace“, (992) followed by a supplement in 995 have budovanie mieru (Peace Building), proved to be insufficient to deal with a mounting number  doþasnú správu (Transitional Administration),  of conflicts nowadays. Responding to the latest interna- udržiavanie mieru (Peace Keeping). tional security development, the so-called Brahimi's report recommended establishment of a new system of NATO používa pre svoje aktivity pojem operácie na management and funding, and setting the types of opera- podporu mieru (Peace Support Operations). Sú defino- tions as follows: vané ako operácie mimo þlánku 5 Severoatlantickej  Conflict Prevention, zmluvy s využitím vojenských štruktúr aliancie spolu so  Peace Building, zapojením krajín programu Partnerstvo za mier. Ide  Transitional Administration, o mnohonárodné operácie vedené nestranne na základe  Peace Keeping. mandátu OSN s použitím ozbrojených síl, diplomatic- kých a humanitárnych prostriedkov. PodĐa obsahu sa The term “Peace Support Operations“ is the one that operácie NATO delia na: NATO applies to its activities. They are defined as opera-  tions that are not under Article V of the North Atlantic operácie na udržanie mieru (Peacekeeping), Treaty, using to the full all military structures of the  operácie na vynútenie mieru (Peace Enforcement),  Alliance, and those of The Partnership for Peace Program operácie na prevenciu konfliktu (Conflict Pre- member countries. They are impartial multinational ope- vention),  rations mandated by UN Security Council, achieving their operácie na nastolenie mieru (Peacemaking), goals by all military, diplomatic and humanitarian means  operácie na budovanie mieru (Peacebuilding),  available. As far as their characteristics, they are to be dis- humanitárne operácie (Humanitarian Operations). tinguished as follows:  Peacekeeping, O operáciách rozhoduje Severoatlantická rada  Peace Enforcement, NATO (North Atlantic Council), ktorá predtým zváži ich  Conflict Prevention, ciele, pravdepodobnosĢ úspechu a možné riziká. K zá-  Peacemaking, kladným podmienkam na zaþatie operácií patrí:  Peace-building,   súhlasné stanovisko hostiteĐskej krajiny s rozmiest- Humanitarian Operations. nením vojenských jednotiek NATO,  The mandating authority is the North Atlantic súhlas þlenských krajín NATO s úþasĢou na Council, which has to consider the objectives and weigh operácii, up the possible risks and probability of a successful  vhodná štruktúra ponúkaných jednotiek,  accomplishment of mission's goals. The basic conditions jasne stanovené podmienky na skonþenie operácie, to be met so that an operation can be mounted are:  efektívna spolupráca a koordinácia vojenských jed- notiek, civilných inštitúcií, humanitárnych orga-  the respective host country's consent to the deploy- nizácií a pod., s ohĐadom na rôznorodosĢ plnených ment of NATO military units, úloh.  the NATO member countries' consent to their involvement in operation,  Severoatlantická rada rozhoduje tiež o pozvaní part- favourable structure and an appropriate composition nerských krajín do operácie. of the units available,  unambiguously set conditions for termination of the operation's mandate, EÚ sa na zachovaní mieru a posilĖovaní medzinárod-  effective co-operation and co-ordination of military nej bezpeþnosti podieĐa tzv. Petersberskými operáciami pod svojím vedením. Základným východiskom týchto units, civilian institutions, humanitarian organisa- tions , etc. with regard to a diversity of tasks. mierových operácií je spoloþná európska bezpeþnostná a obranná politika. Na ich zabezpeþenie sa EÚ rozhodla vybudovaĢ vlastné nástroje a kapacity. S týmto cieĐom The North Atlantic Council is equally responsible for prijala rozhodnutie vytvoriĢ nové politické a vojenské selection of the partners who should participate in a parti- orgány zaruþujúce ich kontrolu a strategické riadenie, cular operation.

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ako aj vybudovaĢ vojenské kapacity rýchleho nasadenia. EU contributes to safeguarding peace and security in V rámci uvedeného procesu prebieha intenzívna diskusia the world by so-called Petersberg operations under its o spôsobe spolupráce medzi EÚ a NATO. own authority. They are based on principles of a joint Na vybudovanie európskych vojenských kapacít European defence policy. European Union preferred vytýþili európske krajiny na Helsinskom samite tzv. relying on its own instruments and capacities. Hlavný cieĐ – do konca roka 2003 dosiahnuĢ spoloþný- Accordingly, it adopted a resolution to create a new struc- mi silami schopnosĢ rýchlo nasadiĢ 50 až 60-tisíc voja- ture of political and military bodies facilitating a strategic kov do operácií v rámci celého spektra Petersberských control. Similarly, European Union decided to establish operácií. Mierové operácie EÚ sa podĐa svojho obsahu rapid deployment units of its own. The intense discus- delia na: sions on co-operation between EU and NATO concerning  the above mentioned issues are still going on. humanitárne a záchranné operácie (Humanitarian On Helsinki Summit the European countries set the and Rescue Tasks), Main Goal to the objective of establishing the European  operácie na udržanie mieru (Peacekeeping Tasks),  military potential, which is to be achieved by the end of operácie bojových síl v krízovom manažmente, vrá- 2003. It concerns their combined effort ultimately aimed tane udržania mieru (Tasks of Combat Forces in at enhancing rapid reaction forces flexibility and efficien- Crisis Management including Peacekeeping). cy, which would mean to be able to deploy from 50 up to 60 thousand soldiers at a go into a whole scope of OBSE definovala svoju bezpeþnostnú politiku na Petersberg operations. EU peace support operations com- samite v Helsinkách v roku 992 pod názvom „Vþasné prise of: varovanie, predchádzanie konfliktom, riešenie kríz  Humanitarian and Rescue Tasks, a mierové urovnanie sporov“ a tiež v dokumente „Charta  Peacekeeping Tasks, pre Európsku bezpeþnosĢ“, prijatom na Istanbulskom  Tasks of Combat Forces in Crisis Management samite OBSE v roku 999. Základnou charakteristikou including Peacekeeping. þinnosti OBSE je, že na rozdiel od medzinárodných bez- peþnostných organizácií (OSN, NATO, EÚ) nedisponuje On Helsinki Summit, 992, OSCE submitted a docu- vlastnou medzinárodno-právnou subjektivitou ani ment entitled “Early Warning Capacity, Conflict mocenskými nástrojmi na sankcionovanie správania sa Prevention, Resolving Crises and Peaceful Settlement of úþastníckeho štátu, ktorý porušuje spoloþne prijaté Disputes“, followed by “the European Security Charter“ záväzky. OBSE sa preto nemôže efektívne podieĐaĢ na Document, adopted on Istanbul Summit in 999, which zastavení a riešení konfliktov, ktoré prekroþili hranice both apply to the OSCE security policy. Unlike the other ozbrojených stretov. Na druhej strane má pomerne širo- international organisations (e. g. the UN, NATO, EU), ký vnútorný priestor pre aktivity, ktoré jednotlivé þlen- OSCE has no legal subjectivity within the international ské štáty nepovažujú za cudziu intervenciu, ohrozujúcu framework, nor has it power instruments to impose san- ich štátnu zvrchovanosĢ, suverenitu a vlastnú moc. ctions on a respective member country that had broken To dovoĐuje OBSE vystupovaĢ v úlohe sprostredkova- agreements or its commitments. As a consequence, OSCE teĐa pri riešení sporných otázok medzi štátnou autoritou cannot contribute effectively to resolving the conflicts a zástupcami etnických menšín. Preto sa OBSE progra- that had escalated into what is more than only armed movo zameriava na: encounter. On the other hand, OSCE presents a broad forum for activities which can on no account be conside-  preventívnu diplomaciu,  red a foreign intervention by member countries, posing na riešenie konfliktov v poþiatoþnom štádiu, a threat to their sovereignty. That enables OSCE to take  kontrolu zbrojenia a odzbrojovania,  the role of a mediator in a process of resolving disputes posilĖovanie Đudských práv a pravidiel trhového and feuds between the state authorities on one side and hospodárstva,  ethnic representatives on the other one. That is why monitorovanie dodržiavania bilaterálnych a multi- OSCE predominantly deals with the following fields and laterálnych zmlúv a dohôd, areas of activities:  riešenie otázok etnických menšín a problémov  medzietnického napätia, preventive diplomacy,   trvalú prítomnosĢ v krízovej oblasti. resolving conflicts at early stages,  overseeing armament and disarmament process,  improvement of human rights performance and rein- PodieĐaĢ sa na jednotlivých operáciách sú oprávnené forcing market economy, všetky úþastnícke krajiny OBSE.  monitoring adherence to bilateral and multilateral agreements, Popri uvedených medzinárodných organizáciách sa  dealing with the ethnic minorities issues and relie- sformovali aj mnohonárodné a regionálne iniciatívy ving the related tension, s cieĐom zlepšiĢ kapacity jednotlivých krajín v oblasti  continued presence in a crisis area. medzinárodného krízového manažmentu – napríklad SHIRBRIG (UN Stand-by Forces High Readiness All member countries have the right to participate in all Brigade – Brigáda vysokej pripravenosti pre mnohoná- OSCE operations. rodné sily OSN) a CENCOOP (Central European Nations Cooperation in Peace Support – Spolupráca stre- Besides the international organisations already referred doeurópskych krajín na podporu mieru). to, there has been a wide range of multinational or regio- nal initiatives aimed at enhancing a potential of particular Zmena charakteru vojnových konfliktov a humanitár- countries in respect to international crises management nych kríz, nárast medzinárodného terorizmu, organizo- – e. g. SHIRBRIG (UN Stand-by Forces High Readiness

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vaného zloþinu, náboženského fundamentalizmu, nele- Brigade) or CENCOOP (Central European Nations Co- gálneho obchodu so zbraĖami a zvýšená migrácia operation in Peace Support). uteþencov si žiadajú þoraz úþinnejšie nástroje medziná- rodných organizácií pri riešení týchto problémov. The changed nature of armed conflicts and humanita- Konflikty na Balkáne, Východnom Timore, þi v Sierra rian crises, boom of international terrorism, organised Leone ukázali, že samotná vojenská akcia nie je koneþ- crime, religious fundamentalism, illegal weapons trade ným riešením. Nový charakter kríz prináša i nové úlohy and refugee outflows – all of these have raised a demand v oblasti civilno-vojenských vzĢahov. Stabilita civilnej for more effective measures to be taken by international infraštruktúry a spolupráca civilného obyvateĐstva má organisations when dealing with these problems. podstatný vplyv na zvýšenie efektívnosti operácií. Len Conflicts erupting in Balkan, East Timor or Sierra Leone komplexný politický a ekonomicko-sociálny program je have proved the military operations themselves are not predpokladom na vyriešenie krízovej situácie. V tejto a solution. The new breed of crises brings up the new oblasti zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu tie komponenty miero- tasks to deal with for public relations. Civilian infrastruc- vej operácie, ktoré napomáhajú odzbrojeniu, demobi- ture stability and civilian population co-operation are cen- lizácii, návratu uteþencov a reintegrácii bývalých bojov- tral to higher effectiveness of operations. A complex poli- níkov do spoloþnosti. Rovnako dôležití ako vojaci sú tical, economic – social program is a basic prerequisite dnes aj policajti, sudcovia, ekonómovia a administráto- for resolving crisis. In this respect, those components of ri. Za kĐúþové pri stabilizácii súþasných kríz možno a peace support operation which facilitate disarmament, považovaĢ skrátenie þasu reakcií v politickom rozhodo- demobilisation, refugees returning, and veterans reinteg- vaní, legislatívnom procese, plánovaní a príprave až po ration into society should be taken vital for successful vyslanie vojenských síl. accomplishment of missions' goals. Police, judiciary, eco- Z tohto hĐadiska sa NATO stáva jedinou organizá- nomy and administration are equally important. What can ciou schopnou ponúknuĢ reálne vojenské i nevojenské definitely be seen central to efficiency of stabilising crises garancie bezpeþnosti. Naopak, OSN hrozí strata dôvery is a significantly increased flexibility of a decision- práve kvôli zdĎhavému rozhodovaciemu procesu making process, creating a legal background framework, a nedostatoþnej schopnosti vynútiĢ mierové dohody. planning and ultimate deployment of military forces. V tejto súvislosti sa OSN prostredníctvom budovania Considering all these arguments, NATO proves to be systému síl rýchleho nasadenia (UNSAS – United the only organisation able to guarantee security in full, by Nations Stand-by Arrangements System) snaží zdoko- both military and non-military means. On the contrary, naliĢ svoje kapacity a schopnosti rýchlej reakcie na krí- a slow decision – making and insufficient capacity to zové situácie. Na samite OSN v septembri 2000 v New reach negotiation and implementation of peace agree- Yorku významne vzrástol konsenzus v otázkach práva ments pose the risk of potential damage to credibility and na medzinárodnú intervenciu v záujme zachovania stature of the UN. Being fully aware of that, UN strives to a záchrany životov. enhance its immediate reaction capacity to respond crises through establishment of the United Nations Stand-by Samit tiež definoval základné podmienky medziná- Arrangements System. The UN New York Summit, held rodnej intervencie: in September 2000, more or less justified an international intervention for the sake of saving human lives, when 1. väþšia pozornosĢ musí byĢ venovaná prevencii consensus on the issue significantly increased. konfliktov, 2. použitie ozbrojenej sily je posledným riešením, The Summit stipulated basic conditions to be met for 3. ak vláda nie je schopná alebo ochotná riešiĢ krízu, international intervention: medzinárodné spoloþenstvo má povinnosĢ interve- novaĢ, 1. more attention must be paid to conflict prevention, 4. vojenská sila sa musí použiĢ tak, aby bolo zacho- 2. applying military force is the very last solution, vané medzinárodné a humanitné právo, 3. international community is bound to intervene if the 5. vo výnimoþných prípadoch možno použiĢ vojenskú government turns out to be unable or not willing to silu bez rozhodnutia BR OSN. deal with a crisis situation themselves, 4. military force can only be applied in a way that would not lead to any violation of international and K posilneniu medzinárodnej bezpeþnosti by mohol humanitarian law, prispieĢ i nový európsky bezpeþnostný model na princí- 5. under exceptional circumstances the use of force pe spolupráce medzi európskymi þi transatlantickými does not need to be authorised by the Security organizáciami a zúþastnenými štátmi, ktorý však musí Council. vychádzaĢ z rešpektovania demokratických pravidiel a dodržiavania Đudských práv. Predpokladom jeho úspešnosti bude spolupôsobenie politických, sociálnych, A new European structure, based on principles of co- ekonomických, humánnych, ekologických a vojenských operation between the European and Transatlantic organi- aspektov pri riešení krízových situácií. sations and individual countries, respecting democratic values and human rights at the same time, could eventu- Pplk. Ing. Roman LACKOVIý ally enhance international security. Central to its success and efficiency, however, will be interrelated influence of political, social, economic, ecological, military and human aspects at resolving crisis situations.

Lt. Col. Ing. Roman LACKOVIý

Medzinárodná podpora mieru15 International Peace Support MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 16

III Slovensko ako mierotvorca HAPTER

/ C Slovakia as a Peacekeeper APITOLA K

Medzi hlavné súþasti zahraniþnej a bezpeþnostnej The Slovak Armed Forces active involvement in politiky Slovenskej republiky už od jej vzniku patrí international peacekeeping missions, aimed at enhancing podpora procesov upevĖovania stability a bezpeþnosti stability and security in the world, is one of the top prio- prostredníctvom aktívnej úþasti Ozbrojených síl SR rities of the foreign security policy of the Slovak v medzinárodných mierových misiách a operáciách. Republic. As declared in the Program Declaration of the Vláda SR vo svojom programovom vyhlásení považuje Government of the Slovak Republic, the NATO, EU, mierové aktivity NATO, EÚ, OSN a OBSE za UNO and OSCE peace support operations are conside- významný nástroj medzinárodného spoloþenstva pri red an important instrument of international community riešení konfliktov vo svete a podiel OS SR na nich za to settle conflict situations in the world. Accordingly, the aktívny nástroj svojej zahraniþnej bezpeþnostnej politi- Slovak Armed Forces involvement is an expression of our ky. Taktiež Bezpeþnostná stratégia SR prikladá veĐký full adherence to these principles. Likewise, the Security význam formovaniu a ovplyvĖovaniu stabilného bez- Strategy of the Slovak Republic emphasises a paramount peþnostného prostredia, na þo v štátnom a národnom importance of building and maintaining a stabile security záujme predpokladá využiĢ všetky dostupné prostried- environment using all means available. Ability to face and ky. Zaruþenie životných záujmov SR v oblasti obrany meet new security challenges is a basic prerequisite to vyžaduje zvládnutie nových rizík a ohrození. Naša republika od svojho vzniku v roku 993 už prispela vojenskými jednotkami do celého radu medzinárod- ných operácií. KĐúþovým prvkom obrannej a vojenskej stratégie SR je aktívna úþasĢ v operáciách na podporu mieru pod vedením NATO, v operáciách posilĖujúcich naše integraþné úsilie smerom k EÚ, ako aj v operáciách OSN a OBSE na posilnenie stability a bezpeþnosti v Európe a riešenie mimoeurópskych konfliktov ovplyvĖujúcich európsku bezpeþnosĢ. V súlade so svojimi životnými záujmami v oblasti obrany a bez- peþnosti samostatná SR už prispela vojenskými jed- notkami do celého radu operácií týchto medzinárod- ných inštitúcií a zoskupení. Od roku 993 sa všetky vlády SR viac þi menej usi- lovali o politiku plnej úþasti v európskom rámci, kećže prípadná ekonomická, sociálna a politická nestabilita v Európe a vo svete by mohla byĢ hrozbou i pre našu národnú bezpeþnosĢ. K potenciálnym hroz- bám patrí medzinárodný terorizmus, siete medzinárod- ného organizovaného zloþinu, náboženský fundamen- talizmus, nelegálny obchod so zbraĖami a veĐká migrácia Đudí. História samostatného slovenského „Peacekeepingu“ má korene v roku 992, kedy boli slovenskí vojaci ešte v rámci þs. federálnej armády vyslaní do pozorovateĐ- skej misie UNOSOM (United Nations Operation in Somalia) v Somálsku a taktiež do pešieho práporu v mierovej misii UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force) v bývalej Juhoslávii s cieĐom naplniĢ mandát OSN pri demilitarizácii vymedzených území, poskytovaní humanitárnej pomoci a dohliadaní na bez- letové zóny. DĖom vzniku samostatnej SR sa táto jed- notka rozdelila na þeskú a slovenskú a na uvedenom UNDOF – Golanské výšiny. Štátny znak SR na najvyššie území pôsobila od . januára 993 do 30. marca 993. položenom poste Ā. 7 Od 2. mája 993 bolo do misie UNPROFOR vysla- UNDOF – the Golan Heights. State emblem ných približne 600 dobrovoĐníkov ženijného práporu of the Slovak Republic on the highest located post No. 7

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back up our vital security interests in terms of defence policy. Since its establishment in 993, the Slovak Republic has contributed its troops to a wide range of international operations. The intense involvement in NATO, UN and OSCE peace support operations in Europe and in the world is a key element of the Slovak Republic's Defence Doctrine, as well as an unambiguous expression of our integration ambitions towards EU. In furtherance with our vital defence and security interests our republic has contribu- ted its troops to a wide range of the operations of the above mentioned organisations. Since 993 all the Governments of the Slovak Republic have more or less pursued a policy of our active involvement in European development as any potential economic, social or politi- cal instability in Europe or in the world could constitute a considerable threat to our own national security. Terrorism, organised crime, fundamentalism, illegal wea- pon trade or huge migration tides are not to be underesti- mated. The roots of the independent Slovak Peace-keeping reach back to 992 when the Slovak soldiers were deploy- ed within the Czechoslovak Federal Army into an obser- ver mission in Somalia – UNOSOM (United Nations Operation in Somalia). Similarly, the Slovak soldiers in an infantry battalion in UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force) peacekeeping mission worked hard to contribute to demilitarisation of designated areas, provi- ding humanitarian assistance and securing no-fly zones in KFOR – . BezpeĀnosĥ vždy na prvom mieste former Yugoslavia. On st January 993, when the inde- KFOR – Kosovo. Security is a top priority pendent Slovak Republic was established, the unit split into a Czech and a Slovak one that continued performing Armády SR. Pretože vojská OSN nedokázali zabrániĢ their tasks in this territory until 30th March 993. Since diskriminácií civilného obyvateĐstva a genocíde, ihneć 2th May 993 the Slovak Army deployed a contingent of po úspešných mierových rokovaniach v Daytone v januári 996 sa mandát misie UNPROFOR skonþil a slovenský ženijný prápor presunuli na územie východného Slavónska v Chorvátsku do misie UNTAES (United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia). Slovenskí ženisti pokraþovali v plnení tých istých úloh a po skonþení mandátu misie opustili 26. februára 998 územie bývalej Juhoslávie ako posledná jednotka OSN. PokraþovaĢ v riešení problémov na území bývalej Juhoslávie sa nedalo bez zainteresovanosti medzinárod- ného spoloþenstva, no práve pre spomenutú neschop- nosĢ OSN garantovaĢ plnenie dosiahnutých dohôd a rezolúcií bola konsolidácia pomerov možná iba za prítomnosti síl Severoatlantickej aliancie. Pôsobenie vojakov samostatnej SR v regióne teda pokraþovalo pod velením NATO. Slovensko do týchto operácií aliancie vstúpilo na základe dokumentu „Politicko- vojenský rámec operácií PzM pod vedením NATO“. Naša republika poskytla pomoc pri tranzite do operácie IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation) i pri výstavbe uteþeneckých táborov a oprave ciest v operá- cii Spojenecký prístav (Allied Harbour) v misii AFOR ( Force) v Albánsku. Kvalitatívne iné už bolo pôsobenie ženijnej jednotky Armády SR v operácii Spojená stráž (Joint Guard) v Kosove v rámci misie KFOR (Kosovo Force). Zaþlenenie sa do rakúskeho mechanizovaného práporu v zóne mnohonárodnej bri- gády Juh rozbehlo etapu intenzívnejšej spolupráce s krajinami NATO, þoho dôkazom bolo aj vyslanie mechanizovanej jednotky Armády SR do spoloþného UNFICYP – Cyprus. Pripravení i na obĀianske nepokoje þesko-slovenského práporu v zóne zodpovednosti mno- UNFICYP – Cyprus. Ready to take action if there is civil unrest

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approximately 600 volunteers of an engineer battalion to the UNPROFOR mission. Since even the UN troops did not manage to prevent discrimination and genocide of the civilian population, following the successful peace nego- tiations in Dayton, January 993, the UNPROFOR mis- sion's mandate was terminated and the Slovak engineer battalion was transferred into East Slavonia, . They continued accomplishing the same tasks under UNTAES mission mandate (United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia), being the last UN troops to leave the territory of former Yugoslavia on 26th February 998 after the mission's mandate expired. Resolving problems in the territory of former Yugoslavia raised a demand for international community involvement. Since the UN proved to be unable to gua- rantee implementation of agreements and resolutions, only NATO intervention could help to reach overall con- solidation. Hence the troops of independent Slovak Republic continued accomplishing their tasks under NATO authority, based on “Political – Military Fra- mework of Partnership for Peace operations under NATO auspices“ Document. Our republic helped at transit into IFOR operation (International Fellowship of Recon- UNTAET / UNMISET – Východný Timor. ciliation), as well as building refugee camps and recove- Záchrancovia mnohých nevinných životov ring roads in Allied Harbour operation within AFOR UNTAET / UNMISET – East Timor. Saviors of many innocents lives mission (Albania Force). The engineer unit of the Slovak Armed Forces, deployed into operation Joint Guard wit- honárodnej brigády KFOR Stred pod britským operaþ- hin KFOR mission (Kosovo Force) as a part of the ným velením. SR sa zapojila aj do operácie SFOR Austrian mechanised battalion of South multinational bri- (Stabilisation Force in ) gade, conducted more sophisticated activities, this signal- v Bosne a Hercegovine, a to štábnymi dôstojníkmi ling a new stage of a more intense co-operation with a vrtuĐníkovou jednotkou. NATO countries. Consequently, a mechanised unit of the Európska únia sa na zachovaní mieru a posilĖovaní Slovak Armed Forces was stationed as a part of the joint medzinárodnej bezpeþnosti podieĐa formou tzv. Czech-Slovak battalion of Mid multinational brigade petersberských operácií pod svojím vedením. Slovensko under British operational command. The Slovak Republic sa do nich zapája ako asociovaný partner a od roku 993 also joined SFOR operation (Stabilisation Force in Bos- participuje na monitorovacej misii ECMM (European nia and Herzegovina), providing staff officers and a heli- Community Monitoring Mission) a jej následníckej copter unit. misii EUMM (European Union Monitoring Mission) The Petersberg operations under European Union com- v Bosne a Hercegovine. Zhromažćovaním informácií mand are the EU contribution to promoting peace and a ich analýzou prispievali aj naši vojaci k formulovaniu maintaining international security. Slovakia participates as spoloþnej zahraniþnej a bezpeþnostnej politiky EÚ voþi an associated member, since 993 deploying contingents západnému Balkánu, þím prispeli k stabilizácii situácie to ECMM mission (European Community Monitoring v regióne. EÚ potvrdila svoj záväzok z Kodanského Mission) and its successor EUMM (European Union samitu v decembri 2002 a prevzala operáciu Monitoring Mission) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tasked Spojenecká harmónia (Allied Harmony) v Mace- with information supply and analysis our soldiers helped dónsku, ktorej mandátom je predovšetkým implementá- to shape the joint foreign security policy of Europe in rela- cia mierového plánu v krajine. tion to West Balkan, thus enhancing stability in the region. Od . januára 993 sa mladá SR prostredníctvom European union, committed to Copenhagen Summit reso- vojenských pozorovateĐov angažovala aj v misii UNA- lutions (December 992), took over the Allied Harmony VEM II (United Nations Angola Verification Mission II) operation in Macedonia, aimed predominantly at imple- na kontrolu dodržiavania mierových dohôd po 6-roþ- mentation of a restoring peace plan. nej obþianskej vojne v Angole, ako i v ćalších From 993 the newly established Slovak Republic par- pozorovateĐských misiách na africkom kontinente. Naši ticipated also in UNAVEM II mission (United Nations vojaci sa zúþastĖovali na monitorovaní demobilizácie, Angola Verification Mission II), supervising an imple- vyšetrovaní porušení humanitárneho práva a dohliadaní mentation of peace agreements in the immediate after- nad voĐbami v Libérii – UNOMIL (United Nations math of a civil war in Angola, as well as in several other Observer Mission in Liberia). Boli tiež pri zastavení observer missions in Africa. Our soldiers helped control paĐby medzi vládnymi silami Rwandy a povstalcami demobilisation, investigate breaches of humanitarian law v hraniþnom pásme medzi Ugandou a Rwandou and monitor elections in Liberia – UNOMIL (United – UNOMUR (United Nations Observer Mission Nations Observer Mission in Liberia). They contributed Uganda-Rwanda). Po dohode medzi vládnymi jednot- to the cease-fire between the Government troops of kami Rwandy a jednotkami tzv. národného frontu Rwanda and guerilla troops in the border area of Uganda v rámci misie UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance and Rwanda – UNOMUR (United Nations Observer Mission for Rwanda) monitorovali v Rwande zastave- Mission Uganda – Rwanda). Following an agreement on nie paĐby. Keć sa podarilo zastaviĢ genocídu Tutsiov, cease-fire between the Government troops of Rwanda and

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podieĐali sa na humanitárnej pomoci navrátilcom. so called National Front troops they also monitored situ- V rámci verifikaþnej misie UNAVEM III pomáhali slo- ation in Rwanda in UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance venskí vojaci obnoviĢ mier a dosiahnuĢ národné zmie- Mission for Rwanda). After atrocities of the Tutsi genoci- renie v Angole, kde v súlade s mierovou dohodou de were eventually stopped, the Slovak soldiers partici- a Lusackým protokolom dohliadali na zastavenie paĐby pated in providing humanitarian assistance to the re- a odzbrojovanie znepriatelených strán. Misia bola v júli entrees. Within the framework of a verification mission 997 pretransformovaná na pozorovateĐskú – MONUA UNAVEM III they helped restore peace and reach natio- (United Nations Mission of Observers in Angola), ktorá nal reconciliation in Angola, where, based on Peace asistovala pri konsolidácii mierového života. Slovenskí Agreement and Lusaca Protocol, they monitored cease- pozorovatelia nechýbajú ani v misii UNAMSIL (Uni- fire and gradual disarmament of warring parties. In July ted Nations Mission in Sierra Leone), monitorujúcej 997 the mission was transformed into an observer one vojenskú a bezpeþnostnú situáciu, dodržiavanie Đud- – MONUA (United Nations Mission of Observers in ských práv a proces demilitarizácie a demobilizácie Angola), fostering environment encouraging consolida- v Sierra Leone. Najväþšou africkou misiou dohliadajú- tion of peaceful life. The Slovak observers take also part cou na dodržiavanie prímeria medzi Etiópiou a Eritreou in UNAMSIL mission (United Nations Mission in Sierra a stiahnutie etiópskych jednotiek za tzv. þiaru z mája Leone), which monitors military and security situation, 998 je UNMEE (United Nations Mission in Ethiopia practising human rights, demobilisation and disarmament and Eritrea). Slováci tu dostali dôveru v podobe naj- process in Sierra Leone. In terms of strength, the biggest väþšej zodpovednosti pri vytyþovaní novej hranice African mission, monitoring cease-fire between Ethiopia medzi oboma krajinami. and Eritrea and keeping the opposing forces separated by V citlivej oblasti Blízkeho východu sa príslušníci Ethiopian troops being withdrawn across the May Line of OS SR zúþastĖujú na inšpekciách a monitorovaní 998, is UNMEE (United Nations Mission in Ethiopia zastavenia paĐby podĐa Ženevskej dohody o prímerí and Eritrea). It is the Slovak contingent that was given the z3. mája 974 v misii UNTSO (United Nations responsibility for setting a new borderline between the Truce Supervision Organisation) a v misii UNDOF two countries as an expression of trust and credibility they (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) enjoy. vykonávajú dozor nad odpútaním vojsk v demilitari- In a sensitive area of Near East the military observers zovanej zóne na Golanských výšinách v súlade of the Slovak Armed Forces are continuously carrying out s dohodou medzi Sýriou a Izraelom. Naši vojaci inspections and monitor cease-fire agreed on in Geneva nechýbajú ani v misii UNGCI (United Nations Guard Agreement on Truce, signed on 3st May 974, in UNTSO mission (United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation). Equally they supervise protection of a demilitarised zone in the Golan Heights, as stipulated in Syria – Israeli Agreement in UNDOF mission (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force). Our soldiers enhance UN peacekeeping capacity in UNGCI mission (United Nations Guard Contingent) in Iraq, which consti- tutes a long-term threat to the security of the region. OSCE makes also a significant effort to support inter- national community activities. We had our verification team working in the OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo. Our officers also monitor cessation of hostilities between separatists and governmental forces, as well as implementation of the OSCE Istanbul Summit resolutions concerning weapons and ammunition withdrawal from the territory of the Moldavian Republic. Our units' pre- sence in Abkhazia and Cchinval region (South Ossetia, Georgia) helps eliminate persisting tension in the area, as none of the parties to the conflict is willing to withdraw their positions or change a stand. Due to a high level of credibility and reliability achie- ved throughout the history of peacekeeping Slovakia has been commissioned “a lead nation“ of Sector 4 of UNFI- CYP (United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus). It is the Slovak soldiers who were granted a mandate to prevent a potential renewed outbreak of hostilities bet- ween the Greek and the Turkish Cypriots, trying to achie- ve a settlement to the inter-communal dispute in Cyprus and re-instalment of law and order. Experience and international reputation of the Slovak Medical Corps were the decisive factors to deploy our field hospital in the continent of Asia within the frame- work of UNTAET mission (United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor), transformed into UNMI- Slovenskí odmínovaĀi – záruka spoēahlivosti SET mission (United Nations Mission of Support in East Slovak de-mining specialists are guarantee of reliability Timor) after autonomy was declared.

Slovensko ako mierotvorca19 Slovakia as a Peacekeeper MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 20


Contingent) v Iraku, ktorý je dlhodobým rizikovým The Slovak contingents also joined operations to sup- faktorom tohto regiónu. port “War on Terror“ waged by the US. Terrorist attacks Aj OBSE sa snaží plnohodnotne a aktívne pôsobiĢ against the USA and consequently in many other places in v aktivitách medzinárodného spoloþenstva. Naši dôs- the world had a profound impact on traditional concepts tojníci slúžili ako overovatelia vo Verifikaþnej misii of security issues. Being fully aware of the fact local bre- OBSE (OSCE – Organisation for Security and Co- eds of tension might eventually endanger the other coun- operation in Europe) v Kosove. Monitorujú tiež zasta- tries, international community had to face and meet new venie nepriateĐstva medzi separatistami a vládnymi security challenges. Likewise, the Government of the silami a plnenie záväzkov z Istanbulského samitu Slovak Republic took a firm stand on this issue by decla- OBSE o stiahnutí zbraní a munície z územia Mol- ring its unambiguous support to fighting terrorism on davskej republiky. Hliadkujú aj v Abcházsku a tzv. a global scale and backed up this determination by Cchinvalskej oblasti (Južné Osetsko – Gruzínsko), kde deploying Slovak troops to Afghanistan and Iraq to be pretrváva napätie a žiadna zo strán nechce ustúpiĢ zo involved in direct encounters with terrorism. svojich pozícií. Currently changed security environment in the world, Ustanovenie SR za tzv. vedúcu krajinu (lead nation) characterised by globalisation and rapid social-political v Sektore 4 mierovej misie UNFICYP (United Nations development, logically results in the urgent need of Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus) na Cypre je vizitkou immediate reaction and adaptation to new security risks, toho, že náš štát má kredit pevného a zodpovedného just as setting new security priorities by particular states þlánku v procese udržiavania medzinárodného mieru. and international organisations. In this context, the asses- Známka dôvery je o to vyššia, že slovenskí vojaci sment and evaluation of a ten year long lasting involve- dostali mandát zabrániĢ obnoveniu bojov v horúcom ment of the Slovak Armed Forces can only come out very prostredí medzi gréckocyperskou a tureckocyperskou positive. To sum up, in the last decade our troops have komunitou a prispieĢ k obnove a udržaniu práva been deployed to 26 operations on the territory of a poriadku. 20 countries of three continents. To-date they perform Bohaté skúsenosti a medzinárodné renomé sloven- their tasks in the most critical regions in the world in ského vojenského zdravotníctva boli predpokladom na terms of threats to peace and security (e. g. the Near and vyslanie našej vojenskej poĐnej nemocnice na ázijský the Middle East, Balkan, Africa). Being diligent and dedi- kontinent do mierovej misie UNTAET (United Nations cated as they are, our soldiers confirm the Slovak Transitional Administration in East Timor) vo Vý- Republic's determination to be an active and reliable chodnom Timore, ktorá bola po vyhlásení autonómie chain link of the European and Transatlantic security pretransformovaná na podpornú misiu UNMISET structures, as a non-permanent member of the UN (United Nation Mission of Support in East Timor). Security Council and the international community. Samostatnou kapitolou úþasti slovenských vojakov sú operácie na podporu boja proti terorizmu. Lt. Col. Ing. Roman LACKOVIý Teroristické útoky v USA a neskôr i na ćalších mies- tach sveta zmenili vnímanie bezpeþnosti v najširšom meradle. S vedomím, že lokálne zdroje napätia môžu byĢ potenciálnou hrozbou i pre ostatné krajiny, reago- valo na nové bezpeþnostné výzvy celé medzinárodné spoloþenstvo. Aj vláda SR vo svojom vyhlásení vyjad- rila vôĐu podporiĢ boj proti terorizmu na globálnej úrovni a v praxi to dokázala vyslaním jednotiek pomáhajúcich v priamom zápase s terorizmom v operá- ciách v Afganistane a Iraku. Súþasné zmenené bezpeþnostné prostredie vo svete, ktoré charakterizuje globalizácia a zvyšujúca sa dyna- mika zmien, bezprostredne vyvoláva potrebu reakcie a prispôsobovania sa jednotlivých štátov i medzinárod- ných organizácií novým bezpeþnostným prioritám a rizikám. V tomto kontexte možno hodnotiĢ desaĢroþ- nú úþasĢ Armády, þi Ozbrojených síl SR veĐmi pozi- tívne. Za uplynulé decénium sa naši vojaci zúþastnili na riešení konfliktov v 26 operáciách na území 20 krajín troch kontinentov. Aj dnes pôsobia v oblas- tiach patriacich z hĐadiska ohrození medzinárodného mieru a bezpeþnosti k najdôležitejším a najkritickejším (napr. Blízky a Stredný východ, Balkán, Afrika). Svojou pracovitosĢou a profesionalitou dokazujú, že SR nechce byĢ iba pasívnym konzumentom medziná- rodnej bezpeþnosti, ale aj aktívnym a zodpovedným þlánkom európskych a transatlantických bezpeþnost- ných štruktúr a v pozícii nestáleho þlena BR OSN i celosvetového spoloþenstva.

Pplk. Ing. Roman LACKOVIý UNMEE – Eritrea. Miestne deti s veēkým slovenským kamarátom UNMEE – Eritrea. Local children with their “Big Friend“ from Slovakia

Slovensko ako mierotvorca20 Slovakia as a Peacekeeper MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 21

V medzinárodných misiách IV

pred vznikom samostatnej HAPTER Slovenskej republiky / C APITOLA Deployed in International Missions prior K to Establishment of the Independent Slovak Republic

Misia OSN v Kórei UN mission in Korea

V rokoch bývalej totality nebolo širšej verejnosti During the totalitarian regime there was no publici- príliš známe, že þeskí i slovenskí vojaci od roku 953 ty given to the fact that even the Czech and the Slovak pôsobili i v Dozornej komisii neutrálnych štátov pre soldiers served in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Kóreu (NNSC – Neutral Nations Supervisory Commision Commission for Korea (NNSC) in the Korean peninsula for Korea) na Kórejskom polostrove. from 953. ýeskoslovenskú zvláštnu skupinu spoþiatku (v auguste 953) tvorilo 380 osôb. Z nich bolo 38 dôstojníkov, 6 poddôstojníkov z povolania a 236 poddôstojníkov a príslušníkov mužstva. V tomto kontingente boli i traja lekári a šesĢ žien. Prvým veliteĐom sa stal dovtedajší veliteĐ. armádne- ho zboru v Banskej Bystrici brigádny generál František Bureš, ktorému poþas pôsobenia v Kórei prepožiþali hod- nosĢ generálporuþík. Situácia v mieste dislokácie síl komisie najmä na zaþiatku nebola vôbec jednoduchá a naši vojaci si dokonca sami piekli i chlieb v upravenej poĐnej pekárni. Poþty príslušníkov armády vysielaných do Kórey sa postupne výrazne znižovali, no i tak sa v jednotke, ktorá skonþila þinnosĢ po rozdelení ýSFR zaþiatkom roka 993, vystriedalo viac ako 600 þeskoslovenských voja- kov. Z nich bolo približne 70 Slovákov a traja Slováci – genmjr. Zdenko Páv, genmjr. Ján Gazík a genmjr. Ján ÿeskoslovenský inšpektor na území demilitarizovanej zóny Klocok, sa podieĐali i na jej velení. A Czechoslovak inspector in a territory of demilitarised zone Nadpráp. v. v. Jozef KORENÝ In August 953 the specialised Czechoslovak team comprised 380 persons, 44 of them being commissioned KRAJINA A KONFLIKT officers and 236 non-commissioned officers. Within this contingent three doctors and six female soldiers were sta- Až do konca druhej svetovej vojny mali dnešná tioned. Kórejská Đudovodemokratická republiky (KďDR) The first commander was appointed Brigadier General a Kórejská republika spoloþnú históriu. Táto civilizácia František Bureš, who was ranked Major General for the existovala ako samostatný štát takmer  500 rokov a brá- period while based in Korea. He had been a commander nila sa nájazdom dvoch silných susedov – ýíny of st Army Corps before. Situation on the base was anyt- a Japonska. V roku 90 obsadili krajinu Japonci a oku- hing but easy, especially in initial stages, when our sol- povali ju až do konca druhej svetovej vojny. Potom si diers even baked their own bread in facilities adjusted into víĢazní Sovieti a Ameriþania polostrov rozdelili, þo a field bakery. V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 21 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 22


The strength of our contingents to Korea has gradually considerably decreased. Nevertheless, more than 600 hundred Czechoslovak soldiers had served there by the beginning of 993, when the unit's mandate was ter- minated after Czechoslovakia split into the two independ- ent republics. Out of this overall number of 600 approxi- mately 70 soldiers were the Slovaks, three of them – Major General Zdenko Páv, Major General Ján Gazík and Major General Ján Klocok – were assigned in com- manding positions.

Retired Chief WO III Jozef KORENÝ


Up to the end of World War II the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and South Korea wrote a common his- tory. Their civilisation had existed nearly  500 years as an independent state and bravely faced daring border raids by its vigorous neighbours – China and Japan. In 90 the Japanese seized the territory and occupied the country until the end of World War II. That was when the victorious Soviets and Americans divided the peninsula into the two spheres of influence, which soon resulted in a devastating war of 950 – 953. The three-year lasting conflict, accompanied by bloody killing, was finally settled 27th July 953 after the truce agreement had been signed. Truce was to be monitored by V dozornej komisii sa v Kórei stretli ÿesi, Slováci, Poliaci, Švédi aŠvajĀiari the Supervisory Commission, agreed on by both opposing parties. North Korea and its tutor – China invited the The Czechs, Slovaks, Polish, Swedish and Swiss Czechoslovak and the Polish soldiers to serve on the com- united in work in NNSC

Kórejský polostrov v roku 953 rozdelila 38. rovnobežka Korean peninsula was in 953 divided by 38th parallel line V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 22 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 23


neskôr vyústilo do niþivej vojny, ktorá zúrila v rokoch mittee, whilst South Korea's part was represented by the 950 – 953. Swedish and the Swiss. The committee was charged with Tri roky trvajúci krvavý konflikt sa na Kórejskom securing a demilitarised zone along the 38th parallel polostrove skonþil 27. júla 953 podpísaním prímeria. Na of latitude, which was considered to be a borderline bet- dodržiavanie jeho podmienok mala dohliadaĢ dozorná ween the two countries, and the representatives of the komisia, na zložení ktorej sa dohodli obe znepriatelené four above mentioned countries also carried out inspec- strany. Severná Kórea a jej tútor ýína do nej pozvali þes- tions in both parts to the peninsula. koslovenských a poĐských vojakov, juhokórejská strana The World War II being over, either of the two Korean zasa švédskych a švajþiarskych. Príslušníci všetkých šty- republics set off on their further development in a com- roch štátov tvoriacich komisiu sa spoloþne podieĐali nie- pletely different direction. The South, with an area of len na zabezpeþení demilitarizovaného pásma okolo 99 274 square km has become a modern democratic state 38. rovnobežky oddeĐujúcej dva štáty, ale aj na inšpek- with a developed industry. Standard of living of its ciách v oboch þastiach rozdeleného polostrova. 47 million inhabitants is on a much higher level than the Od skonþenia vojny prešli obe þasti Kórey rozdielnym one of its northern neighbour. An average of the Gross vývojom. Na juhu s rozlohou 99 274 km2 postupne vyrás- Domestic Product per inhabitant is 0 times higher com- tol moderný priemyslový štát demokratického typu. Jeho paring to North Korea figures. 47 miliónov obyvateĐov žije na rozdiel od svojich sever- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is situated ných susedov v KďDR na oveĐa vyššej úrovni (napr. hrubý in the northern part of the Korean peninsula, bordering domáci produkt na jedného obyvateĐa je 0-krát vyšší). with Russia and China, on the area of 20 538 square km. KďDR sa rozprestiera na severe polostrova na ploche It is one of the very last communist totalitarian countries 20 538 km2 a susedí s Ruskou federáciou a ýínou. Je to in the world and its population of 23 million live in incre- jeden z posledných komunistických diktátorských reži- dible poverty. Owing to its armament program, especially mov na svete a jeho viac ako 23 miliónov obyvateĐov žije due to a covert development of both nuclear and conven- v nepredstaviteĐnej biede. Svojím zbrojným programom, tional weapons and their potential export into unstable najmä tajným vývojom jadrových i konvenþných raketo- regions, or even the eventuality of supplying terrorists, vých zbraní a ich možným exportom do nestabilných North Korea constitutes a serious threat to peace and sta- oblastí þi dokonca predajom teroristom predstavuje bility of the region and the world as a whole. KďDR reálnu hrozbu pre mier a stabilitu regiónu, ale i celého sveta.

Plk. Jozef ŽIAK Col. Jozef ŽIAK

Smer Púštna búrka Direction Desert Storm

Po napadnutí Kuvajtu Irakom zaþiatkom augusta Following Iraqi invasion to Kuwait in the early 990 a jeho následnej anexii sa bývalé ýesko-Slovensko days of August 990 and its annexation the former jednoznaþne postavilo na stranu protiirackej koalície. Tú Czechoslovakia unanimously joined the anti-Iraqi coa- tvorilo 36 štátov pod vedením USA. Federálne zhromaž- denie ýSFR vyslovilo súhlas s vyslaním špeciálnej proti- chemickej jednotky do Perzského zálivu 23. septembra 990. StmeĐovací výcvik protichemického práporu sa zaþal už 0. októbra v posádke Slaný a pokraþoval v Liberci. Slováci a ýesi prileteli do Saudskej Arábie . decembra 990. ýesko-slovenský kontingent tvorilo 98 vojakov, z toho približne pol stovky Slovákov. Prápor mal podĐa rozkazu pri vyslaní plniĢ len humanitárne úlohy v pros- pech civilného obyvateĐstva hlboko v tyle. Tesne pred útokom však velenie koaliþných síl vznieslo požiadavku, aby þasĢ našich chemikov postupovala s prvosledovými jednotkami. Velenie þesko-slovenského práporu vtedy rozhodlo, že s brigádami saudskoarabskej armády, ktoré sa chystali prelomiĢ irackú obranu, sa na útoku zúþastní 3. a 4. oddiel (odriad). Štvrtému oddielu, ktorý bol zaþle- nený do zostavy 20. mechanizovanej brigády Saudskej Iracké vojská sa snažili zastaviĥ postup spojencov i priekopami Arábie, velil pplk. Ján Kurucz, dnes plukovník a dekan s ropou, ktorú zapálili Fakulty pozemného vojska Vojenskej akadémie Iraqi troops tried to stop the allies advancing v Liptovskom Mikuláši. even by igniting oil in ditches V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 23 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 24


lition comprised of 36 states under the US leadership. The Federal Assembly of the Czechoslovak Federal Republic endorsed deployment of a special chemical unit in the Gulf region on 23rd September. The initial training started as early as 0th October 990 in the garrison of Slaný and later continued in Liberec. The Czechs and the Slovaks landed in Saudi Arabia on th December 990. The Czechoslovak contingent comprised 98 soldiers, approximately 50 of them being the Slovaks. As stipulated in the mission's mandate the battalion was tasked only with humanitarian assistance for the local inhabitants far in the rear. Shortly before the attack, however, a demand was raised by the coalition command on our chemical unit to push on with the front. The Czechoslovak battalion com- mand decided to sent 3rd and 4th units („odriads“) to sup- port Saudi Arabian brigades when breaking through Iraqi defences. The 4th unit was incorporated into the Saudi Arabian 20th Mechanised brigade, under Lt. Col. Ján Kurucz's command, currently having been promoted to the rank of Colonel and working as a Dean of Faculty of Ground Forces at Military Academy in Liptovský Mikuláš.


Iraq launched its aggression against Kuwait on 2nd August 990 and within 2 days Kuwait had been totally occupied. After the aggressor massed the troops of the Víĥazstvo! Slávnostný ohęostroj nad kuvajtskou púšĥou strength of 00.000 on the Kuwait territory, the Iraqi dic- Great victory. Festive fireworks above Kuwait desert tator Saddam Hussein claimed this had been a response to a coup d'état initiated by the young revolutionaries in the home country. The Saddam's plot failed as there was no KRAJINA A KONFLIKT collaboration by Kuwait and it proved Saddam had bluf- fed before. Since he did not manage to form a puppet Irak zaþal vojenskú agresiu proti Kuvajtu 2. augusta government, Saddam proclaimed Kuwait the 9th provin- 990 a jeho územie ovládol v priebehu dvoch dní. Po ce of Iraq and annexed it. tom, þo sa na kuvajtskej pôde usadila 00-tisícová A major point of continual conflict, eventually resul- armáda útoþníka, iracký diktátor Saddám Husajn naj- ting into the war, has been the large oil fields on the Iraq skôr vyhlásil, že v krajine sa uskutoþnil prevrat zorga- – Kuwait border. Prior to the conflict escalation, the Iraqi nizovaný mladými revolucionármi. Keć však nenašiel Secretary of the State Department Tarik Aziz had alleged dostatok domácich kolaborantov ochotných potvrdiĢ Kuwait was pumping more oil from the Rumaila field that túto lož a zostaviĢ bábkovú kuvajtskú vládu, vzápätí they were entitled to and demanded 2.4 billion USD as suverénny kuvajtský štát anektoval a vyhlásil ho za a compensation. svoju 9. provinciu. Iraq, with the territory of 438 37 square km, had the Vojna bola okrem iného pokraþovaním konfliktu population of 7 million at the times of the conflict esca- o sporné hraniþné ropné polia. Napríklad iracký minister lation, which was ten times more comparing to the num- zahraniþných vecí Tárik Azíz pred konfliktom obvinil ber of Kuwait inhabitants. What is more, Kuwait with the Kuvajt z protiprávneho þerpania ropy z irackého územia territory of only 20 668 square km, had an army of only a žiadal za to od Kuvajtu 2,4 miliardy USD. 20.000. Irak s rozlohou 438 37 km2 mal v þase útoku 7 milió- What Saddam Hussein could not predict was, however, nov obyvateĐov a milión vojakov. Kuvajt s obyvateĐ- an unprecedented wide-scale international response, bac- stvom predstavujúcim necelú desatinu populácie Iraku ked up by the UN resolutions, very soon after Iraqi inva- a územím veĐkým 20 668 km2 disponoval iba približne sion to Kuwait. The UN Security Council authorised the 20-tisícovou armádou. use of all means, including force, to push the Iraqi milita- Diktátor Husajn však neþakal takú širokú a silnú ry forces out of the occupied country of Kuwait as early medzinárodnú odvetu, podporovanú aj rezolúciami OSN, as 29th November 990. ktorá sa zaþala formovaĢ zanedlho po irackom vpáde do Intense air campaign directed at Saddam Hussein's Kuvajtu. Bezpeþnostná rada OSN už 29. novembra 990 troops on both Kuwait and Iraqi territory ceased on 23rd vyslovila súhlas s použitím všetkých prostriedkov na February 99 to be followed by a massive ground offen- vytlaþenie irackých vojsk z okupovanej krajiny. sive launched by the coalition of 36 states under the US Intenzívna vzdušná operácia proti Husajnovým voj- command on 24th February. Within four days, the resis- skám na kuvajtskom, ako aj na vlastnom irackom území tance of demoralised aggressor troops was broken and sa skonþila 23. februára 99. Sústredený pozemný útok Iraq finally surrendered. síl spojeneckej koalície 36 štátov na þele s USA sa zaþal na druhý deĖ – 24. februára Po štyroch dĖoch bojov Mgr. Pavol VITKO V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 24 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 25


demoralizované vojská agresora už neboli schopné klásĢ FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: efektívny odpor a Irak napokon kapituloval. Mgr. Pavol VITKO A Baptism of Fire in Desert Storm The soldiers under Lt. Col. Ján Kurucz´s command Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE: were to find out very soon what wartime routine is. He goes back in his memories: „I introduced a really tough drill day and night. I had to keep the men busy Krst ohĖom v Púštnej búrke so that they had no time to think of danger of death. I would either sound a chemical alarm or I would Pre vojakov podplukovníka Jána Kurucza sa v saud- make them dig trenches. Of course these would soon skoarabskej púšti zaþal život podĐa vojnových zákonov. be blown over by wind, but the soldiers had to dig Spomína: „Zaviedol som veĐmi prísny denný i noþný them again and again. Regular detailed check-ups of výcvik. Chlapi museli byĢ stále v þinnosti, aby neroz- accoutrements had become a routine. At parades the mýšĐali nad hrozbou smrti. Keć som nevyhlasoval che- soldiers had to be clean-shaven and boots had to be mický poplach, kopali zákopy. Pravdaže, vietor ich za pár polished. „ hodín zavial pieskom. Kopali znova a znova. Opakované Some soldiers' fear escalated to such an extent they detailné kontroly ústroja boli samozrejmosĢou. Pri nástu- started to transmit it to the others, which was extremely poch museli byĢ vojaci bezchybne oholení. Nevyleštené dangerous for the morale. Lt. Col. Ján Kurucz recalls the kanady boli nemysliteĐné.“ heated moments after a sudden artillery attack when the Viacerí vojaci sa snažili svoj strach prenášaĢ na iných. men experienced what can only be described as high-ter- To bolo pre morálku mužstva veĐmi nebezpeþné. So ror. The most terrifying bits were when even the best zdvihnutým þelom spomenie trebárs aj na reakcie výbor- pals, in a state of panic, would at sixes and sevens take ných kamarátov po náhlom delostreleckom útoku, kedy si each other's entrenched positions. navzájom obsadzovali vykopané zákopy. „None of us could have been trained enough to be „Nikto z nás nebol vtedy pripravený tak, aby sme si sure his knees would not knock together face to face boli istí, že v priamom ohrození života sa nám nerozklepú with death. It was only natural we would help each kolená. Je normálne, že sme si pomáhali. Jednoznaþne other. All who have been to the Persian Gulf surely do všetci, ktorí boli v Zálive, si zaslúžia maximálnu úctu,“ deserve a maximum respect,“ – emphasises Col. Jan zdôrazĖuje plk. Ján Kurucz. Kurucz.

Pavol VITKO, OBRANA þ. /2002, krátené Pavol VITKO, Obrana No. /2002, abridged

Naši špecialisti pri zniĀenej irackej technike. Prvý sprava je veliteē 4. oddielu pplk. Ján Kurucz Our specialists by a destroyed Iraqi technical equipment and armament. Lt. Col. Ján Kurucz, a commander of 4th unit, first on the right V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 25 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 26


UNPROFOR – naposledy spolu, prvýkrát na „starom“ kontinente UNPROFOR – for the Last Time together, for the First Time on „the Old Continent“

Krátko po spadnutí železnej opony v strednej Shortly after the fall of Iron Curtain in Central Európe zaþali silnieĢ hlasy volajúce po nezávislosti Europe, claims for autonomy and independence were a samostatnosti krajín vtedajšej Jednotnej zväzovej voiced by the states of the then Federal Republic of republiky Juhoslávie. Najskôr zo zväzku vystúpilo Yugoslavia. declared itself independent as the Slovinsko. Po krátkej vojne federálne vojská zakotvili first one. After a short war federal troops were massed na území Chorvátska, najmä v oblasti Krajina, on the territory of Croatia, in Krajina region, to prevent s cieĐom za každú cenu zabrániĢ vyhláseniu jeho Croatia from affirming separateness. Nationalism and samostatnosti. Nacionalizmus a vyburcovaná nenávisĢ escalated hatred between the Serbs and the Croats soon medzi Srbmi a Chorvátmi vyústila do otvoreného kon- resulted in open hostilities. Encounters in Krajina, fliktu. Boje v Krajine, kde Srbi vyhlásili svoju repub- which had been declared a part of the republic of Serbia, liku, sa neskôr preniesli aj do Bosny a Hercegoviny, na soon spread to Bosnia and Herzegovina, as that was the ktorú si oba dominujúce národy v tejto þasti Balkánu area which the both dominating nations of the Balkan robili nárok. region made claims for as well. The international com- V závere roku 99 vyvrcholil tlak svetového spolo- munity's pressure to put an end to the war culminated at þenstva na skonþenie vojny. ZároveĖ BR OSN prijala the end of the 99. The UN Security Council adopted rezolúciu o vyslaní „modrých baretov“ na územie a resolution on “the blue berets“ deployment in the Juhoslávie. Pravda, tomu predchádzali rozsiahle roko- Yugoslav territory. This, naturally, had to be preceded by vania zvláštneho vyslanca generálneho tajomníka OSN vast negotiations initiated by the Secretary – General's Cyrusa Vancea, ktorý sa snažil presvedþiĢ obe strany Personal Envoy Mr. , who did his best to v Chorvátsku o oprávnenosti a užitoþnosti takého justify necessity of the speedy establishment of UN pea- kroku. Samotnému príchodu jednotiek OSN na Balkán cekeeping operations in the eyes of the both opposing však muselo predchádzaĢ splnenie najdôležitejšej pod- parties in Croatia. The UN troops deployment itself was mienky – zastavenie paĐby medzi juhoslovanskou conditioned by announcing a cease-fire between the armádou a chorvátskymi vojenskými i polovojenskými Yugoslav People's Army and Croatian military and para- jednotkami. military units. Prímerie podpísali v Sarajeve 2. januára 992. Nový On 2nd January 992 the Implementing Accord on generálny tajomník OSN Butrus Ghálí vyslal do the unconditional cease-fire was signed. With the Chorvátska najprv skupinu dôstojníkov. Vytvorenie Security Council's concurrence, a new Secretary – ochranných síl OSN v Juhoslávii UNPROFOR (United General Boutrus Boutrus-Ghali sent to Croatia a group Nations Protection Force), záviselo od toho, þi s Vance- of military liaison officers, with the task of using their ovým plánom vyjadria súhlas všetky strany konfliktu, þo good offices to promote maintenance of the cease-fire sa stalo až vo februári. BR OSN svojou rezolúciou þ. 743 by facilitating communication between the opposing vyslovila súhlas so stanoviskom generálneho tajomníka parties. UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection OSN a ustanovila mierové jednotky. Velenie UNPRO- Force) could have only been established as long as all FOR so svojim veliteĐom, indickým generálom Satišom parties to the conflict agreed on the Vance's plan, which Nabijárom, dorazilo do Juhoslávie 8. marca. Krátko na to they did not do until February. Then the Security sa mierové sily zaþali rozmiestĖovaĢ v tzv. UNPA- Council, by its resolution 743, established UNPRO- zónach (United Nations Protected Area). Spolu so 4-ti- FOR for an initial period as an interim agreement, and sícovým vojenským zborom vojakov z 3 krajín sa do required the Secretary – General to deploy immediate- mierovej operácie zapojilo 530 policajtov a poþetný ly those elements of UNPROFOR which could assist in civilný personál majúci na starosti najmä administratívu, developing an implementation plan. The UNPROFOR právne poradenstvo a pod. V jednotlivých zónach záro- Headquarters arrived in Yugoslavia on 8th March, with veĖ zaþali pôsobiĢ koordinátori OSN. the Indian Lieutenant-General Satish Nambiar as Vtedajšia ýSFR, vedomá si spoluzodpovednosti za UNPROFOR Force Commander in Yugoslavia. Shortly stabilitu a bezpeþnosĢ v Európe, rozhodla, že sa pripojí after the peacekeeping troops started to be deployed in k úsiliu OSN riešiĢ zložitú situáciu na Balkáne. so-called UNPA zones (United Nations Protected Federálne zhromaždenie ýSFR uznesením z 23. novem- Area). UNPROFOR included military component of bra 99 vydalo pokyn na formovanie pešieho práporu. the strength of 4.000 from 3 countries, as well as Po výberovom konaní sa do ýeského Krumlova zaþali police staff of 530, and civilian personnel responsible schádzaĢ vojaci zo všetkých kútov federácie. Do takmer mainly for administration and army legal services. Also 500-þlennej jednotky zaradili výluþne dobrovoĐníkov the UN co-ordinators started to operate in the respecti- – vojakov z povolania i vojakov základnej služby, ktorí ve zones. V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 26 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 27


Hovorca Āesko-slovenského práporu UNPROFOR mjr. Miroslav Minár v rozhovore s veliteēom misie indickým genpor. Satišom Nambiarom The UNPROFOR Czech-Slovak battalion spokesman Maj. Miroslav Minár talking to the mission's Force Commander Indian Lt. Gen. Satish Nambiar

podpísali vyhlásenie, že sa doþasne stávajú profesionál- The then Czechoslovak Federative Republic, being mi. Jednotku tvorilo 5,3 % ýechov, 28,6 % Slovákov aware of its co-responsibility for European stability and a 8,3 % sa hlásilo k moravskej národnosti. V prvých security, decided to join the UN activities aimed at resol- aprílových dĖoch sa na Balkán železnicou prepravilo ving the Balkan crisis. On 23rd November 99 the 48 vojakov a šesĢ vojenských policajtov. V zostave Federal Assembly of CSFR adopted a resolution to jednotky bolo aj osem žien. Peší prápor si so sebou establish an infantry battalion. Being drafted, soldiers zobral 9 osobných, terénnych a nákladných automobi- from all parts of the Federation headed for ýeský lov, vrátane deviatich obrnených transportérov bez Krumlov. The unit comprised solely volunteers – pro- výzbroje. Jednotka dosiahla pohotovosĢ na plnenie úloh fessional soldiers as well as conscripts that promulgated 3. apríla 992. in writing joining a regular army temporarily. Za veliteĐa þesko-slovenského pešieho práporu bol Ultimately, the unit was composed of 5.3 % of the vymenovaný pplk. Karel Blahna (v súþasnosti jeden zo Czechs, 28.6 % the Slovaks and 8.3 % claiming to be zástupcov náþelníka GŠ Armády ýR). VeliteĐstvo sídli- of Moravian nationality. In the early days of April lo v Campe Borje, pod horou Plješevica, blízko mesteþ- 48 soldiers, eight of them women, and six military ka Titova Korenica. Jednotky práporu boli rozmiestnené policemen travelled to Balkan by rail. The infantry bat- južne od Plitvických jazier a v okolí letiska v Udbine. talion had altogether 9 vehicles at disposal, including Toto bola þasĢ operaþného priestoru sektoru Juh misie cars, jeeps, trucks and 9 armoured personnel carriers UNPROFOR. Išlo o územie tzv. Republiky Srbská without equipment. The combat readiness of the unit Krajina, teda oblasti, ktorá bola ohniskom krvavých was achieved on 3th April 992. bojov medzi Srbmi a Chorvátmi. Sektoru velili Francúzi Lt. Col Karel Blahna, to-date one of Deputies of the a vojaci þs. práporu v Ėom aktívne spolupracovali Chief of General Staff of the Czech Army, was appoin- s vojakmi Kene a na severe s Poliakmi. ted a commander of the Czech-Slovak infantry battalion PríbuznosĢ jazyka i mentalita slovanských národov in Yugoslavia. The Headquarters was situated in Camp spôsobila, že v zóne zodpovednosti nášho práporu sa Borje, at the slopes of Plješevica, next to the town of podarilo udržiavaĢ pokoj zbraní, poriadok a stabilitu Titova Korenica. The battalion's units were deployed in a vojaci sa dokonca postupne zaþali podieĐaĢ i na rieše- the area south to Plitvice Lakes and near the Udbine ní zložitej situácie miestneho obyvateĐstva. Sprostred- Airport, which was part of an operational area of sector kovávali kontakty medzi príbuznými, ktorých delila South designated within UNPROFOR mission. That was frontová línia, osobnou statoþnosĢou a nasadením zabrá- the territory of so-called Republic of Srbska Krajina, the V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 27 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 28


nili vyhnaniu približne 40-þlennej chorvátskej komunity epicentre of bloody fighting between the Serbs and the so Srbmi kontrolovanej osady Podlapaþ. PrítomnosĢ Croats. The sector's lead nation were the French, and the 5 Slovákov na plnení každodenných úloh jednotky Czech-Slovak battalion co-operated closely with sol- bola citeĐná. diers from Kenya and Poland in the north. Slavonic mentality, as well as the language, signifi- Plk. Miroslav MINÁR cantly contributed to maintenance of cease-fire and sta- bility in the zone of our battalion's responsibility, and the soldiers gradually took to resolving difficult situations Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE: the local civilian population was trapped in. They media- ted contacts between relatives divided by the front line and it was merely their personal involvement and brave- Padali bomby, deti kriþali... ry which prevented the Serbs from chasing the Croatian a my sme utekali pred vojnou community of approximately 40 people out of the Podlapaþ settlement, which had been under the Serbs' Ktovie, na þo myslela dvadsaĢdvaroþná Simona supervision. The role of the 5 Slovaks performing the Neužilová z ýeských BudČjovíc, keć sa asi pred piatimi everyday tasks within the unit was significant. rokmi vo svadobnej sieni podpisovala menom svojho manžela Mirsada – Vojiþ. Dnes si už Ģažko spomenie, aké Col. Miroslav MINÁR želanie vyslovila, keć prvý raz prekroþili s manželom a dvoma deĢmi prah domu, ktorý si v Bosne a Herce- govine postavili na predmestí Bihaþa. FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: „Toho 12. júna, keć na naše predmestie zaútoþili Srbi, som si zúfalo želala iba jedno – aby sme zostali People were bombed, children screamed ... and we were on the run before war Who knows what the 22 year-old Simona Neužilová from ýeské BudČjovice was thinking of when she first sig- ned by the name of her husband Mirsad – Vojiþ, at their wedding ceremony five years ago. Now she would hardly remember the wish she made when she, with her husband and two children, stepped over the threshold of the house they had built in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the suburb of Bihaþ. “On 12th June, when the Serbs attacked the suburb where we lived, I desperately wished just one thing for us and our children – to survive.“ As she talks I can watch a story of a war film, which this young woman was cast in, develop in front of my eyes. The film directed by Life itself, which made her forget what smile is in just four horrible days. Just the same as her 30 year-old husband and the children – 3year-old Mirsada and 6 month-old Denis, as well as the 7.000 inhabitants of the Bihaþ su- burb, which is only 30 kilometers from the Plitvice Lakes by air...“ “As early as 10th June the Serbs were said to be spot- ted in nearby forests. Of course we knew there was a war in Yugoslavia, but we could not imagine it might spread from Croatia and later from Sarajevo region to where we lived. That day my husband went to work as usual, I stay- ed at home with kids, cooking and doing the washing, when suddenly my brother-in-law rushed in, telling me to pack all the staff for children and some food as we have to run away. But how? The two crying children, lugga- ge...Then my husband came running, we just grabbed the food and documents and were ready to set off. We did not know where to go, though. Everything was at sixes and sevens. When the night was falling, we thought of hiding in the forest, but suddenly we heard bombs exploding. Mjr. Miroslav Minár (prvý sprava) s finaĀným náĀelníkom So we just ran to hide into our neighbours' cellar. Āesko-slovenského práporu UNPROFOR npor. Jaroslavom However, at about 9 o'clock in the evening there were Tvrdíkom (v strede) – dnešným ministrom obrany ÿR already the bombs exploding all around us. That was Maj. Miroslav Minár (the first one on the right) really scary. Just imagine holding your crying children in with a Chief of Finance of the UNPROFOR Czech-Slovak battalion your arms, quieting them, knowing there is a war all st Lt. Jaroslav Tvrdík (in the middle) to-date around. All you wish is to stay alive. Save your children. a Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic That was what gave us strength to carry on. At about mid- V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom Deployed in International Missions prior to samostatnej Slovenskej republiky 28 Establisment of the Independent Slovak Republic MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 29


nažive aj s deĢmi.“ Rozpráva a pred oþami sa mi zaþína night we ran into the forest to seek a hide... In the mor- odvíjaĢ film z vojny majúci zvláštneho režiséra – život ning, when people were back to their homes, they found sám. Film, v ktorom hrala i táto mladá žena, þo sa za out some of the house had turned into a rubble. However, štyri hrôzostrašné dni zabudla aj usmievaĢ. Ako jej trid- chaos was the worst. People panicked as the news spread saĢroþný manžel a najmä deti, trojroþná Mirsada a šest- the Serbs were returning. We ran to hide out into the násĢmesaþný Denis. A s nimi ćalších sedem tisíc obyva- forest again and we watched the Serbs plunder our hou- teĐov predmestia Bihaþa. Toho Bihaþa, ktorý vzdušnou ses, set them on fire. We could even smell the gasoline þiarou leží necelých tridsaĢ kilometrov od Plitvických they used. Then the rain started. We had no guns, did not jazier... know where to go. What if we somehow got into the zone „Už 10.júna sa zaþalo hovoriĢ, že v okolitých lesoch seized by the Serbs? I was in a state of shock, having no sa hemžia Srbi. Viete, vojna síce v Juhoslávii bola, ale food for the children. The four days and the three nights najskôr v Chorvátsku, potom okolo Sarajeva, my sme si of rain, cold, children crying – we were to learn what des- ani na okamih nepripúšĢali, že by mohla prísĢ až k nám. pair was. Môj manžel išiel vtedy normálne do práce, ja som zosta- And then, eventually, we were saved. There was a man la s deĢmi doma, nieþo som uvarila, oprala. Naraz pri- who knew where the UN units had been deployed. He led behol švagor, aby som zbalila nejaké detské veci, zobra- them to where we were hiding. They took care of all of us, la jedlo na cestu a že budeme utekaĢ. Ale ako? Dve the 7.000 devastated people. They transported us into the plaþúce vystrašené deti, tašky... Potom ale pribehol camp, gave our children milk and napkins, provided us manžel, vzali sme batoh s jedlom, dokumenty a nevedeli with shoes, hot water, tins. I noticed some of them wea- sme, kam ísĢ. Všade bol strašný zmätok. Keć už padol ring the Czechoslovak national emblems, so I told them súmrak, hovorilo sa, že by sa možno dalo utiecĢ do lesa, I was the Czech, too and pleaded them to get us out of the ale potom zrazu bolo poþuĢ bombardovanie. Tak sme hell...“ utekali k susedom do pivnice. O deviatej veþer však zaþali padaĢ bomby aj kúsok od nás. Bolo to strašné. Držíte v náruþí svoje deti, tíšite ich, aby neplakali a nad hlavou je vojna. Máte iba jediné želanie. ŽiĢ. ZachrániĢ deti. A to nás práve hnalo ćalej. Okolo polnoci sme ute- kali do lesa... A ráno sme sa vrátili do svojich domov. Niekto už ten svoj ani nenašiel, pretože sa cez noc zme- nil na hĚbu kameĖov a tehál. Najhorší bol ten zmätok. Po chvíli zasa niekto pribe- hol, že sa Srbi vracajú. Znovu teda do lesa a odtiaĐ sme videli ako rabujú. A zapaĐovali všetko. Ten benzín, þo ním polievali, bolo cítiĢ až k nám do lesa. Potom sa roz- pršalo. Nikto nemal žiadne zbrane, nevedeli sme, kam ísĢ. ýo keć sa dostaneme do zóny, ktorú obsadili Srbi? Bola som v šoku, nemala som pre deti už žiadne jedlo. Štyri dni a tri noci dažća, zimy, plaþu detí – a veĐkej bez- nádeje. A potom nás zachránili. Jeden muž vedel, ktorým sme- rom sídlia jednotky OSN. Priviedol ich k nám. Oni nás naložili do áut, všetkých sedem tisíc zbedaþených Đudí odviezli do svojho tábora, dali deĢom mlieko, plienky, nám topánky, teplú vodu, konzervy. Všimla som si, že nie- ktorí majú na rukávoch þeskoslovenské štátne znaky. Tak som im povedala, že som ýeška a poprosila ich, aby nás Simona then starts talking about Lt. Col. Miroslav preboha dostali z tohto pekla...“ Minár, the spokesman of our troops participating in the Pani Simona potom už rozpráva o obrovskej ochote UN mission in Yugoslavia. It was him who helped them ašĐachetnosti podplukovníka Miroslava Minára, hovorcu arrange all the things necessary at the Czechoslovak našich jednotiek OSN v Juhoslávii. Pomohol im cez Embassy, including the permission for Simona's husband þs. ambasádu v Záhrebe vybaviĢ potrebné formality, Mirsad Vojiþ, who would otherwise have been called up zariadil, aby mohol cez vojnovú líniu bez dokladov vyces- by a mobilisation order, to cross the front line and leave tovaĢ aj manžel Mirsad Vojiþ, na ktorého sa vtedy vzĢa- the country even though he hadn't had the documents hovala branná povinnosĢ. Nikdy vraj tomuto podplukov- needed at the time. They will never be able to thank him níkovi nemôžu byĢ dosĢ vćaþní. Teraz už celá rodina žije enough for being so helpful and generous as he was. To- v byte Simoniných rodiþov. date, the family live at Simona's parents apartment. Ćalšie pokraþovanie ich životného príbehu sa už roz- To-date their life is starting over – the Municipal Office bieha – Mestský úrad v ýeských BudČjoviciach poskytol in ýeské BudČjovice paid them social allowance of jednorázovú finanþnú výpomoc vo výške päĢtisíc korún. 5.000 Crowns. The Skoda car factory has promised Škodovka sĐúbila Mirsadovi zamestnanie a byt. Známi Mirsad a job and an apartment. People, friends as well as i neznámi Đudia nosia deĢom hraþky a obleþenie. A pani strangers, keep bringing toys and clothes for the children. Simona si vraj každý veþer želá, aby mohli žiĢ už stále And this is what Simona hopes to come true – live a sim- takto. Obyþajne. ple everyday life from now on.

Mirka NEZVALOVÁ, Jihoþeská Pravda, jún 992 Mirka NEZVALOVÁ, Jihoþeská Pravda, June 992

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V Nový fenomén v misiách OSN

HAPTER – slovenskí ženisti / C The Slovak Engineers – a New APITOLA K Phenomenon in the UN Missions

Po rozdelení ýSFR prijala Slovenská republika ako After the Czechoslovak Federative Republic split jej nástupnícky štát rozhodnutie plniĢ všetky Ėou prijaté into the two independent republics, the Slovak republic, medzinárodné záväzky. Spoloþný mandát OSN mal v tom as a successor state, adhered to all the international com- období peší prápor pôsobiaci na území Chorvátska mitments endorsed prior to its establishment. The infan- v oblasti Plitvických jazier. V súvislosti so zánikom fede- try battalion deployed in the Plitvice Lakes area in rácie sa vynorila otázka dokonþenia plnenia tohto mandá- Croatia had operated under the common UN mandate, tu, þo riešila Zmluva medzi ýR a SR v oblasti obrany. Tá which had to be reviewed as the federation did not exist predpokladala vytvoriĢ v rámci pešieho práporu samo- anymore. According to the Agreement on Defence Issues statné roty oboch národných armád, zmiešané jednotky between the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic the zabezpeþenia a velenia a tiež zmiešaný štáb s presne battalion was supposed to comprise two independent vymedzenými funkciami príslušníkov oboch armád. companies of the Armies of the both republics, the joint Tento zámer sa však naplniĢ nepodarilo. combat service support and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as Po rokovaní s velením UNPROFOR a zástupcom hlav- well as the joint staff with strictly specified tasks for the ného vojenského poradcu generálneho tajomníka OSN both armies' troops. oznámili, že OSN nemieni vytváraĢ druhý prápor, ale After negotiations between the UNPROFOR command navrhuje nahradiĢ jednou z našich republík Kanadu, kto- and the Deputy of the Secretary – General's Head Military rej mandát z dôvodu reorganizácie armády konþil v apríli Adviser, UN announced they did not intend to set up 993. ýR a SR sa mali dohodnúĢ, ktorá z krajín tento a new battalion. What they suggested, though, was one of mandát prevezme. our republics should take over the Canada's mandate, Po schôdzke vedenia UNPROFOR s úþastníckymi kra- which was to expire in the end of April 993 due to their jinami 2. februára 993 oficiálne SR vyzvali, aby pre- army reorganisation. It was up to the Czech Republic and Slovakia to arrange which of them would do that. At the UNPROFOR command meeting with the parti- cipating countries on 2th February 993 the Slovak Republic was officially invited to take over the Canadian engineer battalion's mission. In response, on 8th March the National Council of the SR by its resolution No. 60 endorsed deployment of an engineer battalion of the Slovak Armed Forces in UNPROFOR peacekeeping mis- sion. Based on an order by the State Secretary of MoD SR, the Commander-in Chief of the Slovak Armed Forces pre- pared for starting the unit's training. That took place in Sereć and Col. Ing. ďubomír Kolenþík was appointed its commander. The core of the engineer battalion was com- prised of the soldiers who had been performing the tasks in a federal infantry battalion, and those who had origi- nally applied to be put into service in an infantry unit of the Army of the SR. At the same time, the professional soldiers and the country's reserve forces were addressed. The first volunteers joined the garrisons in Nitra and rd Veliteē Armády SR genpor. Július Humaj v prítomnosti ministra Sereć on 23 March 993, where, just as in some other obrany SR Pavla Kanisa zdraví veliteēa UNPROFOR francúzskeho garrisons, the initial training started under the Slovak generála Bertranda de la Presle Army Headquarters' command in co-operation with the Chief Commander of the Army of the SR Lt. Gen. Július Humaj Foreign Relations Department of MoD SR. The battalion salutes a UNPROFOR Commander, a French General Bertrand was equipped with small arms for self-defence, combat de la Presle. Minister of Defence of the SR materiel and equipment for performing specialised tasks. Pavol Kanis being present as well It was the commander of UNPROFOR engineer corps Nový fenomén v misiách OSN The Slovak Engineers – a New – slovenský ženisti 30 Phenomenon in the UN Missions MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 31


Col. Haries who shared his priceless experience and advised on the structure of the unit which was being established. In compliance with the endorsed plan, on st and 2nd May 993 the first group of 97 soldiers under the com- mand of Col. Ing. Kamil Šipula set off on a journey from Sereć in two specially dispatched trains. Their destination was the Croatian towns of Daruvar and Lipik. In Daruvar the accommodation for the Headquarters and battalion's staff had been prepared, and in Lipik the logistic corps and the unit's main body were supposed to quarter in. The battalion with an overall strength of 48 (SLOVENG- BAT) eventually arrived at their destination on 26th May 993. The unit's main operational tasks included the bridges' reconstruction, road and objects recoveries, detecting and breaching minefields, building protective shelters and barrages, boring the wells and making the water sources available. They also instructed the other units on mine- related risks and danger and, of course, provided humani- tarian assistance to the local inhabitants. “The ground examined by the Slovak engineers is safe for anybody to cross, with no reason to be apprehensive for their lives,“ – that is how the Chief UN Peacekeeping Force Commander for former Yugoslavia, the French General Bertrand de la Presle, commented on the three Konvoj belgickej armády s humanitárnou pomocou pre year-long conduct of the Slovak troops in Balkan on the Sarajevo na slovenskom strategickom moste cez Neretvu occasion of his farewell ceremony to the Mission. The Belgian Army humanitarian assistance convoy The Slovak engineer battalion was exceptional in terms heading for Sarajevo on a strategic bridge of its specialisation and territorial deployment within over the Neretva River built by the Slovaks UNPROFOR and later in missions UNCRO (United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia) vzala úlohu kanadského ženijného práporu. Odpoveć and UNPF (United Nations Peace Forces). Its special z Bratislavy nenechala na seba dlho þakaĢ. Národná rada task-oriented units and groups operated in more than 30 SR rozhodla o vyslaní ženijno-mostného práporu našej different places in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, armády do mierovej misie UNPROFOR uznesením þ.60 e. g. in Graþac, Knina, Topusk, Glina, Váreš, Zenica, z 8. marca. Sarajevo, the Igman Mountain, the Neretva River, and Na pokyn štátneho tajomníka MO SR zaþal veliteĐ many others. That was incredibly demanding in terms of Armády SR realizovaĢ prípravu jednotky. Prebiehala the logistic support, communication, rotating soldiers on v Seredi a za veliteĐa bol vymenovaný plk. Ing. ďubomír duties and overall command co-operation. Unfortunately, Kolenþík. Jadro ženijno-mostného práporu tvorili vojaci on 27th October 994 staff-sergeant Vladimír Grman, ser- pôsobiaci vo federálnom pešom prápore a do výberu zara- ving in the signal corps, died on a tragic event performing dili aj tých, ktorí sa pôvodne prihlásili do pešej jednotky tasks in Graþac... Armády SR. ZároveĖ oslovili ćalších profesionálnych voja- All in all, the SLOVENGBAT engineers de-mined kov i záujemcov z radov vojakov a dôstojníkov v zálohe. more than 500.000 square meters of a terrain, disarmed Prví dobrovoĐníci nastúpili do Nitry a Serede 23. marca 849 anti-tank and land mines and neutralised .040 dif- 993. Tu, ale aj v ćalších posádkach sa pod riadením ferent pieces of ammunition. In compliance with so-cal- VeliteĐstva Armády SR a v súþinnosti so sekciou zahra- led bridge program they built up more than 30 bridges, niþných vzĢahov MO SR zaþal samotný výcvik. Prápor using material transported from Slovakia. What is worth vyzbrojili Đahkými pechotnými zbraĖami na vlastnú obra- paying special attention to is a 200 m long flying bridge nu a vybavili materiálom a technikou na plnenie odbor- on the Neretva River, cca 30 km north to Mostar, which ných úloh. Cenné skúsenosti a metodickú pomoc pri has been since June 994 the most important strategic výstavbe jednotky poskytol náþelník ženijných vojsk point of the Life Lane connecting Sarajevo to Istria UNPROFOR plk. Haries. Coast. During the period when blockade was imposed on V súlade so spracovaným plánom sa v dĖoch . a 2. the city that was the only route available for humanita- mája 993 zo Sereda dvoma vlakovými súpravami vypra- rian convoys. This bridge, apparently, is an unofficial vila ubytovacia skupina 97 vojakov, ktorej velil plk. Ing. world record holder as by February 995 about 390.000 Kamil Šipula. CieĐovými stanicami boli chorvátske mestá vehicles had traversed it. Daruvar a Lipik. V Daruvare pripravili ubytovacie priesto- Headquarters and the battalion staff gradually started ry pre veliteĐstvo a štáb práporu, v Lipiku pre hlavné sily contacts with their fellow-countrymen in Croatia and jednotky a logistické zabezpeþenie. Celý 48-þlenný prá- Serbia. Thanks to the SNP Printing Works director por (SLOVENGBAT) sa na mieste urþenia zhromaždil Mr. Alexander Lilge, who was ready to give a helping 26. mája 993. hand, printing paper was delivered to the Slovaks living K hlavným operaþným úlohám jednotky patrila rekon- in Serbia. Our engineers will never be forgotten in štrukcia mostov, ciest a ćalších objektov, vytyþovanie Jelisavac in Croatia, either. The local primary school zamínovaných úsekov, zaistenie mínovej bezpeþnosti, director, Ms. Katarína Kanderová, whose family roots Nový fenomén v misiách OSN The Slovak Engineers – a New – slovenský ženisti 31 Phenomenon in the UN Missions MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 32


budovanie úkrytov, ochranných stavieb, vĚtanie studní reach to Stará Bystrica, asked Col. Kolenþík for help. a Ģažba vody, školenie ostatných jednotiek v súvislosti Thus our engineers not only built school premises, they s mínovým nebezpeþenstvom a humanitárna pomoc oby- also provided children with a variety of teaching aids. vateĐstvu. Later on, the Slovak contingent in UNTAES mission car- „Tam, kde prešli slovenskí ženisti, môže bezpeþne, bez ried on with these deserving activities. obáv o svoj život, prejsĢ ktokoĐvek,“ povedal hlavný veli- During the period of 993 – 995 the Slovak engineer teĐ mierových síl OSN v bývalej Juhoslávii francúzsky battalion performed its tasks under the command of the generál Bertrand de la Presle pri svojej rozlúþke s misiou. following: Col. Ing.ďubomír Kolenþík (May 993 – Týmito slovami zhodnotil i takmer trojroþné pôsobenie December 994), Col. Ing. Daniel Kostra (December Slovákov na Balkáne. 994 – August 995) and Col. Ing. Rostislav Šmehlík Slovenský ženijný prápor bol svojim špeciálnym zame- (August 995 – August 996). raním a teritoriálnym pôsobením v misii UNPROFOR i v nasledujúcich misiách UNCRO (United Nations Con- Col. Miroslav MINÁR fidence Restoration Operation in Croatia) a UNPF (United Nations Peace Forces) výnimoþný. Jeho organické jednot- ky a skupiny, vytvárané podĐa charakteru úloh, pôsobili na FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: viac ako 30 miestach Chorvátska i Bosny a Hercegoviny, napríklad v Graþaci, Knine, Topusku, Gline, Váreši, Zenici, Sarajeve, na hore Igman, na rieke Neretva a inde. Competition for our engineers in former To kládlo nesmierne nároky na spojenie, zásobovanie, Yugoslavia at sight striedanie Đudí a dokonalú súhru velenia pri riadení þin- nosti. ŽiaĐ, 27. októbra 994 pri plnení úloh v Graþaci tra- gicky zahynul spojár rotný Vladimír Grman.  What are the latest news in our peacekeeping unit? Príslušníci SLOVENGBAT-u preverili a odmínovali  “...Breaching and clearing minefields in Western vyše 500 000 m2 terénu, zneškodnili 849 protitankových Slavonia sector is one of our priorities at the a protipechotných mín a  040 kusov rôznej munície. moment. Next task is linked with discharging the V tzv. mostovom programe postavili vyše 30 mostov – dam, which means we are fully occupied with disas- všetky z materiálu dovezeného zo Slovenska. Osobitnú sembling a flying bridge over the Neretva River and kapitolu tohto programu predstavuje 200 m dlhý pontóno- vý most na rieke Neretva, asi 30 km severne od Mostaru. Od júna 994 sa stal najdôležitejším strategickým bodom tzv. Cesty života (Life Line), ktorá spájala Sarajevo s jad- ranským pobrežím. Poþas blokády mesta to bola jediná trasa pre konvoje s humanitárnou pomocou. Tomuto pon- tónovému mostu zrejme patrí aj neoficiálny svetový rekord – do februára 995 po Ėom totiž prešlo 390 000 vozidiel. Velenie a štáb práporu postupne nadviazali kontakty s krajanmi v Chorvátsku i Srbsku. Vćaka ústretovosti ria- diteĐa Tlaþiarní SNP v Martine Alexandra Lilgeho sa napríklad podarilo pre potreby krajanov do Srbska dopra- viĢ novinový papier. Na našich ženistov nezabudnú ani v chorvátskom Jelisavaci. Tamojšia riaditeĐka základnej školy Katarína Kanderová, ktorej korene siahajú do Starej Bystrice, požiadala plk. Kolenþíka o pomoc. Ženisti postavili nielen prístavbu školy, ale zabezpeþili deĢom i rôzne uþebné pomôcky. Na túto šĐachetnú a záslužnú þinnosĢ neskôr nadviazali aj príslušníci slovenskej jed- notky v misii UNTAES. Slovenskému ženijnému práporu UNPROFOR v rokoch 993 – 995 postupne velili plk. Ing. ďubomír Kolenþik (máj 993 – december 994), plk. Ing. Daniel Kostra (december 994 – august 995) a plk. Ing. Ros- tislav Šmehlík (september 995 – august 996).

Plk. Miroslav MINÁR


Naši v bývalej Juhoslávii dostanú ženijnú konkurenciu UteĀenci zaĀínajú svoju „Cestu života“ na moste, ktorý postavili slovenskí ženisti na Neretve  ýo je nové v našej mierovej jednotke? Refugees start their “Journey to Life“ on a bridge  „...Jednou z hlavných úloh je odmínovanie v sekto- built by the Slovak engineers on the Neretva River Nový fenomén v misiách OSN The Slovak Engineers – a New – slovenský ženisti 32 Phenomenon in the UN Missions MISIE-1.qxd 6. 5. 2003 7:39 Stránka 33


Jeden z mostov vybudovali slovenskí ženisti aj v obci Petrinja Slovak engineers have also built a bridge in Petrinja

re Západne Slavónsko. Ćalšia súvisí s vypúšĢaním maintenance of all the pontoons. The men are wel- priehrady, respektíve s tým súvisiacim rozobratím ding fissures and coating the pontoons in paint so pontónového mosta na rieke Neretva. Robíme údrž- that the bridge could be in operation again in bu všetkých pontónov, chlapi zvárajú praskliny, August or in the beginning of September.“ natierajú ich a opravujú, aby bol most koncom  Has escalation of conflicts and relations in former augusta – zaþiatkom septembra opäĢ v prevádzke.“ Yugoslavia had any impact on morale or mental stami-  Má zostrenie bojov i vzĢahov v bývalej Juhoslávii na of our soldiers? vplyv na psychiku našich vojakov?  “It surely has. They are more careful about safety  „Má. Viac dbajú na bezpeþnostné predpisy, nosenie precautions, wearing bullet-proof jackets and hel- nepriestrelných viest, prílb, dodržiavanie disciplíny. mets, they keep to the discipline rules more. We use Viac využívame ochranu konvojov zo strany UNPROFOR convoys protection more, and check UNPROFOR, sledujeme, þi chlapci dorazili na whether the men got to destinations safe and miesto presunu vþas a zdraví.“ sound.“  Nechýba vám spojenie s domovom?  What about keeping in touch with your families? Don't  „Ani nie. Poštové spojenie funguje cez UNPROFOR you feel homesick? a každodenné spojenie s domovom máme cez Slo-  “Well, UNPROFOR has ensured mail service is reliab- venský rozhlas, cez tzv. RÁDIOMOST. Rozhlasovú le and we have an everyday contact with our country stanicu Slovensko 1 poþuĢ všade, kde sú naše skupi- through radio broadcast, so-called RADIOMOST. ny rozmiestnené. Poþúvajú najmä reláciu Plná There is no jamming to the Slovakia the 1st channel poĐná, kde sa môžu spojiĢ so svojimi blízkymi, broadcast so our units can listen to it in all deployment a moderátorov Mira Minára a Petru Repkovú pozná areas. They are especially keen on broadcasting Plná cez rádiové vlny skoro každý príslušník jednotky.“ PoĐná, as here they can get in touch with their relati-  Takže, všetko v starých koĐajach? ves, and we've got used to the moderators Miro Minár  „No... V lete by mal do Juhoslávie prísĢ druhý and Petra Repková being on the air.“ ženijný prápor z Indonézie. Neznamená však pre  So, no news at all? nás v tom pravom zmysle slova konkurenciu.  “Well, the engineer battalion from Indonesia should Indonézania zbierajú od nás zatiaĐ skúsenosti, be arriving in Yugoslavia in summer. Nevertheless, dokonca aj v takých oblastiach, þo si majú obliekaĢ that means no rivalry for us. The Indonesians try to v zime...“ pick up our brain, even on what to wear in winter...“

S hovorcom slovenského ženijného práporu The interview with Lt. Col. Bernard ROŠTECKÝ, pplk. Bernardom ROŠTECKÝM sa zhovárala the spokesman of the Slovak Engineer Battalion Katarína FORNEROVÁ, Práca, 28. júla 995, by Katarína FORNEROVÁ, Práca, 28th July 995, krátené abridged Nový fenomén v misiách OSN The Slovak Engineers – a New – slovenský ženisti 33 Phenomenon in the UN Missions MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 34

VI UNTAES – slovenskí ženisti

HAPTER vo východnom Slavónsku / C UNTAES – the Slovak Engineers APITOLA K in Eastern Slavonia

PodĐa kapitoly VII Charty OSN prijala BR OSN With concurrence of Chapter VII of the UN 5. januára 996 rezolúciu þ. 037, ktorou ustanovila Charter, the Security Council by provisions of its resolu- Prechodnú správu OSN pre východné Slavónsko, Baranju tion 037 set up the UN Transitional Administration for a západný Sriem – UNTAES (United Nations Transitional Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, and Western Sirmium – Administration for Eastern Slavonia) na území Chor- UNTAES (United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia) in Croatia. Upon a request made by the Secretariat of the UN, the Slovak engineer battalion, that had been accomplishing the tasks in UNPROFOR before, started to operate in this mission The UNTAES mission's primary goal was to maintain peace and help reintegrate the region peacefully into Croatia's legal and constitutional system, demilitarise the region while preserving its multinational character, monitor the voluntary and safe return of refugees and dis- placed persons to their home of origin, promote respect for, and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, help co-ordinate plans for development and economic reconstruction of the Region and initiate and monitor free election. The civilian component of UNTAES would establish a temporary police force, define its structure and size, develop a training program and oversee its implementation, monitor treatment of offenders and the prison system, monitor international Východné Slavónsko – jeden z mostov postavených border areas of the region and undertake tasks relating to slovenskými ženistami ešte v misii UNPROFOR the functioning of public services. The Council further Eastern Slavonia – one of the bridges built by the Slovak stressed that UNTAES would co-operate with the engineers when deployed in UNPROFOR mission International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in performing its mandate, and otherwise vátska. Na požiadanie Sekretariátu OSN do tejto misie assist in implementation of the Basic Agreement of 2th zaradili slovenský ženijný prápor, ktorý predtým pôsobil November 995 between the government of the Republic v misii OSN UNPROFOR. of Croatia and Serb municipalities. Hlavnou úlohou UNTAES bolo udržaĢ mier a zabez- The mission had all attributes of a peacekeeping ope- peþiĢ mierovú reintegráciu teritória do Chorvátskej ration. Regarding the administration's structure, it had republiky, demilitarizovaĢ oblasĢ, zachovaĢ jej multiet- a transitional council chaired by transitional administra- nický charakter, umožniĢ návrat uteþencov, dohliadaĢ na tor, who would set up Committees on the UN Police, rešpektovanie základných Đudských práv a slobôd, Civil Administration, Election Preparations, Economy, pomôcĢ pri obnove a rekonštrukcii oblasti a zorganizovaĢ Observers and the military component, all under his aut- slobodné voĐby. Ćalej išlo o zriadenia a výcvik doþasnej hority. The military component of UNTAES with an ini- polície, monitoring väzenského systému a medzinárod- tial deployment of 5.000 troops had strength of a reinfor- ných hraníc regiónu, obnovu práce verejných služieb, ced multinational brigade, comprising a general staff, spoluprácu s medzinárodným tribunálom pre vojnové zlo- military observers, four mechanised battalions, reconnais- þiny a podporu realizácie tzv. Základnej zmluvy (Basic sance and tank company, two squadrons of combat heli- Agreement) medzi vládou Chorvátska a miestnymi srb- copters, one squadron of cargo helicopter, engineer batta- skými úradmi z 2. novembra 995. lion, medical company and a field hospital. In the begin- Misia mala všetky atribúty operácie na udržanie mieru. ning the UNTAES military component was composed of Doþasnému administrátorovi na jej þele podliehali Sekcia the Belgian units and the units of the Russian Federation, pre záležitosti obþanov, Oddelenie prípravy volieb, later also the other countries contributed their contin- Administratívno-hospodárska sekcia, pohraniþní pozoro- gents. It was the Slovak engineer battalion that was char- vatelia, Policajný zbor OSN a vojenská zložka. Tá mala ged with all the work needed for a good conduct of the UNTAES – slovenskí ženisti UNTAES – the Slovak Engineers vo východnom Slavónsku 34 in Eastern Slavonia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 35


V chorvátskom Illoku pomohli naši ženisti zrekonštruovaĥ a rozšíriĥ takmer storoĀný Slovenský dom Ēudovíta Štúra Our engineers helped at reconstructing and enlarging the House of the Slovak Institute of Ēudovít Štúr, nearly 00 years old, in Croatian Illok

5 000 osôb a bojovú hodnotu posilnenej mnohonárodnej Pakistani and Jordan mechanised battalion, the Ukrainian brigády. Skladala sa zo štábu, vojenských pozorovateĐov, helicopter squadron and an infantry company, as well as štyroch mechanizovaných práporov, prieskumnej a tanko- the Argentinean reconnaissance company. It was our vej roty, dvoch letiek bojových vrtuĐníkov, letky doprav- engineers who would build up an overall infrastructure ných vrtuĐníkov, ženijného práporu, zdravotnej roty for the mission's new Headquarters in Vukovar. apoĐnej nemocnice. Spoþiatku vojenskú zložku SLOVENGBAT, being the main engineer instrument UNTAES tvorili jednotky Belgicka a Ruskej federácie, of the mission's Force Commander, accomplished nearly neskôr sa rozšírila o kontingenty ćalších krajín. Práve 700 specialised tasks from st March 996 up to January slovenskému ženijnému práporu (SLOVENGBAT) pri- 998. Its dispatch to Eastern Slavonia and its initial per- padla úloha vykonaĢ práce nevyhnutné na prijatie nových formance in this region were under authority of Col. Ing. jednotiek – pakistanského a jordánskeho mechanizova- Rostislav Šmehlík, whereas on st September 996 ného práporu, ukrajinskej vrtuĐníkovej eskadry a pechot- Col. Ing. Štefan Jangl took over the command. The nej roty a argentínskej prieskumnej roty, ako aj vybudo- Headquarters, the general staff and supporting units were vaĢ infraštruktúru nového veliteĐstva misie vo Vukovare. located in Vukovar-Borovo. Up to 67 % of a manpower, SLOVENGBAT od . marca 996 do januára 998 including engineer-communication company, logistic and plnil takmer 700 odborných úloh ako ženijný prostriedok equipment company and a battalion's dressing station, hlavného veliteĐa misie. Jeho prechod do východného were deployed in the biggest camp of Marinovac, and Slavónska a prvé kroky riadil plk. Ing. Rostislav Šmehlík. a major part of 383 pieces of combat equipment was sto- Od . septembra 996 ho vo funkcii veliteĐa vystriedal red there as well. The engineer company and the engi- pplk. Ing. Štefan Jangl. VeliteĐstvo, štáb a pomocné jed- neer-communication platoon were both deployed in Brod notky sídlili vo Vukovare-Borovo. Až 67 % osôb a pre- Pustara camp. važná þasĢ z 383 kusov techniky zasa v najväþšom tábo- The Slovaks were assigned to 0 posts in the UNTAES re Marinovci, priþom išlo o ženijno-komunikaþnú rotu, Force Command, to mention just the Office of the Chief rotu materiálového a technického zabezpeþenia a prápor- of Civilian and Military Components Co-operation led by né obväzisko. Ženijná rota a ženijno-komunikaþná þata sa Col. Ing. Jozef Ulian and Col. Ing. Daniel Bavolár, or Lt. nachádzali v tábore Brod Pustara. Col. Ing. Vladimír Žbodák and Lt. Col. Ing. Radislav V hlavnom velení UNTAES Slovákom pridelili 0 pos- Jelínek, acting respectively as the UNTAES engineer tov. K najdôležitejším patrila funkcia náþelníka oddelenia troops commanders. UNTAES – slovenskí ženisti UNTAES – the Slovak Engineers vo východnom Slavónsku 35 in Eastern Slavonia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 36


Príslušníci slovenského práporu UNTAES úzko spolupracovali s predstaviteēmi miestnych samospráv. Na fotografii veliteē práporu pplk. Štefan Jangl (vpravo) so starostom obce Gaboš UNTAES Slovak battalion troops co-operated with municipality authorities. In the photo: a battalion commander Lt. Col. Štefan Jangl (on the right) and a Mayor of a village of Gaboš

pre koordináciu civilnej a vojenskej zložky, ktorú postup- Admittedly, UNTAES was the only UN mission in the ne zastávali plk. Ing. Jozef Ulian a plk. Ing. Daniel last decade that managed to accomplish its mandate in Bavolár, a funkcia náþelníka ženijného vojska UNTAES, full. In this context, it is necessary to stress the signifi- v ktorej sa vystriedali pplk. Ing. Vladimír Žbodák a pplk. cance of the Slovak Armed Forces contribution to this Ing. Radislav Jelínek. effort. Treba povedaĢ, že UNTAES bola v minulom desaĢroþí jedinou misiou OSN, ktorá splnila svoj mandát. Znaþný podiel na tom mali aj príslušníci našich ozbrojených síl. THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT

KRAJINA A KONFLIKT After Croatia declared its independence in June 99, the Serb troops seized approximately 30 % of the Croatian territory inhabited also by the Serb minority Po vyhlásení nezávislosti Chorvátska v júni 99 sa and proclaimed it the Republic of Serb Krajina (RSK). srbské vojská zmocnili asi 30 % chorvátskeho územia In fights of 995 the Croats got „Krajina“ and Western obývaného i Srbmi a nazvali ho Republikou Srbská Slavonia back. The Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Krajina (RSK). V bojoch v roku 995 Chorváti získali Western Sirmium remained occupied, though. Since the späĢ tzv. Krajinu a západné Slavónsko, ale východné region was vital for their economy the Croats did not Slavónsko, Baranju a západný Sriem okupovali Srbi intend to give it up and the situation became increasing- ćalej. Kećže ani Chorváti sa tohto hospodársky cenného ly tense. West to the region, The deploy- územia nechceli vzdaĢ, vznikla vážna situácia. Na západ ed a major build-up of troops, ready to destroy what had od regiónu sa nachádzal 2. vojenský okruh chorvátskej been left of RSK in the Typhoon operation. In the East, armády pripravený operáciou Tajfún zniþiĢ zvyšok RSK. over the Danube, the 2th Army Corps of the Yugoslav Na východe za Dunajom stál 2. zbor juhoslovanskej People's Army were deployed, and right in the centre of armády a priamo v regióne bol dislokovaný . zbor the region the th Army Corps of the Krajina Serb Armády RSK s 20 000 vojakmi v deviatich mechanizo- Army (ARSK), with the total strength of 20.000 soldiers vaných brigádach. Organizované vojská Srbov podporo- of nine mechanised brigades, were dislocated. The orga- val Policajný zbor RSK s  800 policajtmi, ako aj polo- nised Serb troops were supported by the RSK Police UNTAES – slovenskí ženisti UNTAES – the Slovak Engineers vo východnom Slavónsku 36 in Eastern Slavonia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 37


vojenské skupiny a súkromné polovojenské organizácie Force of the strength of .800, and by paramilitary orga- (napr. Arkanovi tigri, Škorpióni þi Skákajúci hadi), nisations like the Tigers, the or the ochraĖujúce záujmy srbských vojnových zbohatlíkov Frisking Snakes. These were all subject to the interests a kontrolujúce dôležité hospodárske objekty – napr. ropné of the Serb post war new-rich and controlled the most polia, diaĐnicu Belehrad – Záhreb, mosty cez Dunaj important economy objects – e. g. oil fields, the a pod. Belehrad – Zagreb Highway, the bridges over the Hroziaci konflikt našĢastie odvrátila Základná dohoda Danube, etc. The conflict was, fortunately, averted by z 2. novembra 995 medzi vládou Chorvátskej republi- the Basic Agreement of 2th November 995 between ky a miestnymi srbskými autoritami o mierovom precho- the government of Croatia and the Serb municipalities de územia pod plnú chorvátsku kontrolu. Na jej základe on establishing a transitional administration which BR OSN zaþala operáciu UNTAES, v ktorej sa mimo- would provide for a peaceful reintegration of the region riadne osvedþili naši ženisti – pri demilitarizácii a rekon- into Croatia's legal and constitutional system. With con- štrukcii oblasti, obnovovaní jej infraštruktúry a najmä pri currence of the Agreement, the UN Security Council odmínovaní územia, þo bol jeden z najdôležitejších pred- authorised an appropriate international force and started pokladov pre návrat uteþencov. Prácu Slovákov v UN- UNTAES operation. That was where also the Slovak TAES charakterizujú mnohé ocenenia. engineers, whose performance was excellent, participa- Prvý veliteĐ misie genmjr. Joseph J. M. Schoups napr. ted. They accomplished tasks of demilitarisation and veliteĐovi práporu pplk. Janglovi napísal: „...denne mám reconstruction of the region, infrastructure recovery and možnosĢ vidieĢ vysoký profesionalizmus Vašich vojakov de-mining, which was the basic prerequisite for enabling a ćakujem Vám za to, že vynikajúco velíte, þo je na pros- refugees' return. There have been many appraisals to pech jednotkám UNTAES, ako aj mnohým civilným pro- their performance, to mention just what the first jektom v regióne. Odmínovanie v Baranjskom Petrovom UNTAES Force Commander Major-General Joseph Sele prekonalo moje oþakávania – videl som vynikajúcich Schoups had written to the Slovak battalion commander Đudí a techniku.“ Lt. Col. Jangl: “...daily can I see the top professionalism Uznaním nešetril ani prvý doþasný administrátor of your troops. Thank you for your excellent command, UNTAES Jacques Paul Klein: „...je Ģažké vyjadriĢ slova- which is most beneficial not only for UNTAES force, but mi hrdosĢ, ktorú pociĢujem, keć hodnotím vynikajúcu also for the civilian projects in the region. Mine clea- prácu príslušníkov slovenského ženijného práporu, ktorú rance in Baranja Petrovo Selo far exceeded my expecta- odviedli na príprave priestoru Ovþara pri príležitosti tions – I saw the outstanding people and high quality návštevy vicepremiéra Chorvátska, vysokých predstavi- equipment.“ teĐov cirkvi a príbuzných tu popravených obetí. Každý, kto sa obradov zúþastnil, vyslovoval slová chvály. TaktnosĢ, humánnosĢ a vynikajúca profesionálna úroveĖ Vašich Đudí sú vlastnosti, kvôli ktorým som veĐmi rád, že slúžia pod mojím velením. Je mi cĢou, že s nimi môžem slúžiĢ v mierovej misii.“

Plk. Ing. Štefan JANGL


Slovensko-slovenská solidarita „Ani nechcem pomyslieĢ na to, ako by Katka Lamošová dopadla, keby jej nepomohli slovenskí vojaci a pán profesor Matúš Kuþera, veĐvyslanec SR v Chor- vátsku,“ hovorí Miroslav Poniger, podpredseda Sloven- ského spolku . Štúra vo východoslavónskom Iloku. o Porada štábu 600-Ālenného slovenského práporu UNTAES ď ý na základni ne aleko Vukovaru sa vlastne stalo? Pani Lamošová, matka dvoch školopo- Ċ vinných detí, utrpela tesne nad þlenkom komplikovaný Staff conference of a Slovak battalion of 600 úraz. Kećže v Iloku, kde popri 5 000 Srboch a  500 in UNTAES mission on their base near Vukovar Chorvátoch žije aj  300 Slovákov, nie je príslušné zdravotnícke zariadenie, odviezli ju do vojnou zniþe- The first Transitional Administrator Mr. Jacques Paul ného Vukovaru. Tam jej v þiastoþne zrekonštruovanej Klein also appreciated the SLOVENGBAT's perfor- nemocnici povedali, že má iba výron. Nohu jej zasadro- mance: “...it is most difficult to put in words the pride vali. Tá však neznesiteĐne bolela. Kećže jej nemohli I feel when I look back at the tasks that the Slovak engi- pomôcĢ ani v nemocnici UNTAES, Lamošovci hĐadali neers performed in a highly superior manner. What I am záchranu v Novom Sade. No ten už neleží v Chorvátsku, driving at is the job they did at preparing the Ovþara area ale na území Juhoslávie. Preto od nej žiadali za operáciu on the occasion of an official visit of a Vice-Prime  200 mariek. A to ešte nemalo byĢ všetko. Na porovna- Minister of Croatia, Top Clergy Representatives and rela- nie – na vojnou zniþenom území je to približne roþný tives of the executed victims. Everybody who was present plat robotníka. „Lamošovci boli nezamestnaní, pretože to the ceremony was most impressed. Tact, humanity and fabrika, v ktorej pracovali, pred niekoĐkými mesiacmi professionalism of your men are the characteristics that skrachovala,“ dokumentuje bezvýchodiskovosĢ ich make me glad they serve under my command. I am proud UNTAES – slovenskí ženisti UNTAES – the Slovak Engineers vo východnom Slavónsku 37 in Eastern Slavonia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 38


situácie podpredseda Poniger. Dodáva: „Podobne ako to be able to serve with them, side by side, in this peace- mnohí ilockí Slováci, aj oni žijú iba z toho, þo si dopes- keeping mission.“ tujú na poli.“ „Keć sme sa o prípade pani Lamošovej dozvedeli, Col. Ing. Štefan JANGL medzi vojakmi sa pre Ėu vyzbieralo  000 dolárov a 7 000 korún,“ hovorí nám hovorca slovenského ženijného prá- poru mierových síl OSN kpt. Rudolf Fiamþík. VysvetĐuje, FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: že tieto peniaze použili na financovanie jej prepravy a zaplatenie þasti nemocniþných poplatkov vo Vojenskej nemocnici v Bratislave. „Katka Lamošová je od piatku The Slovak – Slovak solidarity opäĢ doma. Rozštiepené kosti sa jej vćaka operácii zras- tú a þochvíĐa bude tancovaĢ,“ žartuje M. Poniger. “I'd rather not think of how could Katka Lamošová Spomína, že ilockí Slováci mali aj doteraz s našimi ženis- have ended up if there had not been for the Slovak sol- tami výborné kontakty. Napríklad generálnu prestavbu diers and professor Matúš Kuþera, the SR Ambassador in kultúrneho Slovenského domu si bez ich pomoci nevedia Croatia to help her,“ says Miroslav Poniger, the vice- ani predstaviĢ. „Úžasná akcieschopnosĢ veliteĐa práporu chairman of the Slovak Association of ďudovít Štúr in pplk. Štefana Jangla a pána profesora Matúša Kuþeru pri Ilok in Eastern Slavonia. záchrane Katkinho zdravia nás však nesmierne milo pre- What did actually happen? Mrs. Lamošová, a mother kvapila,“ dodáva na záver telefonického rozhovoru pod- of two school-children, sustained a complicated injury predseda Poniger, ktorý sa už ponáhĐa na nádvorie rozo- just above her ankle. As there is no medical centre in stavaného Slovenského domu. V nedeĐu tam totiž naši Illok, which is a multicultural town of 5.000 Serbs, krajania vítajú chlebom, soĐou a tancom amerického veĐ- .500 Croats and .300 Slovaks, she was transferred to vyslanca v Chorvátsku Petra W. Galbraitha, ktorý sa the war affected Vukovar. There, in partly reconstructed v povojnovom regióne zoznamuje so životom národnost- facilities, she had her leg plastered, being told the ankle ných menšín. had been sprained only. Mrs. Lamošová was continuo- Pavol VITKO, Pravda 24. 2. 1998, krátené usly in a terrible pain, though. Since she could not be helped even in UNTAES hospital, the family tried to search for help in Novy Sad. This, however, does not belong to the territory of Croatia anymore, but to Yugoslavia, which is why she was supposed to pay .200 DM for the operation. Just to compare – this money presents the annual blue-collars income in the region destroyed by war. “What is more, the family were unemployed since the factory where they had been working got bankrupt,“ comments on their hopeless situation the vice-chair- man, and he adds: „Just as the other Slovaks in Ilok, they also make their living on what they grow in their field.“ “As soon as we learned about Mrs. Lamošová's case, the soldiers chipped in and collected .000 USD and 7.000 SKK,“ says the SLOVENGBAT spokesman Capt. Rudolf Fiamþík. He explains the money was used on financing her transportation to the Military Hospital in Bratislava. “Katka Lamošová has been home again since Friday. Thanks to the operation she had gone through the bones will start growing together and she will be dancing soon,“ says Mr. Poniger. He reminds the outstanding relations of the Slovaks in Ilok and the Slovak engineers, who have been hel- ping, for example, at general reconstruction of the Slovak Culture Institute. “Still we were highly impres- sed by the decisiveness and flexibility of the battalion commander Lt .Col. Štefan Jangl and professor Matúš Kuþera when Katka's health was in bet,“ concludes the phone call the vice-chairman Poniger, hurrying to the Slovak Culture Institute, still under reconstruction. There, on Sunday, our fellow-countrymen are meeting the American Ambassador to Croatia Peter W. Gal- Katka Lamošová, pre ktorú slovenskí vojaci usporiadali zbierku, braith, who is trying to get to know the life of minori- aby mohla absolvovaĥ operáciu v Nemocnici MO SR ties on his itinerary through the post-war recovering v Bratislave a lieĀebný pobyt v Bojniciach region. He will be greeted in a traditional way – he will Ms. Katka Lamošová, who the Slovak soldiers raised money be offered bread with salt, and a cultural program will for to enable her to undergo a surgery in a Military Hospital include typical folk dance. in Bratislava and a following rehabilitation treatment in Bojnice Pavol VITKO, Pravda, 24th February 1998, abridged UNTAES – slovenskí ženisti UNTAES – the Slovak Engineers vo východnom Slavónsku 38 in Eastern Slavonia MISIE-2.qxd 7.5.200315:09Stránka39 rodnej izolácie. diktatúra, ktoráhopriviedladotakmerúplnejmedziná- až doza vané (Talianskom aodroku potom sastalomonarchiouapo2.svetovejvojnev Nemeckom), zažiloibakrátkeobdobierepubliky, voriac užotom,žeichprítomnos roby, ktorémohlivyústi cov. Beztejtooperácieimtotiž reálnehrozilhladacho- roku v zorganizovalo ú NATO prostredníctvom8000príslušníkovmisie AFOR Spojenecký prístav(AlliedHarbour),vrámciktorej kontroly bezpe vinuté hospodárstvožijevove obyvate Macedónskom aGréckom.Mápribližne3,5milióna AlbánskuaMacedónsku. v dejinami. Ve tického vývojavtejtokrajinesmimoriadnepohnutými vážne destabilizova dobnejších vEurópe,sauskuto nej katastrofyvtejtokrajine,ktorájejednouznajchu- s s Juhoslovanskouzväzovourepublikou(konkrétne úto armádou asrbskýmipolovojenskýmijednotkaminašli juhosrbskej provincie,ktoríušlipredjuhoslovanskou KFOR (KosovoForce). vincii Kosovo,kdesaza do táborane bol takmermiliónprevažnealbánskychute AFOR – Two Monthsin Albania AFOR –dvamesiacev Albánsku až doza jednotka odišlakoncomjúla v tejtobalkánskejkrajine.Namiestosvojhour budovanie aúdržbuubytovacíchzariadeníkomunikácií svojho velite tinského práporuokamžitejreakcie,ktorísapodvedením Slovenský kontingentbolzostavenýzpríslušníkovmar- Severoatlantickej aliancienaúzemí Albánskej republiky. mierových síl AFOR (AlbaniaForce)podvedením ženijnej jednotky Armády SRvpo ý Albánska republikamározlohu28748km Kosovská krízavyvrcholilanajar K N þ iernou HorouajuhosrbskouprovinciouKosovo), isko vsusednýchkrajinách,predovšetkým AIAAKONFLIKT A RAJINA árodná radaSR  Đ 9 þ þ ov, zktorýchvä iatku septembra.Potomsapostupnepresunula  iatku 90.rokovpanovalatvrdákomunistická FR–damsaevAbnk AFOR–Two Months inAlbania AFOR –dva mesiace vAlbánsku 2, bolopo ć Đ ć aleko mestaSuvaRekavjuhosrbskejpro- a mjr. Ing.JánaJurkeníkapripravilina þ Albánsko, ktorézískalonezávislos nosti voblastiazabráneniahumanitár- þ innú pomocprekosovskýchute Ģ þ beztakkrehkézárodkydemokra- as obochsvetovýchvojenokupo-  þ Ģ . júna lenila dosíl þ idove šina vzh  999 auvedenéúlohyplnila  999 rozhodlaovyslaní Đ Đ þ e id.Vzáujme kej biede. V kých epidémií,neho- te 40príslušníkovdo Đ  Ģ  adom naslaboroz- v Albánsku mohla 943 hitlerovským ć 999. Jejvýsledkom alšej misieNATO Plk. JozefŽIAK þ nila operácia þ encov ztejto þ 2 enia naša a hrani Ė þ en- om þ Ģ í 39 isolation frominternationalcommunity. As aconsequence,thecountrywasbroughttocomplete in thecountrytolastupbeginningofnineties. II, thehardtotalitariancommunistregimewasintroduced republic, tobecomeamonarchyandlater, afterthe WW and then,from over theperiodofboth World Wars, atfirstbyItaly independence in ry wasaveryturbulentone. Albania, eventuallyachieving tides couldonlyhavemadeitworse. The country'shisto- buds, wasveryfragileandtheunprecedentedrefugee tion ofdemocraticdevelopment,which,stillbeingin NATO command,wasinevitabletosafeguardstabilisa- 8.000 peacekeepersin AFOR mission,conductedunder and diseasesresultinginepidemics. The presenceofthe only wayhowtosavetheKosovorefugeesfromfamine operation Allied Harbourwaslaunched. That wasthe the country, whichbelongstothepoorestinEurope, security intheareaandpreventhumanitariandisaster to underdevelopedeconomy, extremelylow. To ensure approximately 3.5million. The standardoflivingis,due well aswithMacedoniaandGreece.Itspopulationis (Montenegro andtheSouth-SerbProvinceofKosovo),as re km,borderswiththeFederalRepublicof Yugoslavia and Macedonia. for arefugeinneighbouringcountries,especially Albania Yugoslav Army andtheSerbparamilitaryunitstosearch gin, lefttheSouth-Serbprovincefleeingfrom sult, nearly to joinNATO missionKFOR(KosovoForce). camp nearSuvaRekaintheSouth-SerbprovinceKosovo ning ofSeptember. Then, theygraduallytransferredtothe late July Balkan country. Ourunitleftfortheirdestinationinthe maintain thequarters,roadsandcommunicationsinthat of Maj.Ing.JánJurkeníktheyweretrainedtobuildand of therapidreactionbattalioninMartin.Undercommand mand. The Slovakcontingentwascomposedofsoldiers peacekeeping mission(AlbaniaForce)underNATO com- diers intheRepublicof Albania toparticipatein AFOR a resolutionofondeploymentanengineerunit40sol- The Republicof Albania, withtheareaof28748squa- The Kosovocrisisculminatedinspring T O HE n   C st 999 andcarriedouttheirtasksuntilthebegin-  UTYADTHE AND OUNTRY June millionrefugees,mostlyofthe Albanian ori-  943, byGermany. Shortly Albania wasa   9 999 theParliamentofSRadopted  2, wasbeingcontinuouslyoccupied C Col. JozefŽIAK ONFLICT  999. As are-

KAPITOLA / CHAPTER VII MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 40


Veliteē slovenského kontingentu v misii AFOR mjr. Ján Jurkeník (druhý zēava), ktorý sa zúĀastnil i na misiách UNPROFOR, UNTAES a KFOR, dnes ako veliteē ženijnej roty martinského práporu okamžitej reakcie odovzdáva svoje skúsenosti mladším kolegom Maj. Ján Jurkeník, a commander of a Slovak contingent in AFOR (the second on the left), who has taken part in UNPROFOR, UNTAES or KFOR as well, to-date being a commander of an engineer company of a rapid reaction battalion in Martin, shares his experience with his younger colleagues


Dve albánske zastavenia Two Albanian Stops V roku 999, keć sa v rámci misie slovenskí vojaci In 999, when the Slovak soldiers arrived in Albania to dostali do Albánska, neþakal ich vábivý pohĐad. Všade participate in AFOR mission, there was no fine future at sight. bolo plno biedy a tisíce uteþencov zo susednej juhoslo- There was poverty all around, topped by thousands of vanskej provincie Kosovo. Tým pripomínali naši vojaci refugees from a neighbouring province of Kosovo. The white- s bielo-modro-þervenou trikolórou a dvojkrížom v štát- blue-red tricolour of our soldiers, together with the Slovak nom znaku na vozidlách až príliš štátne symboly pre nich state emblem of a double cross on our vehicles, reminded nenávidenej Juhoslávie a Srbska. Navyše aj naša reþ im them those of hated Yugoslavia and Serbia. Moreover, our znela podobne ako srbochorvátþina. language sounded a lot like Serbo-Croatian to them. Preto sa podĐa nadrotmajstra Jaroslava Ćurdíka As Warrant Officer III Jaroslav Ćurdík says, it was no nemožno þudovaĢ, že sa na našich vojakov veĐmi priateĐ- wonder they did not treat our soldiers friendly. The clen- sky nepozerali. Niekedy im dokonca pohrozili zaĢatými ched fists rising were not that unusual. päsĢami. „Cítili sme bariéru. Delila nás od Đudí, ktorým “They kept their distance. There was a barrier between sme prišli pomôcĢ, a boli sme z toho dosĢ nešĢastní. us and the people who we tried to help, which naturally Situácia sa zaþala meniĢ postupne. Tu sa našim vojakom made us quite upset. Nevertheless, the situation eventual- podarilo vyprostiĢ prevrátené preĢažené vozidlo s uteþen- ly started to go better. Our soldiers, for example, mana- cami a poskytnúĢ im prvú pomoc, tam sme opravili totál- ged to recover the vehicle that had skidded being cram- ne rozbitú komunikáciu. No a napokon sme vþasným zása- ped with refugees, and it was the Slovaks who came to hom, ošetrením a následným transportom do nemocnice rescue them, or we'd recover a completely broken road. zachránili život synovi jedného uteþenca. Odvtedy sa Since we saved one refugees son's life by our timely re- postoj obyvateĐov k nám úplne zmenil,“ spomína Jaroslav action, first aid and treatment, followed by his transpor- na chvíle, v ktorých sa rodil najskôr rešpekt a neskôr aj tation to the hospital, we have won the battle. Their atti- priateĐstvo. tude towards us has completely changed,“ Jaroslav goes Jozef ŽIAK, Obrana þ. 25/200, krátené back in his memory to the times, when respect arose to gradually turn into friendship. Jozef ŽIAK, Obrana No. 25/200, abridged

AFOR – dva mesiace v Albánsku40 AFOR – Two Months in Albania MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 41

KFOR – pod zástavou NATO VIII HAPTER

KFOR – under the NATO Flag / C APITOLA K

Od septembra 999 slovenská ženijná jednotka, In September 999 the Slovak engineer troops ktorá predtým pôsobila v misii AFOR Albania Force) participating in AFOR mission (Albania Force) were v Albánsku, prešla do Kosova a stala sa súþasĢou síl transferred to Kosovo to join KFOR (Kosovo Force). KFOR (Kosovo Force). Jej základĖou sa stal tábor They were deployed in the Casablanca camp in Casablanca v nemeckom sektore nećaleko okresného German Sector near Suva Reka to co-operate with sídla Suva Reka, kde v mnohonárodnom prápore spolu- the Austrian and Swiss specialists within a multina- pracovala s rakúskymi a švajþiarskymi vojakmi. Až do tional battalion. Up to March 2002 the Slovaks reco- marca 2002 Slováci vo svojom sektore opravovali cesty vered roads, repaired communications and carried i ćalšie komunikácie a vykonávali odmínovacie práce, out de-mining tasks in their Sector to reintroduce aby zabezpeþili mierový život v oblasti. V meste a jeho peaceful life into the region. Together with the blízkom okolí spoloþne s Rakúšanmi a Švajþiarmi German and the Swiss they built several play- postavili i niekoĐko detských ihrísk, športovísk a ćal- grounds, sport grounds and other facilities in the ších objektov, ktoré dnes slúžia obþanom. town and its vicinity, which are still being used by the local inhabitants. It was the present Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Jaroslav Tvrdík, a UNPROFOR veteran (992 – 993), who initiated establishment of a combined Czech-Slovak KFOR unit. The idea appealed to the then Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic Jozef Stank and thus it was presented for the first time on 0th May 200 on the occasion of 6th International Fair IDET 200 in Brno. From then on the process of setting up the legal framework and preparing the respective military stages began.

Zo stanovišĥa v okolí SekiraĀe pozoruje terén Āat. Ján Kolibab Sgt. Ján Kolibab at an observation post near SekiraĀ

Iniciátorom myšlienky vzniku spoloþnej þesko-sloven- skej jednotky KFOR je veterán mierovej misie UNPRO- FOR (992 – 993) súþasný minister obrany ýR Jaroslav Tvrdík, ktorého ideu si osvojil i minister obrany SR Jozef Stank. Prvýkrát ju spoloþne verejne prezentovali 0. mája 200 na 6. medzinárodnom veĐtrhu IDET 200 v Brne. Tým sa zaþal proces prípravy legislatívno-právnych dokumentov, ako aj konkrétnych vojenských krokov. Ćalším medzníkom na ceste k spoloþnej jednotke bolo vyhlásenie ministra obrany ýR z 5. mája 200 v brusel- skom sídle NATO, že ýR stiahne do konca roka svoj kon- tingent z misie SFOR v Bosne a posilní svoju úþasĢ v silách KFOR v Kosove, priþom tento kontingent bude doplnený o slovenskú mechanizovanú rotu a vznikne þesko-slovenská jednotka so zmiešaným velením. Uvedenú informáciu potvrdil 7. júna minister obrany SR V tábore na SekiraĀi Āeským i slovenským vojakom Jozef Stank na rokovaní Euroatlantickej partnerskej rady domov pripomínal i takýto ukazovateē vzdialeností (EAPC) s tým, že SR v záujme zvýšenia svojej angažo- In SekiraĀ camp a signpost like this was used to bring back vanosti v operáciách krízového manažmentu hodlá the memories of home to the Czech and Slovak soldiers

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The course of events accelerated after Minister of Defence of CR declared on 5th May 200, in Brussels NATO seat, that by the end of the year the CR would terminate their contingent mission in SFOR in Bosnia and reinforce their contingent in KFOR in Kosovo instead. The Slovak mechanised company was supposed to join this contingent, thus creating the Czech-Slovak unit under the Joint Command. On EAPC (Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council) negotia- tions on 7th June, Minister of Defence of the SR con- firmed the information, announcing Slovakia intends to deploy a mechanised company in a combined Czech-Slovak unit in Kosovo in the first quarter of 2002, to enhance the engagement in crises manage- ment operations. ÿat. Lívius Lehotský na návšteve u Dragomira IvoviĀa. The process of setting up a combined Czech-Slovak Prítomnosĥ vojakov KFOR v oblasti znamenala pre miestnych Srbov väĀšiu bezpeĀnosĥ battalion to be deployed in KFOR mission was closely Sgt. Lívius Lehotský on a visit to Dragomir IvoviĀ. KFOR troops linked with establishing more intense co-operation in presence made the local Serbs feel safe

v prvom štvrĢroku 2002 do spoloþnej þesko-slovenskej jednotky v Kosove vyslaĢ mechanizovanú rotu. Príprava vzniku . þesko-slovenského práporu KFOR úzko súvisela s procesom akcelerácie rozvoja þesko-slo- venských vzĢahov vo vojenskej oblasti pred blížiacim sa pražským samitom NATO. Z hĐadiska slovenských ambí- cií získaĢ v Prahe pozvánku, bol rovnako dôležitý vznik spoloþnej þesko-poĐsko-slovenskej brigády na základe Dohody medzi vládami ýeska, PoĐska a SR, ako aj kaž- doroþné þesko-slovenské veliteĐsko-štábne cviþenia Modrá línia. Aktívna podpora ýR rozširovaniu NATO bola a zostáva v procese integrácie SR nenahraditeĐná. Dohodu o vytvorení a pôsobení spoloþnej jednotky v operácii Spoloþná stráž (Joint Guard) v mierových silách KFOR v Kosove podpísali ministri obrany ýR a SR Jaroslav Tvrdík a Jozef Stank 8. októbra 200. Takmer 400 þeských a 00 slovenských profesionálov prevzalo 9. februára 2002 od prieskumnej roty Armády ýR, kto- rej velil mjr. Peter Smola, priestor svojej zodpovednosti – územie s rozlohou 20 km2, vrátane 42 km dlhej provinþ- nej srbsko-kosovskej hranice. Južný priestor zodpoved- nosti spoloþného práporu sa 27. februára rozšíril o þasĢ prevzatú od britského práporu, þím sa operaþný priestor zväþšil na 248 km2 a k pôvodnej dĎžke hranice pribudlo ćalších 9 km. Odvtedy sa priestor zodpovednosti rozrás- tol ešte niekoĐkokrát. Ženijnej jednotke Armády SR v KFOR od septembra 999 velil mjr. Ing. Ján Jurkeník. VeliteĐom . þesko-slo- venského práporu KFOR (február – september 2002) bol pplk. Ing. JiĜí Dragan, jeho zástupcom a veliteĐom slo- venskej roty mjr. Ing. Ivan Kováþ. Velenie nad 2. þesko- slovenským práporom (október 2002 – apríl 2003) pre- vzal pplk. Ing. Petr Procházka, jeho zástupcom a veli- teĐom slovenskej roty sa stal mjr. Ing. Alexander Kollárik.

KRAJINA A KONFLIKT Predseda vlády SR Mikuláš Dzurinda a minister obrany Ivan Šimko koncom januára 2003 priviezli príslušníkom Juhosrbská provincia Kosovo má rozlohu necelých slovenskej roty KFOR súĀiastky novej goretexovej výstroje 2  tisíc km . Susedí s Macedónskom a Albánskom. Úze- The Slovak Prime Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda mie sa v 2. storoþí stalo súþasĢou Srbska a neskôr dokon- and Minister of Defence Ivan Šimko ca jeho centrom. V roku 389 na Kosovom poli Srbov were present when a new goretex equipment porazili Turci a krajina sa ocitla pod osmanskou nadvlá- were being delivered in January 2003 dou. Po neúspešných srbských povstaniach v rokoch 689 to the Slovak KFOR company

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the area of defence between the CR and SR short befo- re the upcoming Prague NATO Summit. In context of the Slovak Republic's ambitions to receive invitation to join NATO, the establishment of a combined Czech- Polish-Slovak brigade, based on an agreement among governments of the concerned countries, and an annual Czech-Slovak staff exercise „Blue Line“ were equally important. The NATO enlargement support by the Czech side, with respect to Slovakia integration ambi- tions, has been invaluable. Ministers of Defence of the both republics, Jaroslav Tvrdik and Jozef Stank, on 8th October 200 signed the Agreement on establishment and conduct of a com- bined unit to take part in the Joint Guard operation under KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. On 9th February nearly 400 Czech and 00 Slovak professio- nals took over the Sector of their responsibility – an area of 20 square km, including 42 km long Serb- Kosovo border – from the Czech Army reconnaissance company led by Maj. Peter Smola. On 27th February the combined battalion's responsibility Sector South enlarged by 9 km along the borderline, to a total area of 248 square km, as the battalion took over the part of the British battalion's responsibility sector. In the same way, our responsibility sector further expanded several more times. The Slovak Armed Forces engineer unit in KFOR operated under command of Maj. Ing. Ján Jurkeník. The commander of the KFOR st Czecho-Slovak battalion (February – September 2002) was appointed Lt. Col. Ing. JiĜí Dragan, his deputy and a commander of the Slovak company at the same time became Maj. Ing. Ivan Kováþ. Lt. Col. Ing. Petr Procházka was assigned nd S premiérom a ministrom slovenských vojakov navštívila to the post of a commander of 2 Czech-Slovak batta- i speváĀka Sisa Sklovská lion (October 2002 – April 2003), Maj. Ing. Alexander A singer Sisa Sklovská accompanied the Prime Minister Kollárik being his deputy and a commander of the and Minister of Defence to cheer up our troops Slovak company at the same time.

– 690 mnoho Srbov Kosovo opustilo. Na ich miesto priš- THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT li Albánci, ktorí predtým prijali islam. Po roku 98 sa Kosovo stalo súþasĢou Juhoslávie, poþas 2. svetovej vojny bolo þasĢou Albánska ovládaného Talianskom. Aj vtedy sa The South-Serb Province of Kosovo has an overall sem prisĢahovalo mnoho Albáncov. area of only .000 square km. It borders with Macedonia Po opätovnom pripojení k Juhoslávii mala provincia and Albania. In 2th century the region became a part of dlho autonómiu. Kým však podiel Albáncov na populácii the territory of Serbia, and later even its centre. In 839 vplyvom vysokej pôrodnosti rástol, poþet Srbov stagno- the Turks defeated the Serbs in a battle in Kosovo Pole val. V rokoch 989 – 990 autonómia prakticky zanikla, and conquered the country, which got under the Osman napätie medzi národnosĢami gradovalo a napokon vyústi- rule. After several Serb uprisings in 689 – 690, in lo do ozbrojených konfliktov. Zaþiatkom roka 999 stá- which they were bound to lose, many Serbs left Kosovo. tisíce Albáncov opustili Kosovo pred terorom srbských The Albanians moved in and settled there, bringing Islam polovojenských organizácií. Miloševiþov režim diploma- to the region. After 98 Kosovo became a part of tické riešenie ignoroval, a tak 24. marca 999 zaþalo Yugoslavia, whereas during the WW II it was part of NATO letecké útoky proti Juhoslávii. V júni z provincie Albania, at those times being occupied by Italy. This is odišla juhoslovanská armáda a na jej miesto prišli medzi- when the Albanians immigrated to the region on a mass- národné sily KFOR s cieĐom zabezpeþiĢ poriadok a znížiĢ scale. medzietnické napätie. After renewed annexation to Yugoslavia the province Kosovo bolo rozdelené na päĢ vojenských zón – ne- retained its independence for a long period of time. meckú, francúzsku, americkú, britskú a taliansku. Silám However, while the rate of the Albanian population was KFOR sa však dosiaĐ nepodarilo zabezpeþiĢ návrat vyše on increase due to a rising birthrate, the rate of the Serb štvrĢmilióna pôvodných nealbánskych obyvateĐov pro- population was stagnating. In 989 – 990 the Albanians vincie, najmä Srbov, ýiernohorcov a Rómov. Dnes žijú na practically lost the autonomy, and against a background tomto území približne 2 milióny Đudí, priþom asi 90 % of rising tension between nationalities the armed conflicts tvoria Albánci. started to break out. In the beginning of 999 hundreds of thousands of Albanians fled from terror by the Serb para- Pplk. Vladimír MEýIAR military organisations. The regime by Milosevic ignored

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a diplomatic settlement, and so on 24th March 999 NATO launched an air campaign on Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav Army withdrew from the province territory and the international KFOR peacekeeping force deployed instead, with the aim to relieve inter-ethnical tension and reinstall law and order. Kosovo was divided into five military zones under the German, French, American, British and Italian in- fluence. However, KFOR has not managed to provide for the return of more than 250.000 original inhabitants of non-Albanian origin, especially Serbs, Montenegrins and Gypsies. Currently, there are approximately 2 mil- lion people living in the territory, 90 % of them being Albanians.

Lt. Col. Vladimír MEýIAR

FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: V Āase voēna dobre padne i partiĀka dámy, nad ktorou sa stretli Āatári Ēubomír ReĀiĀár a Jaroslav Slivka Playing checkers is a good way how to spend one's spare time – Three Nations – One Mission Sgt. Ēubomír ReĀiĀár and Sgt. Jaroslav Slivka Maxhun Berischa, the headmaster, appreciates help Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE by the Slovak soldiers: “Together with their Austrian and Swiss colleagues they have done a lot for our children. Though they might not have been fully Tri národy – jedna misia aware of how much beneficial their help was. Before, our children used to play and run regardless to the RiaditeĐ školy Maxhun Berischa si pomoc slovenských risk of serious injury by explosives. Just as all the vojakov veĐmi pochvaĐuje. „Spoloþne so svojimi rakús- kids, they were eager to explore everything they had kymi a švajþiarskymi kolegami urobili pre naše deti veĐa. found. Now they spend more time going in sport, Možno to v prvom momente ani sami dobre nedocenili. which means the mentioned accidents are not that fre- Dovtedy žiaci behali po okolí, kde im þasto hrozilo zmr- quent,“ he comments on conduct of the soldiers, wea- zaþenie v dôsledku výbuchu trhavín. Jednoducho, ako deti ring an emblem of a double cross on their fighting boli zvedavé na všetko, þo našli. Teraz viac þasu venujú orders. športovaniu, a tým sa þoraz zriedkavejšie stávajú spomí- “De-mining the Morina alpine pass on the border of nané nešĢastné prípady,“ hovorí na adresu vojakov Kosovo and Albania were truly the most difficult s dvojkrížom na maskáþoch. moments I had been through. There were rocks and „ZatiaĐ najĢažšie chvíle som zažil pri odmínovaní stems all around and it was extremely demanding to vysokohorského priesmyku Morina na hraniciach Kosova maintain the control of Božena de-mining equipment. It a Albánska. Všade sa tam nachádzali pne a skaly. Božena had to be track-shoed to make things better,“ comments sa dosĢĢažko ovládala. Museli sme jej obuĢ pásy a potom on his experience sergeant ďuboš TuroĖ, remotely con- to už išlo,“ povedal þatár Luboš TuroĖ, ktorý riadi odmí- trolling de-mining equipment from a post on Tatra novacie zariadenie zo svojho vysunutého stanovišĢa na truck. korbe tatrovky. Sergeant Ivan Kuþerík has been to Kosovo since ýatár Ivan Kuþerík je v Kosove už od septembra September last year. So far he and his colleagues have minulého roku. Za ten þas sa spoloþne so svojimi kole- de-mined lots of grounds so that the Austrian, Swiss gami podieĐal na odmínovaní mnohých lokalít. Aby na and Slovak engineers could build up playgrounds or nich potom mohli naši, rakúski a švajþiarski ženisti overall infrastructure in those locations. a stavbári spoloþne vybudovaĢ ihriská, komunikácie þi “I had really a hard time when we were working in ćalšiu potrebnú infraštruktúru. the region of Piranja. We were to examine a dumping „Najviac som sa zapotil pri prácach nećaleko obce ground, where many children would play and some of Piranja. Mali sme preveriĢ priestor bývalého smetiska, them would even die. There were tins and junks all aby tam Đudia, najmä hrajúce sa deti, neprichádzali around, minesweepers would permanently beep...“ ser- o život. Bolo tam všade veĐmi veĐa konzerv a ćalšieho geant Kuþerík recalls. Wearing a bullet-proof jacket, kovového odpadu. Všetko nám pískalo...,“ spomína weighing more than 5 kg, and a helmet, holding þatár Kuþerík. S nepriestrelnou vestou na tele, vážia- a minesweeper, in a heat of 30 degrees of Centigrade he cou vyše pätnásĢ kilogramov, s prilbou na hlave carries on detecting mines on the next slopes. For the a mínohĐadaþkou v ruke v tridsaĢstupĖovej horúþave sake of saving the lives of the local inhabitants tending trpezlivo prehliadal ćalší úsek návršia. Aj preto, aby their cattle on the pastures, where a mine had killed one tam mohli miestni obyvatelia pásĢ svoj dobytok of them just two weeks ago. a neroztrhala ich mína, ako jedného pastiera len pred Jozef ŽIAK, Obrana No. 2/200, abridged dvoma týždĖami. Jozef ŽIAK, Obrana þ. 6/200, krátené

KFOR – pod zástavou NATO44 KFOR – under the NATO Flag MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 45

SFOR – štábni dôstojníci IX

a letci v Bosne HAPTER / C SFOR – Staff Officers APITOLA and Air Force in Bosnia K

V štábnych štruktúrach misie SFOR (Stabilisation Based on the December 997 Parliament's endorse- Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina) riadenej Seve- ment of deployment, up to ten Slovak officers have ser- roatlantickou alianciou na území Bosny a Hercegoviny ved in SFOR (Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and slúžila na základe súhlasu NR SR z decembra 997 tak- Herzegovina) staff structures under NATO authority. mer desiatka slovenských dôstojníkov. Zastávali viaceré Several times they were assigned to important posts, e. g. dôležité posty – napríklad kpt. Ing. Dušan Valovics, Capt. Ing. Dušan Valovics, Maj. Ing. Roman Lackoviþ mjr. Ing. Roman Lackoviþ a mjr. Ing. ďubomír MrváĖ and Maj. Ing. ďubomír MrváĖ respectively were led the pôsobili v pozícii vedúceho Mínového informaþného Mine Information and Co-ordination Center at SFOR a koordinaþného centra (Mine Information and Co-ordi- Headquarters. Appointing officers from a NATO non- nation Centre) na hlavnom veliteĐstve SFOR, þo bolo pre member country to the high posts like these was undoub- dôstojníkov z neþlenskej krajiny NATO nepochybne tedly an honor and expression of trust and respect for vysokým vyznamenaním. V súþasnosti plnia piati slo- what our people have achieved. Currently we have five venskí dôstojníci úlohy v oblasti civilno-vojenskej spo- officers working for the public relations and in the staff lupráce a v štábnych funkciách v Sarajeve a Tuzle, assignments in Sarajevo and Tuzla. The post of priþom osobitne treba spomenúĢ funkciu riadiaceho styþ- a Commanding Liaison Officer of the Joint Visitor

Príslušníci slovenskej vrtuēníkovej jednotky SFOR nastúpení pred jedným z Mi-7 na základni Bugojno The Slovak helicopter unit falling in on the Bugojno Base in front of one of Mi-7 SFOR – štábni dôstojníci a letci SFOR – Staff Oficers and Air Force v Bosne 45 in Bosnia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 46


Vruēník Mi-7 odlieta plniĥ prepravné úlohy Helicopter Mi-7 taking off to perform transportation tasks

ného dôstojníka pre veliteĐa operácie SFOR (Joint Bureau was represented by Maj. Ing. Igor Šperka and Lt. Visitor Bureau), ktorú zastávali mjr. Ing. Igor Šperka Col. Daniel Zoller. a pplk. Ing. Daniel Zoller. The Slovak participation in SFOR mission started to Nová stránka úþasti slovenských vojakov v tejto misii write a new history on 27th August 2002, when the first sa zaþala písaĢ 27. augusta 2002 preletom prvej leteckej air unit of the Slovak Armed Forces landed in Bugojno jednotky Ozbrojených síl SR z prešovskej vrtuĐníkovej air-base in Bosnia from Prešov helicopter air-base. Since základne na bosniansku základĖu Bugojno. Od . sep- st September 2002, the Slovak Air Force personnel of tembra 2002 v silách SFOR pôsobí 2 príslušníkov našich twenty-one have been serving in SFOR mission. Our he- vzdušných síl s príslušnou vojenskou technikou, ktorej licopter unit has two Mi-7 helicopters and specialised základom sú dva vrtuĐníky Mi-7. Slovenská vrtuĐníková equipment at disposal. It has been incorporated into jednotka je zaþlenená v mnohonárodnej brigáde a multinational brigade South-East in Banja Luka, which Juhovýchod so sídlom v Banja Luke, ktorá pozostáva pre- comprises troops of Great Britain, Canada and dovšetkým z príslušníkov armád VeĐkej Británie, Kanady Netherlands. Most of the Dutch contingent of .700 is a Holandska. Väþšinu z približne  700-þlenného holand- composed of the units deployed to Bosnia from Kosovo in ského kontingentu tvoria vojaci jednotiek, ktoré sa do March 2000. Bosny premiestnili v marci 2000 z Kosova. The Slovaks fly, on average, 40 flying hours per Slováci zabezpeþujú mesaþne okolo 40 letových hodín, month, transporting people, materiel, armament and v rámci ktorých prepravujú osoby, materiál, výzbroj i mu- ammunition. In Bugojno air-base the Slovaks are deploy- níciu. Na základni Bugojno, z ktorej operujú, sú umiest- ed together with the Royal Netherlands Air Force. The nené aj holandské kráĐovské letecké sily. Holanćania Dutch proved to be really helpful sharing materials for nám ochotne poskytli materiály na prípravu osádok vrtuĐ- helicopter crew preparation, including operational and níkov, vrátane operaþných a technických, a neskôr technical ones, and later they even got engaged in prepa- pomohli aj pri získavaní leteckých máp na lietanie ring flight maps necessary to fly in operational area. v priestore nasadenia. The Slovak Air Force take this mission a valuable Pre príslušníkov našich vzdušných síl je táto misia víta- chance to intensify preparation for performing practical nou príležitosĢou ako skvalitniĢ prípravu na praktické plne- tasks within the Partnership for Peace program under nie úloh v rámci operácií PzM pod vedením NATO, ako aj NATO auspices, including tasks of modernisation. What ćalších úloh, zameraných na modernizáciu a výcvik. is more, the mission provides excellent opportunities for Nemenej dôležitá v tejto súvislosti je i možnosĢ skvalitne- further education and training of air and ground person- nia praktickej prípravy leteckého a pozemného personálu, nel, which is equally vital for reaching a higher level of þo je mimoriadne potrebné pri približovaní systémov prí- operational interoperability and compatibility with NATO pravy a výcviku Ozbrojených síl SR štandardom NATO. standards. Our helicopters can carry up to .5 tons of SFOR – štábni dôstojníci a letci SFOR – Staff Oficers and Air Force v Bosne 46 in Bosnia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 47


Naše stroje umožĖujú aj prepravu materiálu v podve- material in a sling. Until the tragic accident of Christmas se do váhy ,5 tony. Jeden vrtuĐník bol vždy, až do tra- Eve 2002, when one Mi-7 crashed, we always had one in gickej nehody osudného Štedrého dĖa 2002, keć jeden technical reserve. stroj Mi-7 havaroval, pripravený v technickej zálohe. From September 2002 to February 2003 the SFOR Od septembra 2002 do februára 2003 bol veliteĐom Slovak helicopter unit operated under command of Capt. slovenskej vrtuĐníkovej jednotky v silách SFOR kpt. Ing. Ing. Ladislav Malák, rotated by Maj. Ing. Petr Korba in Ladislav Malák, na zaþiatku marca 2003 ho vystriedal the beginning of March 2003. mjr. Ing. Petr Korba. THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT KRAJINA A KONFLIKT

Based on UN Sesurity Council resolution 088 of 2th Sily SFOR pôsobia na území Bosny a Hercegoviny na December 996, SFOR operates in Bosnia and Her- základe rozhodnutia BR OSN þ. 088 z 2. decembra zegovina as a successor of IFOR, which had attained the 996 ako nástupca síl IFOR, ktoré pomohli medzietnické goals of cessation of hostilities caused by ethnical origin boje medzi miestnym obyvateĐstvom srbského, moslim- or religion in this multicultural area (Serbs, Croats, ského a chorvátskeho pôvodu z veĐkej þasti ukonþiĢ Muslims) and whose activities ultimately resulted in dec- a nastoliĢ medzi znepriatelenými stranami prímerie laring a truce. Poslaním SFOR je podĐa kapitoly VII Charty OSN With concurrence of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, zabrániĢ ozbrojeným konfliktom, nepokojom, zamedziĢ SFOR mandate is aimed at preventing riots and even zastrašovaniu obþanov a prispievaĢ k vytváraniu podmie- armed conflicts, putting an end to intimidating inhabitants nok pre presadzovanie civilných aspektov mierovej doho- and, eventually, at creating conditions that would enable dy do každodenného života. Koneþným cieĐom je stabi- implementation of civilian aspects to the Peace Agreement lizácia situácie v regióne, návrat uteþencov a vyhnaných in everyday life. On the whole, the final goal should be osôb, ako aj postupné nastolenie civilnej kontroly v regió- stabilisation of the region, return of the refugees and dis- ne. Dnes, s odstupom viac ako šiestich rokov, možno placed persons to their home of origin, and introducing konštatovaĢ, že misia svoju úlohu plní veĐmi dobre. a civilian control to the region. To-date, with a lapse of more than six years, we can only conclude the mission has been performing its mandate par excellence. Situation in the country is stabile, incidents based on ethnical tension occurring only sporadically. Thanks to SFOR presence the general election was held in a relati- vely peaceful atmosphere in November 2000, its conduct and results considerably contributing to further stabilisa- tion of the region. Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the total area of 5.30 square km, has the population of nearly 4 million (Serbs, Muslims and Croats). The republic had been established on federation principles, as stipulated in Dayton Agreement of 995. It borders with Croatia, . Currently there are nearly 9.000 soldiers serving wit- hin SFOR, 7.000 of them being from NATO member countries and the rest being contingents contributed by Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland. Slovenskí technici pri výmene rotorových listov vrtuēníka Slovak maintenance staff replacing a propeller Col. Jozef ŽIAK

Situácia v krajine je relatívne stabilná, len sporadicky dochádza k medzietnickému napätiu a incidentom. Aj FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: vćaka þinnosti síl SFOR sa mohli v novembri 2000 v kra- jine v realtívne pokojnej atmosfére uskutoþniĢ zatiaĐ According to first lieutenant Ján FiĢma, the way the posledné všeobecné voĐby. Ich priebeh a výsledky prispe- Dutch soldiers greeted their Slovak counterparts was real- li k ćalšej stabilizácii situácie na tomto území. Bosna ly original. The Slovaks were offered a traditional delica- a Hercegovina má rozlohu vyše 530 km2 a žijú v nej cy, typical of the country of tulips, which was a herring takmer 4 milióny obyvateĐov (Srbov, Moslimov marinated in onion. Due to their outstanding task per- a Chorvátov) v mnohonárodnej federácii na základe day- formance based on professional approach, the Slovak tonských mierových dohôd z roku 995. Susedí s Chor- pilots and technicians achieved their colleagues' respect, vátskom, Srbskom a ýiernou Horou. to quote how Maj. Steve Hartogsveld, the Dutch helicop- V silách SFOR v súþasnosti slúži takmer 9 000 voja- ter unit commander, commented on the relations between kov, priþom 7 000 je z þlenských krajín NATO a zvyšok the two contingents. tvoria kontingenty Albánska, Argentíny, Austrálie, The helicopter crews were rotated every three months. Bulharska, Estónska, Fínska, Írska, Lotyšska, Litvy, When taking leave of the country, Captain Stanislav SFOR – štábni dôstojníci a letci SFOR – Staff Oficers and Air Force v Bosne 47 in Bosnia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 48


Maroka, Nového Zélandu, Rakúska, Rumunska, Ruska, Paulovþák was emotionally moved having been awarded Slovenska, Slovinska a Švédska. a medal for participating in SFOR. With a little regret to be traced in his voice, he said: Plk. Jozef ŽIAK “It's strange, in Slovakia I haven't heard a single thank you for the long twenty years of service in the Armed Forces, and here I've been given a medal for the Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE: mere three month-conduct. „ Captain Ján Humeník, a pilot of the helicopter that Ako poznamenáva aj nadporuþík Ján FiĢma, sloven- crashed in an accident of 24th December 2002 near ských vojakov vítali ich holandskí kolegovia originálnym Novy Travnik, had shared his expectations at our last spôsobom. Pre každého pripravili typickú lahôdku z krajiny interview at Prešov air-base, shortly before their tulipánov. Pozostávala z poriadnej porcie slaného sleća departure for Bosnia and Herzegovina. He had taken namoþeného v cibuli. Slovenskí piloti a technici si svojich part in a joint Czech-Slovak-Dutch military exercise in nových kolegov hneć od zaþiatku získali profesionálnym ýeské BudČjovice in autumn 200. Czech pilots had prístupom k plneniu všetkých úloh. Priznal to aj veliteĐ used the same types of helicopters in Bosnia as we did holandskej samostatnej vrtuĐníkovej jednotky major Steve later. Hartogsveld. “We had been warned of the specifics of the highly Osádky vrtuĐníkov sa striedali vždy po troch mesiacoch. demanding alpine terrain, typical of many deep valleys, Kapitán Stanislav Paulovþák bol doslova dojatý, keć dostal which would definitely check preparedness of the cabin pri odchode do vlasti medailu za pôsobenie v silách SFOR. crew. What can really become trappiness in a hilly S trochou Đútosti vyhlásil: „Je to na zamyslenie, doma za country like this are high voltage wires not marked dvadsaĢ rokov služby v armáde mi nikto nepovedal ćakujem appropriately as to be distinct enough, as well as a wide a tu, po troch mesiacoch odvedenej práce, mám medailu.“ variety of pylons,“ Capt. Humeník, then a commander Pilot vrtuĐníka, ktorý 24. decembra 2002 havaroval of a helicopter sub-flight, remarked that summer in nećaleko Noveho Travnika, kapitán Ján Humeník bol pri Prešov air-base. This is what he expected from his našom stretnutí na svojej domovskej prešovskej základni Balkan stay: plný oþakávania. Ešte na jeseĖ 200 “I would bol na spoloþnom cviþení v ýeských very much like BudČjoviciach s kolegami z þeskej to make some i holandskej armády. ýeskí piloti pô- progress in sobili v Bosne pred našimi s rovnaký- English, and mi typmi vrtuĐníkov. I would cer- „UpozorĖovali nás na špecifiká tainly appre- nároþného horského terénu s mnohý- ciate the chan- mi hlbokými údoliami, ktoré poriad- ce to gain new ne preveria pripravenosĢ každej osád- experience co- ky. Nástrahy v kopcovitej krajine operating with predstavujú aj niekedy dosĢ nevýraz- NATO armed ne oznaþené vedenia vysokého napä- forces specia- tia a rôzne stožiare,“ spomínal vtedy lists. And, ad- v lete na prešovskom letisku kapitán mittedly, the Humeník. Od svojho pôsobenia na money I'd earn Balkáne si však sĐuboval mnohé. would come „Chcem si zdokonaliĢ svoju angliþ- useful to pro- tinu, získaĢ cenné skúsenosti z þinnos- vide for my ti s príslušníkmi armád NATO a, ko- Takéhoto sleĊa museli na privítanie zvládnuĥ nielen všetci family. Basi- niec-koncov, ani tá finanþná stránka HolanĊania, ale aj príslušníci slovenskej vrtuēníkovej jednotky cally, I see nie je pre zabezpeþenie rodiny zaned- A herring like this was what soldiers of our helicopter unit had the mission bateĐná. V prvom rade je to ale pre to cope with when greeted by their Dutch colleagues on the base a real challen- mĖa veĐká výzva. Ako všetko nové ma ge. I am an to veĐmi láka. DokázaĢ hlavne sebe, ale aj okoliu, že na to adventurous person and I'd like to make sure I can cope mám,“ hovoril vtedajší veliteĐ vrtuĐníkového roja. with conditions that would be anything but easy.“ Pilot vrtuĐníka kapitán Stanislav Paulovþák jeho slová A helicopter pilot Stanislav Paulovþák confirms potvrdzuje: „Plnili sme rôznorodé úlohy. Prepravovali the things proved to be just what they were expected to be: sme na rôzne miesta v Bosne a Hercegovine mnohých “We were supposed to perform a wide variety of význaþných funkcionárov velenia SFOR, ale aj odmíno- tasks. We provided for transportation of SFOR vacie þaty. Tu sa nedá lietaĢ takým spôsobom, ako doma Headquarters officials as well as of de-mining squads. na Slovensku, keć sa trasa z bodu A do bodu B zakreslí In Slovakia it is simple – you just draw a line from ako traĢová þiara do mapy a potom sa jej držíme. V Bosne point A to destination B into a map and follow the vzhĐadom na terén a oblaþnosĢ, ktorá þasto pokrýva track. In Bosnia it is so much different. We have to copy vrcholky strmých kopcov, musíme þasto kopírovaĢ reliéf a broken terrain, the peaks of its mountains often hid- krajiny. Vyžaduje si to veĐké úsilie a nasadenie poþas den in fog. It is extremely demanding and it needs celého letu. Je to na pilotovi, aby sa rozhodol, ako sa a whole person. It is up to a pilot to decide how to get dostane do spomínaného bodu.“ to destination.“ Ján FIġMA, Vzlet þ. 3-4/2002, Jozef ŽIAK, Ján FIġMA, Vzlet þ. 3-4/2002, Jozef ŽIAK, Obrana þ. / 2003 Obrana No./2003 SFOR – štábni dôstojníci a letci SFOR – Staff Oficers and Air Force v Bosne 48 in Bosnia MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 49

UNDOF – naši X

na Golanských výšinách HAPTER / C

UNDOF – the Slovaks APITOLA on the Golan Heights K

Misia UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement On 3st May 974 the UNSC adopted resolution Observer Force – Pozorovacie sily OSN na odpútanie 350 by which it decided to set up UNDOF (United vojsk) vznikla na základe rezolúcie BR OSN þ. 350 Nations Disengagement Observer Force). Under the z3. mája 974. V súlade s dohodou medzi Sýriou terms of the Agreement on Disengagement between a Izraelom o odpútaní vojsk zabezpeþuje pozorovanie, Israeli and Syrian Forces, these two countries agreed hliadkovanie a kontrolu režimu v zóne separácie, ktorá that the function of UNDOF would be to supervise the bola na Golanských výšinách vytvorená po skonþení regime introduced into the area of separation following bojov. CieĐom hliadkovania a pozorovania je kontrola the completion of disengagement operation in the situácie a odhaĐovanie prípadných porušení medziná- Golan Heights and to see that cease-fire was strictly rodných zmlúv. observed, by manning selected observation posts and Slovenská jednotka pôsobí v misii od mája 998 ako patrol bases along the cease-fire line. Patrolling and súþasĢ rakúskeho práporu AUSBATT na základe setting up series of checkpoints is aimed at overall Memoranda o porozumení medzi ministerstvami obrany supervision of the situation in the region, including

Veliteē slovenského kontingentu mjr. Ivan BaĀík s veliteēom misie UNDOF švédskym generálom Bo Wrankerom pred sídlom veliteēstva – tzv. Pentagónom The Slovak contingent commander Maj. Ivan BaĀík with UNDOF Force commander, a Swedish general Bo Wranker in front of Headquarters – so called “Pentagon“ UNDOF – naši UNDOF – the Slovaks na Golanských výšinách 49 on the Golan Heights MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 50


Slovenska a Rakúska o úþasti nášho kontingentu v tejto detection of any possible violations to international operácii. Vyslanie 35 slovenských vojakov do UNDOF agreements. schválila vláda SR 9. augusta 997 a NR SR uznesením Based on Memorandum on Understanding between þ. 862 z 0. decembra 997. S prihliadnutím na úspešné Ministries of Defence of the Slovak republic and pôsobenia jednotky slovenský parlament 6. decembra Austria, which endorsed contribution of our contingent 998 uznesením þ. 04 súhlasil s jej rozšírením. Od to the mission, since May 998 the Slovak unit has been mája 999 má SR v UNDOF 95 vojakov, z ktorých osem operating within the Austrian battalion. Deployment of pôsobí vo velení a štábe rakúskeho práporu a 87 tvorí our troops was endorsed by the Government of the SR jeho 3.rotu. 9th August 997 and subsequently by the Parliament of Slovenská rota v zostave AUSBATT plní úlohy na the SR by its resolution 862 of 0th December 997. siedmich stálych pozíciách rozmiestnených v nadmorskej Due to favourable results the unit had achieved and its výške od 00 do  400 m, priþom naši vojaci zodpovedajú top quality performance the unit further expanded by the za priestor s rozlohou 58 km2. Úlohy plnia vysielaním Slovak republic Parliament resolution 04 of 6th hliadok, a to denných peších, denných a noþných motori- December 998. There are altogether 95 soldiers serving zovaných, ako aj noþných špeciálnych, þo zvyšuje flexi- in UNDOF, 8 of them assigned to staff posts at the bilitu a úþinnosĢ ich práce. Rota tiež nepretržite vyþleĖu- Austrian battalion and 87 accomplishing their tasks in je dve hliadky rýchlej reakcie a jednu skupinu rýchlej the battalion's third company. reakcie na zásahy pri narušeniach a na ochranu síl a pro- Within the AUSBATT, the Slovak Company super- striedkov jednotiek OSN. vises the sector of 58 square km by means of seven sta- Slováci spolu s príslušníkmi armád Rakúska, Kanady, tic positions and observation posts dislocated in 00 – Japonska a PoĐska tvoria  050-þlenný kontingent .400 meters above sea level, and by foot and mobile UNDOF, ktorý z vôle „hostiteĐských“ krajín môže maĢ patrols operating along predetermined routes day and najviac  323 osôb. Stráženú líniu Alfa na západe demili- night. To enhance effectiveness temporary outposts and tarizovanej zóny nesmú prekroþiĢ Izraelþania a líniu additional night patrols are set up from time to time as Bravo na východe zasa Sýrþania. occasion requires. Within the company, there are two VeliteĐmi našej jednotky v UNDOF doteraz boli kpt. rapid reaction patrols and one rapid reaction group Ing. Rastislav Rašla, kpt. Ing. Ivan Kováþ, mjr. Ing. Ivan Verbich, mjr. Ing. Ivan Baþík, pplk. Ing. Peter ýižmárik a mjr. Ing. Peter Švrlo.


Sýrska arabská republika má rozlohu 85 80 km2 a 6,6 milióna obyvateĐov. Dominujú v nej sýrski Arabi (88 %), zvyšok tvoria najmä Kurdi a Arméni. Na severe hraniþí s Tureckom, na východe s Irakom, na západe s Libanonom a na juhu s Jordánskom a Izraelom. Je to veĐmi bezpeþná krajina s nízkou kriminalitou, Đudia sú srdeþní a priateĐskí. V 7. storoþí toto územie patrilo k Arabskej ríši, v 0. až . storoþí ho ovládali egyptskí Fátimovci. Od zaþiatku 6. do zaþiatku 20. storoþia bolo súþasĢou Osmanskej ríše. Poþas . svetovej vojny ho obsadili najskôr Briti, potom Francúzi. NezávislosĢ Sýria vyhlásila v roku 94, ale reálne ju získala až o niekoĐko rokov, keć z krajiny odišli posledné francúzske jednotky. Krátky þas bola spo- jená s Egyptom, neskôr bojovala s Izraelom v 3. a 4. arab- sko-izraelskej vojne. Golanské výšiny ležia na juhozápade krajiny. Zo západu hraniþia s Libanonom, zasahujú do Izraela a þiastoþne i do Jordánska. Ich najvyšším vrcholom je Mt. Hermon (2 84 m. n. m.) Toto územie sa niekoĐko- krát stalo miestom konfliktov a Ģažkých bojov medzi Sýriou a Izraelom, ktoré vyvrcholili v tzv. šesĢdĖovej arabsko-izraelskej vojne v roku 967 a pokraþovali v tzv. yom-kippurskej vojne v októbri 973. V dôsledku vážnej vojensko-politickej situácie a stále neúspešných mierových rokovaní pretrváva v priestore misie UNDOF napätie. Svedþí o tom i zvýšená aktivita vojsk na oboch stranách, konkrétne vzrastajúci poþet vojenských cviþení. Nárast napätia medzi židovským a palestínskym obyvateĐstvom Izraela na þiare separácie v apríli 2002 si vyžiadal i zin- Slovenská pešia patrola s cenným štvornohým pomocníkom tenzívnenie þinnosti vojakov misie. Asi 30 km severne The Slovak infantry patrol with their 4-legged assistant UNDOF – naši UNDOF – the Slovaks na Golanských výšinách 50 on the Golan Heights MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:09 Stránka 51


A takto vyzerá „komunikácia“ SýrĀanov s bríbuznými na izraelskej strane v praxi This is what “communication“ of the Syrians and their relatives on the Israeli side looks like in practice

od miest pôsobenia slovenského kontingentu sa vyskyt- established, to act when any violation is detected or to li útoky palestínskeho Hizballáhu z Libanonu na pozí- protect the UN forces or their instruments. cie izraelskej armády, þím stúpol poþet narušení zóny. The UNDOF contingent currently comprises .050 Podobné dôsledky má i zvýšená aktivita vzdušných síl troops from Austria, Slovakia, Canada, Japan and oboch strán. V priestore sa tiež množia tzv. pastierske Poland, as the Agreement countries had set the maxi- narušenia, ktoré musí UNDOF operatívne riešiĢ v spo- mum authorised military strength of the Force to be lupráci s miestnou políciou a styþnými dôstojníkmi. .323. The supervised line Alfa on the west of the Príslušníci síl OSN zaznamenali i sériu násilných vnik- demilitarised area cannot be crossed by the Israelis and nutí do svojich zariadení. the line Bravo on the east cannot be crossed by the Syrians. Pplk. Jozef MICHNICA Our unit has so far operated under a respective com- mand of Capt. Ing. Rastislav Rašla, Capt. Ing. Ivan Ko- váþ, Maj. Ing. Ivan Verbich, Maj. Ing. Ivan Barþík, Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE: Lt. Col. Ing. Peter ýižmárik and Maj. Ing. Peter Švrlo.

Na horúcom území nikoho THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT Blízky výhod, pásmo Gazy, Sinaj, Palestína, Golanské výšiny. Už od vzniku izraelského štátu svet The Syrian Arab Republic has an overall area of vníma tieto pojmy ako ohnisko bojov, Đudského utr- 85.80 square km and the population of 6.6 million, penia a pre nás neraz nepochopiteĐného súboja štátov, mostly of the Arab origin (88 %), the rest are Kurds and národov, národností i náboženstiev. Od roku 1974, Armenians. It borders with Turkey in the north, with presne v duchu Ženevských dohôd o zastavení paĐby Iraq in the east, Lebanon in the west and Jordan and medzi Sýriou a Izraelom, oddeĐuje tu OSN tvrdohla- Israel in the south. The country is a most safe one, with vých nepriateĐov hranicou, o ktorej si zrejme žiaden a very low crime rate and warm – hearted and friendly zo susedov nemyslí, že je spravodlivá. Ona však exis- people. tuje. Tvorí ju „technický plot“. In the 7th century AD the territory was a part of the Bezmála dvetisícštyristo kilometrov delí od domova Arab Empire, to devolve under the rule of the Egyptian deväĢdesiatpäĢ mierotvorcov zo Slovenska, ktorí pôsobia dynasty of the Fatims during 0th and th century. pod vlajkou OSN na Golanských výšinách v Sýrii. V krát- From the beginning of the 6th century until the begin- kom þase si zvykli na nároþné klimatické podmienky ning of the 20th century it was a part of the Osman a postupne prekonali i jazykové nedostatky. Prínosom sú Empire. During the World War I it was occupied by the aj naši dôstojníci vo velení práporu a misie, ktorí si pro- British and by the French. De iure Syria declared its UNDOF – naši UNDOF – the Slovaks na Golanských výšinách 51 on the Golan Heights MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:10 Stránka 52


independence as early as in 94, de facto they achie- ved it only a couple of years later, after the last French troops withdrew. Shortly Syria and Egypt were united, later it was involved in the 3rd and the 4th Arab-Israeli war. The Golan Heights are situated in the south – west of the country. They border with Lebanon in the west, they spread to Israel and partly even to Jordan. The highest mountain is Mt. Hermon (2.84 m a. s. l.) This region has many times seen conflicts escalate into severe battles bet- ween Syria and Israel, to result in so-called six-day Arab- Israeli war in 967 and to continue in so-called Yom- Kippur war in 973. Still there is persisting tension in the UNDOF area of operation as the military-political situation remains unstable and firing and is likely to remain so, unless and until a comprehensive settlement covering all aspects of the Middle East problem could be reached. So far, all the peace negotiations have been bound to fail. The number of military exercise on both sides is continuously increas- ing. Rising tension between Jewish and Palestinian popu- lation of Israel on a separation line in April 2002 required more intense supervision and measures to be taken by the mission's troops. About 30 km from the zone supervised by the Slovak contingent several armed attacks by the Palestinian Hizbullah have occurred from Lebanon side at Israeli army positions, which increased the rate of cease- fire violations in the demilitarised area of separation. The increased activities of the air forces of the concerned par- ties have had the very same consequences. The so-called shepherds' violations, when the locals cross the line either in ignorance or because there are good grazing lands for their flocks on the other side, are also a cause of concern for UNDOF. The incidents must be handled in co-opera- tion with the local police force and with the assistance of liaison officers. The UN personnel have also recorded Naši vojaci na pozorovateēskom stanovišti Ā. 6, pri ktorom je tzv. miesto rodinného vykrikovania („family shouting place“) series of burglaries when the mission's objects were bro- ken into. Our soldiers on an observation post No. 6, close to what has been established as “a family shouting place“ Lt. Col. Jozef MICHNICA

fesionálne a v potrebnej kvalite plnia svoje funkþné povinnosti. Dobre zvládli systém riadenia a velenia OSN FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: a sú rovnocennými partnermi ostatným dôstojníkom, ba v mnohom ich aj prevyšujú. „Sú to skutoþní profesionáli, na ktorých je vždy The no-man's land of the stifling heat a stále veĐké spoĐahnutie,“ chválil našich „misionárov“ veliteĐ UNDOF-u švédsky generál Bo Wranker. Práve The Near East, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai, Palestine, pred sídlom veliteĐstva UNDOF, ktoré všetci nazývajú aj the Golan Heights. Since the times when the Israeli Pentagón, riešil s veliteĐom našej jednotky majorom Ing. state was established, the world has seen these places Ivanom Baþíkom posilnenie patrôl. Monumentálna and regions be pockets of armed conflicts, human suf- budova z kameĖa vzbudzuje dojem, že je tu vybudovaná fering and encounters between states and their peo- naveky a nie iba doþasne. „Verím, že raz sa odtiaĐ voja- ples, based on different nationality or religion, which ci predsa len vysĢahujú a celý objekt prerobia na skan- is often completely incomprehensible in terms of zen,“ hýril optimizmom švédsky generál a na dôvažok a modern world. With concurrence of the Geneva dodal: „Dovtedy však musíme tento citlivý, no veĐmi Peace Conference on the Middle East, where the horúci priestor chrániĢ ako oko v hlave.“ Agreement on Disengagement was signed in 1974 bet- Medzi prvými štátmi, ktoré vyslali svojich vojakov ween Syria and Israel, the UN undertook delineation do „horúceho“ priestoru, patrili Kanada, Rakúsko and marking of the lines bounding the area of separa- a Fínsko. Postupne na mierových operáciách participo- tion to keep the belligerent parties to the conflict vali ćalšie štáty. Nie je to však lacná záležitosĢ. Len apart. Apparently, none of the opposing sides consi- pôsobenie príslušníkov OS SR v misii UNDOF si ders the status quo fair. The borderline exists, though. v roku 2000 vyžiadalo finanþné náklady vo výške viac It is created by what is called a technical barrier. ako 78,6 milióna Sk. Táto þiastka sa hradí z mimoroz- The ninety-five Slovak peacekeepers are more than poþtových zdrojov MO SR a podlieha refundácii od 2.400 km far from their homes serving in the Golan OSN v plnej výške. Heights mission under UN auspices in Syria. They had UNDOF – naši UNDOF – the Slovaks na Golanských výšinách 52 on the Golan Heights MISIE-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:10 Stránka 53


Preto niektoré krajiny, ktoré na Golanoch zaþínali, soon got used to change imposed by tough weather con- postupne znižujú poþty svojich vojakov. „Myslím si, že ditions and managed to overcome a language barrier. The každá krajina by mala nejakým dielom prispieĢ do kon- Slovak officers, assigned even to posts at the battalion tingentu a oþakávam, že sa k nám pridajú nové krajiny. Headquarters and acting as a staff personnel detached to Je však dôležité ušetriĢ peniaze na vojakoch ešte skôr, HQ UNDOF, do perform their tasks on a top professional než zaþne vojna. Aj preto musíme v tomto regióne level. They have mastered the UN HQ command and con- pôsobiĢ, pretože je vždy lepšie udržiavaĢ mier a oddia- trol issues and they can easily match, or even exceed the liĢ ohnisko vojnového napätia þo najćalej od svojej other contingents' troops. krajiny,“ zdôraznil vážnosĢ a poslane mierovej misie na “They really are top professionals one can always Golanoch veliteĐ Wranker, ktorému vćaka odvážnym depend on,“ a Swiss General Bo Wranker, the UNDOF integraþným zámerom prischlo pomenovanie integraþ- Force Commander, appraised an outstanding performance ný generál. of our peacekeepers. Right in front of HQ UNDOF, usu- Každopádne, je dobre, že slovenskí vojaci sa zúþas- ally referred to as the Pentagon, he and our unit's com- tĖujú na tejto misii, že spoloþne sedia s ostatnými za mander Maj. Ing. Ivan Baþík were discussing strengthe- stolom. Na každom kroku sme sa presviedþali, že naši ning the patrols. The monumental building made of stone vojaci robia Slovensku dobré meno. „Úprimne závi- makes an impression it is going to be there forever, and dím vašim vojakom veĐmi kvalitnú vycviþenosĢ not only as a temporary solution. “I strongly believe the a najmä disciplinovanosĢ. Pôsobenie slovenských military personnel will ultimately move out of the pre- vojakov v medzinárodnej jednotke – to je aj dobrá skú- mises one day and the whole object will serve as a histo- senosĢ. Vzájomne sa nám ponúka možnosĢ uþiĢ sa rical museum only,“ the Swiss General hoped. He added: jeden od druhého nové veci. Je to nová príležitosĢ na “So far we have to take a really good care of this region, rozvíjanie nových zruþností a znalostí každého z nás. firing and risky as it is.“ Keć sme tu pôsobili sami, používali sme len nemþinu, UNDOF was originally composed of the Austrian, ale v mnohonárodnej jednotke sme všetci nútení Canadian and Finn contingents. Subsequently, some other používaĢ angliþtinu,“ hodnotí prínos našich vojen- countries contributed their troops to the mission. It is pre- ských „misionárov“ podplukovník Stefan Thaller, tty much demanding in terms of finances, though. As far veliteĐ AUSBATT-u. as the Slovak contingent participation in UNDOF, total expenditures reached the level of 78.6 million SKK in year 2000 only. Nonetheless, the costs are not calculated in an annual budget of MoD SR and they are being fully reimbursed by UN. In 992 with a view to reducing expenditures, UNDOF underwent streamlining, which involved a 5 per cent reduction of each military contingent and the internatio- nally recruited staff. “I truly think each country should contribute troops to the contingent and I do expect the other countries to join soon. However, it is essential to start restructuring aimed at decreasing financial costs prior to a potential outbreak of a war. Our presence in the region is vital since keeping peace there means relieving a risk of intense tension resulting in a war, which might constitute a security threat to our respective countries“ – explained the need and significance of the Golan Heights peacekeeping mis- sion UNDOF Force Commander Wranker, who, due to his ambitious integration goals, is often called “Integ- ration General“. Anyway, the Slovak Armed Forces participation in the mission is most beneficial. The reputation of our country is thus increasing day by day. “I do appreciate how perfectly trained and disciplined your soldiers are. The Slovak troops engagement in tasks performance within a multinational unit can also be seen as an experience. It provides excellent opportunities to learn from each other, to develop additional skills and Slovenská motorizovaná hliadka s obrneným transportérom knowledge. At the times when the AUSBATT operated v akcii here on its own, we would only use German language. The Slovak motorised patrol with an armoured personnel vehicle Now we are all forced to speak English,“ comments on in action benefits of joint participation AUSBATT Commander Lt. Col. Stefan Thaller. Služba na Golanských výšinách je pre nášho profesio- Serving in the Golan Heights, in respect of nature of nálneho vojaka síce nároþná z hĐadiska množstva úloh tasks and weather conditions, is most demanding for our i klimatických podmienok, ale i veĐmi pouþná. Každý soldiers, who do perform a real feat there. Nevertheless, takýto pobyt je výbornou príležitosĢou na získanie nena- in the same manner it is most beneficial and priceless in hraditeĐných skúseností. terms of experience. Jozef MICHNICA, OBRANA þ. 0/200, krátené Jozef MICHNICA, Obrana No 0/200, abridged UNDOF – naši UNDOF – the Slovaks na Golanských výšinách 53 on the Golan Heights MISIE-3.qxd 5. 5. 2003 12:27 Stránka 54

XI UNMEE – prvý raz v Afrike HAPTER

/ C UNMEE – for the First Time in Africa APITOLA K

Hlavným cieĐom mierovej misie UNMEE (United The UNMEE mission (United Nations in Ethiopia and Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea) je podporiĢ mie- Eritrea), established by UN Security Council resolutions rový proces a normalizáciu vzĢahov medzi Etiópiou 32 and 320 in year 2000, is aimed at safeguarding peace a Eritreou. UskutoþĖuje sa na základe rezolúcií BR OSN and stabilising relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea. þ. 32 a 320 z roku 2000. The Slovak troops were deployed in Eritrea to operate in Do mierovej misie UNMEE s dislokáciou v Eritrei UNMEE mission in January 200. Up to 200 specialists nastúpili slovenskí vojaci v januári 200. Naša ženijná serve in our engineer unit, which is a part of a contingent jednotka má do 200 mužov a je súþasĢou štvortisícového composed of troops of 45 countries, with a total strength of kontingentu zloženého z vojakov 45 krajín. Hlavný 4.000. The main camp of the first Slovak mission in Africa is tábor prvej slovenskej misie na africkej pôde je pri located in the town Adi Quala, about 00 km from Asmara, 5-tisícovom mesteþku Adi Quala asi 00 km od metro- the capital. Next camps, often within a distance of hundreds poly Asmara. Ćalšie tábory, oddelené stovkami kilomet- kilometers, joined only by dusty routes or paths, are in rov zväþša prašných a horských ciest, sú v Barentu, Barentu, Gergere and Assabe. Our engineers' tasks involve Gergere a Assabe. Hlavnou úlohou našich vojakov je mainly mine clearance, building and recovering roads and odmínovanie, opravy a stavby ciest a brodov, spevĖova- fords, stabilising grounds and many other. In 2002 only they nie plôch a ćalšie stavebno-ženijné práce. Len za rok cleared ground of more than 2 milion square meters and 373 2002 vyþistili od mín viac ako 2 milióny m2 plôch km of roads, employing our de-mining equipment Božena a 373 km ciest. Široko pritom nasadili a preverili našu and Belarty, and tank KMT-7. They equally provide so much odmínovaciu techniku, predovšetkým tank KMT-7, þi needed assistance to the local inhabitants. komplety Božena a Belarty. Významne pomáhajú The Slovak unit operated in UNMEE under a respective i miestnemu obyvateĐstvu. command of Lt. Col. Ing. Ján Páleník, Lt. Col. Ing. Jaroslav VeliteĐmi slovenskej jednotky v misii UNMEE boli Valko and Lt. Col. Ing. Miroslav ýiþman. To a post of a con- postupne pplk. Ing. Ján Páleník, pplk. Ing. Jaroslav Valko tingent's Force Commander were assigned Col. Ing. a pplk. Ing. Miroslav ýiþman. Funkciu veliteĐa kontin- Vladimír Žbodák, Lt. Col. Ing. František Debnár and Lt. gentu zastávali plk. Ing. Vladimír Žbodák, pplk. Ing. Col. Ing. ďubomír Miþátek, all of them acting as head de- František Debnár a pplk. Ing. ďubomír Miþátek. Tí záro- mining officers at HQ UNMEE in Asmara at the same time. veĖ pôsobili na hlavnom štábe misie v Asmare ako hlav- ní odmínovaþi. THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT KRAJINA A KONFLIKT Eritrea, with an area of 2.320 square km, borders with Ethiopia, Sudan and Djibouti, with an additional area of Eritrea má rozlohu 2 320 km2. Hraniþí s Etiópiou, Sudánom a Džibuti a patrí jej aj 5 km pobrežia ýerveného mora. Väþšinu územia pokrývajú polopúšte a horské masívy (od lokality Denakil 75 m pod úrovĖou mora až po 3 08 m vysoký štít Soira). V krajine žije 4,4 milióna obyvateĐov, z toho až 43 percent mladších ako 5 rokov. Priemerný vek je iba 56,6 roka. Zhruba polovica obyvateĐstva patrí k národu Tigrijcov. Podiel koptských kresĢanov a moslimov na populácii je po vyše 40 percent. Okrem nich tu žijú i rímski katolíci a protestanti. ďudia sa v Eritrei, jednej z najchudobnej- ších krajín sveta, živia najmä jednoduchým poĐnohos- podárstvom. V druhej polovici 9. storoþia približne na území dnešného štátu zriadili Taliani Protektorát Eritrea. Slovenskí velitelia pplk. Miroslav ÿiĀman a pplk. Jaroslav Koncom 2. svetovej vojny sa dostal pod britskú vojen- Valko rokujú na radnici v Adi Quale s vicestarostom skú správu. Zaþiatkom 50. rokov 20. storoþia v súþin- o Ċalšej pomoci miestnym obyvateēom nosti s OSN vznikla Federácia Etiópie a Eritrey. V roku The Slovak commanders Lt. Col. Miroslav ÿiĀman and Lt. Col. 962 však Etiópia Eritreu anektovala a vyhlásila za Jaroslav Valko negotiate help and further assistance to the local svoju provinciu. Zaþala sa partizánska oslobodzovacia inhabitants with a Vice-Mayor of Adi Quala in a Town Hall

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„Tatranské orlie hniezdo“ – tak nazvali Slováci svoj hlavný tábor v Adi Quale “Tatra Eagle Nest“ – this is the name given to the Slovak main camp in Adi Quala

vojna za nezávislosĢ. Po dlhých bojoch sa v roku 993 .5 km of the Red Sea coast. As far as a landscape, the o tom konalo referendum, v ktorom za svoj štát a osa- territory is typical of arid areas and mountain ridges, ran- mostatnenie sa od asi 0-krát väþšej Etiópie hlasovalo ging from Denakil region, which is 75 m b. s. l. up to the takmer 00 % Eritrejþanov. Ćalšie boje, vyvolané Soira Peak, 3.08 m a. s. l. The country's population is najmä územnými spormi a trvajúce dva roky, vypukli 4.4 million, 43 per cent of them being under the age of v roku 998. Skonþili sa vćaka úþinnej mierovej politi- 5. However, an average life expectancy is only 56.6 years. ke OSN. Hranica medzi Etiópiou a Eritreou bola práv- Approximately 50 % of population are Tigray nationals. ne vytýþená rozhodnutím hraniþnej komisie v Haagu Rate of Christian and Muslim population is 40 % each, the 3. apríla 2002. rest are Roman-Catholics and Protestants. Eritrea, one of the poorest countries in the world, has no principal industries Mgr. Pavol VITKO and people make their living by growing limited crops. In the second half of the 9th century the Italians founded so- called Protectorate Eritrea on the territory of the state, which Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE: was subject to the British military administration at the end of WW II. In the early fifties of 20th century, in co-ordina- tion with UN, the Federation of Ethiopia and Eritrea was V krajine sandálových vojakov established. Once Ethiopia annexed Eritrea in 952 and pro- claimed it a province only, a deliberating guerilla war for ŠesĢ metrov dlhé a dva metre vysoké sandále položené independence broke out. After long-lasting fights and bat- na kruhovom betónovom podstavci – to je najdominant- tles referendum was eventually held in 993, which revea- nejší národný pamätník v strede Asmary. V hlavnom meste led nearly 00 % of the Eritreans had voted for a state of subsaharskej Eritrey symbolizuje víĢazstvo v takmer šty- their own and for an independence of the ten times larger ridsaĢroþnej oslobodzovacej vojne štvormiliónovej kraji- territory of Ethiopia. Further armed conflicts and hostilities, ny proti desaĢkrát väþšej Etiópii. Chabo vyzbrojení erit- based on territorial claims and disputes, broke out in 998 rejskí partizáni v nej bojovali za právo na existenciu to last next two years and to be put to an end only thanks to vlastného štátu obutí najþastejšie len v lacných plasto- UN peacekeeping policy. The borderline between the con- vých sandáloch. Mali proti sebe regulárnu etiópsku armá- cerned countries was marked and legally introduced by the du, ktorú desaĢroþia podporoval bývalý východný blok. Hague Border Committee's resolution of 3th April 2002. Vojna sa skonþila pred dvoma rokmi predovšetkým záslu- hou mierovej diplomacie OSN. Mgr. Pavol VITKO

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„Dedinþanom pomáhame na základe dohovorov spô- sobmi, ktoré vedenie misie odsúhlasí v prospech domá- A country of the Sandals Soldiers ceho obyvateĐstva ako nevyhnutné,“ konštatuje veliteĐ slovenského kontingentu v Eritrei pplk. František Six meters long and two meters high sandals on Debnár. Náš podplukovník, ktorý je v rámci veliteĐstva a round concrete pedestal – that is the dominating natio- UNMEE zároveĖ zodpovedný za mínovú bezpeþnosĢ, nal monument in the centre of Asmara, the capital of sub- hovorí aj o práci v prospech írskych, indických, bangla- Sahara's Eritrea. It symbolises a victory in nearly 40 years déšskych þi jordánskych jednotiek medzinárodnej vojen- lasting deliberation war against the ten times larger skej misie. Samozrejme, aj pre niekoĐko stoviek pozoro- Eritrea. Eritrea's poorly equipped guerilla soldiers fought vateĐov z troch desiatok ćalších krajín. for their state's existence usually wearing cheap plastic „Od januára 200, kedy sme sem prišli, naši chlapi sandals. They had to fight against a regular Ethiopian preverili a odmínovali 253 kilometrov ciest a  200 000 army, for decades supported by the former East bloc. The štvorcových metrov plochy. Z toho 730 000 metrov end was finally made of the war thanks to UN peace dip- štvorcových preverili ruþne. Postavili þi upravili lomacy. desiatky kilometrov ciest a z mostov možno spomenúĢ len ten najdôležitejší, ktorý spája Eritreu s Etiópiou.“ Slovenskí ženisti pritom našli stovku mín a dvetisíc Mines and Bridges kusov munície. Tieto þísla sa možno môžu niekomu zdaĢ nízke. Skutoþná nároþnosĢ tejto práce je však “Based on agreements, we help the local inhabitants práve o to väþšia. Menej þastý výskyt mín by totiž on a scale agreed on and regarded by the mission as ine- mohol viesĢ k strate koncentrácie, þo by hrozilo tragé- vitable,“ explains a commander of the Slovak contingent diou. Bývalý veliteĐ našich ženistov podplukovník in Eritrea Lt. Col. František Debnár. The officer, at the Jaroslav Valko vysvetĐuje, že obe bojujúce strany sa same time responsible for the mine security at HQ snažili braĢ míny pri posunoch frontu so sebou. Kećže UNMEE, then speaks about helping the troops of India, však mínové polia neboli riadne oznaþené a niekedy to Bangladesh or Jordan, participating in the international nedovolila vojnová situácia, zabudnutí „vyþkávajúci military operation, as well as of several hundreds obser- vrahovia“ stále striehnu. vers from 30 other countries.

Slovenský odmínovací tank KMT-7 zaĀína prácu pri jednej z eritrejských horských osád A Slovak de-mining tank KMT-7 is getting to work in the area of an Eritrean mountain settlement

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Most Mereb Bridge medzi Eritreou a Etiópiou, strážený indickými vojakmi, pomáhali v roku 200 stavaĥ i naši ženisti Constructing the Mereb Bridge between Eritrea and Ethiopia, guarded by Indian troops, involved a considerable contribution by the Slovak engineers in 200

“Since January 200 when we deployed in the territo- Škorpióny a oþkovania ry, our men examined and de-mined 253 km of roads and .200.000 square meters of ground, including 730.000 Aby sa vojaci dostali do misie mierových síl, musia meters manually examined. They built or recovered up to maĢ výborný zdravotný stav. Aj ich psychická odolnosĢ a hundred km of roads and many bridges, to mention just musí byĢ nadpriemerná. Neþudo, že napríklad len psy- the one joining Eritrea to Ethiopia.“ chologickými testami neprejde až štvrtina záujemcov. The Slovak engineers detected up to one hundred of „RobiĢ s odmínovaþkou pri 50-stupĖových teplotách mines and two thousand pieces of ammunition. Some a 90-percentnej vlhkosti vo vyše 30-kilovom mínerskom people might see these figures as rather low. This is, obleþení dá naozaj zabraĢ nielen fyzicky. Je to aj obrov- however, what proves how extremely demanding this job ský nápor na koncentráciu,“ konštatuje 4-roþný rotný is. A less frequent detection of mines might easily cause Jozef Pelegríni. NašĢastie, v misii UNMEE, tak ako vo the attention distract thus resulting in a tragedy. Lt. Col. všetkých doterajších misiách slovenských ženistov, ešte Jaroslav Valko, a former commander of our engineer unit k zraneniu pri odmínovaní nedošlo. Slováci sú v tomto explains the both warring parties did their best to clear smere vo svete hodnotení ako výnimoþní profesionáli. grounds of mines when pushing up. Since the minefields Rotný Pelegríni, ktorého doma v Lehôtke pod Brehmi pri were not adequately designated, and the war circumstan- Žiari nad Hronom þaká manželka s tromi synmi, sa však ces often did not enable the protective measures to be v Afrike môže stretnúĢ aj s radom ćalších nástrah. taken, the lethal trap of buried mines still constitutes Napríklad pri odmínovaní na kamenistej rozpálenej a considerable risk. pôde si musí dávaĢ veĐký pozor pred jedovatými hadmi a škorpiónmi. „TĚpla mi noha, mal som teploty, bolo mi dosĢ zle a obával som sa, aká intenzívna bude alergická Scorpions and Vaccination reakcia môjho organizmu,“ spomína na júnové uštipnu- tie škorpiónom 27-roþný vodiþĢažkej techniky þatár Soldiers must be perfectly fit and healthy to join a pea- Peter Božik. NašĢastie, bola z toho „len“ týždĖová cekeeping mission. The same applies to their stamina, of maródka a pred ćalším nasadnutím za volant Đahšie course. No wonder up to 25 % of those applying for the služby v našej kuchyni. mission don't pass psychological tests.

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“Ability to work long hours with a minesweeper, at temperatures of 50 degrees Centigrade and 90 % humidity, wearing 30 kg of protective clothes is extre- mely demanding not only in terms of physical limita- tions. It is a stress which might affect concentration as well,“ concludes the 4 year-old Staff-sergeant Jozef Pelegríni. Fortunately, there have been no injuries related to mine clearance procedures in the Slovak contingents in UNMEE, nor in other missions. The Slovaks have, in this respect, achieved a reputation of top professionals. Staff-sergeant Pelegríni, who has left a wife and three sons back home in Lehôtka pod Brehmi, near Žiar nad Hronom, mentions also some other risks and lurking traps. Clearing a hot stony ground one must really be on guard against venomous snakes and scorpions. “My leg felt numb, I had a fever and felt really sick. I was worried as I could hardly predict how intense the allergic reaction at a scorpion's bite would be,“ recalls Vojenského duchovného mjr. Stanislava Lipku (vpravo) 27 year-old heavy equipment driver, Sergeant Peter v slovenskom kontingente UNMEE v lete 2002 vystriedal pplk. Marko Trochan Božík. Fortunately, it resulted only in one-week sick- ness leave, followed by a series of easy duties in a kit- Military Chaplain in the Slovak contingent to UNMEE chen before he was ready to drive again. maj. Stanislav Lipka (on the right) was in summer 2002 rotated by Lt. Col. Marko Trochan “It is only 3 per cent of the local population, who suc- cumb to a yellow fever, whereas for 30 – 50 per cent of Europeans the disease turns out to be fatal. Naturally, „Ak napríklad na žltú zimnicu zomrú iba tri per- the figures refer to those who had not been inoculated,“ centá domorodcov, z Európanov jej podĐahne tretina says Lt. Col. Doctor Alexander Machava, who worked as až polovica. Pravda, ak nie sú oþkovaní,“ hovorí pod- a chief doctor for our unit in UNMEE mission up to July plukovník MUDr. Alexander Machava, ktorý bol do 2002. Prior to deploying our unit in a mission, special júla 2002 hlavným lekárom našej jednotky v misii attention is being paid to a medical care our peace- UNMEE. Práve zdravotnej príprave je pred odcho- keepers are provided with. The men are inoculated aga- dom našich vojenských „mierotvorcov“ venovaná inst hepatitis A and B, meningitis and malaria, and re- mimoriadna pozornosĢ. Chlapi sú zaoþkovaní proti vaccinated against poliomyelitis and tetanus. Antibiotics hepatitíde typu A a B, meningitíde i žltej zimnici. against malaria are equally important. Preoþkúvajú ich aj proti detskej obrne a tetanu. “A summer season bringing heavy rains makes vege- Nevyhnutné sú antimalariká. „Po letnom období tation grow and bloom, on the other hand it consequen- dažćov bude síce pár týždĖov všade zeleno, no prile- tly brings swarms of mosquitoes,“ the doctor says. tia aj mraþná komárov,“ predpovedá lekár. Domáci „Locals are hardened against malaria, which presents však znášajú maláriu ako my chrípku, zatiaĐþo našin- no more danger for them than a common flu for covi by mohla ohroziĢ život. „Mimochodom, vlani po a European, whereas it could be ultimately fatal for us.“ období dažćov v 5-tisícovej Adi Quale malo maláriu “Actually, 2.000 out of 5.000 people in Adi Quala dvetisíc Đudí,“ spomenie doktor z Vojenskej leteckej were down with malaria last year following a rainy sea- nemocnice v Košiciach, ktorý bol medzi domorodcami son,“ recalls the doctor from the Military Air Force þastým a vítaným hosĢom. Niet sa þo þudovaĢ. Hospital in Košice, who had many times been most V regióne, ktorý má so strediskovou obcou 30-tisíc welcome when the locals had been in need of medical Đudí, pôsobí len jeden domáci doktor. treatment. And it's no wonder, since there is only one MUDr. Machava vyratúva, že naša misia má okrem local doctor in the region with overall population of najkvalitnejších sér aj dve obrnené zdravotnícke 30.000. vozidlá Tatrapan, terénne sanitky þi špiþkovo vybave- Doctor Machava enumerates the equipment our unit nú pojazdnú zubnú ambulanciu. Tú dokonca vysokí has at disposal – the most effective sera, two armoured dôstojníci z veliteĐstva misie v Asmare uprednostĖujú ambulances Tatrapan, wheeled ambulances or perfectly pred vojenskou nemocnicou medzinárodnej misie, equipped mobile dental surgery, which the Headquarters' ktorú zriadili Jordánci. „Na riešenie afrických zdra- top ranking official even prefer to the mission's military votných rizík sme pripravení. Aj z toho, že nám nikto hospital run by the Jordanians. vážnejšie neochorel, je zrejmé, že sa s nimi vieme “We are well-equipped to treat diseases typical of vysporiadaĢ,“ sebavedome hovorí lekár. Menej opti- African region. No cases of grave illnesses make it obvi- misticky dodáva: „OveĐa horšia je závisĢþi nežiþlivo- ous we are fully capable to cope with the mentioned sĢ po návrate domov, keć sa nemálo Đudí na našich risks,“ the doctor states with satisfaction. He sounds less vojakov z misií ešte stále pozerá, akoby sa vrátili optimistic to add: z dobre platenej exotickej dovolenky.“ “What is much worse, however, is envy we often Pavol VITKO, Život, 7. 0. 2002, krátené. experience after returning home. Unfortunately, there are still many people who see our missions' veterans as if they were back from what was just a well-paid exotic holiday.“ Pavol VITKO, Život, 7th October 2002, abridged.

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UNFICYP – na zelenej línii XII HAPTER

UNFICYP – on the Green Line / C APITOLA K

Mierovú misiu UNFICYP (United Nations Force On 4th March 964 the UN SC unanimously adopted in Cyprus) na Cypre ustanovila BR OSN rezolúciou resolution 86, by which it noted that situation in Cyprus þ.86 zo 4. marca 964 s poslaním zabrániĢ obnoveniu was likely to threaten international peace and security, and bojov medzi cyperskými Grékmi a Turkami a prispieĢ k recommended the creation of UNFICYP (United Nations obnove a udržaniu práva a poriadku na ostrove. Force in Cyprus). Its function was originally defined in the V dôsledku nepriaznivého vývoja BR OSN v roku 974 following terms “...in the interest of preserving internatio- prijala ćalšie rezolúcie rozširujúce mandát síl misie, nal peace and security, to use its best efforts to prevent vrátane dozoru nad zastavením paĐby a udržiavania a recurrence of fighting, and, as necessary, to contribute to nárazníkového pásma medzi znepriatelenými stranami. the maintenance and restoration of law and order and Slovensko na základe verbálnej nóty generálneho a return to normal conditions.“ That mandate, which was tajomníka OSN z marca 200 akceptovalo ponuku na conceived in the context of the confrontation between the úþasĢ v tejto misii. Súhlas s vyslaním 280 vojakov dala Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities in 964, has been vláda SR uznesením þ. 353 z 9. apríla 200 a NR SR uznesením þ. 372 z 0. mája 200. Nasadenie jednot- ky sa uskutoþnilo v troch etapách od 26. mája do 9. júna 200. V misii pôsobí 274 príslušníkov OS SR, priþom 40 dôstojníkov, práporþíkov a poddôstojníkov zastáva funkcie na jej hlavnom veliteĐstve v Nikózii. Misia je rozdelená do troch sektorov. Slovenská jednotka pre- vzala 8. júna velenie v sektore IV na východe ostro- va a stala sa tzv. vedúcim národom (Lead Nation). Pod našim velením pôsobí i . strážna rota maćarskej armády. Na veliteĐstve sektoru IV v Kempe gen. M. R. Šte- fánika vo Famaguste slúži s maćarskými vojakmi 20 slovenských. Vo veliteĐskej rote pôsobí 05 Slo- vákov a zvyšných 2 tvorí 2. strážnu rotu. Ich hlav- nou úlohou je monitoring dodržiavania vojensko-poli- tických dohôd na þiarach zastavenia paĐby v nárazní- kovej zóne medzi tureckou a gréckou stranou, pravi- delné hliadkovanie v tejto zóne, ako aj registrácia a hlásenie všetkých narušení dohôd a vojenských akti- vít v jej blízkosti. Naši vojaci dostali na starosĢ aj údržbu objektov a budovanie inžinierskych sietí pre veliteĐstvo misie v Nikózii. Obsadenie funkcií na veli- teĐstve misie rieši memorandum o porozumení, podĐa ktorého Slováci v rámci rotácie v septembri 2002 pre- vzali funkcie hlavného lekára, hlavného hygienika a asistenta hlavného inžiniera. VeliteĐmi slovenského kontingentu v misii UNFI- CYP boli postupne pplk. Ing. Milan Kováþ, pplk. Ing. Štefan Faix a pplk. Ing. Ivan Hirka.


Slávnosĥ na základni slovensko-maĊarského kontingentu Cyprus je ostrovný štát vo východnej þasti UNFICYP vo Famaguste, pri príležitosti jej premenovania Stredomoria s rozlohou 9 25 km2. Má 750 tisíc obyva- na Camp generála Milana Rastislava Štefánika teĐov, z ktorých je 80 % Grékov, 8 % Turkov a zvyšok Ceremony on the Slovak-Hungarian contingent UNFICYP base tvoria Arméni. Tejto významnej križovatke obchodných in Famagusta on the occasion of having its name changed ciest postupne vládli Chetiti, Feniþania, Gréci, to Camp of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik

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Veliteē slovenského kontingentu UNFICYP pplk. Ivan Hirka (vēavo) s pozorovateēmi na pozícii Ā. 2 nad grécko-cyperským mesteĀkom Troulli The Slovak contingent commander to UNMEE Lt. Col. Ivan Hirka (on the left) with observers in a post No. 2 over a Greek-Cypriot town Troulli

Asýrþania, EgypĢania, Peržania, Rimania, Byzancia, periodically extended by the SC as the continued presence ako aj Arabi, križiaci a Benátska republika. V roku of UNFICYP remained indispensable. In the light of politi- 57 Cyprus zabrali Turci, ale aj za ich nadvlády si cal developments, accompanied by hostilities in 974, the zachoval relatívnu autonómiu a miestna pravoslávna SC adopted a number of resolutions, which have required cirkev sa tešila veĐkým náboženským slobodám. the Force to perform certain additional functions relating, Nezávislú Cyperskú republiku v rámci Britského in particular, to the maintenance of the cease-fire, keeping Spoloþenstva národov vyhlásili 6. mája 960. Hoci the cease-fire lines and the buffer zone under constant sur- však vládu spoloþne tvorili cyperskí Turci i Gréci, veillance. Following the UN Secretary's – General verbal napätie medzi oboma komunitami vyústilo v decembri note in March 200, Slovakia accepted an offer to partici- 963 do ozbrojených zrážok. Vo februári 964 sa pate in the mission. Based on the resolution 353, adopted Cyprom zaþala zaoberaĢ BR OSN a už v marci toho by the Government of the SR on 9th April 200, and the roku rozhodla rozmiestniĢ na ostrove mierové sily. Parliament's resolution 372 of 0th May of the same year, Po obsadení þasti ostrova tureckými jednotkami sa contributing a contingent of 280 soldiers was endorsed. uskutoþnilo množstvo rokovaní o prímerí, ktoré sa de Our troops were deployed in Cyprus within three stages, facto dodržiava od augusta 974. DohĐad nad ním majú starting on 26th May to complete the process on 9th June práve príslušníci misie UNFICYP, kontrolujúci roz- 200. miestnenie cyperskej národnej gardy a tureckých i tu- The Slovak Armed Forces have contributed troops of recko-cyperských vojsk, ako i nárazníkové pásmo total strength of 274, whereas 40 Officers and Non-com- medzi znepriatelenými stranami. Severná þiara zastave- missioned Officers operate at Nicosia Headquarters. The nia paĐby (dlhá 53 km) a južná (približne 63 km) roz- mission operates in 3 sectors. The Slovak unit took over a deĐujú ostrov na dve þasti. Nárazníkové pásmo široké command of Sector IV in the eastern part of the island and od 20 m do 7 km má plochu 0 km2 – asi 3 % územia became a Lead Nation. The Hungarian Armed Forces st ostrova. Surveillance Company serves under our command as well. Ani množstvo rokovaní o zjednotení Cypru v posled- At Sector IV Headquarters in the Camp of Gen. M. R. ných rokoch neprinieslo oþakávané výsledky. Politický Štefánik in Famagusta, 20 Slovak soldiers serve, side by tlak OSN, EÚ, USA, VeĐkej Británie, ako i Grécka side with their Hungarian colleagues. 05 Slovaks opera- a Turecka vyústil v novembri 2002 do tzv. Annanovho te in a commanding company, the rest of 2 serving in plánu, podĐa ktorého by sa na Cypre mal aplikovaĢ tzv. the 2nd Surveillance Company. They are mostly tasked to „Švajþiarsky model politického usporiadania“, zatiaĐ monitor adherence to military-political agreements along- však bez úspechu. Kodanský samit EÚ rozhodol, že ak side the cease-fire lines through a system of observation Cyprus nevyrieši otázky svojho zjednotenia do 28. feb- posts and patrols. These are aimed at detecting and repor-

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ruára 2003, únia sa rozšíri len o jeho južnú – grécku ting any possible violations of the agreements, or poten- þasĢ. Po voĐbách v novembri 2002 Turecko potvrdilo tial military activities in the buffer zone where the troops smerovanie do európskych štruktúr, a tým i podporu of both sides remain in close proximity to each other, zjednocovaciemu procesu na Cypre. which is why the most serious incidents tend to occur Výsledkom sústredeného vojensko-diplomatického there. Our soldiers were equally charged with the task of tlaku bolo obmedzenie výcvikových aktivít oboch maintenance of Nicosia Headquarters' premises and grid. cyperských rivalov. Koncom minulého roka ozbrojené There had been a rotation system introduced to the missi- sily južného Cypru zrušili vojenské cviþenie NIKIFO- on's HQ' staff posts assignments, as stipulated in Me- ROS 02 pod podmienkou, že ozbrojené sily severného morandum on Understanding. In this respect, in Sep- Cypru takisto zrušia vojenské cviþenie TOROS 02. Obe tember 2002 the Slovaks took over the posts of a chief tieto cviþenia bývali v minulosti demonštráciou vojen- doctor, chief hygienic and chief civil engineer's assistant. skej sily v oblasti spolu s kombinovanými pozemnými, The Slovak contingent in UNFICYP served under res- leteckými a námornými aktivitami Grécka i Turecka. pective command of Lt. Col. Ing. Milan Kováþ, Médiá túto skutoþnosĢ oznaþili za úspech diplomacie Lt. Col. Ing. Štefan Faix and Lt. Col. Ing. Ivan Hirka. pri tak potrebnom znižovaní vojenského napätia na „Afroditinom“ ostrove. THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT Pplk. Jozef MICHNICA

Cyprus is an island in the Eastern Mediterranean with Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE: an overall area of 9.25 square km. The total population is 750.000, 80 % of them being the Greeks, 8 % the Turks and the rest is the Armenians. Cyprus, being an important Slovenská premiéra crossroad of trade routes, had been respectively under the rule of the Chetits, Phoenicians, Greeks, Asyrians, Od júna 200 vystriedalo 280 vojakov slovenského Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Byzantium, as well as the kontingentu veliaci rakúsky kontingent AUSCON a slo- Arabs or crusaders or Venice republic. In 57 the Turks vinský SLOCON v misii UNFICYP na Cypre. SR conquered the island, but even under their rule the island 3. marca 200 na základe verbálnej nóty generálneho managed to preserve kind of autonomy and a local tajomníka OSN akceptovala ponuku na pôsobenie Orthodox Church enjoyed a real religious freedom. v tejto misii. Vo štvrtom sektore sa historicky prvýkrát The Republic of Cyprus became an independent State ujala pozície tzv. lead nation – vedúceho národa a zara- on 6th August 960, within the British Commonwealth. dila sa tak k VeĐkej Británii a Argentíne, ktoré majú The Constitution assured the participation of each com- postavenie vedúceho národa v ostatných dvoch sekto- munity in the exercise of the functions of the roch misie. Government, to reflect the ethnic composition of the population. The tension between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots was still on a rise, though, and even- tually it escalated into armed conflicts and an outbreak of a wave of violence in December 963. In February 964 the SC convened and unanimously decided to establish an armed force of the United Nations in Cyprus. Since the events of August 974, when the government of Turkey sent the Turkish Force to the island, series of negotiations on truce were held, which both sides have generally res- pected up to now. But, the continuing quiet should not obscure the fact, that there is only a cease-fire in Cyprus, not peace. It is UNFICYP troops who supervise the cease- fire, inspecting the areas of confrontation and recording deployment of the Cypriot National Guard and Turkish forces on cease-fire lines. The North cease-fire line, 53 km long, and the South cease-fire line, 63 km, divide the island into two parts. The buffer zone, which is from 20 m up to 7 km wide, has a total area of 0 square km, which is about 3 % of the total area of the island. There have been series of negotiations on unification of Cyprus lately, with no favourable results, though. Vydávanie bojového rozkazu pred mapou sektoru misie Political pressure by UN, EU, USA, GB, and even Greece Giving out a combat order in front of a mission's sector's map and Turkey, resulted in so-called Annan's Plan in No- vember 2002, whereby „the Swiss model of political Cesta z medzinárodného letiska v Larnake do arrangement“ should be applied to solve the situation in Famagusty bola pre 5 príslušníkov OS SR, ktorí upro- Cyprus. However, no results have been reached so far. stred septembra prileteli na ostrov vystriedaĢ svojich According to EU Copenhagen Summit resolutions, only predchodcov, dobrodružnou. Mnohí nad pomermi na the southern Greek part of a divided Cyprus will be invi- ostrove iba nechápavo krútili hlavou. ted to join EU unless the island succeeds to come to an Berlin Check Point Charlie je názov bufetu v hlav- agreement on the issues of its unification. Election returns nom meste. Nemožno povedaĢ, že spomienka na stu- in Turkey in 2002 confirmed their ambitions to join the

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denú vojnu nie je v Nikózii na mieste. Za barom þnie European structures, which can be seen a signal that betónová stena žiariaca bielou a modrou farbou (gréc- a solution to the Cyprus problem, in terms of a unification ke farby) a zahradzuje uliþku. Turisti z južnej Nikózie process, is within reach. sa môžu do severnej þasti hlavného mesta pozrieĢ cez What can be taken a positive outcome of a concentra- strieĐne. Oproti je ćalšia stena a za Ėou turecká kavia- ted military-diplomatic pressure, is a decreasing rate of reĖ Evrope. Lenže na to, aby sme sa dostali z bufetu military training activities of both opposing parties in do kaviarne, museli sme okĐukou prejsĢ niekoĐko Cyprus. The armed forces of the southern part did cancel kilometrov. Jediný prechod cez demarkaþnú líniu sa NIKOFOROS 02 exercise at the end of last year on con- totiž nachádza vedĐa nikózijského hotela Ledra dition the northern part armed forces would do the same Palace, v ktorom dnes sídli generálny štáb mierových about their military exercise TOROS 02. These, besides jednotiek OSN – UNFICYP. Tí strážia líniu už od the other combined land, air force and naval exercises, roku 974. Úzky prúžok zeme – zelená línia – rozde- both in Greece and Turkey, used to be considered a mani- Đuje mesto i ostrov. Nepatrí nikomu, ale ak by ste tam festation of force. Mass media called this achievement vstúpili, ktosi na jednej alebo druhej strane by bez a triumph of diplomacy, which should be applied at relie- váhania stlaþil spúšĢ samopalu. V mene svojho náro- ving military tension in the Venus' island. da, boha, slobody, civilizácie a peĖazí. Bez obáv z viny, þi výþitiek svedomia. Zelená hranica v Ni- Lt. Col. Jozef MICHNICA kózii, jedinom rozdelenom hlavnom meste v Európe, nielenže nie je zelená, ale nie je ani hranicou mieru. Aj preto sú tu rozmiestnení príslušníci mierových jed- FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: notiek UNFICYP... Naši vojaci pôsobia na deviatich stálych pozorova- cích stanovištiach. Každé je dôležité, no na pozíciu 2, The Slovak Premiere nachádzajúcu sa na skalnom návrší nad grécko-cyper- In June 200 the Slovak troops of 280 arrived to sub- stitute a commanding Austrian contingent AUSCON and Slovenian contingent SLOCON in UNFICYP mission in Cyprus. On 3th March 200 the Slovak republic accep- ted a verbal note by UN Secretary – General to take part in the mission. It was a historic event when Slovakia took over Lead Nation position in Sector IV, thus joining Great Britain and Argentina, who are Lead Nations in the other two sectors of the mission. A journey from Larnaka international airport to Famagusta would be described as adventurous by the 5 peacekeepers from the Slovak Armed Forces, who in Mid September arrived to relieve their predecessors. Many of them would just shake their heads trying to adapt to the situation and conditions in the island. Berlin Check Point Charlie is a buffet in the capital. One can hardly avoid recalling Cold War times being in Nicosia. Right behind a bar there is a concrete wall pain- ted white and blue, which are the Greek national colours, thus presenting a barrier to the aisle. Tourists from south Nicosia can peep into the northern part of the capital thro- ugh embrasures. There is next wall just opposite, with a Turkish cafeteria Evrope behind. To get there from the buffet we had to cover several kilometers, as the only pas- sage through a demarcation line is situated near Ledra Palace, the capital's hotel, which is to-date UNFICYP Staff Headquarters. The UNFICYP troops have been keeping the line under surveillance since 974. A narrow strip of land – „green line“ – divides the capital and the island at the same time. It is a no man's land, but just dare you cross it and someone, on one side or the other, would immediately pull the trigger of a machine gun. In the name of nation, God, freedom, civilisation and money. No remorse, no guilty conscience. „Green line“ in Nicosia, which is the only divided capital in Europe, is not only far from being green, it's anything but a peace line. That is also why UNFICYP troops are deployed in here... Mimoriadne dôležitú úlohu na Cypre zohráva naša pohotovostná Our soldiers are deployed in nine static observation jednotka, pri príprave a zdokonaēovacom výcviku ktorej sa dbá posts. Each of them is highly protected, but the position na všetko 2, located on a stony hilltop above the Greek-Cypriot Our rapid reaction unit in Cyprus is the one of a great importance, town of Troulli, is extremely difficult to get to. Not even having been thoroughly trained to cope with any situation several permits can get journalists to this area, so we pre-

UNFICYP – na zelenej línii62 UNFICYP – on the Green Line MISIE-3.qxd 5. 5. 2003 12:28 Stránka 63


Slávnostný deę – v slovenskej jednotke sa koná „medal paráda“, oceęovanie jej príslušníkov za vzornú službu The Ceremony Day – a “Medal Parade“ is being held in the Slovak unit to award individual soldiers for a top-level performance

ským mesteþkom Troulli sa len tak každý nedostane. ferred to be accompanied by a commander, Lt. Col. Faix, Do týchto konþín, kde ani vojenským novinárom and Lt. Col. Hirka, in spite of the fact that according to the nestaþí niekoĐko povolení, sme radšej prišli s veliteĐom Troulli's statute, the town is a restricted area for military pplk. Faixom a jeho nasledovníkom pplk. Ivanom personnel. The main civilian activity is farming, but the Hirkom, a to i napriek tomu, že Troulli má štatút, ktorý farmers can only work with official permission and on the umožĖuje prístup do priestoru aj civilom. Na poliach ground demarcated by white barrels. Going down the old však môžu farmári pracovaĢ len s povolením a iba and the new Larnaca road, in a couple of hours we got to v tých priestoroch, ktoré sú ohraniþené bielymi barelmi. the town of Pyla, in the buffer zone, on the very outskirts Po starej a novej larnackej ceste sme sa o pár hodín of a sovereign territory of Great Britain. Titles and names neskôr presunuli do mesteþka Pyla, ležiace v tzv. buffer on the signposts are in Greek, Turkish and English. (nárazníkovej) zóne, tesne na okraji výsostného územia Previously unknown province town has recently become VeĐkej Británie. Názvy na tabuli sú v gréþtine, tureþti- an attractive tourist destination. It might be partly due to ne a angliþtine. Z neznámeho mesteþka sa v posledných the fact the Greeks and Turks live there together, which is rokoch stala vyhĐadávaná turistická atrakcia. Azda aj pretty unusual for this region. preto, že tu spoloþne žijú Turci i Gréci, þo je na tunajšie “At the same time this is also the most troublesome pomery naozajstná anomália. region of our contingent's responsibility sector. The pla- „Je to však najzložitejšia oblasĢ nášho kontingentu. toon monitors an area of 35 square km, which is a really ýata v nároþnom hornatom teréne monitoruje priestor difficult, hilly terrain. What is more, the relations with the s rozlohou 35 km2. Momentálne sa vyostrili vzĢahy Turks on the opposite side to the buffer zone are curren- s Turkami na druhej strane buffer zóny a z toho dôvodu tly becoming increasingly tense, which is why any com- sa zastavila aj akákoĐvek komunikácia s tureckou stra- munication with the Turkish side has come to a halt,“ nou,“ vysvetĐuje veliteĐ kontingentu. explains our troops' commander. Jozef MICHNICA, Obrana þ. 2/2002, krátené Jozef MICHNICA, Obrana No. 2/2002, abridged

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XIII UNTAET / UNMISET – nádej pre Východný Timor HAPTER / C UNTAET / UNMISET APITOLA K – Hope for East Timor

Najćalej zo všetkých – viac ako 5 000 kilometrov Based farthest from home – more than 5.000 km – od domova – pôsobí od júla 200 v rámci mierových is the Slovak contingent serving in UN mission in East misií OSN kontingent príslušníkov Ozbrojených síl SR Timor, in the town of Suai. In extremely tough geographi- vo Východnom Timore v meste Suai. V týchto mimo- cal and climatic conditions with an average temperature riadne nároþných geografických a klimatických pod- of 40 degrees Centigrade, where one can make a better mienkach, kde vyše 40-stupĖové horúþavy nie sú žiad- use of a helicopter than of a car, the Slovak field hospital nou zriedkavosĢou a vrtuĐník sa uplatní viac ako auto, of Role 2, called Field Surgeon Team in local conditions, úspešne pracuje slovenská vojenská poĐná nemocnica performs a real feat. The hospital, situated in the area not druhej úrovne (Role 2) v miestnej terminológii nazývaná bigger than a football playground, with a nearby heliport, zariadenie FST (Field Surgeon Team), þiže poĐný chirur- provides medical care for UNMISET peacekeepers gický tím. Hlavnou úlohou nemocnice, umiestnenej na (United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor), ploche nie väþšej ako futbalové ihrisko, s priĐahlou plo- deployed in Sector West at the border with West Timor. chou pre vrtuĐníky, je poskytovaĢ zdravotnú starostlivosĢ Since the health care in East Timor, where there is mere- príslušníkom mierových síl UNMISET (The United ly one General Practitioner per 50.000 inhabitants, is Nations Mission of Support in East Timor) rozmiestne- heading for disaster, the mission of the Slovak doctors is ných v sektore Západ pri hraniciach so Západným even more important. With concurrence of UN stand, they Timorom. Kećže však situácia v oblasti zdravotnej sta- also provide medical treatment for the local people, often rostlivosti Východotimorþanov v tejto oblasti, kde na dealing with serious and complicated cases.

Heliport pri slovenskej poēnej nemocnici – holandská hliadka priviezla domorodého chlapca ĥažko zraneného maĀetou A heliport at the Slovak Field Hospital – a Dutch patrol has just transported a local boy seriously wounded by a machete UNTAET / UNMISET UNTAET / UNMISET – nádej pre Východný Timor 64 – Hope for East Timor MISIE-3.qxd 5. 5. 2003 12:28 Stránka 65


Slovenskí lekári zaĀínajú operáciu mladého TimorĀana, bez ktorej by pravdepodobne neprežil Slovak doctors preparing for a life-saving operation of a young Timor boy

viac ako 50 000 obyvateĐov pripadá jeden praktický The Slovak Field Surgeon Team facilities include lekár, je doslova katastrofálna, realita poslanie a þinnosĢ Dispensary, Internist dpt., Surgery Ward including Slovákov rozširuje. So súhlasom OSN sa teda slovenskí operating room, General Dental Practice dpt., X-rays, lekári venujú aj vážnym a komlikovaným prípadom laboratory and pharmacy. The hospital also has an miestnych Đudí. intensive care department and 20 beds at disposal. Most V slovenskej vojenskej poĐnej nemocnici je k dispozí- of the equipment and material is supplied from Sweden, cii všeobecná, interná, chirurgická a zubná ambulancia, the rest, especially car park, has been provided in RTG pracovisko, laboratórium a lekáreĖ. Ćalej má toto Slovakia. neveĐké ale efektívne zariadenie operaþnú sálu, oddelenie As far as facts and figures, since August 200 up to intenzívne starostlivosti a lôžkovú þasĢ s kapacitou December 2002 7.354 patients were provided medical 20 hospitalizovaných pacientov. Väþšina zdravotníckeho treatment in our field hospital, 5.847 of them being UN vybavenia a materiálu je švédskeho pôvodu. ýasĢ techni- personnel and .057 the locals. They hospitalised ky, najmä automobilovej, však bola zabezpeþená na 380 patients, operated 58 patients on critical compli- Slovensku. cations, whereas surgical interventions even count to Personál nemocnice od augusta 200 do konca decem- more than 900. The Slovaks were there to help at more bra 2002 ošetril 7 354 pacientov, z toho 5 847 vojakov than 40 occasions of childbirth, 29 out of them OSN a  057 miestnych obyvateĐov. Na lôžko prijali 380 Caesarian deliveries. .275 patients were in need of pacientov, vykonali 58 veĐkých chirurgických operácií a dental check, and 4.047 persons had their laboratory a vyše 900 chirurgických zákrokov. Slováci uskutoþnili aj tests done. 40 pôrodov, z toho 29 cisárskym rezom. Ošetrenie zubov Currently, in a final stage of deployment, strength of potrebovalo  275 pacientov a laboratórne vyšetrenia the Slovak Armed Forces personnel working in the 4 047 osôb. field hospital is 38, ten of them doctors, fifteen nurses V závereþnej etape nasadenia pracuje v poĐnej ne- and laboratory personnel, and thirteen people provi- mocnici 38 príslušníkov OS SR, z toho 0 lekárov, ding logistic support. The personnel of the Slovak 5 zdravotných sestier a laborantov a 3 osôb v oblasti field hospital served under command of Col. MUDr. logistickej podpory. Prvým riaditeĐom nemocnice bol Peter Daxner, PhD. (4 July 200 – 8 Jan. 2002), who plk. MUDr. Peter Daxner, PhD. (4. 7. 200 – 8. . 2002), was relieved by Col. MUDr. Karol Gutléber (8 Jan. po ktorom prišiel plk. MUDr. Karol Gutléber (8. . 2002 2002 – 7 Jan. 2003). Currently, Col. Mgr. Ladislav – 7. . 2003). Posledným riaditeĐom je plk. Mgr. La- Molnár has taken over the command (7 Jan. 2003 – dislav Molnár (7. . 2003 – 30. 6. 2003). 30 June 2003). UNTAET / UNMISET UNTAET / UNMISET – nádej pre Východný Timor 65 – Hope for East Timor MISIE-3.qxd 5. 5. 2003 12:28 Stránka 66


Pri podozrení na maláriu je nevyhnutný odber testovacej vzorky krvi Suspecting malaria blood samples must be taken, tested and evaluated


Východný Timor s 940 000 obyvateĐmi je najmladší East Timor with its 940.000 inhabitants is the nezávislý štát na svete (od 20. mája 2002) a þlen OSN youngest independent state in the world (as declared on (8. v poradí od 27. septembra 2002). Nachádza sa na 20th May 2002) and UN member (since 27th September ostrove Timor, ktorý je najvýchodnejšie ležiacim ostro- 2002, being the 8st in sequence). It is situated on vom súostrovia Malé Sundy, tiahnúceho sa od Sumatry island of Timor, the very east part of archipelago Selat k severnému okraju Austrálie. Leží v tropickej oblasti Sunda, stretching from Sumatra to the northern part of deväĢ stupĖov pod rovníkom. Do medzinárodnej agendy Australia. It is located in tropics, on the 9th parallel of sa dostal v 60. rokoch ako zámorské územie Portugalska. latitude below the Equator. It became a part of interna- V roku 976 ho vojenskou intervenciou k svojmu územiu tional agenda in the sixties as Portugal's transoceanic priþlenila Indonézia. Za vyše 20 rokov nadvlády Jakarty territory. In 976 it was by military intervention zahynulo viac ako 200 000 jeho obyvateĐov. Masakry sa annexed to Indonesia and during the 20 years of zaþali stupĖovaĢ na jeseĖ999, keć v referende vyhrali Jakarta's rule more than 200.000 of its inhabitants died. zástancovia samostatnosti nad indonézskymi autonomis- Massacres culminated in autumn 999, when referen- tami. Zasiahli medzinárodné sily INTERFET (The dum results proved that majority of population pre- International Force for East Timor) pod vedením ferred independence to autonomy supported by Austrálie. Tie sa transformovali neskôr do prechodnej Indonesia. Then INTERFET (The International Force správy OSN UNTAET (The United Nations Transitional for East Timor) under Australia authority had to inter- Administration in East Timor) a po vyhlásení samostat- vene, to be later transformed into UNTAET mission nosti krajiny na misiu UNMISET. Jej cieĐom je pomáhaĢ (The United Nations Transitional Administration in stabilizovaĢ východotimorskú administratívu, budovaĢ East Timor) and eventually, after declaration of inde- systém súdnictva a prispievaĢ k vnútornej a vonkajšej pendence, the mission was transformed to UNMISET. stabilite krajiny. K 30. júnu 2002 tvorilo UNMISET The mission's primary goal is to stabilise the East Timor 9 vojenských pozorovateĐov, 4 789 vojakov a 939 prí- administration, establish jurisdiction and enhance the slušníkov polície s podporou 63 civilistov zo zahraniþia internal and external stability of the country. As far as a 660 miestnych zamestnancov. Do misie prispelo celko- the figures of 30th June 2002, in UNMISET served vo 46 krajín, do vojenskej þasti 29 štátov. 9 military observers, 4.789 soldiers and a police per- sonnel of 939, supported by civilian personnel from Mgr. Roman KMENT abroad of 63 and 660 local inhabitants. All in all, UNTAET / UNMISET UNTAET / UNMISET – nádej pre Východný Timor 66 – Hope for East Timor MISIE-3.qxd 5. 5. 2003 12:28 Stránka 67



Najmladší chudobní sveta Až škripot bĚzd umlþí v džípe hudbu Jeana-Michela Jarého. Domorodci vyzbrojení maþetami a sekerami a spílený strom na ceste neveštia niþ dobré. V Đavotoþivej zákrute pri stúpaní do kopca musíme zastaviĢ. Na jednej strane je hustý buš, na druhej hlboký zráz, ideálna gerilo- vá pasca. Sekundy, po ktorých prichádza hovorca Východo- timorþanov, trvajú celé hodiny. ýo môžu chcieĢ od vozid- la OSN? „Pustíme vás ćalej, len ak nám dáte po dva dolá- re na osobu,“ láme angliþtinu ufúĐaný výrastok. VeliteĐ slovenskej poĐnej nemocnice Karol Gutléber sa nezdrží: „Dobre som poþul? A to preþo?“ Asi dvanásĢroþný chla- pec všetkých ohúri: „Lebo máte perfektné drahé auto, dva doláre sú pre vás niþím, a my sme chudobní.“ Prisilná káva pre þloveka so znakom þerveného kríža Cennou súĀasĥou našej poēnej nemocnice je aj RTG pracovisko na maskáþoch, ktorý nehĐadí, þi je deĖ, noc, piatok alebo Our field hospital is equipped with X-rays department sviatok, keć pomáha domorodcom so zdravotnými Ģaž- kosĢami. „Tak to teda nie!“ zahrmel veliteĐ. „My každý mesiac ošetríme desiatky vašich Đudí zadarmo, a vy od 46 countries contributed to the mission, 29 out of them nás chcete peniaze? Odpracte ten strom!“ Ten o chvíĐu contributed in military terms. zmizne z cesty. Vyprevádzajú nás len zamraþené tváre. Taký je však najmladší štát sveta. Eufória z príchodu mie- Mgr. Roman KMENT rotvorcov, ktorí zastavili besnenie indonézskej armády a milície, pominula. Roman KMENT, Týždenník Formát þ. 9/2003, krátené FROM THE PERIOD PRESS:

The youngest beggars in the world The music by Jean-Michel Jaré played in the jeep is suddenly interrupted by the screech of brakes. The locals holding machetes and axes, a tree cut down and lying across the track – it is not a good sign. Driving up the hill into a left-hand bend we are forced to stop. A deep bush on one side and a steep precipice on the other make it an ideal guerilla trap. The seconds until a spokesman of the locals appears seem to be hours. What can their ends be to stop a UN vehicle? “We will let you pass if you pay us 2 dollars each,“ says a dirty youth in a broken English. A commander of the Slovak field hospital Karol Gutleber has lost his temper: “I'I must have misheard! And what for, if I may ask you?“ Hearing what the twelve – year – old says in reply, we were stunned dumb: “'cos you have a perfect and expensive car, two dollars means nothing for you, and we are poor.“ That was far too much for a man with a sign of Red Cross on his camouflage uniform, who does not hesitate to give a helping hand to the locals in need of medical treatment, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. “Forget it, young man!“ the commander yells in a thundering voice. “Every month we treat several tens of your people free, and you have a nerve to make us pay you for nothing? Get the tree out of the way – now!“ The road is free in a wink. What we see, leaving, is the Október 2002 – veliteē PKF (Peacekeeping Force) genmjr. Tan Huck Gim zo Singapuru vyznamenáva príslušníkov frowned faces all around. That is the youngest state in the slovenskej poēnej nemocnice world. Euphoria, the first peacekeepers were greeted with October 2002 – Peacekeeping Force Commander when they arrived to put an end to atrocities by the Maj. Gen. Tan Huck Gim from Singapore decorates those Indonesian army and militia, has faded away. serving in the Slovak Field Hospital Roman KMENT, Weekly Magazine Formát No. 9/2003, abridged UNTAET / UNMISET UNTAET / UNMISET – nádej pre Východný Timor 67 – Hope for East Timor MISIE-3-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:20 Stránka 68

XIV Trvalá sloboda v Afganistane HAPTER

/ C Endurance Freedom in Afghanistan APITOLA K

Operácia Trvalá sloboda (Endurance Freedom) má The operation Endurance Freedom is aimed at za cieĐ napomôcĢ obnove mierového života v desaĢroþia rebuilding a lasting peace in Afghanistan, for decades vojnami sužovanom Afganistane a zároveĖ eliminovaĢ afflicted by wars, just as eliminating activities of terrorist pôsobenie teroristických organizácií z tejto þasti sveta organisations operating from this region and destroying a zniþiĢ ich základne v mestách i v odĐahlých mohutných their footing in the cities and remote mountain massifs. horstvách. The possible Slovak involvement in the operation O participácii Slovenska na operácii Trvalá Sloboda Endurance Freedom was for the first time mentioned on po boku USA a ćalších krajín protiteroristickej koalície the occasion of our President Rudolf Schuster's official hovoril prvý raz prezident SR Rudolf Schuster s prezi- visit to Washington, during the talks with the US dentom USA Georgeom Bushom na jar v roku 2002 President George Bush in spring 2002. Deploying our poþas svojej návštevy vo Washingtone. Vyslanie sloven- contingent of 50 engineers and airfield maintenance spe- ských vojakov našlo podporu i v slovenskej vláde a par- cialists in Afghanistan was endorsed by the Government lamente. of the SR as well as by the Parliament. Prvá þasĢ z pol stovky slovenských ženistov a špecia- The first part of our contingent flew to Afghanistan on listov na údržbu a obnovu letísk odletela do Afganistanu 9th August 2002. Basically, they are tasked with reco- 9. augusta 2002. Hlavnou úlohou našich vojakov je very of an airfield near the town of Bagram. Repairing obnova letiska pri meste Bagram. Na rekonštrukcii a opä- and reconstructing runways and landing fields they co- tovnom vybudovaní vzletových a pristávacích plôch sa operate with the American and Italian troops. The Slovak priamo podieĐajú spolu s americkými a talianskymi camp is a part to an international military base, situated vojakmi. Slovenský tábor je súþasĢou medzinárodnej close to the airfield. Our specialists, to a great extent, use vojenskej základne, ktorá leží priamo pri letisku. Vojaci solely equipment they had brought with from Slovakia. našich ozbrojených síl až na malé výnimky pracujú They have even built up cement-works within the base. s technikou, ktorú si priviezli z vlasti. V areáli základne si The Slovak Republic engagement in the operation vybudovali aj vlastnú betonáreĖ. Endurance Freedom is of the greatest significance in Naša úþasĢ v operácii Trvalá sloboda má pre terms of our international acceptance and political-mili- Slovenskú republiku mimoriadny význam z hĐadiska jej tary reputation with respect to a fight against terrorism. medzinárodnej akceptácie a politicko-bezpeþnostnej pre- The mandate of the unit deployed in Afghanistan for half stíže v rámci boja proti terorizmu. Jednotke, pôvodne vyslanej do Afganistanu na šesĢ mesiacov, bolo jej nasa- denie na tomto území predĎžené o ćalšieho pol roka. Náklady na prvý polrok sa pred vyslaním odhadovali na 80 až 00 miliónov korún. VeliteĐom slovenskej jednotky v operácii Trvalá slobo- da je od jej vyslania pplk. Ing. Ján Durmis.


Afganistan má približne 22 miliónov obyvateĐov. Najviac z nich je Paštúnov (45 %), ktorí sa živia pre- važne pastierstvom, a Tadžikov (25 %) – tí sú zasa väþšinou roĐníci. K ćalším významnejším etnikám pat- ria Hazári, Turkméni a Uzbeci. Hlavným mestom kraji- ny je Kábul. Rozloha Afganistanu je 647 497 km2. Hraniþí s Pakis- tanom, Iránom, Turkménskom, Tadžikistanom, Uzbe- kistanom a krátke hranice má aj s Indiou a ýínou. Jeho územie je veĐmi þlenité, priþom tretina leží v nadmor- skej výške medzi  800 až 3 000 m. Okrem týchto str- August 2002 – prílet slovenského kontingentu na letisko mých a takmer odlesnených pohorí sú tu však aj roz- v afganskom Kábule siahle oblasti majúce charakter polopúští a stepí. Lesy August 2002 – the Slovak contingent has just landed pokrývajú len 3 percentá krajiny, ornej pôdy je približne in an airport in Kabul in Afghanistan

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Prvé stretnutie našich s americkými vojakmi na základni v Bagrame Our soldiers meeting their American counterparts for the first time on a base in Bagram

2 percent. Podnebie je veĐmi suché so znaþnými výkyv- a year was extended for the next 6 months. The total mi teplôt. Pre letá sú charakteristické silné monzúnové expenditures for a period of the 6 months were, prior vetry víriace veĐké množstvo prachu. deployment, estimated at 80 – 00 million SKK. Priemysel, ktorý poþas dlhotrvajúcich vojen Our unit has since its deployment in the operation v posledných dvoch desaĢroþiach takmer zanikol, sa served under command of Lt. Col. Ing. Ján Durmis. orientoval najmä na Ģažbu zemného plynu, ropy a ne- rastov. Železniþná doprava okrem jednej 5,5 km dlhej trate neexistuje. Obyvatelia sa živia predovšetkým cho- THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT vom oviec, kôz, koní, tiav a oslov. V úrodnejších oblas- tiach pestujú najmä obilniny, zemiaky, bavlník a olejna- té rastliny. Rozšírené je, žiaĐ, i pestovanie maku na The population of Afghanistan is approximately 22 mil- výrobu ópia. Roþný príjem na osobu sa pohybuje okolo lion, most of them are Pushtun (45 %), who are predomi- 200 USD. nantly shepherds and Tajik (25 %) – mostly the peasants. Územie dnešného Afganistanu ovládol vo 4. storoþí To mention the other ethnic groups represented in the coun- pred našim letopoþtom Alexander VeĐký. Neskôr tu try – they are Uzbek, Turkoman and Hazara. Kabul is the panovali Heléni, Arabi, Indovia, turecké kmene a Mon- capital. The overall area of the country is 647.497 square goli. Samostatný afgánsky štátny útvar založil v roku km. It borders with Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, 747 chán Ahmed. V 9. storoþí v troch vojnách bojo- Uzbekistan and there is a short borderline with India and vala o nadvládu nad krajinou VeĐká Británia. V roku China. Its territory is pretty rough, one third situated in the 99 boli Briti porazení a Afganistan vyhlásil nezávis- level of .800 – 3.000 m a.s.l. Besides steep and bare moun- losĢ vo forme monarchie. Po desaĢroþiach relatívnej sta- tains there are vast territories reminding of arid areas and bility v roku 973 monarchiu vystriedala republika. steppes. Woods and forests can only be found in 3 % of the Ćalším prevratom v roku 978 sa s pomocou Moskvy overall territory and an arable soil represents merely 2 %. dostali k moci komunisti, ktorí sa potom v trvalých bo- Climate is extremely dry with considerable swings of tem- joch sústavne potýkali s islamistami. perature. Summers are typical of strong monsoons with Intervencia ZSSR sa zaþala v decembri 979. mighty whirlwinds of dust. Okupaþná armáda však narážala na þoraz silnejší odpor, Industry had been linked with gas, oil and mineral ktorý podporoval Západ najmä prostredníctvom Pa- resources in the past, but due to continuous wars in the last kistanu. V roku 989 sa Sovieti stiahli a v roku 992 two decades it completely deteriorated. There is no railway

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transport in the country, except for one 5.5 km – long rail- way track. The inhabitants breed sheep, goats, horses, camels and mules. In a more fertile land they grow crops, potatoes, cotton and oleaginous plants. It is necessary to point out, however, they also grow poppy to produce opium. An average annual income per person is about 200 USD. The territory of present Afghanistan was conquered by Alexander the Great in 4th century BC. Later, it used to be under the rule of Hellenes, Arabs, Indians, Turkish tribes, and Mongols. Khan Ahmed established it as an independent state in 747 for the first time. Throughout 9th century it was Great Britain that fought for their territorial supremacy. The British were defeated in 99, though, and consequent- ly Afghanistan declared its independence as a sovereign monarchy. After decades of relative stability it was trans- formed into a republic establishment. After a coup d'état in 978, supported by Moscow, the communists seized the rule over the country and a period of continuous encounters with Islam started. The USSR intervention started in December 979. The occupation forces were faced with a strong resistance move- ment, supported by West through Pakistan. In 989 the Soviets withdrew, which, as a consequence, made the pro – Soviet Afghanistan Government decline. A new state establishment was based on a radical Islam. In the late nineties of the last century, an extremist movement Taliban spread to 95 % of the country's territory. However, the Taliban government was legally acknowledged only by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Arabic Emirates. World alleged Afghanistan of supporting international terrorism. The American missiles struck selected targets in the country in 998, after terrorist attacks against US Embassies in Kenya and Tansania, which were supposed to be prepared and led by Saudi Arabian terrorist Usama bin Ladin, Veliteē Slovákov pplk. Ján Durmis a jeho americký partner pri kontrole privezených stavebných strojov who had made Afghanistan his operation base. Situation in the country is being stabilised by operation The Slovak commander Lt. Col. Ján Durmis and Endurance Freedom under USA auspices, which was his American colleague checking latest acquisitions of machinery and equipment launched as a reaction at terrorist attacks of th September 200 against US. Mgr. Pavol VITKO padla i prosovietska afgánska vláda. Nové štátne zria- denie bolo postavené na radikálnom ponímaní islamu. FROM THE PERIOD PRESS: Koncom 90. rokov minulého storoþia sa až 95 % úze- mia krajiny zmocnilo extrémistické hnutie Taliban. Jeho vládu však uznali len Saudská Arábia, Pakistan Dust and combat readiness a Spojené arabské emiráty. Svet Afganistan obviĖoval z podpory medzinárodného terorizmu. Vybrané ciele Right after arrival, our soldiers started building up v krajine sa stali terþom amerických rakiet už v roku a camp. At this time of a year it is more than 30 degrees 998 po teroristických útokoch na ambasády USA v Keni a Tanzánii, kećže za nimi stál pôvodom saud- skoarabský terorista Usama bin Ládin, využívajúci Afganistan ako svoju základĖu. V rámci operácie Trvalá sloboda, ktorá bola reakciou na teroristické útoky proti USA . septembra 200, situáciu v krajine stabilizujú sily medzinárodnej koalície pod vedením USA.

Mgr. Pavol VITKO


Prach a pripravenosĢ Stanové prístrešky pre sklady sa budovali na vrstve prachu a piesku, pod ktorou bola ako kameę stvrdnutá zem Po príchode do Afganistanu zaþali naši vojaci s výs- Tent shelters for storing purposes were built on a sand tavbou tábora. V Bagrame je v súþasnosti vyše 30 stupĖov and dust layer covering ground as hard as a stone

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Krátka pracovná porada amerických, talianskych a slovenských ženistov, spoloĀne opravujúcich letisko v Bagrame A workshop of the American, Italian and Slovak engineers working side by side at a Bagram airport reconstruction

Celzia, ale podveþer fúkajú veĐmi silné a prašné vetry. Centigrade in Bagram, but in the late afternoon mighty Nepršalo tu už od mája, takže je mimoriadne sucho. winds start to blow and make whirlwinds of dust rise. V tejto þasti sveta je to však obvyklé. It hasn't rained there since May, so it is extremely dry Naši vojaci pôsobia v Bagrame v rámci Spoloþného there. In this part of a world it is nothing unusual. zmiešaného taktického zoskupenia (CJTF – Combined Our soldiers serve within CJTF (Combined Joint Task Joint Task Force) pod vedením Ameriþanov. V Kábule Force) under American command. International Safety pôsobiacim Medzinárodným bezpeþnostným silám Afghanistan Force (ISAF) operates in Kabul under (ISAF – International Safety Afghanistan Force) velia Turkish command. On an international press conference zasa Turci. Na tlaþovej besede 23. augusta dôstojník pre of 23rd August a liaison officer of Bagram base charac- styk s verejnosĢou bagramskej základne pred zástupca- terised the situation as a stabile. He publicised figures mi svetovej tlaþe oznaþil situáciu za stabilizovanú. referring to numbers of confiscated weapons and ammu- Uviedol poþty zabavených zbraní a munície a oznámil, nition and announced the next Taliban documents had že sa našli ćalšie dokumenty Talibanu. Medzi úþastník- been discovered. He greeted the Slovak unit joining the mi operácie Trvalá sloboda veĐmi ústretovo privítal slo- operation Endurance Freedom. The Slovaks were in the venskú jednotku. O Slovákov sa živo zaujímala aj edi- spotlight of the daily Freedom Watch editor's attention. torka denníka Freedom Watch, ktorý vychádza na The newspaper is published at the Bagram base and dis- bagramskej základni pre úþastníkov operácie Trvalá slo- tributed to peacekeepers in Endurance Freedom operation boda v celom Afganistane. V najbližších dĖoch ich chce in the whole country. The upcoming issues will thus pre- predstaviĢ na stránkach svojho periodika. Denník moni- sent our unit. The daily newspaper monitoring everyday torujúci bežný život mnohonárodných síl je i na interne- life and tasks of international force can be surfed on te na adrese: Internet at www.centcom.mil/CJTF%20180/CJTF180.htm. www.centcom.mil/CJTF%20180/CJTF180.htm.

Slovenská jednotka bude hlásiĢ operaþnú pohotovosĢ The Slovak unit will be ready to start performing ope- v prvej septembrovej dekáde. rational tasks in the first decade of October. Pavol VITKO, Obrana þ. 8/2002 Pavol VITKO, Obrana No.8/2002

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XV Slováci v pozorovateĐských

HAPTER a kontrolných misiách / C The Slovaks in Observer APITOLA K and Control Missions


Slovenskí vojaci sa ako pozorovatelia zúþastĖovali na The Slovaks would take part in missions, acting as mili- misiách ešte v rámci federálnej þesko-slovenskej armády. tary observers, even within the Federal Czechoslovak Prvou bola misia UNTAG (United Nations Transition Armed Forces. The first one in sequence was UNTAG Assistance Group), v ktorej už v roku 990 pôsobili dvaja mission (United Nations Transition Assistance Group), slovenskí pozorovatelia v þesko-slovenskom kontingente where two Slovak observers performed their tasks within na území Namíbie. a Czechoslovak contingent in Namibia as early as in 990. Misia UNAVEM I (United Nations Angola Verifi- UNAVEM I mission (United Nations Angola cation Mission) pôsobila v Angole a jej vzniku predchá- Verification Mission) was established by provisions of an dzala dohoda z decembra 988, podpísaná v New Yorku agreement of December 988, signed by Angola, Cuba and zástupcami Angoly, Kuby a Juhoafrickej republiky. South Africa representatives in New York, according to Jedným z jej bodov bolo aj urovnanie situácie v Angole, which the mission's primary goal was to settle an internal kde zúrila obþianska vojna. Úlohou misie bola kontrola situation in Angola, afflicted by civil war. The mission was

Vojenský lekár pplk. Alexander Machava (v hornom rade prvý sprava) pôsobil zaĀiatkom poslednej dekády minulého storoĀia v misii UNGCI v Iraku a o desaĥ rokov neskôr v misii UNMEE v Eritrei. Dnes odovzdáva svoje skúsenosti kolegom vo Vojenskej leteckej nemocnici v Košiciach Lt. Col. Alexander Machava (the first one on the right in the upper row) worked as a doctor in UNGCI mission in Iraq in the beginning of the nineties of the 20th century, and ten years later he took part in UNMEE mission in Eritrea. To-date he shares his experience with his colleagues in a Military Air-Force Hospital in Košice Slováci v pozorovateēských The Slovaks in Observer a kontrolných misiách 72 and Control Missions MISIE-3-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:20 Stránka 73


dodržiavania dohody o prímerí medzi vládou a povstalec- kým hnutím UNITA, ktoré však v roku 992 neprijalo návrh na konanie všeobecných volieb a pokraþovalo v bojoch. Za veĐmi nebezpeþnej situácie v decembri 992 do Angoly (už do misie UNAVEM II) prišlo 4 sloven- ských dôstojníkov. Hoci ešte existovala ýSFR, výluþne Slovákov vybrali preto, že po oþakávanom rozdelení federácie malo úþasĢ v misii prevziaĢ Slovensko. Vláda SR uznesením þ. 53 z . marca 993 a NR SR uznese- ním þ. 60 z 8. marca 993 vyslovili s vysielaním vyþle- nených príslušníkov Armády SR do Angoly súhlas. Do roku 1998 v misiách UNAVEM II a III pôsobilo cel- kom 37 slovenských dôstojníkov a ćalší sa zapojili do nasledujúcej pozorovateĐskej misie MONUA, ktorá vznikla v júli 1997. Dvaja príslušníci Armády SR boli v roku 993 þlenmi pozorovateĐskej misie UNOSOM I (United Nations Operation in Somalia) v Somálsku. K ich povinnostiam patrila kontrola dodržiavania prímeria medzi ozbrojenými frakciami a pomoc humanitárnym organizáciám. Desiati príslušníci Armády SR sa v rokoch 993 – 994 zúþastnili na misii UNOMIL (United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia) v Libérii. Kontrolovali tam zachová- vanie prímeria a dohôd medzi znepriatelenými stranami, proces odzbrojovania a dodržiavanie Đudských práv. Piati príslušníci Armády SR sa v rokoch 993 – 994 podieĐali na misii UNOMUR (United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda) v Ugande a Rwande. Ćalší siedmi slovenskí vojaci boli v roku 994 pozorovateĐmi v misii UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda) v Rwande. Ich hlavnou úlohou bola kontrola dodržiavania prímeria a hraníc, ako aj dohĐad nad pre- sunmi jednotiek a nákladov zbraní. V auguste 999 Slovensko vyslalo dvoch pozorova- Pplk. Jozef Kotlár (vēavo) bol v roku 995 pozorovateēom v misii teĐov do misie UNAMSIL (United Nations Mission in UNAVEM v Angole. Na fotografii je s ruským pilotom vrtuēníka Sierra Leone) v Sierra Leone s úlohami kontrolovaĢ plne- pred odletom z dediny, ktorú napadli povstalci z hnutia UNITA nie dohody medzi vládou a povstaleckým Spoloþným Lt. Col. Jozef Kotlár (on the left) acted as military observer revoluþným frontom, ako aj dodržiavanie Đudských práv in UNAVEM mission in Angola in 995. In the photo with a prácu miestnej polície. a Russian helicopter pilot right before taking off after UNITA rebels had attacked the village

MISIE OSN aimed at supervising cease-fire agreement between the NA BLÍZKOM A STREDNOM VÝCHODE Government and a rebel movement UNITA. The latter, however, did not accept a proposal to hold General OS SR sa od augusta 998 podieĐajú dvoma pozorova- Election in 992 and carried on fighting. In December teĐmi na misii UNTSO (United Nations Truce 992, when a situation in the country had become really Supervision Organization) na Blízkom východe v Sýrii heated and perilous, fourteen Slovak officers arrived in a Libanone. Ich úlohou je kontrolovaĢ prímerie v súlade Angola to join UNAVEM II mission. Although at the times s mierovou dohodou o Blízkom východe z roku 974. they officially were subject to the Czechoslovak Armed Dvanásti slovenskí dôstojníci sa už v rokoch 992 – forces, a unilateral Slovak unit was selected for the mission 993 zúþastnili i na misii UNGCI (United Nations Guard as Slovakia was supposed to take over a participation after Contingent in Iraq) v Iraku. SR sa do tejto misie zapojila anticipated splitting of Federation. The Government of SR, opäĢ v roku 2000. Odvtedy do roku 2003, kedy sme našu by its resolution 53 of st March 993, as well as the þinnosĢ v tejto misii ukonþili, sa v nej vystriedalo 9 prí- Parliament by its resolution 60 of 8th March 993, both slušníkov OS SR. Ich úlohou bola kontrola plnenia doho- endorsed deployment of the Slovak troops in Angola. By dy medzi OSN a vládou Iraku o ochrane pracovníkov 998, in UNAVEM II and UNAVEM III altogether humanitárnych organizácií a dohĐad nad bezpeþnosĢou 37 Slovak officers took part. Kurdov a Šiítov. Two officers of the Slovak Armed Forces acted as mili- tary observers in Somalia in 993 in an observer mission UNOSOM I (United Nations operation in Somalia). Their MISIE OBSE tasks included supervision over cessation of hostilities between the armed fractions and humanitarian assistance. Výber do misií OBSE má isté špecifiká. Napríklad In 993 – 994 the Slovak Armed Forces' contingent of v tom, že jednotlivé krajiny v nich nemajú zaruþenú úþasĢ, 0 participated in UNOMIL mission in Liberia (United organizácia robí prísny výber zo žiadateĐov pochádzajú- Nations Observer Mission in Liberia), whose activities were cich z þlenských krajín podĐa ich schopností a skúseností. focused on monitoring and supervision of cease-fire condi- Slováci v pozorovateēských The Slovaks in Observer a kontrolných misiách 73 and Control Missions MISIE-3-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:20 Stránka 74


tions and adherence to agreements agreed on between the opposing parties, disarmament and an observance of human right. Five Slovak soldiers took part in UNOMUR mission in Uganda and Rwanda (United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda) in 993 – 994, the other seven acted as observers in UNAMIR mission in Rwanda (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda) in 994. They were tasked with supervising a truce, surveillance of the borderline, and they convoyed transportation of personnel, as well as weapons and ammunition cargoes. In August 999 Slovakia stationed two observers in UNAMSIL mission in Sierra Leone (United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone) to keep adherence to agreements between the Government and the rebel's Guerilla Front under constant surveillance and supervise an observance of human rights and the local police force actions.

Mjr. Igor Šajtlava po absolvovaní mierovej misie UNPROFOR slúžil i v pozorovateēských misiách v Angole, Kosove UN MISSIONS IN THE NEAR EAST a Sierra Leone. Dnes už ako dôstojník v zálohe AND THE MIDDLE EAST je primátorom mesta Kežmarok Maj. Igor Šajtlava had taken part in UNPROFOR mission, The Armed Forces of the Slovak republic have con- observer mission in Angola, Kosovo or Sierra Leone. To-date, tributed two observers to UNTSO mission (United as a retired officer, he works as a Mayor of the town of Kežmarok Nations Truce Supervision Organisation) in the Near East region, Syria and Lebanon. Since August 998, in accor- V rokoch 999 – 200 na základe rozhodnutí vlády SR dance with a Peace Agreement on the Near East of 974, a NR SR sa šiesti príslušníci Armády SR zúþastnili na they have supervised truce in the region. verifikaþnej misii OBSE v Kosove KVM (Kosovo Twelve Slovak officers took part in UNGCI mission in Verification Mission), ktorej úlohou bolo overovaĢ plne- Iraq (United Nations Guard Contingent) in 992 – 993. nie rezolúcie BR OSN þ. 99 s dôrazom na kontrolu The Slovak republic renewed its engagement in the mis- dodržiavanie Đudských práv po stiahnutí sa ozbrojených sion in 2000 again. From then, up to 2003, when our con- síl Juhoslovanskej zväzovej republiky z tejto juhosrbskej tingent's mandate expired, altogether 9 Slovak officers provincie. participated in accomplishing the mission's goals by SR bola od roku 998 do roku 2002 zastúpená vždy supervision over an agreement between UN and the Iraqi jedným dôstojníkom v misii OBSE v Moldavsku. Ako Government on protection of humanitarian organisations' þlen štábu misie kontroloval plnenie mierových dohôd, personnel and supervising the measures aimed at protec- pomáhal vytváraĢ podmienky na politické vyriešenie tion of the Kurds and Shi'ites. konfliktu a vykonával dohĐad nad sĢahovaním ruských vojsk z územia tohto štátu. Za uvedený þas sa v tejto misii vystriedalo päĢ príslušníkov OS SR. OSCE OPERATIONS Od roku 2000 sa OS SR prostredníctvom jedného dôs- tojníka zúþastĖujú i na plnení úloh misie OBSE OSCE operations are very specific, e. g. with respect to v Gruzínsku. Jej úlohou je napomáhaĢ vytváraniu podmie- a fact that particular country's participation is not guaran- nok na uzavretie politickej dohody medzi konfliktnými stra- teed, which means OSCE applies stringent criteria on nami, kontrolovaĢ dodržiavanie prímeria, podporovaĢ a selection process to a mission, in terms of capabilities, demokratické inštitúcie a sledovaĢ dodržiavanie Đudských skills and experience of individual applicants from its práv. member countries. In 999 – 200, based on the Government and Parliament's resolutions, six officers of the Slovak Armed MISIA EÚ Forces joined an OSCE verification mission in Kosovo KVM (Kosovo Verification mission). This was aimed at SR okamžite po svojom vzniku prejavila záujem aktív- supervision of adherence to UN SC resolution 99 on ne sa zúþastĖovaĢ na riešení problémov v monitorovacej respect for, and observance of human rights, following the misii EÚ ECMM (European Community Monitor Yugoslav People's Army's withdrawal from this South- Mission) na území bývalej Juhoslávie. Svoju þinnosĢ Serb province. v nej zaþala . januára 993 ako nástupca bývalej ýSFR. From 998 up to 2002 Slovakia would always station Misiu, na þinnosti ktorej participujeme doteraz, v decem- one officer in an OSCE mission in Moldavia. As a mis- bri 2000 premenovali na EUMM (European Union sion's staff officer he would participate in supervising Monitoring Mission). Jej veliteĐstvo sa nachádza adherence to peace agreement, fostering an environment v Sarajeve a pozorovatelia pôsobia na území Bosny encouraging a political settlement of a conflict and super- a Hercegoviny, ale aj Chorvátska, Srbska, ýiernej Hory, vising a withdrawal process of the Russian troops. Kosova, Albánska a Macedónska. Slovensko v misii Altogether five officers took it in turns to perform their obsadzuje dve miesta. Jeden z našich tamojších pozoro- tasks in the mission. vateĐov pplk. Lubomír Orsag, žiaĐ, 9. júla 200 tragicky Since 2000 the Armed Forces of the SR contribute one zahynul pri plnení služobných povinností na území officer to an OSCE mission in Georgia, whose goal is Macedónska. focused on establishing conditions that would enable Slováci v pozorovateēských The Slovaks in Observer a kontrolných misiách 74 and Control Missions MISIE-3-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:20 Stránka 75


NAJVÝZNAMNEJŠÍ a political settlement between parties to a conflict, super- REPREZENTANTI SLOVENSKA vising a truce, supporting democratic institutions and monitor respect for, and observance of human rights.

Slovenskí vojaci zastávali v pozorovateĐských misiách viaceré významné posty. Plk. Ing. Ladislav Krupa bol naprí- EU MISSION klad v roku 993 šéfom personálneho oddelenia (CMPO) v misii UNAVEM II a pplk. Ing. Jozef Kotlár zasa v rokoch Once established as an independent republic, Slovakia 995 – 996 vykonával funkciu regionálneho veliteĐa pozo- clearly manifested an endeavour and good will to help rovateĐov (RSMO) v misii UNAVEM III v angolskej pro- resolve situation in former Yugoslavia by participating in vincii Moxico. Ćalší slovenskí dôstojníci – plk. Ing. Alojz ECMM mission under EU auspices (European Mikušiak (998), pplk. Ing. Rastislav Rabatin (998 – Community Monitor Mission). The SR joined the mission 999) pplk. Ing. Jozef Kotlár (999 – 2000), pplk. Ing. on st January 993 as a successor of a Czechoslovak Marián KapitáĖ (2000 – 200) a pplk. Ing. Jozef Griþ (200 Federative Republic and we have participated in the mis- – 2002) pôsobili v štábe misie OBSE v Moldavsku. sion ever since, although in 2000 it was transformed into EUMM (European Union Monitoring Mission). Its HQ is Pplk. Ing. Jozef Kotlár located in Sarajevo and the observers operate in the terri- tory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia. To-date, Z DOBOVEJ TLAýE: Slovakia assigns two officers for the observer posts. Unfortunately, on 9th July 200 one of our observers deployed in the region, Lt. Col. Lubomir Orsag, died on Horúce míny africké a tragic event when performing tasks in Macedonia. Batôžtek handier sa prekotúĐal cez vozovku popred džíp plukovníka Ladislava Krupu, ktorý slúžil v pozo- THE KEY REPRESENTATIVES rovateĐskej misii OSN v Angole. Až keć sa zastavil na OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC kraji prašnej cesty, ukázalo sa, že batôžtek je vlastne dieĢa. Následkom výbuchu míny, ktorých je v Angole Slovak officers were assigned to posts of greatest sig- azda 23 miliónov, nemal však invalidný chlapec ruky ani nificance in observer missions. In 993 Col. Ing. La- nohy. Pomáhali mu tamojší poĐskí misionári, ale keć sa dislav Krupa acted as a chief of department (CMPO) in prikotúĐal do kostola, vždy priniesol v ústach najdrob- UNAVEM II mission in Angola. Similarly, Lt. Col. Ing. nejšiu mincu, aby aj on symbolicky prispel na obetu. Jozef Kotlár was appointed a regional commander of military observers (RSMO) in UNAVEM III mission in Angolan province Moxico (995 – 996). Other Slovak officers worked at staff posts of OSCE mission in Moldova, to mention Col. Ing. Alojz Mikušiak (998), Lt. Col. Ing. Rastislav Rabatin (998 – 999), Lt. Col. Ing. Jozef Kotlár (999 – 2000), Lt. Col. Ing. Marián KapitáĖ (2000 – 200) or Lt. Col. Ing. Jozef Griþ (200 – 2002).

Lt. Col. Jozef KOTLÁR


Hot mines of Africa A ragged bundle rolled across the road just in front of a jeep driven by Col. Ladislav Krupa, serving in a UN observer mission in Angola. When he slammed on the brakes to stop the vehicle, he realised that what he thought to be a bundle was a child, actually. Due to an explosion of a mine, one of a kind counting perhaps to 23 million in Angola, the handicapped boy had no arms and no legs. The Polish missionaries would be helping him and every time he rolled in a church he would bring a coin in his mouth so that even him could contribute Pplk. Anton Fillo pracoval ako pozorovateē v misii OBSE somehow to offertory. v Gruzínsku. V roku 2002 ho vyslali na Východný Timor, An engineer Ladislav Krupa started to prepare for his kde pôsobí dodnes mission as an international UN observer shortly before Lt. Col. Anton Fillo worked as a military observer Czechoslovakia split. He recalls: in OSCE mission in Georgia. In 2002 he was deployed “When we landed at the airport in Angolan Luanda the in East Timor where he has been up to now most severe fights of a civil war had just ended.“ Slováci v pozorovateēských The Slovaks in Observer a kontrolných misiách 75 and Control Missions MISIE-3-2.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:20 Stránka 76


Ženista Ladislav Krupa sa zaþal pripravovaĢ na funkciu It was not a nice sight to look at. Along runways there medzinárodného inšpektora OSN tesne pred rozdelením were shrapnel and unexploded ammunition all around, and federácie. Spomína: „Keć sme . decembra 992 pristá- what had been left of burning aircraft. Soon the war broke li na letisku v angolskej Luande, práve sa tam skonþili out again with unprecedented intensity. Armed conflicts hlavné boje obþianskej vojny.“ Nebol to príjemný pohĐad. would escalate in places where no one would expect. Col. Popri letiskovej ploche sa váĐali þrepiny po granátoch, Krupa had to spend more than a month stuck in between the nevybuchnutá munícia a zvyšky obhorených lietadiel. front lines of belligerent fractions UNITA and MPLA in Onedlho sa vojna rozhorela opäĢ. Boje vypukli aj tam, kde a north-Angolan province Rio Bengo. Consequently, the ich neþakali. Krupa musel prežiĢ vyše mesiaca medzi soldiers would fortify the UN peace force monitoring post, frontovými líniami zne- under a Slovak colonel's priatelených frakcií command, with sandbags. UNITA a MPLA v se- Their lives were in a bet. veroangolskej provincii “A civil war is the most Rio Bengo. Monitoro- crazy and dreadful thing,“ vacie stanovište miero- he insists. “In the name of vých síl OSN, ktorému politics, which is usually velil náš plukovník, si nothing else but economi- vojaci okamžite ohradi- cally-driven interests of li vrecami s pieskom. those in power, a brother Išlo im o krk. would kill a brother. They „Obþianska vojna both would destroy what je najhroznejšie ozbro- they had been building jené šialenstvo,“ tvrdí. together.“ „V mene dajakého poli- He recalls as each of the tického presvedþenia, belligerent parties would za ktorým sa zvyþajne Pplk. Roman LackoviĀ, bývalý pozorovateē z misií v Bosne blow up the high voltage skrývajú ekonomické a Kosove, v súĀasnosti zúroĀuje svoje skúsenosti na MO SR, pylons or bridges. They záujmy mocných v po- kde sa podieēa práve na vysielaní príslušníkov Ozbrojených síl SR would place an explosive to zadí, vraždí brat brata. do medzinárodných misií a building and drove off in Obaja niþia, þo kedysi Lt. Col. Roman LackoviĀ, having been a military observer in Bosnia a jeep as in a race as they spoloþne budovali.“ and Kosovo himself, makes the best use of his experience at MoD knew very well that detona- Spomína, ako jedna of the SR, being involved in deployment policy of the Armed tion would follow in a few i druhá znepriatelená Forces of the SR concerning international peacekeeping missions seconds. They did not mind strana vyhadzovala do the walls falling apart and vzduchu stĎpy vysokého napätia aj mosty. Keć položili injuring soldiers or children. In overcrowded areas they trhavinu k budove, skoþili do džípu a vyštartovali preþ, would destroy each other's water main and water tanks. As pretože o pár sekúnd zadunela detonácia. Bolo im jedno, a result, thousands of people would die of thirst, drought, þi padajúce múry zasypú vojakov alebo deti. V preĐudne- a plague and other infectious or contagious diseases. ných þastiach krajiny si vzájomne niþili vodovodné rozvo- What was a real eyesore were hundreds of crippled and dy a vodné nádrže. Tisícky Đudí vzápätí mreli od smädu, abandoned children. Some of them had no legs, others went cholery a ćalších nákazlivých chorôb. blind or deaf because of a mine exploding. They would just Najstrašnejší bol v Angole pohĐad na stovky zmrza- hang around, group into criminal communities, or, on the þených a opustených detí. Niektorým odtrhlo nohu, iné other hand, they were ready to do any humiliating work just po výbuchu míny oslepli alebo ohluchli. Potulovali sa to be fed. They would bury themselves in sand at the sea- po perifériách, spájali do kriminálnych skupín alebo side to weather chilly nights. Humanitarian organisations vykonávali najponižujúcejšie práce, len aby sa trochu and missionaries of different Orders would search for them najedli. Keć bolo chladnejšie, zahrabali sa na noc do to provide them at least some help. pobrežného piesku. Tam ich vyhĐadávali humanitné “Many children were orphans, the others just got lost in organizácie a rehoĐné spoloþenstvá, ktoré im poskytova- a vortex of fights and battles,“ says Col. Krupa and he adds li aspoĖ akú-takú pomoc. „ýasĢ detí boli siroty, iným sa with deep emotion: “Some people would literally chase rodiþia stratili v priebehu bojov,“ hovorí plk. Krupa their children away because they were unable to provide for a neveselo dodáva: „Niektorí svoje deti doslova vyhna- their sustenance. If they had a son who had lost his leg li, lebo ich nedokázali uživiĢ. Već ak mal ich syn odtrh- because of a mine, they would have to pay for an artificial nutú nohu, bolo mu treba kupovaĢþoraz väþšiu a väþšiu leg every couple of years just as they would buy shoes for protézu. Asi tak, ako jeho zdravému bratovi kupovali his brother. Grandsons are being killed by mines laid by topánky. Vnukov usmrcujú míny, ktoré kládli ešte ich their grandfathers.“ dedovia. Col. Krupa saw a lot of poverty and misery the mines Biedu a nešĢastie spôsobené mínami videl plk. Krupa have caused also in Zambia, Namibia or Mozambique. He aj v Zambii, Namíbii, v Mozambiku. Hovorí o miliónoch talks about millions of mosquitoes and flies transmitting moskytov a múch, ktoré prenášajú nákazlivé choroby. infectious diseases. He mentions regions where every other Spomína na oblasti, kde má AIDS každý druhý þlovek person in a productive age is suffering from AIDS. He then v produktívnom veku. Rozpráva o maloletých pastieri- talks about children and teenagers grazing the cattle, which koch dobytka. Ten domorodci považujú za najbežnejší is considered to be the most common mine detection instru- odmínovací prostriedok. Ich synovia, ktorí sa snažia ment by their parents. Their sons, trying to follow their kráþaĢ v šĐapajach kráv, sa však þasto nedožijú veþera.... cows, however, often won't live up to an evening... Pavol Vitko, Pravda, 30. apríla 998, krátené Pavol VITKO, Pravda, 30th April 998, abridged Slováci v pozorovateēských The Slovaks in Observer a kontrolných misiách 76 and Control Missions MISIE-3-3.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:33 Stránka 77

Operácia Iracká sloboda XVI – opäĢ v Zálive HAPTER / C Operation Iraqi Freedom APITOLA – in the Gulf again K

Kalendár ukazoval zaujímavý marcový dátum – According to a calendar it was a rather interesting date 20. 03. 2003. Bol štvrtok a do štvrtej hodiny rannej chý- – 20/03/2003. It was Thursday and there were only a few mi- balo iba niekoĐko minút, keć sa svet dozvedel: „Útok na nutes left for a clock to strike 04.00 hrs when the world learned: Irak sa zaþal!“ A Slováci boli opäĢ pri tom. “A strike on Iraq has begun.“ Slovakia did not back away. Ešte 26. januára 2003 Spojené štáty vo verbálnej nóte As early as 26th January, the USA in a verbal note asked požiadali Slovensko, aby zvážilo svoju úþasĢ v mnohoná- Slovakia to consider joining international coalition's effort rodnej koalícii, ktorá sa pripravovala vojensky zakroþiĢ to take any measures, including massive military engage- proti režimu irackého diktátora Saddáma Husajna. O tri ment, to have a dictator regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq dni na to vláda SR vyslovila s úþasĢou súhlas a rozhodla removed. Within three days the Slovak Government endorsed our participation and accordingly adopted a reso- lution on deployment of a chemical company to support anti-Iraqi coalition. Deploying a unit with a total strength of 75, aimed at humanitarian tasks, as well as its mandate, were equally endorsed by the Slovak Parliament on 6th February 2003. The company of radiological, chemical and biological protection (RCHBO) started to prepare for the Kuwait mis- sion in January, in the town of Martin, which is where a rapid reaction battalion is dislocated. It was its members who were selected as a core of the unit to be sent to the mis- sion. Intensive training started at their permanent location and later was conducted in a military training area LešĢ. The President of the SR Rudolf Schuster, being the Chief Commander of the Slovak Armed Forces, handed over a combat flag to the unit on 20th February. The next day, on the occasion of accomplishing a military exercise, the spe- cialised team was given a NATO Certificate on mandate to operate within international coalition's military forces. The Slovak contingent arrived in Kuwait by air within the period of 26th February – 2nd March, when its com- mander Lt. Col. Ladislav Svatík announced from Camp Doha next Kuwait City that the unit had joined st joint Czech-Slovak chemical battalion and were on stand-by. After a short acclimation period, the Slovak chemists together with their Czech counterparts started to prepare for accomplishing their tasks. In the very first days all our sol- diers were inoculated against Anthrax and the battalion went through an initial combined alert rehearsal. On 6th March the unit was dispatched to the capital of Kuwait and the soldiers were billeted in the facilities of local Exposition grounds. Just a small unit (“odriad“) remained based in Camp Doha. One week later a CJTF (Combined Joint Task Force) field exercise was held, where Kuwait's civil defence components participated, as well as a part of the Slovak Company. The training scenario involved a simulated cruise Veliteē slovenského kontingentu pplk. Ladislav Svatík sa po prílete missile attack on an object in a densely populated urban na letisko v Kuwait City zdraví s príslušníkom US Army area, with a suspected use of weapons of mass destruction. The Slovak contingent commander Lt. Col. Ladislav Svatík, The Czech-Slovak battalion was tasked with the surveil- after arrival at the airport in Kuwait City, meets a US Army officer lance of the contaminated area and taking samples to iden- Operácia Iracká sloboda Operation Iraqi Freedom – opäĥ v Zálive 77 – in the Gulf again MISIE-3-3.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:33 Stránka 78


tify the used agents in the first stage. Decontamination pro- cedures and providing life-giving first aid were to follow in the next stage. In a concluding phase of the exercise, when the wounded and sick were to be collected and transported to hospital to be provided a specialised medical treatment, our soldiers co-operated with the Kuwait medical person- nel. The Slovak contingent's conduct and performance were evaluated as top professional, and were highly appreciated by a Coalition Command and by the Kuwait integrated emergency system representatives. Before the US bombing campaign began, a military psy- chologist arrived to join our unit. On 27th March the Augmentation Forces of 20, four Slovaks and sixteen Czechs, were deployed to reinforce surveillance and patrolling. From 8th March on, the Czech and the Slovak soldiers were patrolling in the streets of Kuwait City, and when the war started the patrols became even more fre- quent. The soldiers would cover more than 240 km per day patrolling in the Capital and its vicinity, monitoring radia- tion, and an overall chemical and biological situation. To carry out these highly specific tasks the unit was equipped with top equipment, including a unique remotely controlled laser toxic agents' detector. Vykladanie špeciálnej techniky z prepravných lietadiel Ruslan During an air-campaign accompanied by ground opera- Unloading a specialised equipment from the Ruslan cargo aircraft tions, our unit experienced many false and actual alerts when they would have to work in terrain, tasked with surveillance of the area. The times when the centre of the city was struck sa protiirackej koalícii poskytnúĢ protichemickú rotu. by Iraqi cruise missile were certainly one of the most heated Vyslanie 75-þlennej vojenskej jednotky s humanitárnym moments. Apparently, it did not carry warheads containing poslaním a rozsah jej mandátu 6. februára 2003 schválila dangerous loads as the surveillance team, fortunately, did not NR SR. detect any use of chemical or biological warfare agents. Rota RCHBO (rádiologickej, chemickej a biologickej After the main military operations in Iraq were termina- ochrany) sa zaþala na svoju misiu v Kuvajte pripravovaĢ ted, the Czech-Slovak chemical battalion transferred to v januári v Martine, priþom jej základ tvorili príslušníci Camp Doha on 3rd April again, which does not mean they tamojšieho práporu okamžitej reakcie. Intenzívny výcvik have accomplished their goals or that their mandate has prebiehal najskôr v mieste stálej dislokácie a potom vo expired. The unit carries out monitoring radiation, as well as Vojenskom výcvikovom priestore LešĢ. Prezident repub- chemical and biological situation and has started to prepare liky a hlavný veliteĐ Ozbrojených síl SR Rudolf Schuster for performing a range of the other tasks. 20. februára prepožiþal jednotke bojovú zástavu a o deĖ neskôr, poþas závereþného taktického cviþenia, tento špe- THE COUNTRY AND THE CONFLICT ciálny tím získal certifikát NATO o spôsobilosti operovaĢ v silách mnohonárodnej koalície. Letecká preprava slovenského kontingentu do Kuvajtu After the Persian Gulf war ended in 99, sanctions were sa zaþala 26. februára a 2. marca jeho veliteĐ pplk. Ing. imposed on Iraq which pressed the country to comply with Ladislav Svatík hlásil z tábora Camp Doha nećaleko UN resolutions to destroy weapons of mass destruction and kuvajtskej metropoly Kuwait City zaþlenenie sa do spo- loþného . þesko-slovenského protichemického práporu, ako aj dosiahnutie operaþnej pohotovosti. Po krátkej aklimatizácii sa slovenskí chemici v spolu- práci s þeskými vojakmi zaþali intenzívne pripravovaĢ na plnenie úloh. Všetci naši vojaci boli v prvých dĖoch zaoþ- kovaní proti Antraxu a v rámci celého práporu absolvova- li spoloþný zlaćovací nácvik. Už 6. marca sa jednotka premiestnila do oblasti hlavného mesta Kuvajtu a ubyto- vala sa v jednej z hál v areáli miestneho výstaviska. V Camp Doha zostal iba malý spätný odriad. Presne o týždeĖ sa uskutoþnilo spoloþné poĐné cviþenie koaliþ- ných síl CJTF (Combined Joint Task Force) so zložkami civilnej ochrany Kuvajtu, na ktorom sa zúþastnila aj þasĢ slovenskej roty. V scenári cviþenia bol simulovaný rake- tový útok na objekt v obývanej mestskej þasti s podozre- ním na použitie zbraní hromadného niþenia. Úlohou príslušníkov þesko-slovenského práporu bolo v prvej fáze Slovenskí chemici s unikátnym diaēkovým laserovým detektorom uskutoþniĢ prieskum zasiahnutého miesta, odobraĢ vzor- toxických látok poĀas závereĀného cviĀenia na Lešti ky a identifikovaĢ použité látky. Nasledovala dekontami- Slovak chemical unit with a unique laser toxic agents detector nácia zasiahnutých osôb a poskytnutie prvej lekárskej during a final day of a military exercise in Lešĥ Operácia Iracká sloboda Operation Iraqi Freedom – opäĥ v Zálive 78 – in the Gulf again MISIE-3-3.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:33 Stránka 79


pomoci postihnutým. V poslednej fáze cviþenia, v spolu- práci s kuvajtskými lekármi, bol nácvik odsunu ranených na špecializované lekárske pracoviská. ýinnosĢ sloven- ských vojakov poþas cviþenia potvrdila ich vysokú pri- pravenosĢ, þo pozitívne vyhodnotili predstavitelia koaliþ- ného velenia, ako aj predstavitelia integrovaného záchranného systému Kuvajtu. Ešte pred zaþatím útoku na Irak jednotku doplnili o vojenského psychológa a 27. marca do nej pribudli ćalší štyria príslušníci OS SR (spolu so 6 vojakmi Armády ýR), vyslaní na posilnenie strážnej služby a ochrany. Od 8. marca zaþali þeskí a slovenskí vojaci spoloþne hliadko- vaĢ v uliciach Kuwait City a po zaþatí útoku na Irak sa ich þinnosĢ ešte zintenzívnila. Prieskumné hliadky najazdili v oblasti metropoly denne viac ako 240 km a monitorova- li radiaþnú, chemickú a biologickú situáciu. Na túto þin- nosĢ mala jednotka špiþkové prístroje, medziiným aj uni- kátny laserový diaĐkový detektor toxických látok. Poþas útoku na Irak príslušníci jednotky zažili množ- stvo falošných, ale aj ostrých poplachov, poþas ktorých vychádzali do terénu a vykonávali prieskum. K naj- vážnejším situáciám patril urþite okamžik, keć v centre mesta dopadla iracká raketa. Prieskumný tím však našĢas- tie nezaznamenal použitie chemických ani biologických látok. Po skonþení hlavných vojenských operácii v Iraku sa þesko-slovenský protichemický prápor 3. apríla presunul späĢ do tábora Camp Doha. Návrat však neznamenal skonþenie jeho þinnosti. Jednotka naćalej vykonávala monitoring radiaþnej, chemickej a biologickej situácie azaþala sa pripravovaĢ na plnenie ćalších úloh. SúĀasĥou výcviku našich chemikov bolo i poskytovanie zdravotníckej KRAJINA A KONFLIKT pomoci zraneným miestnym obyvateēom Ensuring our chemists would be able to provide first aid to the injured local inhabitants was also a part of their training Po skonþení vojny v Zálive v roku 99 sa Irak zavia- zal akceptovaĢ rezolúcie OSN o likvidácii svojich zbra- missiles with a flying range over 50 km. In 998, however, ní hromadného niþenia a rakiet s doletom nad 50 km. the Iraqi regime expelled weapons inspectors tasked with V roku 998 však iracký režim vyhostil zbrojných in- supervision over adherence to the resolutions and no weapons špektorov, ktorí dohliadali na splnenie týchto rezolúcií. inspection team set foot in Iraq for years. At the end of 2002 V závere roka 2002 americký prezident George Bush the American President George Bush drew the UN's attention upozornil OSN, že Irak neplní svoje medzinárodné to the fact that Iraq was not determined to fulfil its interna- záväzky. BR OSN 8. novembra 2002 prijala rezolúciu tional commitments. On 8th November 2002 the UNSC þ. 44 o odzbrojení Iraku a o desaĢ dní prišla do adopted Resolution 44 on Iraqi disarmament. Within Bagdadu skupina zbrojných inšpektorov vedená švéd- 0 days a weapons inspection team, headed by the Swedish skym predstaviteĐom Hansom Blixom. Po 60-tich dĖoch representative Hans Blix, arrived in Baghdad. Sixty days later šéf inšpektorov predložil v BR OSN správu, ktorá nepo- Blix submitted a report to the SC that did not confirm or dis- tvrdila ani nevyvrátila podozrenia, že Irak je vlastníkom prove suspicions that Iraq possessed the aforementioned illi- zbraní hromadného niþenia. USA spolu s VeĐkou cit weapons. The USA, supported by Great Britain and Spain, Britániou a Španielskom vyzvali OSN prijaĢćalšiu required the UN to adopt another resolution, which would rezolúciu, ktorá by umožnila odzbrojiĢ Irak vojenskou endorse using military force to achieve Iraq's disarmament. cestou. Polarizácia názorov v OSN, kećže odmietavý Due to polarisation of attitudes on the UN floor, as Germany, postoj zaujali Nemecko, Francúzsko, Rusko, ýína i nie- France, Russia, China and some other countries took a nega- ktoré ćalšie krajiny, spôsobila, že Spojené štáty návrh tive stand on whether Iraq poses a threat worthy of war or not, novej rezolúcie z rokovania stiahli a následne spolu so the US withdrew the new resolution's draft from the agenda. svojimi spojencami prijali vlastné riešenie. Tvrdý postoj Subsequently, together with their allies, they adopted a solu- USA k Iraku podporilo 45 krajín, priþom medzinárodnú tion of their own. The uncompromising stand of the USA on protiirackú koalíciu vytvorila 30-þlenná skupina štátov Iraq was supported by 45 countries, 30 of them, including na þele s USA a VeĐkou Britániou. Zaradilo sa k nim aj Slovakia, established an international anti-Iraqi coalition led Slovensko. Operácia Iracká sloboda (Iraqui Freedom) by the US and Great Britain. Operation Iraqi Freedom, the zameraná na okamžité a bezpodmieneþné odzbrojenie goal of which was the immediate and unconditional disarma- Iraku sa zaþala 20. marca 2003 raketovým útokom na ment of Iraq, was launched on 20th March 2003 by an air vojenské ciele v Bagdade. strike on selected military targets in Baghdad.

Pplk. Ladislav ZAHRADNÍK Lt. Col. Ladislav ZÁHRADNÍK Operácia Iracká sloboda Operation Iraqi Freedom – opäĥ v Zálive 79 – in the Gulf again MISIE-3-3.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:33 Stránka 80


Dekontaminácia techniky v kuvajtskej púšti Decontamination of a technical equipment in a Kuwait desert


Odlet smer Kuvajt Destination Kuwait Naši vojaci mali prvé dni a hodiny po príchode do First hours and days after arrival at Camp Doha were pret- Camp Doha plné ruky práce. Jednou z úloh prvej skupi- ty busy for our soldiers. Having taken a short nap in adjusted ny po krátkom odpoþinku v provizóriu, ktoré pre nich facilities, prepared by their Czech colleagues, the first group pripravili þeskí kolegovia, je vybaviĢ ubytovacie pries- started to equip the quarters with conveyed materiel and tory privezeným materiálom. Zaþínajú vybaĐovaĢ osob- equipment. They took to unpacking luggage and technical ný materiál a postupne s privážanou technikou aj ten equipment as it was being driven in. The drivers took care of ostatný. Vodiþi umiestĖujú vozidlá do vyhradených car park and refuelling, and they carried out technical inspec- priestorov a parku techniky, doplĖujú pohonné hmoty tions of the vehicles conveyed by air. There were some a kontrolujú celkový technický stav vozidiel po leteckej administrative problems to sort out, which was not an easy preprave. VeliteĐ jednotky pplk. Svatík si trochu láme thing to do for the unit's commander Lt. Col. Svatík as it was hlavu s niektorými administratívnymi úkonmi – a four-day bank holiday in Kuwait those days and everything v Kuvajte je v týchto dĖoch štvordĖový štátny sviatok a was being closed. There was not much that could have been všetky inštitúcie sú zatvorené. Nezostáva, len þakaĢ do done about that so all they could do was wait for Sunday, nedele. Tá je už pracovným dĖom. Nenudí sa ani veliteĐ which was the first working day. The RCHBO company's roty RCHBO kpt. Oliver Toderiška, ktorý spolu s veli- commander Capt. Oliver Toderiška did not have much time teĐom logistického prvku v priebehu nasledujúcich left on his hands either, as in the next 48 hours he and his 48 hodín niekoĐkokrát absolvuje v sprievode þeských Czech colleagues had to travel several times at the Kuwait kolegov cestu na kuvajtské letisko, kde postupne pristá- airport where the cargo aircraft Ruslan were landing. They vajú ćalšie nákladné lietadlá Ruslan. Vítajú jednotlivé would pick up the next groups of our chemists, and oversee skupiny našich chemikov, dozerajú na hladký priebeh the process of unloading materiel and technical equipment to vykladania privezeného materiálu a zabezpeþujú jeho run smooth, and ensure it would be conveyed to the base presun do základného tábora. V noci zo soboty na nede- camp. On the night of Saturday to Sunday the last group of Đu pristáva posledná skupina chemikov a veliteĐ jednot- the chemists landed and eventually the unit's commander ky hlási do Operaþného centra Generálneho štábu could report to the Operation Centre of General Staff of the Ozbrojených síl SR ukonþenie prepravy. Tým však Slovak Armed Forces transportation was over. However, úloha nekonþí. Ešte v piatok vykonal spolu so skupinou there were still some more tasks to perform. On Friday the þeských dôstojníkov rekognoskáciu priestoru, v ktorom unit, together with the Czech officers, made a reconnaissance v nasledujúcich dĖoch budú vykonávaĢ spoloþný výcvik of the terrain where joint training of the Slovak and Czech s þeskými chemikmi. V týchto dĖoch sa ich spoloþné chemists was going to take place in the days to come. These cviþenie už zaþalo. days the combined exercise is already in full swing. Ladislav ZAHRADNÍK, Obrana þ.  /2003, krátené Ladislav ZÁHRADNÍK, Obrana No. /2003, abridged Operácia Iracká sloboda Operation Iraqi Freedom – opäĥ v Zálive 80 – in the Gulf again MISIE-3-3.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:33 Stránka 81

Pred poslaním zajtrajška ONCLUSION

Challenges of Tomorrow / C ÁVER Z

Pôsobenie príslušníkov OS SR v medzinárodných We take a pride in performance of the Slovak mierových silách v nás vzbudzuje hrdosĢ už od vzniku Armed Forces that have been contributing troops to samostatného Slovenska v roku 993. K prezentácii a zís- international peacekeeping force since 993, when the kavaniu dobrého mena mladého štátu v jeho zaþiatkoch independent Slovak Republic was established. It was významne prispel najmä náš ženijný prápor v misiách namely our engineer battalion's conduct in UNPRO- UNPROFOR a UNTAES na území bývalej Juhoslávie. FOR and UNTAES missions in the territory of former Výcviková základĖa mierových síl OSN v Nitre sa stala Yugoslavia that significantly raised a reputation of our kĐúþovým útvarom vtedajšej Armády SR. young state in its beginnings. The UN peacekeeping V druhej polovici deväĢdesiatych rokov naša úþasĢ force training base in Nitra had become central to the v mierových misiách zaþala postupne stagnovaĢ a v roku then Army of the Slovak Republic. 999 sme nemali v zahraniþí ani sto vojakov. K . februáru Development in the late nineties, as far as our par- 200 však už v mierových misiách slúžilo 320 príslušníkov ticipation in peacekeeping missions, gradually stagna- Armády SR, k . máju 2002 ich bolo 78ak5. novembru ted and the figures of 999 revealed we had no more 2002 sa tento poþet zvýšil až na 780 mužov a žien. V uve- than 00 soldiers stationed abroad. That was to be denom þase sme mali v mierových operáciách OSN, OBSE changed soon, though. By st February 200 the Slovak a EÚ a v operáciách na podporu mieru pod vedením NATO Army troops of 320 were serving in the peacekeeping viac vojakov, ako napríklad ýeská republika alebo missions, which increased up to 78 by st May 2002 Maćarsko a s prihliadnutím na pomer k poþtu obyvateĐov and the total strength of the Armed Forces of the SR was

Bývalí velitelia našich jednotiek v mierových misiách s ministrom obrany Jozefom Stankom poĀas otvorenia stálej expozície venovanej úĀasti Slovenska v misiách OSN v auguste 2002 na Jankovom Vĝšku Minister of Defence of the SR Jozef Stank with those who had served as commanders of our units in peacekeeping missions on the occasion of a solemn ceremony of opening a permanent exposition in Jankov Vĝšok in August 2002, aimed at the Slovak participation in UN peace support operations

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Prezident asociácie UN Veterans Slovakia Ing. Ēubomír KolenĀík (v strede) a viceprezident asociácie Dušan Števík venovali ministrovi obrany SR Ivanovi Šimkovi vlajku svojej organizácie The UN Veterans Slovakia President retired Col. Ing. Ēubomír KolenĀík (in the middle) and the Vice-President retired Lt. Col. Ing. Dušan Števík have presented the Minister of Defence of the SR Ivan Šimko with a flag of their Association

krajiny sme do zahraniþia vyslali najviac vojakov zo všet- ultimately reinforced to 780 male and female soldiers kých štátov kandidujúcich na þlenstvo v Severoatlantickej by 5th November 2002. That was more than the Czech aliancii. Toto úsilie sa odrazilo vo zvýšenej akceptácii SR republic or Hungary's contributions to peace support v zahraniþí, posilnení našej pozície pred pražským samitom operations under the UN, OSCE, EU and NATO aus- NATO, ako aj v sústavne vysokej dôvere obþanov pices at the time. Moreover, considering a proportion Slovenska vo svoje ozbrojené sily. rate Slovakia had contributed most troops of all NATO Hoci by sa mohlo zdaĢ, že vážnosĢ a úcta voþi prísluš- candidate countries. Our effort resulted in an increased níkom prichádzajúcim z mierových misií je samozrejmos- international acceptance of our republic and in enhan- Ģou, vždy to neplatilo. Po návrate domov ich nezriedka cing our position before the upcoming NATO Prague podceĖovali, ba dokonca vytláþali na okraj diania. A to summit. And what is equally important, the Slovak i napriek proklamovaným vyhláseniam najvyšších pred- Armed Forces sustain their long-term high level credi- staviteĐov rezortu, ktorí vždy zdôrazĖovali, že poþtom nie bility. veĐké, no o to lepšie vycviþené slovenské ozbrojené sily Although it might seem obvious the respect and budú stavaĢ práve na Đućoch so skúsenosĢami z medziná- esteem for peacekeeping operations' veterans would rodných misií a operácií. in this context only be natural, it had not always been Chcelo to zrejme þas, aby sa úþastníci misií þi vojenskí true. Having returned home they were often underes- veteráni zaþali v štruktúrach ozbrojených síl presadzovaĢ timated or even marginalized, in spite of proclama- aj na skutoþne zodpovedných postoch. V súþasnosti k nim tions by the top defence officials that what Slovakia napríklad na MO SR a Generálnom štábe OS SR patria needs is small but perfectly trained troops, emphasis- plk. Ing. Štefan Jangl, plk. Ing. Rostislav Šmehlík, ing a need of people with international missions' pplk. Ing. Roman Lackoviþ, pplk. Ing. Jozef Kotlár, experience background. pplk. Ing. Milan Kováþ, pplk. Ing. Anton Sládeþek a via- Apparently, it will take some time for missions' veter- cerí ćalší. SpomenúĢ možno i plk. Ing. Jána Kurucza vo ans to start establishing themselves as the ones on the Vojenskej akadémii v Liptovskom Mikuláši, pplk. Ing. leading posts of a defence structure. To-date, there are Miroslava Valka na VeliteĐstve vzdušných síl vo Zvolene, few that have managed to do so, to mention Col. Ing. plk. Ing. Daniela Kostru na VeliteĐstve vojsk výcviku Štefan Jangl, Col. Ing. Rostislav Šmehlík, Lt. Col. Ing. a podpory v Trenþíne þi plk. Ing. Petra Daxnera vo Roman Lackoviþ, Lt. Col. Ing. Jozef Kotlár, Lt. Col. Ing. Vojenskej leteckej nemocnici v Košiciach. Milan Kováþ, Lt. Col. Ing. Anton Sládeþek and some Samozrejme, v tomto smere boli a sú mimoriadne others, all working on significant posts at Ministry of dôležité aj smernice þi nariadenia z úrovne vedenia Defense of the SR or General Staff of the Slovak Armed ministerstva a generálneho štábu o personálnej práci Forces. We should also mention Col. Ing. Ján Kurucz s príslušníkmi misií. K tým najdôležitejším bude patriĢ from Military Academy in Liptovský Mikuláš, or

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pripravovaná zákonná úprava, ktorá upraví status Lt. Col. Ing. Miroslav Valko operating at Air Force a postavenie vojenských veteránov. Mimoriadny význam Headquarters, as well as Col. Ing. Daniel Kostra from má aj budovaný systém starostlivosti o rodiny vojakov, Training and Combat Support Headquarters in Trenþín ktorí pôsobia v zahraniþí. or Col. Ing. Peter Daxner from Military Air Force Okrem profesionálnej a materiálnej starostlivosti Hospital in Košice. o príslušníkov mierových misií a vojenských operácií je In this respect, Staff and Personnel rules and regula- veĐmi dôležité aj ocenenie morálne. Rezort ministerstva tions on status of peace support operations' partici- obrany zanedlho po svojom vzniku zriadil vyznamenanie pants are of the greatest significance. The top manage- vo forme medaily Za službu v mierových misiách. ment of MoD and General Staff has been currently Jednotlivci i kolektívy slovenských mierotvorcov však zís- preparing a legal framework that would set and provide kali vysoké vojenské vyznamenania i z rúk predstaviteĐov for status of veterans. The family welfare system, which OSN, NATO þi EÚ. Za svoje skutky boli tiež viackrát should support the families of soldiers participating in nominovaní alebo sa aj stali laureátmi ankety rezortu missions abroad, is also being established. MO SR Vojenský þin roka. Besides professional establishment and social wel- Za istý prelom, ktorý ako prvý sumarizuje desaĢroþnú fare equally significant is esteem for peacekeeping mis- úþasĢ Slovákov v mierových misiách, možno považovaĢ sions and peace support operations' veterans. In the zriadenie stálej výstavy na Jankovom vĚšku pri very beginnings Ministry of Defence has introduced Bánovciach nad Bebravou. Expozíciu symbolicky a system of awarding a medal “In the Service of 29. augusta 2002 pri príležitosti 58. výroþia SNP otvorili Peace“. Equally, the Slovak peacekeepers have often minister obrany Jozef Stank za úþasti ćalších þlenov received high military decorations from the UN, NATO vlády, parlamentu, ozbrojených síl, samospráv, štátnej or EU representatives. Several times they have also správy a obþianskych združení. Vzdali tak hold vyše been nominated to, or even have become laureates of sedemtisíc vojakom, ktorí sa dovtedy zúþastnili mierových an award “A Military Feat of Valour“, based on a pub- operácii pod zástavou OSN. lic opinion poll run by MoD of the SR. O dva týždne neskôr – 6. septembra 2002 – v priesto- What can definitely be considered a milestone in roch hlavnej budovy MO SR v Bratislave otvorili SieĖ a gradually changing perspective on the issue of the slávy. Stála expozícia je takisto venovaná našim veterá- Slovaks serving in peacekeeping missions is constitu- nom z mierových misií a vojenských operácií. K forme tion of a permanent exposition in Jankov VĚšok near uznania a ocenenia ich práce pre mier a medzinárodnú Bánovce nad Bebravou. The exposition, summarising bezpeþnosĢ možno zarátaĢ aj séru filmových dokumentov the ten year long engagement of the Slovak Armed o jednotlivých misiách a stovky novinárskych materiálov Forces in peace support operations, was opened by zverejnených v tlaþi i v elektronických médiách. Minister of Defence Jozef Stank on the occasion of 58th Ministerstvo obrany SR þoraz intenzívnejšie spolupra- anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising on 29th cuje s obþianskymi združeniami, v ktorých sú zoskupení August 2002. Present at the solemn ceremony were the veteráni z mierových operácií. Do tejto kategórie aktivít Government and Parliament representatives, as well as top officials of the Slovak Armed Forces, and represen- tatives of municipalities, state administration and civil associations. Thus a tribute was paid to the 7.000 sol- diers who had taken part in peace support operations under UN auspices. Two weeks later, on 6th September 2002, a “Hall of Glory“ was opened in the main premises of MoD of the SR. The permanent exposition is equally dedicated to our peacekeeping missions and peace support opera- tions' veterans. As an expression of esteem and respect for their contribution to safeguarding peace and inter- national security a series of film documentaries on respective missions have been made and hundreds of articles have been published in press or publicised in electronic media. Ministry of Defence has intensified co-operation with civil foundations and associations of peacekeeping operations' veterans. In concurrence with this concep- tion, a meeting of the Minister of Defence Ivan Šimko with the UN-Veterans Slovakia was held this year, as well as the meeting with the Gulf War Veterans of 99 Association, which is a part to the Slovak Association of Anti-Fascist Resistance. Minister of Defence Ivan Šimko is not concealing he had decided to reconsider, or, in some cases even terminate participation of our troops in particular missions, which he declared in public on the occasion of his visit to our contingent deployed in Kosovo in KFOR mission. At the same time we should reinforce our contingents in peacekeeping missions closely linked with our integration ambitions or possibly

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patrili aj tohtoroþné stretnutia ministra obrany Ivana enhancing our international position. Challenges of Šimka s þlenmi UN-Veterans Slovakia alebo Slovenského tomorrow will inevitably be connected with our invi- zväzu protifašistických bojovníkov, ktorého súþasĢou je tation to join NATO and with a threat of international i klub úþastníkov vojny zo Zálivu v roku 99. terrorism. Minister obrany Ivan Šimko sa netají zámerom a vy- Participating in peacekeeping missions required hlásil to i pri návšteve slovenskej jednotky v misii KFOR maximum engagement, top proficiency, discipline and v Kosove v januári tohto roka, že sa rozhodol úþasĢ našich even restraints posed on approximately 0.000 soldiers, vojakov v mierových misiách prehodnotiĢ a v niektorých who had been accomplishing their missions abroad prípadoch ukonþiĢ. ZároveĖ však posilníme našu prítom- throughout the long ten years of the independent Slovak nosĢ v mierových operáciách, ktoré majú užšiu väzbu na republic's existence. Similarly, separation had many záujmy a medzinárodné pozície SR. Poslania zajtrajška times a negative impact on many marriages. People budú súvisieĢ predovšetkým s naším pozvaním do NATO, were neither immune to diseases or injuries. Six Slovak ako aj s bojom proti medzinárodnému terorizmu. peacekeepers died on tragic events performing their ÚþasĢ Slovenska v mierových misiách si vyžiadala pro- tasks in the missions. fesionálne nasadenie, disciplínu, ba aj odriekanie od pri- On the other hand, the Slovak soldiers have gained bližne desaĢtisíc Đudí, ktorí boli od vzniku SR vyslaní plniĢ priceless and unique experience operating in peace poslanie do zahraniþia. Odlúþenie malo neraz nie najlep- support operations abroad. They have also been given ší vplyv aj na mnohé manželstvá, Đućom sa nevyhýbali ani opportunities of further professional development and choroby a zranenia. V misiách pri výkone služby zahynu- enhancing their proficiency. Financial outcome is lo šesĢ slovenských vojakov. equally relevant since taking part in a mission was one Na druhej strane príslušníci slovenských ozbrojených síl of the ways to provide for their families, especially for získali neoceniteĐné skúsenosti i veĐa neopakovateĐných those that had just settled down or were thinking of zážitkov. ÚþasĢou v misiách dostali možnosĢćalšieho pro- doing so. What is of greatest significance, though, is the fesionáleho rastu a najmä mladí vojaci si mohli vytvoriĢ fact that Slovak peacekeepers have considerably con- predpoklady aj na urþitú materiálnu stabilizáciu svojich tributed to prestige and international reputation of the rodín. ýo je však nanajvýš dôležité, slovenskí mierotvorco- young Slovak republic and its Armed Forces. They rep- via mimoriadnou mierou prispeli k prestíži a medzinárod- resented their country and Slovak people in a top man- nému uznaniu mladej republiky a jej ozbrojených síl. ner and do deserve our respect, esteem and gratitude. Reprezentovali svoj štát, ale aj mentalitu a charakter slo- Our special thanks also goes to organisations, states venských Đudí tak, že im patrí úcta a vćaka. Osobitné and armed forces that did not hesitate to give Slovakia poćakovanie patrí tiež organizáciám, štátom a armádam, a helping hand at the times when we were just estab- ktoré boli Slovensku pri jeho etablovaní sa v mierových lishing ourselves as a peacekeeping contributing coun- operáciách a misiách nápomocné, alebo s našimi vojakmi try or those directly involved and co-operating in the poþas ich nasadenia priamo spolupracovali. missions where our troops were deployed.

Mgr. Pavol VITKO Mgr. Pavol VITKO

Konflikty sa ešte neskonĀili... Conflicts are not over yet...

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ZomrZomrelieli vv službáchslužbách miermieruu PerishedPerished inin thethe SerServicevice ofof PeacePeace







Zostanú v našej pamäti Preserved in our memory MISIE-3-3.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:33 Stránka 87

Obsah Contents

Úvod: Poslovia mieru a stability Introduction: The Heralds of Peace and Stability ...... 5 Kapitola I: Konflikty sa ešte neskonþili Chapter I: Conflicts are not over yet ...... 8 Kapitola II: Medzinárodná podpora mieru Chapter II: International Peace Support ...... 2 Kapitola III: Slovensko ako mierotvorca Chapter III: Slovakia as a Peacekeeper ...... 6 Kapitola IV: V medzinárodných misiách pred vznikom samostatnej Slovenskej republiky Chapter IV: Deployed in International Missions prior to Establishment of the Independent Slovak Republic ...... 2 Misia OSN v Kórei UN Mission in Korea...... 2 Smer Púštna búrka Direction Desert Storm ...... 23 UNPROFOR – naposledy spolu, prvýkrát na „starom“ kontinente UNPROFOR – for the Last Time together, for the First Time on “the Old Continent“...... 26 Kapitola V: Nový fenomén v misiách OSN – slovenskí ženisti Chapter V: The Slovak Engineers – a New Phenomenon in the UN Missions ...... 30 Kapitola VI: UNTAES – slovenskí ženisti vo východnom Slavónsku Chapter VI: UNTAES – the Slovak Engineers in Eastern Slavonia...... 34 Kapitola VII: AFOR – dva mesiace v Albánsku Chapter VII: AFOR – Two Months in Albania ...... 39 Kapitola VIII: KFOR – pod zástavou NATO Chapter VIII: KFOR – under the NATO Flag...... 4 Kapitola IX: SFOR – štábni dôstojníci a letci v Bosne Chapter IX: SFOR – Staff Officers and Air Force in Bosnia ...... 45 Kapitola X: UNDOF – naši na Golanských výšinách Chapter X: UNDOF – the Slovaks on the Golan Heights ...... 49 Kapitola XI: UNMEE – prvý raz v Afrike Chapter XI: UNMEE – for the First Time in Africa ...... 54 Kapitola XII: UNFICYP – na „zelenej línii Chapter XII: UNFICYP – on the “Green Line“...... 59 Kapitola XIII: UNTAET / UNMISET – nádej pre Východný Timor Chapter XIII: UNTAET / UNMISET – Hope for East Timor ...... 64 Kapitola XIV: Trvalá sloboda v Afganistane Chapter XIV: Endurance Freedom in Afghanistan...... 68 Kapitola XV: Slováci v pozorovateĐských a kontrolných misiách Chapter XV: The Slovaks in Observer and Control Missions ...... 72 Kapitola XVI: Operácia Iracká sloboda – opäĢ v Zálive Chapter XVI: Operation Iraqi Freedom – in the Gulf again...... 77 Záver: Pred poslaním zajtrajška Conclusion: Challenges of Tomorrow...... 8 Zomreli v službách mieru Perished in the Service of Peace ...... 85 MISIE-3-3.qxd 7. 5. 2003 15:33 Stránka 88

Vydalo Ministerstvo obrany SR vo VydavateĐskej a informaþnej agentúre Edited by Ministry of Defence in the Publishing and Information Agency Kutuzovova 8, Bratislava

Zostavil / Prepared by: Mgr. Pavol VITKO

Fotografie / Photos: Oto BEĕO (archív), Peter DOVINA, Anton FILLO (archív), Ján FIġMA, Roman KMENT, Jozef KORENÝ (archív), Jozef KOTLÁR (archív), Ján KURUCZ (archív), Roman LACKOVIý (archív), Alexander Machava (archív), Vladimír MEýIAR, Jozef MICHNICA, Miroslav MINÁR (archív), Bernard ROŠTECKÝ, Igor ŠAJTLAVA (archív), Pavol VITKO, Ladislav ZAHRADNÍK

Anglický preklad / English translation: Mgr. Silvia ŠEŠEROVÁ

Posúdili / Reviewed by: PhDr. Rudolf LESĕÁK, plk. Ing. Štefan JANGL, pplk. Ing. Roman LACKOVIý

Zodpovedný redaktor / Editor in-Chief: PhDr. Ján DOLINAY

Grafická úprava / Design: Alena MADAJOVÁ

Dané do tlaþe / Dispatched to printer: 05/05/2003

Tlaþ / Printed by: OPS MO SR

ISBN 80–88842–6–