Anthroposophical Society in America

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Anthroposophical Society in America NEWSLETTER Anthroposophical Society in America WINTER 1979-80 [Image: graphicformtotheleftoftitle][Note:insidefrontcoverblank]Published by the Anthroposophical Society in America for its Members CONTENTS Emil Bock The Christmas Festivals in the Lifework of Rudolf Steiner 2 Erich Gabert Emil Bock’s Participation in the Members’ Work in Stuttgart 11 George O'Neil and Life of the Cosmos in the Ages of Man—From Thought to Will 13 Gisela O’Neil (Continued) (The Human Life, Part II) PUBLICATIONS Stephen Usher Rudolf Steiner: The Bridge Between Universal Spirituality 16 and the Physical Constitution of Man Alice Heckel Rudolf Steiner: Truth-Wrought-Words 16 Maria St. Goar Maurice Rawlings: Beyond Death’s Door 16 Diana Cohen Daisy Aldan: Between High Tides 17 David A. Hill Rudolf Steiner: The Challenge of the Times 17 Alan Howard K. Schaefer, U. Stave, W. Blankenburg (Editors): 18 A New Image of Man in Medicine, Vol. III Philip E. Bond Alfred Heidenreich: Growing Point 19 Susan Lowndes and Florin Lowndes Emil Bock and Robert Goebel: The Catacombs 20 MEMBERSHIP Bettina Kroth Charlotte Parker Celebrates Her 90th Birthday 21 New Members 22 REPORTS David Adams The Michaelmas Conference for Active Members in Dornach 23 American Members Who Attended the Dornach Conference 24 Michael Colby Waldorf Education in the West 25 Chris Magee Seminar at Woodland Valley Ranch in Colorado 25 Howard Mehrtens Anthroposophical Work at Threefold and Environs in Spring Valley, N.Y. 26 Diane Rumage Michaelmas Festival in Sacramento 27 Peter J. Clemm Michaelmas Festival for Children and Adults in San Francisco 27 Edward Schuldt The Midwest Members Conference in Southfield, Mich. 28 Magdalene Jaeckel The Gates of Death — Conference in England 29 David Mitchell Northeastern Waldorf Schools Conference 30 Nathan Melniker Flashes from the Past 30 A British Member Reply to Alan Howard’s Letter to the Editor 30 NOTES 31 1 The Christmas Festivals nificant series of lectures. in the Lifework of Rudolf Steiner A Lecture for Members in Stuttgart, 1910 December 15, 1949 The first one took place in Stuttgart at Christmas 1910. In humble surroundings—the house on Land­ by EMIL BOCK hausstrasse did not yet exist—Rudolf Steiner gave the lecture cycle Occult History. In the most direct man­ ner, he referred back to this subject in the lectures of (Translated by Maria St. Goar from “Mitteilungen the Christmas Conference. Thirteen years later, he pro­ aus der anthroposophischen Arbeit in Deutschland,” ceeded from the identical themes. In 1910 as well as in Christmas 1956. Published with permission.) 1923, the Christmas lectures were contemplations of karm a that dealt with the same historical personalities. Our age needs to achieve a new Christmas exper­ The relationships between the incarnations of these in­ ience. The ardent childlike Christmas mood of the past dividualities spanning centuries or millennia are increasingly disappears. Mankind will rediscover the brought to light. Inasmuch as during the Christmas Christmas festival on a new level, if it succeeds in mov­ Conference of 1923 something more than merely in­ ing from a Christmas mood that surrounds the child to teresting historical information was given: since it was a new one surrounding the human being. a matter of presenting examples through which human Destiny has bestowed on us, who have the task of beings meeting one another within the anthro­ nurturing and unfolding the new spiritual stream, all posophical movement can begin to feel and recognize the means for realizing this step. Those among us who their own karma—in other words, the karma of one’s still had direct contact with the last phases of Rudolf own sphere in life, the karma of anthroposophists them­ Steiner’s life and work, or at least had it conveyed to us, selves; this holds true also in regard to the karma cycle really cannot experience a Christmas festival anymore of Christmas 1910. without thinking of the Christmas Conference in 1923. In the lectures concerning Occult History, there is Then Rudolf Steiner achieved the last spiritual break­ no mention made of Christmas at all. Nor does a through for mankind’s future, and took a decisive step Christological motif stand out. Christmas was the topic in the history of the Anthroposophical Society. Once of a lecture Rudolf Steiner gave on the evening prior to more, the social configuration consisting of human be­ the beginning of the lecture cycle in Stuttgart. It was ings, the dwelling for the spiritual being “Anthropo­ entitled “The Yule Festival and the Symbols of Christ­ sophy,” was formed anew. With superhuman sacrificial mas” Just as he had done every year since 1904, he courage developed then, Rudolf Steiner tore open the gave a Christmas lecture in which he illuminated the heavens. Thus, during the time until he departed from Mystery backgrounds of the Christmas festival. Thus, the Earth, the unprecedented wealth of his lifework the Christmas lecture of 1910 does not distinguish was enhanced and expanded beyond description. It was itself in a particular way from those of preceding years. no coincidence that this significant step was taken dur­ The absence of Christmas and Christological sub­ ing a Christmas festival, while up until November a jects in the six lectures that started on the following tragical groping, searching, and doubting had colored evening is particularly conspicuous, because the theme Rudolf Steiner’s words in conversations. He was not of the whole preceding year had been the revelation of yet certain at that time whether it would be right or a new Christmas event in the spiritual world. Begin­ possible to take this step. At Christmas, however, he ning with the first days of the year 1910, travelling took it. And once again, new revelation and substance from city to city, Rudolf Steiner had spoken of the fact poured abundantly out of the wide open gates of the that after the passing of the first third of the century, spiritual worlds. human beings everywhere would begin to awaken to a It is intended here to sketch a summary of the new etheric vision; clearly or obscurely, indirectly or in stages preceding this unique Christmas event as seen a direct manner, they would arrive at a perception of in the earlier Christmas festivals. Perhaps this will also the Christ Being in the etheric realm. A new manifesta­ make clear why it was no coincidence that, even in re­ tion of Christ in the etheric realm is imminent; this gard to the formation of the Anthroposophical Society, theme persisted throughout the year of 1910. Now, in this happened at Christmas. Preceding the lecture cy- the Christmas cycle, there is no mention of it. No men­ cle during the Christmas Conference of 1923, there ex­ tion at all? Not so; once it is spoken of but in order to ists a number of exceedingly instructive Christmas point out that in the present historical study a com­ cycles. Beginning with a certain moment, year after pletely different rhythm of evolution is focussed upon. year between Christmas and New Year, or even lasting It says in the fifth lecture: into the first days of January, Rudolf Steiner gave sig­ “. that, coming from a different stream, a signifi- 2 cant nodal point has been placed into our century. thirty years hence the Christ Being can incarnate. By It is alluded to in the Rosicrucian Mystery (in the this mention of the two Jesus children in the lecture cy­ first Mystery Drama); namely, the ability to once cle on St. Luke, a new light is also shed on Christ. As again see into the etheric world, and the mani­ though in a sheath, He can manifest Himself in this festation of Christ within the etheric world. This, pure paradisal human being. however, is part of another stream. I now refer From 1909 onward, a key to understanding the old more to the forces that send their influence into Christmas mood existed in anthroposophy. Only now, the broad basis of historical events.” one can truly comprehend the significance of the Child We should be surprised that on Christmas day, of Bethlehem. Why could Rudolf Steiner reveal the after having spoken for a whole year about the new Mystery of the two Jesus children at this particular mo­ Christmas event in the spiritual world, Rudolf Steiner ment? Because the light of the beginning etheric ap­ puts this subject aside, as it were. But—and we will pearance of Christ illuminated this particular secret of come back to this in conclusion—a direct line leads history. Here we are offered a key explanation for from the Stuttgart Christmas cycle of 1910 to the lec­ much in Rudolf Steiner’s lifework. No longer was it a tures of the Christmas Conference of 1923! Rudolf matter of proclaiming Christological teachings. The Steiner would surely not have started to give Christ­ teachings change to an actual report of the new event mas cycles, to schedule lecture cycles between the days just then occurring in the cosmos. What is now re­ of the old and the new year, if a new Christ event had quired is to watch the course of the drama, on the stage not been approaching. Later, in 1917 he did speak of the from which the curtain has risen for the seer. Starting fact that, beginning with the year 1909, visible to in 1909, Rudolf Steiner constantly reported on the pro­ spiritual sight, Christ had begun to walk in etheric form gress of this drama. It could be described as a “teich- among men. Unnoticed by humanity, a new Christmas oscopy”—a description from a wall—as in scenes from event had thus occurred in 1909.
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