Annual Report 2012

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Annual Report 2012 Together for a better future Annual Report 2012 1 Annual Report 2012 2 Letter from Luis Villarroya, Vice-President & CEO 4 Governing Bodies 7 Spain Transport 9 Water and Environment 21 Building, Energy and Industry 31 Information Technology 39 Health 45 International Europe 51 Asia 69 America 75 Africa 80 Corporate Responsibility 82 3 Annual Report 2012 Letter from Luis Villarroya Vice-President & CEO In an extremely difficult business environment, everything we have achieved has come as a result of great effort. I have faith in our ability to continue growing geographically and to generate value for our clients and a future for our employees The market for the Spanish engi- Eptisa´s income was consolidated ges that we have faced with firmness neering sector, linked for so long to at 135 million Euros, over 66% of and commitment. The results allow investment in infrastructure projects, which was in international projects. us to look to the future and maintain fell by 85% between 2011 and 2012; Our backlog at the end of the year domestic sales according to Spain’s this is to say from a market of 3,500 totaled 181 million Euros, of which new economic situation. million Euros to one that barely rea- 78% were outside Spain. The num- ched 500 million Euros. Therefore, ber of employees was 2,000, of One of our internationalization stra- we are facing a very complicated which 900 were working in our inter- tegies is to collaborate with other and painful situation where there national offices. Spanish companies in prospecting is the option of disappearing in the and developing international mar- absence of projects in the domestic The data shows that in Eptisa we kets. In 2012, Spanish concessionai- market, or of changing fast and loo- have been and remain bold, and we res and constructors achieved more king for projects abroad, where com- have taken the only possible way than 25,000 million Euros in interna- petition from foreign firms, financially out: to internationalize our activities tional construction projects. We are stronger and with extensive interna- and to export our services. The new working with OHL in the Marmaray tional experience, is usually fierce. environment requires internal chan- Project in Istanbul. The Marmaray 4 Letter from Luis Villarroya Project is one of the largest rail in- engineering services. We are the- has been the export of our technolo- frastructure projects in the world to- refore able to offer integral solutions gical products and services as is the day and consists of the development covering from the management of case of our participation in projects of the rail-line connections between water resources to turnkey projects in Costa Rica, Georgia, India and the Asian and European side of Is- in supply and treatment infrastructu- the recent contract of the GIS Sys- tanbul, including the construction of res. tem of the Water Company of Lima an undersea tunnel in the Bospho- in Peru. rus Strait. Despite the decrease of investment in the transport sector in Spain, this The building, energy and industrial This new scenario is gradually impli- sector still represents 25% of our sectors represent 16% of our activi- cating the Spanish industrial sector. income thanks to international pro- ty. In spite of the serious crisis in the Other Spanish companies from the jects. Our experience in Spain in real estate and industrial sectors in energy, water or industrial sectors the road and rail sectors has helped Spain, we continue to work on de- resort to Spanish engineering to pro- support us in the new international sign and supervision projects of uni- cure their services in the countries projects achieved throughout 2012, que and industrial buildings of high where these companies are present. especially in Turkey, the Balkans technological value. In the industrial Eptisa collaborates with companies and the Caucasus. sector we have supported our clients such as Iberdrola, Endesa and Air- in their projects in China. bus in their international projects. To the technical quality of our em- ployees in the design and works Renewable energy is a growing Our geographical expansion plan supervision services of transport sector in emerging markets. Spa- has resulted in a permanent esta- infrastructure projects, we have nish companies are world leaders in blishment in more than 15 coun- added our experience in geotech- this field. This year we have taken tries. This has allowed us to keep nical studies and pavement design. part in national investment plans in close to the local markets in order Our long history of developing road Kazakhstan, the Balkans and the to manage projects and tenders in infrastructure projects in Spain has Caucasus. Our local and technical direct competition with local compa- enabled the export of our know-how knowledge is an opportunity for busi- nies. We have gained a knowledge in geotechnics, pavements, tunnels ness development in the renewable of the market that can be exploited and hydrogeology services to inter- energy industry. by other Spanish companies from national projects. the industry or services sectors. We The health sector has grown to have become a reference company In Spain, we work for ADIF on the represent 8% of our activity. Our in the market of Eastern Europe, the major High-Speed railway lines in centers maintain year-round occu- Caucasus, Central Asia, Turkey; In- Galicia and the Basque Country, pancy of nearly 95%, despite the dia and Central America. providing engineering and quality government’s freezing of new public- control services. In the road sec- private places. The excellent thera- Market activity tor we have brought together our peutic and management work of our knowledge of road surfaces and GIS team has positioned us as one of the The efficient management of natural tools to offer a unique technological companies with the best reputation resources is the biggest challenge solution for road maintenance. in the area of treatment of mental that the new generations have to health. This has meant an increase face, especially in view of overpo- In 2012, the information technology in the number of private clients. But pulation. Water is basic to the deve- activity reached 12% of the total. what I am really proud of is the work lopment of society. Our services in Despite the slowdown in new inves- carried out with patients in any and this sector aim to improve people´s tment in technology by the Spanish all of our Casta Centers. access to drinking water and quality Public Administration business has of life as well as to protect the envi- remained stable. The key to growth ronment. The water and environment sector grew in 2012 to reach 28% of the company’s activity. Apart from the projects in Spain, we have conso- lidated our position in Europe, and this has allowed us to strengthen our position in projects in Central Asia, India and Peru. We have added te- chnological solutions based on SIG and SCADA tools to our traditional 5 Annual Report 2012 The R&D work in this sector started ties. For several months we ranked three years ago is already showing first among European companies We continue in our results and is becoming one of the that take part in European Commis- main activities of Casta Health. In sion programs, and we were one of efforts to improve addition to the three projects already the top Spanish companies consul- underway, in 2012 we have embar- ting for the World Bank. our know-how, create ked on a fourth with the financial support of the Centre for Industrial In development cooperation, which customer value and Technological Development to study represents 11% of our business, we biomarkers to improve clinical ma- continue to work with the European innovate to improve nagement and the future application Union in monitoring projects in Latin of personalized medicine. America, Cuba, the Caribbean, the wellbeing Pacific and Africa. And in 2012 we During 2012 we have been deve- not only increased our presence in loping consultancy work for pu- development projects in North Africa blic health projects. The National and Mozambique but also conso- Drugs Plan has entrusted Casta lidated our position in ongoing pro- with the study on “Portfolio of Ba- jects in Central America. sic Services on Drug Addictions”. The assignment consisted of the Corporate Social Responsibility development of a properly structu- red portfolio supported by scientific We are aware of the role of our evidence and valued according to company in the development of so- uniform parameters together with ciety and the influence of produc- other services. tion activities on the environment in which we operate. This is why we From national to multinational are working on an action plan that company includes environmental and social sustainability within our activity. International activity has grown stea- dily over the last three years as a re- We have renewed the SA8000 cer- sult of a development plan that stret- tification that guarantees internatio- ches to the year 2015. nal requirements of corporate so- cial responsibility relating to human The key factor in development is a rights and working conditions. geographical expansion plan. 2012 has seen our presence in 38 coun- As a result of our work with the tries expand to 42. International Adecco Foundation, we successfu- bidding has been concentrated in lly maintain the Family Plan started Europe, mainly in Eastern Europe two years ago to support emplo- and the Caucasus, but the enginee- yees with disabled family mem- ring sector is expanding in Central bers. Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The only sure way of creating va- The permanent delegations have lue for our clients is R&D.
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