British Chemical Physiological Abstracts A
BRITISH CHEMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS OCTOBER, 1944 \ $ / A HI—PHYSIOLOGY. BIOCHEMISTRY. ANATOMY CONTENTS I, General Anatomy and Morphology . 625 XVI, Other Organs, Tissues, and Body-Fluids. I I , Descriptive and Experimental Embryo Comparative Physiology (not in logy. Heredity 6 2 6 cluded elsewhere) 660 in. Physical Anthropology . 628 XVII, T um ours ...... 660 iv. Cytology, Histology, and Tissue Culture 629 XVIII, Animal Nutrition .... 669 v, Blood and Lymph 630 XIX, Metabolism, General and Special 676 XX, vi, Vascular System .... 636 Pharmacology and Toxicology 678 XXI, Physiology of Work and Industrial v ii. Respiration and Blood Gases . 641 H y g i e n e ................................................... 685 v iii, Muscle ..... 642 XXII, Radiations ..... 686 642 ix, Nervous System .... XXIII, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry. 687 648 x, Sense Organs . X X IV , Enzym es ..... 687 xi, Ductless Glands, excluding Gonads . 652 XXV, Fungi. Micro-organisms. Immunology. xu, Reproduction .... 654 Allergy ..... 691 x iii, Digestive System .... 656 XXVI, Plant Physiology 7 ° 4 xiv, Liver and Bile .... 658 XXVII, Plant Constituents .... 707 xv, Kidney and Urine 658 XXVIII, N ew Books ..... Published by the BUREAU OF CHEMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS (Supported by the Chemical Society, the Society of Chemical Industry, the Physiological Society, the Biochemical Society, the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Society for Experimental Biology.) Offices of the Bureau.: 56 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l Telephone : Victoria 5215 CHEMICAL SOCIETY MEMORIAL LECTURES VOLUME II, 1901-1913 OF (Reproduced by a photolithographic process) COBALT Price 8s. 0d., postage 7d. CONTENTS Gravimetric assay with THE RAMMELSBERG MEMORIAL LECTURE. By Sir H e n r y cc-NITROSO-p-NAPHTHOL A.
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