TONA, THE FOLK HEALING PRACTICES IN RURAL PUNJAB, PAKISTAN AZHER HAMEED QAMAR PhD student Norwegian Centre for Child Research (NOSEB) Norwegian University of Science and Technology Pavilion C, Dragvoll, Loholt allé 87, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT Consulting religion and magic for healing is an important aspect of healing belief practices. Magical thinking provides space for culturally cognitive patterns to inte- grate belief practices. Tona, a layman’s approach to healing that describes magico- religious (fusion of magic and religion) and secular magic practices in rural Pun- jab, Pakistan, is an example of magico-religious and secular magical practice. The purpose of this study is to analyse tona as it is practiced to cure childhood diseases (sokra and sharwa) in Muslim Punjab, Pakistan. This is an ethnographic study I con- ducted using participant observation and unstructured interviews as the primary research methods. The study produced an in-depth analysis of tona as a healing belief practice in the light of Frazer’s principles of magical thinking and sympa- thetic magic. The study provides a deeper understanding of the magical thinking in magico-religious healing belief practices. KEYWORDS: childcare beliefs • folk remedies • religion • magic • magico-reli- gious healing • magical thinking INTRODUCTION Healthcare beliefs as an elementary component of the basic human instinct of survival exist in all cultures. Consulting religion and magic to control and manipulate nature and contact divine power is an important aspect of healing belief practices. These belief practices are religious, non-religious or may present a fused picture of religious/non- religious beliefs.