Jahlar Lake (B) Country: Pakistan Name of Wetland
Jahlar Lake (B) Country: Pakistan Name of wetland: Jahlar Lake Geographical coordinates: 32q 29'N, 72q 07'E General location: Approximately 10km southeast of Ucchali Lake and 10km southwest of Nowshera, Khushab District, Punjab Province. Area: 950ha Wetland type: Salt lake (inland drainage system) Altitude: 950m Biogeographic Province: Indus Ganges Monsoon Forest Description of site: A small brackish to saline lake with little marsh vegetation, in the Salt Range; similar in general character to the nearby larger Ucchali and Khabbaki Lakes. The lake is fed by run-off from the surrounding hills of the Salt Range. The depth varies from 0.2m to 6m depending on the amount of rainfall received. Ph values ranged from 9 - 10 in the years 1989 to 1992. Climatic conditions: Dry sub-tropical climate with hot summers and cool winters. The annual rainfall varies from 300mm to 800mm, and the relative humidity from 22% to 85%. Temperatures range from an average minimum of 0.5qC in January to an average maximum of 36qC in June. Principal vegetation: The aquatic vegetation includes Carex fedia, Hydrilla verticillata, Juncus sp., Phragmites australis, Potamogeton crispus, P. pectinatus, Saccharum spontaneum, Typha angustata and Zannichellia palustris. The natural vegetation of the region is a mixture of sub-tropical semi-evergreen forest and tropical thorn forest with species such as Acacia modesta, Adhatoda vasica, Asparagus gracilis, Cocculus laeba, Cynodon dactylon, Dodonaea viscosa, Ehretia laenis, Gymnosporia royleana, Olea ferruginea, Reptonia buxifolia, Sageretia lorandehuana, Tamarix aphylla, Withania coagulans, Zizyphus mauritiana and Z. nummularia. Land tenure: The lake and the adjoining lands are privately owned.
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