Uniting Against Terror (Index)
Index Abu Nidal Organization (ANO), bombings and, 51 88–90, 93–95, 100 Bush administration and, 3 Ackerman, Gary, 149n19 countering hegemony and, Action Plan of the European Council, 247–250 191 failed governance and, 257 Action Plan for Freedom, Justice, and human rights and, 258 Security, 219–220 jihadist ideology and, 5–6, 240, Ad Hoc Committee on Terrorism 243–244 (United Nations), 53 leader deaths of, 240 Afghanistan, 1, 21n23, 125, 239 Madrid bombings and, 187 Al-Qaida and, 129 military pressures on, 240–241 Bush administration and, 3 money laundering and, 160, failed governance and, 257 170–171 ideology and, 6 political grievances of, 244–246 Soviet invasion of, 248 reducing allies of, 264 UN sanctions and, 9 sanctions and, 41–42, 45–46, U.S. military and, 241 57–58, 61–62, 67, 241 Afghan war, 5, 84 social dynamics of, 250–252 African National Congress (ANC), strengthening of, 1 109 structure of, 2, 239–240 African Union (AU), 53 trained reserve of, 241–242 Ahern, Stephanie, 17–18, 187–236 understanding, 239–243 Air-Sol Moyenne Porté (ASMPs), weapons of mass destruction 136t5.4nf (WMD) and, 15–16, 124–131, Albania, 26 146, 244 Albright, Madeleine, 110 winning strategies for, 261–266 Allison, Graham, 130 Al-Qaida/Taliban Sanctions Al-Meghrahi, Abdel Basset, 111 Committee (United Nations), 43, Al-Qaida, vii–ix, 237 45–46, 57–58, 61–62 Afghanistan and, 129 Al-Qaida/Taliban Sanctions anti-Americanism and, 245 Monitoring Team (United Nations), asset seizures and, 210–211 3, 13, 36 bargaining with, 264–265 Amman, 1 316 Index Analysis
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