4. Aristophanes of Boiotia SALVATORE TUFANO – Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma
[email protected] 4.1. Aristophanes and His Works (TT 1-5) T 1 (= BNJ 379 T 1; FGrHist 379 T 1; cp. F 5 [Plut. De Hdt. mal. 31.864D]).683 Ἀριστοφάνους […] τοῦ Βοιωτοῦ “Aristophanes [...] of Boiotia”. T 2 (= BNJ 379 T 2b; EGM I T 1A; cp. F 6 [Plut. De Hdt. mal. 33.866F-867A]). ὡς Ἀριστοφάνης ἐκ τῶν κατ᾽ ἄρχοντας ὑποµνηµάτων ἱστόρησε “As Aristophanes retold, from the public records organized through the yearly archons” (tr. S. Tufano) T 3 (= BNJ 379 T 2a; FGrHist 379 T 2; cp. F 2 [Steph. Byz. α 330, s.v. ἀντικονδυλεῖς]). Ἀριστοφάνης ὁ τοὺς Θηβαίους ὥρους γεγραφώς “Aristophanes, author of Theban Annals”. 683 Since these witnesses actually belong to the fragments, I comment on the textual problems in the commentary on the single fragments. Salvatore Tufano. Boiotia from Within. Teiresias Supplements Online, Volume 2. 2019. © Salvatore Tufano 2019. License Agreement: CC-BY-NC (permission to use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed and not used for commercial purposes). Tufano, Boiotia from Within – 4. Aristophanes T 4 (= EGM I F 1A; cp. F 1 [POxy. 2463, ll. 14-16]). Ἀριστοφάνης δ’[ἐν| τῆι α΄ {πρώτῃ} τῶν Βοι[ωτι-| κῶν πρώτῃ del. Fowler “Aristophanes, in the first book of his Boiotian Histories”. T 5 (= EGM I F 2; cp. F 3 [Suda ο 275, s.v. Ὁµολώϊος (= Phot. Lex. (g, z) ο 298 (III 82 Theodoridis)]). Ἀριστοφάνης ἐν β’ Θηβαϊκῶν ὁ Phot. ὡς Suda Ἀριστόδηµος Reines “Aristophanes, in the second book of his Theban Histories”.