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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 3683 SPELLMAN, Mr February 18, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3683 SPELLMAN, Mr. SYMINGTON, Mr. the Committee on Banking, Currency and H.J. Res. 813. Joint resolution authorizing HOWE. and Mr. BAUCUS) : Housing. and requesting the President to issue a proc­ H.R. 11960. A bill to amend the Federal By Mr. STEELMAN: lamation designating the 7 calendar days Election Oampaign Act of 1971 to provide H.R. 11965. A blll to amend the Federal commencing on April 30 of each year as Na­ that members of the Federal Election Com­ Election Campaign Act of 1974 to establish tional Beta Sigma Phi Week; to the Com­ mission shall be appointed by the President an independent establishment of the execu­ mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. of the United States; to the Commtttee on tive branch of the Government of the United By Mr. BADILLO: House Administmtion. States, a commission to be known as the Fed­ By Mr. KASTENMEIER (for himself, eral Election Commission, and for other pur­ H. Res. 1037. Resolution expressing the Mr. STEELMAN, and Mr. GREEN): poses; to the Committee on House Admin­ sense of the House disapproving the guide­ H.R. 11961. A bill to require candidates for istration. lines proposed by the Attorney General for Federal office, Members of the Congress, and By Mr. WOLFF (for himself, Ms. ABZUG, Domestic Security Investigations by the officers and employees of the United States Mr. ADDABBO, Mr. BADILLO, Ms. BURKE Federal Bureau of Investigation; to the to file statements with the Comptroller Gen­ of California, Mr. DU Po NT, Mr. Committee on the Judiciary. eral with respect .to their income and finan­ EDWARDS of California, Mr. GILMAN, By Mr. THOMPSON: cial transactions; jointly to the Committees Mr. HICKS, Ms. HOLTZMAN, Mr. KOCH, H. Res. 1038. Resolution to provide for the on Judiciary, and Standards of Official Con­ Mr. LENT, Mr. MAGUmE, Mr. OTTINGER, expenses of investigations, and studies to be duct. Mr. ROYBAL; Mr. SCHEUER, Mr. STARK, conducted by the Committee on Science and By Mrs. MEYNER (for herself and Mr. Mr. SYMINGTON, and Mr. ZEFERETTI): Technology; to the Committee on House JONES of North Carolina): H.R. 11966. A bill to amend titles 18 and Administration. H.R. 11962. A bill to amend the Internal 26 of the United States Code and the Omni­ H. Res. 1039. Resolution to provide funds Revenue Code of 1954 to exempt farmers bus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of for the further expenses of the investigations from the highway use tax on heavy trucks 1968 for the purpose of regulating the sale and studies of the Committee on Small Busi­ used for farm purposes; to the Committee and taxation of certain electric weapons; ness; to the Committee on House Adminis­ on Ways and Means. jointly, to the Committees on the Judiciary, tration. By Mr. MORGAN (for himself, Mr. and Ways and Means. FASCELL, Mr. NIX, Mr. FRASER, Mr. By Mr. O'HARA (for himself and Mr. ROSENTHAL, Mr. HAMILTON, Mr. FORD of Michigan) : BINGHAM, Mr. RYAN, Mr. RIEGLE, H.R. 11967. A bill to extend and revise the MEMORIALS Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois, Mr. SOLARZ, commodity , supplemental food program; Mr. BONKER, Mr. WHALEN, and Mr. jointly, to the Committees on Education and Under clause 4 of rule XXII, WINN): Labor, and Agriculture. 298. The SPEAKER presented a · memorial H.R. 11963 A blll to amend the Foreign By Mr. MAHON: oT the Legislature of the State of South Assistance Act of 1961 and the Foreign Mili­ H.J. Res. 811. Joint resolution making sup­ Dakota, relative to the Sioux Indian Cultural tary Sales Act to authorize international se­ plemental appropriations for the legislative Center; 1io the Committee on Interior and curity assistance for fiscal year 1976, to pro­ branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, Insular Affairs. vide for the termination of grant military 1976, and for other purposes; to the Com­ assistance programs at the end of fiscal year mittee on Appropriations. 1977, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ By Mr. RANGEL: tee on International Relations. H.J. Res. 812. Joint resolution designating PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS February 22d through February 29, 1976, as By Mr. STARK: Saviour's Day Week; to the Committee on Under clause 1 of rule XXII, H.R. 11964. A bill to amend the Consumer Post Offioe and Civil Service. Mr. PHILLIP BURTON introduced a blll Credit Protection Act to prohibit certain By Mr. WINN (for himself, Mr. SARASIN, (H.R. 11968) for the relief of Benjamin R. practices in the case of second mortgages Mr. FISHER, Mr. CLANCY' Mr. SIKES, Esteva (~.k.a. Ben Esteva), which was which secure residential real property; to Mr. SYMMS, and Mr. GUYER): referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FROM THE GRASSROOTS message--"Only business and indus- _ active political campaigners and supporters try can create or provide jobs." I of the Governor. hope that all my colleagues will take In one city, two hundred "public service job" employees were actually "put to work" HON. GUY VANDER JAGT time to read this editorial. It follows: delivering campaign material door-to-door OF MICHIGAN [From the Zeeland Record, Feb. 12, 1976] for a candidate for the office of Mayor. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE JOBS PROGRAM CON GAME another state, such poor records were kept Wednesday, February 18, 1976 Seldom a day goes by without one or more that auditors say there ls no way to know sanctimonious Representatives in Washing­ where the money went. Mr. VANDERJAGT. Mr. Speaker, we ton expounding on the subject of "jobs for And how much money was spent? Well, have an extremely important vote now the unemployed." It is, they maintain, a for the current fiscal year it was $2.7 billion scheduled for tomorrow-whether to sus­ prime responsibility of government to "pro­ dollars. tain or override the President's veto of vide jobs." One would think that such wide-spread The hoax that government can "create" or abuses would tend to discourage Congress H.R. 5247, the Local Public Capital De­ "provide" jobs needs exposure. Only business from continuing the so-called "jobs" pro­ velopment and Investment Act of 1975. and industry can create or provide jobs. If gram. In recent days we all have heard and the good Congressmen really want to reduce Not so. read a great deal on this legislation­ unemployment, then let them invest their So anxious are the "liberal" Representa­ its merits and its shortcomings. Per­ money in a farm, a factory, or a retail store, tives to boast about what they have done sonally, I find H.R. 11860, the Supple­ let them buy the equipment, machinery and (with your money) to "create" jobs, that mental Community Development Em­ necessary supplies; and then let them hire · they are now planning to increase the spend­ ployment Assistance Act of 1976, as spon­ workers to operate the farm, factory, or store, ing for "public service jobs" to seven billion offering products and services that people dollars. sored by my Michigan colleague, Repre­ want and need. Real jobs are created by put­ To complete the hoax, those Congressmen sentative GARRY BROWN, an excellent al­ ting people to work providing useful goods pushing for the increase in "public service ternative. I have decided to cosponsor and services. jobs" spending are the very same Congress­ that measure. Instead of providing a genuine jobs pro­ men who have voted for huge cuts in our But, at this time, perhaps we all should gram, however, our brilliant Congress came national defense budget, which wm bring consider the rea'Ction and mood of "Main up with a "Public Service Job program." The about a reduction of 71,000 civilian defense Street America as, we ponder and weigh idea was that by putting people on the public jobs between now and Sept. 30, 1977. Thus, this legislation. Just yesterday, I had the payroll-Le., paid by the taxpayers-"unem­ 71,000 people now gainfully employed in the ployment" could be reduced. very important business of our national de~ opportunity to read an editoriai which But what kind of jobs were provided? In fense, will be laid off. appeared in one of my district's weekly one state, eight new positions were set up in Fortunately for the future and the security newspapers, the Zeeland Record, of Zee­ the Highway Department. The exact function of the United States (as well as the protec­ land, Mich. I admit that I totally concur of the "workers" was not clear; but it was tion of our pocketbooks) there ls an election with the main thrust of the editorial noticed that every one of them had been coming up this fall. 3684 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 1.8, 1976 SALUTE TO THE STATES RAY SCHOESSLING NAMED GEN­ Recently he was named as one of the 10 ERAL SECRETARY-TREASURER OF most influential men in Chicago civic, com­ munity and political affairs by a Chicago TEAMSTERS daily newspaper. HON. DONALD J. MITCHELL He has served as Chairman of Chica.go's OF NEW YORK HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO McCormick Place (Chica.go's Convention Complex) and still serves on its Board of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS Directors. He has served on the Chicago Po­ Wednesday, February 18, 1976 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lice Board, and is one of the most active citi­ Wednesday, February 18, 1976 zens in Chicago community affairs. Mr. MITCHELL of New York. Mr. Schoessling has been a Vice President and Speaker, as we in America begin our Mr. ANNUNZIO.
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