Lewlsrpdst Depend to a Considerable Extent on Ance to the United Ar.Ab Republic" with the Soviet Bloc, Mainly Be- the CASE AGAINST DR
" , " I , . , , , " " ,- , " Page, ThreEr ,. " , Thursday, August~,~, THE ,J£WISH, POST Thursday, August II, 1962 , , THE JEWllijB PQS'l' ~ Pap Two 'Mcmtreal Dateline M;:k~t. Mr. Markiss' position that Vatican Version Can U.S. Justify Aid to Nasser? Israel's trade possibilities with a Rome (JCNS) _ "Dr. Haim Vardi Washington (JTA) - Seeking to UAR has substantial development of the Jewish Chronicle '\'-, From the Desk country like Canada, surely must justify increased American assist- and cUlTent payment!! resources I", My has never had any contact with I lEWlsRPDST depend to a considerable extent on ance to the United Ar.ab Republic" with the Soviet bloc, mainly be- THE CASE AGAINST DR. SOBLEN two factors', heardCardinal his Bea'sname forSecretariat. the first timeWe Assistant Secretary of State Fred-! cause the bloc provides the market would be concerned with "Trotskyite groups." The Oldest Anglo-Jewish Week~iI in Westem Canada View ,1. The ability of Israel to pro- h erick G. Dutton said this week that I for 'large quantities of the UAR's ! By ,RlCflARD YAFFEE (Issued wE:ekly in the interests of J e~i.sh JJoP1munit~ aet~vities w en reading the newspapers .. His I : Dr. Soblen's attorney tried again and' again in .Winnipeg and Western Canada) By CHARLES i.LAZARU;; duce mercluindise competitively, "aid to the UAR in fiscal year 1962, principal export commodity"coUon, ' both. in terms of price mid quality., so-called appointment to follow the was about $5,50 per capita and to which cannot be sold in the free Much, has been written, and said, in recent to learn from Soble in what specific acts of espion Member of tlie Jewish Telegraphic Agency Ecumenical Council conference oc- It is unfortunate' that our con 2.
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