Model-Based Monitoring of a Coal-Fired Power Plant Supports Operation and Planning of Maintenance Concepts

Mischa Brandt, Hans-Uwe Schöpp, Volker Schnerch, Martin Heesemann, Dr. Holger Hackstein, Dr. Isabel Escobar Company Profile Mark-E Part of the ENERVIE Group ENERVIE Company Structure

19,02 % 14,20 % 42,66 % 24,12 %

Other City of City of Share communities(1) Hagen Lüdenscheid (2) holders

Subsidiaries Others

100 % 100 % 100 %

(1) , , Herdecke, Kierspe, , , Schalksmühle, Schwerte (2) Incl. Kierspe und Position of ENERVIE within the German Market

Value added Generation Trading/ Sales to grid Number of level Wholesale end companies customers high RWE, E.ON, Vattenfall, EnBW 4

Local suppliers / larger department of works < 25 z. B. EWE, MVV, N-Ergie, ENERVIE

degree City‘s department of works ~ 700 Integration

Service providers/ ~ 10 low groups of municipal services ENERVIE Facts and Figures

Basic capital 114,9 Million Euros* Annual turnover 1.104 Billion Euros*

Annual output* Customers (Contracts)*

Electricity 9,753 Million kWh Electricity customers 280,000

Natural gas 5,146 Million kWh Natural gas customers 62,000

Heating 698 Million kWh Drinking water customers 51,000

Drinking Water 18.4 Million m³

Generation capacities* Employees 1,552

Electricity 1,300 Megawatt Thereof apprentices/trainees 80

Drinking water 27 Million m³/a

*These Data consolidate the figures of the companies of the ENERVIE group, key date 31 Dec. 2008 Overview of Generation Plants

HerdeckeHerdecke 4 MW BHKW Hagen Kabel Hagen-KabelHerdecke 230 MW 230 MW 420 MW Coal fired power plant Combined cycle power plant

CombinedPSW Rönkhausen heat and power plant 140 MW Biomass power plant Elverlingsen 702 MW Fluidized bed combustion plant Pump storage station

Water purification

District heating cogeneration plant

River power station

Photovoltaic station

Network control The Coal Fired Power Plant Unit E4

Pel = 310 MW (net) η = 39.8%

Once through (Benson) boiler 2 U-shaped slag tap furnaces HP-Steam 280,6 kg/s (189,6 bar; 530°C) IP-Steam 250,4 kg/s (43,7 bar; 530°C) Enhancement of the Traditional Monitoring System : Plant Monitor

Operation abnormalities could result in: ¾ Inefficient operation ¾ Limited reliability ¾ Reduced availability

¾ Potential shortening of lifetime ¾ Unplanned outages

Optimised plant operation and better maintenance assessment with help of model-based condition monitoring. Function Principle of SPPA D-3000 Plant Monitor

Measured Real-time data acquisition from values the plant .

Models are created by relation to the process and by Models correlation of the values.

Human knowledge can be Calculation included to improve the evaluation.

Operation & Notifications occur much earlier Analysis compared with other methods.

Alarm Sequence Plant Diagram Display (ASD) (PD) Real Time Data Acquisition

Data source: existing I&C Plant Monitor

Thin Client Connection to existing User system via OPC interfaces ƒ trained from archived data OPC Server ƒ online SPPA-T2000 monitoring of deviations Web Engin- Diag- Archiv- Automati- I&C for E4 Server BuB eering nose system sierung (Java) Daten Daten Daten Daten Daten System SW System SW System SW System SW System SW System SW

Plant Monitor on the SPPA-T3000 Technology Server

OPC Server: existing I&C Process OPC Client: Technology Server interfaces Real-time data from the process Modes Direct dataacquis Validation Calculation Information flow ition tothemodel conditions operating Definition of verification Sensors parameters Derived Modular ConceptofPlant Monitor models based Condition- modes all operating monitoring of Real-time situations recurring Recognition of availability Forecasting of deviations Identification of

Information for condition based management Cases of Failure Assessment with SPPA D-3000 Plant Monitor Display of a Coal Mill in the Control Room During Normal Operating Behaviour Case 1: Failure of a Coal Mill due to blocking of the Conveyor Belt Plant Display of the Turbine Driven Feed Water Pump. Exemplified Failure Detection with Plant Monitor Case 2 : High Bearing Vibrations of the Turbine Driven Feed Water Pump during Start Up Summary and Perspective

• Plant Monitor is a model-based monitoring system, which enables the real-time monitoring of the condition of a component or a process. • Plant Monitor provides important information, facilitating assessment and failure analysis. • Sensitive early warning of faults and therefore avoidance of unscheduled downtime and damage are important for an efficient operation of the power plant. • Further models of components and processes are currently being generated in Plant Monitor. Goal: condition monitoring of all key components of the power plant E4. Thank you for your attention