Lb,1111 Ilil +~~Ï+I~~~+ 1111 1111 I111 1111 1111 1111 1111, IIN 4' ,, NINETEENTH REPORT
IlII II III I II I I I I 1'21 I I I1I I I I q I I I I I I I I I4 I I I I I I I I I 5I I IIOlhs 1 THE acaaernfc London and Wick UK microforme limited Web: I i WELLCOME TRUST 1989f90 p ST;NT3T ~ ,; lb,1111 IlIl +~~ï+i~~~+ 1111 1111 I111 1111 1111 1111 1111, IIN 4' ,, NINETEENTH REPORT Further copies of this report are available from: The Wellcome Trust I Park Square West London NWl 4LJ Tel: 071-486 4902 First pnblished 1991 @ The Trustees of the Wellcome Trust 1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any or by any means electronic. mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Wellcome Trust. Printed by Taylor Bloxham Limited, Leicester ISBN 1 869835 11 5 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONTENTS Chairman R G Gibbs BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2 4 Deputy Chairman C E Gordon Smith, CB,MD,FRCP,FRCPath CHAIRMAN’S PREFACE INTRODUCTIONAND POUCY 5 Trustees The Rt Hon the Lord Swann, FRS (to February 1990) FINANCE Il Professor Sir Stanley Peart, MD, FRCP, FRS I Helm Muir, CBE, MA, DPhil, DSc, FRS ADMINISTRATION 13 (to September 1990) supporn FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH 20 J J B Jack, BM, PhD Sir Peter Cazalet CAREER DEVELOPMENT !%HEMES 24 Professor Sir David Weatherall, MD, FRCP, FRS PRINCIPAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS AND SENIOR LEcTuRESHlpI 25 (from March 1990) SENlDR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS IN BASK BIOMEDIEU SCIENCES 27 Professor Sir Hans Kornberg, ScD, HonFRCP, FRS SENIOR RESEARCH FELLDWSHIPS 113 CLINICAL SCIENCE 29 (from October 1990) RESEARCH TRAININ<( FE-HIPS IN CUNKAL EPIDEM~OLOOY 31 Secretary to RESEARCH TRAINING FELLomHlps FOR MEDICALAND DENTAL oRu>umr 32 the Trustees P O Williams, DSc(Hon), DM(Hon).
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