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Statistical Thermodynamics Enthalpy, Free Energy, Entropy, and Heat Capacity of Some Hexafluorides of Octahedral Symmetry * G. NAGARAJAN and DONALD C. BRINKLEY Department of Physics and Astronomy, Valdosta State College, Valdosta, Georgia, USA (Z. Naturforscfa. 26 a, 1658—1666 [1971] ; received 25 February 1971) A detailed analysis of the molecular structural data and infrared absorption and Raman spectra of the hexafluoride of sulfur, selenium, tellurium, molybdenum, technetium, ruthium, rhodium, tungsten, thenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, uranium, neptunium, and plutonium has been made. These molecules, having the greatest number of symmetry elements of all existing mole- cules, possess an octahedral symmetry w ith the symmetry point group Oh. They give rise to six fundamental frequencies of which three are allowed in the Raman spectrum, two are allowed in the infrared absorption spectrum, and one is inactive. The inactive mode in normally determined from the overtones and combinations. On the basis of a rigid rotator and harmonic oscillator model, enthalpy, free energy, entropy, and heat capacity for temperatures from 200 °K to 2000 °K have been computed for these molecules. The results are briefly discussed and compared with available experimental data. Introduction that, while his experimental results were to some extent in harmony with those of BRAUNE and PIN- From the results of electron diffraction studies, NOW5, a more careful interpretation appeared to EWING and SUTTON 1 suggested an octahedral sym- rule out the structure proposed by them, as well as metry for sulfur and selenium hexafluoride, SEIP the totally symmetric one. He proposed, instead, a and SKOLEVIK2 for tellurium hexafluoride, and model without a center of symmetry as the one SEIP and SEIP3 for molybdenum and tungsten hexa- which best fit his data.
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