166.18:2, $1.29
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 045 351 SE 009 311 TITLE Outdoor Recreation Research, A Reference Catalog, 1069, Number 1. TNSTTTUTION Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Pureau of Outdoor Recreation.: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Science Information Exchange. DUB DATE Jan 70 40mr 120p. AVATIAPLE '7RCM Superintendent cf Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washingto, D.C. 20402 (Cat.140. 166.18:2, $1.29 FORS PRICE IDES price ME-$0.c0 HC Not Available from EDRS. DFScRIPTORs *Annotated Bibliographies, *Environmental Education, Government Publications, Tand Use, Natural Resources, *Outdoor Education, Recreational Facilities, *Research, Wildlife Management APSTRACT This reference catalog describes 371 current or completed environmental and outdoor recreation research prolects. The nrolects are summarized and indexed according to subject, investigator, contracting agency, and supporting agency. The compilation is designed to assist scientists, administrators, planners, and students by facilitating the exchange of information and research results. Selection of prolects was based on the relationshif of the research to the field of outdoor recreation and environmental quality aspects of recreation resources. (BS) oor. rea.tionesee A 'ileteretice cataloga 1969 10,-44 'k iFi 4,4! ito,,,,4,11,4,40 U S DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH, NOTATION& WHINE °MCI Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS TEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED NOM T MO OR OMNI/110N ORIGINATION POWS V VIM OR OPtIOCKS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OITICIAL OffICE V EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY r M O tu Ln M OUTDOOR RECREATION RESEARCH Ln A REFERENCE CATALOG 1969 -4* CD 111 Number 3 Pub Ilehod January 1970 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and Smithsonian institution Science Information Exchange For ask by the ttopertntendent of becae1N Gerernmeet Printing 0111ce With Ingle% b.C.
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