1860 Census Lexington Virginia
1860 CENSUS TOWN OF LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA TRANSCRIBED, CORRECTED, AND ANNOTATED BY COL. EDWIN L. DOOLEY, JR. (UPDATED 11 FEBRUARY 2018) The National Archives, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington. National Archives Microfilm Publication Microcopy No. 653, Population Schedules of the Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. 1. The spelling of many names has been corrected by the editor. For names as they appear in the Census, reader should consult the original record. 2. Birth and death dates have been added from independent sources listed in “Sources Cited in Endnotes,” which follows the Census record. Ages given in the original Census are often wrong and should be compared with birth and death dates. 3. Groupings follow those in the Census schedule. Groupings indicate family groups or persons residing in the same household; however, the order of names does not necessarily indicate relationships. 4. For Slave Schedules and key to sources cited in endnotes, see pages immediately following Census list. 5. This study of the 1860 Census is part one of a two-part study that includes the 1870 Town of Lexington Census. 6. The informational endnotes to this Census study are updated periodically. For comments, additions, corrections, or suggestions, direct correspondence to Col. Edwin L. Dooley, Jr., c/o VMI Archives, Preston Library, VMI, Lexington, VA 24450. 7. KEY: N = Number assigned by editor; S = sex (M = male, F = female); R = race (White, Black, Mulatto); B = birthplace. ============================================================= TOWN OF LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA N NAME AGE S R OCCUPATION B BORN DIED 1 White, Matthew1 75 M/W farmer Ire.2 1785 1864 2 “ Mary C.
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