.-i.; .,''f! Ii if: f ~ i I I I J I


-----·· MEMORANDUM . .

.For att~c~ent to: .. ; · .. -.'." ··. FFC LettdrN~:


TO: Liaison, Officer, Foreign' Funds-control

FROM: War Refugee Board

Subject: Relief in areas liberated by the Bu~silna __

copies of lettel-s . . . ' . There is transmitted herew-ith ~rd-ettvxd~ted ~ep-l;. 12 & 21

from-the Vaad Hahatzala .l!i.mergency Committee deali~g with renrl.ttii.n~~L· of $5,200 to the State Bank in Mosoow for the relief of a group .o:r Rabbinioal/ scholars and religious leaders in areas liberat6d by the Busiiians. : _/ ·

The War Reftigeei36ard recommends that appropriate Treasury licenses and other necessary d_ocuments be iaeiued pertnitting. the execution of the pro.:i ect contemplated in the letter desC:riJ>ea above: Remarks:

For the WarRefuge13 Board A::tion: ·~- ~-:

Basic license No. W- . issued _·. Remittance license No. NY 654393x' iSsued October 9. 1944 Other:

Liaison.Officer'~ Forelg0 Funds Control Date: October 9, 1944

j ,. fOl'Ji!IJU FlllfoS. o.omftbr.

ocl 9 1944 Salan.••·~····· •. ~· .· Fo.RHlllN 1'11.lii.i& ~tfl'ftOL '194J~

FQ!WlUll FUN cS C:O}l'.l.'TWL DEFAR.T~if

ril.ifi::.U MS1'.RVE BAllK


9 Pt~s~~ (1) aypl:l.co.tion i'Ued

crmeee, notmthBt.'Ulding General Uuliita Ho~ U 7 to' cable the itillllld.ng neo._ to ti. State pank, Uoa®vrt ·

11 , Raferdng to 0111" tranafer of $51 200of'1'hlcb .,,ooo !a .;,>be pnu to Ephraim Oabl'i and t2,ooo to Chaja nw. s~- w ..,0 11194 by ~u t01: cable OMrGf!s, pleaaie Btmd Rab'bt Oahti ~nd Cbaja $ltn~ whose addrdH1 ;t.e Jesibotu Cle.tvo l6 .Kmman V:IJ:ij4!:m<>l$ the i'oUOW!ng m... struct:f.~ mossute Quotu 'i'Jl1.S 1.iOllEX xwrmmF.JJ l!'On JYi,LLO\IDKl 11\at ot: MMlt to be supplied by ~.crmtJoj/ DIS'mWUTB FUlMJ l!.q'JAU.1' !O TJ6I ;l"PJV30llS i'l!IOOE AD111E&.<'>JiS ARE KlfOi'llt 1'0 YOU. A.Wrm~ us tiilO lWCliliVQ P.AlHJ,N'f AID 'l'lmin l'RESEU'i' ADr1!.F.$M AND Af,Su TUQSB 1'0 t.iHOU J>AlllEHT WAS DIPOOS!B~ Atm Rm'iS:m 'l"tli')!l.IZFOOE. U}r!QCOTP. Thia inlo.rmation 'l'f8 aak yoU to .fOi'nrd WJll

StipuJ.at1m1 0'-3 (Initialed} 0.4.S.l

RBParket bn · 10-7-44 t Ur. Parke

s. Olluroh

Subjoota Lettor dated September 21, 1944, froin the Vue.d 14ihataala Emergono;y Oommitto& referred to UB by the fiar Refugee Board rela.t1ve to e. l'fl• mittanoo Of $5,200 to the IJte.te Bank in MOIOOW for the relief Of A group of µe.hb~oal soholar1 in Lithuania and Vilnlua,·

In oon,junotion with tho tranlilllisaion or Bubjeot funds, Vaad llahat&de. . roque11ts ponniBsion to oeud a

I milled Mr. RoUf!'or to ask olearanoe ot tne instant oable 11)' th~ · Oeneorahip Sootion. llr. Roui'fel' etrrmgl;y

(1) That \70 inolude all the nruaeo in the lioen'e llml add Stipul~tion No. 1, _or

(2) That we draw up n Hat of tho names th&.t WQuld bear · Ur. So.hmidt' a ait~ni>.ture to indicate Treasury approval or subject list. Aft.or the word 111'ollowing" in the .. 0'1bl$ flUOtGd in tho propo11od liOl1lUl!J, WO would>inaert , "{Uat ot' nlll!les approved by tho '-'roaoury Depa~ont.)" /) Mr. Reutter re(;:nphe.slzod that· even fr l'lo adopt ~ne ot. th

$. ChUl'oh

U\ K - i1.,~i1i1 .-r~•


September 21, 1944

War Refugee #oard Treasury building Wasbingt on, D. c. Att1 lilies i. Hodell

near Mies Ho:iell,

We refer to your telephone oonveraation with Mr. Bohoen and \Ve herewith ~ke application for a federal lioens' to transmit the swn of i,p520

- '-.~- - Permission in the above li~nse wo.uld have to b9 giv~n :for. tli•. list of names which would be included in the cable to be se,9"t fo the bani:.

:Uay we ask you· to endeavor to have tha Jloard arrange for the is­ suance of this lioense at the earliest moment;,

To reicue,, save: and preserve from war destrnction the Torab_ values (Yeshivoth, Rabbis, Scholars and_Comitzunal Lead;rs)

To utilize tfle c posslbillliis for rescue of Buropea11 Jewry where the V a a d H a h a I % a I a . program Is especially neeiled. ... i1.,~i1i1 ,.:YI



- 2 -

Very respectfully yours,




To _itscue, save_~tntl preserve from war destruction the Torah values : (Yeshivolh, Rabbis, Scholars and Communal Leaders) To utilize the possibilities for rescue of European Jewry where.the . V aid Ha 'h a t z a I a Program is especially needed. -l ! ~--1~-- i,- i j -I I


l ( ! ! ! 1 V.H.E.C. . ·. ;'

132----8ulte NASSAU 819.820-. STR.,,E.=E--T ___ ~~~--1~~'RwfM---:~77z ' N!!w You 7, NiY.


war lie:fugee Bl).ard. Treaau~ liuhd!ng

W~ahingtoil, li...... fl ~---­

Atta W.aa It. Hodell ./ il.,:!lilil "'1':!1111 .. . .



War l!efugee Board Treasury Puilding Washington, v. Q.

.ltts Miss f. Hodell Dear Miss Hodell,

The war Refugee Board iB aware that one. of .olll' main problems and chief concerns has been the great Rabbis, Rabbinical scholars and religious leaders of ·Lithuania and the ot~r B<io st~tea. With the occupation and progressive freeing of these territories,. we are oerta:ln tlmt many of the above leaders wHLbe freed.

Their physical state oan be conjectured~ .Years, uncJ,er the heavy yoke of the Nazis will have enervated their b'odies arid.··.• brou~t with it the. ravages of hunger .and·diseaae. We are moat anxious to give them. irrmediate hillp9 · · We would, therefore, respectfully ask you to consider this 11n application for a Federal lfoenae permitting us tQ P• to any bank ./ or transfer agency the sum of $5,000.00 and by th:elD paid to. the State Bank in Moaoow to be used for those .11abbia, scholars and religious · leaders designated by. us and found to be in the territories freed, particularly Kaunas and ,Vilnj.us• ·

Jlay we urge you to please . give your immediate 0011cern. tO.~the issu~nce of this lioense. With deepest appreoiation, .Very l'Bspeiltfully youra9


T~ rescue, save and preserve from_ war Jestruc/Jon ~he -Torah ·values (Yeshivolh, fulbbis, Scholars and Communal Leader$) ·

To ullllze the possibilities for rescue of European Jewry wher~ _Jb_e Va ad Ha ha I z a I a program is especially needed.· ....

V.H.E. C. 132 NASSAU STREET Suite 819..SZO NEW YORK 7, N:Y.

" .

' ~' -. ··- _, ' ---

- - . ·._ ..... '-:: ·- -' war Re!~e.'~ll~a. .~ - ' -<__ -· ::m;.~~~baildi,~ . -Walhington,- .b.'. Atti Miss Ji. Hodell.

-·""'-...... :...... ,_..,,_~--'"'-.....~~ ....:.;.;..~·'~-~~-~~· .,.- •.'"''°""-;,;·C-&,'W.:---.,.~.-.;·:~·-.;,.;;c,;-;;,·,;.~c,:·_·=.,;'- ...,;;~:.~-c -'~~!(~~:-.·~~-~-:~:~~~-:----~"----~· - ...t::..;~~i_-_

...... -/ .. -~~ -- . . . --om>ARTMENT · . ·.i .... OUTGOING OF ., STATE TELE.G!RAM OLri·i·/;·'1~~~wroEs .. < . <~ .·.·

1945 MAA ::;~# 11 47 .. %-~~~~)

LIAiSON0 . PIAIU ··. t7arc11 :u5, 1045 . :~w;.~:.nth .. ·. . . . ''CDNIBDLi~OPY i'leMe ueli var the f~lloui~ iness12ga to the Joint u1};tJi'w: · .. . ._,...--·· .. ···. ·.: .. ~-. ·<. •. . tion Oonru1 ttee i'J>or.1 H. fl• Let:\Vitt of'J~iEjrfc(~n J_et:.'1.'ch JQ1nt i)i_E!°tr:\ln.\.-' · ' tion Comrnit~ee, througl~ lle.r 1-lefui~ee Jfoc.~c:l; ... ·---. . . . - ., . -_-,_

. . ' ~

Union. Henoe issue official orclev to o:e-tdn in WOR .fcij;\)ur cor:i:nittee "-iJprbprlnte pt;J>t o;. ch1pm6nt sent· for l 1 (1f~ii Jone~ • . ./ . . •.. ·.•. ··.. · ••.. ·> ·.· ... vrgcnize..tionr.1 Coomittee of J:olJet;1s>in u6iiir tJoocou h.tshoc1mo.yo 6 !.uo ~'inrrniotein ll0b6i Tre>.J~t1•1rin !loses J;;ooerr.on Der•J·_i_f;joJc ;l:lln . . - . ~ --'-. ~ . - : .;' _·_-:.:-:--_;:'1{~.-- -- • :KQJJineku Doctov Dnv1n ';Jfp_riJ. 1)octor JO.cob 'z1r1l!llerr.1pn Hnbbi ;::i\liionbl'i •Jor·oczitin Jucz!:1eu1oz·_uoriereJ. '.7~c~etcry Union·i~[t~51~~~:~f~l~~~-·· Mi;"J ..1.i.;il..:.it:JJVl'J.:.. 0u1' 11001t1on o.Oterminrt1on or r111ourlt .Diip!r~~-e£! -~~ tJe :- - . . .. : . --~ -, _- --- __->._:·.--~.,:·):1~f~~?·~_:- ___ -~/~.~~_:: - left for uistribut1on :.ioviet Union r-:houlu be ileterf.iine{1,.;p¥ filla :Jor.io:r·stdin f'n

re~6.ru1~ progr1'J:1 e.na. dietl'ibution. Aoaur:ie Y~lt·!cih r::'.l.v~s~ , ·.;·.·:' ,1.;'· . l'~S(:&inn ~ liii~Ol't:

(.l'.i.'i:.'l1'.i!li1IU;F· tli':H: ti,W: lt\1 i, (mm) · · 3/14/•jfl .;Jl,i;. (

CA1Lil iro·ADllCQ oovsmitl oJdtW., Jm~ .... m uaamum. - ' _. .

Pl_.. Wlfft \bl foll..__... to \llit I~ 11.~ eo.t.\tte .,_ 11. •· i..m,\\ et ...... J-1• .JeS.\ ~ll\ft--

ee.t.\'911& qlf11'1 .. BillllYiD IOL1.Qi111C. Cl'BLB JD~-~ ~ Jl1',tftlUJSAlm JCUJ!1l&ft·SfMml9 JIOW.J.JUIO tll 30tlll' UllOI• fla1AP l&11JJ OfflU .. lfO tmUI. 11 tJ1$l JOI WR ~ liPVBOPBIAfll'... ~· -·JOl\ POSJBli .i••~ .. olltMllutlOBAL OO'A4ftlJ cir ~· p um JIO$OOi l'tlllliOtllLYA s .tJll ~ 1WIDl tBAl!llWl uom ~ ua !Ml& 1-. JW4111C• OOC!OR :Dl'flll $nlJD ll'IOl'OH JM:OI UtmllllAI ... ~ fJOJl)CZll1i ~•oa ~ ·sm•m UJllMl :rous)J .PAftlOfS · mo ~ar• CAJR :P01Slt&01 Dll'111&1u.tlOI 01 .-... mWJ.1'6 to DI Lift l'Oll· J>IS\14PI011 &Olltlf tll10I Sdt.1l R 1111t*8JD II . llllt .-111 A11D ...VI GelMIBffilo lilf,.f, YOO ADVtSJf~ ·ANll llOllCOii OOiQ4'f'f)l.E A.OOOBVlMOOI An~- '?lllt 111'·i1drl · - .. · "1>V1SJD mr.Ad»l~ ?~··AllD DlWlRlMlOlt• ASSWi. lOU wlU. ADVISE PASSllAI• t.lli~


. - - -_:K.--.-.··.... ·-_-_·.-·--_-···-.- i... ----

2:45 p.m. March 12, 1945 \'" Miss ~bmmcey (!or the Sed1 y), .AkZin, Cohn, DJBois, ~ton, HOd.el 1 ~tpA Jfu.tchison, McCormack, 0 Dwyer 0 Files. · ' · -~3/12/~ - - \ ' 2. Cable to Joint Distribution- Conunittee, Jerusalem, through WRB_










YiILL ADVISE PASSMAN IBAVrTT JDC ~~,. ' /J '<.;_) (' '[,,(/~~ . -t.A..rcfL(J /.2.~a,,o--~~- -~

The &lcr~tary .6! ·Stat~, jvashingt.OI1 . - .- - - TOi The. 11m~r,~can E,inbassy ~ ,Mof.~ aw DATED: Januar~ 22; 1945 _, NUMBER: 134.

URGENT Fl-om .tile. Department •an~ WEf~ ·Ref'ug~e Bok;d .• . I' . • ·'-:" - . ~:-~:> It is !eared th:at, in ,l~rte witli +~a reco'rd •of _tll~~- past cr4elties, Gerinan_s will•'mas~.acfe. Js?iis_H.·.a_.P,4 p;t!l~r S\ll':O. · ..... vivors in camps Auschwitz (Q. J:>le11sl'l . • - . - ., . . - .. - '. ' . - '-_ -- .o - . -- •. '. - : . '" ; - •. - ._ -· ---~- suggest ·to Soviet authorit~es the-\JI'g~nby- p,f ad4ressingsuit,-_· able warnings by radio and y1l.mp~e-ts :tCI Gef!Dan~ irfthb!1f) :

locali:t{ies. • JI) view oi. nea'.rnes,ii .of Soid.et'.fc>r~es :j.t is f'eit

- - . . . - . "" . - ~ - . ----- .. that su~h'ivarnfogs by. thmti:;roul(fc~ '.lielpful'. ~rtd>ef!ecti.~e. ·· .

·. - Please also raise vr.i,th Soviet authorities the-feas -'i their takfog direct fueas~es f~r \~e··;~policy '.-:·-· -of exterminating _remMning ·. Jews pi-evlo~{ to r\J anxious ,to hear ~lh~~her 60;000 fa ~0;000' J~V(S reported irt Lodz a few months 8:gowere·fpurid_alive, Please inquire and report to . Department and YIRB.


Miss Chaunce'y (for the Sec iy) Ackermann, Ak~in, aaston1)Iocte11:M~C?z:mack; orDiiYHr", 'Filas .~r/~··-· ~·

. i'-!_ 'p.i\RAJ=>HRASE OF .TELEGRAM RECEivED •.•. ' - -. ·-·.. -.- - _.. ·._· ,_ .... _;. ·. .t\!llericari Embassy i Moscow FROM: ' - _.-_- - . > --. < ~ - V:i.a•• -- ' AriiiY.•••

TO: .·secr~tary iir3tate'~ ~ashirtgtbn .•

DATED: Decem]Jer JO, 1944

NUMBER: (50~9

With regard to ,the. !!~~tf~ish 're~ugee8 in ea~t~~n . Europe the information which follows is submitte!:l which has· been seclired from a reliable rion-Soviet' source who 'is in . touch with ,the Polish Je1Vish commlini~Y in the. Soviet Union, - and this i.nfofmation will stipplefi\ent that y!hich wai( giver( in' rrry message dated December 9 No; ~47JO). it .may,b~ j;he of the Department, to- make. s'oine· of .this 'information' ayailable{ to the Vfar Refugee Board or' al~ of i ~\ ' ' r have· broi

DECLASSIFIED State' Dept. Letter, 1·11·72.; ·.if, By Ii. H. Parks Date Sff ' . l 1~,~~ r .

. . . ..:.2-#5059 from M~scow;·via A-£my,• ·ciated necciinber. jo~· 1;944· -., ·.:·>~--; ·~---· ;i:_;· <<-;<>::- - bec.ome Par:tisans; thoy · h~v~·}6fmod their cyfu lumdi 6t.;p~~£l~ans since thoy wero)iot' accepted into the·cSlova~ Pahl.~~ri.Army;' ·After· l;i."Po;'.atiop. practically' p.ono of; tl10m desire .to ·remain Slovakia. · · .· · ·· ·

POLlJID. · ·. T~Ei nurnb~r •- of' Jey1~ .rema1~~ng ih _Hberated Poland_.·• ~s placed

Committee -3- #5.059 .from Uoscow via f,rmy, dat.od Dqcenib!l{3C>, ;1.944

Committ()e is almost ontirely iackin~ l.n ma~~rials or f'iiiicis with which to aid the people J..n'whom it i's iirterosted arid evon,~lta: lack of offico matofaals, stationery, et cetera severely·· handicaps its wor~. ·

The above. Commi tt;e,e'.~~~wA~fi2;ti;!pt,i i-:6niused with th~ . •··.. Polish soction of th0 Ccinunit.tEJo of 11nti-F;,isci13t ·~ows ;Ln' 1!osi::oW; which is·not in anycsonse roprcisentati:v\l. of• tho Polish_ Jews :.... in tho Soviet UniOn but rather is a pblit:i.cal propagand11 · . · cornmi ttoo whfoh is do signed to ·further t)-io ·.soviet informat1ori progr<>.m among Jowish circles µbroad, in:the Unitea•.~tates . especially•.. J,n lJ1wrican Jew named Epstuin is understood to be at tho head of it;

Tho Polish Javis in tho Soviet Union have follrtd little cultural contact· and no qrganizationai contact with roguiar ·. Sov;fot citizens of Jewish origin, .ii'!· gonbraL These Soviet . citizens Of JCY.l' Jci1'nsh thfia~er. Still obscur8 remain the prospects· for tlie;r~·!th.of Pg~~h J0ws to Poland, Tho Soviet authoritfos in general; ··- !).at · · shown thumselvos to tic willing ,to ·lot these pocipitt c _· although recently exceptions seem to hEi.vo been mad() .in the _ Lvov area in favor of ,Jews \vho wish to move to tne te~:vi:t~~ry o:iior wlu.ch tho Lublin· Cammi tteo oxervises ailthofi ty. ;1;'.vffa)i{EF is a widespread·. dosire among tho Polish Jows in tho. sov:illt'"1Jjfi:i:on in- gone_ral to got to Polish territOry ,v1hich has boeri l_iberated · not boc:mse they look forward· vri th hope to the ostabJ,.i~fyi!o)xt of pormanont residence thor~ but duo to tho fact- 1;hirt''tiWY.< . think that vrnon. they are once there they might ·cb,rrtfive. later to emigrate from that torri tory .to Palestino~ alid.' to1 ttio Urti tGd States whoroas tlwy. !Vivo li ttlo hopo cif Ming ·able to umigrato from .tho So.vict Union directly.·. · -·

HfJlRIM/ill DC/L: LC\'i: ME.M 1/4/45 . •· Miss· Chaimcoy ·(for tho- Sec •y) i.c~ermann, Akzin, Cohn, Drury, DuBois, -1 Gnston, Hodel, Mnrks, McCormack, Pehle, -,Files FROM:

T01 Secretafr of State~. l'i'ashington - -- :} , DATED: Ja,nµar;y- ?6, · 1945.

NUMBER;·. 238

1 ·have reminded the Foreig11 .. ofiil~~;;·'.iW~bhroriD:i t:{vi{th tfie • .desires ezjiress in. message.· of--:· January' 2? from t~e Depax>t)l\ent; . No, 134, .that these concentratiol};camps'erist'~nd tha:t•{.t is. .: ·· possible that they may. contain victims of Nazi per~e()tition s'Pil;li The- interest of tl).e War Ref'.ugee Boardri.n the welfare of tl\£;J$El::; . people and iri such measures as cai:ibe taken for .the:i,r ,proi;.eeft.iol) has been expressed by me. ·No informat:i.oµ With regard· to 'the ·•" civilian populations of· the ar!;l . -. information' of this kihd to my Jmowledge> It ;is ,do~btful 'vfhat}1er · the Soviet military ai1tho~ib,es discriminate ai •ail lii>:twel ' and other pe()ple in such records, ''\Vhen' last.• September about :the qews ·1n~od1?:, t~e Forej, .·.· ·' reply thfit it· was .not .able to f~:r:@sh us .any:(: · matter and· referred us to the Polisli ·.:rfatioriar•·· Liberation; a s:iriti.lar' attitude, wil-i' be 'faiCen iii instri~qe; ~- have·-_no ·d_o~bt; . .·--, - ~· ~--';_::

The Embassy h·as•Diade ev.ery ~ffor~,Ji9:,.secufe·information on the fate of the, J13\'is"iri:Russian controi:f~~ territo,i':i,es;, as the •. Depart1aent vd.ll notice :!lrom the message''df\ted Dec ..·. -- .frcjlif~;j:.)ie ·· Embassy; ~No; 4730. and the ore dated December· JO,i...... · 9. '.We•i;c . will not. ,fail, as soon as t"he Polish autllor:i.ties h.;l.ve{h,~cj'.aµ , ... opportunity. to establish. their. administration in tile territories. recently lib\)rate!i and to find ou_t what-has tpansp~re<;l\:tliere, .. ' to exploit every possibility for secµr'ing ipf orma:'tiori With regard to those territories which is similar tg .that secured from Ruflsfan controlled territories.

DC/L:LCl'f:AH KENNAN 1-29-45,

Mi:ss dh,aunce;v (for theSec•y) Ackermann, ,\kzin, Cohn, Drury, DiBois.:.• Gaston, Hodel, McCormack, O'Dwyer, Files· ' . '. DECLA~~IFIE~ .• ....· State Dept..Letter,-1;l1~li:· ·. iiY .i{ u:·ptt~i'B~t~ s~~t'\ 1 · •. _.-.


D; .. TZD:

Re:Jcrenccci to :,: CD!'!'iill'ttoe :n' l'ol'i.r;h Jows in the iortet I I Union and to Je,·.1i sil l'rcvinc"iel fHtc. Cenl;-rul Committeos 'l.n

lib(:.>:C-f:ted ,0 oland mn~r lwve hcen noted by the Dopn1•',;ment in .the ·,. f'irwl pi::regraph of ·n}r n~e::ici:_;3u No. l+l~lO dated Nov-ember 18.

'l'Le l'.:m!J~c[;~1.>' l1w3 t.mdeavorP-c1 to ge_t ac1d:i.ti.onal 6.otails on

th:i.3 subj<': et, b<;l:~eving thnt this vmula bH of' intereot to

t!:e ":fer Reru,-;;ce '300.:rd r:nd ::ier1io.ps to other orgoni'.l,ations in ,1-­ !. t~1e_ D"Eite~: States r1;10 r';re int6:t:·osted in the fete ·o:r."·-·thf.r- f r-- Je;·1isl, n.-,fuli;<~(:\S in !~astmm ;~urope. I um ·Jnd.ebtea.- to Heri.ry ,/ s:1aptr·c, Uni terJ l;l."EH;s oorroi.~po~dont in L:i6s/:o~~:, .vtho kindl:r

undc:rtook t.o rnnl<:e i.nf'o1·mal ap;iroaciw:1 on the 1':mbussy 1s behalf

.;to rolish ci:rcles in Fotico':J, for. the follo~·dr.r; ini'orrlntion. / . I . D:r. J

Cor-.!l!li ttee of' Li !)er

part o.i.' the t

:3oviot Union. •rwo i;housazicJ. 01~ these Jev1s are in the city of

I.ub1in 1 an

&rt Un:lon (1;l1Js f'it;lll'

be;:;trn i)et., ee;~ the 1Jt·;r:::.iniuE :,nc:. 20::.l:iil tsrri tcn•iea no Jews . ··11_••• ' •· c_-'. f ' have becJn ir:clt!df..H~.. ~?\n C·~·;port!Jf .. 5_t,\r vli.2.1 ,)~ :...- t--)lt it is '

tilo c1ovh::t Vr.ion, to ohoo::ie v1Jticl! ci tize11ship they wi-sh to .have cine. in \1llich t,,;rritory they wish to live.

T:wr<~ ;u:D been orr;unized. :ln Lublin u bod'.y terme.d the

Cer,tral Jmii.Bii ColiJrtitteo; to i·1J;,inll Centrnl ,Tov1isll Committee

~i1e N&U.onn2. G011mittoe of' Lil>eration llfls alloted the sum of

sixteen nLL::;.:~cn zlotys '.;o be used in the 1.i.. berated area f'or

the re:-tabili t.r1tion of Jevrs. ~,lie (~Stablisiurent· of. moss halls,

schools, cld.1ci·cr;,g 110ncs, hospituls 7 co;r,munalkitchens; et ceterr; are &rrlonq; the sp•3i:i.lfic }Hll'JlOSes to whicl1 this money

Vii 11 be ll p;;::..iaC.. rPhe1·<~ is an orr;uniwti on cnlled the Comrriittee

of polish Joris v1llich th~· Polish Jowr.; have in the Sovlet Union.

Sommers ts in, foTner Z:i.onlst Do:,uty in Poland i is the President / of this oonunitteo

can be secttreci ulonp; these lines. J. wo1Jld be grateful _if' in the meantims the Dep:·u·t1;.,,nt \JOulc: nalrn uvailuble the

in1'rH'Vi1tl,ion contai.ncd in the e.):love message to the ilar Hefue;ee i3ourd. '"

Ji:J ··, DCH: LC\I: l'.mt 12/12/lf4 -...- ...... -6EPARTMENT OF INCOMINGf TE LEG RAl~l.: ~STATE ",. . - . _.,. .'." \. - ~) :~.

1 AF-81 \;'-'! ; U.:.C ·_) 7 This tElEgram must bE paraphrasEd bEforE bEing. . Da:frd .DEcEmbE:r 7, 1944_ conununica tEd to anyon\(: · _ _.-:, _ othEr than a GoVErnmEntal ,_ 1y~p:c 1 d 12:46 p;m~ agEncy. ~RkR'FRI8~EJ5JJ t. _:,,.-.; \ ,

SEcrEtary of StatE,


7~84, DEcEmbEr 7, 11 a.m.




11 At prrn[nt JEwish problEms concErn in vast majqrlty

JEws in countriEs occupiE:d by SoviEt Russia and b[longing

to Russian zonE of influEricE all action with a viEw to· -

-'- - solving thE problEms of thEsE JEws ~is oi'lly ·poss'iblE

in agrEElilEnt with SoviEt GovErnmrnt. It would~thErE­

forE sEEm most nEcEssary that·- txECutivE World CongrEss . . . - initiatE as soon as possiblE·working rElationship

with Russian GovErnmrnt in ordEr that support of this

GovErnmEnt may bE ~nlistEd for such activitiEs·, I

suggrnt accordingly that thE CongrEss ExECutivE through

thE intErmEdiary of thE ::;oviEt EmbassiEs in Washington

and London attEmpt. to prEparE thE groun!i without dElay

--- __ for_ thE .4ispa.tching p.C\;I Jpv:lf'lh d_E],Ega-t;Jon .to. J1qscol'i• - - . - - - . -- - . .. ' --- - .. - - ., ' ------. ' - . . - _- --.- ·- . . . ~ - -- . ~ ~ This dElEgation should discuss th(}ollowing points: (1) ThE EffEctivE -2- #7984, DEcEmbEr 7, 11 a,m,, from BErn

(1) ThE EffEctivE rrntitution of Equal civic rights.

of JEWs. (2) ThEir rEintEgration in thEir formEr po­ sitions with civil sErvicEs and in thE administration

of businEss EntErprisEs. (3) ThE immEdiatE rEstitution

of all propErtiEs still avnilablE. (4) ThE assuranc.E,

of rapid govErnmEntal rEliEf to all familiEs paupErizEd

as a rrnul t of pErsEcutions, (5) ThE authEntication

I of damagrs suffErEd by mixEd commissions in Which JEws

will participatE and from whom proposals rEgarding· I'Eparations should bE accEptEd, (6) Crrntion of a body .. which on thE basis of Exie.ting claims for compEnsation of damagES should grant crE:dits fori rEconstruct·i~rr.

(7) ThE crrntion of a iystEm whErEby JEwish co1mimnitiEs

can administEr thE propE:rty of missing(><).· (S) Consrnt of thE JEwish commuriit.i£s· to thE:ir nffiliation to a

crntral JEwish rEliEf organization in. EuropE, (gJ ThE

rEgistrntion of surviving dEportEd Jn~s in thEsE coimtriEs and rntablishmEnt of thE conditions undEr.which thry

can bE rEpntriatEd or Emigrat[d, (10) ThE sEtting up of a pErmanEnt rEprEsEntation of thE World JEwish CongrEss in Moscow.

With a vim to initiatipg [\n(i_.fny2r~g_ly i:qflup10ing . thE coursE of such nEgotiations thE mEdiation of

PrEsidrnt • •

-3• -#7984, DEcEmbEr 7, 11 a.m., from BErn

PrEsidEnt BEnEs of CzEchoslovakia might bE rEqutstEd; 1i



MRM (*) npparEnt omission ,. ;'- ;.

EK.:..610 PLA:t1(· ym;c~ . - ..

. • - ··;,>- -_ .•. , .. ··Rec •d .l\:~0 ~~m•

Secretary of ~tate,


4410 · Eig.-.h. te... e.n. t. h • . /. .·' Politic al press £or)p:Ve111oer 15. co~ti).i:r!s foiii:)~~g iteins: of interest': }: ·' ,' ' one; Qt1es:1iiori. or security ancl !'oush westerll. frontiers• _---·-.:-- .. - . .-·- jus:€;f'i6atiofl for the' new nsecniiity;.t;rorit:f.er'sll _advanced bythe Polish Committee ofNa.tiOnaj:I,ibei:;ation .. which would ,reduce, tho·le_ngth'.of·.. the·Pof;i.f!h~rinan·· .. frontier, · tho "only ~insoc¢'e frontierJr froizt 2033' ; kilometers.··to .400 kilometers••••. Tne fpont'ier~-:'W;l.f.h .. czoohoslovakia·: and tJ¥) USSR tlwiUbe ontireiy!B'jre ,. :_ ~batik~ t_O · Po::tand-~ s _- a~li~_~ce_ -:~ t~\::th6_~~:·-.c~-~trr~~~~·:~\/> ---~ · r-t is thor~fore obvious how gr6i¥idI~ss H1lysmahts'a.­ . ments a.re. that Poland woul_d brea~·: dow1(u11der·J~~ :., ·• · of military e'JqJendi tures to defen:d·.. :i,.t,s · front,iets•' • \ Furthermore unlesp East Pi'USsia,~ Danzig, west}i'oinbd:'e ·.and· Silesia are. incorporated iniancL.they:Wiii always serve as a hotbed ·for Grirman iiliperiaUst · .,-- designs to:annex Pol2,nd•> ·• · Two.: Leag~e of p61aii MWostern:.Re~io~s p,q1w~k­ The first•meeting of tjm i,ew:i,y-fo'''• . . ~~ .·. was held in .. Lublin.early in November,• .. ·Its aini'i.s~to fight for th,e rec.ovary of the~histor:i:ca:JJ.Y.il'o:tfi'fi~'·· . · .lands in tho Nissa, \'{grtM:; Qder and SiW~~~il districts which. the Germans have hold i'or

fhree. . New Pe>lish Army regulations. . . • New .rogul.i'tfon1:1 ·.ha ,vu .. rog911t;;J,.y;:_prien p1.lql~1>hl'lcl·;,'.:i;~tc• •·. · liberated Poland replacing the l9J'2'~reglllations )Vhij1f. · were anti.:.deirtocratic and Fa~cist, - ·

Paragraph 103 .of. the new regulatio~s 'reads Itani.;:. one who publicly attacks the state· system.of new

Poland, -

,. ' ~2.::: #4410, · Eighteerithi from Moscow - .- ,- - -. _._ .. ·' .,,-, .. , :Poi~11d,. whti insµlts 6r. i:-idicrnJ,.E!s ±t,~iYho ~ril:ise.!:t< Fascism and Hitlerismj fcirrils or calls ;for the.. fori!mtfon cif Fascist' organiza:tions shal),. 'be puriiShecF1VJ.:tn, i~;;.·: prisonment or deat}lll •. ·The article, maintains that, this · paragraph shows that .the yourig polish deniocr~cyj :whiJ,.~ unreservediy recognizing thQ principles of.freedom of ' COn!l()iepce and opinion:, takes a: 'dE!1;erm:ined;pta11d . , against roac~icinary Fascist' ene,rilies 01'. '~O(li\3Wi • ._-. ~ .__ ., ' Paragraph 102 states tfuit nanyohe who publfoly incites tid na tional~ rac'ial or religious lfa~red:,· who wit.h such',a{ms in vi,ew,. publishes disonµnates:or con- · coalf! i~terature' photographs and the li~e shall, 08. ' puaj_sh9d ·with imprisonmentn ·•, Tli,e ·, art1cle s'\;atEl!l tha.t this paragrpph distinguishes: the :i.:iow :r,egulaticiris from the.· anti.:.semi tic methods of. tho· Poli~h. reactionaries who culti va:ted na1;,ionar rind ra,(}ial :oppres~io~; ~·.. . -Faur ecortmni:c' lifa ·· i~ t~e i1ber8.ted. tegrn!ls • • The °mainprob:I;em •at pr~s~r1t i~ ih ·~cep ~ridudt~y .· supplied :with ruei•· A .partialsolu'.tiolifas '.p:rov:i.1ie:lif1Bi · the. trade. agreemont .-with the s'ovie:t·ufii~nipri.the;:\ffl'.;: ·­ str'ength•of';vinich Russia wi11.supply.6<)a1Jor:Jioifsii• fodust.ry:, •• ·Furth~rnior~ a?llimber offact.oriea ..·:in th.a• .· Droho\'iC:h;...Bor~slqV d.is~z:ict wiil b13 j1rovided for tlte present _":ith~ nat,ur~lCgas by ~li,e So"Y:j_et •Union. · · .. The Bialys·to1{textile .• industry has been~ completely•destroyed.E1nd.onlya,few~!iiillS. production• .· Some.•· tanneries ·. )1ave •;~e·i;;fit:t-~s large. shoe· ;f'actory ·is ·in operat,ion;:t.fii.ii})li sugar refiilerios j sovon. vegetab,l - · 1 -- · - · vo'getable processing plants, •ar., , o .·. - n\llllerous f1o\ir.mi11s~are in operation>·

Five, . Poli~h:ia~ ·rt Viill:)iiaipta1n·cafoae ·. ··· · contact wi;th the orgail:i.zing Committee' of' PolistLJews in the soviet union~ ·nr~ soffimerstein has been 'aii3cted chairman of tho central ·committee. <•~e.~. · ·· · ··

JMS . . . . ' ' :'ftfuJAN . . .. . - -, '~ Miss Chauncey. (for the soc''y) Abrahruhs~n, Ackermann, •Akan, Copn; ])tury, DuBois~ ... Fr.ied~n,'. Gaston,. Hodel., I.Osser, Uark;s; Ma\'Ulon:. M::Cormack, ..t'ehle, Files · . 1 :· ,_J -,.. _,., _._L~c:..·y ---. ~-! ----


SECrEtary of Stntt; Washington.

2oos, octobEr 20,; 1 p.m. · x! ,/ . -. . . - : . . FROM KATZKI FOR PEHIE, VIAR REFUGEE BOARD;.·

/,NKARA Is .NUMBER 16§ : ' . . . '·.'· :. ·• ·., •... ' < ; REliublE infornmtion hf:ls bEtn. rE:cEiVE:d in Ia"tanbui from So.fin thnt t~wul'ds of 6000 ~~rn, m~i'~1y Huniiuriuqs, bEtVff'.En thE.ngES Of l6ilnd 60 , Vf~rE'iJ\bE:rintEdbf thE: A"llitd ~rtniEs· v~hE~: thE~ oc~uphd~or·,. Y~goslnyia, .'riEa:; Nisn. · ThE s~ mm' had t.E rn' labo;.fo~ in D. cdpf)~X mfl1~j .- •· 5000 for 15 rii66tlis Utld' 1500 sit1ct Jum: i944. ,. SEVErul

- -:··; _-:_· - :·-·· _. - hundrEdroE'.n prtvioualy hud;bEi;n i:vucuut~d with thE GErraun armirn to E:rEct fortifiba:tiomf~h~J3~,~~~·~;c1E. ThE Russian nuthorit;iEs huv£ advisEd th·E·)ibErEtG thil\ thE~· art frEE: to t}1Ey: \'fish.· . 90(} ha VE dEclarEd tra~d- WhErEv~r. _- .- . ·. .- ' thiimsElvrn.rrndy to Join A1uE:d armEd .fcircEa, mo morE - . • - ·- -"' - - ~-- ' - • -.: i. v/ErE vfilling to join but vfErE ;too v1Enk physicnlly- to do'

r' ' -. - _. -- -_ -- . . . -~ - . . - - ' . so. ·The: rEraaindEr c.oraprisEd .y9uths· too ypunf or, .. l:ir::n too 1 old to tilkE up::~;~~• ' , ·· .· 1 ,\/b8r. ~)~.:; ~t1VJl)':fJ2~ ..·

· · ""' lb,"'goin~ci1/t;~ ;~~\~?;r~~f~~t~~~~','° lit

·, ' -~-

-2- 1i2oos, OctobEr 20, 1 p.m. from Ankara notEd that although thE libErEEs haVE bEEn ~dvisEd- that thEy may tr

STZilJHARDT rlirlB REP -~ .-

KEM-446 •. · ·. Distribution of. true · rf!adil'!g on.ly.by.-.eci· · · . arrangement. Sec~e~ar; of State. . · Washington. ~4:39, A~gust 7,. 2 :p~, .· . '; :;-:~:..-·· . Fm PERLE l'IRB. FROM HmScHMANN ANKARA NO; · 126 . -.- . - ~-·- ..; : In a conference tode,y with Milhail6v; Fil-st Secretary of the. Russian Embassy iri Al'lkara1 I expressed· the hope. that his Goverhme11t would. inake special. efforts. to distfoguish between.the victims of fasc:i,sma~d the . Fascists ·themselves when t.he I~ed Army. enters :enemy· . territory. MilhailoV assured·il\Ei oi1 behalf.of the· ; ·..• Sov:j.et Government that all citizens in 'enemy territory would be treated alike as this uas . a fundamental .· : principle of the Soviet regime and that the victini.6 and those who were incarcerated would be treated ... . 11it}i special solicitµdec~ ' .· ..



cc: Miss Gh~uncey cFor the sei0y)~ Ab:r~haniSQ.rt,;g~~kzin, - Borenstein, .. Cohn, •DuBois; Friedman; G~s't§iW'J!pdel~ Laughlin1 Lesser,· Mann; l\!arinon,AAarks; McCormack, .Pehle1 Sargoy1 Standish, Wei:iietein~ Files · ·. / \.


nEcr.Ass~H·~~;; . . StateDopt.; ·.· ·; i;fPii '.> . Dy JI. B. . <' '.a~~..:Sflt: l 19'72 . ~ . ·'


-~··" '> . i>A"J:ED1

- .-f -.; . ,, .• ~-·-

'l;_) ;':~- '.'·,;~;-.; ~-:~,.·-'C --~~ ·.:' •'"";?• j_-~,:-;. ·: ~.·· .·.·.· ...... 1 :, _ : i:·- ~ ~- -, :-1t \~' ->·:,·;L - .,. =:·~. '.·.,~:t -~:~~}W1~:~.~ -~~~~:,f;:·}\_-;· ___ -;~;-. __ =~~~- -'.'.f >~i~t;:ii~-{~;4~,fl-~~:f~ _;_;_?···_ -. . The War R~tugee Bo11rd ~<>Ul~ ;,.ppreciat~nmt;lnto~~ :::::t:t~::.:::·:.7~i:~~,1~4~·~ ar~as ·liberated ·b; s·oviet a~inies. Th~':Qc)~·rd .~~<1: also ,appreciate anyj_'~orntatio' SU~h 19ufces Will dlscloa~ c;oncerning treatment·· of civil.1~ .popula.tionaJ.nc1'id11fl• . . - . . Jewsduring'enemy occl1patfoll.

. ·. STETTIHIUS . ·(.Acting)

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letttlr; ,_,-. 1·11~7S.... B1 u. IL i>aria; Date-&Efl- . 11972 i '! _·

: - . ~ . I - !

I flw wa ~ ~ ve\\14 .~ol••• :_, woruau.11ao ... i. 70'll -.an •Mda ·~'~m•1,a1. ~· vtt1t. ...~ t• .-.•• ..t ~Jtioa Of J'&d , ...... JiWii\t& ... flfrfl•• .nl'iltfa 'JM. Doar4 wult alH qpeote.••·~ hto.,..U• auk ...... vlU at..., olo~t eoue)llbg '""'~ ~t:·~~·~~ pOpala,loU f.act1-1Sea _lftl d'lll'ilac -... oomipaH!O• .

12145 p.m., August l, _1~44

.Miu Chauncey (for the Seo•y) Abrahamson, Cohn, Du!!Oie, Friedman, Hodel, Laughlin, Lesser, Mann, Mannon, McCormack, Cable Control FilH -· - ·.·' ->-~ -"---~-~


I : ·-.. - - - - - . . -. . . .. , ·'... ' '• '. '·· ...... ··~ .. Please del1v.er the ft.>ll()W1ng····; message to ~· Gurv1c·~ Execu"" ' '•·:.·; .· ·.. ·· '. . .·· .. ·. ' ... ·,~,.,,. tive Secretary of the OBE in Swl tZerland frol!i · D~, L( WU],iaa~S ' · . ReferringY" yo~s July. -1-3·.·. f 1944/,· ·.·· ~edi~~l. . . . •p~ckagtJ~~~ '·. :" ' ' . . Soviet. Russia tor Polish~tugees diil~o~tinue'd sinll~·br~ak .•. ' o- . ._• - -. ·. .. · ' -:' ; .;·o ,-.·~~- .. ·.. : ;_ .. < - :· .-. :. ·,; • • _. -~>J ·diploma.tic relatioilli ;between.Russi&n, arrd Poli•Jl ·~ovetriJn~rit., Joint. Distrib~ti~n j6~ ttee and Je~ish ~genqr' regUlar# 'sertd' · : • - •• , ' . -. -· .. -- ,<;- .•• !-·. individual food. and oloth~ng p~cl!;ages riom·Egypt,, :tr~Ji a.nd .

Palestine. Russianrel1etorgan1~8.tions·ilnable•t~(leteimi~e --1 ' '··. ' .. '' ··,' ' ' .. <. ..;-: .· .... •.'' . ; ' ·. ' •. ·· ' . j the plight of Transnist~ian Jews .. or others in liberated areas. ·Representatives Rl1ssilln goverrlinel'it h~ye'' 1>~~~ 'a~pro~~hed <. here·. on this !llattex• but clarif~cati()h w11rifllt~ consid.rable . time~ .Rescue HUilgartJ J~ws'.;n~1r carri~d' 6n by mel'ltio11eci .· · organbations. Urge you 11~~1~ contact; Intercross and s.e~k other connections to organize 1mm;ediate. medli!al aid for childi·~n and adults in Hunga,ry andRuman1~·8long well"'triedw~ys or ; - .. - -- -- _,-, .,· ·- '"·-. . . -· -· .-. ' . sending aid to occupied countries. THIS . IS WRB CABLE NO. 100 TQ .·BE.RB. x· STETTIJfIUS (Actihg)

' • DECLASSIFIED ' State Dept: Letter, l· 11·7.i .. .. .SEP l.''19.. 7 ...... 2 ByR. RPark~ Date__.. .\ l·

CABLE TO JruHS'l'ER HARRISctl, BERN, FOR LrcCLELLAND FROM WAR REFUGEE BOARD J.j ! Please deliver the following message to LI'. GUl"ri.o, ~U.,,. I Secretary of the OSE in SW:ltserland from Dr. L. Wulmana l 11 Refett:l.ng Your• July 13, 19441 medical; packages to soviet Russia ·for Polish refugees disoon tlnued llirice .· break diplCB1111tio relation• between ~ssian and Polish gover»menta. Joint m.stribution Committee md Jewish Agency regularly send individual food and clothing packages frm Egypt, Iran ood Palestine. .RuHian . relief organisatioos unable to determine the plight of · Tranimistrian Jeq or others in liberated areas. Repre­ sentatins Russian govem11111t have bean ·approached here on this matter but clarHioation lfill take c!Xlsiderable time. Rescue Hungarian Jen not carried on by menti!Xled orgmiaations. Urge you again oClltact Interredoross and seek other ccnneotims to orgartise immediate medical aid for children and adults in Hungary end Rumania 4ang well- · tried ways of sending aid to occupied countries. ii

!HIS IS 1'1Rl3 GABI.TO: NO. 100, to BERN

3110 P•D'.14 July 26, 1944 II Mi11a Chaunoey (For .-the seoty), Abrahrunso . . . !Aughlin• Lesser, Mann, Stewart CentralnF'1fohn, IAlblBoi. s, Friedman• Hodel• • es. Ca o Control Files

FHodel uns 5/26t:J!i -..... -···-. . :c~~·~E~Ac~-REs'~;--~;A~~RoSi~,~/~: - ·.. t~.~i . --- . , -- . . .. 'f·''' :",:1;_ THE AMERICAN ~COMMITTEE ·····.. ·· OF·..... OSE ,.

~ASSOCIATED Wl''l'.'H TOZJ Devoted .to ·safeguarding the Health of Jews 24 WEST 40TH STREET, NEW Y.ORK c;n 18 TELEPHONE; LONGACRE e.-seois

JUly 21, .1944 HONORARY COMMITTEE PROF. ALBERT EINSTEIN DR. EMANUEL LIBMAN DR. MILTON J, ROSENAU DR. JULIUS BR UTZ KUS Mr. J. w. Pehle, EXecutive.Direotor War ftefu~e Board EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Executive Office of the President OFFICERS: Washington 25, n•. o. . DR. A. J, RONGY, Chairman DR. ENG, e. PREGEL, Co-Chairman. Dear.Kr. Pehle: DR. J. J, GOLUB, Vice-Chairman DR. D. JEDWABNIK, Vice-Chairman DR. ENG. CH. BREYNER, Treasurer We are most gratei'lil to you tOi' your .. ·· DR. L.. WULMAN, Secretary courtesy in transmitting to us, under date of J'Uly- 19, 1944, a confidential message from MEMBERS: Dr. Gurvic, Executive Seoret·ary of the OSE MR. N. ARONSON in Switzerland. ' DR. A. BROWN DR. L.. LAJZEROWICZ DR. N, RATNOFF May we be ·so bold as to request - that. DR, L. ROSENTHAL an additional courtesy be extended to us 1n DR. I. S. WECHSLER aooepting our.return messaget(!Dr. aurvio. The text of the return message is att;aohed. We would appreciate hearing from you as to .the acoeptanoe of this message for transmission. · Very tr,uly-yours, #Mt1'~ L. Wullllan,M·D· SeQre tary ·

Encl. lw:sJ


Dr. Lazar Gurvio July 21, 1944 25 Rue Kleberg Geneva~~et'lS.iiCl

~Referring yours July 13, 1944, medical packages to Soviet nussia for Polish retugees disct>ntinued since break diplomatic relations between Russian and Polish ' governments. Joint Distribution Committee and Jewish l·. Agency regularly send individual food and clothi~· packages from Egypt, Iran and Pale st ine. Rua sian relief organizatkons unable to determine the plight of Transnistrian Jews or others in liberated areas• Representatives Russian government have been approaOhed here on this matter but clarification will take considerable time. Rescue Hungarian Jews not carried on by mentioned organizationit[~7

Inter.r.edcro srin~'ccfopera tton.~·cmner ··authori tat ive ag~nci&S...-···-'r·hi-:rp~fi'tlafna·-partl'~ul;;iy.to'"~vement Of -~- •

pef11ge·a£J··urge you again contact Interredcross and seek other connections to organize immediat.e medical aid for children and adults in Hungary and Rumania

along well~ried ways of sending aiG to occupied countries. (

Jtll 19.

Dear Dr, l'iulmann1

The following confidential 11euage for you from Mr, Gurvio was received through the American Legation, Bern, under date of July 13, 19441 uwe should like to know whether or.not you are continuing to send medical pac~•• to Soviet Russia for refugees there. All details possible vould be appreciated. 11 there poeaibilit;r of contact on your part with Rueeian relief organi1ation1.wit~ view to determil\ingwhatbecame ot.trueni1trian Jews and those of other areas vhioh have ~een liberated? tie should also lil<:e to.beillforaed by oabie whether it. 18 poedble to U!ldertake rescue aotfon on behJ.1.lf of Kungar1iin Jeve thro• medium of same organhation11.. Extremely lll}lortant, partioulnrl;v in organidng 11ove11ent of refngeee, consider enlisting support of these influential bodies. 11 •

fl!~etl ¥. '1. l'ehlil

J. W, Pehle Executive Director

Dr. Leo Wullllann, .American Oo11111ittes of OSE, 24 West 40th Street, Nev York, Hew York.

EBTovlerlagr 7-18-44 ( \_ DEPARTMENT OF: STATE The Under Secretary

July 14, 1944• WRB Mr. Warrens Subjects Attached Memoranda left with me by Rabbi Baruch Korff

I enclose herewith two memoranda lei't with me on July 12 by Rabbi Baruch Korff. together with a copy of my reply. I shall appreciate it if you will talce these documents up with Jdr. Pehle and ask him to give them his attention.

E S •..

oonc ·

Dear HI.bbl Kortt1 Thie 1e to acknowledge receipt ot your two \ memoranda dated Jul;r 12 which you left "1th me · .. > ' J yaaterda1. one deab with the welfare or Jev1 1n . · ;; (j) l former Poland, L1thuan1a, Latvia,. and E1ton1a. . · · .. :;if: }J~?~ f l 'l'he other is concerned with the condition of Jews- . · .·~ 1n Hungary and requeets that the Pris1dent, Pr11le ! · M1n1eter Ohuroh1ll, and Marsha),. Stal11\ 1ssue a .· ·. Joint warning to the Hungarian Goverrunent and people and to other enemy couritriO regarding .·.!·.· oont1nued pereeout1on of the Jewish populace, '. and that th1s Government negotiate tor the release of J ewe from Hungary. · As I 1nd1oated to you, I ~ pa11s1ng thee• documents along to the War Refugee Board where I am sure they w1ll receive every oona~derat1on. With be11t wishes, S1no.erely 1ours •

Rabbi Baruch XoJ'ff, Esux House,

New Yor1t1 New York. \,. ,\

MBLIORANDUM ~// ~/ Honorable Edward R. Stetinius Department of State · Washington, D. c. Sirs

In view of the faot that the Soviet Government haa within the last few weeks liberated many areas ot tor11141r Poland, Lithuania, Le.tvia, A4tonia, eto., and in view of the raot that Amorioan Jewry 1e oonoerned over the plight and welfare of the Jewish people :l.n these areas, we feel it essential tor tho Jewi1h populaoe or the United State• to have the following information1

a. Reporte of Jewe who are still alive and their preeent whereabout•

in the liberated areai.

b. The possibility or bringing reli~f and aid to the Jewish people

in these etrioken areas beoause their very lives are dependen~ upon it.

fie therefore respeotfully request the follow1ng1 a. i'hat the government of the United Statee intervene with the Soviet Government to make it posaiblo to reoeive reports of the Jewish people in the liberated areas and the possibility to eetablieh oontaot through "i. oablo as to those who are still alive and their. present whereabouta. b. We will submit several oentral offioes in Nn York and Wuhington for the sole purpose of' reoeiving the aboye i"iiports. o. That arrangements be made for the· Central Sov,iet Preas .to aooept - and print reports as to thoee who are still alive and their lthereabout1. i . ' d. That oorrespondenta ot the .Amerioan preaa be pel."Ill1tted.to oable reporte ae to those still alive, in partioular ou'bstandint spiritual leaders.

We reepeoti'ully submit the above requeets and earneatly hope that they will be fulfilled, and may we express OU!' deep gratitude to the government of the United Statea for ita humanitarian etforte in behalf of t,,he Jewish people,

Re1peotfully submitted VAAD llAHATZAJ;.A

Rabbi Aron Kotler HABlll ISRML ROS~?IBF.HG Chairman RABBI· BARUCH KORF1


P.t.RAPHRAS11 OF THXGILll! RIWEIV1m ,...,, 03\11 3 "'"1 .,, , " 3::.;-ii.rrw 811 ., .!t'IWM1 American Legation; Be1>n 0'\;~0°.~\0Thl'.\\·l?./1\I/ •ro: Seorotury of State. Wa.shn1t.iLT010t ~dTho·py 13 1944 July ' lHJ61"lHUL u .. 4456

McClelland sends the following t'or WRB• from C~urvio for Leo :·iulmunn, Ameri

,\ll detoils possible woul~ bo .appreciated. Is tbere possibility of c'onto.ct on your purt with Russian rel.ief organizations wt.th view to determHt1ng what became of transnistrian Jews and those of- other areas which have been - ~ - : . . , : - liberated ? We should also lilts to be 1.'nfor.ned by cable whether it is 1ioasiblc to undertake rescue action on behalf' of' Hungarian .Tews through mediun of same orgatiizntions• Extremely important, purtioulaHy in orgfmiztng movement ot refugeest consider enlisting support of these influentinl bodies. / lLRTIISON

DECLASSlFl£f) State Dept. Letter, 1·11·72 By n. a Parka n&te_sff_ 1. \9n. ll ORIGINAL TEXT OF TELEGRAM. SEN.T j I I Seoretllry of State, Washington, '. ~: ~ FROM: l .1' TO; AM~MBASSY, Moscow/ -1 'I DATED: Mayl, 1944.

NUMBF~:. 1081x CABLE TO AMBASSADOR H.ARRTMAN, Mosoo.w The Wf!r Refugee Board requests that you deliver>· ...... / .• > . the followingmessage to'Samuel-ChobrutsJ.ty 1 MOSCOW' Jewish Communi~y, Spasogl1nisto]1.evsky #B, Moscow, u.s.s.R.·: ; ./ .. QUOTE Our· Vaad Haha.~zala .Emergency·. Oo1Dmit:tee Relief and Rescue Agency comprising Rabbinical and

~ . . other Orthodox OJ'ganizations interested 1n obta1n~ng information regarding. poa1 tion of Jews, . in te:rir~tir'fes . freed by R\lssian Ar~y with view to sending re~iei'; . if needed. · We ·suggest yoiA- as -head of l~wi rili commun-. . - - ~ ·. . 1 ty in Mo scow present matter to your G<>'V'erProent .and · . . request. information regarding situation, . need of and

~possibilities for giving relief, Inform us it you ~ . ~a.ve,.... complete list Rab~it ~~~ YeSliiva ~oholars/ 4\dviae us giving details by·message to War Refugee

f9ard, Washington~ through Anle:t'ioan Embassy,MOsoo,\r, 01' through soviet channels. Ve.ad Hahatzala Erner- ~ gency Committee Rabbis Rotfenberg, Silver, Levinson,

Kotler, Kalmi:mow1tz, Gl_'osowek1 t]~Ql!()TE~ ·- DECLAS-~UFIED - :.... :. . . State Dept. :i,etter, 1-11·72 HULL B.J B. U. l'arlls D11w~ By R. H. I'~ks Daie...sEE. .1 J!J]Q_ i .,, [


.. '.•••.•. The War Refugee Board requests that you deliver the '.·'.·~;·f· following message to Samuel Chobrutaky, !fosoow Jewish Community, Spasogllniatchevoky #8 1 11.osoow, u.s.s.R.:.

·".c_ 1 QUOTE Our Vaa

...... April 27, 1944 12:40 P.M •

. BAkzin1jp 4/25/44 ... _,,~ ·-·r---~-~

(Emerge11cy Committee for Refqgee Scholars;· . ·· Yesl1ivoth, Rabbis and Communal:, Leaders) · 132 NASSAU STREET (ROOM 810) NEW YORK 7, N. Yo

PHONE ~ECTOR 2•42315

April ~l, 1944.

Mr. L. Lesser War Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington, 25, D.c. Dear W!l'. Lesser, We enclose text of message .to be transmitted to. Mr. Chobrutsky in Moscow througl1 t.he .Aiiieric:ian Legation~ May we inquire whether the three .cables which we presented to you - one message to ·rse.ac Stembuch, in· . Switzerland, the second to Ra~bi Joseph MishkofskFhl .· Palest 1ne and tha third to W~lhel.mJVolbe in, ~jreden, have been dispatched. . .. .·•. , .. · . · · •' · · • • · ·.. With our sincerest appreciatfon for ydur Urs,. 't VA.AD HAHATzALA EMERGENCY COMMITTEE: