Folder 8 Conditions of Jews in Territory Liberated by Soviet Russia

Folder 8 Conditions of Jews in Territory Liberated by Soviet Russia

.-i.; .,''f! Ii if: f ~ i I I I J I -.'.: -----·· MEMORANDUM . .For att~c~ent to: .. ; · .. -.'." ··. FFC LettdrN~: Date: TO: Liaison, Officer, Foreign' Funds-control FROM: War Refugee Board Subject: Relief in areas liberated by the Bu~silna __ copies of lettel-s . ' . There is transmitted herew-ith ~rd-ettvxd~ted ~ep-l;. 12 & 21 from-the Vaad Hahatzala .l!i.mergency Committee deali~g with renrl.ttii.n~~L· of $5,200 to the State Bank in Mosoow for the relief of a group .o:r Rabbinioal/ scholars and religious leaders in areas liberat6d by the Busiiians. : _/ · The War Reftigeei36ard recommends that appropriate Treasury licenses and other necessary d_ocuments be iaeiued pertnitting. the execution of the pro.:i ect contemplated in the letter desC:riJ>ea above: Remarks: For the WarRefuge13 Board A::tion: ·~- ~-: Basic license No. W- . issued _·. Remittance license No. NY 654393x' iSsued October 9. 1944 Other: Liaison.Officer'~ Forelg0 Funds Control Date: October 9, 1944 j ,. fOl'Ji!IJU FlllfoS. o.omftbr. ocl 9 1944 Salan.••·~····· •. ~· .· Fo.RHlllN 1'11.lii.i& ~tfl'ftOL '194J~ FQ!WlUll FUN cS C:O}l'.l.'TWL DEFAR.T~if ril.ifi::.U MS1'.RVE BAllK mmr YORK OIT! 9 Pt~s~~ (1) i'Ued <lireetly m th thia &p~t:i!&~t, you· are.~ nut~ - lsed to issue liconso to Vard Ha.h.atzall! hrgeMy C~mi4ttoe, 1:32 lia8.enu ~. / . ~-, . - ., - Hew 7or.k1 'fl~ York, pcn.-.i.tting it, not'l'lithattmdin~ mmel'.'~ R~ ~~·. li~ t;, ~t tho 8U.lll Qf $51200 to the Stato .Bank1 v.~»cO'f11 -U\~·J~.R~ i'oJ.O •.r:~~t. ;o l!Bb~ Ephraia ,,- .. ,,__ ._-';-;----=~-- -.· -- ' ·- Osbri in the eqUi "alent ot GJ,ooo Md to Chaja Mere Shullnanifl.lle in the equival.en\· . o.t $2,ooo, both e.t Kaunau Vilijampole, Ltthutinia, and. fol' ro~8Pent to~ ot oable coets in tho equ1val.8nt l)f taco., 'J.'bia lic.tnae 8ba1l. alao •utboria lSio' ·· · · crmeee, notmthBt.'Ulding General Uuliita Ho~ U 7 to' cable the neo._ to ti. State pank, Uoa®vrt · 11 , Raferdng to 0111" tranafer of $51 200of'1'hlcb .,,ooo !a .;,>be pnu to Rabbi Ephraim Oabl'i and t2,ooo to Chaja nw. s~- w ..,0 11194 by ~u t01: cable OMrGf!s, pleaaie Btmd Rab'bt Oahti ~nd Cbaja $ltn~ whose addrdH1 ;t.e Jesibotu Cle.tvo l6 .Kmman V:IJ:ij4!:m<>l$ the i'oUOW!ng m... struct:f.~ mossute Quotu 'i'Jl1.S 1.iOllEX xwrmmF.JJ l!'On JYi,LLO\IDKl 11\at ot: MMlt to be supplied by ~.crmtJoj/ DIS'mWUTB FUlMJ l!.q'JAU.1' !O TJ6I ;l"PJV30llS i'l!IOOE AD111E&.<'>JiS ARE KlfOi'llt 1'0 YOU. A.Wrm~ us tiilO lWCliliVQ P.AlHJ,N'f AID 'l'lmin l'RESEU'i' ADr1!.F.$M AND Af,Su TUQSB 1'0 t.iHOU J>AlllEHT WAS DIPOOS!B~ Atm Rm'iS:m 'l"tli')!l.IZFOOE. U}r!QCOTP. Thia inlo.rmation 'l'f8 aak yoU to .fOi'nrd WJll StipuJ.at1m1 0'-3 (Initialed} 0.4.S.l RBParket bn · 10-7-44 t Ur. Parke s. Olluroh Subjoota Lettor dated September 21, 1944, froin the Vue.d 14ihataala Emergono;y Oommitto& referred to UB by the fiar Refugee Board rela.t1ve to e. l'fl• mittanoo Of $5,200 to the IJte.te Bank in MOIOOW for the relief Of A group of µe.hb~oal soholar1 in Lithuania and Vilnlua,· In oon,junotion with tho tranlilllisaion or Bubjeot funds, Vaad llahat&de. roque11ts ponniBsion to oeud a <lr.blo whioh 1e quo_tod 1n their lotter of' Sept=-' bar 21, 1944, ~r. Sohoen ot the Vaad liahe.taala he.a informed thia Oft1oo thatc 1 t is intended that e. 11at or 200 n1U11011 be 1nsertod after the word 11following" in suoit oable. I milled Mr. RoUf!'or to ask olearanoe ot tne instant oable 11)' th~ · Oeneorahip Sootion. llr. Roui'fel' etrrmgl;y <i?~bts that Oen11or111lipcwillc perllli.t any ruunea to be inoluded in the oliblG, · !lo 1Ju'gg$11tij that-we· adopt ono ot the following alternitt1vea1 · (1) That \70 inolude all the nruaeo in the lioen'e llml add Stipul~tion No. 1, _or (2) That we draw up n Hat of tho names th&.t WQuld bear · Ur. So.hmidt' a ait~ni>.ture to indicate Treasury approval or subject list. Aft.or the word 111'ollowing" in the .. 0'1bl$ flUOtGd in tho propo11od liOl1lUl!J, WO would>inaert , "{Uat ot' nlll!les approved by tho '-'roaoury Depa~ont.)" /) Mr. Reutter re(;:nphe.slzod that· even fr l'lo adopt ~ne ot. th<i -b~ve _. v· ... willmethods 11.ppro'l'.e I)~ issuing the sending the license, of suoh thl!re niu.'les.; is -.:subste.ntialdoubt_~h~~-Oen1or1hlp_ ; .. _._ .. .--_·.- __-.· $. ChUl'oh U\ K - i1.,~i1i1 .-r~• (EMERGENCY COMMITTEE) 132 NASSAU STREET. (ROOM BIB) NEW YORK 7, N. Y. September 21, 1944 War Refugee #oard Treasury building Wasbingt on, D. c. Att1 lilies i. Hodell near Mies Ho:iell, We refer to your telephone oonveraation with Mr. Bohoen and \Ve herewith ~ke application for a federal lioens' to transmit the swn of i,p520<Yto the tltate Bank in Moeol7# u.s~R.· to. be paid bf·._ them as fol)owa1 $3000 to Rabbi Jilphrairn Oahri and $2000 to oliil.1a ~ Mer6 Shulmaniene both at Jesibotu Gatve 16 .Kaunas Vilijanpole Lithuania and by thElll to be distributed to the Rabbis and scholars in Li thusnia and Vilni'as. The e\111 $200•00 to: be ;used by bank for ~ble costs. :~ '- \ -_ 2_;1.,'---- :~ .}. - ~----· . In conjunction with tranariliasi.on of funds; p11iliJ1as,1on-8hould be granted-.r' us to send' Jb llowing cable' . to the 6tate- Bank: in'·MoaoQW1. ~ /:\ "Referring. to . our ·transfer of :fli200 of whioh $3000 . "'1 is to be paid to Rabbi EpJiraim Oahri and_ f2000 to ~. "\:- Ohaja Mere Shulmaniene and $2oO used ey yOu. for cable .1 '- · oharges9 please send Rabbi Osliri and Ohaja Sh'ul!Jlaniene f ) whose address is Jesibotu aatve 16 Kaunas Vilij&mpole . ~ I the folla.ving inetruotive message Quote THIS M5NEY IH~./ Y. ..t' . TE.NDED FOR FOLL-WIINGi ...+,,.,-. ..iDISTJllBUl!__ E ,FUNDS EQUALLY ' ' Jiad ACOEPr-FtmS:iONLY ~ mosE PERSONS WHOSE .ADDRE~~ES 'c . VfBE KNOWN TO l'OU. ADVISE US WHO RECEIV'm> PAYMENT AND · THIDIR PRESENT ADilRESSES AND ALID THOSE To WHOM PAYMENT •'wA.s 1Mross1BLE AND :REAOON THEREFORE. UNQOOTE This in- formation we ask you to f~rward'.'to_us. · · · · '\, - '-.~- - Permission in the above li~nse wo.uld have to b9 giv~n :for. tli•. list of names which would be included in the cable to be se,9"t fo the bani:. :Uay we ask you· to endeavor to have tha Jloard arrange for the is­ suance of this lioense at the earliest moment;, To reicue,, save: and preserve from war destrnction the Torab_ values (Yeshivoth, Rabbis, Scholars and_Comitzunal Lead;rs) To utilize tfle c posslbillliis for rescue of Buropea11 Jewry where the V a a d H a h a I % a I a . program Is especially neeiled. ... i1.,~i1i1 ,.:YI (EMERGENCY COMMITTEE) 132 NASSAU STREET (ROOM 819) NEW YORK 7, N. Y. PHONE RECTOR 2·4238 - 2 - Very respectfully yours, VAAD HAHATZALA.EMERGENCY COMM.IT!rEE JK1r -------·---- To _itscue, save_~tntl preserve from war destruction the Torah values : (Yeshivolh, Rabbis, Scholars and Communal Leaders) To utilize the possibilities for rescue of European Jewry where.the . V aid Ha 'h a t z a I a Program is especially needed. -l ! ~--1~-- i,- i j -I I 1 l ( ! ! ! 1 V.H.E.C. ·. ;' 132----8ulte NASSAU 819.820-. STR.,,E.=E--T ___ ~~~--1~~'RwfM---:~77z ' N!!w You 7, NiY. ~P£CrAt DEllVERV war lie:fugee Bl).ard. Treaau~ liuhd!ng W~ahingtoil, li. .....fl ~---­ Atta W.aa It. Hodell ./ il.,:!lilil "'1':!1111 .. (EMERGENCY COMMITTEE) ' .. <?~0' : 1 :32 NASSAU STREET ""?f =? (ROOM 819) NEW 'YORK 7, N. V. '>~~- PHONE RECTOR, 2·42315 War l!efugee Board Treasury Puilding Washington, v. Q. .ltts Miss f. Hodell Dear Miss Hodell, The war Refugee Board iB aware that one. of .olll' main problems and chief concerns has been the great Rabbis, Rabbinical scholars and religious leaders of ·Lithuania and the ot~r B&ltio st~tea. With the occupation and progressive freeing of these territories,. we are oerta:ln tlmt many of the above leaders wHLbe freed. Their physical state oan be conjectured~ .Years, uncJ,er the heavy yoke of the Nazis will have enervated their b'odies arid.··.• brou~t with it the. ravages of hunger .and·diseaae. We are moat anxious to give them. irrmediate hillp9 · · We would, therefore, respectfully ask you to consider this 11n application for a Federal lfoenae permitting us tQ P• to any bank ./ or transfer agency the sum of $5,000.00 and by th:elD paid to. the State Bank in Moaoow to be used for those .11abbia, scholars and religious · leaders designated by. us and found to be in the territories freed, particularly Kaunas and ,• · Jlay we urge you to please . give your immediate 0011cern. tO.~the issu~nce of this lioense. With deepest appreoiation, .Very l'Bspeiltfully youra9 AK1r T~ rescue, save and preserve from_ war Jestruc/Jon ~he -Torah ·values (Yeshivolh, fulbbis, Scholars and Communal Leader$) · To ullllze the possibilities for rescue of European Jewry wher~ _Jb_e Va ad Ha ha I z a I a program is especially needed.· .... V.H.E.

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