Ilibikorif: Doughty Bac Ker of Nixon
qauarsfieull ilibiKorif: Doughty Bac ker of Nixon By Morton 1;rig;c17e4f for a vacation, took out a bank loan of chicaeo Sun-ThnCs $3,000, got a friend to contribute $2,000, President Nixon might have pre- and bought an ad in one newspaper, ferred having his old friend, Donald The New York Times. Kendall of Pepsi Cola, lead a national He opened a $100-a-month office in campaign of the faithful in his defense. Providence, R.I., and founded a group Instead he got a doughty retired rabbi called the National Citizens Committee from Rehoboth, Mass., who is doing a for Fairness to the Presidency, whose much better job. letterhead contains names no more no- In classic corporate style, Kendall got table than actress Anne Baxter, Mrs. a letterhead full of national notables to- Herbert Stein, wife of the chairman of gether—including comedian Bob Hope, the President's Council of Economic the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, Mamie Advisers, and Maj. Gen. Julius Klein Eisenhower and industrialist David of Chicago. Packard—and founded Americans for From the committee's modest begin- the Presidency. nings last summer, a pro-Nixon move- Kendall's group placed ads in 145 ment has blossomed that now includes newspapers, raising $200,000. From 233 supporting groups containing, Rabbi larger individual contributors whose Korff estimated,. 2,300,000 members names it will not disclose, it got another growing at the rate of 25,000 to 30,000 $150,000. It has opened an office in the per week. high-rent district of Washington, hired The Kendall organization, by com- the former congressional relations di- parison, has gathered some 35,000 sup- rector of the Cost of Living Council, porters, according to its field director, and put together a new ad campaign to Robert E.
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