MM" ,/ Ljtta) Fln; #-{
I99 KINGSToN RoAD LoNDON SW}g TeI,OI_540 oasi.. l 'rv MM" ,/ lJttA) fln; #-{ tru'rtterry Xffm-ry*LSS.e.Re.ffiS. seeffixss eg-ge"k&R"-4ffi *es-e cherry Red Recolds r. the Lond,on baeed, independ.ont Record. conpanyr have slgned, a three yo&r llce,'se a,greenent wtth the Sristol based gecords. Eeartbeat cherr! n"a sill-be marke! ?"d. prornote arl Eeartbeat product whicb wtli i*clud.ed, ritb cherry Redrs d,istriiutlon d.ear rriu-fp"rtan Rec ordg r First new release und,er the agreement nill be a l2,r track single by 3ristol. band. t0LAX0 4 $ersht6$ho"'A}n3.1'"]';f;i".;i'i:}'ix$i*;';;'kgr+BABrEsr wh,Lch iE rereased of stoqk for ine rait i;;; rsonthE. said raln Mc$ay on behar.f ol cherry Red,r?here are talented acts energlng f:rom tnl gristor so&e vexy will retaia totarTeY coirtioi-over &r€*r seaibeat conplo tetv ret'ain tbeir i"u*i-ii-"iiti.tbatr A. arrd, R. gid,e and havo the ad.vantage fiowever, they irr.rl 'ow of nationar *riirruutron asd havE il:fffr,tronotionaL and' markotlns raciriii.u ;;-*;;; i*,*r" ].lore luformatioa lain Uc$ay on 540 6g5I. ilrrsct*r: IeenMclrlry Registered Office, fr* S*uth .&udi*y Stre*t, fu*nc3*n W I t{u*r,r*+xl b€gK\S* €.ft*Jz-lr{ & Glaxo Babies : rliine Ilionths to the liscot (Cherry Red./ Heartbeat) Of all the new bands spawned in the Sristol area over the last few years, very few have had any lasting effect on the national scener most having dissolved into a mediochre pop/p.p soup.
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