October 2015

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October 2015 DEALER INFORMATION SERVICE: NO. 285 OCTOBER 2015 • CUT-OFF DATE FOR RECEIPT OF ORDER: THURSDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER • SHIP-OUT DATE: WEDNESDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER REPRESENTING TODAY’S • NATIONAL ‘ON SALE’ DATE: FRIDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER GREAT LABELS THIS MONTH'S HIGHLIGHTS Download this month's information here: http://www.selectmusic.co.uk/ USERNAME: dealer / PASSWORD: select Select Music and Video Distribution Limited 3 Wells Place, Redhill, Surrey RH1 3SL Tel: 01737 645600 Fax: 01737 644065 Index Please click on a label below to be directed to its relevant page. Thank you. CDs Accentus Music ...................................................................................................................................... page 9 Albion Records ...................................................................................................................................... page 6 ALFi Records ......................................................................................................................................... page 9 APR ................................................................................................................................................... page 10 BIS ...................................................................................................................................................... page 5 BR Klassik ............................................................................................................................................. page 6 Bridge Records .................................................................................................................................... page 10 Cantaloupe ........................................................................................................................................... page 6 Capriccio ............................................................................................................................................ page 10 Chandos ............................................................................................................................................... page 4 Coro ..................................................................................................................................................... page 7 CPO ................................................................................................................................................. page 7, 8 Dacapo ................................................................................................................................................. page 8 Delos ................................................................................................................................................. page 11 Dynamic ............................................................................................................................................. page 11 Genuin Classics .............................................................................................................................. page 11, 12 Grand Piano ........................................................................................................................................ page 12 Hanssler Classic ................................................................................................................................... page 12 Honens .............................................................................................................................................. page 13 Hyperion .............................................................................................................................................. page 3 LPO ..................................................................................................................................................... page 8 Melodiya ............................................................................................................................................ page 13 Obsidian ............................................................................................................................................... page 8 Octopus .............................................................................................................................................. page 13 Oehms Classics .................................................................................................................................... page 14 Ondine ................................................................................................................................................. page 9 Orlando Records ................................................................................................................................... page 14 Paladino Music .................................................................................................................................... page 15 Solo Musica ......................................................................................................................................... page 15 Sono Luminus ...................................................................................................................................... page 15 Steinway & Sons .................................................................................................................................. page 16 SWR ................................................................................................................................................... page 16 Tactus ................................................................................................................................................ page 16 Toccata Classics ................................................................................................................................... page 17 Tudor ................................................................................................................................................. page 17 Yarlung Records ................................................................................................................................... page 17 DVDs Accentus Music .................................................................................................................................... page 18 Arthaus Musik ..................................................................................................................................... page 19 C Major Entertainment .......................................................................................................................... page 20 Dynamic ............................................................................................................................................. page 21 Euroarts ............................................................................................................................................. page 21 Opus Arte ........................................................................................................................................... page 18 Seventh Art ......................................................................................................................................... page 21 2 All Prices Quoted are Dealer Prices OCTOBER 2015 Highlight of the month Janáček & Smetana String Quartets Bedřich SMETANA: String Quartet No. 1 in E minor ‘From my Life’; Leoš JANÁČEK: String Quartet No. 1 ‘The Kreutzer Sonata’; String Quartet No. 2 ‘Intimate Letters’ Takács Quartet A second new album this year from the much-fêted Takács Quartet presents three popular string quartets from Czechoslovakia. Janáček’s two quartets share with Smetana’s No. 1 narrative undercurrents, and draw from our four players performances of gripping engagement. CDA67997 £9.00 Wilhelm FITZENHAGEN The Romantic Cello Concerto – 7 Cello Concerto No. 1 in B minor; Cello Concerto No. 2 in A minor; Variations on a Rococo Theme (Tchaikovsky arr. Fitzenhagen); Ballade; Resignation Alban Gerhardt Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Stefan Blunier CDA68063 The music of Wilhelm Fitzenhagen bursts into the Hyperion catalogue with two triumphant cello £9.00 concertos, a couple of other original works, and his infamous version of the Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations. Ace cellist Alban Gerhardt presides. Arias for Benucci Giovanni PAISIELLO: Overture from Il re Teodoro in Venezia; Antonio SALIERI: Spiriti Invisibili from La Grotta di Trofonio; Idol Vano d’un Popol Codardo from Axur, re d’Ornus; Vincente Martín y SOLER: In Quegli Anni from Una Cosa Rara; Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART: Overture from Don Giovanni; Eh Consolatevi from Don Giovanni; Madamina, Il Caralogo è Questo from Don Giovanni; Overture from Le Nozze di Figaro; Bravo, Signor Pardone! from Le Nozze di Figaro; Se Vuol Ballare from Le Nozze di Figaro; Tutto è Disposto from Le Nozze di Figaro; Aprite un po’ Quegli Occhi from Le Nozze di Figaro; Ehi, sor Paggio! from Le Nozze di Figaro; Non Più Andrai from Le Nozze di Figaro; Il Core vi Dono from Le Nozze di Figaro; Ristati Quà! from Le Nozze di Figaro; Per Queste tue Manine from Le Nozze di Figaro; Giuseppe SARTI: Oime! Che Innanzi Agli Occhi from I Contrattempi; Penso, Che per Morire from I Contrattempi Matthew Rose, Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen CDA68078 £9.00 Matthew Rose, Arcangelo and Jonathan Cohen throw themselves into the riotous world of Francesco Benucci, the larger-than-life opera star for whom Mozart created
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    SCHAROUN ENSEMBLE BERLIN Founded in 1983 by members of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Scharoun Ensemble is one of Germany’s leading chamber-music organizations. With its wide repertoire, ranging from composers of the Baroque period by way of Classical and Romantic chamber music to contemporary works, the Scharoun Ensemble has been inspiring audiences in Europe and overseas for more than a quarter of a century. Innovative programming, a refined tonal culture and spirited interpretations are hallmarks of the ensemble, which performs in a variety of instrumental combinations. The permanent core of the Scharoun Ensemble is a classical octet (clarinet, bassoon, horn, two violins, viola, cello and double bass), apart from Wolfram Brandl and Claudio Bohorquez they are made up entirely of members of the Berlin Philharmonic. When called for, the ensemble brings in additional instrumentalists as well as noted conductors. The Scharoun Ensemble has prepared and presented various programmes under the direction of Claudio Abbado, Sir Simon Rattle, Daniel Barenboim and Pierre Boulez. It has also performed with singers including Thomas Quasthoff, Simon Keenlyside and Barbara Hannigan, and, for interdisciplinary projects, the ensemble has engaged such artists as Fanny Ardant, Loriot and Dominique Horwitz. Bridging the gap between tradition and the modern is the Scharoun Ensemble’s principal artistic focus. It has given world premieres of many 20th- and 21st-century compositions while dedicating itself with equal passion to the interpretation of works from past centuries. Among the cornerstones of its repertoire are Franz Schubert’s Octet d803, with which the ensemble made its public debut in 1983, and Ludwig van Beethoven’s Septet Op.20.
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