The Search Compass
THE SEARCH COMPASS KOMPAS VOOR DE R EIS Methodology for cultural intervention The Search2018 THE SEARCH COMPAss Participation and identification in a cultural search to reveal the power of the Frisian community Methodology for cultural intervention The Search2018 Written by Rozemarijn Strubbe, commissioned by Lwd2018 Contents INTRODUCtiON 4 METHOD OF INVEstiGAtiON 6 COMMUNitY ART 8 What is community art? 16 What are the intended effects 18 • Cultural effects 18 COLOPHON • Social objectives 22 • Dual objective: area of tension 28 1st edition, August 2013 THE SEARCH2018 32 TEXT: CultuurBureau Rozemarijn Strubbe Vision 40 IN OPDRACHT VAN: Lwd2018 Working method 42 TRANSLAtiON: Thom Binksma, George Hall, Objectives 45 Gerard Van den Hooff The Search projects 46 PHOTOGRAPHY: Bertus Dijkstra, Metsje Gerlsma, Arjen The Search projects - selection 50 Goodijk, Caro Kroon, Dinanda Luttikhedde, Sylvia Dijkstra, Rozemarijn Strubbe, Jildou Tjoelker en Abe de Vries. METHODOLOGY OF THE SEARCH2018 52 DEsiGN: BW H ontwerpers Phase 1: Stocktaking 61 THANKS TO: Natalie Heevel (feedback partner from NHL Phase 2: From concept to cultural programme 79 Drama Teachers’ Training College) and her trainee David Linzen. Phase 3: Implementation of the plan 87 Creative directors: Kees Botman, Dirk Bruinsma, Lieke Bruinzeel, Qualities and skills of the creative director 93 Wouter Daane, Maaike van der Geest, Tjerk Kooistra, Caro Kroon Effects 99 and Pieter Stellingwerf. (Former) members of board of editors: Lysbert Bonnema, Immie Jonkman, Bert Looper, Eelke Nutma, SUCCESS FACTORS AND Klaas Sietse Spoelstra, Renée Waale and Jurjen van der Weg. POINts OF ADDRESS 106 The Search2018: Metsje Gerlsma (Keunstwurk), Jildou Tjoelker and Tiemen Jousma. SUMMARY 112 WWW.2018.NL REFERENCES 118 INTRODUCtiON INTRODUCtiON The Search2018 started out as an experiment to find out which approach would be most suitable to carry out a cultural intervention: Introduction a kind of community art, in which a creative director tackles local social questions.
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