VOL.XII N.27-52 p^^*^^ ^^^^—

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% m ¦ «v^... ** • Hi ato Iraztfet lletóetr INDEX TO ^ PART OF VOLUME XII Six months July to December 1909


Consumption in 922 Immigration returns 948,1&44, 1147 Contrast, a, Acre territory, movement to re-name 804 Exports from S. Paulo 858 Index numbers 1103 Convention, °25 Advertising extraordinary 706 the political Introduction, Minas—Presidenfs message to Con- Correspondence, Agriculture, new Ministry of created 676 the Lloyd Brazileiro 855 gress of 730 Cotton:— Alagoas, protests against 2 per cent. surtax 2095 Crop 1910 Amazon, The, Telegraph, extension of concession 1909, Entries at Pernambuco months 1909) 2032 "Jornal do 704, 786, 2090 (2 Commercio," waking up 2020 Estimates, crop 2080 Justice, Americana, The C04 miscarriage of, at Bahia .. 2070 American Capital in 8. America 1053, 1150 Shipments, Parahyba 969 Shipments, Pernambuco Amethyst, H.M.S. at Rio 972, 999 (9 months) 909 Shipments, Pernambuco 905,1015 Amsinck, death of Mr 733 (season) Arbitration, Treaty with Norway 705 Credits opened 940 Leopoldina Railway 1080 Arco Vallcy, Count, death of 733 Custodio Coe ho's return 1124 Letter from the Editor (Santos) 1176. 1198 «&'.;. Athletic Sports, S. Paulo 2071 Customs, Rio Revenues 708,904 Liners—Mammoth building 676 Lloyd Brazileiro, English Syndicate to buy .. 676, 876 Lloyd " Brazileiro, New s.s. S. Paulo " 700Í 946 Bahia:— Death of Veridiano Carvalho 975 Loans: « Depressed Trade at 949 Death of Count Arco Valley 733 New, in Brazil New State Estimates H47) igig Diamonds in Brazil 1104 Balance of Sea Power 858 Diplomacy, the Alsop claim 2014 Bahia Port Banco, ItalorBraziliano, reorganisation of 2026 Distances on the Amazon 2094 Internai Banco, Espagnol, re-opening of 20C9 Dividends:— Pernambuco Banks:— Brazil Railways Co1056 Porto Alegre Santos A new (Custódios) 2064 Brazilianische Bank für Deutschland 1056, 1107. Local conditions Brasilianische für Deutschland, Report 1197 1062, 1198 London, British, the, new departure of 2069 City of Santos Improvements 1127 Money Market, The 857, 951. 1056^ • of England, rate hardening 985 Great Western of Brazil 1104 ditto 5 per cent 1097 London and Brazilian Bank 1080 M Black Hand in S. Paulo, the London Bank 2094 and River Plate 2090 Madeira River, British steamers ascended Bolivian Trouble, the 732 807 Navigazione Italiana 2090 Manáos Tramway and Light Borlido and Moniz CatalogueV..' Co. 1151 Neuchatel Asphalt 1080 Matto Grosso, incursion of Paraguayan Brazilian Gold Fields Subsidiary Co forces 709 Pacific Steam Navigation Co 1127 Message, President of Minas Geraes, Brazilian Warrant Co., authorised Supplement "Brazilian 677, 1002 Rio Claro Railway 1104 to No. 27 Review," the New ' 951 Flour Mills 708 Message, President of British Capital State of Rio Janejro, Ex- s-a employed abroad 802 S. Paulo Railway 1080 tracts from Brussels Exhibition, Brazil at the 1102 Sociótó Chargcuro Reuniu 2000 Mcorage, rresiaeni or s. PáuVoT^Suppiemei .m&* Buenos Aires, population of 677 Dock, the Ilha das Cobras contract 2064 No. 34 Dreadnought, "Minas Geraes" 972 Meetings of Companies: Dreadnoughts, Germany paying the piper for 1002 Dumont Coffee Co Cable, a new 2064 Dredging at Bombay 999 St. John dei Rey Co., Ltd Cacau, slave-grown 758 Dumont Coffee 762 Western Telegraph Co Cacau, produetion of 333 Dumont, Railway sold 2094 Mexican Light and Power Co...... [....['.'...'. Caixa do Conversão 857, 940 Minas Geraes, Message of President, Supplement E Caixa de Conversão, false notes of 974 to No. 27 Minas Caixa de Conversão, working of 1080 Economic forecast (Editorial 1087 Geraes, Estimates for 1910 1000 " Campista, Dr., left for Europe 782 Economist," the, on Pernambuco Docks 2020 Mining in Rio Grande do Sul 2097 Minister of War, Canada, the making of a great Power 10G2 Empire, tlie meaning of 735, 785 resignation of 1056 Mogyana Railway Ceara, finances of 787 Errata 901 at Santos, Supplement to No. 28 Mogyana Railway Ceara, Railway extension in 1172 Exhibition, the Healtheries 758, 803 Report 682 Exchange, the 815, 958 Money Market, Analysis of Census 1910 H24 position of 839, position of Exchange 915 Central Railway—see railway Money Market in London 818 Motor Cabs and Vehicles, London Central Railway, passes on 974 1172 Motor Cabs and Vehicles, Rates Central Railway, proposal to lease Ferrer 1055,1074 for 946 999 Murtinho, Dr., in London Chancellor, Mr. W. G. leaving Finances, City of Rio de Janeiro 904 705, 732 for England 1197 "Financial Cheetham, Mr., leaves for England News," on the Buli tacfc üülb 758 "Financial Times" and Nilo Peçanha 7C6 N Chjnese Ambassador, the 1052, 1076 * Floating Dock, Vickers, Sons and Maxims obtained Codíish trade òf Newfoundland with Brazil 975 National Debt, The contract for«54 1056 Coin, Brazilian, market value of in London 1056 National Debt, Remarks Flour 2090 on and volume of 1079 Coffee:— New Issues: Forecast, economic 1087 Analysis of Rio Stocks 771 Amaral, Sutherlands Foreign Trade of Brazil .. 714, 810, 953, 1031, 1155, 2u07 and Co 1081 Buying direct from Planters 2019 -Amazonas Telelgraph Deb's Foreign Trade of Brazil. 1907-08. Supplements to 2066 Casquinha, reported shipments of 2070 Apólices 1909 No. 42 2090 Consumption of (from Le Café) 793 Banco Frauds on Banks £30 Credito Hyp. and Agr. do E. de S. Crop estimates 1909-10 2080 Paulo Frce passas on Central Railway 948 681 Dumont fazenda, Report 736 Brazil Free Trade 808 Great Southern Railway Extensions 681, 787 Estimates of 1909-10 crop 2080 Frontiers 928 Brazil Railway Co. 5 per cent. bonds 1105, Estimates of 1909-10 crop being reduced 1012 1151* Fruit, s.s. freights for transport of 1074 Brazilian Gold Hill 905 979 Flowering 889, 912, 937, 987, 1089 Fruit trade 1052 Casa Vanarden (S. Paulo) Flowering prospects improving 1089, 1136, 1159 703 Cia. Automóveis ar.d Garagens (S. Paulo) Gigantic shipments of 961,2078 905 Cia. Cerâmica, Villa Prudente (S. Paulo) 834 Limitation at Santos 987 Go'd:— Cia. Fiação and Tecelagem Carioca 929 Limitation, to be maintained 932 Cia. Arrivals of 958, 985, 1157 Graphica (S. Paulo) Madras Brand 7Cg Cia. Intermediária Cheques 834, 929, 1150 de Café (Santos) .. Monthly Entries 2030 Shipments to 808 Cia. Paulista de Nav. and Comm. .. 2020 Movement, 6 months 938 "New Wor:d's output of 2090 Cia. Salto Fabril (S. Paulo) 834 York Journal" on 978 Deutsch Sudam. Telelgraph Ges. Fosition, the of (Editorial) 1170 H A. G. Propaganda of, to be proceeded with 898 Empreza le Melh. do Paraná 709 Steamship Blucher 780 Record week's shipment 2078 Hamburg American Excursion Empreza Paulista de Melh. no Paraná 859 of Public, resignation of Shipments gigantic 901, 2078 Health, Department Fabrica de Esmalte S. Paulo Director 852 Stocks, analysis of Rio 771 Fabrica de Fiação and Tecidas, S. Rosalia Statistics of Crop—Supplement to No. 43. Hopfner, Death of MrB57 Jequirá Rubber Syndicate Companies, English formed in 1908 1103 Hudson and Fulton Celebration 830,876 1199 Maceió Municipal Loan Commercial Statistics, the 2004 767 l Manáos Tramway, Light and Power Co. . Congress, credits for Ministro Viação 2004 Municipality of Para Insps Congress, new house for 1146 Italian Emigration to South America 758, 1076 898 Para Rubber Produce debentures Consola, British, yield of 978 Immigrants located (1908) 905 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

1146 m .. 787 Scarcity of small change >;¦¦ ¦ Corcovado .. ."W.• • ‡ "*" State Foreign loan 787 .. 1104 wanted V Pernambuco Heavy freights in Brazil Schools for loan 70» Porto Alegre, City of, flirting extension to docks .. 2090 Shipping News:, % Leopo'ldina Railway's " " ..:*£,;• 854 ¦ Porto Alegre loan 763,1178 at Praia Formoza .. .. 2090 Lloyd Italiano s.s. Mafalda Leopoldina Station " .,..,* 924 Bahia, issue of bonds 709 of .. 782 Loss of s.s. " Columbia at Montevideo Port of Madeira and Mamoré, progress 830 IP.1* steamer ' Sociedade Anony. Fomento Argent681 Minas and Rio Railway and Sapucahy New Booth " New ¦¦¦ 830 Société Sucr. de Angra 979 Mogyana Report Shipping Bill (coasting), World s 783 North Western of Brazil,construction -?«j4 Shipping construction and tonnage of,. State of S. Catharina Devi. Corp979 830 Paulista, Supplement to No. 29 s.s. " Frisio," of Holland Lloyd •• St. John dei Rey Gold Co681 H01 1105 ' Robbing on S. Paulo and Rio Grande Nordd. Lloyd, The Therezopolis Railway 783 898 S. Paulo and Rio Grande, progress of Vessels lost 1908 New Issues in London for September 1079 Railway loan l103 Brazilian 1077 Nicarágua„. *2088 Sapucahy Shipping Subsidy, Tariffs 762 1100,1194 Nil Desperandum ••• Shipping Subsidy in U.S.A. , Report 996 Nilo Pecanha 022> Therezopolis, Silver for coinage '•.•; _g1172 Vicinal bought by Mogyana 730 Novemoer 15th Smallpox microbe, diseovery of Osw. Cruz Rio, City of: exemption 830 Stamp duty, S. Paulo bank demar.ds, American .Assoc. at 9-18 75fa from Balloon accident Paciflt Steam Navigation Co 1125 Statisties: appròpriãtion for 948 Beer, consumption of, in No. 43 Pan-American Congress, '8Z Coffee crop, Supplement to 708, 809, 904, 1002, 1127,2116 Brazil Express Messenger Co. service Supplement to Paper Money in circulation 802 Foreign Trade, 1907 and 1908, Cinematograph incident Para' Electric Railways Deb's /3C No. 42 Improvemenfs dividends •_1C° ?07 1910 City Statisties of official values ÍPará Estimates .... 708, 904, 928, 1002, 1127, 2016 Customs Revenue of '••.'.077 Peace and Goodwill ''2004757 Europe 1192 Statisties, the use Dr. Souza Aguiar, ex-Prefect leaves for Brazil UQ-l on Consuls "Statist" on gold withdrawa} for Percy Martin municipal ]V.'.'.'¦'.681 Estimates, " " on Brazil 883 Pernambuco loan .... 904"" 979, 1080 Stock Exchange Gazette 709 Pinances of„f Pernambuco State íoreign loan 1009 Strangers' Hospital Report 1050 retiring from Great fire at" 080 Pernambuco, the bri.and Silvino Strikes 1144 for 2093 hiímrifiBS .,..^*•«•••*••••••***•******", •••••• Hotels and tailors "Brazilian 931 Congress 802 Sugar: Plagiarism, The new Review" Latiu American Medicai 8s3 978 1148 Duties to be reduced Lynching a Capanga 2032 Pessimism, Our 828 Entries, Pernambuco 2 months 975, 977, 996 Medicai Congress Police outrages on students 876 Imports into Great Britain, half-year 921 2016 Meeting of the Convention Police outrages, more 825 Trust broken up  972 763, 807, 883, 1055,208 Metrópole Hotel re-opened Politics shipment Pernambuco 1015 2014 report 12 months (season) Politics, The Dual Municipal Councils Missão Central 756 Supplements: soil Motor accident Populating the IO"1 1907 No. 42 wanted Municipal loan, vetocd by President Brazilian Foreign Trade Pornographic Anti, Society, ^ 732 .... No. 7 709 Theatre, management of Call for tenders for lease of Rio Port Porto Alegre, City of, flirting for loan Municipal 763 Rejané at 676 Central Railway Report No. 52 Porto Alegre loan Municipal Theatre, 709 Mission 975 Coffee crop statisties No. 43 Port dí Bahia, issue of bonds Seamen's 1057 Report f* S. Paulo No. 30 of Para, new quays opened Seamen's Mission Message of President, .4gf£Port Smallpox disappeared s°* No. 28 for lease of 1178 QOQ Mogyana Railway at Santos Port of Rio, call for tenders in for .. 1170 Saenz Pena Paulista Railway Report No. 29 Port of Rio, proiected reform of regulations charges for Suicides at Rio85Z Tariffs, differential 708 Port of Rio, proposed high scale of 1100, 1144 Tuuerculosis, statisties of 922 Telegraphs, new director of 804 8Ci2'828 Yellow fever, statisties of Tender, call for lease of Port works at Rio 1003 Portugal, financial position of " 202°J128 Saffo," accident to H.M.S783 Textiles, imports of cotton from United Kingdom, Postage rates, reduction of Expenditure 855 rates Santa Catharina, Revenue and January to August '. 1015 Postage rates, reduction of inter-American Ä 1144 S. Paulo: Tonnage, WorkTs 783 Postal reform 702 Epidemic of crime in Transandine Tunnel, piercing of the 2064 Post Oflice, new director 82.8> 10_8 Foreign trade, June and July 658,736,1087 Remittances 787, 809, 834, 883, 904, Office, new site for Treasury Post 924, 972, 1170 1199,2091 952, 1002 Post Office 703 Ooolété Fia. cfc Goiumcrbicl780 1907-08 .. 1056, 1080, 1127, 1176 763 Treasury Remittances, jípfuifíJuifô .....;... S. Paulo and Mogyana Railway 881 Tuberculosis in the United States .' 1098 factory, London liVJ Radium S. Paulo News:... Valorisation, more ...." 2070 Railways: & Bomb thrown at Casa Allemã 1UM Valorising fish 1172 Brazil ‡2098 1104 Athletic sports 2071 Vai de Travers asphalt Brazil Great Southern new issue Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Co787 Warrant, Brazilian, Co 680 Brazil Railway's issue in Lonlon a frost — 2016 s. 809 Western Telegraph 1176 Central, electrification of 705, 730 S. Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Report

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Ê JEfâB^i ¦ li _-—--i--^-__-_-^-__-__-^^ •;' _xilifl-rTlK• WS??* hs\

Electric Motor and Trailer Trucks for Plantation Locomotives for Permanent Railway and Suburnan Service. or Portable track. Sole Representatives in Brazil: Like parts of different engines of same class perfectly interchangeable. Ali Work Thoroughly Guaranteed. NORTON, MEGAW & Co., Ltd., Locomotives particularly adapted for & Loggirtg and Industrial purposes and Illustrated Catalogue furnished on appli- N. 58, Rua Primeiro de Março, Rio de Janeiro. for Mines and Furnaces. cation of customers. THE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY, Pittsburg, PA., U S. A Manufacturers of the WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKE. Tlie Westinghouse Automatic Brake is now in use on 40.000 locomotives and over L,300,000 freight cars, besides in general use on passenger cars. The Westinghouse Air Brake Co. is prepared Io fill orders for one bo one fchousand seis of Air Brakes for Freight Cars at one hour's notice. For further informa- tion apply to their Sole Representatives in Brazil: NORTOH, JVLEGAüU & co. i_'D - RUA PRIMEIRO DEMARCO NO. 58-Rio de Janeiro


See our advertisenient on third page. ISTEMPEB ®Nfâ»G* Tho perfection of white euamel for house decoration Resisting and Sanitavy Water Paint for irislde and ontside decoration Sole agents in Brazil: BORLiDO MONIZ & CO. — Rio de Janeiro. DICK'S PATENT BELTINQ Telegraphic Address: " GUTTA PERCHA," GLASGOW. ABC and A1 Codes Used ^lllilll?^ R. & J. D!CK -- Greenhead Works GLASGOW AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES -BORLIDO MAIA & Co.^== -BRAZIL jpi^n. RUA DO R0SARI0--Rio de Janeiro

¦ ¦ ,¦

!.--í.'.. ¦'¦'m*


Telegraphic Address "Epidermis" These Mills are the LARGEST in the SOUTHERN HEM1S- throughout with the most MODERN Post Office Box N. 486 PHERE and are fitted MACHINERY. For the superiority oi their flours they were aw;ird- Mills. Rua da Gamboa, No. ed a GOLD MED AL at the PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIB1TION HEAD OIílCE: "FIRST PRIZE oi BRAZIL" at the ST. LOUIS London : 48, Moorgate Street, E. C. oi 1889 and the EXHIBITION oi 1904, the brands of same, which are duly BRANCHES: tí. Paulo:4, Rua da Quitanda. registered at the Junta Commercial, are as íollows : Rosário:1086, Calle Santa Fé. "NACIONAL" "SAVOIA' Rttknos Aires : 335, Calle B. Mitre. "BUDA-INACIOINAL' "BRAZ1LEIKA" s'©KmOI>IJN A " A GEN CIES: Viotoria, Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Daily produetion of Flour and Bran: 10,000 Bags Ceara, Maranhão and Pará Ä•* Curitiba, Desterro,Mio Grande, Pelotas and Porto Alegre Office: 108, Rua da Quitanda, Rio de Janeiro THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY

Tons Tons

Asturias 12,500 Danube. 6,500 , i .. -¦'¦""'¦'K ‡\ Avon 11,000 Thames. 6,000 Araguaya 10,500

Clyde 6,500 Amazon 10,000

Aragon Io,000 NUe 6,000

# i}c %; %. # $z %. >K ;£ $i >K ^ %. ^ >j< jfcíjí >}c >J< ^ $z ^c %

Tel. OiHAKIUS — llio P. O. B. 21 e. l. HARRisoN-Representative — 53 and 55, Avenida Central FKTS^., DVCIIEIFtS &c 02 112, Cannon Street London E. C. ENGINEER8, MERCHANTS

AIN13 Contractors for Railway Material, etc.


Pernambuco-fiathan & Co., Rua do Vigário, 2 C, do Correio, 118. - Telegrams, "NATHAN" - PERNAMBUCO

Bahia-Nathan & Co., Rua das Prineezas, 6 C. do Correio, 157. - Telegrams, "NATHAN" - BAHIA

Rio de Janeiro—pry, Youle & Co,. Rua da Alfândega no. IO C. do Correio 211.-Telegrams, "FRY" - RIOJANEIRO .'"WWt*,.

raziljmt %wm ¦Vi •¦ •it--'1--' í-ía VOL. XII I RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, 6th. JULY 1909No. 27 ' A Jardim Botânico Tramway Company LEME, IGREJINHA, IPANEMA, COPACABANA AJSÍD GÁVEA Cheap, rapid and convenient electric service to ali these i£WÈKÊ CHARfllING 8UBÜRB8. Deligrlitful retreats after the heat of RIO Unsnrpassed as RK8IDENTIAL DI8TRICTS ICasy of access to tlie City, Healtliy, coolin summer, tempered loy the breezes of tlie Atlantic, B^IJVE SEJA VIEW and Landscape, picturesque VlÍ*L#AS, at low renti OKANÜ BEACH AISfD 8EA-BATHING. Trams run from the Avenida Central at intervala of io and ao minutes, from 6 a» m. toQp. m. and every halt-hour afterwards, until midni^ht. See Company'8 time-tables. '.TO STRAXGER8 COMING TO RIO ARE 8TRONGLY RECOMMEIVDED ¦ ¦r.m¦ ¦¦' <::"m LIVE NOWHERE ELSE ¦„•;¦¦•¦• ¦¦¦& The new lines to Leme through the tunnel and the throusfh electric :;..:.; : ..'.ís ¦ »¦'¦ ,: vgm Service to Gávea are now open. "''M ;'-.'•'-.

'.'¦'¦'• Tübe Mestern XEelegtapb Compang, Xímítefc.


CABLE IN EUROPE AND CABLE STATIONS IN SOUTH AMERICA:- STATIONS NORTH AMERICA:- WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. EASTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. Brasil:— Para (Travessa CampoB Salles No. 1) London: 11, Old Broad Street, E.C. JMaranham, Ceara. The Baltic Mercantile k Shij**»r Pernambuco do Commercio No. 2). (Rua ** Exchange, St. Mary Axe, E.C. Bahia (Rua daa Princozas No. 7). / M^ÂmmM^kWIIS^^^^ii 449, Strand, W.G. Rio de Janeiro (Rua da Candelária No. 9). Saht08 (Praça Mauá No. 29). Liverpool: K13, Exchange Buildings. B. Catliarina, Rio Grande do Sul. Manchester: 44, Spring Cardens. Urngnay:— Olasg-ow: 5, Royal Bank Place. Montevideo Cérrito 146). (Calle JTewcastle-on-Tyne: K, Exchange Buildinga. Quayside. PLATE RIVER TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Car diff: 33, Merchants' Exchange, Bute Dock». Argentina:— BQlíÍÍIsaguaíSjJsBsffiSlrfflBBfll0*N0A / Buenos Aires, 287 and 291, Calle San Martin. Madrid: Calle dei Pez 5. / Tíg æliusnnt /áí^ísslK%*iom«bb Marseilles: Hotel des Postes WEST COAST OF AMERICA TELECRAPH COMPANY. Malta: Contrai Station, St. üeorge'». Chili:- ^Bm^ní

PLEASE ZMZJLIRIK: YOTJB TELEGBAMSr From SOUTH AMERICA to ALL PLACES. To SOUTH AMERICA. Via Malta, Madeira. BBAZII. Via Western Great BritainVia Eastern Madeira. Italy... Uruguay Via Madeira. France—Paris, Uorth ,, Angleterre Madère. Spain „ Eastern Madeira. ':¦' Rio de la Plata> :¦ Sm mSSSSr::: ::: ::: 1Via South ,, Malte Madère Portugal „ St. Vincent. CHILI- Emden, Vigo, Madeira. Funta Arenas ... Via Rio de la Plata. Germany ,, Ali Other Places ... Via Eastern. JSTorth America and~) Belg-ium Eastern Madère. > „ Commercial. «Via BoSvia''.'.'. l"} Bastem. Holland „ Emden, Vigo, Madeira. West Indies.

AGENCIES- ALEGRE: K. W. Sefton, Caixa, 13 PARIS: 37 Rne Caumartin. _ANTWERP: 61 Avenue Marie._PORTO EEAD OFFICES OF TEE COMPANY— ELECTRA HOUSE, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, LONDON, E.C. THE BRAZILIAN COAL COMPANY, LIMITED Rio de Janeiro Ligíiterage Company Limited REPBESENTATIVES OF GORY BROTHER & C. L'D oi Cardiff and London Ali kinds ot Maritlme har^our transport. Colliery Proprietors Loading and discharge of vessele.

¦'' . Coal Depôts in ali the principal ports of the world. Towage. A eoustant and fresh supply of Cory's Merthyr Steain coal ai way 8 iu exouraions, and for arrival and departura Stock. Launches on hire for Prompt delivery at reasonable prices of packets. Tugboats always ready for service Engineering Works. Repairs to Ships, Launches, Machinery, Lighters etc, effected with TTeleplxone ISo, 1.718 the utmost possible dispatch. OÍFIVES: . ,..•*.''! -::?&'*. Edifício da Bolsa Salas 26 and 27 Office Rua Visconde de Itaborahy Entrance : Rua Gen. Câmara Depot: ILHA DOS FERREIROS (Caes dos Mineiros) P. O. Bo* 774

;> 672 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July Gth, 1909.


> >¦¦>¦; For Europe. [¦¦. tk Jkjitkfl jjwiw July 7. -Chili, Mess. Mar., for Bordenux. — F\ WILEMAN Editor J. 7. -Ortega, P.S.N.C., for Liverpool. 12. -Kõnig Friedriçh August, H.A.L., for Hamburg. CAMERINO No. 61. OFFICES—RUA 14. -Avon, Eoyal Mail, for Southampton. -Cap Verde, H.S.D.G., for Hamburg. P. O. BOX: 472, RIO DE JANEIRO. 15. ' "-RIOJANEIRO. 21. -Atlantique, Mess. Mar., for Bordeaux. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: " REVIEW 22. -Oropesa, P.S.N.G., for Liberpool. 24. -Cap Blanco, H.A.L., for Hamburg. Subscription: 60$ or £4 per annum. -Aragon, Mail, for Southampton. Payable abroad by sight draft, or cheque crossed British Bank of 28. Boyal South America. Seperato Copies1$200 Back Numbers ...... 2$000 For the River Plate and Pacific. = 1 £ 16$000. July l. -Cap Blanco, H.S.D.G., for B. A. 7. -Oronsa, P.S.N.G., for Valparaíso. iu-AGENTS:— 18. -Hollandia, Royal Holland Lloyd, for B.A. RIO DE JANEIRO— -Aragon, Mail, for B. A. CRASHLEY & Co., rua tio Ouvidor No. 36. 13. Royal -Cap Ortegal, H.S.D.G., for B. A. SAO1 PAULO— 18. HILDEBRAND & Co., rua 15 de Nover.bro. 19. -Magellan, Mess. Mar., for B. A. SOLE AGENTS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM- JOHN HADDON & Co., 132, Salisbury Square, E.C. 20. -Orcoma, P.S.rl.Ç., for Valparaiso. LONDON AGENTS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS— C. STREET & Co., Ltd., Cornhlli, No. 30. United States, NEW YORK— For the C. R. FAIRBANKS, Room, 22, 68, Broad Street. july 18.—Vasari, Lamport and Jlolt, for New York.

Ali Communications to be addressed to the Editor. I^VÃO 8t G. Announcements of Births, Deaths and Marriages concerning pERRElRfl " " subscribers and friends are inserted in thi? REVIEW free of charge. Specialities : -¦ ?RüIT AND I^E FRíSH FRUi.t ALL THE Yr.AR ROUND SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS importei from the United States, Europa, ele; IN ORDINARY POSITIONS. Cold storage goods

52 Insertns26 Insertns12 Insertns 8 Insertns Single IDfiA SPACE Pe.r TnsertnPer InsertnPer Insertn Per Insertn Inseriu 1,11 FKlfiEli 11AW|H £ s. «1.£ s. d. £ 8. n\ £ s. d. £ s. d. yy, One Pa«e 3 lü G4 0 li 4 10 0 5 R5 100 TELEPHC^Í^ 32 Half Page 1 15 2 0 d 2 õ d 2 102 lõ0 \:o. Third Page 14 17 0 1 IO 0 1 141 17C "Fructagel" Qunrter Pnge... 18 10 0 13 0 15180 Caixa 0. Box) 673^^ Telegr.: 1/2 inchxS iuch 4 5 0 5 6 6 (P. 1/2 inchx4 inch 2 2 6 3 0 0 RIO DE 7ANRIR0

The 52 and 26 Series Rates are for Consecutivo Insertions.

12 or 6 Insertions are quoted for upon the understanding that the Advertisement appears at least once a month. N? 1, Rua General Câmara, N? 1 (In the liuildiiig ofthu Rio (JqnimerciaJ Association.) TO LET.—Superior apartments, healthy situation, In front of the British Consulate General,: large and well ventilated rooms, bath (constant water sup- Kcar the main entrance to tlie Gtistom Ilonse. ply), home comforts and cleanliness, good cuisine, terms RIO DE JANEIRO. moderate, electric car to city every 10 minutes. English, The Ic-st wnd coolest in Uie City. Fir&t-elass iccd drinks French, otc. spoken.—Rua Alice n. 25, mod., Laranjeiras. of every desc ription.





*V^M •w^^T5k1"J'*BttMf( m^^BBTW Importers of Kailway Áppliances, Tools ; tiepuir Material for Cura, Locomotivas, íg3£SmW.' 1 IIJU-^^-^^^^bmÍÍbIBBbTb^bI Boilers, Wagons ; Lubricatinír Oils, Vüini^hes, Lubricating B^B^Lr T-^^S S^^^-•'"^^^^t'¦BBHLs^esciv Greases, Burning Oils ; Railway Appsiratus. Tiuiuatrial. Áirricnltui-tl and Mining Machinery, Implementa, Tòoía and Supplica.; P.-ickintr Pumpa, Scales, Bafes, Printiner Preases, Artisana' TooIh ; Rti|'ber;, Loather and Canva§ Hoae ; Galvanized Tron. Portiible Bníldinira.. Wire F.MiHnw:. Babbitt Metal ; Painta, Colora. Glasa. Ttika : (oiiplitiiiildcrs' Suppli«'R ; Eleotricaí ¦Ml^K ^W^^^^^^^m^jBSBB^BBB^bB _ '""¦B^BBfBBB^B^B^BMB^B^B^BBB? Machinery and Bupplies ; Olooks, Wntf-lièa: Structural Iron, Builders' and Plümbers' Supplies ; Saiiitary Waif ; Wool-, Canvaa and Duek ^j'. TSBis ¦ 89)By AGENTS AND REPREBENTATIVICS for P. & J. Dick, GlaSgOW - Original Balata Belting. bbBsHW IHvIbW ; afln9 ^bbK *' HbbB ' mmrSjBÍ mWm* •—{Sfirl^i^BI Mander Brothers, London - oiaina Water Paint. Bliven & Carrington New York- Lubricatiiu? ptis-aiui úrèase. F^BBHBtfBHffrirf' Enfield Cycle Co. Ltd. Reddiích, England - Royal Enfieid cycies. ijaBfW**'¦-¦.." æ•'"--- . ¦ BS*W*»i^BB«SWl^«WWi««««""l^"«"»«"MMl^»^™"««»w™SS^BWB«SlBB«BBÉ\ Wm. Simons & Co., Ltd., Renfrew Scotland • Dredge Construetors

Head Office: Rua du RoSaHo 17 - Rio de Taneiro - Brazil H. SMYTH „¦ 45, ZR,TT_£l. JDJl. Q,TJITA.IsriDA., 4£5 Light and Power Electric Installations — Bells and Telephones ELECTRIC PLANT "ROYAL EDISWAN" Incandescent lamps Dynamos and Motors etc, of THE BRUSH ELECTR1CAL ENGINEERING CO. LTD ' of London and LouQ-hboroucrh. ¦¦¦;_ ¦ lifpttá i|| tf L M, 1BI0SS0N & Oe, SOLE AGENT IN BRAZIL OF THE BRÜSH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CO, LTD., London and Loughborough. Mappin & Webíí, Ltd. London. Goldsmiths & Silversmiths. Post Office Box No. 312— Telephone No. 1,15) Telegraphic Address: "BATTERIA" RIO DE JANEIRO

¦tg* Kjf MACHINERY & RAILWA* MATERIAL Bo oniz & Co., Greases and Lubricating Oils, &c, &ç*.« % * ESTABLISHED 1891- P.O. Box N. 262, Rio de ilanelro, Brazil. Warehouse:—Rua Theophilo Ottoni No. 18.

Telegraphic Address: " MONIZ," Rio de Janeiro. IMPORTERS OF Cable Codes—Lieber's Standard; ABO, õtli lidition . A 1 Teleg. Loeomotives, Railway Material, Éngines, Boilers, Agrlcultural Code: Western Union. Implemente, Pprtabíe Buildings, Mining and Industrial Machines Iron Buildings and Structural Steel, Launches and Naval Cott* Warehouse:—RUA GENERAL CÂMARA No. 89. struetions by Orders.

AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF DEALERS IN Pinchin, Johnson and Co., London-Satinette Paint a Speciality. Lnbrleatihg Oils n.Tiri Greases, Iron, Steel, Metals of every kinri, Tools, Rcpafv Material for II. 11. Cara and Éngines, Páinta and Gas Engine and Power Company, and Colors, Packings, Meeliánicttl Supplies, Railway Ápparátüs, As- Charles L. Seabury and Co. Consolidated, bestos, Leather and Rubber lVoduets. ShipbuildorsM and Naval ofi New.. York.J , S< Construetors.Äi Fermanent Stock of Steâm and Galyanised GENErl/L G0MHISSI0N AGENTS. Tubos iron.) OPEM TO ACCEPT SOLE AGENCIES TO INTRÚDUCE ANY STEWARTS & LLOYDS, of GLASGOW ,ARTICLE OR MACHINE IN THE BRAZILIAN MARKETS, Heacl Office: 65, AVENIDA CENTRAL, 67, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.• Manufacíiirers' & Merciiants' Representativos.Brazilian Governiení and Railways Contractors • CATALOGUES SJL^ITED and C0í?nESP0N3ENCE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.- 674 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July 6th, 1909. IMPRENSA INQLEZA P. O. Box 472. Telephone 1966. CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICE".— The works have been moved from Rua Theophilo Ottoni, to Rua Camerino (formerly Rua Imperatriz). Nos. 63 to 83. Correspondence to be addressed to P. O. Box 472. Communications: — The Praia Formoza tram passes the door; the Villa Izabel & Engenho Novo and Mattoso tram will drop visitors at corner of Ruas Marechal Floriano (ex-Larga de S. Joaquim) and Camerino within three minutes walk of the works.

GENERAL NEWS, day. Meanwhile the Company affixed notices to the doors stating that they were w:lling to re-admit any of the strikers who cared to return to work, on certain conditions. Local Items.—The retürns of the Director-General of Very few of them took advantage of this offer, however, as the Public Health for the week ended June 27th, 1909, are the majority still foolishly thought that they were indis- as follows:—Yellow fever, 0; bubonic plague, 0; smallpox, pensable. Their surprise, therefore, must have been very 2; measles, 0; scarlet fever, 0; whooping .cough,( 3; diph- great when, on their magnanimously sending a deputation theria, 0; influenza, 13; typhoid fever, 0; dysentry, 1; beri to the Company and stating that they were prepared .to beri, 1; leprosy, 0; erysipelas, 0; marsh fevers, 5; pul- return to work on certain conditions, they were politely monary diseases, 35. Total deaths from ali causes, -24, informed that their services were not required and that the equal to an annual rate of 18.33 per thousand inhabitants. Company was in no way inclined to dismiss the workers Mortality of infectious diseases to total number of deaths, who had helped them in the time of their need 29.46 per cent. Under treatment in hospitais: Yellow for the pnrpose of replacing those who had so thought- fever, 0; smallpox; 15; bubonic plague, 0; under observa- lessly left them in the lurch. As a result some tion, 11. hundreds of men are out of work, for no other reason than that of allowing themselves to be led away — During the earlier part of the week the weather was by the plausible but illogical arguments of certain agitators. much warmer and quite muggy. As we are so far only just It should be a salutary lesson to these men, for when they past mid-winter, it is sure to get colder again, but these went on strike they cared nothing for the inconvenience to rapid changes of temperature are not conducive to the good which they put the public. Had it not been for the ob- health of the City. During the week there were 224 deaths stinacy of the leaders, perhaps they would have seen the as against 265 in the previous week. Smallpox was respon- error of their ways before it was too late. Now they have sible for only 2, whilst influenza carried off 13 persons over-reached themselves and in their defeat are meeting with and tuberculosis 37. We are glad to note that there are no but scant sympathy from the public. From the schedule cases of plague in hospital, a state of affairs which has not of salaries which was issued last week,. included. in been recorded for a very long time. Apropos of things the new regulations for the works as drawn up by the hygienic, some interesting statistics have just been pub- Company, it would appear that however badly paid some lished in London by the Local Government Board, showing branches of labour may be in Rio, the labourers in the gas how very greatly tlie conditions of health in the British works are handsomely remunerated for their work, and the average Isles have improved during the last 50 years. The publication. of these figures will only add to the disgust with duration of life has been prolonged, the death rate has de- which the community regards the action of the men. clined and diseases such as tuberculosis, enteric fever, ty- In conclusion, we will only reiterate what we said phus fever and smallpox have become less prevalent, one of last week, that the Company rose to the occasion in splen- them—typhus—having become almost extinct. The death did style, with the result that they won the sympathy and reduced fate of children under the age of five years has been admiration of the public, who rejoice in the victory they from 67.8 per 1,000 in 1857 to 40.9 in 1907. This decline, have attained. which should be carefuily studied by our health authorities here, where the rate of infant mortality is very high, is attributed to administrative measures and to the greater — The President of the Republic has decided that in attention which is now being given to the subject. The future he will receive Senators and Deputies, who wish to pasteurisation of milk for the use of infants and( the em- speak to him, on Tuesdays, as usual, and on other days ployment of health visitors, whose business it is to advise from 8.30 to 10.30 a.m., except Thursdays, which will re- working class mothers as to the feeding of their infants, main the day for the collective despatch with the Ministers. have been powerful factors in achieving this most satisfac- On Saturdays public audience will be given to ali persons tory result. Figures of the death rate per million people in who may wish to speak to the Chiei of the Nation. Direc- 1871-5 and in 1901-05 show that the mortality from ali tors and Heads of Departments will be received every diseases, except pneumonia, diphtheria and câncer, has de- day, Thursdays and Saturdays excepted, from 1 p.m. on- clined. Thus, if anyone here still doubts the efficacy of wards. vaccination, let him note that in England, comparing the returns for the two periods aforesaid, the deaths from small- — Owing to the fact that the River Plate is very low pox have fallen from 410.8 per 1,000,000 for the first, to 25.4 for the second. The apparent increase in the diseases at present, the Royal Mail Steam Pacltet Co.'s s.s. Asturias, mentioned is stated to be due to changes in medicai the largest vessel of their fleet, was unable to sail from Buenos Aires with her usual News was re- nomenclature and to improved medicai diagnosis. _ The punctuality. most healthy occupation is that of clergyman or minister, ceived, however, that she had been able to get out of the • arrived in Rio follòwed in order by that of gardener, gamekeeper, farmer, Plate on Monday evening, June 28th. She on Friday and sailed the same day, being thus 48 hours railway driver, farm labourer, brick maker and schoplmaster. late. As the Royal Mail steamers usually arrive at South- are — The gas strike has ended in a complete victory for ampton on Saturday afternoons, the letters for London the Company, and the strikers, who never enjoyed the generally delivered on Monday morning, there being, of , • slightest sympathy from the public, have been hoist with eourse, no delivery in London on Sundays. Thus, the let- the their own petard,"whilst the Company has surprised them ters going by the Asturias will reach Southampton on by demonstrating that they are in fio way indispensable and Monday and be delivered on the Tuesday morning, so that, tíiat there are other workmen ready and willing to earn the though the ship leaves two days late, the letters will be excellent wages which are paid. During the first days of the delivered only 24 hours behind time. strike the Company moved heaven and earth to ensure the lighting of the City, and the installation of no less proper — Mail have launched from the than 60 kilometres of clectric lighting in the streets in less The Royal just yards • " Wolff, Belfast, a new vessel for than three days and a half was indeed a tour de force." of Messrs. Haríand and at in the West Indies. The new In addition to this, every effort was being made within the their inter-colonial service is 315 feet long, 39 feet 3 works to restore things to their normal state and large ship is named the Berbice and gas register of 2,500 tons. She is numbers of workmen were taken on, who proved to be inches beam, with a gross large number of first and second class capable and intelligent, with tlie result that gradually things designed to carry a The vessel is fitted up with the usual luxury began to improve and the gas supply to get better day by passengers. July 6th, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 675 THE MANNESMANN TUBE WORKS Seven Wcrl


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BSE^3bSSb---5_-B----S--CE------S MANNESMANN WELDLESS STEEL SPIGrOT AND FAUCET TUBES AN IMPROVEMENT UPON CAST-IRON PIPES We claim the following advantages for our Weldless Steel Tubing over ordinary Cast-Iroa:— Weldless Stoel Tubular Telegraph weight Material for the Construetion and 1.—- Considerable saving in freight and transport, the of Ships, as Boat and Telephone Poles made in one-half less Equipment one length stepped. of a Steel Tube Main being one-third to Davits, Derricks, Deck Supports, than that of a Cast-Iron Main ot the same length. Masts, Top-Masts, Gaffs, Yards, Poles for Electric Lighting and Elec- in lengths upto etc. tric Traction. 2.—LengtllS. Our Tubes can be supplied 40 feet, thus effecting a large saving in joints, jointing Weldless Steel Tubular Gas Lamp material and labour. Poles. 3.Breakages. Absolute immumty from breakage, wh?ther by Subsidences or heavy vehicular trame. In -MÊ^~ addition to this, steel tubes can be laid nearer the ~mm surface than Cast-Iron ones, thus lessening the cost of exeavating to a great extent. Our Tubes can be berii cold on the spot .4.—Bending Weldless Steel Boiler Tubes. Weldless Steel Tubes for Refriger- withoat trouble. Weldless Steel Boring Tubes. , ating Installations. 5.—Another important factor is that these specially covered Weldless Steel Tubes with Flange Spirals & Coils for Overheaters, etc. Tubes act as a non-conduetor, thus preventing any Mains by Electrolysis. Joints for the conveyance of Air, Seamless Copper and Brass Tubes. damage to Gas and Water Water or Steam, as well as for G.—To avoid corrosion our Steel Spigot and Faucet Pipes High-Pressure Mains. Weldless Pit Props first of ali receive a hot covering of our mixture inside Screwed and Socketed Tubes and Cylinders and Deposits for Liquified is with a special and out. and the Olltside then covered Fittings for Gas, Water Gases and for Chemicals as well Jute Cloth, thus rendering them imperviOUS to rust in Steam. as Small Bottles for Syphons. any sort of ground, whether saliferous or acidiferous. Office, Rua do Rosário, 64 moderno—lst Floor. Apply for priees and particulars to:— H. Baamotte C. E. Office, Rua do Rosário, 64—lst Floor. RIO DE JANEIRO. Code Address: Baumotte, Rio. Telephone 2,042. Caixa (P. O. Box) 191. July 6th, 1909. '¦¦'*. * ' £76 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

for a number of unemployed and which we are accustomed to expect from Messrs. Harland Work has been secured clothes to destitute persons. and VVolff and from the Iloyal Mail. The Berbice has two help, free ratais and given 1,719 been filled and sets Of Harland and Wolffs balanced type of In the Dispensary prescriptions'have quadruple vaccinated. On January lst, engines, whereby vibration is eliminated. The double set a large number of persons balance of 1:541$240 and an appeal of engines for the twin screws constitutes an additiohal ele- 1908, there was a cash in Rio to subscribe 6:000$ annum. ment of safety. She will leave Southampton on July 21st was made to friends per received reached 6 :104$040, the largest to take up her in thé inter-colonial service in the The actual amount position the Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and West Indies. A eontemporary, speaking of the launch of contributor being with 2 :000$. In addition to this, a sum the new vessel, says :—"The service and accommodation Power Company from Mr. and Mrs. C. H.JWalker, of found on the Royal Mail liners are of the highest class and of £250 is received "this whose liberality the Mission was begun in respect the company has earned for itself a name London, through Cash in hand at the end-of the year has commanded the esteem of the travelling public ior and is sustained. that 576$000, as there were several extra upwards of half a century, and it is pleasing to note that amountéd to only in the lead ih the expenses, such as thè installation of a small pharmacy this old company is to be found always 100 comfort or safety which cost 1 :386$100 and the payment of duties on matter of adoption of new devices for the to American desks presented to the Mission, which carne of passengers." -321 appeal this for contribu- Apropos of liners, it is evident that, not only m 1 $800. The Directors year :000$000. !It is with that we is Britamha determined to hold her own, but tions amounting to 8 pleasure Dreadnoughts of so deserving an mstitution vessels, too, to by the description of the make known the appeal in merchant judge the money will be forthcommg. mammoths Olympic and Titânio, buüt by the and we feel sure that White Star worked so well during the well-known Belfast firm of shipbuilders. Amongst those who have past above-mentioned invidious to men tion names, for ali have huge vessels will be 860 feet long, 92 feet beam, ,year, it would be These lieart and soul into their Tabours. We 45 000 tons register and 60,000 tons displacement. thrown themselves Missions every suecess in their work. — With regard to the boycotting of St. Thomé cocoa wish both the Dr. Cândido Rod- by Mr. Cadbury and other manufacturers, owing to the ²The new Minister of Agriculture, the Directorate- kind.of labour èmployed, the Times Lisbon correspondent rigues is sending out circulars through Federal Departments and writes to his that no very serious effects of the boy- General of Industries to ali the journal for data so that he cott are expected. He is assured on the highest authonty to the Governors of the States, asking the of employees required that the Prime. Minister is now in a position to effect may be able to estimate the number the approximate cost of necessarv reforms and that recruiting in Angola will only for'the new Department and also in certain well defined districts and under the running the same. 4t is stated that the Directorate-Gene- be permítted the of resident officers. The question of re- ral of Public Industries, which at present is under close supervision of Agn- is more dimcult, many of the labourers, havmg Ministry of Public Works, will pass to tbe Ministry patriation and the and having experieneed the comforts oi a regular culture, as will also the Statistical Department married The Directorate- life and security, are not very anxious to return Department of the Peopling of the Soil. personal An- Botanical Gardens, the to the state of semi barbarism which awaits them in General aforesaid includes the the necessary Society and the Commercial Museum. gola. Government will, however, provide National Agricultural of the of His Britannic inducement to stimulate the ambition populations" ²Sir Wiiliam Haggard, K.C.M.G., the interior and the business of recruiting. It is confi- Minister to Brazil, and hady Haggard arrived in the Maiesty's . dently expected that the new regulations will preclude Rio on the s.s. Avon on the 27th ult. His many friends exist at of ali such abuses as are said to present; will be to hear that Sir Wiiliam has quite recovered possibility the action ' glad but the Portuguese do not expect this to infiuence from the illness from which he was suffering when he went is looked of the Englisíi cocoa manufacturers. The boycott liome last final of the agita- year. . upon here as a trade boycott—the phase ²The French stage is well represented here just now. ago or more by the of the tion started five years planters We have Rèjane and Charles le Bargy, to say nothing of the fact that it is on philanthropic Antilles; and justifiecl the lesser lights which accompany the constellation of stars. •grounds Portuguese eyes, only another proof of " " is, in _ It is indeed an embarras de richesses and quite astound- and skill. This unfortünate impression British efficiency ing when it is considered that for the greater part óf the by the of the death rate ¦ has been strengtíiened publication there is. as often as not, no more than one theatre recent unpleasant reports regarding year / in the Band mines; by City! It is stated that Suzanna Despres will • èmployed by the Band Native open in the the niethods of recruiting appear shortJy after the conclusion of her season at " in Mozambique; and especially by the also Labour Association Buenos Aires. that certain clauses of the new treaty with the discovery The Municipal Theatre covers an área of 4,777 are calculated seriously to prejudice the labourer's new Transvaal the electrical station. It has cost of repatriation at the end of his term. This last square metres, including chance hold 1,700 and took four and is causing serious misgivings; and the Portuguese, so far 10.856$000, will people, point build. After the opening we propose to give who are essentially a humane people, are now considering a half years to to the decorations and appearance the advisability of recruiting Moçambique labourers on a some details as general certainly is one of the finest in the . large scale for"St. Thomé, where, at alí events, the life is of the theatre, which Rèjane has expressed her intense admira- . healthy and the work light, and of thus preserving a part World. Madame at the completeness with which every oi that valuable upon wliom the future develop- tion and surprise population thought out and at the adoption of every n-ent of the Portuguese colony must depend." We detail has been greatest and convenience. do not know what steps Brazil is taking to secure the mar- modern contrivance Republic, ket which has thus been shut to Portuguese cocoa, but tliat ²Dr. Ruy Barbosa, Vice-President of the the Senate, it has a opportunity to demonstra-te the fact that it is having resignedhis position as Vice-President of great him. .an ill wind that blows nobody any good is evident. From Sr. Quintino Bocayuva has been cleeted to substitute the fact that exports of cocoa are steadily increasing, it is The Cardinal Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro is ar- " doiug." to be presumed that there is something ranging for a memorial service to be held in the Cathedral We have received the annual reports of two excei- on the 12th inst. for the late President of the Republic, Dr. lent institutions in this City, namely: the Rio Seamen's Affonso Penna. With regard to the Mission and the Missão Central. v The President of the. Republic held his first public out its work of helping former, it has faithfuliy"of carried on the 26th ult. Some 512 attended, the Reading and Game audience persons distrèssed seamen and providing cfíicial statement being made that most of them had been for men coming ashore from vessels in the Bay. Rooms to ask for places in the new Ministry of Agriculture! material is supplied and clothing lias been fur- Writing ²So soon as the official mourning is over, the Presi- distrèssed men, whilst help has been given m nished°to of the Republic will make a tour of inspection to ali men shipped again, food and loâging given to worthy dent getting the Public Departments and to ali the Naval and Military in need, the sick visited regularly in hospital, letters men establishments. received and delivered and money kept for those waiting for ²A time ago stated a ship. In fact, Jack lias been tlioroughly well looked after telegram from London a short syndicate was on his by the Mission during the past year and kept away from that the representative of an English the Lloyd Brazil- tíie land sharks. It is to be hoped that there may be an ex- way to Rio to treat for the acquisition of of the Mission along several lines during the coming eiro. A telegram from the Plate states that an English pansion Mihano- The Reading and Game Rooms have been frequented s.yndicate has undertaken the re-organisation of the year. were 2 736 sailors during the year. Total receipts amountéd to vich line of Buenos Aires. If the Lloyd Brazileiro by Brazilian 4-247$930 and expenses to 4 :194$330, a balance of 53$600 taken over by an English syndicate, doubtlessthe vessels of the line, but there being carried to 1909. The Misscào Central has been carry- flag would still be flown by the the ships would be ing on its work. The Sunday School was_ attended by can be no doubt that the running of good of British capital, 120 regular members and a large number of visitors. The better and that with a strong backing If some large concern, Day School was frequented regularly by 153 children, whilst the concern could be made to pay. attended. Mail, were to a controlling interest the night and sewing classes have been well such as the Royal get ----_¦_¦__¦ mmtm^mfm

July 6th, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 677. the line would make a splendid feeder for the vessels plying that tlie voyage of these steamers proves that the Madeira on the European route. We shall await with interest the River is perfectly safe for navigation by ocean-going steam- turn which events will take with regar.& to the Lloyd. ers similar to the England and Holland during about five ²A ' project has been presenteei to the Municipal Coun- months of the year. At tlie beginning of 1907 a fresh start cil for the establishment of an. eight hours day for ali em- Was made to b.uild the Madeira-Mamoré Railway, which will of the Prefecture. The second transporting the large of Bolivia, ployees " articíe of the bill provide a means of produce requires that ali faetories, worksliops, warehouses, docks, which will be economicaílv handled at Porto Velho do Santo etc, shall be obliged also to establisb eight Pará. " an hours day Antônio and for their employees under pain of fines ranging from to 1:000$000. '?•??¦ 200$000 -+ ¦+•+-?-? ?•f-^-f •+¦ ? ¦<•"* -*-?-?-*- * ¦+• ? -*?+* ^^-4-«^4-** ²From the report of the Therezopolis Railway, it ap- t pears that the number of passengers carried and of freight THE. OFFICIAL SEAL t handled has increased by 70. per cent. since the completion T of the line. The bed of the line up the Serra has been AND strengthened, whilst traíuc has been carried on with the ut- GUARANTEE OF PURITY 1 most regularity during the past year. Great improvements t are being made at Therezopolis and the railway is the main OF t factor in the prosperity of this growing town. A large new t hotel is being built there, as well as a casino and a theatre, and every effort will be made by the enterprising company Paulo to attract visitors to this beautiful town in the mountains The State of San during the approaching hot season. Tlie electrification of the line is also contemplated, tlie result of which would be ! (Bfazil) the shortening of the journey from Pio to Therezopolis to 1 hour and 40 minutes. I appear on every tin of ²The Minister of Public Works has now been informed t that the water supply to the new quays is in full working order, :— From tlie statistical returns for tho month of May, it \ FAZENDA appears that the population of Buenos Aires is now 1,203,050, as against 1,144,745 in May last year, an in- crease of 58,305 during the year. At this rate Buenos PURÊ COFFEE Aires is larger than Pio by some 300,000 inhabitants. • < ²Messrs. Korton, Megaw and Co., of this City, agents Sold in England by ali Grocers. for Baldwin's, have just signed a contract with the Cen- trai of Brazil Railway for the supply of six locomotives. + Ali friends of Brazil in England should ²During the week there were 320 births and 79 marri- ages in the Federal District. ask for «Fazenda» coffee & see that they ²By decree No. 7,438, of June 11,. 1909, in M "Diário published it. the Official" of June 29th, 1909, tlie Brazilian get Warrant Company has been authorised to operate in the I Republic. ²The Government has decided to do away with what has grown into a real abuse, narnely, the granting of passes and of special cárriages on tbe Central of Brazil FAZENDA provision lhe Railway to ali sorts and conditions of people who, though supposed to be occupying official positions of some kind, are Coffee with a Government Guarantee as often as not simply granted the privileges for political reasons. The revenue of the railway should increase, whilst Governmenfs move will be very popular with tbe povo gene- 8d. per Va-tò rally, who often, after paying for their tickets, are shunted on to sidings to let non-paying officialdom thunder past in Ground or Whole Berry. In hermelically sealr special trains. In future, special cárriages will only be given to distinguished foreign visitors and high officials on State ed tins, which preserve the freshness and aroma. business. Government has also decided to electrify the lines the Railway, a measure which has been on suburban of Imported, roasted & by the State of the ia pis for a long time. packed ²Dr. Nilo Peçanha has decided that the steamer San Paulo (Brazil) Purê Coffee Co., Ltd., services on the Kivers Iticuhy (to Cacequy) and Uruguay 62, KING WILL1AM STREET. LONDON. (to Santo Isidro) shall be improved, a subsidy of 60 :000$000 to be granted for the purpose. Communications between ACHSNTK IN \W\M\-., the Capital and Angra dos Reis, Mangaritiba and Paraty are also to be improved, and an animal subsidy of 40 :000$ E. Johnston & Company, Ltd., Santos granted for the steamer service. *???» - 4-i. ??.?-•- .¦+.?-+-?.>-«?+-?«?-•"?-?¦?-•¦< H-4?\ *???? S, PAULO. " ²Our contemporary, O Correio Paulistano," ceie- Roujrh or Polishe^ brated its 55th birthday on the 25th ult., and marked the Ceylon Precious Stones supplied «lirect frora oceasion by issuing an edition of 20 pages, of which a large our Mines. We wish our contempor- proportion' were advertisements. Snmpíes avd Price List on demand Io ; . ary an even longer and more prosperous life. .1. WICKR4 A1\ATAK A Co. ²That Fazenda Coffee is making its way in the world is exemplified by the fact that a few days ago the President i1 ;a of the State received an application from Natal, South África, from a Mr. A. J. Tyler, asking to be appointed agent PENSaO AMAZÔNIA (HOTEL) for tlie mark in that colony. Tlie President handed the ap- plication to Mr. Edward Greene, of the State of S. Paulo THE PflMCE (Brazil) Purê Coffee Company. |HIlSSfllflBRt{R AMAZONAS. Situated in Botafogo the pleasantest,su'»urb of Rio de Janeiro ²"Fairplay" brings tlie following:—" Particulars Amazon u few moments walk from the nuignincent have been published of an interesting voyage up the which has just been performed by the British steamers Avenue Beira Mnr. England and PTolland, carrying about 6,000 tons deadweight each. The vessels have accomplished a voyage from Eng- C: 1, l.and to Porto Velho do Santo Antônio, a port situated on F. DUTRA & the Madeira River, the principal tributary of the Amazon, 700 No. 192 which joins that river just below Manaos. It is about No. 192 Rua Marque? de Abrantes miles from Pará, at the month of the Amazon, to the month of the Madeira, and it is about 600 miles from the mouth RIO DE JANEIKO of the Madeira River to Porto Velho, which has never pre- Telcgrams: "Amazônia. viously been visited by such large steamers. It is claimed Telephone Sul 44 678 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July 6th, 1909. federal Iiotternes of Brazil Public drawings, fiscalised by the Federal Government, at 2.30 p.m. and on Saturdays at 3. p.m. , at 45, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy.

Daily Drawings Price Monday, July 26th 16:000$ IStiOO 2/- GRAND SPEÍIAL FEDERAL LOTTERY Tnesday, 27th 20:000$ lSfiQÕ 2/- SATURDAY JÜLY ülst Wednesday, 28th 25:000$ 1$600 2/- is;t-:uts Tbursday, 29t„ 20:000$ J$600 2/- Friday, 30th 16:000$ 1$600 2/- For3$200-4/- 50:000$000 For3$200—4/ C3-_ÒA._STD SPBOIAL ZF:e:d:_:R___ LOTTERY 1725 7tlx Saturday July 24th at 3 p. m 100:000$000 4$8oo or 6/- v ON SALE AT ALL LOTTERY AGENCIES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY: |lflZl_l{ETfl & Co.-ffaa Jiova do Ouvidos 14 (foímeríy 10)—t^io de Janeiro

ARTHUR CHAVES & Co.RUA DO OUVIDOR, 74 (Formerly 48) CASA AMERICA _] J\A.___0 — Great variety of North American, Japanese, Chinese, Englisli, French, German and other articles.*"* TEA OF THE MOST UENOWNED QUALITIES. Carpets, niats, cloth, Japanese furniture of osier and iron for verandas and gardens; china jars and flower pots; (oniplete assortment of games A.merican refrigerators for ice freezers, filtres, etc, etc. (Loto dominoes, cliess, playi.ig cards of ali descriptiou, etc. ) excellent ; Ums water, Great variety of articles for presents and domestic use. Toys of every description. OPEN TO ACCEPT SOLE AGENCIES TO INTRODUCE ANY OF THE ABOYE ARTICLES. F. J CARLSS0N WmâuJ ff__! Í mede t 0®. I^ÊfÊ^^rW^9 I¦¦¦¦ No. 42, Rua do Rosário, No. 42 (THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED FIRM OF ENGLISH ACCOUNTANTS IN SOUTH AMERICA.) ist FLOOK Railweiy and General A.u.ciitor_ Incorporated Accountants and. Agents Fnglish tailor formerly Buenos A.ires, Rosí*,rio, Ivlontevidéo and Expert Rio de Janeiro with Poole of London ?-**• T. B. D. KOWLiSK. F. S. A. A. V G. G. 8CKOGGIE, F. S. A. A Will make up customer's own material GEO. WINTKK,A. S. A. A. T. C. E. FOWI.EU. A. S. A. A Measurements taken at customers' homes if desired. And a large staff of Competent Assistants and Experts Fine seleetion of tweeds always in stock. Undertake Investigations and Reports on Public Companies' Accounts in tlie Argentine, Uruguayan, Chilian, Brazilian and other Swuth American Republics; also legal represeutation of Suit« from ioo$ooo Companies, Firms, w others. Ternas- Cash æKiOCX HEAD OFFICE: t»-l rVortlicri! Insurance ltuilding LEECH AND CCS. - Coffee Sta- 441 Itai-tolonie Mitre, Buenos Aires "The CJ..tisties 1908-1909. On Sale at A. B. C, Al & Lieber's Codes, Brazilian Review", offices rua Camerino Cable Address, "QUITTANCI?»» No. 83.-Price: 10$000. ¦¦ Union Telephone 83.

v_> HOTEL AVEMIDA-RI0 DE JANEIRO SOUZA CABRAL & CO. AVENIDA CENTRAL 152-162. RIO DE JANEIRO. (Jardim Botânico Tramway Co.'s Central Station.) The largest and most important Hotel in Brazil. Occu- pies a complete block. Magnificent accommodation. Grand Hall for Public Dinners and Recep tions. Telegrams :—AVENIDA Telephone 2873 ELECTRIC LIFTS TO ALL FLOORS. 220 :e_oo:_v-:s ¦¦¦ y m

'¦". '. ¦:¦.¦:-¦¦'¦:¦¦¦. ¦ ''-:''¦'¦>¦.. ¦, -'.¦...¦-¦ ..-'..¦'-¦¦: ^ ¦ ¦"¦¦•.¦¦...:'...',;•¦¦.. ..¦¦ ;¦:¦¦>'¦ ..'


Grand Prize and Two Gold Medals—National Exhibitiòh 1908

I ,\ò



,4- aJICsi


TfeCri ri ^PSP OjvÍ4 $ £ ma po

Besides our íamous Brands Bock-Ale and Teutonia we recommend especially our celebrated Brahma-Porter, which in quality equals Guiness' Stout and is expressly brewed for the tropics It is the most nourishing beer in the world. Makes appetite. Gives strength. Food in liquid form PRICE: Rs. 60$000 in cases of 48 bottles — 55$000 in cases of 72 half bottlés RUA VISCONDE DE SAPUGAHY 104-142

ítfWilIlITTnfrTf!01^^'1^™*'^*'*11^^ con.. . Apply by letter loss. But, tacked on to this contract was a valuable WANTED—A competent book-keeper. hands might to Caixa 472. cession for electric lighting that, in energetic be turned into anotber large consumer. of the Company's too, not for power. So tlie Gas Company was bouglit up NOTICE. any intrinsic value, but. to secure to the Company the supply of power for electric lighting. Without it the Gas; Company might have started power works vúthin the pity The dead .-et made in certain or- and competed for its distvibution.• j Rio de Janeiro gans of the London presa against the So, tommencing witK a comparatively modest sçheme Power Co. Light and Power. Rio de Janeiro Light and for the supply of power alone, one by one the. São seems to have miscarried; seeing that Christovão, lhe Villa Isabel, Canis Urbanos, and, fuially, tlie shares, which in consequence fell to 82, liave already the Jardim Botânico Tramway, previously ali working on reacted and were auoted on Saturday at 95K. mdopendeiit and separate lines, as also the gas and sfceet. We have never failed to criticise this or any other con- lighting-concessions, have been incorporated and brought cern of a public nature when requisite and cannot be ac- into line, and the contracts generally extended for a long cused of partiality. period of years., There may be, indeed are, some features in the methods In this way the Company lias secured itself absolutely of American-Canadim companies that do not barmonise against auv danger from competition when the power with our own slower, if surer, English ways. They are monopoly iapsesby control of ali the larger power-üsing more speculative and daring in execution, attractive often coücérns in the City. by slièer vastness of conception. Now., anyone almost might be permitted to supply the Eio > So, at Kio de Janeiro, old-fasbioned people's breath power if they' pleased to the few cousumers that wás taken away by tlie impetuous methods of the Rio light Light and Power Company lias not already swept into their and Power Co. net—they would do little harm.*;. -the Obstruction official and private was met, and in the Taught by experience in México and elsewhere, long run neutralised by buying up and concentrating in a Directors of the Light and Power Company were deter- single hand the wliole of the vast network of trarnways, the mined not to be.caught napping this time, and before work principal employers of power in the city. on their power station was ever commenced one after the Thus a large and constant demand for the power the other set" to work to buy up trarnways, gas, and electric T ' Company was preparing to supply was secured before the lighting concessions.- power works were completed. The prices paid may seem to.manvof us here, almost ¦ The contract for gas lighting worked by a Belgian Com- fantastic, and no doubt many,..jf not ali,.of:these concerne: pany did not give much profit, indead, we believe, left a couíd have been got cheaper by waiting. 68Ò THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July ôth, 190Ô.

But to wait was precisely what the Company could which is largely responsible for the situation, to pay enough not afford to do; because as the object of the Company in for the indispensable labour in six months as will keep büying up these concerns dawned on the owners their de- labour going for twelve. inp.nds would havé gone up and up and the Company been Unless, profiting by last year's experience, the dock- ohligèd to pay dòuble or treble what they have done for co.mpa.nies" and other large employers of labour have or- their control or do without them and in a few years fac* ganised resistance, the men will haVe both facare q.ueijo na the inevitable and perhaps ruinous competition of rival mão and, if organised, can impose their own térms, A pôwer cõmpânies. good deal of the labour could unquestionably be' advan- That másterly, if to some minds overdaring, policy has tageously replaced by mechanical appliancos, i whilst saved the Company. They are now masters of the situa- cartage could be simplified by electric haulagje. The.'suecess tion anâi' having given ample evidence of technical and of the strikers would depend largely on the adequacy of adminisírative capacity, should be trusted -to Sçarry the resistance. If nothing has been done in this respect the enterprise to a successful issue. men will win the day, as they deserve. In fáct, such evidently are the views of the share- Capital cannot play fast and loose with Labour without holders tliemselves, whatever a few envious or interested suffering in the long rim. outsiders may say. Rio de Janeiro is a great and rapidly growing city, with ali the elements, now that yellow fever has disappeared, With Br. Bulhões as Minister of for very rapid and even startling devnlopment. Tariff Reform. Finance the programme of the Tariff Commission That being so the prospects of the Light and Power has undergone some modifi- Company seem secure so long as sufncient capital is forth- cation, but in substance the object is the same, viz., to bring coming to carry this comprehénsivé and ambitious scheme the rate of exchange into line with that established by the to comnletion. Caixa for conversion. The idea of recovering ali the duties Thp. sharebolders may have to wait a bit for dividends, in gold was sensibly abandoned and a unifõrm ratio of 40 but as in S. Paulo they will come, no fear of that, and be per cent. in gold and 60 per cent. in paper, recommended none the worse for the waiting. for the consideration of the Commission. As Drí Bulhões said, the collection of duties in gold and paper in -proportion to the expenditure in each specie was determined precisely Strikes are socially what eárthquajiès are to obviate the necessity of Government's entering the mar- ket as buyer of exchange on a large scale. By delegating Strlkes. physically, upheavals of lower and more liquid elements in their efíort to come to the surface. this funetion to impòrters the demand is subdivided and Kept under and downtrodden for centuries the worm is sriead over the whole área of the country and the effect is turning and, indeed, to overturn tlíe oppressor thus minimised. If more duties are levied in gold than are and tread him down in his turn. required for payments in that specie, part of the gold would have re-sold and, in of a rise in exchange, would The secret of class suecess lies in organisation. When to be case ali the men are swept into the Union nets the leaders of of course entail loss in paper to Government. To remit more than is required only to draw it again must the combine will dictate to society the conditions under necessarily entail some waste, if only for the trouble and which they shall work or not work, as them best. pleases expense of the labour and commissions it causes. But so The difficulty lies in ali the men to precisely getting long as the improvement of exchange is limited to about long for Combine. So as there are outsiders willing, a con- 15Xd. by the action of Converti on, it could not be very im- sideration, to eufc their fellows out, ás often as not strikes unless, indeed, the Minister of Finance contem- will be as unsuccessful os that at the Gas Works. portant plates raising the rate for conversion. Had the Light and Power Comuány been úiiable to re- Whilst on the subject, we would call the attention of the strikers the Company would have been obliged to pla'Ce Dr. Bulhões to ihe dangerous practice adopted by the Bank in and the management of the Gas Works have give passed of Brazil, under which the paper money corresponding to virtually into the hands of the Union. the vales sold was allowed to accumulate in immense quan- . A vietory so complete would have encouraged emula- tities in the Bank, instead of taking cover immediately, ás +ion and within a measnrable time every organiscd bra ích was the practice before. the vale business was monopolised of labour would. have been striking and forcing capital to by the Bank of Brazil. In 1908 deposits on this account yield to demands more grotesque poiliãps even than thé rose to some Rs. 80.000:000$, requiring some £5,000,000, gasworkers.' to cover which Dr. Carnpista was obliged to raise a loan in From this the resistance of thé Light and Power has, London. It is not pleasant to consider what would have for a time, saved the City. But in reality the problem is oceurred had the loan not been available. shelved, not solved, only to break out in perhaps some more The fixation of 15d. for the rate for calculation of pay- dangerous form, when the men agam think they s?e a ment of the gold moiety is very useful and will tend to chance of getting the upper hand and can secure the co- simplify matters immensely at the Custom House. Whilst opèration of other classes. about it, Dr. Bulhões" might make another useful innova- It is true that most of the gas etiikers have been dis- tion and allow duties to be paid in cheques, instead of missecí ,but many remain to breed discontent and stimulate making people waste time needlessly in counting and re- the new hands to üniting. counting paper. This would, in fact, be an anticipation The danger is only postpcned; because it is in tho of the Bankers' Clearing House Dr. Bulhões proposes to nature of man to do ali in his power to better himself, no start and would serve as a very fittiág initiation of clear- matter at what loss or inconven:ence to oihers. mg operations if adopted at once. Force is no remedy. It may serve to smcoth matters over for a time subterranean rumblings will be ,but going Ali being now on ali the time and cu.lminate sooíier or latsr in a fresh prehminaries eruptiòh. The Brazilian completed the Brazili- n Warrant • Warrant Company Company c?n make a start. At There is no remedy but to labour and lead guide it first, no doubt, some interests imperceptibly to better ways mo e in harrrovry will with the be injured and there will be friction interests, not of a class or but to smooth away, but group-, of the people at in the long run innovation large. Hic labor, nic opus est! the will be accepted as part and parcel of modern commercial mechanism. Indeed, it it > is a wonder that the coffee trade has done so long without ¦_MÉ_-'' It is rumoured that as socn as the facilities that in Buenos Aires, as in every other big mar- ket, have Another Stríke. busy produce season begins at Santos been enjoyed for years. the cartmen and dock-labourers will go out on strike. In this case, we cohfe: s, there is some- what more excuse than for the gasworkers. Owing to the TflEHEZOPOMS artificial conditions produced by the resto icthn of ccffee HAMflY shipments, the dock labourers and cáirlmen at Santos for Excursion Traiu Every Sunday to Therezopolis the last three months have had virtually notlrng to do and, Depart Prainha moréõver, have the of five or six months' 6.30. A. M. pleasing prospect „ Therezopolis. 3.00. P. M. furtííêr enforced idleness as soon as the nine and a half Return tickets available for milliòn bags of the crop have been shipped, as will be the one day only at reduced rates will be sold in easè-by December or January at latest, unless the law :;s advance or on the day of the excursion. changed. M PORTANT NOTICE— The nçcòrnodàtion in the tráin is limited and it will not take higgage. Utídèr such circumstances there is no remedy but for the FOR INFORMATION — — rrieâ*to ínakè hày whilè thé sun -shines at theTOfficè of Company Xvenid^ and force Capital, Central r\4>, -35, over the Royal Mail Orüçe. . July 6th. Í9Ô9. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. m Aceording to " " O Journal servant of the company was not considered an independent ThG Pernambuco Loan do Commercio the loan about witness. It seemed, therefore, almost impossible to get a to te issued on aceount of the conviction. Unless they Go.emment of put pressure on the Government l-e.nambuco' for £1,000,000 will be de voted to modify this law it was a trouble the company in its entirety. to would ai- the coustructión cf the new system of ways ha\ & to face. As to the of the company, drainage and sewage and position as extension of the water works far as they had gone this year there were no sigris oí im- The loan is secured by the general guarantee of the State provement, but the latest advices from the coast and specid were dis- guaiantees of the Patents tax which, aceording tinctly more favourable. There was a better feeling, and a to the Year Eoòk, rese from 2.900:000$C00 in 1902 to general expectation that trade would improve shortly.The m«mm$ m 1907-08. report was adopted.- The issue will be made in France in bonds of franca 500 each at 98 per cent. The contractors, we believe, are NEW ISSUES.- jinjish. S. John lhe foreign debt of the Del Rey Mining Co—At the general meeting State oí Pernambuco on the of the Company, held issue of this loan willstand as follows: in London at the end of last month, lhe Chairman a fresh issue for the developmeiuvof Foreign Debt in December, 1906 proposed £982 920 the company's operations, which had been attendedwith New Foreign Loan £l,500,'o00 Internai great suecess during the past year. We await further de- Currency Debt, J e;. 1906 .... £1,582,930 tails by mail. Total £4,035,850 Sociedade Anonyma Fomento Argentino Sud-Ameri- cano.—By decree "DiárioNo. 7,294, of January 21st, 1909, pub- Western Telegraph.—The directors of the Western lished in the Ofncial" of June 22nd, 1909, the leiegraph Company, Ltd., announce the third quarterly in- Presidént of the Republic granted authorisation to this terim dividend of 3s. per share, freeof income-tax for the company to operate in Brazil. The Head office is in Buenos year ending SOth inst., being at the rate of 6 cent Aires, the object general development in Argentina and annum.perL per abroad and the duration 30 years. The capital is 2,000,000 pesos divided into 20,000 shares of 100 pesos each and into S. Paulo Tramway, Light and PowerThe British íive series of 400,000 pesos each. Empire Trust Company notines that the S. Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company have declared a quarterly divi- Banco de Credito Hypothecario e Agrícola do Estado dend of 21/, per cent. on the capital stock. de S. Paulo.—From the statutes of this institution, which were issued in the S. Paulo Diário Official, of June 19th, The Booth Steamship Line—The report of the Booih 1909, it appears that the capital is to be franes 10,000,000, Steamslnp Company, Ltd., for the twelve months ended divided into 20,000 shares of franes 500 each. This capital, March 31st, 1909, presented at the meeting on the together with debentures, which will be issued to the amount 8th ult., states that the profits, including £34,391 carried of 40,000,000 franes, will be guaranteed by the State Gov- forward from 1907-8, amount to £165,967. After charging ernment, interest to be at the rate of 6 cent. for 30 £18,000 interest per on Debenture stock to 31st March, debiting years. The capital may be increased with permission' of directors' and trustees' fees, writing off £101,008 for depre- Government.. : ciation of ships and other property, there remains at the A telegram from London states that 80,000 five per credit of profit and loss aceount £44,749. Of this amount cent. debentures are to be issued at franes 76.80. the dividend at the rate of 5% per cent. on the Preference shares for the twelve months absorbs £16,500, and the direc- Brazil Great Southern Railway Extensions Company.— tor-s propose to carry forward to 1909-10 the balance of A telegram from London states that a new Company'has £28,249. The depression in trade which foliowed the finan- been registered under this name with a Capital of £100,000. ciai crisis in America in 1907 continued to àlect adversely The object oí the undertaking is the construetion of a Une the business of the company during the greater part of the from Itaqui to S. Borja and other railway lines in the South year, both with North Brazil and Galveston. Outward car- of Brazil. goes from Europe and the United States to Brazil were small in volume and almost exclusively limíted to rough cargo and the necessaries of life. Shipments of rubber from the Commefleial and Passengers' Guide Amazon were slightly greater than in the in preceding year, COFFEE MERCHANTS. consequence of the recovery in the price, but from Galveston cotton shipments showed a marked decline. Ornstein & Co.—Bua 1.° de Março, 56. Cable address: Ornstein. Pcaiflc Steam Navigation.—The annual meeting of the Dr. Albert Pacific Steam Navigation Friedmann, Physician & accoucheur, graduated Company was held recently at at the Liverpool, Mr. Thomas Eome University of Vienna (Áustria). Residence: presiding.— The Chairman Bua Honorio de Barros, 18 Vergueiro). Tele- said that during the past year they had had a most anxious (Senador and trying time. The phone, 605.—Office : Bua da Alfândega, 95, from 1 to 3. serious financial .trouble at the be- English spoken. ginning of the year had a most severe effect on South America, following which they had fluetuations and changes CURIOSITIES. in Chili, which almost brought business to a staudstill. It A. Jacobsen, Natté's Successor30, said a deal for the stability Rua do Ouvidor—Rio.' great of the company's trade Feather flowers, Fans, Insects, Birds that their contracts had come out as well as they had done. and other curiosi- Turning to ties of Brazilian Natural History, Views of Rio and the working aceount, on which there had been a Postcards. for the of £167,947, Awards gained at several E.xhibitions. profit year the Chairman explained that Grand Prix at the St. Louis Exhibition. coal had cost £4,000 more because three extra voyages had come into that aceount. Bepairs year's had cost more be- Pure Drugs and Pharmaceutical ProductsFixed cause they were running more of their own steamers, while prices, and weights guaranteed. Pres^riptions carefully the expenditure on wages and provisions was less because pre- unfortunately they had had pared.—GRANADO & Co., Rua Primeiro do Março 14 fewer passengers to carry. Their 12), Rio de Janeiro. total receipts were £120,000 less, but they were extremely (formerly fortünate that the falling off had not been a. deal more. great PATENTS. The profit on the year's underwriting amounted to £47,000, which he considered very satisfactory. The Straits service Registration of Trade Marks in Brazil and Abroad arrànged had now been extended to Callao, and the West Coast line by Buschmann & Co., Rua General Câmara, No. 84, had been so rearranged as to. form with it a rapid service be- Rio de Jp^eiro. Caixa do Correio, 314. tween Valparaiso and Panamá. The result of the new ser- HOTEL vice was that passengers would be able to go from Valparaiso AND RESTAURANT BALNEÁRIO, to Panamá in twelve days instead of in eighteen days under IPANEMA. the old system. One matter that had the directors given Trams up to 3 a.m. First-class heuse for families and very great concern was the continuai robberies that took single men. Excellent cuisine. Moderate prices. place on the West Coast. The company had paid during Proprietor—M. the Soares, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. past year £20,000 on aceount of these thefts. Goods Telephone: had been stolen from the holds of the ships, from the 202 Sul. lighters, from the hulks and from shore. They had had ELECTRICAL GOODS. watchmen and detectives, but ali to no purpose. The real difficulty was that tlíe law out there demanded two inde- H. Smyth—English Electrical Supplies.—37, Rua da pendent witness before it would convict. À man who was Quitanda, Rio. * July 6th, 1909. £^

Gentlemen:—Revenue. . ,.* In' accordance with the statutes of the Company, the'Cotai revenue from ali the lines of the Company directors lay before you the most important occurrences ofamounted to 18.402 :747$446, as follows:— the year 1908 and submit for your perusal and approvalMain line and branches . . . . vi-wy, . 15.579 :037$100 '. their report, the balance sheet and accounts, and the reportRio Grande and Caldas. . . 1.924 :631$091 of the Fiscal Board for that year.Catalão 899:079$255 General Meeting.Total 18.402:747$446 On June 28th, 1909, the Ordinary General Meeting wasThere was thus a falling off compared with 1907 of . held, the accounts for the year 1907 were approved and the1.090 :705$963, as follows:— fiscal board and substitutes elected.Main line and branches (decrease) . . 858 :098$347 Rio Grande and Caldas fdecrease) . 267 :975$340 Directorate.Catalão (increase) 35:367$724 The Visconde de Soutello, having been obliged to go abroad for a time, the Directors, at a meeting held on 23rdTotal decrease 1.090 :705$963 May, 1908, invite Dr. Amadeu Gomes de Souza, a share-Revenue from the Minas section of the Guaxupé branch holder, to take his place during his absence, in accordanceamounted to 43 :929$932, as compared with 65 :363$424 in with Art. 17 of the statutes. The Visconde de Soutello, hav-1907, a decrease of 21:433$492. ¦ ing returned and taken over his duties as Director once more ‡Expenditure. 13th, 1909, tlie Directors beg to thank Dr.m , , ... , , , on-March. ¦¦¦£ • expenditure amounted to 9.91oftft1r :458$594,a'k6qíkc\a dis-a;„ Amadeut Gomesri for thej.v services whichí-ii herenderedj i toi QlieTotalm^m ^ ^ foUowi &s and branches:- as Actmg-Director during the m Company period question,^ m ^ him«g 7368 :963$439 Fiscal Board.Rio Grande and Caldas 1.588:864$273 .n. . _i , . 957:630$882 Them1 Fiscal Board of, the,, Companyn is composed, ot P bnrs.4Catalão Dr.. Gustavo Adolpho e Castro and Raphael Gonçalves deTotal 9 915 -458$594 Salles, the substitutes being Snrs. Dr. Luiz Albino BarbosaTho deereage as'compared*J' with"l907 was 94 :804$170, de Oliveira and Cols. Joaquim Augusto Ribeiro do Valle anddistributed M follows ._ João Leite do Canto.Main line and branciies 68:602$604 The third member of the Fiscal Board, Sr. VicenteRio Grjmde and Caldas B 21:973$310 liadCatalão da Fonseca FerraQ died last year. Íor many years he ' ...... .4-228$256 occupied this position and rendered invaluable services tol the Company. The Directors beg to propose a vote ex-Total "the 94-804S170 the regret of the meeting at his decease.Expenditure pressing profound * on Minas' section of the Guaxupé It is the duty ot the present meeting to elect the í iscai^^ ‡51:903$308amounted to 50 :332$300, as compared with Board for the current year. in 190?! a deorease 0| i :571$008. Externai Debt.# Net Revenue. Two hundred preference shares of £10 each were re-Net Revenue amounted to 8.487 :288$852, as follows:— deemed, the actual externai debt of the Companv' having RioMain line and branches 8.210 :073$661 thus been reduced from £225,400 to £205,400. Grande and Caldas 335 :766$818 Amortisation and Interest (Coupons 46 and 47) amounted to £81,667 15s. 6d.8.545 :840$479 . . 58:551$627 Guaranteed, Interest.t Catalão—déficit The Company received from the Government under the8.487 :288$852 interest for the Catalão line 505 :800$, corres-Compared with 1907 there is a decrease of 995 :901$793 ¦pondinjg guarantee to the second half of the vear 1907 andMain the first halfas follows :— of 1908. line and branches 789:495$743 Traffic.Rio Grande and Caldas 246:002$030 The general trafnc of the system was carried on with thej ' Q3g -497$773 regularity utmost BCatalão (Increased déficit) ...... ' 39:595$980 The number of passengers carried in 1908 was 1,626,812,; as compared with 1,691,584 in 1907, a falling off of 64,722;995-901$793 included in this total are 50,923 passengers carried free ofThe wòrldng of the Minas section of the Guaxupé branch 8,386 were immigrants. charge, of whom shows a déficit of 6:402$368. As net revenue in 1907 The number ot passengers carried on the Guaxupéamounted to 13:460$116, there was a decrease in 1908 of branch (Minas section) was 15,959, as agamst 17,277 P19 .862$484 as compared with 1907 1907.r i r The total wéigíit of baggage and parcels carried wasGeneral Revenue. 18,633,299 kilos, a shrinkage of 9,077,517 kilos as comparedThe general revenue resulting from the above, added to with 1907.the balance carried forward from 1907 and from the guaran- On the Guaxupé branch (Minas section) there was alsoteed interest on the Catalão line, received from the Federal a falling off, the weight carried having been15.880:394$429, 158,852 kilos,Government, as will be seen in the appçndix, amountd to as against 207,442 in 1907. which, after consultation with, and the The total weight of merchandise carried was 718,761,244approval of the Fiscal Board, it is proposed, with your sane- kilos (including 7,688,457 kilos on the Guaxupé branchtion, to distribute as follows:— As the (Minas section). amount carried in 1907 wasrtiç-f-rihni-innui&irmuuon. 711,024,106 kilos, there was an increase in 1908 of 7,737,138.n . „ M 1 Service of the loan in London500 :978$120 Tariffs.Payment 69th '. of and 70th dividends 7.000:000$000 . , . . , . . on dividends 162:355$000 , ,. made ,. 4 J Tax A reduetion was in freights íor the transport of'pax on Capital ...... 140-000$000*000$000 the mineral waters when same are dispatched by theReserve Fund '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ^^ companies actually working tlie concessions and when tlieFederal Fiscalisatíon charges* 37 :500$000 exceeds 100 quantity carried cases. This reduetion carneCarried forward 7 689-561$309 into force in March, 1908....... The freight on nationnl tale was also reduced.2.5 830-394$429 '1

'¦'¦¦'¦ ' ':•'¦•'¦' ::.-.¦¦ .¦',:'''..'¦'?¦.¦:¦ -:;?;i¦ .' &..:•¦¦ '."'. , : July 6th, 1909. P: ¦ -:-' w:.;.:'^;;:'v.''\',Vv'/:||:';;';;:y -..'ti;;i; THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW;* 683

Reserve Fund. Construction. With the revenues from last year and the 300:000$ The report presented by the acting chief engineer above-mentioned, this fund is now raised to 5.655 :865$000 gives the fullest details with regard to the lines at present being Profits in Suspense. construeted. A sura of 7.689 :561$309 is carried forward to the next account under this heading. .: The Soccorro Branch. Taxes. The construction of this branch was concluded as far as the terminal point of Soccorro and opened to trame on Taxes to the amount of 879 :171$106 were collected for 21st April of the current the account of the Federal Government year. and the States of S. Expenses of construction of the first section òf the Paulo and Minas, the Company receiving as percentaee foi- branch on December 31st, 1908, amounted this service 50 :878$538.g to 699 :755$596, according to the final estimate for the work done by the The following net receipts were accordingly handed contractors, Snrs. Mario Eodrigues over:— and Carlos Bucchianeri. On the second section of the line the same contractors To the Federal Treasury367 :980$800 have executed work to the To the value of 724:153$125 and the State of S. Paulo 224 :541$530 final estimate now depends on the concliision To the State of Minas235 of the same. :770$238 Material used and work done by the administration is valued at 849 :550$149, which brings total expenditure on the branch 828 :292$568 on December 31st, 1908, to 2.273 :458$870. Permanent Way. The Guaxupé to Muzambinho Branch. The total extension of lines in trame belonging to the On May Mogyana Eailway Company on December 31st, 1908, 2nd, 1908, the Municipal Council of Muzam- was binho entered into a 1,365 kilornetres, including 14 kilometres of the Soccorro contract with Col. Joaquim Augusto branch, inaugurated on August lst, 1908. Eibeiro do Valle for the construction of a branch line to link up Muzambinho and Dores de Guaxupé. Guaxupé Branch (Minas Section). The Mogyana Eailway, having undertaken to do the technical work in agreement with the concessionaire, On December 3rd, 1908, the Mogyana Eailway Company put th* took over the Guaxupé branch chief engineer of the section, Dr. Andréa Veríssimo Eebouças, (Minas section), and on the in cliarge of the same. 31st of the same month, in the finance department of the The work was nearing completion at the end 1908. State of Minas Geraes, signed the conditions whereby the of said Company The branch when completed will have an extension of 48 took over the responsibilities, acceptances, kilometres. etc, of the contract of January 5th, 1901, made with Col! The was approved by the Municipal Council Joaquim Augusto Eibeiro do Valle for the use and enjoy- project of Muxambinho at its session on March 3lst of the current ment of the said Guaxupé branch as far as the frontier of the State of S. Paulo. year. Up to December 31st, 1908, The amount for this branch was a sum of 52 :249$206 had paid 675:262$959, been expended on the above-mentioned works. including the State of Minas Geraes transfer tax, stamps, documents, etc. São Simão to Jatahy Branch. Telegraph. The directors at their meeting of 27th February-of the current authorised making Ali tbe branches of this department have been year the of surveys for a branch working which, starting from S. Simão, should run to satisfactorily. Further details will be found in the annexed the district of report of the Inspector-General. • Jatahy. This survey is now well advanced. Alternate trame with the Natioual Telegraph Depart- The Caconde Branch. ment continues to be a benefit to the public, although revenue aceruing from the same does not correspond to the On 28th November, 1908, a report and plans were laid amount of labour expended. before the directors for the surveying of a railway between S. José do Eio Pardo and the frontier of the State of S. Stores Department. Paulo, to run viâ the Villa Biella and Caconde, and on 30th Value of Stock on Dec. ,3Íst, 1908 . . 909 :236$004 of that month the definite survey was authorised anel the Purchased during 1908 4.759 :014$617 said plans approved. Work on this line will be carried on during the current •; ' 5.668 :250$621 year._ _ Leasing of the Southern Minas Railway System. Credited during the year:-— At the extraordinary Main line & branches . 2.311:749$211 General Meeting of July 30th, 1907,the Board was authorisation to the Eio Grande & Caldas . 603 :987$899 granted purchase Muzambinho Eailway, its branches and for a Catalão 370 :451$605 priyileges, Guaxupé branch sum of 12.000 :000$ in preference shares, and it decided to (Minas send in a tender for the leasing Section) of that line, and of the 15 :453$224 others which lovm the Southern Minas 3.301:641$939 system, in answer Improvem ents to line . . . to the call made by the Federal Government. 672 :133$122 On December 3rd last this tender duly Soccorro branch 365 :506$485 was approved Guaxupé to Muzambinho and signed by the Directors, the period for presentation of 11:337$056 the same expiring on December last. Line from Santos 1:793$370 9th The tender included the conditions essential to the ob- taining of the lease and in the impartial 4.352 opinion of and un- :411$972 biassed was the most favourable sent in, as it Value of stock on Dec. 31st, 1908 1.315 :838$649 persons promised best for the great interests and future prosperity of the zone served by the lines. 5.668 :250$621 So far the matter has not been decided by the Minister of Public Works, but the Board feels sure that if justice is Locomotion. done, as indeed it will be done, the leasing of the line will There is not the slightest be given to our Company. accident to report in this de- ; partment. From the detailed reports which are appended, . Santos Line. the importance of the work done during the year will be seen as well as a full description of the rolling stock. Ever since 1893 it has been the intention of the Company Improvements. to extend its line to Santos, and for this purpose the Board took care to renew the concession which was The amount expended on this account lapsing. This renewal was confirmed by Decree No. 6,641, " " having on December 31st, 1907, of September 12th, 1907, published in the Diário Official amounted to 24.530 :902$570 of the Union on April 28th, 1908. The clauses of this And on Dec. 31st, 1908, to 25.368 :335$482 decree were not considered to be far reaching enough, and it was therefore substituted by Decree No. 7,148, of Oct. The sum expended during 1908 was 837 :432$512 8th, 1908 (" Diário Official," October 20th, 1908). The Board decided, at their meeting of December 3rd, This sum exceeded that expended in 1907 by 1908,to aúthòrisè the Acting Chief Construction Engineer 372 :800$376, mainly on account of (1) building of carriages to make surveys for the revision of the plans, etc, in order and wagons, locomotives and rails, and (2) new buildings that the contract made with the Federal Government might for the central ofiice in this City. be carried out. THÊ BRAZILIAN BEVIEW. July 6tk, 1009.

"'" These sürveys are now being made, but they will take GOODS GARRIED. some time to complete, as they embrace a great extent of 1907. 1908. . country, Quantity. Yield Quantity. Yield. .;.,:• CoíTee kilos 310,979,385 9.626:623.$330 286,523,357 8 .908:824$610 Salt 36,369,829 7Ú1:100$670 39,080,238 668:947$020 -c~ •Sugar h>-¦-"¦¦'¦ Capital Accounts of the State Lines. 19,010,(164 529:102$790 18,818,893 505:024$1C0 Cotton 123,790 3:952$710 81,245 1:58C$210 We have nothing to add to what we said on this im- Tobacco 1,632,611 80:933,$210 1,775,659 72 :760$030 Cereais 95,119,723 690:03S.$390 125,801,471 900:864$940. portant subject in our reports for 1907 and"1908. Bacon 2,541,649 25:561,$340 1,713,739 20:295$100 -,.•:, Alcohol 5,423,990 79 :939,$760 5,283,144 74:649.$100 ;-.-¦• The capital employed on the construction, renewal and Hides 1,579,162 43:388$000 1,660,182 44:178$630 i: .improvements of the lines held under State concession for Rubber 310,098 18:027,$380 82,239 4:315$C90 the last 30 can only be fixed by mutual agreement Sundry 220,094,932 3.982:809$910 230,252,620 .717 :388,$330 years, Total 699,184,633 15.791:377,$490 711,072,787 14.918:833$310 ?.'..ibetween the Government and our Company. We have 1907. 1908. spàred no effort to reach such an agreement, and we believe Quantity. Yield. Quantity. Yield. . Coffee carried bags 5,282,980 4,775,389 v that, ere long, the Administration will recognise our rights, Average yield of coffee ,, 1,$822 1$865 -hsupported as they are both by the law and by our contracts. Average yield of colfee tons 30$369 31$092 Average yiekl per ton-kilometre $163 $150 Average ton-kilometre rim 185 195 æstaff- Number of locomotives 120 122 fifíl Number of Cars . 155 161 .•...;:..- Dr. Carlos, Stevenson having resigued his as Number of Waggons 1,185 1,910 position Coal used tons 19,558 19,099 ¦L-Chièf of the Locomotive Department, his Assistant, Dr. Fire-wood used m. 3 239,179 244,470 d Coriolario Gomes de Mattos was promoted to the post, the latter's place being taken by Dr. Alberto de Cerqueira Lima. MOGYANA RAILWAY. There are no other changes to report amongst the higher Balance Sheet on December 3lst, 1908. ofncials of.the Company. ".";',", ASSETS. The Supervision of the Construction Department re- Reserve Fund: ';, Value of 016 apólices, 397 of 500$ and 249 of 1:000$ 413:878$2C0 mains in the hands of Dr. José* Pereira Eebouças. Pfoperty: Value of Central Office 200:000$000 Owing to ill health, Dr. Cândido Gonçalves Gomide Lines: as been unable to his duties as Chiei of the Cen- Main line to Araguary and branebes 55.345 :701$468 ^fh perform Improvements on the line 25.368:335$4&2 e trai office, and they have been tnken over provisionally by Soccoito brandi 2.087 :544$276 i the Secretary. Line to Santos 1:793$370 Guaxui.-ê branch (Minas Section) 675 :262$95» Guaxupé to Muzambinho Line: BENTO QUIEIKO DOS SANTOS, Chairman; CAELOS Expenditure to date 48:226$156 ¦'' KORBEETO DE SOUZA ARANHA; VISCONDE Stores: u Material in stock 1.315:83S$64» DE SÕUTELLO; BAEÃO DE IBITINGA; DE. Material to arrive 12:061$460 Head Accountanfs Department: . ,. JOSÉ EUGÊNIO DO AMAEAL SOUZA. Balance of alternate trafric to bo received 425:262S150 Traffic Accountanfs Department: ,REPGRT OF THE FiSCAL BOARD. Balances of the Stations o:i Main line, Rio Grande and Ca'das and Catalão branches 134:894$75F The Fiscal: Board of the Mogyaná Eailway, in accord- Balances of the Guaxupé branch (Minas section) 5:169$750 .] once with their duty, have carefúíly examined the balance Sundry Debtors: The British Bank of South America, London—£1,591 lOs. 2d... 25 :258$309 closed on December 31st, 1908. The service of the loan in Sundry balances 32 :684$138 London was met, expenses of the sarne amount- Federal Government Refund Interest Account: punctually Deposited at the Treasury to date 3.811:341$767 ing to 500:978$120, the externai debt being reduced to Interest and Redemption of Loan: ¦ ::£205,-400. for the 1909 amounted to Amount paid 1.859:640$440 Net Eevenue year Interest Receivable from Federal Government: í- 8.487:288$85.2, to which must be added 505 :800$000 re- Catalão line, 2nd half-year 1908 252:900$0C0 :- Government for of in- Guaranteed Interest—Rio Grande and Caldas Line: ceived from the Federal guarantee Balance of this Account 1.232:428$093 terest of the Catalão line, and the balance of 6.837 :305$577 Guaranteed Interest—Catalão Line: Balance of this Account 8.365:385$279 brought forward from 1907, making a total of 15.830:394$- Apólices on Dcposit: 429. After of the two dividends, which took 100 Apólices deposited in Federal Treasury 102:303$300 payment Deposit as Security: í 7.000:000$ and the deduction of trade expenses, there re- Amount deposited as security for construction of the Guaxupé •' mains a balance of 7.989 :5G1$309, from which the Direc- to Muzambinho line 10:000$000 Federal Treasury: • tors propose to carry 300:000$ to tlie Reserve and to carry Amount Receivable 17 :946$016 ii forward 7.689 :561$309 to the next half-year. Federai Government Tax Account: Due from Government on writs 35:412$707 úík \> In the opinion of the Fiscal Board, ali the accounts Balance from collection of taxes 33:555,$100 the acts of the Directors, to 1:857$607 should be approved, as also ali Shares on Deposit: árwhom the Fiscal Board beg the shareholders will pass a Directors' guarantee (250) 50:000$000 London and Brazilian Bank, Limited—Special Account: heart}r vote of thanks. Balance in current Account 3.026 :111$110 April 14th, 1909. London and Brazilian Bank, Limited: „(•;;. .Campinas, Balance in current Account 1.940:910$850 ";. British Bank of South America, Limited—S. Paulo: t;-UÒB v! LUIZ ALBINO BAEBOSA DE OLIVEIRA. Balance in current Account 213 :822,$930 bS gííííIv:RAPHAEL GONÇALVES DE SALLES. Banco do Comrnercio e Industria de S. Paulo: Balance in current account 319 :064,$200 j: r.::. GUSTAVO ADOLPHO E CASTRO. Banco de S. Paulo: Balance in current Account 19 :183$300 Oí .!.:¦¦.•:• RECEIPTS. Brasilianische Bank für Deutschland: ÇliS; Si; Balance in current Account 5:724$200 rj •,yie.ars. Total. Per kilometrc. Cash: In hand in Central office :093$589 14:125$195 110:617$224 1898 10:806 Ditto at S. Paulo and Rio de Janeiro agencies ... 33:536$574 1899 15.810 :734$553 13:724$595 0.02 '1900 : 548.11701 14:550$795 9.7 ! 17.344 + Réis 107.465:344$011 >..19Ql 19.816 :807$070 16:301,$072 + 14.2 •¦1902 17.(149 :976$570 14:337,$917 10.9 1903 16.528 :007$825 12:912$50ü 6.3 •1904 15.823 : 293$139 12:088$'07.7 4.3 L1ABIL1TIES. *' 1905 15.905 :240$573 11:949$842 + 0.5 Capital: •fv1906 19.240 :552$593 14 :347.$913 + 20.9 Nominal value of 350,000 shares of 200$000 70.000:000$000 .1907 19.403 :453$409 14:590$908 13 Reserve Fund: •74 + ¦ 1908 18.402 7 .«446 13:631.$C04 5.9 Apólices and Cash 5.355:865$000 Debentures Pref.: WORKING EXPENSES. Existing in cirçulation, 2,054 of £100—£205,400 1.825:719$913 Paulista Company: , 1S98. 10.221 :996$318 9:134.$938 Balance Campinas Station maintenance Account 60s466$350 Traffic: .1899 9.575 :293$165 8:311$886 0.3 9.430 :037$572 7 :916$138 6.3 Payments to be made on account of Main, Rio Grande and é;:1900¦ i .1901 9.52C :816$391 7 :879$914 + 0.98 Caldas and Catalão lines 341:090$250 ¦'"1902 9.290 :135$650 7 :546$820 2.3 Guaxupé Branch (Minas Section) 2:418$700 1903 9.07(1 :911$866 7:091.$337 2.3 Tra.ction Department Provisional Account 174:758$800 1904 8.753 : 5535:638 6:687$206 3.6 S.ndry Credltors: 1905 8.898 : 441.$453 6:805.$530 + 1.6 Fry, Miers and Co., London—£13,745 3s. Od224:822,$980 1900 9.269 :392íp327 6:912$298 + 4.1 Surdry balances 318:954.$058 1907 .10.010 :202$704 7:492.$711 + 79 Comoanhia Agrícola Dumont: ÔIÍÒ08 9.915 :458$594 7:344$784 0.95 Balance of Subs'dy Account 159:580$630 Companhia S. Clemente: STATISTICS. Balance of Subsidy Account 12:507$856 Government of State of S. Paulo: 1907. 1908. Balance oi' taxes collected 32:615$870 Quantity. Yield. Quantity. Yiuld. Government of State of Minas Geraes: • • Kllomotre ‡ 1,336 1,365 Balance of taxes collected42:038$402 .Redeipts :...—'.'—;. 19.493 :453,$409 18.402 :747$446 Federal Government Guarantee of Loan (Paper) Account: ;: Expenses.¦..'..'— 10.010 :262.$764 9.915 :458,$594 Amount of interest guaranteed 2.236:170$985 r 9.483:190.$645 8.487 :288$852 Federal Government Guarantee of Loan Account: "' .Surplus— (Gold) Pàssengers 1.674.257 2.498 :332$440 1,026,812 2.443:1033260 Amount of interest guaranteed (ex. 27d.) 2.322:000$000 ..'íBàggàge & Parcels kls. 22,503,364 489:045$270 13,474,447 483:711$210 Federal Goyernment Guarantee of Loan Account (Gold Bonds): k's. 699,184,033 711,072.78787 Merchandise 15.791 :377$490 \ 4.918 :S33$310 Amount of Interest guaranteed in Funding Bonds (ex. 27d.) ..653:252$S92 ton kls. 118,918,994 119,677,178 Federai Government internai ' „ Capital Account: Number' of trains 42.123 42,565 Amount of interest guaranteed, Rio Grande and Caldas line .. 1.232:428$093 3,815,465 "•: Trairi-kilometres 8,715,347 Fedeval Government Guarantee, Catalão Account: Loéómotive-kilometres — 4,493.353 4,610,409 Amount of Interest guaranteed 8.365:385$279 «..Vehicle-kilometres 32,900,601 33,842,283 Tax on Dividenda to pay: Expenses per train kilometre 2.«694 2$598 2nd half-year, 1908 81:177,$500 :. Expenses per loco. ditto .. 2$227 2S150 Directors' Guarantee Deposit: Expenses per vehicle ditto . $303 $292 Value of 250 shares50:000$0ü0 July 6tb, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. -485—

Contractors' Dcpcslt: Balance Ist Iialf-year: G7 ;525.$208 Payrr.ent of Interest, Counon No. 46 .. 5,035.. 0 50:088$890 YVorkmen's Wagcs to pay: Comm.ssions, Amount unclaimtd etc 06 17 5941450 41 :5"0$553 Di cQunt ng ,Re:nittance 58 10 520*150 Dividends: 2nd Balance of 59t'.i to P9th half-year: ..103 :008íi;000. .PAym.enjL.of...Interest, Coupon No. 47 .. 5,035 0 0 50:088$ 90 70th, of 2r.d half-year 1908 3.500 :000$0C0 Còmh issions, Revenue: etc 201 17 11 1:794$630 General A tiiórtisàiiòn of 200 Debentures Balance of this Account ' • • ¦ ¦ •.*..:..;.. of £100 l'o:20l :450íp0'02 e*a'-h .¦ 20,030 0 0 177:777$780 Difjcountlng Re.nittance 70 -9 -9- 620*480 Réis .107. :.344.$01l 31,007 15 C Reis: 281:491$270 Ei & O. E.—Campinas, March 19th, 1909.—(S;gnecl) Bento Quirino dos Santos, Joa.;u;m Pinto Presider.t; de Mor_és;"" ' Acting Chief of Olfice; João Couto, Campnás, March 19th, 1C09. Accojntant.S- .loaquiui Pinto de Moraes, Acting Chief of'Central Olfice. João Couto, Ac:ountant '•

DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUE IN 1908. DE11IT. REDEIPTS AND EJ1PENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 1908. Payment of (líJth Dividend 3.500:000?000 Payment . of 70th Dividend 3.EO0:0:0?000 R2C:iPT3. "fax 7.000 :000$000 -':2.443:10S'$£C0 Paymént of on Dividends ;.. 102 Passengers'...'....:. ' :355$000 1 Tax brt Capital 140 :000f000 areeis ...... .;., . ,483 :jii$210 Tax for Federal Fiscalisation 37 :500$000 1 ransport of live-stock by passenger trains ‡52 049$0n0 Service of the Loan in London 500 :9.8$120 Telegraphs 135:925$795 Applied: UOOds H.9J8:833$310 To Reserve Fund 300:000?000 1 ransport of live-stock by goods trains.- • M 75 -865$2 0 Carried forward to next half-year 7:689:56Í-$3ÕÍ) Warehouses96:109$520 7.989 :501Í309 Gollection of taxes . 5Ò:377$416 Sundry Revenue  l$:77.2£«65 Reis 15.830 :394$429 Réis .•;' 18402:747$4-:6 CRÉDIT. Balance brought forward from 1907 6.S37 :305S577 EXPEND1TURE. Net Revenue in 1008 from the three lines 8.4S7 288$S52 Received from Government, interest on Ádmjnistration 474:340$798 Catalão line 2nd half of 1907 252:9008000 Secretarys Office 158:910$000 Ditto Ist half of 1908 252 ÍQOMOOÓ 4ralli? 1-816:309$583 505:800§000 lract:on 3.393:332$654 Telegraphs...;....;.....?,;.;'406:519$8C9 Reis 15.830:394§429 Lines and their dependences 2.503:810$358 Salaries of Accountanfs Department48 -528$830 Campinas, March 19th, 1909.v Dumont Branch (subsidy) 163 :S67$820 Bento Qüir/no dos Santos, Chairman. S. Clemente Branch (subsidy) 37:3i3$8C6 Joaquim Pinto de Moraes; Acting Chief of Central Office. Campinas Station221:278$800 Sapucahy Station (Rents)" 960$000 SERVICE OF THE LOAN IN LONDON—1908. Incidental Expenses 4:39i$235 General Expenses isc :394f841. Balanr.e at Bankers, December 31st,. £. R. P.Ex.Curr. 1007 4,164 8 2"d.37:1173150 Interest 1, , . Ä9.915:458$594 95 2 10Ä845Ç700 Balance m favour of Revenue 8.487:288$852 Remittãnce for paymént of loans— £27,408 4s., e^uivalent of 435:169$795 Réis 18.402:747$446 iit 27d 27,408 4 0 243:628$420

31,007 15 fl Reis: 281:491f270 E. & O. E.—Campinas, March 19th, 1909.—(Signed) Joaquim Pinto de Moraes, Acting Chief of Office; João Couto, Accountant.

'.-ITJ-LHHPH.IIM. L'*'^^*"""M'^TM_|_.!_ _ _""*"!_6_" ~" ' I -ILIMI".!' „—————————"¦¦—¦¦¦¦¦¦_MMMMMM__^__M__^_í_^__^__»m_^__^__^__í



__ BOUNDo VOLUMES I -i_ ! li YiLLA VIGOüHOtJX UMUVU Situated at Santa Ther^za,-300 metres aboVe sea-level, Brazilian Review distant 15 minutes by the Electric tram fjpo^Oarioqajt§^Kj tion. Splendid view over the bay, entrance and 7FOR 1900/1907 tòharbour City of Rio. Can lie olitained at tlie Office Comfortable suites of roòms for families and bachelors __s Rua Larga gardens surrounding the viila. EntráncèsV Lídietf- 83, Camerino, 83 do Meirelles No. 20 or Rua ApraiiveUNo, 5, Santa Price 80$000 Thereza, Rio de Janeiro, "—^ . ^/k' July 6th, 1909. 686 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.


£2,000,000 ., Capital £1,000,000 U Capital paid up £1,000,000 Reserve Fund ..

YARD, LONDON, E.O. " " ' " 7, TOKENHOUSE Head Offloe 10, RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA. Rio de Janeiro,,„n,-n Branch Office in 5, RUE SCRIBE, PARIS. flÉP Paris Branch

DO SÜL, Draws on ^bAJ^^^^^^^'^ pAXjL0, NÊWRIO GRANDEY0RK (Ageno7)- Wk ^^^^^^^'^^^-"^^^ ™and Also on the foík< <

CORRESPONDENTS Argentte* Po.ts and Cities of Brazil, Uruguay, •n. AgentsA—ta or Correspondentsv,u L^ in ali the principal The BankR*nk has United States, and Europe.


Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Realised do 1'20ft°'ÍÜ°ft ^fi^ Ca*' Reserve Fund 1,300,000 DA 82 - 19 and 21, RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA and RUA QUITANDA, São Paulo, Pernambuco And at London, Paris, New York, Santos, Bahia Blanca, Barracas, Montevideo, Pará, Buenos Aires, Rosário, Me^doza, Concórdia, Paysandú. ftalto> Valparaiso and Bahia.


Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas Maranhão, Ceará, Maceió, Victoria, Curityba, Manaos, chief towns of Brazil. and Porto Alegre. Correspondents in ali other i . firms and the CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened with commercial BILLS OF EXCHANGE issued and purchased on private individuais.• following places:—ttmttFH received for fixed periods or at 30 days notice the towns of the UJN11JÍ,L> DEPOSITS LONDON and ali principal of withdrawal. KINGDOM.^^ , , issued. towns of FRANCE and ot LETTERS OF CREDIT PARIS and ali the principal ORDERS executed and every descnp- and ITALY; also on the STOCK and SHARE GERMANY, PORTUGAL of bankihg business conducted. REPUBLIC, URUGUAY, CHILE, tion ARGENTINE TERMS ascertain^ble on application to the Bank. UNITED STATES, CANADA and JAPAN.


" Gesellschaft " in Berlin and the Established in Hamburg on 16th December, 1887, by the Direction dor Disconto " Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg."—Hamburg. 10,000,000 MARKS. CAPITAL REALIZED .... .1 Branch Office in Rio de Janeiro: RUA DA QUITANDA No. 131 (Caixa 108) 27— Caixa 152. Branch Offices in:—São Paulo, Caixa 520—Santos, Caixa 185—Porto Alegre, Caixa ?ahla, Cable Address: ALLEMABANK. rnPRPRPONDFNTS IN "—Pará, Manaos, Maranhão, Ceará, Pernambuco, Parahyba, Maceió, Victoria, Rio Grande, WUXVft‡pelotas, Curityba, Paranaguá, Santa Catharina, &o. ¦ Jraws on Credit Lvonnais, Paris and branches Paris de Paris Paris Direction der Disconto] j Comptoir National d'Escompte Berlin Société Generale (pour favoriser etc.) Paris Gesellschaft f France. / Paris Germany... Frankfurt a M. Bremen > and correspondents. Lazard Frères & Co. Bank inl De Neuflize & Co. Paris Norddeutsche Paris Hamburg. Hamburg J Heine & 'talianoCo. London í Credito 'N. M. Rothschild & Sons Italy1 Banca Comnierciale Italiana Gesellschaft London Direction der Disconto Portugal—Banco Lisboa & açores and correspondents ' Monobestír and Liverpool District Banking vpain-Banco Aleman Transatlântico, etc.».«,,.„» England Limited London Chile, México. 1, Company Uni ed Staíes, Aiíreúll a, Urugirty, Union of London and Smiths Bank Ltd. London and any other countries kWra. Brandfs Sons & Co. London eurrent. Pay» interest on depo-if for M^jJ^Ç^^S^jS^ 0pe»s accounts descnption ot DanKing and sales of stocks, shares, etc, and transaots every -¦¦£

July 6th, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 687 THE BRITISH BANK OF SOUTH AMERICA, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 2 A, MOORGATE STREET LONDON, J£. C. Reserve Fund 600,000 Capital £1,300,000 Idem paid up650,000 office in río de janeho: 31-A Rua Primeiro de Março, 31-A and 1, Rua do Hospício, 1 Branches at:—SAOSAO PAULO, BAHIA, SANTOS AGENTS: — BUENOS AIRES, MONTEVIDEO and ROSÁRIO. F. S. Hampshire & Co., Limited. Correspondents in:—Pernambuco, Pará, Manáos, Ceará, Victoria, Maceió, Maranhão, Santa Catharina, Paranaguá, Curityba, Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas and Porto Alegre. Bancaria Italiana "...Genoa. on its Head Office in London: Societá Draws -íand Correspondents in Italy. The London Joint Stock Bank, Limited London. Messrs. E. Sainz & Hijos Madrid. & CoMadrid. and ali principal towns in United Kingdom. Garcia Calamarte and Correspondents in Spain. Messrs. H.eine & CoParis. ¦ Banque de Bordeaux Bordeaux. Crédit Franco-Portugais‡Oporto. J. Berenberg, Gossler & Cp.Hamburg. Banco de PortugalLisbon. and Correspondents in Germany. and Correspondents in Portugal. The Bank of New York, N. B. A. ....:...... New York. Messrs. Ressi {& Co.Milan. Banca Commerciale Italiana Genoa. E. Raòul; Duval & CoHavre. Openg Also draws on South África, Austrália, New Zealand and principal Cities on Western Coast of South America. '.,'¦.•, Current accounts.. ^__ Receives deposits at notice or for fixed periods and transacts every description of bankmg business. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CRÉDIT AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD.. B-AJSFOO IDO BRAZII K/IO IDE CTJLZCnTIEIÍRO «» t» ?? CAPITAL Rs. 70.000:000$000 RESERVE FUND Rs. 1.081:902$949 ON Slst DECEMBER 1908 HEAD OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO ífaa da Alfândega, 17 and Rua da Gandelafia, . ,./r BRANCHES AT PARÁ, MANÁOS AND SANTOS. ; ^ Correspondents at Maranhão, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Victoria, São Paulo, Florianópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre anel Pelotas. Draws on —Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sons—London & County Banking Co., Ltd. Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris anel Baring Brothers & Co. Ltd.LONDON. Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg. HAMBURG.. ,\ Comptoir National d-Escompte de Paris and Hottinguer & Co. PARIS.—Banco de Portugal LISBON. Opens accounts current. Pays Interest on deposits for fixed periods. Executes orders for purchases and sales of stocks and shares, etc, and transacts every description of Banking business. Enjoys sole right to issue gold cheques for payment of import duties throughout Brazil t^rmattot BANCO COMMERCIALE ÍTALO BRASILIANO (SOCIEDADE ANONYMA) R HEAD OFFICE : SÃO PAULO ^g Capital subscribed and paid up Rs. 5.000:000$000 g^ ^ Eeservefnnd „ 1.350:0O0$OOO ÇSfi BKANCHES : RIO I>1£ JANEIRO ATXI> SAN LG8 Agencies at: Botucatú, Ptibeirão Preto, São Carlos and Espirito Santo do Pinhal. Correspondents at: Aracaju, Bahia, Ceará, Curityba, Desterro, Maceió, Mísúos Maranhão, Pará, Parahyba, Paranaguá, Pernambuco,. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Graude do Norte, São Francisco, Victoria and ali other importam,-; towns of Brazil. " Address: CAIXA DO CORREIO 501—SÃO PAULOTelegrapliic Address :— ITALOBANCO Agents oi the BANCA COMMERCIALE ITALIANA, MILAN CORRESPONDENTS ABROAD London, City and Midland Bank, Crédit Lyonnais, and Banco Hispano-Americano Madrid. áwiss Bankverein London. Crédit Franco-Portugais, Banco de Lisboa e Açores Lisbon. Banque de Paris et dés Pays Bas, Crédit Lyonnais, and National City Bank of New York New York Société Gênérale pour favoriser etc Paris. - -"'¦"^ Haniburger Filiale der Deutschên Bank Comnierz and Banco de Itália y Rio de Ia Plata and Nuevo Banco Disconto Bank Hamburg. Italiano, Buenos Áiíes. Bills negotiated or collected on the most favourable terms. Letters of Crédit, Bills of Exchange and Cable Transfers issued. Purchasejmd Shares and other securities. Dividends and interest received. Current accounts opened. Deposits received at rates várying according Sale of Stocks, '' ',.'•."..": !.'.-:^>--... to the time fixed for their withdrawal. Ali kinds of general and Banking business transacted..' ... GENERAL AGENTS OF THE^M:fSí% "Navigazione Generale Italiana"—<(La Veloce"—"La Itália"—"Lloyd Italiano," Shipping;Cotópaíies^. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July 6th, 1909.

is beginning to work. Unfortunately, MONEY MARKET. and Mamoré Eailway"are rulb^r prices virtually controlled by two or three great houses at London and Hamburg who, if it suits them, can a time to squeese Brazilian QUOTATIONS DURING THE WEEK ENDED July 2nd WERE AS put prices down again for pro- ducers, though not so easily now the branch of the Bank of FOLLOWS:— Brazil is working at Manaos. " is still valorisation,'] or rather, the figures daily in the The real danger centre (Compiletl, by Permission, from given is to be done about limiting coffee " Jornal do Commercio.") the question as to what shipments or how, if the policy of limitation is abandoned, We under- the 10 per cent. substitute is to be worked. " P% m co co wn holders object to any alteration w stand that the German bond i a .. ..v, ,.,.—i co co co co era eo. co at ali being made and insist on their pound of-flesh; m TZTZ Í-I i^. i— __ oo /• ¦¦¦¦¦„¦¦¦¦_;CO CO CO CO CO must either be off, or -HHI _ B"£ S_t_ CO CD which case, we they paid L, presume, "I1 either hypothesis, it isdiffii- _-._rj ,_o to tO cO things be left as they are. In JO CO H ~lw_a.nniiinr, ¦- CO>JO X ÇC Ç» cult to foresee exactly what may happen. If nothing is 1 §. li7 done, by December the limit will be reached, and planters w |~^ 6I § 1 1 25 cent. of the crop on their hands. H be left with at least per -«I upset existing ar- K =5_ This might be dangerous and perhaps SÇ3 _ :•£_ ;£_"-_ hand, if 12,000,000 uo_)iio*j -j _ 3 3 5 3 rangements altogether. On the other '; •41-d lC-lCMC-l_ M Government COCOsiCO£__Çjjço ço_ food deal of new foreign capital for Brazil continues tiopuo _ COCÕ~!2M"ÕT©CO K5 A 1010RR1010'C; 10 to be subscribed. In addition to the two loans reported for Porto rVlègrè and the Pernambuco and the issue for the —I — ²cj; of 40,000,000 francs - o r» O i'- => iLr o r_ o -_co_ co a -S -3 co—1 co-m co—1 into the Caixa. Br,,,™, ._ co co bring a good deal of gold f> J_Jæ—- —! I C3 Cl C-l CM M N 55 .„ l- _Mq muim>rr .2 00 co 00 co co x RU_j - ¦£©- bonds in London were n co 10 co .0 co 10 co 10 co o 1 55 — of Brazilian generally = .2 cocococo corococococo ço Quotations ^1 »!•««_,,,„, vp a co _ to to to to Í0 o — jg— — to 84X 1895 fives, after falling C 2J«_ •-> steady. 1889 fours fell % ; ¦-rj__ _ to 98, firmed up again to 98lÁ jesterda'y, at which figure a„8 2 2 2 2 2 SS they closed to-day; 1903 fives rose % to 100K ; Western jguopuo- -o ,^T í? S" S" S rtirT closed again to-day at 101010.0ir;itt 10 Minas, after falling Y% on Monday, —1—1—( - —(—1^ — closed 98^ ; Fundings fell to 102lÁ ex. div. on Thursday, but ¦ than last week. 1907 B<_COOJ2—IC-1•• J at 103K to-day, or only 1 point lower fives rose J_ to 93%. Pio de Janeiro Municipahty, Bello 1888 and 1904 fives were ali unaltered W *2 3 * h £ K£ _!___- Horizonte, S. Paulo 98%, 99 and 94 respectively. S. Paulo 1888 fives fell Extremes iit wliicli business wns done during the week ended July 2nd at 92, were lõ'/Itd. for 90 d/s Bank paper and 15%—15%d. for- private. 2 points to 101 ex. div. yesterday. The average Bank 90 d/s counter drawing rate for the week comes out at Leopoldina stock, after falling to 67%, closed to-day at 157,6d., the corresponding figlit rate being 15d. against lõJ/aad., the average fell Á sight rata of the Câmara Syndital. 68% or % higher than last week. Dumont Ordmary to Úk. Pio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power shares, The average deprociation for the week, calculated On the basis of thé rose to 88% on is 44.4-1% and the on 80.00, against 44.20 and after falling as low as 82 on Wednesday, Banks' sight rate, premium gold to-day. b. 70.43% last week. At these rates:- Thursday and 93 yesterday, closing at 95% £ was worth 1 C$000 against 16S000 the week before. to 144. b. shilling $800 $800 Paulo Tramway, Light and Power fell 1 pomt pènny SOOU $000 Railway were unaltered at 205. Franc $636 $036 Paulo (English) Marli $785 $785 Consols closed at 84%, against 84 3/16 last Saturday. U. S. Dollar 3$296 3 $290 of Engiand, France and Ger- 20$000 cain sosono 36$000 The rates of the Banks many were unaltered at 2%, 3 and 3% respectively. week, London market rate closed at 1 5/16 against 1% last 2%. Paris at 1%, against 1% and Berlin at 2%, agamst Saturday, July 3rd, 1909. Monday, June 28th.—The Bank of Brazil continued to BALANCE OF THE CAIXA DE CONVERSÃO draw at 15/sd. and the other banks at 15 1/lGd. and 15 3/32d., private paper being quoted at 15%d. and SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, 1909. 15 5732d. Note Account (Total ready for emission) 69.793:870$000 Tuesday, June 29th..— Iíoliday. Subsidiary Coins, Balance in Hand ••¦;;;;lá.wi^iU Wednesday, June 30th.—Rates same as Monday. Cash, Gold in Deposit Í4,gl« Fi-nncs 10 3^0 400 410,43/ 8 ^HftlSSllS1— 6.566:999$141 Thursday, July lst.—No ehange. T)o us S128 790 044 492 10 0-10.311:875$658 Friday, July 2nd.—No alteration in rates. S? 203 -30ÔS'.V:;.. ....22 871 5 0- 365:940$000 pisos 3 290 .7.053 10 0- 10:461$255 Saturday, July 3rd.—-With rates ruling the same as EfràB 82Ó • - - -... ‡32 11 9-521$4C8 1,011,370 49,627 7 0- 794:037$206 yesterday, the Banks closed at the usual hour. Marks, 5,804,410 15 10—92.870:562$728 162.678:120$000 During the week the Bank of Brazil has been drawing Credit Balances 15%d. for two steamers only, there being no Notes emittable (received) 131.731:790$000 at practically Less retired paid and replaced 38.805:540$000 • demand for futures. ^ ^ :250$00o Notes emittable (received) 09.793:870$000 The Bank has now raised its buying rate from 15 9/64d. Federal Treasury (received in subsidiary coin) ..18:00()$000 to 15 5/32d., which allows the foreign banks to sell at ^ 811.870$000 15 3/32d. and occasionally as high as 15%d. 162.078:120$000 Although coffee shipments already show a big improve- " " The balance sheet of the Caixa de Conversão shows fresh issues during having £251,000, as against only £42,000 the 3rd to liave been 74:810$ and withdrawals 289:510$, leav- ment, given the week ended July "Caixa" week and £277,000 last they can scarcely so in? a net loss to the of 214:700$, or £13,418. The value of the gold previous year, in deposit on July 3rd was 92.870:502$, or £5,804,410, as against £5,817,811 the far have helped the exchange market very much, as a good week before, against which convertible notes are in circulation to the value many of the bills representing last year's crop have been of 62.866:250$ and 4:312$728 subsidiary coinage. soldahead and drawn for already. Still, it is an earnest of is shortly to be expected. what ULOSING QUOTATIONS ON THE MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE On the other hand, prices are falling. July delivery Montreal Prices which stood at 45 frs. in April, has dropped to 41% frs. and June 10 June Mexi can Light an

CLOSING QUOTATIONS OF BRAZILIAN STOCKS ANO BUSINESS DONE ON THE RIO STOCK EXCHANGE SHARES ON THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE DURING THE WEEK ENDING JULY 2nd, 1809. Closing FOR WEEK BNDED DESCRIPTION. Government Securities. Sales Highest Lowest This week. Previous Apólices Geraes 5% .... 595 1:008$ 1:004$ 1:008$ 1:007$ June do fractions 1:000$ DKSCR1FT10N May 28th, 1909 June 4th 1909 .'10 1:000$ 1:000$ 1:005$ May 81 Mun. Loan 81 187$ lfi0$ 187$ 187$ June 25 do order 2 188$ 188$ 188$ 194$ 22 do 1906 75 17(1$ 175$5 . 176$ 175$ 22 Government Securities do order 140 17.5'$ 175$ 175$ 177$ 23 do 1903 «old Loan 1879 4 l/a °/o 91 93 91 78 1:022$ 1$000$ 1:007$ 1:022$ 25 93 do £20 20 291 290$ LJ8834>/2°/o 93 95 91 93 $ 291$ 288$ 19 State Of Rio 4% 241 73$ 71 73$ ª18884l/2o/„ 92 94 94 $5 71$5 25 do 0% order 48 422$ 422$ 422$ 422$ 25 ª18894°/0 84 1/2 851/4 84 li 84 3/4 Mun. de Nitherohy 98 102 174$ 168$ 170$ 176$ 11 ª189õõ"/„ 99 98 99 State of Minas 102 815$ !ínoa 5 o/0 99 100 813$ 815$ 825$ S 99 100 Loan 1897 11 1:002$ 1:002$ 1 :002$ 1:020$. ª1907 5 o/o 98 98 1/2 97 1/2 May 29 98 do 1909 310 1:005$ 1:000$ 1:000$ 1:000$ June 25 West. òf Minas Railway 5 °/o 98 99 98 99 Bank Shares. New Funding Bonds <'/0 .03 1/2 104 1/2 1898 6 104 !í)5 Commercial 150 101$ 98$ 101$ 92$ 25 Kes&ssiõii Ronda 1901 -2-5 4 "/, 815 861/2 85 3/4 86 1/4 Lavoura e Commercio 100 130$ 130$ °/0 130$ 127$ 21 State of S. Paulo 5 18H8 97 99 97 99 Commercio 130$ 130$ 130$ 134$ 4 > » > » RoihIr 5 °/0. 101 103 101 103 Railway Shares. °/o •100 >" > » » 0 Excliqr. Bonds... Victoria and Minas ... 19$ 19$ 19$ 18$ 25 » » » » õ°/0 Bonds 1904 94 96 93 95 Viação de Sapucahy ... 2,993 3J$ 27$ 31$ 20$ 22 » 6°/0 Tsy. Bds. Iss. 92 1/2. 60°/0 pd Minas e S. Jeronymo 025 11$ 11$ 11$ 10$25 25 » Scrip iully pd 100 100 1/2 100 1/4 l(i() 1/4 Jardim Botânico 000 201$ 204$ 204$ 202 $5 17 State of Haia f> <•/„ 94 96 95 97 do 00% 100 122$ 122$ 122$ 120$5 9 do 1907 ali paid 91 93 91 93 Cotton Mills. Bahia b°/0 Gold Loan, 1904 94 96 94 fc6 Confiança Industrial ... ;t-o 195$ 195$ 195$ 195$ 21 Comp. Lloyd, 6°/0 St. bds 99 101 99 101 Brasil Industrial 70 224$ 223$ 224$ 223$ 21 Carioca 50 280$ 280$ 280$' 280$ 11 Corcovado 40 200$ 200$ 200$ 205$ Gorporatiou Bonds Peti-opolitana 8 130 255$ 255$ 255$ 260$ May 7 City of Rio de Janeiro 4 °/„ (city ofv 90 Miscellaneous. 92 90 92 Docas ditto õ°/o gold bonds 93 da Bahia 8,350 15$ 13$75 14$5 11$ June 25 94 92 94 Loterias ditto 6°/0 guld bonds iss at 92 98 Nacionaes ... 0,150 19$ 18$75 18$75 16$25 25 1,4 98 3/4 97 1/2 98 Transp. e Carruagens ¦ <"!ity of Santos fio/,, J03 15 90$ 90$ 90$ 90$ 0 1(i6 103 o'5 Cia. Esp. Santo Bello Horizonte 6»/0 Bds Guar 98 101 101 Manáos °/0 98 Caravellas 50 208$ 208$ 208$ (C. of) 61/2 Stg 90 91 90 91 City of Belém o/0 Debentures (Pará) 6 Gd. Bs. of 1905. 83 85 83 85 Canis S. Paulo Gld. Ln. °/0. 1908 Urbanos 200$ . 320 203$5 203$5 203$5 205$ 6 103 li-5 103 1ÜÒ 21 do Manuf. Fluminense 203 190$ 188$ 190$ 190$ Scrip Fully paid Industrial de 28 S. Paulo .. 10 190$ 196$ 196$ 200$ 21 Mercaao Municipal 40 107$ 1CG$ 167$ 103$ Railways Brasil Industrial 22 100 205$ 205$ 205$ 205$„ 14 Brazh üreat Southern 7 °/0 Cuin. Pref Corcovado 150 200$ 200$ 200$ 198$ 4 1/1 4 3'4 4 1/4 Rodrigues & Co April 28 Qt. Western of Brazil, Limited U 4 3/4 50 200$ 200$ 200$ 197$ June 17 J/4 113/4 11 1/4 113'4 ªª> 6o/0 Pref. Shares 50,000 . 12 Tiie business dono on the Rio 121/2 12 121/2 Stock Exchange during the week ended July Leopoldina Limited 68 69 2nd amounted to 1.377:869íf000, distributed as follows:— ª> o/0 66 t 2 67 1/2 5 1/2 pref 10 7/8 11 1/8 10 Govprnment Securities 716 :534$000 ª» 5/8 117 8 Bank 55,001-130,000., 0 3/4 7 JOõ/8 Shares 28 :575$000 Porto Alegre n Novo .Hamburgo 7 °/0 Pref. Railway and Tramways 135 :872$000 Shares Cotton Millg 2 1/2 3 2 1/2 90 :295$000 Rio Claro, S. Paulo, Limited, Shares 3 Miscellaneous 26 27 m 27 152 :596$000 S. Paulo, Limited 199 201 Debentures 253:987$000 » °/0 199 201 5 Non-Ciiiii. Pref 113 115 112 'f 114 ota! week ending July 2nd, 1909 1.377:859$000 Railway Obligations „ June 25th, 1909 1.091:110$000 July 3rd, 1908 Brazil Gt. Southern, 6 °/„ Stl. Mt. „ 1.724:647$000 Debs. 189!5 95 97 95 «7 !!6 °/0 Stl. Mt. Debs. Red. 100 102 100 !!(i o/o Perm. ]>eb. 102 Stork. 94 96 95 Gt. Western of Brazil Stock 6 u/0 97 134 136 134 136 ditto ò°/o Rd 104 '06 BUSINESS DONE ON S. PAULO STOCK °/0 104 106 EXCHANGE. Leopoldina 4 do Stock, red 97 98 Mogyana, 5 °/0 Deb. Bonds 97 98 DURING THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 28th, * 100 102 100 1909. Porto Alegre a Novo Hamburgo (> °/0 Morl 102 Deb. Red. 1907 DESCRIPTION. Closing 91 93 96 98 8. Paulo, Ltd. 6 l/a °/o Debentures Stock.. Government Securities. Sales Highest 125 127 125 127 Lowest This week. Previous ª5 o/0do 118 Santos Srd 130 89$ o/0do 120 118 120 89$ £9$ 88$ June 21 ª4 105 Bank Shares. »/• 107 105 107 Rio Claro, 8. Paulo 5 Deb. atock 1I6 118 Commercio e Industrie . 51 400$ 400$ 400$ 116 118 Railway Shares. 398$ 16 Banks Mogyana 725 322$ 320$ Paulista 320$ 320$ 22 British Baukof 48 332$ 329$ 330$ South America, Limited... 22 22 1/2 22 22 1/2 Araraquara—debs 335$ 22 London A Brazilian 700 94$ 93$ 94$ Bank, Limited 26 3/4 27 1/4 26 3/4 27 1/4 Dourado—debs 93$5 „ 22 London A ttlver 225 95$ 94$ 95$ Plate Bank, Limited 59 59 1/2 58 1 2 59 Miscellaneous. 93$5 22 Cia. Melhoramentos .. G3 106$ 100$ Shipping do debs 106$ 106$ 22 50 91$ 91$ 91$ 91$„ Cia. S. Bento debs 50 21 Amazon Steaiu Navigation Co, Limited. 9 3/4! 10 1/4 9 3/4 86$ 86$ 86$ 22 Royal 10 1/4 do 90 d/s 250 86$5 Mail Steani Pucket Co. ord 52 51 54 86$5 8G$5 ditto Pref 56 Mortgage Bonds. 91 93 91 93 Banco Credito Real ditto 4 1/2 o/„ i. Db. Rd 102 500 5$5 5$ 5S5 5$ 10'i 102 .104 The business done on 22 Pacifio Hteauí Navigation Co 20 1/2 21 the S. Paulo Stock Exchance durinff th* ^^i' ™a«a 1/2 20 1/2 21 1/2 June 28th amounted to 407:050$000, J6nded Prince Line Ltd 9/16 U/10 distributed as fôüows - 9/16 U/16 Government Securities " n-^ncom. Bank Sh n requ -57ü$00ü Miiiiiig Raüwav Shares20:400$000 Ouro Preto, 335:177$000 ord 3/16 SKLeous 8t. John 5/16 3/16 5/16 3l:MUZ dei Key 11/16 Mortgage Bonds-:::::::::;;;:;;;;:;:;:;:;:;;; do 1 3/4 23/32 25/32 Prefe, lüo/o 11/16 13/16 U/16 13/16 Total, week Telegraphs ending June 28th, 1909 407:050$000 ª„ June 23rd, 1909 566:974$000 Amazon ., July 2nd, 1908 Tel: Shares 2 3/4 274:977$000 ditto 3 1/4 3/4 5°/0 Debs. Red..'.'..".'.'.'!! 94 1/4 Western 96 94 Tele. Co. shares...... !! 13 3/4 96 o/0 14 1/8 13 3/4 .14 d°do4 deb..... 101 1/8 103 101 103 Miscellaneous BALANCE SHEETS Cantareira o/„ Waterworks 5 deb. 2nd issue.. 100 102 100 :02 City of Santos Irnp. Ld. 7 °/„ non-cum 10 3/4 11 1/4 103/4 °/0 pref.. 11 1/4 City ofSantos Iiíip. Ld. 6 cum pref 101/2 11 JU 1/2 dodo5 o/o 11 lst charge debs 102 104 102 104 RIO DE JANEIRO. do 5 o/o (Trams) Debs. Red., Iss at 95:, LONDON & RIVER Scp.,70o/0 ali pd 99 101 97 PLATE BANK, LIMITED. Rio de Janeiro 99 City linp. Limited 8 7/8 4 1/8 7/8 1/8 do5 o/0 Canital n-i\à"nn £2,000,000 Deb. 1878-80 100 102 100 102 ^.ipiun paia up í 9nn nnn do do do 1882-93 A 1901 100 98 Reserve Fund o/o 102 100 'Í909 1300000' do 5 dbs. 1903. Sep. all/p 100 102 98 BALANCE SHE ET. JUNE Rio 100 30th, de Janeiro Flour MilJs Limited.. 2 3/16 25/16 2 3/16 ESTABLISHED 1862. * » ªdoMort, 2 5/16 deb 102 104 102 104 *'.:. 8. Paulo Gas Co. Limited Bills discounted:-® _fi..79iQnn 13 3/4 14 1/4 13 3/4 14 1/4 HsHaEffi do6 o/o crim. 11i/2 Bills receivable "l^Zf pref...... 12 111/2 12 Loan s, accounts do6»/0 Debs. (Regei.) 50 t/2 50 1/2 güàranteed etc" 2'g? Dumont 51 1/2 51 i/2 Head Office, sm22 Coffee, ord 13/4 2 1 3/4 Branches and Agencies i SSÍSoSg do7 2 1/4 Sundry Accounts Va°/oCum pref'..'.'.'.'.'. 8 7/8 9 1/8 9 '_ d06i/2°/olBt. 9 1/2 aCC°l,ntS „ Mor. deb.... 99 100 99 101 CUrrent 8™™^, etc"! sSdSSS 8. Paulo Coffee Est.õ 1/2 Den(ò,JtsSeeUnt'ÍeS' % lst. Mort. deb... 97 98 97 98 c|M^^r:::::::2::::::::::::;::::: ditto 7<>l0 Cum. Pref".'. tSjSSS Rio de Janeiro Trams, Light A Power'.... 103 1/4 104 1/4 103 i/2 104 1/2 RiodoJ.Tram. Lght A P.wr. lst. Mt."30 77.449:169$410 yrs. 5o/0 Gld Bd'35 90 1/2 do 97 1/2 96 97 5o/0 lst. Mt. Bds: Red' " 88 /-, ...... Liabilities. São Paulo 89 87 88 Tram. Lgt A Pwr. ($100) .. 156 158 156 do Alt. 158 Sg$^&ttSg i-::::::-: 5°/0 Debt Red. ($500)..."". 100 101 98 ^XSS San Paulo Match 99 ""*""' tí 3'° lst. Mt. Db ' 67 72 79. N. Brazilian Sugar 67 È^^m?d*m :»»»":"»::¦¦ Factories"" 3/8 1/2 3/8 Securities in depÒBlt §-;||S Alanaos Har. 5 °/0 Db. 1/2 "j; '.'.'. iÍmSÍrSSS5»Sfffl (Rg.) Rd .. 97 99 96 Bills nayable ¦ Pernambuco Water. ()"/„ 1 Db. 98 . 99 101 99 101 Head Office. Branches and Agenciesi!\\^::'^:\\Y.::: ¦ G6°/02ndDeb. Stg. Bcis.""" 1.78lSS 93 100 98 100 Central Bahia Railway Trust : — Reg. Trust "A" Certs Rd 77.449:169$410 ditto "B" 82 84 84 Certs 24 Manáos Iinp: 25 24 26 Í#J**» 1909-For the London ond 7 % cum: Pref...,,.-','.', 7 1/2 UixS-'Aã'S-^j âl^ll^' HWry 8 1/2 71/2 8 1/2 EÍl^taV^coS^8^6^ Weiga11, Actlng.Man.ger; •680 THE BEAZ1LIAN REVIEW. July 6th, 1909.

- r LONDON & BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED. COFFEE MARKET. Capital .:...:..../. Capital paid-up i'nnn'nno^,000,000 Reserve fund 1,000,000 COFFEE ENTRIES æ;vBALANCI5 SHIiliT, JUNE 30.h, 1909. In bags of 00 kilos. 8'8 ¦ 888 -888{}i800 THE CROP TO S^iscomiied-''::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::^^--jgjgggj FOR THE WEEK ENDEDFOR Bills receivable «-iX.^wwn Accounts with Héad òííiec and Branche» 1^; July July 8 a Loans, accounts current, etc•:fbf :{S5|5SX Rl°rioÍ9U9July 2 1909July 25 »«U8July 3 \m1^8 Acccrnts current guaranteed and sundry securities ...*M:çg{gg Sundry accounts « oí^onócacn Cash: In current money 7.377:209*880 50.837 :G44.f 030 "^5-091M?3 By Centrai R'y*«.&l.*.™ ....X2Q Liabilities. , LeopoldiuaR'y 63311(87214,404 Capital 17.777:777$77,0 Inland,'..on1 7HH1 nr>n143968 Deposits:— Coastwise, discharged...1-339 _U88 IfiOÒim Accounts current without interest 8.375:650$370 Accounts current at short nolice . 1.546:930$0dí1 Total49,56548,64236.65417,10621,245 maturity ,3.889:740$ 380 T *í188 Fixed 18.812 :S5G$7áO tTmXroy1'T.. ""49,377___L^47,482 34,169if!5 16,918™ 1_8,7602-'™ Head Office and Branches ••••••.••• 2.904:410$940 Accounts with 6.684 :990$t30 Accounts current guaranteed und sundty secunties Not Entries at Rio.. 9.636:173$210 in transit....— Sundry acccunts 321:92S$690 CüButwise, Bills payable 50.S37 :644$030 ^ÍÍSX?0^.-.* 8.2B8 __ÇW __W60 8,233W60 Total Rioincluding Ni-4.4990os im27 and Ool43 2292o.l51-7.8.0820 & O. E.-ilio de Janeiro, July 3rd, I909.-For the London otheroy&transitB7.610B4 E Manager; A. G. C. Brazilian Bank, Limited.-(.Signed), F. Broad,. Santos:182,947 Blake, Accountant. Total Rio & Santos... 240,557 161,739 135,)4á[ 101,17481,314 BRASILIANISCHE BANK FUÍl DEUTSGHLAND. . SHEL-:i, JUNE 30th, 1909. BALANCE ended 2nd^July from.. Assets. The coaat arrivals íor the week Prima.. r., 7.974:520$ H.8 Accounts current guaranteed Caravellasi?„ Office, branches ai; I agencies 11.273:3S0$322 8. João da Barra'i' Accounts with Hcad 9.326 :21tí$751 Bills disconntel Angra dos Reis°„ 13.279:247$U2 Bahialíó Bills receivable 754:825$450 Bills pledged Securities pledged 7.711:849.$052 Total...1,339 in deposit 18.030:850$340 Securities 4.037 :07(i!i>(i78 entries by the different S. Paulo Railways for the Crop . to July Cash: In current money The total 2nd 1909 were as follows :—. . 72.987 :978.'ií423 perRemaining PastSorocabanaTotal atTotal at at Jundiahyaed othersS. PauloSantosS. Paulo Liabilities. ¦ 77.173 2,61779.790 76,023 3,767 M.0J0:000{000 1909/1910 1,864 Capital: 1 Mark equal LSOOO ¦.¦¦¦¦¦¦¦;¦¦ lS/1909- 52,287 3,07155,358 53,494 Api.r>imls current with ano without interest 10.049.lüõ*04& Accounts with Eead teice, branches and correspondents «.023:277*392 Deposits flxed••••• , Securities pledged ir, deposit and receivable on account LOADED (EM3ARQUES) of customers 39.770:778$554 COFFEE Sundry accounts 4.105:021$792 In bags of 60 kilos. 72.987 :978$423 DURING WEEK ENDEDFOR THE CROP TO E. & 0. E.—Rio de Janeiro.—John, Baumann (Directors). 19091909 19(819091908 June 25 July July July 3 S. PAULO. July LONDON & RIVER PLATE BANK, LIMITED, Ki0 62,35023.268 50,96914.25818 449 ESTABLISHED 1802. Nlcthoroy 10,100— 7,78410,1007,784 r.nnital £2,000,000 In transit ²² WJ0 Cagai paid-up 1,300,000 Total Rio including NU-.Llieroy Reserve Fund Atranait 72,45023,268 58,75.124.35826,233 Santos 69,2530 101,612_ 69,23757,749 BALANCE SHEET OF THIS BRANCH. Total Rio & Santos 141,70323,274 160.36593,59583,982 JUNE 30th, 1909. Assets. Rio de Janeiro, July 3rd, 1909. Bills discôunted 929:910*410 BBi receivable ^KKu Entries at Rio and Santos for the week ending July Loans,Lc accounts pledged, etc.1.066 776*020 Accounts With Head Office, Branches and Agencies ..657:371*560 2nd were 78,818 bags more than for the previous week, and Sundryt!..„.!,.„ accounts„0,.n,ini.c 74 :oU4!MOU more than for the corresponding week last Collatcrals and sundry securities ...... 11.492:840*150 105,413 bags Cash- In current money in the sale oi the oanic 1.719:884*390 year. 23.041:047*000 For the crop, entries reached 101,174 bags, as against 164,409 in 1907-8. Liabilities. 81,314 bags last year, and bags capital o£ the branch 500 :000 $000 Shipments were 118,429 bags more than Declarcd 219 :081$94() (embarques) Deposits at lixed dates for the week, and 18,662 bags less than for the cor- Accounts current with and Without interest 1.612:478*750 previous accounts 7.737 :270*990 responding week last Sundry 11.492:840*150 year. Deposits of securities, etc ‡‡• • ‡ 16:117*670 The average price for Rio No. 7 was 4$078 against 4$299 Bills payable .. 2.003 :251*500 Accounts with Head Office, Branches and Agencies in the previous week; and at New York it was 7.75 cents 23.641:047*000 against 7.85 cents in the previous week, and 6.27 cents last 17 * O E—S IPaulO, July 2nd, 1909.—For the London and River year. Manager; F. O. 55,455 more Plate" Bank. Limited.-(Signed) A. H. Butler, Quen- Stocks increased 56,272 bags, and are bags nell, Acting Accountant. than last year. Santos entries were 81,259 bags more than for the pre- vious week, and were larger than shipments by 113,694 bags. S. MENDES & Co. The daily average for the week (six days) was 30,491 bags, as against 17,948 bags for the previous week, and 15,319 Nos. 57, 59 and 61. Telephone No. 133. Rua do Senado, bags last year. Branches at:— Rua do Cattote, 269, formerly 213—Telepbono 177. We have not yet received ali the figures relating to the Rua Christovão Colombo, 78 a 82, formerly 46. crop movement, but as regards entries, they are a's follows : Praça Tiradentes, 53—Telephone, 109. -2,926,501 9,533,443 bags—Total, 1908-9, 437 Eio, bags; Santos, Rua Haddock Lobo, 74—Telephone, 12,459,944 bags, as against total for 1907-8, 10,613,021 Rua Uamerino, 02 anu /*, hmuibuj >->G Telephone, 52<. Euzebio, 192, formerly 176—Telephone 105. bags. Rua Senador that we call to mind were :— Praça Engenho Novo, 26, formerly 18—Telephone, 1,163. Some of the estimates Rua Conde de Bomfim, 1,291, formerly 193. T.eieph. 1.313 Duuring and Zoon's (Rio), 2% to 3%; (Santos), 8% to 9K. Estrada Nova da Tijuca, 45—Alto da Bôa Vista. Nortz (Rio), 3^ to 4; Mr. Macklin, of Theodor WihVs (Rio), 2%; Ours (Rio), 3, (Santos), 10. Cárriages of every description for marriages, christenings, who made such a close forecast for the at the Mr. Macklin, funerais and excursions. Open ali night. The stables has again come very near the mark, whilst tbe terminal of tbe electrie 1907-08 crop, Alto da Boa Vista are close to pomt the two together, our own forecast is only % and saddle-horses are available for drivmg taking ports cars and cárriages million over reality. ríding in tbe Floresta, at reasonable prices. or In our next number we propose to analyse entries at in detail. Stables:—RUA DO SENADO, 75, formerly 47. Rio Julyôth, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN BEVIEW. 69rir.

Apropos of the 10 per cent. duty in kind, Messrs. Hayn FOREIGN STOCKS-— Eoman ,of Havre, write as follows:—" It would seem that in Brazil they are badly informed as regards the last deter-;~ In Bags of 60 kilos. mination of the Committee, it having been cabled from- June 25/1909 June 19/1909 June 27/1909 Europe that the 10 per cent. in kind will be only recovered United States Ports3 270.0003,323 000 3.217.000 on the excess exported over 9,500,000 bags for 1909-10. • Havre..2.878,0002,912,000 3,445,00a, Advices"whicíi to the same eííect have also been published in Kew Both•6,148,0006,235,000 6.662,000 York, is ali the more astonishing seeing that they Deliveries United States57,00057,000 97,000 from a that ought to know better than anyone ViHil)le Supply at United come quarter States porti3,279,0003,354,000 3,433,000 the last decisions arrived at in London." We, ourselves, have always understood that 10 per cent. in kind would be SALES OF COFFEE. levied on ali entries. FOR THE WEEK ENDING JULY 2nd. July 2/1909 June 25/1909 July 3/1908 ; Up to July 2nd, entries for the last nine were years JSi*33,04633,985 39.000 as follows :— Banros.76,58(312,641 68,029 101,174 1909-10 Total100,23246,626 107.029 1908-09 55,990 63,747 1907-08 MONTHLY ENTRIES. . 1906-0719,254 33,698 Including Nictheroy, Porto de Madama and Ilha de Vianna. 1905-06 In of 60 kilos. 1904-05 46,455 bags 1903-04 87,802 RIOSANTOSBOTU 1902-03 53,208 ar- 1901-0270,549 MONTHS 1900-01 28,766 1908-19C9 1907-1908Í908-19091907-19081908-1909 1907-1908

For the coffee crop, clearances up to July 2nd show July226,794 151,663860,40670(5,7921,087,200 858,455 36,916 bags less than last year, and sterling value £64,275 August315,026 329.0451,498,169896,6481.813.J95 1.225,693 more. September...411.26U 473,2271,017,8591.165,5081.429,119 1,638,735 October369,413 544,0701,941,7211,296,2872,311,134 1,840,357 Commissarios Prices.Market Prices. November....258,469 359,9631,385,249870,3461,643,718 1,230.309 December274,045 255,323798,847520,6201,072,892 775.943 June 28..6$000—6$1506$000—6$150 Jauuary236,203 266,443724,750381,271959,953 647.714 29. líoliday. February264,634 312,190568,737336,409833.371 648,599 30..5 March214,660 206.023169,040330,078383.700 536,101 $800—6$1005$800—6$100 April89.479 161,67579.979241,644169.458 403,319 July ..5$9005$900 May95.625 188,429124.045203,753219.670 392,182 .. 5$800—6$0005$800—6$100 June171,893 161,152364,611254,463536,504 415,605 6$000—6$2006$000—6$100 .. Total for tbe~ crop2,926,501 3,409,2039,535,4437,203,80912,459,944 10,613,012 S. Paulo, July 3rd, 1909. The sudden slump on Monday and Tuesday we wit- nessed in the consuming markets was evidently too much, COFFEE PRICE CURRENT notwithstanding the as a reaction set in yesterday, publica- FOR THE WEEK ENDED JULY 2nd. tion of unexpectedly unfavourable statistics of the World's visible supply. stocks decreased by 2,000 description JuneJuneJuneJuneJulyJulyArer- How it has come about that 26282930ages bags only is a riddle to ali, and an explanation is anxiously %.—___ looked forward to. . -i The market in Santos could not, of course, resist the RIO—Holi- bad news from everywhere and declined by about 150 reis Marketu , (WC N.6. 10.„,., kilos4.357im4.2894>a5?dayÍ2Q)4.221i2&94.221*;|gj4 2214.296Zn± for spot for futures as well as goods. ' *•'¦v  4.1*3* 4.2214.0854.153ª4.0174.0354.0174.0853.M94 , n-c July delivery was sold as low as 4$050, but 4$ 100 has 0174,0<8 ', M'8,N o *, 3.9494.0173.8813.949ª3.8133.8813.8133.8813.7143 „ a7A been done since, August and September delivery are sold at flá3'8'4 about 3$900 to 3$950. , KN'9, q 3.813, BJU3.7443'676ª3.67»3-C083.6763-tíU83.6083 5403-bb9„ w.q feature in the spot market is the large The worst quan- SANTOS— tity of undesirable which at present are as firmly held goods Superior per 10 kilos...4.2004.2004.2004.1004.1004.160 as'fmest qualities, but cannot be placed in the consuming Good Average3.5003.6003.6003.4Ü03.4003.460 market within 2s. of fine but small in bean, N. YORK perlb Washed coffees quality, Spot N.  cent.7 »/47 »/47 s/47 »/47 »/47 »/47.7 fetched about 5$800, but there is a great disparity between > »  ª7 1/27i/j7 1/27 i/j7 1/a7 1/27.50 different Options— qualities. !July... ª6. 1 Eeceipts are heavy, but may fali off for a few days, » Dec ª5.655.555.605.456.355.406 4 owing to heavy ráins in the interior, but the weather has » March. ª5.756.605.555.555.405.45. 6 5: improved since. HAVRE, per so kilos Optionsfranes. ' July.. ª42.0041.7541.2541.2540.7541.7541 OUR OY/N STOCK 45 !Dec. ª40.2539.7539.2539.2538.7539.2539 42 In Bags of 60 kilos. » March ª40.0039.5039.0039.0038.5039.0039.17 «/•, RIO ; Stock on July 251aq ?? HAMBURG per *; July  •••3o° 54 LONDON per wt. Stock in Rio on July 2nd 133,304 Optionsshillings Stock at Nictheroy and Porto da Madama ou » July.. ª32/-31931/9Ôl/li31/-31/331,7 June 25-VJ^ » Dec... !30/630 30/-29/929,-29/-29 9 Stock in Ilha dó Vianna on June 25.'4,8/8 » March 29/629/3 29/-28/928/328/628 1 » Afloat on J une 2527,312 Entries at Nictheroy plusa total embarques including transit80,683 THE COFFEE SAILED 122,016 DURING THE WEEK ENDED 2nd Deiluct : eiubarijiies «t Nictheroy, Porto da JULY WAS CONSIGNED TO THE Madama and Vianna and sáilingN during FOLLOWING DESTINATIONS: the week40,132 In Bags of 60 kilos. Stock in Nictheroy and afloat on July 2nd 81,881 Stock in 1st and 2nd and those at Nictheroy and afloat KUKOPK á UNITED K1VKK TOTAL on July 2nd 215,188 MEDITEK- COAST 1'THBRCROP STATES PLATE CAPE SANTOS: iátock ou June 25th751960 RANKAN PORTSw™£TODAT» Entries for week ended July 182,947 934.9Q7 ;¦¦¦:¦; Rio 2.500 17,274 5,900 1,858 2,50030,0322,550 Loaded during smne week69,253 Sautos. 7 1 — Stock in Santos on July 2nd 865,654 Total 1909/1*10 2.500 17,281 5;í)00 1,859 2,50030,0402 650 StookH in Rio «nd Santos on July2nd, 1909 1,080,842 dodo on June25th, 1909944,570 1908,1909 50,267 31,992 4.tOO 7,810 8,297102,45339,695 dodo on July 3rd, 1908 1,025,387

¦¦-;:;>v'-Y • Fr


World's Visible Supply of Coffee Deliveries in Europe Deliveries in the United States ON THE 1ST OF EACH MONTH I 1908-1909 1907-19081906—1907 1805—1906 1909—1910 1908—1909 1907—1908 1906—190711905—1906 1908—1909 i 1907—1908 ] 1906—1907 1905—1906 I I 550.8i3 611.437426.517370.925 14.126. 22? 16.399 954 9.636 563111 ,265.510 823.879 917,543 779.135 671. 293 lüly. ....12.841.000 525.717 546,8841602.079532.545 August 14.307. 604 16.075 .812 9.948 053i11 465.641 840.751 962,306 86'..470 796. 061 241 16.004 000 10.756 6ò3|12 ,102.496 931.677 920,076 858.461 895. 569 683.301535,782463.763505.248 September . 15.0*0. 574.318 667.701712.832641.395 943 16 712 ,682 12.164 000112 ,624.693 872.823 .067.424 .034.279 898. 209 October.... 10.145. 655.669 616.254712.936678.769 071 lb.8&0 ,134 13.165 786113 ,006.841 1.108.677 887.608 923.348 1.016. 776 Noveinber., 16.362. 879.792 457.419561.295626.044 16.311. 875 16.910 ,853 13.808 .836113 ,090.349 957.644 762.506 771.614 782. 257 December., 797.846 608.126747.288688.836 Januarjr... 15.730, 282 16.758 ,279 14.377 ,932|12 ,647.595| 929.716 794.983 860.968 780. 968 293111 ,931.631 964.116 860.031 711.148 785. 077 676.302689.173558.644683.980 Fébruary.., 16.341,,489 16.313 ,226 15.133 666.971610.058689.681 15.201 422 ,324.581 1.169.810 965.475 931.474 938. 547 949.546 March 14.916,,237 16.017 .855 706.761567.997502.831 15.397 742 ,747.916 950.877 860.272| 927.913 787. 928 578.104 April 13.932,,904 15.460 .589 554.898555.440548.205 May 13.314, 522 14.949 .668 16.009 449 .356.157 719.961 953.439 841. 048 482.199523.871538.924 June 12,836. 000 14.667 .285 16.651 708 .17J.9/9 783.638 888.721 740. 599 3.771.808 7.013.5957.042.7206.806.888 Total. 9;552.769,10.481.823 >0.602.030 9.934.3321

AVON—Buenos Aires Norton, Megaw & Co. 400 Value of Coffee cleared for Foreign Ports. Ditto ditto Ornstein & Co 671 Ditto ditto C. Silva & Co 332 Ditto—Montevidèo C. Silva & Co 50 During tha Week ended July 2nd. 1,458 29—ITAQUI.—Pernambuco Eugen Urban . 500 Ditto ditto C. Silva & Co. 850 July 2 June 25July 2 June 25Crop to July 2 1,350 30.—SANTOS—Christiania Theodor Wille & Co125 Ditto ditto C. Silva & Co125 Bags, Bags; £ Bags £ | Ditto ditto Pinto & Co125 opt Ornstein & Co4,250 Rio 24,132 16,5?2 42,632 28 7782,5004,369 Ditto—Hamburg Ditto ditto 0. Silva & Co250 ditto C. Pareto & Co1,000 8antos Ditto 532 ^ _4_1,291 11-__ Ditto ditto ‡Eugen Urban 250 Total 1909 1910 24.664 15.5! 6 43.92:1 2K.98U2,0004,359 Ditto ditto Pinto & Co 250 Ditto dittoGustav Trinks & Co. 250 dó' 1908 1909 9S.354 112.06S181.437 214,33839,416 68,634 Ditto- -Hamburg Ornstein & Co 294 Ditto ditto S. Gonçalves & Co. .. 125 Ditto ditto Gustav Trinks & Co. 170 Ditto—Wiborg Ornstein & Co. 100 RAINFALL ON THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY Ditto ditto C. Silva & Co. 250 Ditto ditto S. Gonçalves & Co. 250 250 WEEK ENDING JULY 2nd (in millimetres). Ditto ditto Eugen Urban Ditto ditto Pinto & Co 275 Ditto ditto Gustav Trinks & Co, 204 Ditto—Copenhagen Ornstein & Co 1,000 Ditto ditto Eugen Urban 250 27th- 28th' 2flth- 30th- ,St- ^ C. Silva & Co 50 JUNE AND JU.Y26th- Ditto—Stockholm Ditto ditto S. Gonçalves & Co. 250 Ditto—Gothenburg S. Gonçalves & Co. . 375 Ditto—Rotterdam C. Paredo & Co 100 Niotheroy;• Ditto—Port Natal P. S. Nicolson & Co, 600 Cachoeiras6158


DURING THE WEEK ENDING JULY 2nd, 1909. 2(i.—S1ENA—Genoa A. Reisman ²7 29.—AVON—Buenos Aires George W. Ennor .. ²1 8

RIO DE JANEIRO. Total 8 Date, Vessel

BRAZILIAN WARRANT COMPANY. Bruto Secco 1$800—1$900 Bruto Movement of the Cia. Paulista de Armazéns Geraes for Mellado 1$400—1$500 the Retames Week Ending July 2nd. 1&200 Shipments during the fortnight have been: Rio, Bags. 14,664 Stock on June 25th bags; Santos, 15,798 bags; Bahia, 1,500 bags; Rio Grande 69,331 Ports, 12,500 bags kilos); Entries during the week (75 Lisbon, 200 bags;"York, m port load- 18,236 ing for Liverpool: s.s. Õrator and for New Esperanza Lorringa. 87,567 Withdrawals during the week 10,935 COTTON MARKET. Stock on this date 76,632 Pernambuco, June 23rd, 1909. After my last declined to 10$700, a.t which sales oí Ser- taos were made to extent of about 1,200 bags; then, on Future sales registered with the Cia. Registradora de 15th, an Exporter carne in and paid 11 $000 for 1.200 hags, Santos on the basis of New York Exchange, Standard No. and next day about 500 bags more were sold at same price, 4, for the week ending July 2nd 52,000 bags. being, it. twas said, orders from South. Price.^hen again fell To-day's closing quotatióh for July 4$100 away to~'l0$800 and on 21st highest bids were 10$600 to dittoAugust . .'. . 3$975 10$700, but yesterday market firmed up once more and dittoSeptember . . 3$900 about 1,300 bags were sold at 11 $000, and to-day the same dittoOctober 3$900 price is offered for any description, even with the rise in Santos, July 2nd, 1909.—Por the Brazilian Warrant Liverpool past two days of 17 points, the stufí cannot go Company, Limited. A. G. Monteiro de Castro, Manager. there at such figures; consequently, the purchases must be intended for some of the Southern markets. Entries are SHIPMENTS OF COFFEE FROM VICTORIA. very good for the time of year and to date have been 14,160 During the Month of May, 1909. bags, against 7,148 bags same time last year. During past Shippers. 10 days there have been good rains ali over, and the cotton are animated once more and Matto crop will, no Hard, Rand & Co6,250 people doubt, prove a good one after ali. J. Zinzen & Co17,650 Shipments during the fortnight have been: Rio, 250 A. Prado & Co— bags; Santos, 614 bags and 500 pressed bales; Porto Alegre, Ornstein & Co— 80 bales; Leixoes, 200 bales. Sundry — Imports of Cotton Textiles and Jute from Great Brltaln. 23,900 FOR MAY Destination s. United States 23,750 DESCRIPTION 19071908 1909 Europe — Rio and Coastwise 150 Cotton Piece or unbleac- goods grey ',100176,900 taed.... yds 22 82,000 23,900 do. bleached > 2,542,7001,022,000 t,829,100 Total do. printed » 3,884,1001,716.600 2,015,100 export from Ist July 1908 to May 31st, 1909. do. dyed > 3.96Í.2002.344.H0O Shippers. 2,8:3,000 do. mixed yds 10,621.1005,259.800 6,739,200 Hard, Rand & Co 247,039 Value £ 146,42»!73,938 87.160 J. Zinzen & Co 114,867 Jute Yarn lha 2,751,6001410,400 1,908,700 A. Prado & Co Jute manufactures : Piece goods of ali 18,300 kinds 33.7C0Í6,i00 Ornstein & Coæ 2,000 yds 11,800 Sundry 805

383,011 Destinations. E. JOHNSTON & Co. Limited United States 379,291 Europe 2,217 Rio and Coastwise 1,503 SANTOS

383,011 COFFEE EXPORTERS.STEAMSHIP AGENTS. The total export for corresponding period last year was 459,222 B/C. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. SUGAR MARKET. ‡^OOO-^ According to the U. S. Four Port Summary, imports of Brazilian Sugar into tlie United States up to June 3rd, BMIH 0FF1€ES I f BI STATE i l PAULO AT 1909, amounted to 777 tons, as against 228 tons to the same S. PAULO.S. CARLOS DO PINHAL. date last year, an increase of 549 tons. AMPARO.RIBEIRÃO PRETO. •Pernambuco, June 23rd, 1909. ESPIRITO SANTO DO PINHAL.S. MANOEL. There has been some demand from Pará, and qualities required being scarce, prices here have been rushed up for TAUBATÉ, JÀHÚ, JABOTICABAL. Usinas and White Crystals, in both of which some of the dealers seem to have got over-sold. Any way, it has been a >ooo<- substantial spurt for the Planters who have past few days sold their stufí at rises from 500 reis to 1$200. We cannot fehink it will be of long duration, however, as values in Rio Open to accept sole representation of manufacturers -x>oo=-<- and Santos do not respond. Entries continue good and for first 20 days of the month have been 75,382 bags, present General Agents in Brazil for the Hamburg- compared with 18,113 bags same date last year. There has been some stocktaking this week and they make out that Südamerikanische Dampschifffahrts - Gesellschatt. present stock is only about 130,000 bags, but we think really there are quite 100,000 bags more. Maceió had a stock last week of 146,000 bags, of which 120,000 bags are Brutos; of this latter about half is said to be already sold REPRESENTATIVES OF and awaiting shipment South and to Europe. Guardian Assurance Company, Ltd., London; The Sack- To-day's quotations are as under :— Filling and Sewing Machine Syndicate, Ltd., London; Per 15 kilos on shore. Usinas _ 4$000—4$300 The State of S. Paulo (Brazil) Purê Coffee Co., Ltd. ²x>oo-<. Crystal (White) 3$000—3$500 Crystal (Yellow) 2$200 IIEAD OFFICE: Whites, 3a Boa . *. 3$500—4$000 Somenos 2$4Ò0 6, GREAT St. HELENS ; Cláyed 2$ÓõO LOND0N, E.:ár "m THE BRÀZILÍAN REVIEW. July 6th, 1909.


26.—SIENA, Italian; s.s., 2,820 tons, for Genoa. Italian, s.s., 3,091 tons, for Buenos Aires. SHIPPING. 27.—UMBRIA, Aires. 28 — ALOERIA, French, s.s., 2,539 tons, for Buenos Braziliàri, s.s., 398 tons, for S. Francisco. 28;—GAÚCHO, Aires. ARRIVÁLS AT THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO 20.—AVON, British, s.s., G,882 tons, for Buenos DURING THE WEEK ENDINQ JULY 2nd, 1909. 29.-ZAANLAND, Dutch, s.s., 3,520 tons, for Amsterdam. for Porto Alegre. .June 26.—UMBRIA, Italian, b.s., 3,091 tons, from Genoa. 29.-SIRIO, Brazilian, s.s., 554 tons, :: 1.—LES ALPES, French, s.s., 2,509 tons, for Marseilles. "26.—SNOWDONIAN,26.—ILDERTON, British, s.s., 2,016 tons, from Cardiff. July Southampton. •• - s.s., tons, from Leith. 1.-ASTURIAS, British, s.s., 7.509 tons lor ..•' "26.—MEDEIROS. British, 2,402 Philadelphia. Brazilian, schooner, 190 tons, from Prado. l.-YOLA, British, s.s., 2,240 tons, for í- l —ESKSIDE British, s.s., 1,837 tons, for Rio Grande. 26.—MAYRINK, Brazilian, s.s., 375 tons, from Caravellas. "-FLORIANÓPOLIS, for Rio de Janeiro. tons, from Victoria. Brazilian, s.s., 570 tons, 26.—GUANABARA, Brazilian, s.s., 329 Rio de Janeiro. 27.—LANGDALE, British, s.s., 2,294 tons, from Swansea. i _MUQUY, Brazilian, s.s., 359 tons, for -TENNYSON, British, s.s., 2,531 tons, lor New York. 27.—AVON, British, s.s., 6,883 tons, from Southampton. 1 '-\USTRIANA, Rio de Janeiro. from Greenock. British, s.s., 2,102 tons, for 27.—TIACOS, Norwegian, barque, 680 tons, Buenos Aires. 27.—SIENA, 2,820 tons; from Buenos Aires. 1-TOSCANA, Italian, s.s., 2,559 tons, for Italian,' s.s., 59 tons, lor lijucas. 27.—CEARA, Brazilian, s.s., 2,078 tons, from Manaos. 1.—ESPADARTE, Brazilian, schooner, 27.—INDUSTRIAL, Brazilian, s.s., 300 tons, from Laguna. ª- .... ¦ 27.—SANTOS, German, s.s.. 3,114 tons, from Santos. 28.—PARAHYBA, Brazilian. s.s., 223 tons, from Pará. 28.—CAMPEIRO, Brazilian, s.s., 495 tons, from Porto Alegre. FOREIGN VESSELS AFLOAT 28.^-MURUPY, Brazilian, s.s., 304 tons, from Victoria. 28.—GLORIA, Brazilian, s.s., 253 tons, from Iguape. IN RIO DE JANEIRO HARBOUR, JULY 2nd, 1909. Barra. 28.—PINTO, Brazilian, s.s., 259 tons, from S. João da of •'. 50 tons, from Cabo Frio. Date of Date 28.—S. SEBASTIÃO, Brazilian, schooner, entry. Sailing Vessels.Tons. 29.—REDHILL, British, s.s., 2,504 tons, from Newcastle. ¦ entry. Steamers.Tons. —Hangar Hall 3,042 April 1.372 29.—MARANDU, Norwegian, barque, 1.382 tons, from Ship Island. April 4.- Silkworth —Conductor 1,062 29.—RIO FORMOSO, Brazilian, s.s., 415 tons, from Porto Alegre. 16.- ¦Kronprincossan V. ...2,170 -Henley 2,111 —Professor Kock 1,357 29.—AMÉLIA, Brazilian, s.s., 05 tons, from Cabo Frio. June 9.- —Annie l»^0 s.s., 2,559 tons, from Genoa. 10.- -Cyfnrthfa 1,059 30.—TOSCANA, Italian. June —Dresden 1,503 30.—MONT CERVIN, French, s.s., 2,285 tons, from Marseilles. 16.: -Mahchefcter Inventor.2,775 -Ethelwolf 2,815 —Cap Horn 1,517 30.—CAN ADI A, Danish, s.s., 2,797 tons, from New York. 20.- —Hermes 073 22.- -Nolisement 2,492 30.—ITAPACY, Brazilian, s.s., 717 tons, from Porto Alegre. -Rona 1,621 July 1.—CORRIENTES, German, s.s., 2,408 tons, from New York. 24.- -Tintoretto 2,643 -Teviot 2,108 -Imacos 680 áiii from Buenos Aires. 26.- -Ilderton 2,016 ,—Marauda ' "v 2.—ASTURIAS, British, s.s., 7,509 tons, 2.—TIJUCAi Brazilian, s.s., 1,108 tons, from Pará. 26.- -Snowdonian 2,402 -Langdale 2,294 " 2.—ESPERANÇA, Brazilian, s.s., 409 tons, from Aracaju. 27.- from Buenos Aires. 30.- -Canadia 2,797 " • '2.—TENNYSON,2.-rSANTOS, Uruguayan, s.s., 1,004 tons, : British, s.s., 2,532 tons, from Santos. July 1.- Comentes 2,408 s.s., tons, from Hamburg . 2.- -Santos 1,604 . 2.—CAP VERDE, German, 3,789 2.—BRASIL, Brazilian, s.s., 1,999 tons, from Montevideo. 2.-—Tennyson 2,532 2.—RE D-1TALIÀ, Italian, s.s., 3,922 tons, from Genoa. 2.- Cap Verde 3,789 2.—MÜQUY, Brazilian, s.s., 359 tons, for Florianópolis. o Amstelland 3,818 2.—AMSTELLAND, Dutch, s.s., 3, 818 tons, from Amsterdam. 12,89" Total—Tons45.775 Total—tons SAILINGS FROM THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO DURING THE WEEK ENDING JULY 2nd, 1909. IN SANTOS HARBOUR, JULY 2nd, 1909. June 26.- -BELLAS, German, barque, 851 tons, for Rimuski. m -NADIA, of Date of 26.- British, s.s., 1,552 tons, for Rosário. Date Sailing Vessels.Tons. -UMBRIA,' Buenos Aires. entryv Steamers.Tons. entry. 26.- Italian, s.s.', 3,091 tons, for May' 28.—Calgowan Castle 1,667 26.- -NORA, British, s.s., 2,539 tons, for Buenos Aires. June 12.- Byrlflf 2,240 215 Prince 1,764 31.—Christian Waldemar 26.- -ITAIPAVA, Brazilian, s.s., 707 tons, for Porto Alegre. 20- Corsican 851 26.- -TIJUCA, 22.- -Tudor Prince 2,708 June 4.—Tecla German, s.s., 3,006 tons, for Santos. 26.—Fanny 262 26.- -TENNYSON, British, s.s., 2,532 tons, for Santos. 23.- Spanish Prince 4,213 26.- -WURZBURG, German, s.s., 3,240 tons, for Santos. 23.- -Baró Férjérvary 2,400 26.- -ESKSIDE, British, s.s., 1,838 tons, for Santos. 24.- -Lewisham 1,784 -26:-- -FIDELENSE, Brazilian, s.s.,"259' tons, for S. Matheus. 24.- -Rossetti 4,120 26.- -S. JOÃO, Brazilian, schooner, 43 tons, for Macahé. 26.- -Pernambuco 3,105 -FLUMINENSE, Brazilian, schooner,'32 tons, for Angra dos Reis 27.- -Tijuca 3,000 -GAÚCHO, Brazilian, s.s., 597 tons, for Antonina. 27.- -Wurzburg 3,240 -SIENA, Italian, s.s., 2,820 toiís, for Genoa. - ¦' 29.- -Sofia Hohenburg ....3,521 -LORELEY, Italian, barque, 992 tons, for Genoa. 30.- -Kirby Bank 2,092 A'"28, -GOYAZ, Brazilian, s.s., 981 tons,' for New York. 30.- -Barcelona 3,663 28. -AVON, British, s.s., 0,883 tons, for Buenos Aires. July 1.- -Grecian Prince 1,405 -SÍRIO, Brazilian, s.s., 930 for Porto , 28. tons, Alegre. 2,995 28.- -1BIAPABA, Brazilian, s.s., 1,082 tons, for Rio Grande. Total—Tons 39,387 Total—Tons 29. -ITAQUT, Brazilian, s.s., 512 tons, for Pernambuco. 29. -MURUPY, Brazilian, s.s., 304 tons, for Prado. o-: 29. -GRECIAN. PRINCE, British, s.s., 1,405 tons, for Rio Grande.. - 29. -GUA'NABARA, Brazilian, s.s.,'329 tons, for Aracaju. 29.—CARANGOLA, Brazilian, s.s., 258 tons, for S. João da Barra. 29.—KIRBY BANK, British, s.s., 2,093 tons, for Santos. 29.—DOUS AMIGOS, Brazilian, schooner, 34 tons, for Cabo Frio. 29.—INDUSTRIAL, Brazilian, s.s., 300 tons, for Cabo Frio. 30.—SANTOS, German, s.s., 3,114 tons, for Hamburg. 30.—TOSCANA, Italian, s.s., 2,559 tons, for Buenos Aires. 30.—MARANHÃO, Brazilian, s.s., 1,303 tons, for Manaos. 30.—AACHEN, German, s.s., 2,417 tons, for Santos. 30.—MAYRINK. Brazilian, s.s., 375 tons, for Ponta da Arêa, July 1.-—ZAANLAND, Dutch, s.s., 3,526 tons, for Amsterdam. 1.—WALTIKKA, Russian, barque, 942 tons, for Barbados. 1.—ÍRIS, Brazilian, s.s., 899 tons, for Paysandu. & 1.—CAMPEIRO, Brazilian, s.s., 495 tons, for Pernambuco. 1. —VERMONT, British, s.s., 2,722 tons, for Santa Lúcia. 1. —ACTIVO II , Brazilian, schooner, 33 tons, for Cabo Frio 1. —GAMA II., Brazilian, schooner, 64 tons, for Cabo Frio. ! I 1, —CLOTILDE, Brazilian, schooner, 30 tons, for Cabo Frio. [LEA 1. -PLANETA, Brazilian, schooner, 37 tons, for Cabo Frio. 1. —REDHILL, British, s.s., 2,504 tons, for Santos. 1. —GLORIA, Brazilian, s.s., 253 tons, for Iguiipe. July 2. —ASTURIAS, British, s.s., 7,509 tons, for Southampton. .2 .—ETHELWYNNE, British, s.s, 2,067 tons, for Buenos Aires. PERRINS 2 —ESTRELLA DO NORTE, Brazilian, schooner, 24 tons, for Cabo Frio 2. —RIO FORMOSO, Brazilian, s.s., 415 tons, for Amarração. o —ARAGUARY. Brazilian, s.s., 1,466 tons, for Pará. 2, —MONT CERVIN, French, s.s., 2,285 tons, for Buenos Aires. o —RE D'ITALIA, Italian, s.s., 3,922 tons, for Buenos Aires. I i»JB)E=sgy^fe_0-t¦» Il_L 1 æ _h _BB_B| MS E ARRIVÁLS AT THE DURING THE WEEK ENDING JULY 2nd, 1909. June 25.—'25 GLORIA, Brazilian, s.s., 253 tons, from Iguape. a delightful 26. YOLA, British, s.s., 2,240 tons, from Bombay. gives 26. SIENA, Italian, s.s., 2,820 tons, from Buenos Aires. 26. ITAITUBA, Brazilian, s.s.. 013 tons, from Rio de Janeiro. 26, PERNAMBUCO. German, s.s., 3,105 tons, from Hamburg. piquancy and flavour 26. FANNY, British, schooner, 202 tons, from Halifax. f 27 —UMBRIA, Italian, s.s., 3,091 tons, from Genoa. 27, TIJUCA, German, s.s., 3,006 tons, from Hamburg. to ali 27, WURZBURG, German, s.s., 3,246 tons, from Bremen. ••- 27. -TENNYSON, British, s.s., 2,531 tons, from New York. 28, ALGERIA, French, s.s., 2,539 tons, from Genoa. 28, GAÚCHO, Brazilian, s.s., 398 tons, from Rio de Janeiro. MEAT DISHES, SOUPS, FISH, 28, ESKSIDE, British, 1,837 tons, from New York. 28, ZAANLAND, Dutch, s.s., 3,526 tons, from Buenos Aires. 29, AVON, British, s.s., 6,882 tons, from Southampton. GHEESE, GURR1ES. GAME, 29, SÍRIO, Brazilian, s.s., 554 tons, from Rio de Janeiro. 29, SOFIA HÓHENBERG, Austrian, s.s., 3,521 tons, from Buenos Aires 30, CUBATÃO, Brazilian. s.s., 882 tons, from Porto Alegra. POULTRY AND 30, MUQUY, Brazilian, s.s., 359 tons, from Florianópolis. SALADS. 30, KIRBY BANK. British, s.s., 2,092 tons, from Antwerp. 0 BARCELONA, Spanish, s.s., 3,003 tons, from Buenos Aires." July 1.—1 FLORIANÓPOLIS, Brazilian, s.s.. 576 tons, from Porto Alegre. Assists digestion. 1 ¦ASTURIAS, British, s.s., 7,509 tons, from Buenos Aires. 1. LES ALPES, French, s.s., 2,509 tons, from Buenos Aires. 1. ITACOLOMY, Brazilian, s.s., 407 tons, from Pernambuco. 1. GRECIAN PRINCE, British, s.s., 1,405 tons, from New York. 1. TOSCANA, Italian, s.s., 2,559 tons, from Genoa. The -OF~SANTOS À âl I SAILINQS FROM THE PORT Original and Genuine DURING THE WEEK ENDING JULY 2nd, 1909. *5£í>ííí ^íxfcS^ fSâSáí'* B June 25.—GLORIA,-Brazilian, s.s.,- 253 tons, for Rio de Janeiro. WORGESTERSHIRE. By Royal Warrant to s.s.,.. 513 tons, foi-.Pernambuco. 25.—ITAQUI.r.Brazilian,. H.M. .THE KING. 25.—PAULISTA, Brazilian, s.s., 6GS tons, for Antonina. 26.—ITAITUBA, B>áail'íaííy s.á.í 613 tons, for Porto Alegre. 26.—"SANTOS, tfGTg'rrMnT s.s., 37114" tons, for Hamburg. -

July 6th, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 695

IVERPOOL BRAZIL I AND RIVER ORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, PLATE STEAMERS Brazil-adriatic line N BREMEN. ./.¦; LAMPORT & HOLT of LINE. Capital The Austrlan Lloyd's Steam Navlga- 125,000,000 Marks. Passenger Service for New York. tion Company NEXT DEPARTURES. C and Average passage, Rio to New York: 17 days. Date SteamerDestination The Sailiiigs for New York Royal Hungarian Sea Navlga- tion Company " Adrla " Ltd. VASABI (new) 18th July Tri-weekly sailings from Santos and Rio de BYRON 4th August Janeiro for Trieste and Fiume and, with tranship- July, 9 «Aachen».. Babia, Pernambuco, Madeira, ment, to ali Mediterranean, East Asiatic and East Lisbon, Leixões, Antwerp All|)rjüniimn MECAW & Co., Ld. dompa VM[ mwm DEPARTURES 112, RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO. POR NEW YORK. THE 3. S. CORSICAN PEINCE 9th Julv ILSON SONS & CO. AMIRAL TUDOR » 19th i RIGAULT grecian » ;;;;; 29th l W (LIMITED) DE GENOÜILLY Steamship Agents and Proprietors of FOR NEW ORLEANS Expected from Europe ou July 14th wiil sail SPANISH PRINCE. i7lh July after indispeiisablé delay for COAL DEPOTS AT AGENTS. Santos, Montevideo and Buenos Aires DAVIDSON PULLEN & CO MADEIRA. PÃO PAULO. LAS PALMAS. MONTEVIDEO. Carrying 3rd clasa passengers: 15 RÜA ST. VINOENT, C. DA QUITANDA 145 V LAPLATA. THE PERNAMBUCO, BUENOS AIRES. S. S. ANTIGO 119. BAHIA. ROSÁRIO. BIO DE JANEIRO. BAHIA BLANCA. SANTOS. MALTE D M O 'The Royal Mail Also Branch Establishments will II 111,0,3. at CARDIFF and sail ou July 20th for steam packet Company. BARRY. 'British Teneriffe, Lisbon, Vigo and Havre, Under contract with the and Workshops at Las Brazilian Governments Palmas, St. Vincent (C ' V ' ) ' carrying lst and 3rd class for carrying Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro passengers. the mails. Contractors to British and FARES Foreign Governments (THIRD CLASS): Table of Departures. Chl6f Transatlantic Steamship SmpanL^ Lisbon, Vigo and Havre 95$000 Date Steamer Including the Federal Tax. Destination COAL—Stocks Lisbon in 14 days. of only the very best description Havre in 17 days. July 13 «Aragon» of .. Santos. Montevideo and Bue- South Wales Steam Coal kept. Also Stocks nos Aires. of THE S. S. 14 «Avon» Nut Coal, Foundry Coke, Patent Fuel and :>ahiu, Pernambuco, St. Vin- cemt, Anthracite Pea Nuts for Gas Engines. Madeira, LÍɧbon, Vigo, o_E3"se,xJl.í3L_Kr Cherbourg & Southampton. TUG BOATS always ready for service. 26 «D sail for Tüiieriüe, Lisbon, ánube» ntos, Montevideo e Bue- CARGO LIGHTERS.-ditto. w n Vigo and Havre nos Aires. on A«gusU5th. STEVEOORING undertaken. 28 «Aragon»... Bahia, Pernambuco, Madeira, Carrying lst and3rd class passengers: Lisbon, Leixões, Vigo.Cher- BALLAST supplied to ships. OTHER SAILINGS FOR EUROPE: bourg andiSoutbampton. Aug 9 «Araguaya». lautos Montevideo Buenos- OUESSANT Sept. 13 Aires, CORSE » ]2 11 «Danube» .. Babia, Pernambuco, St. Vin- Repalrs to Ships and Machinery. ceut.. Madeira, Information from the General Lisbon, Vigo, Agent Cherbourg & Southampton. Asturias ^ Having large workshops fltted with efficient C. COATALEMi ».. Santos Montevideo e Buenos- modern Aires. plant, repairs of ali descriptions under- 57, Avenida Central, 57. «Aráguaya» Bahia, Pernambuco, taken. Madeira, Lisboa, Leixões, Vigo, Cher- bourg e Southampton, Sep. 6 «Avon»,.... Santos, Montevideo and Bue- AGENTS OF THE SOCIETE GENERALE nos Aires. 8 «Asturias».. Bahia, Pernambuco, St. Vin- Pacific Steam Navigation Company. DE ceut, Lisbon, LeixÕes.Vigo, Transports Maritimes à vapeur de Cherbourg & Southampton Shaw, Savill & Albion Co., Ltd. 20 «Aragon»... Santos, Montevideo e Buenos Marseilles. Aires. The New Zealand Shipping Co., Ltd. 22 «Avon».... Ilabia, Pernambuco, St. Vict, DEPARTURES OP STEAMERS Mad., Lisbin, Vigo, Cher- FOR EUROPE. bourg & Southampton. For Freight O et. 1 «Aráguaya » Santos. Montevideo e Buenos apply to the Broker:— LES ALPES 3rd July Ayres. ALGERIE lõth » 6 «Aragon» Wm. R Mc. Niveu .. Bahia, Pernambuco, Madeira AlONTE ROSE (cargo boat) 18th » Lisbon, Cherburg and Sou- PROVENCE 30th » tlnunpton 51, RUA DE S. PEDRO 18 «Amazon».. for Sautos, Montevideo and Bue- For nos Aires. Passages and further information apply to Marseilles, Barcelona and Genoa , f. gold. Special attention is drawn to the following:— Thíoügh fares WILSON, SONS & CO., LTD. to Parts, lst class 723 Holders of flrst-class tickets, single dodo 2nd class 550 or return, may break their voyage at any intermediate ports dodo Srd class 199 and proeced by any of the 2, Rua de Tlir.oúgh fares to Paris PACIFIC STEAM S. Pedro, (return), lst class .. 1,149 NAVIGATION or MESSAGERIES MARITIMES dodo2nd class. . 882 Cempany'8 Steamers. RIO DE JANEIRO. dodoSrd class .. 304 For freight, passages, and other information Marseilles, Genoa, Srd class 1155200 apply:— Barcelona, 3 rd class .1.4S800 Avenida Central, Nos. 53 and Agents—ANTUNES DOS SANTOS & CO. 55. HEAD OFFICE:—Salisbury Rio de Janeiro.—Avenida Central, 14. House, Finsbury S. Paulo.—29, Rua S. Beuto. E. L. HARRISON, Representativo. Oirçu-, London, E.C. Santos —Praça da Republica, 33. h-bl-ea.KI eaa, THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July 6th,; 1909,

Souh África CURRENT COFFEE FREíGHT RATES New.Tork42/6 & 5 7„ I » Routhanipton ?\per ton of 1,000 For Week ending July 2nd, 1909. °/0 the » Hamburg..../42/fí & 2 1/2 / kilos » Autwerpt\ Ívin- ' »'»>5 ... ..¦>. Rio San tos » Breinen ;~ ü/o in full. Amsterdam.....,.' 40/-in full 35/- & 5 » Liverpool42/6 0/0 via HanilHirg 58/6' i» f»"- — Aden via Trie&te 50/-& 5 — Autwerp 1.000 kilos 40/- & 5 °/0 35/- & 5 °/0 . , » Soutliamptoii' Alexandria** 64 frcs. in full. 64 frcs. in full. *A,„",t,we.:.|,.".B.rr:«/.**««•/. frcs. in full. Alicante 50 frcs. in full. 50 in full. frcs. in full. 63 frcs. iu full. » Liverpool73/6 Algiors via Marseilles 03 ¦via & 5 °/,0 ,f Almerie 50 frcs. in full. 56 frcs. iu full. New York....70/- in full. » Southanipton.N Agui.les 73.50 frcs. in full. 76 1/2 frcs. »/0 108 frcs. in full. 108 frcs. iu full. * " 'r50/-& 2 1/2 Bassorah MosselHayMosselHaví ) Ça?ul)^' Bârcelloua 35 frcs. in full. 38 frcs. in full. >y Alltwer,f Bilbao 50.50 frcs. in full. 50 frcs. in full. » Breinen . °/0 » Liverpool50/- in full. Breraen . 40 frcs. & 5 35&;5°/0 u/0 o fies. & 10 °/0 35 frcs. & H) via New York....50/-& 70 Bordeaux, 900 kilos.... 40 °/o Boiiibay via Trieste 50/-& 5 °/0 50/- 6 » Sóut.hampton.\ °/o » °/0 — Braila** 7T.50 frcs. in full. 71.50 frcs. & 10 iíast { Hamburg 50/- & 2 1/2 Brindisi** GO frcs. in full. 00 frcs. in full. London ) » Autwerpf » Brèthen -¦„,'•'•¦. Buenos Ayres per hag. 00 kilos.. 1$000 18500 full., ., frcs. in full. » Liverpool50/- ia Beyrouth** 69 frcs. in full. 69 & o u/o frcs. & 10 °/0 38 frcs. iu full. /.«.*« New York ...50/- Cadiz (Spanisti line) 35 "/„ Calcutta via Trieste S5/-& 5 °/„ 55/- & 5 l » Southampton. \ frcs. in full. 50 frcs. in full. „ . ) » Hamburg 42/6 & 2 1/2 °/A — Carthagena 50 »/„ Durhah •' ' /o 50/-& 5 °/0 50/- & 5 » Antwerp!....r' .y Colombo Bremen' Corfu** 66.50 frcs. in full. 60 10 \ » °/0 70 » Liverpool42/6 iu full. Currachee 50/ &5 50/&5°/o 5 »/_^ 53.50 frcs. in full. 53 frcs. in.full New York70/-& Corunna » Cavalla** 66.50 frcs. in full. 66.50 frcs. in full Southampton 1 52/in full » Hamburg.... ,7ü/.&2]/2„/o _ol Christiania H/„ °/0 Autwerpí Copenhageu direct .. .j 42/6.& 5 37/6 & 5 » 62.50 frcs. infull. 62.50 iro<. in full. Ívia» Breinen) Coiistaiitinople** u/n t- ã«i70/- in full. flmiie.; 40/-&5°/o 3d'h. A 5 » Liverpool' 71.50 in full. 71.50 frcs. in full. . Via Buenos Aires 1 Galatz** °./0 °l„ Genoa .1.000 kilos 40 frcs. & 10 40 frcs. tf 10 ( » Algoa Bay... [42/6 in full Gibraltartuã Genoa 66.50 frcs. in full. 66.5C frcs. in full. \ » rape Towu...|42/6 infull. __ frcs. in full full. Qijon 56.50 frcs in full 53 j » DurbanI42/6 in 40/-5 °/0 35 & 5 °/„ » East London./47/6 in full. Hamburg "/„ °l0. j Havre, 000 kilos 40 frcs. & 10 35. frcs. & 10 60/- & 5 °/0 60/- & 10 °/0 To l)el»goa Bay & Beira thefreights must he paid here or in Hamburg Hougkong via Trieste "/„ Kobe via Trieste 65/-&5°/0 65/- & 5 via Liverpool tlie freights must be paid here or in Liverpool. lioyal Mail Steamers in combination with HouhterBros.. Lisbon 30/-&5T ** 35/ «* 5 °/0 Conference rates via Marseilles, and Genoa or Trieste. Liverpool °/'„ °/0 London 1.000 kilos 40/- & 5 35/- & 5 WkstCoart Ports 5 o Do (options) 40/-& o 45/ & 5 •/„ frcs. & 10 :-!8 frcs. Punta Arenas25/ infull Malaga 35 70 Corral50/ » 60/* 5 °/0 Genoa & Marseilles.. 02 frcs in full. 62 frcs. in full. Malta, via "/'„ •/„ Coronel45- » 60/& 5 7o Marseilles 1.000 kilos 40 frcs & 1.0 40 frcs. & 10 °/0 full. fj6 frcs. in full. Caldera52/6 » 50/ & 5 Measina**. 56 frcs in & ** frcs in full. 71.50 frcs. in full. Tnltal52/6 » 50/ 5 % Metelino 71.50 Antofagasta52/6 » 50/ & 5 °/0 Montevideo per bag. 60 kilos.. .. líOOÜ in 64 frcs. in full. Iquique52/6 » 50/ & 5 7„ Mostaganein-Marseilleb or Genoa 64 frcs full. » — frcs. in full. õ4 frcs. in full. Goquinibo 52/6 Naples 54 Taicahuano4;>/ » — New York, Liners bag 30c. & >) 7 o 30o. & 5 7„ per °/0 5 Callap.....52/6 » — N. Orleans Liners » » 30c & 5 30c. tf 7„ — frcs in full. 66.50 frcs. in full. Valparaiso45/ » Odessa**66.50 » — 62 frcs. in full. 62 frcs. in full. do (option)47/6 Oran u/0 o,',, Puerto Montt50/ » — Penang via Trieste 60/-* 5 60/- tf 5 — frcs. full. Conception45/ » Palermò 56 in » — ** 66.50 frcs. in full. 66.50 frcs. in full. Tocopilla52/6 Patras » — 61.50 frcs. in full. 61 .ó0 frcs. in full. Santly Point25/ Piraeus**.! Guayaqúil'85/ &-lÒ%./o ~ PortSaid** 64 frcs in full. 64.00 frcs. in full. 40/-& 5 °/0 35/- tf õ "/„ Rotterdam °/0 via Trieste 55/-& 5 55/- & 5 70 Rãrígoon °/0 San Francisco 7Õ/-& 5 fc-ín Sehastiau 56.50 frcs. in full 00 frcs. in full Santancler• 00.50 frcs. in full 60 frcs. in full PENSÃO Bamsoun ** 66.50 frcs in full. 06.50 frcs. in full. AMAZÔNIA 50 frcs in full 50 frcs. in full. (HOTEL) Seville °/0 Shanghai via Trieste 05/-& 5 651- & 5 70 Smyrna** 61.50 frcs. in full, 61.50 frcs. in full. TflE IWflSSÍHWBRlín PflliBGE kilos 40/- &5 °/„ 35/- & 5 70 Bbuttaampton 1.0*00 °/0 Suez via Trieste 50/- & o 60 frcs. & 10 7o Do via Genoa or Marseilles... 61 frcs. in full. Siluated in Botafogo the pleaaautest suburb of Rio de Janeiro Salonica** 61.50 frcs in full 61.50 frcs. in full. ** 69 frcs. in full. 09 fves. in full. a few moments walk from Che magnificeut Sulina °/0 Singapore via Trieste u'0/- & 5 60/- tf 5 7o Taragonne.. 50 frcs. in fui! 50 frcs. in full. Avenue Beira Mar. Trebizond ** 66.50 frcs. infull 66.5Q frcs. in full. Trieste.  40/-&5°/o 35s. & 5 7o. ' ' Tuuis ** 62 frcs. 1 n full. 62 frcs. iu full. ¦ F. DUTRA & C.°. Valentia 50 fies. in full. 50 fies. in full. . Valparaiso(opiions) 47/6 5°/° ** 66.50 frcs. in fuü 66.50 frcs. in full. No. 192 Rua Marquez cie Abrantes No. 192 Várua °/„ "/„ Venice via Trieste 45/- & 5 40/- tf ó Vigo 40/-&5°/o 38 frcs. RIO »E JA1\EI110 ü/f) 55/- & 5 Yokohama via Trieste 5;)/- & 5 7„ "Amazônia. " Hamburg 58/5 in fui 5S/5 in fui Telephone Sul 44Telegrams: ¦Jtti;aaaiga5aiaBm^^''^ —-—-"i² [| ,muammmÊm—imma muITT¥Tn—r;rT:'—~i~ '' "' " casacaBaB»L

DRINK SALUTARI! xyttxitvà amá âigeivllue mítt^il wafer

_I P^c- Exhibition 1906 Grra.nd J?t"ix; ' í National Exhibition 1908 Deposit: 83, 5aa Primeiro de |tta?ço, 83 - Rio de Janeiro 'July 6tH, 19(59. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 697

THE FEEIGHT MARKETS. São Paulo Railway Tr&ffic in May British.-''Fairplay," of June lOth, says.-" The freight market is quiet ali 1908 '909.. round, but this is not altogether sürprisirig considering that June and Julv Up traflic Tons77,352 are mostly dull moutlis There is, however, a better undertone, as owners 73,470 generally are disinclmed to commit tliemselvss very far ahead at anythinc like Dow ti 14,481 current rates for .Tune-July 9.811 leading. There, perhàps, never was a time in the Passenger Number history oi snipowmng when a strong and determined 133,453 126,357 effort by owners to force Interstation up rates was of more vital impòrtâhce than at the present Evervthina ªTons25,616 23,16*» has against shipowners period. gone for a long time past; legislation has tremendously / pennlised them; they pay more for everything; the enõraòús advance in the pnce of liorne bunkers, and now the all-rourul minimüm 10 per cent. advance in marme Insurance preniiums, demand, as it were, a general strike of shipowners against contmuing ruhnlng their boats at Lhe present ruinously low levei of MARKET REPORTS. freights. Owners begin to see this and are adverse to negotiating business at ali, except upon a hand to moutli basis, or in other words, jüst to avoid the Pernambuco, contmgency of hiiving to lay-up their boats. Coal rates from Wales to Rio were June 23rd, 1909. lis. Cd., although for a prompt boat 12s. had been concedeu"; Tlie s.s St Bede Coffee.—After was tixed at 12s. and tho s.s. Eray at lis. Cd. Tlie s.s. Fashoda was Qxed to advancing again to 8$400 on demand Para at lis. from North, has again flat and last sale was at Argentine.—Business for Brazil has improved slightly, but wo are unable to gone 8$200, register any change in rates. Rio and at which there are, Santos are steady at $3.75 gold careob price however, no longer any buyers. being fairly plentiiul. ' Beans continue a market and "at We quote as follows:—To Bahia and Pernambuco, 20s.; to Pelotas 18s • poor price nominal to Porto Alegre, 24s.; to Desterro, 13$000 12s.; to Ahtónihà, 12s.; to Florianópolis 14s':'• to'13$500. There have been large arrivals from Rio to Itajahy, 28s. . to San Francisco, 15s.; to Paranaguá, 12s.; to Rio Grande' 13s' and a deal still offered to Santos, 13s.; to Rio, 13s. With the usual ls. to 2s. extra from up-rivér good at about 1$ less, whilst in ports.—" Times of Argentina," June 21 st. another montli the first supplies of new from the Interior may be looked for. Milho.—A good deal has come from Eio, but as price PERSONAL NEWS. there has since gone up and stocks here are not èxcessive, prices have advanced to 100 reis kilo. Arrivals and Departures per during the week. Farinha.—Dull market at 5$000 per bag of 50 kilos. Freights.—Unchanged at my last quotations and cargo Arrivals. getting scarce. Exchange.—Unaltered at 15 l/16d. Bank. By the s.s. Avon, from Southampton, on June 27th— A. Q. Fontes G Trinks, D. S. Lewis, Sir W. H. D. Haggard K.C.M.G. and Lady Haggard, A. Heywood, E. Holmes, H. C. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parton, Madame Rejane, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gordon. By the s.s. Asturias, from Buenos Aires, on July 2nd.—Mr. and Mrs. Dunn- ing, H. Bowen, J. Donovan, J. Smitli, W. Thomas, C. Evers, Mr. and Mrs. E. Macdonald, M. Hunter. ROYAL H0LLAND LLOYD Departures. By the s.s. Tennyson, for Santos, on June 2Gth.—F. Fairchild. SAILINGS FOR EUROPE: By the s.s. Itaipava, for Porto Alegre, on June 29th.—Dr. Waterman, J. Paul. RIJKLAND juiy 15 By the s.s. Avon, for Buenos Aires, 011 June 28th.—N. Hemsley, J. Hamilton, E. Broad, W. Boss, JV Wright, R. Forsyth, Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank, Frank AMSTELLAND -July 29 Walter, F. Lack, M. Cattley, J. Hampshire. HOLLAKDIA By the s.s. Asturias, for Southampton, on July 2nd— Mr. and Mrs F. Aug. 1 Robson, C. Burnside, A. Macíarlane, G. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. de Ia Balze, SAILINGS FOR THE C. Puilen, J. Gunning, F. Mackinnon, F. Kelly, L. Barton, J. Villers, H. Palm. RIVER PLATE: HOLLANDIAJuly -13 RAILWAY NEWS AND ENTERPRISE. FEISIA Aug. 10 THE S. S. SUNDRY TRAFFIC RETURNS HOLLANDIA Mileage LateBt Ktirninga HeportedAggiegnte to date Railway Sails on July 13th for 1908 1907 1907 MMMM^M>MaatBMaBBM^,MaMH,aiiaiiBfiMMtMaMMgalB>g58—sammSirn-wrMwniinii i^srrAr5i>T^Tii^r> 58io WM. SIMONS& CO., Limited RENFREW Engineers, Sliipbuilders and Dredge Coustructors SCOTLAND DREDGERS OF ALL DESIGNS AND CAPACITY


or Bucket Reclamation Barge-Loading as Dredgers Dredgers. }|Self-Propellfng Non-Propelling. Sucèion and Discharging Pump Reclamation Dredgers Connect^ Bucket Hopper Dredgers \r>Dl „r ii r„ ed to Long Lines óf Floating Pipes to nmke ?Bow or Sfcern Wel1 ^Pea' up Land. Pump Hopper Dredgers Pontoon Bucket & Pump Dredgers for Cantil Works. Combined Bucket and Pump Stationary Dredgers. Rock Dredging Vessels.- Combiued Bucket and Pump Hopper Dredgers. Rock-Breaking Plant.4 Self-Discüarging Hopper Dredgers. Gold-Mining Dredgers. STEAM HOPPER BARGES DUMBER HOPPER BARGES * ,, BARGES WITH HYDRAULIC AND STEAM GRAB CRANES

¦ ¦ . ¦ TUGS. LIGHTERS. DIVING BELL BARGES. ROCK DRTLL BARGES. ENGTNES AND BOILERS. REPLACE WHEEL GEARING, BUCKETS, LINKS, PINS, ETC, A SPECIAL1TY m Agents and Representatives-BORLIDO MAIA & CO. Rua do Rosário, i?— rio de jaiseiro —brazil 698 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. Jüly 6th, 1909. JOÃO RAMOS & C°. (Successors of FREDERICO V1ERLING & Co.) AGENTS for: JENSON and NICHOLSON Paint and Varnish Manufacturers- London and: ENGELBERT & Co.-London. zzzzzzzzz Manufacturers of lubricating oils, etc. zzzzzzzzz:


Grand Depot for: íathes, planes, machinery for cntting, piercing, screw making, plate rolling, punching, etc. Complete assortment of taps, gauges, water, gas, and steam pipes (iron), brass and copper tubing, material for railways, ships, factories and agricultura] purposes. Large stock of English leather, cotton and rubber belting of ali sizes. Specialities in asbestos, and rubber articíes for ali steam and water appliances. Large stock of electric fittings specially intended for ships and factories. Stock of raw copper from ChiU and Japan, lead, zinc, antimony, metallic bismuth and tin. Sfi flilfSil Off 011 H. 121,-EUA 110 PIB10I. 114 CLUBS PEUGEOT WBEZLY IISTSTLAJLIMIIEIISrTS OiF1 5SOOO ANTUNES DOS SANTOS & CO. Rio de Janeiro—14, AVENIDA CENTRAL, 16—Telephone No. 534 Complete equipments for Lawn Tennis and Football

8ggM»maaaaMM*wBaaBttBa—<-^-^—__jgjg_f___sfMx___fa— ONLY T t} F N EST BRAND5! ELL ### An exquisite Brand, well known in ali parts of the world At aii first clâss GIN AND DEY GIN of the old established distillery of SirRobert Burnett &Co., London. Cafés,w Ask for Red Label Gin 'High Restaurants, Bars,« WHISKY—' Life'' of John Robertsou & Sou, Dundee.

AJriüiii &.1JMA A delicions and refreshing Tonic before meals. SOLE AGENT ,è ttiseoüde de Inhaama, 53 GE ======RIO DE JANEIRO ===== OA.TJTIOÜT ' INSIST on having Jewsbury & Brown's Mineral Waters. the Best and Safest to drink in ali circumstances QUININE TONIC, GIN GER ALE & SODAWATER Sole Agent & Importar: C. N. Lefebvre-Rua da Candelária No. 76 ex 34—Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL FREITAS HOTEL RUA RIACHUELO, No. 120. Telephone No. THE 8TUDY OF AN INCONVERTLBLE OURRENCY 209. This well-known house By J, P. WILEMA5S 0. E. has been completely renewed in Modern (Editor of the "BKA2K1LIAN KBV1EW") Style, and with every Sanitary Convenience. Fine Dining Room and comfortahle rooms completely re-furnished. Every comfort PRICE 100000 for Families and Tourists. Spacious Verandas. Large Cardens. 8old at Laemmert, & Co. RIO DE JANEIRO. The situation of the Hotel is picturesque, very healthy and Wilson, Royal Exchange, Effingham LONDON First Class Offlces oi the «Brazilian Review.» quiet. Cuisine. Eua Camerino No. 83. Proprietor:—J. F. FREITAS.



Tfh^tírlngt^^d. Boa Vista, and though o»J,.860 feet nearerto Heaven than '¥ C°''!"eS9' a" the eleeWogl7S ^^S^pÍÈ' po'"' Panti"« »»™«»y ""s to ** «> **• U díf *J2± °m ' iere ruil,lin^ over üompany'8 system as far as be oldl In , „ ,h? í'?. P«« <>f the Vílla ízauel Tramway top. Vere/goodHoVfwHlVe^"«* "P "¦¦• "„ The journey Th^^S^ 'hotel p.,u. l'o expedite matas, breakfast should he ordered at the White by telephone from the Vi.l» laabe. etatinn in IhePraçaTiradentes, !¦ ¦-.¦ ¦ ¦ æ-jj . ¦ ;is also carriages or *¦'»¦.¦¦.:",¦.¦¦'¦ --;V'¦¦¦'.:;-";.'-''¦''' &lf^jfc\VV ¦¦^','.-r. aaddle borses to visit tbe different pointsof interest. Some of tbe points well wortb visiting in tbe neighbourhood are : —tbe "Cbinese View"; the "Empe- "Ca- ror's table" ; choeira" or greater Cascade; "Ciieboei- rinna" or little cas- cadê; tbe "Grottos of Paulo and Virgínia"; "Excelsior View" ; and if possible the "Peak of Tijuca" itself.Most, if not ali, tbesepoints, with tbe excep ti o n of tbe "Peak," can becom- prised in a circular drive of 2 to 3 bours through delightful woods. But sbould tbevisitor desire to visit tbe " Peak " itself, saddle borses, which are not always obtainable, must be ordered in advance by telephone. "Peak" The is 3,300 feet above the sea, and is highereven tban the Corcovado, it is, in- THE PABK-ALTO DA BOA VISTA, TI.II CA Ueed, the higbest point on tbe °ThT cbain. hll\t0 left a,ld anofcher h™r's climb «P*,*» • After about!Úwut 3030minu- minu- rockandíoPk ^ZJtu a liandh! ,be carriea one to the ,ni„ wh,ch.  Att«f> cut out of tbe this wide world, t0P Wh<3le he IS "^arded with a view and beggars ali description* that has its like nowliere lu 1 be unit of tbe money of tbe counfrv is thp mil voia n*nnn *.

-j p 8" (,r Jjrencl1- nad better ±íuaPn« dortà Ouvidor)n» w i' engage an intei for wbom tbe cbarge iscommoulv Rs »™hn £\:\u~A'~~~~*r" —-^ » iub jangiisü book-seller's ó'f ^fi rate of 4*000 head *'í*0'6.' per without wW Siage3 to viSlt Wbite' for °™"«t are a Saddle borses cost 151000 thed erenf umn^fPomts of interest the per day but are difficult to obtaind,üe,e,lt cost 30$000 for tbe round trip As between tbe bours of 11 00 a in -uiri 3 nn n ™ by telephone for which the oharge is very moderate be.?d^sabIe to '"-der o^ãS fo/theun^Wnl'P wwl^ilS'^'* fc a SPECIAL Fares from the Cães Pharoux to the e "1gCapac1^ in the car for about Alto da Boa Vista cost 2$6Ü°2

FROM PRAÇA 15 DE NOVEMBRO A. M. FROM ALTO DA BOA VISTA A. *l. — 5.36 (S)—5.45 — 6.0(3 (S) —6.46—7 06 CS^ 7 ifi ¦ 8.46-9.16-9.46-10.Í6llO 7.46—S.IG P. M. 12.28—12 58—1.28—1.58-2.28-2..18—3 "8-*? oq *s 46_A le^ílTéd' 19 4 a P. M. — 12.16—12.46—1.16—1.46-2 16—2 46—3 Ifi 3 jfi » „¦ 4,..

Note:—(S) Car leaves the Mangue Station. (R) Carretunif to Mangue Station.

IRARES C*rs from the Praça 15 de to the Junction ª> Junction to the Usina Usina to the Reservoir 300leis Reservoir to the Alio da Boa Viiltã 20()réis ... 300réis 500réis -TÍ THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW


HEAD office. V

River Plate Ho use. Fmsbury Círcus, V__CEARÃ-MIHIM (H(Ul\\\ LONDON, E.C. IR I\0 O Cable Address- "BENCH, R A N DoEI\\\\1 % LONDON.' >—!J-—^-—Jr WAJA\L Office in Rio de Janeiro, 28 RUA ALFÂNDEGA, 2°ANDAR, °SANT'ANNa DOS MATTOS«-^"j3",^ÍÍN\\\\\^ " Cable Address:-"OC!REMA, RIO DON" O^W-^^L^|to\ X7(.1i pa?ara\\\\ OSANTA R,TA 3j\\\\\\\\\ Office in Recife, _^<70'o . ?-VttGOYANltiüAUl \\ \ PRAÇA DO CORPO SANTO, 17 Cable Address:-" BENCH. PERNAMBUCO'.' N°VA Cn^>>í^:!^OCO'T.F"' Jaro,m/fS^ 1 ((I ,° Direct communication between MACEIÓ. RECIFE, PARAHYBA & NATAL. ,BananEioaS|\b"'mVV\\O ,gj\ypPtCoquc ir.t

;N,/ *'"!5....<3PEDWSO£IOSC\\\\\\\;^'íif< J.A. LORIMER, General Manager. Vcabaceiras- ?J^J M a': the RECIFE OFFICE. ALUANç£j3ARAUNA^oWoVipok) SECC^MM/jlll L ^l^60A )f r .....-<,A5U4BEr,N"?NAZARETrlfWÈÊryV/'/ ¦•""""" ^-y^^^^zt^f^j^nhaem ^lltlm/

L^^V pfeyJ/ / / / f °ALAGÓA DE BaÍxl^*?,ta'--*"^^^rO-T^57\% >-,; A-, X,y,9.0A2ERE

l—^—' p E R JN A\ M /B xa"^c o RIBCrRÁo <^, GAMELLEIRA I Ic BuiquE 3c4^%T .n / C°10 PALMARES tu



DIRECT COMMUNICATION between RECIFE (Cinco Pontas^ & MACEIÓ & Jaraguá on Wednesdays & Sundays between RECIFE (Brum) & PARAHYBA & Cabedello on Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays From RECIFE (Brum) to NATAL on Mondays & Wednesdays From NATAL to RECIFE (Brum) on Fridayi^

at The Office in RN, has bMwWoVed to the "Jornal SlCePmg IlldependeilCia. dn r«m E,"""n8S' 3r" -_==^_C<,n""8™° "•"¦ R°- N.. 5, Avenida cent„, THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW The Leopoldina Railway Company Limited

- Head Office No. 4 Fenchurch Street, London E.C.Cable Address "Latescence", London - Office in Rio de Janeiro No. 38 Rua da Gloria.Cable Address "Latescence", Rio de Janeiro. Telephone No. 511 London Secretary J. H. DRURY. General Manager in Rio de Janeiro A. H. A. KNOX LITTLE. i Length of Line 1580 Miles.

saude\yitJoRj^^Ê\\ V RIO DOCEEspxfa SmtoÜ


GUARAPARyWJ"i jWC0MVi:CASTELLO^ -^^'^^TBTSRínwítTjrO TL'Rvo\S'? LUZIA?\ 9Iff/l O$/li£6«5nTSJ*BENEVENTEo/fêMlj, NFARIA LEMOS\Y-j;HffV ''^roWSOí\tt,^^MUNIZ FREIRE1) / f s.cdmlcoí'/ ?\f/ ^ff.^£Jf///7 tmoBRANcoantoniopTad/ Ym'M0£\ò]m'QUYM/li u~<\?^—v^ coelho bastÜt?\S?^? /////// O^^LMAUOElTkfíAHauFtote^3&.MIMOSOMil ^~v-\_7^,eC'M^^ °*"™KrM/J/l/l ,/ \oiamantepatrocínio/ / "0 ''V7 ^J~ \> ('t/0«3 REZENDE ^>Vaíro TELEGRAPHICO ITA2AP0ANA ///////// PIRAÚBAY yMRAL Pi;/TO 1/GLOmA ALTO,VjAPe/tUNAS^EDUARDOf^^^ /MOMO ^">v §///'// / N&í*^.VE«.i\J^J«ÍWe/?0 [SILVEIRACARVALHOS.DOMINGOS\\A POMPAlZ-~L~^!"^^ /bANCOVERDE^CAETANO f BARBAM^^J PASSA CINCO CATAGUfíZES^J***?™ ijupy PARA\ZOX\VI v^V"T MURUNDU/mi «,,.«. n,,' W/llí \ WS™ ^Gffpfc^A, ¥ PALMAPAKAIZO W/// FURTADO DEÇWZfiM-? I rrpni niun V^<51 i».V\ÇATO^(MMW««-^ | /#//// c*»Pou*n P«-«P.ÇJ4AS»«S#*rr / . ^///WRACEMA™N?M \ \lllLLANOm#///// luiunuMpyr^cotiPACHeco NEPOMVCENO ^^*/_w. \S.JOAO I / "^Xf^MBVCY\ir* \«i.lElIlllJílli fíLGUEIRAS/JGMM«?rROÇAGRANDeJE/auoomo^^.ksiS^^WiMS^VMAje**^^T»?ff5 IRMÃOS!*" \h.\COWJOÍ/AIOJJJi////li ^\.VeYÜ/,N0Ü. [e'Mf5"I?ABEl/fum ZypORTELLA/ f((((f(

"W/PROVIDENCIAI ***MACHADO >s^\1/ArP-^V^LS \ \\ /O»ASTOtPHO ^XXH /BATATALI ^"^V "nrfi^,, iJ—rr^Tã^ISffiSiM| \:\V7Csí.wz,kV53Êa>isnÃoJ^r5° ÁtaÀ^i^ bòavista " \\t Xs

\ ^zaturnino braça J|U.\v. ^-P/r/.cJX./^^-^^ Bçu*mmAr7eZUC0X^ondedombé /

*^ MUR'N£LLY\ ^WmW ÁRtmENEOS1LVA\SJOJ^mP«"0 AlO D.MARIANM 1 GRANDE"""^-e^K^Ao/ / Aiaei,TpTORRES\^^A,ClA„AS DE ARARUAMA kjYareal\coNsr?paulino^ ^^.PAdENCvTy^CONDE«ayoE/?/o. ‡^^ÍS^Sí^S^^^0^0?&=W >«l AFfl/BüffGO >v yTQARAPEBUS ^^^^^^^^ S PEDRO DO Rir IMUNEUS *T ^«^— THEODORO DE OU VERIA \. yTCABIUNAS -g^^^^T^^^^'^ ITAIPAVA ALMEIDA PEREIItA ^^sS * I) J^^^^^ZZ^ZZ^^^

ENTRONCAt1ENToJfíA'ZD*SERRA^ru^.r. c C/»W«K_^rríC:>^'Mw«'> /^/// £"?*"eA&iJ _^\SANT'ANNY^^/riobonto CESARIOALVIM 0§mil f/y* 2™"í "i"^ • 'sambaitiba/ If-A ««•"{ /éÊ^W /rio pos índios((((((' WC^/üC ?(/(wSjr)i/////PORTO 0*\& CAirAS^fi/íngua^TANfillÂíllííll 1 Llllllliii(Sk.rV cuHsov.i\ (Ali;Sl/lll/s .*.i.-.iáu.litf——-^

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C ^4 T i A N T Í



XDiiiTi-avers ««- Printers of l?osta*_-e and" Gravadores e impressores de sellos, Revenue Stamps, JSanl* rsfotes, lionds, estampilhas, nolas bancarias, apólices, Stoclt certificates, Drafts, Checks, Billsof acções, saques, cheques, letras cambiaes, e toYloá <».-» documentos e títulos requerendo l-xelian^e, _____ ali instrumenÍH re<_uir-iig- segurança. seeurity.

A Companhia Work execute*, from steel plates with tem elementos e processos special especiaes para evitar a falsificação das safetfuards to prevent counterfeií- suas ii»;yr. yrravuras e emprega papel fabricado Special papei w manufactuied exclü- especialmente para o seu uso. sively foi' tlie use ofthis company,

Kjçuaimente incumbe-se da impressão Railway tiel-ets, inaps, luimbered and de biliietes de l_strãdá de Ferio, mappas, bilbetes com coupon tiel-ets of any size, pattern, style coupons numerados de qual- or de vice with steel quer tamanho, e^tvlo ou desenho e com 9 plate tintM. cores semelhantes á» das impressões de ¦4$ gravuras de aço.

¦ va& - Estimates submitted on receipt of par- ticulars onequiremeni s. A Companhia esta prompta a submetter offei'tas em qualquer occasião.

REPRESENTA TIVE IN BRAZIL REPRESENTANTE NO BRAZIL L. C. I1WINE L. C. IRYINE Rua da Alfândega 51, (Sobrado) Rua da Alfândega 51, (Sobrado) RI O 1> JbD A IV 11) I J JR O Jhf I O _> 1_ JANEIRO

»iimii—_niiM_m,iu>^nifMHnifrtaf._¦_,., ,_n THE B00TH STEAMSHIP CO. LD. LIVERPOOL. Royal Mail Line of Steamers to the Northern ports of Brazil

REGULAR AND FAST SERVICE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN: Liverpool, Havre. Cherbourg, Vigo, Oporto, (Leixões) and Lisbon (calling at Madeira) and Pará, Manáos, Maranhão and Ceará ALSO BE. TW1_1_IN : New-Yiirk and Fará, Manáos, Maranhão and Ceará, (calling at Barbadoes) ) AGENTS . Booth & Co. - Par_. Booth - - & Co. JWananhão. Bóoth & Co. JWsmáos. Holderness & Salgado.-Ceará. Hasenclever & Co Rio de Janeiro General Merchants, Importers of Hardware, Agricultural Implements etc. Open to accept Sole Agencies A PJPLY TO : Messrs. JOH. BERNHD. HASENCLEVER & SÕHNE Kemscheid-Bliedinghausen. GEEMA_T _". ¦:m


THE SÃO PAULO TRAMWAY. LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. LIMITED IX BA. D OFFICE, TORONTO, CA NÃO A - NEW YORK OFFICE, *5 BROAÜ »T. SAO PAULO, CASA MARTINICO RIO DE JANEIRO, 76 AVENIDA CENTRAL Thei QltJ °f Sã° Paul°' Which is the caPitaI of the State of São Paulo> Brazil> is situated in the*u valley11 of the Tietê River, 800 meters above the sea levei and 35 miles from Santos, the sea oí this btate. lhe climate port is dehghfful throughout the year, resembling very closely that of Southern Califórnia. São Paulo is a city of 300,000 inhabitants and may easily be seen by travellers touching at the of Santos ports or Rio de Janeiro, the journey from Santos to São Paulo by railway taking 2 hours and trom Rio to São Paulo 12 hours. On aceount of the natural resources of the State of São Paulo and owing to its peculiar location, the City of São Paulo is one of the most important commercial cen- ters in South America. THE vSÀO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. LTD operates ali the tramway lines in São Paulo and supplies ali the electric light and power. Electricity is hydrauhca ly, utilizing the falls of the Tietê River, some 35 kilometres below the city. I,ü;,9VAnaPH H' ls1de™°Ped there at Present and works are now in for a large increase to the to enableV, the Company progress plant to meet the constantly increasing demand for Four distinet circuits on two separate steel power. pole lines convey the current from the Power House to the Substation in São Paulo where the current is converted for tramway, light and power uses.The Company operates 125 kilometers of track, the çovering entire city. The population of the city being largely Italian, labor is readily obtained. 1 his and good the cheap rates for power is causing many new manufactories to be built Information concerning the resources of the country and that relative to the establishment of new industries, for prices power etc. can be obtained by application to any of the offices of the Company

Telegraphic Address P. 0. Address I^KFtRO— RIO HIME & CO Caixa No. 593 General Merchants, Metal Importers and Manufacturers of Bar, Angule and Horse-shoe Iron, Charcoal Box Irons, Wire Nails, Lead PiPinS» Mule and Horse Shoes, Bolts, Nut8 and Rivets of ali kind». OtíDERTAKE CASTINSS 0F EVERY DESCRIPM0N Sole importers of "RED CR0SS" CE1BENT Sole Importers of Hall's tíamtary Paint "MATOLIJN '" CENTRAL OFFICE: •¦ 52, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 52

w ciass Mtttas IMPRENSA INGLEZA I2 1 1 = RUA CAMERINO = §s>

^trTjwBr Nos. 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81

4࣠Ali kinds of printing, carefully and quickly g executed

~'~V. /** V|r JmWmmmWmmMmi >-*^. Specialities:—tabular work, includingÜ timetables, tariffs and Statistical work of% M ^zm rw **ali kindsÈ M i»—¦/: safejtiZr Send foi* estimates to the ttlorksU m

^ ^-, CAMERINOS * Mn t andAlí lettecpfess RUA | No8 6I 63 65 67 69 73 75 n 7g d ffl | 0WWWJ^WWWWWWWWWWW^WWW ',:.--

^L_# -_B__bI____¦^_B_B_B. W --Væ"I B_b1 m_-____S^^ Ili ,1I F___^l^_» #^ *v^- INI _^^^_r *_N^v*^ <*FV*#V ^^ II I ¦ I I ___A 1 J______^^_# x.^ .<_>^ *,^^^f 1 B_r _ V A j^r *±T5 fc°^\**V^ s> ,^^m 1 V i W _s_s__l^^ ^-V^ * .^V ^ ^ ___s^^s_s_s_sl 1 ^m^^i II A i____P^ t à^ o^1 ^VA ^0^ ^Â \ 1 ¦ I

^^X0'^^"t__s_s^sT^sl III _s_s_P^CV^ o^ *V^ W 0__¦ I m^r ^C^ 6^ ^^^^m ^H r is^A __¦ _s_L ^att^rS \_X a&g°VvV ______rL ¦ 1 ^Hli II v kX <£______sPl | I || II II r^J^^!/_iCi I w A H ______^_i B –v I " _-.-¦j^k I V .111I il I HII II1 I I HIHI A¦ i ¦ k 1 I ^B | n æ| ¦ | II


S. PAULO, Rua de S. Bento 43, Caixa do Correio (P. O. Box) K. Telegraphic Address: ««-LUPTOBí"

SANTOS, Rua Quinze de Novembro 13. Caixa do Correio (P. O. Box) 147 Tele{_rai»lue Address: «WYSARD" OIPROTERS, EXPORTERSAND GENERAL MERCHANTS

lHMK____B__^^^r£P^^^r^^^ -^g^^g^^g^ ¦¦¦^riP^ _S§§&- ^l^H__fi__K___IPs^^n^IS^v •-¦' \' - . ^': 7 *_t <\> SPECIALITIES: ''""TlJÉlliS ..fPj Cement, Belting, Paints, Railway Material, \« Calcium Carbide. Agricultura, and 1^ Sole representativo in the Industrial Machinery, State of São Paulo OF General Hardware, Gas and Water THE STANDARD OIL Co, Pipes and Fittings OF NEW YOItlt & Bedford Iron, Steel, Copper, Brass \\J"* (Thompson and other Metals! Department.) ' ___í-«jr»^jíS__ÉPK.--**^^^. .._- -.-¦¦ ¦-¦ .».¦¦¦:¦¦-.:-:> ¦&?¦;-. Kíg^s8**—' .___—-^-r¦•~'~' '';^';- .;. ..;: ¦.: ? ;^.-"'¦. . .-•-.:¦¦:¦-..¦•"M t

CATALOGUES REQUESTED HKAD O£r_^I01i) IIV PARIS : RUE CHAUCHAT IVo. g Open to accept sole Agencies in the State of São Paulo Mc grafite SüPPLEMEJNT VOL. XII RIO DE JANEIRO, Tuesday July 6th 1909 No. 27 Extracts from the Message






Gentlemen:— article of exP°rt' snowed a falling off nfof no^?^%°n\f&c?aZ less than 17 962 contos In the of my as compared with 1907. Other performance constitutional duty, I am Pf nC1l-1Iy here lay before a succinct account of the ZIZ?'a ^r?ls' -however> m a measure com- you pro- pensated for this shrinkage, . as they gress of events in the State! during the and to contos yielding did 3,100 submit past year, more than mthe previous so that the various measures on which it is advisable for vou to decrease for year, actual legislate.J the year 1908 is thus reduced to 14,800 contos. Before, however, further, F™m+th:is {t is e^de-* that going it is my pleasant duty n* fi the economic development to congratulate myself and the of Minas on the oi the State is proceeding slowly but surely. people as- devotion Gradually the semblmg of this, the third Legislative Congress, for I feel of fazendeiros to the cultivation of one sure that only a próduct it will be as fruitful of benefits to our belòved and dangerous alike to public and finances State and to-dayjohcy umversally private glonous as were it's predecessors. condemned, is giving to ture, a fact which the place pòrycul- On assuming office as Governor of Minas Geraes on following figures prove:— April 3rd of the current year, it was my first care to make a rÍCe in 1906 rapid survey of the economic and financial lOOT^TÍof T°U?ne^ to 4>122 tons. in position, and also 1907 to 8,o49 tons, and m 1908 to 9,773 tons. to enqmre into the reforms which had been value The official made in such of the same was 1,748 contos,. 2,479 contos, imporfcant departments as those of Agriculture and Educa- rf,247 contos respectively. and tion. I beans a^ounted to must honestly confess that although, as I had ex- 1907lQn7E+XP?rQQr°í ín.1906 4,706 tons, in I found to 5,985 tons, and m 1908 to 10,566 tons; pected, that the financial position was precarious, reSPeetÍTCly 1M1 the official as a Mineiro and as a Brazilian I am thoroughly satisfied IndU2,00™Lten COnt08' 1'602 COnto8> with the results already obtained from the re-organisation of our educational and agricultural methods. This re-organi- With regard to milho (maize), the following increase sation was outlined and initiated by Dr. João Pinheiro, of is sliown during the three under review. eXPio7w years In 1906 whose pious memory, and was carried on by the t0 l6'604 tons, of a value of 1,710 Government in 1907 Jfountedthey contos; of our eminent Vice-President, Bueno Brandão, amountéd to 22,107 tons, with a value of 3,094 whose short term of office contos; whilst evoked the sincere and enthusi- m 1908 they reached 26,821 tons, with a astic appreciation of the people of Minas Geraes. value of 3,755 contos.' • From my previous observation, and from what I have Exports of bacon which in 1907 amountéd to 3,627 seen during my two months of office, I feel sure that if we tons, of a value foliow of 4,243 contos, in 1908 reached 4,227 toüs these lines of reform and make our educational of a value of 4,650 contos. methods more practical, we may soon, perhaps, enter on a new-era and find a solution for our economic Exports of potatoes, on the other hand, which grave problems amountéd in 1907 and place the finances of the State on a stable and solid to 6,233 tons fell in 1908 to 5,277 tons, the official basis. .ÍT^Y6*' 233 ^ntos in 1908 than Toni6'1907, it havmg ,was greater in The fertility of the soil of Minas, been 981 contos as against 748 contos,' a the wealth of its iact which is explamed mines, the excellence of its climate and the many natural by the rise in prices from 120 reis per kilo m 1907 to 186 reis advantages which make for the progress and wealth of the per kilo in»1908. State, should act as incentives and impei us to 0Í put forward i oRXP™'! P^anese rose from 214,500 tons in 1907 ali our efíorts to extricate ourselves from the clógging slough to 243,600 tons in 1908. of poverty in which we have for so long been floundering.. ,, of g?ld show an increase of 48,230 Our course is clear—there must be no turning back; the ^P.o^8 grammesr no offipial value m 1908 was 7,894 contos as against 7,793 halting, nor—on the other han.d—undue precipitation. contos in 1907. Exports of lumber rose from 8,311 tons in 1907 to 10,118. tons in 1908. The following The economic position of the past exports also showed considerable in- The Economic year was as follows:—The value of ex- crease:—Milk, butter, eggs, poultry, swine, mules and Position. ports which in 1907 amountéd to 151,000 sheep, tobacco, meai, sugar, molasses and fresh fruit. . . contos, fell in 1908 to 136,000 contos, a The variety of the shrinkage of 14,800 contos. products of the State and the high prices which they command are most encouraging.

'.¦•-¦..¦ ¦ .. .>

¦ THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July 6th, 1909.

No less than 15 articles of export show an official value In this way the Co-operative Society of Cataguazes has in excess of 1,000 contos per annum. been granted a reduetion of 1:526$800 on the 25 :000$000 Comparing exports for the years 1907 and 1908 we get advanced to it by the Government for the purchase of coffee- the following results in round figures:— preparing machinery. Similar credits will be opened for the Co-operative So- 1907. 1908. cities of Ponte Nova, Rio Branco, and São João Nepomu- Vegetables and their products79.730:000$ 63.490:000$ ceno so soon as they have liquidated the sales of the coffee Manufactured goods 7.318:000$ 8.814 :000$ remitted to Europe. Animais and their products ..51.299:000$ 51.060:000$ The. actual amount of business done, so far, by these Minerais and their products . 12.683 :000$ 12.869 :000$ societies is not very extensive owing to the fact that they only commenced operations at the close of last crop, since Total ...... 15.1.020 :000$ 136.233 :000$ the organisation of the original societies naturally took some time. Results obtained so far, however, augur extremely Export taxes in 1908 produced 7.225:000$000 as well for the future. against 8.840 :000$000 in 1907, The Societies actually sold 14,858 bags of coffee of which 5,622 in Belgium, 580 at Naples, and 8,656 in Rio de Janeiro. Actual 'sales during the period from April 16th, In the last Message attention was called 1908, to April 4th, 19.09, in Rio de Janeiro and abroad may Coffee. to the fact that the Government of the State be described as follows :— was endeavouring to solve the coffee problem by The 8,656 bags sold in Rio de Janeiro were on entering into placed an agreement with the two other coffee the market by agents of the Societies commission States (whose producing on a basis of a mutual policy which had was only 50 reis arroba), and they were exempt from already initiated per been on the lines demanded by the situa- cartage charges once they had direct from the Govern- tion. gone ment warehouses to the purchasers. Expenses were Furthermore, it was stated that the product of the thus reduced to a minimum, The coffee fetched surtax would eventually be of indirect benefit to planters, a 205:771$372, and as it had paid in taxes and freight promise which is now being fulfilled. Thus, assistance is 58 :616$447 there was a net balance of 147 :130$660 which, being given to coffee planters who forra themselves into co- divided by 8,656, gives 16$997 per bag, or 4$249 per operative societies, machinery is given to them in the form arroba. of warehouses for prizes; storing coffee are being built at The 5,662 bags sold abroad direct fetched 173 :120$032, our exporting and ports at the ports of destination abroad; and as expenses amounted to 57 :176$873 the net result was banking facilities extended, are being and agents are main- 115 :943$199, each bag being thus sold at 20$623, or 5$155 tained abroad for the of the placing goods; in ali these ways arroba. the Government is causing the increased taxation, repre- per sented by the surtax, to come back into the pockets of pro- The difference in the direct sale of coffee abroad ducers. amounted to $906 over that made by the agents of the Societies, which shows considerable economy. The reduc- Results clearly the efnciency prove of the meausres tion in expenses is ali the more accentuated when sales made adopted, and realising the wisdom planters, of the action by commissarios are examined. taken in their interest by the administration, have responded : to the appeal of Government and constituted themselves Thus, the 8,656 bags of coffee sokd for 205:771$372 , into agricultural societies on the soundest of bases. would have been charged with a commission of 3 per cent. amounting to 6:173$141, and also with cartage charges It may be safely asserted bhat to-day, only few with a etc, amounting to 5:193$600, with the result that net exceptions, ali the districts of the table-lands have principal would have been reduced by 11:366$741 to their co-operative societies, whilst in the South profits and West 135 :752$919, or to 15$683 bag and 3$920 arroba. similar associations are being organised. At the end of per per March about 18 of the largest producing districts possessed From this it appears that there is a decrease of $329 their co-operative societies in full working order. per arroba as compared with sales made by the Societies' agents, and of 1$235 arroba compared with sales made The movement is thus, so far, very encouraging; the per abroad direct. It is noteworthy that these figures are exact idea of mutual association is meeting with a hearty welcome and cannot be disputed, since they are not mere estimates from Minas planters, and I would also have note that you or calculations, but are taken from actual and positive facts. besides the 18 co-operative districts (the only ones sane- tioned by Decree No. 2,180) no less than 10 other districts These economies with intermediaries promise the plan- •¦ are affiliated thereto. ters a better return for their labour, and the fulfilment òf that is now assured, The number of these societies is increasing every day, promise thanks to the loyal manner in which Government has ad- The above facts show very clearly that not only are ministered the law and to the excellent results which have expenses being reduced, but sales are becoming more re- been attained. from a business point of view. munerative. Thus the statesmanlike foresight of the lamented originator of the scheme has been amply . . . As a matter of fact the first co-operative societies which justified, and his expectations realised with mathematical precision. took an active part in the movement and availed themselves '.'¦¦. of the privileges conferred by law, such as those at Cata- As the plantei* receives 4$946 per bag for coffee sold guazes, Rio Branco, Ponte Nova, São João Nepomuceno direct, after he has paid the 3 franc surtax he realises a net and Leopoldina, not only received advances for the pur- profit of 3$050. ' .chase of coffee-producing machinery but also facilitated were The surtax thus comes back to him by two channels, ' of raising loans for in the matter the development of their namely, through and through business. prizes profits. Details The èrection of the warehouses at the of origin, will be found in the report of the Secretary of ports Finance regar such as Rio and Santos, and of destination, such as Antwerp with d to the development of the service, the "and Naples, and the maintenance of agents both at home practical measures taken, expenditure incurred, and the and abroad, are measures which, on the one hand, facilitate future course of action which it is advisable to follow to ¦ the organisation and working of the agricultural societies ensure the perfect working of the scheme. and, on tbe other, Jielp to prove the superiority of Brazilian The Government of the State of Minas received an in- coffee in consuming centres.- vitation from the Federal Government to enter into a mutual agreement with it, the States of S. Paulo and Rio de In this sense grants have been made for the mainten- ;and ance in Europe of the agents of the co-operative societies, Janeiro, for the organisation of- a systematic propaganda for whilst another, which should have the best results, has been our principie article of export. At the meeting held at Rio made to the co-operative societies of Leopoldina and Rio for the discussion of this scheme, the Government of Minas was represented by the Federal Deputy, Dr. Ribeiro Jun- Branco—-which have united for the purpose of joint action— to enable them to maintain coffee roasting establishments queira, whose ability is universally acknowledged. At the in Belgium. mee tings the Minas representative championed the plan has been adopted by and which is such ex- thus extended to the societies represent which us giving The guarantees cellent results. advances on account of the prizes to which they are en- The matter is still under discussion. ' titled, either for putting the best types of coffee on the mar- ket or for placing it in the hands of those intermediaries At the present time there are ten neu- who are in closest touch with consumers. So soon as either Colonisâtion. cleus colonies in the State, as follows:— of these hypotheses is proved the society is at once credited Nova Baden, in the Águas Virtuosas dis- with the prizes promised, trict; Francisco Salles, in the Pouso Alegre District; Itajubáz July -6th, 1909. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. a in the District of the same name; Eodrigo Silva, in the Dis- rmho, at Monte Santo; over the Eio Capivary trict of B;afbacèna; Vargem Grande, in the Bello Horizonte at Pouso Alto; over the Eio Matipoó at S. João; over tne Eio Verde District; Affonso Penna, Carlos Prates, Bias Fortes, Américo at Conceição; Werneck and Adalberto Ferraz, over the" EioCarandahy at Cachoeira de Mos- in the suburbãn district of over the Eio "American this Capital. . quito; " Párahybuna, known as the Zamba Bndge and over. the Eio Peixe, known as the The number of inhabitants in these colonies is as José foilows:— Eodrigues Bridge." Thirty eight bridges were re- paired during the year. Nova'Baden ...... 321 Francisco Salles 246 sum 357:761$910 Itajubá c. . _ ..A of was author-. (in eourse of settlement) 176 Meei Bridges. jsed to be sperit on "síéél Eodrigo Silva the erectioà óf 1,397 _ . bridges in the State. The following were Vargem Grande ..'. 331 fmished:—that over the Eio das Affonso Penna Velhas at S. Miguel" da 112 Ponise Nova, District of Sacramento and that over the Carlos Prates Párahybuna Eio 509 at Sobragy, District of Juiz da Fora f the first Bias Fortes 189 at a cost of 44 :172$200 and the Américo second of 36 :992$100. Werneck 266 following are in eourse of construction Adalberto Ferraz ^he :^felrat over 66 the Eio Munahé at Patrocínio; that over the Eio Verde at Ires Corações; that over the Eio Total Grande, known as the 3,613 Funil Bndge," in the district of Lavras; and that over the Eio Verde at the Station of Pouso Alto. The total cost The production of the Colonies amounts to 517 :677$140, of these bridges is estimated distributed as follows:-—... at 276 :597$610

. ..Nova Baden36 :189$800 Francisco Salles56 :034$600 - a -.-- D - . A sum of 210:480$000 was ex-- Eodrigo Silva 274:550$500 oarríage Roads. on carriage Vargem Grande24 pended .roads during- the- :977$400 year 1908, including- erants of Affonso Penna40 7:190$700, :228$000 6 :500$000 and 12 :000$000 made to the Com- . Carlos Prates39 :386$000 panhia Cachoeira de Macacos and Bias the Municipal Councils of- Fortes33 :572$840 Carangola and Serro, respectively, for the Américo Werneck opening of the' 8 :088$000 road írom Sete Lagoas to Cachoeiras de Macacos, and Adalberto Ferraz _ the for :650$000 construction of roads in the District of Tombos do Caran- gola and the Municipality of Serro. Total 517:677$140

The total value of the various in the said A sum of 244-.915$328 was" e£.i properties Various colonies is 1.026:437$368, whilst the actual amount ex- Works. pended on various works during the pended by the State on the colonies is 81:043$630. year 1908.. ,

The Leopoldina Eailway .,The length of lines in trame at the deposited in Railways.D end farants for the State Treasury a sum of 2.000 :000$000 oi 1908 was 4,216 ks. 766 against 4,044 ks. COlomsation. for the development of colonisation m 1907. During the 1908 172 ks. in the 11511K were 651 year tablelands as agreed in the last contract opened to trame on the following lines:— made between the State and • the Company. So far 254 alqueires of land have been M!etres purchased at Extension of the Central Mar de Hespanha, for 74:600$, and 333 alqueires at Leo- of Brazil Eailway from poldma, for 90 :000$, for the foundation Contria to Lassance 43 o,6g- of nucleus colonies Goyaz Eailway, *m™erm°re' 810 alqueires of land have Formiga to Porto Eeal...'..' 62,378' , been purchased Victoria to Diamantina - at Oure> 1 mo for a sum of 140 :300$, which will be colonised Eailway, Eesplendor to- by the Federal Government. Lageão (inaugurated in December) . .--. 33 0Ò0-" West of Minas Eailway, 5 kilometres of -the ¦ -'-.. :: Pitanguy and 3 on the Mattosinhos brànches . . . 8,000 Total movement of Public -•‡‡ 172,115 PnhliPPublic w/n.i^Works. ™ ,Ih% ?eneral Works during the year 1908 was as foi- jows:— The following sections are in eourse of construction:— ~ Work authorised 1:608 :997$416 Lassance to Pirapora of Brazil ¦ ¦Expenses during 1908 (Central Eailway) . 84,000 paid 1.457 :679$412 Caeté to Santa Barbara (ditto) 5o'o.O.O Bello Horizonte to Alberto Isaacson Authorisations (West of which pass to 1909 151:318$004 Minas; 160,000.' Carrancas '- to Bomjardim (ditto)  130 '''000 " "¦• Extension of the Goyaz and ¦ Victoria to Diaman- '" tina Eailways ...... 61 750 Expenditure on build- ² Public Buildings public in ings in the Capital amounted during 485,750 • the Capital. the ' year 1908 to 295:646$074. æThe new for ate, „ . premises the Director- oi Agriculture, Commerce, Land and Colonisation was çompleted at a cost to the State of 62 :280$620. The build- the : 190"ã..: °*™e Department Auarantee_ t , BDuring year S of Finance was enlarged at a cost of G of I nterest 426:214$658, corresponding. to * to Railways.interest for the. second halí of £ ..1901, was paid to the Sapucahy - Eailway and 235 :370$908 to the new Juiz de Fora to Piau Eailway being interest for the years 1906 and 1907. These Rr-A-, Worlí on brid&ey throughout the State sumSj added to madeup to 1907, oriages. during the payments bring the ex-- year 1908 absorbed 447 :615$110 of penditure of tlie State under this head to 34.006 :483$181, ¦p the Budgetary Vote for the Department 1 ubliciv „T , of distributed as follows :— Works. The following bridges were built:—over the • Eranciscò at Fortaleza, for 2:444$500; 5?ibeu-ão • over the Leopoldina 11.053:144$108 Cassú, for 862$600; over the Eio das Mortes at Sapucahy Ilüéos, for 13.814:056$502 8:059$200; over the Eio S. João at Santa Eita West of Minas 7.670 de Cássia for 8:000$000; :095$237 over the Eiacho do Bananal at Muzambinho140 :438$845 *ructal, for 2:531$000; over the Eio acimo, das Velhas at Porto João Gomes to Piranga383 :085$030 for 39:331$000; over the Eio Extremo at Bagres, Juiz da Fora to Piau945 .^:o00.$; over :663$459 ti1 the Eio Pardo, at Caldas, for 6 :000$000. ¦ine íollowmg were re-built:—over-the '¦- over Eió Cervo, at Lavras; Total . :..;'. ,. Pi..;;..-. 34.006 :483$181:-" the Eio Extremo at Grão Mogul; over the Eio Pinhêi- THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. July 6th, 1909. p • included in estimates for revenue:— The sum of 140 :438$885 on the Muzambinho (a)Eeceipts not (interest surtax bag Eailway) must be deducted from this total as it was liqui- Product of the 3 franc per dated in the deed of lease of this line. on coffee 5.159:397$677 Product of sale of the Sabará to Ferros Eailway 3.000:000$000 Federal Government grant to Gamei-nrtAfl,An/. Loans Authorised by Lawrj he total sum of the leira' model f arm v ‡50 :000$000 the State to loans made by Ten per cent. on revenue from fairs the Sapucahy, Muzambinho according to contract10 :762$950 and Espirito Santo and Minas Eailways, in accordance Eevenue from sources unnumerated4:262$309 with Law No. 64 of 1893, amounts to 15.875:412$051, Collections in advance 15 :731$771 distributed as follows :— Eevenue from Savings Bank102$000

Sapucahy 6.920:000$000 8.240 :255$707 Muzambinho 5.644:412$051 Espirito Santo and Minas .. 3311:000$000 (b)Eevenue from sundry deposits:— Net cash deposits carried to revenue 15.875 :412$051 account in accordance with Art. 2 of the Budget Law 237 :551$388 Out of this total a sum of 2.698:800$ has been re- Sight deposits, securities deposited or of paid free from discounts made in the interest guaranteed guaranteed for execution public to the Sapucahy Company, the loan made by the State to works and for surveys, etc97 :726$171 this line being thus reduced to 4,221:200$000. In accordance with the deed of lease of the Muzambinho 335 :277$559 Eailway, of October 24th, 1907, the total debt of this line to the State was liquidated. fc) Loans:— The loan made to the Espirito Santo and Minas Eail- Orphan and Absentees Fund 179 :726$171 way was also liquidated as may be seen from the agree- Savings Bank 1.204 :426$739 ment signed in the Finance Department on January 9th, 1906. 1.384 :152$771 (d)Crédit Operations:— Kilometric Subsidy.The kilometric subsidy granted Issue of 7,839 apólices 6.590 :070$000 to the Leopoldina and West of Instalment received from Sapucahy Minas Eailways amounted altogether te 3.245 :353$000, of Eailway on account of 1893 loan . . 830 :400$000 which 2.354 :489$000 to the Leopoldina and 892 :764$000 to the West of Minas. I have to inform you that the 7.420 :470$000 Leopoldina Eailway in view of the last contract made by it with the State has refunded the aforesaid kilometric (e)Movement of Funds :— 573:544$046 subsidy. Balance brought forward from 1906 Movement in 1908 ‡ 4.581:502$552 Sundry. Expenditure.The State expended a sum 5.155 :046$578 of 16.657:432$958 on the pur- Total resources for the fiscal year . . 38.190 :729$521 chase and running of the Bahia and Minas and João to 34.489 :321$575, Gomes to Piranga Eailways, of which 16.350:627$788 on Total expenditure in 1907 amounted the former and 306 :875$170 on the latter. inclusive.." . 444 was The Muzambinho Eailway was sold to the Federal Estimated expenditure according te Law .No. was Government by deed dated October 5th for a sum of 18 546-637$097, but the amount actually voted was, 12.000 :000$000. 16 387 :060$858, or 2.159 :576$239 less. The fui] sum As The Sab.ará to SanfAnna dos Ferros branch, to-day however, expended by the two departments of State. credits incorporated in the Central of Brazil Eailway, was also sold a matter of fact, expenditure exceeded the actual to the Federal Government for a sum of 3.000 :000$000. authorised-by 2.510 :109$847, which was, however, reduced direc- to 2.159 :576$239, owing to economies made in other tions to the amount of 350:533$608. Estimated expenditure for the Department of the ln- Sapucahy Railway.Using the authorisation granted terior was 8.287:824$500, but the actual expenditure in Art. 29 of Law No. 440, of amounted to 9.053 :394$635, an excess of 765 :470$135. 1906, Government despatched Decree No. October 2nd, Estimated expenditure for the Department of Fmance 2,213 of December 2nd, 1908, in virtue of which an agree- was 8.099:236$358, but actual expenditure amounted to made the Sapucahy Eailway on December ment was with 9.493:342$462, an excess of 1.394:106$104. revision and unification of ali former con- 31st last for the Extraordinary expenditure amounted to 2.210 :420$884, traets. The new contract, besides embodying modifica- to which must be added various amounts includedin the favourable to both has the advantage of " tions parties, balance under the heading of Operations of defining the relations between the line and the State, budgetary Crédit," amounting to 9.080 :274$231. We thus get a total which for some had been somewhat involved and years extraordinary expenditure of 12.050 :695$115. obscure. to these extra- The principie items which contributed budgetary expenses were as follows:— Financial Position.Budgetary for 1907 provisions Construction of the Sabará to Ferros . were made in Law No. 440 of 2nd Eailway 1.522:719$628 September, 1906. Ordinary Eevenue was estimated at Bankers' commissions, interest, etc. 301:591$770 16.436:615$700, whilst Eevenue actually collected Withdrawals of deposits 114 :477$084 amounted to 15.655:525$906, or 781 :089$794 less. Moneys refunded from the Orphans This shrinkage was due to a falling off in revenue from and Absentees fund and with- várious sources, such as export taxes, stamp taxes, new drawals from Savings Bank 1.105 :705$089 and old claims, transfers fín/.s-n mortis, land tax, licensing of the Eio Doce Eailway . . . 253 :477$598 tax, etc, of 1.599:055$235. There was, however, an in- Purchase Guarantee of interest to railways . . . 1.598 :753$173 crease of revenue from transfer tax inier vivos, railway Leasing of the Muzambinho Eailway 6.153 :C52$600 returns, collection of outstanding debts, matriculation Eedemption of sums drawn on ac- dues, eventual revenue arising from fines, etc, and also count of revenue 1.834 :390$860 from restitutions and refundings. The total increase under these headings amounted to 817:965$141, to which In addition to this, there was 2.776 :284$274 outstand- total collection of outstanding debts contributed no less ing from 1906. than 375 :938$487, since collections actually amounted to 495:938$487, as against 120:000$000 estimated. The actual shrinkage was therefore reduced to 781:089$794. Comparing total revenues, which amounted to To the 15.655 :525$906 of estimated revenue must be 38.190:729$521, with total expenditure, which amounted added: various sums arising from extra-budgetary sources, to 34 489:321$575, we find.a balance of 3.701:407$942r as followB;—¦ .. which was carried forward to 1908. July 6th, 1909..* THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.5 -——-²«p—¦__. Credit balances amounted to 3.997:707$50l. # State Debt.To date, 3187 bonds of 500 írancs Deducting debit balances, amounting to 296:295$555,each of the 1897 íoreign loan have been we arrive at the aforementioned balance. But, if we com-amortised, and there are at present in circulation 102,202 pare actual revenue collected, 15.655:525$906, with thebonds of a nominal value of 51,101,000 francs. During actual expenditure, 18.546 :637$097, we find a difference ofthe year 1908 the service of this loan amounted to 2.891:111$191.4,285,988 francs, equivalent to Rs. 2,698 :410$000. From From this it is obvious that our actual budgetary re-1907 UP to February last the service of this loan has cost sources are insufficient to cover ordinary expenditure, even , tne Treasury francs 49,148,702. when the latter is reduced to a minimum.A contract was signed in P^ris in 1907 with Messrs. Revenue from ali sources, including both deposits andJ- Loste and Co., for another loan of francs 25,COO,000, balances brought forward from 1905, and ali operations oftype 84> interest 5 per cent. per annum amortisable in 35 credit, amounted to 25.399:829$312, whilst expenditure,years as from January 1913. including that due for 1906, amounted to 34.489:321$575,As it3 was stipulated in the contract that sufficient there being thus a déficit of 9.089 :492$263.funds should be retained for the payment of the first and If, from the resources of the fiscal year under discus-second coupons (on March 15th and Septamber 15th, 1908) sion, we discount debts outstanding in 1908, whichas well as suffiicient funds for the service of the loan to the amounted to 4.581:502$532, the balance oi 3.701:407$946latter date> the net product of the loan was francs is turned into a déficit cf 880:094$586, which is a true19,529,544.75, equivalent to Rs. J2,561:434$150, which home statement of the financial position in the said fiscal year.amount ,after expenses connected with the loan had Revenue from budgetary resources in 1907, as com-been deducted, was reduced to 12.543 :472$350. pared with 1906, increased by 1.184 :831$115, or about During the current fiscal year a sum of 401:322$000 been expended per cent. This increase occurred in practically ali the^as in payment of the third coupon. items, whilst it is noteworthy that, during 1907, no rates orrjh® Morro Velho loan, contracted on Ist August, 1901, taxes were increased, whilst, on the other hand, the taxwas extinguished on Ist June, 1908, ali the bonds having on salaries and wages was remitted, as was also the 300 reisbeen redeemed by that date. The interest on this loan from tax levied on each cubic metre of wood fuel used on theAugust 1901 to June 1908 amounted to 224 :991$304 railways.The internai debt of the State has been slightly re- lhe final balance for 1908 will shortly be presented todue ed and now amounts to 46.035 :200$000. The substitu- Congress, and but slight alterations will be found as com-tion oí nominative bonds for bonds to bearer has been nearly pared with the figures already laid bciforè you.concluded. Un May 31st last there only remained 86 These figures are, in brief, as follows:—bonds of 1:000$ each and 8 bonds of 500$ each to bearer, Revenue, ordinary and extraordinary,outstanding. in accordance with Law 470 ofQuotations of uhe internai debt have remained firm at 14th September, 1907 18.631:580$635800$000 on the Rio Stock Exchange., There has been con- Revenue not estimated in—tlíé^siderable demand for these securities, which is a proof of Budget 1.452 :591$219the confidence which the public has in them. Orphans Fund and Savings BankThe total deDt of the State may be summed up as Deposit 1.497:057$264tohows:— Operations of Credit 24.543:872$350^nternal Debt 46.035:209$000 Movement of Funds /. 4.704 :232$531,fc®r^ÍaÍ^T , (a) 102,202 debentures of 500 francs of francs 65,000,000 Total Revenue for the fiscal year .. 50.829:333$999f.ach W loan (írancs 51,101,000) equivalent at Actual expenditure on account of15d. exchange, to 37.497:272$142 the two Departments of State ... 22.492:474$796(b) 50,000 debentures of 5 franc each Extra budgetary expenditure 1.210 :790$188of the 1907 loan, francs 25,000,000 Withdrawal of sundry Deposits .... 1.176:741$012at 15d. exchange 15 898 -550$000 Operations of Credit 1.491:506$448' Movement of Funds 4.581:502$232Total 94.431:022$142 In addition to the sum due to lhe State Government Total expenditure 30.944:014$976from the Bello Horizonte Municipality, which amounted to Surplus 19.885:319$0231-637:931$088 in 1908, the said Municipality received a su mof 637 :200$000 Law No. 470 estimated revenue for the past year at*urther between Januarv and May of 20.783.865$700 whilst actual revenue collected amountedther ^nrrent year, to which must be addel the value of 485 to only 18.631:580$635, or 2.152 :285$065 less.EqSSSvBt* by the State in M8rch 1901' repiesènting This shrinkage is due to a falling off in returns from,. ;ü00$000, so that the total indebtedness of the Munici- export taxes of more than 1.500 :000$000, from the licens-pallty to the State 3mounts to 2.923 :131$088. ing ~^T tax of 888:000$000 and from the transfer tax causaWotinníii Pvhihiti™ .r. mortsi, stamp, and land txnmmon. rhe Minas Pavilion achieved taxes of more than 100:000$000"«"""idi" each.;- . a brilliant success at the Exhibi- wlll.c.h On the other hand, there was ar. increase over esti-tlon tooJ Place in the capital of the Republic in com- mates in transfer, inter vivos taxes, new and old claims,w^S- the °Penmg of the ports of Brazil to the s !0I\ (oFection of outstanding debts, eventual revenues and resti-5 trar?l;., Uur exhibits tutions. . were eloquent proof of our progress in ali branches The principie sources of extra-budgetary revenue wereimPortant of industry and of the great natural of our as follows:—' ''vT-" resources State. A large number of prizes were -r , i ;.-'• - .-.¦.-, .: -¦¦'._: awarded to our exhibitors. ' ""* 829 :2^^ XIlT/Vc^nilíeOPOldma 1.280 O0OW00inittte^etTs^ ¦« As the Interest Ld etímmission the on cash de-b amounted To „h S°"o :000$í)0^IZIZ^J 2 ^^ posited in the banks -944$629X\l7^M J a further credit of °'-^^y57 49J .274$266 was„ openeda\ to meet Productet of the 25^,000 000 nanesWátíòl foieignforeiVn ^ the increased expendi- Al those who contributed to the success of our •'; * '^ lAo4d .472*^50State at the Exhibition SaleQoi ofí Muzambmhoa*¦¦¦¦¦:¦••; :; deserve the praise and gratitudeo-ratitnHp otnf Railway 12.000:000$000the people of Minas Lrought forward from previous fiscal year and sundry small items .... 3.701:407$946ConclusiOíl. In bringing this account of the course From these figures it is obvious that the financial con-. ... of events during the past to a conclu- lt year dit-on of the State is far from satisfactory; ordinary sourcesq1,011,' 1S pleasant duty to proffer to the Secretaries of my ^ of revenue gave 2.183 :342$948 less \n 1908 than in 1907,,e he.arty thanks for the invaluable and devoted whilst expenditure rose from 18.546 :637$097 in 1907 tôafj™nce which they have rendered to my Government, and the 22.492 :474$790 in 1908, there being thus a shrinkage inat sa.fe;time I sll0uld like to extend this exnression of vevenueof more than 10 per cent., and an increase in expen-W gratl*ude to ali Government officials. Any further diture of more than 21 per cent.details which you may require with regard to the various . In view of such a state of affairs, it is superflous toof^rLnlníi! P^blic found in the repvis out that Secretariesfservice^J of State, J>e point a severe course of economy must be pur-respective sued and that it is the duty of Government to reduceWFATT^l expenditure att BRAZppa7 PEREIRATDPüriB* GOMES.™-*x-no in every direction if our budgetary equilibriumWLiNCESLAU^ is to be restored. - .. , , President of the State.
