THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW RIO DE JANEIRO (RJ) 1909 06 JULHO - 28 DEZEMBRO VOL.XII N.27-52 p^^*^^ ^^^^— ¦" '«<¦}'-¦¦¦ ' , • :W * % m ¦ «v^... ** • Hi ato Iraztfet lletóetr INDEX TO ^ PART OF VOLUME XII Six months July to December 1909 ®'®^@/©/^®>^®' Consumption in Brazil 922 Immigration returns 948,1&44, 1147 Contrast, a, Acre territory, movement to re-name 804 Exports from S. Paulo 858 Index numbers 1103 Convention, °25 Advertising extraordinary 706 the political Introduction, Minas—Presidenfs message to Con- Correspondence, Agriculture, new Ministry of created 676 the Lloyd Brazileiro 855 gress of 730 Cotton:— Alagoas, protests against 2 per cent. surtax 2095 Crop 1910 Amazon, The, Telegraph, extension of concession 1909, Entries at Pernambuco months 1909) 2032 "Jornal do 704, 786, 2090 (2 Commercio," waking up 2020 Estimates, crop 2080 Justice, Americana, The C04 miscarriage of, at Bahia .. 2070 American Capital in 8. America 1053, 1150 Shipments, Parahyba 969 Shipments, Pernambuco Amethyst, H.M.S. at Rio 972, 999 (9 months) 909 Shipments, Pernambuco 905,1015 Amsinck, death of Mr 733 (season) Arbitration, Treaty with Norway 705 Credits opened 940 Leopoldina Railway 1080 Arco Vallcy, Count, death of 733 Custodio Coe ho's return 1124 Letter from the Editor (Santos) 1176. 1198 «&'.;. Athletic Sports, S. Paulo 2071 Customs, Rio Revenues 708,904 Liners—Mammoth building 676 Lloyd Brazileiro, English Syndicate to buy .. 676, 876 Lloyd " Brazileiro, New s.s. S. Paulo " 700Í 946 Bahia:— Death of Veridiano Carvalho 975 Loans: « Depressed Trade at 949 Death of Count Arco Valley 733 New, in Brazil New State Estimates H47) igig Diamonds in Brazil 1104 Balance of Sea Power 858 Diplomacy, the Alsop claim 2014 Bahia Port Banco, ItalorBraziliano, reorganisation of 2026 Distances on the Amazon 2094 Internai Banco, Espagnol, re-opening of 20C9 Dividends:— Pernambuco Banks:— Brazil Railways Co1056 Porto Alegre Santos A new (Custódios) 2064 Brazilianische Bank für Deutschland 1056, 1107. Local conditions Brasilianische für Deutschland, Report 1197 1062, 1198 London, British, the, new departure of 2069 City of Santos Improvements 1127 Money Market, The 857, 951. 1056^ • of England, rate hardening 985 Great Western of Brazil 1104 ditto 5 per cent 1097 London and Brazilian Bank 1080 M Black Hand in S. Paulo, the London Bank 2094 and River Plate 2090 Madeira River, British steamers ascended Bolivian Trouble, the 732 807 Navigazione Italiana 2090 Manáos Tramway and Light Borlido and Moniz CatalogueV..' Co. 1151 Neuchatel Asphalt 1080 Matto Grosso, incursion of Paraguayan Brazilian Gold Fields Subsidiary Co forces 709 Pacific Steam Navigation Co 1127 Message, President of Minas Geraes, Brazilian Warrant Co., authorised Supplement "Brazilian 677, 1002 Rio Claro Railway 1104 to No. 27 Review," the New ' 951 Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills 708 Message, President of British Capital State of Rio Janejro, Ex- s-a employed abroad 802 S. Paulo Railway 1080 tracts from Brussels Exhibition, Brazil at the 1102 Sociótó Chargcuro Reuniu 2000 Mcorage, rresiaeni or s. PáuVoT^Suppiemei .m&* Buenos Aires, population of 677 Dock, the Ilha das Cobras contract 2064 No. 34 Dreadnought, "Minas Geraes" 972 Meetings of Companies: Dreadnoughts, Germany paying the piper for 1002 Dumont Coffee Co Cable, a new 2064 Dredging at Bombay 999 St. John dei Rey Co., Ltd Cacau, slave-grown 758 Dumont Coffee 762 Western Telegraph Co Cacau, produetion of 333 Dumont, Railway sold 2094 Mexican Light and Power Co. .......[....['.'...'. Caixa do Conversão 857, 940 Minas Geraes, Message of President, Supplement E Caixa de Conversão, false notes of 974 to No. 27 Minas Caixa de Conversão, working of 1080 Economic forecast (Editorial 1087 Geraes, Estimates for 1910 1000 " Campista, Dr., left for Europe 782 Economist," the, on Pernambuco Docks 2020 Mining in Rio Grande do Sul 2097 Minister of War, Canada, the making of a great Power 10G2 Empire, tlie meaning of 735, 785 resignation of 1056 Mogyana Railway Ceara, finances of 787 Errata 901 at Santos, Supplement to No. 28 Mogyana Railway Ceara, Railway extension in 1172 Exhibition, the Healtheries 758, 803 Report 682 Exchange, the 815, 958 Money Market, Analysis of Census 1910 H24 position of 839, position of Exchange 915 Central Railway—see railway Money Market in London 818 Motor Cabs and Vehicles, London Central Railway, passes on 974 1172 Motor Cabs and Vehicles, Rates Central Railway, proposal to lease Ferrer 1055,1074 for 946 999 Murtinho, Dr., in London Chancellor, Mr. W. G. leaving Finances, City of Rio de Janeiro 904 705, 732 for England 1197 "Financial Cheetham, Mr., leaves for England News," on the Buli tacfc üülb 758 "Financial Times" and Nilo Peçanha 7C6 N Chjnese Ambassador, the 1052, 1076 * Floating Dock, Vickers, Sons and Maxims obtained Codíish trade òf Newfoundland with Brazil 975 National Debt, The contract for«54 1056 Coin, Brazilian, market value of in London 1056 National Debt, Remarks Flour 2090 on and volume of 1079 Coffee:— New Issues: Forecast, economic 1087 Analysis of Rio Stocks 771 Amaral, Sutherlands Foreign Trade of Brazil .. 714, 810, 953, 1031, 1155, 2u07 and Co 1081 Buying direct from Planters 2019 -Amazonas Telelgraph Deb's Foreign Trade of Brazil. 1907-08. Supplements to 2066 Casquinha, reported shipments of 2070 Apólices 1909 No. 42 2090 Consumption of (from Le Café) 793 Banco Frauds on Banks £30 Credito Hyp. and Agr. do E. de S. Crop estimates 1909-10 2080 Paulo Frce passas on Central Railway 948 681 Dumont fazenda, Report 736 Brazil Free Trade 808 Great Southern Railway Extensions 681, 787 Estimates of 1909-10 crop 2080 Frontiers 928 Brazil Railway Co. 5 per cent. bonds 1105, Estimates of 1909-10 crop being reduced 1012 1151* Fruit, s.s. freights for transport of 1074 Brazilian Gold Hill 905 979 Flowering 889, 912, 937, 987, 1089 Fruit trade 1052 Casa Vanarden (S. Paulo) Flowering prospects improving 1089, 1136, 1159 703 Cia. Automóveis ar.d Garagens (S. Paulo) Gigantic shipments of 961,2078 905 Cia. Cerâmica, Villa Prudente (S. Paulo) 834 Limitation at Santos 987 Go'd:— Cia. Fiação and Tecelagem Carioca 929 Limitation, to be maintained 932 Cia. Arrivals of 958, 985, 1157 Graphica (S. Paulo) Madras Brand 7Cg Cia. Intermediária Cheques 834, 929, 1150 de Café (Santos) .. Monthly Entries 2030 Shipments to South America 808 Cia. Paulista de Nav. and Comm. .. 2020 Movement, 6 months 938 "New Wor:d's output of 2090 Cia. Salto Fabril (S. Paulo) 834 York Journal" on 978 Deutsch Sudam. Telelgraph Ges. Fosition, the of (Editorial) 1170 H A. G. Propaganda of, to be proceeded with 898 Empreza le Melh. do Paraná 709 Steamship Blucher 780 Record week's shipment 2078 Hamburg American Excursion Empreza Paulista de Melh. no Paraná 859 of Public, resignation of Shipments gigantic 901, 2078 Health, Department Fabrica de Esmalte S. Paulo Director 852 Stocks, analysis of Rio 771 Fabrica de Fiação and Tecidas, S. Rosalia Statistics of Crop—Supplement to No. 43. Hopfner, Death of MrB57 Jequirá Rubber Syndicate Companies, English formed in 1908 1103 Hudson and Fulton Celebration 830,876 1199 Maceió Municipal Loan Commercial Statistics, the 2004 767 l Manáos Tramway, Light and Power Co. Congress, credits for Ministro Viação 2004 Municipality of Para Insps Congress, new house for 1146 Italian Emigration to South America 758, 1076 898 Para Rubber Produce debentures Consola, British, yield of 978 Immigrants located (1908) 905 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1146 m .. 787 Scarcity of small change >;¦¦ ¦ Corcovado .. ."W.• • "*" State Foreign loan 787 .. 1104 wanted V Pernambuco Heavy freights in Brazil Schools for loan 70» Porto Alegre, City of, flirting extension to docks .. 2090 Shipping News:, % Leopo'ldina Railway's " " ..:*£,;• 854 ¦ Porto Alegre loan 763,1178 at Praia Formoza .. .. 2090 Lloyd Italiano s.s. Mafalda Leopoldina Station " .,..,* 924 Bahia, issue of bonds 709 of .. 782 Loss of s.s. " Columbia at Montevideo Port of Madeira and Mamoré, progress 830 IP.1* steamer ' Sociedade Anony. Fomento Argent681 Minas and Rio Railway and Sapucahy New Booth " New ¦¦¦ 830 Société Sucr. de Angra 979 Mogyana Report Shipping Bill (coasting), World s 783 North Western of Brazil,construction -?«j4 Shipping construction and tonnage of,. State of S. Catharina Devi. Corp979 830 Paulista, Supplement to No. 29 s.s. " Frisio," of Holland Lloyd •• St. John dei Rey Gold Co681 H01 1105 ' Robbing on S. Paulo and Rio Grande Nordd. Lloyd, The Therezopolis Railway 783 898 S. Paulo and Rio Grande, progress of Vessels lost 1908 New Issues in London for September 1079 Railway loan l103 Brazilian 1077 Nicarágua„. *2088 Sapucahy Shipping Subsidy, Tariffs 762 1100,1194 Nil Desperandum ••• Shipping Subsidy in U.S.A. , Report 996 Nilo Pecanha 022> Therezopolis, Silver for coinage '•.•; _g1172 Vicinal bought by Mogyana 730 Novemoer 15th Smallpox microbe, diseovery of Osw. Cruz Rio, City of: exemption 830 Stamp duty, S. Paulo bank demar.ds, American .Assoc. at 9-18 75fa from Balloon accident Paciflt Steam Navigation Co 1125 Statisties: appròpriãtion for 948 Beer, consumption of, in No. 43 Pan-American Congress, '8Z Coffee crop, Supplement to 708, 809, 904, 1002, 1127,2116 Brazil Express Messenger Co. service Supplement to Paper Money in circulation 802 Foreign Trade, 1907 and 1908, Cinematograph incident Para' Electric Railways Deb's /3C No. 42 Improvemenfs dividends •_1C° ?07 1910 City Statisties of official
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