Deyr flooding update As of 16 November 2020


Popoulation Overview: Deyr Flooding District Affected Caluula GAALKACYO 3,900 ! Ongoing Deyr seasonal rains (October-December) have affected nearly 214,000 Gulf of aden Qandala Zeylac ! BANADIR 13,400 ! Bossaso DJBOUTI Laasqoray P people, of whom more than 108,000 people have been temporarily displaced from ! 36,124 Lughaye Ceerigaabo their homes in South West, , Hirshabelle and states as well as ! P Berbera Awdal ! Baki Iskushuban BALCAD 120 ! ! Sanaag Bari Banadir region. Most displacement occurred in the two worst affected regions in the Borama Sheikh Ceel Afweyn P ! ! Woqooyi Galbeed AFGOOYE 21,000 ! Shabelle River basin - (South West State) and Gebiley Hargeysa Burco Qardho Bandarbayla P OwdweyneP ! ! ! Xudun Taleex (Hirshabelle State). In Baidoa town, South West State, more than 66,000 people KURTUNWAAREY 20 ! ! Togdheer Caynabo ! Sool including IDPs have been affected, of whom 6,000 have been displaced. Thousands QORYOOLEY 49,205 Laas Caanood P Garowe Buuhoodle P ! of hectares of farmland have been inundated particularly along the river basins. Eyl WANLA WEYN 8 Nugaal ! Burtinle Authorities and aid agencies are appealing for urgent assistance especially clean ! BAIDOA 66,690

Jariiban ! Galdogob drinking water, emergency shelter and food. Assistance is also required to drain ! TAYEEGLOW 650 Gaalkacyo P stagnant water in order to mitigate the risk of water-borne diseases and to re-enforce WAAJID 430 Cabudwaaq ! Cadaado ! sand barriers along river breakage points. The lower areas along the Shabelle River RAB DHUURE 220 Dhuusamarreeb have remained inundated since July following heavy Hagaa (July-September) rains P Hobyo ! within the Shabelle basin in Somalia and the Ethiopian highlands. According to the BELET XAAWO 9,000 Galgaduud Ceel Barde ! Belet Weyne P Ceel Buur Xarardheere BU'AALE 605 ! ! latest rain forecast issued by SWALIM on 12 November, no risk of flooding is Rab Dhuure ! Doolow Hiraan SAAKOW 630 ! BakoolP Tayeeglow foreseen along the Juba and Shabelle rivers. ! Xudur Bulo Burto Ceel Dheer Belet XaawoLuuq Waajid ! Adan Yabaal ! ! ! ! ! KENYA AFMADOW 12,000 Garbahaarey P ! Baidoa . P Comparison of current and long term average levels JAMAAME 19 Qansax Dheere Middle Shabelle Ceel Waaq ! Buur Hakaba ! ! PJowhar Cadale Wanla Weyn ! Bay ! Diinsoor Shabelle River at Belet Weyne Juba River at Luuq LAAS CAANOOD 26 Baardheere! Balcad ! ! ! Banadir Indian Ocean Lower Shabelle Saakow ! P ! Qoryooley! Marka 9 6 Kurtunwaarey Bu'aale Sablaale P ! Baraawe 8 ! Flood displaced population 5 7 Afmadow Jilib ! ! > 50,000 6 4 Jamaame ! 5 Kismayo 10,001 - 50,000 3 P 4 1 - 10,000 Badhaadhe 3 2 ! 2 Rivers 1 1 0 0 l l t r r t r c r y v g n c y n v p b g n n p b u c u c a p a e p a o e e u a e a u o e e u a J u J J J J O J A S F O D A S F A D N A M N M M M

Long-Term average 2019 2020 Flood Risk Long Term 2019 2002 Flood Risk

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. | Creation date: 16 November 2020 Feedback: [email protected] | | | | Produced by OCHA Somalia Information Management Unit