Afghanistan Agricultural Strategy
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TC:TCP/AFG/4552 FINAL DRAFT TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURAL REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES FOR AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN prepared by FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome January 1997 AFGHANISTAN VERSITY I NR II II I I II 111111 3 ACKU 00006806 3 TC:TCP/AFG/4552 FINAL DRAFT TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURAL REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES FOR AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN prepared by FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome January 1997 Printed at: PanGraphics (Pvt) Ltd. Islamabad. CONTENTS Page FOREWORD 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 1. INTRODUCTION 5 1.1 Background 5 1.2 Assistance to Agriculture 6 1.3 Strategy Development 6 1.4 Constraints 8 1.5 Assumptions 9 1.6 Timing 10 1.7 Strategy Framework 11 2. THE STRATEGY 12 2.1 National Goal 12 2.2 Agricultural Sector Goal 12 2.3 Strategic Priorities 12 2.4 Development Profiles 16 2.4.1 Creating Food Security 16 2.4.2 Increasing Economic and Social Development 21 2.4.3 Raising Skills and Employment 25 2.4.4 Developing Natural Resource Management 29 3. ISSUES 32 3.1 Role of Government 32 3.2 Resource Utilisation 34 3.3 Creating Capacity 35 3.4 Credit 36 3.6 Sustainability 37 4. IMPLEMENTATION 38 4.1 Accurate Data 38 4.2 Delivering Services 38 4.3 Input Supply 39 4.4 Research 39 4.5 Extension and Training 40 4.6 Monitoring and Evaluation 40 4.7 Project Outlines 41 ANNEX 1. PROJECT OUTLINES ,ANNEX 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY SUBSECTOR REPORTS 1. Land Management Frank Berding 2. Farming Systems Bernhard Schelhas 3. Water Resources and Irrigation Walter Klemm 4. Livestock Production Olaf Thieme 5. Forestry and Agroforestry Steven Newman 6. Extension and Training M. Azam Khan LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Objectives, approaches, activities and target groups 14 Table 2. Time linkages for direct activities at various levels of input and support 15 Table 3. Project Concepts Immediate Objective 1.1Protect lives through food aid 16 Table 4. Project Concepts Immediate Objective 1.2 Re- establish agricultural output 17 Table 5.Project Concepts Immediate Objective 1.3 Raise agricultural productivity 18 Table 6. Project Concepts Immediate Objective 2.1 Increase saleable production 20 Table 7.Project Concepts Immediate Objective 2.2 Improve technical and economic activity 22 Table 8.Project Concepts Immediate Objective 2.3 Increase capital formation and investment 24 Table 9.Project Concepts Development Objective 3. Raising skills and .employment 26 Table 10. Project Concepts Development Objective 4. Natural Resource Management 30 Table 11 Table Summary of proposed projects 42 LIST OF MAPS Map 1. Afghanistan by Administrative Regions Frontispiece EXCHANGE RATE May 1996 US$1.00 = Pak Rs 37 = Afs 12,000 (av rate, but variable) November 1996 US$1.00 = Pak Rs 42 = Afs 15,000 (av rate, but variable) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Land area 1 jerib = 0.2 ha Weights 1 seer = 7 kg ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACBAR Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief ADA Afghan Development Association ACLU Afghan Construction and Coordinating Unit AHPIM Animal Health and Production Improvement Module APIR Action Plan for Immediate Rehabilitation ARC Austrian Relief Committee ARIA Agricultural Research Institute of Afghanistan ARRP Afghanistan Rural Rehabilitation Programme ASA Agricultural Survey of Afghanistan BVW Basic Veterinary Worker CBR Consultant Bureau for Reconstruction CIUP Construction and Irrigation Unit of Pamir CoAR Coordination of Afghan Relief CPO Country Project Officer DACAAR Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees DAI Development Alternatives Inc. DDPP District Development Pilot Projects DRS District Development Shura ECRA Engineering Committee for the Rehabilitation of Afghanistan (under IRC) EDS Engineering Development Service FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN GAA German Agro- Action HAVA Helmand - Arghandab Valley Authority HLDC Herat Livestock Development Corporation IDP Internally Displaced Persons IP Implementing Partner IRC International Rescue Committee JCE Jihad Consulting Engineers MADERA Mission d'Aide au Développement des Economies Rurales MCI Mercy Corps International MoA Ministry of Agriculture MWP Ministry of Water and Power NAC Norwegian Afghanistan Committee NCA Nangarhar Canal Authority NGO Non -Governmental Organization NPPP National Professional Project Personnel ORSTOM Office de Recherches Scientifiqiues et Techniques Outre -Mer PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal QIP Quick Impact Project RAH Reconstruction Agency of Hindu Kush RA FA Reconstruction Authority for Afghanistan RSC Rehabilitation Steering Committee RVSA Regional Veterinary Service Association SCA Swedish Committee for Afghanistan SWABAC Southern and Western Afghanistan Baluchistan Association for Coordination SOGREAH Société Grenobloise d'Aménagement Hydro -agricole TCP Technical Cooperation Programme (FAO) UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCHS United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT) UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDCP United Nations Drug Control Programme UNIDATA United Nations Information Data Collection UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services USAID United States Agency for International Development VA RA Voluntary Association for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan VFU Veterinary Field Unit WRC Welfare and Relief Committee for Afghanistan WFP World Food Programme ee 70se 71 SCALE150 (km)ioo .e,ede,ro ee Foyzod 72 111.1. S 24 es se KabulL E O G CAPITAL E N D OF COUNTRY Galetr--o PROVINCIALINT'LPROVINCE BOUNDARY CENTRE BOUNDARIES --.............. DISTRICTRIVERSALAQADARI BOUNDARIES Asada J_lalob9.o FOOD&OF THE AGRICULTURE UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION AFGHANISTAN,Promotionand Development of AgriculturalProgrammes Retlabllltotion TCP/AFGADMINISTRATIVE / 4552 DIVISIONSApril1996 AFGHANISTAN AGRICULTURE IN BRIEF Some brief statistical data on Afghanistan are set out below.Varied sources and time periods have been used for the data.Care should be taken in making comparisons between periods. 1. Population Estimated population 13.05 million (1979 Government census) 17.64 million (1990 Unidata population project estimate) 18 -20 million (1996 unofficial UN estimates) It is estimated that 70 -80 per cent of the total population are engaged in agriculture. 2. Land Use Land area by form of land use (as at 1972) Area (ha) percent Area (ha) percent Irrigated land orchards 80,200 2.4 cereal cropsx 2 /year 451,400 13.7 x 1 /year 733,700 22.3 intermittently cropped 2,023,000 61.5 subtotal Irrigated land 100.0 3,288,300 5.12 Rainfed crop land (total area, only 20 -25 per cent cropped eachyear) 4,835,700 7.52 Forest area 1,987,000 3.09 Rangeland and other 54,128,500 84.26 Total land area 64,239,500 100.00 Source: FAO Land Use Statistics 1972 3. Production of Principal Crops Crop Gov't Statistics 1976 Estimated 1996 Area Productivity Area Productivity `000 ha kg /ha `000 ha kg /ha Wheat 3404 1316 3600 1700 Barley 320 1200 310 1150 Maize 484 1612 485 1700 Rice 210 2071 215 2100 Cotton 112 1429 80 1450 Sugarcane 4 15 4.5 16 Sugarbeet 5 20 2 19 Fruit orchards including citrus 140 880 70 400 -450 Vegetables 92 7830 90 7900 Sources:1976 data. First Seven Year Economic and Social Development Plan 1976 -83 Ministry of Planning, Kabul, 1355 (March 1976) 1996 data. FAO Integrated Crop Programme estimates 4. Livestock Numbers Livestock 1967 1981 1991 1995 Class Total Total Total Farmers Kuchis Total Cattle 3633 3750 4049 3495 198 3693 Sheep 21455 18900 18688) 15504 6508 22012 Goats 3187 2900 ) 5458 3472 8930 Horses 403 400 245 167 200 367 Donkeys 1328 1300 1131 872 147 1019 Camels 299 265 80 101 176 277 Source: Livestock Production Report (this volume), Table 1. FOREWORD In April 1978, the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) took control of the government in a violent coup and thereby set in train the events which led to a civil war that stillremains unresolved. The war reached a climax in April 1992 when the PDPA (Communist) government resigned, leaving an estimated one third of the population (6 million people) in refugee camps outside the country or internally displaced, agricultural production significantly reduced and the country in desperate need of food and other help. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) took the leadership role in coordinating international efforts to assist the Afghan people. In October 1993,it produced the Afghanistan Rehabilitation Strategy, which emphasised Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) to get the system functional again as soon as possible. With no time to lose, the emphasis was quite specifically short-term.The strategy was soundly planned and well implemented. Within three years, between two and three million refugees were re- established in their farms and villages and in some areas the agricultural sector is considered close to pre -war production levels. The success of the Rehabilitation Strategy has meant that priorities have changed. The emphasis is no longer on survival through short-term, quick impact activities. The strategic approach must now be based on the longer -term, aiming to raise productivity in a sustainable manner and in that way, to support a return to peace and stability in the countryside. The FAO project Promotion of Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Programmes for