

TETWrEKATTJSE- fOB-ECAST Mtt tonieht and Tuesday, bat evercait Hiih 71 (past 24 hours, S *. S8.) _SW II early tonight; warmer te East Timid**; IA.U. I_ADIN08 _I OTHER CITO- OCEAN TIDES TO.MORBOW tos Anteles . _8_IS-U Lake City Tampa — _78 Denver , Rich I Low Fitttbort— — _74|New fork ___ -Tt 10:56 a.m.: 11:81 p.m.! 4:41 a.m.; 5:4» p.m. Dei Moines — _70|Kanial City . -TS SCN RISES j SCN SETS New Orleans -80! Ban Franeiico -SS LOOK _74i Chicago ______-78 6:26 O'clock I 6:00 o'clock eve Beston •• Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member —Established Oct. 13,1875 VOLUME LVII NUMBER 223 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 PRICE TWO CENTS PESTILENCE THREATENS HURRICANE-TORN BELIZE Metropolitan Water Bonds Death Rides Caribbean Hurricane Natives, Fearirjl TaxFiximrProbe ARTICLE VI Aimee's Husband Latest Dictates Half-Size or Full-Size Aqueduct Water Shortage, May Reach Bsck Suggestions have been advanced in a number of quarters that it Promises Critics Of Dame Fashion would be feasible and economical to construct the Colorado riser aqueduct on a scale one-half the size proposed by the engineers who have worked out the plans for the project. Advocates of this plan claim that the smaller aqueduct would meet Flee Ruined Gty Teo Years Past present needs and that additional construction could be carried oat later .mack on Nose To Be Previewed to care for the increased demands of the future. The argument has been presented that this course would reduce the amount to be expended Death Toll Estimated at Limitation Statute Does on the building of the aqueduct. Evangelist's New Mate by Santa Monica Merchants Not Apply to Misuse Analysis of this proposal by F. E. Weymouth, chief engineer of the Elopement Waves Iron Plan Gala Event for More Than 1,000; Many district, has shown conclusively that such half-size preliminary construc­ of Public Funds tion would not only not be cheaper, as claimed, Fist for Bride, 38 Friday Night Bodies Burned WOULD PROVE but that tt would in the long ran mean an , Sept. 14 MORE EXPENSIVE outlay of $69,483,000 over and above tbe total LOS ANGELES, Sept 14 The newest in fall fash­ BELIZE, British Honduras, cost of the aqueduct planned tor Weymouth (CNS) — Aimee Semple Mc- Sept. 14 (AP) (By Pan-Amer­ (CNS)—Possibility that the ions," that elusive phrase ican Airways Radio to New arm of the law may stretch and his staff of engineers. Ths Colorado river aqueduct, Weymouth Pherson, for whom a sensa­ which has been whispered back as much as a decade in points out, once lt is constructed, will serve the community indefinitely. tional "sawdust trail" Of evan­ Tork)—Fearing serious con­ For this reason an extended bond repayment period ls justified. gelism, with all its successes, about for more than a month, ditions in this hurricane- its expected prosecutions and Fifty-year bonds are contemplated, and no repayment of capital charges stricken city, under the threat ef even la civil collection suits In ths is to be made la the first fifteen years. has not been lacking in pitfalls will become an official tide in "million dollar tax fixing" was pre­ "The project ts to be paid for by coming generations. It would clearly faced future vicissitudes today with Santa Monica Friday night when, water shortage and possible epi­ dicted today when It was disclosed be unjust to proceed with a plan adequate for 18 or SO years but not fresh confidence inspired by a brand all dressed up, Santa Monica's shops demic, the natives are fleeing Be­ suited to expansion, to care for ths needs of the people who must pay will step out in a preview to show lize as rapidly as possible. that the statute of limitations will now 230-pound baritone, her hus­ fashion's latest dictates. for it. The project should be planned, as far as is practicable, to be band. not apply in this case. fair to the entire group upon which the burden of repayment must fall," The review probably will be the BELIZE IN PATH No Limit Set Weymouth points out. This baritone, David L. Hutton, biggest and most extravagant that Pasadena singer awl fiery loading the Bay district residents ever have OF NEW BUBBICANE Legal authorities and attaches of "The present generation must not be bankrupted in order to make a BELIZE. British Honduras, Sept. large, but less essential, saving at some future time. On the other hand, man in Aimee's church opera, "The seen, with all the prominent stores the district attorney's office prepar­ Inn Furnace," carried the evangelist open for the occasion and special 14 (U.R) (By Pan-American Airways ing for tits resumption of the grand the future ef the project should not be jeopardized for the sake of a Radio) — Belize, devastated and relatively small reduction in annual expense. If a half-sized aqueduct off to Arizona before dawn yesterday lighting effects used to display the lory inquiry tomorrow united in de­ in a romantic airplane elopement. costumes, it was declared today. stricken by last week's hurricane, claring that there is no statute ot could be constructed and operated at half the Married In Yuma was threatened with another storm limitation covering the misapplica­ MUST NOT BANKRUPT cost of a full capacity one, then adoption of Per Men, Too today. tion of public funds. PRESENT GENERATION such a size would save the interest on half the They were married at daybreak in Since a wide departure in styles The new disturbance was report­ Already it has been hinted that Investment for a number of years. Such. a Yuma, at the edge of the desert already has been noted for the win­ ed moving up oat of the Caribbean the investigation has disclosed "fix­ saving could be balanced against the reduced certainty In final perfection waste whieh once provided the locale ter season, women and men, too, and heading toward the city. The ing" Of taxes on unsecured personal of water rights, the disadvantage of having to go through another period for another of the colorful episodes are more than usually Interested in word spread fresh terror among the property extending over the last de­ of shortage and other disadvantages of a partial development. But in Mrs. McPherson's spectacular the trends the styles will take, lien's dazed people. Authorities hoped, cade. actually, half capacity construction, in certain features, costs much more career. stores, as well as many women's however, from the direction of the Indications today were that the than half as much as full capacity," Weymouth asserts. Then "Dave," whose romance with dress shops, will have a share in the wind, that the storm might pass grand jury Stay conclude its inquiry, Estimates show that a main line tunnel at half capacity would cost the evangelist was a scant three preview. to the north of the city. perhaps with indictments, by within approximately 70 per cent as much to construct as one ot full capacity. months old, bundled his bride into The slim, straight, youthful sil­ about three weeks. The construction of a second unit would require a considerable period of the cabin plane and brought her houette, tt appears, will dominate FIRE THREATENS TO Call Business Men time, and the same would hold true In the case of covered conduits and back to Angelus temple, where he for street wear in both dresses and ADD TO DESTRUCTION Although the Jury still Is engaged lined canals. issued today his ultimatum against coats and it frequently is called the BELIZE. British Honduras. Sept. In questioning private citizens — The cost of constructing power lines and pumping plants would be Aimee's critics. "pencil" outline. The coats will be 14 _P>—Fire threatened to complete most of them representatives of cor­ increased, due to the necessity for more pumping plants and other "I've got a smack on the nose for more lavishly trimmed with furs the destruction of storm and flood porations and business houses sus­ those self-appointed critics who in than ever, it is indicated, with sa­ bles and foxes retaining their heads today as the work of burying and pected of knowledge of the "fix­ (Continued on Page 13, Cols. 6, 1) the past months have delighted in cremating the dead from last week's ing"—it was intimated that. If In­ malicious persecution of Aimee by hurricane—now estimated at more dictments were returned, they would slanderous remarks to the public," (Continued on Page 13, Col. T) than 1,000—went forward. be limited to either present or for­ the new husband declared. The suburb of Mesopotamia was mer employes of the county asses­ Wans 'Carping Critics' menaced by flames that spread sor's office. "Aimee is the most wonderful rapidly in spite of unceasing effors Tomorrow between 10 and 11 busi­ Adults to Start Schedule Tours woman's I've e\er met. Bite con­ on the part of soldiers and civilians ness men will he . summoned. for forms exactly to all the ideals of Atlantic Fliers to block their path. An Inflammable questioning by the jury, it was perfect womanhood,'' he continued, liquor warehouse was in the path learned, with one assesor's employe, "and I aim to do my best to help of the conflagration, and fears of a woman, to be given her second her to perpetuate those ideals in an explosion spurred the fighters chance to answer questions, under a flasses Tonight Of School Tract her good work. Nor do I expect to to frantic measures. threat of contempt citation If she see that work hindered as lt some­ Seen Near Goal Many Bodies Burned fails to do so to the satisfaction of times has In the past by carping Scores of bodies were burned on the jurors. Evening High School to Parent-Teachers Arrange critics." five great pyres almost in the center To Question Employes Have Varied Courses Final Details of Two Dave's determination, his size and Lisbon-to-New York Plane of the once-flourishing city, now Thursday's session also will be de­ in ruins. At least 700 bodies were Visits Wednesday his enthusiasm quickly earned for Sighted by Skip Off buried in crude trenches dug in the voted to questioning tax payers, tt Free for Public him the sobriquet "Iron Man." BS cemetery by convict labor. Still more was said, and the interrogation of grinned somewhat sheepishly when Nova Scotia Coast bodies, floating down river from the assessor's employes — both those The dinner hour either will be Pinal arrangements for tho per­ he heard it, and then launched Into interior, made an accurate check ot summoned for a general picture of pushed up 30 minutes in- many sonally conducted tours of the high a discussion of his plana to devote S. S. PENNLAND, at Sea. Sept. the dead Impossible. Cremation conditions and those believed to Santa Monica homes tonight or school building and the land includ­ his life to helping Mrs. McPherson 14 (.IT—The German trans-Atlantic was resorted to because of the fear have knowledge of specific Instances dishes witt be stacked in tbe kitchen —she will remain Mrs. McPherson airplane D--072 circled over the —will begin next week. The report sink, because father, mother and ed In the bond issue were made by of disease. the tours committee in a meeting professionally—in her evangelism. Pennland at 1:40 p. m. (E.S.T.) to­ Squads of volunteer laborers of Eugene Berger, grand jury audi­ other grownups are planning to en­ He's 14; She 38 day in latitude 45.55 north, longi­ worked under the direction of Hon- tor, and bis corps of accountants, roll in the evening high school, last Saturday at the boats A (Crs. The singer, by the way. Is SO. tude 54.39 west (395 miles east ef duran soldiers to clear away the who have been examining tbe asses­ which opens for registration and E. F. Kline, chairman. The tours Aimee gave her age as 38 when they HfWrCX N. s.» and proceeded in a tangled wreckage of what once were or's books, also is expected to be in selection of classes at 7:18 tonight in committee is a part ef the citizens' aroused a sleepy license clerk In westerly direction. homes and stores. Business was the inquisitor's hands early next the high school. committee of 100, which is non- Yuma yesterday morning to prop­ paralyzed, and all manner of activ­ week. Two weks of examining the Teachers will outline the work soring the bond election, to be held erly register their marital venture. LISBON, Sept. 14 UP)—Two Ger­ity was subordinated to the work of records and questioning of employes which will be offered in the coming September 22. "Of course well be happy," Mrs. relief. are anticipated before the Inquiry months Mid students wUl have the Tours will start from the south­ McPherson-Hutton declared today. mans and a Portuguese, each forti­ Ships Rush Relief can be completed. opportunity of selecting the subjects west corner of Fifth street and Ari­ "I grew very very fond of him when fied by a Jug of water and a loaf Hundrrds of those maimed and Orand jury attaches refused to they wish for .their winter's study zona avenue at 10 a. m. and 11 we worked together on the opera of broead, among other things, were cut by the fury of the storm were commit themselves on the question and diversion. a. m. Wednesday. Any persons de­ three months ago. Our interests are A scene in San Juan. Porto Bico, which was struck by one of being treated with medical aid of whether they would summon two Expect Big Class siring to inspect the crowded con­ much the same. We both love music on a flight from Lisbon to New York rushed by airplane and ship. The 1 two hurricanes which swept across the Caribbean sea, ls pictured D. 8. 8. Swan and the Sacramento former employes of the assesor's of­ Willi Virtually everything from dition in the high school and te and we both love this work in the above. Two were killed in Porto Rico. The map shows the path today. fice, suspended at the first disclo­ sec for themselves what land the church. Willy Rody, Christian Johanssen are among the mercy ships on the making hand-painted wall decora­ of the storm, which caused more than 1,000 deaths in Belize, British scene. The British ship Danae is sure of "tax fixing" and who are tions to a study of navigation offered, board of education proposes to pur­ "I thought it all over many times Honduras. and Fernando Costa Viega hopped known to have retained counsel. it does not appear that any grownup chase will be provided with trans­ before we took the step. I didn't from Juncal do Sol, about 30 miles en route with additional food and Findings will be turned over to will fail to find something of portation at the meeting place know how my congregation would from Lisbon, yesterday morning at medicine. Everett W. Mattoon. county counsel. interest. It Is more likely that the Wednesday. take it, and when the announcement Discovery of the body of Rudy for a study of each case with a view 9:30 a. m. (4:30 a. m. E. S. T.) and Lewis, killed with 23 natives on St. greatest difficulty will be In choos­ Provide Escort of the marriage was made at the expect to be in America in 40 to 42 George's Bay, brought to 12 the to civil actions to recover the taxes ing between the many attractive afternoon services yesterday, I for the county. A motorcycle escort will be pro­ hours. They were reported to have number of Americans known to courses. vided for the caravan,' Clarence trembled with apprehension. Ship's Survivors Labor Sees Beer passed over the Island of Fayal hi have been lost. A heavy enrollment is expected in Webb, chief of police, assured the going to the Azores at 12:47 p. m., eastern Mrs. Braun, Bush the navigation class since the Inter­ committee, and guides at ths high "But when the congregation, God standard time. est In yachting and boats in general school will be supplied to direct the bless 'em, began clapping my heart Schooner Attempts To Talk on Bonds has been stimulated by Santa visitors through the crowded class­ was filled with happiness. I feel Radio reports received later said Monica's recent successful harbor rooms, ths antiquated cafeteria, the we are going to have a wonderful On Way lo Put As U. S. Panacea the plane had been sighted by an To Smuggle Chinese All voters are Invited to attend a bond issue. Harold S. Barden, local overflowing study halls and to point future together." American steamer off Bermuda. meeting to be held in Madison OUt the lack of gymnasium and Button, who became acquainted SAN DIEGO, Sept 14 ill!)—Coast school at 7:30 p. __ Wednesday, yachtsman and navigator, who will Passengers, Crew Being Legion Convention Told Their plane is a Junkers all- guard cutters of Southern Califor­ instruct in this course, said today campus facilities. with Aimee while she studied voice metal, once owned by Charles A. nia and the navy at San Diego have when Mrs. *1. O. Braun and Dr. that any person completing both the Persons desiring to go direct to culture in his Hollywood studio, re­ Levine and Christened the "Esa" Ralph Bush, dean of the Santa vealed today that Honolulu will be Brought to San Pedro That Breweries Would been ordered to be on the lookout Monlea junior college, will speak on elementary and the advanced classes the high school will be met by mem­ Just before the start in honor of for an auxiliary schooner endeavor­ the need of approving the school of this course should become capable bers of the P.-T. A., who will act the scene of their delayed honey­ by Fruit Liner Employ Million Rody's young bride. It was heavily ing to land on the Pacific coast with bond issue. Members of the Mad­ of navigating a yacht on any ocean as a reception committee. The high moon. \ laden with 635 gallons of gasoline contraband from China. The vessel, ison and Roosevelt Parent-Teacher and of passing ths navigation ex­ school students' committee, in They must first hold a revival at SAN PEDRO, Sept. .4 (U.R)—Hav­ WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 (APV— and 165 gallons of oil, enough for according to dispatches from the associations will sponsor the meet­ amination for a licensed In charge Of the tours of the building, Ventura tonight, and then go to ing cheated death in a tropical hur­ Representatives of labor today laid 48 hours in the air. North, is the auxiliary craft Mare- ing. Mrs. Myron G. Ellis, president the merchant marine is mads up of Addison Barnett, Portland, Ore. for similar services. before the American legion unem­ belle. Her cargo is said to consist student-body president, and these When these are completed, the ricane off Baja California. 234 sur­ Weather bureau officials attempt­ of Madison P.-T. A., has called a service. assistants: Jack Lane, John Kline, vivors of the liner Colombia today ployment conference a suggestion ed to persuade them to forego the of 124 Chinamen, six Chinese wom­ special board meeting for 19 a. m., couple will speed back to Los An- that the legalization of beer be flight on account of unfavorable en, 500 cases of opium and a quan­ tomorrow. Woodshop Class Faye Helmrick. Rod Taft, Lacy were en routis to San Pedro aboard Arthur R. Bullock again will be Rich end Mary Gaston. (Contlnued on Page 3, Column 1) tlte United Fruit liner La Perla. urged as a means of providing em­ conditions, but their words went un­ tity of Chinese liquor. tn charge of the woodshop classes, ployment for more than 1,000,000 heeded. Mrs. Ernest Blenkhorn. Mrs, H. Radio advices received here said men. and because of the many handsome G. Miller and Mrs. Charles Burness Storm Hits Mexico the survivors had been transferred Body is a 30-year-old aviation fan New Storm Moving Merriam to Address pieces of work turned out by these will head the reception groups. from the rescue steamer San Mateo, M. J. McDonough, president of who recently came Into a small In­ classes last year, a heavy enrollment To See Site From Caribbean Sea southbound, to the La Perla, sailing the building trades department e£ heritance and promptly spent lt on On British Honduras Service Group Here is expected tonight. Following Inspection of the high MIAMI, Fla.. Sept. 14 UP>—Sweep­north to Los Angeles harbor. the American Federation of Labor, the plane. Frank L. Merriam, lieutenant gov­ Various classes are being offered school, the tourists will be taken ing westward across the Caribbean urged action by the next Congress Johanssen Is a naturalized Ger­ WASHINGTON. Sept 14 CUB—> ernor of California, will deliver an for persons interested in aeronautics over the site. "After the tourists sea, a tropical storm struck inland The Colombia, veteran of the to legalize the brewing Industry, man who was born in Denmark, and The weather bureau issued a warn­ address on "The Constitution" to­ have seen the land the board of aSBT Pay Obispo, Quintana Boo, Panama Mail line, was driven to characterized by him as formerly ls a veteran pilot. Viega is a sports­ ing today that a tropical disturb­ morrow noon at the weekly meeting (Continued em Page 13, Col. 6) education is proposing to convert Mexico, today, said a radio message tbe rocks last Saturday night as the fifth largest industry in the man and a flying enthusiast. ance of Increasing intensity would of the Santa Monica Kiwanis club into a school tract, they will regret received here by Pan-American Air­ she neared Cape Tosca as a storm country. move Inland over northern British at the Miramar hotel. The speaker that they have only one 'yes' to give ways. No information was obtained of hurricane proportions drove out He estimated that within six Honduras later today. Is a past president of the Long Supervisors to Test to their dty in the coming bond as to the storm's intensity. of the Pacific toward the coast of months 1,250,000 men would be em­ Hoover Back From The disturbance at that time was Beach Kiwanis group. R. L. Parker election," members of the commit­ Mexico. ployed, In addition to benefit being central 100 miles east northeast of ls program chairman. Buying Preferential tee declared today. Twenty-two hours after the Co­ provided other industries. Camp in Mountains Belize and was moving westward. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 (CNS)— Visiting win continue all day at Detroit Preparing lombia struck at 11:65 p. m., Satur­ Opening the conference, Ralph T. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 UP) — By unanimous vote, but with recom­ the high school. The tours will end day, the United Fruit liner San President Hoover returned to the mendations that test cases be made, at noon. For Legion Meeting Mateo drew alongside the grounded O'Neil, national commander of the Murder Farm 'Show* Baseball Results the board of supervisors today Anyone desiring to register for the Legion, told the assembly of three white house shortly after 0 o'clock DETROIT. Sept. 14 (.TV-National ship and completed the rescue in score representatives of states, cities, today greatly refreshed by two passed a resolution living products tour may do so by telephoning to a heavy seas. nights and a day spent in the Vir­ Halted by Citizens manufactured in Los Angeles coun­ member of the tours committee, headquarters of the American Le­ Industry and labor, that the Legion CLARKSBURG, W. Va.. Sept. 14 AMERICAN LEAGUE ty a 5 per eent preference over which is organizing the transporta­ gion moved Into Detroit today and According to meager reports re­ considered the present unemploy­ ginia mountains. The chief execu­ At Boston— R H E foreign merchandise. tion corps. preparations were begun for tho ceived by coast radio stations, the ment situation comparable to the tive left his camp after an early (U.R)—A group of Harrison county Chicago 300 010 040— 9 14 4 rescue was extremely hazardous, but breakfast. Mark Sullivan. Henry citizens, angered because the quiet The question of a 5 per cent pref­ Members of the committee include 13th national convention which will crisis presented by the World war. dell "murder farm" ef Harry F. Boston 200 000 64x—12 IS 0 erential, which would permit local Mrs. Kline, Mrs. F. C. Shepherd, open next week. accomplished without loss of life or Delegates, sitting coatless because Robinson, Los Angeles banker, and Thomas, Frasier, Garland and concerns to add 5 per cent to their i Mrs J. J. Henkel, Mrs. Mignon injury to any of the passengers or of the intense heat, heard O'Neil Postmaster General Brown accom­ Powers was turned into a public Grube; Llsenbee, Moore, Morris and bids but compete evenly with for­ Fermin, Mrs. R. L. Irwin, Mrs. J. crew of the Colombia. assert that enforced idleness was panied him on the motor trip. side show with a SS cents admis­ Storie, Connolly. sion, have torn down the fence and eign firms in county contracts, was Murdoch, Mrs. E. Brann, Mrs. X-Ray Weapon May The 114 passengers and most of constituting a "menace to our gov­ driven out tbe two armed guards. raised during the discussion when Charles E. Hewes. Mrs. Ralph H. the crew had taken to the ship's ernment." He said racketeers and At Philadelphia— R H ? the bids for supplying automobile Bush. The committee will be as­ Halt Scarlet Fever eight lifeboats shortly after the ship gangsters were setting up a govern­ Cleveland 101 020 200—6 16 0 tires to the county for the next sisted by officers of tbe various MONTREAL, Sept. 14 <.D—A dis­ struck. For two hours the boats ment of their own, and, looking for YES, ITS TRUE Labor Federation Philadelphia _ 000 001 100-4 9 1 six months came up. F.-T. A. groups. covery that X-rays may be used to bobbed on the swells until the recruits, were whispering "into the Hudlin and Sewell; Walberg, protect the public, ana particularly searchlights of tbe San Mateo ears of hungry men." That Manuel Marques, 36, of the Opens Convention Rommel and Heving, Palmisano. children, against spread of scarlet flashed through the darkness as a Santa Monica fire department has fe- ver was reported to the American sign that rescue was at hand. SANTA BARBARA, Osl. Sept. 14 Second game— R H E Public Health association today. earned the title of "globe trotter" (U.R)—The 32nd annual convention Cleveland 400 200 122—7 IS 2 Chain Store Head around the headquarters. Though a of the California State Federation Philadelphia _ 144 414 Olx—9 It t Late News Briefs Highest Paid Movie t i of Labor was called to order here Brown, Jabionowski, Law son and In Alimony Couri\^ ^i^'^^^ '^^^ toddy with 400 delegates in attend­ Myatt; Hays, Earnshaw and Coch­ COMING EVENTS Star Returns Home ** never been more than 150 miles ance ta the Santa Barbara Labor rane. ABE ESPINOSA LEADING P. G. A. QUALIFIERS HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 14 IS3)—Con­ LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 (CNS)— | from Santa Monica. temple. stance Bennett, Hollywood's high­ D. O. McDonald, executive of the That Santa Monica's junior col­ At New York— R H E PROVIDENCE, R. I., Sept 14 (AP)—Abe Espinosa, of TONIGHT est paid film star, was back in town J. P. Penney chain stores, today lege ranks lowest among the 36 Detroit 400 100 000—1 S 0 Chicago, today had a par round of 70 toe his first qualifying Night school classes start at Santa today - from Paris with a wardrobe was haled into alimony court by his Junior colleges to the state in in­ Coast of Sonora New York 000 000 02x—2 4 1 trip over the Wannamoisett course and the performance Monica high school, 7:15 p. m. of 30 new gowns which it took her estranged wife, Lenore E. McDon­ structional cost and that, so far, in­ Sorrell and Hayworth; Pipgras Concert program by Kurtis H. a week to select In the French cap­ ald, who was seeking temporary structional costs have been its only Swept by Storm* and Dickey. placed him at the top of the lift of the 100 professionals seek­ Brownell and Marian Antoinette ital—and witb the opinion that film monthly alimony of 42,500 pending expenses, as the college shares the MEXICO CITY. Sept. 14 CD—Dis­ ing te upset Tommy Armour from his P. G. A. championship Kalayjian, Pilgrim Lutheran church exhibitors aren't holding a personal trial oiTier divorce suit to which high school plant patches from Ouaymas, Sonora, At Washington— B B E parish ball, 8 p. vs. grudge against her because she re­ she charged him with misconduct said today that heavy rains, ac­ St Louis ._ 402 100 000—S 4 f throne. Community sing. Ocean Park au­ ceives the reported sum of 430,000 with another woman. Of the 44 students graduated last companied by strong winds, had Washington . Ill 000 Six—« 9 0 ditorium. 8 p. m. weekly. year from Santa Monica's Junior swept the whole Sonora coast on Stewart and Ferrell; Marberry, 28 DIE AS BOAT GOES DOWN IN HURRICANE Santa Monica Symphony orchestra L.A. Gambling Rings college all are eligible to enter the ths Gulf of California tbe last 34 rehearsal. 1347 Fifth street, 8 p. m. junior year of the state university, hours. Hadiey and Spencer. MAZATLAN, Sinaloa, Mexico, Sept. 14 (UP)—The motor- Radovich Gets Long Again in Operation although 37 out of the 44 could not NATIONAL LEAGUE boat Navojoa, enroute from Mazatlan to La Pas, Lower Cali­ TOMORROW LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 (CNS— have entered the freshman year Brooklyn at —P o s t- fornia, was reported today to have been lost in yesterday's Santa Monica Kiwanis club, Mira Penitentiary Term In what they hope to be "police upon their graduation from high Find 22 Bodies in poned, rain. mar hotel, at noon. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 (CNS— proof resorts, gambling rings, which school. This is not Interpreted as hurricane with approximately 25 passengers. Santa Monica Towns club. Car- * term ot from seven years to life have been "lying low" since the kill­ a reflection on the high school, as Bombed Fast Train At SI. Louis— B fl E mel hotel, at noon. I in Folsom penitentiary today was ing Of Charlie Crawford and Her­ the state university haa rigid en­ BUDAPEST. Hungary, Sept. 14 Philadelphia 110 000 021— 5 14 2 LAWRENCE TIBBETT'S WIFE FILES DIVORCE SUIT Opening dinner of Los Angeles' meted out to Nick r.adovich. two- bert Spencer, again are making tlfeir trance requirements in order to (U.R)—Twenty-two bodies had keen St Louis 530 310 IS*—IS-11 1 RENO, Sept. 14 (DP)—Grace Tibbett filed suit for divorce county W. O. T. U. convention. First time loser, for the robbery of the bids for venturesome money, Capt. j keep out of its freshman year recovered today from the wreckage J. Elliott, FaUenstein, Milligan Presbyterian church. 6:30 p. m. . I San Gabriel branch of the Callfor- Clyde Plummer, head of the district'! students who will not be able to of an express train Mown from the and Davis, Conned; Stout and Man-1 today from Lawrence Tibbett, movie and operatic star, al­ United Santa Monica-Ocean Park I nia bank, to which $1,200 to cash attorney's gambling and vice squad, complete the four year courses with Biatorgaby by two powerful leging extreme cruelty. league, Ocean Park library. S p. m. 'and travellers checks was taken. warned. credit to the university. bombs. The bridge was demolished. AGE TWO EVENING OOTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 •PAIN CONGRESS EARLY BIG CONTRACT MATCB Four Arrested on MADRID. Sept 14 UPt—Five p. as. Trees Given Away NEW YORK, Sept. 14 UP> — Ely Gandhi Twiddles fhambs and Drinks is such 9) terribly early hour that Culbertson has accepted the chal­ Disturbance Charge seldom Is a quorum ready when To Provide Jobs lenge of George Relth, chairman of Art Association Pastor Elected' congress is called to order. What the Knickerbocker Whist club, for a VENICE, Sept 14—Alleged to with late night sessions, day com­ Lee Angeles county nurseries to­ contrast match, but there is a hitch. Goafs Milk While Conferees Argue have been fighting and creating a mittee hearings, three-hour lunch day were to begin giving away Culbertson insists on 200 rubbers, disturbance on the Venice pier early trees to property owners if appli­ Relth wants 10 evenings' play. [!->--.^i and an hour for coffee, B takes a cants agree to employ men to plant LONDON. Sept. 14 (AV-TheMahatma M. K. Gandhi, carrying a bot­ yesterday morning, four youths were real hustling congressman to be on Plans Big Show tle of goat's milk for his midday meal, went to St. James palace before By Presbyterians time. them, under authority issued by taken into custody by police. John B Qulnn, supervisor. noon today to attend as a silent observer the first meeting of the federal The four, charged with disturb­ Do you wake up mornings more structures committee formed to draw up a new constitution for India. ing the peace, identified themselves PROMINENT EDITOR DIES The general offer was made In tired than when you went to bed? Works of Members to Be Pledged not to talk because Monday is his "day of silence,*' be was driven Rev. David John Donnan as Bernard Keever, 31+ ff 4707 LINCOLN, Neb., Sept 14 UPV-Ole response to a suggestion from Clark I have m tonic for yon that will to tbe palacf in a small closed car Expected to Begin Hit Sunset boulevard, Bollywood; Bus- Buck, 59, of Lincoln, editor of the Bonner, official of tbe Montana Infuse new strength and health Exhibited at Library along with Mme. Sarokini Naldu about the points of discussion. He sell Land, 26, of 1612 Cahuenga United States Publisher, of Spring­ Land Co., owner of thousands ot to all tissues of the body. Starting October 2 and her secretary. observed bis rule of silence strictly Duties Nov. IS boulevard, Hollywood; Andrew Hick­ field. 111., and for the past 13 years acres in the Long Beach district. and sipped goats* milk at intervals secretary and field director of the HA—BT DOLSON. OBCOGIST Wearing Loincloth from an American made vacuum man, 21, of 386». Loma drive, Los E-elaelve UCIHM, 101 BROADWAT y Already bailed -by Los Angeles The Rev. David John Donnon Angeles, and James Gardner, 19, Nebraska Press association, died English railways are reducing A Boaaedr far Every Ailment Bk was wearing bis customary bottle. unanimously was elected minister of 215 North Venice boulevard. here last night. sleeping-car fares. critics as "one of the Important art loincloth and shawl, for the sun was Police Beady For Action events of the corning season," the shining brightly and it was like a the First Presbyterian church of tiT—*-* faQ exhibition of the Santa A large group of police were sta­ Santa Monica last night and will belated summer day. tioned across the street from the begin his pastorate here about No­ Monica Art association will open As he drove into the grounds, po­ palace, behind a wall, ready for im­ October 2, in the gallery of the pub­ vember IS, It was announced today W*W***WW*********W*WW*R*W**A**W*****^******^^»^*^^W*WMM**WMWWM^¥W^*WW¥W*MMW»MW»¥¥W¥M¥¥MI lice rushed to keep photographers mediate action If necessary. by church members, who expect • lic library. Only members of the and a crowd of the curious away. He Gandhi had a place of honor at formal acceptance within a short assocLalton will be eligible to sub­ was escorted up the. re-carpeted the conference table to the left of time. $5,000 CASH FREE mit work for this exhibit, George stairs to the conference room by __3-_ sankey, chairman of the com­ ' Barker, president, announced today. As pastor of the Firsst Presby­ RALPHS CHRISTMAS SAVING CONTEST Mme. Naldu mittee, with Pandit Malaviya' on his terian church of Helena, Mont., the This year's exhibit attains prom­ Although Gandhi usually sits on other side. On Lord Sankey's right Rev. Mr. Donnan. 34, has been high­ No Work, No Drawing, No Element of Chance inence by virture of the many hon­ his haunches, today he took a was Sir Samuel Boare, new secre­ ly successful in educational and \ ors which Santa Monica artists chair like other delegates. Lacking tary of state for India. The meet­ young people's work and been active ENTER NOW—DON'T DELAY have won throughout the state. his spinning wheel, he sat at tbe ing was held to a small room be­ in both Y. M. C. A. and Boy Scout end because the membership has table twiddling his thumbs and pick­ tween Queen Anne's drawing room work during the six years he has already doubled during the oast ing his fingernails as he thought and the throne room. resided there. He is secretary of the SNIDER'S PRODUCTS year. There are now 100 artists board of trustees of the Inter- CATSUP CHILI SAUCE— In the association, many of whom email (11-ox.) Mountain college l»ere and stated ______>___ 9«_» Bottle ...... 16c •te considered outstanding to the clerk of the Presbytery of Helena. fields of painting, sculpture and the *• Bottlm for •_••... —-*- Iiniii -sell, tte __r rriM to* The Rev. Mr. Donnan. first pas­ Bet alar "Bell. f.r Lew" Price 17. aaoh. Limit S Bottle, tt • Cetee-.r crafts. Ua.lt 1 Battle, te a Cnlntt Kingsley to Give $300,000 Damage torate was in Healdsbug. where he OYSTER COCKTAIL SAUCE­ Large (14-oz.) Oft. All work submitted will be subject lived two years, following his gradu­ 4 Bottia aWV to tbe following cc.-dltions: ation from Occidental college and RALPHS BUSINESS HOURS S' -!*^ 9*.«» Baaalai "Sena for Lea." rrto. 8ft. "Tie pieces must be the original tbe Sant Francisco Theological Wa sura closed Sundays and regular holidays, and Bottia . -_C Limit » Battlee ta a work of the sender and never be­ seminary. He is married. nights, after 6 P.M., except Saturdays. fore shown in a Juried exhibition Operatic Reading Done by Storm QUAKER REGULAR or QUICK kl Santa Monica. Each member may submit three pieces in each of Former Lifeguard Specials for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, COOKING OATS the following mediums: oil painting, 'Die Meistersinger' Will MILWAUKEE. Wis., Sept. 14 UP) Small (Lib. 4-aa.) Q0 i Larga (»-». 7-0-.) QA. watercolor. sculpture, crafts, photo­ A trail of wreckage today marked Held in Girl Case September 14, 15 and 16: Package ....,...... "•- ' Package ARrV graphy and mock-printing. The Be Subject of Music the course of a windstorm of hurri­ SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 14 (U.R)— Limit S rackaaaa acoortod or 1 a* aaw oae -Ind to a Cart im if Pictures must be suitably framed. cane proportions whicb caused dam­ Confident that he will not be pros­ Alii work Intended for the exhl- Arts Program age estimated in excess of S3.000.000 ecuted, Raymond Metlock Richards, RALPHS BEST COFFEE KRAFT'S FRENCH DRESSING btslon will be received at the library in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Waukesha 25. former lifeguard, remained to Ll-lt t r_. of Colfeo ta a Caot—ae <3.oa.) Qj. I (Vi-Pint)) IE. I (1S-««.(1B.e«.) AQ_ from 9 to tbe morning until 9 at Bruce Oordon Kingsley will give and Washington counties. Jail today while Lillian Ott, the Bottia...... -»v Bottiaa 1__ BottloBottia . _-»7_ night September 29. The entries a reading of "Die Meistersinger" The storm burst out of the south­ Manhattan Beach girl with whom RALPHS BEST BULK COFFEE— Retolar "Boil, for Lee-' tecalar "Belle tar Leee" ~:e«al_r "Belle for Loee" will close September 29. (Wagner) Wednesday night at the he ran away, was on ner way home 18c Price 18c Price »e Price 39c Brentwood Country club, where the west late yesterday and swept out with her father, Frank E. Ott, re­ PER POUND • Santa Monica Music Arts society across Lake Michigan at a velocity tired army officer. RALPHS VACUUM PACKED STEEL CUT COFFEE. Deputy Target of will hold one of the season's series of between 60 and 65 miles an hour. Ott swore to a statutory warrant 1-LB. SALAD BOWL DRESSING of opera musicales. Evelyn Paddock Twisted buildings, uprooted trees, when he found his daughter with CAN Pint Quart broken power lines end clogged Richards, who Is married. Bala- Beet Bab Coffee »-4 Bo'.ti27. cVace-a 18t »l-arke d Sleet OM Coffee are52 taarc- Jar . 13c 1firJar " 25c Attempted Slaying Smith, president of the society, an­ highways remained in its wake. entoeJ br the aiaaofaeterev ta atee e«a»l eetlef actlea la o-erv way wttk anr Limit S Ht* la a Caetcmer Limit • Jar* ta a Caotcmer LOS ABGELES. Sept. 14 (CNS)— nounced today that the opera read­ •taaaar. Brand af coffee oa tfcla market, or menev refaaeed. Mriving rapidly past the home of ing will be the last of the open Jack Melendrez. deputy constable, meetings to be held this year and ENDS LONG SKATE Visit Oer CUSTO DESSERT that hereafter membership cards DETROIT, Sept. 14 (_R-»After a White King Granulated Soap Quick—Delleleae—Natrltleae at 831 North Hazzard street. Belve­ will be requested at the door. long skate, Jack Hyland Is on hand dere Gardens, three Mexicans awaiting the convention of the Furniture LARGE (2»/2-LB.) ogr opened fire on the residence late Kingsley will ten the story of the American Legion. Bs was on tbe PACKAGES 25c last night with the apparent pur­ opera in detail and will give piano road 34 days and eight nights and PACKAGE pose of slaying the officer, the renditions of the Important passages. used up four pairs of roller skates Studio Unit t Pack-re. to a CaiUmer FOR sheriffs office learned today. "Die Meistersinger" will be one of making 1,900 miles from Wilson, Lower Prices ZEE TOILET TISSUE the operas of the forthcoming season One bullet, which penetrated a N. C. Because P&G, BEN HUR, CRYSTAL window, narrowly missed Mrs. Maria of the Los Angeles Opera company. Lower Overhead! "Piaffe, tm SoUaeee" Morales, a neighbor, who was visit­ The season will continue from Oc­ WHITE or WHITE KING SOAP ROLLS ing to the Melendrez home. Mrs. tober 2 to October 19. SNOWDEN JIBE TABOET 27c Melendrez was away al the time, Mrs. Arthur Patchen, membership LONDON, sept. 14 UP*—A oar- PLUMER 1 A BARS FOR *, m but was returning to time to see chairman of the society, announced toon to the Dally Herald depicts an today that the membership com­ Englishman to bow tie and straw 25c TEA the would-be assassins flee to a big hat (nothing much else) greeting Drapery Co. iU LimiFOt R10 bar. aoeerted or IB ot aa- one kind ta a Caetcmer. sedan. mittee is outlining plans by which Gandhi to a loin cloth and say­ RIDGEWAY'S SILVER LABEL Melendrez, who has been con­ the organization hopes to double the 915 Wilshire Blvd. TEA—5 O'clock Bland— 1__- membership within the next few ing: "Hello, old man. You know Easy to Park Here .) * earnings of the past two months are discussion of the masterpieces of (16-oa.) QQ_» / ~ such that the board felt confident literature. Historical novels Will be Can ...... 22c Can vt~v Oan ... $1.53 „ that the California bank would con­ used, and their connection with the Beaalar 'Belle ter Leee" Boca!ar 'Mia far Lea." Bree.ar "telle for Leee" OBL MONTE SUNSETUNT LIQHAT BL CAMPO BRAND Price 88e Price 46c Price Bt.BO ga ftoue the showing made In the first history of the times to which they FANCY 8ELECTEO MIAT TUNA -half of the year, when S2.55 per relate will be shown. " IF YOU WERE TUNA— TUNA— FLAKES— share was earned." said Page. The class ls under the direction of (f-a-.) Can 1.5c (7-oi.) Can 12c (I'/j-o-.) Can 10c Horniel Flavor Sealed Hams A. M. Onaffey, chairman, in- W. L. Mason, for sixteen years the A CREDIT Quarter Slsa Ham— Half Ham (3-4-lb. Av.) Whola Ham •* farmed the board that the bank was instructor of the class in short story (7-8-lb. Av.) * in excellent condition, with cash and GRAPE RUIT __r si.io Patina tfv Par Pound .. 45c and scenario writing to the evening MANAGER - - HEART OP FLORIDA liquid assets of S42.000.000 in its to- high school. NEWMARK'S GRAPEFRUIT— 1 tal resources of more than 4110.000,- GRAPEFRUIT— No. S (LIB. 4-oi.) 000. Place yourself, for a moment at the desk of No. 9 fine. 4.o«.) 13c HORMEL CHICKEN BROTH Can 13c Can EDUCATOR SUMMONED Will Commemorate the credit manager in a local store. The WTTB BICE j LOS ANGELES, Sept 14 (AV-AI- telephone rings. (10V_-OZ.) - bert B. Clayton, member of the Uni- First Airmail Flight "Hello. This is such-and-such a store; credit GOLDEN AGE PRODUCTS 15c > - verslty of Southern California den- LOS ANGELES. Sept. 14 <_>>— desk speaking. Mr. So-and-So, requesting a SPAGHETTI, MACARONI <8-o_.) OR NOODLES (4*i.) f* CAN . - tal college faculty and a leading Twenty years ago Lieut. Earle charge account gave your firm as credit Per Packaga wC - educator of the country, died from Ovington piloted the first official reference. Is It okay?" _ Limit 4 Packe.ee aeeerte- at 4 at aar oae klaB la a Caetcmer "_ a heart attack to bis home late last U. S. airmail under authorization of That Mr. So-and-So is your other Self—is you! CANDY DEPARTMENT : toght. tbe then postmaster general. Frank Could you honestly reply,. "Reoognizes his BiaHOP'8 MILK CHOCOLATE ELVA WAFERS—Bulk 9/1 H. Hitchcock. The flight was a 10- FIRST CHOICE MUSHROOMS Rep Pound _, -ivC mile trip across Long Island, N. Y. obligations ... a good account," or would you Vital Statistics On September 38 the Inaugural be forced to say, "Sorry . . . always in arrears BAKERY DEPARTMENT mall flight will be commemorated ... a poor risk'*? .. sis CANS FOR OOC DELICIOUS JELLY ROLL— BREAKFAST COFFEE CAKES— Paying your bills promptly enables you to live Chocolate Fudge Icing 1 (!_. DEATHS here with Ovington. now a resident Del Monte Whole Jar Rubbers Each _t.it.' _--- September 9 — Minnie C. S. of Santa Barbara, Cal., et the con­ more enjoyably . . . yon are not forced to WIN! LOAF CAKE— 3 p.- 10c trols of a trimotored plane and with Packagaa ef It rubbars oa. Thompson, 53 years old. pay spot cash for everything yea buy. Dill Pickles Tuttl.Frulttl Icing. 2(lC HARD CRUST DINNER ROLLS— September 11—Joseph H. Mar­ Hitchcock,,a newspaper publisher of No. 3 Far 10c shall, 55 years old. Tucson, Arts., as passenger in the Can WHITE' OR WHOLE WHEAT Dozon ...... 1.-.C September 11—Gonzales Mora, 10 plane. The pair will make a 1,000- BREAD—Sliced or Unsllcad— C_» J. B. White Rice Full Pound Loaf •J*-' RALPHS WHOLE WHEAT hours old. mile trip over Southern California Dal Monte Spinach M. RAISIN BREAD— and Arizona. (1-lb.) RAISIN PIE— MERCHANTS CREDIT ASS'N No. • fM*. »-oi.) \0C (8-lneh Sire) Iftf Full Round MARRIAGES Ovington will carry a special con­ Packaoa ^. 10c Loaf 7c Notices of intention to marry signment of cachet mail, making OF SANTA MONICA *•*_) filed September 12: ceremonial stops at cities to the two Dal Monte Loganberries Packaga 18c William Charles Kimberlin, 47, states. No. t (1-lb. 4-oz.) | A. MEAT DEPARTMENT Sawtelle; Anna D. Jarrett, 46, Los Beat Foods Paanut Spred "Wa earr- a_a hlabeet eraie af No. 1 Steer Beef." Angeles. RIS YOUNO LAMB CHOPS— SIRLOIN STEAK No. 1 Slaw Baaf. (••ox.) Par dr. —• and up.) QAje Conrad Ostergard. 20, West Los Underwood's Clams fas Paund 32'/_c and Angeles; Mary Chester, 19, Santa Ser .. 10c 22'/ac Par Pound ...... -RJC Monica. Clam Bouillon LARGE LOIN YOUNG LAMB T-BONE AND PORTERHOUSE No. 1 (10-oa.) n- CHOPS- <_7I__» STEAK No. 1 Steer Boof- Alber's Olive Minoa (1 ib. ana up.) OBB J*-> Par pound Ol '*- Per Paund ...... 424-c JM SAPBR-. Can Ot SMALL LOIN YOUNG LAMB LEO PORK ROAST— Underwood's CHOPS— (10 to 12-lb. Average.) Whole -6 Q INSURE WITH Par Paund ...... 42'/-C ar Half. Par Pound ...... -Ll/C Clam Chowder Asnaizo Butterscotch (10-01.) Can .... 9c Flavor Syrup Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Department EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY BLEACHED Beechnut Peanut Butter ar!i* 16c HALB PEACHES— OREGON CELERY— IP. PHONE 26178 (6V--0-.) |0_ Par Bunch I—V Glaaa _••"•_. £n •**. 21c 4fc* WATSONVILLB LETTUCE— <_•/..<«.> igc SEEDLBSS GRAPEFRUIT- 25c Hard Haada. e. Olase Carnation Flaked Wheat SIM 80. OK- Bach _.__»**.«..__._.. 3C Par Dozen 0__ SALAWAY FREB8TONB WASHINGTON CONCORD Beechnut Spaghetti Packaga PEACHES— 8c GRAPES—In baakata 4A- 7, Lfea. far.... 25c OCEAN PARK BRANCH BELLEFLEUR APPLES— c\r.:.~\ ioc PHILLIP Ct-iNQSTONB Lfea. 168 Pier Avenue Alber's Instant Tapioca PEACHES—Far Canning. 9 For 25c Spratt's Dog Cakes (1 ,b) TOMATOES— (1-lb. 15-oz.) 9ft_- - lite ns...v__, 25c Paekaga ...... -Jt Packaga »"L FANCY CALIFORNIA DELICIOUS m Per 1—C PRACTICAL BANKERS ESCONDIDO MUSCAT ORAPES— APPLES— Lba. Spratt's Puppy Cakes Leslie's Salt FOP 18c SANTA MONICA BRANCH (1-lb. 14-oz.) QA_. Q dVa-ib.) 6 a* 25c Santa Monica Boulevard and THERE'S nothing mysterious about the bank- Package -H»_ Packagaa for ...... 10c Fourth Street • tag business. A good bank if as practical PLAIN OR IODIZED— Household Hardware Department Spratt's Fibo <«-lb.) as a successful grocery store or lumber yard Shaker ..7c GARDEN HOSE ca-tb.) 4 .. .operated to pay a profit to its owners and Packaga 30c 2 t **-* Iron Clad Special Packagaa for 15c BB Iron ClaB Rcce are gBaraatccd a suitable wage to Hs working force. atalaet iefecte ka aaaaafaetare. Hoea Kodikook Eastern ^-INCH— H-tNCH- Boneless Codfish 20-Mule Team Borax far •pa _-.._- j Langtha $3.25 Oaa T eo- Like any other legitimate business a bank <1-»b-> Langtha . NCH— Packaga 23c W-INCH— % VERY youngster likes te gains Hs volume of business by pleasing its Wooden 28c 1/,.INCH- BO-Ft. SO-Ft. $4.95 Langtha ... $6-25 80.Ft. take pictures. Brownies Langtha ... Langtha . S3.48 E patrons, by SERVICE. Its profits are governed Garnishing Cherries La France take good pictures the easiest by three elements...relationship of volume ^ Bottloa far Laundry Powder SPLITDORF RALPHS DUST CLOTHS way, hence one le Ideal for 25c to overhead; sale of jts merchandise (which Packagaa SPARK •By youngster's Christmas. BAM Lima Beans 2 POP .7.7.. 15c PLUGS Each 15c Select poor Christmas WEST LOS ANGELES BRANCH Ii money to lorn) at a margin above cost; No. S (l.lb. 4-oz.) n- Can Bene- the Brownies from our complete Santa Monica Boulevard at Corinth and guarding against uncollectable debts. Swift's Quick caaa ta rear actoirr h Betty Bright Self- stock. These "simplest real aetaa S.Btdorf Baark Wringing Mopa Porto or Create Blance Arrow Soap Chips Ptara. cameras" cell for as little as A well-operated bank is necessarily a safe Fruit Concentrate Packaga ., IfV Each 97c Each 99c S2, and each carries with tt a bank. It is successful in meeting the needs of (Bar Maklaa Jelllee. Bcrcraree, leee free «u bacrl prion to Koda kery, or Deeeerta) Set of 4 S1.32 Eastman's monthly photo­ its patrons and holding their friendships. On 4.«crtc4 Ptavcre Red Seal Lye Set pf S 91J0 Betty Bright Mop Heads ) graphic magazine. this practical basis, we solicit our share of ____""* 17s» (11-oa.) Baa—ar Betan Price Each 48c the banking business of this community. , Bottlo I# — Can ... 9c Subject ta Stock LaaM-a ^i__r KCiTHITV-FlHfS»TN.VrirWVAI_ o BANK OF Ij»s ANGELES FOURTEENTH & WILSHIRE Bay District Store, 1142-50 Westwood Blvd.. Westwood Village 14M Third Street (New Building under Construction) ste Monlea y *******el**T*+*i*Jt*t****t*mf*f*ft0tP*it*V*^^


______£ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE five-year holiday on BK naval con­ CHEVALIER FILM NAMED struction as a means to promote 5-Year Navy Holiday world peace and economic recovery Maurice Chevalier's next film re- Wait8 in Vain is advocated by Sen. Wil­ blcle wffl be "One Hour With Tea,'' Premises Critics Japanese Flower Noted Musicians Proposed* by Borahlia m E. Borah, chairman of the sen­ Paramount announces, Raymond WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 W.B—A ate foreign relations committee. Griffith Is doing the screen play. .mack on Nose Display Success To Give Concert Evangelbt's New Mate by Colorful Displays Shown Kurtis Brownell and Mist Elopement Waves Iron at Clubhouse; List Marian Kalayjian to Fist for Bride, 38 Winning Growers Be Heard Tonight "HATS OFF"^ (Continned From Pace 1) Featured by colorful displays of Pilgrim Lutheran church will cut flowers, rare cacti, Japanese sponsor the concert tonight at which geles and make a hasty departure prints, handwork, and ceramics, the music lovers shall have aa oppor­ for . third annual flower show sponsored tunity to hoar Kurtis H. Brownell. TO "It eras the Portland revival that by the Japanese association of Santa leading tenor of the Opera Comique caused us to fly to Yuma for the Monica came to a close last night of New Tork, This talented young ceremony," Hutton explained. "We as one of the most successful! ex­ artist ls not on a concert tour, but decided suddenly to be wed at once. hibits ot its kind ever undertaken ls visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. THE MAJORITY! MB Time to File Notice by this group. The show was staged 8. H. Brownell, who bare resided "We hadn't time to file the three- in the Womans club on Fourth for the past five years at 3251 Ur­ day notice of intention here and street, drawing an attendance of ban avenue. Santa Monica. His ap­ . marry before the Portland cam­ several hundred visitors Saturday pearance this evening Is a tribute paign, so we just went to Arizona." and Sunday. to his parents and close friends in The Breakwater is no more an ever-forgotten The ceremony, read on the steps Prizes awarded to exhibltorss for this city, as well as a benefit pro­ of the elopement plane as dawn winning entries were as follows: . gram for ths church. dream; it's a reality, thanks to the Breakwater broke over the desert, was conducted Amateur entries, best general dis­ Brownell has the unique distinc­ by Miss Harriet Jordan, dean of the play In basket, Y. Yoshitomi; dah­ Committee, whose untiring efforts should Angelus Temple Bible school. tion ef baring won five consecutive lias, three ta vase, Y. Yoshitomi; fellowships at the Jullllard Musical Rolf McPherson, himself married dahliah, six tn vase, U. Supanuma; foundation. He pursued his studies receive a vote of thanks. only a few months ago, and his dahlias, 12 tn vase, U. Suganuma; Kurtis H. Brownell, leading tenor of the Opera Comique of under the vocal guidance of Francis young wife, Lorna Dee, were pres­ best basket of pompoms, U. Suga­ Rogers and on the continent under ent. Rolf gave tbe bride away. numa New Task city, who will bs All citizens of Los Angeles. Hollywood. heard tn Joint concert with Sallgnac. He has been the featured F. O. Winters, business manager at Professional entries, box garden, soloist on national radio hookups, Beverly Hills, Ocean Park and Venice, as well the temple, was "best man," and R. F. Kado, Wilshire Rockcraft, Marian Kalayjian, pianlste, this and ls the recent winner of the Miss Emma Schaeffer, secretary to grand prize; nursery stock, Wilshire evening at S o'clock In the audi­ Naumberg prize from among 233 as Santa Monica, owe a vote of everlasting the evangelist, completed the wed­ nursery; cactus, R. Kado, Wilshire torium of the Pilgrim parish contestants. ding party. Rockcraft; shrubbery, Pacific Rose hall. Fourteenth street and Ari­ thanks to the far-seeing "backboned" citizens Loves Him Dearly Co.; begonias, Mrs. Charlotte A. zona avenue. Appearing with Brownell will be "We'll have a regular marriage Rodenburg; tens, Armacost and Miss Marian Kalayjian, concert of Santa Monica who voted "YES." celebration later, if our people de­ Royston nursery; general display, pianlste. graduate and winner of tbe sire it," Mrs. Hutton declared. "We Alice Patterson; park exhibit, 8anta Premiere Prix of the American con­ BIB simple folks and do not care Monica Park department; rare servatory at Fontainebleau and ben­ You well-meaning citizens who voted "NO* fSr pomp and ceremony, and our plants, Hugh Evans; American flag. Battleship Ban eficiary of the Oliver Ditson prise. hasty marriage was in the Interests Golden Memory florist; women's She was a pupil of Lhevlnne and should now stop your purposeless complaining of our work. I'm sure our people handwork, Mrs. I. Sakata, grand of Philipp, the latter saying of her: would have ua think of that work prize. "Miss Kalayjian ls one of the great­ and translate your opposition into resultful first and ourselves afterward. est talents that has ever come "I lore him very dearly and I to me." cooperation. Individually, your lacking is the feel lt was best that our work should Apartment Owners' Urged by British The Joint concert win be held In be Joined. We discussed our plans Associated Press Photo. the auditorium ef ths Pilgrim parish bleat of the lott lamb. lor a long time, and we prayed and Miss Frances Bresson of Riv­ Meeting Postponed Ask U. S. to Support Plan hall. Fourteenth street snd Arizona prayed for guidance." erside, fiancee of Don Moyle, Postponement of the September avenue, beginning at 8 o'clock. The The voice of the majority rules. Any opposi­ The evangelist fingered a ten- who, with C. A. Allen, left meeting for members Of the Santa Which WUl Be Aired public Is cordially invited. Tickets diamond circlet which Hutton had Samushiro beach, , Sep­ Monica Bay Association ff Apart - may be obtained at the door, or at tion from the minority will have about as much placed on her hand. The singer wore tember 7 on his ill-fated flight ment Owners and Operators until at Geneva Meet Hathaway, music store at Four­ an engraved wedding band, for Miss to , ls shown scanning September 22 was announced today teenth and Wilshire. Students under resistance as a cream cake against a ninety- Jordan had used the "double ring" the Seattle skies September 9, by Mrs. Letitia D. Winn, president of WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 (U.R) — 18 will be admitted for 50 cents ceremony. hoping to sight the trans-Pacffic the organization. Mrs. Winn re­ In anticipation of the Geneva dis­ and adults te $1. mil e-an-hour motor car. Leave Out Word 'Obey* ship. She said she was confident ported that the place of the next armament conference next winter, Brownell will leave te the East "We left out tbe word 'obey'," the fliers, while unable to reach meeting would be announced at a by the middle of this week, return­ Miss Jordan revealed today. "That the goal In one flight, had future date. The group was to have British statesmen have renewed ing to his New Tork engagements. Now is the time to bury the hatchet and put was another modern touch. Sister landed somewhere else along the met tomorrow night. their suggestion that the United wrote the ceremony herself, on the route. States Join with them in abolition your shoulder to the wheel and work collec­ way to Yuma. I had forgotten the of the battleship, lt was learned. ritual book and I was afraid I might Police Chief Feared City Officials Witt tively—-"all for one and one for all." forget the lines in my excitement, Prime Minister Ramsay McDon­ Attend Beach Meet so sister wrote a beautiful cere­ Slain by Hoodlums ald made such a suggestion at the mony. CHICAGO. Sept. 14 (A—The state London naval conference In 1930, Santa Monica city officials, as You voters who voted "NO" can register your Election Results attorney, office said today that a but tt was dropped because of well as Interested property owners, "Oh, yes," she said, "sister used American opposition. Now ftt Is have been invited te attend a con­ sportsmanship with a salute of "HATS OFF* the words 'love and honor' in the search was being made te Rocco learned this suggestion has been re­ ritual" Passarella, former police chief of ference called by the Long Beach suburban Melrose Park, who has newed informally, as a step which Chamber of Commerce te Tuesday, to the far-seeing voters who are responsible Mrs. McPherson was stunning in been missing since June 15. The at­ would start the Geneva disarma­ October 6, to study ways aad means i a grey velvet gown, Miss Jordan Checked, Revised torney's force fears that he might ment conference off to a favorable of coping with the ever-present for making Santa Monica's Breakwater a said, describing the wedding. She haye been slain by liquor law vio­ start. problem of oil pollution on Southern wore a close fitting brown coat and lators against whom he led raids. British statesmen advance argu­ California beaches. reality. above her fox fur perched an Em­ Bond Sale Predicted at ments that the battleship has lost Federal, state, county and city press Eugenie hat. Its major usefulness, but lt ls the officials of communities from Santa "It was a beautiful ceremony," Low Interest Rate; Talbot Art Goods greatest source of expense In naval Barbara to San Diego are requested Collectively, we can make Santa Monica the Miss Jordan continued. "Sister was Bids to Be Asked budgets, and the best place at which to be present and assist in working outstanding playground of the Pacific Coast. beautiful and calm, as always. I was To Be Auctioned to offset large economies at one out a program by which existing afraid I wouldn't conduct the cere­ After devoting several hours today SAN FRANCISCO. Sept, 14 (U.R)— stroke. legislation against ott dumping can Let's jump into double harness, pull together mony properly, but sister didn't to a check of election returns, the Art treasures snd expensive furni­ be better enforced. have to correct me once." Santa Monica city council officially ture from the fashionable apartment and make Santa Monica "bigger, better and He Haa Dimples announced the result of Friday's of James A. Talbot, former million­ Four Men Nabbed Hutton met the evangelist sev­ election on the $690,000 breakwater aire chairman of the Richfield OU Cholera Epidemic more beautifuL" eral years ago, casually, and they bond Issue aa 5,425 votes for and Co., will be auctioned tills week un­ In Gambling Raid had crossed paths from time to 1,925 votes against the bonds, with der terms of Talbot- bankruptcy VENICE, Sept. 14—Acting on in­ In Arab Kingdom time In.various religious enterprises, proceedings. J. W. GLENISTER. for he was an active choir leader 15 ballots spoiled, OT 7,365 votes cast. formation to the effect that gam­ BASRAH. Irak., Sept. 14 _*- A representative of one of the Los bling Was being conducted In a TblB advertisement and soloist. ASTROLOGER PROTESTS clubhouse at 126 Thornton avenue, Cholera has killed 415 persons here ta placed with this He is blue-eyed, dark-haired and Angeles bond houses attended the since August 1, and there are 575 meeting and presented to the coun­ NEW TORK, Sept. 14 IffV-Rises two vice squad officers Saturday known cases now. Of which four- Newspaper and paid broad-shouldered, and the dimples an tsorologer in protest. Hal Olver night raided the place. Four al­ fo r by J. W. Glenlster. In his rotund cheeks when he cil his proposition for the sale of the wishes to debate for charity again leged gamblers were taken into cus­ fifths probably will die because they smiles, which is frequently, fail to bonds, predicting they might IM sold John Mulholland, vice president of tody. refuse to accept treatment. Two detract from Dave's manliness. for as low as 4 and 4% per cent the Society of American Magicians. The tour gave their names as out of three patients admitted to Hutton Is the son of Mr. and Interest. The society offered to aid the po­ Julius Hammer, Tl, of 664 Broad­ the British hospital are being saved. Mrs. David Hutton Of 120 Mar Vista Chester L. Coffin, dty attorney, lice In ridding the city of mediums, way; Saul Pearl, Bl, 317 Broadway; avenue, Pasadena, who visited the attended the council meeting and fortune tellers ana astrologers. |>an O'Leary. 58, 2428 Penmar ave­ temple last night to add their bless­ reported that a notice calling te Olver would prove that astrology nue, and Arthur Kroll, 43, of the ing and congratulations to those of bids on the bonds would be prepared ls a science. Angelus hotel. others. by bis office at once. "It was a big surprise," the elder Hutton said today, "but we're proud that Dave made such an excellent Postpone Action on choice." Mrs. Hutton, who suffered me yrofcY OP a slight heart attack at the surprise Injunction Request A MIGHTY BARGAIN IN EDUCATION news of her son's sudden marriage, Suits brought in the Los Angeles arose from her bed to go to the superior court by operators of five 4 church and welcome her "new Ocean Park amusement concessions daughter." to prevent the city of Santa Mon­ Suppose Pomona College came to Santa Monica! Her Third Marriage ica or any of lis agents from inter­ /•APPHIR E Dave Is a graduate of the Poly­ fering with their operation were technic high school in Long Beach, ordered set over today when called Suppose Occidental moved its campus to the In department eight, because the -/6PTeMB6R»S BICTTVTOrie ' n where he was active In music. Most city attorney had to assist mem­ af his life has been spent in that bers of the council in checking elec­ corner of Fourth and Pico! Can't you* imagine city, Los Angeles and In Pasadena, tion returns. The cases are now to except for occasional musical tours be tried September 28. APPHIRE, that syno­ route, The ruby ls red corun- and the months he spent as staff A motion to dismiss the con­ nym for blue, is by dum. the celebration we would haye? Can't you soloist for the greet New York Fed­ demnation suit of the city of San­ far the oldest word Today all corundum except eration of Churches, and as musical ta Monica against R. A. Dalugge for used in the language the ruby is known as sap­ director of the Young People's con­ his portion of the Palisades park of Jewels. Xh ancient phire, although sapphire is picture the dinners, and the speeches, and the ference of . bluff, also due for hearing today, times lt was applied to many taken to mean the blue gem He expects to remain active In was set over to September 24. different blue stones, but, with unless otherwise stated. The music in the temple and hopes to The seventh case set for today, a the discovery ot the blue most valuable shade at the talk of Santa Monica as a dty of culture? assist Mrs. McPherson at times with damage suit, Schlocker versus the corundum, the term was em­ resent time is the cornflower the preaching and especially on re­ city of Santa Monica, was similarly ployed for that glorious stone Slue. Darker shades were for­ vival tours. postponed. An insurance company alone. merly in demand. Aimee's elopement marked the is defending this action, but the Later lt was found that many The finest stones are found Our Junior College has already en­ fourth marriage In her family this city attorney's office is associated stones of various colors were in Kashmir, India. Slam, Cey­ year and catapulted the last of the with it in the defense. the same as tbe sapphire lon, Montana and Australia single McPhersons into matrimony. physically and chemically. furnish sapphires of quality rolled six hundred students. With The marriage bug hit Aimee's Yellow corundum had been in the order mentioned above, daughter, Roberta, tint. While tour­ Man Attacks Girl, known as "Oriental Topaz"; although fine specimens any ing the world with her mother last violet corundum as "Oriental be found In any of these places. proper buildings and equipment, we March, Roberta met William Brad- Then Kills Himself Amethyst." The sapphire wears well, being la- Smythe, ship's officer, and mar­ LOS ANGELES, Sept. le (CNS)— The term -Oriental" was ap­ next to the diamond in order could enroll eight hundred to a ried him before the ship dropped When the woman victim of his vi­ plied because the finest gem of hardness. It is the birth- anchor at home. cious hatchet attack escaped him by stones reached Europe by that stone for September. A finr months ago, In July, the hurling herself headlong through a thousand. That is bigger than either evangelist's son Rolf, married Lorna French window of his "office," a Dee Smith, who had been a Bible man believed to be June Von Em- "Out of the depth/ /noil Japphire/ come. student at the temple. den, a socalled "psycho-therapist," Occidental or Pomona right this Then Minnie "Ma" Kennedy this morning shot and fatally To DiMnq -September/ child wi/doml found a husband: wounded himself. Hutton is Mrs. McPherson's third The young woman, Mrs. Christine minute. That's what a Junior Col­ husband. Her first, Robert Semple, Kane, 26, of the Baker hotel, 1131 whom she married as a girl In Can­ Weet Winston street, herself may lege means to Santa Monica! ada, died in Hongkong, China, die from the deep hatchet wound where they had gone to do mission­ in bar head, received when she ary work. The second, Harold Mc­ fought ott the man. advances, Pherson, divorced her about If Georgia street receiving hospital PAN-HARD'S jeers ago. physicians said. The rapid growth of our Junior College is ample proof that it fills a Mrs. Kane told police of having been hired to the house, at 720 ONE CENT A DAT PAYS South Coronado street, by an adver­ genuine want and meets a genuine need. Study the record of enroll­ UP TO $100 A MONTH tisement for a girl to take a Job as 1345 Third" Street a cigaret girl in a "fashionable Wil­ The Postal Life _ Casualty In­ shire district theater." ment. In 1929—151 students. In 1930-460. In 1931—618 to data surance Co., 10019 Dlerks Building, Kansas City, MB., is offering a new accident policy that pays up to $100 Think what it might be if grounds and buildings were adequate. Think a month for 24 months for disabil­ ity and $1,000.00 for deaths—costs ; less than lc a day—$3.50 a year. of the spending power of a thousand college students, backed by a Over 86,000 already have this pro­ tection. Men, women and children, 1 CDI_7H7 SIX HEALTHf | ages 10 to 70, eligible. Send no 1 thousand college families! Yet all this building program is included money. Simply send name, address, age, beneficiary's name and rela­ r rV-T-r - LECTURES on i in the single bond issue which will come on September 22. Truly a tionship and they will send this policy on 10 days' FREE inspec­ tion. No examination Is required. mighty bargain in education! This Site Is Hfflltsrl. so write them FOOD SCIENCE PRACTICALLY APPLIED today.—Advertisement. Br MARTIN W. PRETORIUS ___—__! Lecturer on Benjamin G.ylord Han—fi Method of Harmon!—. Food Sol—tion LIFE! HEALTH! YOUTH!! Are -van, not far a Bar ar a Baa* bat far a B-eU-M. whan -ea arrlr thee. Immutable law. at aatare! &VT**d/ Tuesday, September 15, 10 A. ML Friday, September 18, 10 A. ML 1 OVERCOMING DISEASE HOW TO DISCABD GLASSES Through Body Purification Once a Tear Through Comet Body Chemistry j NIGHT SERVICE Wednesday. September 16, 10 A. ML Monday, September 21,10 A. ML 1 SCHOOL SCIENTIFIC FOOD SELECTION OVERCOMING CONSTIPATION Learn to Balance Tear Meals Eat Your Way Back to Health j Thursday, September 17, 10 A ML Tuesday, September 22, 10 A. ML , R.M.HUFFORD- THE CHEMISTRY OF TYPES REDUCE AND REJUVENATE 1 yon FORD DEALER What ll One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison Fat People Need Feeding Not Fasting j DOWNTOWN SERVIC SANTA MONICA B. .Y WOMAN. CLUB 1 BONDS COLORADO at 2nd ST. 1210 FOURTH STREET Ne-rWilohir. 1 PUBLISHED BY CITIZENS COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED PHONE 23211

'4*____yi_H ftp PAGE FOUR EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 'Santa Monica Evening Outlook Your Health

BANTA MONICA B-BUSHDiO CO, OWNBB AICB l-BUSBKB Who's Who in Santa Monica . BILIARY COLIC ABTBTJB a. WBTTB. BNB. em* o**. MA*. CSUB.SB a WABBBM, HI_ When gallstones block any of tbe •. a BOEHME. _.-ert_—s Ms*. CAKl 9. WBITB associate B4Ha* Born and reared in the blue grass state, O0L Jack ducts leading from tbe liver or tbe gall bladder to ths small Intestines, SY FREEMAN LINCOLN MATH OPTIC— 1-ORTB AMD BROADWAY. BANTA MONICA. CAL PBONB ___ Hayden became fond of horses while be was a boy and a series of violent symptoms ap­ WXST LOS ANQELES BRANCH. 11-40 SANTA MONICA BLVD PHONE 1-18. interested in raising pears and give rise to a condition Sam shook her head. "Fourth Entered a* second elaaa matter at tbe Poatofflea. Santa Monica, under the act et SYNOPSIS: Vaa dramatic re­ doesn't hate you—or Martha either. March I, ISM. P_—abed daily, except Bundas horses. His birthplace was called biliary colic, commonly turn et Nelson Aldersea. attar bis He may be a little bit upset lust Trade Mark Res. V. 8 Patent Office Harrisburg, Mercer county. known as a gallstone attack. runaway marriage to the maid of now, but hell get over it Give him MEMBER OT THS ASSOCIATED PRESS Tbe attack usually comes on all work, 1_——tea hi* stepfather, time." The Associated Press Is e-elosleett antltlad to tba use for publication Of all Beam No. 31 Kentucky. abruptly, accompanied by a severe Fourth Aide ma. Fourth —suits era—tad to liar not otherwise credited tn this paper, and also tbe local news pub- Nelson and hi* wife, Martha, with Nelson said grimly: "I know S\ Ushed herein. LECCION TRIENTA T UNA Leaving home when he pain In the upper right portion of sarcastic reference* to Martha'* so­ the abdomen. In the region of the cial Inferiority and te Nelson'* tak- what I know." Pnntuacid- y Mayuscula- was young, he went over to rib margins. In* awar -nth htm household money. Martha had begun to cry silently Punctuation and Capitals. Bam B-srrlU. Fourth'* step-aushttr, New Orleans, where he got The pain to vary Intense (the into her handkerchief. This lesson Is very Important In welcomes th* couple aad attack* Belson frowned at her and said regard to writing Span_h, although a Job shipping cattle and patient literally rolls In agony) and Fourth's attitude Bam Is ready to it tends to radiate or spread from sympathise with Nelson's wish to Ut* impatiently: "Quit sniffling, Mar­ you will not use „ la your conversa­ cotton oa the Mississippi hi* own life, he**a**' of her unhappy tha. You're always at tt these days, The Outlook's Program tional work. Of course, the knowl­ the region of tbe gall bladder. situation. She Is in MSB with Fred­ and It doesn't help." edge of punctuation aids you to give river. For many years be One of Us characteristic direc­ dy Munson, tat has become ensated the proper Inflection to your voice; traveled from one end of tions of spread is toward the to Peak Abbott, wealthy owner of the Martha told him in muffled tones Develop a Civic Center — Better Cite Illumination shoulder. Express, to help th* famUy's finan­ that she couldn't help lt, and con­ BS I& English a question ts asked the M1 s s 1 s s 1 ppi to the cial aad aoetsl trouble*. Tba bur- tinued to cry. Widen the Beach Road—Better Schools and More with a rising Inflection of the voice. Associated with this pain are dan of th* household responsibUI- You know that to obtain practical other, meeting many In­ chills and a rise in temperature, tlee la Sam's, aim Fourth lost "You mustn't mind Fourth, Nel­ Adequate Facilities—Adopt City Manager Form benefit from the study of Spanish teresting and prominent sometimes as high as 103 degrees. th* famUy money la bad Investment* son," Sam went on. "You know you must be able read, write, aad There may be a great deal of vomit­ her mother trusted Bam, and whan how he to, and you know how people of the Middle Weet. •be died left Sex* th* remaining quickly be gets over things." of Government — Support Metropolitan Water speak . modern social and com­ ing and profuse sweating. money and the stable where tba fam­ mercial forms of Spanish. Natur­ For a while he traveled Aa attack of biliary colic may ily now Bras. Fourth coma* to Bam "You tell him that we wont stay District Project* . . • ally, you are not able to do this on the Ohio river, alto last for a few hours, several days with hi* rebellion against Nelson's In this bouse longer than we can when beginning your study ,but or for as long as a week or more. marrlas*. help," Nelson said. "We'll get out by understanding the alphabet aad shipping cattle and cotton. as soon as I can find a Job—If X Jaundice may result when there ever can." applying the simplified rules, some His itinerary Included to Interference with the normal flow CHAPTER If of which you have already learned stops at Baton Rouge, Of MlS for any substantial period "What are you going to do? Have during your past lessons, you grad­ of time. SUICIDE? you any ideas?" Out of the Melting Pot ually Increase your ability to think Memphis and on down to Fourth choked. "I cant stand The colic attack may reappear at the thought of it, or the disgrace of He shook his head. "Not an Citizenship was bestowed upon men and women to tbe in Spanish. New Orleans. intervals. If, however, the Impacted idea. It's a cinch they won't give number of 265 at a recent session Of tho court of federal LOB Slrnoe de Punctual Ion stone has been passed through the lt My God, Joan, what am I going me my old one back, and X don't The Punctuation Marks The first time he saw duct, as occasionally happens, the to do?" know where else to go." Judge McCormick. There is expectation that a class of 500 (,) El panto, (,) la coma, (;) el She shrugged. "You might try will figure in a similar ceremony before tbe end of tbe month. California was 35 years symptoms will definitely disappear, Sam was thoughtful. "Maybe panto coma, (i) doa puntoa, (-) el ago, when he came out unless there are more stones in the making the best of lt." Peak can find something for you." The class Just assuming tbe new status represented many gulon, (—) la rvya, and () ei gall bladder. "Did you talk to them?" parentesis are Just js In English and here on cattle business and "Peak? Oh, you mean Peak Ab­ lands. Drawn here by common impulse, they bad con­ are used In the same manner, al­ Many persons suffering with gall­ "I've talked to them." Sam bott." Nelson nodded and said: prospecting. That time be stones also suffer certain other dis­ shrugged again. "Nelson couldn't 'You're engaged to him, aren't you, ceived a common purpose, and they made an admirable show­ though, as you have noticed, punc­ find a JobT^ tuation marks are used less In Span­ was in the vicinity of San turbances, such as flatulence, re­ Sam? I'd heard about it, but I've ing ot the product of the social melting pot. Each re­ gurgitation and distress after eat­ "They spent all my money," been ** worried about my own af­ ish than in English. Francisco. Later be went ing. ceived an American flag in honor of tbe late Col. Leroy Smith, Other sifnefl de puntuacion used back to Kentucky. When he came to the west coast the Fourth said grimly, "and now I fairs that I forgot to say anything who but recently laid down his work of promoting citizenship In Spanish are (') el aeeato, which The treatment ef gallstones to suppose they expect me to support about lt. X think It's great He's marks the difference between words second time be brought his wife with him, and they both medical and surgical. Con­ them until I find Nelson another a swell guy. to the plane of active patriotism. trary to tbe common Impression, Job. That's a good joke!" "Thanks, Nelson." of the same spelling but of differ­ visited in Santa Monica and the surrounding country. there to no known method for dis­ The occasion was made notable by the address of Judge ent meaning and, also to mark the "Is lt?" asked Sam. Fourth did not come home and at syllable that ls to be stressed in pro­ This was in 1911. solving gallstones. "You know It to," he retorted 11 o'clock Sam decided to wait for McCormick to the new citizens. He urged them to go to the nunciation (refer to your lesson No. For the past 13 years he has made his home in In repeated attacks of gallstone savagely. "They'll never get another him no longer. colic, surgical treatment is Indi­ polls and vote and to give conscientious study to the politics 4 oa accentuation}; and la tilde Santa Monica. His residence is at 1117 Euclid avenue. cent out si me or spend another She told herself that tt would be of tbe country, adding the significant warning that the pres­ which Is written over the a to form cated. night under my roof. Where have foolish to worry. Fourth, certainly, et depression may have been due to the lack of interest that the Spanish letter (A). As Osier so pointedly said, "The they gone now—to our fish-dealing was not the kind of man to do what In English the question mark at patient to much safer in the hands relative? I wish him joy." he had Intimated was his intention. had been shown in the government since the World war. the end of a question is sufficient; Who's News Today of a surgeon than when kit to "Martha, father hasn't room for To the contrary, be was the sort Surely this is a point worthy tbe consideration of all citizens but Spanish requires the addition of nature, with ths feeble assistance them." who would come home Just as soon By LEMUEL F. PARTON of drugs and mineral waters." as he could think of some explana­ whether born here or in other lands. A little reflection leads another question mark which Is In­ Once the stones have been re­ "Really? Then where are they? verted at the beginning of a ques­ Walking the streets?" tion that would leave his dignity to the thought that the intimation is indicative of an Im­ NEW YORK. Sept. 12 (CPA)— Deutschland, having left France moved, the possibility of their re­ unimpaired. ~ * tion; the signs '• ?> are loa pantos Mobilizing medical aid for hurri­ entirely to Mayor Walker. forming appears to be very slight. "No," said Sam calmly, glancing portant truth. de intrrrogaclon. Spanish requires cane-swept Belize, Surgeon-Oeneral It was Mayor Dick who main­ at him. "They haven't gone any­ Sam was thoroughly convinced After the World war, that had distorted all normal values two exclamatior ~arks also, the ln- Hugh 8. Cummings commands the tained the "house of babies," de­ where. They're upstairs just now. that she was not worried, but at ve l and the natural, (t I) which experience and resources of 37 years populated to make way for tbe X put them in Nelson's old room." the same time she was not able to and incidentally set up a new standard of achievement are los pantos de adr*-' at-ion. of battling against tetanus, typhoid, widening of Allen street. He offered sleep vary well. Fourth had not cholera and allied specters always and paid $500 to the first Mir of About New York "Upstairs!" Fourth took a step returned the next morning when towards which ambition Impelled individuals, there was an Las Letras Mayusculas ¥ Las rising from devastation. Be has twins born ta his tenement house. By WILLIAM GAINES toward her. "What are they doing Sam came down fifteen minutes orgy of getting and of expending, a scramble after quick for­ there?" earlier than was her custom. Minusculas been head of the public health He always paid $150 for the ninth NEW YORK, Sept. IS—There to tunes, and ignoring of the fact that tbe way to legitimate The Capitals and Small Letters service under four administrations child. There were other special and supposed te be something ludicrous 1 suppose they're unpacking." When Nelson and Martha came Caplt * tetters a. more seldom and, as tbe watchdog of the public continuous bonuses for large fam­ Fourth laughed with sharp aav- downstairs. Sam did not mention wealth was through effort rather than by frantic speculation. used in Spanish than in English, for health, he has led the forces of ilies. Here's a chaplet for the shiny, about dancing with tears In one's ageness. "Are they suffering from Fourth. She tried to bs cheerful It was a reign of selfishness. That the reward is being reaped with the exception of beginning a famlnine and pestilence, at home bald brow of the stocky Austrian eyes. the wild Illusion that they are go­ and chatty; a difficult feat tn the now, that in this moment the effects are visible in widespread sentence, the personal pronoun To­ and abroad. immigrant. He never evicted a But it was grim stage business ing to live In this house?" face of the obvious gloom that en­ ll proper adjectives, such as espaftol tenant. At one time there were the night ward reached the "Fol­ "Where else can they live?" shrouded her half-brother aad his disaster and distress, seems an entirely reasonable supposi­ —Spanish; the names of the months Oeneral dimming is a Virginia -SO children in his tenement. lies" chorines backstage that Helen bride. It was a relief to learn that tion. of the year, the seasons of the year, doctor, of native, in-born predilec­ "Babies Welcome Here" was the Walsh, one of the most popular "X don't know." Fourth had sud­ the pair were going to the city at and the days of the week are not tion for state's rights and a dislike sign on the door. beauties among them, was dead as denly become calm. "I'm positive, once, Nelson in search of work for bureaucracy. He has ahieved the result of that explosion on Har­ however, that they aren't going to and Martha to see her mother. capitalized. Ejemplos: I'sted y yo the miracle of personalising and Arriving from Austria, young ry Richman's yacht. spend a night under this roof. I'm —You and I; la lengua espaiiila— humanizing this complex and far- Max Dick tended bar on the East about to go up and tell them that As soon as they had left, Sam Gentlemen of the Bench the Spanish language; mayo—May; flung organization. He Is easy­ Side. He soon owned the corner They were trying te keep tbe interesting bit of news," went to ths telephone. She called Sometimes it seems to the public that with so many el otono—the fall; al lunes—Mon­ going, affable, knows everybody in saloon. He spread money lavishly news from Rlchman, working un­ several places where Fourth might day. Proper adjectives used as among the tenement dwellers and der the handicap of painful burns "HSI" Sam got to her feet and courts functioning, lt is strange that these tribunals should Washington, likes people, always suffered la trying ta save the girl. came te her stepfather's side. "No, possibly have spent tbe night, but nouns may or may not be capital­ has time to chat, but gets things was beloved by them all. They Fourth. You can't." at none of them could she get any not keep abreast of the work, and that the calendars should ised: usually they are written with done. He celebrated his sixty- gave him a loving cup. In 1929 he But tbe faces of a couple of dozen news. She gave lt up, at last, and small letters. Ejemplo: los ameri- took $25,000 to the poor of his dancers must have told him some­ "X can." Fourth's contradiction be congested. If in cu 1 men ting upon this point, there should second birthday August 17, with the thing. was almost stolid. was staring unhappily out into the be some evidence of impatience, lt is not fairly to be con­ canos—the Americans. Hoovers at Rapidan. native village of Bzchon. Bis will He turned and was almost at ths rain when the front door opened Felicidadrs Obtaining his medical degree at provides that one-fourth of his Tbe tears were evident to patrons foot of the stairs before Sam spoke. slowly and Fourth came in. strued as a reflection upon the judges themselves. Anybody the University ot Virginia in 1893, estate of more than $1,000,000 shall In tbe first few rows, but nobody Then she said quietly: "Haven't He was almost a ludicrous sight, he entered the public health service go to the poor of the East Side. seemed to think them funny even although Sam felt not the slightest familiar with the personnel of the Los Angeles county bench (All rights reserved) before early editions of tbe morn­ you forgotten something?" Copyright. 1831, Escobar Syndicate. soon afterward and has been In it Bs paused to stare. "What?" inclination to laugh. He walked is aware that lt contains many Jurists of distinction who serve ever since. At Ellis Island, New ing papers brought the depressing Sam drew a sharp little breath. with a pronounced limp, and the only with the idea of doing their full duty. It is only at rare York, Angel Island, San Francisco, news to the audience at the Inter­ "X hate to say It. Fourth, but rain dripped from his sodden hat intervals that one resigns in order to take up a more lucrative in Japan, Poland and the tropics In Washington mission. haven't you forgotten that this onto his unshaven face. His over­ James* Comment he has scouted and routed germs By HERBERT PLUMMER And when the "Help Yourself to house isn't yours?" coat was soaking wet and incredi­ private practice. wherever they reared their ugly Happiness' number was reached, His face went white. Be came bly wrinkled. Bs left little pools ef / A regret often expressed in relation to the judiciary is the A cigar man said the other day heads—one of America's most use­ WASHINGTON — Felix Hebert, unrestrained boohoos threatened te back to bar. "Just what do you water behind, to mark his progress that the habit of chewing tobac­ ful aad highly esteemed citizens. Rhode Island's bald, Canadian-born drown oat ths' words and music, mean by that, Joan?" from the front door to the warmth necessity that forces them into campaigning. This is repug­ co had almost disappeared. He as­ He was In charge of sanitation for senator, is back in the capital after Mary Carroll tails SOB. "I mean that this house belongs of the open fire. nant to them, and yet under the present system there seems cribed this change to the automo­ the American forces during the BB extended European trip With the To this day there are moist eyes to me, and I say that Nelson Sam regarded him coldly and no way to avoid it. Zt does tend to lower the dignity of the bile. "A man can't spit satisfac­ World war. belief that say federal system of among Helen's best girl friends and Martha shall stay here. I totally without sympathy. Instead torily against the breeze created by "We'd better copper that bet." unemployment insurance will lead when tbe orchestra strikes up a mean that I won't have them of a feeling of relief at his reap, bench, a fact that ls more distasteful to the judges them­ a speed of 40 miles an hour," lie said the wise politicians when to tbe dole. number in which she paraded her turned out—by anybody," pearance, she was conscious of a selves than to anybody else. And the judges work arduously. explained, "and the passengers on Sen. David A. Reed's stand for In­ Insurance has long been the spe­ Irish beauty. "Oh." Fourth ran his fingers growing anger that she had both­ It ls not fairly to be supposed, as sometimes it ls supposed, the back seat wouldn't stand for creased federal taxes was interpreted cialty of Senator Hebert. On his "She was a genuine, good little through his white hair. "You know ered to worry about him at all. the attempt." Ail which seems reas­ as administration policy. They were trip abroad, as a member of the Mick," says Mary. Ana that, in what the real issue is, dont you? "Oood morning. Fourth," she said that their work ls confined to the hours in which court if In onable enough. right. The next day Sen. James E. senate's committee on unemploy­ chorine language, means Helen he Inquired heavily at last. "It's crisply. "I'm surprised to see you. session. There are briefs to be studied and motions to be watson of Indiana visited tbe White ment, be made a special study ot Walsh was fine. just a question of whether you'll Perhaps lt isn't you, however. Per. V House and, issuing therefrom, aver­ the subject in the countries he hav_._...e_ T____.1m_.___Nelsonh _•_*or• me«M_a .* * haps it's your ghost. Suicides al­ considered, grave questions' that must be pondered, with con­ Mere speed in an airplane is im­ red that any tax increase would he visited. A stroll along West street offers •_ don't see that. X don't see why ways have ghosts, don't they?" sultation of many authorities. The judges are eager to be pressive to contemplate even if it is a "great mistake." Senator Watson, convincing evidence that the cart Fourth groaned aad removed his kept up for only a brief period. It Before he came to Washington horse ls far from taking its place we shouldn't all be able to live overcoat "I think," he said weak­ correct in their decision, for it is natural to dread reversal. Republican senator leader, to the U here." ls when a man starts from Burbank official loud, and soft speaker for he bad, built P a reputation ta this la museums, alongside fossils of Be shook his head. "No, Joan, ly, "X think I'm dying." To the lay mind the deference paid to precedent ls not in the morning and dines at Cleve­ the administration. He is perhaps field. As a district judge In West giant saurians and the' crowns of you'll have to choose." (Copyright, Freeman Lincoln) land the same day, having reached the most experienced and skillful Warwick; R. I., for 20 years, 17 of kings. Sam said: "X can't turn them out always best for the interests of justice. Zt la part of the sys­ his destination via New York, that politician lp America. . which.he spent as deputy Insurance Stalwart Perchons are in wide in the street. Fourth." _ Fourth touches off a fBse to­ tem under which judges must function while the system con­ one begins to get a definite picture More than 40 years ago lt was commissioner of the state, he be­ use In this district, where wholesale "So?" Fourth leaned back and morrow, and Sam's temper burst*. tinues. The fault to be found with courts rests with more of future travel. !»n solemnly reported that when young came- known widely as an expert in food merchants ply their trade. smiled. "So that's my answerl It What to Fourth's secret? Jim Watson ran for congress in the insurance legislation. When a horse slips or goes down is interesting to know Just what my weight upon lawyers, who through frivolous appeals and de­ Since Clark is te be tried again. German district of Rusnville, Ind., State legislatures found his ad­ under tbe heat, the waterfront stepdaughter thinks of me." liberate delays hamper operations, io what measure judges there is manifest impropriety in try­ he wore wooden shoes and a neck­ vice valuable, and he has appeared pours forth a motely but human Fourth walked over to the big might defend themselves against such tactics, is not for a ing him outside tbe regular tribunal, lace of frankfurters and sang "Oh. before the provincial law-making mob, ready to lend a hand or jabber cupboard in the corner. Be pulled Little Benny whether tbe offender be press or My German Brothers'' before each bodies of Canada on the subject. advice In a dozen tongues. out a large kit bag. Then he began layman to say, because he doesn't know*. pulpit. X write this, having in mind speech. Time and space forbids a' He had been senator only a short to toss his belongings into lt, THE WEAKLY NEWS Judges have to be men of high character. Otherwise they the Sunday harangue of the Rev. check oa this, but, fantasy or fact, time when he was called In by a The editorial board of a local tab­ helter-skelter. Weather: Mixed. Mr. Brelgleb. which was In exceed­ lt illuminates Watson's political senate committee for advice. loid to considering making a col­ Sam said: "X would you wouldn't SISSIETY PAGE could not survive in the publicity that attends kil their ways. ingly bad taste, and demonstrated aptitude. He is a vote-getter. For umnist of a petite, blonde dancer In be foolish." Miss Mary Watkins the famous They are devoted to their tasks and loyal to fine Ideals of anew that the preacher to politics 14 years he remained in congress. Of medium height, rather serious a current revue. She worked on a Fourth did not answer. He put charity werker found a little mouse ought to get out. In 1908 he met. in the Indian guber­ In manner and painstaking, Hebert west coast newspaper and she was on his hat and coat, at least, and cawt in B trap In their back kit­ citizenship. natorial contest, one Thomas doesn't Impress one as the type of born in Oklahoma City. She would stood regarding the kit bag with a chen Wensday afternoon, and be-* Marshall, whose famous five-cent man to Interest himself in so pro­ continue in the show, of course stony stare. Then he shook his fore anybody elts had a •fhrafle to A movie actress ls said to have cigar slogan has new been changed saic a thing aa Insurance. and head. "What did I pack that thing see it and drownd it she quick made paid the government $825,000 in to read, -what this five-cent cigar As a matter of fact, music ls his Owen D. Young, a lover of music. for?" he inquired audibly. "From Coming of the Impoverished back taxes that in seme manner had Mr. Puds Simklns come in and open needs is ha country." Although licked ait. Bo plays the violin and viola I does more to help young musicians all reports, X won't need my the trap aad leeve it excape while A morning paper presents the picture of a man, wife and been overlooked. The operation by Ms~- *?-i his only defeat, Sen. With real skill aad Is B regular at­ then you and you ever heard about, clothes. Not where I'm going." she stood on top of a chair screech­ hardly could have been quite satis­ Watson has •arrived changes In tendant at chamber music concerts "Nonsense!" child who had just reached Los Angeles from Chicago. They factory, as it failed to rate as front land ing. had walked, begged lifts from aotomobllists, had even ridden slogans and politics and has been in in the capital. wills Cather to fond of kittens, "Nonsense to it?" Fourth drew Mr. Bid Bunts big brother Fred to page stuff. However, It did Show tbe senate since 1916. One of the first times he attract­ and himself up with dignity. Then he not working at present on account on brake beams. Zt was by this last method that the final that hard times have missed some A boy orator ta De Pauw. he got ed attention in the senate was with _Kew York grieves not at SO over picked up his mouth organ and of waiting for somebody to give him stage of their journey was made. The picture, with all it individual cases aut and had himself elected state a violin. It was one day back in the passing of July—a month of walked across ths room-- In the a chance to torn motor boat ras­ chancellor of the Knights of Pythias 1929—a fsw months after he had high humidity and low finances, a open door he turned for a last look. ing. conveyed of tattle effort and groundless hope, was a sadden­ Back in an Arkansas ' town an and president of the state Epworth been sworn in—when the tariff bill month clumtnated by the slashing "Ooodby, Joan," be said in a low BIZZNE6S OPPORTUNITIES ing presentation qf a phase of modem life. evangelist won a permit to hold an league. Thus accourted for polities, was up for discussion. of the common stock dividend by voioe. "I hope you'll be able to get For sale or exchange—A alarm Los Angeles, and the entire surrounding community, la out-door meeting of prayer. Then, he easily won a seat In congress. On tables at the back of the V. S. Steel; of generallv sorry busi­ along." • clock that hasent ran for f years apparently not liking tbe spirit In Handsome and oratorical, he has chamber were various dutiable arti­ ness statements; of bad hotel busl- "Thanks, Fourth. I'll try." so ft awt to be Just about reddy facing the problem created by dearth of employment. The which the permit had been given, long been the champion hymn cles on exhibit, including a violin. shows survlvtog in the Rialto dls- "Think of ma sometimes, will to go again. See Shorty Judge any situation ls recognized as ted, but tbe social structure and voiced a ringing petition that the singer of Washington. Saturated nesa; with only a dozen "flesh" you?" BB swallowed heavily and time. mayor be struck by lightning. Natur­ with Shakespeare in his youth, lie When the senate adjourned, as trict, and movie men too weakened closed the door behind him. the economic soundness that underlies it ttt equal to the followed Edwin Booth around the Hebert walked from tbe chamber he INTRISTINO PACKS ABOUT ally this did not open the way to saw the instrument. to tear their hair: with the "suck­ Dinner that night was a strange INTRISTINO PEEPLE [I strain. It is not fair, however, that the strain should be made complete harmony, and la the end middle west and tried to be an er" trade languishing, and fewer and not very pleasant meal. Both One time Lucky Leroy Shooster tbe militia had to umpire the strife. actor, hut became a politician in­ He couldn't resist the urge to pick night clubs open than at any time Nelson and Sam were acutely con­ greater by the addition to present number in distress. Cali­ stead. tt up, and soon the strains of soft swallowed a dime, tbe lucky part It is pleasing to be able to record you can remember; with bankrupt scious that Martha was seated be­ being it dident belong to him. fornia, known to many as a land of promise, has little to offer that the lightning failed to arrive. music were heard. Senators gathered sales and stocks below the horizon tween them at the table rather than the class who beg their way from distant places, arriving When France Invited mayors Of around him, and a small apprecia­ waiting upon it. Glasses Magee likes to look up American cities oa a big joy-riding tive audience in the galleries lin­ sic. Tbe governor of Rhode island Whatever conversation there was long werds In the dictionary to find without money, without plans, and natui__y .reeking the sup­ Friends of a rich bridal couple trip, lt failed to Invite the dozen or gered until be had finished. has been Included in the list. was strained and disconnected, and ount what they mean In case he ever port of charity. in New York were requested not to so of "locality" mayors of New All in his family are musicians. The old grouo is broken up now. Martha aid not contribute toward gets a chance to use them, which ha send presents, hot to donate the York. They held an Indignation Mrs. Hebert is a pianist. Cathe­ Adrian is nracticlng law fat Rhode it at aU. "Where's Fourth?" Nel­ never does on account of forgetting Population, particularly of Southern California, has in­ equivalent of the price to helping meeting aad it was agreed that rine, tbe eldest daughter, also {days Island and onlv occasionally gets son asked Sam. them again rite away. creased beyond precedent. For the great part this Increase the unemployed. It would be cheer­ Mayor Mas Dick of Rlvington the piano. Adrian, the next la line, down to Washington. Three are "Fourth?" Sam was indifferent POME BY SKINNY MARTIN ful to know that the suggestion bad street should go to Europe and pass to a violinist. Marguerite plays the all that are left "Oh, he had to go to town for some Nuthing There to Wash has been beneficial to ths commonwealth and to the new­ been acceptable ts all receiving it, up France — drink German and 'cello, white Felix Edouard, Jr., is Senator Hebert has plaved the reason or other/' I have no ambition to be an erster, comers who have formed a welcome element In the body hut there Is no way to find out. So Austrian beer, visit around every­ tbe third violin player. violin since he was a boy. His par­ Sonny scowled. 'Til bet S know X think they look like heck. politic. But with such as were qualified to come have come there is a chance for the scoffer where, and leave France cold, is In their home here the Heberts ents didn't force him to study mu­ why be went. He went on account The only thing in their favor ta believe that most of them side­ ordained, it was dona Mayor Dick from time to time entertain a se­ sic Be plays because he likes it. of Martha and ma He hates the Being they dont half to wash their also those who for their own good and the good ot the state stepped. returns oa the German liner lect group of friends with their mu- sight of us." neck. should have stayed away. If they were subjects for support fey charity, the charity should have been that of their own onvironment. They were wrong in Imposing themselves upon DIANA DANE It May Have Been Worth Missing by Don Flowers strangers. VOU Be susc I V.LL,DAD. , MR.DAI*/ L. 1 BETTER NOT, A MILLION DOLLARS I'LL %skxr SLIGHTLY PREMATURE NOV UU&ry AND I'M A REPORTER. DAD, YOU'LL WORTH OF PRE.-. AO- UNTIL VB Looking Back TO 0DMB H0M6 GET ABOARD Pasadena now has a new city IN A QXJPLB COULD vou (Sive MISS Vouc VtCSS ANO TUERB GOES SES IF THE A Quarter of a Century manager, John W. Charleville, who OP WEEKS, WITH MOM MB A MOMENT TRAIN. youft TRAIN wyH EDITOR USES made a fine record in a similar posi­ AND JACKIE. DC MOTHER ANO JACKIE Br tbe Associated Press tion at Glendale. Mr. Charleville is DIANA. BEPORB VOU THAT INTER­ September 14 1906 being congratulated a little prema­ LEAVB ? ON IT.'THEY'LL, BE VIEW SSFOM BAN FRANCISCO —Tbe South- turely lt seems to be. Re has under­ VORRiEO NOV/ 1 START WCkT *t>er; n Pacific Co. announced lt would taken a hard Job, tbe directors of INS MVSELP. -> build a railroad line northward up Pasadena having shown a decided J* the coast to Portland, Ore., by clos­ reluctance to let anybody manage ing gaps in existing lines. It was them, and apparently unequal to believed to be a move to head off tbe task of doing this for them­ tbe Gould Interests, now building the Western Pacific raUroad west­ selves. ward from Salt Lake City to San *f prancisoo, SHOIILD BE LOCK-Bu.- .. Matrimonial agencies are under 2 MARTINEX — The town of Black close scrutiny. They should also be «»»piamond, near here, had Its second under lock and-key. There are no ilsastrous fire within a month When more shameless schemes for victlm- times swept the business district, leing silly persons, who after air Ding $10,000 damage. -The town are deserving of protection. " _0 fire department. EVERY COURTESY DEL MONTE — Roads here were Japan treated the Lindberghs owded with automobiles, many with the greatest courtesy, furnish­ »v_"ig arrived from San Francisco ing forth every form of entertain­ the reliability run of tbe Auto- ment the country affords, including •0__e Club of California. a tidy and stimulating earthquake.

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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1951 EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA PAGBITYTJ Quilt Designs to Flying Lindberghs Welcomed by Japanese Throngs Kaitiers rind Dig B nal B rith to When little throats 1 Make Color Books Still in Cavern Meet Tomorrow get thirsty, .% Boys and Girls Advised Complete Bootleg Plant, Entertainment Program let them have to Watch for Flower 2 Can Seized in Will Follow Regular cool spring water Cuts in Outlook Wineville Raid Business Session Little throats get- parched and Boy and girl readers of the Out­ LOS ANOELES, Sept. 14 CT) — Opening the fall season, members need frequent quenching. look are advised to keep an eye on Four men were arrested and a com­ of Santa Monica B'nal B'rlth lodge those quilt designs which mother plete underground distillery was will meet at till o'clock tomorrow Growing bodies require on and sister will be watching for when sized yesterday by members of tbe night in the Eagles' hall. Main and a b un dance ef pure spring water. they start publication next Thurs­ district attornye's liquor squad la a Ashland, Ocean Park. Arthur Ros- free from harsh minerals, yeg day. rain on a ranch near Wineville, the For those quilt designs have a enblum, zone deputy for Southern properly balanced with the right officers reported today. California, will be tbe guest speaker. double use. Mother, grandmother, Hidden in a 250-foot cave was a content of vital salts. sister and the aunts may be in­ 250-gallon still, approximately 40.- Preceding Rosenblum's appearance terested la them because they plan 000 gallons of mash and other with bis official message from the to make quilts, the younger mem­ grand lodge, a program of entertain­ The knowing mortar bers of tbe family will be interested liquor making paraphenalla. the of­ has her childree in them because they form the basis ficers reported. Two automobiles, ment will be presented by the presi­ of handsome flower books. found in the eave. were confiscated. dents of the men's lodge aad drink plenty af A*»> The tour arrested, all of whom women's auxiliary, Mr. and Mrs. Each week one design will be pub­ were ta tbe cave when the raid waa rowhaed Spring lished. Each design will be the made, gave the following names: H. B. Press. Water — because ft drawing ef one of tbe state flowers. Atilio Perina, Guiseppe Cuttila. Tbe program will Include Miss is juvenile, ft has the These drawings are to be colored Tony Mangones aad Glacatlno Cal- Miss Mary Kendel, soloist, and Miss by the boys and girls, with either darella They were booked on Alice Lloyd, whistler, both accom­ fresh, satisfying crayon or water colors, and made panied by Miss Elizabeth Maries at flavor ef Hs famoas into a book which, when completed, liquor law violation charges. the piano. will contain the chosen flower of The Beattie School of the Dance mountain spriag. every state In the nation. Aged Woman Goes will present tbe Misses Sylvia Ros­ ARROWHEAD aranoo Fun In Sight enberg and Dorothy Gaston tn a tap WATKB OO. As soon as the quilt makers have On Trial in Murder dance duet; Miss Dorothy Delmarse GEOBGB BATWTON transferred tbe flower to their quilt In a toe dance specialty, and Miss Dtoti.fc.ter material, the design should then be­ NOGALES, AllB. Sept. 14 (U.R)— Lucille Williams, a tap dancer. Her-Onc Career Cltr, fa-ma, . Associated Press Photo. Mrs. Louise F. Marshall, a stooped B-rert-BU_ aa« Bar DOe-le* come the property of a younger Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh are shown above as they received the plaudits of Japanese crowds The meeting is open to all Jewish Fhone Saata Mealea WIS. member In the family who wishes shortly after alighting from their plane at Kasumlgaura airport after their flight from New York to the and feeble woman of 72, accustomed residents of the Bay district and all to have a hand-made book contain­ Orient They are being escorted from the airport by W. Cameron Forbes, U. S. ambassador. to wealth and social position since friends ef members. ing all tbe state flowers as an ad­ childhood, went on trial today on Arrowhead dition to his own private library. Machado Welcomes a charge of having murdered Thom­ Think of tbe fun of having such as K. Marshall, 4», her husband. Spring a book, made all by yourself I Every­ Marshall was shot April 26 while RAY STRONG one wUl be interested in looking at Aqueduct Meeds Blame Explosion Spanish War Vets sleeping in his Tucson home. Be 11 when It is finished and you will HAVANA, Sept 14 UP)—Presidentdie d May 23 In a Los Angeles hos­ SCHOOL OF PIANO Water enjoy making it. Machado Saturday welcomed 200 pital, where his wife sent him far Great Success with Children Because the Outlook believes tbe veterans of tbe Spanish-American an operation for removal of one of Studio—1231 Armacost Avenue H's JwreniM boys and girls are going to want the four bullets the stats contends these books to be well made and Urged a Speech la Hyphen Crash war visiting Cuba after this con­ she shot Into his body In a Jealous Phone WLA-S43H substantial, arrangements are being vention in New Orleans. rage. made to bare books made ta which MOSCOW. Sept. 14 UP*—The air­ the drawings may be traced and Morgan Addresses 500 at plane Hyphen II la which Joseph colored. Mast Meeting for Lebrix and Rene Mesmin were Plan Color Books killed in a crash near Ufa on Sat­ These color books are not yet Water Bonds urday was literally blown to pieces SS- =sss 355 mads but announcement will be in mid-air by an explosion In tbe given as soon as they are ready for "Eventually — why not now?" motor, the Tass agency correspond­ distribution. To prevent boys and queried Geoffrey F. Morgan in an ent reported today from the scene of girls who are not interested In paint­ address on the Importance of pass­ the wreck. ing the designs from asking for the ing the metropolitan water bonds at books, the Outlook will require pre­ a public mass meeting bald bt the There were indications that the ANNOUNC1N© sentation of a coupon and five cents plaza of the municipal auditorium machine had caught fire, tar tbe to obtain the bound sheets on which Friday evening before a throng esti­ correspondent said a wide area af tbe paintings are to be made. Tbe mated at 500. the meadow In which the plane coupon will appear as soon as tbe "We have a water supply that will crashed had been burned over. Bits books are ready. possibly last us eight or ton years of the ship littered the ground. more," declared Morgan, "but tbe lt is advised that the young ar fact remains that we will need more MT. and Mrs. Parka Southworth tists experiment with each of tbe water eventually—so why not get It have taken a new residence at 1108 designs on a piece of loose paper now? Idaho avenue. before painting the design into the THREE PRIZE C0N1 ESS WUl Take Tears color book. "If construction was to start to­ Transfer Designs morrow on the Parker route aque­ He can transfer bis design either duct from the Colorado river it with carbon paper or by holding would be six to eight years before Piles Go Quick the printed design and the plain a drop of water would run through December 4.1991, will Be the DM Angeles ings, and general conditions wHScl. prevailed tn paper against the window pane and the aqueduct, so we must get start­ I and about Los Angeles a half century ago. These tracing the outline with a lead pen­ ed as soon as possible on the Without Salves or Cutting Times' fiftieth birthday, in commemoration of project," cil. Some of the boys and girls Itching, bleeding, protruding piles which this newspaper will issue on that date a pictures, matched with similar views taken an. may be able to take off tbe design Morgan painted a picture of are caused by bad circulation of the later dates, will show the step-by-step growth from free hand. Southern California as it was prior blood in the affected parts. The voluminous and appropriate "FIFTIETH AN­ The children should read the In­ to the time when irrigation was parts become weak, flabby, almost NIVERSARY EDITION", in combination with pioneer days up to the present moment. This pic­ structions for fleering each design started. "It was nothing but bar­ dead. Only an internal remedy can and then choose their crayons or ren desert land," be said. "There remove tbe cause—that's why salves, the regular Annual Midwinter Number ordinarily torial record will be accompanied by a complete water colors accordingly. Since was a short rainfall period followed suppositories and cutting fall. Dr. and historically-authentic account of the almost un­ mother is going to want the design by months of dryness that withered Leonhardt's prescription, HEM- issued on or about the first of each year. for bar quilt block, ft might be a every green thing. Unless we estab­ ROID, succeeds because it removes During this epochal half century. Southern Cali­ believable changes and developments of the past five good idea to make a bargain with lish a new water supply the terri­ congestion, restores circulation, her. Tell her that you will watch tory here will revert to desert land. heals and strengthens the diseased fornia and the Los Angeles Times, rising alike from decades. Finally, will be set forth all the colorful and for tbe design in' each Thursday's We won't need the water for years, parts. HEM-ROID has such a won­ so dont think me an alarmist when derful record of quickly end—if small beginnings, have faced the same problems, met and varied sights which will greet our visitors during 1932. Outlook and that you will clip It out I say that we should go after it now even piles of long standing, that and give it to her 11 she will give and be prepared." Santa Monica Drug Co. says one surmounted the same obstacles, fought through the same including a complete pictorial section devoted to movie* It back to you as soon as she has 14 Cities to Share bottle of HEM-ROID Tablets must periods of panic and discouragement, and, actuated by land, and another giving complete illustrated details ef transferred it to her t_ullt material Morgan explained that 14 cities end your pile agony or money back.— in Southern California will share In Advertisement. the same unshakable confidence, have pressed steadily Los Angeles' fast-approaching world tourist event—the the payment of tbe $220,000,000 great international Olympic Games. Nadine Dore Wins project "Tbe way some people forward, each at length to attain a new high mark in the howl you would think they were In addition to the comprehensive editorial pro­ Ocean Park Contest paying for the whole thing," be ob­ world's history ef progress. Tbe International Beautequest served. "Not one penny will be paid The FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION gram already under preparation, The Times desires to came to Its close at the plaza of the until a bond is sold, and the prin­ Ocean Park municipal auditorium cipal won't have to be taken care will set forth this dramatic narrative in seven profusely- include representative expressions from the people of last night with Miss Nadine Dore of until IS years from the time tbe illustrated magazines. In point of editorial comment Southern California at large, and to that end announces of Los Angeles holding the title of bonds are voted. By this time there "Miss North Ameriea." Miss Dore, should be a tremendous deluge of and mechanical excellence it will be the culmination of the prize contests described below. The intention in these a tall brunette, won her honors Immigration here, who will have contests is to avoid duplicating the subject matter to be against competition from 47 young to bear their share of tbe burden, all the annual editions which The Times has heretofore women, many ef whom came from too." brought out One of its notable features will be the re­ covered in the regular editorial contents, augmenting distant parts of tbe United States, Motion pictures were to have been Mexico and Canada. She was se­ presented by tbe metropolitan water production of an immense collection of early-day photo­ the story with new side lights and intimate personal lected for tbe title by a vote of 60 board, but poor lighting arrange­ experiences. judges who officiated In groups of ments made it necessary to postpone graphs, visualizing the actual setting of streets, build­ IS during the four days the contest them. R. P. Davis was in charge of was under way. the meeting. Twenty girls were in the final Judging of the contest last night, which lasted until 10 o'clock before Man Killed as Bus the Judges came to a decision. When Woodstock $38QjbrBed>Arhcle on Mai's §\00 JbrBesl Slogan Epitomizing tbe results were finally announced, Crashes Into House Charles Lick of tbe Lick Pier Co. I£>S ANGELES, Sept 14 (CNS)— presented Miss Dore with a large Mrs. Pauline Lopez, 42, will escape Typewriters Ahead fir Southern CaliforniaConstructive Character ojIheTimes silver cup In token ef her new title. the death which overtook her hus­ band, 53, when a runaway motorbus FOR SALE ON EAST TERMS Who, fifty years ago, would have dared predict that Many and diverse qualities are woven into the fabriS came hurtling through the side of of a great newspaper. For example, toe Los Angeles Times their dwelling at 301 North Lincoln Also all makes typewriters the obscure village of Los Angeles, a pueblo of 11,183 inhabi­ Christian Science Park avenue. serviced and reconditioned. tants according to the 1880 census, would grow in five dec­ prints more news than any other newspaper west of the Tbe woman was recovering today ades to the fifth largest municipality in ths United States .. • Mississippi River. It also specializes in accuracy, and aims from serious injuries she suffered Woodstock Typewriters Rented to deal fairly and impartially with all questions. It likewise The proverb, "By humility and when the big bus crashed Into tbe that a million self-propelled vehicles would flash over its high­ the fear of the Lord are riches and parlor where she and her husband Special Rate to Students ways . . . that giant mechanical birds would convey passen­ is characterized by local ownership, and by its whole-hearted honour and life," was the golden sat reading yesterday. gers and mail to New York and aggressive sopport of lo* text in tbe lesson-sermon on "Sub­ Locked steering gear as the driver stance," Sunday, in ail branches of swung his heavy machine around New and Factory City in approximately a day­ cal rights and interests. tbe mother church, the First'church another car caused tbe accident, time I of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. police reported. Rebuilt Had toe forthcoming §li)0j6r 10 Best Anecdotes on But apart from these God's rewards for obedience were Two passengers in the bus were attributes there is a particu­ set forth in citations from Deute­ slightly hurt. They were A. Calli- FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY lar quality which has made ronomy, "Aad it shall come to pass, flower, 816 Sierra street, and An­ Woodstock EDITION been published in if thou shalt hearken diligently thony Origoll, 8720 Bornell street. 1881 as a prophecy of the fu­ larly Day Life in Southern Qli/orniaThe Time s outstanding as the unto the voice of the Lord, thy God, Whiting was uninjured. Typewriter Co. Strange and often amusing episodes took place in the family newspaper of Southern to observe and to do all his com­ Lopez died la Georgia Receiving 815 S. Hill St., Los Angeles ture, its progenitors would California. mandments which I command thee hospital soon after the accident, in TRInity 7681 have been objects of derision. frontier life of Southern California. Today, accounts ef these this day, that the Lord thy God which the frame dwelling virtually Yet the miracle has occurrences are eagerly read, not alone for the actual event will set thee oa high above all na­ was wrecked. or the characters concerned, but because they give aa inti­ That quality is Tiff tions of the earth.... Blessed shalt only begun to unfold. Times' consistent and contin­ thou be in the City, and blessed For the best prophetic mate glimpse of the contrasting conditions ef the period. shalt thou be In the field .. . And Many an interesting tale could be told of journeys la the ued effort to seek out and em­ thou shall not go aside from any article, forecasting in not early days—of bear hunts—of floods and drought—of po­ phasize toe elean and con­ of the words which I command thee more than 8000 words what structive elements in life. this day, to the right band, or to is ahead for Southern Califor­ litical intrigue—of business transactions—of the • vicissi­ the left, to go after other gods to tudes of daily life. serve them." nia, the Los Angeles Times The Times does not A correlative passage from will pay 8850.00; the winning The Los Angeles Times will pay 820.00 each for the need to be kept from children. "Science and Health With a Key to article to appear in the FIF­ 10 best anecdotes of life in Southern California fifty or more It does not distort life nor the Scriptures," tar Mary Baker years age, such anecdotes to be written by men or womea Eddy, stated, "A* God is substance TIETH ANNIVERSARY EDI­ pander to low emotions, It and man is the divine image and TION. (The Times reserves who were then living and who actually witnessed, par­ believes that to normal people likeness, man should wish for, and the right to publish, and pay ticipated in, or had first-handknowledg e of the event de­ crime and filth are less inter­ in reality has, only the substance scribed. The winning anecdotes will appear in the forth­ of good, the substance of Spirit, for at space rates, any non- esting than toe flight sf tf not matter. Tbe belief that man prize-winning manuscripts.) coming FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. Lindbergh, the conquest of has any other substance, or mind. As to the scope or Anecdotes must not exceed 200 words in length, and tte South Pole, or any ether Is not spiritual and breaks tbe First must be signed by the contestant's name, present address, Commandment, Thou shall have -TO PAY OVERDUE form of tiie prophecies. The ef the countless constructive one God, one Mind" BILLS OR TAXES Times makes no suggestions age, and where living at the time the episode occurred. things which are daily re­ beyond pointing oat that in ported in its columns. -IO REFURNISH general a forecast gains in CENERAL RULES YOUR HOME plausibility sad practical val­ $100.00 wiO be pa« ue if kept somewhere within Contests are opes to sfl except Los An­ Times, Los Angeles, Cal., aad atotst reach for the slogan applicable to -TO MAKE REPAIRS geles Time* employees aad their families. Th* Times sa or before midnight, Oct The Times, which best epito­ OR IMPROVEMENTS range of present experience. Manuscripts must be signed oa front page 10, 1931. Award will be made ea the with ooaaM end address al contestant. Should two or more manuscripts, deemed mizes this quality of whole- basis of all-around merit, ev­ ill tho "Anecdote Contest", contestant* of equal merit, b* tied for any prixe, th* fooil someness. Slogans must not -TO MV FOR mast aha state ag* and where living amount af th* prise will bs paid to each. exceed fifteen words. MEDICAL ATTENTION erything considered. when th* episode occurred.) Winning contestants will be announced a will be impossible ta ovtsra any In the Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, De­ manuscripts unless accompanied By self- cember 4, MSI, St wbich time awards wiO addressed, Btaaop*d envelops. BS fsM. Manuscripts must b* sddressed ta "An­ lodges wHI be s committo* al Tonoos niversary Contest Editor", Las Angeles executives, their decision wll bo fiasL Personal Finance Company, Ltd. 506 Santa Monica Blvd. m DR. W. A. LADY Room 304 Bliss Bldg. OPTOM-TBIST m 1309 Third St I wwi-miaim- Phone 280S2 PHONB USSl Santa Monica Hm &irMes Qtimtti SM-MJi- m*»mVt$A»mti •

• ISI ll'l, , - '-#$$& ^____ Ali. • V.:7 __&>/____i_ • '• .'"V .7^-* 1^7^ .^J^P^*^-?!^! ' •. .

FAGS SDL EVENTNC )UTLO SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 ANNOUNCE PATRONS FOR BIG OUTLOOK CHARITY BALL a ii" ' Ooilt Design to Answer Queries John Jones and Bill Smith Mrs. Stephens | John Jones was sick. BUI Smith knows that Santa He knew he was sick. Monlea needs ta do something about its high school. He knows Appear Thursday On School Bonds Be bad tried no end of reme­ the high school plant to hope­ To Be Hostess dies. Some of them helped a lessly Inadequate. He knows little bat none gave real relief. that a good high school and First of State Flowers Speakers List Questions At last, one day, he became SB Junior college are good business Anyone Bringing Food to for any town. He knows that to Be Published Most Often Heard in Ut thai his family called a the bond issue, in addition to Be Admitted to Dance Discussing Needs physician. keeping Santa Monica in the This Week The physician came, examined ranks of choice residential cities, and Concessions the patient and said he could Because the committee of 100 will aid also the unemployment Representing all of Santa Mon­ Quilt enthusiasts in Santa Monica put him on the road to recovery. situation. and vicinity are being paged today citizens engaged in promoting the He wrote a prescription. ica's society and club circles, tta by the Outlook. school bond issue, to be voted Sep­ But he is opposed to the pro­ patrons and patronesses for the tember 22, believes some confusion The family got the perscrip- posed bond Issue, he says. He charity ball, which the Evening Out­ The message is Important. It to tion filled. But Jones refused \l the announcement that the designs exists in the minds of citizens rela­ has a haunting fear Of any look will give Friday night in the for the state flower quilt will start tive to the emergency situation now to take the medicine. His family prescription written by the La Monica ballroom, include the next Thursday and will appear each confronting Santa Monica and rela­ wanted te know why he wouldn't board of education. The reason. leading citizens of the Bay district. week thereafter until all 48 blocks tive to the proposed relief program, take the remedy. Jones said It he says, is because there' to a Mrs. D. G. Stephens, who will act BB have been published. that committee has prepared a list was because he didn't like the member of tbe board of educa­ hostess for the party, the purpose Women who already have made of questions most frequently asked doctor! tion whom he doesn't like. of which is to collect groceries for quilts will want to add this beauty by citizens together with answers His family argued. It made But there's hope for Bill the Santa Monica Council of So­ to their collection, not only because to those questions. no difference, they said, whet—er Smith's recovery, once he learns cial Welfare, announced today that it makes attractive "pick-up" work All the questions have been asked Jones liked the doctor or not so It was not the board of educa­ the men and women who are assist­ and B handsome coverlet. But be­ speakers outlining the proposed bond long as the medicine was what tion that wrote the prescription. ing her will bring to the affair many cause it is interesting, not only to issue at various meetings within the he needed. It was tbe Citizens Committee Les Angeles, Pasadena and Holly­ the maker, but to all who see tt past few weeks. Jones was obdurate. He died. of Twenty-one. wood guests. when completed. Active Chairman tt to tbe hope of the sponsors of Most Popular 'the party that all Santa Monica will Most active in collecting the ques­ aid Mrs. Stephens In replenishing Ruby Short McKim, probably the tions and in formulating the an­ the pantry shelves of the welfare best known of quilt designers in the swers has been Geoffrey F. Morgan, home. United States, has stated that, ot chairman both of the committee of Riches Promised F_ Companies Anyone who brings non-perishable all the quilts which have gone oas 100 and the committee of 31, which of'the McKim quilt studios during food supplies for tne welfare coun­ recommended a bond issue after a cil will be admitted to the party and the past ten years, none has been careful survey of existing conditions. so popular, both during the making to the rides on the pier concessions. and after completion, as tbe one During the past two months, Mor­ By Mining Claim Back Bay Ref_ge Canned fruits, vegetables and which represents the state flowers gan has spoken at more than fifty staples will be acceptable. chosen by the people of the United meetings and has answered nun-1 List Patrons States. dreds of questions. He will not be In the dty to see the campaign to Great Germanium Deposit Approve Preservation of The patrons and patronesses of the ball The quilt ls being made by women are Mayor and Mrs. Herman Michel, Com­ In every section of the United States. its close as he will leave tonight on Found on Property of Local Waters for missioner and Mrs. Y. A. Helton. Commis­ There are groups In New England an extended lecture of eastern cities. sioner and Mrs. John A. Morton, Judge at work on it; Groups In the Mid­ Commenting today upon the com­ Santa Monicans Breading Ground and Mrs. Arthur Weber, Or. and Mrs. ing election, he expressed his con­ William H. Cornett, Mr. and Mrs. John dle West, the South and the North. Parkinson, the Rev. and Mrs. Wallace N. So far as is known. Santa Monica fidence that Santa Monica has "too Reports from geologists that they Perhaps for the first time In the Pierson, Judge MM Mrs. Fred H. Taft, will he the first city ta California good a business head" to risk letting have an Immense deposit of ger­ history of fish conservation plans, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. WaddtU, Chief and to have a chance at the design, but her high school and Junior college manium on their mining claim in fish cannery operators aided sports­ Mrs. Clarence Webb, Mr. and Mr*. Joseph others are expected to follow. run down even If she were not pri­ the San Bernardino mountains to­ men in securing the legislation that Zuckerman, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Qfrn't'Ti marily interested in education. Judge sad Mrs. Victor R. McLucas, Mr, Plan Contest day brought to three Santa Moni­ has made Santa Monica bay a closed and Mrs. Walter Little. Mr. and Mrs. W. Because so many sections of the Where Money Goes cans, Edward Wenke, J. A. McHenry area to commercial fishing, Capt. J. Mohr, Or. Dorothy C. Smyley. Mr. and country and ss many women art The question most frequently and Andrew R. Mascaro, visions of O. C. Olsen, pier manager, said today Mrs. Oordon Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph •t work on the state flower quilt, asked, according to speakers, to wealth beyond the dreams of ava­ in commenting on the various re­ Braun, Mrs. Prank J. Wagner. It Is being planned to hold a na­ relative to the expenditure of the rice. strictions now applicable to the bay. Or. and Mrs. Leo J. Fogel, Mr. and Mrs. tion-wide contest at which prize- bond issue. The answer prepared The metal in question was discov­ Charles E. Hewes, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. winning quilts from each dty will by the committee of 100 follows: Officials of the company sanc­ Levengood. Dr. and Mrs. 0. H. Richmond, ered' only in 1886 and is so rare lt tioned and endorsed the plans to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith, Mr. aad Mrs. compete for the award to be of­ sell now for $1,000 a pound. A small J. Edgar Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur fered by the McKim quilt studios. (a) Purchase of land - $350,000. amount of lt, combined with alum­ adopt a standard size net for fish­ Gripp, Mr. and Mrg. Earl P. Nlttlnger, Mr. It Is possible also that there may Lots 1 to SI, inclusive, between inum, forms a light alloy of great ing here, Captain Olsen said. The and Mrs. Harry Henshey, Mr. snd Mrs. be state contests. Fourth and Fifth streets, and strength which to used In the con­ canneries are indirectly profiting V. B. Gillespie. In order that Santa Monica wom­ Michigan and the P. E. tracks; struction of airplanes. though. In tbe use of the halt net Many to Aid an may be eligible to enter the na­ lots 5 to 28, Inclusive, between here, he pointed out, as fish that are Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Francis. Mr. and tion-wide contest and the state Fifth and Sixth streets and Mich­ Geologist Makes Discovery too large for bait are not netted and Mrs. H. J. Engelbrecht, Mr. and Mrs. U. contest, if California organizes a thus remain for food for the bigger F. del Valle, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Doyle, igan aad avenues. Discovery of Its presence on the Mr. and Mrs C. O. White, Mrs. Mattie competition, the Outlook will hold Here is a drawing of all the blocks in the state flower quilt placed together in alphabetical order as they (bi Construction of high school and claim was made by Jack Kroone, fish that the canneries use. Boardman, Mrs. Alfred Black, Sir, aad an exhibit of completed quilts some will appear, one each week in the Outlook, starting next Thursday, ana continuing until all states have junior college classroom build­ geologist, and has been confirmed Mrs. Grant Whale. Mr. and Mrs. Harry time next year, at which time the Due to the construction and size been represented in the great quilt bouquet. Watch for the first design, clip tt and either transfer immedi­ ing -1176,000 by a Dr. Stradt, of Glendale, ac­ of the net now legal for fishing here, Cowan, Dr. and Mri. R. J. Van Sickle, winners will be selected and prizes cording to Mascaro's report. A Mr. and Mrs. Jere Black Jr., Mrs. Mane awarded. ately to material on which the quilt is to be embroidered, painted, crayoned or appliqued, or save it for (e) Construction of a domestic sci­ only the smallest fish or bait can be T. Hutchlngs, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. H. future use. Don't let the paper get away until you have dipped the design, for even though you may not Glendale firm has offered to pur­ Simple to Make ence and cafeteria building with taken from the water. The standard Rowand. Miss Amy Waters. Mrs. Edla intend, at this time, to make a quilt, you are going to change your mind when you see the first finished classrooms on second floor.——— chase the rough ore coming from net to 120 fathoms long, over all, and Teener Swinney, Mrs. Gwendoline Waters. Women who have not yet made the mine at the rate of 500 tons a a quilt, but who have planned to blocks of your friends and neighbors. ,".. ..$100,000 10 fathoms deep at the center. A Miss Emma Slama, Misa 0. O. Cameron, T steamers laden with cargo and metropolis. Switzerland have been electrified. "HMMBIOOB passengers for all parts of South- Written primarily for use of pu­ "pRtstuat em California called at the "new pils in the public schools, the his­ Diagnosis - CC-IMA wharf," which had replaced old Shoo tory, at the request ef school su­ HINCKLEY'S and Fly landing, and when wagon trains, pervisors and principals, has been mtrn -u-ceae hauling materials from the wharf to .LUMBACO San Bernardino and other settle­ written la simple style, but it is not Towne Shoppe X-Ray Report -BACKACMf ments not on the railroad, kept the believed that the short sentences, Exceptional Pall Coat Values -CONsnntTea streets ot the pioneer town worn in­ simple language and the drawing of A small deposit will hold one lor rou. Alter the above reports have been -KIDMCYMW to ruts and kept the village wrapped somewhat obvious deductions will DRIP made, unless we feel sure we can •STOMACH in a cloud of dust which filtered prove tiresome to adult readers. 1352 THIRD STREET produce satisfactory results, your •Taooaut through the walls of the board For Scrapbook Use Phone 29424 Santa Monica case will not be accepted. ' iln.au shacks and made housekeeping dif­ The chapters will be printed in a When you go te a Chiropractor, ficult. compact form, convenient for clip­ COFFEE *RN_UM4rrJB ping and pasting into scrapbooks. so insist upon the above reports being K_SIi«J- The story of the hard days which MATERNITY followed, when the boom buret, as that the scrapbooks, when com­ made, so that the work given you pleted, will not be unattractive in Cases—10 Day; is the ORIGINAL and ONLY will not be guesswork. Come to oar all good and bad booms have the .S80 habit of doing, might be depressing appearance. The effort to make the Doctor's Services Included coffee SPECIALLY prepared offices we win gladly explain, all 'ortte* if readers did not know, from pres­ scrapbooks pleasing in appearance rear troubles In detail. ent observation, that the town got ls being made because the Outlook tor a quick-flavor release charac­ If T*e are sick—ret permanent relief. Be teases? over its slump, as good towns have is confident that a large percentage Martin Hospital teristic, necessary for making well. BB njatter what roar trouble er haw a habit of doing, and emerged from of its readers will wish to collect the 801 Santa Monica Blvd. lane re* hare lettered, wo eaa sot rou its doldrums to become one of the chapters as a permanent addition to the most deliriously satisfying well, if H la possible te de aa. If others \conwttfai most attractive cities on the Paci­ their personal libraries. hare fallel to Sat BOB well, don't he dis- fic coast. and the most healthful coffee. eearared. Cease ta us. We specialise la Readers are advised to clip every aeate aad ehr.Bie easee that ethers hare Many Sources of Material chapter. If you do not wish them Fountain Pen and Pencils Ben-Hur Drip Coffee is speci­ tailed Oe relle-e. Material for ths series has been for yourself, (here will be a neigh­ Three Lines ta Select From collected from a score of sources. bor school boy or girl who would be Wahl, with the new Doric Line ally selected and blended..pre- Much of lt came from old files of glad to have an extra set. The and Personal Point selection. The the Outlook; a considerable part series will be continuous, with the new Parker set, Pen and Pencil cured to assure even roasting... came from interviews with old- exception of Christmas vacation, for $5.00. Sheaffer's new grey steel-cat to EXACT fineness.-. DR. H. H. RHODES timers; some of it came from In- until the end of next May. and pearl, with a touch of flame gersoll's History of the Banta Mon­ eolor. Variety of Desk Sets. moden—yvacuuxnizedhotfrom X-RAY CHIROPRACTOR ica Bay Cities. Background chap­ School Pens and Pencils reason­ the roaster... and comes to you ters, dealing with California history, Children ably priced as low as $1.75. PALMER GRADUATE before Santa Monica had become FRESH TO THp OPENING to_fc Bldg- Corner Saata Monka and Fourth SC 35c an entity, were assembled from va­ HAIRCUT J«JC 25c Carlisle-Thompson MOMENT! PHONS 284-8 rious published, authentic histories. Expert Work Beautiful Shop As the story of Santa Monica al­ * -hen coffee is finely aroand la ea—aar- M A. M. to 1 P. ML—| to S P. M.—7 to 8:80 P. M. Sanitary Methods Co., Ltd. electric codec mills for the drip method ot Saturdays-* A M. to 1 P. M ways has been interwoven with that militia, beet it developed br nictio- on the of Los Angeles, it was deemed ad­ 202 Santa Monica Blvd. doee-eet antxW bona. This beet am—o the visable to include in the series a few Outlook Shop Pbone 22422 delicate.- fle-oced aromatic oils as the coffee chapters dealing with the founding, 1506 FOURTH ST. Open K-ealnaa Cat- T;BB

__£__£ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA PAGE SEVEN r=l *$OClAL _V-5WVS—» CHILD&EW ESTELLE LMTQN LINDSEY /fANCYJSAGB rsi- [Bi CLUB *r\CrrVTTIB& FASHIONS *ft__ FLORENCE AUSTIN CMASB AJLEEN LAMQNT ^ " NOME- BCONOMIC& * OF INTEREST * WOMEN ^TAMES SAMUEL LACY i__J _"" Nancy Page Log of tbe (.ood Ship I jfe Parent-Teachers Tuning In With Our OriWren Local Art Association By ESTELLE LAWTON LINDSEY By JAMES SAMUEL LACY By FLORENCE LA GANKE Communication* Relative lo Rue Department Should Be addressed ta Laying Plans for M "Out. Out. Cod Lver CHI Spot; KateUs Lawton Lindner ts Care ol This Paper SON WANTS MOTHER TO STAT AT SCHOOL WITH HIM •w5 Out, I Bay" Dear Mr. Lacy- My boy of 6 has gone to school one term. Since Members Attend Dinner Speaking of advertising dentists and other professional men who use Regional Session .chool began last week, X have had such a time to get him to go with-, Among tbe most picturesque costumes worn Saturday night at the the want ads and other modern methods of publicity to get a share of out me. I have tried a number of punishments. Last year he got along Bohemian dinner dance given to the Los Angeles Breakfast club by the patronage, I am glad to see the angle of the matter as tt presents itself Parent-Teacher leaders in South­ fine, liked his teacher, had lota of nice playmates. He wasn't afraid ot ern California will take part in the anything or anyone at school. At home he goes out and plays away artists of Southern California, were those with which the members of I to "Minerva" Here Is her story. She told tt to me some weeks before department round table discussions, from me. But when X go to school the Santa Monica Art association delighted the 1,000 guests. A table of that woman who had 111 luck with a dentist wrote me about tt "Minerva" promising to be one of the most in­ with him he Just clings to me and Santa Monicans at which Mr. and Mrs. George Barker were hosts was had good luck, aad she is, in con- ______teresting features when tbe first dis­ cries when it Is time for me to go centered with a tiny replica of sequence, strong for advertising I what can't be helped ILL trict conference of California Con­ back home. It cant be his teacher, CityBriefs Santa Monica's forthcoming har­ dentists, "because," she says, "if the| Q. -I married six years ago. To me gress of Parents and Teachers is for die la very nice to him. Please bor. At each end, Imitation flow­ husband was a prince. X wor­ held la Santa Monica September 34. Mrs. J. A. Wagner and her chil­ ers, fashioned of paint brushes, Style Glimpses excellent dentist my help me. Troubled Mother. who did my shipped him and was happy. Be­ Mrs. Glenn Hovey of Santa Mon­ dren, JBwph and Betty, 3770 .Boise, completed the table's decoration. By AILEEN LAMONT work had not cause of my great love and confi­ Dear -Troubled Mother": Stop Mar Vista, have returned from a Mr. and Mrs. Barker wore Span­ dence and my desire for harmony, ica will lead the discussion on punishing the boy right now. You ish costumes, Laurie Wallace at­ Special Correspondent Evening Outlook ran a card in school education. "Thrift* will be dflttt want to make htm hate school, sevreal days' visit witH" Mrs. Jacob Special Correipondent of the Ontlook tbe newspapers. X allowed my husband to dominate discussed by Mrs. H. E. Sharp, as­ tended In the impressive garb of how cou Id I my existence. In fact, I bad no life and your present handling of the Schlager of Santa Barbara. Mrs. "8vengali"; Mrs. Edna Cook was a NEW YORK, Sept. 14 (CPA) — sisted by Arthur H. Chamberlin. sec­ difficulty is rapidly bringing this Schlager and Mrs. Wagner were in-* pioneer woman; Miss Adele Mora- You recall, from th light operas, have ever known save his will. I thought X had his retary of the California Association about. A general rule we can safely nan was a dashing pioneer youth; how the pretty shepherdess wore a anything about love and that was all I wanted. He tor Education In Thrift and the! follow is" to discover the^causes back school together in the East in their big hat over the right ear and held him? No ma'am, IS one of these righteous souls who author of textbooks on thrift edu girlhood. Eugene Morahan attracted much tbe ethical pro­ of human behavior. Treat causes; attention as a Franciscan monk; it In place, while herding the sheep, believe not In breaking nature's cation used in schools throughout the effects will disappear. Stewart Robertson was a hard- by a ribbon under ths chin? Paris Lois was grumbling. "It is SO fessional man laws. And so I have borne a baby |the~United"States, Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor S. Card, is wearing the same shepherdess hat BUI not adver­ Find Cause of His Fear 231 Euclid street, and their sons, boiled, tattooed sailor, wbue Mrs. easy for the doctors to say "Give a year for five years. At last X have | MrMrs R T 0oodhUe will srjeak to Robertson wore a gypsy costume; now, In felt. But instead ot tying a the baby Ood Liver Oil." but has a tise — directly. sense enough to realize that instead ih Ju&city «£un Lid Mrs Mark Applying this rale to your prob­ Benjamin and John, have returned Mr. and Mrss. Lydell Smith and ribbon under her chin she uses the doctor ever tried to get Cod Liver But. oh boy. the of marrying .i prince 1.marriedl a | Son^lmV^\^SJ%t^e7. lems, you will find that your boy bad from Big Bear lake, where they ribbon as a strap over the left side an unpleasant experience with some have been spending several weeks. George Schrelber were dressed to Oil stains out? Just 1st them try." way he laps up fool. Now I find he never loved me includudlnm th_ toDics concerned with represent Spanish nobility and Mrs. of the head to keep the hat more Nancy's first suggestion was that ad vertising- and he has a string of other women !.^ /e ™ Kes^d/'^ue of person or thing during the summer Mrs. Moric Pfeifer, 1026 Twenty- Bruce Howell was a Snanish peas­ or less on. the oil be given to a youngster indirectly —toll am slowly dying_0*_oyerwork and | p_rent-Teacher Review Lists," "How vacation. That person or thing is first street, is spending a three ant; Mra. Amy Haviland and Gerald In London they are beginning to when he has his bath. Then there Mrs. Llndsey just nobody's neglect. Can I make that man sup­ to Use Them," "Factors in Judg­ closely related to school. weeks' vacation at Gilman Hot Williams wore the costumes of art match the Jewels to the personality. are not clothes to spot. But If a business. Let me qualify as an ex­ port me and the babies if I divorce ing a Picture," "Our Community Find out If ha had a vacation Springs. students. At any rate, to the complexion. If dress or sacque is spotted and the pert witness in this controversy. him? Disgusted. Responsibility" and "Junior Mat­ clash with some other child. If so, your coloring Isn't so good, you wear stain is still fresh here is the way "Ones upon a time, lor my sins, I visit the parents. Call the boys Mrs. Leo Wldney, 1341 Georgina Among the others who were hosts green to make your face look pink- A.—That depends on many things. inee." together and get the matter avenue, has returned from Paso were: Mrs. Blanche Ballagh, speak­ to remove lt. was married to a professional man Bat, ch-e-e-i-Id. you are a hippo­ Other groups will discuss such ers' table: Paul Francesco Lupo, SB. If you have blue eyes, you wear of the ultra ethical variety. The potamus for punishment. Five ba­ straightened out. Conditions cannot Robles. where she was a guest for lapis lazuli or aquamarines; if you Dissolve one tablespoon soap mention of running a card in the timely subjects as "Mental Hygiene," go on as at present. a month of her sister, Mrs. H. H, master of ceremonies; Miss Bessie are dark of hair, toot fair of skin, flakes in three tablespoons boiling bies In five years before rou began "Summer Bound Up," "Parental Wilson. Kasai, International Artists' club: water. Cook until tt begins to get papers caused him to reach for his to realize that your "prince" was I think tt win be well for you to Mrs. George Harris Cook, Ebell Art you wear turquoise, and If you have hair and call heaven to witness that Education and Study Groups." go thoroughly Into this matter with brown eyes, you wear all the rubies thick. Stir in two tablespoons ba­ a plain and fancy egotist. "Spiritual Training," "Children's The Rev. Harry Black, pastor of patrons; Mrs. Jeannette Johns. Mrs. nana oil. Cover the spot with this he would never do anything that And you, yourself, were not so Reading" and "Handicapped Chil­ your boy's teacher. She will, no Mary Everett and Mrs. Laura Wood- and topazes you can get. 'cheap.' He held to the mid-Vic­ bright. However, has your husband doubt, be able to help you discover the Free Methodist church, has head Steer, California Art club; Mrs. Puffed sleeves are with, us again, paste and rub lightly but well until torian idea that.this line of twaddle dren." what he fears or dislikes; then she returned from an evangelistic tour Ood Liver Oil is removed. Launder any property? Unless he has, a to Downers Grove, III. Louise Ward Watkins, Friday Morn­ and growing puffier. They promise in warm suds. impressed tbe public with tte idea court order to support you and the Mrs. Edith A. Mitchell will speak wili assist In explaining away or in ing club; Mrs. Gloria Mayne, Bel to be so large by mid-autumn that that there was something grand and children wUl not be worth the price on "Recreation," bringing out the removing the distressing conditions. Canto club; Mrs. Paul Steele, Ha­ you osa conceal anything up 'em. If the spot Is brown with age noble, but rather sacred, about the necessity of training for the wise Miss Hazel Harrison of Santa and the garment can be boiled, do of the paper oh which lt is written. waiian table; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sometimes the puffs droop negli­ profession. TOOT "ex-prince" can step over the use of leisure, the value of a com­ Measure of Parenthood Monlea entertained with a week­ M. Danburg, army-navy-aviation gently from shoulder to elbow, and so, putting it in suds containing one "In that attitude, lady, you be­ munity plan, competitive athletics "A Questionnaire for Parents." de­ end party at her cabin at Camp table; Mrs. Aurelia Borquez. Mexi­ sometimes they puff all around the tablespoon hydrogen peroxide for state line and live riotously with no With Its advantages and disadvan­ signed by the writer of this column Baldy. The guests were Miss Doro­ can table; Mrs. Leiland Atherton elbow, but anyway they puff, what each gallon of suds. Boil for 18 hold my pet peeBe: ThB idea that a thought of responsibility. tages, and parents and home thy Maddox, Miss Louise Tappan, lot of doctors—nptably specialists— Your letter was as long as the as ! and members of his study circle, will Irish, Euterpe Opera Reading club; we mean. minutes. are too 'nice' to advertise, but not recreation factors. assist parents ta measuring the kind Miss Esther King, Misa Anne Sny­ Mrs. Stephen de Vriendt, Belgian story of woe; but you invited your of guidance they are giving their der and Miss Wesla Gregg. table; Miss Sylvia Marotta, Italian; too nice to bandy a patient from misery. With a man who is all in­ JEFFERSON PARENTS TO MEET one to the other until they bleed dulgence and a woman who is all ENTERTAINS LOYAL children. This material will be sent Mrs. Rufus B. von KlelnSmid, Ail- him of his last penny. BIGHT CLUB to readers when request Is accom­ Mr. and Mra Ralph A. Krueger, American table; Mrs. Coralice Frank Helton, commissioner of faith, impractical idealism and no panied by self-addressed stamped 434 Eleventh street, have as their Spaulding. Los Angeles Art league; public works, will speak en the "And this one-time husband of brains, life is likely to get mussed Mrs. Elphla Wright entertained envelope. Address James Samuel house guest Miss Marjory Avery of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Perret. In­ school bonds at the Tuesday after­ mine was not too nice to insist that up. I am sorry for the kids. the Loyal Eight Bridge Luncheon Cleveland, who ls attending the dian table; Mrs. Forrest Jones. noon meeting of the Jefferson Par­ his wife Join a church in which she club in her noma, 1039 Twenty- Lacy. Tuning In With Our Children, ent-Teacher association. The pro­ Q.—I am Just a school girl, but I care of this newspaper. University of California at Los An­ Glendale Art association; Mrs. E. did not believe, because the congre­ work between studies and buy all sixth street, Friday. geles this year, where she is ma­ Keith Harkness and Miss K. Ethel gram will begin at 2 o'clock In gation was large and prosperous and my own clothes. But I make very Covers were laid for Mrs. Oeral Hill, Cal If ornia-Artists' greeters; room 3. Miss Bety Farnsworth will could furnish many rich patients. No Wash Ticket, No Lunch! joring In art. She formerly waa a give a dramatic reading and a group 1 little and I am not yet 16. Mother dine Davenport, Mrs. Mary Holl Clean Hands for Lunch I That's student at the Cleveland School of IH*. and Mrs. David T. Babcock, Los He was not too 'nice to Join In­ Insists that I ought to pay board. lngton, Mrs. E. McGinnis, Mrs. Mary Art. Miss Avery Is also a friend of Angeles Opera association; Mrs. from "The Sunbonnet Girl," an numerable lodges for the same Do you think I should? Worried. the motto of the students of a Junior Annette Perry, Perry School of Act; operetta given recently, will present 'noble' reasons. And he was never Morrison. Mrs. E. W. Morrison, Mrs. high school in Beaumont, Texas. Miss Wesla Gregg, 349 Euclid street. Mrs. Katherine C. Moore, all-na­ two acts. All are cordially invited. able to understand why I objected A.—What will you pay with? You Lillian Winfleld, Mrs. E. Thediman Monitors preside at the wash basins tions table; Mrs. George Wright, to being used as a come-on for go to school and work besides. You and the hostess. to see that soap is used. Others Mr. and Mrs. John Zuck have re­ are doing your full duty. Your par­ High scores were made by Mrs. cently moved to 1149 Twenty-third Olympiad; Miss Anne Bensinger, U. BOARD IS ENTERTAINED suckers. ents owe you something. hand a paper towel to each pupil; C. L. A. art; Press, Miss Charlotte MTs. Frederick Sedding enter­ "You see, Mrs. Llndsey, I'm one Davenport and Mrs. Thediman. still another monitor hands htm a street. Rogers. tained the executive board of the of those direct persons who believes ticket (the color is changed dally) British Old People's home la Cali­ in plain, uncamouflaged honesty. without which no one Is permitted GIVE CHARITY PARTY Honor guests included Gov. James fornia at her residence. 1001 Fiske Professional men are in business to to enter the lunch room. Thursday afternoon the members Rolph, Jr., Mayor and Mrs. John street, Pacific Palisades, recently, If the material cannot be boiled make money—all pose and bombast Home Economics: Housewife Aids No doubt this regime would have of the International Sunshine so­ O. Porter, Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. try stretching the spotted place By FLORENCE AUSTIN CHASE been resented by the pupils if lt had von KlelnSmid. Dr. E. C. Moore. Dr. with a smartly appointed luncheon. to the contrary notwithstanding. ciety will give a bridge party at ths Covers were laid for Mrs. W. over a bowl filled with very hot They are business men but resent Oommunlcation. Reletlve le mi. Department Should Be Addressed la been forced on them by the school Cloverfleld golf clubhouse. The af­ Clinton Wunder, Madame Ernestine Pousette, Mrs. W. Holt of Holly­ water to which 'a few drops am­ having the world know lt. And right authorities, but It ls their own fair will begin at 2 p. m., and re­ Schumann -Heink, Anita Baldwin, monia have been added. Apply Florence Au.un Cheat Is Care si rbl, Paper scheme. They do their own super­ Douglas Fairbanks, Adm. Jehu V. wood, Mrs. D. Clarke, Miss O. Ma- now I BBS asking them collectively freshments will be served later. Pro­ hydrogen peroxide with dropper at THE COUNCIL TABLE vising. ceeds wUl go to charity. Chase. Adm. S. H. Schofield. Adm. gee, Mrs. R. J. Morrison, president five minute intervals. Just why lt is fine and noble to ad­ W. T. Tarrant, Adm. W. T. Cluver- of the board and the hostess. vertise automobile tires, soaps Q.—We are having a wedding at our home at 1 p. at. the latter part lns. Commander and Mra Train For mercurochrome which chewing gum, cigarettes and what of this month. It will be Informal and the refreshments will be simple HOLD CARD PARTY Col. Howard S. Miller and Gen. LOYAL WORKERS MEET yongsters love and which they are have you In the papers and unethi­ chicken and some other kind of sandwiches, olives, wedding cake and The Royal Neighbors, camp No. Walter P. Story. . The Loyal Workers of Fremont only too glad to use themselves, cal to advertise professional ser­ punch. Would like to know If it is necessary to have napkins? If so, 8905, Ocean Park, trill entertain SIMILARITY BETWEEN tircle. Ladies of the Orand Army of often with disastrous results, there vices? Speak up, gentlemen. X crave what kind? Am having punch bowl on serving table in dining room! with a card party next Tuesday the Republic, will meet tomorrow are two treatments. If the gar­ knowledge. and would it be proper to have night in patriotic hall, BUI street ELSIE STRANAHAN MARRIES at 12 o clock in the home of-Mrs. ment ' may be boiled, put in the "Meantime, thank all the gods for punch cups on small plates to give moisten and season with a good and Washington boulevard. Miss Elsie Stranahan, daughter of Nellie Steffy, 1669 Lincoln boule­ hot suds and boll for a half hour. one advertising dentist." to guests and pass the snadwichee boiled dressing made by the follow­ The chapter will hold these parties ROASTING COFFEE Mrs. Lester A. Scott, Kingman road, vard, for a potluck luncheon. Javelle water Will remove spots. Q.— Q.—Notice you have been and olives? Girl ing: Put one-half cupful of vinegar on the third Tuesday of each month Santa Monica canyon, and William But care must be taken to rinse out having a scat of editorial seance friends of my and one-half cupful of cold water throughout the coming year. The Knight, Jr., of Toledo were mar­ COUPLE MARRIED all traces of Javelel water as it with our friends, the Spiritualists. daughter will do in saucepan, add three tablespoon­ Royal Neighbors and the public are AND COOKING FOODS ried at 4:30 o'clock Saturday after­ The marriage of Miss Willia Eliza­ rots fabric. Were you ever a Spiritualist? Is the the serving. fuls butter aad bring to the boiling invited Prizes will be awarded those noon In the Episcopal church In beth Dean, daughter of Mr. and If the mercurochrome spot is on making high score and refreshments movement growing? N. J. M. A.—In regard point. Then add, while still hot, to will be served. "A little at a Time" Is the v Westport, Conn., with a group of Mrs. T. W. Dean of Puente, and silk, wool or on colored material A.—I was never a Spiritualist, but to the necessity two eggs, well beaten, mixed with ^friends in attendance. William H. Kenegy, 907 Princeton the case is hopeless. Anything for napkins. By four tablespoonfuls sugar, one-half Secret for Securing the The bride waa a student at Miss street, was solemnized at the resi­ I have many good friends among stuffing and baking the pepper, which will remove the spot will them. X do not know just how fast all means pro­ teaspoonful salt and one tablespoon­ browning potatoes around the roast Finest Flavor : Porter's school in Long Beach and dence of the Rev. 0. M. Watson, 533 either destroy the fabric or take the church is growing, but It now vide napkins, tbe ful salt; mix well and cook in double later studied in Europe for two Fourteenth street, recently. The out the color from the material small linen boiler until like soft custard, stir­ to finish cooking, Bis. Rev. Mr. Watson performed the numbers about 600,500 members. Q—I wish you would give a Foods generally taste better when years. She has lived in Santa Mon­ itself. Q.—I read your answer to 'Betty* luncheon napkin ring occasionally. ica for a number of years. ceremony. will be the cor­ colonial supper and would much ap­ cooked in small quantities. For and am Interested in knowing the Q.—May we have a Southern preciate tt If you would print an thea the cook can mix her ingredi­ The young couple will go to Hono- Want a layette leaflet? Nancy names of occult workers. You stated rect kind and dressing for baked ham, contain­ I lain on their wedding trip, stopping HOLD WHIST PARTY baa one which she will send yon on size. When serv­ appropriate menu for such an af­ ents properly, also control the heat. The Daughters of St. George will that you had known three good ing cornbread. sage, etc.? fair. Thanks. I in Santa Monica for a visit. They receipt ef a stamped, self-addressed mediums. Will you kindly send me ing In the in­ A.—Cut ths brown crust from When coffee is roasted in small I will make their home in Detroit. entertain with a benefit whist party envelope. Write ..to -Nancy Page, formal fashion A.—A menu which would be quantities, the same tiling te true. In 81 George's hall, 1447 Sixteenth the names and addresses of same? cornbread and break lt up; there dainty, easily served and altogether care of this paper. HAM. described, lt should be two cupfuls. Put it Into a But when coffee is roasted in bulk SUNSHINE SOCIETY street, tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. would be quite mixing bowl and pour tepid water satisfying would be: as most eoffees are—exact con­ ENTERTAINS A.—Had you read that article Mrs. Chase all right to place COLONIAL SUPPER MENU— EUGENIE NIGHTIES, TOO MISS GALBRAITH IS HOSTESS carefully you would have seen that over It and let it stand about a Chicken pie, cold baked ham, Bos­ trol is lost. Under-roasting and Reservations are being made for The first wedding anniversary of the filled punch cup on small minute; Now take up a handful at over-roasting very easily occur. Naturally you don't wear your I stated that I had known three plate together with two dainty ton baked beans, hot biscuits, corn the card party to be given by the little Eugenie hat to bed, at least Mr. and Mrs. John Schaub waa the marvelous mediums. I added that a time and squeeze it dry with both bread, preserves, pickles, cup cus­ This method being so unsatisfac­ Bay district branch of the Sunshine occasion of a dinner dance Saturday sandwiches, one ot each kind and hands, then toss it lightly, add one tory, caused Hills Bros, to look for not usually, but in keeping with this one was now dead, another in Can­ passed to each guest in turn. tard, pound cake, coffee, tea. society on Thursday afternoon, Sep­ hat from the empire ls the empire night at the Deauville club when ada and the third in the far South. teaspoonful salt, one-h'alf teaspoon­ Q.—Included in our thrift pro­ some improvement—some way to tember 17. The event will be held nightgown. Its distinguishing fea­ Miss Galbraith. 533 Ninth street, What have you in mind, a collection Q.—May we have a raw spinach ful pepper, one teaspoonful sage, or gram is simple dinners—one or two roast their rare blend to uniform in the clubhouse at Clover field. tures are a waistline almost at the sister of Mrs. Schaub. entertained. of the names and addresses of me­ (ground) salad recipe to be served a mixture of herbs, one-third cup­ dish meals. I know that a good perfection. They experimented for This ls tte first event of this na­ armpits, a wide collar edged with The Spanish fiesta motif was car­ diums? with a sweet-sour sauce or dressing? ful melted butter, one egg, well fish chowder is a meal in itself, and years, and eventually invented and ture ta tas held at that location, ar­ lace, and a lace-edged flounce ried out in the red, orange and yel­ X know a few good mediums here, A.—I aote you say "ground" beaten, and as much milk as neces­ by serving it at home we* can be patented Controlled Roasting; rangements having been made around the hem. low decorations. Spanish dolls were but none to equal those to whom I spinach. In using the raw spinach sary to make dressing the right sure of getting plenty of it, as a As the accuracy of the hour-glass through the chairman, Mrs. John favors. referred In my reply to "Betty." for salads I much prefer to chop the consistency to fill checken, allowing matter of course, we like two serv­ depends upon an even, continuous Morton. HOOTS! Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Florence spinach, as running It through the plenty of room for dressing to swell, ings, which with lettuce or cabbage flow ... a little at a time... so the Assisting Mrs. Morton will be Mrs. London likes the new green called Harrison Symmes. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. food chopper extracts too much of as the chicken cooks. Charles Beagle, chairman of awards; I am very sorry for you. But be salad, pie. cheese and coffee, makes fine, uniform flavor of Hills Bros. kiltie. It is nice and dark, and be­ Jack Eppley, Miss Clement Oster- patient. You are very young and the vegetable Juice, which I prefer Q.—We are very fond of "Mother's such a meal as hubby and I both Coffee is produced by Controlled Mrs. James MacDonald, chairman coming to everyone who can wear mann, Miss Mary Lee, Miss Ruth whin you are older, there will still to have retained in the Spinach. Sweet Potato Pie." and am wonder- enjoy. Will you kindlv print your of tbe reception committee and Mrs. nig if you oan supply the recipe? It Roasting—the patented process green at all. In tweed, knitted stuff, Kabisiua, Vincent Keating, Herbert be boys In the world, boys that you When it has been chopped fine, add favorite fish chowder? that roasts evenly, continuously •<« Carrie Ward ta charge of refresh­ woolen, or silk, It looks equally well Perry, Ralph Johnson and James CAN speak to and who will enjoy half as much raw grated carrot or has always been popular in my A.—FISH CHOWDER—Buy a ments. and Is Ideal for street wear. Being McDonald. talking to you. No use to fret about celery chopped or nit fine, and home state, Tennessee, and I am a little at a time. Marvelous an* richly dark, lt is a nice background quite sure you must have heard of white fish, about one and one-half varying flavox results in every pounds, remove skin and bones and pound. For no berry is underdone PROMOTE SCHOOL BONDS for any other Scottish colors you lt if you have not also eaten it over put these in water to cover, simmer To acquaint the public with the may choose—yellow, red, or even Ctrl Scout Betty By Montfort Amory tht.e in Memphis or Nashville. ten minutes, in the meantime, saute nor overdone. conditions in Santa Monica schools, certain shades of blue. Thank you for all the lovely things one large onion, sliced; three large Hills Bros. Coffee is always fresh, the members of the Lincoln Junior you give us. potatoes cut into cubes and a two- It is packed ia vacuum cana. Air, BIGGER AND BETTER A.—The following recipe is one which destroys the flavor of coffee, high school and McKinley Parent- Jewelry has gone barbaric again. Inch cube of salt pork in frying pan Teacher associations will hold a that I think makes a very good for five minutes. Now throw away is removed and kept out of thesa It's bigger and better than ever. An sweet potato pie, similar to those meeting at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday ear-ring the size of a small saucer the bones and skin and add to their cans. Ordinary, "air-tight" cana at Lincoln school. Fourteenth street ls on the way to us, and bracelets matte In your home state, and I water enough water to boll for a won't keep coffee fresh. Order Hills and Arizona avenue. • huge and almost as heavy as fetters hope you will take it. few minutes the onions, potatoes Bros. Coffee today. Ask for tt by E. B. Conliss and Mrs. Cora Wil- are promised. As for jeweled but­ SWEET POTATO PIE—Make a and pork. Flake the raw fish and name, and look for tta Arab trade­ coxon will speak in behalf of the tons enormous as ash trays, every plain pastry aad lias pie pan, then add to the pot of cooking vegetables. mark on the eaa. school bonds. The public It Invited. lady should have several. fill with one pound of steamed sweet Add salt, if needed, and pepper and Hills Bros. Coffee, Inc., Los potatoes finely mashed, two cupfuls one quart .of milk. Cook all very of sugar, one cupful of cream, one- slowly for SO minutes. Angeles, California. C-—I CASH & CARRY half cupful butter, three well beaten S. M. Cleaners & Tailors SYSTEM eggs, flavor with lemon or nutmeg WE sraCXALIZ- EN BEL-NINO ANO REMODELING LADIES' AND MEN'8 GARMENTS and bake in moderate oven until MEN'S SUITS, 65*. LADIES' COATS AND DRESSES. Site VT potato custard is set. Cool and / U. CARCSO. Proprietor. .2. Broadway. Saata Meaica. Phone 16270 thoroughly chill before serving Q.—Being a new housekeeper I am sometimes at a loss to know Just what is meant when a recipe calls for, for instance, parboiling, green peppers, potatoes, etc. Will you ex­ plain in your column? Will watch for your reply. Thanks. DR. LOUIS C. STERN A.—Parboiling means putting the Organized peppers, potatoes, etc., in saucepan, covering with boiling water aad May 6, DR. ROSE. R. STERN boiling for the time designated, not long enough, however, to cook the vegetable until tender, as It is to 1911 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS be finished in some other way. CORRECT DIET ELECTRO-THERAPY -Why dont wa trail It to Its nest?" auggrata "Thank you, Betty," Teacher smile* knowingly. Girl Scoot Betty who ls homesick for tbe camp "Perhaps on Saturday you might onraniw whlcb has Just closed. Site Jump* to tier feet • hike and take ua all tee a nature lesson. Now eager for a chance to get out Sa the open. N NOU N C E we'll go on with our arithmetic." A the opening of their Benjamin Franklin'a appre­ offices, 209 to 210 Junipher ciation of the material value Bldg., Third St and Santa of thrift was epitomized as Monica Blvd.. Santa Monica, follows: September 14, 1981. "Remember that money Is Sf a prolific, mm generating nature. Montr can beget COMPLETE EQUIPMENT money, and 1U offspring can beget more and so oa. Five shillings turned la six, IN PRACTICE SINGS 1916 turned Main and tt ts seven and three First—In the dough. Then in pence, and so until lt becomes 100 pounds. Phone 28378 die even* You can bs s u re The more there is of It the mora lt pro­ of perfect bakings in using— duces every turning1, so that the profits rise Quicker and Q-»c-er.- BAKING Two Convenient Locations KCPOWDE R MARRWS S. MANNIK SAME PRICE Marine Bank Violin Studio FOR 0VER40 YEARS of Santa Monica, Cat neea umco Oceen Park Otto* BEATTIE SCHOOL OP DANCING ••OBI look at the bird!" cry the pupils, eyre on "What te It?" Teacher _.-_• one alrl. who _« MAPME AHOSPttDWAV ptaina that th*- hith cockade, heavily pointed SOUOTM SMD WH.9NQC the visitor which, firm* In the window, haa 25 ounces for 25c SANTA MONICA OCEAN PARK 620 Santa Monica Boulevard Phons 22119 created a welcome diversion In the newly re­ beak and black line down the face sl.

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PAGE EIGHT EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931' C-GK <_*M LOCATION »TN QTUIt-tO_3 • -S. STAG-Er • iS5t_^GQ£e_? ~i THE'ATiRES Slate New Play German Operatic Edwina Booth on Many Interesting Talking Pictures Flashed on Beach Theater Screens

OCEAN PARK. Movie Toboggan NOW PLAYING For Crown City Star Sings Here We told yon tt would prove a rare treat . . . Dorothy Libaire, who was seen in Unusual Interest is being shown By HAROLD PRENDERGAST the feminine leads in New York in tbe engagement of Maria Mueller LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 (CNS)— If yea haven't seen It productions of "Skidding" and to sing two of tbe Wagnerian so­ The light that was Edwina Booth yet, come tonight and ls flickering out at M-G-M. "Broken Dishes." will play the role prano leads in tbe October season Join tbe fans of Tessa, opposite Richard Hale as ot the Los Angeles Orand Opera Bathed in tbe brilliance of high- Lewis Dodd. in the story of the association. To be invited to sing powered screen publicity as she who are ravin? Wild, untamed, artistically sensitive bl the Bayreuth festival, the shrine stepped daintily from a native but about 111 Sanger family of the Margaret Ken­ of German opera, is an honor cov­ In "Trader Horn," the fragile blonde nedy novel, "Tbe Constant Nymph,'* eted by all singers ot Wagner. To beauty shone promisingly for a dramatized by the author and Basil be asked, as Maria Mueller has, to time. Dean and to be presented at tbe open two consecutive seasons at Now comes word from Metro- Pasadena Community playhouse Bayreuth, is tbe zenith of achieve­ Ooldwyn-Mayer that Edwina is to from September 17 to 26. ment. be dropped from its list of contract . Oat of the cast of 91 players in Mueller made her operatic debut players in a few weeks. Tbe studio the production, 18 have musical as Elsa in "Lohengrin,'' the same believes she had a great chance for ability, a requisite in presenting the part in which she will make her first stardom in tbe African jungle pic­ escapade? and accomplishments of appearance in Los Angeles on Oc­ ture. the strange group of musical vaga­ tober S. Since 1924 she has been The film generally tt admitted to bonds which became known as tbe leading young dramatic so­ have bean an outstanding flop. The "Sanger's Circus." prano in the German opera per­ announcement that Edwina would formances at the Metropolitan Op­ not be continued as a contract play, Lillian Rivers will play the role era bouse in New York, returning to er indicated that the studio ap­ of Linda Cowlard, Banger's wife. Europe each summer for guest per­ parently blamed the actress. Other members of the family: Elea­ formances. Edwina was an extra when se­ nor Joyce as Kate Sanger. Grace E. Of the 45 operas in Mueller's lected for the role. Durkin as Paulina Sanger, Mona repertoire, Los Angeles unfortunately Douglas Montgomery, recently Smith as Antonia Sanger, David can hear her in only two, "Lohen­ seen as Kent Douglas In "Waterloo Loring as Roberto, and Edith Cham grin" and "Die Meistersinger." Bridge," also Ls to be dropped from berlain as Susan. the M-G-M roster, it la understood. CONSTRUCTION STARTED Yet Montgomery, who was loaned to PLATS COMEDY LEAD Construction has. started on a Universal for "Waterloo Bridge," new sound-stage unit which will may step out of M-G-M ranks to Ltlyan Tashman portrays the go right to work for Universal. comedy lead In Paramount's "The give the Paramount studios in Hol­ lywood 37,500 additional stage space. The youth came to Metro-Gold- Mad Parade." wyn-Mayer from New York on a year's contract, after attaining mild Shirley Oray, who plays opposite Richard Pix m -Tbe Public success In Theater Guild produc­ Defender," coming to the Wilshire theater for three days, starting tions _t the East. tomorrow, is assured by him that a mysterious benefactor will save TT Sa*rt±x her father from ruin. f Monica. No longer will that undiscrlmin- arra -/"nttd- _ ating gentleman who objected to a chorus of beautiful, scantily clad show girls because he "couldn't get the words of their song" have cause for complaint. The chorines, so far as the movies are concerned, are Feature Preview virtually out, and the gals who BAD GIRL flocked to Hollywood from the New York musical comedy stage are sell­ Tonight 8:30 ing box lunches to get fare money home. IN ADDITION TO THE SHOWING OP A revival of musical comedy pro­ duction brought abort hope to the ladles of the ensemble, as it was George O'Brien—Sally Eilers immediately announced that the musical films would be without choruses. Economy in production was an Important factor bl studio "A HOLYTERROR" decisions. R-K-O was the first to conclude that musical comedies could be pro­ Richard Arlen bl "Caught" ll TOMORRO W—WEDNESD A Y—TH URSDAY duced without choruses and carried current at tbe Fox California. out tbe belief in "Girl Crazy'* and "Marcheta." Warner Brothers, GLITTERING STAR OF "CIMARRON" CRITERION who always have gone heavily for Surpassing even her memorable AS "THE RECKONER" chorus girls, are leaving them out triumph in "Seventh Heaven," Janet of "Her Majesty, Love. Gaynor gives a tender, touching portrayal blended with rare humor Richard Dlx qualified as a tech­ 3.I.ITI.I-IOX in "Daddy Long _ev>" Fox romantic J w nical expert in the telegraph scenes comedy which celebrated its local .vyi-i _- i'- 'SANTA MONICA of "Secret Service." In one scene premiere last night at tbe Fox Cri­ the actor was required to operate a terion theater. Warner Baxter, also, Irene Deiroy and Jack Whit­ this most wistful of telegraph key. and the manager of does tbe most brilliant work of bis ing in "Men of the Sky," now romances from the tbe Western union branch in Hol­ career in tbe leading masculine role at the Majestic. lywood was called in to show him of this delightful talkie version of play by Jean Webster bow to do tt. To the telegraph Jean Webster's play, and a distin­ DOME — delightful eater, manager's amazement, Dlx pounded guished cast gives flawless support. Marked adherence to its human tainment far every out message after message in Morse From all appearances, "Daddy qualities characterizes the Fox film code. He learned tbe dots and Long Legs" Is going to prove one of version of Vina Delmar's novel, "Bad member of the family. dashes as a boy when his father was tbe biggest bits, if not the biggest, Girl," which had its first showings a telegraph operator. of the entire screen year. Such a to pleased audiences at the Fox BUT HURRY combination of superbly cast play- Dome theater yesterday. Frank Bor- LAST t DAYS era and an Ideal story is all too zage's direction tended to empha­ Food Chemist seldom seen on the silver sheet, and size this quality. tbe genuine enthusiasm manifested James Dunn, as the sensitive, ner­ SHIRLEY GLUEY by last night's audience is signifi­ vous, conscientious young husband RUTH WESTON Now playing at tbe Nuart theater it "Dirigible," starring Fay cant of the picture's popularity. tn tins, bis first picture, gives a per­ Wray and Ralph Graves. Tbe story is so well known as formance of astonishing strength. PAUL HURST scarcely to need repetition here, but All future estimates of the screen's the tale of the orphan girl whom a leading actors must take this tal* sympathetic trustee sends to college, ented young man into consideration. only to find himself falling in love He presents a new type of fii mstar, IH E A T R E THEATRE with her, has never been more deftly and a personality of Infectious Santa Monica Santa Monica and charmingly told. Tbe director, charm. NUART Blvd., W. L. A. TIVOLI Blvd.. W. L. A. Alfred Santefl, has easily surpassed Sally Eilers, as the girl-bride hero­ all his earlier efforts in his subtle ine, is especially well suited, both in TONIGHT AND and telling manipulation of the plot. p— sonal charm and ability, to the TOMORROW and tbe notable teamwork achieve- d--jply emotional role Aa portrays. MW FEATURE by the two principals makes one The characterization is one calling wonder why they never were cast for a diversity of moods and emo­ to play together in a picture before. tions. The feminine lead bl "Bad PREVIEW Una Merkel and John Ar ledge Girl" la the greatest opportunity JANET GAYNOk each portray important roles—the yet given Miss Eilers, and from bar former scoring heavily with her capable handling of tbe part she is TONIGHT, 8:30 quaint Kentucky accent and droll destined for more such splendid ve­ WARNER BAXTER Also mannerisms as Miss Gaynbr's room­ hicles. mate, and Arledge, who was "discov­ Their story, briefly, la the story WARNER BAXTER ered" by Santell, showing surpris­ of young love. Although located in . Daddy ing promise as a juvenile. Kathlyn New York, it might Just as well DOROTHY MACKAILL Williams. Claude Gillingwater, Sr., have been laid in Milwaukee or San —in—- Louise Closser Hale, Elizabeth Pat­ Francisco, to human and universal Lonq Leg/ terson and Edwin Maxwell have the is its theme. Salty, as a working a foe -ovinoNi RO-AHCI "Their principal "grownup parts, while girl, meets Dunn, a radio mechan­ •metre it AKtto utmu. from some mysterious source the di­ ic, on aa excursion steamer. They Mad Moment" rector obtained a thoroughly de­ fall in love, marry, and have a COMEDY lightful and appealing group of "or­ baby. The bitter conflict brought phan" youngsters for the asylum se­ about by mutual misunderstanding "THAT'S MY LINE" quences. as to whether the baby la wanted or EPICS Tomorrow—Wednesday not forms tbe basis for the dramatic episodes in which the picture la told. L "ANIMAL WORLD OF MAKE-BELIEVE" George O'Brien TIVOLI Colorful character bits add much With The Tivoll theater will have a to the charm, entertainment and FOX MOVIETONE NEWS feature preview tonight in addition rich human interest appeal of the JACK HOLT Sally Eilers to "Their Mad Moment," featuring picture. Minna Gombell, aa the ever- In Warner Baxter and Dorothy Mac- present though not always wanted RALPH GRAVES ft Martin W. Pretorius. Holly­ kalll. friend, is superb in tbe well-known FAY WRAY "A Holy Terror wood food chemist, has been the story tells of a modern Amer­ role of "Edna," while William Paw- brought to Santa Monica to ican society girl, Dorothy Mackaill, ley, as the hard-boiled brother, I;AI,II oirxi A deliver lectures on the natural who loves a handsome Basque, War­ brings the same vivid portrait to the laws of food. All lectures are ner Baxter, but is faced with a screen aa marked bis stage per­ free and will be given at tbe marriage of duty bl order to pay formance In the same role. THEATRE Santa Monlea Bay Womans the bins incurred by her scheming New Club, starting tomorrow morn­ step-mother, Neila Walker. SALLY SIGNED TELEPHONE 214 Santa Monica ing at 10 a. m. Tbe step-mother engineers a MAJESTIC Blvd. Sally Blane, noted screen ingenue, 8. BL 22469 Love proves perplexing to Sally Eilers and James Dunn in "Bad meeting between her daughter and has been signed for tbe feminine Girl," now showing at the Fox Dome. ' Sir Harry, Lawrence Grant, which THRILLING! COMPELLING! MAJESTIC lead bi Columbia's "A Dangerous "Men of the Sky," the First Na­ results in an engagement. ZaSu Affair," which went Into production AN INTENSE EXPOSE OF SPY SYSTEMS Mr, can shoot with tbe best of them Pitts, who aa "Miss Dibbs," a ro­ tional mystery romance which is CALIFORNIA this week under the direction of AND INTRIGUE Days of tbe old West, when cap- aad baa tfce same Iron nerve, and mantically-Inclined spinster, enacts Edward Sedgwick. The picture, a now showing at the Majestic thea- . pers stood outside the gambling and with these characteristics becomes the role of close friend to Dorothy, thrilling story of the humorous and ter, dramatically pictures the plight dance halls and urged the passersby the storm center of a gripping tells tbe girl that she ls making the dramatic angles of tta newspaper of two young lovers who are spies to "take a chance at a square game," drama. biggest mistake in life by sacrific­ business, interwoven Into a tense —when confronted by tbe vaster _£• r,v*y«d taParamount'a western The picture was directed by Ed­ ing romance. mystery story, serves as a vehicle for .i.i—. _» __» i .. ._ ! story, Caught," now at the Fox ward Sloman, who made "Gun In a moment of reckless abandon, the famous screen "buddies," Jack Smoke." Dorothy agrees to accompany Bax­ claims of patriotism, during __ | California ter, Venice. Holt and Ralph Graves. XI la the i early years of the World War. tnea Agnes Brand Leahy and Keene ter to his Basque farm, high in the final production In Columbia's Progress and civic pride have Thompson, veteran Hollywood scen­ Pyrenees, thinking all the while that "Men of tbe Sky" la tbe result eliminated the Faro dealer, the "superior group." of the collaboration of Otto Har- arists, wrote the story out of the lt la to be but a romantic interlude roulette game, rake-off poker and rich fund of incidents relating to before her impending marriage with bach and Jerome Kern, past mas- blackjack outfits. ASSIGNED ROLES I ters of dramatic aad melodious en­ the life and adventures of Calamity the fat Englishman. Modern persons who would woo Jane. Much to her surprise. Baxter takes Loretta Young and Robert Wil­ tertainment, It is a moving drama­ liams bare been assigned to the tization o ft he Uvea of those intrepid Lady Luck must do so in a more her to his people and introduces bar victims of the World War who car­ conventional manner. NUART to his bride-to-be. Dorothy is leading roles of "Gallagher," tenta­ ried no rifle, took no part in drills, Turning back the clock of destiny Realism predominates in the set­ amazed at the sturdy simplicity and tive title of the "Special Capra JACK WHITING, IRENE DELROY, FRANK McHUGH but ran more appalling risks than to tbe old, wild days, when every tings pictured ta "Dirigible," Colum­ sterling worth of these mountain production," announced as one of any of those who served. During western town recognized gambling bia Pictures' epic of the lighter- people, tut, thinking Baxter la tbe outstanding vehicles in Colum­ Merry Melodies Cartoon, "One More Time" the whcle breathtaking recital, one as a time honored pastime, "Caught" than-air ships showing at tbe Nuart nothing but a peasant, she con­ bia's 1931-32 lineup. The picture la feels the futility of war and the pictures this life in tbe "Bird Cage," theater tonight and Tuesday. siders marriage out af tbe question. a highly dramatic tale of love versus Comedy JOB Partner in "Moving In" hopelessness of those whose fate lt dance-ball and gambling place. The major portion of "Dirigible" Her resulting actions precipitate a wealth and social prominence. The was ta be caught in the conflict Of Richard Arlen. as an officer of was taken at Lakehurst, N. J., the startling climax. film will go into production as soon Vagabond Travelogue, "Call of Mohammed" overwhelming forces. the cavalry, is sent at tbe head of airdrome where the great airships as a suitable supporting cast has Pathe Sound News his company to clean up the gang of the United States navy are stored. been signed. Irene Deiroy and Jack Whiting of cattle rustlers who work under These, including tbe giant dirigible ROSEMARY Sf*. ""nwKtous-y eHectiVB as the the leadership of a western woman, Los Angeles, were used throughout An archaic three-seated one-horse STIRRING PICTURE ill-fated lovers. Others in the cast I known as Calamity Jane. As the the filming of the picture. Hangars, hack, vintage 1889, was resurrceted Robert Ellis, well known screen from the stored-away properties of are Bramweil Fletcher, John Sain- owner of the "Bird Cage" Calamity mechanics' quarters, becon lights— 1 0 11 1 heavy, and Knute Erickson, noted WILSHIRE BLVD. polls, Frank McHugh, Edward Max- plays all ends against the middle in everytoTng seen'in Vhe"picture'-s"real 12 * ^P ? ^ "Cimarron^ for use in Swede character delineator, have AT FEDERAL well, Otto Matiesen, Lotti Loder, every brand of lawlessness that the and authentic Radio Pictures new comedy, Too been added to the cast of Columbia's Western ElKOric Sound Sy.tem Armand Kaliz and Mirielle. Alfred | border offers Jack Holt and Ralph Graves are Many„Cooks;l* ^'f, Whe«_CT star- latest outdoor special, "The Dead­ Central Admietion .3. E. Green directed. Calamity, played by Louise Dres- 11 171118 Phone WLA S4377 co-starred in "Dirigible," as they f^B i ™-.. will be shown at line" (temporary title). Tbe picture, were previously in "Flight." "Sub-1 "»e _Fox .?oslmary- Saturday and a stirring tale of love and Intrigue marine." and "HelTa Island." In I f unday, the Fox Rosemary to be In the old West, finds Loretta TONIGHT——"THE MAN IN POSSESSION" Vox VILLAGE THEATRE addition, the supporting cast boasts dark Sayers, former society debutante, la With Robert Montgomery a/.d Charlotte Greenwood such names as Fay Wray, Hobart her third leading role. Lambert Also CHARLEY CHASE COMEDY, AESOP'S FABLES, WESTWOOD Bosworth, Clarence Muse, Roscoe CALF CAUSES GRIEF Hillyer is directing. GRANTLAND RICE SPORTLIGHT and NEWS Phone 33042 HIGH LIVING Karns and Harold Goodwin. Tbe bawling of a calf was shut "TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY—DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM* on and oft ky giving the calf mo­ MRS. GLEASON CAST ON THE HIOH SEAS TILLAGE mentary glimpses of the reflection Lucile Webster Gleason, wife of "YOUNG SINNERS" Jean Hersholt, premier character in a large mirror of its mother hid James and mother of Russell, has With Thomas Me.gl.ai_, Dorothy Jordan and Hsrdie Albright EDMUND LOWE actor playing an important role ta den behind a screen for a scene in been signed by Paramount ta play tbe romantic drama, "Transatlan Paramount's "Rich Man's Folly," tbe spouse of Eugenie Pallette, the And '-LADIES' MAN" LOIS MORAN tic." the current offering at the Fox starring George Bancroft. playboy of the picture, "Girls About With William Powell, Bay Francis aad Carole Lombard Village theater, Is an expert in Town.* Ii makeup. He was Lon Chaney's only RACING EXPERT SIGNED Open Oo Oba aublla dairy. rival, and since Chaney's death Byron Morgan, who achieved bis AKIN. WRITES FILM Mi ts I:IS. Free ****** ii holds first place among character first screen writing success through "Girls About Town," featuring MOUNT WILSON world', larieil Teleeeope portrayers. Edmund Lowe and Lola authoring many of Wallace Raid's Kay Francis, Joel McCrea and Ltl­ ObtervaMea Uira-a- M-ineb Telescope, aad astronomical leetare every Friday alibt. Moran enact the WH'ng rotes in racing stories, is working at the yan Tashman for Paramount, was Btartrlean- fcaated eattacaa aad alsaaat e-lslne at Hole- laferaaallea aO all Boreaaa TRANSATLANTIC "Transatlantic," which was directed Paramount studios on aa unan written tf Zoe Akins, author of atari--. fSM-rS ar itasa Uaa. Rarraca Mia A. C. CBH-OS. Manager. Lb y W-liam K. Howard. nounced story. "The Greeks Had a Word for XW*

. , ____. i MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA PAGE NINE Sports TROJANS AND BRUINS START ON TUESDAY! Shorts By FRANK FINCH lewis New Court Hitter Headlines Boxing Program Good Prospects Ail-American Ernie's Big Year Increase Weigkt | F aal l things, Stanislaus Zbyszko, the bone-crusher, has taken O reading Nietzsche. I don't know Smuc h about this Nietzsche, but with a name like that he must Monarch of Bay For M Teams Of Links Sphere write deep stuff. Zbyszko was observed purchasing a book in a local library the other Bruin Star Annexes 3rd Troy Favored in Coast New Coif Ball Change day by that eagle-eyed polios re­ Annual Tourney; Dot Conference; U.C.L.A. Goes Into Effect > porter, Paul Walton. Mr. Walton tapped off this description with bis Bundy Defeated Has Strong Outfit in April, '32 facile typewriter (when it's oiled): Now tt seems that even tbe Elbert Lewis, U. C. L. A. net star, LOS ANOELES, Sept. 14 (CNS)— NEW YORK. Sept 14 UP)—The rasslers are going in for litera- was victorious yesterday In th* third Tomorrow Is tbe red letter day— United States Golf association baa chure, kultchure and mental Santa Monica tennis open singles whan football becomes an actuality decided to change the so-called improvement; even out-doing event. Frank Westsmith offered tor the ambitious gridiron candi­ "balloon' golf ball, by Increasing its Tunney and his deep studies of little resistance to the collegiate ace, date and the eager fan alike along weight, Herbert H. Ramsay, presi­ tbe Ufa of the Bard of Avon. who took straight sets, 6-3, 6-2. the Pacific coast. dent of the association, announced Stanislaus Zbyszko, a rasslar Lewis succeeds Lea Stoefen aa On the campuses of tbe ten coast today. The change will become ef­ of no mean proportions and champion. conference institutions, the eight fective for play on or after April achievements, has taken ap Lewis also annexed the doubles members of tbe Southern Califor­ 15. 1832. _._ philosophy. He hastened to ex­ title with his partner, Cliff Bob­ nia circuit, and non-conference col­ Mr. Ramsay Issued the following plain, however, that he was not bins, by defeating Westsmith and leges up and down ths. western statement: only taking tt up, but that he Phil Hanna, 6-2, 6-4. The day's slope, the cleated horde swings into "The association has been care­ was farthering his studies of outstanding doubles match saw first practices of the 1931 season. fully studying the golf ball sltua- the subject. Elizabeth Deike and Robbins eke Down this way, the Southern tion since the first of the year in. And it all came out today out victory by a scant margin over California Trojans and the Uni­ a'l sections of the country and when Bums the Bibliophile, sold Dr. Esther Bartosh and Lewis for versity of California at Los Angeles among all classes of players. Tbe the mixed doubles crown, 1-6, 10-8, size of the 1.88 (inches to diameter) Stan a book of Nietzsche's. And n Bruins, this section's entries ta what this book is considered the 6-4. promises to bs a hotly contested ball Is univem.lly popular. Tests hardest one on tta shelf: Loses To Star coast conference campaign, hold the are now beinf^conducted along the "Thus Spake Zarathustra." Dorothy Bundy, Santa Monica's Interest of the fans. line of sa increase to weight. A | Hot content with being a blonde hope, was unable to cope No rose-colored glasses are needed new ball of Increased weight will be philosophical threat, Stan also with the hard driving and steady to looking over the gridiron situa­ adopted to become effective tor play ordered "Quo Vadis," and other playing of -lane Sharp, Canadian tion at the two Southland institu­ on or after April 13-, 1932. The final equally meaty volumes. Burns, national girl's champion, finally tions. The Trojans are being picked weight specifications will be an­ who sells books here when he bowing before the Pasadena girl's to lead the standings, and the nounced next November." isn't talking to rasslers, decided superior brand of tennis, 6-1, 6-3. Bruins to have one of their best Although no official pronounce­ to cement the chance acquaint­ Jess Millman encountered scant seasons. ment is possible now, the likelihood anceship with a conversation, difficulty la downing Jack Creamer, 100 Trojans Report _ jhat the prospective new ball will so he asked Stan tf he "is one 6-1, 6-3, for the Junior boy's laurels. More than 100 candidates for weigh 6.62 ounces, the same as the of Sandow's boys?" Creamer's game was not up to par, places on tbe Southern California one discarded this year. The present Stan countered with a retort and he lost against a consistent, team will report to Coach Howard ball weighs 1.55 ounces. that tl considered "bead locky" careful player. Jones Bt Bovard field tomorrow af The decision of tbe golf associa­ In Its significance. "Sandow? Saturday Results ternoon. Out Westwood way, BUI tion is a result of an outpouring of Well, I've heard ot him. Are Saturday Elbert Lewis defeated Spaulding expect- a turnout of 75 protest that reached its height ta you acquainted with him?" Phil Castlen; Frank Westsmith de­ men, tbe largest in Bruin history. the early days of the summer and "Yea -and no," replied Burns, feated Or.' Gerald Bartosh} Cliff With his team scheduled to meet prompted ths U. S. G. A. to under­ with ho usual conservatism. Robbins and Lewis defeated Dr. St. Mary's September 26, giving htm take BB extensive inquiry into con­ "Sometimes his boys come here Bartosh and Len Patterson, Sharp only ten practice sessions in which ditions. to inquire about a mutual and Harold Steiner defeated Violet to prepare, Jones will lose little time Apparently this Inquiry satisfied friend," he added. Doeg and Stark; Delke and Rob­ ta getting down to work. He as­ President Ramsay and his associates "Sure, and Til bet those boys bins defeated Sharp and Harold pects to start work on his new shift that. there were grounds for com­ Steiner bl the quarter-finals of the Ernie Pinckert, Howard Jones' white hope on the Trojan grid plaint, especially by the "duffers," bother you —but not about at once. Scrimmage will open Wed­ machine this fall, will report for practice at Bovard field with the books," said Stan, with emphasis men's singles, and men's and mixed nesday. struggling to make the "balloon" doubles with little or no opposition. rest of the S. O. squad tomorrow afternoon. sphere behave. , ea the books. So today Burns, • Troy's "head man" has Indicated who ls always considerate of a Teiterdar'f BeaalOa Men's slnsles final—Elbert Lewis de­ ha would start off tbe season with rassler's mental fodder, has de­ feated Frank WeaUmlth. 8-3, 6-2. "Bang" Dunham, Kansas puncher, makes his Bay debut at the a backfleld of Galus Shaver and cided to order mat* Nietzsche Men's doubles, semifinal—Westsmith and Culver City stadium tonight, tangling with Nlsh Kekorian, tough Orv Mohler, quarterbacks; Tom items, in the hope that other Phil Hanna defeated Clayton Paige aad Armenian boy, to the six-round main event. Mallory and Ernie Pinckert, half White Sox Enjoy Best Season Since rasslers will become furious at Leonard Dworkln br default. backs, and Jim Muslck. fullback. Vikes Schedule Stan's mental threat and at­ Finale—Lewis and Cliff Robbins defeated Westsmith and Hanna, to* aad 6-4. Big line tempt to out-study Zbyszko and Mixed doubles final—Elizabeth Delke and His line Is expected to find Ray 1919 Scandal; Cardinals Boost Lead Tunney. Robbins defeated Da Bather Bartosh and Middleweights Meet at Culver City Sparling snd Garrett Arbelblds at Interesting, is lt not? Lewis, 1-6, 10-8 sad 6-4. ends; Aaron Rosenberg and Ernie By L. S. CAMERON Yes, It la not interesting. Junior girls' singles final—Jane Sharp Smith at tackles; Bob Hall and _M1_.1I- defeated Dorothy Bundy, 6-1, 6-3. NEW YORK, Sept. 14 (U.R)—The Chicago White Sox may have been * * • Junior boys' aintles final—Jess Millman Tonight; Flyweights in Semiwindup Johnny Baker at guards, and'Cap­ a keen disappointment to Owner Charles A. Comlskey this season, but the Santa Monica may be presented defeated Jack Creamer, 4-1, 6-3. tain Stan Williamson at center. fight displayed by the Chlcagoans during the past weekend has made Fairfax Here on Friday by two men on the Stanford first- However, Jones has announced be them a favorite to take fifth place to the American league race—the string lineup this fall. It all de­ By RINGSTER will leave every position open to any highest berth won tor a White Sox team since Comlskey broke up the for Practice Game; pends on Johnny Card, former Sharpshootlng Nlsh Kekorian, 160-pound Armenian, is carded to trade player who can show his worth. "Black Sox" back in 1019. Rec Fa Samohi Viking grid captain and blows with "Bang" Dunham, who Is comparatively unknown to local Sparling will have his hands full bar's relief pitching gave Chicago a Resume Workouts now a leading candidate for the boxing fans, tonight to the six-round main event at the Culver City a to I victory In ths first game ot Roofers Triomph boxing arena. Like Kekorian, Dunham Is said to be a terrific puncher, keeping the left end berth from How They Stand center post on Glenn Scobey War­ Ford Palmer, promising sophomore. yesterday's doubleheader. Faber en­ By FRANK FINCH ner's outfit. to tonight's melee has all the aspects of ending before tbe scheduled six tered tbe game after the Red Sox racinc COAST LEAGUE With thp Fairfax Colonials eom- heats are over. The Armenian Tay Brown will give Smith a bat­ W L Pet. There are four candidates for the tle for the right tackle job. had pounded Bowler for four runs Los Angeles ______44 St .587 ing here next Friday for a practice pivot post and it's up ta Johnny to puncher has not been seen In action Veteran Bruins to tie the score ta ths third, and Oakland , _, SB St .658 fracas. Coach Joe Buckmaster- show enough fight and ability to at toe Culver City stadium, although Baa Francisco , 41 ft 447 Over Rebel Nine At U. C. L. A. Spaulding will have held Boston to check until his mates .538 Samohi Viking footballers got down beat tbe others to the tape. Card, he has fought several times at the shoved over tbe winning run ta the Portland . 40 36 to intensive work this afternoon ta old Ocean Park arena. , a veteran team back, and with suf­ Holy wood SS M .BBS who left yesterday for Palo Alto, Pedley Poloists ficient material with which to stress eighth. Seattle ______is 48 .434 preparation for the metropolitan Kekorian has flattened JOB Ar- has been working oat with the San­ Losers Outhit Foes, But offensive football more so than to Missions ______S3 42 .433 schools invasion. ta Monica jaysee outfit for the past clniega, Waldo Mack and others ta Tanks Take Pair Sacramento ______32 4S .437 less than two frames, while Dun­ the past, will introduce a shift for New York's Yankees, who played The Colonials are one of the few days getting bl Mai for what Drop 10-9 Nod; Venice the first time. This will be a varia­ strongest teams ta the City league, certainly will be a strenuous sea­ ham, who of late has been display­ 23 innings against Cbicago Satur­ AMEBIC AN LEAGUE Loses; Bafflers Win ing his wares at the Olympic audi­ tion of the Minnesota shift. day, went 21 innings yesterday to W I Pet. according to pre-season dope. Last son. Beaten by Reds Philadelphia ___ 87 898 year an Inexperienced Colonial torium, holds a kayo victory over The Bruins open their season defeating Detroit, 2 to 1 and 4 to 3. The only thing that may keep Joe Cardoza among bis long string Tony Lazzerl's theft of home in the Washington *f .604 squad defeated Samohi, 7 to 0, to Card off the first string is weight. Although "Pop" Henderson's West against Occidental college Septem­ New York .. 83 590 a close scrimmage on the winners' Coast Roofers were out-hit 14 to of knockout wins. Beside being 1Kb inning decided the opening Cleveland . , . Ti .518 "Pop" likes 'em beefy and buxom. known as a hard miter Dunham Is White Captain Off Form ber 25. Spaulding carded the game game, and Lou Gehrig's sixth inning gridiron. Johnny weighs about 178 when La 10, their clouts were timely and they as a warmup affair but he sow Detroit ______67 481 nosed out "Sox" Kuhlmeyer's Santa said to be quite annoying to mixing as Hit Team Bows to hears that Oxy will have a tough homer with a mate on base pro­ St Louis i 58 .414 la Three Groups trim. He got several nice write- at close quarters. vided the winning runs in the Chicago 05 .398 Buckmaster has his cohorts divid­ ups In Northern papers for his play Monica Rebels by a 10-to-9 count little team. Father than take any Boston _ 53 yesterday afternoon at the Colorado Reese fights Superior Outfit nightcap. 377 ed into three groups—the Reds, during spring practice so it may be chances be has programmed stiff Whites and Blues. Most of the good that Phil Neill at end and Card at avsnuo diamond. After remaining idle for a little workouts for the Bruins, with scrim­ Washington defeated Cleveland, 7 NATIONAL LEAGUE center will represent this citadel as Pitcher Burk was wild and was over a month, Rex "Red Rooster" Eric Pedley got up from a sick bed mage opening Wednesday. to 1, to tbe only Other scheduled W L Pet. talent is scattered ta the Red and to lead his White poloists at the St. Louis ____ — -3 49 .853 White outfit, captained by Donny varsity men. slugged for seven runs to the first Reese comes back to the pugilistic Spauldlng's first team ls expected American league contest. New York . — S4 59 four Innings. The Rebels staged limelight to the semiwindup. He Upllftars club field yesterday but St. Louis Increased its National Chicago _____ 4S7 Fowler and Billy Newton. He plans * • * to fins up with Leslie Haigbt and _ 7« as .528 five and three-run rallies, but tbe Brooklyn 74 to scrimmage one against the other tackles Nash Hernandez tor four they bowed to defeat before bl Leonard Wellendorf at ends; | league lead to nine games, beating OS .5*1 Chances are when you go to Pittsburgh _ 89 so as to toughen ap the boys tor Roofers bad gained too big a lead stanzas at 112 pounds. The Mexi­ Clair Brunson's Reds by a score o; Houghhton "Fat" Norfleet and Loyd Philadelphia, 0 to 2 and 7 to 2. be­ 72 .489 a boxing match you won't see ol Boston 81 what is sure to come—a hectic sea­ to overcome. Hobleman hit a homer can holds a kayo win over tbe 15 to i McMillan at Tackles; Oordon Jonas hind ths brilliant pitching of Paul tl .438 a draw decision. Last Friday Philadelphia _ ___ as 83 son. with two on for tbe losers. The former Outlook Oolden Olove and Fred tfffl-*" at guards; Homer Derringer aad BUT Hallahan. Cincinnati ___ __ ss in the "Fite Figgers" column score: champion, which he scored several On actual goals the Reds won 10 90 •__•* 'With only two lettermen—End we had picked a total of 256 to 9, a firs-goal nairl'Hp giving Oliver at center; Leonard Bergdahl Giants Split R. H. weeks ago at the Hollywood Legion at quarter; Joe Keeble at left half, The New York Giants divided a INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE .*Ji Dale Kasl and Halfback Ray Lopes' fights, twenty-five of which re­ ,ft stadium. them their decisive winning mar­ Roofers I, 10 gin, ft appeared a Red victory from Bob Decker Bl right half and Nor­ doubleheader With Cincinnati. Lar­ BT L Pet. —on deck, Buckmaster haa to re­ sulted In draws. Tbat means Both men are fast and can hit Rochester 95 88 .690 build bis whole otrtflt. Eleven var­ Rebels , 0 14 ths very fust cbukker, when Brun­ man Duncan st full. ry Benton shaded Bill Walker ta a •3 85 that only one fight in twelve Batteries: Lugo, Snyder aad amply hard for flyweights. Reese, burling duel to give Cincinnati the Newark _ .589 sity men graduated and Rod Cor- will be an even oft. (Ya Jus' son's quartet added two goals to Baltimore 91 W .589 Koontz; Burk, Forney and Hoble­ the classier boxer of the two, may first game, 1 'to 0, but New York 81 brldge, a vsteran lineman, hasn't hafta carry a gun when you win this time. The bout figures to their sizeable handicap. Toronto . 7» 508 man. scored an easy 9 to 4 triumph ta tbe Montreal 81 80 .60S shown up as yet for practice. write that klnda stuff). be a tossup. Pedley's game waa far from its Reading - 74 83 usual standard aad the Bins-goal second. 471 Llghtles Report * B * TRAINMEN BOW Vic Pertley, who was scheduled to Jersey CUV 81 98 .3*1 Zt Is expected that quits a few The number "It" It supposed to box last week, takes on Bob Williams player, hero of the last international National Battle Brilliant individual achievements Buffalo _..___ 81 100 418 TO INVADERS matches, was able to contribute but by Rogers Hornsby and Guy Bush boys from last year's crack Light be unlucky, but yon can't convince ta the special spot for four rounds AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Brigade will see varsity action. Mel the hordes that swat and chase pills lbs Venice Trainmen got the or less. These boys are heavies. one tally to his team's score during gave Chicago a double win over the clash. Boston, 11 to 7 and 8 to L Hornsby's W b Pet. Kast, a well-built varsity guard, may out at Clover Field that the num­ most hits but the Commercial The second spot sees Bud Hedges St. Paul 97 58 .834 Travelers got the moat runs yester­ tangling with Jack Grenier, former High point honors of the day went 11th inning homer with the bases 71 be shifted to the backfleld tor In­ ber is a fatal one. Kansas City to .634 terference work, but If this move Is Five golfers—L. R. Spencer, Jack day at the Espee diamond, beating hard-hitting amateur from New to young Will Rogers, Jr., who ac­ For Pros Starts loaded and two out decided ths Indianapolis 77 73 .613 Milwaukee _ 73 Wright, Oscar Coverly, A. V. Nel­ the beach team, 8 to 7. Hampshire, for four beats at 140 counted for seven of tbe Red's firgt contest, and .tosh's one-hit 78 510 made tt will lighten up tbe line aa La Barge was chased by the win­ pounds. In the curtain raiser Dave markers. Brunson tallied the win­ pitching gave Chicago the second Columbus — 77 .490 Kast tt one of the heaviest mate* son and G. A. Brerton have scored PROVXD-NOE, R. I., Sept. 14 UP> Minneapolis . If SO .474 aces oa the 175-yard thirteenth bole ners, but Rice was given the loss Leivas, hard-punching Mexican, will ners' other three goals. tilt Louisville 73 S3 .457 stays Buckmaster possesses. since the course has been open. whan the winning ran waa scored have a hard fight on his hands Summary. —More than 100 of the nation's best Brooklyn won a see-saw game Toledo _____ 89 93 .395 The Norse coach also thought of off bun. Thurlow got a homer for whan he squares off with Gene Es- Reds (in) Whites (8) shot makers were here today for from Pittsburgh, 6 to 0, with Glenn 80 trying Kasl at a ball-.surrylng berth, the losers. The score: plnoza. They travel the four-round Reds (15x>—Will Rogers, Jr.. (7), tbe Professions. Golfers association Wright's double climaxing a three- but ito'the same breath said that Buccaneers Resume R. H. route and scale 128. Ho. 1; Dr. Harry Wilson, No. 2: championship play on the Wanna- run rally In the atom Inning and he would be "taking a chance on Commercial Travelers .._._... 8 IS Clair Brunson (I), No. S; Lyell moisett layout. driving in the tleiag and winning HUDKINS AND making a mediocre back out of a Football Practice Venice Trainmen * 19 MAYNARD IN Puckett, back. Today's 36-hold medal test de­ runs. good end." Santa Monica, junior college pig- Batteries: Sass and Cruse; LB MAIN EVENT (x)—Reds firs by handicap. termines thirty-two qualifiers for JACKSON SEEN Tough Schedule skinners resumed practice this after­ Barge, Belt, Nichols, Rice and Ouy Maynard, blond Santa Mon­ Whites (8)—Wlnslow Felix (8), 36-hole match play, ending Satur- noon following a weekend layoff. COAST LBAGI _ RESULTS Anxious to give his team plenty Morgan. ica high school boy, will be on ths No. 1; Charles Wrightsmsa (8), No. Bv tbe United Press ON RING CARD of experience by putting them un­ Coach Charley Brown put his men comeback trail Wednesday night at 2; Erie Pedley (1), No S; Carl Beal, Walter Hagen, who has won the der fire, the Samohi coach has lined through their paces, stressing funda­ P. O. A. event five times, has been Bt San Francisco— a B E MYSTERIES TAKE Dave Landau's Santa Monica Bay (1) back. Portland ______000 300 100—* f S NEW TORK, Sept. 14 (Jlv-A few up five practice games within tba mentals and running through some 'RUBBER' GAME boxing arena. He will attempt to Reds ..._....-..—.7 18 2 8 0 0 0—11 grooming himself for another vic­ Missions ______000 303 30s—7 11 0 of the plays Charley Intends his tory. outstanding leather-swingers, such space of two weeks. Following tbe The Santa Monica Mysteries to­ regain the amateur prestige he lost Whites S 0 2 10 10 3—8 Bowman, Orwoll, KUleen sad Flt.pat- as Jackie Fields, Christopher (Bat) Colonial combat the Vikes play team to use this season. day held a one-game edge on the a few weeks ago when he was Umpires—Hugh Blue and Hal Leo Dlegel, winner In 1928 and rlck: Cole and Hofmann. University on September 22; Bel­ Tomorrow the majority ol those O. D. H. S. by winning lite odd knocked out to 20 seconds. Roach. 1928, and Gene Sara-en, another Second earns— R H B Battallno, Ace Hudklns, Charley mont on September 28; Beverly who will come out Tor the Corsair Johnny Rodrtquez, the Mexican who held tbe title for two consecu­ Portland - SIS ooo MS—7 is 1 Retzlaff aad Steve Hamas, feature game of a three-game series yes­ tive years, also have hopes of an­ Missions ______111 000 300—* IS S Hills BB September 29 and Hoover eleven are expected to be on hand, terday by a score of 6 to 5 at Clo­ boy who flattened him, will bs his McQuillan, Posedel aad Woodall: Caster, the boxing slate this week. (Glendale) en October 2. The fol- . completing tas fourth and fifth ver field. Brilliant fielding behind opponent. They battle In tbe three- nexing another win. Sarazen was Lleber sad Brensel. lowing week Redondo's Sea Hawks, string. Coaches Kurtz, Kepner and round main event at 110 pounds. SEATTLE STAR runnerup to Tommy Armour last Fields, former welterweight cham­ nice pitching by Becker, who al­ year at Fresh Meadow. Armour ls 1930 Bay league champions, Invade Osterholt will handle these boys. lowed five hits, brought victory. The The semiwindup will feature War­ At Sacramento— * R H B pion, meets Young Terry, Trenton, Hanford field for the opening league ren Sherman and Stanley Pens at ADDS ANOTHER defending his title. Hollywood _____ 000 000 103—4 S 1 score: Sacramento . 001 001 013—1 11 1 N. J., slugger, to the feature 10- gsuns. R. H. 135 pounds. Jackie Nelson, classy Dlegel and Ed Dudley, the western Shellenback and Bevereid; Flynn, Vinci, round bout at Madison Square Gar­ Buckmaster has outlined scrim­ Booth WUl Report 7 135-pounder who recently lost a AQUATIC MARK champion, have been Impressive to Oolard sad Lawler. Mysteries * tough fight to Cecil Parsons, squares workouts. Both have clipped two den Thursday night. maging and fundamentals oa his O. D. H. 8. •„ £ 5 Second game— R H E Battallno, featherweight cham­ program- for this week, with a few For Oftd Practice off with Joe Beck ta another three- SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 14 (UJB— strokes off tbe course's par of 70. Rollrwood 010 030 100—4 7 0 plays to be given out. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. 14 (U.R) rounder. Eddie Hoffman trades Helene Madison, American aquatic Saoramento _____ 000 330 00X 8 8 * pion, encounters tbe Chicago vet­ —Appendix or BO appendix. Captain SIGN BATTLERS Punches with Harold Dlshlan. These queen, added another record to her Turner, Oould, Johnson and Bassler; eran, Eddie Shea, in a IB-round ays weigh 137. long list of achievements today as HubbelU Ollllck, Bryan sad Wlrts. non-title oout at Hartford, Conn., Alble Booth will be out tor first CHICAGO, Sept. 14 UP) — Larry Separate Round for tomorrow. Santa Monica Yacht practice with his Yale gridiron squad Johnson, stiff punching Chicago The third bout on the card ls the result of her appearance to the SS Oakland— R B B Tuesday, it anneared today. between Jackie Sandus and Francis Par Western swimming champion­ Ban Franclsoo 001 081 110—4 S 3 Hudklns continues a campaign in Negro light-heavyweight, and Lou Tourney Qualifier* the heavyweight division at Los An­ Wats Second Place Booth admitted his appendix had Scozza, of Buffalo, N. Y., have been Burke, 115. Other bouts are as fal­ ships here. AOUA CAUENTE. Mexico, Sept. Oakland ______ooo ooo oio— l s l troub'ed him far about a week and signed for an eight-round clash as lows: Earl Metzger 99. Heine An- Competing yesterday ta the 1500- Wlllouehbr and Master, Penebskr; geles tomorrow night with Dynamite SAN PEDRO. Sept. 14 (CNS)— 14—With an announcement, hist Daella, Pearson, Ludolph snd Read. Me- Jackson of Santa Monica, Calif. Hugh Angelman's schooner Ocean a half last month but declared lt the semi-final-to tbe Taffy Grif­ sorage, 120; Angelo Peralto vs. yard event, Miss Madison won ta 21 made by Wirt O. Bowman, president M-ttea, had improved without the necessity fiths-Ernie Schaaf headliner at the Louis Enna, 194, and Johnny Aqulrre minutes sad IS seconds, or 3 min­ Retzlaff and Hamas, heavy­ Waif aad Milton Brenn's twelve of the Agua Callente Golf club, that Seeond same— R H E weights, appear an the Queensboro meter sloop Rhapsody today held of freezing. Chicago stadium September 23. vs. Gavtao Slssons. All BIB sched­ utes and 11 seconds under tbe rec­ a separate qualifying round—for the 8an Francisco _____ 100 000 0—1 4 1 uled for the three-round routs. ognised world record. The Seattle Oakland I 000 000 2—3 8 0 stadium's card here tomorrow night. honors for the 90-mile Santa Bar­ gfrl also won tbe 100-meter free 815,000 open tournament here next Mc->ouila and Mealer; Thomas and Retzlaff meets Gene Stanton of bara Island race, sailed over the WRESTLER DIES style for women, and on Saturday January—open to golfers of San Read. Cleveland. Hamas, a deadly punch­ week-end. captured the 200-meter race. Diego Bounty only, will bs played er, battles Pat Hayward of Phila­ BELLEVILLE, Ont., Sept. 14 (_rV- over the home course on Monday, At Los Angeles— ft H S delphia. The Endymion, owned by Donald Stanlay Staslak, giant Polish Officials said that to the 1600-yard January 4, all arrangements for the Seattle . en oio ooo— • is l Douglas of Santa Monica, finished wrestler from Cambridge, Mass., ls event Miss Madison set a new 700- Los Anselee 530 330 30s—15 18 1 second In th* schooner division with dead here of blood poisoning. yard record of 9:80, and unoffi­ "world's richest" golf tourney have Kallio, Qulnn, Oliver aad Oo-, Bot- a corrected time of 19 hours, 41 sec­ If You Must Leave Santa Monica now been settled, with tbe exception tarlnl; Herrmann snd Hannah. Stasiak suffered a fractured arm cially broke her own world's IO­ Angelenos Suffer onds. W. W. Peddar's Diablo and Lai aa furnish yon with free Information relative to the handling ta a bout with Ed Don Oeorge of meter record of 16:42 by passing this of selecting a course for tbe qualify­ Second seme • R B B Charles Page's Monsoon copped point to 15:24. Both the recognised ing round, which Is to be held to Seattle ______000 030 0—9 S 1 Bad Luck in Races third and fourth places respectively. of year household furniture by Buffalo at Toronto. September 8. Los Angeles. This latter ls to be -oe Aneeles _____ 000 310 -—4 7 1 Septemla developed and be was 700 and 1800-yard marks were held Turpln, BonneUr aad Bottarlnl; Ballon It was a tough break that Los Long Distance Motor Vans brought to B local hospital. Be by Claire Oalllgan for 13 years. played on Wednesday, January 8. and Hannah. Angeles motor boat pilots received died early last night. yesterday to the opening races of Weissmuller Witt lift Vans (No Crating Required) the international motorautic regat­ Pod Cars to All Middle West and Eastern Paints ta beld at Venice. Three American Teach Youngster* boat pilots, all from Los Angeles, LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 (CNS)— at Reduced Freight Rates Fight Figgers had "lt" against them in the races. Johnny Weissmuller, regarded as tbe After our none too good 88- Fightin' Irish to Be DangerousPilotin g the Hollywood, James world's greatest swimmer, will teach 80ME EXAMPLES OP THE SAVING WE CAN MARE lecttag to the past week or so Stack overturned to toe first heat Los Angeles youngsters how to swim Per 109 Lbs. Per 100 Lbs. WB start another week wit- By PAUL MICKELSON comparable Rockne, is positively Notre Dame will use the same of the Querlnl cup competition. Bt tbe Ambassador hotel plunge R. R. Rata te New York- $5.55 R. R. Rata to Chicago.. ..$5.08 many fight pickings, giving us eheery over the prospects. stuff that Rockne taught and left Luckily he escaped injury and bis Wednesday afternoon. Oar Rate ta New York—. _ AM Our Rate to Chicago.-. - 8.75 a chance to make up tor the SOUTH BEND, bid., Sept. 14 UB "We bars the makings of a good with Anderson and Chevigny. Op­ craft was not damaged. Failure to He will be at the plunge at 4 p m. bad calls. Here are tonight's —You can get three different an­ line," Anderson says, "and I think posing turns will try to stop tne get his motor going cost Charles and is Inviting every boy in the dtp fight selections: At Culver swers by asking Jesse Harper, Chevigny will give us another good famous shift and tbe repetition of Holt any chance of placing to Rossi between the ages of 10 and 16 to Saving to You 4L55 Sarin, to Yon- 81-W cup competition. His trouble occur­ City—"Bang" Dunham to win Heartly Anderson, ot Jack Chevigny backfleld. We ham lost Frank Oa- one or two plays until they click be there. The Instruction wQl be Call Ua tor aa Estimate—No Obligation over Nlsh Kekorian, Nash Fer­ rideo, Marty Brill, Larry Mullins. in a game, will again be the no­ red in the first heat.- The bast an absolutely free and If tune permits nandez over Rex Reese, Vic what kind of a football team Notre Joe Savoldi, Paul O'Connor and ticeable feature.' Angeleno could do was to place sev­ Weissmuller will give individual in­ Pertley over Bob Williams, Bud Dame will send oak this fall to take some other fine backs, but we have TUB line, led by Capt. Tom Yarr, enth to tbB same heat.' He was struction. Hedges over Jack Grenier and ears of tbe schedule arranged by the Fred Gilbert,, to the California Dare Leivas ever Gene Es- a big squad-and enough mm who will be made up of such veterans Comet. pino-a; at Philadelphia—Matt late . played last season to pre us a good as Paul Hast and Ed Kosky, ends; REDMAN Harper, who taught Rockne his start, to addition to some promis­ Al Sulver and Joe Kurth, tackles; Adgie to win over Al Ettore, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE CO. Young Flrpo over Henry Fer- football, BB— who has returned to ing first year candidates." and Nordy Hoffman, guard. Return­ TWO ARENAS DARK URK lock and Sieve Halalko over Al tbe camp of the fighting Irish to Chevigny, the Junior coach, is ing to the big problem department, LOS ANGELES. Sept 14 (CNS)— 242S Saata Monlea Blvd. 10SS Gayley Ave. the. backfleld will be Chuck Jask- Saata Monica Westwood Village Rowe; at New York—Arthur be athletic director, thinks Notre anything but optimistic. Two boxing arenas wul to closed in Dekuh over Andy Mitchell. Dame will have a "pretty good "We'll have a backfleld and sub­ which, Call Cronln, of whom much the Southland this week, the Los Phone SS1M Phone 84567 STANDINGS TO DATE team." He is neither optimistic nor stitutes, but you cant replace men IB expected; Marchy Schwartz, a Angeles stadium keeping dark to­ STORAGE MOVING PACKING SHIPPING Won Lost Draw Pet. pessimistic. like Carldeo, Brill, Mullins and great star and the only regular from night, aad the Paretdena arena pass- 188 69 25 .709 Anderson, named as senior coach O'Connor Just because you want to," last year; Mike Koken, Nick Lukats lair up tta regular Thursday night after the trag_» death of tba in­ was Cbevlgny's answer. and Dan Hauley, if he Is eligible. show. &n4*S£ WMwtm tjpap •e-Man- •-mm*

PAGE TEN EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 Sundown Stories 9 \XFRy By MART OBAHAM BONNER AIR DELIVERIES Peggy and John were thrilled rid­ ing along with the mil), plans which was carrying the milk to aU the air hotels and air schools and other air places. They did not think they had ever enjoyed any of the trips when the Clock had turned the time ahead more than this. They loved having the Little Black Clock with them at all times, for e explained everything to them, but It was rather jolly when he let them go off by themselves. The plane flew along very rapidly and every once in awhile it stopped. The man in charge of the de­ liveries pulled a lever and a cer­ tain number ot bottled and tubes The Llama taxi stops to get a mo­ were lifted up from the plane and ment's breathing spell. landed upon an air platform. After And there before our hero ls the making that delivery they flew on Rio de Hotel! to make the next. "That means," says Puff, "It's Rio How different this was from the de Janeiro we are la; old days of milk trains and great That's my deduction from the way cans of milk waiting outside on that both those names be­ wooden stands la front of farm gin." houses! Just traveling la a milk plane seemed a strange enough experi­ Sonnysaytngs ence, and after they had finished By FANNT T. COBT _00t* IDEE.^ all their deliveries and were back R€CfllTHAW*NWGS T TO CHECK T»US M0N6V1* SCORCHY. Bt the *tt farm once more John eoiNGTD ee A HARDER JOB AM' \*U SQUAT noticed something that made him fUAN I THOUGHT BECAUSE laugh. | JfcoiKhytovescuewlcffieUS. RlCH_afcOUTlH Painted upon ths wings of the TUt k\OHEf FROrA ALLTM- FRONT. plane were two pictures—one on ROBBERieS ISAMXED each side, and each picture was that &(£*&&& antyytf ETM6R. _-——\ of a cow. *Ws_," he said to Peggy, "doesn't iatHkgdeparted-from that seem funny I They have milk Orffo&t3t>7td, <9akeand planes, and yet they paint pictures of two old fashioned cows on the Sb&dwppisv tftux&edr in Now John and Peggy gave a locatingaguaxiifyof thorough look at the farm. FINE DISCRETION Miss Wade say I got to stand in tAtUipiedvwney*** Chile's cabinet resigned Just in this corner till I remembers the cap- time to avoid being thrown out, an ital of Francs. Well, all. I got to example of hard luck, but fine dis­ say lt, X bet my 'lttle grandchil-ero cretion. finds me right here— • IM! TB» A. V.. Aft I INTIMATE REVELATIONS BOUND TO WIN Bert Tray's Big Test By EDWIN ALGER QTHC T-CClgU. HEAX7ACHE 6KT TWAY REALIZED T>\_VT "THE - DANGER MAPtK WAS PERHAPS J*T HAhtO — EVEfrYTHIMfi- MIGHT D6P-_r-iO ON HOW HE KAMD-BD THE _.| _*J KiM_ 4_TTRAr4deR BEFORE VflM.WHO HA© [Av-KILD TO 6EE BE-N WEBSTER -- THa P_R»T AMD MOST h4E_CES-ARry TMfrA- WAS TO PINO OUT THE STRAM- - NAH- AMD E3USIN-ESS —» COMEONN ru-TRY TO RUSTVJB UP, BEM--WtlAT_ >OtJ«V NAME?


Daily Crossword-Puzzle

ACROSS Solution of Saturday. Puzzle A Worship I. Beat soundly IS. Nulaaaoa 8. Seat of govern- ment 11. Chemical tA Anything T 1 C M E S A P A R T suffix rubbed oat A 1_ Bin of IBB IS. Like - gland 1 D 0 A P E R L E E infinitive 17. Sweetheart: E L M !p 0 R C E L A | N IS. Declares 8co te­ 1 eolemnly ll. Let It .Land R E P U L E R E E 0 S IS. Flower s i_ -pare time to. Note et the A s E N A Ol tt. Lone narrow soalo n board A R E. |A|E|R 0 P tA Hard-she-ed 11. Certain letters V 9 I traits of tho alpha­ D E E S R R A N T ts. Bristle bet e £e IT. Central parte grW*




._____*«__ - • >-^___M______MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 SANTA MONICA OUTLOOK CLOSING N. Y. EXCHANGE STOCKS — BONDS - N. Y. CURB STOCKS RALLY CHECKS STOCK NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE STOCKS LIST SELLING FLURRY High Low Close Sales Hub Low Close 1 NEW TORK, Sept. 14 (JP)-*al­ Sales NEW YORK, Sept 14. (ff )—The stock market had rather severe sink­ High Close lowing is tbe complete closing list M lowing Is the complete list of t . 8 de 4%i 81 9 .... 90% Prod 3'iB. . 67H MH . 11% 11% ing spells today, but managed to recuperate considerably as selling pres-! UH M Corn MH IT Marine Midi l.M UH actions < n the New York Curb 1 MaeMarr St l 10', 10' 4 Cent PALM SO ... W of today's transactions on ths _ew 5H . 31 M WH I Coty • __H IH 4 Manh Field IH •. ii a Marco I Mar •tl IT 3 Cent Pow 5s 57 D 66% _.* York Stock exchange. Figures in­ M 34 M . 1% IH sure was lifted la the final dealings. The heaviest flurry of selling was !ke t giving all stocks traded: •TH 1 Cream ef Wh tHB.. - Martin Parry ..... 1 Mavlt Bott A IV! IV 29 Cent St El 5'.is 54 M 1 Ores Carpet 13*4 UH U% WH s* dicating the number of shares sold . MH 9 Math Alkali 3 .... • a* IH In the first half hour, but intermittent flurries thereafter kept the list 6 Mayflower A 3 .... 35 25 25 do Si 44 17H M 1 Crosier Bad • IB 4% IH 37% ts represent hundreds: 46 May Dept St 3% ., . 30 19% Key to Symbols: AS—Actual 11 Memphis NO 60 .. 8 « 5 Cent Bt P A IHl 53 60% 60 w 1 Crown Cork pf AM.. . M M M 3 Maytag Ut pf * . 59 M% en the downgrade much of the day, and ths lowest prices were generally j t Clean Seller • »• MH sales, XD—Ex-dividend. XR—Ex- 4 Merrltt C to 8 5 S 5 1 Cent Vermont p a . .103 103 MS , IH IH SH I MeCall 1% ...... M reached in the late afternoon, When- 1—iasonite Co UV. 16% 15'. 1 Chic Dirt El 5Hs 35B100 IM 1 Crucible SI! 37% 40as McCrory St pt • . 37% M A—Plus extra in stock, B— IM Key to Symbols: XD—Ex-divi- MH MH 17% rights. p 1 Mesta Mach 3 33'i MH 23' 1 Cigar St Real SHs 49 5* 58- HIM Crucible Stl pf 7s . 17 1 3 Mclntyre Pore 1 .. . »0 31% M dend, XR—It-rights, AS—Actual MH 80 losses sfT to more than 5 polnto ,jtei dropping more than a to a 10- phi_s 10 per cent in stock, P— ay- 25as Metro Ed pt 6 .... 97 17 3 Cin at Car SHs 5.A . 77 T7 Mai Cube R R pf M... . M ss , 33 M McKeesport T 4 .. . 31% 59 S 97 TT 11% were fairly general Is the leading M 34 10 Cities Ser ta M .... 59% sales, A—Plus extras, B—Including S Cubs n Am Bug ..... 3 23 16 McKessARob 1 . MH 8% year low. American Telephone de- able In stock, O— Partlv extra, 1 Metal A T P pf M BH 51% IH MH issueA In the last half hour, how­ 4 Mexico O O 1 3 3*1 do to 60 80% extras D—Partly stock. F—Paid Mas Cuban Am 8 pf .. im *H 11H 1 do pi 3% . M tt IB clined about 5, finally breaking H—Plus 5 per cent in stock, J — 3 MH M t Cuban Cane Prod . 31 McLellan St . IH IH ever, there were several recoveries 1 Mid W S U 10a P .. 6 8 6 44 Cities Ber Pow SH* 53 76% -75% last year. B—Paid SB tar this vear, % UH H . «3% 29 through its June low. then recov- partly stock, R —Cash or .(•«*. 5 Comwlth Bd 4%s 56CTlM% 103% 103% 13* Cuban Dom Sus .... v. % Mas do pf I •IH of 1 to 3 from the lowest. 40 Mid West U to f .. 14V 12% 12? J -Payable in stock, K—Casn w I MelYllle Shoe 1 .. • U 33% J-> ered about 2. Miscellaneous issues ; UR—Under rule, lOas Mln Honey pt * . • 83 83 II do 4Hs 87 D 103% 103% 103% 1 Cudahy Pack M ... . MH ITH S7H 48 Com E 48 SI F .. 39 Curtis Pub 4s 11 Miami Cop . & I M% The recovery lacked vigor, oow- closing 2 to 4 lower Included Du- 7 Mo Kan P L 4 1% 4 .. 93' 93% IIH stock, lr—Payable when earned, Z— MH MH It (4 Mid Cont Pet .... T 1 3 Corn P A L ta 17 85% M Curtlss Wright .... 3S |H . TH 33% ever, and was not fully maintained Pont, Eastman. American Oan, In­ 2Sas Moh 11 l pt 7 IM 104% 104" M M% unit of trading 10 shares. *_> 4 Midland Steel f ., UH UH I 925as Mon LHArP 1% .. 43'. 41 til S Cons G B 4Ss 69 G 106 105% 105% 4 Curtlss Wr A .... IB SS 3H IM ternational Harvester, Southern Pa­ STOCKS STOCKS lOae Mil El Ry pf t • IM 7 to the finish. The turnover was well Sales Low Close 1 Mort Bnk Col . ... 11 do to 81 98% WH MH Mas Cushman T pet pf Tt Ml 101 IM . IH IH Hill) 12 Cons O U IHs 43A 4 Cutler Bam 9 Minn Mel Imp ... UH over 2,000.000 shares and net losses cific. North American. Santa Fe and 1 Mount Prod ls 42 S tt 42% MH UH 1 So Pf . UH UH IM A 8 do 6s 43A 61 UH 7 Union Pacific. 53% ft High tew Close 4 Mo Kan T . IH IH of about I IB 4 points were numerous 10 10 N 1 Cons T to St .....' 20 Sales 1% . MH *» 1 Aero Under.r 10 4% 20 tt 1 Ablttbt PAP . 3% IB o I TH TH 2 Mo K T Pf 7 15% at the finish. Bonds also were under pressure, 13 AftUlat Pro l.M lOJ 11% 18% 3 Nat Avis 2 Cens P 4Val 58 103% 103% 103% 106 . 11% 37% TH 1 Alfa Ansco 5V 5% 27% lOas Abr A Btr pf Tl . .MB IM 10 Davison Chem IH a 18 Mo Pae 13 5% 8 Nat Bond Sh ll .... 40 Cont G A E to tl A 84% MH 84% . UH 11% 11% is a ll do pf 6 xd . 31% MH Several price averages recorded particularly the foreign group, where SOas do pf II 59 59 1 Hat tt Pow A 1.80 ., 31 11 21 2 Crane Co 5s 40 .. tt Adams Exp IS »5'. 3 Debenhams See it . II UH 88 88 IMH 1M% 1W% lOae do pf Is _.••«»• . MH W% 10 Deere to Co pf LM. IMH 16 3 Mohawk Cpt M 13% new lows for the bear market at the the Dawes and Young plan issues UOIes Alum Oo Am .... 108 V 1M% 105 2Sas Nat Bl Pow pf 7s , 88 ( Crucible 8 Ss 40 .. •I ttH MH . 33% MM MH M IMH 3 Monsanto Ch IV... . M MH 1 Alum Goods l.M II lt ll 17% 17H 17% I Adams Mlllls S* .... M Del A Hud to ..... M 35% recorded new lows before meeting l 1 Nat Fuel O It < Cudahy P s%e 37 • MH 94% 94% . 13V. 13 V. 13 V, MH 34H M4 Montgom Ward ... . 11% 15% M day's lowest prices. United states Mai Alum Ltd B war ... It io » 10% I Nat Investors 4H 4 4% 1 Addressee le < 4% 35 Del Lack A W 4s.. UH % 35% support. IH 1% 1 do 5s 48 101% 101% 101% I Advance Rums .... • 4% 4% 1 Den B O A W pf •• 11 M 3 Mother Lode H Steel finished only a point lower, 3as do D war .,.,,... 20 M I Nat Service •< IH 73 73*4 IMH IMH 14IH 1 Motor Fred 3 . M 11 I Am Br A Cent IH w 1% 3% 3 Dela E P SHl M IIH 91% 91% II Air Redo* 4V.B ...., . 74V, 10 Detroit Bl M .... ITH IT 17 as H IV. 19 Nat 8 T Sec A 60a . 3% ITH 17% 1 Motor Wheel 1 ... * • 1 Am Cap pf 3s II 1% 15 31 30', 10 Detroit O O 47 A IM IM 108 1ST Alaska Sun .40 ..... • if H Diamond MM M .... UH 11*4 UH , 11 M 15 I Nat Bug Ref M ..... 30% 60 Alleshany . •••< . I* IH 4 IS Dome Mines ll 3* Mullins Mfg 13% Msa Am Cigar S3 S3 1 Nat Trans U UH 11% I do 5s 50 B .104% IMH IMH 11 MH MH 20H 160as S* Pi T . 41 MH 9 tt UH 3 a Duke Pow 4Hs 67 ..104% 104% IMH a do pf 130 ww ...... is 11 t Dominion Bl .MS.... MH UH UH UH I Am Clt PA-LB lOpct f % H 1 Nat Un Rad 2 34% as I Munsimwear t . UH 11% N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE BONDS 14 Am C Pow A lOpct f 10% S 10', 6 6 6 Du Oas to 45 11 10% 10% Was Alias Steel l.M ... . M 4 Dougta* Aire 71H MH MH . IH MH 10 3 Nshl Corp 60 6 . M M M 114 Drug Inc 4s 30 Murray Corp IH II do B lOpct t IIH 15% 1 Nelson H 8H 8H 6 do IV.s 33 777.'. . 4% 4 4 Was Vf""*- Realty ta M 10 10 1 Myers A Bro 2 ... . 31 11 M% By Associated Press 14% IH av. rm 1 Duplan Silk ll 1 Am Corp 30H IV, 1% 3 Newberry J J 1.18 ... tt 23% 14 East U I Si 14 A . . UH 61% MH Ml Al Chem to Dye Ss 75 H 72 V. MH 'H 9H 33% 19 .133% 131*. 133V, 4*3 du Pont de Nam 4s. N 11 33 Am Cyan B 6% 3 New Eng Equity ai I Bd E I 5s 33 .103'4 IMH 103%) I do pf * US 11* 111 High Low CI use 6 • 19 M AUle Ch Mfg M ..-• MV* 11% 1»*. 14 de deb to 11 Sales 1 Am Dept St 1H 80ns New Eng Pow pf 6s. 7* 78'= tl do 4s II ...... 101% 101% 101% 31 31 31 27 Nash Motors 4 MH MH NEW YORK. Sept. 14. (JP)—Fol- IH 1% i*> • Amerada Ss •••••••• MB ll1**. was Durham Ho* pf .... 41% 4CH 1 Am Equities 4% l It J Zinc ta MH M% 34 Eleo P A L Ss 3030 77% TTH • tf Mai Nash Ch _ St L 41% owing are today's high, low and 23 do 4V.s 70 D M M 84 4H 4H 34% MH * Am Ag Oh ef Del . HVs % 3 Natl Acme 4% 4H 4H W Am A Por p war , IIH 10 Nswmount Mln ..... ttH 22 H 1 Empire D E ta S3 , 78 71 I 24 Phila Co M 67 101 MH 98H UH UH 22'. I Am Bank Note ts .. , u% 35% 16% lOOas Nat Air Trans .... T 7 closing prices on the New Vorlc 1 Am Pounders IH i N Y Msreusnd ls 11% 1 Em O A B !%• 41 . 54% 130 Eastman Rod SB IMH 133% 133% 7 I Phil Read CAI MM. M 58 56 1% 1% UH UH . MH MH 31 Am Brake Shoe 3.40 . . MW MH MH 1 Xat Bell Hess 4% 69 Am Oas to El la .... 56 -iiiiii.s N T Ts) IHs pf IHtttlH S Fed Water SHs M . 60% 30as East Rod pf to MS in 35 4H *B Stock exchange and the total sales 13 Phillips Pet IH* 39.. 63 61 >, 61% 13 52 H 116 lion . MH MH Tl* Am Can 4s , M MH MH 361 Eaton Ax A S .*0.... 11 M Nat Biscuit AM .... ttH MH BS 95 -fas Am Hardware ta .. 34% 55 Nlag Hud Pow .40 .. 9% 10 Firestone C M ta tf 78% IM 10V4 10% M% of each bond. 38 POCAStL 4Hs 77 97% 34% 14% ill do A war IH SH MH T7%< , ITH ltt I Htmion Sch 7V« 7% 4 do pf 7 Ul 111 M MH I Am Invest B 4% •H 1 Fisk R 5V_s 11 ... > U TTa pf tt •_••_••• 13V. 13 H TH Ul 38 Postal TelAC 5s 53.. MH !% 4% I do B war 3'. t% 19 19 14* 3 Eltlni Sch pf MH 54% M Nat Cash R A M M l 4 Pub S El-iO 4%l 70.M4H IMH 104% IT Am Light A T t%s .. 35 UH IH 3 do SHs 31 cod ... • IS * Am Oar A Fdy ls . , 1SV. M 55 MH 135 Nat Dairy Pr 3.60 .. 3*% 32 , S3H 13 Niss Shares Md .40 . 6 3% 10 34 Elec Auto L 3* 36 11% 39% 7 Reading sen 4Hs 97A 95H II 95 150as Am MM Is t 17 3% 17 Fla P A L Si 54 . , 86% IS 110a* Be st ts ...... , 88% 13 13 MH 11 Nat Dept Bt 3% CORPORATION RONOS 17 I Nijlsslng Mines ..., • IH •H M% « Elec Boat an 3H f I Low Close 11 Rem Rand IHl 47WW 67 MH 2Saa do pf lHs 40H 40 H 13 Oary E A C 5s 34 . 98 86% 3 Am Chain 40 M IH aOas do 1 pi 4 38% 28% Bales Bli- MH MH 11 Nltrsts B 1 •H IH M . m* MI sa Pow A t«t ii MH 31% 39 M 3 Rich Oil Cal Is 44... 33% MH I Am alaracalbo ...... % IH 23 Oatin Pow ta M ... . 17 98 S Am Chicle SB * S SI aiH I Nat Distill 2 35% 34% IT Alleih C M 60 IS awt H % 1 Noma Elec .40 4 '-. 1 M 3 Am Colortype ...... , is 3 El PAL « pet pf I*.. (3 31% 25% 41 Am A P P Si MM M% M% M% 3 St LIM&C 4s R&OdlV 90 M Ittas Am Meter ts 18 1 4H 8 do to tf . MH 85% TH TH M I Nat Baam to 8t .... IT UH 90 1 Am Nat Oas IH 35 35 I Nor Am Av A war ... % 10% 5 Am Coml Al ...... , s 3 de pt T* *7H *7 16% 1 Am Chali 6s M . M 9* 91 ISO St L S 9 l%s 71. StH MH 4H H 3 do 6 41 B ,....,, . 79 80 I M 5 Nat Lead I 97 96 49H 36% 179 Am Sup POW .40 9 IH 1% 3 Nor to So Am A 4% TO S Am Encaus Til .... TH 4 Elec Stor B tt 44% M% H Am IOC 5%s 49 . 91 MH MH 45 do p In 4s M A, 61% '. 4H I Cen P U IHs 56 .. . 78 7» 15 V, UH 46 Mas do pf A T 140 IM ltt & St L SW eon 41 33 . 66 ISH 60 7 do 1 pr 6s ... STH IH *% lasas Nor I p a 6 pf «s. HI in 4% 77% I Amer Europ ...... M Elec A Mui IH IH 70 Am 77% TT TT WH MH IMH 1 Oen Bronze to 40 . . IT , • MH •H lOas do pf B ( ill Ut Ul yn i%s 4i ... 8 Seab A L con 6s 45.. II 11 66 I Am Ut A O B pt IHs 11 3 Nor States P A 8s 111 100 n its S7 SM Am Si For Pew .... u% 1 Emerson Br A H H 19% 10 Am Metal 5%s 34 . IS MH MH ll 11 uon 1 Oen P S Si M ... . 86 , UH •7% H 106 Nat Pow A Lt 1 .. 30% UH 1 Sea All Pla Ry 6s 35 f I 10 3 Am Yvette %S 1% 1 Novndcl Ag 4s . . . 41 H UO'i 57 M t do 37 pf T* ITH 1 Endleott John ll ,... 41*4 41H I Nat Radiator % H 10 Am Smelt Ss 4T ... 103 IMH IMH IH in 41 Vt 4 Gen P U M 31 ... . 11 SO­ MH 41% 3 Shell Pipe L Is M .. M 11 6 II Anglo-Chl Nit % 41H .25 W -91 4 do Id Bl BS*. 36 11 Eqult Office Bd! IVil 37 MH 27 I Nat Steel 3 34 % MH ttH MAT A T IH* 43 , Ul 110" 110% 81 H % I Oen W W 6s 44 B . M 6% M Erie R R M 48 Shell Ua M 4* ww .. M STH •I Appalaeh GUN , 3 V. o . 34 33% 34 .102 91 1 Am Bawali 88 le ... 35 % •H 4 14H 14 1 Nat Supply 11% 19V. UH 71 dfct M M MSH IMH Mt% MH 3 SH 33 Geo Pow 81 IT ... 1 Am Hide A Ma _... 4 Erie 1st pf 4s 31% 31 M 47 Sine O OU col 7s 17. 94 H M 1 Arctur Red Tube .... 3H 50as Ohio Biass B 2a . .111% 111% 111* . 88'. as 4 at 20as do Pf 7 M M 36 do cvt 4%l M ....ltt 130% IMH 103 94 3% 1% 58 Gillette 6s 40 ..... 4 Am Home Fred 4 M . IM MH It Eureka Vac Ol 5 I 20% tt do IHl II 103% 2 Aik Nat Oas 3% SOas Ofcte OAK pf 7s . . »1'.. 91 91 . 19 Vi 101% 101 H 68% t 4 Nat Surety I* MH 30 H I A W W A Elec M 14 IM H% MS 7 Skelly OU 5'j a 39 IIH 62 ioa 1% 1% I OUdden Co IHs 35 . • Am lee Is 4 MH I National Tea la.... 13% 13% 82H 16 do A 3% 1% 3% t Ohio on pr to .109% 109% 109% IS w UH UH M A T A B P 4%s 41 101 106". IMH • Bo Bell T to T M 41.106 106% 1 Oobel A •%• MA. . 13 1 do pf Se 8«% 57H F 33 Nev Con Cop 7 105% 3 do pi 60 5% 1% 30ns do pf 6s . IH It. •TH 4 Fairbanks Mor MH 10H IH T II do teo 4* M MH MH 18% 33 Sou Pae IHl 68 .... M 79% IH . 64% WH 88% SS Am Internet ...... tt M 10 H 7 Newport Co ls ... 79% MM Ark PAL pf 7s IW si* 101 3 Oversea. Be I Orand F W ta 48 . M 40as Fairbanks M pf 7s. M 69% StH .. it 19 11 10 Btl O A W I 5s II 41 MH MH 41 da 4%l 69 ww ....ttH M 62 a 3 Am La Pra Bl F .... ITH H 1 Newport A 3s 82 H l As B Ind 30 4<< 101 4H I Quit o P ta IT ... M H 1 Federal Mot .40 5 6 I .. M M tt 5 Bait to O rfg 5s 95 MH M M IM do 4'..s Ore Ln 77 .. M% 94 MH MH 1 Am Loco IS ...... 10% 14 I Newton Steel 96H Mai AS O A Bi Ott IS. 6ti'< IH MH P 8 do 5s 37 ..'...., 36 M I Federal Wat S 1.30... 13 13 . 6 I I 101 Bait A O 4%s 33 .... WH N M 39 South Ry con 5s 94 .102 101 .101% 101 MI ( Am Mach * F 14* M UH 106 N Y Central MH IM 32 do A lr 10 S WH 9% 1 Par West OU s 10 Quit St U Sa 58 A . 95? IH 34 4 Federated 0 Bt .... tt M . UH M% 1* do cvt 4U* M II M 66 24 do gen 4s 56 M 61 24 . MH .103% 102% 102 Ts 1 Am Mach A Met etf 33 1 N Y Ch A St L pf . .. M 14 61 4 As Tel Ut Spot f .... 33% •% 23'. 21) Pandem OU 3 Houst O G IHs 43 75 MH 7955 3 •H IH I* 13 Fid F Fire Ins a.M MH .«% M 1 Bell TPa 1 ta C M ..114V. IMH 114% 2 S W Bell Ts) 5s 64 .107 tor 1 Atl OU Fish 41, 11% 5 Pan Am Airways ... 98' 98', 13 Am Metal I MH 140as N T A Harlem It. IMH 141 148 10T 4% 4 3% 10 Hou L A P 4%.T. 78D 75 . MH I 1 Firestone TAB M... IT IT 7 Beth S P m 5s 36 ..100% 100'. 100 V, I Bt OU N J deb M M.1MH 104 24 Atlas Util S'« 4'.4 2 Pantepec OU 3% 98' 98', lwas do apct pf ss .. 17 3 N T Investors .. 3% 3% IH IM 6% WH 51 58 10 do 4Hs E IT ... MH >• • MH MH 6 do pf (s M •1 3 Boat A Maine M (7 93 M M 13 Bt OU N Y IHs 61 .101 100% 6 do war 1% IH a Paramt Cab 91% Mas Am Nat Oas Pf .. M 11 N T X X A H . .. 47% M 46 10,1" IH 4% 4% 4H 5 do 4%l E 11 new MV MH . MH I 1 13 First Mat Bl 3Hl. 65% M 117 Bklyn M T (s II .. MH M MH 8 Tenn El Pw rli 6s 4T.1M 1ST 1 Aut V M cv pr pt HX t 1% 1 3 Parker Rust Pr ta . 4S lOas Am News 3HB ... MH 54 3 do pf T* .101 100% 1M% 107 58 56H MH 6 tlygrsd. r^TjfUS A 46 M IS Am Pow _t L IA .... . M% MH 4 Flik Rubber % H a But Oen Bl 4Hi BIB. IMH IMH IMH M Tex Corp ta cvt M .. M% 93 1 Alton Pith A 1 30 .. W * 38 33 Pennroad .tfk 1 do ta B 1 44 M 44 S7H % 8 N Y Ont AW... . IH •H IH M Third Ave adi 5s 90 . 31 93 1* 5% •H •H 4 do *pet pf Si ... . M 36% ISOas Flsk R 1st pf ert % H 10 Buf RoAP con 4%s37. 65% M M ao% 1 Pa Wat A Pow la . 1 Idaho P It Plymouth O %K , IH IH 104 H 104% H H 3IH 35 Oen ATI .. IIH 51H MH 2 No Am Ed pf M .. .IM 105 IM 1 O > A Q 4%s TTT..1M% 1M% IM' 8 Wabash to 80 D M 36H 41 9 Brat Tr A Lt 1 u v 13 13 38 38 38 1 Indium P A L M ST IMH IM Am Solv A Oh .... IM . 11 1 Br Am To B .977 . 17 1 Poly me t . IH 1* .. 11 UH Wk 1 No Oer Lloyd I.IOt 13 11 11 Chic A B 111 M 51.. 11% 17". ITH M Warner Bros P 6s 39 . M% WH 38'. 17 17 48 InsuU U X M 40 B 71% •7% MV* l Am Sol A a pf ,,., % 37 Oen Asphalt . MH 1 Bulova Wat pf 1>. 11 1 Pratt A Lam 4 ... . M UH .. 30% UH 13% M Northern Pae to • MH MH II Chi Kt West 4s 69 . 61% M 60 T Wsstern Elec ta 44..IMH IMH MV 11 31 1 Inter P 6s 46 A ww 33 SB M • Am Steel Mra Is ... S3 Oen Bak I ...... 54 CM Bt P&Pac M 75. 41% I Prsmtsr Oold .13 . 1 Am Sugar pf TS .... .IMH IMH IM1%H 1 Oen Brons* ...... SH •H •H WH 41 13 West Mary Id 4s 52.. 69 M 106' 3 Prod Roy lot ...... 1% I Interl P B 7s 57 E . 85% 93% 82* o 78 do adi ta MM 14% UH .186 111 185 •34 Am Tel A Tel M ., .MS IMH IM11 H 3 Oen Cable . 5H IH IH M Ohio Oil . IH I I 14 1 West Pae 1st Is 46... 62 82 68 8 CAM Co vtc new...c . % 15 Pruden Inv 3 Int P S 7s D 30 .: W S3 .103*4 1M% IMH .. M 13 13 53 Chic A NW CV 4%s49. 61% 54 M 2 Weit Union ta II....IMH 101% tt 50os Pub Ser No 111 I , HH IIH MH W If Am Tob 5s 1 do A a Oliver Farm . I IH IH 19 Ch RI-cP cvt 4 Hi 60. 59 12 Can Marc Wlrel ... 3 % 4 do IHs 54b .... HI .130% 130*4 130*4 .. M M 51 M I do to 60 . ..._.. . 101 100% toa y 1 Pruden Inv pf I % mr 75 3 do pf St 3 Oen Clear 4 ...... MH a Omnibus . 3% 3H 3% I do rf* 4* M 71% 4 Cnrlb Synd % , IH IH % 1 do 7s P 52 75 tl de B Ss .IM IMH IMH ,. MH MH MH 78% M Wheel atl 4Hs SSB . 71 70 101 U Pub Ut Hold war... 95 H 14%) 463 Oen Elec l.M ... 34 H 88 Otis Elev ?%s ...... M MH MH 20 Ob A West Ind I* 83 *-'- UH 2 Carman A 3 18 13 11 . 21 IH 3 Int Salt 6s 51 ..... 14 H 1 Am Type Pdr* Is ... •1 .. UH UH IIH 11 Wilson A Oe 1st 6s 41 UH M 71 3 Cent Hud OAE vt .. 18% 19 do xw to 30 tt 11 61 M Oen Elec Spl .M ... UH 4 Otis Steel . 7 T 7 II Chile Cop ta 4T II M MH IT Ysstown S..T 5s78.. 86% MH UH ISH 4 do pf 1 , WH 1 Inter 8 A Ii 47 ... 13% MH 63 H) M Am Wat Wks Is .... . StH 59 Oen Foods I ...... 47 MH 32 33 I Clnn Oas&El 4s 68 .. 97% W-t 14 Cent Pub S A 5 i>Jc . 6'. 8 •IH 63% 3 Int T •• 61 A ..... 17 I7H M3* H MH Was Otis Stl pr pf 7s. . H 97 % 97% 6H Mai Pure Oil pf § ,,,•, M 63 V« t de etf Is . M M Oen O A • A JOB .. . I IH IH 3 Owen* ill Ol M... M% M 16 COCAStL rf* 4%s77. 89 MH MVi 1 Cent PS Del 14 14 14 2 Interl Pow 6s 52 ... W 65 1 do 1st pf Ss . MH M 16 Vi . 33% . H 88 'i I Cent A SW Ut Tt .. UH ST 1 Oen ttal Bd MIX MH MH I Olive Un Term IH* ooo% IW 14 14 Q 6.1-0 120 120 44 Inters Pow ta 17 ... 87% W 87% • Am Woolsa . «% MH • H .. MH 11% 100 FOREIGN RONOS 11 Cent St tt lot .... 1% 3 oen Mills I P II Co Ion OU M II M SH 5% I do 4%i St ...... 89 H M 89'. 17 do pf . 30% SH M ,. 31% MH 4 4 UH 481. BUM High Loo Close 3 Cent ft El cv pf ..61 13 ions Quaker Oats rf 737 Oen Met S > MH 20ns Pae Cst ltt Pf 4 I Col G_E ta M May . 97 62 II 33 6 do ta D 60 ..... WVa MH M * Aa State L A S pf ., . 4V» M |H ..Ml MH US IS Pacific O to E 2s. 41H 40H MH 11 Coml Inv Tr IH* tt . 96% 96 H 95H f Abltlbl PAP Ss 53... S3' 53% l Centrlf Pipe .10... 1 I 5 I do pf t 11 Pacific Llkht 3s . 96% 96H MH R 3 Invest Co 5s 47 A xw 81 W 83 SS7 Anaconda 1%8 ...... M IH UH I Oen Out Adv .. IH 4H .. 41 4TH 4TH I Con Gas N Y IHs 45.107 35 Argentine M 57 A... 67 MH 1 Chains Str Dev .... 1 1 1 IH IV T Iowa-Neb L A P 5s 84 I Anchor Cap 1.40 ... . M 11 IM .135 123% 111 IMH IMH IT do 8s sf 59 Jun... 83V ft I Chain Str St IV, 100ai Ry At Lt Bee I 3 3V 14% 82 MH IMas Oen P I 3% ,. 1»% IH UH MOSS i*ae T A T T*.. I Cuba North R 6<_ 41 MH UH IH •H 14 Sa ta 11 B 84 M 1 APW Paper • SH «% .. t ...131 131 13 15% MH 1 do 6s 1981 May.,.. 81' 11% 61H 1 Chans to 21% 31% 21H 3 Reltsr Port ...,.., 94 M M Oen F 8 UH TH lOai PAS T to T pf (s I Cub Cans Prod 6s 60. 6% f 6 3 Rellan Intl A .. . H 5 Kan B P 6s A 1937 94 7 Areher Dan M . MH 10 ,. 40% t* >• f 5H •H M DABOeen M M .... *o% U Australia ta IT 64 54 11% 1 Chesbro !%Q ...... IW 105 106 103% •H 9 Oen Rail Big I TH (3 Packard Met .tt . 80 M 64 1 Reybarn inc , . 14 14 14 103% 103% lOas Arch Dan M pf 7. .IM 10 IM Sta* do pf S .. ..107% 107% MTH .. 1% IH IH 4 Det Ed ta 41 A 107% 18 do 4%s 66 10 48 200 Cities Serv .30a .... 9H 9 0% 1 Iowa P S 5!.s 51 . M! • Psnhaad PAR ... ,. 31 % 107 H 107 Vs 48 3 do Pf 6 ...,.,.,,,. 82% 5 Reynolds Inv . 3% 1% 2' 1WH 100 V* 1WH S Arm of ill A • I* IM I* * Oen R St D .. ,. S IH I IM Par am Publii UH M 41 de 4Hi tin 103% 13 Austria 7s IT ctfs... 70 MH MH 11% 5 Ai 5s 57 ( Arm ef 111 B >• 1 | 1 101V. IMH 19 Batavlan Pet IH* 43. 9SV 70 1 Clt Ser B Pf 60 ., 3% 5% 5 Rockl I, At P III) . 8IH IIH 13 V 9* II 96 . 1 IH 1 I Sen Refract 1 .. MH 31% 13% 1 Bark Utah 1 Dodce Bros deb 6s M MH 88' MH 5% 1 Bossia Intl .10k .. . 1 2 1 sekionv O ta 43 ... 13% 11% 13% f de pf UH .. IH IH 1 MH 12 Belilum Ts M 106' IMH MH 4 Clauds Neon Ltt .... 1% 3% 1% a . UH 39 Oen The* Be . a% 1% IH 3 Pathe Exch IH 2 Duquesne Lt 4%s 81 lot ., 104% 1 Cleve El 111 l.M ... 41 MM Roch OAB pf D . lt 18 lt II ersey C P _ L ts 47 103% 103% 103H I Arnold Const i «H >• 6 4H 11 Erie rf A Imp 5s 75 .. 62V. 60 IMH 17 do 8s It 1017 101% IMH 41% 41% 3 Kan O A E to 2023 101% 109V* 109% . 4% M Gillette BR.. ,. 15% 14% UH 6 Pathe Exch A *H 4 Colon OU 1% I 2 Ryan Cons . ft**It App Ind .... TH *H .. TH •% M do sea Hen MM.. MH 82 •0% 11 Berlin City El «%s51. W 48 % 101% 1 1 Kan P As L B 57 ..100% IMH 100% 10H 4 do cr pf I .56% .55.. .51 1 Batine Mln .. 33% TH 3 Bolivia Is 47 17 10 Colum OAO vt .... |% 2% . 1-16 I Assd Dry Ods 3% . . lTft ITH 1 Olmbel Bros >. 4 4 M Penick A Pord Is.. Sf 6 Oen Cable 6%S IT ... 69% 69 62 IT 48Va 3H 1 Rysrson l.M 1-16 1-16 1 Kelvins 6s 36 xw ..104% 104% 104% •4 Ateh T A SF 10 4% _1 .. 38% MH I da T* M 11 v, 4 Colum Ptct vt Ah .. 8 n 8H . 10% 10 .134% I do pf T .... . 41% B 14 Penney J O 2.M.. MH 93 Oen Motor Ae to IT.IMH 69 UH 17 11 3 Kent U 1%S 53 F ..103% 103H 101% 3 Atehlson pf I 103% 1037 H IM IIH 41H .100 MH MH 103% 103% * BratU to 41 4S<« 42 350as Comwlth Edit I ..115 173 174 . 26 11 31 M 7IT* 65 Olldden Oo . I I Penney pf 6s .... 99% * Oen Steel Cast IH* M T7% IS do !%| 10.6-67 It 11% 612 Comwlth A So war ., 1% 1% IH 6 Kop Gas&C !%s 50.101% 101 Ml t All Clt Line T ... Tf *% * .. IH 1% 30 Oen Thea Ea to 40 .. 20 7519 % 76% 34 • . tH 1% 1% . UH IUM H UH ttta* do pr pf 7 . 79 7* M I Penn Dlx Cem .... IH 36 do 8V,s 1927-57 85'* tf 4 t'omm W Ser 1'_'_«. iH IH 6% . 2% 1 Kresge Ss 43 ....100% 100% 100% 1 Atl O A WI ...... IM Penn R B M 33% 31% I Ooodrieh B P IHs 47. 96% 96 96 34 4 at Amii ooid .. 2H 2% 1 Laclede Oas B%I St. *#H MS 99 _l do pf * ...... IIH IIH IIH 6 Oobel Adolph . IH I 1% IIH M0% 106 British 6Hl 17 105", 34 3 Cons Cop Mln 1% .'>. . ll 11 16 99% 91 14% SOas Peoples D cv pf 8%|.101H IMH 31 Ooodyr T A R ta 17. 17% 84V. MH 1M% 82 H in 59 Bt Regis Pap .60 14 Lehigh PS 6s -026A..1W% 11 Atlantic Ref ...... UH UH lOas Oold A Stock T I 113% 113% 113% 1*7 14 Buenos A 6s 61 ,,., ttH M I Com O-E Bull 3.SO ti2H 12'. . -'8 31 M 94 94 . f 5% 1% M Peoples Oas Ch 8I...171 114 12 Or Tk Ry Csn to M IM IM 106 35 136M Cons OAE Ba pfA.108 108 2Sas Safety Car HAL 5 Lex Util Ss S3...... 94 3 Atlas Store* 1 ,,.. TT Gold Duet 2% ... . MH ttH M 35 M I Bulgaria 7% 68 .... 51V, 81 i IMH 108 1 Bchulte R Est ... , 26% 26' j 34% 90 H 91 . IH IH Mas Pere M pr pf 5s 3] 103 Ot N Ry Tl M A. .104 10SH 103 T Oanada 4% It IOIV, 11 20as Con Ml SM San 2% TIH TtH . 6 I Llbby ttcNAtL ts 43. 91 S Atlas Tack 17 Oooo-vcar T I ... ,. 35 M 34 UH 101% 75 H 1 Seaboard Util .38 4% 4% 18 Loull PAL M 87 100% 99% MVfe .111% HI 4 Pet Milk UH 12% 10 Ot Berth 4Vis TT B. MH 79% TtH f Chile Mti Bk 6s ., ll 11% 25as Cont OAtE pr pf .100', 100 H . UH ff A u bu rn Auto 4A ... lif 1 do 1 pf 7 . M It 11 t% UH 1WH 5 Sec Cord Oen 40 UH 11% 3 Manitoba Pw 5%s 11 73 73 3 (9 Petro Corp Is .. IH • % 1 Hudson Cosl Si M A M M M 11 Chile 6s 60 21', 101H 3 Cent RollAS Fy IH . 6 TJL Mas Autosales pf a J 6 Ooth Silk B . 1 TH 1 9% 30% . *% 8'j 3 -covin Mi« 3 xd 5 23 Mass Gas IHl 48....106 IMH 11 Phelps Dodge If ...... UH * Hud A M rtt 6s M M (4 94 W% 4 Cooper Bess .... 4H 4% 2% 104*8 M Aviation Corp 3% IH I Oraham Palg* ... . SH IH .. IH •H IH 8 Chile M ll Jaa .... 11% 21 6% 3 Beeman Bros 3 3% B do 6s 51 101% 101 IH f_ T Phila R C * I •% 44 Hud to M adj tne M 70% 89% 69' MH 1 Coop Bess pf A . 11 Vt IIS . 60% WH 60% 104 Ml • Orenbv Con M 1 .. UH 10 IS .. 12 11% 6 do 6s 11 21' _ 31% , 13% SH 9 Segal Lock %r .. 8 Memphis PALt 5s48..104 IM I Philip Morris ls ..., UH I Bum O A Ref SHl 33.103% IMH IMH 31 57 Cord Corp t*. 80 60 60 • I Orand Sil st 1 ... • UH 12 13 M 11 Colombia ts SI Oct . 36 31 3% ll II Beeur Alild Corp n 93 Metro Ed to Tl 93% 93 M Ma* Phi! Jones pf 7s... . 46 1 Illinois Bell T Ii M.1MH US IM 3 Corp Sec Chi Sf 11 IX f 38 Orand Union .... 13 13 44 I Copenhas M 52 MH UH UH 5 Selberllns Bub % % 3 Mid Wert Util M 33. 94 94 94 7* Baldwin Lee :0V. J* . 14H U Phillips Pet .. TH T 1 Illinois Cent IHi M 58% M MH 92 3 Corroon A Rey 2 j IS M 35 T I Csecho tf II 181% 101 35 8 11 Selected Indus SH IH 2 da Si 14 89 89 89 30a* Bald Le* pf 7 .... 65 1 do pf I ...... IIH WH ttH IMas Phoenix He* pf ,..,. 53% 61% 3 IC_CSL_NO rf* ll, M 92 3 Cosdsn OU 1V4 l'l 1% 33% 33% I Orant W T 1 31% 36% 63% 87 •7 11 Denmark 4% 82 .... M% M 1% I Ssl Ind al ct 5% 3 3 4 do Ss 35 90 89 M 53 Belt et Ohio • 14 M UH • tf 6 Pierce-Ar pf M ..... M 46 M I Inlsnd St 4%s 78 A.. MH UH 81H 5 Deutsche Bk to 33 . M M IM 2 do pf I 28 27 Xl Mum 49 Lt.4V.S SO.. 93% M I de pf I •..,._• •• —H 15 Ot X A pf 4H ... . M M 31% H 11 Creole Pet 1 Sel Ind pr pf 6% 3% S3 IM IM 1 Merce Oil H H 11 Interb R Transit 7s 79 M 7* I Du-8 Price Pow 8s ..100% 100 M% 3% IH .i Minn PAL 4'us 78... 96% 95V* 95% lots Bamberger pf IH .106 I O X I Ore etf-.. . . MH MH MH I Pierce Pet .. IH 1% a Cresson Oold .04 , 18 Sentry 8 Con 310 1 43 M Interb R Tr rf* 3s (3 26 Finland IVi* 68 65 64% M % 103% 103% 41 I IH ff% 59% 5 Shattuck Denn .. 910 230* 1 do ll 35....u 103% 3 Bang - Ar 3H .... 41 M M * Ot Westn BOS .. . . ( I I Pills Plour 8* ...... 36% MH MH I Int Cement M 41... TfH TIH 17 French 7%e 41 .... 129 H 121 100% 3 Crocker A Wh. ... 9 I*. m 88 80% 3 Mi as Riy KuW 6.44.. M' 96% 06% Mai Birker pf IH .... 30 MM 19% TtH 300a< Cumb Pipe L 2 IS 3 Shenandoah 16V. MH 1 1 Se pf 7 • u ' IIH •Oas Pitts St pf 7s ..... 46 tf 41 " Int Ot Nor ad] 6s S3 13 II M 39 O 0 A B to 60 .... 54 54 04 H WH 36 16 . 31 Miss PALt Oe to ST. 93 11 91 I Bernet Leather .... 1 . SH IH SH S Pitts United , .-.'.. 1 Cuneo Press .'. .. 34% .45 It do pi lr 38'. 28'i 11 TH 7% 11 Orlbsby Oru .. a IH IH 10 Int Hydro El 6s 44 63% 62 H 63% 89 O a I 5Hs M 41 •«H 24' 38% 8 Montreal LH„P Is 51.102H 103% 103% .» BarmdaU A _T% 300as do pf It .. M 58 M% 1 Curtlss Mfl A ... 18' 6 Silica Gel etf ..... 27 27 33 23% si 13 Int Match 5s 47.. 70 M Oert Aw Tft tt ...73 . IIH 18' 10aa Singer Mfg ISO . IT 10 Morris Plan M 47A. 60 60 W Mai Bayuk Olgar I .... 33% St% B 1 Ptttston Oe .. 11% 11% *• .MH 47% 13CU.1 Mex 2% 2% 3 Beetrlee Or 4 *IH MH . MH MH MH UH 1 Int Paper cvt Ss 47 A 67 1 Oer Oen 8 M 41 59< - 11% 40as .Smith A O 3 ... 3% 1 Narragansstt to 57,. 103 lot iM 47% 1 Back Water IH . S Poor to Oe .. •% IH M Int TAT cvt 4%t II 71% 67 67 . MH 71 D 11 11.. 3 Natl El Pow ta 71... 66% 68H 66% t Beechnut P t 4* 47% .. 4% 4 4 •H M 5 O C E P J 7s 44 .„ B6< 69% 5 Boiar Ref 17K ... 11 S 4 Hahn Dept S a Porto R Am T A ...... 4% 4% 30 do dob 5s M .... 87% 71% 1 Dan Reeves IH 23 23 33 13.1 ill,; 3 Nat P-Lt to 3036A... 99% MH MH 111 Setd-as Hem S IH M 50 4H 67 87% it Huti* M 7Ha 45 ..,, 38 II M% 3 So Cal Ed B pf . 123 UH UH • do pf (V. • si 13 13 S So B .. IH IH IH lOKOSrtSMM TT '8 I'seder B 6s 48 .... W .11 9 Dayton Alrpl .. 3 do C pf 1.37'.. , a I'i IH 87 do 5s 3030 B...... 83% 10% M% 107 B*adls Avlat I .... 30% 33 I Post TAG 7pct at ... 16 ,'77 M MS I Beit A Co 3 M% M 33 Hall Print 1.30 ... .• 8if3 11 81 .. II ll 11 K O Term 1st 4s M.. IT V 5 Ital P U 7s' S3 .... Sf< e-|l% 1 Deere to Co .. lt% IIH 15 4 Southern Corp .M . MH WH 1 Nat P Serv Is 71... 66% 66% MH 35% IMas Hana pf T ... I Pralr Oil A O ...... IH 9 •H MH IMH 45 9 De Forest 1 5 Nat Tea. ta 35 95% BS • M M4 Bethlehem t I ....35% MH • MH MH 34% SB Ksru O Ac El 4Hl 10. 98'. 31 Italy 7s ltsi .:..,. Sil . M% •8% 1% 1% 2 3 South Pipe 8 I t»% I Harb Walker 4 Pralr Pipe L tl ..,-..1, 5 UH UH MV. 99H 4 Derby OU 1 BW Bell T pf 7 .. 34% 11 % 31% 17 Nebr Pow 4>.s*<81...102% 101% 101% T do 7 Pf T 100 M . S 3 3 1 Lac O St L SH* S3. 99% 12 Japan IHl ft ...... lOb'.'t 105% 9C% 3 3 3 UH UH 1 Hartman B ..... 3 Pressed St Oar ...... 3% 3H 3 Lsutaro Nit to M... 17 99 % 99% 8 Detroit Aircraft 3 RW Gas Ut UH .18'. 11% 2 Nelsner Bro, Os 48.. H SI' MV t Blaw -nos 1 •••_••;' IS* 90 • SH 5 6 an IT M Milan City IHs 13... IIV. 11 UfH 1% IH 1 WH lOas Bloomlngdale pf 7. JO 90 lOOas Hav X R pf ... 48 Procter A Oam 3.40 . M 53% I Leh Tal Pa con 4s.. 75 IT 7 Doehler Die 3 3% 1 2 Kpleg May 8 pf ... 29% MS 2 Nevada Cal El ta 16. 86% M% 83% 33 . MH MH 34% I Prod A Ret 2% 76 tt Mines Oeraes IVM 39 23% 33% 81 10 10 28 New Eng OA.E Ss 50. 17% 86% 11 Bohn Alum IH ;_,<• 11% HOas Hawaii-Fine a . .. a% MH T Li«. to Myers *s 51 .101 M 1 Berth Oer Lloyd 6s 47 46 41 1 Dow Chem 2... 38 H 38 V. 38 3 Stand Mot 10 •6% 54% MH I Hayes Body • 1% IH 3 147 Pub Ser N J 3.40 70% 108 21% 1 Die,ser A 3'_.. 78 St Oil Ind I 3% 1% 5 do ts 48 ...... 87 87 IM Berden I ...... 63% .. 73V. 1 Loew's Inc to 41 .. MH IM tt Norway 8, M 183H 102*. 46 30 10 M 4 ii II Berg Warner 1 ... HH 16% 11% 40 Hercules P I ... . 1% IH 1% i do T pet at M 156' a% 96H 25ns Duke Pow 5.. 7 at Oil Ky l.W ... 3-18 3-18 8 do ta IT 87% M% MH . IMH 71% I Lorlllard Co IHl IT MH MH TO Norway 5s 61 98 97 105% 00 100 IM , 3-11 1 Botany CM A .... IH IMas do pf T .IM 115% 111% 3 do 7 pet Pf 7s 1351 98% 130 Duquesne Oas a st Pow A Lt a ... IH IH 16 New Eng Pow iHlM 89 M% M% *H 1H ..MM 15*% I Louis to N 1 rfs 4Hl 15 98H II Nor Mun Bk 18 87... M M% in 44 Brtggi Mfg 1% •• 10% 1% 11 Hershey Choc I . . UH 90% 90'. 5 do Spot Pf Is UIHUIH 111% 81 97 T. 1 Stirret 1 pf 3 25% 25% 3 do ta 41 80% MH •0% »% 135 17 Manhat Ry 4s 90 ...48 H 5 Norweg Hyd Bl SHl. 11 88 11 Durent Met .... 26% Tl Brkln Man Tr 4 . M 47 41 10 do cvt pf 4 ... .101 91 7 Se Spct et 5s ...IW 99% 48 M 4 stein Cesm 32% 33'. 3 New Orl P Ser 4%slS 91% 91 M 46 M Orient Dev Ltd IHl MH 83% 4 Duval T*8 33% Mtt I Brkln M Tr pf • MH M M 3 Hee A Oo A ... . 4 4 4 I Pub Ber E--0 tl pf HIM 108 IM 1 McKesson A R SHl M 69% 88 33 Strauss Nathan .... 5% 1% 75 N Y PowArLl 4%l If, 99% MH M% II Panama 5i 63 A 75 70 H 93% . tH MH I Brkln A Qu Tr . 10% M M 1 Holland F IH . . M M 23 11 Pullman 4s 26 tt% 37% 5 Mid 8 cvt 5! 36 ,,..188% 100 E I Hun ray Oil Spot..., 1 Niag Falls Pow 6150.106%: 106% 106% 100 7 Par-Lyons Med ta 58 104 IMH 70 Vi i do pf I ,..._... •a S1H (1% I Hollander . 11 UH ISH 31 Purs Oil T SH SH 11 M I R * L 1 ll 11 MSH 103 50as East O-F 6 pf I.., M 94 94 S3 TechnicoloSwift A rC o ...... 3 . 10 Nor Ind P Ser SHSIO 91V* W 98% IM 3 Peru ttt to 80 11 104 IH IH 1 Nor Oh TrAilt ta 56,101% 101% 101 14 Brkln On Oas I . 1M% 111 IMH I Household F Sf • . M •1% 63 M Purity Bak ll . 19 ITH M 2 MSPStSSM 1 con 41 W 86 11% 1 do Oas to F 18' US 11H 30I Tecdko InHugt h1 . O .60.. 6% 6% 01V« M 15 Pol and to SO UH 11% 3 Nor State Pw S%|40.103% 103% 103 t Bre-n Shoe 1 .... 43 Vi M 11 Houston OU . M 33% 33% 7 M K T adi Si «7 .. W M 68', I East St Pow B TV 7 7 31 TexoCyranc WOi l Mc1 h *,... t 8 8 03% I Brunswlek Bat .... •H a R T do 1 4s 90 M M 84 10 Poland Ts 47 MH 1 Eastern Ut A 2 2 M do 4'is 61 98% 97% 91 •H 21 do new ...... TH TH 7% 84 HH 3 3 Thatcher Sec 3 3 3 97'J 14 Bruni T A Rr *H I •H Ml Radio 11% 16 ISH tt Ma Pae cvt IH* IS MB IT 1 Queensld ta 47 .... ll H MH lOas Id Elec Bos 13.80.248 248 348 93* 1 Ohio Edl ta 60 104 104 104 14 Howe Sound 1 ... . 16 15% 15% 57 •ii* 61% 10M Tlmkln D Ax pf 7 93% 93*1 13 Bueyrui Brie ..... 7% 7 i 11 do pi 1 Ii WH MH 38% 36 Mo Pac 5s 7T P .. T0H M 7 Rhine W to AS ww.. •TH 66 4 Eisler Elec IS 2% 2% 30 Tod Prod Exp .10. 1 Ohio Pow 6s S3 Bo..184 IM IM f 1 Hudson A Man 1% MH MH S do pf IHl M% M% M % 1* do cvt Pf «...i lOVi •% UH 11% MH MH M S* ien 4e 71 .... 53 M 11 Rio de Jan hi 63 . M M7 El Bond to Sh BpcfTl MH 27% 38S I Trsnacont Air .,,* . 6% IH 6'/i 3 Okie OAE Ss 60 103Vs 103% 103%) MH I Hudion Mot 1.... : if* IM Radio Keith O UH If 49 % MH M% T El BondftSh pr 8 . 93% 7 Pac OftEl 4>/__ S7K..10H 100% 100% 7 Budd MfS .v....< *% t I IS 53 Mon P rfs Ss 41 A ..106% IMH 37 Roma IH* M 63 9SH 92% 15 Trans Lux , . 4 1% SM *H •H II Hupp Motor ...... IH 4 Raybeitos Man 1.60 . 11 104% • do I pf 8 1 80 11 do 4V*s 60 F 100% 100 100 T Budd Wheel 1 ... 16 M ..at Dairy IHs 4* ..MS 100 5 Royal Dutch M 45 . 86 IIH HH 81% w 3 Trl Utllltlei • IH 1H 1% t S—l-rd Oo ..•••• TH 7H 7% 93 Reading Co M ...... 47% II 0 99% I Sax Pub Wki 71 45 84 84 T El Pow Aa 1 ,.., 10% 10 M 1 Pac PAiL 6s 55 98% 91H 98% TH 7H •1 NYC AHB rf imp M.1M 98% 98% UV 33 Bulova Wateh .M '*» 13 niinoli Cent 4 M 11% M 1 Real Silk , 6 6 4T 133 do deb tf 14 M 14 do. SHl 51 so­ MV, 50? • de A 1 10% io_ 10% I Pac P Serv ta N_„ M% 98 Va T T Was do pf MH 98% u 27% 14 Pac W Oil I%| 43... 57'_ MH 11 Burr Ad Mach 1 ., TH 5 Indian Refln IH 3% 3H 15% 3S "a 6 1 NY Ch A BtL 1 .... SI 61 15 Serbs (Ms Blov 7s 82 il M 10 11 K P&L opt war...... UH 16 16 . MH 57 . IT ao 30% 37 Remlng Rand 61 80 . 10H 10H 10'. 1 Park A TUford 8s36. 60 3 Butterlek sift 0% 5 Induit Ray 4 33 30% 30% • 1% 31% If do 4% 71 O ... ,. MH 51% 5 Blemen A Hal IH 51. 11 61 1 do Snd pf A f ao 80 a Ungerlelder Pin 60 M *% 13 Reo Motor .W ...... 51H MH 10% 9 1 Union Oas Canada . 13% 13% 13% 30 Psna Csn P_L 4%i77 96% TS Brer* Oe . 'H 33% 6 Imer Hand 4 75 74 74 JH 4% 6 7 NT Edison rf 6H ...116% lit Uf 1 Silesiaa Ld Asm to. M 73 71 18 Elect Share 6pcf •H 96% M Mas Byeri pf 34% 33% 74% 3 Inland Stl 3% STH 37 37 5 do cv pf . M M 47 Sweden IH M ... 36 35 WH 69 IB 1 Union Oil 3 . 7% 7% 7% M enu Eli M 7IF 83% 83% 4H IT BT NHAH cvt to ..106 105 111 103% 3 do pi tr . 1% *a M 74% 3 lniplrat Cop • •,. »,, 1 Reynolds Met 1HS .. 11 U M 62 do col tr to 48 .. 81% 15 ll Swill 8% tf 101% 101H 1 Empire Corp IS 1% 1% 18 Unit Corp war..,. in IH 1 Penn Oh Ed 5>._s it, M 05, 17% 106 101 . 4 1% 3% M . 30% M 30 I Insuransh Del SH IH •% 62 Rey Tob B ll 48 45% 11 3 NY Ry Inc to M .. 3 1% 1% ll Toho Bl Pew 7i >».. IMH 50ns Emp OAPt pf 1... •T% 67', MH 10 Unit Dry Dock 3 Penn Oh P&Lt 5H3.104% 104% 104% 4 Oaltf Feck *___•••• Af MH . 4% 4% *% . 34% M% 33% 11 Interb Rap Tr ISH 11 l|_ S S-*h OU Cal 1% IH 45% 8 NY Tel rf 6s 41 ....105% 103% 106 M Tokyo City IH .., 94 V. 5 Empire Pow 2V.K.... 11% 31S 111 ta Unit Pounders .... 10 Penn WAPw 4%l 68.101% 101% 101% t Calumet A Arls .. 94% 1 i 1 . 1% 1% 1% IT Peo Oaa LAC 4s SIB. •• M Mtt . 6% 6% ift 1 Interlakiib fH 8H 5% 17 Rio Orsn OB 1% 1% IH 37 NY Tel gen 4% M ..105% 104',. 10411 27 Tokyo El Lt 61 It . 77'. ttH 76 1 Emp Pub S A 193 United Oas , I Calumet A Hec .. 1 Internet Agrl ...... 1% IH IH 6', 6 a . 67 H 67". 67% 1 Paop LtAP 5s 79ww, 31 30 30 1 Campbell Wy 1 .. . UH 11% 11% 7 Rossla Ins 3.20 xd . ITH 16% IH T Niagara Shares 5%. 19% 89 89 11 Un Stl Wki IH ... ITH 94% 45 3 Europ El A .60 2 do war ..,.. 23% 1 do pr pf ISH UH UH 12 Royal Dut ah 3.37I9H IH IV 1 do pf 7 > 17% 16'. 17 3 Phila El 01 5Us 72., 107% 10TV* 107% II Canad D O Ale I • *5„ 13% UH 16% 13 Nor Am Co Ss 61 ..100 99% B9''j 1 Uruguay to M W T| 40 4 do deb rtt ., IV* 17% 14 Int Bus Mach S 130 IMH 130 18% 47 Un Lt&Pow A 1... . 65% MH 85% 7 icdmont El 6'ai UA. 67 65Vi 17 M Canad Pao _}%•••• . 17H IIH 11% I do SH 63 IMH 102% IMH ( Vienna City Is M ... MH 41 TtH , 30% 46% IT Int Carrier Ltd %.... •% *V4 1% s 37 H 9 4 do P.V pf 1..,..,., 30 30% SM Caw J t US . 47H 15 do Ss 89 C 101V. 100% Ml 1 Westph En El P U II M tf 1 Fed Bak Shops 1% . 3% 7 ltt* Steel ll 41.' 85 85 85 MH 73% S tit Comb 9)77...... 1% 1% IH M Safeway at ta MH 11 55% 1 Yokohama to 61 M 73 H 99'/, I U 8 A I Sec pf.,,, 1% leal Be Pf T...... 73% lOlOas do 7pct pf 7| . IM 43 NOT Pa* ta 3M7B ... 99 97V, 97V, 1 Pitchman A 1 5 Poor A CO 6s M 17% 87% 87% 73% IT 10* Int Harvest 2 % 31% MH 11 105% IM 10 Nor Pac pr lien 4s. M% 91H 92% 37% 1 Pottlt Plsehir 11 VI Elec Pow 3 Potomac Edls Ss 56E.13H 103% 103% II Caterpll W l___-.> . ITH aoas de Ipct pf to .. 11% 91 % IS 1% \ 4 17 3% 1* Int Hydro S3 A SB. UH 11% 19'i MH 34 Ore Wash RRScN to. MH W 90'. Total sales today, 112,908.000. 99'. 3 Pord M Can A 1.20.. IS 1 do war ....•••••»i 4* do 4le 61 F 071 •TH 87% SOOai Oavanagh Dob 6% 14 Int Match ptc pf 4.. W MH MH 16 St Joe Lead ll UH 13 10% 1 U s Poll B H , 39 4 Oelotes "... . Sft 1H 13 3 Otis Steel 6s 41 .... 73 71 71 Previous dap, 34.565.000. 25ns do B l.M 11$ 28 UH 16 Pow Cp Can 4',.« 19 84" 84 84 4% Ml Int Nick Can .40.... 11% 10% 11 3 Bt L San Pr 10% UH 10% 3 Pac Oas&El ta 43 ..105% 105% 105Vi 28 126as U 8 Play Cd 3%.. % Ss Oam 4H 47.105% I de etf* ...... 4H 4ft 1 do pf 6s Week ago, holiday. SB do LM .IM 21 7 Proct 105% 105'A UH Mas Int Pap T pc pf... 19% 19 19 MH UH IIH I PecTAT ta 37 108% IMH 1WH 8% 1 Unit Mores vtc t Central Ag IH.... . U% 11% SSL South Year ago. 16.936.000 3 Foremost Da pf IS .1044 104% 104* 5 Pub Ser N Ham 4>,_,,_00% 100% 1004. .IM IM 2 do O ,.._... J IB I UH 10% I Pan Am PATr to ..102 IM in Two years ago, t9.2l0.00fl 8 Pounda Pen A 7 Unit Verde 1 2 Pub Ser N 111 4% ,. 99 1 Cent R SS 19... 111 7 8avase Anna ls ...... 10% 1% 1% % , 3'. 1 I MH M% . 9 I 7 do pf M MH UH 11 11% 16 Param Publix 5% .. 74% 71 TS Jan. 1 to date, 11,929.453.000. 11 POX Theater A WM Utah PAL pt T.. 18 do 4% 10 E .... 98 87% 97% 1 Century Bib M.... I 13 • Bchulte Ret pt Is ... UH 3% IH I Utility -unities .,,, . 72 71% . M It 1 Int Print Ink UH U% 10% t 6 1 Penn Dlx M 41A ..13 13 51 Same Mat ago. |l,M3>ttt,0M. IH TIH 88 do 4', 81 F ...... 97% 97% 17% HOei do St T...... 13% IMas do pf 6... 51 II 6* 64 Seab OU Oe >H 10% 250 ns do Bf IH T 5 Cerro de Pes 1.... . U 11% MH 19 Penn R IMH* 63.... B7H 96 M Same two years ago. 12.065.Sat; 000 G 1% on 3 Pub Ser Okie M 67. 99% 99% M% 1 Oertaln-teed , A IH 3% 4 tat Salt I...... 31% 11% si% 1 Seagrave .80 ...... UH *H 13 II IS M UtU PALI l.u.'.-.ig.. 33 8 PUB 3d P_L S% ....101% 101% 101% f 4 Inter Shoe 3 41% 41% 46% 179 Sears Roebuck SHl .. I Oarlock Pkg l.M 1 I Checker Oas •___*• . TH 1 - IH IIH 49". 1 Oen Alloys 2 I IT do etf 1.03%)g... 33 do 6s 50 C „,!....I W MH WH . UH MH 39% 111 Int Tel * Tel 1. 10% 30 30V, 1 Second Bat Inv ..,,. MH *H High Low Close High Low Close 3H 3% IS . I' 1% 62 do 4% MD .,, SV 94% 94' •1 Ohei * Ohio IH.. a Intent Dept st I MH 15% 15% 3 do pf *r? Sales Sates 1 Oen Aviation Corp ? I Ches Corp 1...... M 37% 37% MH 9 9 9 . IV 7% 4 Queenibo Oas gv_ . 404% 104% 104% lOai do pf WW T...... MH *•% MH 46 Serve! Inc ...... 46% T I Oen El Ltd ret .166. 44% 3 Vlok Fi nan 40 1 Chle CH West • 36'. 4V 4H 4 Chle M St PAP . I H IH ..IH tt IH IH 2 do 6 pc ptc st... 3S% 31% 1 Rosh Oent Pow ta" .. 53 UH • *H 49 8 Tlmk Det Axle IH 6% 10SH 108' 106 ',4 9 Glen Alden 4 7% 7% SOas Welch Oraps . 40 40 tf MH II Shattuck P tt Is .... 7H 15% IH HOas Va Bl—P 6 pc pf6. 7% 5 St L OACoki* 6s .... 35 34% U% I do Pf..__.j 6% IH 6 Tlmk Roll B 2 . MH M MH 43 43 V 42'/. 1 alobc Undsrwr .ilk.. lOas Wilt Md Pf , . 35 56 14 Chle A N W 4 . 6% ITH ITH I Jewel Tea 4...... 40 MH MH 61 Shell Union , tt 4% UH 140ai Vulvan Detin 4... • Oold Seal Elec , % B M 84 Sate Har Wat 4% ..100Va WH IW IS SS pf 18 Tob Prod IH 2% 1% 94 93 BS 10 10 50as West Pow uf .104 IM I Ohio Pneu T . UH •H f IM Johm Manvllle }. 44% MH 43% MH 29 I lOOas do pf f. I Ooldsn Mats Ltd.... 10 1 Williams F V :. 104 1 Schulte RE to M .. M M it 8 Bhubert Thea T Teh Prod A so , Bl* BH B% 4% 4 . 8', :S* a do pt ...... 11 lOas Jollet A Chle 7 153 183 133 1% » W 11 Goldman Sachs .... 4% 90 Woolworth Ltd tv 5 Scripps *% 43 ,1 W M . Ti 31 14 Simmons , ,,...,,,, a% M Transamerlca .40 •H 12% 13 If . IO'I IH 4 Servel Inc St tt ,. .. 88 p MH lOOas Jones to L B pf 7..111% 113% 113% 10% •H •H I Wabash Ry 6% IH lOOas Oorh Inc pf 10 75 t chi FA _ * _• . If 17% 4 Slmms Pet ...... IIH ft II Trl Cont Corp ., 5% 3H 1% IT Shewing WAP 4', .. tt UH S3% 6% 5% 8 Waldorf Bys 1% 31% 11 33 . I Orand Bap vara .60. . IH Y .. 84 92. 93 Was Chle Till Cab a. . 35V, ISH 65 Sinclair Con , 1% 9 do pf 6 91% 91H 1B1 3 T Oil A O 5 do 4>, 68B .... U% I II If MH 1 Ward Bak A 14V. 14% 194 ••MH 93% MH . 11% UH 3 Kan City Sou So. MH it UH 1 Skelly Oil SH II Trlco Prod 1% .. MH 39% 14. 380nMas Odt eAtUtt lit P pnf v7 6HO.20IM2 H 110% 130% 16 da 4% 70 D ..... I Childs Op ...... 16% •H *H MS Ml Warner Met BH 8% 91% 11% IMas Chile OOP IH.... IT 3 Karstadt Rud .... 1 T 1 1 do pf ww ...... ,,< IH I Truscon St .M , 10% UH *H I Oulf Oil Pa IH 60 >i 30 SO 2 Binder Peek to 3- .. 93% • lift ITH 3 Kaufman Dept 1... *H MH *H I Twin City R T ... I UH T ll Warren Bros 10 1% •H '« 38 3B 38 IM Chri-lK A u.Vx_. . UH 11% UH 11H UH 30as Bnld Pack pf T 16 18 II DOMESTIC BONDS 36 SEPAL to 3025A 97 98% MH I Kay ser J 1 13% 13 11% IH loo *H lOas do pf T 38 38 S Wesson OU .81 16 . 99 4 City Ice At F 3.M. . 17% S A lo! Socoay Vacuum l.to 35 Vi M% M lies w Psna Bl A 7.. B6 B5 1 Hamilton Gas vtc 3 Sales High Low Close 5 South Cal Ed Bs 51 106% 105% . M% 19% I Kelly Sprlni IH IH l% UH BS t do to 52 ..106% 1 City Stores 11% 2 Solv A I pf ww IHS . US M IM V Mat do 6 pc pf 8 M B6 I Hassltins 1 ,,.. 9 11 Ala Pew 4%i (7 98 H 97% 98 ,.105% 105% 105% 1 duett Pea t . I 1M% 1W% I Keliey Bar Wh 7% 7% TH •o South Cal Ed M ... 111% 116 i M 1 Helcea Rubin .. 1 Alumln Co 5s 52 104 H 104% 104% 5 South Cal Oas IH 103 H 103% . UH 45 Kelvlnator ...... •H SH IB 17 39 % 16% lOas do 7 pc pf 7... 116% ,.101% Mai do pf '•__/,_•'• 117% 115% 137% 39 Southern Pae to .... M 1 Ulen A Co ...... • *-> % Ul United Corp %.... . 19 11% UH Ind Imp Tob of Can . 2 Tenn Pub Ser ta ... . 97V MV 41 Colum Carb 5.. 3 Leh Val R R 25 MH 34% M Bt O A El 3% .... ITH ITH • White Motor 11% 11% 12% 8% 8% 1% 2 do 4%S 33 . MH MH WH 65V« 13% M MH 61H II do pf 3 . UH MH 41% 3 Ind Ter til B . 7 Te* El Ser Ss W • IT. 87 V 31 Coml Oredlt IM 4 Lehlih Val C 4 4 4 * Stand Oto* pf I ., MH 4 1 White Rk u Spa.. S3 H 31V, U<* IH 1% 1% 4 Am Seat to M ..... 68 oa 68 33% 33% MH 1 do * pet pf I M% 16% 3 Un Elec Coal .... 4 f 4 Tex Oas Util 8s 45 . . 11 11 de A_T_.._ 34% 34% 3 de tt 3. 33% MH M% MH . 50 3 White BSW M Pf .. 4H 4'. 4% 1 Ind Pipe Line 1 .. 10 10 10 31 Appalaeh Oas 6s 45 . 47% 44 41 34% M Lehman Corn 3 48'» 4TU I St OU Ex pt t 17 M 11 unit Pratt I 49'4 ISH M Tex PALt Si 58 ... .103 101% 101% Mas do ftJSS., 31% 41 17 . M% 3 Wilcox O A O ... 4'. 4% 4% 7 Insull Util ts f . . 11H 19'. 15 do 6. 45 B 38% 36% 46 Vi 3 Tri Util to TO lit I Lehn to Pink !..__... 35% MH 50 Bt Oil Cal 2% IM 105 IM 240 Unit Gas Im l.M 25% 3SH I Insull u 2 pf 6 . tt% 13 13% IIH I Com Inveet TV S.___, 3% uft 2S% 2 U 8 to For Bee .... 4% 3 Willys Over 1% 3% JH 11% 63% 63'. 6 Appalaeh Pow 5s 56 . 103H. IMH IMH I Union Gulf Corp 5s.l61 l Com inv Tr War atpd IH 3* Libber O Pord Ol... 11 10% 10 St OU Kan M% MH 16 *H 4H 4 Ins C N A lis 14 Ark P Ac L ll 56 ... 98 97 101% 102',_ 20as do *%spe Pf *%.1W 3% IM U% 11% 3 do pf * 71H I do pf 7s 41 43 43 41% 45'. 45', M 31 Un Lt A P •% 74 .. 99% 91 99 1 t-tt # Mrers SB... W'_ MH IM St Oil NJ SB ll 11% . MH 71% 1 Imuran See 40 . 46 Aase Elec 4 Hs 63 . 85 •6% It Coml Solv f 14% IM 14 60% 36% 14 1 Wilson A 4% 4% 4% tH 1% 5% WH 4 do to Tl 91% 91% '91% 34 do B SB •% *1% I St arret t L a I 35 MH UBS Freight . 17 14 1 Int Clear Mach 2% 3 Asso O-X SHs M inv W 48 437 Cmwlth Se 40 7% 13% U H . 13% 32 H 1 Wilson pt MS MS W% 40 40 W M 18 do 6%. 59 105 104% IM *> 5 Lima Loco IH UH UH •1H I Bterl Bee A ...... 11 7 U 8 Gypsum l.M.. 32 V. 17 Internnt Pet 1 30 do 6s 80 63% 89 H 63 H I do pf •.,_...... M% •% MH 4 Link Belt 3. 38 35 10 Bterl Sec pf I ii ill Ho.'f Mach . IH •H ltt Woolworth 2 40 .... 63% sis 63 S 11% 1! 11 40 Un Lt A By 1% tl.. **% 88% M% UH u% 4H 2 •H I Inter S P I 32 do IHl 77 , M 60 TO 3 uo 5s 32 181 3* Congoieum Na V4H.. MH 13% • Liquid Care. I if MH 28 So SV pf 3 I MH 15 u S Ind Al...... 10% 10 H 10% 78 Worth P to M 17-. MV. 34 21 M% 304. 101 Ul IMas Cons CM IHiPflVi •4% M% 25 30 •*« 71% TO 70 14 Inter U B 5% 1% 5*. 41 do Ss 63 . 68% 64', MH 4 On Lt ARy 6s U ... 106% MS 1M% - 13 % 64 Loews 3 MB 4* 10% 8 Stewart Want it U S Leather . 4% I A II Wrlgley Jr to 3 Cons Film o 4 j JH fH 38% 50a s de pf 7 94*4 84% 18 do IHs 59 C 68% •TH W% 1 Un Pub Ser ta 43A .. 37% "37 % 17% MH 1 do pf SH SI *1 MH 41 Btone A Web tH ... 1 do A . 7H TH TH MH 3 ASSO Rayon Is 60 . 45 3 do pf a UH UH 11 Left 4 A II 11 Btudebaker 1.20 M'Z MH *H 14 U 8 Pipe 2 ...... 17 UV* UH 1 Ital Suber A . 1% 2% 3% . tf M lt US Rub 6s 33 86% M • i MH MH ttH I 1% 8 t 2 do SM M 14 Assoc Tel U IHs 4SO 76% Tt M U do IHl 31 ...'.,«,, tt B» Ml Consol Oas 4 MH 13 3 Loose Wil Bil 2.90B.. IH IH 4 10SI Studeb-ker pf 7 . Ul UH HUB Real A Im 1.. . UH II 12 15 15 1', 1% IH M% IMH 105% iff UH 11 U S Rubber . 11 35 YeU Tr A O 11 IMas ersey C P A L pf 4 As Tel A T SHs 6SA 17% 87 87 . US Rub tH 40 ..... 83% 63 % tt% I do pf I.. IM MH lWas Loose W Bi tit PfT.UlH IM 1% 3 Sun OU 1 37 36 10% 11% 10', IM 101 IM 13% 13 V IM 40 Superheater 3% .... 38 tl* 6 U do 1st Pf . MH 3 Yovns SAW. MV. M% 1 Baldwin Loco 1% 33 99% MH 99", 5 Utah P At Lt 4H 44. 98 91 1 Com Laundries 1.... 13% lit Lorlllard P 15% M MH n IB IS Bell Tel Oan M MA 106 9* I Con* R R Cu pi *.. 1% 1% f Louisiana OU .... 1% IH M 3 Superior Stl ...... II 4 U 8 Smelt to R 1 . . 11V, 13V. »» 2 Yo'ing Sh At T • 103% 106 79 Van Swerin.en 6s .. _*4 4T 4T IH 100% 100. 7 Bell Tel Can to 67 B 106 H 106 106 94 Vlrg El Pow ss IMH M Csnrol ISM % 7 Louis O A B A IB MH 31 2% I 7% 2 do pf 3H . MH 35 H UH 1 Zenith Radio I IH in IH s IMH 104 H IMH 3% 3H * 4%, 4% 11 do ts 10 C . 10IH 106 IW 11 Vlrg P Ser IH MA .. 91V. 95% 8Ji_ 3 Container A *% t Ludlum Steel .... SH IH si M7 U 8 Steel I . 79% TIH 11% 11 Zonlte Prod ls .10% UH MH 1 Kl-g* C L Pf D 6 . I j 1 Telautosraph l.M 17% ITH 17% II do Pf 7 139% 129% IH 1%: 1% 1 Btrm Elec 4Hs 68 . M 97 97 13 Waldorf Art 7s 54 . 41% 1 de B L. 1 •a 13 Tenn Corp % •tss MH I Klelhert S Ward Bak to 37 . tf 4* 3 cent Baking a •% 9% M 4% I IH 11 United Bt A HH 93% 03% 1 Best A Me 6s m 33 IMH 100 V, 100'; .103% 102% IS3H *H Ill Texas Corp 3 ...... 3% IH ^H Total sates,. KNA1M. 3 Koiiter Brands. . •. 1 Wash Wst Pw Is .IM i» s* B IH IH 1% I Mack Trucks I MH MH M 31 30% 21 '.(Was Unlv Leaf pf t ltt 107 Wai Kopper pf I .. 8 Bo.'1 Cons Gas to 47 loon 104% 104?. 74 T3H 74 Tt Tex Gulf S'll I ... 31 301, 38% .IM Praevlous day. 756.645. 9 Bub Gen El 5s A 1956 IW 44 West Pa Pow tf .... BB se do pi * M ttH M 9 Mack RH 3 .... 2 Unlv Pipe A R. .. IH 1 % L 30 20 M IMH IM 11% 10'. 4 Tex Pae CAO 1% 1% 1% . IH Week ago, closed 1 Can Nat Ry Eq "s 31 105! 3 3 West Tea UtU Si 57. 71 5H TS Ml Coiti Can 1%. 46% 44 MH 4 Macros Cop' I 11% MM de P( 33 tt 1 Lets Real pf 3 17' 16' 18', 1M% 101H 4 C._i Diam Fib 7H 1% IH '% II Tex Pae L Tr IH IH 1% . M Year ago. 1.562.960 6 do 4%l 1951 .... MH 98 W% T TH I Msllinion ...... tt 3 Thatcher 8 106 Util P to Lt A MC. . MH UH M' Two years ago. 4.133.530. I Lehigh CAN IM . 27' 27 V 27') 9 Cor.il Ins 7.40 34% 4T !« , *'• I 7 Cap Admin r—. 53 A S* 15 UH 83' 2 Total stock sales today. 510,000. tt. M :9as tt-nh E Ry tt M% 17% t Tnerr ol<* 1% 3 % January 1 to daf. i05.88t.458. 1 Lake Shore Mines . 13' 11 12 17 Can't Mo" 3 13 Manh El Mod it . l* 3 13 Csro PAL 5s SI IMH IMH 103% Total stock sales year aio. 33,5.800. 34 <•'—i : nil Del TH l'- 1 SH * 3 Third »-» 8V. »^« 1% i\i V«n


NOW PLATING tt People Sack Week Got JANET GAYNOR—WARNER BAXTER in "DADDY LONGLEGS" FREE TICKETS TO-- A* B Gneat of ths riinlB. OnUooB If four Name Appear* |s Your Nemo In the ClassAd Cohimns Todoy? __: Criterion Theater tn tbe ClassAd Columns EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FINANCIAL 134 FOB BENT 1134 FOB RENT EVENING OUTLOOK Stores, Bnsinett Sites Stores, Business Sites 77 SITUATION WANTED 85 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 100 MONET WANTED CLASSIFIED Male and Female -A Classified PIANOS Mr rent 80c week up. Free de­ 13,000 for S years, 7%, on good real es- ADVERTISING MIDDLE-AGED American couple, truth- livery plan. Union Storage. 711 Colorado. tate private. Phone 31333. .3422 Square Feet worthy, a* csretaker In motherless or HEADQUARTERS elderly home. Phone 39609. ______C-MELODY saxophone, practically new. aad very cheap. Phone 33SM. REAL ESTATE OP FLOOR SPACE mrs OPTICS Business Directory at Broadway. Santa Monica MERCHANDISE 101 •..at Phone 23285 tat Iniormation 86 BADIOS. Sapplies. Acx~_or.ee HOUSES FOB SALE 23285 80 MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE WALNUT eonsole cabinet Brunswick pan- _ LOS ANOtX-S BRANCA atrope, with Radiola radio; all electric 728 17th St. Outlook Building 11340 Santa Monies Bled. Sawtelle LATEST Midget radios. Pentode tube, with records. Mil ni 1550. RAT X. NORTH OP MONTANA AVE. TELEPHONE BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE IMAS. Heavy ssnded rtlnflss IS id. SCRAPER, 1W1 Fourth BL Pour bedrooms, electric bungalow, two Tenor banjos, tl, leather case, worth 140. patios, Spanish tile wall, sleeping perch, Suitable for Factory or Warehouse W. L. A. 82163 3000 gallon* 8. T. W. house paint, SUB RADIO BARGAIN HOUSE •un batik parlor and observation tower, Corner 14th and Broadway. Phone 3M33 KINDERGARTEN gal. Don't confuse this With ehssp paint, with magnificent view; electric furnaces, ouB«CR_rnoN RATES BEDDING as the renter price is $4.65 gallon. Oae tor radios. isnlM snd rent sola. alM gai furnace; electric range, electric STRICTLY FIREPROOF De-rend by oartMr M Sanu Monica. Kote enamel, I3.M gal. All purpose paint. refrigerator, electric deer chimes, elec­ OUR playroom and yard equipped for hap­ 11.50 gal. Thl* Store is loaded with bar­ NEW snd used radios sold, rented aad re­ tric clock, built In electric radio, with BEB MR. WHITE Ocean Parts Venice. Sewtelie. Brentweod BEST made mattresses, sB sizes, all prices, py hours tot all. 1W7 Fourth Bt. and Pacifle Pallsedca. Wc per month springs, bedsteads, pillows, moth-proof­ gains; no limit or reserve: open eve­ paired. Bobiene Radio Shop, Ml Santa speaker tn every room; walnut pegged ing, sterilizing; renovate mattresses wltb ning!. S. M. Salvsge Co., 3003 Mala Bt. Monica Blvd. floors, fireplace, fish pond, shrubbery Besulsr Advance aimMmm*^*mr+**i^+a*^**mf***f*amm~**w M •******ap***mm*am^**0**r****am Santa Monica Outlook BaM Rata new cover. tS. Santa Monica Mattress A MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTERING snd lava in; close to schools; double sa- ons ysar __»«___ SAW WW Pillow Pactory, IMS 11th St. Ph. 335.4. 88 SW/ PS rage with 30-foot drive. su months «______—_- M.W l3.*o MATTRESSES RENOVATED, FURNITURE Selling Out RENTALS RENTALS Three monthi ———— MAS ILM BUILDERS, CONTBACTOBS UPHOLSTERED, CARPETS CLEANED. Largs amount of shrubbery M lallon DRESSMAKINO and tailor shop with liv­ $7,975 On strssts snd nesn stands, par copy, te BERRY'S, IMS 18TB ST. PHONE 3SSSS. cana, Ms each. Twenty-eighth Street ing quarters for car, diamond ring or Easy terms. Phone 26259 or 23133. per month. Uo. aayaUs la advance. Nuriery. MM SI— Bt what have you? 144*'. Ith St., 8. M. 122 FOB RENT—Rooms— Furn. 130 FOR RENT—Apartmenta, Furn. WHO'S YOUR BUILDER? A REAL HOME Plans, specifications, estimates, altera­ MUSICAL INSTBUCTIOK M.SM REPRJ—tNTED NATIONAlAt 9* 10W BAROAIN8—Sewing machine 14.00; LOT in Los Angeles for *M station In Bay Just completed in Westwood HI 111 on ATTRACTIVE room, private entrance; sa. tions aad repairs, large W small. Cell L. overcoat 13; parrot cage, radio, Pord '36 district. Box 3SW, Outlook. rage; gentleman. 128 1th St. Ph. SIMS M. o Hoa-Nssw e COMPANY, INO CrandeU. 3SSS Kansas, 8 M. Ph. M1M HAWAIIAN guitar, banjo, ukulele taught. tern corner 1st. Convenient to college touring Ml. 16S0 Ocean Ave. We trade. and schools; T rooms, 3 large bedrooms, Winter Tenants Ban Pranclsee. Ml ttarktt stnM. No. 13, Ith St. Arcade. Phone 31371. ATTRACTIVE front, twin beds. prlv. bsth; Loo Angelas. IM Sooth Spring street M DOGS. BIRDS CATS 3 baths and kitchen beautifully tiled: BUS-MESS DIBECTOBZ CABD PHILCO radio, lady's dresses, small oil full length mirror, breakfast set tale- furnace heat. IM 3Sth BL Phone 34459. Are Now Locating Seattle. IW Stswart straw. CONTINUE with your music. Pay what you paintings; very reasonable. Apt. MS. El­ PortlanA M Broadws, can afford. 31S Blcknoll. O. P. Ph. 64173. chron clock, furnace heat alee, refrlg., lison Apts., IS Paloma Ave., Venice. REGISTERED thoroughbred Pekingese S ear garage, and storeroom. 3W1 Green­ PORN, housekeeping room, 110 mo. I bus Themselves Detroit, 1044 Weet Orand OOUISTSTA POOR business card tn OU* directory will Stale dog, 10 months old; wonderful pet linei 1 block. Rear 413 Raymond, O. P. Chicago. WO North Michigan avenue. cost you lust a mte cents pet da, and field Ave. W. L. A. 31105; evenings, MUSICAL INSTBUMENTS FINE sea fishing outfit: Hsrdy to Watson For quick sale 135. Inquire ISM 35th St. W. L. A. 33980. School dan an haw again aad New Tort IM Sast Port*—cond street. will be rssd by thousands of people. Ph rods, reels. 33 Winch. Ill Arizona. 3S3W. 3 SINGLE rag., m nice home. Gentle­ hundreds of tenants an looking tot Ooplss *t ths Santa Monies Evening Classified Dept. A M 232M. for a rep­ NICE kitten* to BITS sway. 303 Montana men. Board If desired. 1335 California. homes that are mors conveniently lo­ Outlook may bt ssonrsd M an* Sf thssi resentative to call on yon. . . O. 8 FROBT. VIOLIN MAKER CHOICE BUDDED AVOCADO TREES avenue. cated for their children They an watch­ offices, where full data raaardtni ths -an­ REPAIR1NO 830 BANTA MONICA BLVD. Just Finished BEDROOM with twin bedi, for one er two. ing the rental tolnmni ef this newspaper te Monies market ma, also M haA BAKER'S NURSERY CABINET MAKEBS 711 S. Westgate Ave . Brentwood Heights. BOSTON puppies, half price; must Mil at 710 19TH ST.—Gillette's Square, seven Oarage; private entrance. TM 33rd St for that's where they find the bait se­ IB* Bants Monica Pobllshla* Company PHOTO FINISHING once. 440 Rialto, Venice. rooms, full tile baths, furnace heat, elec­ lection. To reach these people—phone raserrss ths rlsbt W oorrsetly classify or LAWN FERTILIZER, ie«_T ON MARKET tric refrigeration; wonderful decora- GENTLEMAN, furn. room, prlv. bath, sep­ your ad now to the— rsrlis advertisements, sr reject and refund FIRST class furnlturs reftntihlng, repair­ 1 WELL CURED SHAVER DAIRY. (3070 tions. Built on today's prices and prlMd arate entrance: free parking. 84T 10th St •mount paid, and Mil not bs responsible ing and recovering. Antique work a spe­ BUNNELL'S cut price photo studio, 141I .. 91 POULTRY AND RABBITS tor mors than ens IBeetroot insertion of Ird St., S. M., saves you dollar* thl* less than 110,000. Inspection Invited. Classified Ads cialty; price! real. B19 13th St. Ph. 38603. FINEST PULVERIZED DAIRY FERTILIZ­ Open 1:30 to 8:00 p. m., daily. ATTRACTIVE. MODERN ROOM. an, ad ordered Is* mors than ons time month est pour photo* and kodak fin­ 1114 CALIFORNIA AVE. All transient er telephone adTSrtiacments ishing. ______ER; ALSO HORSE MANURA BUT PROM CABPENTEBINO OLD RFT.TA.B__. OLIVER PARK. 84539 FOR SALE or trade for lumber, S psln •*• payable sad MS to collected for Un- Silver Kin* breeders. 3119 Virginia Are. mediately after the tint insertion, unless Must Sell BOOM vltb private bath and entrance; Phone 23285 PIANO TUNING 4-DRAWER chest. Ml .-burner sas range, FOR BALE—Attractive 5-room stucco, garage; gentleman. 133 Lincoln Blvd. patron has slresd? established a rwular CARPENTER, build, repairs, remodel lit!, IIS blocks north et Wilshire, la Brent­ Just t_k for Classified eecount oo ear credit toots given. A S. Norm to Son. MM Bth. 3S0W. IS; Monterey tehte Ml marble top com­ wood Heights, near UCLA Fruit HOLLAND DUTCH piano technician; ton­ mode MAS Bay Salvage, 1103 8. M. Blvd. FINANCIAL NICELY furnllhed room; garage; kitchen tNBBB trees, flowers, sprinkling system. Terms. prlvllegei it desired. Call SM Ith St. Ths toUowlns is the order A which ths CARPENTER work, dar er contract; estl- ing, voicuu. repairing pianos Peter Jan- Inquire Sundays or evenings. 1035 Am­ eight major troops of elaaelfleatloni appear matei furnllhed MM Mth St. Ph. 34847. •en. IBM Ocean are Ph W140 Art chop FIRE WOOD FOR SALE 91 BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES herst FURNISHED apts., singles from IM op; Announcement* M Bl* truck load, M.M. Phone 31333. ATTRACTIVE front room wltb sun porch; I M close to BBS. Ill Fourth SA doubles. IM up. Two ipaelous S-tod- Business Sendee A W A I_ CUMMINGB. piano tuner with Jack- room apts. for larger families M IM Employment __ CEMENT WOBK ion. Stltt Music Co. Ph. 31110. Res. 39340 A. B. gas range, high oven, A-l condition. AUTO WRECKING YARD—Blvd. stucco gteMllllllHlS -_ SSM •I IM. Phon* 35833. front, Ut—ISO; nest, clean yard; see to Foreclosure Bargain PURNISHED room, gentlemen; M.M lin­ each- Plaaneial _____ M to FOUNDATIONS, walks, pools, tennis courts, appreciate IL Owner going on ions trip. 1500 down buys beautiful 6-room Spanish ei*; M double. MM Tth St Ph. 26884. Rental Department et •sal Estate ___- M M MS repair—-*. B» A Bparr, phone 33416 PLATING WOBKS PURE cow fertilizer, screened. Me lack. Box 2609. Outlook. bunsalow, like newi halt heat; tor amt. L. M. FORD A L. K. SMALL, INC. Bentals _____ Ml M 111 delivered Lincoln Ranch, phons 64193. of mortgages, Interest. Large lot sur­ MAS M 17, comb. lie. and bedroom; klteh. Phone 3343*. 114 Santa Monica Blvd. Automotive MS to MS CHROMIUM, illver, nickel, copper, brail 94 MONET TO LOAN—Beal Estate rounded by tine homes; balance 152S0; prlv. 1 block ocean: prkg gpc. 337 Wash. COBSET BUSINESS COST 1300, National cash resistor, good as terms. Ml Arizona, S. M. BATES PBB UNA l-B DAIMt M IM plating. BANTA MONICA PLATING WORKS. 1206 S. M. Blvd. Pbone MOM. new; cheap. 1218-A Harvard. Ph. 24395. DaDy BPIRELLA made to meal, corsets aad braa- SOLDIER'S Home loaa foreclosure snap. IM ROOMS AND BOARD W er mors OO-MCOUTS time, slere-ilrdlei. Mri. Olbb. Mil Ith. 26696. CROWNINO story. Hair Vigor, iix-day Money New 6-room stucco. Pacific Palisades; 3 W weak days and I Shopper tnssrttons. BEFBIGERATOB dandruff cure. Irwln'i Drug Stores. ON STRAIGHT TRUST DEEDS bedrooms, til* bath and link, unit heat. Washington Arms Apts. T to W oonsseatlre times .1*0 FOR FINANCING HOMES Went occupied. Price 15000. Phoae THE CUMBERLAND MO SIXTEENTH ST. Shopper counted as fuB day. DETECTIVE AGENCIES DECKER'S Bay Cltlei Refrigeration Serv­ FRESH grape Juice. Press while O Walt Mickey, 8144A OT evenings, -.ISA CHARMING terse rooms, meals served; Bon* of quiet refinement wen furnished t to I eoneeoutive times IW ice, reliable lervice, all makes. 1M7 50c III. 3511 MalB, O. P. CITIZENS MORTGAGE luncheon. Mo; dinner, Mc. 1341 Ocean •ingiei and douoies, 130 and apt private Additions! charge M W per 11ns when Montana Ave. Pbons A M 2-6W. BIO sacrifice, III Mnd St. Lovely 8-room Are. 28043. phones; maid service; garages. Monday Is taeloded. 50 A 75-LB. iceboxes slightly used. Ap. AND SECURITIES CO. bunsalow; mahogany finish, furnace Brackett Merchant Patrol ply 703 Wilshire Blvd. heat. 15650. Phone 34245. t M S times __ _— We SHOE REPAIRING ROOM and board; gentlemen only; Sf and Additional ehsrge et M per hue when OAT AMD IfiaHT SSRVICB PH 31744 222 Santa Monica Blvd. IS per week 1433 Ninth Bt New Las Palmas Apts. Monday Is Included. EXTRA tine flreplsce wood. IM per cord. BACRIFICE, 13500, easy terms. New stucco, Singles with Twin Beds Minimum charge n We DRESSMAKING M1LUNEBT HEELS, leather or rubber, M cents; half Bakers, 300 Ross Are. I rooms, lane yard; double straw 1131 LOVELY home for one or two children: EXCLUSIVE ATMOSPHERE Minim—a epics, too tinea. MB average Miss, 75c, for ladles' shoes; men's half MORTGAGE MONEY 22nd St Pb. Mutual 3790. room for parents. 833 3rd St Ph. 38037. Moderate Rates. Service Included words. OOWN8, tailored eulte. coats rellned; al­ solos, 11. Work guaranteed. Louden, 1503 SM FOURTH STREET Fourth St. Across from ths Outlook. 82 FUBNITUBE FOB SALE Te loan for building purposes, or home 733 31ST ST.—S bedrooms, S baths; price Note—Ths Outlook Shopper Is a tres de- terations. 14M Euclid. 3*647. Mr*. Msyer. W rMldinM property No waiting, ao ROOM FOR RENT. BOARD OPTIONAL Brery to noB-eutoerttors et tbe Evening 18750. Just completed; inspection Invited. 907 FIFTH ST. Outlook, with an approxlmsts circulation DRESSMAKING, tsiloring, alterations, fur escrow Bring In your plana SPECIAL NOTICES VACGHAN'il Enormous stock of low priced FORECLOSURE, 9 rms. front S apt rear. ____——___-_ ' Buena Vista Apts. M 13.0W. work. M.AF Shop. Real. 1441V, Ith Bt. furniture. Beautifully furnished singles; gas, lights, Note— '•Consec-tive times* does not Federal Bond & Mtge. Co. 1034 Bth it Will trade. ORegon Mil. NICE, comfortsble room; board optional. SPECIAL attention taken en men's BBS Bed iprlng snd mattress complete, 17. Reasonable raM. 1121 Third St. steam heat, Frigldaire. maid service In­ 8_en eoniseutiTS Mondara. Ma. but eon- SMART dresses, old ones cleverly remod­ Bew, high srads mohair davenport arts OB SANTA MONICA oec-tlve daya eled; eosti, ensembles 36341 1IM Euclid. ladles' alterations. Tailoring. Suite 1-6 Security Bldg. Pbone 33363 A HOME. 6-room stucco, furnllhed tf de­ cluded at 140 aad up. tth aad Idaho. SANFORD J MOSK. 1411 Third St below cost. Ml each Sanitary eat*. 13.50. ROOM for S gentlemen; arte, home; south. per W-tims order* the rate oer Bne will Mattresses 12.50 W rugs, all sizes from sired; double garage. 2223 California. cook; I bed*. 112* Ashland, O. B. «1353. IP Robert Intend, 1MI Berkley St., tS M W. PLENTY OP MONEY TO LOAN will call at thl office et the evening EDUCATIONAL M up. Very fine 7-pc dlnln* room set, On Santo Monica properties, 6%, 1%, Situations Wentsd—One-baif above rates. TRAVELING 117.50 Two Isrge office desks, eery 102 LOTS FOR SALE WORKING man's home, at Mother Mack's Outlook with clipping ot this notice, BS eesh with order. cheip. Lot et SM ranges, M up Electric 8% I 8-year straight loans, or 6 to 10- 17 and tl per week. 153* Mth. wil' receive two tickets to ths Pox Cri­ Thsse rate* apply atoo to the Wett Lee COACHING for college entrance. O. P. year amoi tiled Prompt service; lev es- terion theater, Santa Monica, Tickets Anderson (Yale grid.), 1339-D 4th. 33360. OOINO to Saa Antonio, Want driver to range IW. Ice boxes S3.50 up. Breakfast pense. Amounts from tl.OW to 1100,000 BUILDERS—Two Income lott, 100x157, % Angeles Tribune accompany and share expenses. 3306 3rd sets M up. Big selection et bedroom sets YORKSHIRE TAVERN, 1004 Ird St. dou­ MUST be called for before 6 pm. Lit ns help you Mire pour flnancins block Wilshire Blvd. Only 11600. Burt ble room with bath; home cooking. St. Phone 83385. 8. Smith. from IM up. Wardrobe trunk tl. Filing problems. C. Hunnlcutt 3033 Wilshire Blvd. FELT HATS cabinet 18.75. RENT, —-Five-room apt. attractively ANNOUNCEMENTS furnished. All convenlencei including Vaughan's, 1231 Lincoln, S. M., between 50 FOOT frontage oa Washington Blvd., 126 HOTELS LADIES' A men's bit bats cleaned, re- VACUUMS REBUILT Wllshlre-Arlzona. Open till I p.m. 26009. Gandy Investment Co. Frigldaire, radio, china, alitor aad tin* ROBFRT A OANDY. Mgr. Ocean Park, with old house, 12500 H. ens. On corner with Wow of ocean and 1 DEATH _. FUNEBAL NOTICES blocked; any style and site: estab. 8 yri. W. REED CO. Ocean Park. Phone 81084. mountains. 1002 Wnd street Ul Bar Dlst. fi. M. Hat Works. 1WT MB BL PARTS and guaranteed service on all 110.00 MATTRESSES FOR $5.00 1810 Third St Phone 31660 vicuum cleaners Pbone 31853. BETTER BEDDING WEEK VIEW lot on Pine St ______-I12M BARKER—Mrs. Vtrdnla M. Barksr, ate M ALL MATTRESSES THIS WEEK AT «% 1% ATKINS APARTMENTS GARDENING Oa Improved Santa Monica residential Income on Grant Bt. _____ -I11M Broadmoor Hotel Nice singles, right down town, Everfi yeart. Mother of Mri. Elisabeth Smith WATEB HEATEBS ONE-HALF PRICE property, located east of Seventh street ROBSON, 1700 Pico Blvd. Ph. 63670. of Bants Monica; Mrs. Caldwell Baleh 3-PIECE JACQUARD SUITE, 134.75 thing furnished, including gas aad lights. and north of Montana Ave. MS aad IM. IMIVs Fourth Bt tt Alhambra, Mri. Ben P. Williams ot PIONEER Japanese gardener, hedge trim­ WINDOW SHADES MAOB TO ORDER T. M. PERRY LOT 60x150, full price 11350. Call Burt C. Bt- Louli, and Walton Barker et Nash­ ming, pruning,, spraying, a gpoclalty. PH. 35189. III! THIRD ST., S. M. Hunnlcutt Phone 2W21. Broadway at Third ville. Remains at tba parlors et Todd to Work hr„ day. week. 1675 16th. 383B3. Superbo Water Heaters PHONE 23999 FURNISHED and unfurn. doubles; extra Leslie. ^^^^ AS LOW AS M.M DOWN IP Russell Puller, 1809 wilshire Blvd., tod aad bedroom; twin beds; Beauty- REFINANCE TOUR HOME OR INCOME 110 MOUNTAIN PROPERTI Offers rests; light tot, frigldaire aad garage INSUBANCE Modernize your bath room en ths will call at the office of th* Evening WITH INSURANCE FUNDS MacLAUOHLIN—Lavlnia MacLauihUn, M monthly psyment plan. Quick service OB Outlook with clipping of this notice, he Included. IM llth St 3SS3 Third St., Ocean Pert. Qrand- No Expense Unless Loan Ll Granted repair work. will receive two tickets W tto Pox Cri­ H. L FOSKETT, 1002 Montana. M18A LOUIS T. BU8CB OO. mother ot Walden and Charles Mae* HENRT O. MOELLER, General Insurance NTTTINGER'S terion theater. Suits Monlea Ticket' "We Know tho Mountains- Attractive Winter Rates Lauthlln. 33S 8. M. Blvd. Sat, 110. Ph. SUM. ' 1335 Third St Phone SUM MUST be called Mr before I p. m. SMS wilshire Blvd. Phoae SUM Christie Court Puneral lervleei Tuesdsy, September IA at PRIVATE money for VACANT. Improved and good second loan*! Quick action. For Comfortable. Modern Doublet; reas. winter rates. US Pselfia. 3 p. m. at the Ocean Perk chapel ot FURNITURE disposal sale: everything Bitter, ion Wilshire Blvd. Phone 31213. Klrkelte. Bernard A Peek. must 8* at cost: 9x12 rugs 112.50; 2- 111 WANTED—REAL ESTATE HT-VIEW APTS., singles and double-w ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT piece living room suite, 130; bedroom 13000 PRIVATE money to loan on im­ Rooms or Suites modern, frigldaire, extras included. MIP RICE—Mrs. Mary Csrpenur Rice, ase M suites. Storage Bids., 1410 Second St. I WILL pay 1100 to 1500 per month to Apt. up. 704 Troileyway, Venice. years. Remains at the parlors of Todd proved real estate. Phone 61037. house site owner. Must be clear. Box 2596, Outlook. A Leslie. 11 LOST AND FOUND 74 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NEW hand made velvet rue, 15; one at 14: Homelike CASA MARIA APTS, framed tapestry 14. 671',-C Broadway, 95 MONET TO LOAN—AUTOS New, artlstlo singleg aad doubles. Mod­ Venice. CHEAP place, or lot In Sawtelle. Box 971, 4 FUNEBAL DIBECTOBS LOST—Brown leather purse containing C. E. MORRIS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Tribune, __ erately priced. M9 Eleventh St bank book. ela. IMI-A Yale Bt. Serving Employer and Employ* Centrally Located 6th snd Broadway, S. M. Ph. 31709, 8 to t. FURNITURE, rugs, springs, mattresses, gas AUTO LOANS REX ARMS APTS.—See these; 130. Beau­ LOST—Pair lady'i black Md gloves. Wil­ •tove aad gas heaters. 1237 10th St. 112 EXCHANGE—SEAL ESTATE tiful singles: overstuffed; private phones WILSHIRE FURNITURE ANO DIAMOND LOANS In each Apt. MM Santa Monica Bird. shire between Ith and 6th. Ph. 36333. JAPANESE Employment Agency, day or EASY WAY TO LOAN WILLANNA Hotel, near corner BL M. aad hour. MM Main Bl. O. P. Ph. 61583. 13x30 ORIENTAL rug; verr reasonable. ATTRACTIVE, well built t-room, Spanish Sawtelle Blvds. tl das up; 15 week up. Funeral Home, Inc. Phone 25978 bungalow In North Hollywood, for four. 234 SAN Vicf-'mc. double, 3 baths, elec. SUPER FINANCE CO. bedroom home between Beverly Bills aad HOTEL HOOVER 610 8. M. Blvd. New refrlg. Newly furnished, near Ocean EMPLOYMENT 75 SITUATIONS WANTED—Male avenue. 155. Phon* 21353. Ph. 28027, 1519 Wilshire S3 FURNITURE WANTED Phone 25688 201 Bants Monica Blvd. Santa Monlea, rooms, fully screened, ll day; M wwlk. NEAT, refined, experienced able colored 97 MONET TO LOAN Mlscellaneous Also have beautiful Beverly Hills home JOHN 01 BOOGS—8TANLAT A STRAW HELP WANTED—Male boy desperately In need of work: refer- for smaller place in Banta Monica. HARCOURT Apts., Ill Ocean Front, Ven­ CALL HARRY DIVINE, Say or night. I Phone OXford WIO. John M. Bohannon. 129 FOR RENT—Apts. Unfurn. ice. MAke reservations now for winter, Todd & Leslie n sness for honesty, etc. Mast have some­ par top prices; entire contents of homos, thing soon. Bos 3597, Outlook. P. O. Box 131. Beverly Hills. where yon hare steam heat frigid., etc Phone 21042 flats; spot cash. Need Money? Read This! 129 EUCLID, and garage -M7.M M-E-N PHONE CULVER CITY 3343 Here rou can obtain a loaa ot IM M 831 Euclid, and garage ______-135.W BEAUTIFULLY furnished double; Oeneral SEVENTH AND ARIZONA. A M. We have openings In our new factory PAINTING dons very cheap; large va­ Electric: garage, ate* yard. 1734 0th SU riety paints. 1238 South Barry, W. L. A. 1300 quickly and privately ONLY BIO- WILL trade dandy 5-room, modern house 920 Euclid, sad garage ___ -155.M branch tar a few neat appearing men, OREAT demand for second hand furni­ NATURES OF HUSBAND AND WIFE in northeast section Los tn trite all L»wn sand Mr aad wator paid. Pbone S1M3. tt M W. We do not promise to make ture; BOW prices paid. Phone 63609. T. D. REQUIRED. You get the FULL AMOUNT clear, worth 15000, tot vacant corner lot MENDENHALL pea rich overnight, hut hard workers PAINT your house, kitchen, bath; SS per Follansbee Realty A Inv. Co., Ph. 35117. Stewart 307 Hollister Ave., Ocean Park. et your loan in CASH. No deductions I in Santa Monica located north of Mon­ Full commission to other realtors. BUNNY, t-room, rear Apt. Overstuffed: ga­ are making IM per week and better. day. Phon* 21757. Small monthly payments. tana between 14th and 35th streets. In­ Funeral Home Jobs permanent and BO lsyolls. Apply me; adults. IW. 115 Montana Ave. quire Box 2602, Outlook. 3-ROOM ultra modern Apts. ta duplex; Mil POURTH ST. PRONE U3W Room 1, Basement, 335 Banta Monica CARPENTER, builder, repairing, painting; 85 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY, LTD. NEW double and single Apts. Eleo. refrlg. Blvd., Tuesday, » p. m. ONLTI price reasonable. Ph. 333S7. IMS Mth BL new; MS aad 132.50. 341-7 Beach St. 304 Bliss Bids* SM S. M Blvd. Ph. MOM. H ACRES, Casa Orande, Arts. Excellent Ocean Park. Phone 26211. Oas. light, gar. included. 1325 Stanford. OOOD pianos Mr rent M per month up Loam Made in All Nearby Town* Mil, cleared, leveled, fenced. "A" water Kirkelie, Bernard & Peek WANTED—DENTISTRY to exchange tar DAY work wanted br experienced worker. No lunk You eaa apply real ea pur­ Good references. Phone 64376. right under Coolidge dam. Exchange POUR rooms, 3 bedrooms, extra tod Bl prjNXRAL D__CTC-_ building of garden wall. 10783 Ashton. chase later WORTH HATHAWAT. 1403 COLLATERAL—AUTO—REAL ESTATE tor Westwood or Brentwood Bets, real IH FOR RENT—Bonses— Cnforn. Wilshire Blvd. living room. Apply 111 Mth St Westwood. •I^MMM^. iw Mala SU Ocean Park. Phoae M1M. PAINTING, carpentering, roofing; all kinds dence. Owner, P. O. Box 607, S. M. •S Arenas It Venice Phone «1W* 2022 MAIN St.. Ocean Pat— Six-room. of repair work Ph. 31603 after I A St VICTOR phonograph With records, only tS. LOANS 130 FOR RENT—Apartments, Furn. WANT man who would Ilk* to do painting Others from HO UP. Ray E. SCHAFER, 10 monthi to 11 years—Lowest rates. frame house aad saraw _____tso.oo Mr acre and I room house. Bee Burt C. OARDENER and caretaker; work by hour, CLEAR California Riviera lot. 100x175, House without sarais —————-IWM Price-Daniel Co., Inc. 1501 Fourth St. Build now—Coits leas—Grester returns. valued 111,000, for clear residential let 1IMT Saata Monica BITA Hunnlcutt, I0W Wilshire Blvd. month or contract. Phone MSS5. Water Paid. Pbone 35837 ta Santa Monica, M will give lot and FOLLANSBEE REALTY A INT. CO. West Los Ansel** Phone WLA WST3 W PIANO bargains. Ml ap; easy terras. cash foe house ta Banta Monlea M BERNICE APT& TOUNO man Mr established Real 811k EXPER., reliable painter; references: IS. WUl rent M up. Call at Storage Bldg., American Finance & Beaut furnllhed single and double Apts., Poll Commission to Other Realtor* THRIFT OO. LTD. Brentwood. Box 3603, Outlook. f CEMETERIES, MAUSOLEUMS Hosiery territory. Bay District. Apply Tamplln, 1128 13tb St Ph. eves.. 23*91. 1410 Second St. Phone 26656. with erert tetoW convenience; Isrge Kel- 10* Junlpher Bldg., * a. m. 209 Bay Cities Bids. Phone SUM vinator. cedar wardrobes, orchid aad NEWLY painted, decorated, modern t-i PAUL NYE wants garden work, tvo days WANT small house In Santa Monica la ex­ house: terse glassed-in treat porch! close HEINTZMAN Burl walnut small size piano; change for bouse snd acreage. apple green bath room with shower: MO NEED OP EARTH BURIAL NOW 8AL-8MAN. OOOD COMMISSION a week. Phone 645W. A-t condition; 1125. AAT E. SCHAFER, 98 MORTGAGES, TRUST DEEDS lovely dinettes: convenient carsges. Ths to schools. Rent, Includes water, only 413 BAT CITIES BUILD.NO MSI Fourth Bt toW value ta Ssnts Monies Bants 150 Ml a month. 3711 Highland Ave., Q. P. Woodlawn Mausoleum EXPERT house, window cleaning; floor WILL buy equity la property or auto. Lena L. Dunn and up. Msld service aad extras In­ Owner, 35 Brooks Ave., Venice. FA MOM. CRYPTS NOW SELL-NO IB BBW UNIT waxing. Holland Dutch. Phone 13970. OCT OP TOWN owner will sacrifice beau­ Have 360 acres land la Mississippi to cluded. 1149 llth St., near Wilshire 71 HELP WANTED—Female tiful piano. Box 3W1, Outlook. trade. Box STL Tribune, West L. A. Phone MM4. 3627 Saata Monica Blvd. RENTAL SPECIALISTS AS LOW AS MM LAWN work, 45e per hour. MM Ashland RIO RITA APARTMENTS Furnished aad unfurnished, IW up. Bee OPPICB PH. 33471; RES. PH. 11717 Are. Phone 62884. WE specialise In exchanges, large or small. Nicely furnished singles, doubles: medium Mra Hiltabrand with Berkeley-Cbamber- prices. 731 Seventh St. Phone 37383. lain Asso., 1003 Montana Ph. 34196. 10 FEBSONALS LICENSED beauty operators to give facials and sell cosmetics; good opportunity to CHAUFFEUR. Swedish, good mechanic; J. J. Barrett build up business of your own. Also so­ clean, honest; excellent refer. Ph. 25334. MM 11TH ST.—Three large rooms; brick SUNNY, dean Colonial cottage, 4 rooms, 3 CLIENPhonTs 214willW trad e361 145,005 Sant0 worta Monich ofa propBlvd­. Std*. Warm for winter; IB* sink. bath. bedrooms, to Ml aad garage; lawn aad JACNDISE or liver ailments are noticeable licitors wanted to make appointments erty In Salt Lake City tor California by pellswlih color ot the ere* and ikin. Sir demonstrators. 117 Tower Bldg. PAINTER wants work inside and out M shower; extra bed: garage; lew rent shrubs: gardener's care; very reasonable. day. and P-perhanglng. SUM. property What have you to offer? P. Call SM Indiana, Venice, or Ph. 11638, See a physician er try ear remedy that O. Box 35, Venice. gives prompt relief. HARRT DOLSON, "Classified Adages" ROSE PARK APTS—Fine doubles, 131 UP. WANTED—Toung woman for general house Druggist, exclusive location Ml Broad­ INOLES HOUSE CLEANING Oround fleer front now available. Beau­ FOUR rooms and bath, furnished or un­ work. Room, board and MS a month. Floor wax., window cleaning, etc. 84384. CLEAR lot on Ventura Blvd. In Oerard for tiful; doss in. 1111 Seventh St furnished; garage, large yard. 1435 llth. way. A remedy Mr every ailment. Phone West Ls* Anrtttt 32840. cabin ta Tepango canyon. Call MM Shell Ave., Venice. CONSULT MRS. FLORENCE FORREST 19 SITUATION WANTED—Female 1 ROOMS, bath; garage; modern; adults NEW, 4-room bungalow for rent! ' IM. WANTED—High school or part time school only. 1441-B 36th Bt. 14MV. Mth BL The reliable Psycho-Analyst- Mental TWO unit Income located In best rental readings dally from 3 to 11 p.m., at T1W •trl tor house work. Room, board and WANTED—Position as companion. Can 110 a* 111 a month. Phone 36068. district Will take smaller residence or 3-ROOM apt. 3 beds and garage. ML (-ROOM boos*, garage. 560 Rose Ave. M0. Sunset Blvd. Bollywood. Ph. HE. Mil drive any make of car; 80 any place; tot M part exchange. Owner, 839 llth St. highest Santa Monica referencei. Call Call apt D. MM Mth Bt Phone ewaer, 33363. EXPERIENCED shirt press operator and YOUR... MASSAOE. genuine Swedish, both sex 26984, between 10-2, afterward! 61037. WILL exchange small. 3-room stucco. In­ Masseur on can. Phone 33011. finisher. Apply Crescent Laundry, Mth BUNNY I room*; overstuffed: adults; IM. 5-ROOM stucco: garage: newly decora ted. sad Colorado Ave. come sons, Ml vacant or larger ton*. SMS Arlxona. Inquire 13W Yale St. Attrac. ground!. 3110 Glyndon. Venice. REFINED woman would Bk* work In priv­ B M. Forbes. 12048 Wilshire. Ph. .'1701. •BB. THOMPSON, menage circle Reading ate home; age 45, neat aad adaptive. Ob- maid may have left you flat ATTRACTIVE, modern, 3 bedrooms, piano; dally, fH. I p. m. 3*34 8th st. Ph. *3W3. EXPER. millinery maker wanted; prefer­ Ject, pleasant home. Box 2599, Outlook. NICE 5-room itucco house; 2 bedrooms. ably living hi S. M. Bay district. Apply IM ACRES Oregon timber, dear, MOW. near school, bus. Ill Fourth St. Mil Berkeley Bt. Only MA SM Westwood Blvd., before 10 a. m. Want something here. P. Herren, ttt REV. COXA BOTES, medium; consult daily; NEAT colored girl wants work to day or Santa Monica Blvd. Phone 31999. mes. dr. Friday. • p.m. 1811 Beloit. WLA ... but don't worry... you NICE single Apt. over carasa; gunny porch. C. 8. family wishes refined white woman, week: good cook; home nights. Ph. 28013. IW. Adults. 1111 19th St 132 FOR RENT—Houses Furnished •*-••••——••—••"——••— — —W.-.I—.. ... Mll^M^i HOUSE In L. A., acreage Fresno Oo. and care girl 8; may work days; room, heard, STENO, typist receptionist; young; part small salary. Call 38709. Owensmoutb clear, Income Mirer City. THE ARTHUR APTS.. 1017 FOURTH BT.. H LOST AND FOUND or full time: salary open. Ph. flit, Per home or vacant In 8. M. MIT Ith St HAS A VACANCY. FRANKLIN COURT can get as worthy or worthi­ Three rooms, furnished; tile bath: sas, A middle-aged woman for house work. IM IB the person Vto found black handbag PRACTICAL nurse, middlesged: I y-«__ on CLEAR house, 1213 West 59th place. Los QUAPAW APTS.. attractive, modern. 3551 light dee. refrlg., aad garage included; a month, no washinc; lood home. W31 ons case; 110 week. Box 2605. Outlook. Ml pM month. Owner Broadway and In the Santa Monica Palisades contain­ California Are. Angeles, and cash for 5-room, modern, Main St., Corner Band. ing about Ml in cash, travelers' Shmki er a successor from the selec­ north ot Arizona Ave. 1331 Euclid Bt. Franklin. 8. M. Ph. T. D. Plumor, 33543. bank books and Saw, will return the CAREFUL driver, lady, open for engage­ tit—TWO rooms, rear; adults. Apply LIGHT house work; part pay tn rent et ments, invalid, business, gonial Ph. 26309. FOR RENTAL- same, they may keep tto money aad no 3-room Apt. Phone HTM. WANT home In 8. M. Hare desr property 1331 >. Fifth St , eusitloni asked. exchange. Ph. 23175. Box 359A Outlook. REAL ESTATE— INSURANCE FAMIEtY bundles of laundry to brim home MIRAMAR HOTEL. Santa Monica. tion offered below under CHARMINO new flat veil furn. Pin* lo­ CHAB A TEONER. PIONEER AGEMOT OIRL or woman; cen. housework; board, Pbone 33756. Phoae 31711 SM Sanu Monica Blvd.' By P. M. MCCARTHY. room, llfi month. Ph. W. L. A. 333*7. RENTALS cation. Frigid., garage. 1734 Washington. LOST—Wire-haired fox terrier; black and CLEANING, laundry, children's care; hoar, BUSINESS girl wishes employed lady to CHEERFUL, modern, single Apt Two bed- MOTHER'S helper, III a month. NO laun­ day or week. Phone W. L. A. 14944. large lenilll Also 5-room bungalow, white, black apot on back: veers har­ dry. Pbone WITS. Situations Wanted.... Put 120 WANTED TO RENT—Mlsc share lovely double Apt Phone 28381. ness earrrlng license; I months old; SB* overstuffed furniture. IM*. Raymond. WHITE woman wants day work ot any avail to any name. Owner, W0l Marine MOTHER'S helper, room and board and SPACE suitable for dance studio. Central ATTRAC. well iocsted single, upstairs; also St. Reward. Phoae IWSS. kind. 1156 Gran vile Ave. rat Till M a.m.. noon. ere. SM Lincoln BEAUTIFUL STUCCO HOME. I bedrooms: SIS month. II Vicente Terrace. Ph. 37187. someone to work... relieve location. Pbone 33571. ea llth near Carlyle. Will rent furn. er LOST—Sunday, a Maker spaniel pupple. 8 DRESSMAKINO. your home: best work; no unfurn. Reasonable rate. Phone W4M. MOTHER'S helper wanted; board, room, failures: 13.50 day. References. Ph. 33301. 1 OR 3 unfurn. living roomi in prlv. home, COOL, clean, 4-room duplex; garage: over­ Mentha old. Slack and white marking,, SIS month. Ill Clubhouse Ave, Venice. lady teacher alone. Box 3604, Outlook. stuffed; adults only. 1137 Euclid St With Mm cellar and studs. Answers te 6-ROOM home, near ocean: beaut ever_ name of Mil". Reward. Ph. S. M. 31803. HOUSEKEEPER, work in small family. unemployment. •. Earn and A DANDY NICE SINGLE APT stuffed turn. S fireplaces, plana. Befi HOUSEKEEPER tor woman and two chil­ References. Phone 21603, DardeB. dren; home nights. 3035 Pontius. 122 FOR RENT—Rooms—Farn. SU MONTANA AVE PHONE 31101 required. IM Brooks AT*. Venice. LOST—Cheek book, card ease, contslnlng N COLORED girl wants general house work, NEWLY decorated 8 reams and total raw. FURNISHED or unfurn. 1-room houses; operator's card, pink suto slips aad cleaning, care ct children. Ph. 26224. DESIRABLS. sunny rooms In refined home. •oner. Pieass return te MM 14th St. 72 HELP WANTED—Male—Female learn from the Classified Ads Teachers, student* or elderly: board if 10im Ith St Phone 13711. water paid; adults. ISA 1737 13th 9A desired. 1144 Eleventh Bt Call owner, MW Mth Bt ; BewarA ____——_ HOUSS-KEEPEB; eaa take charge; best 125—SINGLE, available now; nice loca­ CIVIL service position, open to men and references. Apply 1767 West 23rd, L A. LOOT—Oat vltb ersem body, tour black women; common school education. Do FOR lady, pleasant sunny, small, new cot­ tion. Adults. IM Euclid St. Phon* SMSA THREE bedroom attractive heat*. Open below. fireplace: radio. South of Montana Are. feet. Matt te**. short twisted toil. Re­ you Vast one? Free informs tion. Ml COLORED woman wants work; full or tage in Quito Barden; furnished or un­ ward. SH Washington Ave. Ph. SSttL Santa Monica Blvd furnished. 1517 Tale St. Phone 13571. DOUBLE itucco Spanlib Apt Winter ratas Phone 31W3. part time. Phone 24604. Oarage: adults MM Ith Bt Ph XWW LOST—A blue enamel ornament Mr tow EFFICIENT help tor all occasions Bay Outlook Gassified Ads TO gentleman, nicely furnished room, sep. FINE OCEAN VIEW with initials BL tt Return to Jonathan District Employment Agency. 11* Sant, 77 SITUATION WANTED entr.; garage space; Carlyle bus. Brent­ |H TO 145—Deslrsble singles sad doubles: Bix rooms, I bedrooms, bath, 3 showers. BlOfli clue. Reward. Monica Bled Phons 31*74 Mala and Female wood P. E. trans. 353 35th St. Pb. 353*7. gsrase. adults. Ml llth St Ph SW1L 137 Msbery road. Pbons 31903. LOST—Tea hen piaeeek treat 1114 Ash­ EX-SERVICE men and wives; steady vork! COUPLE, Swiss; wife eood French cook. Phone 23285 NEWLY furn. room. 1 ot 3; prlv. entrance; BEAUTIFUL court single apt.; eaa palter, NICE bungdow, 3 bedrooms. Also 1-bdroom land Are. Phoae MM*. no experiences necessary. 11* S. M. Blvd. ante cook's helper. Refers. KM 11th St bath, dhower; gar. Mil Carme-na. WLA all conveniences. 1W.0A 117 Tenth street house; schools, bus. SM Raymond. 82WA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 193. EVENING OUTLOOK, SANTA MONICA* CALIFORNIA PAGE THIRTEEN

AUTOMOTIVE ment of one promissory note, for 14S AUTOMOBILES FOE SALE 140 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE the sum of $14,500.00. made payable to the order ot Bearer and delivered iMDlO PftQflRAMa Metropolitan Water Bonds Briiish Set New I to GREYLING REALTY CORPOR­ Q (Continued From Page 1) ATION; and STATIONS ALr-ABKTICA-Al TOMORROW Packard Used Car Sale WHEREAS, said Ellwood P. (Ail in kilocycles 1 KFOX ... un Sir Oliver Lodge ll to make his third KTM ______WO KOIR , «*•" trans-Atlantic talk aa radio Tuesday, the duplications. "To get an idea of the relative merits ot the two plans." W« FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT THE START-NO OP THE BREAKWATER WILL BE Morey as said Trustee has resigned; -_— _ i-»n KTJ-J — program originating te London, being Air Speed Nark — taw Weymouth points out, "lt is necessary to com- THE STARTING OB OREATLT INCREASED BUSINESS IN THE BAY DISTRICT. and KTIW ______lllfli-r^f ______scheduled for release by KHJ from 1 to WOULD BOOST COST pare the costs on the complete project. The BFAO ____., '"oeiKMC* . too 1 20 o'clock. Sir Oliver I* te talk on "One This tact coupled with the treat popularity of the 9th Series Packard, makes It WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust 1 tttt OF POWER LINES economic pump lift is greater on the divided provides that should breach or de­ *~ — ii_M_-_T_ —- IIS Hundred Yean of Science," itertlns with line, and operation and maintenance costs are Official Record of 379 necessary for us to clear our Used Car stock Mr new business. KFWB _____ no; KNX _»_, ... 1050 the year mi, when sir unheal Faraday EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. ALL OUR USED CARS ARE BE-NO REDUCED fault be made in payment of any arwvn lnnOiK-MPO discovered the principle of electro-mag­ increased due to the division of the works. As a result, the operating indebtedness and/or in performance netism ea which al modern electric de­ charge for half capacity construction would always be more than for full Miles Per Hour at PROM |M TO 1375. OUR NEW PRICES ABB ALL BELOW THE OENERAL of Any obligation, covenant, promise TONIGHT velopment is based. capacity initial construction. Trial Yesterday MARKET. WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONAL STOCK OP CARS VS EXCELLENT CON­ or agreement therein mentioned. Real Folks makes Ha debut ea the Pa­ Other Tuesday daytime highlights follow: "Amortized at 4*4 per cent, this increased annual expense is equivalent DITION. THIS IS A GENUINE SALE, AT PRICES DESIGNED TO MOVE CARS then ths owner and holder of said cific coast tonight ever KFI at 1:10 to an Investment of 113.287.000. In making comparisons this must be CALSHOT, England, Sept li UP) QUICKLY. o'clock. Oeorge Frame Brown, who writes note may declare all sums secured the sketches and plays the role et Mayor added to the cost of the div Ided line." —British aviators were surprised by said Deed of Trust immediately Matt Thompkins Of Thompklni Cornen, Concert: Weymouth's report quotes the following figures on the two plans: and somewhat disappointed today Santa Monica Motors, Ltd. due and may require the Trustee alee ha* the parts at Qus Olsen. the 10:00 A.M.—KFI. instrumental trio (NBC). when tt was announced that the Swede: Mrs. Jones, the society woman, 10:15 P.M.—KHJ. Concert orchestra (Ol. INITIAL CONSTRUCTION PACKARD DEALERS to sell the property thereby granted: figures to be submitted for official and aad Ah Sing, Chinese laundryman. 11:00 A.M.—KHJ. Balon orcheitra (C). Full-Sized Half-Sized Difference approval in connection with Llsut. 1WI W—AHIRE BOULEVARD. PHONB 232J1. Another new program far tonight I* a 11:45 A.M.—KFOX, Salon Group. WHEREAS, default has been dramatic series, "The Adventures of Sher­ Noon—KECA. luncheon concert (C). Diversion dam ...... $ 13.058,000 $ 13,068,000 O. H. Stainforth's attack BB tba made in payment of said promis­ lock Holmes." which returns to KFI at Noon—KHJ, hotel orcheitra. Main aqueduct , 143,470,000 108.076.800 $35,393,200 minus world's speed record yesterday will sory note and a breach has been 1:11 o'clock. Other Monday night high­ 11:M P.M.—KFWB, Price Dunlavy. organ. Terminal storage u , 17,352.000 17,352,000 be 379.05 miles an hour, Instead of made in the obligations for which lights follow: 11 10 P.M.—KFOX, trio. Distribution 44,964,000 44,964,000 386.1, aa unofficially given out yes­ RENTALS AUTOMOTIVE 1:00 P.M.—KFAC. organ recital. terday. said Deed of Trust is a security, in 3:00PM—KECA. Roy Rlngwald. organist: this, that the quarterly installment Total initial cost $218,844,000 $183.450800 $35,393,200 minus The reduced figures still consti­ US FOR RENT—Houses Furnished ltt AUTOMOBILES EXCHANGED Concert: Richard Davis, tenor (one hear), of interest due on said note on May 4:30 P.M.—KECA, Roxy Symphony (Oi. 1:10 P.M.—KOER, Long Beach bead. tute a new world speed record, how­ 15. 1931, was not then paid, nor has 5:00 P.M.—KKCA. Bargv'i orchestra (C). 3 00 P.M.—KECA. Mid-Week Hymn Sing. DEFERRED ITEMS ever. • - • TRADE ISM Dodge sedan tor model A 3:15 P.M.—KFI. Roy Rlngwald. organist. Ford. Carl A,Sellers, 12* Broadwar. any part thereof since been paid: 5:00 P.M.—KHJ, Boccherlnl quartet. Main aqueduct ...... $ 12.888.000 1104,477.200 $91,589,200 plus A film of the timing apparatus E. T. Yates, Realtor and * 00 P.M.—KHJ. Hut ton's ensemble (C). Richard Davla, -.Iran Artel. 13,330.000 today showed t h a t Lieutenant FREE RENTAL SERVICE 8:15 P.M.—KOER. Twilight Fantasy. 4:00 P.M.—KECA. Itrtng quartet. Terminal storage 13,320,000 8EE MRS. PAUL ltt AUTOMOBILES WANTED WHEREAS, said GREYLING «:30 P.M.—KHJ. Arabesque (CBS). 5:00 PM.M.—KMTR, Harold Curtis, orian. Distribution ...... 38.484,000 38,484.000 Stainforth's actual speed was iiuaiTj REALTY CORPORATION, on May 1.41 P.M.—KNX, Chester Markert. organ. 5 15 P.M.—KHJ, Mono Content, pianist. seven miles less than that recorded Insurance for Less 19, 1931. being then ths owner and 7:00 P.M.—KFAC, Russian aad Spanish 5:30 PM.—KECA. Don VoorheM 'orchestra. Total deferred cost $ 64.692.000 $156,281,200 $81,589,200 plus by the stop watches. The fastest program, Oregory Oelubeff. Barle Spicer, Baritone (C). Total ultimate lap was flown at 388.87 miles an MONEY TO LOAN Cash For Your Car holder of said note and Deed of 7:30 P.M.—KECA, orchestra, John Moss. hour. Instead of 404.365 as the stop Phones 35111. 31711. SU A M. Blvd. Superior Motor 8alei. 1309 8 M Blvd. Trust, did elect to and did declare 7:30 P.M.—KFAO, Imperial male quartet. construction cost 383,536.000 339.732.000 06.196,000 plus watch showed. •-RM. turn.. 138.00. AIM I rmi. unfurn., CASH for your car or Multr, er will all sums secured by said Deed of • :00 P.M.—KECA, orchestra, gOlO»*t, Variety: Amortization of excess $30.00: tile bsth, shower, near school, trade. Lotrldge A Orr, 1300 Santa Mon­ Trust immediately due and payable 1:00 P.M.—KFAC. studio ensemble. 7:30 A.M.—KFAC. Happy-Oo-Lucky trio. operating cost ...... 13-87,000 13,287.000 plus Lieut. J. N. Boothman went about % mile from U.C.L.A.. 11531 ica Blvd. ______and did demand that said Trustee *:30 P.M.—KOFJ, orchestra, soloist. - 7:46 P.M.—KFI. Van and Don (NBC). through tba formality ot winning Rochester. Apply 11531 Rochester Ave., sell the property granted thereby 1:30 P.M.—KNX. Lubovlskl Violin choir. 1:00 A.M.—KFI Kappy TUB* (BBC). TOTAL $283,536,000 $353,010,000 $69,483,000 plus tba Schneider sup permanently by corner Colby, W. L. A. Owner, Goldring LEGAL NOTICES 8:45 P.M.—KMTR, Dr. George Siebllng. (:00A.M.—KHJ. Blielow'i orchestra (C). flying seven times over tba 31-mile Shoe store. Phone 25541. to accomplish the objects of the 9:00 P M—KFI. S o'clock I8VUA orchestra, 1.10 A.M.-KHJ. Columbia Revue CO. course at an average speed of 340.08 trust therein expressed, in accord­ ensemble, trie. 9:00 A.M.—KHJ, Cuban orchestra (C). The reduction in the Initial expenditure due to a half-sized 11ns Is NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE 9:15 A.M.—KFI. radio research (NBC). $35,393,000, which Weymouth claims Is not a true saving but ts merely a miles an hour. He alto broke the SEVEN rooms, three bedrooms, two baths; ance with the provisions therein set 1:00 P.M.—KOER. evening moods. world's record aver a closed circuit gas furnace: double garage. 633 19th Bt. No. 12979 forth, snd in conformity with Sec­ 9:15 P.M.-KMPC, organ recital. 9:30A.M.—KHJ, Savoy orchestra (CBS). deferment tor a few years of a part of the bonded indebtedness. The Phone SUM. WHEREAS, by B Deed ot Trust, 10:00 P.M.—KECA Pacific National Sing­ 10:00 A.M.—KNX. Eddie Albright. real saving is the interest on this amount with a 100-kilometer start by speed­ tion 2924 ot the Civil Code et Cali­ ers (NBC. 1 hour). 1030 A.M.—KMC8, Oeorge Oaume. ing 342.0 miles an hour tat the dated December It, 1927, recorded fornia, did thereafter cause to bs REDUCTION NOT between tba time of Initial construction and ATTRACTIVE court 3-room bungalow; January 13, 1928. In Book: 8336, Page 10:15 P.M.—KFI. Chamber orchestra. 11:00 A.M.—KFWB, Joyce's band, soloist. course of his flight. lawn, flowers; garage; near school, tne, recorded on Mav 28. 1931. in Book Midnight—KHJ, KFOX, KFVD, organ. 11:11 A.M.—KMCS. Banjo Boyi. TRUE SAVING the time that the second unit must be built stores. 421-B Ocean Park Blvd. Ph. 64754. 133, Of Official Records Of Los An­ 10953, Page 6 of Official Records. 11 10 A.M.—KECA, Birth at Wordl (NBC). "If accumulated for a sufficiently long time Having won the trophy two years geles County, California, Johanna in the office ot tbe Recorder of Los 11:M A.M.—KHJ. Three Doctor! (C). this Interest would tend to overbalance the excess cost of divided con­ ta) succession, Oreat Britain gained 1-ROOM stucco, garage: overstuffed: tub Abegglen. a married woman, did Angeles County. California, a no­ Varieties: 11:45 A.M.—KMTR, CUy Hail broadcast. struction. However, a deferment of more than 23 years ls required before permanent possession. aad shower; automatic heater; clean. 11:11 P.M.—KECA. Western Home Bear. grant and convey the property tice ot said breach and default and 1:00 P.M.—KOFJ, Hawaiian!. 13 30 P.M.— KOER. Ramblers. the accumulated interest on the $35,393,000 saving becomes equal to the 19W Butler Ave. WeM Los Angeles. therein and hereinafter described to 5:10 P.M.—KFI, orcheitra. quartet (O), 1 00 P.M.—KECA. Pacific Vagabond! (C). of election to cause said Trustee to t.00 P.M.—Orcheitra, piano duo . $56,196,000 Increased construction cost plus the $13,287,000 value of the TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST sell said property to satisfy said ob­ 1:15 P.M.—KMTR, Banjo Boyi. Increased operating cost," he added. Religious Education SIX rooms; double garage; on lesse. 150 COMPANY, a corporation, ss 1:10 P.M.—KFI. Real Folki (NBC). 1:10 P.M.—KECA, Beach Boyi. moath. Will seU furniture tor MM. 12327 ligations. 1:41 P.M.—KELW, trio. 1:00P.M.—_t- Matinee quartet, soloists. Other facts that militate against tbe proposal for a half-size Methods Discussed Santa Monica Blvd. W. L. A. SUM. trustee, with power of sals, to se­ 7.00 P.M.—KFI, Blng Crotby (CBS). aqueduct are higher operating costs, and the division ot works, requiring cure, among other things, the pay­ NOW. THEREFORE, notice ls 7:11 P.M.—KHJ, Pryor'l band (CBS). orchestra (C). Religious Education day was ob­ LEA Bl Very attractive, almost BOW, 6- ment Of one certain promissory hereby given that to satisfy the ob­ 7:10 P.M.—KFI. Demi-Tasse Revue (NBC) 1:00 P.M.—KHJ. Happy-Oo-Lucky (O). a larger operating personnel. A bait-sized canal requires, on an average, served at the First Methodist Epis­ room home, nteeir furnished; piano; note (and other sums of money ligations so secured, snd by virtue 7:10 P.M.—KHJ, Morton Downey. 1:30 P.M.—KNX. Fire Department band. more than three-fourths as much excavation as the full-sized, and the copal church, corner of Fourth and - furnace heat. MS Mth. Call Ellis. 37306. 7:41P.M.—KHJ. Musical puisle. 3:00 P.M.—KOER, Hawaiian!. concrete lining in the reduced section is proportionately higher than the advanced and Interest thereon) in of the authority in lt vested, the 3:15 P.M.—KOER, bona Beach band. Arizona, yesterday morning, when undersigned, as Trustee, will sell Bt 7:41P.M.—KFWB, Melody Lena. excavation. Weymouth gives the canal lining for ths half-sized conduit the morning worship hour waa de­ 135—3 ROOMS, modern; bath; light and favor of T. M. Diamond and as­ 1:00 P.M.—KFI. Dixie Quartet. 4 00 P.M.—KMPC, Theater program. at 80 per eent of that for the full-sized. water paid. Ph. 32739. Inquire till nth signed to William L. Corris and public auction for cash, to the high­ 1:00 P.M.—KHJ, Jamboree (I houn). 4 00 P.M.—KHJ. Hallelujah Bore. voted to the discussion of "Charac­ Florence Corris, husband and wife. est bidder (PAYABLE IN UNITED 1:10 P.M.—KFWB, orchestra, lololitl. 4:10 P.M.—KFI, Harmonlei (NBO). Unit costs also are higher for the smaller Una A large part of the ter Building on a Non-Proflt Ba­ 5-ROOM house, well furnished. 1331 Stan- as joint tenants; and STATES GOLD COIN AT TIME OF 1:45 P.M.—KECA. thl Vaiabonds (NBC). 5:00 P.M.—KOFJ, Hawaiian!. equipment depends upon length as well as size and ls not materially sis." Drt P, OPH. Stevens, the pas­ ford BL SALE) 00 Wednesday, the 23rd day 1:00 P.M.—KECA. Ranch Boy*. 1:00 P.M.—Radio Service (NBC). reduced for a half-sized line. Many items of tor;- spt*#'(\JI SflthB responslblUty WHEREAS, there has been a de­ of September, 1931. at eleven 8:10 P.M.—KFWB, Tom Terrlu. 6:10 P.M.—KELW, Variety Boy*. which rests tjpdrl tba home as well NEAT little 3-room house; nook, bath, 1:46 P.M.—KTM, male quartet. UNIT COST HIGHER labor are more or less constant, and rtghts-of- garage; 137. MM Euclid St. fault in the payment of the prin­ o'clock A. if., in ths lobby of the FOR SMALLER LINE way, roads, telephones, water supply, fences, as upon the church for the relig­ cipal of said Bote, amounting to main entrance of the Title Insur­ For Women: drains, diversion dam, head works, auxiliary ious training of its young Ufa, and EXCEPTIONAL value. 2-bedroom house. $8000.00 due and payable December ance Building, 433 Sou—1 Spring storage, pump control basins, preliminary investigations are substantially emphasized the fact thai no pro­ 151; ta Brentwood Heights. Ml Wellesley. Drama: 9 00 A.M.—KMTR, Mildred Kitchen. 19, 1930, snd in ths payment of street. Los Angeles, California, all 4:30 P.M.—KFI, Death Valey Ban (0). 9:30 AM—KFAC. Home Sewing Circle. constant for any size. gram af religious education can be Bit Interest due and payable thereon of the Interest conveyed to it by (:10 P.M.—KPL Real Folks (NBO). 10:30 A.M.—KFI. Magaslne of the Air (O), "Taking all these factors Into consideration, a half-sized lias is carried out without regular attend­ 120—Two cheerful rooms: modern; break­ 1:11P.M.—KFI. "Sherlock Beimel" (NBC). fast nook; garage; near high. 501 Bay Bt. subsequent to Decern ber 19, 1930 said Deed ot Trust in and to all the 10:30 A.M.—KNX, Kate Brew Vaughn. economically infeasible unless the completion of the duplicate Installation ance on the part of the pupil*. The except for $50.00 paid thereon, ac­ following described property, or SB • 30 P.M.—KMTR, Playlet. 11:30 A.M.—KFI, Marillah Olney. kind of training which young Ufa 11:30 A.M.—KFAC. Women'! Club. can be deferred until about 1960. Such deferment is out *t the question," shall receive at the hands 9t the MODERN. 3-room house. 415' Wilshire cording to the terms thereof, and much thereof as may be necessary, 3 00 P.M.—KHJ, Feminine Fanclei IO). Weymouth emphatically declares. Blvd. Reasonable. there has been a default in the situate and being in the City of 3 30 P.M.—KFOX, Anna Maude Morath. church was then discussed, and an payment of $173.21 advanced in ac­ Santa Monica. County of Los An­ Children: opportunity was given for enroll­ MODERN 3 rooms, tile bath, tile kitchen 5:00 P.M.—KNX, Big Brother Ken'g club. ment in the leadership training •ink; garage. IM. Rear 1127 12th St. cordance with the provisions of ths geles, State of California, to-wit: 6 so P.M.—KFAC. Whoa BIB club. said deed of trust, there being ths That part of Lot 22 in Block 7:00 P.M.—KFOX. School Day*. Dance Music: school which begins on September FOUR roomi. $25. Also 4 rooms. over- total sum of $8554.97 now due and "F" of "The Palisades", as per 7:30 P.M.—KOER, Tadpole'! Gang. Noon—KFWB. Rhythm Kind. 32 at tbe First Christian church. Matted; near school; MO. 2220-B Ird St. payable; and map recorded In Book 8, Page 32 1:00P.M.—KOFJ, Studio orcheitra. Adults to Start Plan Preview of The evening worship hour was 3:00 P.M.—KTM. Spanlih Troubadouri. given to the second presentation in 1744 BELOtT, W. L. A. Well furnished, WHEREAS, in accordance with ef -taps, lying South Easterly of 3:00 P.M.—KMTR, Studio orcheitra. modern, 3-room bunsalow; garage. ths provisions of said deed of trust a line drawn from a point m the Dance Music: 4 so P.M.—KOER. Warren*' orcheitra. the series on the book ot Ruth, with and in conformity with Section South Westerly line of said Lot 1:00 P.M.—KFOX, Engliih-Glbson band 5:15 P.M.—KFWB, Joyce'* Sand, soloist. part 11 of the cantata, "Ruth the till F.M.—KFWB, Jerry Joyce'i band. Moabitess' being sung by the choir, 115. TWO room*! IM, three rooms; 3924 of ths Civil Code of California, distant thereon 100 feet from the 6 90 P.M.—KECA. itudlo dance band. school*. 701'/a Copeland Court Classes Tonight Newest Fashions and with the brief message by the the said then owner and holder of most Westerly eorner of said Lot 7:30 P.M.—KFI, Qui Arnheiin, band. said note and deed of trust, on April to a point In the North Easterly ».00 P.M.—KTM. Rainbow Bt*—. Children: astor, on "When Ruth Earned the NEATLY furnllhed, 3-room cottage; garage 1:30 P.M.—KMPC, Deacon Brown. 3:30 P.M.—KFWB. Indian Btorlei. iving." it dealred. 1327 Seventh St. 30, 1931, Mused to be recorded in line of said Lot and having a 1:10 P.M.—KECA. Baron Keyei and hii E bearing of North 45* 15' 16" East. 1:00 P.M.—KFAC. Lee Hlte's orcheitra. Evening High School to Santa Monica Merchants This church ls cooperating in the the office of the County Recorder 1:10 P.M.—KOER. Cinderella Boyi. Air Caitle Family (NBC). W. C. T. U. convention which meets NINE rooms, S baths, near ocean; 175. of said County, a notice of such de­ To pay the principal sum of said 10:00 P.M.—KNX, Btoll's orchestra. 1:10 P.M.—KFAC. "Aircraft Building." Have Varied Courses Prepare for Friday Jarvls. 323 Wilshire Blvd. Phone 21714. fault and of election to cause ths note, to-wit: $14,500.00, with Inter­ 19:15 P.M.—KHJ. Anion Week* (KFRC). 4:10 P.M.—KMPC. Juat Kids club. at the First Presbyterian church property described in said deed ol est thereon at the rate of seven per 11:010 P.M.—KFI, Lofner-Harrls (NBC). 5:00 P.M.—KNX. Big Brother Ken'i elub. Free for Public Night's Event this week, and for that reason na EXCLU., 4 rooms; twin beds: comp. furn, Midnight—KFAC, KMPC dance band. 5:30 p.m.—KFAC, Whoa BUI club. prayer meeting will bs held in this Oen. Elec. Oar; 160 420-B Palisades Ave, trust to be sold in accordance with oent jjer annum from February 15, church on Wednesday evening. ths provisions thereof, to satisfy 1931; advances, if any, under ths (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Members are urged to attend the BUNNY, 3-room, nicely turn, eottaie; ga­ said obligation, which notice of terms of said Deed of Trust; ex­ meetings of the W. O. T. C. rage, yard; adults. MM llth St default and election to sell was penses ef said sale; and the costs, and airplane construction, ths courses tails and paws on the new fall coats. NEW, nieely furn., 8-room bungalow; elec­ duly recorded in Book 10844, Page fees, charges and expenses of the being taught by mm who are em­ Coats will be slightly longer .than Trustee and of the trusts created Nazarene Pastor ployed in the airplane construction last year. tric refrigerator; garage. 1427 Euclid St. 131, Official Records of said County; Palisades legion and by said Deed of Trust. Said sale business. With dashing shades of greens, Kemp Issues Appeal 7 ROOMS, 1 bedrooms, S bath*; frigldaire; will be made without covenant or Two classes in dramatics, ons warm browns and russet among the unit heati BO small children. Ill 9th St. WHEREAS, said William L. Corns To Loan Depositor* and Florence Corris, by reason of warranty, express or implied, re­ advanced and one for beginners, will leading new fall colors, frocks are garding title, possession or encum­ be organized with Antonio Schuck allowed a variety in treatment. A final appeal for early action DOUBLE or single, furnished; Modern ths default in payments as stated, Back of Dry Law Speaks on life from creditors on the proposal to brances. ss Instructor. Colors Often Combined 237-D Pacific St Phone MMA d-d, pursuant to the provisions of have a holding company assume said deed of trust, request said Dated August 31. 1931. Public Speaking Often two colors, such as brown NICELY furnished I rooms and bath: 3 The class In public speaking will assets of the Guaranty Building __ beds 2229 4th St Phone 65808 trustee to give notice and to sell said TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST Selfish Identity Lost in and green, are agreeably combined, Loan association of Hollywood ta property, or so much thereof as COMPANY. TRUSTEE. Post Adopts Resolution be continued, as will all the regular thus furnishing much of tbe trim­ English classes, Including short story simplify., their liquidation was sent I ROOMS, close In, for light housekeeping; shall be necessary to sell, to pay all By L. J. Beynon, Supporting Observance Consecration to God. ming for the dress. Fur often adds out today by A. N. Kemp, federal cheap real. Bear. 1334 9th Bt. the indebtedness secured and ex­ (Corp. Seal) Vice President. add Journalism. a feminine touch to the afternoon of Amendment Says Rev. Benner Approximately 35 classes, Includ­ receiver, to alt depositors tn the penses incurred necessary to the By C. M. SPERRY frock. Santa Monlea bay area who have BOUSE. 3-room, saa. electricity, phone. Ma execution Bt said trust. Assistant Secretary. ing commercial, domestic and Tbe romantic theme, preyalllng in M week op. W31 National Blvd.. Palms PACIFIC PALISADES. Sept. Ii-* "How Can I Make the Most of My manual arts, fine and applied arts, not yet given their consent to tba THEREFORE, notice is hereby all feminine fall styles, has pot plan. 4-RM. nicely furn. bung., S odrms., over- given that TITLE GUARANTEE Palisades post, No. 283, ot the Amer­ Lite?" was ths question discussed mechanics and language, already bean neglected ta footwear. Em­ stfd., gar., good loc., adults, 1411 15th. AND TRUST COMPANY, by virtue Arrest Youths for ican Legion, moved into its newly- by the Rev. Hugh C. Benner, pastor have been announced and other phasis on the feminine has been re­ The receiver reported bl bis letter of the authority vested in it as leased clubhouse, at Temesoa1 road of the Church of the Nazarene, in groups will be- formed whenever flected in footwear fashions, which that tbe Interests of tba creditors NICELY furnished 3-room stucco house in Theft of Machine and Beverly boulevard, last night his sermon last night. Basing his there is sufficient demand on the would be better served by having court. llll-C Centlnela. Ph. 31138 Trustee, will sell at public auction, show the "dressmaker" Influence. to the highest bidder, for cash, Arrested on' a grand theft com­ and, in addition to Inducting into remarks on Matthew 16:25, "who­ part of citisens. There also is a sharp distinction be­ t_B holding company take charge 3 RMS., nicely turn., car., reas. Near payable in U. S. Gold Coin at time plaint signed by Bob Butt, Santa office the new .post commander, W. soever BIB save his life shall lose it, Classes are open to all citizens, tween the types of shoes and street of the liquidation, and gave assur­ Wilshire. 1350 Westgate Ave. W. L A. of sale, on August 29, 1931, at the Monica lifeguard, two youths, W. Gulp, adopted a resolution in and whosoever will lass bis life for either residents or visitors, in the shoes differ in fabric and style from ance no change -was contemplated Walter David, 17. of New Yon, and support of observance of the eigh­ my sake shall find It," the Rev. Mr. Bay district. As they are financed those worn for more formal oc­ In tbe policies of the present man­ FURN. or unfurn. 8-room house: t baths; hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day, Benner spoke, ta part, as fellows: agement. double carace. IM llth Bt Ph. 32291. at the western front entrance of the Elizia Boggs of West Virginia, are teenth amendment. by state funds, no tuition is charged. casion. Court House, In ths City of and held by police here tor investiga­ Passage of the resolution was for "No order of existence ls able ta In soma classes a charge for mate­ Oxfords, particularly well suited In order to make tbe transfer ef NICELY furnished 3-room cottage and County ot Los Angeles, State of tion as the result of their arrest in thB purpose of clarifying public con­ lift Itself to a higher estate. To be rial is made, but all articles eon- to the tailored type of costume, assets possible, it will be necessary bath; yard, flowers; adults. MM 1MB BL California, all the Interest conveyed Manhattan Beach Saturday for driv­ fusion regarding the Legion's posi­ thus raised, It is necessary for the structed become the property of the again may take precedence In fall for the creditors to sign a statement to it by said Deed of Trust in snd ing Butt, car, which was stolen tion on ths prohibition question, as lower order to lose its identity In students. fashions, according to opinions ex­ of consent whereby they agree tn tit MONTH, furnllhed; I rooms aad hath. a process of assimilation and use accept shares of stock in the new Rear, MSI 18th Bt. to all the following described prop­ from here. .' reflected in "wet" resolutions adopt­ pressed by many authorities. erty, to-wit: The car refused to steer properly ed at the state legion convention If a higher order. Shoes Cat Higher company in exchange tor their Cant Save Self claims in the old one. Kemp is SUNNY, furnllhed bunsalow. I bedrooms; Lot "F* In Block 97 of the City and Jumped the curb to land against ta Long Beach last week. Bay Singers Invited Both oxfords and pumps are cut cloie to market and beach. 1248 4th Bt. the police station Bt the beach city. The resolution was Introduced by "An element tal the mineral or noticeably higher at the throat than hoping to. haye ell of these state­ of Santa Monica, County of Los Telford Work. inorganic kingdom oan enjoy exis­ To Enter Audition ments signed before the middle of 125—BEAUTIFUL 4-room house with ga­ Angeles, State of California, as per Butts' car was returned to him yes- those of last season. Tba pump has tprd_v The resolution, as adopted, was as tence on a higher plane only as lt AU singers of Santa Monica be­ the week. rage: adults 1751 17th (|t map recorded in Book S, Pages 80 is 'consecrated' to th* use of some added a buckle or bow in many in­ and 81, and in Book 39, Page 45. Mike Ceretto. 20. will be tried in follows: tween the ages of 18 and 25 are stances. Black and brown are con­ 135—3-room. furn. bungalow; bedroom and Santa Monica police court tomorrow Whereas the American Legion, by living organism. A member of the eligible to compete tat the At water tending for first place. extra bed: garage. 1021 Euclid. Ph. 21058. 36 seq.. Miscellaneous Records of vegetable kingdom Is doomed to re­ for petty theft. He is out of jail the Anns ot the preamble to its Kent contest which will be held tal With this week ushering In men's 350 Attend Tea in said County, or so much thereof as main within its original bounds un­ Santa Monica, September 28. Mrs. FURN. and unfurn. Kindly list yours. E. shall be necessary to pay all prin­ today on his own recognizance after constitution, dedicates itself to "up­ new felt hats, the men win take his arrest at Inglewood Saturday for hold and defend the constitution ot less seized and assimilated by stuns Joseph Zuckerman, chairman of the Honor of Clergyman Shanahan, 1719 8. M Blvd. Ph. 35340. cipal, interest, advances, charges, higher power. Animals are useless contest for the Banta Monica Bay an active' Interest in the fashion costs and trustee's fees, due and B minor traffic violation. Officers WIS United States of America" and preview. Wltb no radical changes Three hundred and fifty persons S ROOMS, nicely furnished; close In; ga­ later found two radiator ornaments to "maintain law and order" and unless devoted to human use In one district, announced this morning rage; MA MM llth Bt. Phone 3*197. unpaid, secured by said Deed of manner er another. that applications for auditions in sight, the college man •wil. wear attended the tea at the First Pres­ Trust. and a gear shift lever ball in his . Whereas the eighteenth amend­ a high crown and narrow brim and byterian church yesterday given la car. Police said Ceretto confessed ment to tbe constitution, prohibit­ "The same it* prevails over man. must be made by September 18. FOR RENT Dated August 1, 1931. Endowed with a priceless person­ A committee af five Judges has tbe young business man wHI choose honor of the Rev. and Mrs. E. L. R. IM to taking the accessories from cars ing the manufacture and sale of a crown a trifle lower and a brim Elson, who will leave this week for Stores. BuslneM SRea TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST parked here Saturday. intoxicants, is a part of our na­ ality, possessing an immortal soul, been appointed by Mrs. Zuckerman COMPANY. he is not made to serve himself. to Choose a young man and a young a trifle wider. For the older busi­ La Jolla. Tba Ladles' Aid had tional constitution, and Its respect ness man tbe lower crown with wide charge. r»H': STORE. 15x71 fl Lease whole, front or By J. T. KEOGH, and observance so long as it remains When he does, ruin, heartache, sor­ woman, both of whom will be en­ half, or office space available. Phone row, disappointment, emptiness, and tered in tba Southern California brim is smart. Dr. J. Hudson Ballard spoke In 24191 or MW7. Vice President. Hold Services for a part of the constitution is funda­ Attest A. It. KILLGORE, death are sure to follow, snd ha contest and. If successful, later In The man will be allowed to choose behalf of the congregation, express­ mental to t_B inculcation of respect his favorite color. The shades In­ ing his appreciation ot the Rev. Mr. STORE suitable for any business. Apply Secretary. Late H. /. Isaacs for and maintenance of law and reaps the abundant harvest of his the state audition. Winners of state 14M Santa Monica Blvd. selfishness. But when he is willing auditions will contest tal the district clude gray, brown or blue mixtures, Elson. services, and presented him (Corporate Seal) Funeral services were conducted order, silvery gray, CastlUan and wood­ a check as a gift from the church this Afternoon at Forest Lawn ceme­ Now therefore be lt resolved that to consecrate and devote himself, tryouts. There will be five district STORE for rent in Rapp block IA A NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF in complete abandonment, to God, contestants In the United States. land brown. members. The church quartet sang Rapp. 1415 Montana Ave Phone 211IA tery, Glendale, tor H. J. Isaacs, Palisades post. No. 288, of the Ameri­ Winners of district auditions will solos ta honor of the occasion. A ABOVE SALE president of the Weaver Jackson can Legion, state ot Callrornla, here­ be loses his selfish identity and be­ Notice is hereby given that for comes assimilated Into the 'body of contest at the final national audi­ communication from , Mra Elson, Shops, Inc.. which have a branch by pledges its complete and loyal tion, to be broadcast from New Probation Officer*. who was unable to attend, was read. AUTOMOTIVE good and sufficient reasons the located on Santa Monica boulevard support of the eighteenth amend­ Christ,' .Such a consecration gives above sale Is postponed to Satur­ worthy alms, peace and content­ Yon over a national radio network. in this city. Mr. Isaacs, who took ment so long as it remains in tba Application blanks and further Will Discuss Wort III AUTOMOBILES FOB 8ALE day, September 13th, tttt, at 11 an active interest in Santa Monica constitution, and thai we appeal to ment, meaning to lite and com­ o'clock A. M., at the place specified panionship with Christ. Information may be obtained by Carl May, supervisor of adult affairs, died yesterday morning at all other American Legion posts by calling Mrs. Zuckerman, at 22274. Leo Kelley Refused in the above notice. bis home, 433 South St. Andrews resolutions similar to this tB do like­ "What is Yew life?'* probation of Los Angeles county, 1930 Franklin Dated August 29th. 1931. place. wise, to the end that we may do " 'What is your life?' asks the will be guest speaker at tomorrow's Freedom on Parol* Town Sedan TITLE GUARANTEE AND Born In Cincinnati, be was for our bit toward securing respect for apostle James. An everlasting lia­ Woman Injured in weekly luncheon meeting of tba SAN QUENTIN PRISON, Calif., TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. many years active in Amarillo, Texas tba constitution, without which bility If spent on yourself. 'What Santa Monica Towne elub, the sec­ Sept. M (U.R)—The hopes of Leo EXCELLENT SHAPE, 8 WIRE WHEELS. By A. F. MORLAN, Is your lifer' A glorious and eternal retary, E. B. Hammack, announced -SUNK. ETC. 11W5. President. before coming to Los Angeles in 1909 there can be no real maintenance Automobile Accident "Pat" Kelley. Los Angeles slayer, for and building up the Weaver Jackson of law and order. asset, a rare gem of redeemed per­ In a collision of two automobiles today. early freedom- bad received a set­ Attest: A. R. KILLGORE, May's talk will deal with bis work 1515 S. M. Blvd. Secretary. Beauty Shops Corp. to its present Be lt further resolved that copies sonality, a link in tba redemptive here Saturday, Mrs. C. H. Cresse, back today with tba refusal of tba PHONE 21373. OPEN SUNDAY status. Surviving are his widow, of this resolution be sent to the purposes of Ood, If you yield your­ fl, ot 849 Eleventh street, suffered bl connection wltb observation and state prison board to grant him a (Corporate Seal) supervision of persons who are given •TUDEBAKER Dictator Victoria coupe, ex­ Mra Esther Isaacs; two sons, Wil- press, Including ths county, state self Into bis omnipotent hands." a gash in her forehead when she parole, . tremely tow mileage, aad reflnlshed ex­ lard and Henry Isaacs: two daugh­ and national legion publications, The musical prelude last night slipped from the seat and fell probation by Los Angeles courts. Kelley, the "butcher bog" con­ NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF ters, Mrs. Loraine Stolaroff of Los Milan Ryan will be chairman, aad actly as MV; perfect performance; down ABOVE SALE copies to our state and national was given by tbe "Merry Melody against the dash of a car driven victed of murder in connection with payment MW. Balance terms. NO Angeles, and Mrs. Hortense Sumski legislative representatives, copies to Makers," of the Pacific Palisades by Martin Pretonius, 26, of that ad­ the meeting will be held at noon In the death of Mrs. Myrtle Melius, Notice is hereby liven that for of San Francisco; also three broth­ the Carmel hotel. Members are BROKERAGE. Q. O. BUNDY. Stude- good and sufficient reasons the the county, state and national legion Community church, directed by dress. Los Angeles society woman, was baker distributor, lie Broadway. ers and three sisters. Prominent headquarters and that a copy be Harlan Waite. This unique group The accident occurred at the in­ urged to bring guests, tbe communi­ sentenced to hang, but obtained a above sale is postponed to Satur­ business men and bankers of Ins cation stated. day, October 3, 1931, at 11 o'clock spread upon our minutes. of musical children gave three num­ tersection of Glendale and Berke­ reduction of sentence to one of man­ Angeles officiated at the service as bers. ley streets. Pretonius told police slaughter from the state supreme BUY your newt used ear from the Cad- A. M. at the place specified in the honorary pallbearers. lllae-La Salle dealer Mas* make. e*9 above notice. that the brakes on his car failed oo—ri. body lU1*e OMAC terms (Men evening* 2 Wallets Stolen to work when he approached s Vocal Class to Be Baa Diatriet Motor Oa. BRMMre Bit Dated September 12, 1031. Theaters to Boost string of cars that were stopped for at llth St' Phone 84*31 TITLE GUARANTEE AND Poliee Search for a red light. He rammed the rear Given at School TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. From Parked Auto Sound Searched for For School Bonds of a car driven by W. J. Shepsck A class in voice culture, to be or­ CHEVROUBT coupe. 1*1*. -eft.t.hed A-l: By A. F. MORLAN. Local Man Asked Theft of two wallets containing M Cooperation tat the school bond of Glendale. 4-wheel bra trees nrice 11181 dew—1 -«-- President from a car owned by Stanley Simon ganized tonight, is one of this year's Body of Yachtsman III gut MS. Sft) brokeraee. See MW. VON. Police aid was requested today In election by all Bay district moving special offerings of the Venice MINEOLA, N. Y.. Sept Id _•«— Ill Broadway AtlSSt: A. R. KILLGORE, a search for Francis S. Shanley, 33. ot Los Angeles white tt was parked picture theaters wss assured today Secretary of 14481. Fifth street, who left home on the beach road yesterday was when the committee on publicity of Permits for Venice evening high school. A hundred boatmen and A number Tt FORD (pert coupe, little need: bir dli- (Corporate Seal) Saturday to go to Los Angeles in reported to police today. the citizens' group of 100 was noti­ Instruction In voice technic, train­ of small yachts put out from Oyster eount: practical!- rum. Owner BL Anoly According to Simon, lt ls the ing ta solo work, duets, women's bay and Northport today to comb Mil Clover Field Bred. quest of work and has not been fied that slides are being made Pipelines Granted tba water of Long Island sound for NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE heard of since. According to his second time his car has been entered boosting the bonds and that these Application for temporary permits trios, male quartets, double mixed •7~ I quartets and choral singing will beth e body of Benjamin P. Collings, SELL late model La Re!'* nhaeton or trad* T. O. No. 16324-V wife, Shanley has been unemployed when parked here. The lock was sj_de3 will be exhibited at every per- to construct., oil pipelines In Stamford, Conn- yachtsman. tor Hchter sat. 1714-- Oeaen Ave. WHEREAS. IODISE S. STARK, for several months. Police broad­ Immiwi from the ear rionr I -formanc e i—betwee. n ——now. and, _»Sep— ­ Venice district today had been ap! ^ffi.'fL,"& SS6fc£W_* JS a widow by Deed ot Trust, dated cast his description to other offices proved by the board of public utili-••" ] ructed by Reld Cox' *-<*<* Discovery of the body would es­ Tl FORDOR, rsoH pater, tires: fine teech tember* • 22, of voice culture In tbe Venice high tablish whether Collings had been ootid. Reasonable. MOT Arrnaceet Af*. May is, 1928. and recorded June 7, and to the missing persons' bureau WAR MOTHERS TO MEET M. E. Baylies, manager of the Wil- I ties for the Petrol Corp. and George slain, as was supposed from the 1928. in Book 7180. Page 78 of Of­ in Los Angeles. school, a director of glee clubs and A special meeting of the American shire theater, was the first to notify B. D.msmoor. a well known soloist. story told by his wife to the effect 1*3* ORB—7* Ford roadster, t~imh-> seat. ficial Records in the office of the War Mothers has been called for the committer that slides have been Both had requested temporary that two men boarded hev husband "a tern tlree: exeeDent eonrt. 1300. SIS 14th. County Recorder el Los Angeles Registration Will be at 7 tonight. AUXILIARY TO ELECT 12:30 p. m. Wednesday in the Ameri- ordered. permits, pending the granting of No tuition is charged. yacht Wednesday night, threw him STJTCK apart coupe. Illrj. 11*9 cash. As­ County, California, did grant and Nomtaatlon and election of of- can Legion hall, 1811 Ocean avenue, Following closely on the an­ franchises. Dunsmoor's application Overboard and abducted her. sume contract. Phone 84*8*. convey the property therein and fleers will be held at tbe regular it was announced today. Plans for nouncement" of Bayliss came one included plans tor lines In ths Ven­ hereinafter described to Title Insur­ BUTTER AND EGGS ",'-'''"' '•' ' *y-pwikc'> meeting of the auxiliary af tbe a benefit party will be made. Pro- from Louis Clark, manager of the ice oil field area between Avenue BANK DEBITS B0ICK touring car truck: 5 -ood tires. ance and Trust Company, a cor­ American Legion to be held at 8 \ ceeds will got to meet tbe needs of Crltcricn. Dome, Rosemary and 32 and Avenue 86. LOB ANGELES. Sept. 14 (AP)—Butter- Apply 1104 Oranrl'le St Brentwood. poration, and Ellwood P. Morey. es p. m. tomorrow bt tba clubhouse, j tba veterans and their families and California theaters, that all these Receipts 141,600 pound!. IB bulk lie. Santa Monica bank debit! lor Saturday, Tba Petrol Corp. asked for a Cheeie—Receipt! 14,000 pound!. llll.IM.Tli month ta date, I4.4M.481.4I. ttTT MOON roadster, wonderful condition. Trustees, with power ot sale, to se­ 1811 Ocean avenue. Mrs. Helen also to stock tbe commissary tn tbe' theeters would exhibit the slides blanket permit 9* eater a system of Kegs—Receipt! Ill cases Candled fresh AM Anteiei todar, Ul,~lT,_lli HIS. 3001 Mate St. cure, amongst other things, the pay- Vincent is president. • American Legion hall. I and boost for the bonds. six-Inch lines throughout the field. tint! lie; So medium! tie; snails 17c. last rear, ItA—AISB PPiS'PpWM**1 SfipW- vw-~www--- l.!'l*ilu!!'.lB""J!'»—~ .yji,-H,li|l,lH 'j.7.1,' ——— .

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-i-l i y\ STYLE SHOW

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and *

; : FALL FASHION PREVIEW4 H__ •••« Hi* in Downtown Santa Monica Stores FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER EIGHTEENTH / 7:00 to 9:30

