~~ •at TETWrEKATTJSE- fOB-ECAST Mtt tonieht and Tuesday, bat evercait Hiih 71 (past 24 hours, S *. S8.) _SW II early tonight; warmer te East Timid**; IA.U. I_ADIN08 _I OTHER CITO- OCEAN TIDES TO.MORBOW tos Anteles . _8_IS-U Lake City Tampa — _78 Denver , Rich I Low Fitttbort— — _74|New fork ___ -Tt 10:56 a.m.: 11:81 p.m.! 4:41 a.m.; 5:4» p.m. Dei Moines — _70|Kanial City . -TS SCN RISES j SCN SETS New Orleans -80! Ban Franeiico -SS LOOK _74i Chicago ______ -78 6:26 O'clock I 6:00 o'clock eve Beston •• Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member Associated Press—Established Oct. 13,1875 VOLUME LVII NUMBER 223 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1931 PRICE TWO CENTS PESTILENCE THREATENS HURRICANE-TORN BELIZE Metropolitan Water Bonds Death Rides Caribbean Hurricane Natives, Fearirjl TaxFiximrProbe ARTICLE VI Aimee's Husband Latest Dictates Half-Size or Full-Size Aqueduct Water Shortage, May Reach Bsck Suggestions have been advanced in a number of quarters that it Promises Critics Of Dame Fashion would be feasible and economical to construct the Colorado riser aqueduct on a scale one-half the size proposed by the engineers who have worked out the plans for the project. Advocates of this plan claim that the smaller aqueduct would meet Flee Ruined Gty Teo Years Past present needs and that additional construction could be carried oat later .mack on Nose To Be Previewed to care for the increased demands of the future. The argument has been presented that this course would reduce the amount to be expended Death Toll Estimated at Limitation Statute Does on the building of the aqueduct. Evangelist's New Mate by Santa Monica Merchants Not Apply to Misuse Analysis of this proposal by F. E. Weymouth, chief engineer of the Elopement Waves Iron Plan Gala Event for More Than 1,000; Many district, has shown conclusively that such half-size preliminary construc­ of Public Funds tion would not only not be cheaper, as claimed, Fist for Bride, 38 Friday Night Bodies Burned WOULD PROVE but that tt would in the long ran mean an LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 MORE EXPENSIVE outlay of $69,483,000 over and above tbe total LOS ANGELES, Sept 14 The newest in fall fash­ BELIZE, British Honduras, cost of the aqueduct planned tor Weymouth (CNS) — Aimee Semple Mc- Sept. 14 (AP) (By Pan-Amer­ (CNS)—Possibility that the ions," that elusive phrase ican Airways Radio to New arm of the law may stretch and his staff of engineers. Ths Colorado river aqueduct, Weymouth Pherson, for whom a sensa­ which has been whispered back as much as a decade in points out, once lt is constructed, will serve the community indefinitely. tional "sawdust trail" Of evan­ Tork)—Fearing serious con­ For this reason an extended bond repayment period ls justified. gelism, with all its successes, about for more than a month, ditions in this hurricane- its expected prosecutions and Fifty-year bonds are contemplated, and no repayment of capital charges stricken city, under the threat ef even la civil collection suits In ths is to be made la the first fifteen years. has not been lacking in pitfalls will become an official tide in "million dollar tax fixing" was pre­ "The project ts to be paid for by coming generations. It would clearly faced future vicissitudes today with Santa Monica Friday night when, water shortage and possible epi­ dicted today when It was disclosed be unjust to proceed with a plan adequate for 18 or SO years but not fresh confidence inspired by a brand all dressed up, Santa Monica's shops demic, the natives are fleeing Be­ suited to expansion, to care for ths needs of the people who must pay will step out in a preview to show lize as rapidly as possible. that the statute of limitations will now 230-pound baritone, her hus­ fashion's latest dictates. for it. The project should be planned, as far as is practicable, to be band. not apply in this case. fair to the entire group upon which the burden of repayment must fall," The review probably will be the BELIZE IN PATH No Limit Set Weymouth points out. This baritone, David L. Hutton, biggest and most extravagant that Pasadena singer awl fiery loading the Bay district residents ever have OF NEW BUBBICANE Legal authorities and attaches of "The present generation must not be bankrupted in order to make a BELIZE. British Honduras, Sept. large, but less essential, saving at some future time. On the other hand, man in Aimee's church opera, "The seen, with all the prominent stores the district attorney's office prepar­ Inn Furnace," carried the evangelist open for the occasion and special 14 (U.R) (By Pan-American Airways ing for tits resumption of the grand the future ef the project should not be jeopardized for the sake of a Radio) — Belize, devastated and relatively small reduction in annual expense. If a half-sized aqueduct off to Arizona before dawn yesterday lighting effects used to display the lory inquiry tomorrow united in de­ in a romantic airplane elopement. costumes, it was declared today. stricken by last week's hurricane, claring that there is no statute ot could be constructed and operated at half the Married In Yuma was threatened with another storm limitation covering the misapplica­ MUST NOT BANKRUPT cost of a full capacity one, then adoption of Per Men, Too today. tion of public funds. PRESENT GENERATION such a size would save the interest on half the They were married at daybreak in Since a wide departure in styles The new disturbance was report­ Already it has been hinted that Investment for a number of years. Such. a Yuma, at the edge of the desert already has been noted for the win­ ed moving up oat of the Caribbean the investigation has disclosed "fix­ saving could be balanced against the reduced certainty In final perfection waste whieh once provided the locale ter season, women and men, too, and heading toward the city. The ing" Of taxes on unsecured personal of water rights, the disadvantage of having to go through another period for another of the colorful episodes are more than usually Interested in word spread fresh terror among the property extending over the last de­ of shortage and other disadvantages of a partial development. But in Mrs. McPherson's spectacular the trends the styles will take, lien's dazed people. Authorities hoped, cade. actually, half capacity construction, in certain features, costs much more career. stores, as well as many women's however, from the direction of the Indications today were that the than half as much as full capacity," Weymouth asserts. Then "Dave," whose romance with dress shops, will have a share in the wind, that the storm might pass grand jury Stay conclude its inquiry, Estimates show that a main line tunnel at half capacity would cost the evangelist was a scant three preview. to the north of the city. perhaps with indictments, by within approximately 70 per cent as much to construct as one ot full capacity. months old, bundled his bride into The slim, straight, youthful sil­ about three weeks. The construction of a second unit would require a considerable period of the cabin plane and brought her houette, tt appears, will dominate FIRE THREATENS TO Call Business Men time, and the same would hold true In the case of covered conduits and back to Angelus temple, where he for street wear in both dresses and ADD TO DESTRUCTION Although the Jury still Is engaged lined canals. issued today his ultimatum against coats and it frequently is called the BELIZE. British Honduras. Sept. In questioning private citizens — The cost of constructing power lines and pumping plants would be Aimee's critics. "pencil" outline. The coats will be 14 _P>—Fire threatened to complete most of them representatives of cor­ increased, due to the necessity for more pumping plants and other "I've got a smack on the nose for more lavishly trimmed with furs the destruction of storm and flood porations and business houses sus­ those self-appointed critics who in than ever, it is indicated, with sa­ bles and foxes retaining their heads today as the work of burying and pected of knowledge of the "fix­ (Continued on Page 13, Cols. 6, 1) the past months have delighted in cremating the dead from last week's ing"—it was intimated that. If In­ malicious persecution of Aimee by hurricane—now estimated at more dictments were returned, they would slanderous remarks to the public," (Continued on Page 13, Col. T) than 1,000—went forward. be limited to either present or for­ the new husband declared. The suburb of Mesopotamia was mer employes of the county asses­ Wans 'Carping Critics' menaced by flames that spread sor's office. "Aimee is the most wonderful rapidly in spite of unceasing effors Tomorrow between 10 and 11 busi­ Adults to Start Schedule Tours woman's I've e\er met. Bite con­ on the part of soldiers and civilians ness men will he . summoned. for forms exactly to all the ideals of Atlantic Fliers to block their path. An Inflammable questioning by the jury, it was perfect womanhood,'' he continued, liquor warehouse was in the path learned, with one assesor's employe, "and I aim to do my best to help of the conflagration, and fears of a woman, to be given her second her to perpetuate those ideals in an explosion spurred the fighters chance to answer questions, under a flasses Tonight Of School Tract her good work.
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