The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus The Notre Dame ALUMNUS Vol. 22 JUNE, 1944 No. 5 3,000 Acuud ^nMHeel an AaUe ^ame Cc Standing at attention on the mall in front of the Rockne Memorial on the Notre Dame campus are the 3,000 young men of the naval training stotion at Notre Dame as they appeared this spring from a plane of the Civil Air Patrol. In the foreground are the mid shipmen who were commissioned as ensigns May 31. Directly behind them are members of the N. R. O. T. C. at Notre Dame. In the center section are the Marine trainees and back of them are the Navy students enrolled in the University's V-I2 program, now a year old. fi^^ r/'//^V,'/y. ?2=^ffl,' ". - The Notre Dame Alumnus eally drugged with the vapors of dogma, superstition, and pseudo- . logic as to fall at the loieest at AIMMUU Relifi04U BiilletiH tribute levels. =z BY REV. JOHN P. LYNCH, CS.C., 'M : "Man-made concepts, such as devils, witches, totems, taboos, hell- "SCIENTinC" EDUCATION They have been taught they are just fire, original sin, divine right, pre destination, • reincarnation, salvo- The educators are all upset over the animals and it isn't very hard to live down to that standard. tion-througlirdeath-in-battle and di current delinquency of youth. They have vine revelation, related to no genet spent billions giving their "scientific" You can't blame the kids—^the respon sibility belongs to the "scientific" but ic patterns, but kept alive in an un education, i n - ending chain of emotionally tinged eluding emphasis fuzzy-thinking educators.