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ir-:Uv ■■ nj'. •' ■ ri ll .aI... - ___ AVURACHD DAILY GI)llOirLA310If FOryaist ar-P* -)L Weatiwr Beraw' / for the Mento of JsMia^* 1M« Baitfertf 5 , 5 6 8 . Clongy teHdghf.: (patnrday pertfy ' Mentoer of the Aodit Bureaa dondy and oidder. IKm ubrairr Cnrown I ' •* ■■ /■>.'■' of drcolatloiis. (CfaMiifled A d re rtfiliif oo Page 16.) SOUTH MANCilESTER, C(>NN., ^FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1932. (EIGHTEEN PA(2ESi PRICE TURl&E CENTS VOL. LL, NO. lU BLACK ETE PHOTOS ‘ OLDTIMEIiS’’ WINS WOMAN DIVORCE China’s Amazons Defend Hpftielaftd Chicago, Feb. 12.—(AP) — Mrs, E ^ n was systematic. Every time her husband, Red TO TAKE FLOOR mond J. Egan, bit her in the eye she said, she hurried to a pho tographer to have her picture TOAIDWITY taken. AFTER A Yesterday she appeared before Judge Craig Hood, exhibited her collection of photographic black Huner Cnmnungs BasketBall Players Who Gave eyes, and won a divorce decree. * ' 0 Judge Hood ordered Egan committeed to jail for six Imie ^ s Arrired to Be- Town Fame h Bygone months—^not for ^ e black eyes, ’ ATTEMPT V ' but because he was back In his gm F i^t For Nomination lOTHANimSARY Years to Play Veterans temporary alimony payments. Of die N. Y. GoYepior. PEACE FAILS From New Britain. Tou of Thensands Attend MOB OF JOBLESS j -r-j W ashin^n, Feh. 12,—^(AP)—Get MancheBter’B basketball players, Ceranonies At SL Peter’s; ting organization more firmly under American, British and French Mmisters Were Disenssmg both young and old, wUl rally to the way, Homer S. Cumming^former cause of charity tomorrow evening AHACKS PREM e M an ; Diplomats Present Democratic National chalnuan—said Plans When Big Guns Roar— Both Chapei District and when two games will be played at today he felt toe time had, come for the local state armory. With the an “aggressive fight in toe inte:^t whole-hearted approval of the Man Vatican Qty, ’ 12.—CAP)— Forts at Wdosong BomBarded— Japanese Ask Britid Sir R ic B rd Squires, Of New- of Franklin D. Itoosevelt’s presiden chester Emergency Employment As Pope Pius celebrated the tenth an- tial candidacy” sociation, this project for the relief niyetaaty of Mis'>^onation this mor Cruiser to Change Position Before Firing Begms; FaD- of the unemployed, Is expected to fooudlaiid Knocked Down Here for several days in toe in ning.'^rith aa iB^oclng mass in St. terest of toe New York governors attract over one thousand people. Peteris surronsded by toe cudinals canMdacy, he confetred wito Gov*> ing Shells Start Many Fires. Regulation Ganoe First In Scuffle By Crowi of toe Curia''and tens of thousands The first contest on the evening’s emor Roosevelt on Monday and toe governor knows his sentiments. of worshipers. The Vatican radio program will bring together two BJEJLLETIN! teams of the present period, the “There comes a time when it 1® station broi^cast toe mass. ed at Nanking to act as station ship St. Johns, N. F,, Feb. 12.— (A P )— The Pontiff was carried in solemn there for toe protection a t Am eri National Guards, one of the town’s necessary to begin a fight if any Shanghai, China, Saturday, Government officials promised a procession from his private apart cans. two leading quintets, and South thing Is to be gained,” Cummings Feb. 13.— (A P )— China is con Wlllington. The feature attraction, heating today on a demand to In said. ‘T feel and other supporters of ments to toe basilictf on the sedia- Lieutenant Commander O. M. gestaloria or portable throne carried centrating her man power and however, will be the clash between crease the dole following disorders Governor Roosevelt feel that that her flying force to combat the Foster, commander of the destroyer the Manchester and New Britain on toe shoulders o f 16 stalwart Vat in which Premier Sir Richard An time has come.” expected drive when Japanese Parrott reported that Nanking con Old Timers who have played the ican attendants dressed in red. As derson Squires and other officials Questioned whether the recent reinforcements shall arrive in tinued quiet. Approximately 60 game between the years 1895 and he entered toe cathedral stic silver V were beaten by a delegation of the statement by Alfred E. Smith, form the Shanghai sector. Americans still remain there. 1920. Included in the Manchester trumpets were sounded by Swiss unemployed. er Democratic presidential nominee, This afternoon the first de personnel will be members o f the guards. Thousands cheered “Viva il The premier and his officials had hastened toe decision' to beglu tachment of toe Canton air JAPS DENY REPORT old G, Arm y and N avy and K. of C. China’s women soldiers, too, have fallen before Japanese gims in the. Papa!” and priests cried in> Latin, were attacked after the delegation an aggressive. campaign for Roose force will arrive with planes Tokyo, Feb. 12.— (A P )—The Japa- fierce fighting about the villfige of Woosimg. More than a score of fem “ Ad mc^tos annpsi!” meaning “ May and Montauk clubs, had become angry at what they velt, Cummings replied: “That was ready to go into action against panese foreign office denied today Rogers the Oldest inine troops like the members of the military unit pictured here were re you live many years longer,” considered an unnecessary delay by only one factor.” the Japanese who thus far have that Katsuji Dc'iuchi, ambassador Heading the list from a stand Pius wore a white casso :, and in the prime minister in granting an ported to have been killed by advancing Japanese forces. N o Decision l(e t had the air to themselves. to the United States htid been In point of age Is Charlie Rogers vivid contrast to it a red mantle, ’The second squadron Is on toe structed to retium from Washington veteran mail carrier, who said after Interview. Cummings said that no decision embroidered in . gold and studded way up from Canton and last and also that any decision had been a workout last night, "Shucks, this Premier Squires was struck on bad been made on several questions with jewels. On. his. head' was the night had reached Nanchang. made to send special envoys to the is nothing compared to deUver- the jaw and lo c k e d to the floor of such as entering primaries, adding jeWried tiara, or triple crown. He A third and a fourth squadron United States, Great Britain and Ing mail along the icy streets. the coimcil chambers during the “ it was too early to decide about radsed bis right hand occasionally to are mobilizing and should be France to enlist sympathy and un Charlie is only 51 an Harry Scho scuffle. Both hands were cut by HOUSE PAYS TRIBUTE those things.” bless the shouting people, who were ready to start for Shanghai derstanding for Japan’s position in field runs him a close second at an fly ii^ iplssiles and he was scratched In a formal statement he said it kept back by wooden barriers lined before another week has China. ven 50. vT.hers are Fred EUU, utiiT 'bruised before police succeeded was "misleading to assume that I with papal gendarmes. passed. "Yum p" Johnson, Jack Curry, Jack in bringing orfer. am In sole charge of the candidacy ’The pope was preceded in proces Both these reporti were current Crockett, Johnny Martin, Phil Car^ Boom Wrecked TO ABRAHAM UNCOWt of Governor Roosevelt.” sion by a detachment of the S'wiss yesterday. Shanghai, (Thina, Feb. 12.— (A P ) ney, Knight Ferris, Billy D ^ r, The room was partially wrecked. "Statements to that effect recent-- guards, another of the* Noble guards, Ambassador Debuchl, the foreign Herb AngeU, Jerry Sam M The crowd teaHog bannisters from ly appeartoff to the public press are then prelates of toe Vaticam and fin — Guns blazed again acrAss the office said, had intended to return sey, Paul Ballsleper, Ed<Ue Q m ^ statrs and breaking windows. Thev too sweeping,” the statement saicL ally a ®core of cardinals in purple. Chapei ruins tonight itoile the to Japan in the autumn of last year refused to Ibave the chambers until IDinoie Congresanan Says for a vacation but consented to re Earl Ballsleper, Joe Madden, Tom D " i am but one of many of his friends Choir Chwts American, British and French minis ^ sh , Harry Russell and Harry promised that their dei^Kuls would who are cooperating in the move A s the Pontiff was carried up the main at Washington because of the be granted and were waesured a ters were discussing over thefr din Benson. ment to assure his nomination and central aisle the Sistine choir chapt- Manchurian crisis. Liince then it was Heartily Endorsed bearing would be held today. Lessons Taught By Great my presence in Washington has ^ "Tu esPetrus,* (Thou. A r t Peter). ner, the possibilities of restoring said there have been no conuflunica-' The melee followed several meet AFTER PROIffirnON E very cent o f th e'n et receipt® toat .purpose in mind. The crimson .attendants, boro him to. peace. tion between the ambassador and ings and came after two-attempts will be turned over to charity _ and “M y interest in his nomination is toe large throne-to too left of the They had met ftt the Imritatlon of ’Tokyo regarding his return and ijt had been made to interview the Emandpator Can Be Ap- employees of the Manchester ^mst based upon my admiration, for him Miar. H e le ft toe POfthWe throne Nelson T. Johnson, United States was presumed he would remain ait' Company will have full charge of premier.