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THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Porecaat by i>. & Weatiiw Boreau, . Hartford. AVERAGE DAILV CIRCDIATION for tile Montii of February, 19S0 Fair and much colder tonfgffat; Saturday increasing cloudiness and 5 , 5 0 3 coatina^ cold. Memben of the AnOlt Biurcan of Clrcnlatloaa PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., F*RH)AY, MARCH 21, 1930. TWENTY PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 146. (Classified Advertising on Page 18) FAMOUS FIDDLER AS “SILVER BULLET” TUNED UP AT DAYTONA BEACH PfflSONUQUOR SENATE REFUSES ALCOm PLEA SAVED BY WIFE FOR RECORD DASH » THOUGRT am FOR RETURN OF Mellie Dunham Gets Out ofj A TARIFF ON OIL Blazing Home in Time But} " m His Prizes and Relics Are| INDEmHERE CONViaSOX’d Burned. i Norway, Maine, March 21— 'M FOR FIFTH TIME (AP) —^Mellie Dunham, famous Arthur Aitken Dies Sudden fiddler was saved by his aged 5#^ Lalone, Moulthrope and Lan helpmate, “Gram,” from a fire which destroyed their century ly After Drinking Hooch, Watson, Republican Leader, dry to Be Brought Back old farmhouse on Crockett’s JOBLESS SnUATION Ride today, but his many “fid But Inyestigation Shows Announces That Upp^r X dles” and prizes, relics and , To This State to Face antiques were lost. , -V BAD AS IN ’14 “Gram,” awoke at 2 a. m. to find a room adjoining their bed Booze Not Direct Cause. House Shall Stay In Ses ^ Other Charges. room ablaze. She awakened Mellie and three grandchildren Arthur Aitken, unmarried, an out- i So Says New York State Of- sion Tomorrow Until It in smother room. side labor time keeper employed Hartford, Conn., March 21.—(AP) Assisted by “Gram,” Mellie —State’s Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn who was ill 'with a cold, dressed . by Cheney Brothers, died suddenly ficial— Appeals for Char Passes Measure— Vote was notified by Florida authorities and took the cherished letters about 8 o’clock last evening at the sent him by Henry Ford, a gold today that they would accede to his home of his sister, Mrs. Dayton 1 key given him by the city of Driggs, on Wells street, a few min- | ity Increase 200 Per Cent Of 38 to 37 Against 00 request that' Roland Lalone and Boston, and a gold pin present T ' ' ' i ed to him by former Governor utes after having been taken there Watson Moulthrope, convicted in in a taxicab from Maple street. Protection. JacksonviUe of murder of a police A. T. Fuller, of Massachusetts as he made his way froni the Where he had drunk liquor in the Washington, March 21.—(AP)— officer, and now awaiting life sen home of Italia Dubaldo and Anthony Holding unemployment conditions in blazing house. "Washington, March 21.—(AP) — tence, and Leo Landry, yet untried, Gallo. Medical Examiner W. R. New York state were “comparable Tinker indicated his opinion that After the Senate today had refused be returned to Connecticut to com only with those of 1914,” Miss Fran- plete sentences at state prison from Aitken’s death was the result of al for the fifth time a tariff, on oil, which institution they escaped. coholism, though for a time there ; ces Perkins, industrial commissioner FIND RACKETEERS thought of holding an j of that state, today testified before Senator Watson of Indiana, Republi The announcement that Governor It’<? the “Silver Bullet”_and like a bullet it shot ever the smooth sands at 172 miles an hour, as this pic was some _ _ , ___ Carlton was willing to send back autopsy in hope of ascertaining | a Senate committee that appeals for can leader, announced on the floor ture was taken showing Kaye Don’s first trial run m bis strange-shaped automobile at Daytona Beach, Fla. whether the liquor in the case was i charity had increased 200 per cent the three escaped convicts came this The plane, shown flying overhead, was quickly left behind by the car in which the daring English driver is that the Senate should stay in ses morning in a telegram received by IN CAPONE’S HOME poisonous. j in the past six months. sion tomorrow until it passed the preparing for an atteibpt to set a new world’s speed record. He made two test drives and was prevented Home in Taxi. she said such,an increase in ap- Mr. Alcorn, from State’s Attorney I measure. Charles Durrance of Duval county, from making a third because of a broken gasoline line. Somebody at the Maple street peals was an indication of a condi- Florida, where Lalone and Moul house called a City taxi at 7:45 | tion that in her opinion was “strik Prior to the vote of 38 to 37 thrope were convicted of murder and ordered the driver to take ing and shocking.” against oil protection, Democrats and where Landry is awaiting trial Also Liquor But Gang Lead-| Aitkin to the Wells street address. The First Witness and western Republicans had rallied on the same charge. CABBIDE CO. CASH It was said then that he had had Miss Perkinsi wjis the first witness and put through, 39 to 38, an amendment to slash existing rateIS / Alcorn’s Next Move er Himself Was Not Lo-1ARREST HARTFORD COP only two drinks but he was badly as the committee resumed its in ] overcome. The driver, Mason quiry into the imemployment situa on plate glass which were placed With the path cleared in Florida, Markham, got him into the cab, imder the flexible provisions by Mr. Alcorn said, his next move will tion. Chairman Johnson has describ cated at His Miami Estate} USED FOR STOCKS however, and drove to his home. ed the hearing as a search for the presidential proclamation. be to obtain the co-operation of There Markham could not arouse Governor Trumbull. He said he will ON CHARGE OF PERJURY “truth” about those out of work. Watson was joined in his demand his passenger, who seemed to be confer with the governor at once. The increase in appeals, she as for speedy disposition of the tariff <JV »T ir 1 n 1 c II ' paralyzed. Another taxi happened serted, represented requests from measures by Senators Swanson of The governor was in Baltimore to Miami, Fla., March 21.— (AP) — i i n I A1 EX FEDERAL MAN day, but is expected back tomorrow. New York broker oays Hus-1 along at the moment and its driver, “families in need as the result of Virginia and Barkley of Kentucky, Six men arrested in a liquor raid o n ! Alleged Bootlegger Also OPERATES A STILL i James Thompson, helped Markham I unemployment, and it does not in Democrats. Although Governor Trumbull has get Aitken into the house. He was expressed opposition to this move, the Palm Island estate of Alphonse ® I clude appeals from unemployable The Senate then by a vote of 39 to Oklahoma City,' Okla., March ton’s Account Was Held I then breathing stertorously. persons—those who form, sickness 29 approved an amendment " by he has also indicated he vmuld not Capone, Chicago racketeer and sub 21—(AP)—C. L. Thoroughman, interfere with Mr. Alcorn’s plans. sequently released on cash appear Held as Result of Grand ' No Autopsy. or other causes would not be expect Senator Hatfield, Republican, West who left the Methodist ministry ! A physician connected with the | ed to be employed.” Virginia to add 10 cents a dozen If the trio' are brought back to ance bonds, today sought writs of in 1923 to become a Federal To Cover Margins. Connecticut, Lalone will merely re I medical department of Cheney | Bread lines have increased in size. pieces to the duties now in the bill habeas corpus. Jury Liquor Probe-Each prohibition agent today wan held I Brothers was summoned, but when | Miss Perkins said, but added that on all chinawares. turn to his former status as lifer Two gave their names as John vmder $5,000 bond on a govern after enjoying several weeks of [ he arrived he pronounced Aitken these "more dramatic” evidences of The fifth attempt for the oil duty and Albert Capone. Authorities ment charge of operating a still. Washington, March 21.- (AP) —j dead. Later in the night the body] distress were not so dependable as freedom. The other two will face said they were brothers of the Held Under |2 ,5 0 0 Bond. The former minister who re brought an attack from Senator thirty years sentences as habitual (aOlng further into the $36,100 which ' was removed to the undertaking | the statistics that have been col Ashurst. Democrat, Arizona, on its gangster despite statements by signed from the government ser ^ , , TT 4. 4.1 ■ rooms of Thomas Dugan on Holl j lected by the Labor Department, criminals in addition to other Chicago police that Caporte’s broth vice last July was arrested last Claudius H. Huston, chairman of the , gt^eet. Orders were given by the! sponsors. The Arizonan in return charges that await their discharge with which she is connected. was admonished by Vice President ers were named Mimi, Joseph and Hartford, March 21.— (AF)—The night in a raid. A large still, 70 Republican National committee, col-1 medical examiner not to embalm it “Unemployment can be made to from Wethersfield. Ralph, the latter a Cicero, Illinois first arrests resulting from the spe- gallons of liquor, an automobile Curtis for using severe language. lected from the Union Carbide Com until a decision had been received disappear from American indus night club operate .r j Grand Jury investigation of 11- and several firearms were seized. from the coroner as to an autopsy. try,” Miss Perkins said, “We have Before the roll was taken Ashurat FLORIDA WILLING pany, the Senate lobby committee protested against the sudden revi'val The mah S S d hlmeelf a e ! Qhor condiUona were made -here to- Afterward notification was received solved other problems.