Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-04-27

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-04-27 MIATS. FATR. r.' 11 ... ,_. TI Ih ....b za ••• At Ih,n,h pt no... ,ood. rROCE88ED rOOD8. III •• t ".P'. C= Ih •• I,b X3 valid. SUO"R, Ito... ,• ., """P " vall' I., live p.QO'". 8HOES....... Ib,... fair "'.... " 1. ! .d S , ••• 1••• 11.11.1,. OA80LOIE, III-A eo"po •• rood 'or four .... on•••• 8 ...! B-1. 0.8 ... IOWA: Generally fair IIoIUl C-7 valid 10' IIvt I.U,.o, FUEL OIL, .,.,... • •• 'broa," ,,\'. eOD '.D' 10 .... al.o 'a.' ,ta,', perJ • .­ THE DAILY IOWAN warmer. 'our and Ih. ,.od. Martin, Iowa City'. Morning New.pap., roc~. gual'd, It May FIVE CENTS TID AUOCIAftD ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, APRIL 27. 1945 VOLUMEm NUMBER 182 ld slu. ies tor STETTINIUS WELCOMES SECURITY CONFERENCE DELEGATES len for GUal'l! ,1. COU~ ~elle in Of the Russians Hold Two-Thirds ~alilie4 lOll {Or Caast at the r Yeilrl ve B.s. ~d are of Berlin, Capture Stettin in the en ob.. e~rs as Scope of Red-Allied Meeting Changes- e beu.. iervi\:!. Third 8 Miles Near Second ---IS beeo From Austria General Merging Impending Allied Juncture By KJrke L SlmPIOD and is within sight of turning the major Danube tributary, the lnn, Associated Preu War Analyst last northern water barrier guard­ flows into the greater river from British Seize Bremen; ing the Nazi Alpine redoubt. the southwest of Pasaau. A Dan­ Czech Armament The long awaited junction of al­ ube crossing east 01 Passau would Patton Crosses Danube lied-Russian forces in Germany is The unknown factor In the south expose Salzburg and Berchtesga­ Center of Bruenn fast chaniing its potential scope was the distance Russian columns, den to immediate blitzkrieg attack. Falll to Soviets At Three Points and meaning even though first pa­ pushing up the Danube from Vi­ Patton's tanks were last reported trol contacts in some Elbe river enna or crashing through the Aus­ racing down converging highways PAR 1., Friday (AP)- sectors are stm to be announced. trian Alps in a direct line with LONDON, Friday (AP)­ that meet at Passau from Tittling Thr e oviet armie conquered HIS FACE REFLECTING the fravUy with which the United Nations conference for world secur!iy Is H t'avily-gunn d U nited tate With the great Elbe estuary port Berchtesgaden, had to go. Moscow and Rhornbach. lWei, United States Secretary of State Edward R. Ste Ulnlus Jr., welcomes the dele,ates from the 44 par­ 'fhird army tank co l 11 mils of Bremen in British hands and has been silent as to their progress Every report from the European almost two-tbirds of pulverized tlclpatinc Unlled Nations. Gov. Earl Warren of Call fornla, seated on Secretary SteUinlus' rlcht, wei. batllt'd eight miles from Aug­ the similar Odel' estuary City of for many hours. An allied-Russian tronts bore out Secretary Stimson's and encir led Berlin yesterday, toIIIed the dele,ations on behalf of the slate. It'ia Yl'stel'day in a hid for a Stettin taken by White Russian junction on the Danube may be unusually emphatlc statement In seized tile gl'eat Baltic naval swift showdoWll with last- tand armies, a general merging ot Rus­ much closer than current progress Washinglin that German military base or tettin and by Berlin enemy troops rna sing at the sian lines on a front 200 miles or reports would indicate. power had bee n everywhere aeeount raeed 22 miles west of border', and in the north the more wide from northwest of Ber­ General Patton's tanks pushing broken "with flat finality." The the blazing capital to within lin to east of Leipzig appears im­ B l'i t i . h captur d Oermany' down the left flank of the DanUbe American war secretary, echoed 14Y2 miles of a second imminent Russia Blocks Sieriinius' Election pending. The jaws of the great vise valley on the German-Austrian­ by Prime Minister Churchill in st'cond greatest port of Bremen. link-up with Am rican fore s on are already closing dow n to Czechoslovakian frontier corner London, gave his words added As thes blow fell on Ihl' the Elbe l'ivel'. squeeze Jast Nazi resistance out near Passau wlll be In a position meaning by the assertion that the Simultaneou Iy, Marshal Ro­ north and. outh segments of diR­ In the north, clear to the Baltic to turn potential Nazi northern situation in Germany "should be a United Nations Nazi Hamburg Radio m mbered G rmany, allied capi­ defense linel south of the Danube direct warning to Japan of what dion Y. Malinovsky's econd coast.. Far to the south the Third Ukrainian army captul'ed the Yank Planes tals of Europe buzzed with its when they reach that city it it il is corning to our enemy in the Pa­ army Is clamping grip on the great armament center of Bruenn rumors started by a Swiss radio Danubian l'iver' port of Passsau, not already In American bands, A cific." Meeting Deadlocked Says Goering Resigns report that the Americans and (Brno), second largest city at Russians had met in the Elbe river Czechoslovakia and one of the last Molotov Rejects English Hit Bavarian I Acute' Heart Illness area on "a front of many miles." great war production cHies left to Thought to Be Cause Censorship covered American Fifth Army Captures AtaGlan~ I American Infantry the tottering German WQr ma­ Compromise for Four positions at the reported junction chine. Rotating Chairmen Of Hasty Retirement area, but a front dispatch from While four more BerHn districts Redoubt Area the United States First army told Rail Center of Verona Gains on Okinawa fell to the RUSSians, together with LONDON (AP)-The German of a patrol' moving at will through Today's the great Goerlitzer railroad depot, SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Rus­ Hamburg radio announced yester- Soviet troops lar behind the front German lines between the Mulde sian Commissar Molotov cala­ LONDON (AP) - H 0 r de s of day that Reichsmarshal Hermann Patriot, Seize 96th Division Drives battled Into the western streets of pulted the world security confer­ American fighter-bombers pene- Goering had resigned as head of and Elbe rIvers. Control of Ma jor Deep in Jap Defense; the long-besieged Silesian capital ence Into a tight deadlock yester­ trated deep into the Bavarian re- the dying nazi all' force because Bremen fell after a whirlwind Iowan of Breslau, Mascow announced. day by blocking the election of doubt area ::!head of United States of an "acute" heart illness, while assault of two days, and only North Italian Cities Capture. High Ground As a junction bef.ween the Red Secretary of State Stettinius to its snipers remainrd in the rubble to Third army spearheads yesterday, a high-ranking German general SovIet. hold almost two-thirds army and the American Ninth chairmanship. blasting rail and road traffic and staff member captured by the challenge the victorious British ROME (AP)-The United States * * * GUAM , Friday (AP)-lnfantry­ army neared due west of Berlin, The stolid Russian also rejected moving through the dock area of Fifth army captured the railway of Berlin; Baltic naval base of men of Maj. Gen. James L. Brad­ another historic junction was im­ ripping a fuel and ammunition Americans predicted that Adolf Stettln captured. re- a British compromise. truck convoy 15 miles north of Hitler would die with his troops what once was a city of 350,000 center of Verona in a Jightnlng ley's 96th division drove a wedge minent - if it already had not What was to have been a rou­ Hitler's wrecked Berchtesgaden in encircled Berlin. people. 2-mile stab yesterday, virtually into the deep Japanese secondary taken place-southwest of Berlin. ThIrd &rIDy S miles from Aus­ tine, initiaL business meelin~ of lair. The captured German general- While the world awaited con­ sealing off the Brenner pass escape defenses on southern Oklnawa yes­ Moscow's nightly war bulletin chiefs of delegations broke off route of German troops In Italy, trIan border; British take Bre­ terday by capturlnl high ,round disclosed that Soviet troops who Hitlpr's chalet at Berchtesgaden, unidentified in a United States firmation that the Americans and men. - abruptly, Its task far from com­ blown to bits by RAE' six-ton Ninth army front dispatch, but Russians had met somewhere near and Swiss reports s~id ,.patriots In the center of the line. crossed the Elbe at Rlesa had ex­ plete, its participants stunned and were seizing control of lln major The heights, just east of Urasoe tended their bridgehead. capturing earthquake bombs in Wednesday's termed "internationally k now n Berlin, General Patton's United Mololov deadlocks United Na­ amazed at prospects of another big attack, still smouldered yester- and one or the best-inrormed States Third army in ground­ cities in northern Italy including Mura village, were won in an at­ Slrehla and Torgau on the water Big Three row. Milan, Turin Dnd Genoa. tions con1erence b~ blocking tack which tollowed a general barrier's west bank only 17 miles day as did SS barracJts nearby and members of the German general eating strides was 95 miles from Stettinius' election as chairman. After setting off his expLosion, the fuehrer's "eagles' nest" on slafr"-predicted the war would a junction with the Red army Nazi armies south 01 the Alps . Japanese withdrawal under heavy from American First army posi­ appeared entirely disorganized and Molotov proceeded. calmly into a Kehlstein peak. end within 0 few days and said in Austria that would convert artillery shelling. tions on the Mulde river.
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