The Worldwide Evacuation of Latter-Day Saint Missionaries at the Beginning of World War II

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The Worldwide Evacuation of Latter-Day Saint Missionaries at the Beginning of World War II Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1981 The Worldwide Evacuation of Latter-Day Saint Missionaries at the Beginning of World War II David F. Boone Sr. Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Boone, David F. Sr., "The Worldwide Evacuation of Latter-Day Saint Missionaries at the Beginning of World War II" (1981). Theses and Dissertations. 4542. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. D 2.2 Ttrearearurtr TE wlvchwines-chwine12tatide evaltevaatAJATIONTION OF LATTER LAY u mrssicrrizs ar treTHE plg1ntc 07 woreWCRU ar7r 11 A Tthesischesishesi s pre-presentedsented to the departrnentDa-rtmontartartmentment of bistorhistorHiistofstor 1 brigbrighamham young jnlversjniversityuniversityL I intn fzrtialfartialfarcial fuiflilfulfiltncnt7enaen 1 off ttie rccramccrarequirenientrebrem nt fcc the lyreeagreeygree 1master4 ssersier of arts cridcaidcrigactidridrig F Ps71 ccnenc auctj3t 19 1 c- this thesis by david F boone is acceacceptede-pte3pter in its present tornformtorm by the department of graduate studies in history of brigham young university as satisfying the thesis requirement for the degree of master of axartsts Cr f f R lanier britsch camitteecomitteeconmitteecolitComittee hairmanhalthaiTnan g 2 91jo-jor-dnesrfneses RB alienallenadienadlen conmitteecbmmitteecommittee memberMerrmertber jjliaa-4 richard 0 cowanl comnitteecbrrmitteecommitteeWLmember ns i date 7 ted J wa5waawrzrar departmentDepartrient cliairrianvairriancheimanchaimanchelman tyre by larnarar F boonescone deilDEaIdedicationcatlonCATION from the beginning of this project in an undergraduate church history class to the sacriflsacrificingi cing of his personal needs to see tl-thee present project to its completion dr richard cowan has lead rdemerae aheiwheiwhere he has been so many times hbeforea-fore but has revernever seen he has been an erpleerplofloyerployererployereremployerreraer a teacher a counselor andanearl-ari-anl-de a ccncanconfidenta-identI ident and friend it is just and fitting therefore that this work be dedicated with all of my love gratitude and aappreciationPPreciationreciareclarecitationtion to dr richard olsen cowan Pofessorlofessorprofessorofessor of church history zariearlearidA doctrine brigham young university il-l11-llli1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Aaqnotjtdgementscict0tanntfdgemeitrs v PREFACEPREFF-ACT 0 viivil chapterM kapterrapter adzpdzpazpee I1 THEE EUROPEAN ehmSETTING11m 1 II11 evacuation OF TPETHE GEPEANGERMAN MISSIONS 166 17itzIIItty111r CRISIS IN czechoslovakia 14A TIVv DEPARDEPARTUREture OF missonmissionariesRIFS ar-frctFROMct NOPMAYNORWAYnormay ANTAND ftpsapsvjedfnrtenIEN 52 V ga7rgaargatrsringING AND DEPARTURE FRCM dampibampiDENMARK 777 ZAWAL GREE- 1cc1 VVI 0 WIUMEwithdrawalranalkanal OF missionaries FPFROMCM GREATAT BRITAIN vilVII11II r-P-REMOVALadIDUVALIDae cualUVAL OF missicdz7rmissionariesTES MCMFROM HOLLAND andAMD ONCEFRANCE 11011 VIII missionary evacuation FRCMFROM sltltsltitzerlandl2frl aldnld 121421 2 n RAWAL 75 IX withdrawall-li7iain OF missionaries fronFROM THE MILMLE- FAS i 355 X meeNUEmissionaryciclo 0 laraytaraylarqy ROAL FROMFRUNI ZOUTSOUTHZOUT h AFRYAFRICA I1 XI DIDLPATIPEETARI OF MISSIGmissionariesnalzi7z FROM aufaltaFALtAAUfallasalla 1 5 XIyilyll NE af7frk MISCIMISSIONj-n flvalvevacuationacualrjon lj ir xiXIITi trrarr MISCIONAY ECUATIONc-uattoCUATIO 222 2 1 c xXF71 1 TTYRAWLWTTDRAWL17 TTYRAW L OF misstimkrllmisgiomarifs froFRCFRG AEASACAana 212 XVai7i 1allingballingAILING haH tuft4f mchmohMCMFROM TTITIITI 2202-2 XI adlIALL1 LL T-IFLLLL 17CEEMEDF TOC BBRFAFnl dooselZLOOSEolseOISE 2223 piblgl7 T tcgrmcgr ptPWY 212 acknolqemfntacknowledgementsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS it has been said that if you see a man on the top of a mountain you can be sure that he did not allailfallfailf there in addition you can generally assume that he had help in arriving at his pinacle in completing this project I1 have many individuals to thank for4or their assistance sincere appreciation is therefore extended to the following dr R lanierlamerbritsch my Concommitteeruttee chairmchaiemchairmanan he has srsp-spentent many hours of his personal time to be of assistance in reading listen- ing reconnendingrecomnendingrecommending and encouraging me to make this project a reality to my other committeeco c-m-ittee membersmemmambers drs james B alienailen professor of hihistorystory and richard 0 coiacolacowanan professor of church history and T doctrine they have made many helpful reccxmrecorrrnendationserdat41 ons and given of their second nilemile service to the missionaries andaneeneanoeno their presidents of 193p 1943 for their unusual and spespecialcialclaiexperienc-experienceses and for the time and the expense heythey have expended to share herrheinhelnthemu-L herr withwiachwlach me without their unselfishness 1- there would be no storetorstoryetory ro0o tell toic the stafstefstaffss of the rchurch71 urch historbistorhistoricalcaical denartiredepartmentnt search room encanenoanoil-librarybrabrw y who haveha e- cneomegenegemeone out of chelcheicheirA rayway to be of assistance I1 honor their friendships my deepest appreciation coesgoes to my loving companion mary andanegnei our fourc-ur our children mary sees the completion of this project as the personal atattainment of her cnown goagoalsIs she hasnas postponed many of her own plans ssomejn indefinitelyildefindefamtelyameely to share her time and strength with her family thto our children a special tribute is needed their prayers for the successful completion of this project have at last been sweredarsweredaranswered A special thanks is extended 4to10 our parents on both sides who have watched ananxiouslyLouslaouslv as we sumbleslumblestumblesLLu-mie but who remain confident of our success in life even when we are not grateful too are we for their love and that of ouour families for their sustaining love tl-thee combined concern and assistance of all of these parties have helped rrrnemee to realize an inportimportantant goal in my life it is not however the final destination but rather a stepping stone to still greater heights VIi PREPREFACEETACE As a member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saintsaintssaintec I1 have long been interested in its history much of that interest was derived frcarcfromm my parents who were themselves knowledgahleknowledgableknowledgknowledgeableableabie of the churchs paspastpasepascc but also whose heritage datesda cesees back to the early found ationsactions of morimorrmorronismMorronmormonismc- cnismynismism while any interest is sparked in the study efof an era of the churchs past I1 arlartantam particularly fascinated by the more recent developmentsdeveloptentsrents of the church in the twentieth centurycenrurynury perhaps one reason for this interest is that ccnparativelyccuparatively little study hrshas been made on the recent progress of the expanding church while doing research for a church history course as an under graduate student I1 was introduced to an experience that I1 knew little of when assigned to look into the matter fuxfurtherther I11 folfoi-fourdfoundnn d several talks given by general authorities and past issionmissionm presidents ththtahtft alluded to a number of unusual experiences by missionaries in an fafaf-eafefferteffortaf ort to escape the problems associated wihwith the iminmnenta- inentnent outbreak of jirtir ir2 1 europe upon further investigation I1 found thattharthac comparatively little had beenceen recorded of these experiences from that becirabeginningbecerar-dnct I1 cceptedaccepteda-ccepted a challenge to find more information and to write a paper forfoczor the class in soszo doing I1 found myself intrigued with the little kncancknownwn eapexpexperiencesriences of shalahalwhatI1 manvnanyganvmany of the missionaries went through to evacuate their several missions viivilVI 1 in addition to ehetheche problems pressures enrencendandene responsibilities they experienced there were also heartening st-stcriesstorieso-rlesriesories of growth developdeveloprentdeveloprrentdevelopmentrentnent and dedication human interest eapexpexperiencesrienriencesces were recorded of how the missionaries heinedhelnedhelped one another so that all could survive and leave with the least amount of trouble to themselves or to the churchs image that was being left behind although the Churchchurchsls missionaries had endured hardship and other problems before never had they been pulled out of all of their missions and returned to america because of an international conflict Ass a result this experience was unicaunicpuniqueie but I1 found that very little had been done to oreservepreservedreoreserve it for the knowledge and benefit of others because there had been so little done I1 deterdeterminedi ned that I1 needed to go to the participants therthenthemselveselvestselvestwelvests to gather the necessary infornationinfomationinfumationinfornationinfomationmatlon in addition to the european experience I1 discovered that the missionaries were discalsowithdrawn from all of the other missions of the world except for those in north Pirainalnericaamerica and hawaii As a result
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